Waist size is an important parameter of health. How to measure the waist in men: how to reduce it and make it narrow

Waist to hip ratio(English abbreviation WHR, which can be translated as TBS - waist-hip ratio) is the ratio of the circumference at the waist to the circumference at the hips.

Such a common abbreviation as TBS not really, but it will be used in this article for easier reading.

This indicator is very popular in the West, where a lot of research has been done on its effect on attractiveness, as well as as an indicator of health.

There are rules developed by different organizations to make these measurements correctly. Since everything is simple with the hips, when measuring the waist, different organizations use slightly different measurement standards.

Measurement of the hips of the waist: in a thin person (left), the waist is correctly measured at the narrowest point, while for a fuller one (right), it should be measured about 2 cm above the navel. The hips are measured in their widest part, regardless of the figure (approximately in the middle).

Rules for measuring waist and hips, which are used by world-famous organizations

In accordance with the protocol of the World Health Organization (WHO), waist circumference should be measured midway between the lower edge of the lower rib and the top of the iliac crest (the upper pelvic bone, it can be seen from our side). A centimeter tape is used for this (according to the common people "centimeter"). When tightened, it should create a pressure equivalent to 100 grams. The circumference of the hips should be measured around the widest part of the buttocks, with the same tape parallel to the floor.

The US National Institutes of Health and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Program use results obtained by measuring at the top of the iliac crest - in fact, the place where we usually have the waistband of standard pants.

Often non-professionals measure the waist at the level of the navel, but studies have shown that with this method, its actual circumference can often be reduced.

When measuring both circumferences, the person should put their feet together, arms apart, body weight evenly distributed, and there should be no excess clothing. Breathing should be normal calm, and measurements are recorded at the end of exhalation. Each measurement is repeated twice, and if there is a centimeter difference between them, then the average results are taken.

The easiest way to measure your waist and hips

In practice, in order not to delve into all these subtleties, the waist with a slender figure is most correctly measured simply in the region of its smallest circumference, as a rule, slightly above the navel. In the case where the waist is convex rather than concave, such as during pregnancy or when overweight, the location of the smallest circumference is often more difficult to determine. In such cases, to determine the degree of obesity, a measurement is made a couple of centimeters above the navel. Hip circumference can be measured simply visually at the widest part of the buttocks.

Do not forget that these are the rules for how to take measurements to determine the degree of obesity and other health indicators, and not for tailoring or selecting clothes.

Waist to hip ratio in a healthy person

The waist-to-hip ratio is used as an indicator and measure of a person's health. With this coefficient, you can see the degree of risk of developing serious diseases. Studies show that people with an apple body shape (waist wider than hips) face more health risks than pear-shaped people with hips wider than their waist.

Also, this ratio is used to determine obesity, which in turn serves as an indicator of other more serious diseases.

The WHO states that abdominal (abdominal) obesity occurs when the waist-to-hip ratio is greater than 0.90 for men and 0.85 for women, or greater than 30.0. According to the National Institute of Diabetes, Gastrointestinal and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), women who have a TBS greater than 0.8 and men who have it greater than 1.0 are at increased health risk.

TBS is a better predictor of life expectancy in the elderly than waist circumference or BMI (body mass index). But if obesity is defined by this indicator, instead of BMI, then the number of people in the world who are at increased risk of a heart attack will decrease by three times. The waist-to-hip ratio is considered to be a more accurate indication of body fat percentage relative to body weight than waist circumference or BMI. Of these three dimensions, only TBS takes into account differences in body structure (muscle mass, bone width, fat). Thus, it is possible for two women to have completely different weights but the same waist-to-hip ratio, or to have the same BMI but completely different waist-to-hip ratios.

Even in ancient civilizations around the world, ideal women were most often represented with TBS in the range of 0.6-0.7. Simply put, a woman who had much wider hips than a waist was considered more beautiful. Most likely, this is due to the subconscious understanding of men that a woman with wide hips is more prone to having children. But more about this later in the article.

According to one study, HBS is a better indicator of the chances of developing cardiovascular disease than waist circumference and body mass index. But others show that waist circumference is a more accurate indicator of cardiovascular risk factors, body fat distribution, and hypertension in type 2 diabetics. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which of these indicators is able to tell more about health.

