Plan-outline of the lesson (middle group) on the topic: Summary of the walk in the middle group of the kindergarten “Signs of autumn. Summary of the evening walk in the preparatory group


Awakening interest in natural phenomena.


¾ to form a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about autumn;

¾ cultivate love for nature, careful attitude To her;

¾ develop mobility, attention, desire to participate in joint activities.

Equipment and materials:

Role-playing game "Cafe", role-playing game "Builder", children's rake, sand sets, Sports Equipment, balls, ropes, the game "Ring toss", the mask "Cat".


DOW area.



State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 117 in the Nevsky District. St. Petersburg

Synopsis of the walk middle group kindergarten"Signs of Autumn"

Compiled by educator:

Vikhareva A.M.

Saint Petersburg



Awakening interest in natural phenomena.


  • to form a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about autumn;
  • cultivate love for nature, respect for it;
  • develop mobility, attention, desire to participate in joint activities.

Equipment and materials:

The role-playing game "Cafe", the role-playing game "Builder", children's rakes, sand sets, sports equipment, balls, jump ropes, the game "Ring toss", the mask "Cat".


DOW area.

Description of the walk:

Educator: Guys, are you ready to go for a walk? (Yes!)

Teacher: Very good!

Educator: Let's get up in pairs, take the toys and go to our site.

Educator: Guys, let's put our toys on the bench.

Educator: Children, look what a wonderful day it is today, come closer to me. I'll give you a riddle:

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,

What is this season called? (autumn)

Educator: Yes, it's autumn. Who remembered the poem about autumn that we learned in the group? Let's remember it together:


Autumn walks along the path

soaked her feet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light.

Lost somewhere summer.

Educator: Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

Sample responses from children:It has become cold, the leaves are turning yellow, it often rains, there are frosts in the mornings, the days are getting shorter, the nights are longer. insects and animals are preparing for winter.

Educator: Yes, autumn is the time of the year when all nature changes. The days are getting shorter, the sun heats little, it gets colder day by day, it often rains. By the end of autumn - frosts. Migratory birds fly south, wintering birds move closer to people.

Educator: Guys, what do you think the weather is like today? (clear) Why? (the sun is shining brightly, there is no rain). Let's get some fresh autumn air.

Breathing exercise "Scents of nature"

You need to imagine that you are inhaling the aroma of a beautiful flower that grows on our site. You need to take a noisy breath in through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.

Educator: Guys, look what a multi-colored carpet covered the ground. What is this carpet? (autumn fallen leaves).

Let's go, quietly wander through the leaves (the leaves rustle underfoot). Do you hear how they rustle? You see, one leaf flies to the ground, then another spins and spins and slowly falls to the ground. The wind blew, and many leaves rustled to the ground. What is the name of this phenomenon? (leaf fall).

Educator: Children, now let's be autumn leaves. Take the leaves, stand in a circle.

Outdoor game with leaves "Autumn breeze"

Children with leaves in their hands, at the signal "Wind", run scattered around the playground. At the signal “In a pile”, they run up to the teacher, raising their hands with leaves to the top, forming a pile of leaves. (the teacher will move around the site)

Educator: Guys, look what the wind has done on our site, scattered the leaves everywhere. What do you think, maybe we can use such beautiful leaves for something? And for what?

Let's find and collect the most beautiful leaves in a box, and we will collect the rest in a heap so that they do not interfere with us, as the janitor does this - remember, we recently watched him. How did he collect the leaves - with his hands? With what? That's right, loot! We also have rakes, who wants to clean the leaves, take them. (show how to use a rake)

Individual work

  1. Outdoor game "Raise your foot above, do not step on the leaf" (low intensity) (2 children).
  2. "Cloud to Cloud"

Purpose: to develop the ability to jump from one place to another with two legs (from one hoop to another). Deliver the joy of the game. Increase physical activity. (3 children)

  1. Let's lay out a leaf pattern on the ground. (1-2 children)

Educator: Guys, do you know the signs of autumn? Give me a simple yes or no answer.

Didactic game "Yes" or "No".

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Clouds cover the sun?

Is the prickly wind coming?

Do fogs float in autumn?

Well, do birds make nests?

do the bugs come?

Animals mink close?

Is everyone harvesting?

Are the birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should be done?

Jackets, hats to wear?

Educator: Yes, you know the signs of autumn.

Educator: Guys, I think you did a great job, put things in order on the site. Now is the time to play your favorite games and toys.

I propose to organize a construction site and build houses for the birds, which we took with us for a walk.

And it would be great too. if we had a cafe where we could come and eat something tasty and drink tea to keep warm. We have a menu, an apron, everything you need for cooking, you have to choose who will be the cook and who will be the waiter.

Place a ring thrower. Suggest jump ropes.

Educator: Guys, the kids of the younger group are already going to leave the walk. Let's help them collect their toys. Well done!

And now we collect our toys. We carefully arrange them in their places.

Building designer - in his box.

Cafe - in your own,

Sports equipment - separately.

Well done, we still have time to play the game.

We play the mobile game "Cat and Sparrow"

Educator: guys, it's time for us to go to the group. We build in pairs. We take toys.

Advice for teachers on the topic:

"Organization and methods of conducting a walk in kindergarten."

Goals: To give knowledge about the variety of walks, the structure of walks;

Learn the right way, organize a walk.

The importance of walking in the development of children preschool age.

Children's stay fresh air It has great importance For physical development preschooler. The walk is the first and most accessible means hardening of the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, dexterous, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen muscular system increases vitality.

Walking is an essential element of the daily routine.

The main task pedagogical work educator on a walk is to provide




An interesting activity for children.

Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to accomplish tasks. comprehensive development children.

During the walk, educational and educational tasks should be fully implemented:

Rehabilitation of children.

Physical development.

The development of independence.

Expanding horizons.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

Education of aesthetic feelings, culture of behavior.

In order to successfully implement the above tasks, careful long-term planning of this regime is necessary.

moment. When planning a walk, the educator must take into account many different factors:


Age and contingent of children;

Availability of inventory and related equipment;

Previous group sessions and more.

Requirements for the duration of the walk. Mode of duration of walks on the street.

For the stay of children in the fresh air is given up to about two to three hours a day. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed.

- IN winter period outdoor walks are held 2 times a day: in the first half of the day - before lunch, in the afternoon - before the children go home. In order to prevent hypothermia of body parts (face, arms, legs) in cold weather, it is recommended to send children to a room heated by a vestibule for heating for no more than 5-7 minutes. Winter walks in kindergarten for children under 4 years old are held at temperatures up to -15°C, for children 5-7 years old at temperatures up to -20°C.

The time for going out for a walk for each age group is determined by the mode of education and training. Prohibition for walking is wind force over 15 m/s.

Requirements for the equipment and sanitary condition of the kindergarten site for walking.

For the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development of children, greenery is of great importance, in accordance with pedagogical and hygiene requirements, planned and equipped area. It is desirable that each age group has a separate area fenced off from other groups by shrubs. On this site, places are allocated for outdoor games and the development of children's movements (flat area), for games with sand, water, building material, for imaginative play and play with various toys.

The site should have equipment for the development of movements: climbing fences (triangular, tetrahedral and hexagonal), a log for balance exercises, a slide, equipment for jumping, throwing exercises. All this must have attractive appearance, be durable, well-crafted, fixed and suitable for the age and strength of children. In addition to permanent equipment, toys and manuals are brought to the site in accordance with the planned work plan. Playgrounds end with paths where children can ride bicycles and scooters.

Apart from playgrounds on the site it is necessary to have closed gazebos to protect from rain and sun. In dry and hot weather, watering the site, sand is done at least 2 times a day. Cleaning of the territory of the site is carried out by educators, assistant educators and junior educators, a janitor every day: in the morning before the arrival of the children and as the territory is polluted. At the entrance to the building, you should have gratings, scrapers, rugs, brushes. IN winter time a slide, ice paths and snow structures, a skating rink (if conditions allow) should be arranged on the site.

Structure of the walk:


    Outdoor games: 2-3 games of high mobility, 2-3 games of low and medium mobility, games of children's choice, didactic games.

    Individual work with children on the development of movements, physical qualities.

    The labor of children on the site.

    Independent play activity.


A large place on walks is given to observations (pre-planned) of natural phenomena and social life. Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual babies.

IN younger age observations should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright, interesting; at an older age, observations should be from 15 to 25 minutes. They should be carried out daily, but each time the children should be offered different objects for consideration.

The objects of observation can be:

    Wildlife: plants and animals;

    Inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams);

    adult labor.

Observations of the work of adults (janitor, driver, builder, etc.) are organized 1-2 times a quarter.

Types of observation:

    Short-term observations are organized to form about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon (children learn to distinguish the shape, color, size, spatial arrangement of parts and the nature of the surface, and when they get acquainted with animals, characteristic movements, sounds made, etc.

    Long-term observations are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, about seasonal changes in nature. At the same time, children compare the observed state of the object with what it was before.

When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence:

1. the facts are established;

2. links are formed between the parts of the object;

3. there is an accumulation of ideas in children;

4. comparisons are made;

5. Conclusions are drawn and links are established between the current observation and the previous one.

Surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and varied observations.

Walking observations:

A large place on walks is given to observations (planned in advance), primarily observations of seasonal phenomena in wildlife and inanimate nature. It is important to reinforce children's ideas that these changes affect the lives of animals and humans, to teach them to draw conclusions about the relationships between various natural phenomena. It is preferable to plan observations on a walk on the days of the week.

Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual babies. The educator attracts some to observations in order to develop attention, while others arouse interest in nature or social phenomena, etc.

Surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and varied observations. For example, you can pay attention to the clouds, their shape, color, compare them with images known to children. Monitoring of the work of adults who work near the kindergarten should also be organized.

Observation develops inquisitiveness, curiosity. The teacher supports the children's interest in the signs of the season, asks questions that direct the child's attention and encourage him to further observations. Obtained observations can be consolidated by subsequent sketches, writing stories.

In summer, spring, winter, autumn walk the teacher periodically draws the attention of children to color scheme trees surrounding the kindergarten.

The use of poems on a specific topic when observing and examining helps to enhance the children's impressions of an autumn walk.

Poems about nature, riddles, folk omens and proverbs - all these simple verbal devices make the walk more emotional, direct the observation of children in the right direction.

Outdoor games.

The leading place on the walk is given to games, mostly mobile. They develop the basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, bring up moral qualities.

The choice of game depends on the season, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start a walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. funny and exciting games help children to better endure cold weather. In wet, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games should be organized that do not require a lot of space.

Games with jumping, running, throwing, balance exercises should also be carried out in warm spring, summer days and early autumn.

During walks, plotless folk games with objects, such as grandmas, ring toss, skittles, can be widely used, and in older groups - elements sports games: volleyball, basketball, gorodki, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey. In hot weather, water games are played.

Time for outdoor games and physical exercises during the morning walk: junior groups ah - 6 - 10 minutes, in the middle - 10-15 minutes, in the senior and preparatory - 20-25 minutes. On an evening walk: in junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes, in senior and preparatory groups - 12 -15 minutes.

