Social development of preschool children: stages, factors, means. The essence of the process of socialization of preschool children

Elena Efimova
Socialization of children preschool age

Socialization of preschool children

Socialization- this is the process of formation and development of personality, occurring under the influence of educational and learning activities. To educate a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to promote socialization child in his first societies- family and group kindergarten which may contribute socially-psychological adaptation to further life in society and successful interaction with the world around him. The result of early socialization is willingness to continue children to school and free communication with peers and adults. From how the process of early socialization largely depends future life of a person, since during this period approximately 70% of the human personality is formed.

This is a spontaneous path, since the human individual from the first steps builds his individual life in the socio-historical world. It is important that the child not only absorbs the effects of the environment, but is included in acts of behavior common with other people, in which he learns social experience. Mastery social experience is also realized as a purposeful normative process specially organized by society, corresponds to socially- economic structure, ideology, culture and goals of education in a given society.

Among social values, one of the leading places is occupied by the family. Each family is distinguished by individually organized internal relations, way of life, and traditions. The psychological microclimate of the family plays an important role in the upbringing children and reflects, first of all, the moral, ethical and aesthetic nature of family relations.

family composition and interpersonal relationships of its members, the ability to overcome difficulties in the process of the formation of a family way of life, adequately respond to ongoing events, adapt to emerging changes - all this features that create certain type families.

Educational strong family. educational opportunities in these families are close to optimal. Structural and material characteristics of such families are not decisive. In an incomplete or less well-to-do family, serious educational difficulties may arise, but first of all, the atmosphere of the family, the educational position of parents, the nature of their interaction with children, the degree of trust, influence, and control come to the fore.

Educationally sustainable. The family provides generally favorable opportunities for education, despite certain difficulties and conflicts in family interaction, difficulties in choosing means of communication, in maintaining psychological intimacy that are overcome with the help of others social institutions and, above all, schools

Educationally unstable. This type is defined on the basis of the presence of an incorrect pedagogical position of parents (overprotectiveness, authoritarianism, connivance, etc.), which at the same time is closed and corrected. Therefore, the educational potential of such families is quite high, but the results family education require correction, both in relation to parents and in relation to children.

Educationally weak with loss of contact with children and control over them. It's about about families in which the parents different reasons(poor health, excessive workload at work, lack of education, pedagogical culture) are not able to properly educate children. And although conflicts in such families are usually not observed, there is always an actual loss of influence of the family on the child (especially in adolescence). age, control over his interests, plans, pastime, contacts. Because of this, productive interaction with children is minimal, therefore, “the more weakened the influence of the family. the more place in the life of a teenager and his development is occupied by the elements of informal groups.

Other types of families (educational-weak with a constantly conflicting atmosphere; educational-weak with an aggressively negative atmosphere; marginal; with alcohol, sexual demoralization, etc.; criminal; psychologically burdened, the characteristics of which, as well as the level of educational potential, are clearly visible in their names, are also often found in socially- pedagogical reality. Talking about family troubles is both simple and difficult at the same time, because its forms are as diverse as the types and varieties of family unions.

So far, experts have not been able to uncover the psychological mechanisms of the transition of a family from a relatively prosperous to a dysfunctional category.

Process socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout life. socially-personal development is successful under the condition of its continuous implementation, i.e., inclusion in all moments of the educational process.

socially-personal development children occurs favorably provided that their needs for positive emotional contacts with others, in love and support, active knowledge, independent activity by interests, self-affirmation, self-realization and recognition of their achievements by others. It is important to create an emotionally comfortable climate in the group and meaningful student-oriented interaction between the teacher and children, to be able to support the initiative children.

Organizing with preschoolers search situations, the teacher needs to follow a certain algorithm:

1. Interest children problem requiring a decision, emotionally present it, introduce children in a situation: What's happening? What's happened? What is the problem? Why was there a problem?

2. Arouse active empathy for the participants in situations and understanding them difficulties: How did they feel? What is their mood? Have you had this in your life? What feelings did you experience then?

3. Encourage search options and ways to resolve situations: What can happen? How to help? What would you do in the place of one or another participant? Discuss all proposals and find a common solution on how we should proceed and succeed.

4. Enable children into concrete practical action: show care, comfort, express sympathy, help resolve conflict, etc.

And very important: to help experience a sense of satisfaction from a successfully resolved problem, to understand how things have changed emotional condition participants, and rejoice with them. (It's good that we support each other! If we are together, we will solve all our problems)

1. Practical situations humanistic choice.

preschoolers stand before choice: respond to the problems of others children or prefer personal interests and show indifference?

