Preschool pedagogy as a science performs the following functions. Object, subject and functions of preschool pedagogy


Vocational and pedagogical training of specialists in preschool education involves mastering systemic knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy of preschool childhood.

Modern preschool pedagogy studies the process of development, education and training, its goals, objectives, content, forms of organization, implementation technology.

The basis of the upbringing and development of children is an activity and personal approach, which involves the humanization of the educational process of preschool educational institutions. Education is understood as a process of creating conditions that promote the development of preschool children, the formation of the basic personality traits of a preschooler.

The educational material is built on the principle of a review-monographic method of presentation, it helps to form in students a professionally oriented approach to the practical activities of a teacher of a pedagogical college, university.

LECTURE I. Preschool pedagogy as a science

Preschool pedagogy is among the young in the system of pedagogical sciences. Its occurrence is associated with the name of Ya.A. Comenius (17 pitch). As a science, preschool pedagogy has its own subject, tasks, functions, sources, methods, categories. Modern preschool pedagogy studies the process of education and training, its goals, objectives, content, forms of organization, implementation technology. Researchers are also interested in how the system of education and training affects the development of the personality of a preschooler.

The subject of preschool pedagogy is the development and upbringing of preschool children. The specificity of this subject lies in the study of the period of preschool childhood (from 3 years to 7 years).

Tasks of preschool pedagogy determined by its theoretical and applied role, the socio-pedagogical significance of this science:

1. Contribute to the upbringing and education of children in accordance with the requirements modern society.

2. To study the trends and prospects of the educational process of preschool educational institutions as the main form of education and training of children.

3. Develop new concepts and technologies for the upbringing and education of preschool children.

Functions of preschool pedagogy:

1. Descriptive-applied, which consists in a scientific description promising programs, models, technologies of the educational process.

2. Prognostic, consists in a scientific forecast of ways to improve, update and modernize the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

3. Creative and transformative, which involves taking into account scientific forecasting, scientific research, the creation of design and constructive technologies.

To solve problems and implement the functions of preschool pedagogy, methods of scientific research are used. A method is a way, a way to achieve goals and objectives.

Research methods allow to extract scientific and pedagogical to produce a conscious and purposeful search to improve the educational process. Research methods help to study and summarize the pedagogical findings of practice, to conduct independent scientific research. These include: the study and analysis of literature, observation, conversation, questioning, the study of pedagogical documentation, children's work, experiment.

Based on a wide range of methods, their levels can be named:

1. empirical (collection of scientific data, description of phenomena, facts);

2. theoretical (generalization, systematization of the material);

3. Metotheoretical (the study of the theories themselves and the development of ways to build and modernize them).

Stages of scientific pedagogical research:

1. definition of the problem, goal, hypothesis, tasks;

2. hypothesis testing (experiment);

3. understanding the data obtained, processing the results;

4. registration of the results of the study;

5. implementation of the results into practice.

Research methods are studied in more detail in the course "Methodology and methods of scientific psychological and pedagogical research".

Modern preschool pedagogy "absorbed" a lot of information about the upbringing and education of children. Her sources is folk pedagogy, religious pedagogy, foreign and domestic history of pedagogy, pedagogical practice, scientific experimental research, data from related sciences (psychology, anatomy and physiology of a preschool child, hygiene, etc.).

The methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy reflect the current level of philosophy of education, the presence of a diverse range of philosophical directions: axiological approach, systemic, activity-creative, personal, cultural, synergistic, etc.

Theoretical and methodological approaches of preschool pedagogy determine the view, position, style of the teacher, his attitude to the personality of the child, the philosophical understanding of the role of an adult in the upbringing and education of children.

Methodological approaches make it possible to re-emphasize the content in the main categories of preschool pedagogy.

Upbringing as a social phenomenon is to prepare the younger generation for life.

Education in the pedagogical sense is specially created conditions that contribute to the development of the child.

Development- the process of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring under the influence of various factors, including education. In the characteristics of a preschool child, one can talk about age (the features and patterns of development inherent in each age, and not so much the biological as the psychological passport of the child is important), individual (originality, developmental features), personal (formation, development of personal qualities, their features) .

Formation- this is a special organized management of the entire life of the child, taking into account a combination of factors.

Education- it's special organized process the interaction of the educator with the children, aimed at the transfer of information, its processing and the creation of a new one. Important in this is the upbringing of a positive attitude to the process of cognition, the formation of special skills and abilities to work with information, the development of social and moral habits of behavior.

A preschool child lives in society, he is surrounded by the culture of society, relations, rights and freedoms. At the same time, the preschooler creates his own subculture.

In the works of P.G. Koka, V. Kudryavtseva, and others consider subculture as a special set of signs, values, by which representatives of a given age are aware, assert themselves as “we”, different from other age communities.

The subculture of childhood as a category began to characterize a special system of children's ideas about the world, values, and relationships. Children's subculture is manifested in questions, word creation, games, drawings, reflections, various types of children's folklore. The subculture of childhood is a way for a child to master the ways of "entering" the world of adults, the culture of society.

These principles characterize the style of education as a certain view of the child by society (how the world of adults perceives the world of children). Preference is given to a humane, democratic (helpful) style of education. The world of adults (MB) perceives the world of children (MD) as a real valuable period in the life of children; this period requires a certain amount of time for changes and changes. The optimal model of interaction between MB and MD involves taking into account the principles of equality of the two worlds, dialogue, not a monologue, freedom and rights of the child to make a mistake, recognition of the child as he is. Personally-oriented pedagogy proceeds from the desires, requests, interests, opportunities, originality of each child, prefers to see and reach each individual. Meaning pedagogical position is to support. The essence of pedagogical support lies in the fact that an adult supports, helps only what is already available (but at an insufficient level), i.e. development of "self", independence of the child is supported. Pedagogical support cannot replace education, since a child cannot grow out of himself a culture that has been created for centuries and years.

The professional activity of a preschool education specialist is aimed at the implementation of all functions (maternal, developmental, diagnostic and correctional, communicative, design and organizational, coordinating, professional improvement) - according to the classification of E.A. Panko.

Pedagogical support, according to the works of O.S. Gazman, takes into account not only the duties, but the stages of the teacher's activity. The child, in conditions of support and care, perceives patterns of cultural and moral interaction and cooperation with adults. The professiograms of a teacher of a preschool educational institution, a teacher of a pedagogical college acquire common features determined by personality-oriented pedagogy. characteristic features should be cooperation, dialogue, activity-creative nature, focus on supporting the individual development of the child, providing him with freedom of choice, decision-making, creativity, co-creation of the educator and children. These features make the technology of the teacher's activity universal. The transition to personality-oriented interaction depends on the general and pedagogical culture, personal qualities, requests, desires of the teacher.

vocational training for preschool educational institutions receive in pedagogical colleges, institutes, universities. Classifiers of specialties and specializations assume their integration and interconnection. In educational institutions, specialization has a certain focus and is associated with specific responsibilities of specialists (educator speech therapy group, instructor in physical education at the preschool educational institution. head of rhythm, head of a visual activity studio, educator with the right to teach a foreign language, etc.).

Upon graduation from an educational institution (secondary or higher), a pedagogical qualification is assigned, which characterizes the level and type of professional and pedagogical education of a specialist.

Pedagogical activity involves constant professional development, the implementation of the function of professional self-improvement.

Questions for self-examination:

1. What determines the specificity of the subject, tasks, functions of preschool pedagogy?

2. What determines the range of theoretical and methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy?

3. What is the phenomenon of pedagogical support?

4. What unites the professiogram of an educator and a ped teacher. college?

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Science is a generalized system of knowledge, views, theories, ideas. Every science has its own theory. Pedagogy, by and large, is the main of the sciences, because. concerns the most important thing - the child, the future of society, and finally, the existence of human civilization on Earth, because this is a consequence of the success of education.

Pedagogy (paidagogike) - translated from Greek - the science of upbringing, education and training of the younger generation, the science of "child-breeding". The first teachers were slaves who took (accompanied) the children of the rich to educational institutions.

Many often consider themselves experts in the field of pedagogy. On the one hand, this is true, because most are parents of their children, but this is an empirical experience family education in a particular family. The success of family education depends on pedagogical literacy, the level of which is different. On the other hand, pedagogy is and should be done by specially trained specialists with basic pedagogical education.

The modern pedagogical dictionary gives following characteristic pedagogy: pedagogy- "a science that studies the objective laws of development of a concrete historical process of education, organically related to the laws of development public relations and the formation of a child's personality; the science of educational relations that arise in the process of the relationship of upbringing, education and training with self-education, self-education, self-training and aimed at human development”;

pedagogy- "the science of the essence of the development of the human personality and the development on this basis of the theory and methodology of education and training as a specially organized process."

The foundations of pedagogy began to take shape with the beginning of human society (primitive communal system) in the form of a generalization of the experience of education.

How the scientific discipline of pedagogy was formed in slave society when the first educational institutions appeared. At first, pedagogy was presented in the form of pedagogical thought, individual judgments, statements about the content and tasks of education, more often of a practical plan. We find the origins of theoretical pedagogical thought in the history of philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Democritus). Pedagogy was finally “born” as a science in the 17th century thanks to the great Czech teacher, humanist Jan Amos Komensky, who was educated at German universities, created his own pedagogical system of education and upbringing from birth to maturity, laid the foundations of pedagogy as an independent field of knowledge, reflecting all this in numerous fundamental pedagogical works. In Russia, the “father of pedagogy” of general and preschool education is K.D. Ushinsky.