Waist and hips as an indicator of fertility

A TBS of 0.7 for women and 0.9 for men has been shown to be strongly associated with general health and the ability to have or conceive a child. Women with a TBS around 0.7 have optimal estrogen levels and are less susceptible to underlying diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and ovarian cancer. Women with a high waist-to-hip ratio (0.80 and above) have a significantly lower chance of getting pregnant than those with a TBS of 0.70-0.79, regardless of their BMI. Men with a TBS of about 0.9, likewise, have a better chance of conceiving a child, and are also less prone to prostate and testicular cancer.

Studies show that the waist-to-hip ratio is an accurate indicator of reproductive health, in terms of the body's production of the right hormones for this. Among girls with the same weight, with lower rates of TBS, there is an earlier puberty. This is manifested in the growth of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), as well as the sex steroid hormone - estradiol.

A Dutch prospective (with a selected group of people) study during artificial insemination confirmed an increase in the chances of getting pregnant with low HBS as early as 1993. It showed that with an increase of 0.1 unit of TBS, it reduces the likelihood of conception in the cycle by 30%. This is adjusted for age, weight, reason for artificial insemination, length and regularity of cycles, and smoking.

Effect of mother's waist and hip measurements on child's cognitive abilities

American scientists even studied the relationship between the cognitive abilities (roughly speaking, thinking) of young children and the ratio of their mothers' waist to hips (HBs). As a result of the tests, it was found that children whose mothers had wider hips and smaller hips were more mentally developed. This is explained by the fact that the fetus received additional long-chain polyunsaturated acids from the fat on the mother's thighs. In addition, statistics also suggest that children of girls with low HBS who became mothers during adolescence were more protected from the cognitive impairment associated with having a baby too young.

What determines the size of the waist and hips

Twin studies have shown that in 22-61% of cases, the waist-to-hip ratio can be explained by genetic factors. Among other factors, nutrition and lifestyle take the first place.

Perfect waist to hip ratio

Some researchers have found that the waist-to-hip ratio (HBR) is an important measure of female attractiveness. Women with HBS 0.7 tend to be rated as more attractive by men from Indo-European cultures. Tastes can vary, according to some studies, from 0.6 (in China, South America, and parts of Africa) to 0.8 (in Cameroon and the Khazda tribe of Tanzania), with diverging preferences depending on ethnicity.

It seems that men pay more attention to the size of the female waist than the hips. The Journal of Biological Psychology said the following about this:

« The size of the hips and waist indicates the amount of extra fat that can be used as an energy source. The waist conveys information such as current reproductive status or health conditions... in Western countries where there is no seasonal shortage of food, the waist conveying information about fertility and health status will be more important than hip size in assessing female attractiveness«.

Thus, the magnitude of TBS, which indicates the onset of puberty, sexuality, reproduction, hormonal disorders and distinguishes a man from a woman, differs in different populations.

Effect of Waist-to-Hip Ratio on Attractiveness (Research Results)

The concept and meaning of TBS as an indicator of attractiveness was first described in 1993 by an American psychologist named Devendra Singh. He argued that this ratio is more consistent than the waist to chest ratio (BWR).

In a series of studies conducted by Singh (1993), men who took part in HBS and the distribution of body fat in a woman's body determined her attractiveness. The men were shown a series of 12 drawings of women with different HBS scores and body fat distribution. Women in the drawings with normal fat distribution and moderate HBS were associated with the most positive traits (i.e., sexy, smart, and healthy). When considering the painted women with low hips (a small difference between the waist and hips), except for youth, men did not associate them with anything positive.

In this study, Singh suggested that men and women may have developed innate mechanisms that detect and use the waist-to-hip ratio to gauge how healthy a person is. Having a certain waist-to-hip ratio increases the chances of getting healthy offspring with hereditary genetic protection against various diseases.

Other studies have found that TBS is a sign of attractiveness, and goes beyond just being fat and being fertile. For example, a study was conducted using the methods of tracking the eyes of men during the digital processing of the same woman. In addition to eye tracking, subjects were also asked to rate an image based on attractiveness. Although men fixed their eyes during the study mainly on the female breast, but regardless of its size, they called the most attractive woman with HBS 0.7.

