Dark stripe on abdomen. Vertical dark (brown) stripe on the abdomen during pregnancy. At what time does the strip appear on the abdomen in pregnant women

Why does it appear and when does it go away

A dark stripe on the abdomen of pregnant women (Linea nigra) is the result of active pigmentation (hyperpigmentation) of the skin. The path that appears is a black or brown vertical strip from the inguinal region to the navel, it can rarely reach the ribs. The strip appears as a result of ongoing changes in the body of a woman who is preparing to become a mother. Under the influence of hormonal changes, the band begins to darken and increase.

Fortunately, such transformations are temporary: after childbirth, the dark streak almost always disappears completely. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not worry - hyperpigmentation on the abdomen does not threaten the health of the mother and child.

Causes of the stripe

Every person has a line on the stomach, regardless of gender, and is an inconspicuous white line (Linea alba), merging with the skin. This pathway separates the abdominal muscles and is made up of tendon fibers.

During pregnancy, the strip gradually begins to acquire a bright shade. This happens due to the following reasons:

  1. Active production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen;
  2. The production of melanotropin, which causes darkening of the skin.

The active synthesis of hormones occurring in the body of a woman causes significant changes in the appearance of pregnant women. During the period of gestation, the amount of female hormones - estrogen, progestogen, progesterone, somatotropin - increases several times. This is enough to notice the obvious transformations of the female body.

The action of somatropin is aimed at the growth of muscle tissue. There are no muscles in the middle of the abdomen, and connective tissue acts as a connection between the right and left rectus abdominis muscles.

The hormone somatropin tries to increase the volume for the development of the unborn child. In this regard, the process of tissue stretching begins (it becomes thinner and more transparent) and the white stripe on the abdomen becomes wider and more noticeable. And other hormones are already responsible for the pigmentation of the line.

The color of the band is determined by the hormone melanotropin (an anti-stress hormone), the synthesis of which is promoted by the nascent fetus. At the time of the functioning of the glands in a child, pigmentation begins. If a baby is born light-skinned, and during pregnancy a woman had a dark stripe on her stomach, this means that he has a strong resistance to stress.

It is thanks to the production of hormones that hair appears on the abdomen and the nipple halos begin to darken.

Size, color saturation and stripe width are individual factors. As a rule, the darker the band becomes, the better the development of the fetus. However, the path does not appear in all pregnant women: according to statistics, in 10-30% the dark band does not appear at all. Also, the presence of a pigment line is affected by the color of the skin, eyes and hair (for example, brown-eyed brunettes have a higher chance of having a stripe than light-eyed blondes).

Dark band appearance time

The pigment strip can appear both at the beginning of pregnancy and at the end of the gestation period. The time frame depends only on the hormonal background of the woman and her specific characteristics of the body (genes, skin type, etc.). Most often, the strip darkens towards the end of the second or third trimester.

If the woman's pregnancy is the first, then it is likely that the strip will appear only at the end of the term. Those who carry a child again, the chances of a line appearing at the beginning of pregnancy are higher.

In addition to pigmentation, pregnant women experience increased hair growth. This is a natural process that also depends on the functioning of hormones in the body. During pregnancy, male hormones are produced in the adrenal glands, which affect the active growth of hair throughout the body. They, in particular, can appear on a woman's stomach in the region of the dark stripe.

Band disappearing process

As a rule, the pigment line on the abdomen persists throughout pregnancy and disappears only after childbirth. The time for which the strip ceases to be visible varies from 3 months to 1.5 years.

It is not possible to name the exact time period due to the different hormonal levels in each woman. In exceptional cases, the track may not disappear. The dark line only gets lighter, but will become stronger in subsequent pregnancies.

Preventive measures

The appearance of a pigmented line cannot be completely prevented. However, there are several ways to make it less noticeable:

  • Avoid strong sun and other sources of ultraviolet radiation. In this case, melanin is not released in large quantities, which contributes to a lower brightness of the band.
  • Use sunscreen and temporarily limit visits to the solarium.
  • Healthy food, especially rich in vitamin C (greens, currants, peppers, etc.).
  • Eat foods containing folic acid (nuts, spinach, liver, cabbage).
  • Drink less coffee, tea and eat fatty meat after childbirth.

