And family values ​​that. Family values ​​and traditions

What are family values? Certainly not material goods that are stored at home in wardrobe or safe.

Not documents for an apartment, not money, not vintage clothes and not grandmother's jewelry. Although - for whom?

Traditional family values ​​are the framework on which the cohesive essence of a particular family is built.

These are things (qualities, properties, traits, deeds) that are revered and brought to the fore by all members of a large or small family. This is what makes the base of kinship relationships strong and indestructible, like cement.

Without family values, which are honored and protected by all relatives in equal proportions, there can be no real family with a strong “foundation”.

Fighting for common ideals, striving for a common goal, getting joy from the same things and actions, members of a kindred mini-community become closer friend to a friend, they feel like a solid and strong link in the human chain.

The formation of family values ​​begins at a tiny age. A child raised in native family, with mother's milk absorbs the landmarks of a particular circle of people.

He becomes a part of it and, in most cases (sometimes even subconsciously), continues to preach the ideals of fathers and mothers in adulthood.

The best way to teach family values ​​is through examples demonstrated by the parents themselves, demonstrative and sincere, and not school lectures on the topic.

Family values: what are they?

There is no specific hierarchy or list of popular values family life. Every narrow circle genetically related people chooses a separate, individual path for himself.

For some, respect and reverence is more important, for some - a community of interests, for some - and the rituals familiar to them.

Some put love in the first place, others - the ability to forgive, seek compromises and adapt, the so-called "flexibility".

Some people emphasize communication more than others, while others find mutual care and responsibility for each other indispensable.

Core values ​​of family relationships

2. Respect for both elders and younger. At the same time, the fear of punishment is not cultivated in the family. Respect does not mean fear.

3.following the rituals. Family values and traditions are tightly connected, it is very important not to break this thin but strong thread.

Each kindred circle has its own habits: how to celebrate New Year how to see off Maslenitsa, when to decorate the Christmas tree, what cookies to bake on Sundays, what movie to watch on Christmas.

The more unshakable traditions in your family, the stronger the “foundation”.

4. Responsibility. Everyone carries it - in front of everyone. And for their actions, and for the deeds of their children.

5. Forgiveness. No matter what happens or is said in the heat of quarrels, the family is the place where they will always forgive. You can return here at any time, even after cursing and eloquently slamming the door. Here they will understand your motives and forget bad words.

6. Honesty. Family is a place where they won't lie to you. Sometimes sober criticism and undisguised truth sound cruel, but only here they can be received in full. The absence of hypocrisy and lies is the basis of family values.

7. Significance for relatives. Each family member realizes that he plays a serious role in the lives of loved ones. This is not a reason for manipulation, but, on the contrary, an important mission.

8. Generosity. Not only material, but also any other - spiritual, sensual. Generosity for words of approval, for time, for attention, implying the art of sharing and giving.

9. Love. It was not for nothing that we wrote this value as the last item, so that you yourself could guess the importance of its inclusion in the list. Today, many people forget about the need not only to feel, but also to show love towards their relatives.

Actions that speak of your quivering feelings for each other, words of tenderness, manifestations of care, attention to the problems of another and a desire to help - this is what will make your marriage indestructible.

Exploring family values ​​in school

Raising family values ​​- important task modern society.

Not always parents can and want to give guidance to the child, showing their own example, and this becomes the responsibility of teachers.

Schools introduce cool watch"Family values", on which children study the long-established way of family relations.

Students realize the superiority of close spiritual ties over material ones, the importance of such qualities as honesty, respect, generosity, responsibility and the ability to forgive.

After the lesson, the children receive the task - to write an essay “Family Values ​​of a Person”, talking about how they plan to build the foundation of family relationships in the future.

Such a school of family values ​​is very important in a progressive and rapidly changing world, where young people from all sides receive information about the “non-mandatory marriage” and “the ideal of a free, unencumbered life”, stop appreciating their parents and thinking about offspring.

Quite often you can hear the phrase "relatives are not chosen." Saying this, a person implies that there is no connection with relatives, and if it were not for the rules of decency, then there would be no meetings with them at all. But what about family values, traditions, everything that binds several generations into one whole, do they really have no place in the modern world?

What are family values?

We are happy to use the phrase “family values” in conversations, but we can hardly imagine what it is. It is really difficult to give a definition, probably, family values ​​are what is important for a family, that necessary “cement” that unites a group of people with a similar genetic code into a friendly community. It turns out that in every family the main thing is something different: some need trust, while others need prosperity family business. It is obvious that values ​​will be different in these two families. Therefore, to say what family values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be, and even more so to talk about their hierarchy, is an impossible mission, each family has its own view of what is important to it, sets its own priorities. And this is not surprising - we are all different.

For example, relatively recently a form of relationship has been formed in which the main family values ​​are comfort, common interests, respect. This is the so-called family-club, mutual tender feelings here fade into the background or play no role at all. For families that consider love to be the basis, this form of relationship will seem wild, but, nevertheless, they exist. As there are many other forms of family relationships.

