Analytical reference of the thematic check of the school. Analytical references on thematic control. Help of thematic control in the preschool educational institution

Information and analytical reference
as a result of operational control

Target : to determine the effectiveness of educational work in kindergarten for the development of children's speech: by means of examining the educational process; establish the quality of the implementation of the educational program in the section of speech development; identify the causes and factors that determine the quality of work on speech development

Control methods : conversations with participants in the educational process, observation of children's speech activity in play activities, analysis of planning, study of the content of book corners.

The survey was conducted: 09/15/2014.

The survey was carried out by: Art. teacher Perminova A.M.

To examine the level of speech development of children, a scheme was used, compiled according to the method of O.S. Ushakova. Vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, the ability to recite poetry, knowledge of proverbs and sayings were tested. As a result, it was found that 70% of children have a sufficient vocabulary corresponding to their age, 52% of children have a grammatical structure, 60% have phonetics corresponding to the age level, 75% have a well-developed coherent speech, 100% of children can recite poems, call proverbs , sayings.

It can be seen that a large percentage of preschoolers have problems in speech development. At the younger preschool age, 35% of children have problems understanding words that are close and opposite in meaning, as well as different meanings of polysemantic words. 55% of older preschoolers have difficulty understanding and using different meanings of polysemantic words. 40% of older preschoolers have difficulty finding antonyms and synonyms for given words.

An analysis of children's knowledge of the grammatical side of speech showed that 40% of younger preschoolers do not know how to use verbs in the imperative mood correctly, 65% of children do not know how to make sentences of different types. In older preschoolers, 55% do not always correctly agree on a noun and an adjective in gender, number, case, agree on a noun with a numeral, 40% have difficulty forming genitive forms (hares, foals), 60% cannot correctly form imperative mood forms (hide , dance) and the subjunctive mood (would look for).

40% of younger preschoolers do not pronounce the sounds of their native language correctly in accordance with their age, 30% find it difficult to find words that are similar and different in sound, 50% do not know how to correctly use a moderate rate of speech, voice power, intonation means. In older preschoolers, 30% of children find it difficult to differentiate the sounds s-z, s-ts, sh-zh, l-r, 70% have difficulty distinguishing between hard and soft sounds, 50% find it difficult to select words and phrases similar in sound.

40% of older preschool children are able to develop a storyline in a series of pictures, connecting parts of the statement.

During the control, attendance at classes was organized in various age groups. It was found that the program content of classes on speech development corresponds to the tasks of speech development, the age characteristics of children. In the classroom, conditions were created for the qualitative organization of work on the development of speech: demonstration and handout material, rational placement of children was thought out, sanitary and hygienic conditions were observed.

Classes are organized in accordance with the methodology of conducting: in the organizational moment, children's interest in the lesson is created. Reasonable and properly selected methods, techniques and teaching aids allow you to constantly keep the attention of children and achieve a high level of assimilation of the material. In the classroom, work is organized on sound pronunciation at a sufficient and acceptable level, the development of coherent speech at an acceptable level, work to activate the dictionary at an acceptable level, work on the development of the grammatical structure of speech at a sufficient and acceptable level.

However, the speech density of the lesson is low in all age groups. Only some children speak in the classroom, the majority answers in monosyllables, although teachers encourage children to answer with phrases (younger ones) or sentences (older ones).

During the control, work programs were checked in order to establish the level of planning for direct educational and unregulated joint activities with children on speech development. Directly educational activities are planned in full, correspond to the age characteristics of children, cover all components of speech development in accordance with the program content of the educational area "communication". To consolidate the knowledge gained in joint activities, didactic games are planned for the development of phonemic hearing, enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of a grammatical structure, etc. In unregulated activities, work is planned to make riddles, organize communication with children on topics of interest to them. Leisure activities, quizzes, intellectual games are planned. In the calendar plans of teachers, individual work with children on speech development is regularly planned. It can be recommended to include work on word creation, independent artistic and speech activity in the work programs.

Important for the development of children's speech is a properly organized subject-developing environment of groups. The development of speech is facilitated by the book corners available in all groups, dressing corners, various theaters, play corners where it is possible to organize communication between children in role-playing games, corners of science, nature, sensory corners, etc. where children can communicate, enriching vocabulary with new words necessary for observations, descriptions of observed objects and phenomena. In groups, teachers collected collections of poems, folklore forms, literary works for reading to children. There are didactic and printed board games available for children. For conducting classes, there are visual-demonstration and handouts that allow you to provide a full range of directly educational activities. To establish the mastery of the content of the educational program by children in all groups, there is a diagnostic material that provides verification of children's mastery of all components of speech.

However, teachers do not use the developing potential of children's collections, art exhibitions, children's models, plans, schemes enough. There are rarely thematic exhibitions in book corners. There is not enough illustration material, the selection of books in the corners is random.

An analysis of the professional skills of teachers showed that teachers know the program content of the educational area, the goals and objectives of their age group, all areas of work on the development of speech, and methods for integrating the tasks of speech development into various educational areas. They know how to choose effective methods and techniques based on the individual characteristics of the speech of children in their group. Speech is accurateemotionally expressive, accessible to the understanding of children. In direct educational activities and unregulated joint activities with children, they are able to accurately and easily formulate questions for children, use them as one of the activating techniques, and are able to build individual work with children at different regime moments. Organize interaction with parents on the problems of speech development of preschoolers. However, this interaction in most cases is not regular, not purposeful.

Thus, we can conclude that educational and educational work on the speech development of preschool children is organized in the kindergarten. The created conditions make it possible to develop the speech of preschoolers in accordance with their age and individual characteristics. However, the analysis of the result shows that the work carried out is not effective enough: there are problems with the phonemic and lexical aspects of speech. Conditions for individual work with children have deteriorated in the children's garden (there is no speech pathologist teacher). Interaction with parents on the issues of speech development of children is not purposeful in certain groups.

Art. preschool teacher ________ / A.M. Perminova

Analytical report on the results of thematic control

"Organization of a subject-developing environment in accordance with the requirements of the program"

In MADOU "Kindergarten No. 45" - to / in September 2014, a thematic control was carried out on the topic: "Organization of a subject-developing environment in accordance with the requirements of the program" in order to verify the creation of comfortable, safe and favorable conditions for the development of children in different ages groups, in the conditions of preparation of work on the Federal State Educational Standard.

