A graphologist himself, or what you can learn about a person from handwriting. How are handwriting and personality related?

The ability to analyze handwriting and recognize a person's character from it can be very useful. Lines of text store information about the person who wrote it. And although a detailed graphological analysis requires professional skills and knowledge, anyone can make a superficial assessment. You just need to know the main features of writing the text, and what they mean.

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It should be remembered that no sign should be considered as a dogma. Only a comprehensive analysis of the personality, a comparison of various observations in the aggregate, can give a clear picture of the internal characteristics of a person. Handwriting analysis is just a hint, what you should pay attention to in a person's character.

We look at handwriting and read the character of a person

The first thing to look at is the letter as a whole.

Neat handwriting with well-written letters testifies to the balance of a person and his calmness. If the letter is illegible, then, most likely, the person is afraid to open up, strives for isolation and detachment.

Large, child-like handwriting speaks of the credulity in the character of a person, his sensuality and gentleness. When, as a small, compact handwriting, it testifies to the rationality and restraint of its owner.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of the wide soul of a person

Very small letters can indicate greed and incredulity.

Sweeping handwriting speaks of the broad soul of a person, a penchant for a global view of things. The dense arrangement of words when writing can be a sign of thrift with a transition to an extreme degree of economy and prudence.

It is worth paying attention to the fields. The wider the left margin, the more generous the person in front of us. The narrow field on the left indicates stinginess. If, as you write, the left margin narrows, this indicates the subject's tendency to selfishness. The almost complete absence of fields indicates that a person seeks to squeeze the maximum out of the opportunities provided.

What are the characters in people, we determine by handwriting

A closer examination of the lines of the letter provides additional information. The ideal is to have several pages of text written at different times under different circumstances. It is this approach that makes it possible to most accurately determine what characters people have in handwriting.

Letter slant

The pronounced inclination of the letter to the right speaks of the desire for communication and loving nature. Such a person is energetic, he is open to new ideas.

A slight tilt to the left is typical for secretive people with a rational approach to life. For them, the mind comes to the fore, which suppresses emotions.

A strong tilt to the left is inherent in sensual natures, who are used to opening up only to the closest. These people know how to make informed decisions.

Line direction

If the line of the letter remains horizontal throughout the entire width of the sheet, then we have a balanced person who controls his emotions.

The lines going up characterize people with high self-esteem and incorrigible optimists. If the lines, on the contrary, go down, then we have a person who is not confident in his abilities, prone to depression and oppression.

There is a letter of a wave-like nature, when the line either goes down or lifts up. This is inherent in fickle natures with a changeable mood.

Attention to handwriting has survived centuries. Here is what the historian P. Shchegolev wrote almost two thousand years later about the diaries of another emperor, Nicholas II: records corresponds to a monotonous attitude decisively to all the events recorded in the diary. The flatness of the diary becomes even terrible at times.

Despite a long and steady interest in handwriting, researchers have taken up it relatively recently. The father of graphology - the doctrine of handwriting is considered to be the abbot Michon, who lived in the last century. On his initiative, graphological societies were formed, special journals arose. There was also the Russian Scientific Graphological Society, the chairman of the scientific commission of which in the 1920s was D. M. Zuev-Insarov, the author of the popular book Handwriting and Personality. Old Muscovites probably remember how he sat on his chair in the Hermitage garden and determined by handwriting the character of those who had a desire to test the possibilities of this unusual science for themselves.

The founder of the scientific methods of forensic science, Hans Gross, for example, believed that an investigator who knows a lot about graphology "suffices to look at the signature under the protocol to determine that the witness is 45-50 years old, that he is a craftsman, short in stature, honest, courageous, limited and simple-minded."

Attitude to graphology today is quite serious. The fact is that she has some useful results that are hard to deny. You don’t have to be a graphologist to in most cases accurately distinguish male handwriting from female, childish from adult. It is also known that handwriting is a cast of a person's personality. To prove the scientists used hypnosis. They suggested to the subject that he was a child, teenager, adult; inspired and unusual traits of character. And what? The handwriting changed in each case.

So, for example, the handwriting of a 27-year-old woman looks like.

And she also wrote this, but already under hypnosis, being sure that she was 10 years old.

According to the observations of Zuev-Insarov, handwriting depends not only on age, but also on the position a person occupies in society. “I knew one postal clerk,” he writes, “quite undemanding in his personal habits, capable of being satisfied with very little. His handwriting was also distinguished by simplicity and naturalness. But gradually this person began to advance in the service, up to the head of one of the provincial post offices Since then, his ambition began to grow: he began to monitor his appearance, turns of speech, began to often arrange drinking parties in which he liked to play the role of the owner.This desire for such a "wide" lifestyle also affected the handwriting, which began to differ in general embellishment, intricacy of drawings of individual letters, etc. ". Here is his autograph:

But a person, as you know, has several handwritings: with one he makes notes in his notebook, with the other he writes an application for employment, with the third - a friendly congratulation. However, for a graphologist, these handwritings are the same. Only the slope, the size of the letters, the quality of their finishes change, while the internal construction of the letter remains unchanged. What is the relationship between the character and, say, the squiggle of the signature?