Preschool pedagogy is one of the branches in the system of pedagogical sciences. Like any science, preschool pedagogy has its own subject, scientific research methods, conceptual apparatus, categories.

Subject preschool pedagogy are the problems of development and education of children from 3 to 7 years. This is what preschool pedagogy studies.

A systematic approach to defining the subject of preschool pedagogy has not only theoretical, but also important practical significance. The central core of this system should be moral and labor education small child, on which, ultimately, the formation of the value orientations of the child's personality and the general direction of its further development depend. A systematic approach to determining the subject of preschool pedagogy involves the implementation of a systematic analysis of the child's personality in its formation, in its development under the influence of pedagogical influences.

Tasks modern preschool pedagogy:

1. to promote the upbringing and education of children in accordance with the social functions of preschool education;

2. to develop new concepts, technologies, programs for the upbringing and education of preschoolers based on scientific research and advanced pedagogical experience;

3. to create a unified comprehensive science of a preschool child;

4. develop a system of pedagogical education for parents.

Tasks are modified in connection with the changes taking place in society.

Preschool pedagogy performs the following features:

- epistemological (epistemology - knowledge), i.e. study of pedagogical activity, pedagogical patterns;

– prognostic, i.e. scientific forecast of ways to improve preschool education;

- creative and transformative, i.e. development of new technologies, programs, implementation of scientific research data into practice.

Preschool pedagogy has the following scientific research methods: observation, pedagogical experiment, conversation, study of pedagogical documentation, literature analysis, mathematical methods of data processing, study of products of children's activities, modeling, questioning, method expert assessments and others. Methods of pedagogical research are studied in the course "Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research."

Sources of preschool pedagogy

1. History of foreign and domestic pedagogy.

2. Folk pedagogy.

3. Modern scientific pedagogical research on the problems of preschool education.

4. Advanced pedagogical experience.

5. Data from other sciences (child psychology, developmental psychology, developmental psychology, etc.).

In the system of pedagogical sciences, preschool pedagogy occupies an important place and cannot exist without connection with other sciences. This relationship can be illustrated in the following diagram.

The connection with general pedagogy is manifested in the fact that preschool pedagogy uses similar scientific methods of research, appeals to the main general pedagogical categories.

Preschool pedagogy is closely connected with the history of pedagogy: modern preschool education is based on the legacy of the pedagogical thought of the past. For example, the use of the M. Montessori system at the present time.

The connection of preschool pedagogy with archeology and ethnography is very important, which give an idea of ​​the development of pedagogy in different regions at different times. Toys and documents found during excavations testify to this.

Preschool pedagogy uses the data of psychology about the age characteristics of mental processes, activities, personality of the child in the development of new technologies of preschool education.

The connection of preschool pedagogy with anatomy and physiology makes it possible to take into account the features of the anatomical structure of the child's body, physiological mechanisms, hygiene requirements in the organization of preschool education.

When developing the content, technologies for the socio-moral, artistic and aesthetic development of children, the main categories of ethics and aesthetics are used.

Preschool pedagogy is guided by philosophical propositions about the class nature of education, about the role of education in the development of the individual, and the basic philosophical laws (the unity and struggle of opposites, etc.).

Thus, preschool pedagogy is a relatively young science; it is intensively developing, has its own subject, research methods. Thanks to modern scientific research on preschool pedagogy the strategy of preschool education in our country is being built.

As mentioned above, preschool pedagogy is guided by the philosophy of the class nature of education, the role of education in the development of the individual, the role of teachers in the development of the individual.

When developing new technologies for teaching and educating preschoolers, philosophical laws are taken into account, such as the unity and struggle of opposites.

The methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy reflect the current level of the philosophy of education. The following dialectical categories help to define the meaning of education: measure, negation of negation, form, content and necessity. Measure is the dialectical unity of quantity and quality, or such an interval of quantitative changes, within which the quality of a certain object or phenomenon is preserved. Education, like a measure, characterizes the amount of systematized knowledge, skills, ways of thinking that a child has mastered. Child development combines quantitative and qualitative indicators. The negation of negation is a development that repeats the steps already passed, but in a different way, at a higher level, in a spiral. Form and content are the basic relations of any being and becoming, which form a contradictory unity. Necessity is a way of transforming a possibility into reality, in which there is only one possibility in a certain volume that is realized into reality. In considering, solving the problems of preschool pedagogy, a diverse range of philosophical directions and approaches is used.

T. M. Babunova characterizes the use of philosophical approaches in preschool pedagogy as follows.

Axiological approach allows you to determine the totality of acquired values ​​in education, upbringing, self-development of a person, a child. In relation to preschoolers, such values ​​will be such values ​​as communicative, ethnic, cultural. This approach considers health, culture, play, communication as enduring values ​​in the upbringing of a preschool child.

Cultural approach allows you to take into account all the conditions of the place and time in which the child was born and lives, the immediate environment, the history of the country, city, region. This approach is focused on introducing children to traditions, norms, culture.

Systems approach involves the organization of work with children in accordance with a system of interrelated and interdependent goals, objectives, content, methods, forms, conditions, methods of development, education of children.

Activity approach defines a special place for leading activity that provides opportunities for the realization of the child's basic needs, the child's awareness of himself as a subject and creator. Allows an adult to unlock the potential of each child through the use of leading activities.

Personal approach ensures the development of requests, desires, interests, inclinations of the child, subject to meaningful professional pedagogical activity.

Synergistic approach allows us to consider each participant in the educational process as a subject of a self-developing system. Each subject has the potential to move from development to self-development.

Theoretical and methodological approaches of preschool pedagogy determine the views, positions, style of the teacher in relation to the personality of the child. A philosophical understanding of the role of an adult in the upbringing and development of children makes it possible to re-emphasize the content of the main categories of preschool pedagogy.

Upbringing(A.A. Rean) - training and education.

Upbringing(S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova) is a social phenomenon and a function of society, which is to prepare the younger generation for life.

Upbringing(in the narrow sense) - a specially organized and controlled process of human formation, aimed at the development of personality.

Patterns of education of preschoolers(S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova):

1. education is possible if the child is active;

2. the child's personality develops only in a situation of success;

3. a great need for preschoolers in love;


1. humanization;

2. cultural conformity;

3. self-development.

Methods of education (according to D. M. Grishin, V. I. Prokopenko)

Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy: education, development, formation, training, educational process of a preschool institution.

Upbringing- the process of preparing the younger generation for life (or specially created conditions that contribute to the development of the child).

The modern teacher S. Tkachev clarifies that the goal of educating preschoolers today is to educate a happy personality, i.e. recognition of the child by others, the fullness of the life of children with kindness, honesty, truthfulness. The teacher must see the problems of the child, help to overcome them. Careful attitude to the individual, respect in the child of a person who has the right to privacy.

The educational process of a preschool institution professionally organized interaction between the teacher and children.

Development - the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the development of the child.

Education - a specially organized process of interaction between a teacher and children, aimed at transferring knowledge, skills, processing and creation new information, education of a positive attitude to knowledge, the formation of a culture of knowledge

Formation - specially organized management of the entire life of the child, taking into account various factors.

Thus, a modern teacher should know and understand the theoretical and methodological approaches to studying the problems of preschool pedagogy, because this allows them to carry out their pedagogical activities at a high professional and scientific level. The use of various scientific approaches in practice helps the teacher to be more objective.



1. What does preschool pedagogy study and what scientific research methods are used in studying the problems of preschool pedagogy.

2. The main philosophical approaches to the study of the problems of preschool pedagogy (axiological, culturological, systemic, activity, personal, synergistic).

Check yourself:

- What does preschool pedagogy study?

What are the functions of preschool pedagogy?

- What are the sciences connected with preschool pedagogy?

- List the methods of pedagogical research.

Education is

- a specially organized and controlled process that contributes to the development of the child's personality;

- re-education, correction of negative personality traits;

- transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to children.


Comprehensive education of the child should begin from the earliest years of life, and the leading role in this belongs to preschool institutions - the first link in the system of public education.

Preschool childhood is a special period of development, when the entire mental life of the child and his attitude to the world around him are rebuilt. The essence of this restructuring is that at preschool age, internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior are formed. This is the time of active knowledge of the surrounding world. Standing on his feet, the baby begins to make discoveries. He gets acquainted with the objects in the room, in the house, in the kindergarten, on the street. Acting with a variety of objects, examining them, listening to the sounds they make, the baby learns their properties and qualities; he develops visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.

Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the laws governing the upbringing of preschool children, including those of early age.

IN modern system education, the teacher occupies a key position, therefore the priority direction in the structure of his pedagogical training is occupied by the problem of professional development and competence. The society makes high demands on the quality of training of preschool education specialists: they must not only deeply master the system of sciences about a person, the laws of his physical, moral, mental, mental development but also to learn how to apply this knowledge in practice.

The purpose of the work: the study of the theoretical foundations of the education of preschool children.

The tasks are to:

To identify the prerequisites that led to the formation of preschool pedagogy as a special branch of scientific knowledge.

Determine the place of preschool pedagogy in the system of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, its subject, methods, categories and links with related sciences.