Every month, learning 2-3 p / and (repeat for a month and fixing 3-4 times a year)

At a younger age recommended games with text (imitation of the actions of the educator).

In the middle group the teacher distributes roles among the children (the role of the driver is played by a child who can cope with this task).

In the senior and preparatory group relay races, sports games, games with elements of competition are held.

Outdoor games end with walking or a game of low mobility, gradually reducing physical activity.

Children are not allowed to walk for a long time without moving. Children with reduced mobility, low initiative, who should be involved in outdoor games require special attention.

Games with a high level of intensity of movement should not be played at the end of a morning walk before leaving the site, as children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite.

In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in the basic movements, there are organized and organized during the walk. sports entertainment(exercises). In summer it is cycling, classics, in winter - sledding, skating, sliding on ice paths, skiing.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment. Before entering the premises, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, neatly fold and put away things in lockers. They change their shoes, put their costume and hair in order and go to the group.

Features of the organization of physical activity in the winter:

- in the cold season, the teacher needs to ensure that the children breathe through their nose. Nasal breathing corresponds to the formation in children of the ability to breathe correctly, prevents the disease of the nasopharynx;

- at low air temperatures, it is not advisable to organize games of high mobility, as they lead to forcing breathing when children begin to breathe through their mouths. Also, under these conditions, games should not be played that require children to pronounce quatrains, refrains, or any text in full voice.

Didactic games and exercise.

They are one of the structural components of the walk. They are short, take 3-4 minutes at a younger age, 5-6 minutes at an older one.

Each didactic game consists of: from the didactic task, content, rules, game situations.

When using d / games, the educator must follow the pedagogical principles:

    draw on the knowledge already available to children;

    the task should be difficult enough, but at the same time accessible to children;

    gradually complicate the didactic task and game actions;

    explain the rules specifically and clearly;

Types of didactic games:

    Games with objects (toys or natural material),

    Word games.

Various didactic exercises are a method of stimulating children's activity. They are held several times during one walk. Didactic exercise it can be offered to children at the beginning, at the end, or it can be woven into the course of observation, for example, “Bring a yellow leaf”, “Find a tree from a leaf”, “Find a tree or shrub according to the description”, etc. Spend them with the whole group or with part of it.

On walks, work is also carried out to develop the child’s speech: learning a nursery rhyme or a short poem, fixing a sound that is difficult to pronounce, etc. The teacher can remember with the children the words and melody of the song that they learned in a music lesson.

Labor activity of children on the site.

Work activity on a walk is of great educational importance. It is important that for each child the tasks are feasible, interesting and varied, and in duration they do not exceed 5-19 minutes at a younger age and 15-20 minutes at an older age.

Forms of organization of labor of children are:

    Individual labor assignments;

    Group work;

    Collective work.

Individual labor assignments apply in all age groups ah kindergarten.

Collective work makes it possible to form labor skills and abilities simultaneously for all children in the group. During collective work, skills are formed to accept the common goal of work, to coordinate their actions, and to plan work together.

In the younger group children receive individual assignments consisting of one or two labor tasks, for example, to take bird food and put it in a feeder. The teacher in turn involves all the children in feeding the birds. Or, for example, collecting pebbles for crafts. Organizes work as “work side by side”, while children do not experience any dependence on each other

In the middle group two subgroups can work simultaneously and perform different labor assignments; the constant attention of the educator to the quality of work is required;

showing and explaining the entire task are successive stages.

In older children it is necessary to form the ability to accept a labor task, present the result of its implementation, determine the sequence of operations, select necessary tools, independently engage in labor activities (with a little help from the educator).

Individual assignments become lengthy, for example, to collect and arrange a herbarium.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment. Before entering the premises, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, neatly fold and put away things in lockers. They put on slippers, put their costume and hair in order and go to the group.


During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with children: for some, he organizes a ball game, throwing at a target, for others - an exercise in balance, for others - jumping off stumps, stepping over trees, running away from hillocks.

On walks, work is also carried out to develop the child's speech: practicing sound pronunciation, memorizing poems, talking on the recommendation of a speech therapist teacher.

The teacher can remember with the children the words and melody of the song that they learned in the music lesson.

Individual work on the walk is carefully planned.

It is important that the child with whom individual work, understood its necessity and willingly carried out the proposed tasks.


The independent activity of children on a walk also needs competent guidance.

The teacher can offer the children to organize a role-playing or outdoor game, entertaining tasks, toys or equipment for work, etc. It is necessary to constantly monitor the independent activities of children.

Paying attention to each child, the educator must constantly keep all children in sight:

timely prevent the emerging conflict, praise those who, on their own initiative, put things in order on the veranda, on the site, collected toys. This creates good conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children on a walk.

On a walk, children are in close contact with nature, they adapt to the conditions of the season and weather, which significantly affects the content of children's games. In winter, physical exercises predominate (skating on an ice track, on a sled, on a hill); constructive games.

For constructive games, children actively use snow, colored ice, pre-prepared together with the teacher. In summer, children enjoy playing with a variety of natural materials: pebbles, acorns, leaves, sand, water.

Organization of walks in kindergarten

I want to suggest an option educators for organizing and planning walks in the winter. It is carried out in several stages:

I – preparatory

First of all, I will available conditions for organizing and conducting walks, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers, interests, needs and requests of educators.

A selection and review is being prepared in the methodological office literature on this issue from the journals " preschool education”, “A child in kindergarten”, “Preschool pedagogy” and other periodicals.

One more direction preparatory phase is the planning of educational and educational work for the winter period. When checking plans, I found that educators do not always plan all parts of walks.

Components of the walk:

1. Observation;2. Labor activity;

3. Game activity (outdoor games);

4. Individual work;

5. Independent activity of children.

Observations (I recommend that educators indicate in the plans the object or topic of observation, the purpose of the observation and with whom it is carried out):

    observations of living objects (birds, deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, etc.);

    observations of inanimate objects (the sun, clouds, weather, wind, snow, depth of snow cover, day length, blizzard, drifting snow, snowfall, etc.);

    observations of the phenomena of the surrounding reality (for the work of adults, for passers-by, for skiers, for transport - a snowplow, etc.).

Labor activity . Household work is planned (on the veranda, on the plot), I advise you to indicate the form of work for preschoolers - individual or group assignments, or collective labor(joint, common).

Outdoor games. It is recommended to play three games during the walk. When choosing games for a daytime walk, it is necessary to take into account the previous activities of children. After quiet classes (drawing, modeling), games of a more mobile nature are recommended. They need to be carried out with the whole group at the beginning of the walk. After physical education and music classes, games of medium mobility are recommended. You need to spend them in the middle or end of the walk. So the plan must include games


    medium activity games;

    games with high physical activity.

Should be reflected in learning plans new game and games to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities. Approximately 10-15 new games are held during the year.

In addition, games are organized:



    relay games

    story-driven games

    sports games

    story-driven games

    plotless mobile games

    folk games

    round dance

    sports exercises ("Sledding", "Sliding", "Skiing").

The choice of the game depends on the season, weather, air temperature from the previous lesson, on the condition of the children, their desires, on the time of the walks (evening, morning). In our kindergarten, the FC instructor has developed a long-term planning of outdoor games for all age groups; conducts consultations with novice educators on the planning and methodology of outdoor games for a walk. Each group has a card file of counting rhymes and outdoor games for children aged 3-7. For each age, the game is printed on a card of a certain color. For example, 2 junior group - yellow cards, middle group - red cards, senior group - blue, preparatory group - green.

Stage II - practical

This is the implementation of work by kindergarten teachers in accordance with the plan. The annual plan of our kindergarten reflects the various areas of work of the preschool educational institution in the winter. The work is carried out in three aspects: 1) work with teachers; 2) work with children; 3) work with parents.

In our preschool physical culture and health work in the winter period is carried out through the holding of the small Winter Olympics, Health Day, Day of outdoor games of the peoples of the world, holding sports holidays and entertainment, physical education classes on the street. All these events take place outdoors, involving not only preschool pupils and educators, but also junior educators, parents.

When designing the territory of our kindergarten, we attach great importance to the safety, expediency, and colorfulness of buildings. A brightly decorated area in itself causes a stable positive effect in children. emotional mood, the desire to go for a walk. Teachers decorate the verandas with garlands, small soft toys, flags of various configurations, packages from New Year's gifts, turntables, sultans, snowflakes, noise instruments made of waste material are attached to tree branches. Snow buildings (Santa Claus and Snegurochka, symbols of the new year) are decorated by educators with ornaments of multi-colored ice floes, New Year's garlands, use waste material, because it is practical and looks brighter. All this contributes to the development of artistic and aesthetic taste in children.

Another important area is working with parents.. In the reception group cells on information stands we place consultations of the following content: “Walks in winter”, “Scheme of how to dress a child at different temperature conditions”, “How to dress a child so that he does not freeze or where colds come from”, “Walking during and after illness”, “Outdoor games for the whole family”, “What to do with a child on a walk?”. Educators are often asked not to take the child for a walk, because. he got sick. The task of the teacher is to competently and clearly explain to parents the importance of walking. Individual counseling is one of the most effective forms of work. Based on the problems of groups, in parental corners relevant information is posted for each preschool age. In the “Recommended Reading” section, there is a selection of fiction on winter topics: fairy tales, stories about nature, poems, riddles, proverbs about winter, etc. The teachers of the preschool educational institution conduct joint activities with parents - entertainment, holidays, "Winter gatherings", etc.

Stage III - analytical

On the basis of operational control, I receive information about the organization of walks, identify the need for methodological assistance to the educator, and adjustments to the educational process.

Issues under control:

creating conditions on the site and conducting a walk;

the procedure for dressing and undressing children;

the content and condition of the remote material; - organization of observations and experimental activities;

labor of children on the site;

stand-alone games children;

individual work on the development of the main types of movements;- the condition of the site equipment;

organization of various activities on the walk.

I also include the issues of organizing and conducting walks in the plan of thematic checks. For example, one of the directions thematic review"Organization of motor activity of children" is "Motor activity of children on a walk." Conclusions and recommendations of operational and thematic control contribute to professional growth teachers, quality walks.

In conclusion, I conduct a final analysis of the work of the kindergarten in the winter. The purpose of this analysis is to sum up the results of activities and evaluate the results of work for the past period. Recommendations are being developed for teachers on the organization, regulation, planning of work in the winter period, tasks for the next academic year are outlined. Educators make small creative reports or diagram-reports, organize photo exhibitions. The methodical office is replenished with new material.

Instructions for walking in the preschool educational institution.

    Start developing a walk with scheduling. Its goals and objectives should be consistent with current plans for given period time. Include educational, training and developmental tasks in the program content of the walk.

    Prepare everything necessary equipment to organize children's activities. Pay attention to the outgoing material. It must comply with the content of the walk, meet safety requirements. In addition, the portable material should be selected according to the age of the children. Be sure to check the number of toys. They should be enough for all children. It is unacceptable for any of the preschoolers to experience a lack of equipment for the game.

