How beautiful to make up big eyes with shadows. How to apply makeup correctly. Eye colors. Makeup with beige eye shadow

The eyes are the most expressive part of the face. Therefore, most often in makeup, the emphasis is on them. But the wrong make-up can hide the natural beauty of a girl. Because many girls are wondering how to paint their eyes? How to draw smooth and neat arrows? Why does the same make-up look great on a friend, but terrible on me? In this article, we will take a closer look at a few points:

  • what things will be needed to create eye makeup;
  • how to determine your eye shape;
  • Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly paint, taking into account your type of eyes.

Quality brush

The eyeshadow brush should be made of soft natural bristles, with which you can easily apply the pigment and blend thoroughly. Choose a brush with beveled edges, this will avoid sharp lines when applying shadows. Do not use silicone applicators, they absorb shadows and blend poorly.

Good makeup brushes are quite expensive, so many fashionistas go to the trick. They buy makeup brushes from art stores. These brushes are soft, good quality and very inexpensive.


If you are just starting to master makeup, then it is best to immediately buy one high-quality nude palette of shadows. Its advantages:

  • it is suitable for any type of make-up;
  • there are colors that are well combined with each other;
  • suits different color types.


Everyone has different tastes, but the most convenient way to draw a straight line is to use felt-tip pens or markers with a thin and hard applicator.

Base for shadows

This item is completely optional for owners of dry eyelid skin. On them, the shadows will hold perfectly even without an additional fixative. But if the skin is oily, the shadows roll on the eyelids in a couple of hours, then using the base will help to get a bright and lasting color.

There are no special tips here. Everyone chooses a mascara depending on their preferences in makeup. The only advice that can be given about this is that brown mascara is more suitable for girls with blond hair and skin for daily use. She emphasizes the eyelashes, but does not create unnecessary contrast on the face.

Decide on the type of eyes

The Internet is full of images with diagrams of how to paint your eyes correctly. But more often than not, these tips are useless. What is the point of blending 10 shadows if there is a problem with the impending eyelid? After all, all shading will still disappear as soon as you open your eyes. Therefore, we first determine the cut of the eyes.

There are 6 main types of eyes:

  1. Mongoloid
  2. slanted
  3. with corner turned down
  4. hidden eyelid
  5. Large
  6. Almond-shaped

Now let's do a little test that will help determine your parameters.

Do you have an upper eyelid crease?
If you answered “no”, then you have a Mongoloid eye shape.

Now draw a mentally straight line through the centers of the pupils. Are the outer corners of the eye above or below it?

If the outer corners of the eye are higher, then you have slanted eyes.

If lower, then eyes with lowered corners.

If the pupils are on the same line with the corners, then see if your upper eyelid hangs over your eyelashes? If yes, then you have a hidden eyelid.

Now look to see if the protein is visible above or below the iris. If so, then you have big eyes. If not, then you have almond shaped eyes.

Mongoloid eyes

In our country, such a cut of the eyes is very rare. This is a feature of the eastern region. In China, many girls have such a cut and consider it their big problem. There are even special stickers on sale that create the illusion of a crease. If you are interested in them, you can search on foreign sites. They are on free sale. But you can do the right make-up without stickers.

Option 1

  1. Apply light shadow on the eyelid as a base.
  2. Apply a shimmery shadow of a darker shade to the middle of the eyelid (where the crease should be).
  3. Highlight the lash line with a dark pencil. Use shadows of a similar shade to blend the line.

Option 2

  1. Take a light brown shade and draw a line where the eyelid crease should be.
  2. With a slightly darker shade of shadows, draw a thick arrow in front of your eyes.
  3. Take even darker shadows and tint the edges of the resulting arrow.
  4. Bring the lower eyelid with the same shade, gradually thickening the line to the edge of the eye. Draw another small arrow from the lower eyelid to the temples.
  5. Take a light-colored pencil and line your eyes from below.
  6. Take your black eyeliner and draw a thin line along your lash line.
  7. Use false eyelashes or just carefully make up your eyes with mascara.

Use arrows

The various arrow options look very good. You can actively use colored eyeliners and various types of arrows. Watch the video of Asian beauty bloggers, where they show how to paint such eyes correctly.

slanted eyes

The owners of such a cut always look like cunning chanterelles. Slightly raised corners look optimistic and adorn a woman very much. If you consider your eye shape to be a disadvantage, then you are mistaken. It is this look that men consider the most attractive.

Option 1

  1. Apply a basic neutral shadow all over the lid and from the brow bone to the crease.
  2. Use the highlighter to highlight the area under the eyebrows and the inner corner of the eye. You can use just light shadows.
  3. Emphasize the moving eyelid with shadows of a deeper shade.
  4. With dark shadows, highlight the corner of the eye to the crease on the upper eyelid.
  5. Highlight the lash line with dark shadows.
  6. Draw a narrow arrow on the upper eyelid.
  7. Underline the lower eyelid with dark shadows.

This makeup can be done in different colors. The main thing is to choose shades of similar shades.

Downturned eyes

A similar cut of the eyes gives its owners a slightly sad look. You can get rid of this effect with the right makeup. The main thing is not to get upset, because it was this type of eye that the incomparable Marilyn Monroe had. And this did not prevent her from becoming a sex symbol of her era.

Your task is to visually lift the corners of the eyes. The photo shows three examples of successful makeup for such a cut.

Option 1

  1. Apply light shadow on the eyelid and inner corner of the eye.
  2. Apply dark shadow to the outer corner of the eye.
  3. Lift the outer corner of the eye with dark shadows.

Option 2

  1. Apply light shadow on the eyelid.
  2. Apply darker shadows above the crease.
  3. Bring your eyes along the lash line, expanding the arrow to the edge of the eye.