1. Formation and development of preschool pedagogy

The first educational systems were formed back in antiquity (VI-V centuries BC). Roman, Athenian, Spartan schools are known, differing among themselves in the methods and content of education, as well as its goals. Almost all philosophers of antiquity considered the development of good, positive character traits, law-abidingness, respect for elders, mentors, as well as the suppression of bad inclinations in the emerging personality, as the main task of education. It is these postulates of pedagogical science that have passed the test of time from the era of antiquity to the present day.

For the first time he substantiated the idea of ​​public education of children from the first years of their life and created the first preschool institution for proletarian children, the English utopian socialist R. Owen. Preschool pedagogy emerged as a separate branch of pedagogy from general pedagogy in the second half of the 19th century. Stages of development of pedagogical science in Appendix 1.

The idea of ​​separating preschool pedagogy into a separate branch of pedagogical science belongs to the German teacher Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852), who is the creator of the first system preschool education and founder of kindergartens. Before him, there were orphanages whose tasks were limited to looking after and caring for small children, but did not include their education. Froebel was one of the first to draw public attention to the need for pedagogical work with children under seven years of age. He also owns the term "kindergarten" itself, which has become generally accepted throughout the world. Fröbel was in many ways a pioneer in pedagogy. The main provisions of his pedagogical system remain relevant today. Before the advent of the Fröbel system, the tasks of education were reduced to the development of the mind, the expansion of knowledge and the development of useful skills. Froebel began to talk about a holistic, harmonious education of a person, for the first time he introduced the principle of activity into pedagogy. The Froebel system had a tremendous impact on the development of preschool pedagogy and on for a long time conquered all of Europe. Fröbel was especially popular in Russia, where he had many followers.

At the beginning of the XX century. The system of pre-school education created by Maria Montessori (1870-1952) also became widespread. The main value of education in the Montessori system - the strategy of education should be aimed at developing the individual nature of the child. Freedom is the vital condition of any education. You can not impose anything on the child, force or coerce him. Available only complete freedom and independence, the individual character of the child, his innate curiosity and cognitive activity.

An extremely interesting and original direction in pedagogical theory and practice that has existed for more than 80 years is Waldorf pedagogy. The founder of this trend was the outstanding philosopher and teacher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). It was he who in 1919 founded the first kindergarten in Stuttgart at the Waldorf-Astoria factory. Waldorf pedagogy contains a lot of original and fruitful pedagogical ideas that formed the basis of the practical activities of many kindergartens; folk culture.

Let's start the history of the formation and development of preschool education in Russia with Kievan Rus, where the upbringing of children of all ages was carried out mainly in the family. The purpose of education was to prepare children for work, the implementation of basic social roles. The factors of folk pedagogical culture (rhymes, rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, fairy tales, folk games, etc.) acted as the main means of influence. All these means of pedagogy were transmitted orally. In connection with the baptism of Rus', the church occupied a significant place in the upbringing of the younger generation. Such means appeared as the performance of rituals, the memorization of prayers, and so on. In the XI century. In Russia, the first popular schools were opened, in which children from the upper classes were trained. The twelfth century is dated "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh to his children." Even then in Russia there were literacy masters who taught the children of wealthy parents at home. Religious books were the basis of such education. In the XVI century. printing appeared - in 1572 the first Russian textbook"ABC" by Ivan Fedorov, at about the same time the collection "Domostroy" was published. It outlined the main directions of family education and behavior in family life.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. there was a rapid development and change in Russia under the influence of the reforms carried out by Peter I. One of the areas of reform is education. Pedagogical ideas expressed and published by the best representatives of that time. In 1763 the first educational house was opened. It accommodated children from 2 to 14 years old. They were divided into groups: from 2 to 7; from 7 to 11; from 11 to 14 years old. Until the age of 2, children were brought up by nurses. Children of the first group were brought up in games and labor affairs: the boys were taught gardening and gardening; girls - housework and housekeeping. From 7 to 11 years old, in addition to labor affairs, literacy and numeracy were introduced for one hour a day. Children from 11 to 14 years old were trained in a more serious business.

In 1802, the Ministry of Public Education was first created in Russia, and the education system began to take shape. In 1832, a small experimental school for young children was opened at the Gatchina Orphanage. They were there all day - eating, drinking, kids playing games, mostly in the air; the elders were taught to read, write, count and sing. A significant place in the daily routine was given to stories and conversations. Although the school did not last long, it showed the success of such activities with preschool children.

In the first half of the XIX century. a number of public figures, representatives of culture and teachers appeared, each of whom contributed to the development of pedagogy in general and preschool pedagogy in particular. V.G. Belinsky - outlined the age periodization (from birth to 3 years - infancy; from 3 to 7 years - childhood; from 7 to 14 - adolescence). He gave great importance mental and physical development of preschoolers, visualization and children's games, aesthetic education. He was a supporter of family education and assigned a large role in the upbringing of a preschooler to his mother. A.I. Herzen - was also a supporter of family education. They wrote pedagogical work"Conversations with Children". N.I. Pirogov attached great importance to the role of the mother in the upbringing of preschool children. He spoke about the need for pedagogical training of mothers. He believed that play plays an important role in the development of preschool children. LN Tolstoy - a supporter of family education, promoted the ideas of free education.

A huge influence on the development of preschool pedagogy of this period was made by K.D. Ushinsky. He was a supporter of family education, but he understood the need to create a system of preschool public education. He expressed his views on the activities of educators of preschool institutions. Prepared a book for children's reading and learning "Native word". This book has retained its value to this day.

In the 60s. 19th century the first kindergartens began to open. They worked according to F. Frebel's system. Kindergartens were paid, private. In 1866-1869. a special pedagogical magazine "Kindergarten" was published. Its editors are A.S. Simonovich and L.M. Simonovich. A.S. Simonovich opened several kindergartens. On the basis of her pedagogical activity, she developed some pedagogical and methodological approaches to the organization of preschool education. She believed that until the age of 3, a child should be brought up in a family, but further education should go outside the family, since he needs comrades, peers for games and activities. Children must be in kindergarten from 3 to 7 years old. The purpose of kindergartens is the physical, mental, moral education of preschoolers, their preparation for school. Simonovich also believed that the work of educators in kindergartens and in individual education should be carried out methodically and consistently.

A significant contribution to the development of the problems of educating preschoolers was made by the children's writer E.N. Vodovozova. At the end of the 60s. she was abroad and studied there the experience of family education and the organization of kindergartens. In 1871 she published The Mental and Moral Education of Children from the First Appearance of Consciousness to School Age. The book was intended for kindergarten teachers and mothers.

At the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. the number of preschool institutions intended for children from poor families began to gradually increase: factory nurseries; public kindergartens. They appeared mainly in cities with developed industry, where parents were employed in production. Despite weak funding, organizational and methodological difficulties, some teachers were engaged in the search and testing of effective programs - methods, materials, the best forms of organizing work with children. Thus, practical experience was gradually accumulated in the social education of preschool children. Although public preschool education developed slowly, it nevertheless stimulated domestic pedagogy.

In 1918, a special preschool department was organized under the People's Commissariat for Education. At the same time, departments were opened in vocational pedagogical schools for the training of kindergarten teachers. A preschool institute (research institute) began its work under the direction of Kornilov. At the same time, the main type of preschool institution (hereinafter - DU) was determined - a 6-hour kindergarten (hereinafter - DS). The requirements for the organization, content and methods of work were set out in the "Instructions for the management of the outbreak and DS". In accordance with this instruction, methodological manuals were developed. In 1921-1940. there is a significant increase in the number of DUs. Gardens and hearths began to move to an 11-12-hour working day. Children's rooms were organized at house administrations, where mothers could bring their children in the evening. Summer playgrounds were opened in the villages. A significant number of DCs have become departmental. They were opened on the basis of large enterprises and industries. The targeted training of personnel has been strengthened.

Weak point In the activities of the Department of Education, the definition of the content of education for preschoolers (development of educational programs) remained. In 1937, the first attempt was made to develop a draft program in DU. In the first part, the main types of activity were determined (socio-political, labor and physical education, musical and visual classes, mathematics, and literacy). In the second part, recommendations were given on the basics of planning activities through the "Organizing Moments".

In 1938, the Charter of the School of Education and the program and methodological guidelines under the name "Guidelines for Kindergarten Teachers" were developed - the goal of preschool education in kindergarten was the comprehensive and harmonious development of children. It included 7 sections: 1. Physical education. 2. Game. 3. Development of speech. 4. Drawing. 5. Modeling and classes with other materials. 6. Music lessons. 7. Acquaintance with nature and development of initial mathematical knowledge.

The war interrupted the development of preschool pedagogy and the formation of preschool education. Nevertheless, in 1944 a new charter and a new guide for educators were adopted. A significant improvement to this guide was that children's activities were listed according to age groups. In 1954, a reprint of the guide for educators took place, and intensive work continued on the creation of a program-methodological approach to education. A great merit in this belongs to A.P. Usova. She was especially famous methodical works"Classes in kindergarten", "Education in kindergarten". In 1963-1964 the first comprehensive program "Education in the DS" was developed and tested. As a result of the improvement of this program, the program "Education and training in the DS" was created. From the mid 1980s. radical changes have taken place in our country in all aspects of society, including in the education system. These changes are both positive and negative. In 1983, the Law on Education was passed. It formulates new principles of state policy in the field of education, fixes the rights of teachers, parents, students and preschoolers in this area. The law approved the right of teachers to freely choose the content of education and its methodological research. He formulated the principles of the diversity of types of supervising (DS with priority implementation, DC of a compensated type, DC-school, etc.). The law enshrines the right of parents to choose an educational institution. Since the 1980s, many comprehensive and partial educational programs have been created and tested. Intensive work to create methodological programs is being carried out now.