For example, leave the drawing to yourself or include it in a general package to a sick peer; respond to a request for help or ignore it?

Behavior children in situations of choice helps to better understand the features of their socially-moral and emotional development.

2. Practical situations of a problematic nature of the type "How to be, what to do?"

These are various situations of difficulty that we create in order to awaken initiative, independence, ingenuity, responsiveness. children willingness to look for the right solutions.

situations: there are no paints of individual colors, there is not enough plasticine for modeling. Children independently look for solutions, jointly solve problems.

3. Very captivating children situation type"Teach your friend what you can do yourself".

We encourage children to the manifestation of attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation. Children share experiences, help them to enter the role "teachers", i.e., be patient, attentive and indulgent to the mistakes and difficulties of peers.

4. Also children participate in games - imitations: changes in emotional and physical states, imitations of the states of nature, etc.

What needs to be done so that a child entering this world becomes confident, happy, smart, kind and successful, able to communicate with people around him? Teaching a child to communicate takes a lot of patience, love, and a desire to help them navigate the complex world of relationships with peers and adults. So for the child who socialized, corresponding to the standards of change social environment is family, preschool educational institution , entourage. When moving from another social environment, the child is experiencing a crisis of entry into a new social community, the process of adaptation, dissolution in it determined individualization process and ends with integration into social environment. The implementation of gaming techniques in working with children will facilitate the adaptation of kids to new social conditions, will help them adequately perceive themselves and other people, master constructive forms of behavior and the basics of sociability in society.

The social nature of a person determines his dependence on society: according to L.S. Vygotsky, the child is initially social, since he is maximally dependent on the people around him. Acquaintance with the social world occurs from the birth of a child. How consciously and successfully will he learn the necessary social life knowledge, so the child will be adequate in interaction with others.

According to D.I. Feldstein, a child from the moment of birth is in a humanized world, among objects filled with human meaning and having social functions. The child uses the tools and means created in the history of mankind, masters the language as a socially formed tool of thinking, with the help of which he assimilates human experience and communicates with other people. In this context of a person's familiarization with culture, each of his relations to the world participates - sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, thinking - all the organs of his individuality. Moreover, according to the scientist, all these organs - the very possibilities of perceiving the world in colors, music, in words - all this is conquered by a person and mastered by him in constant interaction with other people, in the course of mastering phenomena, objects in the process of transformative activity.

Researchers of preschool age emphasize that the main ways of internalization in the development of a child are associated with the voluntariness of most mental functions at this age, as well as the emotional and sensory components of the child's cognition in the educational process.

The child is considered mainly from the standpoint of mastering the socio-cultural experience, while the adult interacts with the world - hence the main line of development of the child - "not so much the gradual socialization introduced into the child from the outside, but the gradual individualization that arises on the basis of the internal sociality of the child" .

It is necessary to highlight the general points in the characteristics of the personality of the child:

  • The presence of consciousness
  • Personality as a quality level mental development;
  • · social entity and determinism of personality;
  • · arbitrariness (will) in managing oneself in correlation with the objective world and surrounding people.

The child's personality is formed in objective activity, relationships with adults and peers, in communication, through which the child becomes a subject of life.

The formation and mastery of higher mental functions (the essence of the core of the personality), their sociogenesis occurs in the process of the child's interaction with social reality in activity and communication; qualitative age-related neoplasms are indicators personal development.

The socialization of an individual is considered in terms of: "social situation of development", "leading type of activity", "personal neoplasms", "crisis". Moreover, the characteristic of age is considered in the continuum of the entire development: the interdependence and interaction of these parameters in adjacent ages (preceding and subsequent).

In the cultural-historical concept, the mental development of a child appears as "the acquisition of freedom by him, as emancipation from the environment, as the assertion of independence with an increasingly meaningful closeness to an adult, that is, precisely as the development of a personality." . Development is understood as self-development in the course of mastering the child with the help of means own behavior and mental processes, as a continuous process of self-movement, characterized primarily by the incessant emergence and formation of a new one that was not at the previous levels. At the same time, the steps are the essence age periods mental development - act as qualitatively original milestones in the formation of a child's personality.

The structure of a child's personality is considered in the unity of affect and intellect (L.S. Vygotsky, G.G. Kravtsov), in the interaction of mental and personal development (S.L. Rubinshtein, D.I. Feldshtein), volitional and voluntary components (E. O. Smirnova, G.G. Kravtsov) and is represented by the following areas:

  • affective sphere (emotions);
  • intelligence (cognitive sphere);
  • The will that ensures the unity of affect and intellect.

