What will ultrasound show at 5 obstetric weeks. Possible emotional experiences. The state of the expectant mother and her feelings

One of the most reliable ways to determine pregnancy is an ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy.

At this time, the fetal egg already reaches normal sizes visible on the screen of the ultrasound machine.

Child development

  • The development of the fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy is active, since especially during this period, everything begins to develop actively. internal organs. There is a transformation of the heart from one-chamber to four-chamber and its beating is heard.

With the help of ultrasound, the doctor can already listen to the baby's heartbeat, and thus it is possible to exclude a missed pregnancy and make sure that the child's development is proceeding in the right way.

You can ask to listen to your child's heart and the doctor can bring out the sound of the beating baby heart through the microphone. It is truly an incomparable feeling - to hear another heart beating inside you! The baby's heart beats twice as many times per minute as the mother's heart.

  • In the second month of pregnancy there is a very rapid development of the brain, as well as the auditory, visual and olfactory nerves. The eyes become bulging. Because of this, the head of the fetus is disproportionately large during this period, and its dimensions occupy a third of the entire body.
  • The nervous system formed in the first month continues its improvement and the formation of the brain and the brain and spinal cord takes place. There is a development digestive system: liver, stomach, intestines and pancreas.
  • Arms and legs are also beginning to form. And even during this period, the embryo has a tail.

The embryonic stage of development ends before the start of the third month. By this time, the embryo, which has reached 30 mm in length, already resembles a person. The curvature of the back decreases, the buttocks develop and the tail becomes less noticeable. Eyes, nose and ears become visible on the face. And little fingers are formed on the legs and arms. The liver is greatly enlarged.

But the main thing is that the baby is growing, and he really needs the second month of pregnancy to pass as calmly, quietly and safely as possible!

Fifth week of pregnancy very important for fetal development. Now it is still very tiny and small, weighing only about 3.5 grams. Externally, the fruit looks like a rolled arcuate tube 4-7 millimeters long. If you look closely, you can see its head, tail, and even some parts of the body and organs. The rudiments of arms, legs, fingers, eyes, oral and nasal slits are already taking shape, auricles. The process of forming the upper respiratory tract, liver and spleen. The sex glands and, corresponding to the sex of the fetus, the structure of the body are also formed. It is very important to take folic acid during this period of pregnancy of the expectant mother, since it is at the fifth week of pregnancy that the neural tube in the fetus is already partially closed. Of her on later child development timeline the formation of the entire central nervous system, namely the spinal cord, brain and also the spine. Therefore, at this time you need to protect yourself from worries and worries, relax as much as possible and spend time on fresh air. Just about 20-22 days after conception, a small heart begins its work for the first time. At the fifth week, the process of laying the circulatory system and blood vessels of the fetus takes place, and the embryo itself begins to be surrounded by amniotic fluid. From the beginning of the fifth week, the metabolism between the mother and the fetus is formed. Thus, from this moment on, the baby begins to completely depend on what you eat, what your mood is, what you do. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your diet and emotions. Such a small baby already has its own blood type.

Changes in the uterus of a pregnant woman at 5 weeks.

By appearance in women this is not yet noticeable, but inside the body the uterus begins to quickly and noticeably increase in size. Its form bears a resemblance to chicken egg, while the convex place falls on the side gestational sac. Accordingly, on 5 weeks uterus enlarges unevenly. And only for more later dates pregnancy, it will become shaped like a ball. Fifth week of pregnancy exact date for an experienced gynecologist to determine pregnancy by palpation.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks of pregnancy.

In order to accurately determine the presence and localization of pregnancy, you can visit the ultrasound room. Already in the fifth week of pregnancy, a good uzist doctor will be able to accurately determine the number of fetuses, the place in the uterus where they are attached, and whether the woman has any threats to carry the pregnancy. Also, with the help of special equipment, you can hear the first blows little heart. With these data and indicators motor activity embryo, the ultrasound doctor will be able to assess the vital characteristics of the fetus. On 5 weeks of pregnancy development the doctor usually determines and indicates in the conclusion the diameter of the fetal egg and its coccygeal-parietal size. This size shows the length of the fetus from the crown to the coccyx. For obvious reasons, the weight of the embryo is not measured. Index coccygeal-parietal size used by doctors up to 20 weeks. After 20 weeks, measure the length of the fetus from the crown to the heels and its approximate weight.

Signs and sensations in a woman at the 5th week of pregnancy.