2. Preschool pedagogy as a science

2.1 The subject of preschool pedagogy as a science

Preschool pedagogy as a science is theoretical and applied:

Appliedspecial studies of the theory of upbringing and education of the childpractical - based on the generalization of general patterns, conclusions are drawn and tested in practice

The subject in preschool pedagogy is the process of education and everything connected with it - patterns, contradictions of relationships, technologies for organizing and implementing educational process that determine the development of the child's personality: means, content, methods of education and training.

Preschool pedagogy has its own conceptual apparatus with which it operates. The main categories in preschool pedagogical science are: education, development, formation, training.

Education is a purposeful, systematic, organized process of shaping a child's personality.

Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes that occur with age and are carried out under the guidance of an adult.

Education is a purposeful, specially organized process of direct transfer of generational experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities in the interaction of a teacher and a student.

Formation - the process of personality development under the influence external influences: education, training, social environment in general.

At the present stage, in addition to the main categories of preschool pedagogy, according to a number of scientists, in particular Kozlova, Kulikova, Babunova, Rean, Bordovskaya, etc. in questions, games, drawings, reflections, various types of children's folklore.

.3 Branches of modern pedagogy

The main branches of pedagogy can be called the following sciences.

General pedagogy explores the general patterns of upbringing, training and education. Formulates the basic principles and categories that are used in all special and applied pedagogical sciences. Components general pedagogy are the theory of education, didactics, theory of organization and management of educational systems.

The history of pedagogy studies the development of pedagogical thought in various historical epochs.

Comparative pedagogy explores the patterns of functioning and development of educational systems in different countries.

Age pedagogy studies the features of human education at different age stages.

Preschool pedagogy is defined as the science of the upbringing, development and formation of a child's personality from birth to school entry.

Special pedagogy (defectology) develops the foundations, methods, forms and means of education and training of an individual with deviations in physical and mental development. It has a number of branches: deaf education, typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, speech therapy.

Teaching methods teaching specific disciplines (language, mathematics, chemistry, history, etc.).

Professional pedagogy studies pedagogical processes focused on a specific professional education of a person (military, engineering, industrial, medical and other types of pedagogy).

Social pedagogy conducts theoretical and applied developments in the field of out-of-school upbringing and education of children and adults (clubs, sections, studios, etc.).

Correctional labor pedagogy studies the theory and practice of re-education of persons in custody.

Medical pedagogy develops a system of educational and educational work teachers with weakened and sick schoolchildren. Interacts with medicine.

.4 Connection of preschool pedagogy with other sciences

Preschool pedagogy is closely related to a number of humanities: with child psychology, age-related anatomy and physiology, pediatrics, hygiene, as well as with a number of other sciences (linguistics, aesthetics, ethics, etc.), she relies on the results of these sciences and takes what influences her development (Appendix 3).

The foundation of pedagogy is philosophy of education, which is the basis for understanding the goals of upbringing and education. To better understand the relationship between biological and social entities of a person, to understand the causes of a child's behavior, pedagogy is based on such sciences as anatomyAnd physiology. Of particular importance for the development of issues of training and education is age physiology , revealing the basic principles of the structure and patterns of functioning of a growing organism. Without knowledge of these features, it is impossible to correctly determine the means and methods of education that correspond to the age of the pupils, the organizational forms of conducting certain classes or educational activities.

The closest relationship is found between pedagogy and psychology: Pedagogy enjoys psychological methods research. Age-related psychology , exploring the patterns of the course and development of the mental processes of a growing person, helps pedagogy to navigate the cognitive capabilities, susceptibility of children different ages to certain influences. Social Psychologystudies the features of the formation of a personality included in various social groups, helps pedagogy to develop methods and means of influencing the collective on a personality. Integration of pedagogical and psychological sciences led to the emergence of frontier industries - educational psychology And psychopedagogy:pedagogical psychology studies the features of the course of mental processes in a child in the course of his upbringing and education, the psychological patterns of pedagogical influence on the formation of personality.

For correctional pedagogy, in the scope of which children with various disorders and developmental disabilities fall, the block of medical sciences is no less important: therapy, psychiatry, psychohygieneand related sections of scientific knowledge.

Ethicsgives theoretical background morality, deepens understanding of the problems of moral education of the younger generation. Aestheticsstudies the general patterns of development of a person's aesthetic relationship to reality, art, serves as the scientific basis for aesthetic education.

In addition, pedagogy relies on research data from other sciences: historical, legal, economic, environmental, mathematical, etc. As well as with industries that arise at the intersection of pedagogy with the exact and technical sciences - cybernetics, mathematics, computer pedagogyetc. For example, from the point of view of cybernetics - the science of managing complex dynamic systems - the process of education and upbringing can be represented as a dynamic system that is controlled on the basis of feedback from the controlled center (child) to the control center (teacher or educator) .

.5 Methods of pedagogical research

In order to reveal the patterns of development of preschoolers, to find the most optimal means, methods and forms of education and upbringing in a preschool institution, pedagogical research is being carried out.

Methods of pedagogical research are ways of studying pedagogical activity, pedagogical factors and phenomena, establishing regular connections and relationships between them with the aim of further scientific development of the theory of education and improvement of its practices.

The most accessible and widespread method of pedagogical research is observation. Scientific observation is understood as a systematic study of the object, process or phenomenon under study in vivo. Observation as a research method is characterized by the presence of goals, objectives, programs, methods and techniques of observation. Scientific observation requires objective and accurate recording of facts (photography, filming, protocols, diary entries, etc.) and processing of the results.

In pedagogical practice are widely used survey methods: conversation, interviewing, questioning, testing.

Conversation- direct communication with the subjects using pre-designed questions. It involves the establishment of two-way contact, during which the interests of children, their ideas, attitudes, feelings, assessments and positions are revealed. In order for the results of the conversation to be the most objective, it is necessary to determine the goal, develop a program, think over the sequence and variability of questions.

Much less commonly used interviewing- a one-sided conversation, the initiator of which asks questions, and the interlocutor answers. Interviewing rules require the creation of conditions conducive to the sincerity of the subjects.

Questionnaire- the method of obtaining information through a written survey. Questioning involves careful development of the structure of the questionnaire and, as a rule, is combined with other research methods.

Testing- a targeted survey conducted on carefully worked out standardized questions, and allowing to objectively identify the individual differences of the subjects.

High research efficiency is achieved with the help of experiment. The experiment differs from pedagogical observation or research conversation by active intervention in the situation on the part of the researcher, who systematically manipulates factors and registers changes in the state and behavior of the object under study. A pedagogical experiment consists in a special organization of the pedagogical activity of students in order to test and substantiate pre-developed assumptions or hypotheses. However, pedagogical processes are characterized by their uniqueness, so a “pure” experiment in pedagogy is impossible. Given this circumstance, teachers should formulate their conclusions correctly and carefully, understanding the relativity of the conditions in which they were obtained.


Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the laws governing the upbringing of preschool children, including those of early age. Preschool pedagogy has its own subject, methods and categories; is closely connected with child psychology, age-related anatomy and physiology, pediatrics, hygiene, and also with a number of other sciences (linguistics, aesthetics, ethics, etc.).

The formation and development of preschool pedagogy, the actualization of its theoretical and practical problems were determined by socio-historical conditions. R. Owen first substantiated the idea of ​​public education of children from the first years of their life and created the first preschool institution for proletarian children. Singling it into a special branch of general pedagogy in the second half of the 19th century. contributed to the pedagogical system and practical activities of the German teacher F. Fröbel. The formation of preschool pedagogy was accompanied by a clarification of its subject, the emergence of new and rethinking of its traditional concepts, the emergence a large number new pedagogical literature on the upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age. At the same time, preschool pedagogy was clearly distinguished from general pedagogy, on the one hand, and hygiene and upbringing methods, on the other, while maintaining a constant connection with them. The formation of preschool pedagogy was reflected in the emergence of a large amount of new literature on the upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age.

In Russia, there is also a continuing interest in the upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age, which cannot be imagined outside the context of the world pedagogical process. Being formed as an independent, original, meeting national needs, Russian pedagogical thought has never been closed, fenced off from the culture of other peoples. The history of the formation and development of preschool education in Russia comes from Kievan Rus. In the last third of the 19th century, following the countries of Western Europe, new types of educational institutions appeared in Russia. The first free, "folk kindergarten" in Russia for the children of citizens from the lower strata of the population was opened in 1866, in the same year A.S. Simonovich opened a paid private kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia. In the 60s. 19th century K.D. had a huge influence on the development of preschool pedagogy. Ushinsky. The beginning of the state system of preschool education in our country was laid after the adoption on December 20, 1917 of the "Declaration on Preschool Education". Work on the creation of methodological programs is still underway.


1.Aidasheva G.A. Preschool pedagogy / G.A. Aidasheva, N.O. Pichugin, S.V. Assaulova. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004. - 384 p.

