Signs who will be born a girl or a boy. Pregnancy with a boy: features, folk signs. What are the exact signs during pregnancy that there will be a boy: appearance, behavior, sensations, taste preferences, the shape of the pregnant belly. Boy or girl

The question of what gender the child should be born has always worried most pregnant women and their families. The exact answer can only be obtained from maternity hospital immediately after the birth of the baby. Despite the fact that modern medicine and ultrasound diagnostics are developing every year, doctor's error in sex determination is 20%. Yes, and it is possible to determine the probable sex of the child only closer to the twentieth week of pregnancy. Perhaps that is why pregnant women are interested in folk signs, according to which our grandmothers determined the sex of the unborn baby.

Consider the most common folk signs for determining the sex of a child

1. A pregnant woman who is expecting her son always has cold feet.

In fact, all pregnant women, especially in the later stages, freeze. Even in warm weather they are cold. This is explained, firstly, hormonal factor, and secondly, the redistribution of blood in the body of a pregnant woman. Most of the blood is in this period in the abdominal region. All the forces of the circulatory system are aimed at provide everything necessary growing fetus. Therefore, the limbs get less heat. So the myth that a woman constantly freezes when carrying a boy is wrong.

2. The difference in the heartbeat of a boy or girl fetus: in a male child, the heartbeat is faster than in a female fetus.

The baby's heart begins to beat on the 21st day after conception. are able to register heart contractions starting from the 5th week of pregnancy. And this indicator is one of the main ones, which shows the viability of the baby. For example, at 7 weeks, normal heart contractions range from 110 to 140 beats per minute. At 10 weeks from 170 to 190. From the 11th week until the birth itself, this figure is stable, from 140 beats per minute to 160. If this figure is less than 100 and more than 200, this is the cause of a very serious deviation. Therefore, to say that the heartbeat depends on the sex of the unborn baby is incorrect. It depends only on his health.

3. A sign of pregnancy as a boy - a woman's addiction to meat dishes

During pregnancy women change. The main task of her body at this stage is to bear a healthy baby. Fetal growth requires additional building material, which will come to him with the food that mom eats. Therefore, due to the lack of one or another element, certain, and sometimes very strange, culinary desires appear. For example, if there is not enough iron in the body of a pregnant woman, she will constantly want to eat meat. With a lack of calcium, it will pull on dairy products. Some pregnant women, with calcium deficiency, cannot get past the chalk. It can be said with certainty that the sign that pregnant women prefer meat dishes is not true.

4. Pregnant women who are expecting a boy have strong, healthy hair that also grows very fast.

We can say right away that this is nothing more than a myth. For doctors, excessive hair growth, and even more so in unusual places (hands, face, nipple areola, etc.) speaks of such a disease as hyperandrogenism. This is a change in the body of a pregnant woman in the ratio of male and female sex hormones. In simple words, an increase in male hormones in the blood and a decrease in female ones. This condition is often cause of miscarriages, premature birth, disturbances in the formation of the placenta, fetal growth retardation and hypoxia. When the first signs of this disease appear, the pregnant woman is referred for a consultation with an endocrinologist.

Do not worry if a small path of hair appears on your stomach. This is the norm. Also, the appearance on the face, abdomen or in other places is also normal during pregnancy. All this will pass some time after the birth of the child.

5. Sign of pregnancy by a boy - pushing in the left side of the abdomen

Usually, a primiparous woman feels the first movement of the baby at a period of about 20 weeks of pregnancy, re-giving birth a little earlier, about 18 weeks. The fetus begins its active movements in the uterus at the age of 8 weeks. But at this time, he is still very small in size, he has enough space, so the pregnant woman does not feel his movement. The child grows and by 20 weeks is gaining weight about 300 grams. It begins to touch the surrounding walls of the uterus, and woman feels it. Depending on the position in which the child is located in the womb, it depends on which side she will feel his pushing. So the sign that male babies push their mothers in the left side of the abdomen is not true.

Thoughts about the future consequences of pregnancy, weight gain, overeating, in the end, about the health of the child, are relegated to the background, because the main thing that worries both the woman in labor and the future father of the family is the sex of the child. It would seem, what problems - do an ultrasound and end doubts. But, firstly, even ultrasound does not give a 100% guarantee, and doubts, despite technical innovations, continue to torment future parents, and secondly, there are pregnancies during which doctors do not recommend ultrasound for safety reasons. In addition, there are still couples who, on principle, refuse ultrasound diagnostics, as if proving to themselves and the world that they don’t care who they love.