As the uterus grows, it begins to put pressure on bladder, causing more frequent urges to urination. Absence of menstruation, pain in the chest, abdomen, some bouts of nausea, together with frequent trips going to the toilet are signs of pregnancy. The fifth week may surprise you with a change taste sensations and gastronomic habits. Often, toxicosis begins in this period. There may be morning vomiting. There is a general weakness in the body, headaches. All this leads to excessive irritability and loss of attention. The set of all these features may vary depending on general condition women, her age, the number of fetuses of pregnancy, bad habits and other factors. In the case of delayed menstruation and the presence of at least one of indicated signs you need to do a pregnancy test. Very often, the chest in the fifth week begins to hurt, swell. Unpleasantly itchy nipples, they also become more sensitive. Nipple halos may darken, and appear on the breast itself vascular network. However, these changes are normal and temporary. One of the pleasant transformations is the increase and rounding of the breasts, which begins at the fifth week of pregnancy. As a rule, most women on this gestational age, the sensations are not pleasant - toxicosis, mood swings, an increase in body temperature to subfebrile indicators. Toxicosis before the 12th week of pregnancy is the norm for the course of pregnancy, and that is why it is already necessary to study the question of how to minimize its manifestations. Please note that if you suffer from frequent vomiting, you need to visit your doctor immediately. The appearance of temperature in the range of 37-37.2 C can be both a sign of illness and normal hormones during pregnancy. Important role in determining the condition of a woman, they have concomitant symptoms: runny nose, cough, swelling of the nasopharynx and others. At this time, remember to use medicines and many resources traditional medicine in the first trimester is strictly prohibited. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

Sexual life in the fifth week of pregnancy.

Sex hormones at this stage of pregnancy sometimes behave in the most unpredictable way, affecting a woman's libido. So, some ladies begin to experience increased interest in men, while others, on the contrary, completely lose their attraction to them. If the doctor has not found you at risk abortion and you don't have drawing pains in the lower abdomen and any discharge at week 5, you can safely live a full sexual life. Whatever makes you happy is good for your baby. At the same time, if you observe pulling or spastic pains in your abdomen, then this just indicates a possible tone of the uterus and, accordingly, the risk of abortion. In such a situation, doctors do not recommend active sexual life. In addition, it is necessary to observe a calm, measured lifestyle, to abandon physical activity and, wearing shoes with heels. Sometimes such pain in the abdomen does not lead to right job bowel due to prolonged sitting or pressure abdominal cavity. However, if you, along with such painful sensations in the abdomen and lumbar region of the back, notice the appearance of brown secretions from the vagina, you should immediately contact your gynecologist observing you.

If you are aware of your interesting situation and you suddenly start bleeding from the vagina, then this can no doubt be a miscarriage. In order to still maintain the pregnancy and minimize the adverse consequences of this situation for your health, we advise you to immediately go to the hospital. The main thing is not to despair and remember that you still have a high chance of maintaining a pregnancy - up to 50% on average. You also need to remember that the likelihood of miscarriage in women with high level much more male sex hormones. Therefore, ladies who have male type body structure, increased amount hair on it or overweight should be registered for pregnancy as early as possible.

Menstruation at 5 weeks of pregnancy.

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to continue menstruating early in pregnancy. In view of this, about 20% of women find out about their interesting situation only at 4-5 months of pregnancy, when almost half the journey is over. Therefore, not always vaginal bleeding clearly indicates the onset of a miscarriage. For the definition of menstruation during pregnancy in obstetrics, there is even a special term "washing the fetus" or " color pregnancy". However, it must be remembered that when standard course of pregnancy at the fifth week of pregnancy, menstruation should not be. The absence of menstruation is the result of an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in a woman's body. Summing up the above, we focus on the fact that any discharge is not the norm of pregnancy at week 5. Depending on their color and character, one can judge the state of health of a pregnant woman. Yes, smeared brown discharge they talk about the threat of abortion, red bloody - about a miscarriage that has begun, yellow, green or grayish discharge can be a sign of sexual infections or sexually transmitted diseases. If such discharge is accompanied by itching, burning with swelling and irritation of the genital organs, then you are guaranteed to be dealing with a certain disease of the genital area. In many women, with the onset of pregnancy, vaginal candidiasis worsens - the so-called thrush. Many doctors even consider it as one of the signs of pregnancy. Also, a situation is considered normal in which the amount of leucorrhoea increases in some way. This process is usually associated with significant change in the hormonal background of a woman and does not promise any trouble. Such circumstances simply require due attention in the field intimate hygiene women.

Cold in the fifth week of pregnancy.

Reduced immunity is a companion of a woman throughout pregnancy. That is why many women become more susceptible to viral infections and many colds. Any illness at 5 weeks pregnant is highly undesirable. Traditional medicines cannot be used not only at the 5th week of pregnancy, but throughout the first trimester. In addition, the diseases themselves are not in the best way affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman should devote a lot of time to her condition, take care of herself, rest a lot, be less nervous, eat well and get enough sleep. If you suddenly get sick, with extreme caution requires the use of folk remedies. Not all of them are as safe as we think and would like. An ambulance for a cold will be gargling, nose, drinking plenty of warm liquids.

