Cool musical New Year's script for high school students. New Year's adventures (New Year's scenario for high school students) material (Grade 11) on the topic. New company name

New Year's music

Presenter 1 . Good evening to everyone in this room!
Lead 2 . Hello dear guests! We are very pleased to welcome you today to this wonderful holiday. Today we have gathered in this hall to say goodbye to the old year and to welcome the new one.

Presenter 1: There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!

Host 2: . He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and in a new turn,
Helps to get better
To all the people of the world New Year!

Presenter 1: Meeting the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce it with a special feeling, because you can say them only once a year.

Host 2: Happy New Year! These magic words cheer up,

eyes light up with joyful fire. Faces glow with a smile and we are clean

hearts say:"Happy New Year" (Chorus)

Presenter 1:
Friends dance, sing, laugh! Fill the room with fun!


(new Russian grandmas enter the stage)

Stepanovna: New Year! New Year!

Behind the window - New Year!

With Christmas tree and gifts

The New Year is coming.

Vovanovna: Stepanovna! Have you come to kindergarten to lead the New Year? You look at the audience, you need to rebuild somehow! These are not children! Look at the shoes, size 42-44, they are already shaving their beards, heels are 8-10 centimeters, and the make-up is rocking!

Stepanovna: Oh! Oh! Not children, so who? Where are we with you?

Vovanovna: To school.

Stepanovna: Then another conversation. Well, che, Vovanovna, we'll kill the walker some more.


Stepanovna: You're being smart, Vovanovna!(to the hall)

I want Santa Claus to be cheerful

He came to us with gifts

And the Snow Maiden

He brought us to the party.

Vovanovna: Vernyak, what is the New Year without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden ?! Here you can do without Baba Yaga.

Stepanovna: Yes, Baba Yaga is already here.... (points to Stepanovna)

Vovanovna: Look at yourself! Crochet nose, upright ears, wheeled back... (adjusts the handkerchief, back) And where are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?Well, che, let's call all together Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!


Grade 10 comes out (parody Potap and Nastya)

Stepanovna: And I didn’t understand, but who was it?

Some Snow Maiden with Santa Claus are not real? We need real ones.

Vovanovna: Who are you calling? What organisms you have weak! Was it a scream? Let's try again.

All: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden.


Father Frost: Hello!We came to your holiday tree from afar.
We walked together for a long time through the ice, through the snow.

Snow Maiden: All the days passed, not knowing laziness, we did not go astray.
Either they sat on reindeer, or in a fixed-route taxi.

Father Frost: Here you are - don't be late!

I am very glad that in this room
Frost still recognized.
Don't forget to invite to the party
And dressed up a miracle tree.

Snow Maiden : Yes, the Christmas tree is marvelously decorated, Very elegant and beautiful.
Where the bright lights near the Christmas tree glow, Well, my friends, we all meet together.
And now let's stand together in a traditional round dance and sing everyone's favorite song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Presenter2: This is all wonderful, but there is no special enthusiasm, fun ...
Presenter1: We need a special touch! Controlled!

Presenter2: Dear friends! To ourNew Year's Eve came the prima donna herself. And this is her first performance in our village in front of you. Hello!

Grade 11 comes out (parody "")


Presenter1: Attention! Attention!Hear the message of the utmost importance! The intrigue of the evening is announced. From this moment begins the selection of the King and Queen.And for this, each of you must write the names of the participants and participants in the evening on a piece of paper and put it in a box. We are sure that among you there are contenders for this very honorary title.

Music and take out the box.

Snow Maiden:

I can't stand stillYou have a lot of fun.The holiday will be honor by honor,I want to start dancing!

And a very interesting and cheerful class with Verka Serduchka will help me in this. Meet!

Grade 9 Coming Out (parody)

Santa Claus: What kind of sadness, what kind of idleness?

No excitement, no fun.

It's time for us to play games.

Presenter2: Now from each class we invite 3 people. To the music, all participants run around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, everyone sits down. Those who do not have enough chairs leave.

Chair play.


Presenter 1: New Year's miracles do not end, and we present you not newcomers, but very wise old men. So, we invite the 11th grade to the stage with our New Year's performance. Let's applaud.

Number "Battle of Choirs" Grade 11

Presenter2: While everyone is far from dispersed, we propose the next competition. Those who wish, find a mate. Stand in front of the stage, we will give you balloons. Your task is to dance to the music, but when the music stops playing, you must burst the ball. The pair that does it faster will be the winner.


Presenter1: And now - New Year's songs with stars. But all the stars are now busy at New Year's corporate parties, so we invite 9th grade

Number "Battle of Choirs" Grade 9

Fanfare .

Presenter2: Let's find out who you have chosen as King and Queen tonight.


Presenter 1: So, exciting moment.According to the voting results of the evening


Queen -

Father Frost: On this cheerful note, it's time to say goodbye to us.

Snow Maiden:

Just don't forget us
You wait for us, my grandfather and I will come.

Father Frost: Let there be a warm parting

Let's just say:

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: " Goodbye".


Presenter2: Everyone performed so well, but at the finish line of our musical performance ahead, 10th grade!


Presenter 1: Someone threw flowers on the windows

Snow, like poplar fluff on the street.

They say what you think

On New Year's Eve, it will come true.

Presenter2: Happy New Year!

Presenter1: With new happiness!(chorus)

Presenter2: May the New Year dawn on you
Will give you success.
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.

Presenter 1: We say to everyone: "Goodbye" -
It's time for parting.

Host 2: Dear friends! How nice it was to see your smiling, cheerful, open faces. Your friendly looks, sincere eyes.

Presenter 1: We are sure that you will remember this evening for a long time.
Stay always so cheerful, love each other and be happy!
Musical congratulations: song - "I wish"
All: Happy New Year!!!

Host 2: Friends, and now - a disco.

New year 2016

Scenario New Year's holiday for high school students.

Song festival begins Alina Grous - New Year

(To the music of the fanfare, the presenters exit)


Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.

Leading 2 .

Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

Lead 1.

It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you can be convinced of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday.

Leading 2.

With the arrival of white Januarys
We all become "wiser" -
We are waiting for gifts and a lot of happiness.
And we believe that heaven
We are all preparing miracles ...

