Games for 2 3 year olds. Study nature and natural phenomena. Games for the development of speech in children of primary preschool age

The attention of children of the age of two or three years begins to switch from knowing themselves and their capabilities to studying the outside world. There is an interest in observing causal phenomena and the surrounding world. Development of a child 2-3 years old - milestone Therefore, you need to choose activities and educational games for children very carefully.

Of course, no one will offer a single plan to mom, because each child develops in his own way. Everyone has their own interests, their own temperament and habitat. Choosing an activity for a child must be based on interests.

At the age of 2-3 years, offer your child games and activities aimed at developing the following skills and abilities:

First math skills

Score within 10-20.

You can count anything: steps on the stairs, cars on the street or cars at home, the number of apples in the refrigerator, cookies in a vase, steps from the bath to the room, Lego cubes, the number of spoons of porridge eaten, floors in houses.

Practice the concepts of more and less, above and below.

Compare two cars standing side by side. Two trees in the yard. Paths from the bathroom to the room and to the kitchen. Arrange toys or sand molds in order of height from smallest to largest.

Study the shapes and shapes of objects.

Surely your baby already knows what a circle, square, triangle is. Invite him to find objects of a certain shape in the house - similar to a circle, triangle or other geometric figure.

A large variety of math games you can find in our section

Logic, memory, attention and perseverance

Offer your child different sorting options.

The simplest is to sort the items one by one a simple sign. All balls or all cubes, all objects of a certain color.

A more difficult task is to collect a whole collection of treasures - invite the child to find a certain number of objects of the same shape, a certain number of objects of the same color in the house. For example 5 round objects and 3 yellow objects. In such a game, you train both attentiveness and counting skills, and learn colors, and teach your child to complete tasks by comparing text with real surrounding objects.

Train your memory.

Lay out 3-4 pictures or 3-4 toys in front of the child, ask them to remember. Remove one and ask what is missing.

Teach your child how to solve puzzles.

Start with simpler ones, consisting of 2-3 parts, and as the child manages to collect, add puzzles with more elements. The shops sell various puzzles for the little ones. You can also make puzzles yourself. It is enough to print a series of cards on a home printer or in a salon, it can be themed (animals, fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc.) and cut them into 2-3-4 parts with scissors.

Exploring the world

Tell about the properties of objects

Using examples of specific toys and things that you have in your home, show the difference between hard and soft, dry and wet, edible and inedible.

Classify items - furniture, pets, wild animals, toys, plants, food.

If you have cards with images of these items, invite your child to sort them.

Keep learning about animals.

Most likely, the child already knows the main animals, he can show them with his finger in the picture. Expand your knowledge - tell which animals are wild, which are domestic. Classify. Tell us who eats what and where they live.

study nature and natural phenomena

Tell your child about weather phenomena, seasons. Watch the current weather.

At home, you can make a simple weather observation map and, after a walk, invite your child to make a map of today's weather. Was the sun shining or cloudy, was it raining or snowing, was there wind?

Basics of traffic rules

If you have not yet discussed the topic of rules with your child traffic, then the age of 2-3 years is the time to start.

Show the road, watch how cars drive along it. Explain how dangerous the road is. Show footpaths.

Watch how the traffic light works, the pedestrian crossing. Regulated and unregulated. Walk along the pedestrian crossing several times, explaining the rules for crossing the street.

Do not limit yourself to one conversation, speak ground rules every time you go somewhere together. Ask the child - how he thinks how to behave, what to do, when you can cross the street, and when you need to wait.

Physical development

Teach your child to run, jump, catch and throw a ball, play with balloon.

Introduce games to maintain balance: walk along the curb, stand on one leg like a heron, jump into hopscotch, walk along a thin path.

IN summer period it will be especially interesting to play mobile educational games on the street. We are sure that in ours you will find a huge number of ideas that will captivate your baby.

creative skills

Children at this age are divided into those who like to create and those who just like to run.

Creativity based on the construction of a game plot attracts almost any child.