    Make a short walk plan and fix it on the card. This will allow the planned tasks to be carried out systematically. It will also make walking easier.

    Be sure to set up the pupils for a walk. Let them feel the joy of the upcoming activity. In this case, it will be productive. In addition, a good mood combined with physical exercise will improve the overall well-being of preschoolers.

    Prepare the area for the walk. It should not contain poisonous or thorny plants, mushrooms, shrubs with berries. In addition, all debris must be removed from the site. IN summer time every morning it is necessary to water and dig up the sand in the sandbox. This will help prepare the sandbox for the arrival of the children, as well as allow you to detect possible debris in the sand.

    When taking a walk, be sure to alternate the activities of preschoolers. Start your walk with observation. This can be observation of objects of living and inanimate nature, people of different professions.

    Include work activities in the walk. This may be the help of the guys in clearing the area from snow, leaves in the fall, etc.


The modern period can be called the time of the search for the most effective ways introduction of innovations in the practice of kindergartens. Pedagogical teams pay attention to the organization of the educational process, taking into account the type of preschool educational institution, priority areas of activity, regional characteristics, an audit is being carried out pedagogical technologies used in working with children in accordance with the FGT and the educational areas identified in them.

The educational and methodological development "Walking in kindergarten" was carried out by teachers of the State Educational Institution No. 15 "Yablonka" of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils of the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg in the context of the main general educational program preschool education GDOU and recommendations of the program "Rainbow".

Walking is one of the most difficult activities of the educator, the most important regime moment requiring high professionalism from the teacher. In the process of daily outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk, the motor experience of children expands, their skills in basic movements improve; develops dexterity, speed, endurance; independence, activity, positive relationships with peers are formed, cognitive interests develop.

A group of authors-teachers of GDOU No. 15 of the Vasileostrovsky district worked seriously on summarizing the experience of conducting walks with preschool children. An educational and methodological development "Walking in kindergarten" has been created.

Briefly about the development.

Educational and methodological development corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the child.

The content of the development corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and ensures the unity of the educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the process of educating preschool children on a walk, in the process of implementing which such knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of children.

The task of teachers is to plan a walk taking into account the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils.

When creating educational and methodological development Special attention paid to the content of the educational process of preschool children on a walk, which is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of various types of activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children, the correction of deficiencies in physical and mental development children

In the educational and methodological development "Walking in kindergarten" the content includes a set of educational areas: "Physical culture", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", " Artistic creativity”, “Music”, which provide a versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech, and artistic and aesthetic. The content of the educational area "Physical culture" during the walk is aimed at the formation of the pupils' need for physical activity and physical improvement.

The development of children's play activities, familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral), the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself, the formation of gender identity is the content of the educational area "Socialization".

The most valuable thing in this development is its complexity and integration. The educational and methodological development is a detailed summary of walking in all age groups for all seasons and includes a variety of game exercises for preschoolers aimed at developing the most important mental processes: imagination, thinking, memory and attention.

Each walk is structured according to a specific plan: independent motor-playing activities, outdoor games, cognitive and research activities, organized physical training. Observations of natural and weather phenomena contribute to the enrichment of children's vocabulary, the development of monologue speech. Artistic word enters harmoniously into walks. Sports warm-ups and individual labor assignments develop children physically. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game. Outdoor games, games at the request of children organize a children's team, help to identify leadership qualities. The selection of outdoor games and physical exercises depends on the previous work in the group.

IN educational and methodological development includes exercise games for hyperactive and inactive children. The presented material is recommended for educators to work with children of preschool age. A list of gaming equipment and inventory, necessary and sufficient material is presented, as close as possible to a reasonable "minimum", which allows you to solve your goals and objectives during a walk .. The presented material is recommended for educators to work with preschool children.


Bring homemade toys: boats from natural material, scoops, rakes, sand sets for playing in the sandbox. "We'll bake pies."

mobile game"Cucumber, cucumber."

"Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

It will bite your tail off."

Purpose: loose run.

We listen to the brook singing.

● Jumping over a stream. Wide or narrow stream?

● Observation of the stream: from where and where does it run.

Dictionary expansion (gurgles, rings, sings, runs, fast, slow).

"Our boats are sailing"

We watch birds.

Recall what children know about birds; survey actions showing and imitation of bird movements. Pour food into the feeders hanging on the trees. To teach children to take care of the birds, take care of our smaller brothers, the ability to observe.

mobile game"Colored cars" - running, color difference.

"Who will run to the tree faster." "Bring an item" - collecting toys on the site.

Summary of the walk in the younger group

Walk "Snow Day"

Independent motional game activity

Bring in wooden shovels, sleds, dolls in winter clothes. "Ride the doll on a sled down the hill."

Outdoor games:"Catch a Snowflake", "Make a Snowball"

Purpose: development of agility, jumping ability, ability to play with snow and with peers.

"Listening to the Snow"

Watching the snowfall, show how snowflakes swirl in the air.; listening to the silence in the city, the ability to listen to sounds: cars, trams, barking dogs, etc.

We explore the properties of snow: white, cold, you can sculpt “pies” from snow only for a doll. Rule: do not take snow in your mouth.

mobile game"Snow fireworks"

Children collect snow on a shovel and throw it up, the rest shout “Hurrah!”

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, the ability to find joy and rejoice together.

Organized physical training

"Pass the Snowman"

Summary of the walk in the younger group

Autumn Walk

target walk to Sredny Prospekt V.O. Watching


We monitor the movement of vehicles and people. Why does the bus stop?

Learn to compare facts and conclusions from reasoning.

mobile game at the site "Sparrows and the car."

Independent motor-game activity. Remote material for playing cars, scoops, molds for sand, steering wheels. Sandbox games: pour sand into different jars, cups.

help children develop the creative game "Driver"

Together with the children we build a road out of sand and draw pedestrian

stick tracks.

Cognitive research activity

Didactic game "Wonderful bag" - the formation of survey

Action: circle the acorn with your finger - say what shape, stroke the bumps with your palm - say what they feel to the touch, etc. (natural material of the bumps, acorns, chestnuts.)

Outdoor game "Catch the ball" Learn to catch and throw the ball with both hands.

Organized physical training

"Parovozik" collects children and takes them to the nursery

Summary of the walk in the younger group

« Autumn leaves»

Games with portable toys (bags and baskets for collecting leaves and fruits)

Collection of leaves and fruits. “We will bring chestnuts, acorns to the bear and bunny by car.”

mobile game

"We are leaves" (imitation of movements)

We are autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves

(Children stand in a circle with maple leaves in hand)

We were sitting on branches

The wind blew - flew

(Children run away)

The wind stopped blowing

We all sat in a circle.

(Children squat down with leaves raised above their heads)

The wind suddenly blew again

And the leaves quickly blew away.

(Children scatter again waving leaves)

All the leaves flew

And quietly sat on the ground

(Children throw the leaves up and watch where they fly)

Cognitive research activity

colorful park,

Multicolored garden.

The fall has begun!

The fall has begun!

Under the feet of the guys

The leaves rustle merrily!

Exploratory activities. Listen to "How the leaves rustle underfoot"

Educator's story: Dropping their leaves, the trees prepare for the winter cold. Leaves will cover the ground with a solid carpet (warm and soft) and protect the roots of trees from frost. Fallen leaves on the ground are not garbage, they are very necessary for trees.

Didactic game "Bring a leaf" (Oak, birch, maple).

mobile game “Catch up with a leaf.” The teacher has a leaf on a thread in his hand. The teacher runs away with a piece of paper, the children catch up.

Organized physical training

Stepping over leaves.

“Raise your foot higher on a leaf, do not step on it.”

Summary of the walk in the younger group

Grass - ant

Independent motor-play activity

Offer the children small watering cans, buckets for watering plants in the flower bed and grass.

Molds and scoops, cars for playing in the sandbox, dolls in summer dresses. Arrange a bath for the dolls. Rule: try to gently bathe the doll, do not wet the sleeves and your clothes.

mobile game "On the path to the mink" Running in loose from the cat.

Cognitive research activity

Look, the grass leans towards the ground - it greets you! Say hello to you too.

Investigative actions: gently stroke the weed with your hand, gently blow on Tell about the weed. What is the grass-ant whispering about?

Trampled the grass on me

They trampled me green

Yes, all the kids, yes, all the little ones,

Walking in the green garden

Running, playing...

Children, really, feel sorry for the weed? When the grass is greener, the surroundings are more beautiful and the air is cleaner and there is no dust. And how often does it happen that the grass is trampled along the paths. But you and I know how to walk along the paths without stepping on the grass.

Exploratory actions: stroke the grass with your hand. Long or short weed?

To teach to take care of the vegetation cover, to protect the beauty that adults and children create. To acquaint with the rule - you can’t walk and run on the lawn.

mobile game "On a flat path"

Organized physical training.

Demonstration of movements “How a bunny is going to visit” (washes paws, cleans fur, washes ears)


Independent motor-playing activity of children.

● Clearing snow paths. Bring in the spatulas and panicles.

● Sliding on an ice slide. Bring in ice cubes.

Organize a sledge train. Pay attention to the relationship between children.

"We're going to visit by train" to include sedentary, shy children in the game

mobile game We woke up the bear.

We walked through the woods

And the bear was awakened

And the bear growled

And he ran after us.

Purpose: running, bending, combining text with movement.

Cognitive research activity:

● Watching the clouds floating across the sky. Dictionary activation:

white, fluffy, soft, gray, heavy, snowy, tight, etc.

● Looking at bird tracks in the snow. Whose are they? Survey actions, comparison of traces by size.

Drawing footprints in the snow with a stick.

mobile game "Skaters". Imitation of the movements of a skater on skates, at a stop signal, stop, turn back and continue moving until the next signal.

Purpose: to develop the speed of reaction to the "Stop" signal

Organized physical training

Jumping on two legs with moving forward "Hares jump on a visit to the little animals."

Summary of the walk in the middle group



● Rolling lumps of different sizes to make a snowman.

● Making a snowman. Add carrots, coals, gouache.

Contribute game material for the creative game "Family" handbags, rubber toys, dolls in winter clothes.

mobile game"Birds and Cats"

Purpose: scatter in all directions, squats, reaction to the signal.

Cognitive research activity:

Children's games with snow. Learn about the properties of snow. Exploratory activities Vocabulary activation: loose, sticky, raw, crumbly. We collect snow in a jar for the experiment and put it in a group. What do you think will happen? Let's see, let's see.

Observation after sleep. What happened? Vocabulary activation (cloudy, dirty).

It is not necessary to take snow in your mouth to fix the rule, as it is very dirty, cold.

mobile game"Cat and Mice".

Purpose: loose run, reaction to a signal.

Organized physical training

Walking one after another around the snowmen.

Summary of the walk in the middle group


· Sledging. Bringing in the sled. Organize a "Sled Train"

· Clearing of snow paths Introduction of shovels. Draw the attention of children to good relations in the game.

