Abilities and characteristics of vampires. Vampires Vampires and their abilities and weaknesses

According to Hungarian lore, a vampire could ruin crops. The Hungarians employed special people, talbos (talbos) and kresnik (kresnik), whose sole purpose was to protect crops from vampires. The Kresniki were the top European vampire slayer group.

Animal management.

Vampires can subjugate and control wild animals. Pets, as a rule, experience a wild horror of vampires, and seek protection from their owners.

Immortal life.

As already mentioned, the vampire is undead. Having died once, while still mortal, this creature can no longer die naturally. He is not bothered by disease, he cannot die from injury, but he is not invulnerable. The causes of his death will be discussed below.

Vampires can fly, both in their physical form and in the form of bats, birds, or insects.

The undead possess the skill of hypnosis, and are able to control a person. They can force him to obey and fulfill their every wish. However, there is one thing, in order to hypnotize a person, the vampire and the victim must look into each other's eyes. That is why, never, NEVER, look into the face of a vampire so that he does not speak.


The ability of a vampire to penetrate cracks or seep through the ground. This is how he leaves his coffin, after the first awakening.

Moving along vertical walls.

Vampires are able to climb vertical surfaces or hang from ceilings. They move like a spider along the walls of buildings, approaching the windows in order to penetrate the bedroom to their prey.


Ordinary human senses (such as touch, smell, hearing, etc.) are much sharper than in humans. In addition, they have the ability to see in the dark, feel the presence of other beings and are able to perceive vibrations in the air and material things.


The vampire is able to move at great speed. His body perfectly tolerates any physical activity, and he can perform many complex movements at the same time. For them, it is so natural that being among people and forgetting, they can give themselves away.

The strength of a vampire is several times greater than the average human. The blood a vampire consumes contributes to his strength. As time goes on and he absorbs the blood of more and more people, the vampire becomes more and more powerful, so the old vampire is stronger than the younger one.


One of the vampires' best defenses is taking on a different form. Most often it is in the form of a bat or a huge wolf, although it can take other forms. It can be birds, rats, mice, dogs and even fleas. Transforming into a bat gives the vampire the ability to fly. Nowadays, vampires are primarily associated with the bat. Turning into a wolf has a lot of controversy. According to the legends of the tribes of Latin America, every vampire must spend some time in the form of a wolf. However, in Slavic folklore, the wolf is the most cruel enemy of vampires. The gypsies of Kosovo believe that vampires are doomed to roam the earth until they meet a wolf that will tear them apart.

The vampire was destined to roam the earth, every night looking for a new victim to satisfy the tormenting thirst. It is known that they had many mysterious abilities that helped in this matter.

The first of these should be called the ability to change the shape of the body. A buried vampire didn't need to burrow like a mole every time he left his grave to the surface in six feet of earth. It was believed that it could seep up through the earth and, once on the surface, take its former form. At will, a vampire could become a wolf, a bat, a cat, a rat, and even a light mist. In one form or another, he could climb any wall, climb through any window, and even penetrate through a keyhole. Unless special precautions were taken, no place could be completely safe.

And there was no place more dangerous than your own home. Vampires tended to visit first of all members of their family: husbands - wives, and wives - husbands. Young women were looking for their former suitors. Without exception, both men and women, preferred young, healthy and attractive victims. Theoretically, the blood of the young was more nutritious and healing.

Vampires could subjugate various night creatures to fulfill their own will. So Dracula kept a pack of wolves to protect the castle and scare away uninvited guests. In addition, he could hypnotize people, depriving them of the ability to resist and remember what happened to them.

The appearance of a European vampire consists largely of features by which it can be distinguished from an ordinary corpse, one has only to open the grave of a suspected vampire. The vampire has a healthy appearance and ruddy skin, he is often plump, he has regrown hair and nails, and everything else he is completely undecayed.

The most common way to destroy a vampire is to drive a wooden stake through its heart, decapitate it, and completely incinerate the body. To prevent someone who might become a vampire from rising from the grave, the body was buried upside down, the tendons at the knees were cut, or poppy seeds were placed on the alleged vampire's grave ground to force him to count them all night. Chinese vampire stories also state that if a vampire stumbles upon a sack of rice along the way, he/she will count all the grains. Similar myths are recorded in the Indian peninsula. South American tales of witches and other kinds of evil or mischievous spirits and beings have the same tendency.

Items that protected from vampires (as well as from other supernatural beings) were garlic (more typical of European legends), sunlight, wild rose stem, hawthorn and all sacred things (holy water, crucifix, rosary, star of David, etc. . d.), as well as aloe, suspended behind the door or near it, according to South American superstitions. In Eastern legends, sacred things such as the Shinto seal were often protected from vampires. It is sometimes believed that vampires can shape-shift beyond the common stereotype of a bat seen in movies and cartoons. Vampires could transform into wolves, rats, moths, spiders, and more. Vampires from European legends do not cast shadows and have no reflection. Perhaps this is due to the lack of a soul in a vampire. There is a belief that a vampire cannot enter a house without being invited. In Christian tradition, vampires cannot enter a church or other sacred place, as they are servants of the devil.

Spawning blight and bad harvests

According to Hungarian lore, a vampire could ruin crops. The Hungarians employed special people, talbos (talbos) and kresnik (kresnik), whose sole purpose was to protect crops from vampires. The Kresniki were the top European vampire slayer group.

