After the massage, the brother planted his sister. The brother and sister sat silently on the couch in the room, in the dark, and did not dare to leave their hiding place to their parents, with whom a painful explanation was to be

The brother and sister sat silently on the couch in the room, in the dark, and did not dare to come out of their hiding place to their parents, with whom a painful explanation was to come. Volodya hugged his sister Ira, soothingly stroking the girl's back, quivering from a quiet sob. Painfully worried, he recalled those events that led to this terrible day.
* * *

It all started from the day when the older sister, twenty-year-old Tanya, brought Mikhail to the apartment. She announced to her parents that he would be her husband and from that day on, Mikhail would live with her. Parents had no choice but to agree. Until then, Volodya had his own room in his parents' three-room apartment. Small, but own. In the other, in the largest room of the living room, the parents slept, and in the middle room, Tanya and another sister, Ira, slept. But on this day, Volodya's comfort ended. Parents, having rearranged the furniture and bought an additional couch, moved sister Ira to her brother's room, giving her place next to Tanya to Mikhail. Volodya and Ira were twins. They, having lived together for sixteen years in the same apartment and studied for almost ten years in the same class, never became friends. Volodya had his own interests - friends, games, sports, rock, Ira had her own - girlfriends, dances, outfits, stage, gentlemen. And now Volodya had to live in the same cramped room with Ira. And although he had nothing against his sister and treated her well, Volodya was very unhappy with this situation. The only thing that calmed him was that through Ira it would be easier for him to establish contact with her best friend Yulia, with whom Volodya had been secretly in love for almost two years. Already from the first evening that the brother and sister spent together in the room, for the first time they became close in a kindred way, talking almost until midnight. Volodya was pleasantly surprised to learn that Ira is a very interesting companion, sociable, with a good sense of humor. After that, they became not only close relatives, but also friends. But the most important thing that Volodya discovered and that he had not paid attention to before was that his sister is a very beautiful girl. Volodya discovered this on the first morning, when he watched his sister dressing through half-closed eyelids. Ira, thinking that her brother was sleeping, calmly dressed, suspecting nothing. Volodya, opening his eyes, saw how, standing sideways to him in a short nightie to the hips, Ira put on white panties and took off her nightie. It was the first time Volodya had seen an almost naked girl so close. Under the covers, he was already breathtaking from the harmony and beauty of his sister's body. She was only in thin panties, two meters away from him, and he could clearly see her slender chiseled legs, a thin waist over the roundness of her hips and delightful slightly upturned female breasts filled with lead ripeness, which Volodya did not have time to admire, as Ira soon put on a bra. But these flashed two girlish breasts loomed in the consciousness of the young man for a long time. In the lessons at school, Volodya kept looking in the direction of his sister. He had glanced in her direction before, but then he looked only at her friend Yulia, who was sitting next to her. But now he was looking at both of them. Comparing them, Volodya saw that Ira was as beautiful in face as her friend. Volodya was always struck by the beauty of Yulia's face, her laughing brown eyes, dimples on her slightly high cheeks, full sensitive lips-bows, a chiseled chin and naughty, thick shoulder-length chestnut hair. But on this day, he saw that Ira's short, blond, blond hair, like his own, her huge black eyes, slightly snub-nosed nose above her lovely mouth, were no worse than those of her friend. Volodya, knowing that he and Ira are very similar, could consider himself a handsome guy too. Ira and Yulia, noticing Volodya's constant attention, whispered about something and laughed loudly, which caused the teacher's remark. Late in the evening, Volodya and Ira again talked for a long time. Finally they fell silent, wrapped in a veil of sleep. Suddenly, incomprehensible sounds coming through the wall of the older sister's room interrupted their sleep. "What are they doing there?" Volodya asked his sister. "Don't you know what else they can do? Of course they fuck!" Ira replied with a smile. "Couldn't it be quieter?" - Volodya did not calm down. "You can, but they like it better." The sounds from behind the wall got louder and louder.
"Listen, Volodya, let's go and see how they do it," Ira suggested recklessly.
"Yes, you are!" - Volodya began to object: "Suddenly they will see, and the door is probably locked." "Don't be afraid," Ira said resolutely, already getting out of bed: "They don't notice anything around at this moment, and I still have my key from their door." Seeing that Ira would not leave her intentions, Volodya got out of bed and, wearing only shorts, stepped into the corridor after his sister. In the semi-darkness of the corridor, they quietly approached the door of Tanya's room. Ira leaned forward facing the keyhole, and her already too shortened nightgown crawled up, greatly exposing her round buttocks. Volodya stared at his sister's legs completely naked from the hips. But what he saw when Ira, turning her key in the well, silently opened the door, instantly tore his gaze away from her feet. Throwing her hands behind the loose black curls of her head, flexibly wriggling like a big fish caught in fishing nets, the older sister's back moved up and down. Under her spherical wiggling buttocks was the black cock of Mikhail lying on his back under her. Volodya and Ira, straining their eyes in the dark, saw how Misha's cock, accompanied by loud moans of pleasure, entered his partner. From the volume of the screams, it was clear that it was coming to an orgasm. Tanya's back and butt moved even more, their groans and oohs merged into a constant sound of different tonality, reminiscent of the screams of fans on the football field. Tanya's body broke in a strong impulse and she, clinging to the man's chest, thrashed in strong convulsions. As soon as the moans of pleasure began to subside, Ira quietly closed the door and went to her room. Volodya, crushed by what he saw, trudged after her. In the room, brother and sister crawled under their covers. They tried to talk, but the impression that the peeped moment of sexual intercourse made on them was not conducive to conversation. They silently tried to sleep. But there was no sleep. Volodya, tossing and turning in his bed, tried to drive away the picture of Tanya and Misha's orgasm standing in his thoughts, but all attempts to mentally switch were unsuccessful. His thoughts kept coming back to them. He was very aroused and his penis under the soft knitted fabric of his underpants was aroused to an erection and demanded attention, which further aroused the young man's thoughts. Volodya realized that until the excitation razed, he would not be able to fall asleep just like that. He slipped his hand under the covers and ran it under the loose elastic band of his shorts. His palm found a bloodshot cock. Pleasant nervous waves went through his body from his caressing hand, and he immediately felt better. Volodya often had to resort to masturbation lately, but this time he was especially pleased. Fantasizing that instead of Misha he was lying under Tanya, then instead of Tanya there was Yulia, then Ira. After a few sweet moments, he twitched under the covers with his whole body, dousing his palm with abundant hot seed. After that, Volodya immediately felt better. The nerves calmed down, weakness reigned in the whole body, the eyes began to stick together. After wiping his penis and hand on the edge of the sheet, Volodya quickly fell into a dream. Ira that night, too, was not up to sleep. She was extremely excited. Her thoughts switched to what she saw in her older sister's room, then to what happened to her at the end of last summer. It happened two months ago. His name was Yura. They met at a dance in a summer park, where Ira was with her friend Yulia. Yura was three years older than Ira and he had his father's car, in which, after dancing, they rode around the sleeping city in a cheerful company. That evening they agreed with Yura to meet tomorrow. The next day, Ira, smoking imported cigarettes, which Yura treated, sat in the front seat of the Lada rushing along the rain-shiny wet asphalt and enjoyed the music, speed and attention of the handsome Yura sitting next to her at the wheel. Although they were unlucky with the weather and it was raining heavily, Ira still liked everything. Speed, music and a confident young man are what she liked the most. Soon Yura slowed down and slowed down, turned off the road. The car drove into a spacious, bumpy, recently mowed field. Turning off the engine and turning off the music, Yura with the words: "Damned rain! We'll have to have a picnic in the car" - took out a bag from the back seat and began to get out the supplies he had taken with him. There was not much food: a few apples, a bottle of Pepsi Cola, a bar of chocolate, and a small flask. Yura unscrewed the cork and a fragrant strong aroma spread throughout the cabin. "Is this cognac?" Ira guessed. "Not just cognac, but French! I poured it from dad's bar," Yura handed the flask to Ira. Although Ira had already tried cognac more than once in a cafe with girls and she liked this drink, for decency she began to refuse. “You refuse in vain,” Yura assured her: “The less you drink, the more I will have to drink. And I’m driving. If I drink everything, then I can’t vouch for the safety of our precious lives.” After such a weighty argument, Ira had no choice but to take a flask and take a sip from it. Ira did not like to pretend at all and almost always did what she wanted. Cognac burned Ira inside, leaving a pleasant taste in her mouth. Yura also took a sip and broke off a piece of chocolate. After eating, he handed the flask to the girl again. Sitting in the car and listening to music, Yura and Ira passed each other a flask until it was almost empty. Yura, moving closer to Ira, hugged her by the shoulders and, throwing her head on the back of the seat, kissed the girl firmly on the lips. Ira loved to kiss and, as a rule, kissed always and with all those of the guys she liked at least a little. But this time, either from cognac, or from a kiss, she felt very dizzy. She tried to shake herself and, pushing Yura, who was reaching out for her, opened the car door. The flow of fresh air slightly sobered the girl. Ira saw that the rain had already stopped. The fragrant smell of cut grass beckoned to the open air. Ira jumped out of the car and, throwing her hands behind her head, stretched hard. "Yura, how nice! Come out, let's go for a walk" - with these words, Ira threw off her sandals and walked barefoot through the damp grass. Yura, not though, got out of the car, took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his jeans to his knees, and followed the retreating Ira, who was swaying slightly from drunkenness. Ira, seeing that Yura was catching up with her, giggling fervently, began to run away from him. Yura rushed to catch up with her. Running from each other, laughing loudly, Ira and Yura did not notice how the calm before the rain ended. A shower of rain fell from the sky. It was not far from the car, about a hundred meters, but even that was enough that when they ran to the car, they got very wet. At first, Ira was cheerful, but soon it became cold to the point of chills. Yura turned on the engine and warm air went into the cabin. The windows of the car were fogged up from the steam emanating from their wet clothes, but Ira could not get warm. Yura gave the girl to drink the rest of the cognac. The drink warmed a little, but in wet clothes it felt uncomfortable. Yura took off his shirt and, having survived it, began to take off his jeans. “Take off your clothes,” he said to Ira: “As long as the clothes are wet, we will not get warm.” "What a sly one! So I'll undress." “You go to the beach in a bathing suit, but here you are shy,” Yura, who remained in swimming trunks, calmly said. “But it’s true that you should be shy,” said Ira, who did not know how to cunning, and began to unbutton her skirt. She even found this situation amusing. She took off her wet skirt and blouse, leaving only neat white panties and a bra. Yura admired the girl sitting next to him. A childish innocent face with bright big eyes and a young body of Ira, her rounded hips and breasts tightly tied with a bra, filled with heavy elasticity, aroused strong passion in the mind of a young man. He embraced Ira, slightly shivering from the cold, and kissed her again on the lips. Clinging to the warm male chest, Ira felt the warmth returning to her. She immediately became more comfortable and better. She, like a bird, opened her mouth, substituting it for a kiss. Yura kissed masterfully. His experience was immediately felt, not like with the guys of the same age, with whom Ira had to kiss before. Under the hail of his caresses, Ira did not immediately notice how Yura deftly pressed the special levers and the backs of the car seats sank down, bringing them to a lying position. Yura tightly clung to the desired body of the girl, tightly hugging and kissing her. From his caresses, Ira's head began to spin again. She felt so good that it could not be better. It already seemed to her that Yura was the most beloved and best. When Ira felt Yura's quick fingers deftly unfasten the clasp of her bra, and he sprung and slid down, exposing her elastic well-formed breasts, she tried to resist, but the young man was already crushing and kissing her breasts. His kisses and especially gentle nibbling on her strong nipples echoed sharply and pleasantly through her relaxed nerves. Ira felt some new, hitherto unknown state of her body. I wish this game was endless. Ira already had cases when the boys, during kisses in secluded places, managed to unbutton her bra, but she did not allow them further than this. When Yura began to pull off her last robe from her thighs, she made only a feeble attempt to hold them, but she did not succeed. Yura served as a priest. He gently and affectionately stroked the completely naked girl with his slightly rough palms, exciting her erogenous points. And when Ira felt that his fingers were caressing her untouched vagina, a hurricane of desire immediately flared up in her. It seemed to her that there in her vagina is the place that has long yearned for affection, and finally this moment has come. Ira perceived what was happening as if in a dream. She did not think about the consequences and did not feel fear. Cognac and Yura's experienced caresses did their job. The girl did not resist. Yura lowered his swimming trunks, parted her legs and lay down with his body against her, pressing Ira against the wool upholstery of the seat. Yura, not knowing that he was a virgin, did not stand on ceremony with her, confidently found his strong member of the inlet of the vagina and with a sweep entered into it to its full length. From a sharp unexpected pain, Ira shuddered all over. She gritted her teeth and groaned softly. Only at that moment did Ira fully realize what had happened to her. Mentally, she was surprised that this did not horrify her, but only annoyance that everything happened so casually and quickly. Yura, not noticing the state of Ira, made progressive movements, experiencing great pleasure. Ira, realizing that there was nothing to fix and there was no point in blaming Yura and herself, she tried to find out why all this happened. A strong burning pain that did not subside during the movement of the male member inside her vagina drowned out the remnants of the previous excitation. Yura sniffed loudly and worked harder with his hips. Ira, remembering that she knew about this state of the man and what was happening, pushed off with her feet from the front panel of the car and succumbed at the same time upwards. Yura's cock slipped out of her vagina. At that moment, Yura groaned loudly and his cock splashed out a trickle of sperm, pouring over the delicate skin of the girl's inner thigh. When Yura got down from Ira's body, he found that his penis was covered in blood. "You, what's the first time?" Yura asked in surprise. She had given herself too easily to him. “And you, what business!” The dissatisfied Ira answered rudely: “Take me home.” Yura tried to caress the girl, but Ira abruptly pushed him away and, holding back her tears, began to wear her still raw clothes. After that day, Yura tried to meet with Ira again, but she avoided a meeting with him. Ira herself did not want to see, although she often knew that Yura was coming out that Yura was coming out soon that Yura was coming out that Yura was coming out soon L to the institute and left the city.