Option 3

  1. Accentuate the brow bone with a highlighter.
  2. Line your eyes with dark eyeliner, bending the tip up.

hidden eyelid

Girls who have this type of eyes often complain that they cannot find the right makeup option. Shadows roll, and the break of the eyelid does not allow drawing a neat arrow.

Option 1
A good option for this type would be to use one color of the shadows. Choose a shade with a neutral shade. Line your eyes along the upper and lower lash lines. Then carefully paint over the eyelashes. It is best to curl them up with a curling iron. Girls with this type of eyes are advised to always use mascara and pay attention to false eyelashes.

classic arrows

Apply light shadows on your eyes and take a black pencil. Start drawing a thin line from the inner corner of the eye, gradually expanding it. With the same pencil, lightly underline the lash line on the lower eyelid. Take a makeup brush and blend the bottom line.

Big eyes

Big eyes are the dream of many women. Making them even more beautiful is easy with a slight touch-up. How to paint the eyes of this shape? All that is required is to slightly lengthen the eyes.

Option 1

  1. Take a brown pencil and draw a line over the upper crease of the eyelid.
  2. With the same pencil, complete the line with light strokes.
  3. Take a brush and blend the line to the bridge of your nose
  4. With a brown pencil, shade the outer corner of the eye, slightly stretching it towards the temples.
  5. Blend the pencil and line your eyelids along the lower lash line.
  6. Take blue shadow and cover the surface of the eyelid.
  7. Apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye.
  8. With a dark eyeliner, draw a thin line along the lash line.

Option 2

  1. Apply light shadow on the eyelid.
  2. Take a soft pencil and draw a thin line along the upper eyelid.
  3. Line your lower eyelid.
  4. Using a brush, blend the eyeliner on the lower eyelid.
  5. Take a black pencil and underline the line above the eyelashes on the lower eyelid.
  6. Bring the upper eyelid from the middle of the eye.
  7. Take brown shadows and emphasize the outer corner of the eye with them.

almond eyes

The owners of this eye shape are very lucky, because it is such an eye shape that is considered ideal. The task of makeup for this type of eye is to maintain the perfect shape. For example, makeup will look very good, where only one or two shades of shadows are used. You can look at the photo how to paint almond-shaped eyes correctly.

All the tips that are given here are general recommendations for action, but not strict rules. Try different options, experiment and you will definitely learn how to paint eyes. The main thing is that you yourself like the result. Remember that your makeup is your personality.

The eyes are considered the reflection of the soul, so they need constant care. Often women pay special attention to their eyes before any event - a corporate party, a date or going to a restaurant. And they are interested in how to paint eyes with shadows and a pencil at home.

According to stylists, making good eye makeup is not difficult - it takes no more than five minutes if you have the right cosmetics and professional advice at hand. There are very few recommendations.

  • Prepare your eyes. Apply concealer or corrective pencil. Such products eliminate dark circles and shade age spots.
  • Place a few drops of corrective cream under the eye and gently rub into the skin, moving towards the outer corner. Perform the procedure delicately, as the skin here is very delicate.
  • Apply an eye base to the eyelid, which will provide the shadows with durability and strength. Otherwise, the eyelid will begin to shine, and the shadows will roll into stripes.

Many women make makeup mistakes. I think you are not in danger, since you have already learned the rules for preparing the eyes. Next, I will take a closer look at the use of pencils, shadows and eyeliners.

If you are just starting to take care of your eyes or decide to change the approach to bringing your eyes in order, continue reading the article. She will delight you with a huge amount of useful information that will help make your eyes flawless.

We paint the eyes with a pencil

Applying a pencil is a universal makeup technique that is easy to learn. It helps to easily change the shape of the eyes and visually "open" the look. If you have not used a pencil before, it will be a little difficult at first.

Use a high-quality and sharpened cosmetic pencil. Fortunately, getting good cosmetics at an affordable price is not difficult. We are talking not only about a pencil, but also about powder, foundation and other means.

When choosing a pencil, be guided by the type of appearance, eye shade, hair color and other factors. Black pencil is universal. I propose to consider its use.

  1. Apply a base on the upper eyelid using shadows . The shade directly depends on the type of makeup. Correctly and beautifully make up your eyes with a pencil, if you slightly pull the skin of the eyelid to the end of the eyebrow. This simple technique will stretch the bumps and wrinkles that prevent the smooth application of cosmetics.
  2. Gently apply tiny dots to the eyelid along the eyelashes . Make sure that the intervals between the points are the same.
  3. Connect the dots one by one . I advise you to start from the inner corner of the eye. The correct connection of dots in a line will make the shape of the eyes attractive. The line can be slightly moved around the corner of the eye by making a thin tail.
  4. Lower eyelid work . To apply a pencil along the lower lash line, slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers. When painting the lower eyelid, make sure that the line is even and thin, and at the outer corner it should rise slightly.
  5. Applying a pencil close to the inner corner of the eye is not worth it. . In this place are the tear ducts, which secrete fluid throughout the day. As a result, this will cause the pencil to blur.
  6. An additional thin line can be applied to the inner eyelid which will visually enlarge the eyes. Pull the eyelid as far as possible, otherwise you can only dream of a neat and even line. If you want to become more attractive, apply another dark pencil to the inner eyelid, and use a silver or white pencil to make a neat thick line.

Guided by step-by-step instructions, you can easily and without outside help make excellent eye makeup with a pencil.

Video instructions

Men won't be able to take their eyes off your face. To do this, you still need to make a fashionable hairstyle and pay a little attention to other areas of the face.

We paint eyes with shadows - step by step instructions

The eyes are the most expressive part of the image. No wonder they say that they are able to bewitch. The main merit in this is a woman who, through makeup, emphasizes the dignity of the eyes and hides the flaws.

In this part of the article we will talk about the use of shadows at home. With the help of this cosmetic, they emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, correct the shortcomings of the shape and location. Use only high quality cosmetics. The result directly depends on this. Cosmetics should hold well, lie flat and not roll over time. Cheap shadows will not be able to provide this.