Animal management

Vampires can subjugate and control wild animals. Pets, as a rule, experience a wild horror of vampires, and seek protection from their owners.

Immortal life

As already mentioned, the vampire is undead. Having died once, while still mortal, this creature can no longer die naturally. He is not bothered by disease, he cannot die from injury, but he is not invulnerable. The causes of his death will be discussed below.


Vampires can fly, both in their physical form and in the form of bats, birds, or insects.


The undead possess the skill of hypnosis, and are able to control a person. They can force him to obey and fulfill their every wish. However, there is one thing, in order to hypnotize a person, the vampire and the victim must look into each other's eyes. That is why, never, NEVER, look into the face of a vampire so that he does not speak.


The ability of a vampire to penetrate cracks or seep through the ground. This is how he leaves his coffin, after the first awakening.

Moving along vertical walls.

Vampires are able to climb vertical surfaces or hang from ceilings. They move like a spider along the walls of buildings, approaching the windows to enter the bedroom to their prey.hfps


Ordinary human senses (such as touch, smell, hearing, etc.) are much sharper than in humans. In addition, they have the ability to see in the dark, feel the presence of other beings and are able to perceive vibrations in the air and material things.


The vampire is able to move at great speed. His body perfectly tolerates any physical activity, and he can perform many complex movements at the same time. For them, it is so natural that being among people and forgetting, they can give themselves away.


The strength of a vampire is several times greater than the average human. The blood a vampire consumes contributes to his strength. As time goes on and he absorbs the blood of more and more people, the vampire becomes more and more powerful, so the old vampire is stronger than the younger one.


One of the vampires' best defenses is taking on a different form.Most often it is in the form of a bat or a huge wolf, although it can take other forms. It can be birds, rats, mice, dogs and even fleas. Transforming into a bat gives the vampire the ability to fly. Nowadays, vampires are primarily associated with the bat. Turning into a wolf has a lot of controversy. According to the legends of the tribes of Latin America, every vampire must spend some time in the form of a wolf. However, in Slavic folklore, the wolf is the most cruel enemy of vampires. The gypsies of Kosovo believe that vampires are doomed to roam the earth until they meet a wolf that will tear them apart.

Dhampir, Ghoul, Strigoi and Moroi are all different types of vampires. Some of them refer to the mortgaged dead - a common definition for evil spirits that rise from the graves. Find out how they differ and whether all vampires are dangerous to humans.

In the article:

Descendant of a human and a vampire

A dhampir is a child born to a human woman from a male vampire. The female half of these entities is incapable of conception. This phenomenon is new in . Dhampirs are a rarity today, because their fathers rarely breed in the ways we are used to. They consider their descendants turned into vampires by people.

Dhampirs have appeared recently, as well as information that vampires are capable of traditional reproduction. However, not every woman is able to conceive and bear a child from evil spirits. This role is for the elite, as well as turning into a vampire - many die instead of becoming evil spirits living in the eternal night. Often mothers of dhampirs die during difficult childbirth or during pregnancy - the fetus feeds on her blood, may reject human food.

The first dhampirs appeared in the middle of the last century. They receive the abilities of their father, but do not have the weaknesses inherent in vampires - they are not afraid of the sun and can live without human blood. Otherwise, dhampirs are very similar to vampires - they are fast, strong and hardy, able to regenerate at high speed. They grow up just like people do.

Dhampirs live much longer than humans, but not forever. Nor can they turn into a vampire with their blood. Their fangs rarely differ from human ones, but they are large. In general, a dhampir sits between a human and a vampire. If he drinks blood, approaches the latter, he will become afraid of the sun and feel thirsty, and living like a man, he will lose some of his dark abilities. Dhampir must maintain a balance between evil spirits and man.

Stregoni Benefici

An unusual descendant may not know about his origin, but sooner or later the vampire abilities will wake up. Already in childhood, he will stand out from the crowd of his peers. Dhampirs make ideal vampire hunters - they feel them, and can also oppose their abilities to evil spirits, especially if they were born from a strong representative of bloodsuckers. Killing them is just as difficult as a normal vampire.

Dhampirs were often referred to as particularly successful vampire hunters. That was Murat Barnabar, a gypsy, known in Serbia in the 50s of the last century. Stregoni Benefici considered one of the dhampirs. He did not drink blood, but he had unusual abilities. Stregoni Benefici hunted bloodsuckers who killed people. He himself made do with the blood of animals.


Strigoi is a character from Moldavian and Romanian mythology. In the old days, he was considered similar to a vampire or ghoul. Suicides hanged of their own free will or criminals executed in this way, as well as people whose body went to evil spirits, turn into a strigoi. It can be both male and female, but in the latter case, this evil spirits are commonly called strigoayks.

Strigoi are often confused with moroi, but they are different creatures. Learn about their similarities and differences below. According to legend, Strigoi have two hearts. Some ancient legends say that only red-haired and blue-eyed people can become evil after hanging, but other sources say that this creature can have any appearance.

After death, the strigoi comes out of the grave and returns to the place of his former life. He drinks blood from people who could be his good acquaintances or friends, sends nightmares to neighbors. A strigoi can terrorize the relatives of the person who owned the body during life. He counts on help, and also on the fact that their emotions will prevent him from killing him.

Strigoi cannot be found without opening the coffin, in which he returns in the morning every night. Sometimes evil spirits leave the grave dug up, and hide themselves nearby. If it is possible to find the body of a person who is suspected of possession after death, it is easy to recognize a strigoi. It is not subject to decay, the body looks like it was buried yesterday, and not a few months or weeks ago.