2.Preschool Pedagogy. Tutorial/ Ed. IN AND. Loginova, P.G. Samorukova. - M.: Publishing house "Enlightenment", 1983. - 280 p.

.Lobanova E.A. Preschool pedagogy: teaching aid / E.A. Lobanova - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2005. - 76 p.

.Miklyaeva N. Preschool Pedagogy. Theoretical and methodological foundations of correctional pedagogy: textbook / N. Miklyaeva, Yu. Miklyaeva. - M.: Vlados, 2008. - 263 p.

.Smirnova E.O. Pedagogical systems and programs of preschool education: textbook. manual for students of pedagogical schools and colleges / E.O. Smirnova. - M.: Humanitarian. ed. center VLADOS, 2005. - 119 p.

.Chmeleva E.V. Pedagogy of preschool childhood in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries: historical and pedagogical essay: monograph / E.V. Chmelev. - Smolensk: Publishing House of SmolGU, 2008. - 220 p.


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Approaches to the definition of preschool pedagogy

Preschool Pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy aimed at studying the features of designing the education of children before entering school (N.V. Miklyaeva) .

Preschool Pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy associated with the development of technology for the education and development of preschoolers in various activities (A. G. Gogoberidze).

Preschool Pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy that studies the essential features of the education of preschool children (N. N. Sazonova).

It follows from the above that preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the signs, features and essence of the education of preschool children.

Signs of preschool pedagogy as a science.

Pedagogy is a science that is accompanied by eight features: subject, goals, objectives, methodology, etc.

Preschool pedagogy is still a branch.

The object of science is education at different levels, where knowledge, skills, values ​​and experience of activity are carried out under the development of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative and physical education to meet the educational needs and interest of children.

The change in the regulatory framework for preschool education has led to a transformation in the areas of education.

In 1989, there was a “Concept of Preschool Education”, where for the first time the directions of education and upbringing of a preschooler were legislatively fixed. Directions assumed physical development, social and personal development, cognitive and speech development and artistic and aesthetic development.

In November 2009, the "Federal State Requirements (FGT) for the General Educational Regulations of Preschool Education (OOP DO) No. 665 of November 23, 2009" were introduced. Within the framework of this document, the directions of development were supplemented by educational areas: physical development ( Physical Culture, health, artistic and aesthetic (music, artistic creativity, cognitive-speech (communication, cognition, reading fiction, social and personal (socialization, safety, work).

In June 2013, a document was adopted on the “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education” (FSES DO) - educational areas were revised, where no development directions were identified. Prior to public discussion, four educational areas were identified in the draft GEF DO. In the adopted Federal State Educational Standard, five educational areas are approved: physical development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development and artistic and aesthetic development.

The subject of preschool pedagogy is the features, characteristics and essence of preschool education. The subject of preschool pedagogy has a psychological and pedagogical character. Features of children's education are focused on mental neoplasms of preschool childhood, which have become guidelines in the Federal State Educational Standard. Until 2009, the effectiveness of preschool education was determined through the development of knowledge, skills and abilities by the child, which were subjected to pedagogical diagnostics. From 2009 to 2013, pedagogical monitoring was introduced to assess the formation of integrative qualities: personal, intellectual and physical. Since 2015, federal state standards for preschool education have prohibited pedagogical diagnostics, but within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, there are certain requirements for the results of preschool education, which are considered as targets and are closely related to mental neoplasms by age. This implies openness to the diverse problematic content of reality, i.e., the research activity of a preschooler; also this creative imagination- the ability to recreate the missing with the help of imagination; orientation to the image of an adult, as the basis of educational cooperation with a younger student; syncretism, i.e., the fusion of emotional and rational components of activity.

Scientists have proven that education can be carried out according to spontaneous and reactive learning programs. For a preschooler, taking into account age, spontaneous programs are relevant, but taking into account the methods of preschool pedagogy, the skill of a teacher lies in the transition to reactive programs.

The development of pedagogical technology for preschool education of children involves the following tasks: it is the upbringing of a culture of communication, the control of the cognitive (cognitive) activity of the pupil and the organization of work with parents.

Methodological platform as a science.

This section of preschool pedagogy is changing in connection with the change in the leading pedagogical theories, the legal framework regulating the processes of education.

The main features of the methodological culture of the teacher:

1. Knowledge of various concepts of education;

2. Understanding the procedures assigned to the basic concepts of pedagogy;

3. The need to reproduce the practice of education in the concepts and terms of pedagogy;

4. Critical attitude to the self-evident provisions of pedagogy;

5. Reflection of the results of one's own cognitive activity.

The methodology of pedagogy is much broader than the methodology of preschool pedagogy. The basic pedagogical theories of the organization of education are:

1. A systematic approach - relatively independent components are not considered in isolation, but in their relationship, in development (for example, thematic weeks);

2. A holistic approach - an orientation towards the allocation in the pedagogical system and developing personalities of integrative invariant (permanent) connections and relationships (FGT - integrative qualities);

3. Dialogue approach - the formation of a communicative unity of the subjects of the pedagogical process, due to which self-development and mutual disclosure occur (methods of game learning);

4. Anthropological approach - education involves taking into account the educational needs and interests of a person, but within the framework of the implemented educational system.

The methodology of preschool pedagogy involves the development of an educational program for a preschool institution, which will include no more than 60% of the materials of the general educational program (GEP) and at least 40% of kindergarten materials.

Theoretical and methodological basis of OOP DO:

1. The culturological approach is based on the relationship of the axiological, technological and personal creative components of education;

2. The activity approach involves special work on the formation of the child's activity about him in the position of the subjects.

3. Personal approach is a pillar

The culturological approach in pedagogy is based on the psychological theory of KITRVPF (“Cultural-historical theory of the development of higher mental functions” by L. S. Vygotsky).

1 idea. L. S. Vygotsky believed that the biological factor has less effect on the human psyche than the social one: “A child is a social being from birth”;

2 idea. The spontaneous educational program of a preschooler always has a specifically thematic character;

3 idea. L. S. Vygotsky proved the influence of the environment on the development of the child; in preschool pedagogy, this scientific thesis was transformed into the concept of a subject-developing environment;

4 idea. Education determines development, therefore, within the framework of preschool pedagogy, the teacher-master has the education of calendar and thematic planning.

The activity approach is a psychological approach.

Preschool pedagogy involves the formation of skills and abilities in children of eight basic activities:

1. Physical culture - motor activity;

2. Socialization - game activity;

3. Labor - labor activity;

4. Communication - communicative activity;

5. Cognition - cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities;

6. Reading fiction - perception of fiction;

7. Music - musical and artistic activity;

8. Artistic creativity is a productive activity.

Form of play in educational DOW process- this is the motivation that is a component of cooperation: game motivation, motivation of communication in conditions of helping an adult and motivation of personal interest.

Methods of preschool pedagogy:

1. Methods for studying pedagogical experience;

2. Methods of pedagogical research: observation, experiment, modeling, conversation, questioning.

Pedagogical research is the process and result of scientific activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the patterns of education.

The law of a holistic educational process is the effective interaction of a teacher with a pupil.

PRESCHOOL PEDAGOGY AS A BRANCH OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCE, PRESCHOOL PEDAGOGY AS A SCIENCE, Preschool pedagogy as a concept. Relationship with other concepts - Preschool Pedagogy - Teaching materials for students


As a result of studying this chapter, the student will:

know subject and basic concepts, the terms "child as an object of scientific research" and "subject of education", functions and methods of preschool pedagogy as a science, stages of its formation and development; the main provisions of the concept of the integral development of the child as a subject of activity;

be able to to characterize the signs of preschool pedagogy as a science, to determine the main categories of preschool pedagogy as a science, to formulate one's attitude to the phenomenon of preschool childhood and the subculture of a preschool child, to describe the features of the child's entry into society;

own ways to determine the significance of the connections of preschool pedagogy with other sciences, depending on their influence on the study of the patterns of development, upbringing and education of children in conditions of pedagogical interaction.

Preschool pedagogy as a concept. Relationship with other concepts

Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the patterns of development, upbringing and elementary forms of education for children at the age preceding school entry: from birth to 7 years.

There are the following sources formation of the conceptual and terminological field of preschool pedagogy as a science:

- centuries-old practical experience of education, fixed in the way of life, traditions and customs of people, folk pedagogy;

– philosophical, social science, pedagogical and psychological works;

– current world and domestic practice of education; data from specially organized pedagogical research; experience of innovative teachers.

At the same time, preschool pedagogy as a science relies on the methodology and categorical apparatus of general pedagogy (Fig. 1) .

At the same time, research in the field of preschool pedagogy is interdisciplinary in nature and occupies a borderline position: at the intersection of the areas of general philosophy of education, pedagogy (history of pedagogy, general and developmental pedagogy), child psychology and educational psychology, developmental anatomy and physiology. For example, philosophy and preschool pedagogy have a number of common problems: comprehensive development and the formation of personality, the formation of a worldview, understanding the essence of the process of education and training, the relationship between the team and the individual, etc. (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1.Preschool pedagogy as a branch of general pedagogy

Preschool pedagogy has its own object and subject of research, different from the object and subject of other sciences listed in Fig. 2. At the same time, preschool pedagogy and all these sciences deal with the problems of the development of preschool children.

As object preschool pedagogy is the child (according to one point of view) or the pedagogical process (on the other).