How to choose shadows

Buy eye shadow in several shades. The base is the shadows with which to paint the entire surface of the eyelid. When choosing a color, be guided by the type of appearance and eye color. Most often, the base is light.

Contrast - dark shadows that will correct the shape of the eyes and make them more expressive. Choose a color slightly darker than the base. They must fit into the color palette.

Cosmetic companies offer shadows in a wide range of colors and textures. I will review the most popular options to make your choice easier.

  • Dry shadows. Pressed or loose dry shadows are sold. Easy to apply and hold up great. A wide variety of colors of dry shadows provides ample opportunities in creating high-quality makeup.
  • Shadow pencil . Provides a moist effect and natural shine. They are poorly shaded and can be collected in the traces of the eyelids. Painting their eyes is a little more difficult.
  • liquid shadows. The most resistant variety. They dry quickly, so apply as quickly as possible. If you apply a lot, they will gather in the folds of the eyelids.
  • Shadow mousse. Appeared recently. They are distinguished by a dry, thick texture and enviable durability. With their help, they create the effect of a sparkling satin. Easy to apply. It is necessary to paint the eyes with this kind of shadows with your fingers, since the brush or applicator does not cope well with the task.

How to apply shadow correctly

Now consider the technique of applying shadows. I think this can be sorted out quickly. It will be possible to put your eyes in order if you listen to the recommendations.

  1. Apply Foundation . Cover the entire surface of the eyelid with shadows of a light shade. Color is recommended to choose, guided by the type of appearance and shade of the eyes.
  2. Apply contrast . Use shadows that are slightly darker than the base. Strive to match the colors. Apply makeup to the outer corner of the eye and blend until the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the inner corner.
  3. draw a path . Use the shadows that were applied for contrast. Using a thin applicator, draw a thin line along the contour of the eyelashes. The only exception is the inner corner of the eye, where to apply a drop of mother-of-pearl shadows.

Perhaps at first there will be difficulties, but over time, having gained experience and learned the secrets of female beauty, you can easily and quickly cope with the task.

Video tips

Even when you need to quickly leave the house, you will put yourself in order in a matter of minutes. As a result, you don’t have to blush in front of other people for a unkempt appearance.

How to paint eyes with eyeliner - a step-by-step manual

Women who want to look attractive have to go to different tricks. Not the last place in the list of tricks is makeup. Let's look at how to paint the eyes with eyeliner. If you strive to become fashionable and beautiful, knowledge will definitely come in handy.

Cosmetics manufacturers offer liquid eyeliner in various colors. It is applied with a thin brush with a pointed tip. Liquid makeup is more visible and sticks better than a pencil. With its help, it is easy to achieve the effect of fluffy eyelashes and expressive eyes.

Liquid eyeliner is sold in the form of felt-tip pens and applicators. Such cosmetics are perfect for ladies who use false eyelashes. It makes the look mysterious, seductive and deep.

  • It is better to paint eyes using eyeliner in front of a large mirror in a well-lit room in order to clearly see all movements.
  • Powder your eyelid before applying makeup. Tilt your head back a little, and pull your eyelid with your hand. It is recommended to draw a contour from the inside of the eyelid with a thin line towards the outer edge of the eyes.
  • During the procedure, the hands may tremble a little. To solve the problem, lean on the table or chest of drawers with your elbow. Only in this way will you make a clear and even line.
  • On the first try, you may not be able to draw a line. In this case, make up barely noticeable strokes above the eyelashes that you connect. To make the eye contour more expressive, draw a series of additional strokes along the outer edge.
  • Make up the inner contour almost imperceptibly. Open your eye completely after 10 seconds. Do the same with the second eye.

During the application of eye makeup, sloppy strokes and smudges are often obtained. To avoid this, first use eyeliner, then paint your eyelashes and apply shadow.

Videos training

To make the makeup dramatic, draw a neat outline along the edge of the lower eyelid. True, this kind of makeup is not suitable for all women, and liquid eyeliner for these purposes is not the best option. Only a high-quality pencil will provide a good effect.

How to make eyes look bigger

Not every woman boasts a large eye size, as in anime. With the help of cosmetics and the right makeup technique, small eyes can easily be enlarged and made more expressive.

Men are crazy about big female eyes. Modern makeup allows you to masterfully model female eyes.

In each case, an individual approach will be required. Let's discuss the general rules of eye makeup. Guided by general recommendations and using cosmetics in fashionable colors, through experiments, you will choose the perfect eye look.

  1. Highlight eyebrows using a pencil or shadow . The main thing is that the color of the cosmetics matches the shade of the hair. Remember, eyebrows are an essential element of proper eye makeup.
  2. Draw a line under the eyebrows with light matte shadows and be sure to shade. Apply light shadows in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. For daytime makeup, a matte texture is best suited. If you are going to make an evening outing into the fresh air, use shades with mother-of-pearl.
  3. Apply light shadows to the middle of the upper eyelid .
  4. Apply dark shadows to the outer corner of the eye diagonally . The starting point should be the middle of the upper eyelid. Move the applicator to the outer corner, touching the fixed eyelid.
  5. Draw a small line with dark shadows under the eye . Then blend everything thoroughly. Otherwise, pronounced transitions will spoil the makeup. It remains to open the eyelashes wide and cover them with high-quality mascara.

The instruction will help you learn how to paint your eyes at home correctly so that they appear larger.

I will draw your attention to tricks that will visually increase the size of the eyes. As a result, you will have at your disposal a formidable weapon focused on conquering men's hearts.

  • To make the look open and the eyes seem larger, paint the eyelashes from the base to the tips.
  • With the help of liquid eyeliner, you will not be able to enlarge the eyes. For these purposes, a pencil of natural color or shadow is suitable.
  • Make the main bet during the creation of makeup on the eyes. Choose a pale lipstick. Bright lipstick draws attention away from the eyes.
  • Line the inner eyelid with a white pencil. This will visually enlarge the eyes. A black pencil will visually reduce them. Don't forget about it.