If the relatives did not give their consent to the exhumation, they drove a horse around the cemetery and forced it to step over the graves. The strigoi hides where the animal will rear up and refuse to go any further. It is easiest to kill evil spirits during the day, when she sleeps and does not wake up until the sun sets. In the old days, the heads of such dead people were cut off, the heart was pierced with an aspen or metal stake, sometimes the deceased was still placed face down.


If a strigoi is a physically existing dead person who rose from a coffin and went in search of living blood, then a mora is a ghost who left the grave. Despite the incorporeality, it causes a lot of problems for the residents of the nearest settlement to the cemetery. Moroi are classified as a type of vampire, for the most part, due to harmfulness, as well as descent from the deceased.

Both a man and a woman can become a Moroi. In the latter case, the evil spirit is called a moroaika. Sometimes a vampire was considered a moroi, who in the past was not a person who accepted death, but was turned into a bloodsucker during his lifetime by the same creature.

The name of this unclean force comes from the word "pestilence", and there is nothing surprising in this. Moroi not only drank blood and appeared in a ghostly form, scaring people. He knew how to send drought and cause epidemics. In the old days, everyone knew that if a mora appeared in the district, soon many people would die from the disease.

How witches and sorcerers die and what they become after death

People interested in esotericism are concerned about the question - how do witches and sorcerers die? It is believed that they leave hard, they can suffer for several days, until one of the villagers guesses to dismantle the roof, open the stove damper or take away the magical gift.

The abilities transferred by the sorcerer are considered black. A person first gets sick for several weeks, after which he receives magical powers. Village beliefs say that those who accept the gift of a dying witch change greatly. The fact is that he does not want to leave the world and prolongs the life of the sorceress, stretching her death throes. Only after the gift finds a new bearer can the witch die.

Modern psychics and magicians are sure that the matter is in the astral part of the sorceress, who has a mind and wants to get a new carrier instead of a dying one. This method is compared with the subsistence of the essence, this explains the changes that occur to a person. Because of them, the villages were wary of accepting the gift. It was believed that he did not bring good, moreover, many were frightened by the truly terrible death of witches.

In the old days they believed that the deceased sorcerer is the future mortgaged dead man, which can be reborn as a ghoul. So that after death he would not disturb the fellow villagers, the late magician was cut off the tendons, sometimes they chopped off his head, pierced with an aspen stake and performed other manipulations to kill evil spirits.

Whom the earth did not accept

Mortgage dead - that is what they called people who are so sinful that the earth did not accept them after death.
They were forced to wander, scaring and harming people and livestock. Often, those who have departed to another world before their hour or who have accepted a violent death become the mortgaged dead.

In the old days, suicides, black sorcerers and witches, unbaptized, and in some regions also drowned were attributed to the mortgaged dead. All of the above cannot go to the afterlife. Unsettled souls roam the earth and harm the living.

Such dead people are called mortgages because of the method of burial, which prevented them from getting up from their graves and roaming the earth. They were laid face down, and branches and stones were laid on top of the coffin. This was done in advance when a suicide, a murderer, or a person with a reputation as a strong sorcerer was buried.

Such dead people were not buried in church or cemetery territories. As a rule, their graves stood at crossroads outside settlements, in the fields away from habitable places, in the forest. Sometimes the bodies were thrown into a swamp or ravine so that evil spirits could not get to people. There was even a belief that suggested throwing the corpse of the deceased, which the earth would not accept, into the swamp to bring rain and end the drought.

In regions famous for an abundance of evil spirits, even separate cemeteries appeared where people with a bad reputation were buried. Their land was not consecrated, churches and chapels were not set up on the territory. Cemeteries(from the word "poorly") were simple plots of land, fenced with sharp stakes.

Passing by such graves, it was supposed to give something as a gift to a restless soul, so that it would not confuse on the way, would not send illness or attack, in order to drink blood and eat the flesh of a passerby. They brought things of little value like straw or stones, sometimes they threw a handful of earth. So people seemed to participate in the burial ceremony, in which the unclean deceased was denied, which was appeasing him.

Ghouls in Slavic mythology

From other varieties of mortgaged dead, the ghoul is distinguished by its particular aggressiveness. At night, he gets out of the grave and goes in search of fresh blood, returning to the coffin only after the cry of the third roosters. It differs from a vampire in that You can only become one after death.

In Slavic mythology, the ghoul is rather illegible, drinking the blood of not only people, but also domestic animals, and then eats their bodies. In some regions, it was believed that if the ghoul did not touch the flesh of a person, but drank only blood, he would become a bloodsucker immediately after burial. Those killed by evil spirits were buried in the same way as all those suspected of turning into a pawn dead man.

Ghouls cause droughts, epidemics and famines, send pestilence on people and livestock. People became them, especially if the curse was imposed by a priest. It was called an anathema and imposed on murderers and heretics who distinguished themselves by particular cruelty. Werewolves and sorcerers also had a high chance of becoming ghouls upon death.

What a ghoul looks like, in the old days everyone knew. He looks like a human, except for the reddish tint to his skin due to the blood he has drunk. These creatures do not decompose and do not have a characteristic putrid smell. They don't have fangs like the . The teeth are pointed, like those of a shark, and this feature is noticeable only when evil spirits attack - he knows how to hide it.

Often ghouls lived among the living, pretending to be ordinary people. They were feared, because the consequences of finding such a creature in the village were fatal - there are stories from the past about entire settlements destroyed by ghouls. Often, living people were accused of belonging to evil spirits, for which they were most often burned. Bloodsuckers also have natural enemies - bears and wolves, which can defeat a strong monster. Animals sense his approach and become enraged or run away in fear.

How ? Defeating this monster at night is extremely difficult. Through the centuries, information has reached that he could not be killed even by detachments of several dozen people. Doesn't take normal ghoul weapons. It was impossible to escape from him even on a horse. You can hide only where there are crosses and other Christian symbols. The ghoul is able to break through the walls of ordinary houses with his hand without much effort.



Awakened in an endless night, vampires yearn for the life they have lost, and quench that thirst by drinking the blood of the living. Vampires hate sunlight because its touch burns them. They cast no shadows or reflections, and any vampire who wishes to walk undetected among the living is forced to stay in the dark and away from reflective surfaces.

Dark Desires. Even if the vampire retains any memories of a former life, her emotional attachments wither as her former pure feelings become distorted. Love turns into a hungry obsession, and friendship becomes only bitter jealousy. Instead of displays of emotion, vampires desire the physical manifestation of their passion, so a vampire who is looking for love may fixate on a young beauty. A child can become the object of passion for a vampire obsessed with youth and opportunity. Others surround themselves with art, books, or sinister objects such as torture devices or trophies of creatures they have killed.

Born of death Most vampire victims become vampire spawn - predatory creatures with a vampiric hunger for blood, but under the control of the vampire that created them. If a true vampire allows a spawn to drink the blood from its body, the spawn will transform into a true vampire beyond its master's control. Few vampires are willing to give up this influence. A spawn of a vampire gains a will of its own when its creator dies.

Chained to the grave Each vampire is associated with a coffin, crypt, or burial place in which he is to rest during the day. Unless the vampire has been formally buried, it must be buried 1 foot deep in the ground, at the site of its transformation into undead. The vampire can move his gravesite by transporting a coffin, or a sufficient amount of grave earth. Some vampires equip several places for their rest.

The nature of the undead. Neither vampire nor vampire spawn needs air.

Vampires as playable characters

The game parameters of a character who became a spawn of a vampire and then a real vampire do not change, except that his Strength, Agility and Constitution are now 18, if they were not higher before. In addition, the character gains vampiric damage resistance, darkvision, traits, and actions. The vampire's attack and damage rolls are based on Strength. The Charm saving throw DC is 8 + the vampire's proficiency bonus + the vampire's Charisma modifier. The character's alignment becomes lawful evil, and the DM can take control of the character until the lifesteal is removed by a wish spell, or until the character is killed and resurrected.

  • Medium, Undead (shifter), Lawful Evil
  • Armor class: 16 (natural armor)
  • Hits: 144 (17 d8 + 68 )
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Damage resistance:
  • Saving Throws: LOV +9 , MDR +7 , XAR +9
  • Skills: stealth +9 , Attentiveness +7
  • Feelings: dark vision 120 ft., Passive mindfulness 17
  • Languages: All
  • Danger: 13 - 10000 op.
  • Capabilities


    Languages- all known during his lifetime.

    Changeling. If the vampire isn't under sunlight or standing in flowing water, she can use an action to transform into a Tiny Bat or Medium Mist Cloud, or change into her true form.

    While in bat form, the vampire cannot speak, has a walking speed of 5 feet, and has a flying speed of 30 feet. All of his stats except for size and speed remain the same. Whatever he wears transforms with him, but what he carries does not. He returns to his true form when he dies.

    While in mist form, the vampire cannot act, speak, or manipulate objects. It weighs nothing, has a flight speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter and stop in the space of hostile creatures. Also, if air can pass through a space, so can fog, without squeezing, although it cannot pass through water. It has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and is immune to nonmagical damage, with the exception of damage it takes while in sunlight.

    Legendary resistance (3/day). If the vampire fails the saving throw, she can succeed instead.

    Foggy Escape. If a vampire drops to 0 hit points outside of a resting place, instead of losing consciousness, the vampire transforms into a misty cloud (as described in the Changeling trait), provided she is not in sunlight or in flowing water. If it cannot transform, it is destroyed.

    While a vampire in mist form has 0 hit points, it cannot revert to vampire form, and must return to its resting place within 2 hours or be destroyed. Upon reaching the resting place, he takes the form of a vampire. After that, he becomes paralyzed until he regains at least 1 hit point. After spending 1 hour at a resting place with 0 hit points, he regains 1 hit point.

    Regeneration. The vampire regains 20 hit points at the start of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point and is neither under sunlight nor in flowing water. If the vampire takes radiant damage or holy water damage, this feature does not function at the start of the vampire's next turn.

    Spider climbing.

    Vampire Weaknesses.

    • Ban.
    • Damage from flowing water.
    • Stake in the heart.
  • Actions

    Multiattack (Vampire Form Only).

    Unarmed Strike (Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Instead of dealing damage, the vampire can grapple the target (escape DC 18).

    Bite (only in vampire or bat form). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature or creature grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains that many hit points. The hit point reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid killed in this way and then buried in the ground rises the next night as a spawn of a vampire controlled by the vampire.