Alcohol at 5 weeks of pregnancy.

In our time, the luminaries of world medicine unequivocally testify that drinking alcohol during pregnancy highly undesirable. However, if you were not aware of your interesting situation a couple of days ago and allowed yourself too much, this is not at all a reason for interrupting desired pregnancy. But already from a period of five weeks, alcohol is subject to strict exclusion from your life. Because you are already connected to your baby blood vessels If you drink alcohol, it will certainly get into his bloodstream. The official world pharmaceutics adheres to the same views. All medicines for alcohol based are automatically prohibited for use by pregnant women, even despite the relatively low concentrations of alcohol in drugs. Therefore, we advise you to refrain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy and lactation. This policy is also supported by the main producers of alcohol, which indicate on the labels information about the inadmissibility of drinking alcohol by pregnant women.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at the 5th week of pregnancy.

Nutrition at 5 weeks pregnant should be exceptionally healthy and useful. Changes in taste buds and, as a result, gastronomic preferences will encourage you to eat not quite right and unexpected food. In fits of desire strange and not healthy food We advise you to limit it to small amounts. In general, your daily diet should contain a lot of healthy meals and products. First of all, they include fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs. Eat fish meat and cottage cheese regularly. If possible, give up everything fried, do not be zealous in eating salty and spicy foods. This will help you avoid swelling in the future. Eat more greens, they contain a lot of folic acid, so necessary for pregnant women for correct formation fetus. Remember to drink enough water. About the need to use the right amount water a day to remind is simply unnecessary.

Analyzes at the 5th week of pregnancy.

A pregnancy test is usually the first test of any pregnancy. As a rule, if a woman feels well, then she does not need to visit a gynecologist at this time to register and take any tests. However, if there is a situation with a threat of termination of pregnancy, doctors advise registering and seeing a doctor as soon as possible. In a standard situation, a gynecologist, after an initial examination and registration of a woman, gives a referral for analysis. At this stage of pregnancy, these are, as a rule, such tests: a general analysis of urine and blood, an analysis to determine the Rh factor and blood type, a hemostasiogram - an analysis that can give the doctor information on blood clotting, tests to detect infections such as the genital area (HIV, syphilis , gonorrhea), as well as hepatitis and other tests, depending on the woman's history. Also, if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes the determination of the quantitative content chorionic gonadotropin person by urinalysis. In addition, such an analysis is informative and the scope of confirming the presence of pregnancy as such. It is this analysis that already on the 12th day after conception is able to show increased concentration HCG in serum. However, by the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the urine will already be sufficient to determine pregnancy using an ordinary home test. In addition, the analysis to determine the level of the sex hormone - progesterone is very informative. It is the task of this hormone is to create and provide favorable conditions for conception, preservation and development of pregnancy. One of its functions is the function of relaxing the muscles of the uterus. That's why low level progesterone in a woman leads to an increase in the likelihood of interrupting a desired pregnancy.

The fifth obstetric week of pregnancy is the first week of the second month of pregnancy, or three weeks from conception.

It is during this month that you will begin to suspect something and find out for sure that pregnant. Your body and the child's body will change at an astounding speed and you are waiting for big changes. But do not be afraid, meet the coming changes with pride and joy.

What happens at week 5

This week in the body of a woman there is a cardinal hormonal changes, to the already familiar hormones progesterone and estrogen, a new one is added - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

This hormone is unique in that it appears only in the body of a pregnant woman, as the shell of the unborn baby begins to secrete it. It is he who is the main indicator of the ongoing pregnancy, if the pregnancy is normal, then hCG level in blood every day increases about twice, if the level of this hormone does not increase so quickly, then this will be one of the main signs or. In the first case, an operation may be ahead, and in the second - curettage. By the way, curettage is not considered an abortion, it is a help to the body to get rid of the unnecessary, and an abortion is getting rid of a still living fetus.

Read more about the blood test for hCG levels.

Also, the fifth obstetric week of pregnancy is considered gynecologists one of the most dangerous, because frequent miscarriages. A miscarriage is spontaneous abortion, in other words, this is when the body of a woman rejects the body of the fetus. This can happen for several reasons, some reasons are subject to a woman, others are not.

Causes of spontaneous abortions:

Read more about the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage.