Take care of your face at home, pay attention not only to the eyes, but also to other areas of the face. Only in this way will you bring the image to perfection.

Decorative cosmetics is the most powerful weapon through which women fight for beauty. With the help of makeup, they emphasize the merits of appearance, hide flaws, place accents, which allows you to transform beyond recognition.

Eye makeup plays an important role. And no wonder, because the eyes are the calling card of a person. The type of makeup directly depends on many factors, including appearance, clothing, color and shape of the eyes.

Any woman can look charming if she masters the rules for choosing cosmetics and learns the technique of doing makeup.

  1. When choosing the color of eye makeup, be guided by the spectral circle. Only contrasting shades will provide the perfect combination.
  2. Light makeup visually expands the eyes, and dark cosmetics provide the opposite effect.
  3. For pale skin, shadows and light-colored pencils are ideal. Dark-skinned women should use cosmetics in saturated colors.
  4. Gray makeup is in harmony with all eye colors. Therefore, it should be present in the arsenal of any lady.

Much has been said about the power of the eye. However, how to make the look catchy and remain in the memory of others? It is enough to “conjure” a little with makeup!


The success of makeup largely depends on the choice of cosmetics.

It is worth remembering that low-quality cosmetics can not only spoil the image as a whole, but also cause an allergic reaction.

When it comes to eye makeup, first of all, it comes to mind. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to pay attention to your own eyelashes and describe them according to the following criteria:

  • color: hairs can be light, dark or represent an average color in saturation;
  • curl: eyelashes can curl up, can be straight, can be straight and curl down;
  • volume: eyelashes can be lush, can be rare or grow unevenly, there are cases when the volume of eyelashes is a cross between lush and sparse;
  • length: hairs can be long, medium or short;
  • stiffness: hairs can be hard or soft;
  • thickness: the hairs can be thick, medium in thickness or thin.

After determining the type of hair, it's time to decide what kind of effect you want to get after applying the mascara. Thanks to the possibilities offered by the modern industry, almost any eyelashes can be made long and lush, as well as give them a charming curve.

If the eyelashes are short, then you should pay attention to those products that promise to create a visual effect of lengthening. As a rule, they also offer the volume that is necessary for thin and sparse eyelashes.

Eyelashes can be thin and soft. In this case, an illiterate choice of carcass can really harm them. You should choose a mascara that, along with length and volume, also offers care.

For eyelashes of different colors, the shade of mascara is also selected with attention. If the color is between dark and light, then it is worth applying mascara in two layers. The first will be traditionally black, and the second - color.

With mascara, you can create various effects. For example, the effect of "doll eyes". In order for the eyelashes to appear artificial, you need to choose a product that contains panthenol. This substance makes each individual hair visually thicker.

Waterproof mascaras are popular. However, you should be careful with their use. Due to their composition, they can harm the eyelashes, therefore they are not suitable for daily use. Such mascara will become an indispensable assistant only in exceptional cases.

Mascara is not the only assistant in creating an image. To emphasize the beauty of the eyes and add expressiveness, you should also use a pencil. When choosing an eyeliner, you should pay attention to the following points:

Modern fashionistas are offered a wide selection of eyeliner colors. Black is considered traditional. However, the possibilities are not limited to it.

In order for the makeup to look spectacular, it is worth choosing the color of the pencil to the color of the eyes. But first you need to remember the rule that applies to all colors: “pastel shades” are chosen for daytime makeup, bright and saturated colors are the choice for evening makeup.

For evening makeup, the following colors are best for owners of brown and black eyes:

  • golden;
  • silver;
  • bronze.

Owners of black and brown eyes should pay attention to the following colors for daytime makeup:

  • sand;
  • beige;
  • brown.

Owners of green eyes will be able to emphasize natural beauty when creating daytime makeup using pencils in the following colors:

  • pink;
  • peach;

For evening make-up, the beauty of green eyes is emphasized by pencils of the following colors:

  • violet-lilac;
  • terracotta.

The following colors are suitable for blue eyes for daytime makeup:

  • light blue;
  • pink.

Also, the owners of blue eyes to choose the color of the pencil for evening makeup should pay attention to the following colors:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • rich blue.

Black and white pencils are considered universal, because they can suit any eye color, hair and skin tone. Traditionally, it is believed that they should be in the makeup bag of every fashionista who cares about her makeup.

Eye shadow is an important step in creating an expressive look. However, the variety presented on the shelves of cosmetic stores can make it difficult to choose. First you need to understand that shadows come in three main types:

  • dry shadows: the most popular variety, which differs in the duration of storage. In the hands of a beginner, dry shadows may not “play out” due to the fact that they are erased with improper shading;
  • liquid shadows: the best choice for evening make-up. This type of shadow creates a kind of film on the eyelid, but it does not shade at all;
  • cream shadows: the middle type between the previous two types. Creams are the best choice for those with dry skin and girls with contact lenses, but oily skin will clump.

Shadows should be chosen according to the color of your eyes. However, do not forget about the tone of clothing. Bright shadows with defiant color clothes will look ridiculous. Therefore, you need to find a middle ground between shocking and "dullness".

For each eye color, you can choose the shade that will look the most advantageous, or spoil the natural beauty. How to choose shadows depending on eye color:

eye color Winning Colors Colors not recommended
dark brown, black herbal;


dark sand;





light brown, honey green;


dark chocolate

brown-green turquoise;

dark green;

red gold

green purple;




walnut golden:

bright gold;


rich pink;
blue grey;



bitter chocolate;


grey pink;





For beautiful eye makeup, it is not enough to choose only high-quality cosmetics. You also need to pay attention to special accessories:

  • barrel brush: an option that is suitable for making smokey eyes or blending shadows on the lower eyelid;
  • long-haired brush: an option that is suitable for blending shadows at the outer corner of the eyes;
  • brush with bristles that are cut in the shape of a petal: an option that is suitable for blending cream shadows;
  • a densely packed brush with a beveled edge: an option that is suitable for blending shadows of dark shades in the crease of the upper eyelid.