    Charm. The vampire targets one humanoid it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the vampire, it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become charmed by the vampire. The charmed target sees the vampire as a true friend to be cared for and protected. Although the target is not under the control of the vampire, she will comply with his requests and sincerely make every effort necessary, and will be a willing target for the vampire's bite.

    Whenever the vampire or the vampire's companions do something ill to the target, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours until the vampire is destroyed, until the vampire and the target are on different planes of existence, or until the vampire ends the effect with a bonus action.

    Children of the night (1/day). The vampire magically summons 2d4 swarms of rats or bats, provided there is no sun in the sky. While outdoors, the vampire may instead summon 3d6 wolves. The summoned creatures arrive after 1d4 rounds, act as allies of the vampire, and obey his verbal commands. The beasts remain for 1 hour until the vampire dies, or until the vampire releases them as a bonus action.

  • Legendary actions

    The vampire can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. The vampire regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

    Move. The vampire moves up to its speed without provoking attacks.

    Unarmed strike. The vampire makes one unarmed strike.

    Bite (costs 2 actions). The vampire makes one bite attack.

  • Warriors and Vampire Casters

    Some vampires have combat experience. The vampire warrior wears plate armor (AC 18) and uses a two-handed sword. It has a challenge rating of 15 (13,000 XP) and the following additional options:

    Multiattack. The vampire makes two two-handed sword attacks.

    Two-handed sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

    Some vampires are magical. The vampire caster has a challenge rating of 15 (13,000 XP) and the following trait:

    The use of spells. The vampire is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its base stat is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:

    • Conspiracies (unlimited): magic hand, ray of cold, tricks
    • Level 1 (4 slots): understanding of languages, foggy cloud, put to sleep
    • Level 2 (3 slots): thought detection, reflections, gust
    • 3rd level (3 slots): resurrected corpse, undetectable, a curse
    • 4th level (3 slots): supreme invisibility, shrinkage
    • Level 5 (1 slot): subjection of personality
  • Medium, Undead, Neutral Evil
  • Armor class: 15 (natural armor)
  • Hits: 82 (11 d8 + 33 )
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Damage resistance: Piercing, Slashing, Bashing, Necrotic
  • Saving Throws: LOV +6 , MDR +3
  • Skills: stealth +6 , Attentiveness +3
  • Feelings: dark vision 60 ft., Passive mindfulness 13
  • Danger: 5 - 1800 op.
  • Capabilities

    Resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

    Languages- all known during his lifetime.

    Regeneration. The vampire regains 10 hit points at the start of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point and is neither under sunlight nor in flowing water. If the vampire takes radiant damage or holy water damage, this feature does not function at the start of the vampire's next turn.

    Spider climbing. The vampire can climb difficult surfaces, including ceilings, without making ability checks.

    Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the following weaknesses:

    • Ban. A vampire cannot enter a dwelling without an invitation from one of the inhabitants.
    • Damage from flowing water. The vampire takes 20 acid damage if it ends its turn in flowing water.
    • Stake in the heart. If a stabbing weapon made of wood is driven into a vampire's heart while incapacitated in his resting place, the vampire will become paralyzed until the stake is removed.
    • Hypersensitivity to sunlight. The vampire takes 20 radiant damage if it starts its turn under sunlight. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
  • Actions

    Multiattack. The vampire makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite.

    claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. Instead of dealing damage, the vampire may grapple the target (escape DC 13).

    Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature or creature grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains that many hit points. The hit point reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Strahd von Zarovich

A brilliant thinker and outstanding warrior in his lifetime, Strahd von Zarovich fought countless battles for his people. When war and murder finally robbed him of his youth and strength, he settled in a remote valley in Barovia and built a castle on high ground from which he could watch over his lands. His brother Sergei arrived to live with him at Castle Ravenloft, becoming Strahd's advisor and constant companion.

In his brother, Strahd saw everything that he himself had lost. Sergei was young and handsome, while Strahd became old and scarred. Resentment changed their relationship, eventually turning into hatred. Strada's lover, Tatyana, rejected him in favor of Sergei, whom she promised to marry.

In a desperate attempt to win Tatiana's heart, Strahd made a deal with the dark forces that made him immortal. At the wedding of Sergei and Tatyana, he got into a fight with his brother and killed him. Tatiana fled and threw herself off the walls of Ravenloft. Strahd's guards, seeing a monster in him, shot him with bows. But he didn't die. Strahd became a vampire. The first vampire, according to many legends.

Centuries after the transformation, Strahd's lust for life has only grown. He wanders around his gloomy castle, cursing the living for stealing what he had, and does not admit his guilt in the tragedy that happened because of him.


The vampire chooses a majestic and protected place for her lair, such as a castle, a fortified manor, or a walled abbey. He hides his coffin in an underground crypt or vault guarded by vampire spawn or other faithful creatures of the night.


The area around the vampire's lair changes due to this creature's presence, creating one or more of the following effects:

  • The population of bats, rats and wolves is noticeably increasing in the region.
  • Plants within 500 ft. from the lair they wither, and their trunks and branches become gnarled and thorny.
  • Shadows within 500 ft. from the lair seem abnormally long, and sometimes move as if alive.
  • A creeping mist spreads across the ground within 500 feet. from the vampire lair. Sometimes the fog takes on eerie forms, such as grasping claws and writhing snakes.

If the vampire is destroyed, these effects end after 2d6 days.