We are confident that as soon as your miracle is born, you will love him, regardless of gender, and forgetting about sexual preferences. But while you are languishing, we want to help you determine whether you are expecting a boy or a girl.

External indicators

Let's start with the stomach. During pregnancy, the shape of the abdomen may indicate a boy or girl. If you are plump in the hips, and the waist is swollen - wait for the girl, if your pregnancy is not noticeable from the back, the stomach is plump only in the center - you will have a boy.

The appearance of a pregnant woman has long been the best sign of the birth of a boy or girl. External deterioration will tell about the girl - age spots, pallor, blurred facial features. It is said that a girl steals beauty from her mother. With a boy, a woman, on the contrary, becomes prettier, flourishes, and the flaws that tormented her before disappear. A characteristic feature of the boy is a slightly swollen nose.

How does the stomach move?

According to folk signs, the tapping of the baby will tell about the birth of a boy or girl. If the child hits the liver area - buy a girl's stroller, if the blows fall lower, in the bladder area - you will have a boy.

In addition, the belly during pregnancy bulges to the right for a boy, and to the left for a girl.

conception and sex

In addition, the very moment of conception of the child will tell about the sex of the child. The birth of a boy or girl can be determined by ovulation - if the child was conceived on the day of ovulation, expect a boy, if a couple of days before ovulation - there will be a girl.

Also, the “male power” of the father speaks about the field - if a woman is dominant in bed, there will be a girl, if a man is a boy.

Father's Notes

It would seem, what does the father have to do with signs during pregnancy and the definition of a boy or girl. However, it is not folk wisdom that speaks here, but statistics! According to statistics, bald men are 1.5 times more likely to father boys than men with hair on their heads.

In addition, if a man becomes stout with a pregnant woman, expect a son. There is also a sign of gender determination by the father's underwear: if a man prefers tight underwear, you will have a boy. If free - a girl.

Character during pregnancy

Of course, behavior during pregnancy is largely determined by the nature, environment, upbringing of a woman. But, since the midwives determined the gender of the child by the behavior of the woman in labor, nothing will prevent us from doing the same.

So, a bad mood, capriciousness speaks of a future daughter, excellent health and light - about a son. If a woman hides her position at the beginning of pregnancy, she will have a daughter, but if she demonstrates a rounded tummy with might and main, there will be a boy.

And the irritation from the presence of a number of men speaks again about the daughter.

Gastronomic preferences

There is such a sign that those women who during pregnancy are drawn to flour and sweets are definitely waiting for girls. And if pregnancy has made your taste "alcoholic" - you fell in love with salty, smoked, spicy, do not mind vobla with marmalade (and even without marmalade), another man is waiting for you in the house.

In addition, those who are waiting for boys are more tormented by toxicosis, but at the same time, their appetite is at its best. This is a fairly reasonable statement, since physically, it is harder for a woman to bear a boy.

The content of the article:

Every expectant mother is curious about who will be born to her - a girl or a boy? Of course, you can turn to doctors and use ultrasound diagnostics, but most women still trust folk signs. By the way, on an ultrasound scan, the baby may turn the wrong way and see who will be - a boy or a girl - it will not be possible, then moms and dads do not know the gender of their baby until his birth. On the site, we will give some of the signs that will help you find out the gender of the unborn child.

Expect a boy if:

  • A man loves a woman a little more than she loves him;
  • During a woman's pregnancy, her husband begins to gain a lot of weight;
  • A pregnant woman is always in a good mood, she is more attractive and prettier;
  • Her nose becomes pointed;
  • Leg hair grows more actively (scientifically, this is due to the fact that boys begin to secrete the male sex hormone, which affects accelerated hair growth);
  • The legs become colder than before pregnancy and are more likely to get cold;
  • The palms of the hands become drier than before;
  • The areolas around the nipples of the expectant mother's breasts become darker;
  • More often you want salty and sour foods, as well as cheese, milk and meat;
  • Fetal heart rate - less than 140 beats per minute;
  • A pregnant woman has a sharp and protruding tummy.