Well-being of a woman at 5 weeks

Possible physical sensations

  1. Rapid fatigue and weakness- you may notice that the usual rhythm of life and work schedule no longer suits you, you do not have time to do the usual to-do list, you want to quickly relax, lie down, relax.
  2. Constant sleepiness- it is very difficult to wake up in the morning, and you want to soak up the bed as long as possible, there is no strength to get up and do something. Now there is not enough time for the previous sleep, the body needs more to rest.
  3. Loss of concentration and memory- it would seem that the work that you did every day and it did not cause any difficulties will now require some mental effort from you.
  4. changing sensations in the mammary glands- it cannot be otherwise - the woman's body is preparing to feed the child. The breast enlarges, fills, becomes heavy and very sensitive, sometimes women may feel pain, tingling or a feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands.
  5. Vaginal discharge- normally should increase and be light in color. You should pay attention to the yellow, green or brownish color of the discharge, on bad smell- this may indicate the presence of infectious diseases in the vagina. Read about the nature of discharge during pregnancy
  6. Nasal congestion without infectious disease- this is the so-called runny nose of pregnant women, which can last throughout pregnancy and is explained by the increased secretion of the mucous membranes of the body of a pregnant woman.
  7. Dizziness and even fainting- this is due to the intensive restructuring of the body.
  8. Nausea or vomiting- this is early toxicosis, which is caused by pregnancy hormones and ideally disappears after 12 weeks. Read more about toxicity

The vagaries of pregnant women: urgently want salty or pineapple at three in the morning, This is fine, our body is smarter than us and tells us what it lacks now. The same thing happens when a pregnant woman refuses her usual food or drink.

Possible emotional experiences

  1. Unstable emotional condition - the level of hormones in the blood is constantly growing, which greatly affects the emotional state of a woman. The mood changes so quickly that others begin to notice it. That joy, then sadness, that causeless tears - do not be surprised, now this is quite natural.
  2. Quarrels and quarrels with relatives- all for the same reason - pregnancy hormones. It would seem that the usual situation at home with your husband can cause you a storm of indignation and feelings of injustice. He didn’t say that, didn’t answer that, didn’t help, when you needed his help and support so much, you start to get irritated and nervous, immediately cry, don’t, calm down and try to talk more and describe in detail your condition and how difficult it is for you now.
  3. Hypersensitivity- both touches and can upset absolutely everything - a broken flower pot, a cute puppy or a neighbor's child.
  4. Irritability- you lose your temper over every trifle, it may seem to you that those around you deliberately behave in such a way as to annoy you more, children, colleagues, husband or mother - everything seems to have agreed, do not take the world with hostility, nothing has changed around, but it’s just the opposite inside of you, it’s your hormones that are raging now and make you perceive everything so painfully.

Reviews of women at 5 weeks pregnant

Christina: “Frightened by my behavior, my husband ran to the pharmacy. I often cry, everything upsets me, I eat and sleep badly - it seems that I am pregnant again. Everything is like the first time, exactly the same. I had this with my first pregnancy for about three months, maybe a little more. Grannies said, well, there will definitely be a girl, since you are so capricious, but a boy was born surprisingly calm. I hope that now there will be a girl.

Katerina: “It makes me so sick, I’m afraid to go into the kitchen, smells are so annoying, it’s good that my husband knows how to cook and does it with pleasure. I subsist on boiled meat and fruits, especially apples, kiwis and apricots. Bananas, by the way, for some reason, are also not held in high esteem.

Svetlana: “And I fainted at work, I don’t know who was more scared - me, clients or bosses. I didn't suspect anything before. monthly cycle not regular, felt like a period. And when the doctors called the ambulance smiled and said, “Congratulations! I asked, probably in shock, with what. The husband was frightened, and having learned the cause of the faint, he is already calling his friends to visit.

Marina: “Oh, I really wanted salted fish, someone had to strain and find it late in the evening, and at the same time go buy a test at a pharmacy, which showed two strips in the morning. And the fish is now always in the refrigerator.

Vika: “Some kind of weak, absent-minded became, dizzy, I thought it was because of the stuffiness in the office, I constantly opened the windows, but when menstruation did not start, the reason became obvious”

Karina: “I feel great, there are no signs of toxicosis. Absolutely everything is as usual, well, maybe I eat more than usual, my appetite is good.

Fetal development at 5 weeks

The growth of the baby now does not exceed 1 - 1.5 cm, and the weight is only about 2 g.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus

Never doubt your decision, it is important to be properly informed that nicotine does not just prevent your child from developing properly and this can only lead to weight loss, and nicotine can lead to miscarriage, very serious fetal malformations and even to the syndrome sudden death infant in its first months of life.

Video about the 5th week of pregnancy

At 5 weeks, pregnancy is not yet noticeable to others, but the baby’s tiny heart is already divided into chambers and will soon begin to pump blood through his little body. As a rule, at this time a woman finds out about her situation, and she begins to be tormented by doubts whether everything is in order with the child, how to adjust her habits, nutrition, lifestyle in order to create the baby as much as possible. comfortable conditions for its growth and development. Often the 5th week of pregnancy becomes a landmark for future mother: there are still long weeks of waiting ahead, but for now the fetus begins to grow and develop.