As subject - accordingly, the transformation of the properties and qualities of those being educated in the process of developing interaction between the educator and children (according to one point of view) or the components of the pedagogical process - goals, objectives, content and forms, methods and means and their originality (according to another).

Rice. 2.The connection of pedagogy with other sciences

As a science, preschool pedagogy has a general, special and private methodology:

general methodology preschool pedagogy - methodological and theoretical basis pedagogical science, representing, in general, a dialectical-materialistic approach to objective reality and the process of teaching and educating a child of preschool age in a family and kindergarten, and a humanistic approach as the ideological philosophical basis of preschool pedagogy and a characteristic of the social and value worldview of teachers;

special methodology pedagogy characterizes stable ideas about the consciousness and psyche of a child of preschool age and the possibilities of pedagogical and educational influence on him, in particular, it includes individual and activity, systemic and integrated approaches;

private methodology preschool pedagogy represents the patterns, principles and methods of studying pedagogical phenomena and processes. For example, this includes taking into account in the process of education the age characteristics of the child and the amplification of his development, the properties of individuality and the development of the creative abilities of children, etc.

Rice. 3. Functions of preschool pedagogy as a science

In accordance with the general, special and private methodologies of preschool pedagogy, its main categories as sciences characterizing the following:

1) the object of pedagogy (personality, individuality);

2) the subject of pedagogy (socialization, education, upbringing, training, development);

Based on them, the following are currently distinguished industries within preschool pedagogy as a science:

– didactics of preschool education;

- theory and methodology of education of preschoolers;

– international standards of pre-school development of the child;

– theory and practice of professional training of specialists in preschool education and upbringing.

Each of them demonstrates its own ways of implementing the functions of preschool pedagogy as a science (Fig. 3) .

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Preschool pedagogy as a science: subject, object, research methods, basic concepts. - Studiopedia

2. Object, subject of preschool pedagogy

3. Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy.

4. Sources of development of preschool pedagogy.

5. Connection of preschool pedagogy with other sciences

6. Methods of preschool pedagogy

1. Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A. Preschool pedagogy. M., 2008

Main content of the answer:

Preschool pedagogy is the science of the upbringing and education of children in the first years of life (from birth to school entry).

Preschool pedagogy studies:

  • The process of education and training, its goals, objectives, content, forms of organization, methods, techniques and means of implementation.
  • The influence of this process on the development of the child, the formation of his personality

The object of pedagogy is those phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society.

The subject of pedagogy is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special institutions (family, educational institutions).

The subject of preschool pedagogy is the process of purposeful development and formation of the personality of a child of preschool age in the conditions of upbringing, training and education.

The tasks of preschool pedagogy are permanent, timeless and temporary.

Permanent timeless tasks preschool pedagogy:

  • Development of theoretical problems of upbringing, training and education of preschool children. The implementation of the task is connected with the study of the patterns of the processes of upbringing, training, education of preschool children, the development of concepts, programs, methods, technologies, new models of the educational process of a preschool educational institution.
  • Study and generalization of practice, experience of pedagogical activity and implementation of research results into practice.
  • Forecasting preschool education. A scientific forecast makes it possible to build a policy and economics in the field of education, improve the educational system, and train preschool specialists.

Temporary Tasks preschool pedagogy:

  • Development of new programs, manuals, guidelines for preschool institutions.
  • Development of tests (to determine the readiness of children for schooling, for pre-school preparation, upbringing, etc.).
  • Making changes to the subject-spatial developing environment of a group room, a section of a preschool institution
  • Studying the effectiveness of the activities of additional education services for preschool children, etc.

Preschool pedagogy operates with pedagogical concepts: upbringing, training, education, pedagogical process, integral development of the personality, childhood.

Education is the transfer of accumulated experience from one generation to another. Specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence on the student in order to form the desired qualities. The process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

Education is a process of purposeful transfer of socio-historical experience; joint activity of a child and an adult, aimed at the assimilation by the child of the meanings of objects of material and spiritual culture and methods of action with them. Education involves the creation of conditions for specially organized forms of work with children and for unregulated children's activities based on programs, methods and technologies that ensure the development of children's abilities.

Holistic development is the humanistic ideal of education, which affirms the integrity of human nature. The internal conditioning of the subject, which determines its uniqueness.

Preschool pedagogy - the science of upbringing, training, education of children in the first years of life (from birth to school entry).

The pedagogical process is a specially organized, developing in time and within a certain educational system, the interaction of the educator and pupils, aimed at achieving the set goal and designed to lead to the transformation of personal qualities and properties of pupils.

Subject-developing environment - a set of natural and social cultural subject means that satisfy the needs of the child's current, immediate and future development. The formation of his creative abilities, providing a variety of activities, has a relaxing effect on the personality of the child.

Amplification of the development of preschoolers - the maximum use of the possibilities of each age for the full mental development of the child, the "enrichment" of the content of child development (A. V. Zaporozhets) with the most significant forms and methods of activity for the child.

Preschool didactics is a branch of general didactics that studies the theoretical justification of the goal preschool education, content, forms of organization, methods and means that ensure the holistic development of the child's personality and prepare him for schooling.

The sources of preschool pedagogy are:

Folk Pedagogy.

Folk pedagogy reflects the culture of the people, their values, ideals, historically established and life-tested traditions of the people in the field of education and training of preschool children. folk wisdom retained the pedagogical advice tested by experience and time in the form of proverbs, sayings, epics, legends, fairy tales, games, toys, songs, nursery rhymes, incantations, etc.

  • Religion

Pedagogy uses the positive core of religious teachings for the benefit of the upbringing and education of preschool children. Biblical commandments reveal the ideals of relationships between people.

In religious books: the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, and others, mankind's ideas about morality and morality are revealed. Christian teaching calls to love and forgive each other, treat people kindly, strive for perfection, and love the Motherland.

  • Progressive ideas of the past and present in domestic and foreign pedagogy.

Pedagogy, analyzing, summarizing, interpreting the pedagogical views of different times, expands its theoretical base and ensures the continuity of the world pedagogical culture. Monuments of world pedagogical culture are carefully preserved.

  • Special experimental studies of the problems of preschool childhood.
  • Excellence in teaching

Pedagogical practice, the experience of upbringing, education of preschool children, which is available in different countries, individual preschool educational institutions, in the individual activities of the teacher, has an invaluable contribution to the science of preschool pedagogy.

  • Data from related sciences

In various sciences, the personality of a person is studied: philosophy, sociology, anatomy, psychology. Mankind has made significant progress in the study of human personality. Discoveries in related sciences determine the study of the problems of preschool pedagogy.

Modern science of preschool pedagogy has various sources of development.

Research methods are the methods by which the study and generalization of pedagogical practice are carried out, independent scientific research is carried out. These include: observation, conversation, questioning, experiment, study of pedagogical documentation, children's work.


The subject of preschool pedagogy

Each science has its own subject of study, studies the aspects of the surrounding world. For example, mathematics investigates quantitative spatial relations, physics and chemistry - the atomic and molecular structure of bodies and their properties, aesthetics - the aesthetic relations of a person and their significance in his development.

The human mind allows us to understand the patterns of the world around us, to move in knowledge from a phenomenon to an essence, to understand internal structure observable objects, phenomena. Scientific knowledge arises that a person uses in practical activities.

The processes of upbringing, education, development and formation of personality are studied by pedagogical science. Pedagogy got its name from the Greek word "paidagogos" ("payd" - "child", "gogos" - "I lead"), which means "child-breeding" or "child-breeding".

Pedagogy is the science of the upbringing and education of a person at different stages of his age development. Pedagogy as a fairly independent science has its own object and subject of study.

A child is born endowed with a biological hereditary development program. It has a certain anatomical and physiological structure characteristic of a person, a number of unconditioned and rapidly developing conditioned reflexes that allow him to live and satisfy organic needs, as well as the needs for movement, communication, and knowledge.

The brain of a child, due to its structure, has unlimited possibilities for understanding the world. However, the hereditary program, biological factors are not sufficient to prepare the child for life in society.

Moral and ethical standards, work skills, traditions, etc. are not inherited.

Upbringing and education is the only way to prepare a child for life in society, among peers and adults, such a life and activity that would bring joy, satisfaction, benefit to both the child and his parents and society. The search for such a system of education and upbringing is the goal of pedagogy.

Upbringing and education do not remain unchanged in various eras. With the change of society, the content of these processes, goals and methods change.

The goals of upbringing and education at each stage of the development of society are specified, new technologies are proposed. In the process of education and upbringing, the child learns certain aspects of the socio-historical experience of mankind, as well as the specific experience of the people around him, their worldview, knowledge, culture, morality, work skills, etc.

Therefore, we are talking about upbringing and education as a historical category.

Upbringing and education began to take shape already in ancient times, when people had a need to support and preserve the human race, to transfer the accumulated life experience. On early stages social development, the older generation passed on certain rituals to children, taught them how to use tools. At that time, education and upbringing were based on imitation and copying adult activities, whose experience formed the main content of this process.

With the complication of human life, the process of upbringing and education becomes more complicated. There are educational and educational institutions, a new type of activity is being formed - organized pedagogical activity. This activity gave rise to the need for people specially trained for its implementation.

Progress in pedagogy would be impossible if it relied only on worldly wisdom, intuition, conjecture. The logic of social development was bound to lead to the formation pedagogical theory.

With the advent of philosophical systems, the process of movement of pedagogical thought from conjectures to scientific knowledge begins.