Musical background: "Iowa Smile"

Baba Yaga. (He runs out in headphones, dances, sings a song) Smile ... Smile ... Ugh! .. You got attached ... No, what kind of songs are now? There used to be songs! Withered… for a long time… chrysanthemums in the garden…(Runs out to the music of Kikimora. Dancing)Kikimora: Hello, Yaga, am I late?Baba Yaga. : Are you late? Always the very first to the table.Kikimora: And I'm disciplined!Baba Yaga. : Well, yes, well, yes, we know how disciplined you are ... the first to come, the first to kill, so as not to wash the dishes.(An airplane flies in from behind the scenes.)Baba Yaga. : In, eSeMeSka came.Kikimora: Come on, come on, read on, I love passion like other people's letters!

(looks at letter)Baba Yaga. : Yes, what a letter, what a letter, you illiterate swamp. Ento eSeMeSka! From Leshy.

(reads) Sy-ko-ra boo-du. Le-shey. Guests are gathering! (He rubs his hands, at this time another SMS arrives)

Issho alone! (Is reading)

Pe-rya-do-small. Le-shey.Kikimora. And what is he, huh? It won't come, will it?Baba Yaga. And who really knows. Kikimora: Some unstable.(The SMS plane flies again)Baba Yaga. Well, kasya ... well, kasya ... (reads) “Again, pe-rya-du-small. Will." Ugh you, then I will, then I will ...(To the music of Mackle Jackson, Leshy appears with a moonwalk, rubbing his hands)Goblin: How well did I play you?Kikimora: And I was already upset, I thought again Yaga and I would celebrate the New Year together ..Goblin: And I'm here as here! Now the three of us will while away the holiday!Baba Yaga. That's just it, what to while away. No entertainment. Kikimora: And that's true, even if some Ivan Tsarevich got carried away.

We would have been pissed off!Goblin: Yes, we would be happy!Baba Yaga. Now don't freak out! Have you forgotten that you made peace with Santa Claus? We do not hooligan, but he will send us gifts for the New Year for this.Goblin: Yes, what are his gifts to us, sweets and nuts, fu, disgusting.Kikimora: I love sweets...Baba Yaga. I didn’t have a choice, otherwise would I have concluded an agreement with Frost! He'll have to help!Goblin : Yes, now bored. Neither scare anyone, nor drive.

Kikimora: Eh, still - no one! Come on, Yaga, take out your apple on a silver platter, let's see what's going on in the world.Baba Yaga: Darkness! Saucer - STE yesterday! I have another piece! (Pulls out a small suitcase. Opens it: on the lid, on the reverse side - the screen, on the bottom - the keyboard) In! Goblin: Wow! Here is the hardware...Baba Yaga . Chemobook is called! Now, now, we'll find out all the news! (Turns on, the screen is not visible to the audience, Guglovna appears on the stage from the side, she is the image on the screen transferred to the stage).Baba Yaga : Well, Guglovna, tell the news! And then it's time for us to hit the road!Guglovna : In a certain kingdom, in a certain state

A fairy tale in a new way: _______________ 8th grade

(Callsigns of a mobile phone sound)

Vedas 2 : ( talking on cell phone ): Yes, we are waiting, we are waiting! No, we are not bored. Well, what is the New Year without you? You really hurry up! (turns off the phone): D. Frost with the Snow Maiden is very close.

Vedas 1 : Well, you told them that we are waiting for them?


(a phonogram sounds - fonfaras processing of the music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and a loud knock is heard).

D. Moroz : Good evening, good people!

Hello everyone, friends!

I see I'm very welcome here

And I see smiles.

I love someone who is cheerful

I'm Santa Claus!

If someone hung his nose,

Let him raise his nose!

I wish you success

Happiness, joy and laughter!

Happy New Year to you, friends! And where is the Snow Maiden? It's time to start the holiday, to receive gifts, but she is not there yet. Let's call her all together.

(They call in chorus: “Snow Maiden!”)

What organisms you have weak! Is that a scream? Let's try again.

(Everyone shouts even louder: “Snow Maiden!”)

Oh, why are you yelling like that? I hear someone approaching, probably the Snow Maiden is coming.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga and her retinue appear.

Baba Yaga.

How many people are in the hall,

A glorious holiday will be here.

They sent me a telegram

What is waiting for me here

Well, here I come! And you meet more friendly Babusya - Yagusya and clap loudly!

I don't call myself Baba Yaga for nothing,

I always joke and laugh at everyone.

kikimora :We know the secret of how to have fun:

Goblin: Sing, dance, don't worry about anything!

Father Frost . And you, Yagusya, how did you get here, do you want to spoil the whole holiday for us ?! Who called you?!

Baba Yaga . Darkness! Completely behind the times, old, or do you have sclerosis? Well, your Snow Maiden and I are old girlfriends. She could not come, she has personal, cordial affairs there.(winks at his retinue ), so she asked me to replace her. Or are you against it?! Do you need help or can you do it yourself?

Father Frost . Replace the Snow Maiden with Baba Yaga? This is really ... It doesn’t climb into any sleigh. Okay, stay, you will help me, but on the condition that you will not be dirty. Deal?

Baba Yaga. Deal! (They shake hands.)

New Year's greetings ____ 9th grade ___ class

Father Frost . Well done, made Grandfather happy!

And I'll show you a trick

I'll put everything in order.

I went to the store

Bought gifts for everyone.

Here.(Takes a dumbbell out of the bag.)

Baba Yaga . So it's a dumbbell! Do such gifts exist?

Father Frost . There are all kinds.

Baba Yaga. Oh, you have some gifts...

Father Frost . The most normal. Look how many people want it.(Screams.) New Year's dumbbell! The more you raise...

Baba Yaga . The faster you fall!

Father Frost . You will become an athlete. You, Yagusya, do not understand anything, and whoever understands that this is the best New Year's competition will come up and start squeezing it out. Hey, fly in, don't be shy, lift the dumbbell and get a gift!

A competition is being held _____________________

New Year's greetings ______ 8 b class

Father Frost . Well done, made Grandfather happy!

The goblin comes in to the music and the kikimora play tag, fool around

Father Frost: What is that noise in the forest? What is it, you're messing around again?Goblin: No way, Frost, everything is decorously noble!Baba Yaga: You offend, Frost, we behave decently!Father Frost: What are you making noise then? Play games fast!

A GAME ____________

Baba Yaga . And now - a prize in the studio!

Goblin and kikimora agree: In the studio!

Father Frost: The one you fell off the moon. Have you read the script? There it is written in white on black: “Santa Claus enters, congratulates, holds a contest,” but nothing is said about the fact that he gives gifts. Got it?

Baba Yaga . It can't be! Take a closer look at your script. By the way, where is the script? Let's watch.

Baba Yaga . While Santa Claus is busy looking for a script

New Year's greetings ___________________ 11th grade

(Santa Claus takes out a script from the bag.) Found it! Found!