In addition, a study was conducted in 2005 by Joson and Tazinari. The reaction to animated human walking was considered. It turned out that men not only use TBS to assess attractiveness, but also as a means of determining sexual differences. At the same time, a person with a higher waist-to-hip ratio is perceived as more masculine. And with a smaller given indicator, when the hips are not so noticeably wider than the waist, the object seems more feminine, gentle. The authors of this study suggest that this provides an additional explanation for why men perceive a lower HBS ratio as more attractive. It was also concluded that, for this reason, men with lower HBS tend to feel less confident and self-reliant than men with higher, more masculine HBS.

To increase attractiveness, some women artificially change their waist-to-hip ratio. These methods include the use of a corset to reduce the size of the waist and visually increase the apparent size of the hips and buttocks. During the 20th century, with various such attempts, manufacturers used size calculations for the manufacture of corsets, called hipspring, which means “spring hips” or “spring hips”. At the same time, the height of the part of the corset for tightening the waist was calculated by subtracting the size of the waist from the size of the hips. However, this way of calculating sizes fell into disuse because it often gave a poor measure of attractiveness. For example, a 10" (250 mm corset height) would look very attractive on an average-sized adult woman, but a child or small woman would look like a malnourished person wearing this size corset.

In the case of HBS, the brain judges attractiveness based on reproductive ability (reproducibility) rather than body fat. This was confirmed by one interesting American study. On the computer, female bodies were modeled with real height and body weight (BMI), but with an irregular body shape (HBS), and then vice versa. Twelve participants in the trial (6 males and 6 females) were followed up by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) as they examined these different female forms. According to the reaction of the brain zones, it turned out that the level of attractiveness depends directly on BMI, and not on the waist-hip index (HBS). It was the ratio of weight and height that was responsible for the reactions in the brains of people who evaluated the simulated female figures. This study also showed that the judgment of the ideal figure may differ in people with eating disorders.

In 1995, one study was also conducted regarding the waist-to-hip ratio. It was attended by 137 British aged 16 to 67 years, among them were 98 women. As a result, we got a very banal result, which could be said without research. It turned out that the attractiveness of a woman's breasts depends on the amount of fat in her body and the ratio of waist to hips. Although most previous studies have shown that young women evaluate the ideal body only on the basis of slimness of the figure, and large breasts at the same time only slightly increased femininity and signs of health for them. Even in this study, a figure with a high hip (without much difference in waist and hips) and large breasts was rated as the least attractive and healthy by all participants.

The ratio of waist to hips is an indicator of the expressiveness of the sex of a person. For example, women with a high score and men with a low score tend to be rated less attractive by the opposite sex.

The influence of nutrition on the deposition of fat in the waist and hips

A number of studies have been conducted that examined the effect of diet on changes in waist circumference, taking into account body mass index. Below are the main results.

A diet of whole grain barley flakes reduces LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels as well as waist circumference in overweight and obese adults. This diet has shown better results in studies than a low-fiber diet. There was no difference in total weight loss between the groups on these two diets.

More than 3-fold reduction in excess waist fat was observed in people who switched to a diet that included a large amount of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains in a year. What else was accompanied by a decrease in the amount of baked goods, processed meats, fast food (fast food) and carbonated sugary drinks in the diet.

A 2011 study showed that a diet high in fruit and dairy, while low in white bread, meat, margarine, and soft drinks, can be very helpful in preventing abdominal fat accumulation.

Waist to hip ratio calculator

In principle, the formula for calculating this ratio is very simple. All you need to do is divide your waist circumference by your hip circumference. As a result, we get the coefficient referred to in this article as TBS. But for convenience, below is a calculator to make this calculation.

A thin wasp waist is the dream of many women. And it's not just the aesthetic component, which is undoubtedly important. It turns out that waist circumference is an important indicator that you need to know not only when choosing clothes. It is also an important marker for health in both women and men. So if, after reading the article and taking measurements, it turns out that the indicators leave much to be desired, this is an occasion to think about your health, go in for sports and reconsider your diet.

