Interesting games with simple and kinetic sand for kids in kindergarten. Requirements for sand for a playground

Every child loves to play in the sandbox. Here the most a large number of time for the manufacture of various Easter cakes, castles and many other handicrafts. But have you ever wondered what material your children play with? It is worth putting a lot of emphasis on this. We will study what should be the ideal and safe sand for children's sandboxes.


Before buying sand, carefully study its properties. What you really have to pay attention to is its quality. When it comes to our children, we must first think about their health. After all, sandbox games can end badly. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the main points. One of these includes sand requirements for children's sandboxes. Namely:

  1. In the composition, in addition to the sand itself, impurities of clay, silt, gravel, as well as various components, such as sulfates, copper sulfides and similar substances, should not be present.
  2. The presence of shells and stones is strictly prohibited. No matter what size they are.
  3. Sand for children's sandboxes and playgrounds is allowed only washed. It must be of the river type.
  4. Never use mountain sand. It does not lend itself well to cleaning and rinsing.
  5. Before entering the playground, sand must be sent for a sanitary and epidemiological check. The authority must issue an appropriate conclusion, which will state that the material does not contain pathogens of infectious diseases.

Sand for children's sandboxes is divided into two main categories:

  1. Small faction. Used for places where small children play. This sand is different. the following characteristics: soft, loose, safe for small and gentle hands, perfect for sculpting.
  2. Major faction. Most often, such sand is used for older children. On such material it is convenient to play outdoor games, run, jump and walk.

Correct Application

Remember one thing important rule. Even if you bought high-quality sand for children, then over time it still needs to be changed, as it becomes a habitat for various viruses and infections. In addition, old sand is dangerous for the following factors:

  • garbage accumulates in it;
  • during operation, fine dust-like particles are formed, which are dangerous for child's body those that can cause allergies;
  • from the old sand children can get serious illness respiratory tract.

In addition to replacing old sand with new material experts recommended at least twice a year to give it for analysis to the laboratory of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Bureau. In order for the material for children's games and fun not to turn into weapons of mass destruction, certain conditions must be met:

Great quality

Note to all parents and people responsible for children should take the following: no matter what kind of sandbox you have, the main thing is to worry about its contents. This rule should become your main one. It is worth paying attention to such material for games as calcined sand for children's sandboxes. During its manufacture, the following processing steps are carried out:

  • flushing from dirt or clay;
  • calcination of sand in the firing chamber, in which all sharp edges are removed.

In addition to such sand, you can also use a quartz look. But due to its high cost, it is rarely found.

Correct calculation

You can buy sand for children's sandboxes in bags. In order for the purchased quantity to be enough for the playground, it is necessary to make the calculations correctly. First of all, you must know the exact size of the sandbox. To do this, multiply the length, height and width among themselves. The next important step is the calculation of the sand that needs to fill the sandbox. In this case, it is worth knowing the correct specific gravity of the material. In our case, it is equal to 1.5 tons in 1 cubic meter. Now you need to multiply the volume of the sandbox by a factor that is equal to 1.5. As a result, you will receive the amount that you need.

Where to get?

There are not so many options here. If you are tormented by the question of where to get the sand, then the first thing that comes to your mind is:

  • dig it yourself at the ravine;
  • buy ordinary sand from any trading company.

But none of the options are correct. For playgrounds it is better to use special children's purified sand. Upon contact with him, the child will not have any sad consequences. Initially, purchase only high-quality and certified sand for children's sandboxes, the GOST of which is confirmed by special certificates and documents and signed by the number P 52301-2004.

Modern know-how

Now any playground can be decorated with colored sand. You can not only play with it, but also expand the child's imagination. A large number of colors of such sand are produced. With this material you will decorate not only the sandbox, but also emphasize landscape design site. Colored sand has the following characteristics:

  • a large palette of shades;
  • colored sand is made on the basis of a quartz representative;
  • tolerates moisture well;
  • does not lose its bright color;
  • soft;
  • suitable for molding.

This sand is sold in bags. I would like to note right away that its price will be much higher than usual, so it is suitable for filling small areas.

Now that you know what the perfect sand for kids' sandboxes should look like, go shopping. Consider all our recommendations, and you will never encounter problems that may arise due to savings on the purchase of material for games.