Outdoor games in a circle:


"Get a snowball into the bucket"

Cognitive research activity :

Observing the sun on a winter day - to fix the children's research activities (determine the color, shape, warmth, brightness of the sun, pay attention to the play of snow in the play of colors in the sun. Snow in the shade and in the sun.

mobile game "Bunny"

Words: Movements:

1. A little white bunny sits 1. Children sit down on

And he moves his squats with his ears, depicts with his hands

Like this, like this, like a bunny moves its ears.

And wiggles his ears!

  1. It's cold for a bunny to sit, 2. They rub their hands and

It is necessary to warm the paws, clap your hands.

Clap-clap-clap-clap Then stand up.

Gotta warm up the paws

  1. Bunny is cold to stand 3. They bounce on two legs,

It is necessary for the bunny to jump, look, warm each other.


Bunny needs to jump!

Organized physical training

Summary of the walk in the middle group

Funny animals.

Independent motor-game activity of children

Riding bicycles. - Compliance with the rules of priority.

Games with remote homemade toys: windmills, wheelchairs.

mobile game " In zoo"

Children are divided into two groups (animals and spectators - visitors). Visitors, together with the teacher, examine the animals. Children-animals expressively depict the appearance and habits. Visitors name recognized animals. Then the subgroups change.

Cognitive research activity

Observation of the Sun: Which direction does the sun shine from?

Individual games with a mirror "Sunny Bunnies".

mobile game The dragon bites its tail

The players stand one after another, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing. The first child is the head, the last is the tail. While the musical accompaniment (tambourine) sounds, the dragon moves around the playground, trying to reach the tail with its “head”, the rest of the children hold tightly to each other.

If the dragon manages to bite its own tail, a new "head and tail" is chosen.

Organized physical training

Standing long jump exercise. "Jump to the skittles"

Snake running among the trees.

Collecting a bouquet of autumn leaves to decorate the group.


Independent motor-play activity of children.

● Climbing on the gymnastic ladder (do not allow jumping from the upper level).

● Games with portable toys: homemade scoops and molds, cones, acorns, small branches (remind about the property of dry sand is easy to fly in the wind).

● Draw traces of a maze for kids (with right angles and a rounded "snail").

Organization of role-playing games at the request of children. Entering attributes.

Outdoor games

"Dance of Animals and Plants".

Participants are invited to choose any animal or plant for themselves, then become it for 5-10 minutes, adopting its shape, movements, habits, sounds, etc. Participants do not announce their choice. You have to jump, crawl, "fly", "grow", while interacting with others.

Participants should be oriented towards the expression of not only external features, but also " inner world» of the selected image. When performing a task, you can make noise, actively expressing feelings, whether it be fear, anger or love. In conclusion, the children-viewers are invited to guess what the participants in the game tried to portray. And the participant is asked to explain why he chose this or that plant or animal (growing or living on the territory of his native land).


The game is played by two groups of children. Denoting on the ground (on the sand - where

softly) narrow (40-60 cm) river, approach it one at a time and

trying to jump over it. Who jumped over, returns to his

group, and whoever does not have to go to the next one.

In which group at the end of the game there will be more children, she won.

When playing in a group, musical accompaniment is desirable.

Cognitive research


Consider trees on the site with children; recall their names; describe

● Instruct 2-3 children to take a bark imprint on paper (for issuing a passport).

● those who wish to offer to sketch (circle) the contour of the leaves, followed by self-painting.

The game "What branch are the kids from?"

On a tray lay out the fruits of oak, maple, birch, pine, ash. Ask to name, and then identify them by touch blindfolded. Develop children's sensory skills.

1. Individual work.

● Write a descriptive story about the maple.

● Solve the riddle - charade:

By my lush foliage

You can hide in the summer heat.

If "K" is superfluous

The meaning will be different.

I'll be white and fluffy

Fibrous, silky.

Towel, sheet

They can get out of me. (Maple, flax).

● Learn the phrase:

Squeezing into a fist

Every finger

threw a ball

Little boy.

mobile game "Trap with a ball."

The one who was hit by the ball of the "trapper" is considered to be caught.

or "Confusion".

Children stand in a round dance. The driver steps aside and turns away. The round dance, by stepping over clasped hands or crawling, gets confused. The driver must return the children to the round dance, politely asking them to perform return movements, but without releasing their hands until the end of the game. The one who breaks the rules is out of the game.

“Pass the ball” Various objects are placed on the court (skittles, cubes, etc.)

The child dribbles the ball with hits on the ground, bypassing or running around objects with a “snake”.

"Pass the ball quickly." Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands below, one of them has a ball. On a signal, they quickly shift the ball from one hand to the other in front and behind themselves

Organized physical training

"School of a small ball".

Independent various actions with the ball.

Synopsis of the walk senior group

Independent motor-play activity:

  • Building a fortress for wooden soldiers
  • The Dead Eye game (a target is hung on a fence or on a climbing ladder, and two teams compete by throwing snowballs at the target who has the most hits.
  • Running in a chain, overcoming obstacles

Outdoor games :


The children are in different places sites. The tag chosen by the children, having received a colored bandage, stands in the middle of the site. After the teacher’s signal “Catch!” all the children scatter, and the driver tries to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. The game ends when the tag understands 3-4 players.

"Snow circles"

Children are divided into two equal groups of 4-5 people. Circles are drawn on two plywood sheets attached to the fence. At a distance of 3 m from targets a line is drawn. Each group lines up against its target, beyond the line that is not allowed to be crossed. Each player has 6-8 snowballs. At the signal of the educator “Begin!” each group throws snowballs, trying to cover their circles with them as soon as possible. The first group to cover the circle area with snowballs wins.

Cognitive research activity

Study property of snow:

Put a small amount of snow on your (bare) hand and put the same amount of snow on your gloved hand.

Question: Why does snow begin to melt on a bare hand, but not on a glove?

Modeling a snowman

Organized physical training


Children compete to see whose sled is faster

Summary of the walk in the senior group

Independent motor-play activity:

· Pull-ups on the bar

Games with remote material (shovel, machine ...)

Outdoor games:

Who has the ball?

The players form a circle. The leader is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, the rest move close to each other, hands behind everyone. The teacher gives someone the ball, and the children pass it around behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: "Hands", and the one to whom he addresses must put forward both hands, indicating that there is no ball. If the driver has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one with the ball found stands in the middle of the drive.

Who needs what to work?

Pictures depicting tools are distributed. The teacher shows the pictures and asks “What is this? Who needs to work? The children answer: "a watering can - to the gardener, a brush and paints - to the painter, etc." The first person to answer correctly gets the picture.

An outdoor game for hyperactive "Circulation"

Children walk in a column in pairs with a moderate step. On a signal, the last pair breaks up and, and the children forming it, run at the beginning of the column. One child runs around the column on the right, the second on the left. Once in front of the column, the children form a pair again, and the game continues.

Cognitive research activity

Studying the properties of ice (file cabinet)

We breathe air (file cabinet)

mobile game


Skittles stand in a row at a distance of 3-5 cm from one another. At a distance of 1.5 - 3 m from them, a line is drawn - “kon”. Playing children take turns going to the line of the horse and rolling the ball. Knocked down skittles are picked up. Knocking out a high pin has the right to punch again. The winner is the one who knocks down more pins.

An exercise game for hyperactive children.

“Pass the ball” Various objects are placed on the court (skittles, cubes, etc.).

Game-exercise for sedentary children."Pass the ball quickly." Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands below, in one of them there is a ball. On a signal, they quickly shift the ball from one hand to the other in front and behind them.

Organized physical training

Jumping over obstacles (build snow piles after 50 cm)

Summary of the walk in the senior group.

Independent motor-play activity:

· Construction of a fortress for wooden soldiers.

Dead Eye game (a target is hung on a fence or climbing ladder, and two teams compete by throwing snowballs at the target who has the most hits.

Running in a chain, overcoming obstacles.

· Sculpting a snow fortress.

Outdoor games:


Children are in different places of the playground. The tag chosen by the children,

having received a colored bandage, he stands in the middle of the site. After the teacher’s signal “Catch!” all the children scatter, and the driver tries to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. The game ends when the tag catches 3-4 players.

"Snow circles".

Children are divided into two different groups for 4-5 people. Circles are drawn on two plywood sheets attached to the fence. A line is drawn at a distance of 3 m from the targets. Each group lines up against its target, beyond the line that is not allowed to be crossed. Each player has 6-8 snowballs. At the signal of the educator “Begin!” each group throws snowballs. The first group to cover the circle area with snowballs wins.

Cognitive research activity.

Study of the properties of snow:

Put a small amount of snow on a hand (bare) and the same amount of snow on a gloved hand.

Question: Why does the snow begin to melt on a bare hand, but not on a glove?

mobile game"Two Frosts"

. Game-exercise for hyperactive children

Don't lose a couple" children walk one after another in pairs, holding hands. On a signal, they quickly lower their hands and continue to walk side by side, not lagging behind and not overtaking each other. After the second signal, they join hands again and continue walking.

Game - exercise for sedentary children "Catch up with an opponent"

Children line up in two columns opposite each other on different sides sites. At the signal of the teacher, the children perform the task in a certain sequence: walking with a side step along the line of the site, walking quickly, running slowly for 2-3 minutes, walking with jumps and normal walking. In the process of completing the task, each column tries to catch up with each other, the one that succeeds, wins.

Organized physical training


Children compete to see whose sled is faster.

・Vertical ladder climbing

Walking and running "snake" between pins

fast orientation

Forward jumps

Games with portable material /skittles, scoops from plastic bottles, toy Christmas tree/

p / p "hit the target" - a target is suspended on a branch or on a fence: an airplane, a turntable, a target, etc. At a distance, a line is drawn from which snowballs are thrown 2 m, 2 20, 2 50, 3 m.

Complication: draw the numbers 1, 5, 10 on the wall. Whoever hits, points are counted.

Outdoor games

1. "Hunters and Hares"

From among the players, a hunter is chosen with a counting rhyme: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 the hare went out for a walk, suddenly the hunter runs out, shoots directly at the hare. Bang bang didn't hit. The gray bunny has escaped!

The rest of the children are rabbits. They sit in the bushes /any obstacle/. At a distance of 3-4 m, a circle "hunter's house" is drawn. He has 3-4 snowballs (balls in summer). Hares jump out of the bushes and jump freely around the site. At the signal “hunter”, the hares run away, and the hunter “shoots” at them, hits with snowballs, those whom the hunter hit go to his house.

After repeating the game (2–3 p.), the number of bunnies caught is counted, and another hunter is chosen.

2. "Day and night"

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams: "day" and "night". They have houses on opposite sides of the site. A line is drawn in the middle. The teacher says: “Get ready” and gives a signal to the team that should catch. If he said “day”, then the children from the “night” team run to their house, while others catch them, but only to the border of their house. The number of caught is counted, and then the game continues.

Cognitive research activity

tree watching

Target: how to distinguish spruce, pine, larch; how the spruce on the site (in the park) differs from the toy Christmas tree.