Folk omens

It is believed that the size, color and presence of a strip on the abdomen can predict the sex of the unborn baby even before the ultrasound. This method of determination was used long before the invention of special medical devices. To date, there are more effective methods for determining the sex of a child, however, the "grandmother's" method also takes place.

The people said: if the line is short, light and not very pronounced, then you should expect a girl. If the stripe is dark, long and bright brown - a boy.

However, doctors reject this method of determination. Of course, coincidences occur, but this method is not scientific and has no justification, so you should not rely on it.

A brown dividing strip on the abdomen appears in almost every woman in position. A sharp hormonal change that occurs shortly after conception negatively affects pigmentation and skin condition, which ultimately causes some peculiarities during pregnancy. Therefore, there is no need to be upset if you see a dividing strip on the body, since it does not carry anything bad with it. When does a strip appear on the abdomen during pregnancy, and in what cases will it be seen very weakly?

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Why does pigmentation occur?

What kind of strip is observed in pregnant women, and why is it formed? On the abdomen of almost all pregnant women, a dark line located longitudinally can be found.

Do not be afraid of this, as this phenomenon is enough quickly disappears shortly after the birth of the baby, and also does not bring health problems, both for the mother and for the baby.

A strip on the stomach, located vertically, is in every person, regardless of what gender and age he is.

However, she usually dyed in skin color, so it is not visible. This line contains tendon fibers and also evokes on both sides of the abdominal cavity. It cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Important! In pregnant women, pigmentation appears on the body after the start of active growth of the abdomen.

In other words, already at 5-6 months you can notice a division on the body, which can be brown (the contrast of the shade depends on the structure and characteristics of the body). It appears due to the fact that the stomach is constantly growing, and the muscles are gradually stretched, increasing the volume.

Why do pregnant women get a stripe on their stomach? The reason for this is as follows:

  1. The adrenal glands of a woman in position begin to work with a vengeance.
  2. This causes a high production of melanin (this is a kind of coloring pigment, on which the color of separation depends).
  3. Such a component leads to a darkening of the shade and makes the skin brown.

Based on the state of the woman's body, she may notice that she does not have a strip on her stomach during pregnancy.

Why is this happening? This means that the substance melanin is produced in a small amount, which does not cause a strong discoloration - usually in this case, the stripe on the woman is pale brown, so it is difficult to see it.

From what a strip appears on the stomach in pregnant women, we found out. Its width, color and height directly depend on the condition and characteristics of the woman's body. In some ladies, it can reach the lower part of the navel, while in others it can reach the beginning of the ribs.

You should not be upset because of the appearance of pigmentation on the body, on the contrary, its appearance means that the child actively growing and developing.

Does everyone have a stripe

Why is there no strip on the abdomen during pregnancy? It is not always clearly visible in every expectant mother. Doctors say it can be avoided 1 woman out of 10. O There is currently no explanation for these statistics. Doctors only suggest that such pregnant women have more delicate skin, and there is also less active production of melanin, which is directed only to the development of the child.

Also, gynecologists say that, according to statistics, in patients with dark hair, as well as with swarthy skin, pigmentation almost always appears, compared with blondes. Among the “fair” pregnant women, only 1 woman out of 20 notices this phenomenon.

The degree of brightness of the strip is played by many factors. For example, the climate in the region where the pregnant woman lives, the degree of ultraviolet radiation, and sometimes nutrition. So that pigmentation is not too clearly visible, doctors do not advise the expectant mother for a long time be in the sun, otherwise it will not only be brighter, but also appear faster. In the summer, pregnant women can sunbathe quite a bit so that this does not affect their health and does not lead to an increase in pigmentation, which can appear not only on the body, but also on the face.

When does pigmentation appear?

When does a stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy? Such a period is different for any expectant mother, but still, on average, she appears by the end of the second trimester.