Calculating the amount of river sand you need for a children's sandbox is quite simple. It is enough to know the size of your sandbox. For square or rectangular sandboxes need to multiply it among themselves length, width And height. Please note that the height is not the height of the sandbox itself, but the height of the bulk layer of sand, which is 2/3 sandbox height. The resulting number will be the size of your sandbox.

Next, we calculate the amount of sand for the sandbox, which will be required to fill the resulting volume of the sandbox. To do this, you need to know the correct specific gravity material. In our case, it is equal to 1.5 tons in 1 cubic meter. Now we multiply the volume of the sandbox by a factor that is equal to 1.5. As a result, you will receive the amount of sand for the children's sandbox that you need.

For example, let's calculate the amount of sand we need for a standard children's sandbox 1.5x1.5 meters and 30 cm high:

First, let's find out the volume of our sandbox by multiplying its Length, Width and Height. We get 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.2 = 0.45 m 3

Now we multiply the volume of our sandbox (0.45) by a factor of 1.5 (the specific gravity of the sand). We get 0.45 x 1.5 = 0.675 tons, which is required to fill such a sandbox, or 675 kg.

If you order sand for sandbox in bags, then you need to know the number of bags needed for your sandbox. Our sand for the KROHA sandbox is packed in 40 kg bags, so we divide the resulting volume by 40, and round it up to a whole number: 675:40 \u003d 16.8, i.e. we need 16-17 40 kg PO bags. to fill the sandbox.

Another popular shape for a children's sandbox is round sandbox. Its volume is calculated by the formula cylinder volume: V= P r 2 h, where P- constant value equal to 3.14; r is the radius of the sandbox squared; h is the height of the desired sand layer, which is also equal to 2/3 of the height of the sandbox, as in the previous case. The resulting volume is multiplied by 1500.

For example, let's find out how much sand is needed for a round sandbox with a radius of 50 cm and a height of 15 cm: V \u003d 3.14 x 0.5 2 x 0.15 \u003d 0.11775 m 3

0.11775 x 1500 \u003d 176.6 kg of sand, i.e. 4-5 bags of 40 kg each.

Regardless of the shape and size of the sandbox, the recommended layer depth should be at least 10-15 cm.

If you are wondering how to change or purchase sand for a sandbox in bags in Moscow or the Moscow region, clean and safe for children, then our company will be happy to help you with this!

The online store offers to buy sand for the sandbox in environmentally friendly paper bags, High Quality with a certificate for favorable prices. Our company will be happy to deliver sand to you at a convenient time for you. required quantity, unload it, scatter it into the sandbox, if necessary, clean your sandbox from old sand. You just have to enjoy the games with clean, child-safe, certified, calcined river sand in the sandbox with your child. Although in such a sandbox the child himself will be happy to spend time, build Easter cakes, dig tunnels. And you provide good mood yourself and your child without any hassle.

Certified washed seeded calcined sand for a children's sandbox, playground and children's play area packaged with delivery in Moscow, the Moscow Region and the Regions to kindergartens, cottages and playgrounds.

Children open their eyes and approach the table with sand.
Teacher-psychologist: Look guys, what is it? (Sand). That's right, it's real sand. I just want to touch it, play with it. But before we start playing, let's remember the rules of the sand game:
  • You can not take sand in your mouth - you can choke!
  • When playing with sand, children should always have clean hands and noses.
  • You can't throw sand in your face - you can hurt your eyes!
  • You can not inhale the sand - it will be difficult to breathe!
  • Wash your hands after playing with sand!

Psychologist: Well done! Remember all the rules! Let's dip our hands in the sand, stroke it, sort it out with our fingers. What does he feel like? (Warm, loose, interesting, wet, cold). Let's gently pour the sand from one palm to another and feel how pleasant it became for our palms. And now let's imagine that our fingers, like legs, go for a walk on the warm sand from the edge of the table to the center and then back.

  • Let the fingers go for a walk
    Long, long walks
    And then run, run
    We jumped a little
    And at the end of the road they fell.