The check was carried out by: senior teacher Perminova A.M., instructor in physical education Gilmutdinova A.F., teacher-psychologist Mananova L.M. Thematic control was carried out in all 12 groups of preschool educational institutions.

The following questions were analyzed:

    The expediency of placing sports equipment in groups.

    The presence of visual material in groups and the aesthetics of its design.

    Methodological support for groups according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The following forms and methods of control were used:

1. Analysis of the subject-developing environment in the group based on examination and observation.

2. Analysis of questionnaires for assessing the subject-developing environment by the educators themselves.

3. Conversation with children.

The thematic review revealed the following.

All the surveyed premises of the preschool educational institution are technically equipped: separate and adequately equipped offices of a methodologist, a speech therapist with a psychologist, as well as halls, music and sports.

In 8 out of 12 groups there are tape recorders, TVs and DVDs, but not enough audio, video disks and cassettes with a developmental focus.

In groups, conditions are created for the aesthetic development of children. Positive is a large number of interior details relating to the children themselves, namely photographs of children and products of children's creativity.

In all group rooms, study areas are clearly identified, which, if necessary, can be transformed. Group planning provides for both group work and subgroup and individual work.

In the selection of materials and toys for story games, monotony is noted. In this type of game, the interests of girls are taken into account to a greater extent than boys. There are not enough dolls simulating various professions. Attributes for role-playing and director's games are also not distinguished by diversity and are presented in small quantities.

There are a lot of games with rules, including didactic games. There are both traditional games according to the rules - lotto, dominoes, board games, as well as more modern ones - Monopoly, Rules of the Road, ABC Simulator, etc.

All surveyed groups of preschool educational institutions are well provided with materials for productive activities, including a variety of constructors.

The material for speech and cognitive activity is presented in sufficient quantity, in the form of children's literature, figurative-symbolic and educational material. Books for children are presented in all surveyed groups, but most of them require replacement due to natural wear and tear. A limited number of periodicals are available. A large amount of didactic material is presented.

At the same time, there is a shortage of material for children's experimentation. In many groups there is not enough material for physical development.

In two groups, there were difficulties in accessing the material for independent play: some toys are located in places that are inaccessible to children, which is a significant drawback in the organization of the subject environment of the preschool educational institution. Also, not all teachers have a desire to further improve the subject-developing environment of their group.

Summarizing the data obtained, it can be noted that the problem of organizing the subject environment of the preschool educational institution is the lack of material for experimentation, physical development, audio, video developmental products.

1. Consolidate knowledge of the requirements for creating a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. If possible, purchase materials and toys that are missing for the full development of children.

3. Improve work with parents aimed at enriching the subject-developing environment in groups.

4. Carry out work with teachers aimed at stimulating activity in improving the subject-developing environment of their groups.

Senior teacher of preschool educational institution ________________ / A.M. Perminova

Teacher - psychologist of preschool educational institution ______________ / L.M. Mananova

Physio instructor _________________ / A.F. Gilmutdinova

Svetlana Tolstykh
Help on the results of thematic control

Based on the annual plan of MDOU No. 8 "Spikelet" village Nina of the Soviet district from 10/14/2016 to 10/26/2016 was carried out thematic check“The level of work on the formation mathematical representations in children of preschool age in preschool educational institutions.


1. Assess the knowledge of teachers on the methodology for the formation of EMF in preschool children.

2. Analyze the level of work planning.

3. Assess the conditions for FEMP in children.

4. Analyze the ability of teachers to involve parents in work on this topic.

5. Assess and identify positive and negative trends in the development of EMT in children. Timing: from 10/14/2016 to 10/26/2016.

Age groups: second junior group, "Chamomile", middle group "Cornflower", senior group "Violet", preparatory group. Compound commissions: Oseledko M. I. head of the MDOU, Tolstykh S. P. senior educator, Laktionova O. G. musical director. During the audit, the following Job:

Verification of documentation of teachers,

class attendance,

View GCD,

Evaluation of conditions in the group and corners for parents.

Preschool age is the beginning of the comprehensive development and formation of personality. The programs of preschool educational institutions provide for the physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education of children. At the same time, serious attention is paid to teaching children the initial math skills. The content of the educational area "Cognitive Development" aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's cognitive interests, intellectual development of children. One of the tasks of this educational area is: the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

During thematic control the following results were obtained.

1. Checking the documentation of teaching staff. Analysis of the scheduling of work on FEMP indicates compliance with the requirements of the program, taking into account age characteristics, and the consistency of the material being studied. Teachers are always ready for classes, they conduct them regularly. The plans reflect didactic games, plot-didactic games with mathematical content, observations leading to the topic of the lesson, reading fiction. The plan highlights the teaching, educational and developmental tasks for FEMP, materials and equipment for classes. The plans for working with the families of pupils include individual and group consultations, conversations, presentation of visual information in the parental corner on the development of EMT in children.

2. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in groups. Teaching preschool children mathematics unthinkable without the use of didactic games. The use of didactic games well helps the perception of the material and its consolidation. As a result, each age group has "Entertainment Center mathematics» , where all the materials, toys, handouts, counting material, geometric shapes, didactic material: educational and didactic games, typographical and made by the educators themselves. Organization mathematical centers in groups meets the age requirements of the program. Group educators did a lot of work on the design mathematical centers, selection of material, production of attributes, games with mathematical content. The Commission noted the sufficient occupancy of the centers with various mathematical aids, games and toys. In groups mathematical the centers are located so that every child has access to benefits. All games offered to children are pedagogically appropriate and age-appropriate. Attributes and play equipment are stored safely, aesthetically, neatly.