This means that you can see the separation on the body at 5-7 months of pregnancy. If a woman is carrying twins, it appears at 4-5 months, as her belly grows much faster.

If there was no pigmentation during the first pregnancy, when does the strip appear on the abdomen during pregnancy in the second gestation period?

Sometimes pigmentation can indeed appear - this will happen much earlier, and the separation itself will darker.

Depending on the condition of the pregnant woman, the skin may become darker in the first trimester. At this time, a woman may also notice other symptoms of conception:

  • increase in appetite;
  • (especially after eating);
  • pain in the temporal part or dizziness.

Of course, at this time, the separation will not be too dark, but as the child grows, it will become brighter.

As a rule, in some women, pigmentation can be seen as early as 12 weeks, but the pregnant woman herself is unlikely to be able to see it. The rest of the patients notice it only at the end of the 2nd or even 3rd trimester, when the stomach becomes large.

In addition to separation on the body, a woman will also be able to notice darkening of the face and areolas of the chest. And if you can not get rid of the strip on the body, then on the face, many ladies will want to remove it.

To do this, most patients turn to folk methods that will help remove an ugly skin tone, and also not harm their health with chemistry and other harmful components.

Hyperpigmentation remains on the body of a woman until the end of gestation, after which it completely disappears. On average it takes 2-3 months, however, if the skin of the mother is sensitive, the removal of pigmentation may take 1.5 years after childbirth.

Note! There are cases when the separation on the stomach remains forever, and it cannot be removed by special means.

Then it becomes almost colorless. It will be difficult to see it, but still the strip will not completely disappear, and upon re-conception it will appear already in the first weeks.

In the old days, the gender of the child could be determined by the shade of the line on the body. This was done as follows:

  1. If a pregnant woman has a light separation color, then she is expecting a girl. Also, the birth of a daughter could be determined by the color of the areolas, which did not darken much. Where should the division come from? As a rule, it should appear in the navel, just above or below it.
  2. If the expectant mother has dark pigmentation, then she is expecting a boy. In this case, the separation should be strictly from the chest not the belly button.

Today, this method is not popular, although many still try to find out the gender on their own.

Useful video: where does the dark strip on the stomach come from during pregnancy


What is the strip on the pregnant belly? This is a section of tendons that connects the muscles of the peritoneum to each other. It is not necessary to try to remove it, since after the birth of the baby, the pigmentation will disappear on its own. It is better to monitor the condition of the child and devote time to your own health so that the baby is born healthy.

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With the onset of pregnancy the woman is completely transformed. Changes concern both its emotional component, and physiological. And if everything is clear with a growing belly and enlarging mammary glands, then where the dark strip on the stomach comes from has yet to be figured out.

In fact, such a strip is manifestation of hyperpigmentation. It can run along the vertical line of the entire abdomen, or it can stretch from the navel to the bottom. The phenomenon is typical for almost all pregnant women.

Why does a dark stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy

Known 2 causes dark stripe on the belly of a pregnant woman:

  • During pregnancy, the female body is subject to serious hormonal changes. There is an increase in estrogen and progesterone levels. They in turn affect increased levels of melanoropin- a hormone that produces melanocytes (cells that produce pigment and make the skin darker). Because of this, various age spots appear all over the body, including a strip on the stomach.
  • In addition, the appearance of a dark line is also due to the fact that there is no muscle tissue in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen. With the growth of the belly the skin is stretched and the dark stripe is just a consequence of such changes.

When it appears

In most cases, the strip appears closer to the 3rd trimester, when the belly is large enough, and the skin is already decently stretched. However, some women may notice its occurrence after 12 weeks.

In rare cases, the strip appears at the very beginning of pregnancy, acting as its sign.

At the very beginning, this is a barely noticeable line with blurred borders, but as time goes on, it begins to darken and become more clear.

How long will the belly strip be?

As a rule, the dark strip disappears on its own 3-4 months after the birth of the child. For some, this process may take a little longer: it depends on how quickly the hormonal background is restored.

If the strip is clearly visible after six months after childbirth, contact a beautician. He will select modern highly effective procedures to eliminate the problem.