Game "Unusual tracks".
Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination.
Equipment: Sandbox.
Game progress:

  • “There is a bear”: the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force.
    bear clumsy
    Walking through the forest
  • “Jumping hares”: with the fingertips, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving in different directions.
    Little bunnies. Jump jump, jump jump!
    They bounce like balls! Jump jump, jump jump.
  • “A snake is crawling”: with relaxed fingers, the child makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).
    Spectacled snake in the sand
    I suddenly lost my glasses.
    She crawls in great anguish,
    It will fly anywhere.
  • "Centipede runs": the child moves all the fingers, imitating the movements of a centipede.
    The centipede's legs hurt.
    Do you see the boots taken off on the path?

Teacher-psychologist: Look at the interesting traces. And now I ask you to come to the tables and sit on the chairs. Look, guys, you have trays of sand on your tables. Tell me what geometric figures You know? (Answers of children). Well done!
Exercise "Geometric shapes".
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.
Equipment: trays with sand, sticks for drawing on the sand.
Teacher-psychologist: Look at the magnetic board, what geometric shapes did the artist hide? (Circle, square, triangle). And now let's pick up sticks for drawing in the sand and draw these geometric shapes.
Guys, look, the sun looks like a geometric figure? See how it shines brightly, and you want to soak up under its rays. The sun is shining brightly, our eyes are not used to such a bright light, let's close our eyes tightly, open them. It's easier to look at the sun. Once again we close our eyes, strongly, strongly, open. We blink. Your eyes are used to it.
Game-exercise "Sand sun".
Purpose: creating a mandala in the sand using multi-colored sand by sprinkling and small items (pasta, beads, beans).
A child draws a circle on the sand using a stencil, sprinkles it with colored sand, and decorates the rays of the sun with various objects.
Educational psychologist:

  • Let's draw a yellow circle, (Children fill the circle of the sun with colored sand)
    After the rays around - (Children fall asleep the rays of the sun)
    Let in the white world
    brighter sun shining!

And now let's decorate the rays (children decorate the rays of the sun with pasta, beads, etc.).

  • I draw in the sand
    Nose and eyes in a circle.
    This sun is bright!

Look what beautiful, joyful suns you have. Well done boys! Everyone did their job. Our suns smile at us, let's smile at them too.
Tired? And now let's get some rest.
Relaxation exercise.
Goal: relieve emotional stress.
Teacher-psychologist: Go to the rug, lie down next to each other, close your eyes. (Relaxation music plays).

  • We have a magical dream ahead of us,
    Eyelashes fall down
    The eyes are closing
    We rest in peace
    We fall asleep with a magical dream.
    Our hands are resting
    Our legs are resting
    Lips slightly open
    Everyone is wonderfully relaxed.

Teacher-psychologist: We open our eyes, wake up, stretch, gently get up.
But we forgot to follow the last rule: wash your hands after playing with sand! Go to the lake.
And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Stand in a circle, hold hands, close your eyes, and I will say the magic words.

  • Let's fly, let's fly
    Through the west to the east
    Through the north, through the south.
    Let's go back and make a circle.
    We just touch the ground
    Be on our lead!

All children love to play in the sand. Each of us has seen more than once how enthusiastically they build towers, build roads, or simply make Easter cakes. And I thought: “Why not use sand in joint activities with children in a group?

Of course, any of the materials used must comply certain requirements: security, accessibility, opportunity long-term storage, multifunctional use. Sand meets all these requirements, and it is not at all difficult to purchase it, sand is sold in any hardware store and is not at all expensive. Of course, it is better to ignite it before use. This is not at all difficult to do: you need to pour the sand onto a heat-resistant tray and put it in the oven for 20 minutes. In my group, I have two options for working with sand: this is a large container with low sides, half filled with sand. 6 people can stand around it at once, which allows the guys to play together, interact with each other, negotiate, discuss, communicate. The second option is individual trays on which sand is poured. (trays are better to choose deep)

As it turned out, sand is easily combined with waste and natural material, you can use beans, beans, peas. Also good for any small toys, various jars, cups, disposable spoons, etc. This makes it possible to invent various forms work, perform various interesting tasks, using both in joint and in independent activity children, and for individual work.

Work with this material does not have age restrictions, it is relevant both in younger and older preschool age.