Father Frost (is reading). So, after congratulating Santa Claus, the children dance around the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga . It's in the children's scenario that children lead a round dance, but in our ...

Father Frost . Where is ours?

Baba Yaga. You should have had.

Father Frost . I dropped it somewhere. (Looking for scripts. What to do now, what to do?

Baba Yaga . Oh, you lost the document! We'll have to improvise. Our children are not so small, because they are not supposed to lead round dances! Do you know the songs? sing along!

Artistic class number ____________

Father Frost.

Oh-ho-ho, how tired I am,

He sang well and danced.

And now I'll rest

I'll sit here by the tree.

And I'll wait for the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga . You, Santa Claus, sit down, and the guys and I will hold some fun contests!

Contest __________________________________

Father Frost: Well, our holiday is in full swing! Only my granddaughter lingered somewhere, you see, everything preens. (Everyone calls the Snow Maiden, music is heard)exit of the snow maiden

Snow Maiden : How many faces are around acquaintances,

How many of my friends are here!

It's good for me here, like at home,

Among the gray-haired Christmas trees!

All my friends have gathered.

In the New Year's winter hour.

We haven't met for a whole year.

I missed you.

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, am I late? Missed something interesting?Father Frost: Yes, here today a whole fairy tale played out, just before the very New Year!Snow Maiden: Grandpa, isn't it time for us to congratulate everyone?Father Frost: It's time, granddaughter, it's time! Happy New Year!Snow Maiden:
The Earth is spinning, another turnAnother one, and hereNo delays, right on timeThe New Year is coming!


The clock will strike twelve timesOutline the arrows circle.And in this long-awaited hourLight up all around

Father Frost:

smiles of relatives and friends,
The glasses will ring
And a Christmas tree with hundreds of lights
Decorate your outfit!

Baba Yaga .
With a second of the first of January,
Under the snow dance
Giving new hopes
The New Year is coming!

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year!


So as not to worry, not to attack

They didn't guard at the gate.

Snow Maiden:

So that the sun gently shines

Everything that the heart is waiting for came true

And just to be gratifying

All your life, like this year!

Father Frost: Dear friends! The people say:

“The best song that has not yet been sung. The best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived! So let the New Year 2016 bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true!

Together: Happy New Year!

High school students are not distinguished by their zeal to take part in school entertainment programs, they consider themselves too old for skits, performances and other “nonsense”. The only thing we are always ready to participate in is KVN, funny pranks and various humorous numbers, so we offer a few fresh scenes that together can form an excellent scenario for the New Year for high school students. Students themselves can come up with New Year's skits, and most often they turn out to be funnier and more interesting than jokes invented by adults, so we recommend teachers and parents to lay the responsibility for the holiday program on the schoolchildren themselves.

Scene "How to celebrate the holiday"

It takes 2 people to set up. Costumes are not required, the main thing is to emotionally pronounce your lines. If the participants in the production are resourceful enough, you don’t even have to learn the roles by heart - let them improvise.

1: Glad to welcome everyone to the New Year's party! Now I will tell you how to properly celebrate the holiday!

2: Why is it you and not me?

1: Yes, what do you understand in parties? You always need to be dragged somewhere!

2: At least I don’t put empty gift boxes under the Christmas tree to post on Instagram, like they gave me so many things!

1: And you give everyone the sweets that you gave to your mother-teacher!

2: At least I give sweets, but you, in general, remember gifts on the 31st and stand in lines for two hours to buy a fridge magnet!

1: What does it have to do with gifts, in general? You turned on Petrosyan last New Year and tried to make everyone watch it, but we wanted to dance!

2: And during the president’s speech, you took a selfie against the background of the TV set and posted it on Instagram!

1: But you didn’t buy fireworks, as asked, said: “Why, that there will be few strangers on the square? Let's look at them!"

2: Yes, then you, in general, most of all told how cool we would celebrate the New Year, and then ate salads and fell asleep.

1: I don’t even write a wish on a piece of paper under the chimes! And you write the same thing every time, you burn your sheets, and then you drink champagne with ashes. And it will never reach you that they are still not fulfilled, these desires!

2: And you throw the same congratulatory poems on the wall to everyone!

1: And on the first of January you will be at 10 in the morning and yell: “Let's go sledding!”

2: At least I didn't watch the battle of psychics all the holidays like you!

1: At least I didn’t offer to call a taxi to the center at exorbitant prices, so that later I could say: “Pay like a brother, otherwise I have a five thousandth.”

2: Of course, but when you call to celebrate, you don’t go home on the 1st until all the food is over.

1: Okay, got it. Both are good. In general, guys, listen: for New Year's Eve to be gorgeous ...

2: Never do as we do!

Scene "Herringbone"

In a skit that can be played without preparation, 9 people are involved. To participate, it is advisable to choose the most artistic and active students and still give them five to ten minutes to think about their role - it will turn out interesting.

The text of the famous song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” will need to be printed out - not everyone knows it by heart.

Also print out the roles on the sheets: a Christmas tree, a snowstorm, frost, a cowardly bunny, an angry wolf, a furry horse, a peasant, firewood, a leader.

Put the sheets with the roles in the hat, let the participants in the skit pull out the roles themselves. Further, as you might guess, you need to emotionally and artistically play a song by role. Those who are not shy can sing their part, the rest are allowed to recite with expression. Give high schoolers time to prepare: have them make a costume out of improvised means and think about how they will beat their role. With a sense of humor at this age, guys usually have no problems, so it will turn out funny.

Scene "Old year against the New"

It will take 6 students (leader, old year, new year and three more). The old year is dressed in a festive, but torn and shabby suit, a garland is wound around it, but it does not burn. In the hand - an empty glass of champagne or a burnt sparkler. On the chest there is a plate with the numbers 2017. The New Year is dressed in a Santa Claus costume or similar to the previous one, but “from the needle”. On the chest are the numbers 2018. The rest of the participants do not need costumes.

Leading: On December 31, it is customary to see off the old year and meet the new one. And if there was such an opportunity, would you stay in the old year? What would you choose? The students of one of the schools were lucky - they were given such a chance.

The old year is on the left, the new year is on the right. Three students are coming up to the new year, who also participate in the skit.

Old Year: Is that how it is?! And this is your gratitude for the magical 365 days that we spent together?!

Student 1: And what good have we seen from you? Some deuces, parents to school, they even began to feed somehow tasteless!

Student 2: By the way, you promised that our wishes would come true! There are a couple of days left before the new year, but something has not come true yet!