That is why there is no ready-made recipe for what values ​​should be cultivated in your family. You can only consider what family values ​​​​are and think about what is right for you and what will be useless.

What are family values?

There are a lot of family values, only the most common of them are listed. For many families, it is important to have freedom, personal space, order, utmost honesty in relationships, and generosity.

The values ​​of family life are something that is respected, appreciated by all family members and is a common field of their interests. The family itself, as a collective element of many unifying factors, is also a value. However, society is developing, and each stage of development has its own type of relationship between close and dear people.

Changes in society leave their mark on the importance and priority of the values ​​of family life. Moreover, modern and traditional family values ​​often conflict with each other.

Traditional family values

Traditional family values ​​are, as a rule, the result of the interaction of society with religious norms, the main purpose of which is the preservation of the family. This form of values ​​is constantly cultivated and introduced into the life of a young couple. previous generations supported by the teachings of the church. The main traditional family values ​​are:

  1. faith;
  2. loyalty;
  3. mutual respect.

According to church traditions, marriage is an indestructible union, the only acceptable form life together men and women, based on the preservation of faith and mutual love, the birth and upbringing of children. Modern society often does not perceive the traditional values ​​of family life properly. The reason for this is the lack of freedom of choice and the possibility of change in personal life. For example, divorce in our time is a fairly common phenomenon, but traditional canons completely reject divorce.

In addition, among our ancestors, much depended on the distribution of roles in the family. The man was the head of the family. It was he who was the breadwinner, made fateful decisions for the family. His authority was undeniable. The woman was given the role of mother and homemaker. She was respected, she was entrusted with the upbringing of children and housekeeping, but there was no talk of any equality between husband and wife. The children were ordered to be absolutely obedient.

IN traditional family was an important unifying factor. Team work. The village family worked together in the field, the families from the cities were engaged in either trade or some kind of craft. According to family traditions professions were inherited: from grandfather to father, from father to son.

Modern family values

Today, few people want to live the way our ancestors lived. The traditional attitude towards a man as a provider and absolute authority is not present in all families. Roles are increasingly distributed equally, and fateful decisions are made at family councils.

The principles of raising children have also changed. Obedience has ceased to be the main virtue - now it is much more important that the baby grows independent personality. And the transfer of a profession by inheritance is a rather rare occurrence, the child himself chooses what he will do in the future.

Modern family values ​​appear as a result of the development of society and its views. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories:

  1. parental values;
  2. children's values.

These categories overlap in many ways, but the second category is unconditional and progressive. Each subsequent generation is trying to adopt the most necessary things from the previous one, adding something new and relevant at the moment to family values.

Of course, such provisions as love and trust, mutual assistance and respect, understanding and kindness remain fundamental family values. modern world. However, under pressure from various external factors conditioned by the problems of society, they gradually fade into the background, giving priority to education, career, and the search for ways to increase income.

The role of family values ​​in family life

Family values ​​and traditions are the basis of a strong and friendly family having a future. They regulate the life of the household, contribute to rapprochement, strengthening mutual respect and understanding in the family. In addition, family values ​​underlie the upbringing of children.

The upbringing of the baby begins with what kind of relationships are built by parents in the family. It turns out that the baby is brought up not only purposefully, but also subconsciously, adopting the habits and tastes, preferences and preferences of the elders.

In the conditions of the family, the child's familiarization with culture begins, and behavior patterns are formed. The family gives a sense of the continuity of generations, belonging to the history of a kind, gives rise to the ideals of patriotism, can reveal the abilities and talents of each of its members. In addition, it is the family that has a huge impact on the development of the personality of the baby.

Raising family values ​​in a child

Parents are the people who give the child the first ideas about how to communicate. Seeing their relationship, the child develops certain rules behavior. So don't belittle personal example: visit grandparents more often, call them in the presence of crumbs. Let his own piggy bank called “how to do it” be filled with similar examples. After all, a little more, and the little one will grow. And it's so nice when he, already such an adult, will not forget about his aged parents.

The formation of family traditions contributes to the education of family values ​​in children.

Family values ​​and traditions are an individual atmosphere at home, consisting of many factors (daily routine, lifestyle, family customs). It is good and cozy where the household finds time to discuss issues of family life. For example, when at evening tea all family members gather at the same table and talk about what happened during the day. interesting events, plan how to spend the next weekend, discuss and analyze the mistakes made. It is important that children (regardless of age) are also given the opportunity to express their opinion.

Traditions should be started already when creating a family, and children should be introduced to family values ​​when they are still very young. And the simpler and more unpretentious the traditions, the better. Family traditions:

  1. gives the baby the opportunity to look at life with optimism;
  2. gives children a reason to be proud of their family;
  3. brings a sense of stability: traditions are observed not because it is necessary, but because family members want it.

An excellent tradition is the organization family holidays. Holidays shouldn't just be about getting ready. holiday table and eating goodies. For a child, a holiday should be unusual and fabulous, so the task of the elders is to make sure that the baby remembers this.

If you decide to establish new traditions in your family, you should follow some rules:

  • Do not shy away from performing a traditional event - a tradition should remain a tradition.
  • The event should be positive, be bright and interesting for the household, and remain in the memory for a long time.
  • Even the smallest members of the family should take part in the traditional event, and not just be onlookers.

But the main thing is that your family traditions are interesting, bring joy to everyone and do not cause discomfort.


Childhood years are the most auspicious time in order to form basic family values. The personality of the baby is maximally open to outside influences, and the deep impressions received in childhood remain with the child for life.

How do you understand? In your home, family values ​​are certain rules and ideals that you live by, trying not to break them. The list of family values ​​can be endless and values ​​are unique for each family, but we will try to single out 10 main ones from them.

Well-defined helps to strengthen the foundation for building a strong and united family. When a relationship lasts long enough, it is not uncommon for them to have weak spots especially when life doesn't go according to plan. Strong and consistent family values ​​play important role in and confidence for every member of the family. Here are the top 10 family values.

1. Affiliation. It is very important to me that every member of the family feel that they are loved, that they belong to someone, and that they are significant. Building a close-knit family means spending every free moment together, having family activities, but keep in mind that everyone is different. Building solids is great, but each person should have the freedom to do what he thinks he enjoys. People become more courageous and risk-averse if they know they have something. safe place where you can go back to when things don't work out. Get together with the whole family, not only for special occasions, but also just spending time together helps to increase the sense of belonging.

2. Flexibility. Despite the orders and foundations already formed in the family, do not forget to be flexible in your decisions sometimes. Reluctance to show a little loyalty can bring a lot. The more flexibility you show in your decision making, the happier your family will be. Imagine if one of the family members always believes that he alone is right - this will not bring much happiness to the family.

3. Respect. It's a little harder to define. Respect each other means taking into account the feelings, thoughts, needs and preferences of others when making decisions. It also means recognizing the involvement of the family as a whole. The only way Earn and keep people's respect - show that you yourself respect them. Respect, as a very important family value, will be shown both at home and at school, at work and in other public places.

4. Honesty. This is the foundation of any relationship. Mother-daughter, husband-wife, sister brother. Without honesty, it will not be possible to create and maintain relationships. Encourage honesty by showing understanding and respect when someone tells you they have done wrong. If we do not do this and get angry when someone confesses his bad deed to us, then next time he will simply hide it in order to avoid disrespect.

5. Forgiveness. who hurt you, Very important choice. Yes, it's a choice. It is not some feeling that accidentally gnaws at you when you feel that the other person has been very "suffered". This can be difficult, as many of us tend to equate forgiveness with *it's okay*. It's not the same. does not promote mutual respect between close relatives. Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes, we all sometimes say things that we shouldn't say, because none of us are perfect. Try to adequately resolve problem situations, reach understanding and move on. Life is too short.

6. Generosity. Giving without thinking "what will I get in return" is important quality for those who want to become a responsible, useful member of society. Through generosity, we are able to empathize and empathize as we try to understand what people want or need. Being generous does not mean simply giving money to those who need it. It is also your time, love, attention and even sometimes your possessions.

7. Curiosity. Children are naturally very curious. If you, even a couple of minutes, then you would clearly see this quality. For some, this curiosity is waning. I think it's important to encourage and push our kids, and even ourselves, to be curious about things. How to spark our curiosity? Ask lots of questions. Read about what you know very little about and don't be afraid to say that you don't know something. Critical thinking is an important skill that can be learned and developed by exploring your own curiosity.

8. Communication. Communication is both an art and a science. is likely to lead to misfortune and misunderstanding. Small problems grow into bigger ones, and when they eventually boil and float to the surface, then they can hardly be solved calmly. Communication is much more than just communication of the mind. In addition to oral speech, communication also extends to tone, volume, facial expressions, eyes, and gestures. I believe that this is the most important value for a family. When people feel they can talk openly about anything — hopes, dreams, fears, successes or failures — without fear of judgment, it is reassuring and empowering. connection between people.

9. Responsibility. We all would like to be considered responsible people. Some of us are, and some of us are not. with experience. As a child, you may have been shown how to clean up your toys after you've played, how to clean your room, and how and when to feed your dog. This sense of responsibility increases in adulthood. An adult who has an inner sense of responsibility does not need to be forced to come to work on time, to respond to phone calls or get the job done on time. Show responsibility in the family in order to instill this quality in each of the family members.

10. Traditions. This is by far the most fun for me. I think tradition is what makes a family unique, brings people together and creates a sense of belonging for everyone. Traditions don't have to be expensive, complicated, or hard work. It can be something as simple as a *lazy Saturday* when you're just having coffee, chatting together, or family festive dinner when the whole family gathers at the same table. If you currently do not have traditions in your family, create them! All traditions originated from some specific person. Why not let your family traditions begin with you? Manifest creativity and have fun.