Researchers have developed a whole system of handwriting features, each of which reflects a certain inner personality trait. Some dependencies are obvious (omission of letters, words - inattention), others - not so much (rounded handwriting - weak will). And still others have nothing to do with our worldly experience. And science, unfortunately, has not yet made final conclusions, and therefore there are still a lot of dark places in handwriting. That, however, does not prevent enthusiasts from using it for practical purposes. The general assumptions on which they base their conclusions are as follows:

  1. The geometric pattern of writing (lines of lines and margins, intervals, pressure) determines the will of a person, his energy.
  2. Any exaggerations in individual elements of the letter (very large or, conversely, small handwriting, pretentious capital letters, etc.) indicate a desire to attract attention.
  3. Wavy styles are characteristic of people with a flexible, inventive mind.
  4. The abundance of angular lines indicates firmness and perseverance, while rounded ones indicate softness and peacefulness.

From here, handwriting experts deduce many particular dependencies.

  • Large handwriting, in their opinion, is associated with a tendency to manifest one's personality. Such people usually do not put up with everyday life. A large letter also testifies to self-esteem, a tendency to scope, sometimes to impracticality. At the same time, it is an indicator of arrogance, ease in communication, energy, ambition.
  • A small letter speaks of restraint, prudence of its owner. Concise handwriting indicates frugality and discretion. In this case, the fields are usually absent, the gaps between words are small.
  • In a fluent and sweeping handwriting, enterprise, activity, and the ability to easily navigate in an unfamiliar environment are manifested.
  • Uneven writing - in terms of the size of the letters, the slope, the direction of the lines - indicates uneven behavior, increased excitability.
  • If the handwriting is legible and clear, neat, but without excessive diligence, there are no strong pressures, long strokes, even intervals, letters are the same in height, then this indicates balance, constancy of views and attachments, respect for others.
  • Clear, finished letters, carefully placed punctuation marks, small or angular writing - all this, according to graphologists, means efficiency. If the letters in the words are located separately from each other - weak will; fused - good stress resistance.
  • Strong pressure - criticality, a tendency to show strength.
  • Small distances between adjacent words - interest in others, insufficient sense of distance.
  • Spaces at the ends of lines due to unwillingness to wrap words - caution, reaching the point of cowardice.
  • The lines are directed upwards - initiative, energy, hope for one's strength; down - depression; in different directions - impressionability ...

The profession, according to experts, also leaves a certain imprint on handwriting. As well as the disease, and therefore an experienced professional, analyzing the handwriting of a mentally ill person, can make a diagnosis no less accurately than a doctor.

Zuev-Insarov analyzed Lieutenant Schmidt's autograph.

Here are his conclusions:

"Nervous, impressionable nature. Carried away, impetuous and unbalanced in his moods, but stable in affections and in his views, a person ... Softness, ease of handling, mobility, sociability and at the same time a constant feeling of some kind of isolation, mental loneliness .. There is some sentimentality, daydreaming in nature.

Feels strong morally, bold by nature. Having come to a certain decision, he is able to show exceptional composure, self-control ... Derived from patience, he can act rashly. Acutely, painfully perceives failures - at times he loses heart, is lost.

Has an artistic flair. Glimpses of a very gifted nature are clear. Owns the word. Unconsciously inspires confidence. Able to captivate and lead; captivating, ignites itself. ... Cannot stand injustice; not afraid to openly express their opinions. Truthful, responsive to someone else's misfortune. Frankness in the manifestation of their sympathies. The ability to somewhat idealize the object of his passion ... He is able to give himself over to the idea, to be ignited by it.

We have included this long quote only to show the breadth of the psychological range in which an experienced handwriting specialist works. Of course, after such characteristics, doubt surely creeps in: after all, it is possible to describe a well-known person in hindsight without any graphology. As we have already said, weighty conclusions of scientists can dispel these doubts. So don't take this exotic science too seriously just yet. Moreover, you have not yet become a graphologist, and excessive self-confidence in matters of handwriting can put you in a ridiculous position.

In order for you to visualize the current level of graphology, or, as it is now called, graphometry, we will give some examples from one technique that forensics actively use to analyze signatures.

Strong tilt to the right - quick thinking.

A strong tilt to the left - will, self-control.

Mixed slope - incontinence, insecurity.

Direct location - restraint.

The signature is directed upwards - the desire for activity, self-affirmation.

The signature is directed downwards - reinsurance, the desire for self-defense.

The signature is fluent, sweeping - quick susceptibility, activity, a tendency to self-expression.

Large - extreme, striving for high goals, big tasks.

Clear, legible - poise, self-control, openness.

Jewelry - imagination, fantasy.

Large capital letters - creativity, independence of thinking, pride.

Each letter separately - fantasy, intuition, weak will.

Extremely unequal letters imbalance.

At the end of the signature, the letters are drawn out in a line - insight, secrecy.

Falling flourish - flexibility of thinking.

Wavy stroke - diplomacy.

Straight, going to the left - uncompromising.

The surrounding signature is the desire for security, the preservation of what has been achieved.

Without flourish - simplicity of taste. Sharp, straight strokes - instability, rigidity of installations.

Large, identical letters - a solid sequence in achieving goals.

The underlined signature is a developed self-esteem, arrogance.

The horizontal stroke at the end of the signature is skepticism.

A high-set, elongated stroke - pride, perseverance.