At this age, the child can draw drawings from simple geometric shapes. Offer to draw a family of triangles, squares, fill the aquarium with fish, etc.

For training the motor skills of the hands, coloring along the contour, drawing on semolina or flour is very suitable.

Modeling. Teach your child to roll sausages and balls, as well as smear plasticine on paper with your finger. From these simple elements, help your child create masterpieces. There are a huge number of coloring pages for kids on the Internet - just print out a coloring book that matches the interests of the child and offer to add plasticine elements to the picture.

Speech development

Kostina Tatyana
Card file of educational games for children 2–3 years old

Educational games for children 2-3 years old.

Attention children At the age of two or three, he begins to switch from knowing himself and his abilities to studying the outside world. There is an interest in observing causal phenomena and the surrounding world. Development a child of 2-3 years old is an important stage, so choose classes and educational games for children need to be very careful. Of course, no one will offer a single plan to mom, because every child develops in its own way. Everyone has their own interests, their own temperament and habitat. Choosing an activity for a child must be based on interests. At the age of 2-3 years, offer your child games and activities aimed at development following skills and skills:

First math skills.

Practice the concepts of more and less, above and below.

Compare two cars standing side by side. Two trees in the yard. Paths from the bathroom to the room and to the kitchen. Arrange toys or sand molds in order of height from smallest to largest.

Study the shapes and shapes of objects.

Surely your baby already knows what a circle, square, triangle is. Invite him to find objects of a certain shape in the house - similar to a circle, triangle or other geometric figure.

Offer your child different sorting options.

The simplest thing is to sort items by one simple feature. All balls or all cubes, all objects of a certain color. A more difficult task is to collect a whole collection of treasures - invite the child to find a certain number of objects of the same shape, a certain number of objects of the same color in the house. For example, 5 round objects and 3 yellow objects. In such a game, you train both attentiveness and counting skills, and learn colors, and teach your child to complete tasks by comparing text with real surrounding objects.

Train your memory.

Lay out in front of the child 3-4 pictures or 3-4 toys, ask me to remember. Remove one and ask what is missing.

Teach your child to put together puzzles.

Start with simpler ones, consisting of 2-3 parts, and as the child manages to collect, add puzzles with more elements. The shops sell various puzzles for the little ones. You can also make puzzles yourself. It is enough to print on a home printer or in the salon a series of cards, can be themed (animals, fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc.) and cut them with scissors into 2-3-4 parts.

The study of the surrounding world.

Tell about the properties of objects

Using examples of specific toys and things that you have in your home, show the difference between hard and soft, dry and wet, edible and inedible. Classify items - furniture, pets, wild animals, toys, plants, food. if you have cards with images of these items - invite the child to sort them.

Keep learning about animals.

Most likely, the child already knows the main animals, can show them with his finger on picture. Expand your knowledge - tell which animals are wild, which are domestic, who, what they eat and where they live.

Study nature and natural phenomena

Tell your child about weather phenomena, seasons. Watch the current weather. You can do simple things at home map observing the weather and after a walk, invite the baby to make today's weather map. Was the sun shining or cloudy, was it raining or snowing, was there wind?

Fundamentals of the rules of the road.

If you have not yet discussed the topic of traffic rules with your child, then the age of 2-3 years is the time to start.

Show the road, watch how cars drive along it. Explain how dangerous the road is. Show footpaths. Watch how the traffic light works, the pedestrian crossing. Regulated and unregulated. Walk along the pedestrian crossing several times, explaining the rules for crossing the street.

Don't limit yourself to one conversation, say the ground rules every time you go somewhere together. Ask the child - how he thinks how to behave, what to do, when you can cross the street, and when you need to wait.

Physical development.

Teach your child to run, jump, catch and throw a ball, play with a balloon. Enter games on hold equilibrium: walk along the curb, stand on one leg, jump into hopscotch, walk along a thin path. In the summer, it will be especially interesting to play mobile educational games on the street.

Creative skills.

Children at this age are divided into those who like to create and those who just like to run. Creativity based on the construction of a game plot attracts almost any child.