It is very important that such an activity creates conditions for psychological comfort - when working with sand, children are not afraid to make mistakes, any inaccuracy can be easily corrected - just shake the tray, which means there is no tightness, fear of doing something wrong.

The variety of forms of work with sand meets all modern requirements and solves problems in all major areas of development.

1. Socio-communicative development:

  • Promotes the development of gaming activities
  • Ability to interact with peers
  • Introduction to the rules of safe behavior
  • Formation of volitional qualities (perseverance, patience, ability to bring the work to the end).
  • Education of independence, self-confidence.

2. Cognitive development:

  • Forms cognitive research skills
  • Develops memory, attention, constructive and logical thinking.
  • Provides an opportunity to generalize and consolidate the material covered.
  • Promotes the formation complete picture peace.

3. Speech development:

  • Promotes the development of coherent speech
  • Ability to communicate freely with adults and children
  • Helps enrich vocabulary

4. Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • Develops imagination
  • Forms an aesthetic taste
  • Develops artistic ability, sense of rhythm.

5. Physical development:

  • Helps maintain and improve health
  • Accumulation and enrichment of motor experience
  • Development of coordination
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills

Working with sand is interesting and very diverse. There are many uses for sand:

1. Experiments with sand

Sand can be poured, filled with various containers (it can be different cups or jars), you can pour with spoons different sizes, use spatulas or simply pour with your hands. Can be buried in the sand various items, build towers, tunnels, etc.

2. Drawing on sand trays

You can draw from ordinary lines, paths, suggest drawing various geometric shapes, magic tree, fairytale palace or Nice dress. The pattern can be decorated with beads, buttons, natural material (acorns, beans, pebbles)

3. Storytelling

Telling stories using tray drawings finger gymnastics, various activities with items (small toys, noisemakers, natural material). At first, it is better to use familiar fairy tales and stories with a simple plot, gradually complicating both the plot and the actions that children perform, thus including them in the process of storytelling and fantasizing.

4. Also trays with sand can be used in the educational process. To consolidate the concept of magnitude, classification, comparison of groups and objects.

Such activities are very popular with children. No less important is free activity, where the task of an adult is to create conditions for the development of creativity and independence. The game is the leading activity of the child, and games with pitch allow you to realize your accumulated experience and creative potential.

Alexandra Liman
five directions sand activity in preschool

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher must involve children in different forms activities, arouse the interest of the child in their own activity, and not just transfer any knowledge to children.

The Federal State Educational Standard also provides an orientation towards a versatile approach that welcomes the maximum use of innovative and active methods of pedagogical interaction, more individualized and aimed at revealing the own potential of each child.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form for every child. activities.

Any of the materials used in education must comply with certain requirements: safety, availability, possibility of long-term storage, versatility of use. Sand meets all these requirements.

The transfer of traditional teaching activities to sandbox gives a greater educational and educational effect than standard forms learning:

The desire of the child to learn something new, to experiment and work independently increases;

Developing tactile sensitivity and motility;

All cognitive functions are intensively developing (perception, attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech;

Improved subject-game activity which further contributes to the development role-playing game and communication skills of the child.

I want to introduce you to the work I have done in this direction during school year. Moreover, I divided all my games, activities, projects into five directions, since in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher must ensure the development of the personality, and the ability of children to various types activities covering certain directions(educational areas):

Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Organizing educational games-classes, I tried to observe important principles:

- security: the child and care for his health are at the head;

Voluntary, the child plays at will;

An adult as an organizer and a direct participant in the game. However, the activity of an adult should not hinder the constructive activity of the child;

The principle of creativity, which allows the formation of new knowledge, skills, skills of the child on the basis of existing ones;

- "Positive centrism" (selection of knowledge most relevant for a child of a given age);

A differentiated approach to each child, taking into account his psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests;

The combination of scientific character and accessibility of the material;

Age-specific balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads.

These principles are interconnected and implemented in unity.

The variety of forms of work with sand meets all modern requirements and solves problems in all major areas of development.

1. Socio-communicative development:

Promotes the development of gaming activities

Ability to interact with peers

Introduction to the rules of safe behavior

Formation of volitional qualities (perseverance, patience, ability to bring the work to the end).

Education of independence, self-confidence.