Is it possible to change your handwriting at will? Of course you can. But still, it will be a stranger to you. Just like an actor, playing different roles, essentially remains the same. However, the handwriting changes even against our will, and therefore we sometimes fail to accurately reproduce our own signature - the one that flaunts in the passport. Age changes, mood changes, and naturally, handwriting does not remain the same. And the skill of a graphologist lies in the ability to highlight the characteristic, deep features of writing. If, on the other hand, you deliberately change some element - say, the letter "t" is written not as taught at school, but in a printed manner, or if you change the size of the letters, the slope, etc., then the handwriting will lose harmony, fluency. In short, it will turn out the same as if you tried to pass off a set of invented incomprehensible words as a foreign language. It will not have the main thing - naturalness and internal logic.

We will be objected: after all, there are many people who are fluent in calligraphic handwriting - refined and faceless. Such handwriting is good for inscriptions on gifts, anniversary addresses, school copybooks, but where is the personality in it? However, there is no contradiction here. We are not surprised that, in addition to the native language, a person can also learn a foreign language, which, however, will remain non-native for him. Connoisseurs also say about calligraphers that in addition to professional handwriting, they also have another, freer one, which they prefer after hours.

And here are the conclusions Zuev-Insarov made by studying the signature of Leo Tolstoy.

"A clear, legible signature, connected letters. The same simplicity of outlines as in handwriting, the same harmony. A boldly and decisively inscribed line, as if covering the signature ...

Courage and self-control - merciless, sometimes painful. Continuous striving for improvement. Truthfulness and closure. Congenital and constantly suppressed gambling. Not afraid to break with everything in the event of an ideological disagreement. When it comes to fulfilling what he considers his duty, duty, then neither the temptations of a personal nature, nor the requests of loved ones are able to lead him astray from the path that seems to him the only right one. Inner honesty and integrity. Not glorious. From people he does not seek anything for himself ... "

In a state of hypnosis, handwriting changes along with personality. Inspire a person that he is Napoleon - and confidence, courage, scope will immediately appear in his signature ... True, all this will still have nothing in common with a genuine Napoleonic stroke. Moreover, the emperor has at least seven of them. Signature of an ambitious artillery captain (1) and signature of the Emperor of France, underlined with a spectacular stroke (2). The signature crept up confidently after the victory at Austerlitz (3). Perseverance, former ambition and a penchant ... for Napoleonic plans are visible in it.

After the victorious entry into Moscow, the signature seemed to have absorbed exorbitant authority, vanity and arrogance (4). When Moscow had to leave, the emperor was not up to external effects. The stroke has disappeared, the crumpled, shapeless signature speaks of the confusion and tension of its author (5). After the Leipzig defeat, the feeling of tragedy is felt even more clearly. Flashes of uneven pressure, broken lines (6). Finally, Saint Helena. Everything is behind. There is no pressure, the stroke has gone down, there is no previous scope. This is the old man's signature (7).

Finally, a little test. In many Western countries, the handwriting of a candidate for a more or less responsible post will not fail to be shown to a graphologist. If you are wondering what they would say about you in such a case, then take a sheet of unlined paper and write a few lines of your favorite poem. Now describe your handwriting.

  1. Letter sizes: very small (no more than 2-3 mm) - 3 points, small - 7, medium - 17, large (over 7 mm) - 20.
  2. Tilt letters: left - 2 points, slight tilt to the left - 5, direct writing - 10, slight tilt to the right - 6, right -14.
  3. Letter shape: round - 9 points; shapeless - 10, angular - 19.
  4. The direction of the lines: creeping up - 16 points, straight lines - 12, creeping down - 1.
  5. Pressure force: light - 8 points, medium - 15, strong - 21.
  6. The nature of the connection of letters: a tendency to continuous writing - 11 points, to separate - 18.
  7. Overall assessment: diligent handwriting - 13 points; uneven, some words are read easily, others - with difficulty - 9; illegible, letters are difficult to recognize - 4.

Add up your scores.

  • 35-51: this handwriting distinguishes people with poor health and shattered nerves.
  • 52-63: the hand of a phlegmatic person is clearly visible here. In most life situations, he is timid and passive. By turn of mind - a romantic and a philosopher.
  • 64-75: the owner of this handwriting is resolute, although he often succumbs to danger. Despite the easy nature, not devoid of self-esteem.
  • 76-87: handwriting testifies to good nature and frankness, excessive impressionability. Such a person, as a rule, is a good interlocutor, he can defend his point of view. Fighting character sometimes pushes him to self-sacrifice for the sake of high ideals.
  • 88-98: The most common group. Characteristic features are honesty and integrity, a stable psyche, responsibility and initiative, an abundance of new ideas (which often remain unfulfilled). Ingenuity, a pronounced sense of humor.

Among the sources of psychological analysis of the personality of an employee, a special place is occupied by statements and reports, complaints and proposals prepared in handwritten form.
According to these and other documents, a manager, whether a personnel officer or another HR specialist, can draw a conclusion not only about the level of literacy of the employee, but also about his ability to express his thoughts, convey his own feelings and condition.
Graphologists argue that handwriting contributes to the disclosure of individual characteristics of a person.
In order to read a person like a book, you need to know the system of handwriting features, each of which corresponds to a certain property of the subject's character.
It has long been noticed that handwriting is as markedly different from each other as the individual nature of people, like their fingerprints. Recall how we easily recognize some handwriting: when we see the boss's visa on an incoming document, or when we receive a letter from a friend. By one painting or a few words, we already unmistakably determine the author.
Of course, there is a temptation to learn from the handwriting the whole inner nature of a person ...
It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that:

  • firstly, graphology allows you to get probabilistic conclusions, and not one hundred percent statements;
  • secondly, handwriting analysis provides a general assessment of a person's mental make-up, and not the exact characteristics of its individual properties;
  • thirdly, it is believed that a graphologist should have at least one page of text and, even better, if there is an opportunity to study several texts written in different situations and at different times.

So what is handwriting analysis for? Most often, a personnel worker is required to determine by handwriting the main traits of character and temperament, as well as the abilities and characteristics of the employee's mental states. This allows you to more accurately assess its compliance with the position or type of activity. Sometimes knowledge of graphology helps in professional self-determination of a person, choosing a profession or changing it. But the analysis of the handwriting of a superior leader makes it possible to determine his psychological characteristics and correctly build relationships with him. Finally, if you carefully analyze your writing style and evaluate your mental makeup constructively, it will certainly help you build interpersonal relationships with your immediate environment more productively.
It is important to remember that no sign in handwriting should be regarded as an absolute dogma. It must be compared with other signs in order to find confirmation of a particular character trait or the presence of signs of personality inconsistency.
So, let's move on to assessing the personality by the elements of handwriting.

General characteristics of handwriting

Smooth handwriting speaks of willpower, composure and calmness.
Emotionally unstable subjects or alcohol abusers have trembling handwriting.
Manic patients write in a sweeping manner, and the size of the letters increases as they write.
In mentally abnormal patients, written speech, as well as oral speech, is fragmentary and incoherent. They have special turns, an abundance of diminutive words, verbosity, the absence or a peculiar arrangement of punctuation marks.
Introverts have compact, neat handwriting, while extroverts write in large, sweeping letters.
It has been noticed who writes letters either rudely or beautifully, perhaps in life he behaves differently.


About 20-30 degrees to the right. This is the most common handwriting slope. Such a person can be described as openly expressing feelings. At the same time, he cannot be called an impulsive person. He still has the ability to control his emotions in stressful situations. Such a person usually has well-developed communication needs and loneliness usually weighs on him.

About 50-60 degrees to the right. A strong tilt to the right indicates a loving nature and a strong desire for communication. Such a person is more likely to seek to flaunt their feelings than to suppress them within themselves. A person with such a handwriting is more receptive to new ideas and undertakings and is distinguished by great vitality.
At the same time, such people have more developed possessive moods, they are more fond of flattery and admiration for their nature.
Slight tilt to the left. About such a person, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that he is characterized by the predominance of control of the mind over emotions. This person is more secretive and tries to rationally evaluate his actions.

Significant tilt to the left. Such handwriting is often characteristic of left-handers. This is where you have more control over your emotions. The secrecy characteristic of this person can be combined with great sensuality, which can only be revealed to the closest people. In stressful situations, such a person can, unexpectedly for others, explode with a storm of emotional manifestations.
If the handwriting is vertical, then this means that the personality is characterized by a balance of rationality and emotionality. Such a person is characterized by an analysis of the situation and balanced decision-making.

If during the analysis of handwriting you find periodic or unsystematic changes in the slope of the handwriting, then this may indicate a person's low psychological stability, a sharp change in his mood. Probably inconstancy and pickiness to trifles.
Sometimes a periodic change in the slope of the handwriting may indicate some indecision of this person.
Handwriting without an inclination of letters indicates that a person has fundamental considerations that are fundamentally different from the opinions of others.
The slope of the letters to the right indicates diligence, to the left - about negativism, a tendency to resist.

Letter push

In modern conditions, when a huge variety of writing media has appeared (fountain pens (ink, ballpoint, drip, gel), pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.), it can be difficult to diagnose the pressure of the analyzed letter. At the same time, if such an opportunity does exist, it should not be missed. What can handwriting pressure say?
Strong pressure with a high probability speaks of energy, perseverance and good performance, the desire to always occupy oneself with something, including physical exercises.
This is a predominantly sociable person, he loves work related to human contacts. He seeks to satisfy the material side of his life. He tries to overcome failures, but does not “fixate” on them.
Light, superficial pressure. A person with such a handwriting is a subtle and sensitive nature.
This is more of an introvert (a person focused on the phenomena of the inner world). A critical mind and high self-control allow him to cope with tasks of great importance. However, this requires redoubled energy and effort from him.
Medium pressure. Such handwriting is most common, and ambiverts usually have it (people who are focused on knowing the outside world, but at the same time attaching great importance to internal, personal values). They are easier to understand and more predictable.

Combination of pressure with other characteristics of handwriting
Light pressure with even letters also testifies to the logical mind and rational thinking, the high development of moral qualities, the commitment and discipline of a person.
Light pressure and large rounded letters indicate a certain weakness of the person, his non-aggression, altruism and a tendency to cooperate.
Strong pressure when writing capital letters or abbreviations in the text can speak of a person’s energy, his creative or leadership abilities.

Horizontal lines

The line to the end of the page remains horizontal. This is a balanced person who is not upset by minor troubles, whether at work or at home. He carefully considers his actions and controls the manifestations of his emotions.
The line goes up. It is believed that this is evidence of optimism. In career terms, such a person is purposeful. Adaptability is above average, both to the physical and social environment. When the line runs up strongly, this may indicate unjustified optimism and the unreality of claims.
The line goes down. A skeptical person. Perhaps he is simply characterized by a real assessment of current events.
The line is uneven, going up and down. This is a person with a changeable mood, with low adaptability, who cannot fully cope with work that requires careful adherence to established rules and sustained attention.

Roundness of letters

The pronounced roundness of the letters may indicate that a person with this type of handwriting is disposed to cooperation. He is not inclined to be persistent in asserting his plans and positions. He is more open to understanding.
At the same time, such people cope worse with activities that require aggressive manifestations and perseverance.
The angular letters of the text are signs that their author is predisposed to competition and rivalry. Such people are more active, independent, have a critical mind and ambitious claims.

Spacing between words and lines

Most often, the dense arrangement of words indicates a person's frugality.
As the distance between words increases, the tendency to waste increases.
The value of the left fields
It is believed that the size of the margins in the handwritten text is an additional indicator that allows you to determine the degree of extravagance of a person.
Wide margins on all sides of the sheet speak of good taste and an instinctive craving for exquisite things.
If the margins rationally surround the text, then this is evidence in favor of prudence.
Even narrow fields on the left and right may indicate that a person is prone to frugality and reasonable prudence.
If the entire sheet is occupied by text, and there are no or almost no margins, then this is an indicator of a person’s desire to squeeze the maximum out of the available opportunities.
Graphologists also see hidden meaning in the topography of the text. For example, good performers organize the text clearly and very rarely transpose words. Such people are unlikely to show a creative approach to work, but they will never deviate from instructions and regulations.
Handwriting can betray a person's weaknesses, such as addiction to alcohol and mental illness.
People with abnormalities tend to write in "leaping letters" of varying sizes. Their handwriting is difficult to read and often replete with curls.

Letter size

small letters. Such letters testify to a person's ability to concentrate in one direction in deeds, thoughts, affections. This is a reserved, non-aggressive person.
If in small handwriting capital letters are disproportionately large compared to capital letters, this indicates a person’s personal pride and courage, that is, that a person has some character traits that are unlike his usual nature.
If in such a handwriting the capital letters are too small (relative to capital letters), then the person does not have sufficient courage, confidence, one can often speak of excessive modesty, which turns into a disadvantage.
“Close” small handwriting, difficult to read, says that we have an exceptionally secretive person who loves to spend time alone.
Large letters. Such a person is characterized by expansiveness, in some cases aggressiveness. Usually such handwriting indicates aversion to a subordinate role (both in personal and business life), shows that a person likes to insist on his own. This person strives for sociability, so work that is associated with interpersonal contacts is suitable for him.
If capital letters with large handwriting are graceful, not like others, this means that the person is able to command and attract other people to himself. These people tend to be romantic.
Medium size letters. Letters of medium size are characteristic of many handwritings, so the average size of letters cannot serve as an independent indicator for a graphologist, and it must be compared with other features.
Too large capital letters indicate leadership inclinations of the individual.
Using printed letters instead of written ones
This means moving towards new perspectives. If a person changes his handwriting style, begins to write in block letters, he is in a state of transition from traditional to modern ideas.

The presence of loops

"Loops" are available in the letters "c", "d", "h", "y", "c", "u".
The bottom hinges have been removed. Such a person has independent thinking, he prefers to look for a simple explanation for everything, does not tolerate falsehood, appreciates people for their achievements. Such a person shows ingenuity in a new business and knows how to adapt to a changed situation.
Bottom narrow loop. This is a sign of careful thinking, striving for spiritual goals. A sign of love for the family hearth, the desire to stick to your narrow circle of relatives.
Lower long wide loop. Aspirations aimed at satisfying material needs and emotions. Man loves to be noticed.
Disproportionately large bottom loop. Doesn't like to be tied down to business. The longer and wider the loop, the more sociable a person is, the more he strives for variety and pleasure.
Disproportionately small top and bottom loop. A person does not dare to embark on the path of independence; if necessary, he can limit himself to the smallest.

Breaks between letters

There are gaps between letters in almost every word. Such a person tends to rely on intuition; he has a well-developed "flair". This sign must be correlated with others.
Letters are connected without tearing off the handle in the process of writing words. sign of the logical mind. Such a person does not take anything for granted and tries to avoid surprises.

Letter size throughout the letter

The word begins with capital letters, which turn into small ones. This reduction of letters is found in people who occupy a position that requires special attention to keeping tact and keeping secrets.
The word begins with small letters that turn into large letters (or the end of the word turns into a straight or wavy line). That's what people who don't know how to keep secrets write.
"Open" (as if unfinished) letters "a", "c", "d", "o", "f", "i". The more open the letters, the more sociable the person. "Closed" letters indicate a person's restraint.

Man's signature

Is the signature a mirror of a person's soul or an illusion for others?
It is often said that all the strengths or weaknesses of human nature crystallize in a signature. Is it true?
Of course, to a large extent, the image that a person creates for others is expressed in his signature.
For analysis, it is better to use a signature affixed on unlined paper.
Over the years of a person's life, as a rule, several signatures are developed: one of them is his natural signature, which is used in private correspondence, the second is for signing business papers.
In the case when a person uses only one type of signature, we can talk about the natural naturalness of his behavior.
The slope in the signature, which differs from the slope in the rest of the text, indicates the differences between the inner world of a person and his external appearance.
The signature, slanted backwards, means that the intellect controls the emotions. If a person writes with an inclination to the back, and the signature is inclined to the right, the person is characterized by prudence, the head completely controls his heart, but he is friendly and sensitive.
If in small handwriting with simple letters we have a signature with large letters, then the person is trying to portray the presence of a broad nature, which he does not actually possess.
With too pretentious letters in the signature, one can say that a person seeks to create a deceptive impression of himself as a proud man.
The presence of a dot behind the signature is a sign of stubbornness, sometimes - increased alertness. If the dot is bold, then it can be a call sign. Also, a heavy line under the signature testifies to the challenge.
The long straight line under the signature is also important in the analysis. A feature made with light pressure indicates a possessive, assertive character, that aspirations are associated with ideal goals. Strong pressure tells us about the desire for material goals and recognition.
If you come across two vertical lines drawn on the line under the signature in the center of the dash, they may be a sign of good business sense.
A graceful line is an indicator of romanticism, such a person loves a refined life, easily amenable to flattery.
The more angularity in the dash, the more decisiveness, strength of character, and ambitiousness of a person are manifested.
The dash, which is a continuation of the last letter, often speaks of a person's perseverance, his ability to stand up for himself.
"Clamped", incomprehensible signature suggests that the person is not a leader.
The signature, gradually rising up, indicates that the person is an optimist and has an energetic character. In insecure people, it goes down. A horizontal signature is typical for balanced people.
The signature, which begins with the letter of the name, is put by thoughtful and responsible people. Curls speak of the lust for power and egocentrism of a person.
Dear Colleagues!
We sincerely hope that this material will help you in your work. And it will become a little easier for you to determine how much a person is initiative, accurate, ambitious, executive, organized, etc., by evaluating the questionnaire filled out by him by hand.
As we have repeatedly seen from our own experience, handwriting helps to reveal the real characteristics of a person, sometimes refuting the first impression upon meeting.
Once a respectable man came to the agency, who applied for the position of financial director. He behaved quite appropriately. But here's the handwriting!
During professional testing, the applicant unexpectedly "failed" and offered the recruiter to sing a romance instead of answering questions.
Good luck to you!

Handwriting can be sprawling, beautiful, slanted, small, illegible - it's hard to find people who would write the same way. Having carefully studied the handwriting of a particular person, you can learn about his character, personal qualities, even describe his appearance. Only at about 20 years old handwriting takes on its final form. Then you can analyze the text written by hand. What do you need to pay attention to and how to analyze the handwriting of a person as accurately as possible?

General information about handwriting

Graphology is a science that analyzes handwriting and makes the relationship of different characteristics with personal qualities. The work is carried out taking into account the slope of the letters, width, height, location of words, brevity and other factors that indicate the personal character of a person. The combination of all qualities leads to the definition of an accurate portrait, the individual characteristics of a person.

The science of graphology is able to give an accurate and complete analysis of the qualities of a person. In some cases, it is even possible to find out sexual preferences, a predisposition to drug addiction or suicide, a tendency to personal growth or degradation, etc. That is why many psychologists use handwriting analysis in their practice. In addition, many firms are beginning to use the services of graphologists when hiring specialists. This is a kind of new version of a lie detector, only it still shows the inclinations of a person that may appear in the future. Do not be afraid if they give you a blank piece of paper and fake your handwriting, because you can do yourself a disservice by ruining the characteristic.

What is needed for handwriting analysis?

Graphological analysis is most often carried out in the presence of a specialist, but if you know some of the subtleties of science, you can do everything yourself. This will require pencil and regular A4 blank sheet. For analysis, a person needs write at least 4 sentences, and without excitement and speed. The larger the inscription, the easier it is to parse some criteria of handwriting and determine the personal character. A pencil is needed to determine pressure, since it is difficult to determine this indicator with a pen.

Sometimes, for the accuracy of the analysis, the verifier asks to provide a previously written text, while not every option is suitable. For example, postcards or statements are not suitable due to the fact that the person puts effort into writing the text in them. In some documents, handwriting does not correspond to personal qualities due to haste or awkward position. Only text that was written in a calm and comfortable position is suitable for analysis. That is why graphological research is carried out with texts that are written by the same person, but at different times.

What characteristics of handwriting to pay attention to?

Graphologists believe that in order to analyze handwriting, it is necessary to have a few examples handwritten text. This is necessary in order to determine the exact handwriting. A person with each sheet makes less effort to write beautiful letters, which means that his handwriting becomes natural. It is the last sheets of text that become the object for analysis and determination of personal qualities, but what characteristics should you pay attention to?

Before starting to consider the main criteria for the inscription, you should pay attention to the piece of paper itself. By its appearance, the basic data is determined.

The first criterion in handwriting, by which personal character is determined, is letter size. It can change with age. Usually the letters become larger with age or change due to physical condition. That is, handwriting can be affected by illness or fatigue.

Letters increase with age due to fatigue or deterioration of vision, so this indicator should not be paid attention to. Handwriting is recommended to be checked in people aged from 25 to 45 years, because during this period many qualities of writing are stable and do not depend on physical condition. Besides, do not pay attention to the average size of the letters. This is the most popular size when writing, so it does not carry any specific information.

Letters written big print without emotional and physical tension, they talk about the leadership qualities of a person, his emotional stability, openness and ease of establishing relationships with people. small font indicates that a person is able to sit in one place for a long time while doing work. In addition, they have a noticeable sense of purpose and restraint, but people who write in small letters do not take root in society and are closed personalities.

Fields when writing text

When analyzing handwriting, attention should be paid to fields.

  1. If, when writing a text, a person withstands narrow margins, it means that he is thrifty, but the denser the text, pressed against the borders, the more this quality dominates in his life. As a result, words that practically run into the borders of the sheet speak of greed and stinginess. Such a person can manifest envy and vindictiveness.
  2. Wide margins indicate that the author is generous and loves to live without saving money. The economy of a person depends on the width of the margins. A lot of empty space indicates that he likes to grab, live in grand style in luxury. Such qualities are not always appreciated in human society.