At this age, the child can draw drawings from simple geometric shapes. Offer to draw a family of triangles, squares, fill the aquarium with fish, etc.

For training the motor skills of the hands, coloring along the contour, drawing on semolina or flour is very suitable.

Modeling. Teach your child to roll sausages and balls, as well as smear plasticine on paper with your finger. From these simple elements, help your child create masterpieces. There are a huge number of coloring pages for toddlers on the Internet - just print a coloring book that matches the interests of the child, or suggest adding picture plastic elements.

Speech development.

Articulation games are still relevant - inflate bubble, roll light balls on the table with your breath, blow out candles, make faces and say different sounds and words.

Ask your child simple riddles and invite your child to guess riddles for you. These may be simple riddles. type: fluffy, loves milk and meows.

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At the age of 2 to 3 years, the child begins to actively learn the world. It is very important for him what is happening around him. The baby will copy and repeat any actions or words of the parents, playing with toys, and often using objects from the adult world. Therefore, it is at this age that you need to help the baby form inner world and teach your child how to handle various subjects and even help their parents. Of course the most good material these are toys for learning, but the baby himself may not yet be able to cope, so he needs reliable helpers in games - these are parents and older brothers and sisters.

What games are recommended to play with a child of 2-3 years.
For harmonious development the child of all cognitive processes, as well as skills and abilities, it is necessary to provide it various games and toys. Logic, memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as knowledge of colors, shapes and figures - this is all that needs to be helped to learn and develop the baby.

Water coloring and color games.
Why water coloring. They will help expand the child's horizons, introduce him to the main colors, and they are also very comfortable and are the most suitable option coloring pages for this age. Coloring pages can be found on any topic. Animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, any household items.

Games about shapes and sizes.
Such games will introduce the baby to the basic geometric shapes. It will also teach you to distinguish objects by size. They will also help to consolidate knowledge about colors, since, as a rule, all figures are made of different colors.

Games for the development of logical thinking.
The main thing here is to choose games by age. Examples of games: puzzles, find a couple, find a shadow from a figure, who lives where, where whose children are.

Games for the development of speech.
You can use cards with letters and words. Also pictures depicting objects, animals, actions. You need to ask the child to name the object, and also describe in detail and tell what is shown in the picture. Learn little rhymes or nursery rhymes. Children's books by age: "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip" - these are the tales that children by the age of 3 must recite by heart.

Number games.
A child at this age should know the numbers one and two, but if the material is easily digested, more is possible. It is necessary to teach the baby to distinguish where, how many objects are located. Ask to be postponed right amount such as cubes. To do this, you need to put two boxes in front of you, from which it is easy to get items.

Games that introduce you to the world around you.
Such games are “Where, whose house”, “Who makes a sound”, “Where, whose mother”. About sounds can be found on the Internet. And games in which you need to choose and study pictures, it is better to buy in a store so as not to spoil your eyes.

Games with objects.
It can be any not too big objects. The task of the child will be to sort them according to common ground. For example, color or shape. Or what item is superfluous.
Many of these games can be combined into one more complex one. Unless, of course, the child has already mastered them separately. It is very important to remember that you had a lot to teach the child.

What should be able to do children from 2 to 3 years.
In order to assess how well a child develops, it is necessary to know what he should be able to do at the age of 2-3 years:
Perform complex requests that consist of 2-3 actions. For example: go to the closet, open the door, take a jacket and close the door.
Be able to speak simple phrases and understand parents.
It is desirable to be able to undress and dress yourself. This is easy to teach by showing several times.
Go potty on your own and wash your hands.
Cut paper with scissors. This is not dangerous.
Build simple buildings from cubes or constructor;
Assemble a pyramid from 8 parts;
Assemble the logic cube by matching the pieces to the holes correctly.

The main thing is not to rush the child. If he does not understand what you want from him, come up with a task easier. And then add another item. Do not forget that many things are new to the child.
Help the baby in everything, and be sure to be patient, because not everything and not always can be obtained from the first time.