Old Year: So why did you think about the victory of the Olympic team? I would have wished then that the Olympiad would be held extraordinary this year! How can you win in what is not?

Student 3: Was it difficult for you to guess yourself? In general, I was poisoned by these ashes when I burned a piece of paper with a desire over a glass of champagne! Do you know how bad it was in the morning?

Old Year: Well, you all got poisoned, because the Olivier, which the classmates made in the morning, had to be kept in the refrigerator, and not on the table near the battery. And who told you that everything you write will definitely come true? Should I start doing the inscriptions in the toilets? It’s simpler there, “call me” or “Katya loves Andrey”.

Student 1: Yes, I can fulfill such desires myself, don’t go away from the topic. It’s better to go completely, we are already waiting for the next year, maybe it will be better!

Old Year: No problem! But did you think well, with whom did you decide to stay? With this?! Yes, he is a pig, what else to look for! Moreover, you know me, stability, so to speak. The football team will not win, the president will not change, gasoline will not rise in price, oil will not become cheaper. And this year is in the bag! Well, that is, a cat.

Student 2: Well, that the team will not win and the president will not change, this one (points to the new year) can guarantee us!

Old Year: Well, how did he bribe you? Do you want better grades? Or do you think the holidays will be longer? Yes, your parents will force you to learn lessons anyway, why do you need so many days off! Well, here you are (pointing towards the third), I gave you a meeting with your beloved, now you have a girl.

Student 3: Yeah, I can’t get rid of her for a month!

Old year: (to student 1) And you finally went to Thailand.

Student 1: I went with my mother. In addition to these excursions, I didn’t see anything, for the whole quarter for the sake of this I sat on textbooks, earned good grades. It would be better to go here with friends!

Old Year: Well, if you're like that, I'm leaving! Only then you yourself will cry, since you stay with him (again with your fingers for the new year)! The photographs will remember me. And you will want to go to Thailand again, and you will miss the girl, and according to your good grades. You try, you try for them, and when you leave, they stab you in the back and no thanks!

Everyone comes up, strokes the Old Year on the back, consoles, apologizes.

Student 1: Well, don't be offended, you really were good!

Student 2: If you want, stay!

Old Year: Well, no, it's already been decided. Yes, and it must be different from year to year, otherwise it will turn out to be some kind of “groundhog year”!

Slowly and sadly leaves. The new year is coming forward.

New Year: Of course, it must be different! Here is a list of exams that you will take in the summer, and here is a list of questions for each subject!

Student 3: How much?! Three hundred questions? And yet so complicated? It's time to learn to sit down!

Everyone rushes to run after the old year, shouting “Stop”, “Wait!”, “Don't leave!”, “We changed our minds”.

Scene "Before the holiday"

Pharmacy. The salesperson is behind the counter. A schoolboy comes in, goes with the words: “So, parents will leave, friends will drink champagne, someone’s stomach will hurt from Olivier, you need to prepare, and on the 1st still go skiing from the mountain.” He enters the pharmacy: “Give me coal, please.”

Apothecary: “You activated?”

Student: Are you kidding? Every year I win computer science olympiads. I wrote a trial exam for 100 points, in the lessons there are only five. Let's get a demo version, if it works, I'll activate it myself somehow!”

Scene “Argument with the teacher”

Two students come out and start a conversation:

1: Why are you so sad?

2: Why rejoice then? We have a new year, holidays, and we were asked so much! Read there, and decide, in general, write essays in English and do tests. I won't have New Year's holidays. And you won't, no one at all. No, what do they think?

1: Stooooooop! Here you need to act. Look. Holidays are not only with us, but also with teachers, right? So! But they will rest, and we will learn what we were given back.

2: I'll tell you more, they will not just rest, but also drink ...

1: Don't continue! Let it be on their conscience! Now you need to seize the moment! Today we have a holiday, good teachers. We invite them to play a game. If we lose, so be it, we will learn everything. But if we win ... (significantly rubs his hands).

The students invite two or three teachers to the stage.

2: So, we will ask you questions. You will have 15 seconds to think about your answer. Answer correctly - you get a point. Make a mistake - we get the point!

  1. The rooster decided to cross the border with China. Suddenly, at the border, he laid an egg. The border guards say the egg will have to be left behind. Question: which state does the egg now belong to? (answer - roosters do not lay eggs).
  2. In 15 seconds, name 2 proverbs about pigs and wild boars.
  3. The piglet was born on January 14, 2017. What will happen to him on January 14, 2019? (he will be 2 years old)
  4. In what month will our classmates gossip less? (in February, it is the shortest).
  5. How many snowballs with a diameter of 7 centimeters can fit into a container with a volume of 5 liters? (snowballs can't walk, so not at all).
  6. You came to visit to celebrate the new year. On the table are salads and pink plates. With which hand should you put salads on pink plates? (the one with the spoon).

After the end of the quiz, you need to calculate the points, then - according to the situation. If the teachers won, one of the students says: “Yes, you proved to us that we need to study. And you are already so smart that you can afford to take a break, so it's all fair!”. If the teachers lost, the student says: “Of course it was a joke game, and we will still learn our lessons! But let's not forget about the rest! In general, on the basis of the game “Teachers against students”, an excellent scenario for the New Year at school will turn out if the team of teachers opposes the team of students in all competitions. By the way, such activities help the two parties to establish relationships. Quite often, the behavior of students and their attitude to classes improves after such a “team building”.

Scene “Valenki Santa Claus”

Two students come on stage again. In the hands of the first - felt boots.

Student 2: Wow, what are those strange shoes you have on?

Student 1: What's strange here, these are Santa Claus boots!

Student 2: Come on, what are we, in kindergarten? Still do not understand that there is no Santa Claus?

Student 1: Whose boots are these then?

Student 2: I don’t know, I took it from my grandfather, confess?

Student 1: Yes, I'm seriously telling you, these are Santa Claus boots, magical!

Student 2: Show me then! Otherwise I won't believe it!

Student 1: Show magic? I will show you now? Who wants to experience it for themselves? (one student comes out) Put on boots! (puts on boots).

Student 2: I don't see any magic!

The music turns on, the student in felt boots begins to dance. He is joined by the one who brought the felt boots, then the one who did not believe in magic. A few more guys come out one by one, join the dancers.

Student 1: Wow, but felt boots are really magical!

Student 2: Yes, magical, magical!

Student 1: Just give them to me soon, now grandfather will wake up and you will see real magic - he can say one hundred and forty abusive words in a minute!

Everyone leaves.