3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of classes on FEMP. Formation of elementary mathematical representations of a preschooler is carried out in the process of all the various activities of the educator, but one of the most important is directly educational activities for FEMP. Analysis of GCD for FEMP showed a good level of its implementation. In the second junior group "Chamomile", educator Ichenskikh O.E. On 10/18/2016, an open display of GCD was organized on the topic "The sun is calling to the road". The lesson is built methodically correctly, the speech of the educator is clear, emotional. The program content corresponded to the age and knowledge of the children. The lesson was aimed at developing the ability to see a common feature of objects, to distinguish between concepts "a lot of", one at a time", to name geometric shapes and their color. In the course of the NOD, the skills of an attentive, caring attitude towards others were formed; ability to help. The teacher carried out preliminary work, made visual aids, both in the form of demonstration material and handouts. The children in the lesson were active, followed the instructions of the teacher, showed interest in activities. Olga Evgenievna used such methods as demonstration, explanation, individual work, physical education was used,

surprise moments, the children were very interested in playing to gain knowledge. The teacher thought over the musical arrangement of the lesson, which supported the interest of the children throughout the lesson. Elements of theatricalization contributed to the activation of children's attention. obvious systematic teacher's work with children.

middle group teacher "Cornflower" Gaidukova Natalya Pavlovna prepared and conducted a lesson with the children on the topic "Island Journey". The work of a teacher with children is visible, children freely count up to 5, name geometric figures, parts of the day, etc. Traveling around the islands, the children overcame difficulties and received a key to knowledge. The children listened and heard the teacher, Natalya Pavlovna clearly and clearly formulated tasks and asked questions. The children played with interest games: "Live numbers", "Find a figure by description", "Tell me according to the scheme", "Help the Bears". The teacher successfully selected the attributes for the lesson, all this contributed to the motivation of the children to the lesson. The whole lesson was used attributes and handouts, children often use the word of art, they clearly know the physical minute. But, despite the positive aspects of GCD, there was an overabundance of program content, which led to an increase in GCD time.

Makeeva Lidia Vasilievna, teacher of the senior group "Violet" prepared for children the lesson "Journey through a fairy tale "Thumbelina". In the course of the GCD, the following tasks: to form the ability to count within 10 (ordinal counting, to form knowledge about the composition of numbers, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to make geometric shapes (work with a tangram, think logically, teach children to do good deeds.

Traveling through the pages of the fairy tale, the children clarified their ideas about the parts of the day, improved the ability to correlate numbers with the number of objects, compared objects, found the part and the whole, called voluminous geometric shapes, etc. The presentation slides created interest and formed in children the desire to help Thumbelina. All tasks were carried out with pleasure, a well-chosen and colorful handout and demonstration material played an important role. The NOD consisted of several parts, each of which revealed its tasks. The relationship of the teacher with the children is built on the principles of cooperation, the teacher communicated with the children kindly and tactfully. Basically, the children in the lesson were active, followed the instructions of the teacher. They showed interest in the events taking place around, and joint activities. Children coped with assigned tasks. Visible systematic teacher's work with children.

School preparatory group teacher "Bell" Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna with the children of her group showed GCD "Adventure in the autumn forest". The teacher knows how to think over the course of the lesson, it is advisable to arrange demonstration and handouts. Irina Vladimirovna knows how to master the children's team, the children understand the teacher. Relaxation helped keep children in a good mood "The sun has woken up". ICT sound effects also kept the children interested throughout the session. Irina Vladimirovna included in the course of the lesson direct and backward counting, work on diagrams with Gyenes blocks, work with numbers (improving computational skills, solving examples and logical problems, building knowledge about three-dimensional geometric shapes, spatial representations. Journey on a map, during which children rescued forest dwellers from misfortune took place in a warm friendly atmosphere, the guys helped each other when faced with difficulties (working with diagrams on Gyenesh blocks, solving examples, collecting mushrooms in baskets, but not picking poisonous mushrooms, in this they were helped by the knowledge gained earlier on cognitive development. Of course, working with voluminous geometric figures causes difficulties, but only the beginning of the year, the result will be visible in April, when the teacher will prepare a lesson for school teachers.The teacher sometimes got lost, did not clearly formulate questions, but at the same time, the pupils demonstrated good knowledge and skills mathematical nature.

During thematic control the lessons of teachers who have not yet accumulated experience in working with children, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Chepakova, Aksana Vladimirovna Fatulaeva, Evgenia Vladimirovna Galkina, were viewed. Educators have a poor command of the methodology for conducting educational activities. Ekaterina Nikolaevna Chepakova middle group teacher "Rainbow" knows how to make a summary of the GCD, but does not rationally dispose of the demonstration material, because of this, the children's interest in the lesson is lost. Ekaterina Nikolaevna to study the methodology for conducting GCD on the formation mathematical representations in children of middle preschool age. Galkina Evgenia Vladimirovna, teacher of the senior group "Spring" used a lot of visual material, but did not use time rationally, which led to an increase in the GCD time and contributed to a decrease in interest in the lesson, fatigue of children. The children were not interested, also because they came to kindergarten at the age of 5, 6, they are not assiduous and have not yet been accustomed to the preschool regime. It follows from this that painstaking work with the parents of pupils of the senior group is to be done. "Spring".

The teacher Fatulaeva Aksana Vladimirovna conducted a lesson in the second junior group "Berry". All the children were captured by the attention, was let down total teacher training with children. The tone of the teacher was friendly, the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact were observed.

4. Work with parents on the formation of EMF in preschool children.

In the work on the formation of elementary mathematical children's ideas are not left out and parents. The changeability of material in parental corners allows teachers to convey information to parents. Teachers use file cabinets of games, offering sensory education to parents to play with their children. Consulting for parents: "The first steps in mathematics» - Ichenskikh Olga Evgenievna, "Development mathematical ability» - Gaidukova Natalya Pavlovna, « Math at home» - Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna, "Entertaining mathematics» - Makeeva Lidia Vasilievna, « Mathematics in everyday life"- Chepakova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, "Learning colors is easy and simple"- Makeeva Lyudmila Alekseevna, etc.

Parents take part in projects: "Learn by playing"- senior group "Violet" teacher Makeeva Lidia Vasilievna, presentations: "Three cheerful friends - a circle, a square and a triangle"- teacher Ichenskikh Olga Evgenievna, "Children and mathematics» - Makeeva Lidia Vasilievna.