    • The material is taken from the pdf version of the translation "Monster Manual" from the studio

Vampires are the third supernatural creature in the Sims 4 world (after ghosts and aliens), but the first ones that are truly fun to play. In general, vampires are similar to themselves from past lines of the game: they are afraid of sunlight, drink blood, sleep in coffins, have a persistent allergy to garlic, and do not age. Naturally, this would not be enough for a whole game set, so Sims 4 vampires have a lot of original "chips".

Vampire-related moodlets can be viewed.

How to become a vampire

It's not that hard to have a vampire in your family. First, like the alien, it can be created immediately in the character creation mode. Secondly, having met a vampire from Forgotn Hollow, you can ask him to contact you in the friendly social tab. True, the transformation will not occur immediately after the “procedure”, but after a few days. The character will have to go through a serious restructuring of the digestive system, during which he will either wake up with a strange hunger, or completely lose his appetite. Any character can be turned from adolescence onwards, but the older vampire must have the Create Vampires vampire ability.

Characteristics and needs of vampires, children of vampires

Differences between vampires and mere mortals begin with appearance. In the character editor, mere mortals have only three categories in the "Face" tab: face type and skin color, skin features and teeth (the last tab belongs to the base game, but appeared along with the vampire game set). Vampires have many more categories. There are also archetypes of vampires, vampire eyebrows, vampire eye sockets, eye features, vampire cheeks, vampire mouth, several variants of teeth with fangs, as well as a whole range of additional colors for the eyes, one more scary than the other. Thanks to all this “beauty”, a vampire can be turned into a real monster: make him sunken eyes, skin folds on his cheeks and forehead, a bunch of fangs, veins that have appeared on his face and, of course, crazy glowing eyes.

In order not to admire such a monster all the time, they came up with the so-called dark side of the vampire - a mask that can be very different from the main one. For example, in ordinary life, the character looks almost like an ordinary character (well, except that his skin is grayish and his teeth are sharp), and when he decides to indulge in someone else's blood, then he will change. In addition to having their own genetics, a dark disguise can have different clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, etc. Turned and raised vampires have a dark disguise automatically. It can only partially be changed with the help of a mirror (without genetics). All characters now have access to a creepy walk that can be assigned even to a mortal.

The needs of vampires are different from those of normal characters. Of the usual needs, they have only hygiene, communication and leisure (and even their experienced vampires try to "turn off"). Nutrition is converted into thirst, and vitality is converted into vampiric energy (details below).

Vampires are able to "reproduce" in the usual way. Two vampires will give birth to a small baby vampire, a vampire and a mortal (alien) have options. The chance to give birth to a vampire will increase if the home lot has the trait " On a dark ley line".

The little vampire has gray skin, but otherwise he is an ordinary child with ordinary needs. It is only in adolescence that abilities appear, but a teenager is still growing up. After a young age, a vampire does not mature even with a birthday cake (cannot blow out the candles). If aging is enabled in the game settings, instead of days before growing up, it will be written how many days he lived.

The favorite musical instrument of any vampire is the organ. When he plays it or listens to someone else's performance, he will get the Vampire Melody moodlet (inspiration + 1 for 2 hours) even at a low level of play.

There are three aspirations associated with vampires: Vampire Master, Vampire Family, and Good Vampire.

Vampire food

Vampiric thirst can be quenched with the blood of other characters, blood fruits, or blood bags. In the bars of the city, you can also order the Blood Mania drink, which mere mortals should not drink. Yes, and bloody fruit is better not to try. Don't push the vampire to exhaustion. No, he will not die, but will become aggressive and start throwing himself at others.

You can buy blood bags on the Internet, or make your own from fish and frogs, having mastered the skill of vampirism a little. If a vampire's home lot has the Registered Vampire Lair trait, it will periodically receive blood packs and other gifts in the mail. Bloodfruit can be found in Forgotten Hollow. At night, glowing trees with them can be seen from afar. Be sure to plant such a tree on your site for a rainy day.

But the most favorite dish of a vampire is, of course, the blood of other characters. Mortal Sims can be "drinked" in three different ways: ask for a little drink, force a little drink, and force a lot of drink. Others do not really like to watch how a vampire eats, especially if he savores the victim for a long time, their relationship with him may deteriorate. If you feed with permission, then no one will be indignant (tolerant society, all things), but the victim may refuse such charity. It is difficult to blame her for this, because the bitten character experiences discomfort for a long time, and after severe blood loss, she may even lose consciousness.

After a "full meal", the vampire will gain the "Bloody Satisfaction" moodlet (happiness + 1 for 6 hours), as well as an additional "Divine Drink" moodlet (happiness + 2 for 4 hours) if a particularly tasty victim comes across. You can feed on all characters, starting from adolescence. By the way, vegetarian vampires calmly feed on living blood and do not wrinkle.

If the bloodsucker doesn't have the Shrunken Stomach weakness, it can eat regular food and get positive moodlets from it. But it will not affect his needs in any way. Thanks to the vampirism skill, the character will learn how to cook "Blood Mania" and a salad of bloody fruits.

Vampiric Energy

The vampire's vigor bar became longer and turned into vampiric energy. This is both vigor and a reserve of magic for using their abilities (see below). To replenish energy, you need to take a nap, sleep, or do dark meditation (the action of a vampire on yourself). Meditation is available anywhere and anytime. Vampires take much less time to recharge than mortals.