Expect a girl if:

  • A woman loves her husband more than he loves her;
  • A pregnant woman does not eat a crust of bread;
  • Often there are whims and bad mood of the pregnant woman;
  • The woman looks worse than before pregnancy (“daughter takes mother’s beauty”);
  • The skin on the face becomes too dry;
  • Red shades appear in the hair;
  • Draws on sweets and fruits;
  • The waist of the pregnant woman "blurred";
  • The weight gained during pregnancy is concentrated mainly on the buttocks and thighs;
  • The volume of the breast increases, and the left one is slightly larger than the right one;
  • Fetal heart rate - more than 140 beats per minute;
  • Constantly sick in the morning, especially in the first three months of pregnancy;
  • A pregnant woman has a wide and round belly, located high.

A few more folk tales

If the weather was dry at the time of conception, then expect a son, if it is rainy, then there will be a daughter.

If the expectant mother's legs swell during pregnancy, then there will be a boy, if not, then a girl.

If the baby pushes in the tummy on the right, then this is the son, and if on the left, then the daughter.

Compare the age of the mother and the year of conception: two numbers turned out to be even or both odd, then a daughter should be born. If one number is even and the other is odd, then there will be a son.

According to popular belief, you can also influence the sex of the unborn child. So, if a woman lies down during conception with her head to the north, then there will be a son, and if to the south, then there will be a daughter.

If the family wants the birth of a daughter, then a woman should eat more sweets a few months before conception, but if they want a son, then more salty and sour.

Remember passion - this was also talked about a long time ago! The greater the mutual passion between the parents at the time of conception, the more talented and beautiful your baby or baby will be. Therefore, love each other as much as possible, passionately and with all your soul!

May your daughters and sons be born healthy, smart and beautiful, and grow up to your joy!

Video about folk signs for determining the sex of a child:

As soon as the expectant mother finds out that pregnancy has come, she immediately asks the question, who will be born - a boy or a girl? There are a lot of signs, signs and patterns that indicate the gender of the unborn baby. Most of them appeared in the time of our great-grandmothers, since there was no ultrasound examination, and the curiosity of women was high.

According to signs Sex determination is salty - to be a boy
fruit addiction uzi
apple uzi at the doctor

Some of the signs work quite well, others are less effective, but almost every woman applies them to herself, and then shares her feedback whether it worked or not.

Male and female birth signs

There are certain differences in pregnancy between a boy and a girl:

  • girls push to the left;
  • if the expectant mother in a dream feels like a man - wait for her son;
  • if a pregnant woman has pale yellow urine, there will be a girl;
  • if a woman puts her first foot on a raised left, a daughter will be born, the right - a son;
  • if the strip on the abdomen is located to the left of the navel, this is a sign of pregnancy by a girl, to the right - by a boy;
  • there is an opinion that during periods of wars and conflicts, boys are more often born.

Determination of the sex of the child by signs

There are many popular methods that also help to recognize the pregnancy of a boy or a girl in the tummy. Let's consider a few.

  1. Changes in the appearance of the expectant mother.
  2. People say that pregnancy by a girl "takes away" the attractiveness of a woman, especially in the first trimester. Almost immediately, it will be possible to suspect such symptoms of pregnancy as a girl, such as a change in facial tone, swelling of the skin, and a rash. All this may simply indicate physiological changes, or it may lead to signs of pregnancy with a girl.

  3. Toxicosis is a proven sign of a girl being pregnant.
  4. In general, the manifestations of toxicosis do not depend on the gender of the child, but its duration during pregnancy helps to find out whether a boy or a girl lives in the tummy. It is believed that poor health is more prolonged, debilitating during pregnancy with a daughter. That is why in this regard it is much easier to wait for a son.

  5. Taste preferences.
  6. The main sign of pregnancy for a girl is pickiness in food. Very often, expectant mothers develop addictions to chocolate, sweets, citrus fruits and orange juice. If the parents are expecting a son, then the mother leans more on salty and meat products. There are cases when women were even drawn to alcoholic beverages, which are generally prohibited in this provision.

  7. Belly shape.
  8. The abdomen during pregnancy as a girl, as a rule, with a blunt nose, the mother’s waist is practically not observed, and her position is perfectly visible from the back. According to folk signs, the baby is hiding behind a large belly, similar to a melon, which “spreads” to the sides. If the parents are expecting a son, the belly looks like a cucumber, it is stretched forward, and behind you you might not even guess that the woman is in position.

Determination of the sex of the child by the shape of the tummy

Consider the features of the course of pregnancy for a girl. Pregnancy with a female baby can be described with one phrase “the daughter took away the attractiveness of the mother”, it is believed that at the birth of a daughter, the mother’s appearance does not change for the better:

  • the face swells;
  • there is irritation of the skin, dryness, pigmentation of the skin;
  • hair becomes worse, sometimes it can even acquire a reddish tint, fall out strongly;
  • nails exfoliate and break;
  • the skin on the legs becomes dry, so all in scratches and wounds.