5. The competence of teachers in the methodology of the formation of EMF in children of preschool age. Work in kindergarten on the formation of elementary mathematical performances begin with the younger group and continue until the end of the child's stay in kindergarten. The work of preschool teachers in this area is carried out in accordance with all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, in accordance with the age of the children. Teachers build their work on the cognitive development of preschoolers on the basis of the educational program of the preschool educational institution MDOU No. 8 "Spikelet" compiled on the basis of the main educational program of preschool education "Birth to School". During control was found that all teachers are responsible for their work, prepare material for educational activities in advance (demonstration and handouts, use workbooks in accordance with the training program. Analysis of the professional skills of educators, on the organization of work within the framework of the formation of elementary mathematical representations among preschoolers showed that almost all caregivers:

Know and understand the FEMP program in their age group;

Own the methodology for conducting directly organized educational activities for FEMP in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

Know the methodology for diagnosing children; - take into account the individual and age characteristics of their pupils;

Health-saving technologies are actively used. Teachers explain new material in a way that is accessible to children. However, questions to children are not always formulated accurately and easily. The culture of speech of teachers is characterized by emotionality, expressiveness. Educators actively use a variety of methods to attract and focus the attention of children, forms of organization of children. The children in the viewed lessons were active, retained interest throughout the GCD. Educators competently select demonstration and handout material and rationally place it during the lesson, show creativity in the independent production of this material. Properly built individual work with children from teachers. educators systematically organize story-didactic games with mathematical content("Shop", "Journey to the Forest", "School", "Visiting the hedgehog" etc.). Didactic games: "Find your home", "Pick a Pair", "What figure forgot to draw", "more less", "Colored caps", "When It Happens", « Math lotto» , "Name and count", "Divide into Parts", "The Fourth Extra", "Day and night" etc. Physical education minutes, as a necessary element in the process of organized educational activities, are present in all age groups of the kindergarten. Educators understand the importance of physical education minutes for the health of pupils, skillfully use speech and motor material. In addition, visual, respiratory, finger gymnastics are regularly used. Thus, we can conclude that professionally trained teachers are working in the kindergarten, able to carry out the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschool children at a fairly high level.

educators of age groups: medium "Rainbow"- Chepakova E. N., senior "Spring"- Galkina E.V.

Clarify the methodology and objectives of the FEMP program for each age group; Deadline - 02.11.2016

Use forms of work appropriate for the age of children; term - permanently

educators of all ages groups:

Formulate questions clearly and precisely to children; term - permanently

Comply with the requirement of SanPIN for the duration of the GCD; term - permanently

Rational use of GCD time; term - permanently

Educators monitor the working condition of the corner, as well as draw up a file cabinet math games; term - constantly

Plan role-playing games with mathematical content, joint activities during regime moments, as well as individual work on FEMP; term - systematically

Use ICT; period - at least 3 times a month.

No. 86/1 dated August 23, 2016

About theme control

« Readiness of the kindergarten for the new 2016-2017 academic year"

In order to create favorable conditions for a comfortable stay for children of preschool childhood.

I order:

  1. Conduct a thematic check on the readiness of the kindergarten for the new academic year (from 26.08 to 08.09. 2016).
  2. For the senior educator Elena Petrovna Kiseleva to prepare a thematic control program (from 08.22 to 08.23, 2016).
  3. For the senior educator Elena Petrovna Kiseleva to prepare a certificate on the results of the thematic control (from 07.09 to 08.09, 2016).
  4. Approve the commission as a part of:
  • Lopatkina E.E. - Head of DOU.
  • Kiseleva E.P. - senior educator.
  • Magdanova O.I. - Head of the household.
  • Pavlova V.G. - senior med. Sister.
  1. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Reason: annual plan of the institution

Head E.E. Ivanova

Familiarized with the order:


Terms: from 26.08 to 08.09. 2016


  • head of the kindergarten E.E. Ivanova,
  • senior teacher E.P. Kiseleva,
  • head of household O.I. Magdanova
  • senior nurse V.G. Pavlova

1. Check the state of the object-spatial environment of the groups and determine its compliance with the requirements of the OOP OO in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Study the documentation of kindergarten teachers.

3. Determine the compliance of the environment with the requirements of labor protection and safety, protection of life and health of children.

Questions to be checked

1. Organization of the subject-spatial environment in kindergarten groups:

  • 13.11. 2014 № 2032;
  • Aesthetic design of the group room, reception room, sleeping room;

2. Availability and aesthetic state of didactic material

3. Preparation of documentation for teaching staff:

  • Educational plans;
  • Attendance sheets;
  • Children's movement notebook;
  • Children's reception notebook;
  • Safety Notebook;
  • Parenting plan.

1. Viewing the design of groups.

2. Checking the documentation.


Readiness of the kindergarten for the new 2016-2017 academic year. G.

Terms: from 26.08 to 08.09. 2016

In Zelenogorsk kindergarten No. 3 during from 26.08 to 08.09. 2016 a thematic control was carried out on the topic: “The readiness of the kindergarten for the new 2016-2017 academic year. G" , in order to create favorable conditions for a comfortable stay for children during preschool childhood.

The check was carried out by the head of the kindergarten - Lopatkina E.E., the senior teacher - Kiseleva E.P., the senior nurse Pavlova V.G. Thematic control was carried out in all groups of the kindergarten. The following questions were analyzed:

  1. Organization of the subject-spatial environment in kindergarten groups:
  • The presence in the group of equipment recommended by the program and order ( DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE KEMEROVSK REGION) FROM 13.11. 2014 № 2032;
  • Fulfillment of the requirements for the gaming environment, namely ensuring the minimum equipment of the educational process and equipment of a preschool educational organization;
  • Aesthetic design of groups, reception rooms;
  • Compliance of subject-play equipment with the age, gender and individual needs of preschoolers.
  1. Availability and aesthetic state of didactic material
  2. Preparation of documentation for teaching staff:
  • Long-term plans for all sections of the program;
  • Educational plans
  • Attendance sheets;
  • Children's movement notebook
  • Children's reception notebook
  • Safety Notebook
  • Plan of work with parents

Basic forms and methods of control

1. Viewing the design of groups, zoning.

2. Checking the documentation.

3. The presence and condition of the didactic material is aesthetic.

The thematic review revealed the following.

All groups are decorated and equipped in accordance with age, the requirements of SanPin and the protection and life of children's health are met. The developing subject environment in kindergarten groups is built taking into account the requirements of the main general educational program of the Institution and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the concept of building a developing environment for organizing the lives of children and adults in the preschool education system. The developing environment in the premises of the kindergarten was created based on a student-oriented model of interaction between adults and children, taking into account the fundamental principles of building a developing environment. The groups have desktop - printed material, a variety of didactic and educational games, which are concentrated in special game areas, but in insufficient quantities.

Zones are clearly marked in all group rooms. However, these zones are strictly defined and do not allow transformation. The absence or insufficient number of light screens, polyfunctional objects deprives the space of dynamism. All surveyed groups were provided with toys and materials for story games. However, the set of dolls in most groups is the same. Role paraphernalia, which facilitates the adoption of a role-playing position in the game, is also poor and monotonous. There is an acute shortage of role-playing attributes for boys (caps, caps, collars, etc.), which impoverishes the game and does not allow the boys to fully engage in its content. Hence the conclusion: material equipment for gaming activities needs special attention. Equipment for cognitive activity is represented by different types of material: children's literature, figurative and symbolic material, didactic games. As for didactic materials: pictures, game schemes, they are not available in sufficient quantity. At the same time, there is a shortage of material for independent children's experimentation, aimed at learning the patterns of mechanical movement in everyday life: free fall, rotation, etc. Design material and handouts for FEMP are also in short supply. Almost all groups have enough books for children, however, you need to repeatedly update the books in the book corner.

In all groups, conditions have been created for the physical and artistic and aesthetic development of children:

FIZO corners are prepared taking into account age characteristics using standard and non-standard equipment. Material for the development of the main types of movements is available in all groups and in sufficient quantities.

Art corners in groups need to be supplemented with technical maps, sequence diagrams for drawing, modeling, applique, taking into account age and gender specifics; samples of artistic manual labor; study the program and supplement the content (material) of the art corners according to all criteria. Deadline is November 25, 2016. Responsible: senior educator: Kiseleva E.P. educators of all age groups.

Corners for speech development in all groups correspond to age and requirements.

  • Educators of the 2nd group of early age to replenish the methodological support of educational work, taking into account the age of the children, didactic material, pay attention to the design of documentation (correctness and aesthetics). Responsible educators of the group (Dmitrieva N.S., Evdokimova O.N.). Deadline: until November 25, 2016
  • Throughout the school year, teachers and kindergarten administration should replenish the subject-developing environment in accordance with age characteristics.

The senior educator E.P. prepared an analytical report. Kiseleva

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of combined type

Zelenogorsk Kindergarten No. 3 "Mishutka"

From _____________ No. _________

On the results of the thematic control "Readiness of the kindergarten for the new 2016-2017 academic year"

Based on the plan-task and certificate on the results of thematic control

I order:

  • To note the excellent work of the educators of the middle group (Borisik E.S.; Shukulina D.A.) for organizing the subject-spatial environment in the group, for fulfilling the requirements for the gaming environment, for the aesthetic design of the group, didactic material, and documentation.
  • To note the good work of the educators of the health group (Kozhukhova T.M., Kopylova N.Yu., Ogorodnikova N.M., Prokina Yu.V.)

for the organization of the object-spatial environment in the group, for the fulfillment of the requirements for the gaming environment, for the aesthetic design of the group.

  • To note the good work of educators older than the preparatory group (Galkina T.F., Nikiforova O.V.) for organizing the object-spatial environment in the group, for fulfilling the requirements for the gaming environment, for the aesthetic design of the group.
  • To create a subject environment for a preschool educational institution, more flexible and dynamic, making it possible to independently change the space (both teachers and children). Responsible: educators of all age groups. Deadline: November 25, 2016
  • Replenish the corners, fine arts, speech development and the corner of local history. Responsible: educators of all age groups. Deadline: November 25, 2016
  • Supplement the corners of experimentation. Responsible: educators of all age groups. Deadline: November 25, 2016
  • Educators of the 2nd group of early age to replenish the methodological support of educational work, taking into account the age of the children, didactic material, pay attention to the design of documentation (correctness and aesthetics). Responsible educators of the group (Dmitrieva N.S., Evdokimova O.N.). Deadline: until November 25, 2016
  • Throughout the school year, teachers and the administration of the kindergarten to replenish the subject-developing environment in accordance with age characteristics

According to the results of the review-competition "Group readiness for the academic year"

Commission decision:

Head E.E. Ivanova.


Head E.E. Ivanova


On holding a review competition in

Zelenogorsk kindergarten №3 "Mishutka"

"Group readiness for the school year"

1. Goals and objectives of the competition:

* Readiness of groups for the new academic year.

* Encouragement of teachers to creative activity, development of creative abilities.

2. Participants of the competition:

Kindergarten teachers take part in the competition.

3. Main indicators of the competition:

3.1. Methodological support of educational work, taking into account the age of children.

3.2. Zoning

3.3. group aesthetics.

3.4. The aesthetics of group documentation.

3.5. Didactic material (availability)

4. Terms of carrying out:

Review competition to be held from 09/05/16 to 09/07/16.

5. Summing up and awarding the winners:

5.1. The results will be summed up on 08.09.2016.

5.2. The results of the competition should be drawn up in the form of a certificate and read out at the pedagogical council on 09.09.2016. and contribute to the decisions of the pedagogical council.

Municipal preschool educational institution of the combined type "Zelenogorsk kindergarten No. 3" Mishutka "

The results of the review-competition "Group readiness for the academic year"

From 05.09 to 07.09. 2016 in the kindergarten, a review-competition "Group readiness for the school year" was held. All groups of Zelenogorsk kindergarten No. 3 take part in the competition.

The evaluation was carried out on the following positions:

  • Methodological support of educational work, taking into account the age of children.
  • Availability and placement in the group of centers in five areas, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Aesthetics of the design of the group, reception.
  • The aesthetics of group documentation.
  • Didactic material (availability)

Commission decision:

  • It was decided to assign the first place to the middle group (Borisik E.S., Shukulina D.A.)
  • Second place in the health-improving group ((Kozhukhova T.M., Kopylova N.Yu., Ogorodnikova N.M., Prokina Yu.V.
  • Third place older - preparatory group (Nikiforova O.V.; Galkina T.F.)

Criteria are evaluated from 1 to 5 points Head Ivanova E.E.

Main indicators for the review-competition

"Group readiness for the academic year"

Criteria are evaluated from 1 to 5 points Head Ivanova E.E. ____________________

2 group of early age 1 and 2 ml. group middle group Senior is ready. Wellness. groups
Sanitary condition

Main indicators for the review-competition

"Group readiness for the academic year"

Criteria are evaluated from 1 to 5 points senior medical. sister Pavlova V.G. _____________

2 group of early age 1 and 2 ml. group middle group Senior is ready. Wellness. groups
Methodological support of educational work, taking into account the age of children
Accommodation in a group of centers in five directions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard
Relay race for the design of the group, reception
Correctness and aesthetics of documentation
Sanitary condition

Main indicators for the review-competition

"Group readiness for the academic year"

Criteria are evaluated from 1 to 5 points Senior teacher Kiseleva E.P.________________

Main indicators for the review-competition

"Group readiness for the academic year"

Criteria are evaluated from 1 to 5 points

2 group of early age 1 and 2 ml. group middle group Senior is ready. Wellness. groups
Methodological support of educational work, taking into account the age of children
Accommodation in a group of centers in five directions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard
Relay race for the design of the group, reception
Correctness and aesthetics of documentation
Sanitary condition

The conduct of the educational process in kindergarten must comply with the program content, indicators of age development, and the content of regulatory documents. , which is envisaged in the annual work plan, provides:

  • analysis of the activities of teachers of preschool education in one of the sections of the program;
  • obtaining complete information about the features of the implementation of program material in specific groups of kindergarten;
  • the possibility of timely adjustment and improvement of the program minimum, which contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for raising children.

Organization of thematic control in the preschool educational institution

The implementation of a set of measures aimed at assessing the system of educational work with children in a specific (thematic) area provides for large-scale preparatory work.

At the stage of annual planning of the activities of all structures of the kindergarten, the goals and objectives of the thematic audit are determined, which may be associated with the following factors:

  1. Raising, approving a new standard for conducting pedagogical practice in connection with the consolidation of educational standards of the second generation.
  2. Stimulating the growth of professional skills of educators.
  3. Creation on the basis of the kindergarten of conditions conducive to the development of advanced pedagogical experience.
  4. Strengthening productive interaction with the parent contingent.

After the goals and objectives of the monitoring are approved, the head of the kindergarten issues an order of the appropriate content, which should indicate the direction of the analysis, the dates of the audit, the deadline for the provision of developments on organization of planned thematic control in preschool educational institutions(the responsibility lies with the senior educator), the date of submission of reporting documents. The functions of monitoring the execution of the order are assigned to the head of the kindergarten or his deputy.

The next step is to draw up a plan for thematic control. After the approval of this document, the methodological association, the senior educator and responsible teachers carry out preparations for implementation. It may consist in the development of optimal methods of verification, compilation of questionnaires, diagnostic charts and tables.

It is the responsibility of the senior educator to compare current developments with the conclusions of the work of control groups over the past years, which makes it possible to refuse to reuse ineffective methods and approve the best course of action.

In the course of planning work, the senior educator, under the guidance of the responsible administrator, distributes responsibilities between representatives of the control group, which can be formed by the most experienced educators, methodologists, music director, physical education instructor, nurse. After receiving the monitoring by all participants, the systematic implementation of planned control actions begins, as a result of which a certificate of the established form is filled out.

Thematic control plan in the preschool educational institution

A plan illustrating the sequence of thematic monitoring should reflect the specifics of a preschool educational organization and the results of work in the chosen direction for previous periods.

As a priority direction for monitoring studies, relevant for all age periods can be chosen. When developing a direction, it is important to note what features of the program change taking into account the development of children, how these points are reflected in the legal and methodological documentation and, accordingly, determine the requirements for educators responsible for the implementation of the educational complex in each age group.

Regardless of the content, the plan for the implementation of thematic control in kindergarten should consist of five blocks:

  1. Determination of the level of ZUN pupils.
  2. Analysis of the level of professional skills of the educator, the relevance and compliance of the methods of pedagogical work used, the forms of organization of children's groups with legal and methodological documents regulating the norms of preschool education. The object of verification of this block is the evaluation of the work of the internal system of professional growth of educators.
  3. The nature of planning regime moments, the systematic inclusion of elements of the program, in accordance with which the kindergarten operates, in educational activities.
  4. Evaluation of the subject-developing environment (the availability of manuals, visual material corresponding to the implementation of a given program direction).
  5. The level of interaction with parents: consultations, the use of methods of pedagogical education, parental assessment of the effectiveness of the work of the teacher-educator.

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Design example thematic control plan in the preschool educational institution

Download an example of a thematic control plan in a preschool educational institution
Download in.docx

Content control Organization Methods
Evaluation of the planning of the work of the educator. View scheduling and forward planning documents.
Creation of conditions for the implementation of the educational complex:
  • methodological support;
  • the level of available material and technical base;
  • availability of thematic literature corresponding to the age needs of pupils.
Verification of method support.
Monitoring the level of development of children in the declared thematic area. Observation of classes, conducting conversations, games, participation in sensitive moments.
Evaluation of the teacher's professionalism. Monitoring the progress of the organization of regime moments, classes.
Evaluation of work with the parent community. Analysis of the content of plans for holding parent meetings, parent corner.

Topics of thematic control in the preschool educational institution

As priority areas for monitoring, any program points implemented regardless of age and individual educational needs of preschoolers can be used.

Among the most popular are topics of planned thematic control in preschool educational institutions:

  1. Organization of educational work on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.
  2. Ecological education of preschool children.
  3. The state of work on the cognitive development of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions.
  4. Social development of preschool children.
  5. Formation of the communicative culture of preschoolers.
  6. Organization of pedagogical work on the development of speech of preschool children.
  7. Speech development of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution.
  8. Physical education and health work in kindergarten.
  9. Organization of gaming activities with pupils in the preschool educational institution.
  10. Organization of health protection activities in kindergarten.
  11. Developmental pedagogy of health improvement in the practice of working with children
  12. Organization of a complex for teaching fine arts in kindergarten.
  13. The state of labor education of preschool children.
  14. Implementation of the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts.
  15. The organization of a role-playing game in kindergarten and the role of the educator in guiding this activity.

Help of thematic control in the preschool educational institution

The certificate drawn up at the end of the thematic control is the main reporting document reflecting the procedure and results of monitoring, a list of identified shortcomings in the educational process. The ease of obtaining information by the kindergarten administration and the nature of measures aimed at overcoming the identified problems depend on how accurately and in detail this form is drawn up.

Structure a certificate compiled on the basis of the results of thematic control in the preschool educational institution, is presented in the table.

Download the structure of the certificate, according to the results of control in the preschool educational institution
Download in.docx

Key Document Elements Content
Front page The full name of the preschool organization, the topic of control, the date the document was compiled.
Main part In the main part of the help, it is important to indicate the following characteristics:
  1. Documentary substantiation of the check.
  2. The purpose of the implementation of thematic control.
  3. Period of work of the monitoring group.
  4. Full name, position of the members of the checking group.
  5. List of educators whose pedagogical practice has become the object of control.
  6. Sources of data, on the basis of which decisions were made on the quality of educational services.
  7. Analytics illustrating the nature of the identified problems and ways to overcome them in order to improve the educational process.
Conclusions and offers This section should contain specific data reflecting the realities of the kindergarten. In order to objectify the material, quantitative indicators, graphs and tables should be given, a comparison of the results of verification in similar areas over the past periods should be made.
In the conclusions, it is important to indicate whether the goal of the audit was achieved, to provide recommendations for improving the work of specific educators, and to indicate the officials responsible for the implementation of the improvements.
Signatures The reporting document is certified by members of the monitoring group and teachers whose activities were the object of verification. If the official refuses to certify the document with a signature, an act of the appropriate content is drawn up.

When compiling a certificate, it should be borne in mind that criticism of one of the educators can adversely affect the process of rethinking the results of thematic control and the cohesion of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution as a whole. In order to avoid the occurrence of negative reactions on the part of individual employees during the formation of the reporting document and its oral presentation at teachers' councils, methodological associations, it is recommended:

  1. To begin criticism of the features of the educational process with the recognition of the merits of the educator.
  2. Create a positive reputation for employees, despite the mistakes made.
  3. Illustrate easy ways to overcome the identified problems, stimulating the improvement of pedagogical skills of kindergarten teachers.

Svetlana Karakutova
Analytical report on the results of the thematic review

Analytical report on the results of the thematic review

"Efficiency ongoing

Based on the implementation of the annual plan, the order of the head of the MBDOU dated January 31, 2018 from February 5, 2018 to February 16, 2018

Conducted a thematic review"Efficiency ongoing in the preschool educational institution work to create conditions for the social and communicative development of preschoolers in the preschool educational institution "

in order to determine the effectiveness of educational and educational work in groups of preschool educational institutions, creating conditions for the social and communicative development of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions, identifying the level of formation of a game culture in children; clarification of the reasons and factors that determine the quality of work on this issue.

Thematic check was carried out in the form of a visit and analysis directly educational activities, monitoring the quality of the implementation of regime moments by educators, the independent activities of children, schedule analysis, surveys of the developing environment in groups.

Control methods: viewing GCD on social and communicative development, a conversation with a teacher, condition analysis contributing to socialization, moral and patriotic education, analysis conditions aimed at developing self-service skills, independence, labor education of children, schedule analysis, visual information for parents.

On verification submitted: calendar plans, plans for working with parents, map " Analysis conditions aimed at developing skills of self-service, independence, labor education of children”, analysis conditions for the social and communicative development of preschoolers in the preschool educational institution, the observation map of the game.

During checks were analyzed:

Perspective and calendar plans for individual work with children on the development of social skills. In the course of the implementation of the main educational program of the MBDOU kindergarten No. 7, in order to solve the problems of social and communicative development, not enough attention is paid to the education of the social competence of children.

In the calendar plans, teachers reflect all areas of the educational field . In the middle, senior, and preparatory groups, teachers regularly plan work on labor and moral education. In all groups, didactic games and exercises for the development of communication skills are not planned enough or there are no goals. It was revealed that in the plans teachers do not sufficiently reflect the individual work on the social development of children, they do not indicate specifically the children with whom held individual work on the development of social behavior skills. It is noted that in scheduling, teachers do not pay attention to planning leisure activities in the social and moral direction, targeted walks are not planned. Not all groups have a long-term planning of walks, with material on consolidating the main types of movements in free activity, the distribution for each week of specific outdoor games, physical education exercises used by educators on walks.

The tasks of social and communicative development are also solved in the process of organizing labor activities: organizing the duty of children, assisting the educator in repairing books and boxes for didactic games, working in a corner of nature - caring for indoor plants, developing self-service skills, developing independent children's activities. The groups are equipped with duty corners. But not all groups are methodically competently organized on duty, labor assignments, household work, work is not carried out regularly. Work on the development of labor skills in the plans for the beginning of the month is not prescribed in all groups.

themed leisure activities to be held weekly(write name, purpose)- to diversify planning through games that provide the formation of an independent game activities: leisure and educational games, intellectual, checkers, chess - it is necessary to pay special attention to the techniques that affect the content of an independent plot game (showing methods of action, playing, learning, conversations, game trainings).

2. Analysis conditions for the social and communicative development of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions. Satisfactory conditions for the play activities of preschoolers have been created in the groups. As a result checks subject-developing environment in groups, there are a variety of role-playing games in which partnerships between children are worked out (games that require the participation and interaction of several children). Conditions have been created for the role-playing games:

Attributes for various story games according to the age of children,

Rational placement of paraphernalia and free access to it for children,

Various constructors, building material to create a gaming environment.

The selection of game equipment corresponds to the age of the children, the program. When organizing games, sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions, the principles of organizing the PRS are taken into account, gender-role specifics in the selection of toys are taken into account. At the same time, due to lack of space in many groups there is no equipment for a number of games.

In all groups there are didactic, printed board games in which you can consolidate knowledge of topics, work out partnerships between children in the game. In all age groups, conditions have been created for the deployment of role-playing games "Family", "Hospital", "Salon", "We are builders".

In all groups, material has been accumulated to familiarize preschoolers with the Don region, the people who glorified it; with present and past; with Russia, culture, customs and traditions, symbols; national holidays.

In the game zones, dressing corners are little used, other role-playing games are poorly equipped. In the early age group and the first younger group, the same zoning, educators are not trying to change anything in the environment of the play areas and their content.

The teacher Naumenko O.N. and Akimenko N.A. did not rebuild the subject-developing environment according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Analyzing the content of the corner of the dressing was highlighted as follows remarks: age discrepancy - 1 junior, little doll furniture with a set of bed linen in the middle and junior groups.

In groups and in the methodological office, there is a sufficient amount of methodological literature on the game development of children, a file of planning role-playing games has been selected.

Solving the tasks of developing life safety skills in children, safety corners were created in groups, methodological and artistic literature was selected for reading to children, the plans reflect work with children on the formation of safe life skills. According to advanced planning classes on traffic rules, OBZH, PB. In groups there are didactic games on this section of the educational field "social and communicative development".

Analysis guidance of the educator of children's games. By results visits and observations of game activity, the following conclusion should be drawn that teachers create a positive emotional mood when organizing a game. A game situation is created (showing a picture, a problematic situation, adding an attribute, etc.) Educators try to create conditions for active joint and independent creative play activities, participate in the game themselves. For example, the educator Bestaeva N. V. participated in the game as an equal partner through a game image, she influenced the game through role-playing behavior, a game offer, advice. She showed an attentive, interested attitude to children's issues that arise during the game. She contributed to the emergence of friendly partnerships in the game, helped the children to independently negotiate with each other. This interaction algorithm was also observed in other groups. At the same time, there is a great emotional upsurge in the children's team, a desire to continue playing according to this plot.

Planning assessment. Analysis calendar and long-term planning showed that the groups are planning and organizing games in accordance with the long-term plan. Subject Games are selected according to age, task age group. At the same time, only the names of the game are reflected in the plans. (plot-role-playing, didactic, theatrical, etc.). It is necessary to indicate the type, name of the game, methods of leading the game (in younger groups - the degree of participation of the teacher in the game, at an older age - methods of enriching the game, the plans do not reflect the display of specific game actions. All groups organize the patriotic activities of children in accordance with the main educational program Preschool educational institution for 2014-2017, developed in accordance with the exemplary general educational program of preschool education "Birth to School"/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOZAYKA-SINTEZ, 2014. - 368 pp., revised in accordance with the current GEF DO and a number of partial programs. Planning this work organized by topic: "My family", "My street", "My kindergarten", etc. Work on each topic includes classes, games, excursions, unregulated activities of children, for some themes - holidays.

Thematic planning contributes to the effective and systematic assimilation of knowledge by children about their country, native land, the area where they live. Moreover, the topics are repeated in each group. Only the content, the volume of cognitive material and complexity, and therefore the duration of the study, change.

Educators have planned a number of activities, which includes conversations: "How to behave in a group", “Learning to say hello, say goodbye, thank (younger groups, "Let's teach Mishka to say hello", "What is good, what is bad", "About Politeness"(middle group, "We are residents of a large country", "Man is famous for his work". Reading and discussion of famous children's stories writers: L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, E. Uspensky and others. by heart: 2 junior group, middle group, preparatory group for school. Productive activity: "Our Kind Hearts". Problem solving "How would you do...", "If I'm home alone" and others. (preparatory group for school).

A variety of games are planned, games - GCD exercises. Main form conducting GCD - conversation, stories of the teacher, children, integrated classes, presentations of projects. Interviews with teachers showed that work on this topic is carried out in the process of studying the cognitive and artistic and aesthetic cycle, as well as in joint activities with children: excursions and targeted walks; holidays and entertainment; conversations, viewing visual material, reading fiction; didactic, role-playing games; productive work on creating models of natural corners of the native land; creation of mini-museums; exhibitions of the results of productive activity (crafts, drawings about the native land).

In groups, teachers do not pay enough attention to theatrical games (puppet theater, flannelograph, table theater).

Analysis of work with parents. In cooperation with parents, the problem of role-playing is rarely discussed. In the reception rooms of 1 junior, middle, junior and preparatory groups there are recommendations for parents "Which toy to choose for a child"

conclusions: the level of development of gaming activity and work in this direction of the teaching staff can be assessed as average. And the conditions for the game, and the preparedness of teaching staff, and planning, and cooperation with parents - all these areas require close attention and in-depth work of the entire team. In all groups held insufficient work with parents on this issue in terms of practical training of parents in playing communication with children, the right choice of toys for a preschooler. At the time of verification, partial conditions were created for the game development of children. This can be seen in the planning of the educational work of teachers, in the results of diagnosing the game development of children, the quality of organization and carrying out game activity, in work with parents, in the organization of the subject-spatial subject environment.


Organize mutual visits to transfer experience in organizing role-playing games, mentoring young teachers.

Improving the conditions of play activity, providing a new quality of play development of preschoolers, their successful socialization in society.

The study of the theoretical basis for the organization of a role-playing game in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Involvement of parents in the organization of the game process in the preschool educational institution.

To study the experience of using layouts in a preschool educational institution when organizing a subject-developing environment in groups.

In groups of primary preschool age, supplement the material with schemes for developing self-service skills (sequence of dressing, holding the CGT) .

Pay more attention to labor education.

Use the integration of educational areas in your work.

1. In the first junior and middle groups, it is necessary to arrange the subject-spatial subject environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the flow principle.

2. In all age groups, depending on the possibilities and situation, it is necessary to create conditions for children's play activities using various layouts, to encourage children to play social roles, actions, situations. Daily play games aimed at developing the social and emotional sphere of the child's personality. Pay attention to the relationship of children in group: play games, talks and other team building activities (permanently; senior teacher Karakutova S.A.)

4. To the educator Naumenko O. N., Chebotareva E. V., Chernitskaya E. A. to improve their professional level of knowledge and skills on this topic through the study of methodological literature, visiting open shows, active participation in the methodological work of MBDOU, the organization of a subject developing environment especially (until May 2018)

5. In all age groups of preschool age, educators should use a personality-oriented approach in communicating with children, which implies a democratic style of communication in various activities (constantly)

7. In all age groups, plan and work with parents, involving practical training of parents on various issues of interaction with children in the game, selection of toys, etc. (constantly)

Help compiled by the senior teacher S. A. Karakutova