How to measure waist circumference?

Making the necessary measurements is not at all difficult. To do this, you need an ordinary centimeter tape, which is in almost every home where they like to sew or play sports. It is better if the tape is as soft as possible.

Waist should be measured at the narrowest point. Depending on the type, the place can be either closer to the chest (high waist) or closer to the level of the hips (low waist). In most cases, the narrowest part of the torso is at the level of the navel. If the waist is convex rather than concave, for example, in pregnant women or with excess weight, then the correct result can be obtained by measuring a couple of centimeters above the navel.

The correct position for measuring is to stand up straight (better near the mirror) and put your hands down. It is not recommended to measure the waist circumference while sitting. No need to strain the body and deceive yourself by pulling in the stomach. Body weight should be evenly distributed. Posture should also be typical for a person. Do not take measurements over clothing - the measurement result may be somewhat distorted.

Waist measurement takes less than a minute! You need to wrap the meter around the waist parallel to the floor and slowly exhale the air. It is important that it does not cut into the skin, do not wrap the waist too tight. The mark on the tape, coinciding with zero, is the waist circumference.

It is better to take the measurement twice, and if the data does not match, the average result is taken.

What do the numbers say?

Waist girth is the basis for calculating indicators such as the waist-hip index or the waist-height index. An overestimated indicator indicates an increased risk to human health. If fat accumulates in the waist area, then, most likely, a person has an excess that envelops the internal organs. Such fat is the cause of inflammation and the development of many diseases (diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, cancer).

generally accepted norms

For men, more than 102 cm, a waist circumference of more than 88 cm for women - a warning about a possible health risk (cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes). The norm can be considered in men - up to 94 cm, in women - up to 80 cm.

If we talk about the aesthetic component, then in most countries of the world, women are considered attractive if their waist circumference is less than 70 cm. Researchers have found that every extra 5 cm in the waist increases the possibility of premature death by 17% in men and 13% in women.

We measure not only the waist

By measuring your waist, you can also measure the volume of the hips is measured with a centimeter tape according to the same principles for measuring the waist (stand straight, do not "tighten" the meter), but along the widest part of the buttocks. Correspondence of waist to hips is a popular indicator in the West, which helps experts to judge a person's health and to some extent speaks of his attractiveness. So studies of twins have shown that this ratio in 22-61% of cases depends on genetic factors, and only then on nutrition and lifestyle.

Waist and hips as an indicator of fertility

Women with a thin waist have better health, they are less likely to suffer from infertility and diseases of the urinary-genital system. The waist-to-hip ratio appears to be related to the ability to conceive and give birth to a child. Men with a score around 0.9 have the best chance of conceiving a child, while women with a score of 0.8 or higher have a significantly higher chance of getting pregnant naturally. Studies show that among girls of the same weight, with a lower waist and hip measurement, puberty occurs earlier. This is manifested in the growth of hormones.

A Dutch IVF study back in 1993 showed that the chances of getting pregnant are higher in women with low waist-hip measurements. It was noted that with an increase in the indicator by 0.1 unit, the probability of conception in the cycle decreases by 30% (the data were obtained taking into account the correction for age, weight, and the reason for artificial insemination). This can be confirmed by the fact that in African countries, where the canons of beauty are different from European ones, women have rather full hips (for example, 135 cm), but at the same time their waist is clearly defined and noticeably narrower than the hips (for example, 100 cm). If you divide 100 by 135, you get 0.74 - a good indicator for having children.

Every woman is regularly faced with the need to take measurements, so she asks herself the question - how to measure the waist correctly? It is also necessary to know your parameters exactly in order to make sure that physical activity is effective, to be able to monitor the effectiveness of the diet, to correctly determine the right model in the online store of imported clothing and, of course, to order and sew an exclusive outfit.

The subtleties of the selection of linen

Every professional dressmaker knows how to measure. There are no secrets and secrets here, you just need to take into account the peculiarities of your physique and not try to embellish the final result. Simple tricks used by professionals will teach you how to take any measurements correctly.