Such changes in appearance can be noticed already in the first weeks, these are the earliest signs of pregnancy by a girl. A woman has swelling on her legs, weight is gained mainly due to an increase in the volume of the hips and buttocks. The chest grows rapidly, becomes rounded, beautiful in shape, while the left breast is usually larger than the right one.

As soon as the stomach begins to increase in size, this becomes the main subject of discussion. The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy by a girl has a rounded shape, does not protrude forward, but spreads to the sides, is located high. Waist "disappears", so they immediately say that a daughter will be born. The birth band on the abdomen is either absent or located on the left side of the navel. A photo of the belly of a woman expecting a girl at 18 weeks pregnant is shown below.

Fruit addiction indicates that there will be a girl

Other features of the course of pregnancy with a female fetus:

  • the baby often pushes on the left, and the first stirring comes late;
  • the girl's heartbeat exceeds 140 beats per minute;
  • the future mother of her daughter is very drawn to sweets, flour products and fruits, a woman eats meat reluctantly, but sour and pickled foods - with an appetite, they generally say that when carrying a daughter, a woman has a poor appetite, this may be due to morning sickness;
  • the main sign of bearing a girl is the early toxicosis of a woman, they say that it is much more difficult to bear a daughter, the mother’s health is much worse than that of those who are expecting a son, the advantage is that there are practically no headache attacks;
  • the leading side of the body when carrying a daughter becomes the left. For example, when climbing stairs, a woman puts her left foot first, leans on her left hand;
  • signs of pregnancy by a girl - lack of sexual desire, irritation, inadequate state, forgetfulness, inability to finish the job, the girls' mothers are very scattered and passive, devoid of logic, suffer from constant whims and a bad temper;
  • mother has warm feet;
  • dad wears wide family shorts;
  • conception happened after drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • the wife loves her husband more;
  • during conception, the woman did not experience an orgasm;
  • at conception it was raining, there was intense heat or a winter cold;
  • a woman likes to sleep on her right side;
  • when carrying a girl, women are more graceful and light.

Features of the course of pregnancy for a boy:

  • mothers of heirs prefer to eat something meaty or salty, while they have a very good appetite and need for food almost every hour;
  • the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy by a boy resembles a “cucumber”, unlike a girl;
  • toxicosis is practically absent, so expectant mothers feel very good for the entire period of bearing a child;
  • a woman becomes prettier right before her eyes: her hair becomes shiny, elastic, her nails are strong, her face is fresh and even;
  • boys' heartbeat is more frequent;
  • the younger the age of the expectant mother, the more likely the birth of a boy;
  • before the conception of a boy, the frequency of sexual intercourse has an interval of several days;
  • intensive hair growth on the legs of a pregnant woman begins, hairs appear in the abdomen;
  • areolas near the nipples acquire a light color, and the woman's breasts do not change their shape;
  • the attention of the expectant mother is attracted mainly by men;
  • the whole pregnancy a woman passes in a good mood;
  • the expectant mother constantly freezes, she has cold feet;
  • boys push to the right side;
  • a woman in a dream often feels like a man;
  • the urine of the expectant mother acquires a bright yellow color.

Draws on salty - to be a boy

Signs of bearing a daughter

Moms who have already carried more than one baby confidently declare that the signs of pregnancy with a girl cannot be identical for everyone, each case is individual. It happens that during several pregnancies a woman was drawn to sweets, and three sons were born.

Let's take a look at the most common signs.

  1. Changes in the face of the expectant mother. A woman will change, because a new organism grows inside her. However, those who bear a daughter acquire more rounded face shapes, puffiness, even a “bad” look.
  2. Throughout the first trimester there is nausea, feeling unwell, which is not typical when carrying a son.
  3. Weight is gained, as a rule, in the hips and buttocks, the chest is noticeably enlarged. As for the stomach, it does not really stand out against the background of the general volumes of the body.
  4. The heartbeat of mothers is greatly increased, in which at the 21st week of pregnancy, ultrasound showed a girl. The pulse is 140 beats per minute.
  5. The woman's skin becomes dry, rough and dull.
  6. The woman is constantly overcome by bouts of heat.
  7. The complexion changes, pigmentation appears, the shade of urine often changes.
  8. Taste preferences tend towards chocolate, sweets, fruits and citrus fruits. Meat dishes are completely uninteresting.
  9. Distractedness, forgetfulness, irritability increase, and a bad mood is increasingly present.