Childhood as a special cultural reality and space for human development, from the point of view of social status excellent in that it is during childhood that the main stage of human socialization falls - the period of laying the basis of personality, the foundations of human culture.

Modern researchers I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, S.A. Kozlova consider the socialization of the child in the trinity of its manifestations:

  • adaptation to the social world;
  • integration and acceptance of the social world as a given;
  • differentiation - the ability and need to change, transform social reality, the social world and individualize in it.

The orientation and achievements of a person carrying out the process of socialization are associated with the acquisition of a new quality at each stage of the development of culture. Such stages and the acquisitions of a person corresponding to them are distinguished as the stage of ontogenesis (development of the subject), personogenesis (the formation of personality) and cultural genesis (the appearance of individuality).

Each stage of the child's socialization is distinguished by its new status in the internal (subject, personality, individuality) and external plans of development (adaptability, integration, individualization). The unity of the internal and external content determines the development strategy - first, life-creation, then social creativity, and, finally, cultural creativity.

The achievements of socialization are connected with the cultural genesis of childhood - the results of mastering the world of culture and the formation of the child's world in the unity of interiorization and exteriorization.

Based on the stages of socialization discussed above, the following meaningful changes in the cultural genesis of childhood are established - adaptation, development, assimilation, appropriation, cultural creation, which are distinguished by a special social situation in the development of the child in interaction with a significant adult (adult world) and children's community (children's world).

Modern literature presents three points of view on socialization and its informational basis:

  • 1. traditional: socialization is seen as a process of adaptation to the outside world, adaptation is the main means and goal of socialization;
  • 2. integration: socialization is interpreted as a set of social processes, thanks to which an individual learns and reproduces, reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow them to function adequately in society (I.S. Kon);
  • 3. individualization: socialization as a process of human development in interaction with environment(A.V. Mudrik).

The process of socialization of the child and his acquaintance with culture occur under the influence of a number of factors that determine the direction, dynamics and nature of acquaintance with social reality. Taking them into account makes it possible to effectively manage the process of education in a preschool educational institution, as well as to predict the trajectories of the child's social development.

In the process of socialization of children, the following features are distinguished:

  • 1. unlike adults, who change their behavior more often than attitudes (i.e., are capable of self-government, individually and socially significant action), children correct their basic value orientations, which are fixed at the level of emotional-value relations in the process of entering into society;
  • 2. Adults are able to evaluate social norms and treat them critically; children learn them as prescribed regulators of behavior;
  • 3. The socialization of children is based on the obedience to adults, the fulfillment certain rules and requirements (without evaluative and reflective processes);
  • 4. The socialization of adults is focused on mastering certain skills (operational-technical sphere), in children the leading role belongs to the motivation of behavior (motivational-need sphere).

This specificity of the socialization of the child requires a special organization of the activities of adults - a comprehensive support for the social development of the child in the process of his upbringing, education and development.

The child's personality can develop normally only in social conditions. The role and influence of the social world on the life and development of the child can be described through a combination of factors that determine the process of socialization of the younger generation.

Factors influencing the process of socialization of the child.

Factor (as opposed to conditions) - an essential circumstance, driving force and reason. A special place among the factors of socialization is occupied by the system of education of the younger generation. Society through institutions has a mass, collective, group and individual impact on each child.

The socialization of the child's personality occurs under the influence of various factors, which is confirmed by numerous studies on social pedagogy, sociology.

By the end of the period of preschool childhood (age six to seven years), the child has the ability and need for social function, he experiences himself as a social individual - a subject social action. The reason for everything is a personal new formation of the crisis of this age - a special internal position: a system of needs associated with a new, socially significant activity - teaching.

Cognition of a preschool child is emotional: everything that happens to him, he captures in his emotional memory. Therefore, the knowledge of social reality begins with direct, emotional-sensory perception. Facts of reality that cause emotional response, form the basis for the accumulation of the first social experience from the first days of a child's birth.

The acquired experience of interaction with the social environment gradually forms the basis of social behavior, social assessments, awareness, understanding, acceptance of the world of people and leads to social development, to socialization.

The preschool educational institution should organize the process of assimilation by preschool children of values, social norms and rules in the unity of the motivational, cognitive and activity-practical component of their life, taking into account age and individual features every child. To achieve this in preschool it is necessary to create a developing environment for a rich and safe life of the child, to form ideas about social reality, an emotional and value attitude towards it, it is also necessary to include the child in a variety of activities and communication and, on the basis of this, contribute to the development creative activity, consolidation of knowledge and formation of personal qualities.

A child, having been born in human society, in the social world, begins to cognize it from what is close, what is accessible, with what he directly comes into contact, that is, with the closest social environment with which he begins to interact. Social upbringing and education should take this factor into account. It is necessary to rely on the fact that before the age of five, the child forms ideas about his environment. His education comes down to self-identification as a member of the family and the development of norms for communication with adults and his comrades. The content of education should be based on example and imitation, including positive and negative patterns of behavior. The main channel of knowledge is organized by the child through the game.

It is important that the educational process fully embrace and use the principle interactions and families for the full implementation of the socialization process at this and subsequent age stage. From the age of five to ten, the knowledge of the child is reduced to the observation of the phenomena of the surrounding world. As a result, clear images of the forms of life and human activity are developed, the realization that a person is responsible for his behavior can combine the performance of several social roles. During this period, the child must learn to observe, ask questions and reason. This type knowledge is not yet systematic, but rather a heap of images that can already be classified into groups of images that differ in structure (structure) and activity (functionality).

The specifics of the process of socialization of preschool children educational institution should implement socio-pedagogical activity as a technology for transferring the social situation of a child's development into a pedagogical, educational, upbringing, teaching, developing one. At the heart of the process social education is to familiarize children with social reality. At the same time, it is important that age-related neoplasms of a preschool child be taken into account, since these criteria are social in nature and their priority development is ensured in the process of socialization.

Socialization is the process of introducing people to the achievements of human civilization, the process of assimilation and reproduction of social experience by people, as a result of which they become civilized, cultured people- personalities, acquiring properties, knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities characteristic of modern man necessary for a normal, cultural life.

A person lives in a constantly changing social environment, experiences all new and diverse influences of this environment, is included in all new types of activities and relationships, is forced to fulfill new social roles for himself. This leads to the fact that the individual acquires new social experience during his life, and also simultaneously reproduces certain social relations, influencing his environment in a certain way.

For normal mental development, a child from the moment of birth must be in constant and continuous interaction with the social environment, and this must be such an environment that can ensure his normal development.

The child acquires social experience in three interrelated ways:

It goes spontaneously, since the child builds his individual life from the very first steps, actively taking root in social relations and appropriating social experience.

mastery of social experience is realized and how purposeful process as normative education, enlightenment.

social experience is formed spontaneously.

modern science revealed the phenomena of a person's innate adaptation to the conditions of the surrounding reality. It is no coincidence that Leo Tolstoy believed that every child knows much more about life than an adult, because he “knows” with his heart and soul. After all, even in the most early periods life when active social activity is not yet possible, and the child is already able to quickly adapt to the conditions of life, to people.

Socialization is the process by which a child learns the behaviors, skills, motives, values, beliefs and norms that are characteristic of his culture, considered necessary and desirable in it.

The purpose of socialization, i.e. personal qualities The social behaviors a child must acquire and the social behaviors he must learn vary from one culture to another, just as do the methods used to socialize a child. For example, American culture values ​​such qualities as independence, self-confidence, high intelligence, respectfulness, popularity, purposefulness and the ability to protect their rights. In Japanese culture, on the contrary, devotion to one's group and community, emotional restraint, complaisance, willingness to work long and hard to achieve a distant goal, courtesy and modesty are valued.

In the general sense, socialization is a process of appropriation, acquisition of the social, i.e. process, the result of which is the inclusion of the social in the structure of personality.

Most often, the process of socialization is understood as a process of adaptation or adaptation. This interpretation is the earliest. It arose during the period of domination of nature-centrism, but remains popular abroad today.

The process of socialization is based on the mechanism of identification, which is necessary condition social development of a person, ensures the appropriation of social norms by a person. The identification mechanism is based on the choice social type, which the person will be guided by when mastering new types of activity, therefore the second group of mechanisms should represent the mechanism of learning.

In the process of socialization, there is a transition from the concrete-personal and emotional attitude, from connection with individuals and attachment to them to fundamental relations and connections, relations and objects of these relations are generalized as development proceeds. According to the degree of generalization, several levels of relations are distinguished, in which the dynamics of personality development in the process of socialization can be traced. This dynamics expresses the essence of the process of socialization, when the transformation of external social meanings into the intimate structures of the personality and which is focused on the initial activity of the personality in the process of socialization.

There is a need to reveal the features and specifics of the process of socialization of a child of preschool age. It is important to identify what factors and mechanisms influence the process of the child's socialization. What makes up the social competence of a preschool child.

characteristic feature studies of the problem of socialization of the individual is to consider it from the standpoint of various sciences: philosophy (E. Durkheim, V.V. Zenkovsky, I. Kant, T. Parsons, etc.), sociology and psychology (I.S. Kon, V.V. Rubtsov, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin and others), pedagogy (S.T. Shatsky, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky and others) by studying this problem V different time were engaged in V.R. Bespalova, P.P. Blonsky, E.A. Radina, P.M. Samorukova and other teachers.

The elements of the social and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the process of socialization of the personality of the child were highlighted at the time by A.V. Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko and others.

A special social phenomenon in historical different stages development of society is revealed in the theoretical and methodological works of psychologists E.A. Arkina, L.B. Elkonina and others. Influence social environment: families, preschool educational institutions, etc. on the development of the personality of the child and the disclosure of the essence and structure of the phenomenon of socialization are covered in the works of V.V. Abramenkova, N.F. Golovanova, I.S. Kona, A.V. Mudrik and others.

In the content of the works of foreign researchers on the problem of socialization (E. Durkheim, C. Cooley, T. Tarde, etc.), it is of interest to analyze education as social institution. The French sociologist E. Durkheim was one of the first to turn close attention on the problem of socialization, emphasized that any society seeks to shape a person in accordance with his universal moral, intellectual and even physical ideals.

Exclusively important place in the social development of the child preschool education. “Of course, a preschooler is not yet able to purposefully educate himself, but attention to himself, a gradual awareness of himself and his abilities will help him learn to be attentive to his physical and mental health. Realizing himself, he will learn to see other people, to understand their feelings, experiences, actions, thoughts. And becoming a schoolboy, he will be able to perceive events, phenomena, facts of social reality more consciously. (S.A. Kozlova)

The task of introducing preschool children to the social world comes to the fore, which means for him “opening ways for the optimal development of the norms of society, and most importantly, expanding his abilities for self-development. (D.I. Feldstein)

It should be noted the provisions of the concept of V.V. Davydova, L.S. Vygotsky, N.N. Poddyakova, A.A. Usova, who note that a preschool child is able to assimilate and understand the system of information about the social world.

In the studies of S.A. Kozlova, V.I. Loginova, E.N. Radina highlights the issues of the formation of certain knowledge about social reality.

Analysis of the domestic psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature allows you to identify different approaches to the problem of introducing the child to the social world. Thus, the subjects of study are the issues of the “social competence” of the child (E.P. Arnautova, N.A. Razganova, etc.), the child’s awareness of himself as a representative of the human race (S.A. Kozlova, O.A. Knyazeva, S. .E. Shukshina and others), children's perception of the world of objects (O.V. Artamonova), the role of play in the formation of the children's environment (A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, A.P. Usova and others. ), about the formation of the communicative function (L.K. Shipitsyna and others).

Thus, philosophy, sociology, pedagogy and psychology understand socialization as the totality of all social processes, thanks to which an individual reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms, values ​​and functions as a full-fledged member of society.

Thanks to the efforts of domestic scientists (L.A. Wenger, A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisina, N.N. Poddyakov, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.), the upbringing, education and development of children in kindergarten is built on a scientific basis and provides a solution to educational problems in the process of socialization of the child's personality.

In general, the analysis of the literature indicates that the prerequisites for solving the problem of ensuring socialization have developed in science: concepts are disclosed, characteristics of agents, factors and institutions of socialization are given, but not all of them are used in practice. educational programs pay attention to the problem of versatile and successful gender socialization of the child's personality in a preschool educational institution.

Child from 3 to 4. At this age, the child distinguishes the gender of the people around him, but continues to associate it with such random signs as clothing and hairstyle. Makes attempts, without the help of adults, to divide roles in games according to the gender of the participants in the game. Boys begin to show initiative, activity, competitiveness. Interests and value orientations and preferences for certain types of activities and behaviors characteristic of boys and girls begin to take shape, the first ideas about the social roles of dad and mom appear) role-playing game"Family". There is an interest in your body.

Adult actions. It is necessary to develop a positive attitude and respect for the child's name, to teach them to be proud of their name. Tell about the origin of the name (who else from the family still had such a name, what does it mean). Together with the child, pronounce it in different ways: affectionately, abbreviated, completely - with a surname and patronymic. Develop models of role-playing, male or female, behavior. Encourage the behavior of children corresponding to their gender identity, if necessary, tactfully correct the manifestation of inappropriate behavior. Show examples of correct gender role behavior. Direct your efforts to form in children the most complete ideas about themselves - about their body, name, age, gender. Develop a child's positive attitude towards himself. In an accessible form to give children knowledge about the common and different in men and women. Height, strength, hairstyle, clothes, demeanor, tone of speech, occupation, differences in physique, first of all, those that are accessible to the child's gaze (there is no need to delve into anatomical features).

Children from 4 to 6 years old . Children develop a relationship between a boy and a girl. Children are able to distribute roles in games according to gender (exceptions are allowed when there are not enough boys for “male” or girls for “female”, this also happens when girls or boys, playing alone, are forced to play both roles) . imitate in gaming activity women's and professional masculine qualities and skills. The girls' games take place in a limited space, the boys master the entire nearby territory - both horizontal and vertical. They begin to be interested in questions about the structure and work of the body. By the age of 5, the expressed interest in the anatomical differences between the sexes disappears. They begin to understand that once they were different, small and will soon change again, grow up and become big, and then adults, i.e. the process of personal time begins. There are questions about the childhood of parents. By the age of 5 or 6, children know their own gender and realize its irreversibility and immutability. The stage of role-playing or sexual games begins. Children play what they saw, while imitating the attitudes of their parents. Hobbies, passionate love may appear, and any adult person from the environment of the child can be the object of love. The separation of children in communication begins: boys are friends only with boys, girls are friends only with girls. Boys are actively (subconsciously) looking for role models.

Adult actions. To develop in boys and girls a respectful and benevolent attitude towards each other, to form right attitude between boys and girls on personal example. Create game situations required to reinforce gender role behavior. Show salient differences professional qualities and skills of people of different professions. Talking with children about the differences between boys and girls, lead them to the idea that the main distinguishing characteristic is behavior. Encourage feminine traits in girls and masculine traits in boys. Talk with children about the structure and work of the body (how a person breathes, hears, sees how he differs from dolls and other toys). Show photos of small children. Talk about how adults differ from children, what children will be like when they grow up. Remember that the contact of the child with the mother, her mother's love. It lays the foundation for a child's benevolent relationship with the outside world, gives him a sense of security and confidence. Answer children's questions related to gender differences, the birth of a child (available according to the age of the child). understand that sexual games children are natural: they serve to satisfy ideas about sex differences and for the correct formation of the sex role. The reaction of parents should be obligatory, but correct, calm and indignation and punishment, a strict ban, are unacceptable.

The period of preschool childhood is the period during which pedagogy, parents must understand the child and help him discover those unique opportunities which are given to him by his sex, if we want to educate men and women, and not sexless creatures who have lost the advantages of their sex.

Julia Berdanova
Socialization of preschool children

Socialization- this is the assimilation by a person of moral norms, morality and rules of behavior in the society that surrounds him. Implemented socialization, through communication and the first person with whom the child begins communication is the mother, then the family is the main "institution socialization".

Socialization of preschoolers is a long and multifaceted process. Depending on the success of adaptation, the child gradually learns to behave in society, gradually takes on a role society.

Factors socialization of the personality of a preschooler:

external factors - determine the form socialization, content and vectors of further development. These include the family, children's team, children's institutions and centers early development.

Internal factors are the individual characteristics of the child that influence the formation of a picture of the world and determine the style of experiencing interpersonal relationships.

Socialization of the personality of preschoolers one of the basic problems in pedagogy, since the success of this process determines the ability of the individual to function fully in society. From success socialization depends harmonious development, assimilation of norms and attitudes.

Peculiarities socialization of preschoolers.

Leading activity and age stage define ways and means socialization of the child's personality. For children up to a year the most important communication within the family. Through family relationships and family values ​​to he receives basic information about the outside world, patterns of behavior are formed.

From a year to 3 years there is a need to communicate with children, in the nursery team. Therefore, it is very important to create conditions for a full-fledged interpersonal communication children, you need to take the child to kindergarten, playgrounds and early development groups children. There, children learn to communicate with other children, learn simple rules coexistence in society, for example, that you need to share, make friends, empathize.

From 3 to 6 years old, knowledge of the world occurs through one's own speech: the child learns to build a dialogue, ask questions and analyze their knowledge.

It is important to remember that in any aged socialization child going through the game. For this, new development methods are being developed in order to present information in an accessible game form that will be interesting and understandable for the child.

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