To get the right data, you need to prepare for measuring volumes. The first secret lies in the proper selection of underwear. If you are planning to make or purchase a fancy dress, it is extremely important to wear the exact underwear and tights that you usually wear most of the time. After all, perfectly fitting underwear and high-quality tights with a high waist line form a silhouette and, in some cases, significantly adjust the volume.

Features of the choice of shoes

The next trick is to pay close attention to the shoes you usually wear. If volumes are measured for tailoring any outfit, then it is necessary to take measurements in those shoes with which it will be worn. There is a simple explanation for this advice on how to measure your waist correctly: any shoes shape your posture.

Standing on heels, you involuntarily redistribute your weight, step more carefully, try to keep your back straight and involuntarily tighten your stomach, which means you remove extra centimeters at the waist. On a flat, comfortable sole, everyone feels more confident, calmer, without hesitation, they relax their muscles, which means they can release an extra centimeter on the belt.

Determination of the measuring point

Any experienced seamstress knows exactly how to measure the waist. Before taking measurements, it is necessary to tie a twine, trim, ribbon or lace at the thinnest point of the body. They are tied quite tightly, but at the same time a small gap should be left, about the width of a finger.

With a tied ribbon, you need to move a little, it should not dig into the body or hinder movement. If measurements are taken to tailor a new outfit, it is important to remember that it will have to breathe, move, sit, go to public places and, possibly, fill the stomach with delicious food. At rest in different poses, during movement, the muscles are also mobile and slightly change their volume. It must be taken into account that even in a luxurious, but tight dress, your blood circulation may be disturbed or breathing difficult. When choosing the beauty and elegance of volumes, do not forget about your health and comfort.

How to behave during measurements

During the measurement, you should stand, leaning on both legs, with your feet slightly apart and evenly distributing your weight between them. You can not lean on one leg and set the other aside. You need to stand straight, straight, while observing the natural position of the body. Do not expose your chest too picturesquely forward, and your hips back. At the time of taking measurements, there is no need to impress anyone and choose model poses. If you are not sure that you have taken the correct pose, do not listen to other people's advice on how to measure your waist. To get the right result, you just need to be yourself.

Now you already know how to measure your waist correctly, which means you can start this important event: the centimeter tape should follow the tied belt or lace. Do not give in to the temptation: try to reduce the volume and draw in the stomach. Be guided by considerations of beauty and convenience. After all, a dress sewn or selected according to incorrectly taken measurements will not sit well, gather on the sides and back with ugly folds. Unfortunately, this obvious fact will not hide from the eyes of others.

If you know exactly how to measure your waist, and do it right, no one but a dressmaker or clothing store manager will know your measurements. But the discrepancy in the size of the clothes will become public property. In addition, an outfit chosen incorrectly has the traitorous property of adding extra centimeters and kilograms that do not even exist in reality.

Therefore, when taking measurements, you should definitely not deceive yourself. However, you can and even need to slightly mislead others about your size and shape by taking measurements correctly and choosing outfits flawlessly. It is also permissible and recommended to charm, bewitch and fall in love!

Why is it important to measure your waist size, and how waist size affects health. Everyone knows that being overweight affects the development of many diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even some types of cancer.

What are the options to control your weight and make sure you are within a healthy range. There are two easy ways. First, calculate the body mass index using a fairly simple formula. We will not dwell on this in this article. The second simple way is to measure the volume of our waist.

Why is it important to know your waist size?

The measurement of the waist circumference is the most important as we can check the amount of excess fat accumulated in the waist area. Why is it important to know.

Scientists from the World Cancer Research Center (WCRF UK) have shown that excessive fatness in the abdomen is closely associated with colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

The following parameters are considered normal

  • Women - waist measurement 80 cm or less
  • Men - waist measurement 94 cm or less

With an increase in body fat around the waist, the risk of heart disease and diabetes increases. If your measurements are more than: women 88 cm, and men 102 cm, then you need to urgently take action! According to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO), the last two numbers correspond to a very pronounced risk.

If your waist circumference exceeds these figures, then you should pay attention to your lifestyle and adjust your diet. It may seem that it is easiest to maintain these indicators at a younger age. It is extremely important to monitor your waist at any age.