Pine needles are long, soft and lighter than those of spruce. Cones are short, rounded, hard. The branches of the pine grow upwards, the trunk is straight and bare. Larch needles are soft like leaves, fall off in the winter. A live spruce differs from a toy one in that it has a root in the ground, needles change, the spruce grows every year, becomes taller. Spruce always grows in the same place, but the toy one does not grow, it is always the same, you don’t need to take care of it, you can play with it.

Experience: Compare 3 branches: spruce-pine-larch

Game-exercise for hyperactive children

"From the floor to the racket"

Children stand in pairs opposite each other at a distance of 2-4 steps. Each child is holding a tennis ball, the other is holding a racket. The first child throws the ball on the ground so that it bounces off the ground. The second child catches the bouncing ball on the racket and tries to hold it.

Game-exercise for sedentary children. - " Rather, in a hoop. ”Large hoops are randomly located on the ground. There are two children next to each. At the signal "Run!" they run around their hoop, at the signal "Into the hoop!" - jump into it and squat.

Organized physical training

Running in different directions at the signal of the teacher.

Summary of the walk in the preparatory group

We are athletes

Independent motor-play activity - jumping, rhythmic movements

Development of hand muscles, coordination of movements

Walking along the arrows (pointers)

Games with remote material

Sports games, help pick up the necessary attributes, use junk material.

p / p "Zhmurki"

Mobile game. Relay in a circle

A circle is drawn on the court, the players are divided into 4 teams, stand with their backs in a circle. 1 has a relay race in his hands (list, stick, flag). At the signal of the teacher, the children (first) run in a circle in one direction and, having reached their team, pass the baton to the next player standing first, and he himself becomes the last. All players do the same. The winning team is the one that finishes the run first.


On 2 jumping stands, a rope is fixed at the height of the child with his hand raised up. Children throw the ball over the rope and then quickly run under the rope and catch the ball.

Cognitive research activity

. - observation of clouds, types of clouds: cumulus, cirrus, stratus. Teach kids to identify them. Children's experimentation: wind strength, direction. Experimental games "Catch the wind", "Where the wind blows", "The wind is warm and cold", "We will make the wind ourselves."

The outdoor game "Blind Man's Blind Man" With a counting room, children choose a "Blind Man's Blind Man", blindfold them and at the expense: "1, 2, 3 - Blind Man's Blind Catch us" they scatter, but not further than the outlined circle. Whom the blind man's blind man has caught, he must determine by touch or by voice, he becomes a blind man's blind man.

Game-exercise for hyperactive children "From Monday to Sunday"

Children stand in a column one after another. Each child in turn names the day of the week and jumps over a long rope. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Game-exercise for sedentary children

"Fishing rod"

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the teacher and rotates the rope on the ground around him. Children jump over it, trying not to touch it. The child touched by the rope is out of the game.

Organized physical training

“Thread - needle”: the children become a “chain”, holding on to the belt of the child standing in front, 1 “needle” child walks around the playground in different directions, the “thread” children follow him. Goal: Don't "break the thread".

Summary of the walk in the preparatory group

Walk "Thaw"

Independent motor-play activity we carry snow on cars, we clean paths from snow.

Enter attributes for role-playing games"Sailors"

mobile game "Golden Gate". Two players are chosen, they make the gate, holding hands. The rest of the children file through the gate. Depicting the gate at this time say the words:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second is prohibited

And for the third time -

We won't miss you!

The gate closes when last words and catch the one who did not have time to pass.

Cognitive research activity : Watching the snow melt, dripping, looking for icicles. Fix the safety rules for the experiment

Experiment game word formation using prefixes

D / and “What did you do?” Purpose: the formation of single-root verbs using prefixes.

Educator: I put it Child: I shifted it, put it in, put it in.

Educator: I cooked Child: I finished cooking, brewed, etc.

Study of the properties of ice. We listen to drops. Children's experimentation

"Footprints in the snow". The study of human footprints in the snow: children's and adults, differences and similarities.

Drawings of footprints in the snow:

mobile game at the request of the children.

Organized physical training

with the ball: "Hit the target."

Volkova Oksana Yurievna
Chita city
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 23"

Summary of the walk "Treasure hunters"

DOWNLOAD (with photo)

Senior group

Purpose of the walk- health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental development children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity.


  • Development of independence in children by participating in various activities (surprise walk).
  • Development of dexterity, coordination of movements, endurance, the ability to navigate the map, spatial thinking.
  • Raising curiosity, a positive attitude of children to travel.
  • To cultivate strong-willed and friendly qualities in games, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.
  • Teach children to navigate the area using a plan.
  • Continue to teach to highlight the characteristic habits of wild animals.
  • Complete the children's vocabulary with adjectives.
  • Develop in children dexterity, courage, eye.
  • Cultivate respect for nature and animals.

Preliminary work:

  • Creating a route map.
  • Help parents in the manufacture of non-standard travel equipment.


  • Map of the territory of the kindergarten with plotted points - route points.
  • Illustrations of wild animals, footprints.
  • Illustration "Rules of conduct in nature"
  • Equipment: "Forest", "Pond", "Wild Animals"
  • Sports equipment for children ( comfortable clothes and shoes).
  • Surprises for children: (ecological games, key chains

"Good Hearts"

Walk progress:

Teacher: Guys! Today we have an unusual walk, we go on a journey in search of treasure. A lot of interesting things await us on the way. To overcome all obstacles, you need to be friendly, courageous and strong, be sure to help each other, be attentive so as not to get lost on the road and be able to determine the path on the map. I wish you good luck and interesting adventures!

(Children receive a map and, together with the teacher, determine where they should go).

1. Route point. Station "Know"

Reading the poem: "Wild Animals"

Wild animals

Do not live with a person

Permanent help

He is not expected.

And they live in the forests

On mountains, in meadows, steppes,

On water and under water

In heaven and underground.

They get their own food

The children are protected.

Build a solid home.

They are looking for a gathering place.

They live according to their own laws.

All people need to know

In order not to harm animals,

Protect them everywhere.

  • What animals are called wild?
  • What animals do you think the text is talking about?
  • Where do these animals live?
  • Why are wild animals not always friendly with humans?
  • Which animals become the main prey of predatory animals? (sick, weak)
  • Why is it necessary to protect wild animals?

Before you go on a trip,

let's remember the rules of behavior in nature

Game "9 is impossible» ( rules of conduct in nature)

1. DO NOT break branches from trees

2. DO NOT trample flowers and mushrooms

3. DO NOT start a fire until you dig the place or lay stones around it

4. DO NOT destroy bird nests

5. DO NOT take an unfamiliar plant in your mouth, it can be poisonous

6. DO NOT catch wild animals and take them home

7. DO NOT destroy anthills

8. DO NOT make noise

9. DO NOT leave trash behind

And then our forests will be beautiful, and their beauty will delight everyone.

Our journey continues. We are working with the map.

2. Waypoint. Station "Mysterious"

Look carefully around and find the item according to my description ( find an envelope with riddles)

Purpose: To be able to listen carefully to the riddle, highlight the main features, correlate them with a specific animal, name it and explain how the riddle was guessed.

1. The oblique does not have a lair,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.
2. Clubfoot and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves cones, loves honey,
Well, who will call?
3. Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
And not a single thread.
4. Red bird.

Came to the chicken coop
I counted all the chickens

And she took it with her.
5. Touching grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.
6. The beast is waddling
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.
7. Gray, scary and toothy
Made a stir.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals of those ...
8. White on white wrote
Where did you run
The redhead will read - he will find the White.
(hare, fox)
9. Looks a little like a squirrel -
The back is striped, small, handsome.
The pantry is full, like a chest -
Saved up a little...
10. Cute, gray, mustachioed,
The tail is a striped barrier.
Dirty food does not gnaw -
Washes everything in water...
11. Who from tall thick pines
I threw a bump at the kids,
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame?
12. Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole, under a tree.
Though the doors are wide open,
But animals do not enter me.

We pay attention to the map. Our journey continues.

3. Waypoint. Pathfinder Station

Game "Guess whose footprints"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about wild and domestic animals, to learn to distinguish them by footprints, development visual attention and memory.

Preparation for the game: for the game you need cards that depict animals and cards with footprints of these animals.

Game progress: several children need to pick up tracks for each of the animals. Whoever completes the task faster and more correctly receives a chip. Whoever collects the most chips will be the best tracker.

Children are given cards with pictures of animals. The driver shows the tracks (I go, I go, I’ll show the track), and the children pick up the tracks for their animals. Children cannot be mistaken, if the answer is wrong, the turn passes to another child.

Well done guys and they did a great job. Let's hit the road.

We examine the map, we are looking for 4 points of the route.

4. Waypoint. Station "Industriousness"

A specially created mess on the pond, in the woods. ( Household waste: paper, juice bags, candy wrappers, etc.)

Purpose: to teach children to treat their planet with care, not to pollute it, as well as to develop aesthetic feelings, reflect them in creative activity. To form the concept of the diversity of human waste, to teach children how to dispose of household waste;

In defense environment these lines come to mind.


Think adults!

Think, children!

Do you want to live on a beautiful planet?

Where the sun shines, trees grow.

And life is born

People live.

Let's protect it together

Don't litter - clean up after yourself.

After all, every flower

And every sprout

Finds a place in your heart.

And it will become more wonderful

More beautiful planet.

To the delight of you adults

And small children.

Well done! Let's admire the beauty and move on.

5. Waypoint. Igrolkina station

Mobile game "Two Frosts"

Tasks: to develop braking in children, the ability to act on a signal, exercise in running.

Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, marked with lines. Players are placed on one side of the court. The teacher chooses two people who will become leaders. They are located in the middle of the playground between the houses, facing the children. These are two Frosts - Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose. At the signal of the educator “Begin!” both Frosts utter the words: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are distant. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Blue Nose Frost. Who among you will dare to set off on a path? All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. Those of the guys who were touched by the Frost freeze in place and remain standing like that until the end of the run. The frozen ones are counted, after which they join the players.

Outdoor game: "Cunning Fox" (learning)

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination.

Description: The teacher asks to close the eyes of the children who are located in a circle. The teacher walks around an educated circle behind the backs of the children, touches one of the participants, who from that moment becomes a “cunning fox”.

After that, the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and, looking around, try to determine who is the cunning fox. Next, the children ask 3 times: "Cunning fox, where are you?". At the same time, the questioners look at each other. After the children have asked for the third time, the cunning fox jumps to the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: "I'm here!". All participants scatter around the site in all directions, and the cunning fox is trying to catch someone. After 2-3 people are caught, the teacher says: “In a circle!” and the game starts again.

Game "Fish, bird, beast"

Low mobility game:

All the players stand in a circle, and the leader, pointing at each in turn, repeats: "Fish, bird, beast." On whom he stops, he must quickly name and depict some animal, bird or fish - depending on what the host offered him.

Repeating names is not allowed.

Our journey is coming to an end, the last station remains. And what kind of station we now find out. Searching on the map.

6. Waypoint. Station "Podarkina"

Children are looking for treasure. (Didactic games "Animals of Russia", "Domino "Wild animals", "Animal world"). Key chains in the form of hearts "Kind hearts"

Summing up the walk-game:

Tell us about your impressions;

How did your mood change by the end of the walk?