Scene “Divination for the New Year”

Two students participate - they conduct a dialogue, one periodically depicts the described action.

Student 1: And after the new year, on Christmas night and until the very baptism, the girls guess.

Student 2: And we want to show you the most famous divination.

Student 1 (student 2 meanwhile depicts): A girl goes out into the yard at night, takes off her felt boots, stands with one bare foot on the cold snow. He closes his eyes, spins around himself several times, and how he throws his shoes!

Student 2: And then what?

Student 1: Nothing, then he walks like a fool, without boots, he will also get sick!

Student 2: Another fortune-telling is for a dream. Grandmothers say, you need to put under the pillow the thing of the guy for whom you have unrequited love, and whom you want to bewitch. For example, a sock.

Student 1: Of course, it will stink so much that all love will disappear!

Student 2: Yeah, and there is also fortune-telling: at the New Year's party, you ask the first girl in the mask for a mirror, and then you wonder who to return it to!

Confetti prank scene

In between scenes, you can arrange a prank number. A cleaner (student) comes out with a bucket of water (real) and a mop. He starts washing the floor, for real, everyone can see that there is really water in the bucket. The dialogue is built with the leader (if there is none, with the student involved in the skit).

V: What are you?! We have a holiday here, we are showing skits here, the guys are now performing a number!

W: So what? Should I wait until night until you all disperse here? I don't get paid! They walk here, trample on, then only things disappear!

The cleaning lady continues to mop the floors, rearranging the bucket all the time, and grumbles: “inherited”, “well, pigs”, “mother doesn’t teach you to wipe your feet”, “the second shoe - they can’t bring that clean one” and so on. The main thing is that everyone can see that the bucket is constantly being moved from place to place. The host, meanwhile, decides to wait until the cleaning is over:

Well, since we have a little hitch, I'll take the floor and wish everyone a Happy New Year! I wish you 365 days of happiness, 53 weeks of fun, 12 months of good mood and one year of success! (continues to say any wishes)

Meanwhile, the bucket disappears from the view of the audience for a few seconds - the cleaning lady places it backstage or outside the door, in any place that none of the audience can see. It is quickly replaced with the same, but filled with confetti. The cleaner takes it and with the words: “Bah, you need to change the water!”, Pours it on the audience. Fright is replaced by an explosion of laughter, when students, parents and teachers realize that dirty water is not pouring on them, but multi-colored shiny pieces of paper are pouring.

Short scene: "Tangerines"

The scene is suitable as a final for any party or as a sign that the amateur block is over and it's time to move on to the table or dancing.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out, dragging a huge bag together.

Santa Claus: Fuuuuh, they barely dragged it! But all the students were given gifts!

Snow Maiden: What is there?

Santa Claus: Tangerines. They produce the hormone of joy, this is the most necessary thing at the holiday!

The Snow Maiden opens the bag, a student appears from there, finishing his tangerine.

Snow Maiden with Santa Claus: Who are you?

Student: I'm a tangerine cannibal!

She takes her bag and leaves, finishing her tangerine.

Snow Maiden: Well, that's the end of the gifts, and our performance too!

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!

Scene-competition based on fairy tales

It just seems that the script for the New Year for high school students based on fairy tales is not interesting. Even adults do not grow out of them, it is not for nothing that magical characters are used even at corporate parties. The main thing is that New Year's skits are funny and modern, so folk art is usually remade in a new way.

Koschei the Immortal, Kikimora, Baba Yaga appear on the stage. With sad faces, they sadly sit down at the table.

Koschey: Skuuuuuuuuuuuchno! And today, in fact, the New Year!

Baba Yaga: And do not say, Bony, oh, that is, Immortal, animals, get out, everyone is having fun!

Kikimora: Shall we join them?

Koschey: We have already joined, for some reason, as they see us, everyone scatters in different directions. What are we, so scary or what?

Kikimora: Or maybe we can beat them all? We'll pick up the presents, eat treats, champagne, probably, not everyone has had time to drink yet. How are you?

Koschey: Let's not spoil the holiday, we'll think of something ourselves!

Baba Yaga: Or maybe it's time for us to get out among people? We sat up in the woods!

Kikimora: Yeah, people! Have you tried to go to the pharmacy? I didn’t spend a penny, because I scared everyone away, and instead of medicine, they gave you foundation creams, mascara and lipstick for free!

Koschey: I made up my mind! High school students are already adults. Firstly, when they see us, they will not burst into tears, like kindergartners! Second, have fun with them. Thirdly, they also have New Year's concerts now and performances. We'll come early, we'll close the leaders in the pantry, well, these, real ones. And we make fun of them!

Baba Yaga: We will hold dirty contests, we will ask such questions at quizzes that not a single scientist will answer, let them think they are scratching their turnips!

Kikimora: And the girls will make up us! There will be a make-up competition, who will make the Queen from Baba Yaga and Kikimora the fastest!

Baba Yaga: They will make beauties out of us, so we will take their guys away at the disco! Go!

Koschey: It seems we are in place. Look how young-dressy! Well, who here wants to try himself as a makeup artist? Please note that these two old women need to be made into Hollywood movie stars, and they have never seen a beauty salon in their 3000 years! So a lot of hands are needed. Let's say five people each! Let's go! (Invites 2 teams of 5 people - both boys and girls).

Kikimora: Listen, Bony! What if they don't know anything! Wow, what green! Let them practice first. If it’s not weak for them to make snowmen out of their guys, then you can let them get to my face!

Baba Yaga: Now we will turn on the music and from this and this we need to make elegant beautiful snowmen. So the kids gasp! And we will not give you props - what you find here, then use it!

The music turns on, the teams dress up the selected students in snowmen.

In a similar way, you can beat any competition, as well as lead to any game or activity. At the same time, it is not necessary to follow the plot of fairy tales, the main thing is to choose such a costume so that it is clear that this is a fairy-tale character, you can make it a little more modern. Although we still recommend that high school students themselves act as hosts and choose their own New Year's images. So the holiday turns out to be more lively and cool.

Scenario for high school students based on the movie "Harry Potter"

Another option is to use characters from Soviet cinema or a very recent film. In the latter case, funny scenes for the new year cause even more delight, because the viewing experience does not have time to cool down and the jokes turn out to be extremely relevant. In 2019, we propose to come up with a story about Harry Potter - by the holiday there will not be a single schoolchild (as well as a single adult) who has not seen the novelty.

The idea is this - school number N turns into a school of magic and wizardry during the holiday. In advance, ask students to come dressed as wizards. Divide those who came into 4 teams - Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Puffinduy and Gryffindor. If the budget allows, order decals - badges, scarves, robes. These items can be left with students as a keepsake.