How to correctly calculate the timing of pregnancy

First of all, you should understand the timing of pregnancy, because many women confuse the obstetric period and the embryonic one. The second is always less than the first by 2 weeks. The fact is that doctors count the obstetric period from the first day of the last menstruation. In this case, the first 2 weeks of the cycle are conventionally considered to be pregnancy, while the uterus is only preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg. Fertilization most likely occurs during the period of ovulation, i.e. about 2 weeks after a woman's last period. From this moment, the embryonic developmental period of the fetus is calculated (provided that conception has occurred). That is why 5 obstetric weeks of pregnancy and 3 embryonic weeks mean the same period. A full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the first day of your last period, which is obstetric term is 10 months, embryonic period A full-term pregnancy lasts 38 weeks, which is 9 months.

What happens to the fetus at 5 weeks pregnant

Gradually, day by day, the child turns from a bundle of cells organized into C-shape, into a small organism. At 5 weeks pregnant, the fetus is about a quarter or half a centimeter long and looks like a tadpole. Its average weight is now only 3-4 grams, but it is already safe to say that this is a full-fledged organism. The fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy has the makings of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the body and will now grow and develop. It is now that the future baby will experience the maximum growth spurt. All of its main organs, including the intestines, kidneys and liver, are actively growing and developing. neural tube, which connects the fetal brain to the spinal cord, will close this week. All internal changes occur simultaneously with external ones: the makings of a mouth, eyes appear, tiny kidneys - fingers - form on the hands and feet of the future baby. The heart, brain, spine - everything develops at a very fast pace.

At a period of 5 weeks, a woman should start taking vitamins, and especially folic acid, which is necessary for the proper formation of the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. The metabolism of the fetus is carried out through amniotic fluid with which it is surrounded. In addition, she participates in the formation of the process of nutrition of the embryo, its psycho-emotional state, which is transmitted to it from the mother.

Features of the fetal heartbeat at 5 weeks

By the time you are 5 weeks pregnant, your baby's heart is made up of two tiny channels called heart tubes. They are already actively working, but at the end of the week, continuing to form, the tubes will connect together and form a full-fledged functioning heart. The heart rate during this period is high and chaotic. 5 weeks of pregnancy is the final stage embryonic development fetus. After a few days, the baby's heart will begin to beat. If the doctor prescribes an ultrasound at 5 weeks of gestation, then rhythmic flickering can be seen on the monitor.

What happens in a woman's body

When pregnancy occurs, a woman's body undergoes many changes, undergoes hormonal changes, which can have a somewhat negative effect on well-being. When the 5th week of pregnancy goes, the feelings of the expectant mother are still not much different from her usual state. However, some features may already take place, and they make themselves felt already on such short term. This is what causes a woman’s increased interest in what features the 5th week of pregnancy brings to her body, what happens in the mother’s body itself, and how the baby develops. All this worries the expectant mother.

Hormonal changes

At 5 weeks of pregnancy, its signs are not yet particularly pronounced. TO early symptoms can be attributed to the absence of a regular menstruation in a woman and a change in her psycho-emotional state. In the body of the expectant mother, a number of changes occur as early as 5 weeks of pregnancy. Signs of it still do not appear outwardly, so women with irregular cycle they may not even realize it. In the blood, the concentration of the pregnancy hormone, chorionic gonadotropin, is constantly increasing. During this period, everything that happens to a woman's body is accompanied by a change hormonal background. It is this "strong cocktail" of chemical substances will be responsible for the well-being, mood, sensations and other changes in the body of a woman in the next few months. Chorionic gonadotropin suppresses immune system mother to reduce the likelihood of her body rejecting the fetus. Some hormones are less active, others are vice versa, but together they represent the basis of the causes of morning sickness when the 5th week of pregnancy is underway. What happens to the woman at this time? In the morning, she is tormented by bouts of nausea, vomiting, during the day there may be a sudden change in mood, drowsiness, increased fatigue and sensitivity to smells, as well as a change in taste (however, this may not be). These symptoms can last up to 12 weeks, after which they disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

Changes in the uterus and breasts

5 obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of some transformations in the body of a woman. The placenta and amniotic sac continue to form, which causes the feeling of a full uterus. The abdomen at the 5th week of pregnancy is still invisible, but the woman may feel some bursting, which prevents her from lying on it freely. This is due to an increase in the blood supply to the uterus, which has already grown to such a size that an experienced doctor can diagnose pregnancy during examination. The breasts become more sensitive than usual and slightly increase in size. All this prevents a woman from sleeping on her stomach from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Psycho-emotional changes in a woman

In addition to the above, women this period some psycho-emotional breakdowns may occur. Already now there is an aversion to some food, drinks, smells, which is accompanied by bouts of nausea and vomiting. Some women note a change in taste, an increase or decrease in appetite.