High-quality brushes will help to make a neat makeup that will last a long time. Once the arsenal is assembled, it will be possible to start applying cosmetics.

Before proceeding to cosmetics directly for the eyes, you need to apply a cream base for makeup. As soon as it is absorbed, the concealer can be used. This cosmetic product is designed to hide bags under the eyes.

Starting eye makeup is with shadows. You can use one of several shades. But it is worth remembering that there should not be clearly defined lines, each line is shaded.

After the shadows, an eyeliner or eyeliner comes into play. The line should be drawn as close to the lash line as possible.

The final touch is ink. Depending on the desired goal and eyelashes, this type of cosmetic product can be applied in one or more layers. Eyelashes must be separated with a specially designed brush to prevent the formation of lumps.

How to paint eyes with shadows: step by step instructions

It is not enough to choose high-quality shadows, the color of which matches the color of the eyes. You also need to apply them in the right order so that the cosmetic does not crumple and lasts as long as possible:

  1. The skin must be carefully prepared by applying a nourishing cream and then removing with a napkin what has not been absorbed;
  2. Before applying the shadows, you need to use a primer, it will help the shadows retain their color for as long as possible;
  3. On top of the primer, you can apply a little powder so that the shadows lie more evenly;
  4. On the moving area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid, you need to apply the main color with a clean medium-sized brush;
  5. On the corner of the eye closer to the nose, you need to apply a lighter shade, on the other - a darker one;
  6. Shadows should be applied with smooth movements from the eyelashes and shaded towards the crease of the eyelid;
  7. The lightest shade should be applied directly under the eyebrows, this trick will suit almost everyone and make the eyebrow visually higher;
  8. The lower eyelid can be tinted with the main color.

How to draw beautiful and neat arrows

How to paint arrows on the eyes? Arrows are a very popular way to emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of the eyes. Everyone can learn to draw them. To do this, you just need to follow simple rules. Technique step by step:

  1. To make the arrows beautiful and neat, you need to rest your elbow on a hard surface, for example, a table;
  2. Initially, the arrow must be drawn thin, and then thickened at will;
  3. The arrows are not drawn in a single line, otherwise it will turn out sloppy;
  4. It’s worth starting with the “tail” of the arrow;
  5. When drawing the main part, you can and should tear off your hand so that the line is as even as possible.

How to line your eyes with a pencil

The pencil is designed to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. So that he only enhances the beauty, but does not harm it, you should pay attention to the following rules. How to paint eyes with a pencil:

  1. Before drawing, it is worth putting several dots on the same line in order to then connect them;
  2. You need to connect the points with a smooth movement from the inner corner of the eye;
  3. When summing up the lower eyelid with a pencil, you need to pull the skin so that wrinkles do not interfere with drawing carefully;
  4. The line on the lower eyelid should be cut off to the lacrimal glands so that tears do not spoil the makeup;
  5. The line on the lower eyelid should be shaded a little to make it look softer.

A special eyeliner that can create an amazing effect is white. It is necessary in order to visually change the shape of the eyes, create a romantic or retro make-up:

  1. With a white pencil, you need to draw a line above the lower eyelashes, this will make the look more attractive and open;
  2. If you draw a line with a white pencil from the middle of the movable upper eyelid to the outer corner, then the eyes will visually appear a little larger;
  3. If you use a white pencil to draw a line at the inner corner of the eyes and add bright shadows, you can create a retro make-up.

How to use eyeliner correctly

Very often, eyeliner is used for the same purposes as eyeliner. But the use of this cosmetic product has its own characteristics. How to paint your eyes with eyeliner:

  1. Apply eyeliner in the direction from the inner corner to the outer;
  2. If the eyeliner is oily, then you need to give it time to dry and do not open your eyes immediately after the line has been drawn;
  3. Eyeliner is not suitable for the lower eyelid, it is better to tint it with a pencil.

How to apply mascara correctly

Mascara can visually correct the shape of the eyes and make them even brighter. How to paint your eyes with mascara? To do this, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Mascara must be applied in the direction from the inner corner to the outer;
  2. Brushes and combs will help to avoid the formation of lumps;
  3. Brushes with short bristles will help to paint over eyelashes even in the corners of the eyes;
  4. For day makeup, you can not apply more than 2 layers, for evening - no more than 4.

Makeup features for different eye shapes

For different eye shapes, you need to choose different approaches to make the flaws invisible and emphasize the advantages. If you wish, this will be easy.

Makeup for small eyes

Small eyes can be visually made larger, for this you should listen to the following recommendations:

  • clear and sharp lines only focus on the size of the eyes, so you should make a choice in favor of shading;
  • long eyelashes make the eyes visually larger, so you should opt for mascara with a lengthening effect;
  • eyelash curlers also "open" the eyes;
  • when applying makeup, you need to make a choice in favor of two matching shades of shadows: light for the entire eyelid, dark for the crease;
  • a light shade also needs to be applied with a special brush to the inner corner in order to visually make the eyes a little further apart.

Makeup for narrow eyes

If the goal is to make narrow eyes visually wider, you should turn to the help of makeup:

  • the lightest shades should be applied to the upper and lower eyelids;
  • mother-of-pearl pencils are best suited for eyeliner;
  • it is worth giving up mascara that lengthens the eyelashes, because this effect makes the eyes even narrower;
  • when eyeliner upper and lower eyelids do not connect the two lines to each other.