Why should a child play?

Dear moms and dads, don't forget that play is the need of a growing child's body. The game develops cognitive mental processes: perception, memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech; develop curiosity and mental capacity; primary intellectual skills and abilities. Children of this age actively learn the world according to the principle: "What I see, with what I act, I will know."

Children have simple shapes visual-effective thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the selection of certain external and internal features items. It is by playing with a child that you can develop in him all the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge.

Games for children 2-3 years old for the development of tactile sensations.

The first game " Guess without looking” or “Magic bag”

Required inventory: the most diverse miscellaneous items, differing in size, shape and material from which they are made.

  • Ask your child to close their eyes and guess what is in their hand. Let him comment on his feelings.
  • You can not close your eyes, but hide the object in an opaque bag, ask the child to put his hand in there, feel for the object and guess what it is.
  • Let the child guess the object, feeling it with both his right and left hands. This will develop the tactile susceptibility of both hands equally.

Second game "What is the difference?"

On a walk, collect a variety of objects in a bucket: stones, branches, leaves
trees, cones. At home, pour out the contents of the bucket and carefully examine everything, comparing objects with each other.

When examining objects, explain to the child that the stone is heavy and the sheet is light.

Weigh objects in your hands, feel them. So the child will be able to get acquainted with the concepts of "heavy", "light", "hot", "cold", "smooth", "rough", "prickly".

Third game "Guess what it is?"

Required inventory: cereal jars.

  • The task of the child is to lower his hands alternately in containers with different cereals. Be sure to name the cereal and compare the sensations.
  • After some time, when the child is well versed in the cereals, invite him to determine them at random with his eyes closed.

Fourth game "Touch and Tell"

Required inventory: thick paper, various cereals, pieces of cloth different texture, glue.

  • It is necessary to cut out small squares from paper (with a side of about 10 cm). Glue cereal, pieces of fabric or textured colored paper onto the squares.
  • You don't have to cut out just the squares. Make also circles and triangles. Keep this didactic material in a separate box.
  • Let the child take the card, touch it and say his feelings.
  • Help him by using as many definitions as possible.

Also great croup drawing game, semolina is very suitable for such a game.

Experiments and experiments for children from 2 to 3 years.

"Water Transformations"

The game introduces the properties of such a substance as water.

Required inventory: shaped molds and molds for ice.

  • First, tell your child that water put in the freezer freezes and turns into ice.
  • Then demonstrate it visually.
  • Show the child the ice figures, draw his attention to the fact that the ice repeats the shape of the vessels that you filled with water.
  • Watch the ice melt.
  • By adding paints to the water, you can get multi-colored ice and lay out beautiful patterns from it.

"The Invisible Letter"

The game will introduce the baby to the properties of such a substance as iodine.

Required inventory: paper, lemon, iodine.

  • Write on paper lemon juice child's name or draw a simple picture and let dry.
  • Then dilute iodine in water and moisten a sheet of paper with a brush - the pattern will appear.


The game contributes to the development of coordination of movement, expands ideas about the properties of a substance - water.

Required inventory: a container of water, one large and one small glass.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Show how you can scoop up water from one glass and pour it into another.
  • Give your child freedom of action.

"Squeeze out the washcloth"

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills.

Required inventory: two containers, foam sponge.

  • Fill one container with water. Show your child how to use a sponge to transfer water from one dish to another.
  • Suggest you try to do the same yourself.

"Water Carrier"

The game will introduce the concept of volume, promotes the development of coordination of movements.

Required inventory: a basin of water, two or three cans, wooden sticks.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Place a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a ladle, a strainer, a sponge nearby.
  • Invite the child to scoop up water from the basin with different objects and pour it into different jars.
  • Compare which jar of water will have more.
  • You can measure the depth of water in jars in the same way as sailors once did: by lowering a wooden stick into the jar.

"Through the sieve"

The game introduces the purpose of objects and the properties of matter - water.