During the day, a pregnant woman's mood can change several times, sometimes even with minor loads, a woman feels overwhelmed, tired. There are headaches, as well as increased tearfulness. The expectant mother should not be upset because of the manifestation of all these symptoms and remember that all this will not last forever, but only until the female body gets used to its new state.

Pain during pregnancy at 5 weeks

When the 5th week of pregnancy goes, the sensations in a woman can also be painful. Pain in the abdomen is associated with a violation of intestinal motility, which occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background of the whole organism. The constantly growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which causes discomfort at a woman.

There is another unpleasant moment during the period when the 5th week of pregnancy is underway. The stomach usually pulls when there is hypertonicity of the uterus, and there is a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the woman is recommended: rest, refraining from sex, bed rest. If pain accompanied spotting, you should immediately seek help from the hospital. Also, already at this time, the doctor will recommend to abandon the heels and switch to more comfortable soft shoes with low heels.

Lumbar pain at week 5 can be confused with the harbingers of menstruation, at this time there may be slight discharge brownish color. If a woman suspects pregnancy similar secretions should alert her and also become a reason for a visit to the gynecologist.

If there are suspicions about possible pregnancy, should be tested to dispel all doubts. One of the first is a test for the determination of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood. If necessary, you can donate blood for analysis within a week and a half from the date of the intended conception. By week 5, the concentration of this hormone also increases in the urine, which allows you to make home test to determine pregnancy. Tests can be purchased at any pharmacy.

After the pregnancy is confirmed, you should go to women's consultation and get referrals for blood and urine tests, for determining the Rh factor, blood type, its coagulation, and a whole list of necessary tests when registering a woman. All this will determine the health status of the expectant mother. An analysis for the pregnancy hormone can be taken again if there is a threat of interruption.

When to register

The threat of miscarriage is highest at 5 weeks of pregnancy, the signs of which are still small enough for a woman to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. Usually, uterine bleeding at this time, she perceives as another menstruation. The cause of premature termination of pregnancy at 5 weeks is associated with a high content in female body male sex hormones (especially in a woman with a large physique, overweight, vegetation on the body). That is why it is very important to start seeing a local gynecologist as early as possible. The norm of registration is considered to be a period of 2 months, however, women with the above problems already in the period of 5 weeks should think about seeking help from doctors as soon as possible. Before the first visit to the gynecologist, it is important to ask relatives about hereditary and chronic diseases.

The need for ultrasound at 5 weeks of gestation

Despite the fact that the 5th week of pregnancy can be determined by examination by a gynecologist, it is recommended to go through ultrasonography. Thanks to this procedure, you can not only confirm the presence of pregnancy, but also determine the number of fetal eggs, exact dimensions uterus, the place of attachment of the fetus to the walls of the uterus and other important parameters. Moreover, an experienced doctor will be able to analyze the vital activity of the fetus by its heart rate and motor activity and give the expectant mother useful advice regarding diet, work and rest.

The unborn child (5 weeks of pregnancy) requires the mother to follow some recommendations. The health of the baby depends on how disciplined the pregnant woman will be.

First of all, you should take care of proper nutrition. The diet should be selected in such a way that the child receives all the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements he needs for normal development and formations. If you learn to eat regularly in small portions and right food, you can prevent not only intestinal or gastric disorders, but also nausea. At this stage of development of the baby, vitamins C, E, D are useful to him, folic acid. The source of these vitamins are oranges, kiwi, red pepper, black currant, sea fish, meat, eggs. Foods should be used with caution so as not to become the culprit of an allergy in a child. Nutrition should be adjusted taking into account well-being and preferences, as well as the usefulness of certain products. Should be abandoned immediately simple carbohydrates, which will only give an increase in weight, and this can be bad for both the course of the entire pregnancy and the state of health of the child.

As already mentioned, the first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a decrease in immunity, so at this time there is increased risk get infected viral infection or just chill. It is important to remember that at week 5, the child's vital important organs and systems. Usage medicines for the treatment of even a banal runny nose, it must be agreed with the doctor. At the first symptoms of malaise, rinse the nasal passages with saline or soda solution to wash off the infection from the mucous membranes, gargle, drink more warm pure water and be sure to seek help from a medical institution.

It is very important if the mother will strengthen the body with feasible physical activity, if there are no contraindications for this. You can sign up for yoga classes physiotherapy exercises for pregnant. The main thing is not to overwork and not to worry.