Is it possible to prevent its occurrence

It is not possible to make the dark stripe not appear at all. However, simple tricks will help make it less noticeable. Here are the rules to follow:

  • avoid direct sunlight on the problem area (ultraviolet increases the degree of pigmentation);
  • when sunbathing, use special products with a maximum protection factor;
  • when choosing creams and lotions, make sure that the composition does not contain harmful substances such as mercury;
  • use soft peeling and brightening wraps;
  • exclude strong tea, coffee and fatty foods from the diet (or minimize the amount);
  • try to consume more greens and vegetables;
  • drink a course of vitamins containing folic acid and vitamin C;
  • wipe the skin of the abdomen with an infusion of chamomile or linden (be careful during lactation: this can provoke an allergic reaction in a child).

Don't despair if the strip nevertheless appeared on the skin and is clearly visible. After all, this can and should be perceived as a fact of the successful development of the child.

Folk signs - a dark stripe and the sex of the child

Popular superstitions did not bypass the dark stripe on the belly of a pregnant woman. It is generally accepted that if the line has a pronounced dark shade, and its boundaries are clear, then a pregnant woman a boy will be born.

If the strip pale, and the boundaries are vague, then a girl is born. Such signs do not have scientific evidence, so only modern medical technologies will help to more accurately find out the sex of the unborn child.

Each person has a “white line” in the middle of the abdomen, consisting of connective tissue. Usually it does not differ in color from the surrounding skin. But in women, during the period of gestation, the hormonal background changes, which affects the intensity of pigmentation throughout the body. The timing of the appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen during pregnancy is individual: for some in the first trimester, for others later.

Causes of the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen

The "white line" of the abdomen stretches from the pubic bone to the ribs. Its fibers are composed of collagen and are designed to connect the rectus abdominis muscles. Normally, this area is painted in a light shade.

During pregnancy, 90% of women observe the appearance of a dark strip on their stomach. A similar phenomenon is associated with the active work of the adrenal glands and sex glands, which produce a large amount of the following hormones:

  • progesterone;
  • estrogens;
  • melanotropin.

Melanotropin is a hormone that stimulates the formation of melanocytes - the cells responsible for the intensity of skin color. Its intensive production leads to the appearance of age spots, moles. An increase in the level of melanotropin is the main reason for the coloring of the “white line” of the abdomen in black, darkening of the nipples and skin around the navel. Additional negative effects of hormonal changes during pregnancy include active growth of body hair.

The increase in the intensity of the color of the vertical strip on the abdomen every week is due to the rapid growth of the uterus. The skin in this area is increasingly stretched and thinned, which makes the "white line" more visible. Therefore, at the end of the term, a vertical strip on the abdomen is always observed, even in the absence of increased pigmentation throughout the body.

The timing of the appearance of the strip

Some women observe the appearance of a dark strip in early pregnancy, when they only find out about their interesting position. In this case, it is only slightly different from the color of the surrounding tissues. More often, this phenomenon begins to be observed towards the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

Many women note the formation of a dark strip only during the period of intensive growth of the abdomen, after 6-7 months. This does not mean that such a pregnancy develops pathologically. The process of production of hormones responsible for skin pigmentation is individual for each person and depends on many external and internal factors.

The list of factors affecting the intensity of skin pigmentation

Dark-skinned women are more prone to developing a dark stripe on their belly.

The intensity of the effect of infrared radiation on the body of a woman significantly affects the process of the appearance of a dark stripe. The severity of pigmentation on the skin depends on how much it will be in direct sunlight.

The stripe on the abdomen has a more intense color in women who have naturally dark hair and eyes. Their body releases more melanotropin even in the absence of pregnancy. In women with blond hair, this process is less pronounced. Their belly stripe will darken later and change color to a lesser extent.

The timing of the disappearance of the strip on the abdomen

If a dark line appears on the belly of a pregnant woman, there is no need to panic. This is a natural phenomenon that does not require the intervention of doctors. It can be uneven, reach the navel or the level of the ribs - this is normal.