Nobody warned it would be easy

To maintain a waist, you must follow the best recommendations for maintaining a healthy weight.

  1. Before going to the supermarket, plan your meals and make a list. Do not be distracted by tempting packaging. As a rule, the brighter and more attractive the picture, the more harmful the product.
  2. Don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry. Have a good lunch before going grocery shopping. You won't overbuy and save money.
  3. Keep a bowl of healthy and wholesome food on the kitchen table that won't harm you. A vase with apples, vegetables cut into strips. You will eat more fruits and vegetables.
  4. Watch your portion sizes. Look at your palm. Here is the size of your portion - nature itself has taken care of it.
  5. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Dancing, gymnastics, gym, wellness walk - make friends with them!
  6. Stay on track! You must have a clear goal and the right motivation.

At all times, starting from antiquity, waist circumference was considered an important indicator of health and beauty.

How to measure your waist correctly

Usually the waist is measured at the narrowest point, but if this is difficult, measure the area in the middle between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the pelvic bones, this is usually at the level of the navel or slightly higher. This is the point for measuring the waist.
Waist is measured in light clothing or on bare skin.
Stand up straight and take the measurement as you exhale. You do not need to strongly retract the stomach, the exhalation should be calm.
Take a good tape measure that doesn't stretch. The centimeter should be parallel to the floor and not compress the skin. You may have to make some efforts to achieve the perfect waist, but the result is worth it!

Today my friend and I argued about the waist, how to measure it correctly. I always measured in the narrowest place, it is almost under my chest, and she was taught along the navel, parallel to the ground, hence the question, how do YOU ​​measure the waist?

I found an excerpt on this topic, maybe it will be useful to someone)))

How to measure your body correctly

It is often necessary to measure here or there to track progress in training and see if the diet is effective. Also for competition.

Let's sort the measurements.

What to measure?

To clearly present the features of the figure, you must have the following measurements.

Breast volume.
Volume under the bust.
Volume at the navel.
Hip volume.
The volume of the thigh (leg).
Volume above the knee.
The volume of the calf muscle.
Hand volume.
Wrist size.
Ankle volume.
These parameters will help to fully evaluate the figure. If there is reluctance to measure everywhere, then the list can be reduced to the following parameters.
Breast volume.
Hip volume.
The volume of the thigh (leg).

How to measure?

Breast volume.
Measured at the most protruding point of the chest. Tape measure parallel to the floor! Measured while exhaling. (Breathe, measure).
Volume under the bust.
It is actually measured at the point where the mammary gland ends. The conditions are the same. Exhale, the tape is parallel to the floor.
Measured at the narrowest point!
Depends on the features of the figure, whether your waist will be closer to chest level or to hip level. And again we measure on the exhale. The stomach does not need to be strongly drawn in or protruded. The tape should fit snugly, parallel to the floor. But don't drag it out.
Volume at the navel.
The same as with the waist, but at the level of the navel.
Hip volume.
Everything is a little more complicated here. The volume of the hips is measured at the most protruding point of the buttocks! No riding breeches, bones, etc. Tape fits snugly, but do not overtighten.
If the stomach is still included in the volume of the hips, then we measure with it.
The volume of the thigh (leg).
Place the foot on a raised platform (e.g. chair) so that the angle under the knee is approximately 90 degrees. Measurements should be made approximately 5-7 cm from the inguinal region. Do not strain your leg.
Volume above the knee.
Either by analogy with the hip, or standing. Measurements are taken directly above the kneecap. In the case of "standing", the tape is parallel to the floor.
The volume of the calf muscle.
Measured while standing. The leg is relaxed. On the widest part in the area from the knee to the ankle. The tape is parallel to the floor.
Hand volume.
The arm is free along the body. Measure about 10 cm from the armpit! It's better if someone helps you. The tape is parallel to the floor.
Wrist size.
Measured immediately after the brush. Very tight! If objectively there is a fatty layer, then the tape must be tightened even more. (Must drink).
Ankle volume.
Standing on a flat floor. It is measured directly above 2 protruding bones. Tape fits snugly and is parallel to the floor.