Required inventory: glass, sieve.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Let the baby pour water from a glass into a sieve.
  • Explain to him why the water is leaking.

And for a change, you can put different objects in the water and use a sieve to catch them.

"Float or sink"

The game contributes to the development of observation, fine motor skills, mastering the skills of classifying objects.

Required inventory: objects sinking in water (pebbles, spoons, screws, buttons), and objects that do not sink in water (ball, wooden planks, plastic toys), a container of water, two empty buckets.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of the child and lay out all the items. Let the baby throw objects into the water one by one and watch them.
  • Then get the items out of the water and put them in different buckets - in one, everything that did not drown, in the other - what was at the bottom.

DIY games for children.

Do-it-yourself games for children are made very simply, they can always be made from improvised means, and the ideas presented will help the development of your kids.

A selection of games for children with their own hands:

1. "Pictures with lacing"

For this game, you can use pictures - sun, cloud, flower, car.

In order to make such a toy you will need: white and multi-colored plastic; awl or self-tapping screws; scissors; fishing line; yellow lace.

Once you've made the game, show your child how to weave the lacing correctly. The kid will love these educational games.

2. "Games-winders"

I think you all understand perfectly well that it is useful to constantly teach your baby new skills, new movements of the hands and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child's speech, and on development in general.

The next game is just designed to teach the baby even better to coordinate the movements of both hands.

During such a game, the child learns to wrap a rope or ribbon around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, winding on a stick is much easier, so it’s better to start with it. A drumstick, a pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. You need to tie a small piece of string, thick yarn or ribbon to it.

In order to increase the child's interest in the game at the end of the tape, you can fix a small soft toy. With each new turn, the toy will crawl closer and closer to the baby. It will be very exciting!

3. "The game is making soap suds"

For such a game, prepare a whisk. Then, together with the child, pour water into a bowl and drip a little shampoo. Show your baby how to get fluffy foam by vigorously working with a whisk. Usually kids are simply mesmerized by this educational game, it's almost like a trick - the water turns into foam. My daughter loves this game. 🙂

And after playing with the whisk, we begin to inflate soap bubbles through the tube. Usually, for the first time, it’s hard for kids to grasp that you don’t need to drink water through a straw, but rather blow it out, so if you’ve never tried to make a storm in a glass before, first experiment with ordinary water and make sure that the baby doesn’t drink water. And only then move on to games with soapy water. Bubbles in this case are even more spectacular than with a whisk.

4 . “We shift pieces of foam rubber with clothespins”

For this game, cut the foam sponge into small pieces in advance. Together with the baby, imagine that these are pies, cookies or potatoes - in general, something edible. Mashenka has lunch soon, so you need to put all the food on her plate. True, the food is hot, so in order not to burn yourself, you need to use a clothespin. My daughter loves to cook and feed her toys, so this game is very exciting for us.

5. "Play with tweezers"

This game is similar to the previous one, only here we will use tweezers instead of clothespins. First, try practicing with sponge pieces. When this works out well, you can also shift small beads with tweezers in the same way. This task, of course, is more difficult, but it is already within the power of a two-year-old child.

I would like to note that games with clothespins and tweezers are great for developing fine motor skills, coordination of movements, hone gun skills.

6. "Playing with nuts"

For a change tactile sensations, as well as to enrich knowledge about the world around it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of nuts in the shell (pieces of 5 of each type). We played with walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts.

Nuts can be used in role-playing games handing out nuts to toys, while pronouncing and remembering their names.

Also, you can sort the nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya doll loves walnuts, and Olya - peanuts).

Finally, you can put the nuts in a small opaque bag and feel them out of the bag.

7. « Laying out pasta

I offer another game that can be made in 2 minutes from improvised means. Such a game contributes to the improvement of motor skills and, of course, accuracy.

So, the task of the child is to carefully lay out the pasta along the drawn paths. Buttons will work too. If you use materials of different colors, then for each track you can define a different color, thereby adding color sorting.