Decorate your party space with printed mythological creatures, candles, goblets, toy owls and balloons. Buy some mops, paint them gold, sign them "Nimbus 2000".

Teenagers are also children, and they also love New Year's celebrations and holidays. Our script for the New Year's holiday for grades 7-8 was created specifically for young people aged 14-15 years old, and will help the organizers to make New Year's holidays fun, modern and interesting for children. The program was developed taking into account the characteristics of the age and interest of spectators and participants, so the script is based on contests, games, dances, and of course, humor.


  • Father Frost;
  • Lead 1 (Year 2020);
  • Lead 2 (Year 2021);
  • Snow Maiden;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Robbers.

And now ... a modern New Year's scenario!

Q1: Good evening, hello friends!

We are glad to welcome everyone to this festive hall, which is filled with sincere smiles and New Year's mood - today we are seeing off a good and positive 2017, the symbol of which I will be at the holiday!

Q2: But do not be sad - after all, very soon a young and promising year, like me, 2021 will enter our homes.

V1: Well, we'll see if it's promising or not... But the year 2017 was really productive - new sports victories, new teachers who are just starting their teaching career, but high school students have already managed to like it. And the most pleasant thing in 2017 is the new girls who graced the already beautiful half of the high school.

V2: So, of course, everything that concerns girls - knocks you out of rhythm. Don't get distracted from the topic. We are serious guys. You are the symbol of the past year, and I am the symbol of the future. Therefore, our task today is to make our holiday as positive and fun as possible.

Q1: Well, if so, how are we going to amuse people?

B2: As always, we will invite guests, well, Santa Claus. We will meet loudly, receive gifts, and go home.

Q1: Yes, something is boring. Come on, let's invite unusual guests.

Q2: Unusual? Cool, come on.

В1: So, to your applause, dear friends, we meet the guests!

(A phonogram sounds, the Snow Queen comes out, Baba Yaga (dressed in modern costumes) with robbers, they dance a modern dance.)

Let's go! We got talking!
Holidays need to be delayed.
We've been here before
So let's hang out!

THE SNOW QUEEN: Build everyone! The Snow Queen is young, slender, beautiful, harsh and capricious. I can't stand happy holidays - I love snowstorms, ice. To fear the cold, and tremble with fear.

Oh, the most powerful, the best subjects are before you!
Baba Yaga is a folklore element.
They curse me, hag, and scold me.
I do evil in one moment,
Let them know about it right away.

ROBBER 1: Hello, old wrecked woman, and you, queen of the cold. Oh, and we hurried to the party, oh, and we got cold on the road!

ROBBER 2: Yes, and now - they finally arrived to spoil the holiday of youth!

YAGA: Your coldness! But we do not only know how to celebrate - for a whole year we taught high school students the skill of rudeness and vulgarity, arranged a glass-breaking championship, an olympiad in the knowledge of bad words, and competitions in the number of parent calls to school.

Sn.K .: Oh-oh, excellent students right! So, shut up, everyone shut up! Think let's go! How can we disrupt the holiday here, and so that no one dares to interfere!

Rogue 1: Stop! We didn't agree! I don't work for free. What will be our salary? I'm interested in the fee, and don't be stingy - I know you're a rich aunt!

Sn.K: Don't worry. I will cry. And for starters, let's warm up. I'll play you hip-hop, it'll be like exercise.

(Members of the dance group come out, perform a hip-hop dance or any other dance.)

V1: Listen, gentlemen, maybe we can somehow agree with you so that you both have fun and we don’t feel sad?

Sn.K.: And what can you offer us, human beings?

Q2: A lot of things - the limits of youth talents are endless. Life at the school is in full swing. Meet young talents!

(An artistic number is performed: circus or vocal)

(includes Snow Maiden)

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, I see, I came on time. Fun in full swing. I wonder if they are waiting for me here?

SK: And we, by the way, are fine here without you. You see, they came or flew in, they wanted to celebrate.

Robber 1: I don't like snowflakes. And even more princesses. So, one or two, the hall was freed from its person, quickly!

ROBERT 2: Oh, well done, well said!

ROBBER 1: Whatever they say, I'll do it, the main thing is to get paid.

Sn .: And I'm not going to leave - I've been waiting for a whole year for the moment to demonstrate my new outfit and a new ensemble of creative snowflakes - meet me!

(First, the melody of the song “Watch” by Valeria sounds. The Snow Maiden sings.)

Here, I'm coming to you for a holiday,
There will be many surprises
Again the hall is filled with miracles
And we will be with you.
I believe that in our fairy tale there will be magic again.
Again, high school students will come to the Christmas tree,
On the dance floor they will light up, and then they will sing,
And the school alarm clock will say tick-tock again -
New Year is on the threshold, all the people have fun.

(The melody stops. Rhythmic music turns on. An ensemble of “snowflakes” runs out - guys dressed in white skirts and T-shirts, crowns on their heads. A fragment of modern dance is dancing. At the end, they approach the robbers, throw them over their shoulders and take them out of the hall)

Sn.K: Hey, we didn't agree on that. You, harm, kind should be!

SN: That's right. But the modern Snow Maiden must be able to stand up for herself!

YAGA: Forgive us, Snow Maiden! We want to stay on holiday. And return the robbers, they are kind!

Q1: Listen, let's get together mode problem.

Q2: How is it?

В1: And to make it fun and cool for everyone - let's play a game!

SN: Okay, sorry everyone. Bring in the robbers!

(“Snowflakes” bring in the robbers.)

Sn: Tell me, why should I forgive you?

Sn.K .: Because we also love the holiday. Also, my kids are very talented! Like the coach, that is me!

SN: If so, demonstrate!

(Artistic number "Parkour from the robbers" (or acrobatics))

Sn: Wow, great! I'll have to leave you!

YAGA (offended): And I was also preparing - I came up with my own game. So, we invite the smart and brave to participate!

Competition "Dancing with balls"

(Pairs are formed - 5; each pair is given a balloon, which the couples need to hold without hands between their foreheads, then between their backs and dance to the music; the pair that lasts with the balloon the longest wins. Robbers also take part in the game)

SN: Well done guys.

ROBBER 1: I didn't think it would be so much fun to play.

ROBERT 2: That's because the game is a dance game.

S.K .: I didn’t understand, guys, so you gave up?

Trickster: But what about S.K.'s money?

ROBBER 1: We thought, there are a lot of beautiful girls at the holiday, why do we need money? We'd better stay here, hang out together!