Makeup for bulging eyes

You can hide the bulge of your eyes with makeup:

  • lines when eyeliner should be as thin as possible;
  • lower eyelashes can not be painted with mascara;
  • arrows will help to visually lengthen the eyes and correct their shape;
  • the most convex parts can be shaded with dark shades of shadows.

Makeup for close-set eyes

With the help of the competent use of cosmetics, you can visually make your eyes a little further apart:

  • to achieve the desired effect, you need to apply light shades of shadows to the inner corners of the eyes;
  • the inner corner of the eyes should not be painted over with a pencil, the line should be enlarged from the middle of the century;
  • you need to thickly paint over the eyelashes at the outer corner.

Makeup for wide-set eyes

Makeup can radically change a person's appearance. If you resort to some tricks, even wide-set eyes will seem closer to each other:

  • to achieve the desired result, you need to use shadows of two shades: light and dark;
  • a dark shade should be applied to the inner corner of the eye, shading it to the middle;
  • when using eyeliner or pencil, the line should be drawn thicker at the inner corner of the eye, making it thinner towards the outer.

Makeup for round eyes

It is impossible to paint round eyes, not paying attention to any recommendations and listening only to your intuition. After all, this way you can spoil your beauty and prevent your look from being as attractive as it could be. Making the right makeup for round eyes is easy:

  • to give the eyes a "cat" shape, you need to apply a light shade to the entire moving eyelid, and a darker shade to the crease;
  • an arrow from the middle of the eye and with a protruding “tail” will help make the eye visually more elongated;
  • for makeup, you need to use two pencils - white and black: white needs to draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to the middle, and black to continue it to the outer corner;
  • Mascara should be carefully painted over the outer corner of the eye.

How to visually change the shape of the eyes

There are many makeup tricks that are designed to change the shape of the eyes and get closer to the desired ideal. First you need to pay attention to the shadows.

Shadows for evening make-up during the day can create the effect of fatigue and even illness. Therefore, it is worth applying them only for going out in the evenings.

To make the tone seem natural and emphasize the beauty of the eyes, as well as hide imperfections, you need to use several shades that combine with each other. And the main tone should be applied to those parts that you want to focus on. For example, if you want to make your eyes visually further apart, then a dark shade should be applied to the outer corner of the eye. And vice versa.

Mascara, which lengthens the eyelashes, visually stretches the eye. Therefore, it is completely unsuitable for owners of narrow eyes, and is also not recommended for girls with round eyes.

Girls with small eyes should make a choice in favor of light shadows. Matte will only make the eyes visually even smaller.


Makeup can significantly affect a person's appearance. But in order for him to play for a fashionista, and not against her, you need to follow the rules. They concern not only the application of cosmetics, but also their choice.

You need to choose cosmetics for the eyes in accordance with your own type of appearance. Colors should be combined with each other and create some kind of harmony. This applies not only to shadows, but also to pencils.

One of the most popular types of eye makeup for a long time remain arrows. Any fashionista can draw them after some training. However, there is no one form that would suit everyone. Depending on your eye type, you need to decide where to start and where to end the line.

With the help of competent application of makeup, you can visually change the shape of the eyes and bring them closer to the desired goal. However, with inept use, you can harm your own beauty. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of funds and their application.

And some more additional information on how to properly paint eyes with shadows - in the next video.

Every woman wants to be irresistible. And makeup plays a big role in this. It is right to put accents on the face where they are needed most.

The main thing is to make an expressive and piercing look. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so to speak, a calling card. They require special care and attention. You always want to look decent before an important or evening event - going to the cinema, a restaurant, a date or a corporate party. We present a small master class - how to paint the eyes correctly.

How to paint eyes?

Stylists assure that the perfect evening eye makeup can be done quickly and with a few simple steps. In practice, this usually takes no more than five minutes.

First, you need to prepare your eyes with a corrective pencil or masking (tonal) cream. The corrector is almost always indispensable in eliminating the effect of dark circles under the eyes and shading age spots. It is enough to drop three tiny drops of foundation into the area under the eye and rub them towards the outer corner from the inner one, where the skin is dark. It is important that this procedure takes place delicately, since the skin under the eyes is quite delicate. Use your ring finger, because it is considered the softest.

How to paint eyes?

Secondly, apply eye foundation to the eyelid. This is the secret to the strength and durability of future shadows. If the base is not applied, then the eyelid will quickly begin to shine, and the shadows themselves will roll into stripes. The base for eye makeup is ready, now you can proceed to the makeup itself.

How to draw arrows on the eyes?

Arrows on the eyes are loved by almost all women. Usually eyeliner is used to draw graceful arrows. It is easier and more successful for her to draw arrows. It is quite saturated and under the color of the eyes you can pick up any color of eyeliner. You can also use a pencil to line your eyes. You can outline the contour of the eyes with dark shadows. It will not look so bright and is suitable for daytime makeup.

Try to bring your eyes along the line that is as close as possible to the base of the eyelashes. At the same time, lead it from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. If you paint the eyes from below, then carefully draw a line under the lower lashes. Here it is worth leading it from the middle of the eye to the outer edge. And you can shade or soften the line with a cotton swab or with your finger.

In any case, from the first time, not everyone succeeds in carefully bringing their eyes up with eyeliner or a pencil. The key here is practice. Over time, you will get better and better, the main thing is not to despair. To help you, you can purchase a thin eye liner, which is present in almost all cosmetic brands, and with its help it will be easier for you to learn how to draw beautiful and even arrows. Then you can experiment with the thickness, length and color of the arrows and choose the style that best suits you.

Arrows on the eyes

Knowing how to use eyeliner correctly is a subtle science. The secret of the pencil is that it can make even small and narrow eyes stand out and noticeable against the background of the entire face. The main thing here is to learn how to use it. Lines should not be sharp, deliberate and dark.

If you plan to line your eyes with a classic pencil (that is, not liquid), then check if it is perfectly sharpened. Before you make up the eye, highlight that area with shadows. This is necessary so that the line does not disappear and does not melt after a few hours.