For social and communicative development, the games of children with sand patch. Sand easily combined with waste and natural material. Any small toys, various jars, cups, disposable spoons, etc. are also well suited. This makes it possible to come up with various forms of work, perform various and interesting tasks, using both in joint and in independent children's activities and for individual work.

Working with this material has no age restrictions, it is relevant both at younger and older preschool ages.

2. Cognitive development:

Forms cognitive research skills activities.

Develops memory, attention, constructive and logical thinking.

Provides an opportunity to generalize and consolidate the material covered.

Contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.” So the child learns everything firmly and for a long time, when he hears, sees and does everything himself.

That's why I created research project « sand puzzles» . Which subsequently took second place in the city competition "I am an explorer". One of the most effective ways this is experimentation, during which children get the opportunity to satisfy their inherent curiosity, to feel like scientists, pioneers. Experiments with sand arouse the delight of children and the desire to understand why this is happening! And, as you know, the emerging question and the desire to find an answer to it are the basis of creative knowledge and the development of the intellect.

The purpose of our project was to familiarize older preschoolers with the properties of sand, its significance in the life of living beings and humans.

Children play with sand every day on the walk. Why do they like to play with sand? How does it appear. Where can you meet him? What does it consist of? What properties does sand? Where is used sand?

This project was interesting not only for children, but also for adults, we learned a lot about sand. It turns out that in nature sand can be: green, black, pink, red, white, etc. Glass and contact lenses are made from sand. Studying information about deserts, we learned that in America there is a unique gypsum desert over which it never rains. During the experiments, we found that when added to sand a certain spray can be changed natural properties sand. It stays dry after immersion in water.

The world around us is amazing and infinitely diverse. Every day, children receive new ideas about living and inanimate nature, their relationships. The task of adults is to expand the horizons of children, to develop them cognitive activity, encourage the desire to independently understand the issues of interest and make elementary conclusions. But apart from the formation cognitive interests and enriching the consciousness of children with new information, adults should help them, streamline and systematize the information received.

In the process of comprehending new knowledge, children develop the ability to analyze various phenomena and events, compare them, generalize their observations, think logically and form their own opinion about everything observed, delving into the meaning of what is happening.

3. Speech development:

Promotes the development of coherent speech

Ability to communicate freely with adults and children

Helps enrich vocabulary

Here in my work I use sand productions of fairy tales. Telling stories using drawings on a tray, various actions with objects (small toys, natural material). At first, it is better to use familiar fairy tales and stories with a simple plot, gradually complicating both the plot and the actions that children perform, thus including them in the process of storytelling, fantasizing.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development:

Develops imagination

Forms an aesthetic taste

Develops artistic abilities, a sense of rhythm.

Initially, this is, of course, sand drawing, you can suggest drawing various geometric shapes, a magic tree, a fairy-tale palace or a beautiful dress. The drawing can be decorated with beads, buttons, natural material. In my practice, I also use funnel drawing. Drawing with colored sand using stencils and various vessels.

Applications. Making all kinds of crafts. All these types activities contribute to the development of imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste, independence and comprehensive development preschooler personality

5. Physical development:

Helps maintain and improve health

Accumulation and enrichment of motor experience

Development of coordination

Development of fine and gross motor skills

Here I am using development sand games fine motor skills. Children love to play with kinetic sand. Kinetic sand- this is an amazing mass for games and creativity, reminiscent of wet sand, but more pleasant to the touch and does not stick to hands. It is both sticky and loose, allowing you to sculpt even quite complex figures.

And do not forget about traditional outdoor games with sand bags.

Thus, sand- an excellent mediator for establishing contact with the child, for his comprehensive development.

Bibliographic list.

1. Organization of the experimental activities of preschoolers. / Ed. L. N. Prokhorova. - M.: ARKTI, 2004

2. Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - No. 2

3. Grabenko T. M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. Correctional, developing and adapting games. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2002.

4. Baryaeva L. B., Kondratieva S. Yu. water: A guide for teachers and parents. - St. Petersburg: 2008.

5. Epanchintseva O. Yu. Role sandy therapy in development emotional sphere children preschool age. - St. Petersburg, 2010.

6. Zhuravleva V.N. "Design activity older preschoolers", Volgograd, 2011