S.K .: Well, if so, then I will prove that I can spend the holidays. The competition "Kings of the dance floor" is announced!

YAGA: It's the one with my broom! Come on, we invite you to the contest!

Competition "Kings of the dance floor"

(Participants are assigned to the teams of the Snow Queen and the Snow Maiden. The Sn team invites 5 girls, and the S.K. team invites 6 guys; pairs are formed, one guy dances with a broom; a musical composition sounds, stops, the task is to change partners. Someone one "as a partner" gets a broom. The one who danced with a broom three times is eliminated.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Well done, friends! And you, the Snow Queen, came up with a really cool entertainment.

Sn.K.: The holiday is in full swing. A new year is already on the threshold. But Santa Claus couldn't come. A whole hall is waiting for him - he wants a real carnival.

Hurry up, knock on the window.
We have been waiting for you for a long time.
Hey grandpa old prankster
You come to us for a holiday!

Sn: Well, old woman, you give. Who calls Grandpa like that? Haven't you read fairy tales?

B1: All together, together, you need to call Grandfather.

Q2: Welcome to the New Year 2021, D.M. calling!

(Together they call D.M. Call signs sound, D.M. “leaves” on a cool wooden deer, consisting of a head and a stick - a saddle)

D.M .: Take me, deer, according to my luck, lead me, deer, according to my command. Oh, wait, the GPS-navigator showed that the holiday will take place here. Then, welcome to all, youth!

Sn.: Hello, Grandpa. Where have you been for so long?

D.M.: Well, where, where? In a hardware store. Here, I bought a brand new acoustics for my laptop.

Sn.K: What is it and why?

D.M.: We, modern D.M. we keep up with the times. Everyone thinks I'm old, but I'm not. For a whole year I taught modern dances - hip-hop, tin-tonic, break-dance, and today I brought a whole ensemble of my friends to you for the holiday.

New Year is coming to us, friends
Christmas tree and gifts, and, of course - me
I will sing songs, we will dance.
Light up the whole evening on the dance floor!

(Artistic number - "Break dance from Santa Claus", performed by guys dressed in appropriate costumes.)

Sn .: Cool, grandpa, I didn’t expect from you!

D.M: Attention everyone! A Christmas surprise awaits you. The contest "Miss Crystal Slipper" is announced.

Competition for girls “Crystal Slipper”

SN: Today there are many beautiful girls in the hall, dressed in beautiful, with, and waiting for beautiful princes. Girls will compete in the Miss Crystal Slipper tournament and only one will be able to win this crystal slipper.

(S. and D.M. choose 7-8 participants from the girls present.)

SN: And the members of the jury will be the Snow Queen, Santa Claus., Snow Maiden

Z: The first nomination is called “La Solca”. Participants need to perform a song under karaoke.

(The competition is underway, the jury gives points.)

Z: The next stage is “Nimble Fingers”.

(Participants are given small containers in which peas and beans are mixed, and two empty small containers. The task is to separate the peas from the beans as soon as possible.)

Z: The next stage is "High-Speed".

(As you know, in a fairy tale, Cinderella had to leave the ball while the clock was striking. Therefore, the task for the participants in a chicken step (foot to foot) is to overcome as much distance as possible in the allotted time.)

Z: The fourth competition is “Find your prince”.

(Participants are given boxes with "puzzles" - cut photographs of famous film actors, from which they should make a picture.)

Z: Our participants successfully completed all the tasks. But there was only one winner. Let's applaud her!

D.M.: And the Snow Maiden and I present the Crystal Slipper to the winner, and prizes for memory to all participants!

Sn: And now it's time to hold the MISTER PRINCE tournament. The jury is our members of the "Crystal Slipper".

(Rogues, Naughty pick a few guys to participate.)

Competition for boys “Mr. Prince”

Sn: The first task is for dexterity. But before that, tell me, what traditional outfit did Russian girls wear? That's right, sundress. Now you have to put on a sundress and a scarf for speed.

(A chair is placed in front of each participant, on which they put a sundress and a scarf.)

SN: The second stage is dance.

(Children dressed in sundresses should dance to a cheerful Russian tune.)

Sn.: The third round is New Year's.

(Participants become in a circle. One of them is given a staff of D.M., the participants must pass it to each other to the music. The music is over. The one who has the staff left is out.)

A .: We ask the jury to determine the winner and name Mr. Prince 2019.

(The awards ceremony for the participants and the winner is underway).

Friends, everyone is happy and cheerful today. May the next year be just as active. I wish your age to be happy.

Sn: We wish you to meet new friends who will always support and help!

S.K.: I sincerely want your hearts to never be embraced by cold and ice!

YAGA: Let your thoughts be the brightest and most positive! Pranks and jokes will be fun!

SN: May everyone be happy - princes with princesses, girls with boys.

Festive, cheerful, good new year.
This is a children's holiday of non-children's troubles!
And to meet the evening with dignity,
I want to wish everyone -
Have fun without problems!

Let sorrow take away
Coming new year!
Luck in the lessons and good luck,
Everything will be so, and not otherwise!

D.M: And now - high school students, go ahead: I order everyone to smile, dance and do not be shy!

SN: Grandfather read his decree for everyone - I think it’s not a sin for us to dance now!

Q1: Exactly, our party is not over, the fun is just beginning!

B2: Good mood everyone, we invite you to the New Year's final dance!

(The holiday continues with artistic performances and ends with a New Year's disco).

We hope that students in grades 7-8 will like this New Year's scenario. We tried to make it not “just a matinee”, but really interesting, fun and exciting. And artistic directors using our developments will spend less time preparing the holiday.

Happy New Year to you, dear teachers and children!

Scenario “The New Year is coming to us and it brings gifts to everyone!”

The scenario is designed for young children (4-7 years old). You can spend a holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The meaning of the script is not only entertainment, but also to encourage the creativity of the children.

New Year's script for high school students

Holiday script for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This scenario is a literary composition that will help each child see the role of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better.

Scenario New Year's corporate party

Scenario for New Year's corporate party. It can be a corporate party in a cafe with an order from the host, or it can just take place at work (say, in the evening), and one of the employees of the enterprise can be the host (or host).

New Year's scenario for children

The chest with gifts was bewitched by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Bayunchik Cat, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two hosts: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka are trying to get the keys and the children help them in this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes and vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and the desire to enter the chosen image are required. Few decorations. The script is 4 hours long.