Pedagogical ideas are already contained in philosophical and political writings Plato(427–347 BC), Aristotle(384–322 BC), in the writings of humanist educators, utopian socialists T. Mora (1478–1535) , Campanella (1568–1639) .

A coherent pedagogical system was created by Jan Amos Comenius. Based on the advanced ideas of his time, he called for "Teach everyone everything." His fundamental work "The Great Didactics" was one of the first works of theoretical pedagogy.

For the development of the theory of preschool pedagogy, his work "Mother's School" is of particular importance. This work is devoted to the upbringing and development of preschool children. Ya. A. Comenius passionately loved children and in this work he pays special attention to the work of parents in preparing children for school, in addition, Ya. A. Comenius reveals the goals and objectives of raising a child from birth to school.

The construction of the scientific foundations of pedagogy was greatly facilitated by J.-J. Rousseau (1771–1858) , I. G. Pestalozzi (1746–1827) , A.

Diesterweg (1790–1866), R. Owen (1771–1858) , A. G. Radishchev (1749–1802) , V. G. Belinsky (1811–1848) , A. I. Herzen (1812–1870) , AND.

G. Chernyshevsky (1828–1889), N. A. Dobrolyubov (1836–1861) .

An outstanding contribution to the development of the theory of pedagogy was made by K. D. Ushinsky(1824–1870), who is called the father of Russian pedagogy.

K. D. Ushinsky in his work “Man as a subject of education” for the first time in Russian pedagogy analyzed the psychological foundations of education and upbringing. It was he who paid the most serious attention to the educational nature of education. An indispensable condition for the selection and normal functioning of any science is the presence in it of its own conceptual apparatus.

Basic pedagogical concepts

Upbringing- a purposeful process of formation in children of high civil, moral-political, psychological and physical qualities, habits of behavior and actions in accordance with social and pedagogical requirements imposed by society.

Education- the process of mastering the system of scientific and cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind. Education is a social phenomenon, as it is an integral part of the life of any society.

Educationcognitive activity, aimed at the assimilation by the child of a certain part of the socio-historical experience of mankind, carried out under the guidance of a specially trained person.

In addition to the basic concepts, pedagogy as a science operates with other terms and concepts that reflect its essence. Among them are the following: content, principles, methods, organization of training and education processes, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education, physical development and formation of the child's personality.

At present, due to the increase in the flow of information, the complexity of educational and learning activities the processes of self-education and self-education are of great importance.

Of particular relevance to pedagogy is such a concept as socialization. Socialization- the development and self-change of a person in the process of assimilation and reproduction of culture, which occurs in the interaction of a person with spontaneous, relatively directed and purposefully created living conditions at all age stages.

The understanding of the social situation of the development of each child is closely connected with the general concept of the socialization of the individual.

The concept of the social situation of a child's development was first introduced by L. S. Vygotsky, who believed that at each age stage of development of children, a peculiar and exclusive for a given age, unique and inimitable relationship develops between the child and the world around him, primarily the social one.

Pedagogy is subdivided into a number of borderline disciplines that have an independent subject of study.

General Pedagogy studies the basic patterns of the process of upbringing and education.

Age Pedagogy explores the patterns of education of a growing person of pre-preschool, preschool, school ages. In the system of age-related pedagogy, a special place is occupied by preschool pedagogy, which currently has great scientific achievements.

In an independent branch of pedagogy stands out adult pedagogy.

Correctional Pedagogy deals with the upbringing and education of children with mental deficiencies, vision, hearing.

This branch of pedagogy is divided into deaf pedagogy– upbringing and education of deaf and dumb children, typhlopedagogy– education of blind and visually impaired children, speech therapy– education and upbringing of children with speech disorders with normal development, oligophrenopedagogy– education and training of mentally retarded children.

social pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy that studies social education, i.e. education of all age groups and social categories people, carried out both in organizations specially created for this, and in organizations for which education is not the main function.

History of Pedagogy studies pedagogical theories, content and methods of education and training in different historical eras.

At present, new branches of pedagogy are actively developing, which are becoming relatively independent - military pedagogy, legal pedagogy, family education pedagogy, medical pedagogy, ethnopedagogy, folk pedagogy.

All these branches of pedagogy receive development of various significance and successfully function in society.

Private methods explore the specifics of the application of general patterns of learning in relation to individual subjects.

In preschool pedagogy, a methodology for conducting classes with children of various age groups is being successfully developed. The main thing in these methods is not to copy the conduct of school lessons, not to deprive children of joy already in the preschool years.

The connection of pedagogy with other sciences

Pedagogy as a science has developed and continues to develop in close connection with other sciences. First of all, pedagogy has developed close ties with philosophy and psychology.

The methodological basis of pedagogical science determines its connection with philosophy. The connection of pedagogy with philosophy largely contributed to the creation of pedagogical concepts and a number of the latest theories of training and education.

In recent decades, pedagogical science has been greatly assisted by sociology, which studies various aspects of social life.

Pedagogy is closely connected with anatomy, physiology, and the doctrine of higher nervous activity. Particularly significant for pedagogy is the theory of I. P. Pavlov about the higher nervous activity of a person, which reveals the natural scientific foundations for the formation and development of the psyche, the consciousness of the child.

Pedagogy is closely related to psychology. These connections are quite diverse.

Pedagogical conclusions, evidence-based recommendations are based on the psychological patterns of child development. Developing issues of technology and methods of raising children, pedagogy as a science necessarily uses data from psychological research on perception, thinking, memory, speech, imagination, feelings, will, etc.

Knowledge of psychology as a science is necessary for everyone preschool worker, as it makes him the most confident in working with children, in the development of the personality of each child.

At one time, K. D. Ushinsky noted that "psychology, in terms of its applicability to pedagogy and its necessity for a teacher, ranks first among all sciences."

Relations between pedagogy and sociology, computer technology, general systems theory, and informatics are currently being developed. Genetics, as a branch of biology, helps to understand the complex problems of the relationship of heredity, environment and upbringing in human development.

Pedagogy is closely connected with the sciences that study a person as an individual. In this regard, the connection between pedagogy and medicine is important. It was this connection that led to the emergence of correctional pedagogy.

Together with medicine, pedagogy develops a system of tools and technologies with the help of which a positive effect is achieved in the education and upbringing of children with certain developmental disabilities.

The connection of pedagogy with the economic sciences, which determine the conditions for the development of the entire education system, is also noticeable.

New opportunities for the development of pedagogy opened up with the advent of a rapidly developing field of knowledge, called the science of management.

Pedagogical science uses materials and data from other sciences to solve the problems of upbringing and education on the basis of strict selection and identification of the limits of their application.

1. What is the subject of pedagogical science?

2. Name the branches of pedagogy. What are they studying general pedagogy, age and correctional pedagogy, history of pedagogy?

3. Expand the relationship of pedagogy with other sciences.


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Pedagogy (Greek paidagogike), the science of educating and educating a person. Reveals the patterns of personality formation in the process of education. Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the laws governing the upbringing of preschool children, including those of early age.






1.1. To characterize preschool pedagogy as a science……..….4

1.2. Reveal the object, subject, goals and objectives of preschool pedagogy ..8




Pedagogy (Greek paidagogike), the science of educating and educating a person. Reveals the patterns of personality formation in the process of education. Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the laws governing the upbringing of preschool children, including those of early age. In the modern system of education, the teacher occupies a key position, therefore, the problem of professional development and competence occupies a priority direction in the structure of his pedagogical training. Society imposes increased requirements on the quality of training of preschool education specialists: they must not only deeply master the system of human sciences, the laws of its physical, moral, mental, mental development, but also learn how to apply this knowledge in practical activities. The problems of education are solved in modern pedagogy on the basis of the philosophical concepts of man, socio-psychological and psycho-physiological research. Like any other science, preschool pedagogy is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality. It has a certain object and subject of study, and also fulfills certain goals and objectives. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to identify preschool pedagogy as a science, to reveal the object, subject, goals and objectives of preschool pedagogy. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: - to consider the basic knowledge of pedagogy as a science and the history of their accumulation and formation; - to study the object and subject of pedagogy; - to get acquainted with the main tasks and goals of pedagogy.