Thus, the presence of toxicosis, bad appearance, acne and skin rashes, hair loss and oily skin are direct signs of bearing a daughter. A photo of an ultrasound of a pregnancy by a girl at 21 weeks can be seen below.

Experts will tell you who to expect

Folk signs of bearing a daughter

Due to the fact that during the bearing of a child, women were always overcome by curiosity, many folk methods were invented to determine the gender of the unborn baby.

According to popular belief, women who carry a girl under their hearts are not guided by logic for the next nine months. In addition to reasoning, some mechanical actions may become a sign indicating the gender of the child.

  1. Climbing up the stairs, you should pay attention to which leg you tend to climb higher. Belief says: the priority position of the left leg indicates the appearance of a daughter.
  2. Hold out your hands to someone. Now look how you did it: if your palms are up, wait for the baby. Then sit on the floor, relax and try to get up. Which hand are you leaning on? If on the left - there will be a daughter.
  3. The birth of a daughter is facilitated by the use of a large amount of fruits, dairy products, vegetables. There is also an opinion that if for a married couple this is the second child, then a small interval of time between the birth of children indicates the appearance of a baby of the opposite sex.
  4. Try to remember which side of the world you were looking at at the time of conception (no matter how surprising it may sound, but they assure that there is such an intimate-technical relationship). If the south was behind the crown, there will be a daughter. Orgasm at the time of conception can be attributed to the same topic: if a woman has not experienced it, there will be a daughter.

It is possible to know for sure whether a boy or a girl will be born only after birth. Currently, there are a lot of methods that allow you to reveal a secret with a high probability, but they all require a visit to a doctor or testing. Many women are interested in the question, are there alternative proven ways to find out the sex of the unborn child? It is worth saying that in the times of the absence of modern medical equipment, women used other methods that are commonly called folk, this includes beliefs, signs for pregnant women on the sex of the child, and this will be discussed further.

Signs related to food preferences

Friends and acquaintances of a pregnant woman often ask her if her taste preferences have changed after pregnancy. Many believe that depending on the gender of the child in the womb, the expectant mother will have clear preferences in food, that is, bearing a boy or girl will have an impact on this.

So, if a woman began to eat more sweets, including fruits, sweets, chocolate, cakes and cakes, then most likely the princess in her tummy requires it. If you want more protein food, more nutritious, that is, meat, eggs, cheese, sausage, then you are carrying a future man.

Gender of the baby depending on the sleeping position

Depending on how you sleep, you can also quickly and easily find out and determine what gender the baby will be born. Pay attention to how you fall asleep, because it happens differently for each person. If after the onset of pregnancy you are used to turning to the south side, then wait for the birth of your daughter. If it is more convenient to fall asleep on the north side, then a boy will be born.

However, this sign is not unambiguous, since not all people have a bed located in such a way that the head turns only to the north or south. The question arises how to interpret the sleeping position of people who can choose to sleep only in the western or eastern part of the bed, in which case it is not so easy to find out the sex of the unborn child and who will be born.

Appearance Features

The female body undergoes significant metamorphosis during pregnancy. In addition to gaining weight and growing belly, other more piquant details may appear. For example, if the hair on the legs began to grow much faster than it happened before, at the same time, fat deposits are more located on the stomach, urine changes its color to light, all this indicates that you are carrying a son under your heart. These signs for pregnant women on the baby's floor have been used for many years.

If the changes involve more positive aspects, that is, your appearance has become more attractive, your hair has become shiny, your nails are growing well, your chest has grown significantly, and the hair on your legs does not grow back so quickly - wait for your daughter to be born.

Although there is another, radically opposite opinion that if a girl is pregnant, a woman will lose her beauty, since she has to share beauty with her daughter. While positive changes in appearance, on the contrary, will be a sign that you are carrying a daughter.

In addition, be sure to listen to your feelings, and specifically to what kind of feet you have in the morning. If after waking up your feet are cold, expect a boy, otherwise, if your feet are warm, a girl.

Determine the gender of the baby by the wedding ring

There is an ancient way to determine the sex of a child, which was used by our grandmothers and even great-grandmothers, it usually works best on Easter or Trinity. To carry it out, you will need your wedding ring, this is one of the popular signs for pregnant women on the baby’s gender .. Remove it from your finger and hold it directly against your stomach, now you should watch how it will spin.