Most often, a pencil is applied to the upper part of the eye. The line should be drawn from the inner edge, and at the root of the eyelashes, to the outer. Do it in one steady motion. If you, nevertheless, stumbled in the middle, then the line may turn out to be broken. False start will have to be washed off with a special lotion and proceed to the pencil eyeliner again. Of course, practice is important here. Don't despair if it didn't work the first time, in a few days you will be able to draw perfectly smooth lines above the eyes.

If your eyes are not too big and round, then draw a line at the bottom of the eye. But only from the middle to the outer edge. Otherwise, this option will look very strange - the eyes will become even larger. And be sure to blend the line from the pencil with a cotton swab, finger or shadows. In this case, it will not be very catchy.

How beautiful to make up the eyes with shadows?

Another important step is the application of shadows. Hollywood makeup artists advise using the so-called three-level shadows, which include the base, marker and base. They allow you to achieve the effect of volume. Shadows should be applied correctly from the base of the eyelid to the eyebrows. Moreover, uniform neat strokes. Shadows should reach the eyebrows themselves, at least in the area from the middle of the eye to its outer edge. If you want to apply several shades, then first use a lighter one, on the border of the eyelid and eyebrows, and then the darkest one, put it on the eyelid itself.

Next, lighten your eyes with a cosmetic highlighter or the lightest shade of eyeshadow. A microscopic stroke over the inner end of the eye will suffice. In this case, the eye will instantly and dazzlingly sparkle.

Be sure to emphasize the line of the eyebrows. Apply some light shadows under them, leading from the middle to the outer edge. After that, rub the shadows with your finger or a clean brush.

Pay attention to a few secrets. The first is proper blending, that is, the so-called tint blending. Experts assure that you need to use at least three shades in each make-up - light (base), dark (marker for outlining the contour of the eyelashes) and main (for the eyelid). We start with light and end with dark. The base shade is applied to the entire surface of the eyelid up to the brow bone, and after that we apply the main color. At the end, the accents are hatched with a marker. And here the main thing is not to overdo it. Therefore, before makeup, you should practice a little in front of the mirror, play with colors and shadows for the only right decision.

Another secret to success is choosing the right shade. It is better if you choose bright and individual colors. Please note that blue eyeshadow for blue eyes, and brown for brown eyes are not forbidden. Today, stylists recommend emphasizing your eye color with the appropriate shade. Antagonists are also popular, that is, blue on brown eyes or gilded on gray eyes. And most importantly, don't be afraid to experiment.

Never apply a rich shade to the brow bone. Extra touches add drama to the image. Shades should lie only on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid. If you want to shade the brow bone, then put neutral shadows there.

Don't be afraid to use glitter eyeshadow. They are good, but emphasize all wrinkles and folds. If your eyelids are still perfectly even, then do not be afraid of sparkles.

How to apply mascara?

The next step is to take on the eyelashes. Curl them with special tweezers. In this case, even the longest eyelashes will be much more attractive. It is worth noting that it is necessary to twist them before applying mascara. Smokey eyes for a fatal evening

If you want to achieve a more youthful, so-called "disco" effect, then take not a classic black pencil, but blue, green or silver. With such colors, the eyes will sparkle with new colors.

But for the effect of "cat woman" it is worth drawing a clear line from the inner edge of the eye to the outer one, while slightly bending the line up at the last stage. That is, the line should not end at the edge of the eye, it should look up at the outer border of the eyelid. But on the lower part of the eye, draw a line not along the entire length, but slightly stepping back from the outer edge.

Classic smoky eyes by Elena Krygina

By the way, when creating "smoky eyes" do not use cheap shadows. Painstaking makeup requires good cosmetics and jewelry approach. And don't smear the colors above the eyelid and beyond the line under the lower lashes.

And remember, with this makeup, you should not rub your eyes and avoid reasons for tears.
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There is nothing more attractive than an expressive and languid look. Proper and appropriate eye makeup can complement the image of a girl and give it elegance and drama. Dark shadows are the best for this.

Today we will talk in detail about how to properly make up your eyes with dark shadows and step by step consider the technology of applying makeup.

The subtleties of makeup with dark shadows

Makeup with dark shadows is ideal for bold girls who are not afraid to draw attention to themselves. Depending on the outfit and the image as a whole, such a make-up adds sexuality and audacity to a woman, or rigor and conciseness.

Important to remember! For rich eye makeup, calm shades of lipstick are suitable. The combination of bright lips plus black shadows is appropriate only for a stage look or noisy night parties.

The palette of dark shadows is diverse, so every girl will find the right shade to create an expressive make-up.

Preferred eyeshadow tones depending on eye color:

  • Green-eyed - brown gamma and shades of khaki shade;
  • Blue-eyed and gray-eyed - gray-blue gamma;
  • Brown-eyed - black and rich gray shadows.

Particular attention should be paid to preparing the eyes for staining., it will ensure the durability of makeup, as well as facilitate its application and shading.

Attention! You should not engage in the design of the eyebrows immediately before applying makeup, cosmetics can get into the wound from the pulled out hair and lead to inflammation.

Preparing your eyes for makeup

There are three stages of preparing the eyes for applying make-up.

Skin cleansing

This procedure involves washing or using lotion, milk or foam to clean the face. Rubbing the skin of the eyelids with ice cubes with a decoction of medicinal plants will perfectly relieve morning swelling and give elasticity.

Smoothing the skin around the eyes

In order to hide bruises and wrinkles, a concealer is used, which protects the skin and gives it radiance.

Application of base funds

Eye bases with a cream or gel texture reduce the appearance of creases and wrinkles on the eyelid, and give make-up extraordinary durability.

Application of special products designed to prepare the eyes for makeup

Using a primer for the skin of the eyelids can not only even out the skin, but also enhance the pigment of the shadows, make them more saturated. You can start using shadows in just a few seconds after applying the base.