Giving up bad habits should be one of the first decisions of a pregnant woman, since now she is responsible for the favorable development and formation of her baby. In addition, it is important to avoid smoking areas, as passive smokers receive the same dose of nicotine as active smokers.

The 5th week of pregnancy from conception corresponds to the seventh obstetric and the second week after the delay.

Ultrasound 5 week recover

This period is characterized by an active restructuring of the body, and the signs of pregnancy are becoming more and more distinct. Usually, it is from this period that the expectant mother notices the first changes in her body.

Signs of pregnancy

In the vast majority of cases, by 5 embryonic week pregnancy, a woman is already clearly aware of her position. By this time, all the tests have already been done and confirmed, you may have even done an ultrasound diagnosis, and also registered with a hospital or antenatal clinic.

The 5th week of pregnancy has symptoms that have already appeared before.

  1. Increased appetite.
  2. Drowsiness, lethargy.
  3. Painful sensations in the chest.
  4. Increased sensitivity to odors.
  5. Dizziness, nausea.
  6. Mood swings.

If any of these signs of pregnancy did not appear before 5 weeks, then now they are even more likely to occur. In addition, other manifestations are characteristic of such a period.

  1. Digestive problems.
  2. Changing the color of the labia.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Increased salivation.
  5. Pigmentation of the skin (the appearance of a strip on the abdomen or darkening of the areola of the nipples).

Still, the main sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Since the delay is already quite large, all other signs are no longer so informative. For a woman, pregnancy is already a fait accompli, so there is no need to look for evidence of its onset.

Features of the development of the fetus

The 5th week of pregnancy is characterized by the active development of the fetus. There are both internal and external changes.

  1. Limb formation begins.
  2. The rudiments of the bronchi, intestines, thyroid gland are formed.
  3. The heart is divided into right and left lobes.
  4. The endocrine system is being laid.
  5. The brain develops.
  6. The head is actively enlarged.
  7. The skeleton begins to ossify.
  8. The rudiments of ears, an eye appear, jaws are formed.

On given period Having made an ultrasound, you can see the rudiments of the arms and legs of the fetus

Now the height of the child is approximately 7-8 mm, and the weight is 0.8 grams, your baby is now the size of a pea. If you do an ultrasound at week 5, in the photo of the fetus you can see the rudiments of arms and legs, although they still resemble fins in shape. His face is beginning to take shape little by little, so he is becoming more and more like little man. At 5 weeks, the fetus still has a small tail.

What will the ultrasound show

Ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy is most often done to confirm it. As a rule, the study is carried out in a transvaginal way, since the fetus is still very tiny, and this technique allows for a more detailed inspection.

One of important tasks Ultrasound at this time is an assessment of the development of the baby's heart:

  • during the examination, the doctor measures the baby's heart rate, which should be 150-160 beats per minute;
  • the doctor fixes the size of the fetus in order to establish the exact gestational age, as well as the probable date of conception, unfortunately, these data with ultrasound at the 5th embryonic week of pregnancy are often not entirely reliable, therefore, most likely, another examination at a later date will be required to confirm them ;
  • a specialist will be able to accurately determine whether you will have one child or twins, or even triplets.

Another reason for this examination is the suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. This complication may be suspected due to spotting and severe pain in the lower abdomen, or according to the results of blood tests for hCG hormone. Usually in such cases, the content of this hormone is below normal.

After ultrasound diagnostics will confirm your interesting position", you can safely register and start going through all necessary examinations and take tests.

When the gestational age is 5 weeks from conception, many women go to the gynecologist. In addition to examining and assessing the health of the expectant mother, doctors usually give their advice about the health and lifestyle of a woman. It is very important to follow these recommendations throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

NutritionRight now is the time to start eating foods enriched with calcium, because it is vital for the formation of the baby's bone tissue. Due to toxicosis, many women experience nutritional problems. To avoid them, you need to eat fractionally - 6-7 times / day in small portions. Try not to eat foods that are heavy for the stomach, give preference to light, but at the same time nutritious, healthy food.
Examinations and analyzesIt's time right time to visit a gynecologist. When registering, you will need to pass various tests, among them: general analyzes urine, blood, biochemical analysis blood, a smear for infections, a blood test for hormones. These studies must be completed, as they will help determine how the pregnancy develops, as well as identify possible problems with mother's health.
Physical activitySome women absolutely in vain refuse any physical activity as soon as they find out that the conception has taken place. This is completely the wrong approach. At normal flow pregnancy and no contraindications physical activity not just allowed, but extremely useful. Of course, the load will have to be reduced compared to the "pre-pregnancy" period. In addition, sports such as running or roller skating should be excluded, and all activities that put a heavy load on the press are also banned. Swimming, special fitness or yoga for pregnant women, as well as simple home gymnastics will come in handy.
Daily regime5 weeks of pregnancy causes severe lethargy, drowsiness. Don't forget the complete night sleep and also be sure to set aside time for rest during the day. It is not necessary to sleep at this time, you can just lie down, relax with eyes closed. If you are faced with opposite problem and suffer from insomnia - try to cope with it without help sedatives. An evening walk, warm bath, a warm drink before bed - all this will help normalize a night's sleep.