The next day was Saturday and the school had a day off. The whole family gathered at the dinner table. Eating delicious dumplings, which mother was famous for, the twins looked at each other, eloquently looking sideways at their older sister and Mikhail, appetizingly devouring delicious food. Ira and Volodya all day did not find a place for themselves, waiting for something incomprehensible. Only at night, when the whole family had gone to bed, did they realize that they had been looking forward to it all day. Without undressing, they sat quietly on the couch until familiar sounds were heard from behind the wall. Without saying a word, they silently got up and quietly went out into the corridor. Ira, as noiselessly as yesterday, opened the door with her key and slightly opened it. They are unexpectedly lucky. This time, Tanya and Misha enjoyed love without turning off the lamp, which stood on the nightstand by the bed and in pink through the red fabric of the obozhur perfectly illuminated what was happening. The game was at the very beginning. Misha and Tanya lay in an embrace on the bed completely naked. Their naked bodies shone with pink hues due to the lighting. It was the first time Volodya saw a completely naked woman so close, and this woman was his twenty-year-old sister. He noticed a long time ago that his older sister is very pretty. But now he had the opportunity to admire her enough. Slightly plump legs, plump round buttocks and large heavy breasts in combination with a thin waist, narrow sloping shoulders and a high slender neck captivated the eye with their harmonious femininity. Misha, in comparison with her beauty, with his long legs, thin chest and ribbed sides, seemed a freak. Only his upturned long cock was worthy of attention, especially for Tanya herself. She, embracing with Michael, did not let go of his penis. Tanya, then gently kneaded his ovary, then squeezed his penis at the base, then clasped the movable skin at the head, made her hand sliding up and down movements. With frequent kisses on the chest of a man lying on his back, Tanya went down to face his stomach, then to his penis. Admiring Misha's member, like a child's favorite toy, the girl began to play with him, gently kissing and licking all over his size. After playing with him, Tanya swallowed the red head of the penis sticking up with her mouth and began to suck hard. Misha, spreading his arms and legs, perceived this caress as normal and due, but Volodya and Ira, seeing what their older sister was doing, perceived it more sharply than Misha himself probably did. Brother and sister, with a sinking heart, looked at the revelation played out before them. Volodya's legs trembled with excitement. He quietly knelt down, Ira laid her body on top of him, carefully looking into the crack. She was even more excited than her brother, because she knew more than him in life. Meanwhile, Misha, also excited by Tanya's actions, pulled the girl's body towards him and, laying her on top with a "jack", so that her buttocks were above his head, and her vagina was in front of his face. He, pressing the girl's buttocks to himself with his hands, began to lick the vagina with his tongue. Tanya, continuing to suck his cock, fidgeted with pleasure. So they caressed for several minutes. Volodya and Ira were all waiting for the partners to interrupt this caress and proceed to the act itself. But Tanya and Misha were not going to break away from this lesson and brought the matter to the end in this way. At the moment of orgasm, Tanya jerked her legs and body, and Misha leaned forward, arching into a low acrobatic bridge, loudly groaning with pleasure. Tanya, without letting go of his penis, sucked all the juices into herself, enjoying purring like a kitten. In their room, Volodya and Ira were silent for a long time, experiencing what they saw. They were so excited that they couldn't even talk. Turning off the lights and undressing in the dark, the twins lay down under their covers. Volodya tried to force himself to sleep, but the tensely protruding member returned his thoughts back to his older sister's room. He understood that if he did not again calm his aroused flesh with his hand, he would not fall asleep. Volodya began to masturbate his penis under the covers. Ira was aching in bed from the strongest excitement. She was in such a state that she felt like she was going crazy. Suddenly, Ira heard rustling in her brother's bed. Peering into the darkness, she saw movement under his blanket. She understood what he was doing. And then a crazy thought came to her, from which she immediately tried to get rid of, but this terrible thought did not let her go. And Ira could not stand it. "Volodya" - quietly called Ira. "What?" he asked, stopping moving under the covers. "Lie down to me." "For what?" - Volodya did not understand. "So it is necessary, please!" Volodya pulled on his underpants and, covering the fabric of his underpants bulging over his penis, went to his sister's ottoman. Ira threw back the blanket and moved away, making way for her. As soon as her brother lay down next to him, the girl clung to him, dousing him with her warmth. It was only then that Volodya fully realized what was about to happen. At this thought, he convulsively twitched. In an instant, he remembered how he had admired Ira's dressing the previous morning. He remembered her body, breasts and legs, and completely forgot that Ira is his own sister, that he loves Yulia, that there are parents and a school. Feeling the beautiful young body of the girl in his embrace, feeling tight breasts under her thin nightgown, pressing his penis against her hips, bare because of the upturned nightgown, the young man burned with passionate fire. Volodya felt how Ira, with an impatient movement, lowered his shorts and, clasping his hard trunk with her hand, crawled under him. Volodya, finding himself between her widely spaced legs, pressed his body forward. His cock accurately found the hole in her vagina, tightly entering the slippery flesh. Making progressive movements, the young man was in seventh heaven from pleasure and from the consciousness that he was finally becoming a man. Ira, feeling how her brother's cock enters her, froze in anticipation of pain. But there was no pain, only waves of pleasure came from the place of contact between the male and female organs. Having made only about ten progressive movements, Volodya felt the beginning of an orgasm. The pleasure was joined by annoyance that everything ends so quickly, but this was enough for the extremely excited Ira. She moaned softly, feeling her brother's cock spewing a hot stream of sperm inside her. She also had her first real orgasm. She did not even expect that it would be so pleasant and spicy. Recovering their breath and returning to themselves, the brother and sister realized that they had done something terrible. Volodya felt especially uncomfortable. He considered himself guilty of everything, and the memory of Yulia, with whom he was in love and whom, as he believed, he had now betrayed, completely spoiled his mood. He silently lay down on his couch. Although he was at odds with his conscience, Volodya instantly fell asleep. Ira was also tormented by remorse, but the pleasure that she knew outweighed all her experience. Soon she too was fast asleep.
At school, Volodya could not sit at a school desk in any way. Everything that the teachers told or his best friend Igor, who was sitting next to him, was indifferent to him. His thoughts were focused on yesterday's event. Volodya kept looking at his sister and Yulia. The possibility that Yulia might find out about his yesterday's case frightened him. Volodya firmly decided that this would never happen again. Ira noticed her brother's nervous state, but behaved calmly, as if nothing had happened. At home, until late in the evening, Volodya and Ira, together with their family, sat at the TV in their parents' room. Volodya was afraid of solitude with his sister in their room, but the program ended and everyone began to get ready for bed. In the room, Ira turned on the wall sconce over her ottoman and, climbing on it with her legs, began to read a book. Volodya quickly undressed to his shorts and dived under the covers. He also took out his unfinished book and, turning on his sconce, also began to read. Fifteen minutes later, muffled sounds came from Tanya's room. Brother and sister remained in place, not reacting to familiar sounds. "Volodya, do you want to go look at them?" - for the first time in a day, Ira spoke to her brother. "Don't want!" he answered succinctly, almost rudely. "In vain! And I liked it yesterday." "What did you like?" "That's it! Didn't you like it?" Ira asked kindly. "To me?" - Volodya hesitated: "I liked it." “Why are you puffed up all day long. As if you were offended. After all, yesterday was so cool! I still want to do it,” Ira did not leave her brother alone. Volodya lay silently, not knowing what to answer. He now terribly wanted to repeat yesterday. The thought made his cock stiffen under the covers. But Volodya felt that something was bothering him. Either conscience or fear. Ira felt better. She did not have an object of love. She at that moment only wanted to experience the pleasure of orgasm, which she learned yesterday. Ira is emboldened. She untied the sash of her bathrobe and flung it open to take it off. Volodya even closed his eyes in surprise. Ira is completely naked, with a pink blush on her cheeks, with a sparkling sparkle in her eyes, high magnificent breasts, a dark neat triangle of pubic hair over long slender legs, she was fresh, beautiful and extremely sexy. Volodya immediately forgot about his love for Yulia. Only Ira and her body, the only thing that occupied his mind. He threw back the covers and sat on the edge of the couch. The fabric of his shorts showed off his hard cock. Ira, slowly shaking her beautiful hips, came up to him and, gently hugging him by the neck, sat down on his knees. Volodya, embracing her by the waist, feeling the delightful female heaviness, still could not stop admiring the beauty of the young naked body of the girl. It seemed to him that he was holding in his hands a wonderful precious sculpture of a great master made of fragile porcelain. The young man moved his hand along the smooth velvet leg up to the thigh, then gently touched her round chest, enjoying her heavy elasticity. Squeezing her breasts tighter, Volodya kissed his sister's half-open mouth. Ira in response began to bite his lips a little. Her hand pulled the elastic of his underpants and, diving under their fabric, found his hard cock. The cold of a woman's hand sweetly burned his cock, responding with a strong explosion of excitement. He half stood up, marveling at the lightness of her body and his strength from nowhere. He carefully laid his sister down on his couch. The thought that now he would merge together in pleasure with this beautiful girl, that her slender legs, round soft buttocks, divine breasts, juicy bright lips, calling blue eyes now at his complete disposal, seemed to him fabulous, incredible. Quickly, so that this fairy tale would not disappear, Volodya pulled off his underpants and, pushing the girl's legs apart with his knee, lay down on her, clinging to her hot body. Ira saw her brother's naked member for the first time. His male organ, despite Volodya's youth and frail teenage body, was quite developed and was not inferior in size to the penis of twenty-year-old Yura. Ira did not have enough time to see enough of this object, as she saw it only for a moment. Within a second, she felt the member rested against her crotch. Extremely excited Ira spread her legs wider, bent them at the knees and lifted them up. Putting her hand under her buttocks, she found her brother's wandering cock and accurately directed it into her thirsty vagina. Their act was longer than the first time and they enjoyed not only the orgasm, but the action itself. This time, Ira, fearing pregnancy, at the last moment before Volodya's orgasm, pushed off, pulled his cock out of her vagina. Volodya splashed out a strong stream of his sperm on his sister's stomach. Rubbing the sticky puddle of her brother's sperm protein over her stomach with her palm, Ira, from acute pleasure, strongly vibrated her whole body and groaned loudly. Volodya, who had not woken up much after an orgasm, remembering how well such sounds were heard from his older sister's room, muffled the girl's moans, gently covering her moaning mouth with his palm. Having rested a little and turned into themselves, Ira and Volodya were grateful to each other. Volodya was no longer tormented by doubts and he was ready to continue this game indefinitely. As soon as he hugged his sister's captivating body again, his cock hardened again. This time, Ira, slowly, took a good look at this male organ of interest to her, having played enough of it with her fingers. She liked his strength and the gliding mobility under his soft skin. From this game, Volodya was very excited and, remembering the peeped lessons of his older sister, having already had his first experience, he leaned back, exposing his body for caress. Ira also remembered these lessons and, deftly throwing her leg over her brother's body, sat down on him, feeling his firm "candle" between her legs. Slightly rising, Ira helped her hand to enter a member of the vagina. She, like her older sister, having saddled the young man, began to rise and fall, feeling how this member, moving, caresses the walls of the vagina. For more pleasure, Ira began to gracefully wag her round buttocks. Volodya, seeing the moving naked body of a girl in front of him, into which his penis was entering and leaving before his eyes, squeezed her hips with his hands and began to arch forward, making oncoming movements. At the moment of orgasm, Ira again pushed off his chest and his penis again jumped out of her vagina, but this time pouring sperm over Volodya's stomach. The drops of semen on his stomach were significantly smaller than the previous flow. Ira again very loudly groaning, fell with her stomach on the sticky stomach of her brother and again began to beat in voluptuous convulsions. That night, Volodya and Ira tasted all the joys of intimate life in full force. They could not get enough of their passion, and it already seemed that more and more they had neither the strength nor the desire, but after resting for only a few minutes, the brother and sister intertwined in a hot embrace with a new attraction.