1.1. To characterize preschool pedagogy as a science

Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy aimed at studying the features of designing the education of children before entering school (N.V. Miklyaeva). Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy associated with the development of technology for the education and development of preschoolers in various activities (A. G. Gogoberidze). Preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the essential features of the education of preschool children (N. N. Sazonova). Preschool pedagogy is a pedagogical science that reveals the age-related aspects of raising children from birth to entering school. The science of education, training and development of preschool children.
Preschool pedagogy is among the young in the system of pedagogical sciences. Its occurrence is associated with the name of Ya.A. Comenius. As a science, preschool pedagogy has its own subject, features, tasks, functions, sources, methods, categories. The first educational systems were formed back in antiquity (VI-V centuries BC). Roman, Athenian, Spartan schools are known, differing among themselves in the methods and content of education, as well as its goals. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle spoke of the unity of physical education, personality education and social education. At the same time, he emphasized that "education of the body contributes to the education of the spirit." Another philosopher, Democritus, argued that the process of education and upbringing transforms human nature, forms the desire to comprehend the unknown, a sense of responsibility and duty. He emphasized that education leads to the possession of three treasures: "think well", "speak well", "do well". Philosophers ancient rome also paid great attention to the problem of raising children. Thus, Plutarch spoke of the enormous importance of the education and upbringing of a child in a family. He was an opponent of strict education (he believed that violence should be avoided, cruel punishments towards children) and a supporter of encouraging obedience. At the same time, he emphasized the need for maternal education: "A mother must remain the nurse of her own children." Seneca gave upbringing the role of forming an independent personality, emphasizing the importance of understanding by the younger generation moral foundations. He considered the main method of education to be a conversation with vivid examples from real life. The ancient Roman philosopher Quintillian compared a child to a “precious vessel” that can contain everything good or bad. That is why he believed that the role of education is to develop the positive qualities of human nature. He emphasized the need to combine the upbringing of the child and the natural goodness of the human being. Almost all philosophers of antiquity considered the development of good, positive character traits, law-abidingness, respect for elders, mentors, as well as the suppression of bad inclinations in the emerging personality, as the main task of education. It is these postulates of pedagogical science that have passed the test of time from the era of antiquity to the present day. The history of the formation and development of preschool education in Russia begins with Kievan Rus, where the upbringing of children of all ages was carried out mainly in the family. The purpose of education was to prepare children for work, the fulfillment of basic social roles. The factors of folk pedagogical culture (rhymes, rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, fairy tales, folk games, etc.) acted as the main means of influence. All these means of pedagogy were transmitted orally. In connection with the baptism of Rus', the church occupied a significant place in the upbringing of the younger generation. Such means appeared as the performance of rituals, the memorization of prayers, and so on. In the XI century. In Russia, the first popular schools were opened, in which children from the upper classes were trained. The twelfth century is dated "Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh to his children." Even then in Russia there were literacy masters who taught the children of wealthy parents at home. Religious books were the basis of such education. In the XVI century. book printing appeared - in 1572 the first Russian textbook "ABC" by Ivan Fedorov was published, at about the same time the collection "Domostroy" was published. It outlined the main directions of family education and behavior in family life. Modern preschool pedagogy studies: the process of education and training, its goals, objectives, content, forms of organization, methods, techniques and means of implementation; the influence of this process on the development of the child, the formation of his personality. Preschool pedagogy also performs an applied function - it is engaged in the development of new, more perfect programs and methods of education and training. Being a science, preschool pedagogy is closely connected with the requirements of modern society in the field of education of the younger generation. The predictive role of preschool pedagogy is undoubted, since it studies the trends and prospects for the development of the education system and the organization of upbringing. On the basis of a scientific forecast, new concepts of education are being created, education standards are being developed, the theoretical foundations and technologies for raising children in a family and preschool are being studied, and the features of the educational process in preschool institutions of various types, including alternative ones, are being studied.
Preschool pedagogy is still a branch. The object of science is education at different levels, where knowledge, skills, values ​​and experience of activity are carried out under the development of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative and physical education to meet the educational needs and interests of children. The change in the regulatory framework for preschool education has led to a transformation in the areas of education. In 1989, there was a “Concept of Preschool Education”, where for the first time the directions of education and upbringing of a preschooler were legislatively fixed. The directions assumed physical development, social and personal development, cognitive and speech development and artistic and aesthetic development. In November 2009, the "Federal State Requirements (FGT) for the General Educational Regulations of Preschool Education (OOP DO) No. 665 of November 23, 2009" were introduced. Within the framework of this document, the directions of development were supplemented by educational areas: physical development (physical culture, health, artistic and aesthetic (music, artistic creativity, cognitive and speech (communication, cognition, reading fiction), social and personal (socialization, safety, labor) In June 2013, a document on the "Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education" (FSES DO) was adopted - educational areas were revised where development directions were not identified. Prior to public discussion, four educational areas were identified in the draft FSES DO. In the adopted FSES DO approved five educational areas: physical development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development and artistic and aesthetic development.The subject of preschool pedagogy is the features, characteristics and essence of preschool education.The subject of preschool pedagogy has a psychological and pedagogical character. Features of children's education are focused on mental neoplasms of preschool childhood, which have become guidelines in the Federal State Educational Standard. Until 2009, the effectiveness of preschool education was determined through the development of knowledge, skills and abilities by the child, which were subjected to pedagogical diagnostics. From 2009 to 2013, pedagogical monitoring was introduced to assess the formation of integrative qualities: personal, intellectual and physical. Since 2015, pedagogical diagnostics have been prohibited by the federal state standards of preschool education, but within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, requirements for the results of preschool education are defined, which are considered as targets and are closely related to mental neoplasms by age. This implies openness to the diverse problematic content of reality, i.e., the research activity of a preschooler; it is also creative imagination - the ability to recreate the missing with the help of imagination; orientation to the image of an adult, as the basis of educational cooperation with a younger student; syncretism, i.e., the fusion of emotional and rational components of activity.

1.2. To reveal the object, subject, goals and objectives of preschool pedagogy

The object in preschool pedagogy is a child in the period from birth to 7 years. The subject in preschool pedagogy is the process of education and everything connected with it - patterns, contradictions of relationships, technologies for organizing and implementing the educational process that determine the development of the child's personality: means, content, methods of education and training.The main goal of pedagogy is to contribute in every possible way to the civilized self-realization of each person in life and the development of society on the basis of scientific knowledge of pedagogical reality, the development and implementation of effective measures to improve it.In modern conditions, pedagogy focuses on familiarizing children with universal moral, cultural, educational values: humanism, kindness, love for one's neighbor, honoring mother and father, striving for knowledge, diligence, improving personal qualities, mutual respect in relationships with peers and adults, responsibility discipline, creativity. Proceeding from this, the main tasks of preschool pedagogy are to characterize the moral qualities of a person that can be formed in a child during preschool childhood; substantiate the methods and techniques of educational activities and indicators of its effectiveness. Pedagogy seeks to develop such a technology of the educational process that would ensure the strength and reliability of the formed personality traits in children. In modern conditions, the content of the educational process has become much more complicated. Today, a combination of the educational standard with the variability of programs and teaching aids is allowed. In this regard, the task arises to reveal the possibilities of the creative activity of a teacher, educator in the context of the implementation of various educational programs. The education and upbringing of children in modern society is becoming personality-oriented, i.e. the teacher, the educator must build the pedagogical process based on individual features the child, his cognitive abilities, causing in children a sense of satisfaction and joy from learning. The task of preschool pedagogy is to develop the content and methods of personality-oriented education and upbringing of children in preschool educational institutions, at school, in the family. In modern conditions, there are significant differences in children of the same age in the development of intelligence, abilities, and degree of upbringing. The task of individualization of training sessions and educational activities is the most difficult. The development of abilities in children contributes primarily to creative activity. Preschool upbringing and education has great opportunities for organizing creative activities. Accordingly, the task of preschool pedagogy is to substantiate the types of creative activity of children and the possibilities of organizing it in such a way that when they enter school they do not lose the creative potential that they acquired in kindergarten. In theory and practice, much attention is currently paid to environmental education and upbringing of children, which is becoming an independent component of the pedagogical process. The task of preschool pedagogical science is to develop the content and methods for the development of ecological culture among preschoolers, to ensure the consistency, continuity and systematic nature of this work. The tasks of preschool pedagogy are becoming more complicated in connection with the creation of new preschool educational institutions, such as "kindergarten - college", "kindergarten - school", "kindergarten - school - university". In these institutions, a single educational process is organized, starting from the age of four. In the classroom, children get acquainted with the initial mathematical, linguistic, natural history and other concepts. For this, special textbooks and manuals are being created. Under these conditions, the intellectual, volitional, emotional readiness of the child for systematic educational activities is formed and develops. Preschool pedagogical science, investigating these processes, substantiates new approach to the organization, content and methods of education and upbringing of children, starting from the age of three or four years. The tasks of preschool pedagogy are formulated on the basis of general tasks solved by pedagogical science. The most important task of preschool pedagogy is to substantiate the patterns of upbringing, education and development of the child. Pedagogical patterns create trends and opportunities for the implementation of educational, educational and developmental tasks in various types of activities, contribute to the formation of self-education, self-education and self-development of the child. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process increases if the educator and teacher in their activities rely on the laws of pedagogy, if the technology of education and training they offer corresponds to these laws. The search and justification of pedagogical patterns is based on psychological, biological, philosophical, social factors human development, on the experience of educators, teachers, teachers, parents, as well as on the analysis of the characteristics of the development of children in different conditions. The task of preschool pedagogy is to develop more effective technologies for the implementation of these functions in the activities of the educator.


So, preschool pedagogy is a science that studies the patterns and purposeful practice of teaching and raising a child, introducing human beings to the life of society, the pedagogical process and pedagogical activity associated with this. In other words, a science that provides the study and implementation of pedagogical patterns, the identification of which is the goal and result of the study of its object and subject. How different in terms of goals, content, tasks and technologies, the processes highlighted in italics, they correctly reflect the origin and scope of attention and influence of pedagogy. Origin - because she is the same age as humanity, which, while still being formed, began to think about education about teaching new generations, and for this - about the need to transfer their experience to them and organize their own experience for posterity. Preschool pedagogy as a science performs a variety of tasks and functions. But all are united by the fact that they are aimed primarily at the upbringing and education of a person, playing an important role in the development of modern society, as well as future generations. Each person is obliged to master the basics of pedagogical culture, as a component of the general culture.


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