Homework assignment: "Draw your favorite episode of the walk."

Individual work:

Cognitive research activity

Study property of snow:

Put a small amount of snow on your (bare) hand and put the same amount of snow on your gloved hand.

Question: Why does snow begin to melt on a bare hand, but not on a glove?

Modeling a snowman

Game-exercise for hyperactive children

"Do not lose a couple" children walk one after another in pairs, holding hands. On a signal, they quickly lower their hands and continue to walk side by side, not lagging behind and not overtaking each other. After the second signal, they join hands again and continue walking.

Game - exercise for sedentary children

"Catch up with an opponent"

Children line up in two columns opposite each other on opposite sides of the playground. At the signal of the teacher, the children perform the task in a certain sequence: walking with a side step along the line of the site, walking quickly, running slowly for 2-3 minutes, walking with jumps and normal walking. In the process of completing the task, each column tries to catch up with each other, the one that succeeds wins.

Free games for children.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), the education of children in preschool educational institutions is carried out in five areas: cognitive, physical, artistic, speech and communication development. These categories are interconnected in the educational process and are implemented throughout the day in kindergarten. Proper organization of walks allows you to achieve the goal of educating comprehensively developed personality child to improve best qualities in him.

Theoretical foundations for walking in a preschool educational institution

Organizing and conducting a walk is the most difficult type of pedagogical activity. During their stay on the playground of the kindergarten, not only the need of preschoolers for outdoor games is met, but also a set of tasks for versatile development is realized. According to the requirements of SanPiN, pupils must spend 3-4 hours outdoors every day (except for those days when weather conditions shorten the walk time or prevent classes on the site). Staying on the street is a health-saving activity: a change of scenery improves the emotional background of children, serves to prevent overwork and restore functional resources. Walking is one of the best views leisure, during which the protective functions of the body are activated, hardening occurs. At the same time, during the walk, the Federal State Educational Standard is being set for the development of abilities and motivation in children for various types of activities.

Daily walks boost children's immunity

Modern kindergartens operate in accordance with the programs built according to the Federal State Educational Standard and adhere to the Federal State Requirements (FGT) for the activities of children. IN normative documents 7 main activities for preschool education are indicated:

  • game;
  • communicative;
  • labor;
  • cognitive research;
  • productive;
  • musical and artistic;
  • reading.

A walk is a complex of educational activities with children. All types of FGT activities can be used on a walk in various combinations, depending on what activities the guys were doing before going outside and what will happen according to plan after.

If a walk in a regimen follows after physical education or other active physical activity, then on the street the lesson begins in a calm rhythm. And vice versa, after singing, speech development, outdoor artistic activities, active physical exercises are supposed.

Walking tasks

  • Cognitive, expanding knowledge about the world: natural phenomena, flora and fauna.
  • Replenishment of active vocabulary through the study of objects and natural phenomena.
  • Development of mental abilities. The children learn to independently establish causal relationships, analyze, draw conclusions.
  • Development of observation, curiosity, search and research activities, cognitive activity.
  • Formation of communication skills in relationships with peers during joint play and work activities.
  • Promoting artistic, aesthetic and speech development.
  • Increasing the level of physical fitness of preschoolers.
  • Optimization of motor activity.
  • Education of respect for nature, love for the native land.
  • Creating a positive emotional background.

Techniques (structural components) of walking

  • Observation. Carried out with a group, in subgroups or in individually. Children can observe natural phenomena and situations in public life. To attract the attention of pupils to the observational process, the following are used: setting a pedagogical task, riddles, game and problem situations, surprise moments, conducting a conversation with search questions, comparisons, involving personal experience Guys.

    Children learn about the world through observation.

  • Outdoor games and physical exercises, including sports games with elements of competition in older groups (badminton, football, towns, etc.).

    Outdoor games for a walk are one of the favorite entertainments of children.

  • Creative tasks and exercises for speech development. They are held in good weather conditions, using external material (listening to a fairy tale about nature, talking about questions or pictures, making crafts from natural materials, etc.).

    Creative tasks attract children with their unusualness

  • Labor assignments: involving children in collecting toys, providing all possible assistance in restoring order on the site (collecting leaves, clearing paths from snow, caring for plantings). Labor activity should cause joy from a sense of the significance of the work done.

    Winter walk - time to clear paths and playgrounds

Types of walks

There are 2 types of walks with preschoolers at the place of their conduct:

  • At the kindergarten site. There are walks every day, all the main pedagogical tasks are implemented. You can diversify classes on the group site with various tasks, new games, and the use of unusual remote materials.
  • Walking tours outside the preschool. Pupils should be instructed about the route plan and the observance of safety measures during its passage. The purpose of walking in the nearest parks and squares is to observe representatives of the flora and fauna (birds, squirrels, various trees, flowers) and the life of people (work, sports, etc.). If the children have to cross the roadway in order to reach the place of the walk, they should repeat the rules of behavior for pedestrians with the pupils the day before (where it is allowed to cross the road and how to do it).

Depending on what type of children's activity prevails during outdoor activities, we can distinguish types of walks on the subject:

  • Walking trips. With children 5–7 years old, you can walk on the territory of the kindergarten or outside it, taking into account a well-thought-out route and the ultimate goal. This type of walk trains the endurance of preschoolers, activates the ability to observe the environment around, to highlight what is set by the task of the trip (search for natural materials suitable for crafts, recognizing bird species studied in developing classes, repeating the rules of the road).

    Walking-hiking is worth several times a day. academic year(one for each season) so that the pupils do not lose interest in this type of activity.

    Hiking can be done on territory of preschool educational institution in any season

  • Walk with character. This type of walk contains an entertaining element at the core and is aimed at creating a good mood among the pupils. As a character-leading walk usually acts fairy tale hero(his role is played by the educator or other employee of preschool educational institution by agreement), he entrusts children with exciting tasks, creating a problematic situation (“Help me solve all the riddles and find hidden objects so that I can get back to fairyland”, for example) and involve them in outdoor games.

    Children are happy to respond to the tasks of fairy-tale characters

  • Walk event. It is held during an important event in the life of the kindergarten (Autumn Festival, Maslenitsa Week, Easter Week, Cosmonautics Day, Victory Day, Patriotic Week, Ecology Week, etc.). Tasks during the walk correspond to the thematic focus of the event, emphasize its importance, and create the involvement of children. A walk-event can be dedicated to a particular event in the life of a particular group (new equipment has appeared, sand has been brought in, it's time to start gardening the site).

    Themed walk during the week dedicated to study of traffic rules, the guys will remember for a long time

  • Labor actions are aimed at maintaining order on the territory of the kindergarten, ennoblement of sites and plots. It is good that such walks with a predominance of collective labor activity are recorded in the memory of the guys. You can create wall newspapers with information about the work done, make photo collages for the DOW information stand.

    The children will remember the walk better if they observe the results of their work.

  • Sports walks are intended to promote healthy lifestyle life. It is recommended to conduct such walks at different times of the year, focusing the attention of the children on the importance of hardening.

    Group exercise in the winter in the fresh air contributes to the hardening of children

Removable walking material

The teacher determines the items and materials necessary for conducting classes on the street based on the plan for the walk. At the sites of many kindergartens there are special warehouses for toys and equipment, in the absence of such, the necessary tools and items should be prepared in advance. Attracted seasonally various options outgoing material. Correct selection additional equipment and tools contributes to the development of positive motivation for children to cognitive activity, physical activity, craving for work.

Removal material options:

  • For the sandbox: scoops, buckets, molds, strainers, cars (trucks, excavators). To decorate buildings made of sand, flags, cubes, plastic windows, etc. will come in handy.

    Playing in the sandbox is one of the favorite outdoor activities for younger preschoolers.

  • For outdoor games and sports exercises: sets for bast shoes, towns, masks, skittles, balls, jump ropes, rubber bands, hoops, in winter - sleds and ice floes.

    The game of bowling always arouses the interest of the children.

  • For observations: nets, windsocks, turntables, colored glasses (safe, plastic is better), Sunglasses, magnifiers.

    The pinwheel is the best tool for observing the strength of the wind

  • For labor assignments: shovels, brooms, wheelbarrows, watering cans, rakes.

    Pupils of the preparatory group actively help adults in cleaning the territory

  • For games: dolls, toy strollers or sleds, cars, cubes, a set of doll utensils, a set for playing in a store, sets for playing with water.

    Water games are a favorite summer fun for kids of all ages.

  • For creative activities: sheets of paper or cardboard, coloring books, paints and brushes for drawing, plasticine.

    Drawing with colored water on the snow will add variety to winter walks

  • For the development of speech: books for reading and discussion, albums and postcards with illustrations for viewing.

Organization of walks in kindergarten

The walk consists of five structural elements, each of which lasts 7-15 minutes:

  • independent gaming activity,
  • individual work in various areas of development of preschoolers,
  • work,
  • surveillance,
  • physical activity.

The feasible work activity of children on a walk in the preschool educational institution forms useful skills

The sequence of activities on a walk is built in accordance with the previous activities of children, their emotional state(fatigue, apathy, agitation, activity), learning tasks and calendar-thematic planning. Therefore, the organization of each stay of children in the fresh air requires the preparation of a summary, which will reflect the sequence of activities and their educational content. The preparation of a walking tour outside the kindergarten also includes drawing up a route plan indicating the distance of the final destination. The administration of the preschool educational institution should be warned about this walk and appoint an additional escort for a group of children (head teacher, nurse, one of the parents).

Table: file of walks in different age groups

Theme of walks Junior group middle group Senior group preparatory group
Acquaintance with natural phenomena
  • "Wind",
  • "Clouds".
  • "Clouds and Clouds"
  • "What is the weather."
  • "Watching the Sun"
  • "Watching Snow and Ice".
  • "The sun is a source of heat and light",
  • "Snow: wet, fluffy, groats",
  • Why does day and night change?
  • "Autumn leaves",
  • "The Study of Icicles".
  • "Signs of Autumn"
  • "Watching the Spring Rain"
  • "What is leaf fall",
  • "What is a blizzard."
  • "First Frost"
  • "What is a thaw?"
Observation of people's lives, social life
  • "Surveillance of the bus/trolleybus/tram",
  • "Carriageway".
  • "Observation of work in the garden",
  • How does a driver work?
  • How public transport works
  • "Observation of the work of the janitor."
  • "Observation of special transport",
  • "Air Transport".
The study of representatives of the plant and animal world
  • "Watching a cat / dog",
  • "The study of the structure of trees."
  • "Observation of a birch / aspen / poplar",
  • "Bird Watching".
  • "Spider/Ant Watch"
  • "Nettle/Dandelion Watching"
  • "Watching Migratory Birds".
  • "Observation in the vegetable garden",
  • "Coniferous and deciduous trees",
  • "Comparative observation of birds (crow and dove, sparrow and tit)".
Rules for human interaction with nature "Walk-hike along the ring route on the territory of the kindergarten." "Walk in the winter forest". "Observation of the flower garden / pharmacy garden." "Observation of mushrooms and berries on the ecological path."
Road safety rules "Monitoring the movement of cars and pedestrians." Regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings.
  • "Traffic Light Watch"
  • "Surveillance of the Pedestrian Crossing".
  • "Observation of the work of the traffic controller",
  • Pedestrian Watch.
Entertaining walks with character "We study flowers with Cheburashka." "Playing with the Easter Bunny" "We repeat the features of migratory and wintering birds with a gray neck." "Repeat road signs with a cheerful traffic light."
Raising love for the hometown "The courtyard where we live." "Street of our childhood". "Our area" Favorite city/town.
labor promotions "Cleaning the site in the fall." "We plant a flower garden / flower bed." "Shoveling snow and building a slide for everyone." "Help fill the rink."
Health: creating motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle "Get on the charger!" "Walk on plastic skis". "How and why to harden the body." "Observation of the training of athletes in the stadium."

