What to play with a child 4. Application from colored paper. Kinetic Sand Games

No matter how rich the variety of toys in the house is, sooner or later they get bored anyway, and the children begin to frankly get bored. Instead of putting them in front of the TV, get creative and come up with exciting activities, which will not only interest your children, but also free up time for your affairs.

Things to do with a 4 year old

Little children constantly demand attention and ask to participate in their games. It becomes difficult for mom to find time for her own affairs, and often it all comes down to banal watching cartoons. However, such a pastime does not contribute to the development creative thinking, logic, motor skills of kids, so you should not abuse the "blue screen". Moreover, children very quickly get used to the TV, and it can be quite difficult to wean them.
If you think about it, there is a huge variety of activities for children from 4 years old at home. It can be role-playing games(if there are several children) or mobile (if space allows). You can captivate kids with a competitive moment - who will draw, build, blind, etc. faster. Having shown imagination, you will soon see that the guys are actively engaged themselves and no longer pull you out of boredom.

What to do with a 4 year old at home

If your fidget is already pretty bored with all the toys, put aside your business for a while and offer him a choice of several activities from our list of how to entertain child of four years at home:

  • Get your little one's favorite books and find audio recordings of these fairy tales on the Internet. The child will follow with interest the development of events in the book, and then, perhaps, will act out the action with toys;
  • Supply the baby natural materials for creativity, plasticine, paints, pencils, paper. Let him make whatever he wants, or come up with a task - to make a zoo, decorate a postcard for dad, or create a picture;
  • You can invite your child to do coloring. If you run out of purchased coloring pages at home, print templates from the Internet. It is desirable to take into account the interests and preferences little man and choose a picture with his favorite characters;
  • Take several boxes or jars, fill them with different things and ask them to sort them. Can be used food products(peas, beans) and various small things (buttons, paper clips, bottle caps, pebbles, etc.);
  • In addition to the activity above, you can cook lunch for mom and dad from edible products. To give greater realism and importance to children's efforts, allow the baby to use real dishes (the one that you do not mind, or a special children's set);
  • Show how to string large beads and other suitable items on a thick thread or rope;
  • Water games are especially popular with children - put them in a basin or a bath paper boats, drop rubber toys and plastic balls. If you add bath foam, the effect will be amazing;
  • Very often, children are addicted to completely unremarkable things - plastic bottle, a rolling pin, a set of clothespins;
  • Ask dad to make a development board: screw various locks, cords, chains onto it - in a word, everything that your imagination can do;
  • Get a few different sets constructor and invite the children to combine them;
  • Puzzles, pyramids, cubes will also perfectly entertain the baby;
  • Hang a rope swing in the doorway - we assure you, children's joy is guaranteed;
  • Soap bubbles in addition to the swing will create a fabulous atmosphere;
  • Arrange dances - give the kids the task of learning or inventing some kind of dance, and then let them show you the result;
  • Fridge magnets, especially in the form of animals, cars or fruits, will help keep the child busy while you are in the kitchen;
  • Playing doctor is a responsible business! Tell the baby that your cat / dog or any toy is sick and needs to be cured urgently;
  • Sorting coins by size will not only develop fine motor skills fingers, but also put things in order in your piggy bank;
  • For girls it will be interesting to arrange fashion show- let the little fashionista dress up and nurse, as if on a catwalk;
  • Arrange a quest - draw a map or hide notes with tasks around the apartment. At the end of the child, a prize must await;

You can create a special calendar in advance, in which several tasks will be provided every day.
And this is not the limit! Imagine, connect children to the creation of new games and entertainment, and very soon you will realize that even at home you can find a lot of things to do with a child at 4 years old.

Play prepares the child for the rest of his life. There are many games and exercises that develop creativity and intellectual ability children 3-4 years old, which do not take too much time: they can be played not only at home, in the kitchen or in the bathroom while swimming, but also on a walk, in transport, on the way from the kindergarten. You will give him not only happy minutes communication with you, but also prepare your child for adulthood.

Games for recognizing shapes, colors, sizes

At 3-4 years old, children already know a lot and strive to learn even more. Games based on interaction with objects and characters, comparing them, identifying similarities and differences will help develop the imagination of children, Creative skills and introduce them to the world around them.

"Find desired color»

Think of the desired color and try with your child to find the same color in the surrounding objects: toys, books, dishes, furniture, etc. Let him look out the window. Remind him that blue is not only cars, houses, but also the sky, and green is grass and leaves on trees. This lesson will teach a 3-4 year old kid to recognize primary colors and their shades. Bright green, dark green, light green, etc.

"Who am I?"

Depict with the help of facial expressions, gestures and sounds some object, animal or person. You can show everything that comes to your mind: an airplane, a dog, a train, a football player, a driver, etc. Let the baby also show you some object or character. Such games will help develop his imagination and creativity. Yes, and just bring him great joy.

"What is the difference?"

Most children at 3-4 years old already know how to compare and draw conclusions. Take two similar toys and offer to compare them. What do they have in common? Eyes, arms, legs. And how do they differ? Hair color, and clothes (dress, trousers, vest, etc.).

"Domestic and Wild Animals"

Tell your child that animals are not only domestic, but also wild. After the story, share soft toys with your child, separately folding animals that live at home and in the forest.

"Coloring letters"

With the help of this fun activity the child will consolidate knowledge of a letter. You can color with felt-tip pens, pencils, crayons or even your fingers using finger paints. Help him: draw a hedgehog next to him (letter E), a squirrel (B), etc., so that the letter is better remembered. Ask him what the letter "B" looks like (the squirrel raised its tail), etc.

"Letter to Grandma"

At 3-4 years old, children already have an interest in letters and writing. You are taking beautiful postcard. Let the kid draw in it his own drawing for his grandmother, dad or someone else close to him. Tell him that from "B" + "A" the word "woman" will turn out, and from "P" + "A" dad.

The list of educational games that can be played at home with a 3-4 year old child is extensive:

    joint drawing;

    modeling from plasticine;

    lotto, children's dominoes, puzzles;

    Board games for children 3-4 years old;

    for the development of fine motor skills: laying out patterns from beads, matches, buttons, etc.

Role-playing (creative games)

The older the kid gets, the more complex and varied his games become. A child at 3-4 years old becomes not only a researcher, but also learns to put himself in the place of others, to try on various roles learn new rules. Role-playing games can be taught to children not only in the kindergarten, but also at home. Children 3-4 years old should already be able to interact with a partner.

"Mom, driver, seller"

At 3-4 years old, children can already try on the roles of mother, driver, seller, teacher, resolve some problem situations, interact with others, learn to use game coins in denominations of 1, 2, 3 rubles. and consolidate knowledge of these figures.

"Toys at the Doctor's"

With this game you can also expand lexicon, teach the child to care for sick toys. You can take the role of a nurse, and the child - a doctor prescribing treatment, and then switch roles. Mishka has a toothache because he ate too many sweets. Doll Masha hit her leg, etc. The doctor examines sick children (toys), and the nurse fulfills all the doctor's orders.


At the doll or teddy bear(bunnies, dogs) today is my birthday. Let the kid help the birthday boy set the table. Together with your child, choose what you can give for a birthday. Seat all the children invited to the birthday party (toys). The vocabulary of children 3-4 years old should gradually expand. Learn together a cheerful congratulation rhyme and new words " holiday dinner”, “dishes”, “serving”, etc.

"Let's go for a walk"

When leaving the house for a walk, you can take a doll with you. To teach a child at 3-4 years old to correctly name items of clothing and be able to choose them for each season, you can get doll things out of the locker and dress her according to the weather, commenting on your actions: “You don’t need sandals, Katya doll, it’s warm at home, and it’s too cold outside”, “it won’t be hot in this sundress”, etc.

Games for physical development

There are a lot of sports exercises for kids 3-4 years old that can be done at home:

    you can walk like geese, stretching your neck, or run on all fours like a dog;

    play balloon in volleyball;

    games that develop posture (for example, for future ballerinas or dancers), walk with a soft toy on your head, etc.

"Accurate shooter"

Games for coordination of movements. Alternately throw a ball or a ball of paper into a bucket, pan or other container with it. For a 3-4 year old baby, this is still a difficult task. Give him the opportunity to beat you: this will teach him to believe in himself.

"Breathe Deep"

During such exercises, the blood is saturated with oxygen and the work of all organs improves. Can be blown bubble and try to keep them on the weight as long as possible, blow on the water, etc.


Imagine that the carpet is a mountain river, it is dangerous to step into it, let alone fall into it. But how do you get to the other side? Try it with your child using any available means (chairs, sofa, table) to move to the other side without stepping on the carpet.

Basic rules for classes

A kid at 3-4 years old can quickly lose interest in games, especially if he has already mastered them. But it is not necessary to invent new activities every day: you can only create new plots and goals. Do not demand to go through all the stages: children 3-4 years old are still characterized by a quick switch to other subjects. Reward their “victories” by giving the winner a small card, badge, or candy.

Joint activities and games unite and hold the family together. Let the baby see in you not only dad and mom, but also friends with whom you can have fun, who you can trust.

Seven-year-olds are very addicted natures, able to independently invent entertainment and new options for their leisure. They draw inspiration literally from the air, but they also have periods of recession, when all the activities are boring, and they want something new. That's when mom and dad come to the rescue with their time-tested ideas for fun children's games.

Things to do with a 7 year old

Immediately make a reservation that we will not consider the option of watching TV. This is an overly banal and simple option that always works, but has certain Negative consequences.
Classes for kids over 7 years old should harmoniously combine mobile and calm activities. Considering that 5-6 days a week the child is in sitting position 4-5 hours, worth considering active games. It's great if the surge of energy takes place on the street or sports ground- you can run around, scream and do literally whatever your heart desires. Draw a map and take the kids on a treasure hunt or teach an orienteering lesson. In winter and summer, use outdoor activities according to the season.
Quiet games no less. This includes activities such as joint reading, board games, quiet walks, creative activity, role-playing games. To a greater extent, these are options for spending time at home, which we will continue to talk about below.

What to do with a 7 year old at home

When the question arises of what to do with a seven-year-old child at home, do not rush to put him behind a blue screen. Think about what games will help him not only relax after a busy school day, but also contribute intellectual development. During this period, it is important to train memory, attention, logical thinking. Of course, it is necessary to build on the hobbies of the baby and his temperament. Here are some solutions on how to entertain a child at 7 years old at home:

  • Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon
  • It is better to start with checkers or dominoes - these are fairly easy to understand games.
  • Words
  • Stock up on a list long words- more than 10 letters. These should not be proper names, names of cities, medicines, etc. Record the time (for example, 10 minutes) and start forming new words from the original one. Check your results at the end. Whoever runs out of stock first loses. More than two people can participate.
  • Another version of this game is oral. You name any words (except for the exceptions listed above), each participant in turn says another word starting with the last letter of the previous one. This is an invaluable way to expand and deepen the child's vocabulary, train his memory and attention.
  • Cities
  • The essence is the same as in the game "Words" in oral interpretation, only we use only the names of cities. The child can be told along the way about different countries, traditions, dream about traveling. In general, not a game, but a real pleasure.
  • Writer
  • Encourage your child to write their own book. Let the kid decorate the resulting work in a beautiful cover and read it to you at evening tea.
  • Wall newspaper
  • If it's coming an important event or a holiday, you can create a newspaper or a poster with its theme. Use everything - photos, magazine clippings, applications, drawings - the flight of creativity is not limited.
  • Board games
  • Stores offer a wide variety of games for different ages, including from 1 to 99 years. You understand, it will be interesting not only for the child.
  • Puzzles
  • This great way develop fine motor skills. Bring in a competitive moment - note the time and assign a prize. You can gradually increase the difficulty of the game by using more small parts and large paintings.
  • Reading books
  • Recitation of the work by roles different voices will make the usual evening reading an unforgettable and long-awaited moment of the day.
  • Creation
  • Sculpting, drawing, coloring, applications - choose what your baby likes.
  • Needlework
  • Girls can be introduced to sewing, knitting, beadwork and embroidery, and boys to working with a designer, wood burning, assembling models of cars, ships and other equipment.
  • Help mom
  • If you can’t find time for entertainment, lure the children into playing mother’s assistants: give out props (depending on what needs to be done), add intrigue and soon the whole apartment will shine. Surprises hidden around the apartment (for example, sweets) or notes indicating where to go next and what prize awaits at the end can serve as a "lure".

As you can see, home leisure can be varied and exciting. We wish you fun and happy games!


The game begins with the leader's words:
- Simon says, "Put your hands up!"
The leader raises his hands. The child must also repeat this movement. Further, any commands are given according to the same model, for example, touch your fingertips, sit down and stretch your arms forward, bend over, etc. However, from time to time the facilitator forgets to say the beginning of the phrase "Simon says" and then the child should not follow the command. The game develops attention and the ability to follow instructions. If the child cannot immediately catch the phrase, start simply with a set of commands. Let your child try to be the leader as well.


Cut out two circles from cardboard and fasten them on a stick (a juice tube, a sushi stick, etc.) We play like this: we stand on a red light, on a green one we move towards the goal. Task: to pass the specified distance without making a mistake. The game not only develops attention, but, no less important, helps to learn the rule of crossing the road.


Draw any icons on a white piece of paper and ask your child to stick them with stickers. Develops fine motor skills, perseverance, attention. Depending on the theme of the stickers, the task can be played in different ways: feed the fish, plant flowers, etc.


Make cards with paired images. Put several pairs of pictures face down (it's better to start with 4-6 cards). The child opens any picture he likes, looks and remembers what is drawn on it, and looks for exactly the same picture. Only 2 cards can be opened at the same time, and if it is a pair, the cards remain open. In case of failure, both open cards are turned over and the pair must be searched again. The game develops visual memory.


A game to practice long breathing. For the formation of the correct and beautiful speech It is very important to develop long breathing in a child. To do this, you can blow soap bubbles, blow on candles, try to keep pieces in the air paper napkins and finally come up with a game with cotton balls. For example, passing through a maze.


Balloon tennis. Game for the development of coordination of movement. For rackets use plastic plates on sticks.


At the age of three, the child no longer only needs to know basic colors, but also be able to sort toys and other objects by color. It is good to use plastic bowls from IKEA and toys from kinder surprises for this game.


Ask your child to style the colander by sticking it through the holes fluffy wire. Good game for the development of fine motor skills.


A game for the development of hearing, the ability to improvise with rhythm and just for Have a good mood. We build a home drum kit from improvised materials. We arm ourselves with drumsticks - cardboard tubes from food film or foil - and we make fun noise. Draw your child's attention to what sounds are being played. miscellaneous items, how the same object can produce several sounds depending on the place of impact. Try tapping familiar tunes.


Winter lesson for a child on the development of observation. Tell us about the animals winter forest and demonstrate on toys that different animals have different traces. Make a path from the tracks of some animal and ask the child to guess who ran. See below for instructions on how to prepare the "winter" dough.
For test:
Flour - 2.5 cups
Salt - 0.5 cups
Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
Soda - 1 tbsp
Boiling water - 2 cups
Mix the ingredients and let the dough cool down a bit. If the dough sticks to your hands, add more oil. If it's too oily, add flour. But be careful, if you overdo it with flour, the dough will harden quickly.


Take any small handbags, pockets, jars, boxes. Hide a small toy or any other “treasure” in them and ask your child to look for it. Thus, we train fine motor skills and learn everyday skills to “open” and “close” different gizmos. Next time, ask your child, on the contrary, to hide the treasure.


We make three holes in the lid of the shoe box (one above the other). We glue the lid to the base of the box vertically, take a large pack of felt-tip pens, divide them equally, sit down on different sides our "mail" and start playing. First player:
- Send me, please, a red felt-tip pen through the top window.
- Send me, please, a purple felt-tip pen through the middle window.
And so on. Task: to learn the concepts of "upper", "lower", "middle", as well as shades of basic colors.


A fun game on the topic "Who eats what?" Take pictures of animals or figurines. Arrange carrots, apples, nuts, banana, seeds in bowls, you can also pour milk in a saucer. Ask the child to arrange the animals correctly. Well, then, look at everyone for a visit))


Throw away the shoes of your family members. Set out boxes or plastic baskets (according to the number of people) and have the child bring, for example, dad's sneakers. Then tell me which basket you want to put it in. Then ask him to find a mate for him. In this game, we teach the child: firstly, to pay attention to the details (daddy's shoe is big, mother's is smaller, mother's shoe with a heel), secondly, to find a pair, thirdly, to hear the instructions and follow them clearly, fourthly, put things in their place.


Play while walking.

Do you know how to turn a walk with a child into exciting game? So, so that the road to the garden, school, shop is fun, let's be spies. Start the game like this:

You: I see something of blue color what you can't see!

Child: Machine.

Child: Urn.

Child: Signboard.

We switch roles: now the child is spying. You can describe the hidden object not only with the help of color, but with any other adjective - round, prickly, glassy, ​​etc. The game perfectly develops observation and vocabulary!


At the age of three, children already love and can reproduce scenarios of their favorite fairy tales. The heroes of fairy tales can be ready-made toys from the baby's arsenal or made with mother's help, drawn, cut out, painted.


Development game tactile sensations for babies. Take the package balloons of the same color and use a funnel to fill them with a wide variety of contents. Rice, flour, sugar, small pasta, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lentils and any other cereal are perfect. Do this with your child, he will like to help you in such a responsible matter. In addition, he will probably be able to remember some new words.
So, make 2 balls with each type of filler and start the game. First, ask the child to find 2 balloons with the same content by touch, and then try together to determine what is inside.


Creative fantasies in the kitchen. Kids love creativity and kids love sweets. Well, "sweet creativity" is a doubly joy!

You will need: white chocolate, bread sticks or straws, gelatins, dragees, confectionery sprinkles. Melt the chocolate and lay out your picture with candies. We cool the finished masterpiece for 10 minutes in the freezer. And then at will - put in a prominent place, give close person or eat together with the whole family :)

Indoor games can be fun and educational too, especially when the weather isn't favourable. We bring to your attention joint games with the child, thanks to which the child will develop, learn the world, and which will help mothers take the child when the stock own games already exhausted.

Photo © Active Garden

Color your hand

Help your child get to know their body by making a coloring book with their own body parts. Start with the hand. Place your hand on a piece of paper and trace with a pencil. Invite your child to color the drawing with felt-tip pens or wax crayons. Also suggest adding any details to the drawing: rings, nails, varnish, bracelets, etc.

Follow the stickers

This game is a treasure hunt variant that will teach your child to follow the tracks. And where they will lead is up to you!.. For this we need stickers. A large number of Inexpensive stickers can be bought at the store.

Think of a path that the child will follow at home or in the yard. Place stickers in plain sight every 30 cm along the route. Place a reward at the end of the path. Explain to your child to look for sticker signs that will lead him to the reward. Don't forget to congratulate him when he finds the treasure.

To complicate conditions, place the stickers further apart each time. Let the child himself make a path for you from stickers.

When determining the route, avoid too high places that the child would have to climb, and objects.

Suitable - not suitable

Teach your child to pick up the appropriate items, and then see if he can arrange the same game for you.

Pick up several pairs of items that fit together but are not the same: shoe and sock, pencil and paper, fork and plate, soap and washcloth, toothpaste and brush, etc. (all items must be safe for the child). Divide items and arrange in 2 piles. Take an object from one heap and show the child, let him choose the object corresponding to him from another heap. Put the matched pair aside and choose next item. Continue until the child has collected all the pairs.

Discuss with your child why these items fit together and how they differ. Invite your child to pick up pairs of objects and play with you.

miraculous hand

Using imagination, your child can create amazing things from the outline of their own hand.

Circle the child's hand on several sheets of paper. invite the child to color the outlines of the hand, turning them into anything: a cockerel, a sunrise, a porcupine, a funny monster, etc. See how much different options The child can come up with a picture.

You can outline the foot and see what the child can do with this outline.

Make a book

Invite your child to come up with a story and make a book himself, just like real ones.

Cut out 8-10 drawings from children's magazines or picture books (whichever you like). Glue the pictures onto paper (one per page), leaving space at the bottom for the text of the story. Have the child choose the first picture, then the second, and so on until all the pictures are stacked. Lay a clean sheet of paper on top and staple all pages together.

Have your toddler look at the first page of the picture and start telling a story that is connected in some way to the picture. Write it down below the picture. Turn the page and let the child continue the story. Continue to the last picture. Have your child come up with a name and write it on the cover. Read the story together.

As an option: you can invite the child to first compose a story (fairy tale) and write it down. Then offer to draw pictures for it.

Doll - I

The child will definitely like a paper doll that will look like him. Or maybe he wants to play with dolls representing other family members.

Buy a set of paper dolls that match your child's age and gender. Cut out the head from your child's photo and glue it to the paper doll's head. If the child wants, make dolls with the faces of other family members.

So the child during the game can arrange a performance with paper dolls and tell a family story.

small part

Will the baby be able to guess the hidden object when a small part of it looks out?

Pick up some items and put them in paper bag or a box. Put your hand with a piece of cloth into the bag (box) and take out one of the items, keeping it covered all the time. Place a covered item between you and your child. Carefully open a small part of the item. Have the child guess. Keep opening more and more until the child guesses. Repeat the same with other items from the package (box).

To make it easier for the child to guess, you can show the child all the items before putting them in the bag (box). To make the game more difficult, use only an image instead of objects.

Dance with scarves

It's amazing how a pair of scarves can bring out a child's creativity and improve overall motor skills.

Tie one end of each scarf to sticks. Turn on some music. Have the child take a stick in each hand and start waving the scarves.

When your child can move their arms to the music, invite them to dance to make the scarves move even better. Let the child come up with his own dance with scarves. Take yourself one stick with a scarf and dance with your child together. You can try weaving scarves while dancing and see what happens.

Jumping gallop

Your child should listen carefully simple instructions, so as not to confuse actions when you give him commands.

Stand in a spacious place so that nothing prevents the child from following your commands. Give one of the commands - to jump in place, to the side or on one leg, make sure that he correctly performs it. Give another command and see that he changes his actions. Keep giving commands to ve faster and faster until ve ends in laughter. Play again, adding more difficult commands, for example: dance, spin, etc.

Play a game while walking: give commands to walk in different ways, such as slow, fast, backwards, sideways, small steps, giant steps, jumps, etc.

Define by touch

Teach your child to use touch to explore environment. Let him create mental images of things that he touches.

Pick up several objects that are different to the touch and in shape ( soft toy, washcloth, cup, cookie, ball, etc.) and put them in a box. Tie up the child with gas or ask him to close them. Take one of the items out of the box and place it in the child's hand. Ask him to carefully feel the object and guess what it is. If it's hard for him to guess, give a hint.

To make it easier for the child, show him the objects before blindfolding, and then follow the instructions above.

What happened?

Teach your child to anticipate events and solve problems before they encounter them. real life. Let the search for a solution be a fun activity.

choose a story in which the child can predict the events and start reading it. After reading a little, ask the child what he thinks will happen next. Turn the page, read the story further and find out if the child guessed correctly. Keep going until you reach the end.

Instead of a picture book, take illustrations from magazines and make up stories from them. Start by asking, "What's going on here?"

What is missing?

The child will be happy to guess what is missing, especially if you pick up items that are interesting to him.

Arrange items in front of the child. After he has studied them, name them all out loud one by one. Cover the objects and remember their names. Remove one item where the child cannot see and open the remaining items. Ask: What is missing? Play like this with the rest of the items.

To make the game more difficult, you can use more items, match items that are similar to each other, or skip the item with a review of names. To make it easier for the child, reduce the number of items or name them several times.

Whose clothes?

A child aged 2-3 years is still learning to distinguish boys from girls, women from men, and this game will help him in this.

Cut out pictures of men, women, boys and girls from magazines. Then cut out images of objects for men, women, boys and girls. Lay out images of people, put images of clothes next to them. Take the first image of the garments and give it to the child. Ask to whom these clothes fit, and have him attach them to the appropriate paper man. Continue until you have laid out all the cut clothes.

These games are suitable for children 3-3.5 years old. Consider also individual characteristics your child.