Incest has always been considered one of the most serious sins. Nevertheless, since the time of King Oedipus, who was not well framed by Providence, manifestations of unrelated love of close relatives for each other are quite common.

The other day, Germany was excited by an out of the ordinary event: it became known that a brother and sister from Saxony had three children.

Susan, 20, sits in her two-room apartment in Borna and cries incessantly. Her three children were taken away from her and given to other families. Her brother-husband is in jail for breaking window glass. “I miss him so much,” the girl says, “in recent years, we have not spent a single night without each other.”

After a 30-day sentence for hooliganism, 27-year-old Patrick will not remain free for long. He faces 10 months in prison for conceiving his daughter Sarah from his own sister. The punishment may not pass and the mother of three children. When the last child was conceived, she was already over 18 years old. Prosecutor Axel Wahl says the girl faces a maximum sentence of two years in prison.

Susan's two children are mentally retarded. The three-year-old boy can neither walk nor speak yet. Whether the same fate will befall a three-month-old girl, time will tell.

"There is no natural instinct that would lead to incest," says Swiss psychoanalyst Alice Miller. "Normal brother-sister love doesn't lead to incest. Healthy people don't need it," says 46-year-old Ulrika Dirkes. She herself was born as a result of incest and currently heads the MELINA organization, which brings together children born as a result of family ties. "My father is also my grandfather and my mother is my sister. It is an unnatural life form," says Ulrika.

The German public is wondering: how did it even become possible that after the birth of their first child, a brother and sister got two more?

Thomas Pfeiffer, head of child and youth services, says: "We facilitated the prosecution when we found out that the child's father was the mother's brother. However, we could not prevent this relationship. We could not stand between them."

Incest expert Ulrika Dirkes: "Officers are helpless in this case. The problem is not solved only by sending children to foster families." A couple from Saxony hardly imagined that their children could be born disabled. Thank God Susan and Patrick don't want a fourth child. However, it is not at all out of prudence. Susan says, "They'll take it from us too."

- Listen, - said Kostya, my friend, sipping an amber drink from a bottle, - How old is your sister?

- 13 and a half like: What?

- No, it’s just that, as I see it, she has already turned into a real girl. A year ago there was a girl a girl, and today I saw her: She is a real beauty already.

“Yes, you’re right – it will grow, you will have to drive away the crowds from it,” I answered calmly. But the friend continued:

“But I think she’s grown up quite a bit.” Haven't they followed her yet?

Well, I haven't noticed yet. Yes, and my sister is a home girl, she doesn’t go out anywhere.

“Listen, friend, don’t be offended that I’m talking about your sister like that, but now she’s got a figure - hurt yourself.” And the breasts have grown quite well. In my opinion, she is already quite mature.

- Yes, I agree with you, it has already formed nothing like this:

For a couple of minutes we just drank beer and were silent. But then the friend started talking about my sister again.

- Listen, you are her brother, you live with her all the time and all that: Have you seen her naked? Kostya startled me with his question.

— Emm: How should I say: Actually, I saw:

- Recently?

Yes, literally last week.

- And under what circumstances?

- Nuuuuu: I spy on her when she washes in the bathroom, - it’s not clear why I answered completely embarrassed.

— Ooooh! - my friend admired, - And how is she without clothes?

“She is very beautiful,” I replied, hoping to end our conversation on this, but Kostya did not calm down in any way. He finished his bottle in one gulp, looked at me with an admiring burning look and asked:

- A: does she already have hairs: on her pubis?

“Yes, there are already a few,” I answered honestly again. On the one hand, talking with a friend about the intimate details of his own sister was somehow wrong, but on the other hand, these memories stirred up something strange in me, some kind of perverted excitement that I experienced when I leaned against the crack of the keyhole of the bathroom door, where My young sister bathed without suspecting anything.

- Wow! squealed Kostya, “What do you think, is she already: jerking off?”

- How should I know?! - I was finally indignant, - What kind of strange questions? She's not my girlfriend, she's my sister!

- No, you know: I, for example, do not have a sister: Yes, and there are no brothers either, but this is irrelevant. I just don't understand all this brotherhood. If I had such a miracle at home as yours, I would not have been able to stand it for a long time and tried to seduce her: to seduce:

"That's exactly what you don't understand!" - I snapped, - A sister is a sister, she is my closest relative, and incest is disgusting and terrible, read books.

"Then why are you spying on her?" Kostya asked with a smirk of a real demon-tempter.

- Nuu: She's very beautiful! And admiring beauty has nothing to do with incest. I'm not going to: fuck her, - I answered, and my treacherous imagination immediately drew me a picture of my sister lying with her legs wide apart and me slowly entering her heated vagina.

- Hmm: I would also love to spy on her: And not only: How I envy you! - ended his speech with this friend and uncorked another bottle, - And yet, - he began again, - Isn't it a shame? You lived with her all your life, watched her grow, enjoyed her beauty, saw how every day she turns more and more from a child into a real girl: And then someone completely alien will come - and take her to him, undress, excite and fuck your beauty.

— Ha! Let someone try to fuck her! I'll break his nose right away, if not worse:

- And why? Out of jealousy?

“No, no, it’s just that a sister is supposed to be protected.

- Well, maybe she wanted it herself, but she probably already wants it:

- Doesn't matter. The first person who wants to fuck my sister should save money for plastic surgery.

“But if I, for example, want to have sex with her, will you let me?”

- Of course not! I blurted out angrily.

- Do you know why? Kostya asked with the same smirk.

- Well, why not? I reacted angrily.

- Yes, because you will be envious! Yes, enviable! Because peeping you clearly know that the maximum you can do is enjoy the beauty of your sister. And that is in secret.

— What are you implying?

- That I can achieve much more than you have ever allowed yourself to dream!

“Well, what do you mean by that?”

- That it's time for you to stop peeping and reading stupid books about "disgusting and terrible" incest, and start acting and try your sister first and not suffer all your life later that some freak deprived her of her virginity.

“No, you still don’t understand our relationship with her.

“Tell me honestly, did you jerk off to her?”

“Well, yes,” I admitted.

- You see, it means that she excites you after all. Do you want to touch her breasts, touch her between her legs?

Yes, of course I want to: But still, she is my sister.

“No, I still don’t understand these brothers and sisters,” Kostya spread his hands.

- Well, let's say: She doesn't want to in life!

- And have you tried? No. Maybe she sleeps and sees, she can't wait until you finally fuck her!

- Well, I don't think so...

"Come on, let's go and check it out!" Don't be afraid, I won't do anything, I just want to take another look at your little sister.

- Come on, let's go.

Our parents with Natasha, as always on weekends in the last three months, went to a recently acquired summer cottage to equip it.

Therefore, my sister was at home completely alone when my friend and I, extremely determined, collapsed home.

Natasha ran out to meet us in her traditional summer clothes - a loose pink blouse that did not reach the navel and short knitted sports shorts. Moreover, her already quite good size, rounded and apple-hard breasts under her blouse were free from all kinds of bras and bounced slightly with every step she took.

— Oh, what guests! - my sister was delighted, clinging to me with her whole body and smacking her cheek cheerfully, - Otherwise I'm so bored here alone: ​​Besides, I was going to take a shower, but I saw that you forgot your keys and decided to stay to wait for your return, but since you're already here - I'm gone! she chirped cheerfully, and briskly jumped down the corridor to her room for a change of linen and her favorite towel. On the way, she turned around and threw in our direction: - I'll instantly, don't be bored, I'll wash and feed you - after all, my mother left me for the hostess! and disappeared into the room. My friend and I looked at each other meaningfully, and during this time my sister managed to sneak into the bathroom, locked herself in there and turned on the water.

“Listen,” the friend began, but I understood everything and said so:

“Let’s go, just quickly and quietly.”

We kicked off our sneakers and quietly, in our socks, approached the bathroom door. I looked through the keyhole first. To be fair, the location of the bathroom was just perfect for peeking - right across from the crack. I saw how my sister quickly took off all her clothes, tried the water with her hand and climbed into the bath - stood in the shower facing right to the door, closed her eyes blissfully, began to rub her long brown hair with her hands - thus giving all her fresh, young, virgin body to my eyes. I hardly looked up from the magnificent picture, and waved to Kostya, who impatiently took my place. Literally, his jaw just dropped to the floor.

- Well, how are you? I asked in a whisper.

Look, I literally don't know what to say. Unless - how are you still holding back?? I wouldn't have been able to stand it for a long time and: ahem: her. She is a miracle!

- Quiet you! I threatened, “Otherwise our miracle will hear you!” And in general - I looked and that's enough from you, there's nothing to look at my sister like that, you'll still rape her, - I said and pushed Kostya aside and crouched as before on the crack.

My sister just started to soap up - with her hands full of foam, she crawled all over her body and incredibly erotically stroked her still small, but already absolutely correct and incredibly beautiful breasts.

Well, what is she doing there? - exhausted my friend, - Has it already reached: doooo: the same one?

“Yes,” I answered, when the sister, spreading her legs and bending over, began to thoroughly soap between her legs. Her hand scurried back and forth for a long time, even longer than necessary. It seems that this brought Natasha a very pleasant feeling, “Look,” I chimed in, and Kostya immediately took my place.

— Ooooh! - quietly almost groaned a friend - Yes, she masturbates!

I quickly pushed it away again and began to look. The sister was still gently rubbing herself between her legs, while on her face an expression of some completely unearthly bliss was clearly manifested. A minute later, her head was thrown high up, her mouth opened wide and she most likely let out a moan, which we did not hear only thanks to the noise of pouring water.

For the first time in my life, seeing my sister's orgasm, I crawled away under the incredible impression of the door, next to which Kostya immediately froze. The expression of absolute happiness and pleasure on my sister's face never left my mind. It is very strange that my sister had never masturbated in the bathroom before and started today.

- She finishes! his friend whispered, and then the noise of fashion stopped. We quickly got to our feet and retreated to my room, where I immediately turned on some kind of music video, of which I had a huge amount pumped up. Naturally, we could not think of anything else but my sister, who had just shown us all her beauty, all her charms. In addition, she was about to leave the bathroom, and we had to somehow calm down so as not to look unnatural.

Literally a minute later, it’s not clear why Natasha flew into our room more heated - from a shower or masturbation, in a T-shirt similar to the previous one and with a huge terry towel on her head.

“Well, I hope you didn’t get bored here without me?” my little sister cooed fervently and sat down on the sofa right behind us. We unanimously turned our faces to her and answered in the same unanimous way:

— Nooo!

The sister was amused. She laughed and collapsed onto the couch, kicking her legs in the air.

“Oh, you did it so funny,” my sister explained, laughing, “Well, I’ll go get something tasty,” she reassured us, and rushed off somewhere towards the kitchen. My friend and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I thought my heart would break when she came in,” my friend admitted to me, “Well, what are your plans?”

- What are your plans? I asked stupidly.

“Well, how are you going to seduce her?”

- Oh, you saw her, she is only physically already developed, but in her mind she is still a child:

- Well, we saw in the bathroom what a child she is!

The picture of my little sister having an orgasm flashed through my mind again. I shook my head to get rid of the vision.

“I think we need to somehow liberate her first,” Kostya said thoughtfully, raising his index finger with the air of a teacher.

- And how do you imagine this?

“Well, maybe we should let her know that we saw her in the bathroom?”

- Are you crazy? She will kill us for this! You just don't know my sister. And what does “we saw” mean anyway?

- Well, if you seduce her, why won't you let me, your best friend, do it to her too?

- Something I don’t see any connection: Eh, I shouldn’t have let you see her naked:

- What's done is done, you better think about what you will do now.

At that moment, the sister returned with a huge tray of all kinds of fruit. She put it all on the table next to us, and herself, with a sense of accomplishment, collapsed onto the sofa with an apple.

- And what are you doing? Natasha asked.

“Yes, we are watching clips,” I replied, timidly looking at the perfect body of my little sister.

“Heh, not interested,” she replied, crunching an apple.

— What would you like to do? Kostya asked her.

- Well, can we play something? sister suggested.

“And where did you see grown sixteen-year-old men playing games with a little thirteen-year-old girl?” I said without thinking.

- Oh-oh-oh, "sixteen-year-old men"! - my sister began to mock me, - Yes, and I'm almost 14!

“Oh, you little scoundrel! — mockingly I said, jumping on the sofa next to her, began to fight with her, not really, of course. All I did was not let her get up from the sofa, and she tried to pinch me harder with her tenacious fingers and jump up. We must pay tribute, in this "fight" I absolutely without hesitation pressed her with my hands lying on her breasts to the sofa. Realizing this, I kind of accidentally moved my palms so that my thumbs lay exactly on her hard papillae. I moved my fingers slightly, massaging my sister's nipples in this way, and let her go.

My sister immediately sat down, all disheveled and cheerful, and painfully pinched my nipple. In response to this, I sharply extended my hand to her nipple, but she covered them with her palms with a squeal, and then I, changing the flight path of my hand, landed right between her legs and pinched my sister through the thin fabric of panties and shorts by the genital lip.

Natasha squealed even harder, trying to cover not only her nipples, but also her genitals, and said offendedly:

- This is unfair! It hurts too much! I missed you there

"Okay, sorry," I said, catching my friend's approving glance.

- Well, you won't mock adults anymore? I asked.

- No, I will not. Over adults - I will not! Natasha answered with a smirk.

- Come on! - Kostya intervened, - I know what we will play. Let's play cards. Whoever wins chooses one of the losers and, at his request, either asks him a question, which he must answer honestly, or gives him a task - which he must complete.

- Oh, I know this game! - the sister cheerfully agreed, - We played it with the girls from my class during the camping trip.

- Well, then draw the cards! - I said, and Natasha rushed off in search of them, - What are you thinking? I asked a friend.

- Well, let's see what happens.

Natasha flew into the room, holding an old pack of playing cards in her hand.

We all sat down on the sofa - me and Kostya on the edge, my sister, with our legs folded in Turkish, in the depth between us - so that a kind of triangle formed, shuffled the cards and distributed them to us.

For the first time lucky, if not strange, it was Natasha. She stared at me with a victorious look and asked:

Question or order?

"Question," I chose.

Hehe: Have you ever stolen anything?

“Yes,” I admitted.

“This is the second question,” I broke off my sister, and she, offended, shuffled the cards and again distributed them to us.

This time I got lucky. I looked at my sister for a long time, then at my friend, as if choosing whom to ask, and naturally asked my sister a question:

Truth or order?

- Ummm: Order! answered my sister, as if she had succeeded in deceiving me.

- Stand near the wall on your head and stand like that for a whole minute, not looking at anything and not moving.

My little sister had no choice but to perform. She walked up to the wall, leaned on her hands and rolled over abruptly, leaning her heels against the wall. Her light short T-shirt immediately fell down, exposing her beautiful breasts. But the sister stood for the prescribed 60 seconds without moving, only her face turned red, either from shame, or from blood rushing to her head.

At the end of the time, she rolled over, straightened her T-shirt and sat down to play with us further. And this time I was lucky too.

I again pretended as if I was going to ask Kostya, but at the last second I turned to Natasha and said:

Truth or order?

- Is it true! - answered the sister, taught by bitter experience this time.

- Well, hold on! Have you ever jerked off? And if so, when was the last time?

The sister was clearly at a loss from this question, but there was nothing to do, she had to answer, and answer truthfully.

- Those are two questions! She tried to answer, but I cut her off.

- And here it is not. Because if the answer to the first is negative, you can not answer the second, and if it is positive, you can only answer the second! I led her into a dead end with my thoughts.

- Nuuu: Okay, I’ll answer: - Natasha lowered her eyes, blushed again and answered, - Today in the bathroom, - and immediately covered her burning face with her hands and laughed.

- Well, let's continue? I asked and dealt the cards.

Tellingly, Natasha won again.

“Well, truth or order?” my sister asked me slyly.

- Um: Order.

- Well then: Stand here, - the sister pointed to a chair, - Take off your pants and underpants and shout "crow" three times!

Horrified by my sister's perverted order, I began to carry it out. I stood up on a chair and pulled off my pants. My penis was like a stone. I hesitated for a second and dropped my shorts too. My sister's eyes literally widened at the sight of my fully combat-ready dignity. I quickly crowed the prescribed three times, pulled back all the clothes, and sat down in my place.

The sister dealt the cards again, and this time Kostya finally won. He wasted no time asking Natasha the question required by the rules, and she answered "Order".

“Then listen to my command. I order you: Take off your shirt. For good.

“Well, you already saw everything,” the sister answered, and pulled off her T-shirt. But immediately throwing her lush and long hair to the front, she completely covered her breasts with them.

On the next round of our game, Kostya was lucky again. But he did not ask Natasha. He asked me. And having received the answer "Truth", he asked:

- Have you ever fucked a girl, and if so, who, if not, who would you like?

At this question, my sister just burst into laughter.

- No, I didn't. Whom I would like: I thoughtfully looked at my sister, who did not notice this, and did not dare to answer completely honestly. Instead, I said, "Natasha, from our class."

However, when she heard her name, the sister started up for a second, but quickly calmed down after listening to the end of my answer.

- And I'll tell Natashka that you want her! Sister remarked slyly.

- And I'll tell my mother that you masturbate in the bathroom! I retorted, and I think I hit the bull's-eye.

“Okay, let’s keep each other’s secrets,” whispered her sister conspiratorially.

And the next time Kostya won. He turned to my sister with a question.

- Is it true!

- And you, have you ever given yourself to a boy, and if so, to whom, if not, to whom would you like to give yourself?

- No. And I would like: Sasha, - she said my name, but then added with a mocking smile, - From my class.

We silently continued the game. I won. The sister, having chosen the “order”, began to wait, what would I tell her to do.

- I order you to dance in front of us striptease, with full undressing.

Tellingly, my sister didn't even object. She went to the computer, turned on slow music, threw back her hair, thus exposing her breasts, and began to wriggle smoothly in the dance. She turned away from us, and slowly, without stopping dancing, pulled off her shorts. After a while, she again turned to face us and very, very slowly began to pull off her panties. Having done this and remained completely naked, she immediately covered her slit with her palm.

- All! she said and bowed as she pulled her panties back on. We applauded, and the sister climbed into her seat without wearing shorts. Only she sat down this time in Japanese, clenching her knees close.

Our game continues. Kostya became the next winner, and having received an “order” in response, he said:

“Put your hand under your panties, stick your finger inside, pull it out and lick it!”

Me: I'm afraid I'm a virgin.

- Well, quite a bit! Kostya demanded.

Natasha got on her knees, spreading her legs, pulled the elastic band with one hand, and put the other under her panties. We saw how one finger moved a little further and, reaching the entrance to the vagina, the sister pressed it a little, introducing it literally a centimeter inside. She quickly took it out and plunged it into her mouth.

- Shall we continue? Kostya asked with satisfaction.

And we continued. Tellingly, he won again. And he asked me again.

“Order,” I answered proudly.

- Then: Then-then-then: Get under your sister's panties and caress her clit for exactly one minute! Kostya blurted out grief with his eyes.

- This is unfair! My sister was indignant, but she turned to me, spread her legs wide and, turning shyly to the side, said, “Na.”

I couldn't believe my luck. With trembling hands, I touched the panties, took them aside and put my finger on the clitoris of my sister's meekly waiting for affection. I gently began to wiggle my finger. It seems that only a second has passed, and Kostya has already proclaimed: “That's it, the minute has passed!”. At that moment, I was ready to kill him.

We did not continue to play. Having thrown the cards, we began to ask each other questions in a circle.

Now I'm asking! - said the sister, - Sasha, Truth or Order?

- Is it true.

- When you said about Natasha from your class: Did you honestly mean her?

“No,” I answered honestly.

“So you lied, and I can ask you again,” my sister said calmly, “Truth or Order?”

- Is it true.

- Who do you most often imagine when you masturbate? the sister blurted out.

“You,” I answered honestly, and immediately asked:

"Truth or Order?"

- Is it true.

- When you said about Sasha from your class, did you honestly mean him?

- So you lied:

Yes, ask me again!

Truth or order?

- Order!

- Take off your panties and let me: - I caught the pleading look of a friend, - Me and Kostya kiss you there.

Natasha obediently and impatiently threw off her last piece of clothing and lay down, leaving herself at our complete disposal.

I was the first to touch her incredibly fresh bud with my lips. I licked her clitoris for a long time, passionately kissed her lips and even slightly inserted my tongue into her. With great difficulty, I tore myself away from my sister's fragrant intimate place and allowed Kostya to do the same. Natasha melted in pleasure and breathed passionately. But now Kostya also broke away from my sister and immediately asked her:

"Truth or Order?"

“True,” the sister answered, calming her breathing but not changing her position.

Would you like your brother to take your virginity?

- YES! - answered the sister, and reached out to me. I hugged her and kissed her on the nipple. She answered with a groan.

I sank lower and began to caress her clit with my tongue. This time I didn't have to stop. I wanted to give her as much pleasure as she could never get from anyone else. I don’t remember how I ended up without panties, I took my standing penis in my hand and began to gently stroke my sister’s pussy with it. And then, having gathered his courage, introduced a member into her. After waiting a little, I began to press. Member of the rare easily overcame the obstacle, and slipped to its full length inside. I took him out. There was no blood at all - apparently my sister's hymen was very thin and small. Seeing that my sister was not in any pain, I continued. I entered it and began to make progressive movements. My sister put her arms around me and moaned subtly at every push. A little more and I would have finished inside, but I was stopped in time by the exclamation of Kostya, fascinated looking at us:

“Just don’t cum inside your sister!”

I immediately went out and burst into a fountain of sperm right on the incredibly beautiful, not yet fully formed breasts of my sister. Cum also covered her tummy and filled her navel.

The sister breathed heavily, but nevertheless said with a smile:

- Well, now again in the shower:

But Kostya did not allow her to do this. He asked:

- Do you want to come with me? You haven't had an orgasm yet.

“Yes,” my sister answered, and looked at me inquiringly. I nodded in the affirmative.

Then Kostya, wasting no time, dragged his sister towards him in such a way that she was now lying on the very edge of the sofa, her legs hanging down. Kostya slightly lifted my sister's hips, since she was very tiny and light, standing inside her and set to work.

My cum slowly dripped from my breasts down onto Natasha's neck and onto the couch. Literally a minute later, my sister thrashed in orgasm, Kostya put her down on the sofa and discharged his dose of sperm on her body. Sister lay helplessly, throwing her arms and head, and moved away from a violent orgasm. When we all caught our breath a little, I hurried to send Kostya out, who had already received more than he deserved, took my sister to the bathroom, washed her, and had sex with her again, right there, under the shower. He wiped it off, wrapped it in a towel and took it to his room. Where we had sex again. This time I didn’t have any sperm left at all, and I didn’t stain Natasha at all. After catching my breath, I again aroused my sister with my fingers and fucked her, not removing the penis during my orgasm, because there was no sperm left at all. By the end of the day we had sex three more times.

And then, without waiting for the late parents, they went to bed, completely exhausted and confident that the same thing would happen next weekend.

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tensed member and lay down on the elastic body of the older sister between her knees bent at the knees. Tanya did not feel any passion, wanting to finish everything faster, she found a strong male member of her brother with her hand and inserted it into her vagina. Volodya, closing his eyes in pleasure, squeezed his sister's body and began to make deep rhythmic movements with his penis. Tanya expected, as is usually the case with ardent teenagers, that Volodya would quickly end and this would all end. But she was wrong. Her younger brother had trained so hard over the past six months that although he was very excited, he was reserved and insatiable. The movements of his truly male member in her body were long and non-stop, which in the end gradually, purely mechanically, they began to excite the woman. Passionate languor was gradually drowned out by anger, because she saw how others were doing the same thing nearby, and what they saw her for Tanya were new emotions that gave the pleasure an even more acute character. Tanya almost completely forgot about stress, indulging in sheer pleasure, but at that moment, interrupting his movements, Volodya finished. He, pulling his penis out of her slippery vagina, splashed out a muddy thin stream of sperm on the smooth belly of his older sister. Having weakened, Volodya slid down from Tanya's body. She stood up and looked at her husband. His case was nearing its final stage. With a voluptuous expression on his face, he made deep inflows with his huge penis into her younger sister, who groaned from each such movement, sometimes screamed softly. A wave of anger again seized Tanya and, mixed with unsatisfied passion, again aimed her at her younger brother, who was nearby. He was still at that moment in a state of apathy after his orgasm. Tanya got up and knelt between his loosely spread legs. Bending over someone wearily lying on the thigh of a flaccid member, she lifted his soft trunk with her fingers. Tanya wiped the remnants of sperm from his head with her palm and, inserting it between her soft lips, began to suck gently. Gradually, from this caress, Volodya's member began to grow stronger and fill with strength. He soon got excited. There was no trace of apathy. Tanya was about to release the organ brother ready for work from her mouth, when she felt that someone's hands squeezed her buttocks and a male member powerfully entered her wet, excited vagina. Releasing her brother's cock from her mouth, she turned around. It was Igor, who, after the act with Yulia, was again excited by the sight of a new beautiful woman and, as soon as he was ready, immediately set to work. Tanya looked at her husband. He had already finished with her sister and was now looking at his wife. Tanya read jealousy, reproach and suffering in his eyes. Triumphing in her soul from the feeling of revenge, she again swallowed her younger brother's cock with her mouth, sucked and licked him, with pleasure substituting her lush buttocks towards Igor's cock. Volodya finished first. Tanya also, as when Volodya and Ira spied on her and Misha, swallowed and sucked out drops of male sperm. At that moment, she felt the twitching of Igor's cock in her vagina and the hot thrusts of his seed. She had a very strong, terribly sharp orgasm. Everything that she had accumulated during this evening broke free along with her scream and groan of pleasure. As soon as the tired Volodya and Igor left the exhausted Tanya lying on the floor, her husband Misha immediately fell on her. He first saw his wife having sex with others, went crazy with jealousy and desired her like never before. Tanya, seeing that this was her vile husband, tried to push him away, but Misha went ahead and almost took possession of his wife by force. For Tanya, the new situation was also unusual, and under the pressure of her husband's caresses, she became excited again. Soon, on the floor at the feet of four high school students, who looked from above at their ardent movements, Tanya and Misha, husband and wife, indulged in the pleasure of the act, not noticing anything around, feeling, as never before, a sharp passion. Throwing her captivating legs high, Tanya comprehended an orgasm at the same time as her husband, howling with pleasure. When they woke up, they were embarrassed because the faces of the four young debauchees, beaming with satisfaction, were directed at them. Soon everyone was steaming together again in a hot, cramped steam room, but already without bathing suits. After what happened, there was no point in dressing and hiding your nakedness. Misha and Tanya still felt constrained in this situation, especially Tanya, who usually considered herself responsible for the behavior of her younger sister and brother. And here are the things. But Ira was at that moment like a fish entering. She and Julia, shameless and depraved, excited by what was happening, could not calm down and, right in the steam room, did not give rest to the three young men. They, smiling slyly, touched their tired and drooping limbs, played with them like a child with a rattle. In the end, the male members again began to fill up in their hands with strength and desire. In minutes, Volodya's member was already in Yulia's caressing mouth, and Misha's member was sucked by Ira. Igor looked at Tanya expectantly. Tanya hesitated, she still could not completely relax and behave like shameless youngsters Yulia and her sister Ira. But the inaction dragged on too long. She looked at her husband. Seeing his contented sweaty face, who again forgot about the coexistence of his wife, Tanya made up her mind. She bent down, tightly squeezed the stone shaft of Igor's penis and, tickling him with the tip of her tongue, opened her lips and squeezed his pink head into her mouth. Igor already sniffed surging bliss. The silence of the steam room was broken only by the sucking smacking of the girls and the quiet moans of pleasure from the guys. From the heat and electrification, the young bodies of girls and boys became wet and shiny with copious sweat. “I can’t take it anymore. I’m dying from the heat,” Ira said, breaking away from her older sister’s husband’s penis: “Let’s go to the room.” Following Ira, everyone rinsed with a refreshing shower and settled down wet on the floor warm from the blazing fireplace in the hall. Tanya, who was also already very aroused, laid Igor on the floor and, licking his cock, withered after a cold shower, again swallowed it with plump lips and began to skillfully suck. She quickly lifted this male organ. Tanya saw that the young man's penis was already pulsing with excitement. She released his dick, shuddering from tension, from her mouth and lay down on Igor's body, kissing him on the lips. Igor, feeling his cock rubbing against her navel, fidgeted all over. Tanya stood up and, holding his penis in her hand, began to massage her clitoris with his head, making circular movements along her labia. This was a painful but pleasant torture for Igor. At last she thrust him into her damp depths. Igor's member was hidden in the bowels of her flesh and Tanya froze for a while. Then she began to move her ass up and down. Igor, holding on to her buttocks, helped her to sink deeper into his thick cock. Tannins large ripe breasts waved before the eyes of the young man. Igor, admiring, rejected the girl from him in order to better see their sparkling beauty. Tanya, enjoying sex with Igor, did not forget to watch the rest. It was her first time participating in a group orgy and she was interested. Her husband lay by the fireplace on the floor with a jack with her younger sister and licked with his tongue inside the vagina of a young girl. Ira, clasping his huge penis by the trunk, sucked this flesh with inspiration. At that moment, Tanya did not feel any jealousy. Her younger brother was kneeling next to them and inserting his penis into the vagina of Yulia, who stood in front of him, bending her slender thin body. The first finished Volodya, pulling out his penis and splashing out a miserable stream of sperm on the spine of Yulia's thin back. The next were Misha and Ira. They, as they started in the jack version, ended up, during an orgasm intensively licking each other's passionate secretions with their tongues. Watching all this, Tanya herself came to an end. Moans broke from her lips, her eyes were frozen in anticipation of orgasm. Igor began to tear his hips off the floor, moving towards her, entering her deeper and deeper. Feeling how Tanya's vagina was shrinking, Igor exploded with spray of sperm, which erupted into her depths. It was already four o'clock in the morning, everyone was terribly tired. The company dispersed around the dacha in search of a place to sleep. Soon there was a sleepy silence in the dacha. Julia woke up from the bright light of the sun's rays, which, having passed through the dirty glass of the window, fell on her face. It was already late in the morning, but they were still sleeping at the dacha. From yesterday's libations, my mouth was dry, my head was spinning, and my body was sticky, either from sweat or from male sperm. Yulia stood up, stretched her slender body and looked around. Naked Volodya was sleeping on the old, greasy couch next to her. Thin, curled up from the cold, he seemed like a very young boy. Yulia entered the fireplace room. Igor was sleeping on the floor near the dead fireplace, wrapped in a rug. In the corner of the hall, on a sofa, there were whitewashed, huddled together, sleeping sisters. Misha was nowhere to be seen. Julia, dreaming of quickly washing off the sticky dirt from her body, went to the bath section. As she entered the locker room, she heard the sound of the shower. Julia looked in there and saw Misha enjoying under jets of warm water. This young man was still a stranger, and the fact that yesterday everything happened in his presence was very embarrassing for the sober Yulia. She wanted to close the door, but Misha noticed her. He opened the door, Julia shyly covered her pubis and breasts with her hands. "Ah, Yulia! Do you want to wash yourself? Come here to take a shower, while there is still yesterday's warm water," Igor said simply, as if it were not someone else's naked woman, but his wife. Julia, lowering her eyes, hesitantly entered the shower room and stood next to Misha under the jets of warm water warming her chilled body. Misha stood with his palms, as if washing, stroking the girl's body. He was still very excited from yesterday's orgy, and the fact that next to him was a naked young beautiful girl with whom he had nothing yesterday, except for the opportunity to watch her, kindled his passion. He took the girl's hand away from her upturned breasts and began to caress them with his mouth, lightly biting the burgundy beads. Yulia's breath was noticeable that she was also excited. Her nipples were swollen with desire. She pressed herself tightly against the man's body and began to stroke his slippery wet skin with her palms. Everything happened under the jets of the shower and this cozy warmth made it even more pleasant. Misha knelt down and, slightly spreading Yulia's long legs, began to lick under her pubis on the slippery lips of her vagina, along which streams of water flowed onto his tongue. Then he broke away from Yulia's vagina, thrusting the tip of his rough tongue into the girl's anus, drilling, penetrating the tongue into the deep-anal hole. From such caress Julia has come almost to an orgasm. At this moment, Misha stopped licking Yulia, stood up and, pressing on her fragile shoulders, lowered her down to her knees. Julia understood Misha's desire. She took in her small hand his strained huge about twenty-five centimeter cock and began to lick and suck him, using all her skill. A minute later, Misha, not wanting to discharge sperm ahead of time, tore the girl's head from his sensitive organ and put her back on her feet. There was so little space in the shower room that it was cramped for the two of us, but we didn't want to leave the warm stream. Misha, pressing Yulia with his chest against the wet tile of the shower wall, slightly lifted the bodies of the girls. Squatting a little, he inserted his phallus into her vagina with a precise movement. Rhythmically crouching and rising, Misha began to make sliding movements with his penis, at the same time stretching his hands on the unusually light body of Yulia, who, closing her eyes with pleasure, put her face under the jets of water. Misha, tired of a very uncomfortable position for him, took out his penis and, turning the woman's body submissive to his hands, rested his back against the wall. Julia, arching forward as much as possible towards the opposite wall, offered him her round buttocks. Clasping this appetizing ass with his hands, Misha sat down and again began to lick the notch of the anus, drilling his tongue with a conic, trying to penetrate deep into the anus. Julia groaned even louder. Misha, noticing the sensitivity of this point in Yulia, smeared his index finger with saliva and slowly inserted it into this hole. Yuli's groan turned into a scream. At first, Misha thought that Yulia was in pain, but her actions, when she, twisting her ass, pressed on his hand, trying to insert his finger deeper, refuted his first impressions. He slowly pulled out his finger, Julia groaned in displeasure. Taking his hand on the strong trunk of the penis, Misha directed his hard head into Yulia's anus exposed to him and, helping with his fingers, slowly began to push his penis into this thirsty hole. Surprisingly, the member easily entered its entire length. Yulia, having become silent and numb with surprise, after a few seconds groaned and groaned even louder and more piercingly. This new sensation gave the girl an unusually strong storm of feelings, from which she began an orgasm. Clinging to the wall with her nails, Yulin's body was breaking into pieces from acute languor. Misha, being older and more restrained, has not yet reached the end. Julia, impressed by what she had learned, sat down to his hot trunk and began to suck furiously. A few seconds later Misha had an orgasm. The first trickle of sperm fell on the girl's chest and was washed away with shower water. The second trickle had already fallen on the palate of Yulia's mouth, which was catching the head of Misha's spewing seminal member in her mouth. While still in a state of non-fading orgasm, Julia sucked the remnants of his sperm into herself. The young man's legs buckled and he collapsed on the floor tiles, clinging to the body of a satisfied girl. Misha and Yulia entered the fireplace room together, embracing, wet and contented. Ira and Tanya were no longer sleeping, but they were still lying on the couch, unable to get up after yesterday's orgy. Tanya, seeing her husband hugging Yulia, again felt a fit of jealousy, but tried to hide it from everyone. She understood that after yesterday, reproaches were useless. At that moment naked Volodya entered from another room. Awakened by the voices, he could barely stand on his feet from a hangover. The young man also saw the elder sister's husband and his Yulia embracing. Seeing their satisfied expressions, he also felt a terrible jealousy and mental pain. Ashamed of the welling tears, Volodya quickly rushed to the shower. After a long previous shower of Misha and Yulia, only cold water flowed from the tap, the jets of which helped Volodya to control himself and drive off the burden of yesterday's drinking. * * * The next day, Volodya felt that the situation in their house was tense. Previously, it was a secret for him and Ira, they made them, as it were, independent of the household structure. Now that their older sister and her husband had not only learned about their secret, but had also become accomplices, Volodya and Ira did not feel comfortable at home. They were all afraid that a careless word or look from Tanya or Misha and their strict parents would find out about their secret. But after the arrival of the children, the parents were not interested in what they were doing there, but in what kind of dacha, what kind of garden and vegetable garden there. On Monday, when Volodya returned from the street where he had been walking after school, he was surprised that Misha was not at home for dinner. He asked Tanya, but she evaded the answer. The elder sister was clearly upset. Misha didn't show up that day. When everyone went to their rooms to sleep, Volodya asked his sister: “Ira, what happened to Tanya and Misha?” “I don’t know for sure, but last night I heard from their room that they were cursing.” "Ira" - he said: "We need to go to Tanya and find out what their problem is. In vain we contacted them. I always disliked her Misha." Volodya pretended not to hear her last words. He only said again that they should go to Tanya and find out everything. They undressed and got into their beds. After waiting until the room where the parents were sleeping, everything was quiet, the brother and sister went through the corridor to Tanya. Knocking softly, they entered her room. Tanya lay on her wide bed under a duvet and read a magazine. She looked inquiringly at the visitors and put the magazine aside. Her sister was in a sleeping short shirt, the abrat was only in panties. "Tanya" - Volodya asked in a whisper: "Something happened? Why isn't Misha?" "It happened!?" - Tanya said indignantly: "And you still ask what happened! You did such a thing that I still can't come to my senses. I loved Misha. And now after what I saw and learned, he became disgusting to me! I hate him! And I hate you too!" Taniz's big dark eyes glistened with tears. She got up. The blanket slipped away and exposed the large neckline of her nightgown, under which her large breasts swayed expressively. Tanya straightened the blanket, but Volodya already remembered this attractive chest abundance. He was embarrassed, in only white shorts, coldly transgressing, standing under the indignant look of his older sister. The young man did not know what to do next, than to reassure Tanya. Ira, not embarrassed by her sister’s reproaches, sat on the edge of the bed and said: “Calm down, Tanya. You were fine at the dacha and we were fine. "No!" - Tanya shook her head: “I hate him! Let him take his things and leave! Yesterday, thinking that he was now allowed to do everything, he told me about his adventures on the side that my hair stood on end. "Well, now! And you blame us," said the younger sister: "If it weren't for us, he would have been deceiving you for a long time. Now you know what kind of person he is." “Actually, you’re right,” Tanya finally said, smiling through her tears: “It’s better to find out sooner than later, while there are no children.” "Well, that's good! Therefore, there is no need to be upset," said Ira, and, shivering, added: "Something is cold. Let me under the covers." Ira lay down on the bed and crawled under a large puffy blanket. Volodya, completely numb from the cold, stood alone in the middle of the room. Ira, having comfortably settled in Tanya's bed, as in her own, said to her brother: "Why are you standing and freezing? Come to us, get warm." Volodya, slapping his bare heels, walked around the bed and crawled under the covers, slightly pressing against his older sister, who was lying in the center. Through her thin batiste nightgown, he was warmed by the feminine warmth of Tanya's body. Volodya felt comfortable and, feeling the hot body of his twenty-year-old sister next to him, he felt excited. Tanya, after talking with Ira, calmed down a little, and when her brother's cautious hand, sliding over her nightgown, began to stroke the thin material on her chest, she herself felt a sexual desire. On the other hand, her younger sister affectionately clung to her and, with her rough tongue, began to tickle her earlobe and neck with her tongue. Volodya, seeing that Tanya did not interfere, grew bolder and ran his palm under the fabric. He admired the elasticity and shape of her breasts, he squeezed and stroked them, fingering the strong peas of her nipples. Tanya groaned excitedly. Volodya, feeling a strong passion, threw off the blanket from the two sisters. Their nightgowns were pulled up to the waist and their legs, thighs, lush butts beckoned with their soft roundness. Tanya was lying on her back, her slender legs slightly apart. Ira clung to her on one side and kissed her face and neck. From the other side, Volodya, lowering his shorts and exposing his excited penis, fell on the desired body of his older sister. With a trained movement, he inserted his strong organ between Tanya's legs. The brother's penis easily entered the tight slippery opening of the vagina, but without making even a dozen injections, the ardent Volodya had an orgasm attack, spewing a plentiful portion of sperm into the depths of the female body. Volodya slid to one side with satisfaction, but Tanya did not agree with such an end. She was still far from satisfying her passion, on the contrary, she just now felt a strong wave of excitement. She turned to her brother and began to caress and kiss him. Behind her was her younger sister. Tanya wiped his fading cock with the edge of the blanket and, bending down, squeezed it into her caressing mouth. Under the pressure of a skillful caress, Volodya's member began to gain strength. When Ira climbed to the other side of the bed and began to help her older sister, Volodya's penis acquired its working size. The brother, having risen, watched from above how his two sisters, Tanya and Ira, were working with their lips and tongues on his excited organ. The girls alternately swallowed the head of the penis, shining with their saliva, biting its rim, licking and kissing its entire length, to the very ovary, And Tanya sometimes reached even lower, sticking the tip of her tongue into the very anus. From this, Volodya's member shuddered and throbbed. He reveled in delight from such caresses, lying between two sisters, with his left hand he kneaded the big breasts of his older sister, with his right he kneaded a little smaller, but also delicious strong breasts of another sister. Ira broke away from his penis and, standing up, threw off her nightgown. Completely naked, she threw her leg over Volodya's head and selan his face, putting her vagina into his mouth. He stretched out his tongue and dug into his sister's soft, slippery vagina. Ira, feeling her brother's tongue entered between her labia, groaned from a surge of excitement. She leaned forward and, pushing Tanya's nightgown up to her shoulders, began to drive her breasts filled with strong breasts along the bent, bare back of her older sister. Then Ira helped Tanya to take off her nightgown to the end and the two sisters lay down next to each other on the bed. Volodya, chatting with his erect member, quickly took off his panties and lay down on Tanya. Entering her member, he made a dozen deep insertions and, pulling out his proud object from the vagina of his older sister, moaning with pleasure, climbed onto Ira's body. With a movement of her hand, she directed her brother's cock into her vagina. Volodya, making progressive movements, ran his fingers into Tanya's wet vagina. Thenon again climbed onto Tanya's body, running the fingers of his other hand into Ira's bosom. When he took his penis out of Tanya's body and was about to change his partner, Ira changed her position. She lay on top of her belly on her sister's belly, substituting her captivating ass towards Volodya's cock. The young man introduced a member under Irina's buttocks into her thirsty vagina. Now, in order to change sisters, he did not have to climb one body to another, but only go down to Tanya's slippery vagina or higher to Ira's round buttocks, where her narrow vagina was waiting for him. These movements were reminiscent of the "pendulum", which he sometimes did to Ira and Yulia, only this time he did not make one-time introductions, but a series of deep inflows. A minute later, Ira changed her position again and, knocking her brother over on her back, sat down to face him and introduced his cock into herself. Raising and lowering her graceful body, she wiggled her hips, giving herself and her brother great pleasure. At this time, Tanya, falling with her chest on Volodya's chest, kissed him on the neck and face, quietly whimpering with passion. After a couple of minutes, Ira gave up her place to her sister. Tanya sat down on her brother's penis with her back to him and, thanks to Mikhail, addicted to anal sex, smeared her anus with saliva and inserted her brother's penis fluttering with excitement. Volodya liked it very much. A charming picture opened up to him, how his cock, shiny from moisture, tightly entered the round back of his older sister. Ira at that moment bent over, squeezing her face between her sister's legs, and pleasantly caressed his ovary with her mouth. Volodya could no longer restrain himself. He made several strong bends with his body, and during the peak of his orgasm, Ira pulled out her brother's penis, which was twitching with an eruption, from her sister's body. Swallowing his salty seed, she ended the act with her favorite ending. Tanya, finally completely satisfied, fell back on her brother's chest and froze in pleasure.* * *Soon, strong changes took place at home. Misha and Tanya broke up and she moved to live with her next boyfriend Zhenya. Her room was vacated and her parents, moving Tanya's large bed into their bedroom, settled her sister and brother in different rooms. Volodya was very upset by this move. Now almost daily intimacy with her sister has become very difficult. Any nighttime noise could attract parents. In addition, they faced another problem. Their mother was laid off from work and was at home almost all the time. It was also impossible to meet at Igor and Yulia's. Now it became impossible for the four of us to converge. Volodya sometimes managed to have quick sex with his sister when his parents left the apartment for a while. But such moments did not give the former pleasure. Volodya and Igor suffered these conditions to a lesser extent, since the affectionate mouths of their girlfriends were always ready for them for a hidden blowjob. The guys even got into the taste of such relationships. Usually, after school classes, the company found a secluded place where no one saw them, and there, having unbuttoned the fly of men's trousers, classmates dexterously freed Volodya and Igor from excess male sperm by oral sex. The places chosen for these techs varied. Either in the entrance of houses, then in the attic, then in the shade of bushes and trees, then right in the park on benches, where the guys, sitting, looked around vigilantly, and the girls, bending down, sucked their excited members with relish. They even managed to do this at school at their desks, shutting themselves up in an empty classroom. Fifteen minutes of change was enough for a glorious blowjob. The guys were quite happy with what was happening, but Ira and Yulia, although they were not against a blowjob, this was clearly not enough. Sometimes it was possible in the same entrance or in the attic to lift up the girls' skirts and, lowering their pantyhose along with panties, send Volodya's or Igor's cock into their thirsty vaginas. But these sexual variations were a poor resemblance to their former encounters. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of summer, when it would be possible to go into the forest to secluded clearings. In the last days of April on Sunday, Igor went to Volodya's house. The brother and sister were in the living room with their parents watching a boring series on TV. Having played their series about preparing school lessons, the three friends went to Volodya's room. As soon as the door of the room was behind Igor, he unbuttoned his jeans, releasing his penis out. Ira, without a word, sat down on her knees and, taking out a white lump of chewing gum from her mouth, swallowed a member of a classmate. Volodya habitually began to be on duty at the door to prevent the unexpected appearance of his parents. Iraquickly aroused Igor, tormenting him before the very end, delaying the moment of his orgasm. Ira released the drooling head of the young man's penis and, wiping the drops of sperm from her lips with her palm, got up from her knees. Soon, Igor quickly got ready and left. Volodya, who saw the whole scene, was himself rather excited. He was ready to take the risk and, despite the presence of his parents, to do the same, but the sound in the corridor stopped him. Mom entered the room, Volodya and Ira pretended to study textbooks in depth. "Children, my dad and I were going to go to the cinema for an evening show. There is some kind of American action movie. Would you like to go with us too?" Mom asked. "No, no! We need to prepare a bunch of tasks for tomorrow!" - Almost in chorus, hiding their joy, the brother and sister answered. Mom, surprised at the refusal of children, began to dress with her husband. A few minutes later, a knock on the door announced that the parents had left the apartment. Volodya and Ira, rejoicing at the successful care, looked forward to the upcoming joy of sex. Ira grabbed a towel and hurried to the bathroom. Five minutes later, Volodya was already taking a shower. When he left the room, still wet, his sister called him from the bedroom of his parents. Volodya entered the room. On the remarkable bed, where once Tanya and Misha, and then Volodya and his two sisters staged erotic battles, naked Ira lay on top of the bedspread. Volodya always admired the beauty of his sister's naked body. Slender legs, rounded hips, divine breasts could drive any man crazy. From this sight, Volodya began an erection. His cock in front of his sister's eyes quickly tightened, taking on an impressive appearance. Volodya jumped to the bed in the arms of his sister. He caressed the woman's body passionately, almost frenziedly. Volodya crushed, bit, kissed her breasts, stomach, hips, legs. Finally getting his lips to the sister's pubis, he plunged into the moisture of the vagina, screwing deep into the rough tongue. Ira rolled over on her stomach and, arching forward, raised her round ass up. Volodya began to work miracles over her. He kissed or licked her vagina and anus, driving his fingers into their depths. Ira was ready to finish when Volodya pushed his cock into her from behind. Brother and sister, forgetting everything in the world, plunged into the abyss of passion and pleasure. Volodya, remembering Tanya's lessons, pulled his penis out of his sister's vagina and, bending his face, released a thin stream of saliva into the center of the girl's anus. Taking the shaft of the penis in his hand, Volodya began to slowly insert it into the sister's anus smeared with saliva. Ira has never known such a variation. She tensed up a little and whispered in fright: "Hush. Hush. Hush ..." Volodya slowly introduced his cock to its full length. Ira, at first slightly recoiling, gradually began to get used to the new feeling and began to make not strong oncoming movements. Soon, Ira began to breathe loudly and began to scream violent orgasm. Volodya pulled out his cock fluttering from the pressure of sperm and, almost straddling his sister's back, brought the cock to her cheek. Imperiously turning her face to him, he began to search for the head of a member of her mouth. At that moment, when Ira, turning back, caught the end of her brother's penis with her mouth, a powerful stream of male seed hit her palate. Volodya screamed with pleasure. The scream suddenly broke off. Volodya was dumbfounded. On the threshold of the room stood petrified, stunned by what they saw, the parents. At the cinema, they did not get tickets and they did not return home on time. A few minutes ago, entering their bedroom, the parents saw the final chords of anal sex of their son and daughter. Ira, realizing what had happened, howled softly. Mom, staggering, settled into her husband's arms. Glancing angrily into the eyes of his son and daughter, he led his wife, who had almost lost consciousness, out of the room, leaving her brother and sister on a torn coverlet. Volodya hugged his sister Ira, soothingly stroking the girl's back, quivering from a quiet sob. End of the first part.

  1. The brother and sister sat silently on the couch in the room, in the dark, and did not dare to leave their hiding place to their parents, with whom a painful explanation was to be


    The brother and sister sat silently on the couch in the room, in the dark, and did not dare to come out of their hiding place to their parents, with whom a painful explanation was to come.

  2. And your verdict, Your Grace, fixing your eyes of wisdom on my good intentions, I hope you will not reject such a weak expression of my lowest devotion



  3. The regimental commanders were leaving after the New Year's Eve at the division commander's. The commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov, was the last to leave.


    The regimental commanders were leaving after the New Year's Eve at the division commander's. The commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov, was the last to leave. Serpilin silently, meaningfully shook his hand: "I know you'll add more, but don't add too much.

  4. The sponge-catcher was returning from her traditional North African fishing grounds to her home on Symi Island, off Rhodes, when a storm hit


    On Easter 1900, a group of Greek sponge-catchers were returning from their traditional fishing grounds in North Africa home to the island of Symi, off Rhodes, when a storm hit.

  5. All these and many other questions are answered in his excellent biographical novel "Greek Treasure" by the classic of the genre, Irving Stone.


    I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Francis R. Walton, Director of the Gennadius Library at the American School of Classics in Athens, and to his staff for their continued kindness and assistance in my work with the archives.

I really experienced a passion for a woman, I was sixteen years old, my sister was fourteen, my father was forty-four, and my mother was only thirty-four, my mother was exactly ten years younger than my father. I just finished the 9th grade, in June I went to a labor camp, in July I rested with my uncle in Gelendzhik, and in August I was already at home, since my sister had gone to a pioneer camp, and at home I had to help my parents harvest in their summer cottage.

It so happened that at the beginning of August my father was urgently sent on a business trip to the Urals for six months, my father could not refuse it at that time.
My mother and I stayed alone, and on Friday, when she got her vacation pay, we went to the dacha in the afternoon with her. Our country house had three rooms, a veranda, and behind the house in the corner of the garden stood a log cabin.

As soon as we arrived, my mother asked me to melt the bathhouse, and stripping down to her bathing suit, she began to collect fallen apples, pears and apricots and put them in the attic of our outbuilding for drying.

Having applied water to the bathhouse and melted it, I began to put firewood brought in the spring into the attic of the bathhouse, periodically putting logs into the stove. After working for two hours, I sat down in the attic of the bathhouse to rest, and suddenly, through the observation window of the attic, I saw my mother. She was standing in the attic of the outbuilding, the door, located towards the bathhouse, was open, and I saw her long slender legs, a triangle of colored swimming trunks tied with laces on the sides, a beautiful feminine belly and breasts covered with a colored swimsuit. Her face was not visible, but it was noticeable that she was passionate about something. I came closer to the window and looked towards the neighbor's dacha and realized what my mother was so passionate about. She watched the neighbors, who in their front garden fucked with complete pleasure, periodically changing positions. Having admired the neighbors, I looked at my mother again, and an unusual picture appeared before my eyes. Mom also stood, holding on to the beam with one hand, slightly spreading her legs and bending them at the knees, with the other hand she strongly masturbated, putting her fingers into her vagina. The tight laces of her swimming trunks interfered with her movements, so she removed her hand from the beam, took the lace on her right thigh and jerked it sharply. The knot was untied and my mother's black pubis appeared before my eyes. Mom drove her index finger into herself so hard that at a distance of 15-20 meters her muffled groans were heard.

And although I had seen my mother naked before, then she did not make any impression on me. Now I was shaking all over with internal trembling, my breathing was out of control, and my penis stood up in full force. Some kind of wild desire of passion pulled me to this beautiful body. I was already tempted in sexual relations with girls from vocational schools, but this is not at all what aroused in me what I saw now. My heart was ready to burst out, I was choking with excitement, all sorts of thoughts came into my head, and my mother continued to masturbate in front of my eyes, her moans pushed me towards her.

Somehow I got down from the attic, put firewood in the stove and went to the wing. The bath was already ready and I decided: "Come what may! I'll just go up to her and call her to bathe." Coming to the stairs, I listened, the groans continued, as before. I looked around and slowly climbed up the stairs. When I got up, I saw my mother's face. She continued to masturbate, standing on tiptoe, slightly bending her knees, her eyes were closed, and some kind of incomprehensible, thirsty smile wandered on her face. She no longer controlled her moans, and her hand accelerated faster and faster. Suddenly, mother trembled all over, her hips moving towards her fingers, bent forward, she almost completely drove two fingers into herself and, clenching her teeth, groaned muffledly, uttering some kind of chest moan. I looked at my mother with an incomprehensible, previously unknown feeling of surprise and desire. For a minute she was in some kind of euphoric state, then she took out her fingers, abundantly covered with white mucus, from the vagina and began to lick them, collecting mucus from her hand with her tongue. And then she suddenly opened her eyes, and I did not have time to hide. Seeing me, she abruptly sat down, grabbed her swimming trunks and, not knowing what to do, sat looking at me with some misty eyes.

Realizing that it was impossible to stand and be silent any longer, I quietly said: "Mom, let's go to wash, the bath is already ready." Mom gave me a little nod. I turned around and began to slowly descend. Having taken everything necessary for washing in the room, I went to the bathhouse, added more firewood, and began to make steam, adding water to the hot stones. Having caught up steam so much that it was impossible to sit on the third shelf, I suddenly heard the creak of the outer door in the dressing room. I fell silent and heard my mother from the inside close the door to the dressing room on the hook, then pushed the wooden bolt. I realized that we will wash together ...

For about five minutes I sat in the bathhouse, but my mother did not come in. I got up and went out to the dressing room. In the corner of the waiting room, where there were sacks of wheat, I saw my mother sitting on the sack in the same swimming trunks and colored bra. She slowly raised her eyes to me, and I saw a pleading frightened look. I realized that my mother was ashamed of what I had recently seen and was afraid that I would tell my father. Approaching her, I sat down, affectionately hugged her by the shoulders and said quietly: "Well, mom, I love you. What you know and what I saw - we both know and this is our eternal secret." She tightly grabbed my neck and whispered in my ear: "Thank you, dear! It's a shame if anyone finds out, but I believe you and I owe you a great debt" she suddenly began to passionately kiss my neck, cheeks, lips. I hugged her waist and also affectionately began to respond to kisses, clinging tighter and tighter to my mother with my whole body.

She was sitting on the sack, slightly tipping her back into the sack behind her. Her legs were spread apart and I, standing in swimming trunks, rested my cock on her pubis. Kissing her, I felt how she began to breathe deeply, I felt the beating of our hearts and somehow caught the movement of her large hips towards my cock. I carefully untied her bra and took it off and threw it on the floor. Before me appeared two beautiful, white balls of the third size with neat brown nipples. Without a bra, my mother's breasts did not hang, they were firm and hung a little from their weight. I stood in front of my mother and, leaning in front of her, kissed her breasts. With my cock, I rubbed against her bulging pubis, and she pressed my head to her breasts. Exploring her body, I gradually got to the bottoms, pulled the laces on both sides, and the colored triangle fell to the floor. Mom, closing her eyes and throwing her head back, breathed deeply, not resisting at all and surrendering to me completely. Moving away from her a little, I lowered my swimming trunks to my knees with one hand, moved my legs a little to take them off. Swimming trunks fell to the floor.

Standing with my feet on the floor, I lay down on my mother, caught her lips with my lips, and kissing her greedily, I sent my hard cock into her vagina. Carefully, I introduced the head of the member into the mother's vagina, which turned out to be unusually narrow, then carefully began to move the member inside. Suddenly, my mother gasped and whispered in my ear: "Darling, slowly, please. I have a very narrow one, let me help you better." Resting my hands on the bags, half-bent, I stood over my mother with a member introduced halfway into my mother's vagina. Mom slowly lifted her legs, bent them at the knees and led me behind my back, resting her heels on my buttocks. Then she carefully began to raise her hips, as if planting her body on my penis. I stood without moving and feeling how the cock slowly enters my mother's narrow, warm hole. Raising her hips, mom freed herself from my penis to the head, and then again smoothly pushed herself onto my penis, but more and more deeply. And when her bulging pubis touched mine, my mother began to rotate her hips so skillfully that my cock rested against something inside her, and when she rotated her hips, the head of my penis gently rubbed the cervix inside, creating incredible pleasure for us.

Gradually, I began to help my mother with my movements of the hips, and she, in turn, began to accelerate her movements, holding my waist and helping her hands to make more and more sharp pushes. Mom suddenly began to moan loudly, a strong trembling ran through her body. I felt that my cock was about to explode with sperm, and I involuntarily began to force my cock into my mother's narrow, warm vagina. And then came an indescribable moment when I drove a member into her with force for the last time and pressed tightly against her. I felt how the jets of sperm with a pleasant pulsation gave my mother extraordinary pleasure. She moaned loudly, and a pleasant spasm passed through her body. There was so much semen that the excess poured out of her mother's vagina. After lying down for a while, I again began my movements, since my penis did not even think of going to bed. With a little work, I was able to excite my mother again. Then she again began to help me with oncoming movements. I carefully took my mother by the buttocks and began to put her on the penis. Mom, resting her elbows on the bags, helped me with her whole body and at the same time she watched all the time how my penis enters her. From this she received additional pleasure, and by the time I finished the second time, she experienced several orgasms in a row and, exhausted, fell into the bags and closed her eyes. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

At home, I closed all the shutters, my mother cooked dinner, took out a bottle of homemade wine. We ate in silence and drank wine. After dinner, my mother told me to close all the doors well, and she herself went into the bedroom. After locking all the locks, I went into the bedroom and saw on the floor two mattresses covered with a white sheet, pillows, and my mother, standing naked in front of the mirror, scribbling night cream on her face. Seeing me, she came up to me, unbuttoned and took off my shirt. Then she slowly knelt down, pulled off my swimming trunks, and my cock was right in front of her face. Mom gently took my cock, gently stroked it and kissed it. Then she took a soft meter out of the locker, measured my penis and said: "Your penis is 3 cm longer than your father's and 1.5 cm thicker." Then, after a little thought and as if in oblivion, she whispered softly: "This is probably fate, and I will give you all my passion and tenderness." Having said this, she gently ran her tongue over the swollen head of my penis, from her gentle touch, the member poured even more and seemed to burst from the excitement that overwhelmed him.

Then my mother gently took the head of the penis into her mouth and began to gently suck it and lightly bite. It was fantastic! She took my cock more and more into her mouth, and soon he was completely immersed in her mouth.

I felt her nose in my groin and the head of my penis in her throat, while the tongue of her larynx indescribably tickled the head of the member. I have never experienced such incredible bliss. And my mother tried to put my eighteen-centimeter cock further and further into her mouth. I reached the highest bliss, and the jet of my sperm sprayed into my mother's throat. I was afraid that she would choke on my sperm, but she did not let me go and continued to suck my sperm to the last drop.

After drinking everything and licking my cock, she lay down on the mattress, bent her knees and spread them wide apart. Her open crotch was in front of my eyes. She took my head with both hands and slowly began to lower it down. I kissed her belly, sinking lower and lower. And then I smelled her vagina. I pressed my lips to her open "bud" and began to gently kiss the clitoris, genital lips, feeling my mother's lubricant on my lips. I gently licked her vagina, sucked her clitoris, I dug into her with all my being. What bliss from this mom experienced! She finished time after time until we fell asleep, embracing, exhausted and happy.

During the three days that we were together, my mother and I tried everything that was possible. And since then, my mother has become for me for many years the most beautiful mistress. I have had many women in my life, but I could not compare any of them with my mother. Maybe because they were all strangers to me, and my mother was the only native person who could give me the unforgettable joy of communicating with a WOMAN.