Changes in a woman's body

This is a period of physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother.

At this stage of the development of pregnancy, changes in the body of the expectant mother become more and more noticeable.

  1. The condition of the hair and skin is changing. If your body gets enough nutrients, then the changes will be in better side, if nutrition is not enough, then all reserves will go to the development of the embryo, and the mother's condition may noticeably worsen.
  2. The uterus is enlarged. By 5 weeks and 5 days of a singleton pregnancy, she will be the size of an orange.
  3. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, as well as the bladder, which is why a woman experiences frequent urge to urinate.
  4. The volume of blood in the circulatory system increases by 10%.
  5. Unpleasant sensations are observed in the chest - tingling, aches. Halos and nipples may increase in size, darken.
  6. Due to the increase in the hormones melanotropin, estrogen and progesterone, vertical stripe in the center of the abdomen, passing from pubic area to the navel.

However, for one of the most important changes in the body of a pregnant woman, the time has not yet come. Your belly will only begin to enlarge after a few weeks, and for some women it won't be visible until mid-gestation. The uterus has not yet reached such a size as to protrude above the pubic joint, so at the 5th week of pregnancy, the tummy in the photo will be completely indistinguishable.

The most unpleasant sensations for the 5th week of pregnancy a woman usually experiences due to early toxicosis. Toxicosis occurs as a result of poisoning of the mother's body harmful substances, which are formed after the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus.

The body perceives the child as something foreign, so it tries to get rid of it. As a result, a woman has:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • vascular disorders;
  • problems with the work of the central nervous system;
  • vomiting, nausea (especially in the morning);
  • severe dizziness;
  • acute reaction to odors;
  • salivation.

If the symptoms are very severe and interfere with normal life, you should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment. At home, you can try to improve your condition with the help of frequent walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, as well as good rest.

More rest is needed to recover from stress

Due to hormonal surges in the first weeks of bearing a child, a woman can experience significant stress. She may suffer from insomnia nervous tension, increased anxiety. These symptoms are considered quite normal and therefore do not require drug treatment. Rest more often, relax, and in a few weeks the symptoms will disappear.

A feeling of discomfort can also be delivered by an enlarged chest. The mammary glands are preparing to produce milk, because of this, the expectant mother experiences a feeling of tingling, heaviness. The nipples become very sensitive. It's time to pick up special underwear for pregnant women - it should be made of natural fabrics, be comfortable, and also firmly support growing breasts.

Discharge and pulling sensations

Discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy may become more abundant, as there are some changes in the vaginal mucosa. Normally, the mucus should be light milky, while completely homogeneous, without any unpleasant odor.

If the color and consistency of the discharge changes, you should consult a doctor

If you notice changes in the color or consistency of the discharge, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor - this may be a symptom of various genital infections that can harm the development of the fetus. You should immediately visit a gynecologist if, in addition to unusual discharge, you feel itching and burning in the genital area.

  1. Brown or bloody discharge can be a sign of a miscarriage, especially if accompanied by pain. If the discharge is not abundant and no painful sensations accompany them, then they may well be a variant of the norm, but in any case, it will not hurt to see a doctor.
  2. Most of all, the expectant mother should be alerted by bright scarlet discharge, especially in the presence of clots. In this case, you should immediately call a doctor. It is possible that because of the threat of miscarriage, a woman will have to undergo treatment in a hospital.

Quite often, at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman pulls her lower abdomen. This symptom is considered safe if the cause of the pain is an enlarged uterus. As a result, the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen are stretched, so there is a feeling of "tightness" or tingling. Such pains can persist for all 9 months. To weaken them, it is enough to lie down in a comfortable relaxed position or take warm bath. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe medications to relieve these symptoms.

However, pain may also indicate serious problems, especially if they are accompanied elevated temperature and brownish or bloody discharge at 5 weeks. All this can talk about the fading of the fetus, ectopic pregnancy or threatened miscarriage. As a rule, the pain in such cases is quite acute and is cramping in nature. When similar symptoms the woman should immediately call an ambulance.

By the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman already knows exactly what is happening with her body and begins to prepare for a new stage of her life mentally and physically. She gradually gets used to her new state and plunges into a joyful expectation.