Scenario for children "Kolobok for the New Year"

In this scenario, the main character Gingerbread Man brings "Joy" to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all children. On his way there are different characters who are trying to eat the bun.

Scenario New Year's holiday for younger students

The New Year is a holiday of a cosmic scale, therefore extraterrestrial guests will also come to the children. The Star of Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend to the baby, headed by the romantic Astrologer. The brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will be the way for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children "New Year's adventure Pinocchio"

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to ruin the holiday for the children, they locked the Christmas tree, and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the Christmas tree could not light up and the brave Pinocchio found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario "Christmas tree, burn, or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!"

The scenario is designed for holding a New Year's holiday with the family. It is desirable that close relatives or friends are present at the event for small competitions. When compiling the script, the age characteristics of the whole family were taken into account, including children aged 7-15, parents, grandparents.

Folk Festival Day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The scenario is designed for holding a corporate New Year's holiday. Next, the most interesting and funny contests will be presented, which will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The presenter will tell a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

New Year's script for children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and obey mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old, younger children may be scared when they see Baba Yaga, for older children it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "At the command of the pike!"

New Year's script for children. The script is designed for children aged 7 to 12 years. Seven characters participate in the tale, the host is Emelya. Special musical cutting and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds is required.

The scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will get a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who does not want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? Time 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Let's save the New Year!"

The script is designed for elementary school students. The story is good and interesting. It will be a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the fairy tale is 60-80 minutes.

All sorts of miracles happen on New Year's Eve. No wonder this time is called magical, amazing. In preparing a school, New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the scenario of the holiday is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable pastime on the New Year's, school light.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. This is a grand event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only a fun holiday, but also a time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with your team.

New Year's funny scene for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs School of Monsters: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children are very fond of cartoons with horror stories. That is why the scenario of the New Year's holiday with the heroes of Winx and Monster High will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both elementary school and students in grades 5-7. It can easily be placed on stage or in a playful way around the Christmas tree.

The scenario of the New Year's holiday in elementary school "Helpers of Santa Claus, or how children saved the holiday"

Scenario for the New Year for the host "The holiday is in a hurry to us"

How do you start preparing for the New Year? Of course, with the choice of attire and place, the preparation of the menu, decorations and script. And if there may not be any problems with the script, it’s still difficult to find a suitable, and most importantly interesting script for the presenter.

Scenario of the New Year at home "Here comes the New Year!"

The New Year is a whole event that everyone is looking forward to with great impatience. This holiday brings friends and family together at the same table, gives magic, positive emotions and good memories. Not surprisingly, preparations are being made for this event in advance. Preliminary preparation of the menu, purchase of gifts and outfits, planning the course of the event.

A cool scenario for the New Year 2020 of the Rat "Let there be cheese"!

This scenario is suitable for holding a New Year's corporate party, in a small company with no more than 15 people. Everyone knows that the New Year's corporate party is an important event for all employees, as it is the end of the year, summing up the results and new plans for the next year. Therefore, it is important that this event be held in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

Scenario for the new year 2020 for the corporate party "Gatherings"

The patron of 2020 will be the White Metal Rat, who likes comfort and noisy companies. This scenario is suitable for a small team who wants to spend their New Year's corporate party fun and provocatively.

Scenario of the thematic New Year 2020 of the Rat for children “At the Lukomorye New Year!”

An unusual scenario for the New Year's holiday based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin. The presenters, the Scientist Cat and the Mermaid, together with the children, must put things in order in the fairy tales, where all the characters and events are mixed up, and have time to have fun to celebrate the holiday! In addition to the hosts, Leshy and the Magic Mirror (voiceover) are involved in the script. Props - a hand mirror and a book of fairy tales.

Scenario of the New Year of the Rat 2020 for schoolchildren "In search of the symbol of the year"

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are in a panic - the Rat is gone! To find it, you will have to work hard and be smart, because without the symbol of the year, the New Year will not come. The script involves Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, Postman Pechkin, Leshy, Kikimora, and, of course, the guys. In addition to costumes, you will need props - Santa Claus's staff, a letter, a couple of postcards and a plush rat.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 Rats for kindergarten children "Santa Claus captured by pirates"

The main New Year's wizard was captured by the pirates! The task of the guys is to free Santa Claus and re-educate the sea robbers, teaching them to have fun. A fun scenario is suitable for a matinee for kindergarten students and younger students.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for high school students "New Year"

A careless New Year's wish can lead to anything - for example, to the fact that the New Year will have to be celebrated among gray-haired antiquity, red maidens and good fellows. Ditties, games, songs and folk festivals are included.

Cool script for the New Year 2020 of the Rat "Santa Claus vs. Santa Claus"

A fun scenario for the New Year with two main winter wizards at once! Santa Claus and Santa Claus will try to find out who is better, more important, stronger and who rightfully owns the New Year. With the help of guests, rivals will compete in wit and writing, and the ability to amuse the audience, and, as usual, friendship will win.

Scenario of the new year 2020 Rats in Ukrainian

A fun scenario for celebrating the New Year of the Rat. Actions take place in a spacious room. Moving dances, loud songs and ringing laughter from the jokes of the main characters will not let anyone get bored. The scenario of the holiday is suitable for both a youth company and a company of middle-aged adults. All characters are dressed in their respective costumes.

Scenario for the new 2020 Year of the Rat for the house "The rat came to visit us"

Scenario for home New Year. Of course, it is important that such a long-awaited holiday is fun, and the house is filled with laughter and comfort. In the script you will find many interesting contests and tasks that will definitely make your New Year even more sincere and brighter. The scenario is designed for an adult company consisting of 7-10 people.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for the family "Quest from the Snow Queen"

The holiday is under threat - the Snow Queen promises to unleash a storm and cancel the fun! Unless, of course, the participants can not cope with tricky tasks. But it's not so easy: you have to find all the clues, solve riddles and be smart - then everyone will get a well-deserved reward.

The scenario of the New Year's holiday in elementary school "The New Year crept up on us"

Together with the cheerful Cat-Bayun and the charming Snowflake, the holiday will definitely be held with pleasure! The children are waiting for traditional round dances around the Christmas tree, and unexpected riddles with a trick, and many other entertainments. The script is designed for two hosts, Santa Claus and, of course, elementary school students.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in elementary grades "New Year's Tale"

There are not so many characters in the script, not a smeared plot - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, kids meet good characters. New Year for kids is the most favorite holiday. This New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your kids the happiest in the world.

New Year is a Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even in childhood, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Bright scenarios for celebrating the New Year are a guarantee of a great mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. A children's matinee or a family feast will become even more fun and interesting. The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon!