Calendar year in Orthodoxy presentation. Presentation catalog. III. oral journal

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ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS AND CALENDAR Prepared by: primary school teacher GBOU School No. 2057 Vznuzdaeva Natalia Alexandrovna 2014-2015 academic year Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics Module: Fundamentals of world religious cultures

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ORTHODOX CALENDAR At its core, the Orthodox Church Paschal calendar consists of two parts: MOBILE FIXED The fixed part of the church calendar is the Julian calendar, diverging by 13 days from the Gregorian. Holidays of the fixed part of the calendar have a fixed date, each holiday is celebrated on the same day every year. . The movable part of the church calendar moves along with the date of Easter, which changes from year to year. The very date of the celebration of Easter is determined according to the lunar calendar and a number of additional dogmatic factors (do not celebrate Easter with the Jews, celebrate Easter only after the spring equinox, celebrate Easter only after the first spring full moon). All holidays with variable dates are counted from Easter and move in the time of the "secular" calendar along with it. Thus, both parts of the Easter calendar (movable and fixed) together determine the calendar of Orthodox holidays.

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The history of Orthodox holidays goes back to the times of the Old Testament. Orthodox holidays are also adjacent, originating in the New Testament time. Each of the Orthodox holidays is dedicated to the memory of the most important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, as well as the memory of saints. ORIGINS OF ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS

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Recognizing holidays as useful from the point of view of piety, the Church has always given their celebration a solemn character, while the celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist or communion of the Holy Mysteries was considered a necessary condition. In accordance with this, the whole life of Christians on holidays was arranged: they freed themselves from worldly activities and labors, did not arrange noisy entertainments, feasts, but sanctified them with good deeds for the benefit of the Church and the poor.

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WHAT ARE THE ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS The most significant events for an Orthodox Christian are the Twelfth Feasts and the Great Feasts. The Orthodox Church celebrates holidays according to the "old style", which differs by 13 days. ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS Easter (Bright Sunday of Christ) Twelfth non-passing feasts January 7 - Nativity of Christ January 19 - Baptism of the Lord (Holy Theophany) February 15 - Meeting of the Lord April 7 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 21 - Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos September 27 - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord December 4 - Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos Twelfth movable feasts Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) Ascension of the Lord Holy Trinity Day (Pentecost) Great feasts with a fixed date January 14 - Circumcision of the Lord July 7 - Christmas John the Baptist July 12 - Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist October 14 - Protection of the Most Holy

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THE MAIN HOLIDAYS OF CHRISTIANITY The main holidays of Christians are associated with the events of the life of Jesus Christ - this is Christmas (Jesus' birthday) and the Resurrection of Christ - Easter.

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Believers prepare for these two holidays by observing many days of fasting. Fasting before Christmas is called Christmas, before Easter - Great. Usually, during fasting, many Christians do not eat meat and dairy foods, and refrain from entertainment. But abstinence from food is not the main thing, it should only help a person become better, help the believer in working on himself.

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EASTER The week before Easter is called Holy Week. These days, the last days of Jesus Christ, spent by him in Jerusalem, his sermon, the Last Supper (dinner) with the disciples, the arrest and crucifixion (Good Friday) are remembered. Easter always falls on a Sunday. Her worship takes place at night. It opens with a solemn procession around the temple, followed by Matins and Liturgy. The whole following week is called Easter or bright.

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EASTER RITES Preparation for Easter takes place during Holy Week and ends on Great Saturday with the preparation of festive food - Easter cakes, curd Easter and painted eggs. The food is carried to the church, where it is blessed during the service.

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The symbol of Easter Easter egg is a painted egg. According to Christian ideas, the Easter egg symbolizes life, the victory of life over death, and its red color recalls the blood of Christ, which was shed to save people. The eggs consecrated in the church were eaten first when, upon returning from the all-night service, the festive feast began.

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Purpose: to acquaint with the history of the emergence of Orthodox holidays and their traditions.

Tasks: To expand knowledge about the culture of holidays; To educate students in patriotic qualities, spiritual culture; To develop the creative individuality of students, communication skills;

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Expected results:

Development of public speaking skills. Mastering the skills of project activities by students. Involving parents in joint activities with children. Expansion of ideas and respect for Orthodox holidays and their traditions.

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Brief annotation.

The lesson is aimed at expanding knowledge about Orthodox holidays as part of Christian culture; Students present creative projects completed in groups.

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Themes of students' creative projects.

Bright holiday - Christmas. Epiphany. Palm Sunday. Easter.

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Conduct form:

theatrical oral journal. Participants: students, parents, guests, teachers.

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study room. Equipment: Music center; Audio recordings; suits; Photos; Crafts for children; Holiday postcards; Willow twigs decorated by children; Calendar - notepad with stickers; Orthodox calendar.

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Preliminary preparation.

Acquaintance with creative projects of children; recommendations on the choice of forms of presentation of creative projects; Selection of musical accompaniment; Consultations for parents on helping children in the preparation of creative projects; Design of the study room; Details for each holiday (photo exhibition, willow branches, Easter eggs); Preparation by the teacher of gifts for students (calendar - notebook with stickers).

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III. Oral journal.

Page 1 - Christmas. For two thousand years, we have been celebrating one holiday On our Earth, Christ, the Son of God, was born. Two thousand years Carried away like a river of water. His quiet light Forever with me and with you. Students defend the project "Christmas" History of the holiday; Costumed, theatrical performance.

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2 Page - Baptism of the Lord.

About the Baptism of the Lord We tell you today! May heaven smile when sins are forgiven! The candles are burning brighter, And it will be a good evening! Students defend the project "Baptism of the Lord": - the history of the holiday; - Photo essay.

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Page 3 Palm Sunday.

The road is decorated with clothes and palm trees. What rejoicing! What a blessing! Solemnly with glory, the people of God meet, so that later He ... to be crucified! E. Sanin Students defend the project "Palm Sunday": dance "Verbochki"; History of the holiday; exhibition of decorated willows, appliqué.

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On Palm Sunday, the willow blossomed From the ray of spring, the first heat!

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    4 page - Easter

    Christ is risen! Easter bells are singing, bells are ringing ... Spring is coming in a green crown, Fragrant and bright ... Students defend the Easter project: The history of the holiday; Traditional Easter treats (eggs, Easter cake, Easter); Issuance of recipes for Easter dishes; Creative exhibition of Easter eggs.

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    We can do everything ourselves!

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    Dear Guys! We thank you for your creative presentations. You managed to tell us about Orthodox holidays, their history and traditions. We wish you to keep in your heart the beauty of folk Russian traditions, the joy of the soul, which was characteristic of us. And now, according to Russian custom - tea! Children are given holiday cards, notebooks - calendars with stickers of Orthodox holidays (children write down their impressions of the holidays)

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    Creative success to you!

    Thank you for your attention!

    View all slides

    CALENDAR OF ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS FOR 2017 Author: pupil of the Center Garanina Maria Alexandrovna, 13 years old Class: 7 OGKUSO Social and rehabilitation center for minors "Ryabinka" p. Trusleyka District: Inzensky Head: Fedyanina Valentina Nikolaevna, music director Phone number of the head: 89279875760

    GREAT FESTIVALS The great holidays celebrated now include five days:  Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (October 1/14),  Circumcision of the Lord (January 1/14),  Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24 / July 7),  Saints Day Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29 / July 12),  Beheading of St. John the Baptist (August 29 / September 11).

    ON OCTOBER 14 THE COVER OF THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - in the sacred heart. where they were kept carefully in memory  The Orthodox holiday - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is a celebration of the event that took place on October 1, 910 in the city of Constantinople, in the Blachernae Church, the robe of the Most Holy Theotokos, the head cover and the belt. The memory of this event has been kept by the Orthodox for all ten centuries. The miracle that happened in 911 in the Blachernae Church is perceived by all believers as close and dear to everyone. After all, we always feel the intercession of the Mother of God, Her protection and Her Protection, both in our own life and in the life of our great exhausted Russia. people

    JANUARY 14 THE CIRCUSTION OF THE LORD ACCORDING TO THE FLESH  Establishment with almost the church was the need for the triumph of Circumcision due to opposition to the intemperate pagan tradition of celebrating the coming of the New Year in the territory of the Roman Empire. By the beginning of the 4th century, the annual liturgical cycle had taken shape. It was logical to oppose the revelry of carnal pleasures with the church and the previous post. The Circumcision of the Lord was the best fit. holiday

    JULY 7 NATIVITY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST  On July 7, adherents of the Orthodox Church celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist and remember the miraculous story of his birth. Subsequently, Jesus Christ himself came to him to be baptized. John, from 

    JULY 12 OF THE APOSTLES PETER AND PAUL  Peter and Paul are the personification of the feat of preaching and martyrdom at the same time. And their authority is higher than any other saint, with the exception of the Mother of God.

    SEPTEMBER 11 THE BEHEADING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST  In commemoration of the beheading of St. John the Baptist, the Church established a feast and a strict fast, as the expression of grief for Christians over the violent death of the Prophet. great

    THE TWENTIETH TRANSITIONAL HOLIDAYS  The Twelfth Moving Holidays, depending on the day of the celebration of Easter, have different dates every year. These include:  Christmas time... Maslenitsa... GREAT LENT  Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). Palm Week...  Holy Week...  Easter holiday. Holy Resurrection of Christ...  Radonitsa. Radunitsa...  Antipascha. Krasnaya Gorka... Fomin's week.  Midlife... Ascension of the Lord...  Trinity and Semik...  Day of the Holy Trinity. Pentecost... spirits day...

    JANUARY 7-19  Twelve days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ are called Christmastide, that is, holy days, since these twelve days are consecrated by the great events of the Nativity of Christ.  Holy holidays were characterized by cleansing rites: sweeping the house and throwing away Christmas garbage in deserted places away from home; burning Christmas straw or making fires; fumigation or sprinkling of household buildings with water; inscription with consecrated chalk crosses on doors and gates, etc. On Christmastide (most often on New Year's Eve) in many places they carried out a "renewal of the fire": they extinguished all the lights in the houses and lit new ones from the "live fire". Christmas ends with the Feast of Epiphany

    Shrovetide Maslenitsa is the holiday of seeing off winter, the eighth week before Easter. Maslenitsa took place before Great Lent, on the cheese week of the Orthodox calendar, and ended on Forgiveness Sunday.

    GREAT LENT  Lent or weeks of forty days Great Holy Forty Days. It begins seven weeks before the feast of Holy Pascha and consists of the Forty Days (forty days) and (the week preceding Passover). Fortecost was established in honor of the fast of the Savior Himself, and Holy Week is a remembrance of the last days of earthly life, suffering, death and burial of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The total continuation of Great Lent by Holy Week is 48 days. The days from the Nativity of Christ to Lent (until Shrovetide) are called the Christmas winter meat-eater. This period contains three continuous weeks - Christmas time, together with - in or

    APRIL 9 THE ENTRY OF THE LORD INTO JERUSALEM. PALM SUNDAY  Feast of Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is associated with the famous entry of Christ into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, from which his suffering on the Cross began. In Rus', it was called Sunday, because its symbol is the first blossoming branches - branches of willow, willow or willow (willow plants), the Jews met Christ at the time of his entry into Jerusalem. The fact is that for our ancestors, willow was a symbol of rapid growth, mighty strength, the will to live and, of course, fertility. And no wonder - it is the willow that blooms of all plants. throws out the first kidneys among

    HOLY WEEK The Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Easter is called Holy Week. It is dedicated to the suffering, death and burial of Jesus. Each day of the week bears the name of the Great and is filled with special symbolism. The week is also the last and strictest week and implies spiritual and bodily cleanliness, which is why it is also called White or Clean Week. Holy Week is full of grief and sadness. It ends with the most revered holiday of the Resurrection in Orthodox Christianity, which is celebrated the following Bright Week. During Holy Week, the church does not conduct the sacraments of baptism and weddings, the days of saints are not celebrated, and the dead are not commemorated. Every day of this week has its own Lent throughout

    APRIL 16 ORTHODOX EASTER  In Christian tradition, Easter is celebrated according to the lunisolar calendar, on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. Easter is always celebrated only on Sunday, but falls on different dates. On this day, it is customary to say: “Christ is Risen!”, To which the answer is “Truly Risen!”. The name Passover comes from the Hebrew word "Pesach", which means "deliverance", "exodus", "mercy".

    RADONITsa. RADUNITSA…  The Day of Remembrance breaks the fast for the dead, timed to coincide with Easter. According to folk beliefs, on this day the dead rise from their graves, after Lent, they rejoice that children remember them. Genetically, the holiday goes back to the cult of ancestors. On Tuesday of the second week after Pascha, which is called St. Thomas Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Radonitsa of a special commemoration of the dead, the first after the Easter holiday. - day

    ANTIPASHA. RED HILL.  “Antipascha” is a Greek word, and the prefix “anti” does not mean “against”, but “instead of”. Thus, “Antipascha” is a holiday “instead of Easter”, as if compensating, replenishing it. "Krasnaya Gorka" is the popular name of the first Sunday after Easter, which in the church dictionary is called Antipascha.

    Fomin's Week  Antipascha is followed by Fomin's week, which, in fact, is called Krasnaya Gorka. This week, the church remembers the Apostle Thomas, who wished to personally verify the resurrection of the Savior, not believing the disciples who told him the wonderful news. According to the gospel story, the resurrected Christ appeared before Thomas so that he could put his fingers into his wounds and see with his own eyes that a miracle had happened.  By the way, that's why the people called a person who doubted anything "Thomas the Unbeliever".

    Mid-Pentecost  Mid-Pentecost is the middle of 50 days between the feasts of Pascha and the descent of the Holy Spirit, i.e. the middle in time between the two greatest holidays - Easter and Trinity, otherwise called Pentecost. The Church borrowed the name of the holiday Mid-Midday from the Gospel announcing about Jesus Christ, that He, in the days of His earthly life, in the third year of His Gospel sermon, on the mid-afternoon of the Old Testament Feast of Tabernacles, entered the church and taught

    MAY 25 ASCENSION OF THE LORD  The Ascension of the Lord is considered the last spring holiday. “The spring of the Ascension to heaven ascends - the bright one asks for rest in paradise!”.  It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter in honor of the ascension of the flesh of Jesus Christ into heaven and the promise of His second coming.

    SEMIK  Semik - the seventh Thursday after Easter was considered a very big holiday, it opened a complex set of rituals marking farewell to spring and meeting summer, glorifying the green land with a central character - a birch tree, maiden festivities, commemoration of the dead.  The seventh week after Easter is called "Semik", "Rusal", "Green", "Dirty", three of its days are specially marked: Semik, which falls on Thursday; parent Saturday; Trinity Sunday, 50th day after Easter.

    JUNE 4 THE DAY OF THE HOLY TRINITY. PENTECOST  In Orthodoxy, the Trinity is celebrated on Sunday, 50 days after Easter, and thus the Trinity coincides with Pentecost.  The essence of the Trinity holiday: God the Father is the creator of everything that exists in the world (visible and invisible); God the Son is eternally born of God the Father; God the Holy Spirit originally and eternally proceeds from God the Father.

    DAY OF SPIRIT Orthodox in  Fifty-first day after Easter, or the first Monday after Trinity. Spirits Day (day of the Holy Spirit, Birthday Earth) is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday after Trinity. The Monday following Pentecost is a feast day in honor of the Holy Spirit. This holiday was established by the Church of the Greatness "" for the sake of the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, as if there is one (from) the Holy and Life-Giving in opposition to the teachings of heretics who rejected the Divinity of the Holy Spirit and His consubstantiality with God the Father and the Son of God. This holiday was established to affirm the divine Trinity"", 

    TWELVE PERMANENT HOLIDAYS The twelfth non-transferable holidays are celebrated on the same days. These include:  Nativity of Christ (December 25/January 7),  Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ or Epiphany (September 14/27, December) (January 6/19),  Presentation of the Lord (February 2/15),  Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (March 25/April 7),  Transfiguration of the Lord (August 6/19),  Assumption of the Mother of God (August 15/28)  Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (September 8/21),  Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord  Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (November 21/4

    JANUARY 7 CHRISTMAS  Christmas (Christmas) - a great Christian holiday, established in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. In the Orthodox Church, it is one of the Lord's Twelve Feasts. In view of the liturgical remembrance and celebration of the mystery (along with the salvation of the human race - the Incarnation and the coming into the world of the Son of God, born in the flesh - is one of the most significant days of the liturgical year and one of the most important holidays in most Christian denominations. with Easter) the most important  Nowadays time in most parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, this holiday is celebrated on January 7 according to the new style.

    JANUARY 19 HOLY APPOINTMENT. BAPTISM OF THE LORD of Atonement The great twelfth feast in remembrance of the Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ, having reached, by human nature, thirty years old, publicly entered into His open ministry of the human race (according to the Old Testament law, it was not allowed to take the rank of teacher or priest before thirty years. This holiday is called Epiphany because at the baptism of the Savior there was a special appearance of all Three Persons of the Godhead: the God of Heaven testified about the baptized Son, the Son of God was baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove, thus confirming the Word of the Father (Matt. 3:17), that is, he testified about Jesus Christ that He did not a prophet like the prophets of old, and not an angel, but the Only Begotten Son of God, who is in the bosom of the Father.The Lord Himself, as the source of all purity and sinless and blameless, born of the Most Pure and Most Holy Virgin Mary, did not need the Father opened from Baptism for the holy,

    FEBRUARY 15 THE MEETING OF THE LORD On the day of the Meeting of the Lord, the offering is commemorated by Jesus by the Blessed Mary after completing 40 days of purification in the temple, where the Infant was the righteous Simeon. From this meeting, the holiday got its name and was already known in the 4th century. in the Jerusalem Church. Many people in Constantinople and Antioch (Syria) correspond with him, accompanied by a nationwide fast, and in remembrance of this, it was established to celebrate the liturgy of litia in monasteries on this holiday. deliverance of disasters by the prayer of Christ met before

    APRIL 7 THE Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, which  The holiday is dedicated to the remembrance of the event, the ancient Christians had the names "Conception of Christ", the Angel of Mary, etc., and only in the 7th century it was given the present name. when the Virgin Mary, in response to the words of the archangel Gabriel, answered: “Let it be according to your word,” it is quite natural that this day should be nine months away from the day when Jesus Christ was born, that is, from the Christmas holiday. It is easy to calculate that April 7 is such a day for Orthodox Christians, and March 25 for Western Christians.

    AUGUST 19 THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE LORD Elijah and Moses,  According to the Holy Scriptures, 40 days before the start of Pascha, the Son of God, together with his three disciples, ascended Mount Tabor (in other sources, the spurs of Hermon) and, having prayed, was completely transformed and appeared to His disciples bodily . His face lit up, and his clothes became white, like light.  At the same time, prophets appeared in front of Jesus who spoke to him, and then a cloud appeared over the mountain, from which the voice of God came, commanding the disciples to listen to Christ in everything. By celebrating  With this Transfiguration, the church glorifies the unity of the divine and the human in Christ, and also indicates that during a visit to the temple a person is cleansed of sins and is transformed, joins the pure light.  The people call the Transfiguration of the Lord Apple Spas. christian way,

    SEPTEMBER 21 Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos of Life The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos was the fruit of Her righteous parents, Saints Joachim and Anna. In the ecclesiastical sense, it is the beginning of the fulfillment of all the divine promises by which mankind has lived and comforted for many millennia, the revelation to the world of a mystery that has been prepared from eternity for the salvation and glory of the fallen human race.

    SEPTEMBER 27 EXALATION OF THE LORD'S CROSS The holiday was established in remembrance of the finding of the Lord's Cross in the 4th century. under Constantine the Great, when the temple of Christ was consecrated. Resurrection The peculiarity of the holiday is that on the eve of the holiday the cross of the Lord is laid in the temple, the throne is observed, a strict fast is observed. on

    DECEMBER 4 ENTRY INTO THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD The Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is set to commemorate the introduction of the Holy Maiden at the age of three into the Temple of Jerusalem, where she remained until her betrothal to the righteous Joseph.

     A distinctive feature of Orthodox holidays is the obligatory visit to the temple. Earlier, according to the church charter, those parishioners who did not attend the church for three Sundays were excommunicated from the church. On holidays, the clergy dress in expensive shiny clothes. This signifies that incorruptible and immortal garment in which the elect of God will be clothed after the resurrection from the dead, that divine light and glory with which they will be clothed in the Kingdom of God.  Depending on the height of the holiday, the clergy put on bright clothes, “in all the brightest dignity”, for example, on Easter, and with less solemn memories, they put on dark clothes, for example, on the days of the Savior’s suffering. On days of great joy, worship takes place with full illumination of churches, on other days with less light. With a bright vestment and an abundance of light on great holidays, the church expresses joy and gratitude to God and the saints for good deeds. festive worship, including icons, candles, incense, bows, etc., the festive singing corresponding to each holiday, including the singing of troparia, akathists, kontakions, is also special. On holidays, supplies  In addition to the general

     INTERNET RESOURCES /172406/obrezanie-go spodne---chto-eto-ob rezanie-gospodne-ist oriya-prazdnika http://proeveryday. ru/index.php?id=mol itva/prazdnik5   182898/verbnoe-voskre sene-istoriya-prazdni ka-traditsii-primetyi  http://interesting-in /2016/05/ pasxa-istoriya-prazdn ika-kratko u/index.php?id=molit va/prazdnik16  icle/206262/new_apost olyi-petr-i-pavel- den  http://proeveryday.r  192449/istoriya-prazd nika-blagoveschenie-p

    Kornaeva Elena Valentinovna
    Job title: primary school teacher
    Educational institution: MBNOU "Gymnasium44"
    Locality: city ​​Novokuznetsk Kemerovo region
    Material name: methodological development on ORKSE
    Subject:"Calendar year in Orthodoxy. Grade 4"
    Publication date: 31.12.2017
    Chapter: elementary education

    On the topic "Calendar year in Orthodoxy"


    Development of the ability to analyze and summarize information.

    Development of communication skills.

    Familiarity with different types of calendars.


    Development of the spiritual and moral basis of the individual

    Comprehension and concretization of spiritual and moral categories,

    provided by the program


    Presentation "Fresco, icon, painting", handout, various

    types of calendars.

    During the classes:

    Repetition and consolidation of previously studied material. Children work in

    steam. The couple receives an illustration, their task is to determine, and then

    prove that in front of them is a fresco, painting or icon.

    Learning new material.

    Teacher's story.

    The need to measure time arose among people already in ancient times.

    The first calendars appeared many thousands of years ago at the dawn of mankind.

    civilization. People have learned to measure time intervals, to compare them

    with phenomena that recur periodically (change of day and night, change of phases

    Moon, change of seasons). Without the use of time units, people

    could not live, communicate with each other, trade, engage in agriculture. IN

    At the beginning, the account of time was primitive, but as human development






    improved, such concepts as year, month, week appeared.

    Once upon a time, every tribe, every city, every state created its own

    own calendars, differently composed of days, months and years.

    Lunar, lunisolar, solar calendars appeared.




    periods of time. The word "calendar" comes from the Latin words "caleo"

    (proclaim) and "calendarium" (debt book). Beginning in ancient Rome

    each month was specially proclaimed and on the first day of each month there

    accepted to pay interest on debts.

    Read, please, in the dictionary about the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

    Calendars are of different types: pocket, tear-off. What calendars are you?

    know? (children's answers)

    Wall, desktop, timesheet calendar, lunar, gardener - gardener,

    female, school, family, youth, decorative, built-in

    One of the oldest known calendars is the Mayan calendar. (conversation

    accompanied by a demonstration of various types of calendars and illustrations).

    What can you say about the difference between civil and Orthodox

    church calendar? (children receive handout and give answers)



    is different


    lined up not according to the seasons, but according to the annual circle, the order of church

    services in accordance with the gospel events. It notes

    church holidays and fasts (days on which they are not eaten

    animal products).

    Please read what is said about the Orthodox calendar in the textbook.

    Consolidation of what has been learned.

    Tell us what you can learn about their Orthodox calendar.

    Tell us what event the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed One is dedicated to

    Mother of God.

    Explanation of homework.

    (see lesson attachment)

    Assignment for the project. Do you know the name of your heavenly patron? If not,

    then find out. Read his life. Tell us when is his memorial day and when is yours

    name day. Find an icon of your heavenly patron.

    Find out when the name day of your parents, brothers and sisters, other loved ones

    relatives. How will you congratulate them?

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    Purpose: to acquaint with the history of the emergence of Orthodox holidays and their traditions. Tasks: To expand knowledge about the culture of holidays; To educate students in patriotic qualities, spiritual culture; To develop the creative individuality of students, communication skills;

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    Expected results: Development of public speaking skills. Mastering the skills of project activities by students. Involving parents in joint activities with children. Expansion of ideas and respect for Orthodox holidays and their traditions.

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    Brief annotation. The lesson is aimed at expanding knowledge about Orthodox holidays as part of Christian culture; Students present creative projects completed in groups.

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    Themes of students' creative projects. Bright holiday - Christmas. Epiphany. Palm Sunday. Easter.

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    Form of holding: theatrical oral magazine. Participants: students, parents, guests, teachers.

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    Venue: study room. Equipment: Music center; Audio recordings; suits; Photos; Crafts for children; Holiday postcards; Willow twigs decorated by children; Calendar - notepad with stickers; Orthodox calendar.

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    Preliminary preparation. Acquaintance with creative projects of children; recommendations on the choice of forms of presentation of creative projects; Selection of musical accompaniment; Consultations for parents on helping children in the preparation of creative projects; Design of the study room; Details for each holiday (photo exhibition, willow branches, Easter eggs); Preparation by the teacher of gifts for students (calendar - notebook with stickers).

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    Many glorious, good holidays are left to us from antiquity. According to the tradition of our great-grandfathers, we must remember them.

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    During the classes. I. Opening speech of the teacher. Ringing of bells. Great Orthodox holidays begin with the ringing of bells. There are 12 holidays in the Orthodox calendar. Today we will flip through the pages of the calendar and talk in detail about the most significant holidays for the Orthodox. II. Introduction to the calendar.

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    III. Oral journal. Page 1 - Christmas. For two thousand years, we have been celebrating one holiday On our Earth, Christ, the Son of God, was born. Two thousand years Carried away like a river of water. His quiet light Forever with me and with you. Students defend the project "Christmas" History of the holiday; Costumed, theatrical performance.

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    2 Page - Baptism of the Lord. About the Baptism of the Lord We tell you today! May heaven smile when sins are forgiven! The candles are burning brighter, And it will be a good evening! Students defend the project "Baptism of the Lord": - the history of the holiday; - Photo essay.

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    Page 3 Palm Sunday. The road is decorated with clothes and palm trees. What rejoicing! What a blessing! Solemnly with glory, the people of God meet, so that later He ... to be crucified! E. Sanin Students defend the project "Palm Sunday": dance "Verbochki"; History of the holiday; exhibition of decorated willows, appliqué.