The movements of the ring resemble a circle - this will indicate the imminent birth of a boy. If the ring on the thread moves like a pendulum, after nine months of pregnancy, a girl will be born.

Signs related to the shape of the abdomen

There are signs about the sex of the child during pregnancy, associated with the shape of the woman's abdomen. When your belly has a neat shape, it is more pronounced in front than to the side - there will be a boy, if the belly has a more puffy shape - a girl will be born. The following folk signs during pregnancy, associated with the stomach - a low-growing belly - there will be a boy, a tall one - a girl.

If the pushing movements in the abdomen are more felt in the lower abdomen, then the future karateka, that is, the boy, is growing. If the child behaves more calmly, then wait for the princess to appear.

Separately, it should be said that the type of weight gain during pregnancy can also tell about the field of the future baby. The more weighty a woman becomes, the higher the chance of giving birth to a boy.

The last folk sign, based on the shape of the abdomen, is which side the stomach sticks out more. If this is the right side - expect a son, if the right side - a daughter.

Depending on the well-being of the mother

It is no secret that a woman's well-being changes after pregnancy, and the feelings of a pregnant woman also change throughout all 9 months. The stronger the symptoms of toxicosis, the higher the likelihood of giving birth to a boy.

In the case when during pregnancy you often suffer from a headache, most likely this is how a boy developing in the womb makes itself felt. If in the first trimester, that is, in the first weeks, a woman feels weak and even sometimes loses consciousness, this is a sign indicating the birth of a girl.

Pay attention to what feeling is more inherent in you in the first weeks of pregnancy - a feeling of heat or chills, if your option is the first, it will be a girl, if the second is a boy.

Condition of hair and skin

It is no secret that pregnancy has a huge impact on the state of the body of the expectant mother. As the belly grows, a woman often suffers from stretch marks. Pay attention to their number, if there are a lot of them - there will be a girl, otherwise - a son. If you find the appearance of dark spots on your hair and skin, wait for the heiress, if there is no hyperpigmentation - the heir. The presence or absence of a gun at the bottom of the navel can tell about the field of the future baby. If it is, then a baby lives inside the abdomen.

Separately, it should be said about the condition of the skin. When, after the onset of pregnancy, the skin of the hands and face began to dry more, it will be a boy, but if the skin, on the contrary, has become more well-groomed, a girl. Pay attention to the condition of the hair. If your hair looks well-groomed, thick and healthy, you are carrying a daughter.

Women's breasts increase during pregnancy, but growth will occur in different ways, in many respects, it depends on the sex of the unborn child. If you notice a significant difference in bra size, be sure that you are carrying a son.

Changes in behavior

The behavior and worldview of a pregnant woman is changing, this happens to absolutely every woman, especially in the early stages. If you try to analyze these changes, you may be able to answer the question of who will be born, a boy or a girl. If you become more clumsy, you begin to notice clumsiness in yourself already in the early stages - wait for your son. When, on the contrary, pregnancy gives you lightness and grace in every movement, there will be a girl.

It is worth paying attention to the prevailing mood. If you become more restless and nervous, it is the fault of the hormones that rise due to the bearing of a boy. If, on the contrary, you feel harmony and calmness, be sure that a daughter will be born.

If you are happy to show your belly to others, do not hide it under long sweaters and hoodies, this is usually a manifestation of a boy. If you want to hide your position by hiding your growing belly under loose clothes, this is a girl.

Other signs and beliefs

In addition to all of the above signs, there are others:

  • After eating garlic, smell your skin. If there is a characteristic smell - expect a daughter, if there is no smell - a son, although this may indicate pregnancy with twins;
  • Stretch your hands forward and look where your palms ended up, if they are at the top, an heir will be born, if at the bottom, an heiress;
  • What part of bread do you like? If this is a crumb, you will be the mother of a daughter; if it is a crust, a son;
  • How do you take the keys from the table? If your fingers grab the groove - there will be a boy, if you are used to grasping the round side of the key - a girl;
  • To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you must also pay attention to whether your spouse is gaining excess weight. If he grows in size with you - you will become the happy parents of the boy, if his weight remains unchanged - wait for your daughter;
  • If the ultrasound fails to determine the sex of the unborn baby, that is, he successfully dodges the sensor, most likely a shy girl will be born.