Making a trip outline

In the summary of the walk, the educator indicates the educational tasks, the equipment used and the external material, the place where the lesson is organized (on the territory or outside the kindergarten), and the walk is described in detail. On the fact of the walk, it is recommended to return to the outline and conduct a self-analysis of the lesson, noting the completed tasks and successful stages, to identify the causes of failures and outline ways to improve the pedagogical activity during the walk.

Table: an example of a summary of a walk in the middle group

Authors Fedorova L. P. and Frantseva E. I., educators of GBDOU No. 71 of the Kalininsky district
Name "Autumn Journey"
Walk tasks
  • To consolidate children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature in autumn (it often rains; fruits and root crops have ripened; a cold wind blows and leaves from trees fly around; birds fly away to warm lands).
  • To develop and enrich the speech of children on the topic, to exercise in the ability to select adjectives for nouns.
  • To promote the development of fine motor skills, the ability to construct planar pictures from natural material (leaves).
  • Develop diligence and the ability to help adults.
  • To form the ability to implement game ideas and the ability to establish relationships in the game.
  • To continue work on the formation of the ability to jump on two legs in length from a place, to increase motor activity.
Remote material and equipment
  • mnemonics,
  • cards for didactic games,
  • rakes for cleaning foliage from the territory,
  • items for independent play activities.
Progress of the walk V .: Guys, today let's take a trip to fairy world nature, where amazing adventures await us. But first, solve the riddle:
  • The house is open on all sides
    It is covered with a carved roof.
    Come into the green house
    You will see miracles in it. (Forest).

V .: Today we will go to the forest.

  • We are going on a hike now.
    We go along the path into the forest.
    We put our hands behind our backs.
    And we walk along the log (they walk on toes).
    How high the grass is (they walk, raising their legs high):
    Either nettle or sedge.
    Raise your legs higher
    Don't step on the grass.
    And now on bumps
    Jumping on toes (go very quietly on toes).
    If you fall from a bump,
    You will drown in the swamp!
    We're on the road again
    We stood here for a little while.
    All turned around
    And they started running (they run one after another).
    Again everyone stood in a column
    And the familiar path
    Everyone followed me!

V .: So we came to our clearing. Let's inhale with our noses to smell the Autumn. What air? What does he smell like? (Answers of children).

  • Everything was covered with gold
    Like in a wonderful fairy tale.
    Who brought us these
    Golden colors? (Autumn).

Q: Why is autumn called golden? (Answers of children).
Didactic game "What happens in autumn?".
The game "Traces of Autumn" (according to the mnemonic table):

  • often cold and drizzling rains;
  • the sun is shining, but no longer warm;
  • a cold wind is blowing, leaf fall has begun;
  • mushrooms and berries disappeared in the forest;
  • harvested mushrooms and berries;
  • Birds fly south.

V .: Guys, look how many leaves are on the ground. Let's walk along the dry leaves and listen to how they rustle.
Game exercise "Crushing leaves".
Experimental activity "What materials can be rustled?" (fabric, paper and polyethylene film).
V .: Dropping their leaves, the trees prepare for the winter cold. They cover the whole earth with a warm, fluffy carpet. This carpet will protect the roots of trees from the bitter cold. Fallen leaves are not garbage, trees need them! Let's play with you the game "We are autumn leaves."

  • We are leaves, we are leaves (they wave leaves above their heads),
    We are autumn leaves.
    We were sitting on a branch
    The wind blew - they flew (scatter around the site).
    The wind stopped blowing (they sit in a circle),
    We all sat in a circle.
    The wind suddenly blew again (they scatter around the site)
    And the leaves quickly blew away.
    All the leaves flew (squat down)
    And they sat quietly on the ground.

V .: The playful wind mixed all the foliage from the trees. (Go to the willow). Who knows what this tree is called? (Willow). What geometric shape do willow leaves look like? (Oval). What color are they? (Brown). What length: short or long? (Long). What are willow leaves called?
V: Let's move on. What tree is this? (Birch). What color are his leaves? (Yellow). What geometric shape does a birch leaf look like? (on a triangle). What are birch leaves called? (Birch).
Didactic game "Leaflet, run to the tree!".
Labor activity.
B: We played with you. And now let's remove the fallen leaves from the site. She's wet and slippery. And during the games you can fall! We collect leaves from the site. We will transport it on wheelbarrows and transfer it to heaps. (Children rake leaves and transport them in wheelbarrows).
Game exercise "Through the stream".
V .: While we were working, a little rain passed, and a cheerful stream appeared on our site. Can you tell me if the stream is wide or narrow? We need to get through it! How will we do it? (Let's jump over, step over.) The girls stand near the narrow part of the stream, and the boys stand near the wide part of the stream. (Girls step over a stream, and boys jump over).
Independent activities of children: games "Family", "Shop", "Sand confectionery", etc. During the games, individual work is carried out to develop speech.
Finger game "The wind flew through the forest ...".
Individual work on FEMP - "Pyramid" (lay out the leaves in size).
Individual work on artistic and aesthetic activity - the exercise "Make a pattern of leaves" (construction of flat figures of flowers, birds, animals, fish, insects from autumn leaves).
At the end of the walk, the teacher says:

  • A pile of leaves lies here
    Someone is rustling the leaves.
    From under the leaves
    Black nose.
    Who is covered in needles?
    Of course you guessed
    Who did we meet? (With a hedgehog).

V .: While he is still awake, wrapped in foliage, let's play with him!
Round dance game "Hedgehog".
At the end of the walk, the children line up in pairs and go to the group.

Temporary walk plan

The total duration of the stay of preschool children in the fresh air is 3-4 hours daily and consists of a morning and evening walk. Each of the five structural components of the walk takes 7-15 minutes, the rest of the time falls on the independent activities of children. Walking in the morning physical activity lasts 6-10 minutes in the younger group (with an increase of 5 minutes for subsequent age groups), on an evening walk - 10-15 minutes for any age of pupils.

In inclement weather, children's time outdoors is reduced

In winter, with low temperatures and high wind speeds, the duration of walks is reduced. In inclement weather, the walk is canceled provided that the lesson is held indoors, filling the need for physical activity and preventing overwork of the child's body.

Table: approximate time plan for the walk "Hello, autumn!" in the second junior group

Watching seasonal changes in nature Physical development: walking, jumping and running exercises Didactic games "Find and show", "Guess what is in my hand", "Name the bird or animal according to the description" Labor activity: all possible assistance in cleaning the leaves from the territory assigned to the group Speech development: conversations about harvesting, about outerwear and shoes in the fall, about your favorite cartoons on the theme of autumn Independent play activity
Time spending 8–10 minutes 6–10 minutes 7–8 minutes 10–12 minutes 10–15 minutes 30 minutes

Table: approximate time plan for the winter walk "Weather yesterday and today" in the preparatory group

Structural component of a walk Observation of the sky, sun, moon, stars, regular measurement of air temperature, recording observations in a weather diary Physical development: outdoor games (snowballs, marathon skiing from the crust), the creation of snow buildings Didactic and story games winter theme Labor activity: assistance in clearing paths, filling the rink Speech development: learning and explaining sayings about January, holding conversations about the folk calendar, wintering of animals and plants Independent activity
Time spending 10–15 minutes 7–10 minutes 10–12 minutes 7–10 minutes 10–12 minutes 35 minutes

Table: approximate time plan for the walk "Messengers of Spring" in the older group

Structural component of a walk Observation of the first insects, plants, buds on trees, birds returning from the south Physical development: exercises for agility and accuracy Didactic games: "Find out whose voice" (birdsong), "Who is more?"; mobile game of burners Labor activity: cleaning the site from pebbles, branches, chips. Speech development: reading and discussion of V. Bianchi's story "Sinichkin calendar" Independent activity
Time spending 8–10 minutes 6–8 minutes 8–10 minutes 5–7 minutes 10 minutes 40 minutes

Read also about how to organize a walk in the middle group in our article -.

Organization of observations on a walk in kindergarten

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the main direction of development of a preschooler is cognitive development. It is carried out in various forms: experimental, research, project activities, experiments, games (plot, role-playing, didactic), consideration, solution of problem situations. best method cognitive development on a walk - observation.

Observation is the process of studying objects and natural phenomena through sensory perception, identifying qualities and properties, comparing, generalizing, establishing relationships. Observation can be carried out individually, with a subgroup of children and frontally with all pupils. Depending on the tasks set by the teacher for the research activity of children, observations are divided into episodic, long-term and frontal.

There are a number of requirements for observations on a walk in kindergarten. effective development each child:

  • Cyclicity. Repeated return to the observation of previously studied natural objects and phenomena contributes to a better assimilation of knowledge by preschoolers.
  • Short duration. During the observation, the teacher should monitor the emotional state of the children, avoid overwork in the wards. The guys should start and complete the study with positive emotions.
  • Availability. Each child is given the opportunity to view and explore the object.
  • Structurality. Observation consists of three parts:
    • beginning (concentration of pupils' attention, creation of a favorable atmosphere),
    • the main part (obtaining information about an object or phenomenon),
    • completion (summarizing, summarizing the acquired knowledge).

Preparation for the observation consists of the following points:

  • Determination of the place of observation in the system of knowledge of pupils about nature:
    • what skills and abilities will be improved,
    • what knowledge will be acquired for the first time, what will be expanded.
  • Selecting an object or phenomenon for observation:
    • object of wildlife (plant, animal, bird, insect),
    • object of inanimate nature (stream, icicles, stones),
    • natural phenomenon (thunderstorm, blizzard, leaf fall, drops),
    • object or subject social life(observation of people of certain professions, for public transport, for traffic on the road).
  • Preparation of tools and additional equipment:
    • bowls and pet food,
    • bird feeder and grain,
    • special tools (thermometer, magnifying glass, pinwheel).

As a learning technique, observation is carried out on walks with children of all ages and is organized daily.

On walks in younger groups, short-term observations are carried out, since it is difficult for pupils to concentrate their attention for a long time. In the older groups, observations become long, which allows the development of analytical abilities in children, helps to accumulate ideas about nature and the social structure of life.