Modern vampires don't usually sleep in coffins, but there are some pretty boxes in the building catalog for conservatives. After sleeping in a coffin, a vampire sometimes gets the Nightmare Day moodlet (voltage +1 for 2 hours), and a mortal sometimes gets the Nightmare Claustrophobia moodlet (voltage +1 for 2 hours). You can have sex in the coffin, and if the player gets tired of the vampire, he can be put into hibernation. He stays there for as long as he needs to.

Weaknesses of vampires, how to kill or cure a vampire

Vampires are extremely durable creatures. They do not age, do not die of hunger or thirst, do not drown in water, do not die from an overabundance of emotions or electric shock. But a vampire can burn out in a fire, become a victim of a ruminant plant, but according to statistics, vampires most often burn out in the sun.

Rays of daylight are detrimental to most vampires unless they protect themselves with the Sun Protection Cocktail (recipe available at vampirism level 11) or the Perfect Sun Protection ability. And until that moment, from 8 pm to 6 am, it is better for them to be indoors or at least under a canopy. By the way, in their native Forgotten Hollow, the night is longer - from 6 pm to 7 am. If the vampire is at full energy, he can afford to run for the mail with only a slight scorching of the delicate epidermis, but with low energy this can be fatal. By the way, even ghost vampires are afraid of the sun.

With the addition of The Sims 4 Seasons, vampires have become much easier to live. In cloudy or rainy weather, they calmly walk the streets, and they can hide from the sun under an umbrella. In addition, they do not feel temperature changes at all, they cannot freeze to death or overheat.

Vampires experience persistent allergies to garlic when near a garlic bush or garlic craft, or when they carry garlic in their luggage. If you switch to a vampire, you can even see the stink coming from this vile plant. Moreover, the impact is cumulative. First comes the "Garlic annoyance" moodlet (discomfort + 1), then "Stupid garlic stink" (discomfort + 2), then "No more down my throat" (discomfort + 3). With the last moodlet, he will be so sick that he will not even be able to bite anyone. Moreover, if you remove the garlic, these moodlets disappear in the reverse order, and not immediately. If the vampire decides to eat garlic, he will get the negative moodlet "Disgusting garlic" (discomfort + 2), almost the same effect will be from eating dishes with garlic. But this weakness is completely eliminated by the vampire ability "Resistance to Garlic".

Mortals who have read the ancient tomes can become vampire slayers. To do this, you need to reach level 15 of vampirism and make "the best cure for vampirism". After that, you need to put it in your luggage and somehow pour it into the vampire. Violently, of course. To do this, you will have to quarrel with him properly so that fights become available, and then "Kill the Vampire" in cocky interactions. If the hunter wins the fight, he can splash the potion in the vampire's face - he will be healed. A vampire, having a cure in his luggage, can offer it to his good vampire friend or loved one. Hypothetically, a vampire could drink the potion himself, but what vampire in their right mind would give up their wonderful powers?

Healing is an instant process, but it often fails when someone heals the vampire. The healing message appears, but the vampire remains a vampire, except that the allocated abilities are reset. And even if everything goes well, the vampire can be turned again. After rubbing his belly for a few days, he will become a bloodsucker again and even retain his vampire level and ability points.

Interaction with other characters

If earlier the inhabitants of the city only suspected that vampires existed, now they know about it for sure, because in The Sims 4 vampires are not hiding. The characters have a lot of new topics to talk about:

Let's move on to the most interesting part of the life of vampires - their magic. The ability log and vampire level are in the character's needs tab. A newly turned vampire can only drink blood. Everything else he will have to learn by earning ability points. There are several ways to do this:

  • learn the skill of vampirism;
  • drink the blood of other characters;
  • ask other vampires to teach vampirism (this takes energy from the teacher and the student, you can’t study endlessly, the level of the teacher must be higher);
  • engage in dark meditation;
  • spar and duel with other vampires (duels are possible with vampire enemies);
  • use vampiric abilities.

After earning a certain number of ability points, the vampire moves to a new level of experience. There are five in total: inexperienced vampire, junior vampire, experienced vampire, vampire lord, grand master.

At each level, five new abilities become available to the vampire, each of which can be learned for the accumulated ability points. A total of 25 options, but some have not one level, but three. At each level of experience, you will have to choose one weakness that will somewhat limit the vampire's abilities. As a result, the Grand Master will have 4 weaknesses, after which he will be able to easily earn points and acquire new abilities.

Acquired abilities and weaknesses can be reset with the Dose of Alteration potion, available at level 14 of lifesteal, and then distribute the points in a new way.

The vampire can prematurely dispel the cast spell. Another vampire can too, but only if it has the same ability. Enchantments can be cast on both mortals and vampires, but they do not always work on the latter.

In order to gain ability points faster, it is advisable to acquire several active skills such as compulsion or hallucinations to walk around the city and scatter them on others.

List of vampiric abilities

Icon Title (Ability Points) Description

Inexperienced Vampire

Definition of character (2)

Bat Form (2)

Vampires have an alternative way to travel. On the ground, the option "Fly here with a bat" is available, and the vampire has a "Always move with a bat" action on himself. Two vampires with this ability can have sex in winged form, and two teenage vampires can just play pranks.

Hallucinations (1)

The new interaction "Induce Hallucinations" is available to the vampire. The victim for some time falls into a stupor, animatedly communicating with an imaginary interlocutor.

Eternally welcome guest (2)

The vampire can use the "Vampire Guest" action on the front door. You can enter any house, even if there is no one in it.

1. Follower of the occult sciences (1)
2. Adept in the occult sciences (2)
3. Master of Occult Sciences (3)

With each level of the ability, the character expends less vampire energy when using abilities.

Junior Vampire

1. Vampiric Charm (3)
2. Vampiric Irresistibility (3)
3. Vampiric Charm (3)

Conflict: Death Aura.
The vampire gains the Seductive Vision effect on himself, which causes a red aura around him for 4 hours. This aura, like a magnet, attracts characters of the opposite sex to him, who themselves start a flirtatious conversation with him. The vampire gains a positive moodlet "Vampiric Attraction" with the effect of happiness + 1, +2 or +3 depending on the level of the ability

1. Vampiric Power (3)
2. Vampiric muscles (3)
3. Vampiric Power (3)

Coercion (3)

New interactions become available to the vampire from the "Coerce" tab. You can force another character to clean up, fix appliances, sit down, play sports, leave, wake up, or say nasty things to someone.

Garlic resistance (1)

The vampire will stop reacting negatively to the smell and taste of garlic in any form.

Vampire Creation (3)

A new interaction with mortals "Turn to Vampire" is available. You can not convert those who have recently "drank", and pregnant women. You can turn even an unfamiliar character. The converted will become the offspring of a vampire.
In order for a vampire living somewhere in the city to turn, after a few days you need to invite him to visit or meet him in the city, otherwise he will still be mortal.

Seasoned Vampire

Hypnosis (4)

The vampire gains the Hypnosis interaction, which puts the victim into a stupor. It is not clear why this is necessary.

1. Child of the moon (4)
2. Night Creature (4)
3. Lord of darkness (4)

At night, the vampire will have the Moonchild (Happiness + 1), Night Creature (Happiness + 2), or Lord of Darkness (Happiness + 3) moodlet depending on the ability level. The vampire will be stronger, faster, less tired, and learn skills faster.

Overwhelming Slumber (4)

The vampire can put other characters to sleep. They lose consciousness immediately after exposure.

Soul Control (4)

The vampire has a fourth way to drink someone else's blood - "Extract the soul." After drinking, he will have a stronger Blood Satisfaction moodlet (happiness + 2 for 8 hours), but the most interesting thing is that immediately after drinking, you can return the soul of the victim. This action will erase her memory (reset all information about acquaintances) and give temporary immunity from vampires (Returned Soul moodlet, confidence + 3 for 2 days). A handy ability if you need to peacefully part with an annoying girlfriend or get a chance to improve relations with the enemy.

1. Vampiric Slumber (4)
2. Improved Vampiric Slumber (4)
3. Vampiric trance (4)

Conflict: Restless sleep.
The vampire sleeps more peacefully and sleeps faster.

Vampire Lord

1. Suppression of emotions (5)
2. Controlling emotions (5)
3. Mortification of emotions (5)

Conflict: eternal sadness.
The vampire has an eternal neutral moodlet that interrupts many emotions. The higher the level of the ability, the stronger the moodlet.

Supernatural Speed ​​(5)

Vampires have an alternative way to travel. Anywhere on earth the option "Run here like a vampire" is available, the vampire will run there so fast that his image will be blurry (like vampires in Sims 3). By acting as a vampire on yourself, you can turn on the default vampire run.

Calling Needs (5)

The vampire now has the "Invoke Need" interaction with other characters. You can empty someone else's scale of hygiene, vigor, toilet or hunger. Another vampire can empty the scales of thirst and hygiene.

1. Sun protection (5)
2. Increased sun protection (5)
3. Perfect sun protection (5)

Conflict: Sensitivity.
At level 3, the character can safely walk down the street even on a sunny day. At levels 1 and 2, the negative impact of the sun will be slightly lower than usual.

Odorless (5)

The need for hygiene is always at a maximum.

Grand Master

1. Influence on emotions (6)
2. Changing emotions (6)
3. Controlling emotions (6)

A very useful ability for the household of a vampire, because he will be able to convey a certain mood to everyone around him. To do this, use the vampire’s “Influence Emotions” action on yourself and choose whether the characters should experience a rush of inspiration, attention, excitement, anger, sadness, discomfort, playfulness, flirtatiousness, dizziness, boredom, embarrassment, stress, happiness, or confidence. After that, a glow with the color of the selected emotion will disperse from the vampire around. Everyone who is “hooked” by it (including other vampires) will have an emotional moodlet for 4 hours. The effect of the moodlet depends on the level of the ability and is +2, +3 or +8.

Mist Form (6)

Vampires have an alternative way to travel. The character has the option "Travel here by mist" and the option on himself "Always travel by mist". The move is almost instantaneous.

Distancing from the team (6)

The need for communication is always at a maximum.

Thirst suppression (6)

Conflict: Insatiable thirst.
The ability has little effect. The character can still drink other Sims, but will not go into a hunger frenzy.

Immortal Joys (6)

The need for leisure is always at its maximum.

List of vampiric weaknesses

Icon Name Description

Inexperienced Vampire

Shrunken stomach

Guilty drinker

After drinking mortals, the vampire will experience severe stress (“Guilty Drinker” moodlet, voltage + 50 for 4 hours).

Uncontrollable hiss

The vampire will periodically hiss, from which everyone around will be frightened and begin to treat him negatively.

Junior Vampire

Sloppy drunkard

The vampire drinks other Sims sloppily, so is slower to get full.

1. Sensitivity
2. Flammable flesh
3. Flammable flesh