Skin pigmentation will begin to disappear only 6-12 months after childbirth. This is a long process, which is directly dependent on the hormonal background of a woman. Breastfeeding mothers observe the streak longer. This is due to the increased activity of their adrenal glands and other endocrine changes in the body.

To prevent increased pigmentation, it is not recommended to sunbathe during pregnancy.

It is impossible to remove the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. There are only a number of recommendations to prevent its occurrence:

  • Long walks in hot weather should be avoided. In summer, it is recommended to go outside only after applying sunscreen to exposed areas of the body. Sunbathing on the beach is allowed early in the morning or in the afternoon.
  • After the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to completely abandon the solarium.
  • It is advisable to limit the consumption of black tea and coffee - they affect the production of melanotropin.
  • Stressful situations, anxiety should be avoided, which provokes a surge of hormones and can affect the intensity of pigmentation on the body.
  • It is necessary to include in your diet a sufficient amount of dairy and sour-milk products.

Women who are categorically against pigmentation during pregnancy can use special bleaching agents from the first weeks. You should choose creams on a natural basis without mercury, hydroquinone, AHA-acid. They will not completely eliminate the problem, but they will make it less pronounced.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for age spots

To reduce the severity of pigmentation on the abdomen, you can resort to the use of folk remedies. With regular use, they will help whiten the skin without harm to the body of the expectant mother and child.

To reduce the intensity of the color of the strip on the abdomen, the use of natural lemon or cranberry juice is allowed. They rub the problem areas of the skin several times a day. Sweet peppers are allowed. A puree is made from it, which is applied daily to a strip on the stomach for 30 minutes.

Useful mask, consisting of ground parsley and cucumber. The freshly prepared mixture is applied to the problem area and kept for 20 minutes. To obtain a whitening effect, the use of fermented milk products is allowed. A piece of gauze is moistened in kefir or yogurt, after which it is applied to the strip for half an hour. After such procedures, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

To get rid of increased pigmentation, lotions from yarrow infusion are useful. To prepare it, a teaspoon of herbs is poured into 255 ml of boiling water. This mixture should be infused for half an hour, after which it should be filtered through a strainer. In the resulting infusion, a cotton pad is moistened, with which the darkened skin is thoroughly wiped. This procedure is repeated daily for several months.

Folk omens

There are many signs associated with the appearance of the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. At a time when there was no ultrasound diagnosis, the method of determining the sex of a child on this basis was very popular. Several variants of such signs have been collected:

  • If the strip starts from the pubis and ends near the navel, there is a high probability of having a daughter. When the dark line reaches the level of the ribs, there will be a son.
  • When the pigment strip goes around the navel, there is a high probability of a male child being born. If the line crosses it, a girl will be born.
  • A bright stripe on the abdomen indicates the birth of a girl, a dull one indicates a boy.

The formation of a saturated line in the center of the abdomen also indicates the birth of a balanced and calm baby. This is due to the fact that elevated levels of the hormone melanotropin affect the body's resistance to stress.

A dark vertical stripe on the skin of the abdomen appears in most pregnant women. Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother entail an increase in skin pigmentation, which manifests itself in the form of a “pregnancy mask” and a brown stripe along the abdomen. The presence of such a pigment strip does not threaten the health of either the mother or the child. Therefore, you should not worry about this, after childbirth it will disappear.

Stripe on the abdomen in pregnant women: what is it and why does it appear?

The abdominal muscles are symmetrical and connected in the middle by tendons, which in medicine are called the “white line of the abdomen” (see Figure 1). If there is no pregnancy, then its color is weak, usually visually imperceptible.

But with the development of pregnancy, the white line of the abdomen becomes more noticeable. And by a certain date, the expectant mother may find herself with a dark stripe that can stretch along the entire abdomen or from the navel. The intensity of its color varies from dark to light brown. The width and shape are also individual for each woman.

Figure 1 - White or midline of the abdomen

The cause of hyperpigmentation during pregnancy is not exactly known. Scientists believe that pregnant women have increased production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland. This hormone stimulates the production of melanotropin, which in turn promotes the formation of melanin pigment. It is he who paints the skin in a dark color.

Interesting theory! Melanotropin is considered an anti-stress hormone. The appearance of very dark pigmentation along the entire abdomen may indicate that a woman will have a stress-resistant baby.

In 10% of expectant mothers, the pigment strip does not appear. In fair-skinned and fair-haired pregnant women, hyperpigmentation appears less frequently. This is due to the fact that the skin cells of swarthy women contain more melanin.

Of course, not only skin and hair color affects pigmentation. Of great importance is the geographical location of the woman. In particular, in the southern latitudes, under the influence of the active sun, the body produces more melanin. In some women of these countries, even in the absence of pregnancy, a dark stripe is visible on the abdomen.

It should be noted that the appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen is not a pathology, and does not pose a danger to the life of the mother and child. As well as the absence of a strip does not affect pregnancy.

At what time does it appear and when does the dark strip on the abdomen of pregnant women disappear?

In some women, the strip may appear in the early stages of pregnancy, often in combination with other subjective symptoms of pregnancy - nausea, dizziness, increased appetite. At this time, the pigmentation is not bright, however, with the course of pregnancy, it usually intensifies.
As a rule, the pigment strip becomes noticeable after 12 weeks. Some women note its appearance only at the end of the second or third trimester. At the same time, pigmentation of the face (called the “mask of pregnant women”) and darkening of the nipple halos are noted.

Hyperpigmentation of the midline of the abdomen persists throughout pregnancy. Passes a dark strip only after childbirth. The period of disappearance varies from 2 - 3 months to 1.5 years after delivery. It is difficult to predict in advance when the strip will disappear, everything is very individual.

In rare cases, it persists for life, acquiring a very light shade. In subsequent pregnancies, pigmentation appears brighter and is already observed at an earlier date.

Interesting prediction! There is an old way to determine the sex of an unborn child by the shape and color of the strip. According to this popular belief, a woman who has a light-colored stripe running from the navel to the pubic bone will give birth to a girl. And a woman with a dark brown stripe running all over her belly from the sternum to the womb is carrying a son.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of a strip on the abdomen or get rid of it?

90% of expectant mothers have a dark pigmented stripe. It is impossible to avoid its appearance. However, there are various ways to reduce its brightness.

1. The pigment melanin, which is responsible for the brightness of the strip, is released under the influence of the sun and other sources of ultraviolet rays (for example, when visiting a solarium). Therefore, from May to September, it is recommended to apply a protective cream with a high level of UV protection to exposed areas of the body before going outside.

2. A balanced and healthy diet that does not burden the liver will help prevent the increase in the brightness of the strip. It is also recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin C (cranberries, currants, fresh herbs, sweet peppers).

Citrus fruits should not be consumed in large quantities, because. they are strong allergens and their vitamin C content is low.

3. A bright dark stripe can also appear with a lack of folic acid. This vitamin is found in fresh herbs, lettuce, spinach, various types of cabbage, in almost all nuts. Also rich in folic acid are dishes from the liver, beef and fish (salmon and tuna).

Some women consider hyperpigmentation to be a cosmetic defect and try to get rid of it in various ways. Immediately after childbirth, you can use folk methods to whiten the pigment strip.

To do this, you can use lotions from lemon juice or red currant. Fruit acids are able to whiten age spots on the skin.

Reduces the intensity of pigmentation and sweet pepper. It is rubbed on a fine grater, the resulting slurry is applied to the skin of the abdomen for half an hour.

A mask of fresh cucumber and parsley also helps to cope with a dark stripe. The vegetables are finely chopped. The resulting mass is applied to the pigmented area of ​​​​the skin for 20 minutes.

Fermented milk products - kefir and yogurt - also have a good whitening effect. Lotions are made from them. To do this, moisten gauze in sour milk and apply it to the hyperpigmentation area. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

If you can’t remove the strip, don’t worry, because. over time, it will disappear on its own, and the skin of the abdomen will take on its former appearance.