Table: card file of observations on a walk

Type of observation Observations of inanimate nature Wildlife Observations Transport surveillance Observations of public life Observation of the work of adults
Objects of study
  • Sky;
  • Sun;
  • stars and moon/month (in winter);
  • weather conditions:
    • clouds,
    • wind,
    • rain,
    • rainbow,
    • hail,
    • snow,
    • icicles,
    • dew,
    • fog;
  • the soil;
  • sand;
  • stones.
  • Plants:
    • trees,
    • shrubs,
    • herbs,
    • flowers,
    • mushrooms,
  • Insects:
    • butterfly,
    • spider,
    • fly,
    • mosquito,
    • caterpillar,
    • ant,
    • Chafer,
    • ladybug,
    • bee.
  • Birds:
    • sparrow,
    • pigeon,
    • crow,
    • rook,
    • starling,
    • tit,
    • bullfinch,
    • duck.
  • Animals:
    • cat,
    • dog,
    • squirrel.
  • Freight transport:
    • excavator,
    • loader,
    • truck.
  • Passenger transport:
    • bus,
    • trolleybus,
    • tram.
  • Special transport:
    • ambulance,
    • police car,
    • fire engine,
    • tow truck.
  • Construction and repair vehicles:
    • grader,
    • crane,
    • ice rink.
  • roadway,
  • crosswalk,
  • shop,
  • newsstand,
  • mail,
  • library.
  • For younger groups - monitoring the work of kindergarten employees:
    • janitor,
    • security guard
    • educator.
  • For other groups, monitoring the work:
    • driver
    • postman,
    • seller,
    • builders,
    • athletes
    • traffic controller.

Photo gallery: observations on walks in kindergarten

In early spring, children are interested in watching the buds on trees and shrubs Birch watching is often done in winter Puddles always attract kids Watching dandelion is suitable for both spring and autumn Watching bird tracks in the snow is only done in winter Watching wind requires certain weather Watching driving a truck is most often done in the senior or preparatory group Watching the bus stop is done on foot walks outside the kindergarten Children like to watch animals When watching chickens positive emotions children are provided Watching coniferous trees demonstrates to kids the diversity of the world around them Watching seedlings is carried out in the spring Watching a flower bed, kids look at flowers and insects Watching a pedestrian crossing requires a preliminary repetition of traffic rules by children It is important that children have an example of labor behavior on the street Watching a dog be done with caution Bird watching is always interesting Vegetable watching is most often done in autumn

Table: summary of the walk "Autumn Observations" in the older group

  • To teach to compare trees, shrubs according to external features (color and features of the bark, thickness and flexibility of branches, according to the shape of the leaf, the location of the needles on the branch, to consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about “coniferous”, “deciduous” trees);
  • develop coherent speech in children, consolidate the pronunciation of sounds, activate lexicon: crimson, beech;
  • to cultivate love and respect for the native nature;
  • promote the formation of communication skills.
preliminary work
  • Observations of trees and shrubs at the PEI site,
  • reading natural literature,
  • learning poems about nature
  • viewing illustrations depicting trees and shrubs.
Progress of the walk Introductory conversation. The teacher reads the poem:
  • Leaves fall off the branches,
    Birds fly south.
    "What time of year?" - ask.
    They will answer us: “This is ...” (Autumn).

V .: Guys, let's remember what time of year it is? (Answers of children).

  • The collective farm garden is empty,
    Spider webs fly into the distance,
    And to the south end of the earth
    Cranes stretched out.
    School doors opened.
    What month has come to us? (September).

Q: How many autumn months do you know? What are their names? (Three: September, October and November). What signs of autumn can you name?

  • Migratory birds fly south.
  • The days got shorter and the nights longer.
  • Cold days, a strong already cold wind, often drizzling rains.
  • The leaves turn yellow, orange, red, crimson.
  • The leaf fall begins.
  • People harvest crops from fields, vegetable gardens and orchards.
  • You need to dress warmer when you go outside, because it got cold, etc.

V .: Who among you loves autumn, and who does not? Why? (Answers of children).
Speech game "Say beautiful words about autumn.
Purpose: to be able to select adjectives for a given word.
Autumn - golden, colorful, beautiful, generous, beloved, etc.
V .: Guys, today on a walk we will see what changes have taken place in nature and enjoy the bright colors of autumn. What is the weather today? (Answers of children).
Pay attention to the sky. What sky? (Answers of children).
How has the color of leaves on trees and shrubs changed? (Answers of children).
Today we will observe shrubs, trees and flowers, see what changes have occurred with them compared to summer.
Main part.

  • Rosehip observation.
    V .: Children, come and look at the bushes with unusual berries. This is a rosehip. People call him wild rose. Carefully tear off the berry, the wild rose has thorns, they can hurt you. Consider rosehip leaves, compound leaves, consisting of sharply serrate leaflets. This plant blooms in spring, the flowers are large and fragrant, the petals are pink, red, white or yellow. The fruits are fleshy berries of yellow, red or black-brown color. Rose hips contain healing properties, therefore, in the fall, these berries are harvested, dried, and then they drink tea.
    • Among the flowers of anemia,
      Losing colors by autumn,
      The late rosehip is blazing,
      Sizzling, sunset red.
  • Observation of sea buckthorn.
    V .: Children, and here is another very interesting plant - sea buckthorn with beautiful purple-yellow and orange berries. Please note that the leaves of sea buckthorn have not changed their color. Sea buckthorn, like wild rose, is a medicinal plant.
  • Hazelnut observation.
    Q: Children, who knows the name of this bush? (Answers of children). This wonderful shrub is called a hazelnut, tasty nuts grow on it, nuts are harvested at the end of summer, in August.
  • Beech observation.
    V .: Children, look at what a beautiful tree. Who knows what it's called? (Answers of children). Now I will read a poem in which there will be a new interesting name for the tree.
    The teacher reads the poem "Falling Leaves" by V. Nirovich.<…>
    Now let's read this poem all together, repeat after me. Well done! Now, what is the name of this tree? (Answers of children). That's right, it's a beech with beautiful golden leaves.
  • Cherry watching.
    V .: Guys, look, another tree with an interesting leaf color. Who knows what kind of tree this is? Very tasty berries grow on this tree in summer, listen to the riddle:
    • I'm sitting on a tree
      Red like blood
      Round like a ball
      Delicious like honey.
      Q: What is this tree? (Cherry). That's right, cherry. Now we see that the leaves of some trees are crimson in autumn.
  • Rowan watching.
    Q: Guess the riddle.
    • Berries are not sweet
      But joy to the eye
      And garden decoration,
      And treats for friends. (Rowan).
      Children, this is a mountain ash. Rowan very beautiful tree and when it blooms, and in autumn, when it bears fruit. The fruits of mountain ash are red berries, they are very fond of birds, especially when it is cold. People also use rowan berries as medicine. Listen to a poem about her:
    • red berry
      The rowan gave me.
      I thought it was sweet
      And she is like a hen.
      Is this berry
      Just immature
      Is it a sly mountain ash
      I wanted to joke.

V .: Guys, now we will play a game.
Didactic game "From which tree is the leaf?"
The teacher calls the tree, the children must choose the appropriate adjective:

  • From mountain ash - ... mountain ash.
  • From poplar - ... poplar.
  • From linden - ... linden.
  • From oak - ... oak.
  • From birch - ... birch.
  • From aspen - ... aspen.
  • From maple - ... maple.
  • Observation of the Christmas tree, pine.

Q: Children, listen to the riddle.
Winter and summer in one color. (Christmas tree, pine).
That's right, this is a Christmas tree, look at the spruce. Tell me, do the leaves grow on the tree? (No). That's right, but what grows on the tree? (Green needles). Well done. Let's get closer and look at the branches with green needles.
Tell me, what shape does the Christmas tree look like? (on a triangle). That's right guys. Listen to the poem about the Christmas tree:

  • Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
    The top is like a needle.
    Struggling with the violent wind
    You touch - you prick.

V .: Children, pay attention to the grass. How has she changed? (Answers of children). Look around, are there any plants in bloom right now? (Answers of children). Are there as many of them as in summer? What are the reasons for such changes in autumn? (Less light, heat).
Speech game "Find and describe" (find a plant that the teacher will name).
The mobile game "Wind-breeze".
The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle. Choose a leader - "Breeze".
Children move in a circle with the words:

  • The wind in the park turns the leaves,
    Circling in the sky, circling in puddles.
    He throws them at our feet,
    And on wet roads.
    Come on, breeze, breeze
    Stain the sheet quickly!
    Leading - "Veterok" is catching up with the rest of the children. The game is repeated several times.
  • Labor activity. Collection of leaves for the herbarium.
    Purpose: to form a desire to work together.
  • The teacher summarizes the walk:
    • Did you enjoy the walk?
    • What trees did we watch today?
    • What shrubs did you meet on a walk?

Time plan for observations on a walk

Observation as a structural component of the walk according to the norms takes 7-15 minutes of the total duration of the group's stay in the fresh air. With children aged 3–4 years, it is recommended to study natural objects in several stages of short duration, interspersed with outdoor and intellectual games, sports tasks, and conversations. With older children, the observation time increases.

Table: Examples of the duration of observations on walks in different groups

Surveillance Theme Age group Duration and stages of observation
cat watching Junior group
  • Beginning of Observation: Attracting attention and creating a good mood with cat poems (1-2 minutes).
  • Main stage:
    • observation of the gait, movements of the cat (1–2 minutes);
    • observing how the cat eats, laps from a bowl (2 minutes);
    • watching a cat play with a ball or clockwork mouse (3 minutes);
    • watching how the cat washes, caresses, purrs, sleeps (2 minutes).
      Parts of the main stage alternate with other structural components of the walk.
  • Summing up: answers to questions about the habits of a cat (1-2 minutes).
Watching a birch in spring Senior group
  • Start of observation: listening to A. Prokofiev's poem "I love the Russian birch."
  • Main stage:
    • study of the structure of birch, its comparison external signs with other deciduous trees, identifying distinctive features (7–8 minutes).
    • If possible, observe the collection birch sap(2-3 minutes).
  • Summing up: the guys voice the new things that they learned about the birch in the process of observation (1-2 minutes).
Cloud watching preparatory group
  • Beginning of observation: attracting the attention of pupils by posing problematic questions about the various forms of clouds (1 minute).
  • The main stage: looking at the clouds in the sky, sketching and writing in the observation diary (12–13 minutes).
  • Summing up: what type of clouds were today and under what weather conditions(1 minute).

Related videos

In order to organize and conduct a memorable walk for preschoolers, it will be useful for the teacher to get acquainted with the experience of colleagues in this direction. The videos below will help.

Video: summer walk in the younger group

Video: spring walk in the middle group Video can’t be loaded: A walk in the spring in the middle group (

Video: walking-entertainment in the senior group Video can’t be loaded: Walk-entertainment in the senior group No. 2 “Winter games and fun” (

Video: autumn observation of the flower garden

Walking is one of the components of education in kindergarten. At proper organization and the use by the educator of various teaching methods, outdoor activities develop inquisitive researchers, attentive observers, connoisseurs of natural beauty and the wealth of the surrounding world, and adherents of a healthy lifestyle in children.

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