Tip: To make the activity more interesting, place small toys along the edges of the paths, and explain that your mission is to build a pasta bridge for the toys, otherwise they will never meet.

8. "Playing with a pipette"

Another one simple toy, which is always at hand and which is capable of capturing children's attention for a long time, is a pipette. If your baby is not yet familiar with this device, then it is better to start with larger pears and dispensers, and at the same time just pour water from one dish to another. Well, when the child already catches the sequence of actions (press - lower the pipette into the water - unclench his fingers, etc.), then you can already offer more difficult tasks. For example, pour some water into the cells using a small pipette.

Lego pieces or mini bath mats are ideal as cells. It is advisable to tint the water for this developing lesson with gouache, so it will be clearer which cells are already filled and which are not yet.

For those who are already quite well accustomed, we can offer an advanced option - to alternate the color of the water when filling in the rows of cells.

9. "Playing with kinetic sand"

Recently kinetic sand has become quite popular and, in general, quite deservedly: it is an excellent alternative to ordinary sand in the cold season, captivates children for a long time, develops motor skills and imagination with a bang.

Despite the fact that kinetic sand looks like wet river sand, it differs significantly in its properties. It is less crumbly and is something like a cohesive mass (at the same time, it is not as plastic as modeling dough or plasticine). In addition, kinetic sand has a "fluidity". So, a tower molded from it, after standing for several minutes, will slowly begin to creep away, while a tower made of ordinary sand can stand at least all day until someone destroys it. However, all this does not mean that kinetic sand is worse or uninteresting to play with!

In the game, we use ordinary sand molds, build castles for princesses and zoos for animals, but most of all, perhaps, we love to cook various pies and sausages with our hands, decorate them, cut them with a toy knife and treat everyone in a row.

Educational cartoon for kids. We learn colors.

Of course, there are a lot of educational games for children that you can play with your child at home, I told you about those that my child loves.

And also, in between games, we stumbled upon one very informative cartoon "Kids", look, maybe your kid will learn from it. 😉

It's time to finish my article. I would be very happy if you share your ideas for classes with our children in the comments. And remember, everything depends on you, on your desire, on your imagination. Good luck to you!! Play - evolve!

Sincerely, Tatyana Kashitsina.

Educational games for children 2 years old will help the baby not to “stand” in place. They are aimed at improving the mental, intellectual, social and physical qualities, which by that time had already been formed to some extent.

How to develop a child at 2 years old

It is impossible to spontaneously start this super-responsible occupation. First, it is important for parents to analyze what skills their little one has already acquired. By that time, children should have mastered the following skills:

  • walk;
  • bounce;
  • keep balance;
  • kick the ball with your foot;
  • build a tower out of cubes;
  • wash your own hands and;
  • eat without getting dirty;
  • know up to 200 words;
  • repeat small;
  • imitate the behavior of adults.

Developing classes for children 2 years old are aimed at improving the following aspects of the baby's personality:

  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • social;
  • intellectual and so on.

Games that develop memory

Such tasks contribute to the memorization of various kinds of information, which is complex. At the same time, auditory and visual memory. In such games, educational pictures for children 2 years old are used. These classes are very exciting. Children 2 years old experience mass positive emotions. Developing games can be:

  1. "Find a couple." The adult shows the picture to the baby, then hides it and asks the little one to find the same one.
  2. "What's in the picture?" Children are given a card with the image of several objects or some kind of plot. Then the adult takes the picture and asks questions about what he saw.
  3. "What's gone?" Mom lays out toys or playing cards on the table, then removes one thing and asks the child to say what has disappeared.
  4. "My Adventures". In the evening or the next morning, an adult can ask the baby to tell what he did on the playground or in the park.