How to make up your eyes with dark shadows in stages

Additional tools and tools

For eye makeup, it is preferable to use special brushes., which will allow you to make up your eyes with dark shadows in stages and qualitatively perform shading.

Essential tools for perfect makeup:

  • Wide brush ideal for blending dry foundations or natural shades;
  • Barrel-shaped brush- to indicate the crease of the eyelid with a darker shade of shadows;
  • Flat soft brush will help to shade the pigment throughout the moving eyelid;
  • Flat beveled brush with hard bristles will create an eyeliner effect;
  • False eyelashes. In special cases, to reproduce the effect of open eyes, additional artificial cilia are used.

Using brushes specially designed for eye makeup, you can achieve a more perfect application technique.

All brushes should be clean and dry, with even bristles.

Step by step coloring instructions

There are many ways to make up using dark shadows, we will look at the main ones and tell you how to make up your eyes with dark shadows in stages, just like professional makeup artists do. Here is a classic version of makeup with dark shadows in stages.

Makeup "Smoky eyes"

This is the most famous makeup, which is loved by millions of girls, and suits almost everyone.

Application technique:

This makeup can be done with any dark shadows.. In the classic version, a black tint is used.

Makeup "Megan Fox"

This is a favorite makeup version of a famous actress. Here is how to make up your eyes with dark shadows step by step to look like a celebrity.

Makeup "Megan Fox" is very expressive and not overloaded
  1. The eyelid must be covered with a primer or cream base. Then, with a wide soft brush, apply beige shadows to the entire area under the eyebrow and on the eyelid. We pay special attention to high-quality shading.
  2. We mark the upper eyelid with a black pencil. We stretch the line so that we get a small arrow, about 3 mm long.
  3. With a flat brush, bring the eyelid with dark shadows. You should get a wide arrow, expanding towards the temple. Its tip should extend a few mm beyond the eyelid area.
  4. We emphasize the lower eyelid with a pencil and blend it so that it connects with the shadows at the outer corner of the eye.
  5. If desired, we draw the lower waterline with a pencil - kayal.
  6. We color the eyelashes with mascara.

Correct arrow design

The arrow is a must-have finishing touch in most types of rich makeup.. For its correct design, it is important to be guided by the basic rules:

  • It is recommended to draw a straight arrow in two stages: from the inner corner of the eyelid to the middle and from the middle to the outer corner, moving the arrow up.
  • The closer the arrow is to the lash line, the more natural and it looks harmonious.
  • In order for the arrow to be as straight as possible , you can lean your elbow on the table.
  • The arrow is drawn on the half-open eye.

If you are unable to draw straight arrows, then you can mark them with several points on the edge of the eyelid, and then connect them together.

Eyelash dyeing

For a spectacular framing of the eyes, it is not enough just to make them up with dark shadows and shade them in stages. An important step in any make-up is painting eyelashes with mascara.. The following principles apply here:

  • Mascara must be applied, moving with a brush from the roots of the eyelashes to the tips;
  • The movements should be slightly vibrating;
  • There should not be an excess of mascara on the lower eyelashes, this makes the look heavier and looks unnatural;
  • In conclusion, you can comb the eyelashes with a special plastic comb.

What can be combined with dark shadows

Features of makeup in the evening

Evening makeup is distinguished by its boldness and extravagance.. Dark shadows plus black pencil and glitter are a win-win option for a party. For an evening look, make-up can be supplemented with graphic arrows, as well as pick up a bright matte lipstick.

Features of make-up during the day

Day makeup does not tolerate excessive brightness, it is most appropriate to use dark accents only at the corners of the eyes or in the region of eyelash growth. It is recommended to gradually paint the eyes, starting from light and ending with dark shadows.

For a daytime look, you need to combine brightly painted eyes with lipstick or lip gloss in natural, calm tones.

Dark shadows in daytime makeup are in perfect harmony with pastel shades.

How to change the shape of the eyes with dark shadows

Dark shadows are a great tool for correcting irregularly shaped eyes., with the help of them it is possible to widen the eyes, raise the lowered corners, or make the look slanting.

The correct definition of the shape of the eyes is the key to excellent makeup.

How to change the shape of the eyes by applying dark shadows:

  • Small eyes. The darkened fold of the eyelid perfectly enlarges the eyes.
  • Wide set. Dark shadows will help visually narrow the eyes, to achieve this effect, it is enough to draw a “tick” from the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow and shade it.
  • Small distance between the eyes. The darkened outer part of the eyelid will help to make the look slanted.
  • Eyes bulging. The shape is corrected by applying and carefully shading a dark shade of shadows over the entire moving eyelid. Their shade should be of medium intensity.
  • hanging eyelid. This feature of the eyes can be corrected using the right makeup. To do this, matte black or gray shadows highlight a line a few mm higher than the crease of the eyelid.

It is important to know! Each section of the eyes can be brought closer to a beautiful "almond-shaped" shape, it is enough to know how to gradually make up them with shadows, and not be afraid to use dark shades in makeup.

Tips for the correct implementation of age-related makeup

The main function of makeup for older women is to refresh and rejuvenate the face. Therefore, the use of saturated tones in cosmetics is unacceptable. In age-related make-up, preference is given to “fresh”, light shades.. Shadows should be matte, as shiny pigments emphasize skin irregularities and wrinkles.

Dark shadows in age makeup can only be used to create accents, while they should be of medium intensity, matte texture and without shine.

According to makeup artists, dark shadows in makeup play a huge role, with their help, it is easy to create a shocking and spectacular make-up, with which no girl will go unnoticed.

In order to make it more clear to you how Smoky eyes are performed, watch a video lesson from one of the best stylists:

If you liked Megan Fox's makeup, then study the video clip with the technique for its implementation:

If you are just starting to master makeup, then you should watch a detailed video on how to do it correctly: