Modular paper origami swan step by step instructions. Origami swan - step by step instructions and a description of a simple scheme for creating a paper bird. Now let's make a blue stand for the swan

Modular origami involves folding bright crafts from modular paper fragments by nesting them into each other. Modular origami also makes it possible to obtain both flat and three-dimensional three-dimensional figures. Their creation is very simple and for beginners, and the result is magnificent.

Technology features

Modular origami is a variation of the ancient Chinese art of origami. Folded figures and objects in the modular origami technique consist of paper modules that are identical and in most cases equal in size in one product.

Paper modules are folded from a sheet of paper according to the standard origami rules of the desired shape and size.

It is preferable to use thick paper (not cardboard) when creating modules, it keeps its shape better when folded and will not lose strength over time. If you are using colored paper, it is advisable to use double-sided paper.

Origami from triangular modules

The most common is the creation of origami figures from triangular modules. Folding a triangular module is easy. It is necessary to prepare (cut) the same rectangles of paper, which will become the basis for the module. For convenience and evenness of all corners, it is best to use A4 paper. You yourself will be able to determine the required dimensions of the module to create a particular design and line the sheet into rectangles along or across.

To create a module you need:

  • Fold the prepared paper rectangle in half.

  • Iron the bend line and turn it back, thus marking the center line.

  • The upper corners need to be bent inward and along the central bend.

  • Turn the resulting workpiece on the reverse side.

  • Bend the lower part of the resulting part up.

  • Bend the corners that stick out behind the part to form a triangle, and there should be a gap between the lines for the subsequent bend.

  • Bend the bottom back.

  • Bend the bottom again so that the corners that stick out are inside.
  • Fold the resulting triangle like a book.

The result is a triangle with two pockets - this is the necessary module.

For pockets, by inserting into each other, the modules are very easily connected to each other.

We collect a multi-colored swan

You will need a lot of triangular modules of different colors:

  • red - 1 (for the beak);
  • pink-orange - 136 pieces;
  • orange - 90 pieces;
  • yellow - 60 pieces;
  • green - 78 pieces;
  • blue - 39 pieces;
  • blue - 36 pieces;
  • purple - 19 pieces.

You can create a swan in one color or choose the desired color. In this case, it is still necessary to make a minimum of color accents: prepare one module for the beak, and 458 modules for the main selected color for the swan itself. You can also highlight the wings in black.

We proceed to the process of assembling the bird.

You need to take three prepared pink-orange modules and put them as shown in the picture.

Connect them together with pockets (insert the first two modules with corners into the pockets of the third).

We take two more pink modules and connect them to the already connected structure.

In this way, the first ring of two rows is assembled - on the short side there are modules of the inner row, and on the long side of the outer row.

There should be 30 modules in each row, each row in the chain should be closed by the last module. Rings must be collected carefully, simultaneously holding so as not to fall apart.

The third row of 30 orange modules must be assembled in a checkerboard pattern, as shown in the picture.

Similarly, we collect the fourth and fifth row.

It is necessary to lift the entire resulting structure and gradually carefully take it by the edges and, as it were, “turn it out”. The resulting shape should look like an "arena".

From the back, the "arena" should look like the one shown in the picture.

From the seventh row, wings begin to form. We choose where the neck and head of the bird will be placed, and symmetrically from it we begin to fold the wings in a row of 12 yellow modules. These 24 modules form, as it were, gaps on both sides of the structure.

In the process of creating wings, we make three rows of green modules in each row, reducing their number by two. In the 8th row - 22 modules, in the 9th row - 20 modules, in the 10th row - 18 modules.

The next rows are made up of blue modules. 11 row - 16 modules and 12 row - 14 modules.

We finish the wings of the swan with purple modules in three rows. 16 row - 6 modules, 17 row - 4 modules, 18 row - 2 modules. The wings need to be given a slightly turned and convex shape on the outside.

To assemble the ponytail, you will need 12 green and 3 blue modules. The tail consists of 5 rows and is created in the same way as assembling the wings, but in each row it is necessary to reduce the number of modules by only 1 element.

To assemble the neck, you need to assemble the modules by inserting both corners of one module into two pockets of the next at once.

We insert a red module (beak) and 7 pink ones, giving the necessary neck bend.

We fix the neck on the whole structure, between the wings. The eyes of a swan can either be marked with a pencil or a felt-tip pen, or glued on cut out paper or ready-made ones bought in a specialized store. You can also decorate the swan with a bow, a butterfly according to your own preference.

In the same way as the neck was connected, you need to assemble the stand for the swan. The stand consists of two circles. One circle of 36 orange modules, the second of 40.

You can fix the craft on the pedestal with glue, or leave it without fastening.

It is hard to imagine that origami (the art of creating various figures from paper) was originally purely religious in nature. For a long time, origami was the prerogative of the aristocracy, because only members of the upper classes knew how to fold paper correctly. Paper figurines were presented to each other by samurai, they also had a symbolic meaning at weddings.

Origami has spread around the world thanks to a system of symbols that were developed only in the twentieth century by the Japanese Akira Yoshizawa. In the 60s of the twentieth century, modular origami became known - the art of assembling an object from identical paper parts.

In the middle of the twentieth century, origami was known and loved by many people in the world. For adults and children, this type of creativity was of equal interest. With the help of clear schemes, you can make the most intricate objects and figures, for example, make a swan out of paper. Origami brings a flat sheet of paper to life, giving it volume and shape.

Classic origami is made from a single square sheet.

A swan made of paper, without the use of cutting and gluing agents, is a surprisingly accessible and understandable form of creativity even for a child. Fumiaki Shingu - the famous origami master offers a very simple option on how to make an origami swan. The scheme consists of 7 stages, each of which transforms the previous version, giving the appearance of a noble bird to an ordinary sheet of paper.

How to make an origami swan: instructions

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in the shape of a square diagonally, smoothing the fold well in both directions;
  2. Lay out the sheet. Connect the corners of the square so that they converge on the fold line (as for an airplane figurine);
  3. The corners connected in the middle must be bent by one third of the edge of the triangle;
  4. Turn the sheet over and fold it along the fold line so that the folded corners are on top;
  5. Turn the sharp corner inside out, about a third of the entire length of the triangle;
  6. Bend the tip of the corner again - this will be the swan's beak;
  7. Form the resulting tail with folds;
  8. You can draw eyes. The swan is ready.

How to make an origami swan - diagram

The scheme may not be clear to everyone, especially to beginners who are unfamiliar with origami notation. Therefore, for the first time, it will be reasonable to look at:

Video how to make an origami swan

How to make a modular origami swan: preparing a module

Origami, made from one square sheet of paper, is a well-known form of creativity. But each technique and art form develops, new trends, directions and ideas appear. So here - modular origami appeared relatively recently, but it has become no less popular hobby. A swan made from a single sheet of paper is a fairly simple task, but connoisseurs and origami lovers will be interested in how to make modular origami. The swan in this technique turns out to be voluminous, graceful, textured, with a long flexible neck.

A module is a small paper triangle folded in a special way from a rectangular sheet. The triangular module is made according to the scheme:

  1. A sheet of A4 paper needs to be folded in half 4 times and laid out back. You will get 16 sections. Cut the sheet into the resulting rectangles.
  2. Fold the rectangle in half in width;
  3. Fold in half again in height and unfold back;
  4. Bend each side of the rectangle to the middle (where the fold is);
  5. Flip. The corners of the lower rectangles need to be bent;
  6. Bend the resulting rectangular trapezoid to the top;
  7. Bend the figure in half. The module is ready.

It is necessary to make 459 such modules. How to make an origami large swan in the future from these details will become clear from the diagram. This design is not so much laborious as the amount of time spent. But in the end, a white (or any other color) bird will appear before the author, which will be an excellent decoration for the room or an original gift.

Video how to make an origami swan from modules

How to make an origami swan step by step

When the modules are ready, the base preparation process begins:

  • 30 modules are connected in a special way into a circle, and then this circle is filled with a number of parts fastened together;
  • Thus, the 3rd, 4th and 5th rows are made;
  • Gently, the whole structure, as it were, turns inside out;
  • The 6th row of modules is strung, and starting from the 7th, wings are made;
  • 12 parts are attached to the 8th row, 2 parts are skipped and 12 parts are attached again. The place of the "gap" is the future neck of the swan, and the opposite side without modules is the tail.
  • The wing is built on the principle of decreasing by one module in each row, until the moment when one module remains at the top;
  • The tail is made in the same way: decreasing by one module in each row;
  • The neck is made from 19 modules of the same color by stringing each other and 1 red - this will be the beak. The neck should be curved in the shape of the number "2".
  • The finished neck must be attached to the main structure. The swan is ready!

The reliability of the entire structure depends on the correct fastening of the modules. Origami does not imply the use of any objects other than paper, but if the swan is intended for a child, then it will not be out of place to resort to PVA glue. The quality of the paper is also important when performing such voluminous work.

Origami is not just a budget gift idea. Much more important is the process of making an object from a sheet of paper, the time spent on it, perseverance and concentration. This is a great idea for spending leisure time together, uniting a family or a group of friends. And this can help and support several ways that describe how to make a swan with your own hands. Origami is an ancient art that has little to do with children's crafts. But it has firmly entered the life of modern European people. The serious historical past of this type of creativity can bring meaning to a simple figurine of a swan, because since ancient times this bird has symbolized spiritual purity, chastity, nobility, and in some cultures it has other sacred meanings.

The swan is a graceful and beautiful bird, a symbol of love and fidelity, so needlework masters often use this image to create handicrafts. A pair of paper swans from modules looks impressive at a wedding celebration. It is interesting to make the figure of this proud bird for decorating the room.

Origami of a small swan from square sheets of paper can be made even by younger students, but work on a modular analogue is quite troublesome and painstaking, it will already require manual dexterity, patience and accuracy in work. It takes a long preparatory work and skills to work with special paper.

In the article, we will look at how to make a simple version of an origami swan out of paper, and also dwell on a modular sample. You can make a cylindrical shape with a long neck and an increase in the number of modules on the tail, a bird with two wings and a small pointed tail looks interesting. There are craftsmen depicting a swan with outstretched wings with flight feathers. The double swan looks very impressive, the assembly scheme of the modular origami of which we will describe later in the article. For stability, the figure can be placed on a separately made stand in the form of one or more circles.

If you are just learning how to make origami from small parts, then it will be enough to lay out the figure of a swan according to the model with your own hands, however, if you want to present work at a festive celebration or save the craft for a long time, then the masters recommend connecting the modules together using PVA glue.

Diagram of a simple origami bird

It is easy to make a paper swan from modules using the origami technique according to the diagram below. This art originated in the countries of the East, first for religious rituals. A prerequisite for real origami is to start folding a figure from a sheet of only a square shape. To do this, you need to fold A-4 paper by connecting one of the corners with the opposite side. Cut off the extra rectangle with scissors.

Next, you need to act in order of increasing serial numbers in the schematic diagram. First, fold a sheet of paper in half diagonally. Then the sides are brought to the center line, dividing the resulting triangles in half again. The inner corners are slightly bent in different directions, as shown in Figure 4.

Next, the workpiece must be turned over to the back side and folded in half. Lift the pointed corner of the triangle up at a right angle, forming the neck of a swan. The head is made by bending the tip of the paper forward. The tail can be left sticking up or slightly bent, as in the photo in the article. It remains to draw eyes with a marker and you can play.

Necessary materials

Before you make a small swan out of the modules, take care of the material for work. First of all, you need to think about what shape and size the bird figurine will be. It depends on how many modules you need to work and what color they will be. Initially, it is more convenient and easier to make a white swan by attaching one red or orange module to form a beak. An experienced master can afford a larger and more colorful figure, make a pair or create a double swan.

You can learn how to fold modules from plain white A-4 paper. Further in the article we will consider in detail how this should be done according to the scheme. However, beautiful voluminous birds will turn out only if you buy special thick paper for modular origami. It is not cheap, so it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of the amount of material needed. How much paper is needed for a swan from modules? It depends on the size of the craft. If for a small figure you need from 400 to 500 parts, then for a large double swan you need to make more than 1500 modules. From one sheet of A-4 format, from 16 to 32 blanks are obtained, depending on the size of the required rectangles. Now you can calculate the number of sheets needed to work with simple calculations.

How to make a module for a three-dimensional figure

We fold sheet A-4 in half 4 times to make 16 rectangles, and 5 times if 32 small ones are needed. Then, with scissors, carefully cut off the parts along the formed folds. Painstaking work remains to be done on the manufacture of each module, because one element needs to be bent several times according to the scheme shown in the figure below.

All rectangles need to be folded in half horizontally, and then vertically. The extreme lower corners are bent up and the workpiece is turned over to the back side. From above you can see two peeking edges of the paper, each of them needs to be folded twice - first the outer corners inward, and then the inner ones. It remains to bend the resulting triangle in half so that the pockets remain outside. It is by threading the corners into them that the figure is assembled in a modular origami.

It is advisable to manufacture a large number of modules in advance, and not on the day the bird figure is assembled. This is a lengthy and laborious process that can take hours, especially if the swan is of a large size or of double construction. Set aside time just for putting the composition together.

How to connect modules

Let's start the description of the assembly scheme for a modular origami swan by connecting small elements to each other. First, pay attention to the appearance of the triangular module. On one side there are two sharp corners, and on the other - two pockets.

There are several options for compiling rows:

  1. 2 corners of the second are inserted into both pockets of one module.
  2. The right corner of the second is inserted into the left hole of the first, and the left corner of the third is inserted into the adjacent hole. This is clearly seen in the photo below.
  3. To increase the number of modules in the craft, an additional element is sometimes inserted into the middle of one module, and in the next row the construction takes place with a large number of details.

Getting started on the swan

The manufacture of a small origami paper swan begins with the formation of the body. Work is done immediately in two or three rows. The second option for connecting modules is used, that is, one part of the first row is put on immediately for the second module. The length of the workpiece should be equal to the circumference of the body. When the required size is reached, the strip is carefully rounded and the extreme elements are fastened together. You should get a circle of several rows, as in the photo below in the article.

Then, holding the workpiece with your fingers from all sides, it is necessary to unscrew it so that the corners of the modules look up. The structure is further built up by a similar method of connecting parts until the desired body height is reached. Before the next stage of work on a modular origami of a small swan for beginners, you need to consider the further shape of the bird's body. The easiest way is to slightly raise the tail and attach the neck. You can form small triangular wings and a tail, add elements of a different color to the top row. Let's start with a simple version of the swan, on the figure of which there is only a tail and neck.

Neck making

How to make a neck for a small swan from modules? It's pretty easy, especially if it's in one row. We will use the first option for assembling small modules, that is, both corners of the next element must be inserted into both pockets of the previous one. The length of the neck is chosen by eye, but the curved craft looks beautiful, so the strip is made long.

The last detail is best done with red or orange material to highlight the beak. If you insert a black module before it, you will get the eyes of a bird. The neck looks interesting with alternating colors, for example, choose a combination of pink and white.

How to make a wide neck

For a large craft, it is recommended to make a swan neck wide - in 2 or 3 rows. To do this, you need to act as follows. Collect 2 ordinary thin strips in the manner described above from 5 or 6 parts, then attach them to each other and combine them together in one module. Then the work continues in the original way, it is desirable that the segment be of the same length, that is, it consists of 5 or 6 modules put on top of each other. Then again combine the strips together. At the end, a connection is made with a red or orange beak. The detail turns out to be more massive and more suitable for a large swan than a thin neck.

The body of a bird with a tail

The easiest option, how to make a small swan out of modules, is to create a bird's body, consisting only of the tail. When the height of the cylindrical part has reached the desired, leave the three modules in front intact for further putting on a long neck, divide the rest of the parts in half. It should be an odd number. Take this into account when initially calculating the number of modules for a round base. If the swan is large in diameter, then leave not 3, but 5 or 7 elements to form the neck.

Then make a gradual increase in height towards the tail. To get a triangular narrowing, it is necessary in each row to reduce the number of modules by one on one side and on the other. Only the inner corners of the parts are used, the outer ones remain unused. At the tip of the tail, attach the last module.

Neck attachment

When the work on the torso is finished, you need to slightly lift the remaining modules up so that the thin neck is not just attached to a flat base, the approach to it should be carried out smoothly, with a rounding. To do this, they act in the same way as for the formation of the tail, reducing the number of modules in each row gradually, especially if 7 elements remain. So, the first row will already consist of 5 pieces, the second - of three, and already in the last one the neck is attached in the center.

Wing making

The craft with two wings and a small tail at the back looks impressive. Description of how to make a small swan from the modules, read further in the article. Consider first such a figure in the photo below. The rise of the body is made insignificant, 3 or 4 rows are enough. Next, the calculation of the modules over the entire circumference is performed. First of all, the details for the formation of the neck are counted - 5 pieces. The remaining number of modules must be distributed as follows - leave 3 or 5 pieces for the tail, and divide the rest equally to complete the wings.

Raising the rows up is carried out according to the same principle as in the previous description. Actions to reduce the number of parts are carried out simultaneously on one and the other wing. To make them look spectacular, press down a little from the inside with your fingers and bend the wings in an arc. It remains to finish the tail, lift a couple of rows for a smooth transition to the neck and attach it in place in front of the swan figure.


How to make a small swan from modules, you already know. The figurine can simply be put on a shelf or table, but the craft looks great on a specially made stand. Most often, craftsmen use circles from modules of different diameters, installed on top of each other. First, they make a long strip of parts inserted one into the other completely, and then wrap it in a circle and connect the first module to the last in the row. For a stand with a larger diameter, add 1 or 2 more modules. Connect the circles together with PVA glue so that they hold tightly together.

double swan

Modular origami of a small swan according to the scheme is easy to make. Much more work will have to be done on the manufacture of a double swan, starting with more small details, ending with double work on the bird figure itself. Despite the outward complexity of the craft, creating a double swan is just longer. You will need to first lay out the outer part of the torso of a larger diameter.

Separately, make exactly the same second one, only with a smaller diameter. It should be freely inserted into the cavity of a large swan, so take your time and try on the circle formed at the beginning. If it lies at the very bottom of the inside of the outer swan, then you can collect the craft further. When everything is done correctly, simply insert the smaller part into the larger one, like nesting dolls.

The neck in this version is massive, at least three rows. The beak is also long, first the neck is reduced to two modules, and at the end the last one is put on, in total the beak consists of three parts.

Decorating crafts

You can decorate the swan with gold or silver spray paint, as was done to decorate the wedding couple in the photo above. A multi-color craft looks beautiful, where the modules of each shade are laid out either in rows or in a spiral.

With experience, you can master the manufacture of open wings, but first try to make such simple crafts, which are described in our article. Good luck!

The swan is a symbol of purity, fidelity, perfection and wisdom. These noble birds are photographed, painted, sculpted. Origami swans look interesting. But many people are afraid to work with paper, because they consider it a fragile material. However, this is a big misconception.

Today you will learn how to make a paper swan.

simple origami

To make such a swan, you need a square sheet of paper and a little time.

What to do:

modular origami

This is a very colorful and beautiful craft. All parts are attached by hand, without the use of glue and paper clips. But there is one downside. This is a very painstaking and time-consuming job. First you need to make the modules themselves. Their number may vary. Depending on the size of the swan. Also, each layer can be made in a different color. In general, this is a matter of fantasy. For such crafts, good office paper is suitable.

Depending on the size of the craft, you can make blanks:

Now we add these rectangles into modules.

What to do:

If you do everything right, then you will get such a module.

We fold a volumetric swan

What do you need:

  1. For a pure white swan, there are 459 modules: 1 red and 458 white.
  2. For a multi-colored swan, there are 459 modules, but in other colors: 1 red, 136 pink, 90 orange, 60 yellow, 78 green, 39 blue, 36 blue and 19 purple.

What to do:

  1. Arrange 3 pink particles as shown below.

  2. We insert one side from each module into the pockets of the third.

  3. Take two more modules and attach them in the same way to the previous design.

  4. Repeat the same steps until a circle is formed.

    Important! Hold on to the design. Since before the formation of a circle, it can crumble.

  5. We put on the next row in a checkerboard pattern. It will be orange.

  6. Two more rows are typed in the same way.

  7. The next move is very difficult. You need to turn the structure up. If everything is done correctly, then this form will turn out.

  8. We repeat all the same steps. Only now the modules are put on not from the side, but from above. The next row is yellow.

  9. The next row will be at intervals. They are needed to create the neck and wings. Remove two modules (neck) and on either side of them make two rows, which will consist of 12 yellow particles.

    Important! Previously, each row consisted of 30 modules. After creating a gap, there will be 24 particles in the row.

  10. Now each next row must be reduced by one particle. If done correctly, then the 8th row will consist of 22 modules. 9 - out of 20, 10 - out of 18. And you get this design.

  11. The 11th row is blue and consists of 16 particles. 12 out of 14.

  12. 13 row - from 12 blue particles. 14 - out of 10. 15 - out of 8 pcs.

  13. 16 purple row of 6 pieces. 17 - out of 4. 18 row of 2 particles. After that the wings are finished.

  14. Now we make a tail. It consists of 12 green particles and 3 blue ones. It is made in the same way as wings. Each subsequent row minus 1 piece.

  15. Now the neck is created. The particles are connected in a different way. Each subsequent module is attached with two corners to the pockets of the previous one.

The classic origami technique is the folding of various paper crafts without the use of scissors and glue. In addition to the classical technique, other types of work with paper have become widespread. One of the most popular is folding three-dimensional figures using numerous paper modules. Modular origami swan is a prime example of what beautiful figures are created using triangular details.

Bright three-dimensional models attract everyone's attention. It seems that the creation of such works requires special knowledge and skills. However, even a novice amateur can assemble such a craft. It is worth carefully studying the master classes on this technique, and following the recommendations of experienced craftsmen. Crafts made using this technique require, first of all, attentiveness, perseverance and painstaking work.

Each master has its own constructor. This constructor includes parsed elements of old or unsuccessful figures. Triangular parts are also assembled in advance for new works. To create modules, color or white A4 paper is used.

The sheet is divided into 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 equal parts. Most often, paper is cut into 16 or 32 pieces. For children, to make it more convenient and easier for them to assemble the craft, the paper sheet can be cut into 4 or 8 parts.

To get 16 identical rectangles, the paper sheet is divided into 4 equal parts in width and length. For 32 rectangles, the sheet is divided in width into 4 and in length into 8 parts.

Triangles are assembled from such rectangles to create three-dimensional paper figures.

To make a module, you need:

  1. Bend a rectangular sheet in half. Bend the resulting rectangle in half again and unbend it. So two main folds of the workpiece are outlined.
  2. The edges of the rectangle are bent towards the midline. The figure is flipped.
  3. The bottom edge rises. The corners on the left and right are bent along the line of a large triangle.
  4. Unfold the bottom.
  5. Small triangles are folded along the marked lines from below. The edges are rising.
  6. The resulting triangle is bent in half. It turned out a module with two pockets and two corners.

Triangles can be attached to each other in three ways:

  • Connected by long sides.
  • The connection goes through the short sides.
  • One module on the short side, two on the long side.

Which assembly method is used is usually indicated in the instructions for the circuit.

For newbies

Beginners will definitely need detailed step-by-step instructions for assembling a paper swan using the modular origami technique. Such instructions and step-by-step explanations can be seen in the video master classes of recognized origami connoisseurs.

There are many groups that share a love for this type of creativity, and where you can get advice on how to make an origami swan from modules with your own hands.

For beginners in specialized stores, a huge number of kits for working in the modular origami technique are presented - swan figurines and assembly schemes step by step.

Before you start assembling such an elegant figurine as a modular origami of a beautiful double swan, you should practice on lighter models. Simple models can also be assembled by a preschooler with the help of educators in children's institutions or with the help of a mother.

The most tiring for a child is the creation of triangular modules. Fine motor skills are not yet developed properly, and it is difficult for the baby to collect small parts. That is why it is better to assemble large and medium-sized modules for children's crafts. Preschool children quickly get tired of monotonous boring work, so the task of the mother is to help make blanks for crafts.

It is better to set aside a special time and day when all family members will work together to collect an openwork airy composition. The elements necessary to create a three-dimensional figure must be prepared in advance. It will be interesting for the child to engage in the creative process with their parents. Adults will be able to suggest how modular figures are assembled correctly.

An easy craft, the assembly of which does not require much time and pre-assembled blanks, includes the figurine of a small swan. To create a modular origami "little swan" you need to make 70 triangular modules, 69 pink or blue elements and 1 red for the beak.

Consider the step-by-step assembly of a small swan.

We collect the body. Base - 3 rows of assembled elements. Each row has 12 triangular blanks. The resulting strip is connected in a circle. It is necessary to give the resulting part the shape of a bowl.

The first wing - put on 4 modules. The next rows go in decreasing order: 3 triangles, then 2. Wing tip - two elements, put one on top of the other.

Breast - immediately after the wing, 2 modules are put on. 1 piece is fastened on top with the short side. The breast is ready.

Second wing. Immediately after the breast, the process of assembling the second wing begins. Both wings are assembled according to the same scheme: 4 parts, 3 elements on top, then 2 triangles. The tip of the wing is two rows of one triangle.

Tail. First row - 2 parts. 1 more blank is attached on top.

Neck, beak. For the neck we connect vertically 5 elements, the 6th row completes the red triangle - the beak. Gently give the neck a slight bend.

Connect the neck to the last breast module that was assembled with the short side.

Assembling such a small figurine will not take more than 10 minutes. You can create a whole family of beautiful birds. To make it more convenient for the child to hold the modules in his hand, the parts can be made large. A kid can make such a craft as a gift to his grandmother or mother. The size of the little swan can be changed by adding more blanks.

simple model

After the process of assembling a small craft has been mastered, you can start working on a more voluminous and complex figure.

To create one model, you will need 458 multi-colored modules and 1 red triangle for the beak. Fans of classic models choose black or white colors for crafts.

Consider the step-by-step creation of a modular origami swan from the prepared elements. The presented model belongs to the average level of complexity, requires accuracy and care.

  • A strip is assembled from 30 blanks, which is connected into a circle.
  • We do 4 more circles in the same way.
  • The resulting part must be carefully unscrewed. See that the modules do not fall out and the workpiece does not crumble. It turns out a figure shaped like a bowl. 2 more rows are attached to the top of the bowl.
  • On the 8th row, the process of forming wings begins. For the wings we attach 12 blanks, skip 2 parts. At the place of the pass, the neck of the craft will be attached. After the missing triangles, we attach 12 parts again. The remaining free area is a place for the formation of the tail.
  • Wings are made as follows. Starting from row 9, in each subsequent row, the number of paper modules decreases by 1. The wing is considered complete when 1 triangle remains.
  • In the same way, reducing each row by 1 detail, a tail is made.
  • The neck is made separately from 19 elements and 1 red triangle for the beak. The corners of one part are inserted into the pockets of another. Completed by a red triangle. The resulting part must be given a slight bend, similar to the position of the neck of a swan.
  • In the place left between the wings, attach the neck of the craft. It turned out a paper swan using the modular origami technique.

The main element of this craft is the body in the shape of a bowl. This technique is used to create other figures: vases, dragons, animal models and fairy-tale characters. Taking the swan scheme as a basis, you can create a three-dimensional heart.

Having studied the scheme for assembling a modular origami swan, a beginner is already able to come up with and implement his creative idea.

Many experienced craftsmen improve this type of craft, creatively rethink the approach to the classic assembly of the model. So, in the modular origami swan (the master class presents extraordinary models on the Internet), for example, the figurine is made in blue tones with an unusual wing shape.

Such an unusual craft can also be made in the colors of the country's flag.

Origami double swan

This type of craft is more complex. However, the double swan looks brighter, the figure turns out to be more voluminous. This is due to the fact that the model is assembled according to the principle of nesting dolls. There are several smaller ones hidden in one figurine.

Before you start creating such a masterpiece, prepare 1502 elements. To emphasize the unusual shape, add colored triangles. Then you will need:

  • Color blanks - 180 pcs.
  • White - 1322 pcs.

Part one

It will take 770 modules to build it.

  • For the base, we collect and connect in a circle 2 rows of 30 parts.
  • Add 2 more rows. We turn out the carefully received part. It turns out a figure that looks like a bowl. From above we make 10 more lines. While working on the figure, constantly correct it. Give a slim look.
  • We collect 15 rows in this way.
  • On the 16th line, we outline the places where the neck, wings, and tail will form. You will need:
  • Neck - 6 elements.
  • Wings - 10 pieces for each wing.
  • Tail - 4 elements.

We make the neck according to the following scheme:

  • 6 modules: 1 pink, 4 white, 1 pink triangle.
  • Each subsequent line is reduced by 1 detail until 2 triangles remain. The neck is ready.

We collect the tail opposite the neck. The tail starts with 4 pink elements and one is removed from each line until 1 piece remains.

After completing the assembly of the tail, go to the wings. The construction of the left and right wings is the same.

  • First row: 1 pink triangle, 8 white and closes the wing 1 piece of pink.
  • Second row: the last module from the side of the tail is put on the inside of the corner.
  • Wings rise 10 rows, each line has 10 elements. To control the height of the wings, they must be collected at the same time.
  • Starting from the 11th row, the elements of the wing are reduced by 1 pc. in each subsequent row. The reduction goes among the white details. The pink border remains in place.
  • The wing is completed when 1 pink triangle remains.

So, the main part of the double swan is assembled. To prevent the created structure from falling and crumbling, make a stand of two rows. Strengthen the blanks of the stand for the stability of the craft with glue.

Part two - inner wings

The base of the second part is done similarly to the first figure. Only 20 elements are collected in a circle. After 2 assembled rows, we turn the craft blank and add 5 more lines. Be sure to draw out the figure.

Each wing consists of 10 parts: 8 white pieces in the center, 1 pink module along the edges. Each wing rises 3 stripes.

Starting from row 4, white elements are reduced by 1 pc. with each row until the pink triangle completes the wing line.

Part three

The beginning of the third part is similar to the two previous parts of the swan figure. There are 12 triangles at the base alone. The figure rises 6 rows and turns out. In the last line, 2 pink details are put on.

From row 7, we reduce each row by 1 white triangle. The last part is ready.

The three assembled parts must be carefully and carefully inserted one into the other.

Parts can enter tightly, cling. Slowly, without haste, push the base of the wider figure. After all the details of the future crafts are collected, start working on the neck.


For the neck, space was left for 6 modules, but it is better to assemble it from 4 or 3 parts wide. The length of the neck depends on the desire of the master. So that during the bending of a long workpiece the parts do not crumble, it is recommended to put them on glue. A red beak completes the neck. You can optionally glue the drawn eyes or make them from buttons.

The craft itself can be decorated with a chain, a bow or a thread of jewelry. Such a figurine is both a beautiful interior decoration and an original handmade gift.

"The Swan Princess"

One of the most beautiful three-dimensional figurines is the modular origami Swan Princess. It is in the creation of fairy-tale characters that masters and lovers of this type of creativity give free rein to their unbridled imagination.

The source of inspiration is the princess from the fairy tale of the same name. How many masters, so many models depicting a fairy-tale heroine. Someone creates a princess figurine, however, most like the creation of a fairy swan.

There are a lot of step-by-step ways to create this craft. For the base, you can take a classic model, add grace to the craft by making a longer and more curved neck, decorate the head of the figurine with a crown.

Prepare the following modules:

  • Green - 166 pcs.
  • White - 615 pcs.
  • Blue - 680 pcs.
  • Yellow - 335 pcs.

Start working on this model by creating a tail. The base contains 30 parts. The colors of the triangles can be combined as you wish or made according to the scheme.

After the blue petals are collected, the reduction of details begins from the top of such a petal. 1 element is removed from each side of the leaf.

For a magnificent tail, you need to collect 1 large feather and 8 small feathers.

Small feathers are made in two colors, 4 pieces each:

  • Connect 5 elements vertically, alternating 2 colors.
  • Put on 2 green triangles on 2 corners.
  • In the center - 2 yellow modules, and along the edges 1 green.
  • Next line: green, yellow, green, yellow, green.
  • Green, 2 yellow, green. The extreme parts are put on the inside of the lower module.
  • The following lines are made to decrease in a similar way.
  • The same feathers are made in a different color.

A large feather is assembled from two small ones located vertically one above the other.

Feathers are neatly attached to the tail. In order not to fall, it is recommended to put them on glue.

Assembly of the torso

The base consists of 36 elements. There are 11 blue lines going around the circle. From the 12th line, the breast of the craft begins to form. Coloring is collected from 2 stripes. The center of the wings is highlighted in yellow, the breasts are green, framed by white triangles.

On 12-1 lines, a breast is formed in the center: 1 piece is removed each row.


Alternate elements in a line of 2 and 3 pieces. Height - 25 strips.

For the wings, 7 parts are used from different sides, opposite each other. For each line, 1 element is also removed.

The tail is collected against the breast. To create a ponytail, 11 elements are used, the number of which decreases with each strip.

The stand is made of two circles of 39 modules each.

It is better to attach the finished craft with glue to the stand so that you can move and rotate it without fear that it will crumble. The figurines can be of different sizes - from a few centimeters high to one and a half meters and more. Large and tall crafts necessarily require additional strengthening of the composition.