Games that develop thinking

These logical tasks help children 2 years old to compare the information provided to them, analyze it and establish elementary patterns. The skills acquired through such educational games will help children in the future to solve complex school problems and cope with everyday hardships. Such tasks teach you to reason and make your own conclusions. Here are some educational games for children 2 years old that can be used:

  1. "Puzzles"- they may initially consist of 2-4 elements;
  2. Sorting items by features- by size, color ratio, shape, type of material from which they are made;
  3. "Who eats what"- for such a game, children of 2 years old will need special developing cards;
  4. Concept mapping- a lot-little, high-low, soft-hard and so on;
  5. Puzzles- the baby must recognize the object or animal from the description;
  6. "Part and Whole"- the essence of such buildings is that by a fragment (tail, paw, trunk or something else) the children will know who is in front of them.

Games that develop attention

These tasks will require 2 years of perseverance from children. In addition, they will teach the crumbs to concentrate on a specific object. Educational games for children for attention can be as follows:

  • "hide and seek";
  • “find an object by silhouette”;
  • "find a couple";
  • “which piece broke off from the picture”;
  • search for objects - by 1 or 2 signs;
  • "find the same pattern" and so on.

Games that develop speech

Such exciting activities are aimed at enrichment vocabulary peanut. Initially, adults may encounter the fact that the baby responds with “childish language”. Psychologists and speech therapists agree that all the crumbs who have begun to comprehend educational games for children of 2 years old go through this stage. After a while, they already begin to respond in an adult way.

Games that develop a child's speech at 2 years old can be as follows:

  1. "Question answer". An adult in a simplified form asks the baby what he sees in the picture.
  2. Discussion of what has been read- poem, fairy tale, story.
  3. Teaching the use of epithets in speech. It is necessary to help the baby not just mention some objects, telling what he sees in the picture, but describe them.
  4. "Storyteller". A 2-year-old child, together with an adult, tries to retell short stories.
  5. Study with the baby of prepositions, adverbs and pronouns.
  6. Listening to songs and stories.
  7. Introduction to new subjects. It is important not just to name them, but to show what elements they consist of, what they are for, and so on.

Educational games for children 2 years old at home

For such exciting activities purchased kits or improvised means can be used. Babies really like these games. They can be aimed at developing various skills and abilities of children. Kids 2 years old like modeling very much. Such developmental activities for children may include the following exercises:

  • rolling;
  • test game;
  • work with a plastic knife;
  • modeling figures from plasticine or dough.

In addition, developmental activities for children 2 years old at home may include drawing. First, the baby masters the implementation of simple lines: tracks, straight and wavy. In the same period, children learn to choose the right colors: if they draw the sun - yellow, grass - green, the sea - blue, and so on. In addition, the child during such classes masters the work with a brush.

Also, educational games for children 2 years old stimulate small and general motor skills. They may include activities such as:

  • Velcro fastening;
  • pouring cereals;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • whipping soap foam with a whisk;
  • picking up water with a sponge;
  • creasing paper;
  • clothespin game;
  • creating patterns with pasta, croup;
  • shifting beads with tweezers.

Educational computer games for children 2 years old

Between grandparents and parents, disputes do not subside over whether it is possible to sit at the monitor at this age. People of the old school believe that the best educational games for improving the skills of children of 2 years old are running around in the yard. They argue this point of view by the fact that the computer's vision falls, the posture deteriorates, and the child becomes nervous. However, if you approach such a developmental activity wisely, you will not have to reap all these consequences.

The baby should have time limits for being at the computer. In addition, parents should take a responsible attitude to what game to run the child. There are educational programs for children 2 years old. Their essence lies in the fact that the baby needs to turn the picture over, complete the house, assemble or find the one who hid. Such activities are very exciting.

Educational board games for children 2 years old

By this age, the child is already able to perceive elementary rules and can manipulate the items offered to him. However, home educational games for children 2 years old are somewhat different from those board cards that are provided for older kids. There are 3 main differences:

  1. The simplicity of the rules.
  2. The game ends before the fidget gets bored.
  3. All elements are made of natural durable material.

There are such educational aids:

  • educational games for children 2 years old - coloring;
  • cards for studying transport, seasons, professions, and so on;
  • grocery store game
  • cards "edible-inedible";
  • manual "learning time" and others.

Educational outdoor games for children 2 years old