Pressure when writing text

The pressure at the time of writing determines not only the individual characteristics of the person, but also his emotional state while writing the text. Emotions can be very different, but the brighter they are, the stronger the person presses the pen or pencil.

  1. If the emotional background is stable, strong pressure pen means the energy and hard work of a person. Such people find it difficult to establish relationships in society, lead a correct lifestyle, and do not withdraw into themselves. In addition, the strong pressure of the pen means a strong-willed, firm character and self-confidence.
  2. light pressure handles often determines a calm character, softness, loneliness and unwillingness to make contact with a large number of people. Such natures easily build personal relationships, but society scares them. In some cases, light pressure determines the tendency to romance.

In handwriting, the direction of the lines is of particular importance, because by the quality of writing the text, it is easy to determine the main personal characteristics. Letter slant is able not only to recognize the qualities of a person, but also to indicate his inclinations in the future.

Elements of the letter, the shape and slope of the letters

For a more accurate picture of personality, the binding elements and the shape of the letters should be determined. For example, if all letters have a transition, then the personality is distinguished by logical thinking, straightforwardness, and even capable of obstinacy. Separate spelling of letters indicates that the author refers to people with developed thinking and imagination. This type of writing is characteristic of a small number of people. Graphology states that balance is determined by continuous spelling of 2-3 letters, after which the separation slips and again the continuous spelling of letters.

Analyzing the shapes of the letters, it is easy to understand what a person is in terms of compliance and helping others. If the symbols angular or sharp, then its author belongs to the egoists. These are people who live on their own and you can't ask for help from them. Characters with smooth features define a malleable person who will always come to the rescue, but they cannot refuse, which is not always a good quality.

A large number of personal qualities are easy to recognize when analyzing the slope of the letters. Criticism is defined by slight tilt to the left. Such natures put themselves above others and do not take into account other people's opinions. The stronger the slope of the characters to the left, the more the author shows stubbornness and a tendency to defend his point of view. His side will always be the only true one.

Strong tilt to the right denotes a strong-willed character, strength in decision-making, a little zealous qualities and the ability to fall in love. A slight tilt of the text to the right is not used for analysis, because this is how they teach to write at school, which means it is more a rule than a manifestation of personal qualities. The direct spelling of letters indicates stubbornness, but without selfishness. This shows a balanced view and assessment of their capabilities.

Determination of character by handwriting

You can also determine not only the character by the handwriting of a person, but also the type of his temperament. To do this, several categories of handwriting should be used in combination.

  1. choleric determined by the slope of the text to the right. Characters are jagged, wrapped, or even confusing. The pressure of the pen is strong, and the distance between the words is different.
  2. Phlegmatic determined by the thickness of the letters. If the letters are bold, but their thickness is constantly changing, then the author has a phlegmatic temperament.
  3. Sanguine write in beautiful handwriting. Distinctive qualities are running and sweeping letters. The lines are wavy.
  4. Melancholy withstand uneven fields, characters dance, both in an inclination and in an arrangement on a line. Symbols are distinguished by elongation, strokes and dashes.

Definition of personal qualities

Your note in a few lines. Determining the character of a person by handwriting is the science of graphology.

Have you ever paid attention to the existence of a certain connection between a person's handwriting and his character? The point is not only that neat people write, as a rule, without blots, but economical ones write such small letters, as if they really feel sorry for the ink ... You won’t surprise anyone with such everyday observations, but there is a whole science that studies handwriting. It's called graphology.
There was a time when they spoke of graphology with contempt, considered it an invention and charlatanism. However, facts are a stubborn thing, and gradually the conclusions of graphology began to be used in medicine and forensics. It turned out that by studying handwriting, you can tell a lot about the psychological state of a person, his attitude towards himself and others.
Of course, on the pages of the newspaper it is impossible to reveal all the methods used by professional graphologists. And is it worth it? It seems to me that it would be more expedient to acquaint readers with a few simple tricks, so that everyone, having received a message or a note from a stranger, could figure out at a glance who he is dealing with.

So, imagine that you are holding a research text in your hands.

Where to start the analysis? First of all, pay attention to the fields. Unfortunately, they have long ceased to be mentioned even at school. However, the rules of etiquette require that the margins be located to the left of the written text and have a width of about 3 cm. This is the general situation, but in practice everything is often different.
Small, no more than 1 cm wide. the fields are left by people inclined to a measured family life. Wide - found in active or boastful natures, as well as those whom we jokingly call "bars". Often, a seemingly normal field begins to gradually narrow towards the end of the sheet. If the text of such a letter promises mountains of gold, do not believe the promises. The person who wrote this is thrifty to the point of avarice. In addition, he is selfish, but has such a strong self-control that he is able to hide the negative traits of his character for the time being.

In my opinion, one should also beware of the other extreme: people who tend to gradually expand the margins when writing. Even despite the fact that such natures are usually generous and benevolent, a significant flaw is hidden in their disposition - wastefulness. Following this passion of theirs, they easily “set up” themselves and others, and therefore, when communicating with them, you must always be on your guard.
“But, you say, you often have to deal with handwriting in which the lines look like runners: some are ahead, others are behind ...” Indeed, you are right. This is the so-called "disheveled" or "dancing" handwriting. It is typical for people who are careless, spending the whole day in business and troubles, which, alas, do not give any result. On a country trip or at a festive table, the owner of the "dancing" handwriting will be the most indispensable member of the company. But you should not rely on him in business: most likely this person will let you down, unwittingly.

Well, if you rely on anyone, it is on people who write evenly and directly even on unlined paper. As a last resort, pay attention to those whose lines involuntarily rise to the top. These people are resolute, confident in their own abilities, capable of calmly and reasonably defending their point of view under any circumstances. They have a highly developed sense of duty. But remember: the more obvious the rise of the line, the more vanity and ambition control a person. They are the main engine of all his actions.
Just don't think that when faced with downward-facing lines, you can already do without the help of a graphologist. Such lines are typical for dreamy, soft and sensitive people. They are not inclined to pay attention to constant failures, they will not break life for themselves and others for the sake of a career. These are flowers that retain their beauty under the onslaught of worldly storms. And if someone would ask me for advice when entering into marriage, he could hear in response: “The owner of even handwriting! Marry the girl whose note has lines running down. A quiet family life awaits you, full of beautiful dreams and delightful joys of mutual love.

For seven seals?

If your family boat is already sailing on the waves of life and you have schoolchildren, then you probably know how much effort you need to spend to teach them to write clearly and evenly, as required by the recipe. Of course, I would not like to disappoint you, but ... the time “swallowed” by the calligraphy lessons can be considered wasted. The beauty of handwriting is made up of the slope, pressure, size and width of the letters. And these factors are determined, first of all, by the psychological characteristics of the individual, and no prescriptions are able to change it.
The handwriting of a child directly depends on the state of his inner world., and therefore graphology, in my opinion, may be useful in solving some pedagogical problems. Do the following experiment. Take your child's notebooks and see if he finishes the lines to the end. Having found gaps left as if from fear of transferring a word, try to find out what worries, and maybe even scares your child. Fear is the only reason for "holes" at the ends of lines! On the other hand, filling the lines "to the eyeballs" is also an unfavorable sign. It appears in those cases when a person has an urgent need to speak out, but is silent for fear of being misunderstood.

Inner restlessness can also manifest itself in the slope of the letters. If it is constantly changing, if the letters stand like a forest after a hurricane, then there is no doubt that you are dealing with an unbalanced person. Sometimes, however, people themselves do not realize what a serious condition they are in. In this case, a change in handwriting can be considered the same symptom of a nervous breakdown, as a violation of sleep or coordination of movements.

But back to handwriting.

Almost all people can be divided into two large groups.

To the first include those who write small, to the second, respectively, those who tend to write large letters. Owners of small handwriting, as a rule, are observant and cold-blooded. And if the letters at the ends of words break off vertically, then caution and a critical attitude towards one's actions should also be added to all the listed signs. Are you not happy with the portrait I painted? Do you think that the owner of small handwriting looks like a human-machine? Do not rush to conclusions. It is difficult to find a more calm spouse or caring son than the one whom you almost dubbed the "machine" in the heat of the moment.

Another characteristic feature inherent in the handwriting of almost every person is the width of the letters. If it slightly exceeds the usual one, then you have a smart, energetic and active person in front of you. But the wider the letters and words scatter in writing, the more carefree and careless the character of the writer becomes. Sociability turns into attachment, generosity into wastefulness, ease turns into a superficial view of things. And now in front of you is not a happy and reliable companion, but a carefree merry fellow, sweepingly deducing words on paper, the meaning of which he hardly thinks about.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to such a funny feature as the existence reverse slope. That is, there are people who put letters at an angle not from left to right, like most, but vice versa. Such handwriting immediately attracts attention. He speaks of the stiffness and cunning of his owner. As a rule, these people turn out to be secretive and have little trust in others. They live in their own world, as if inside some kind of shell, and it is not surprising that over time despotic traits and habits develop in their characters. However, even these strong natures have a weak point: they are afraid of their own feelings. It is naive to expect a love explanation from a young man with such a handwriting; in adulthood, it will be easier for him to walk the dog or go to the store than to play with the children; and in old age, he will probably prefer to spend his days in dreary loneliness ... And this is all because of the fear of showing how much his relatives and loved ones really are dear to him.

Just one letter...

As you know, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes did not have any supernatural powers. He simply knew how to observe and analyze small, at first glance, completely unremarkable facts. Today you have a unique opportunity to feel yourself in the role of Holmes, because observation is the main thing that is required from a graphologist when he moves from text analysis to the study of individual letters.

Let's start with the upper crossbar, the one that crowns such capital letters as P, T, B, and G. If it is free, its right edge is strongly bent upwards or forms a loop, you are dealing with a proud, but very enterprising person. Rare, you see, a combination. Much more familiar to the eye is the bending, as if ready to soar up the crossbar. It means... derision. Moreover, a person with such a writing skill could even be called spineless in the sense that the well-known proverb implies: "For the sake of a red word, he will not spare his father." These people are also stubborn, and when entering into business or personal relationships with them, do not try to bet on their pride. As a rule, such a step leads only to the opposite result.

Now pay attention to the left edge of the crossbar. Here, according to the rules of calligraphy, there should be a loop, a kind of ornate or strict stroke. In addition to the letters listed above, it is also available in the spelling of B, K, H, Yu and others. For bold and resolute people, the stroke begins with a thick point, for active people the tip of the loop seems to be hidden in the crossbar, and poseurs and lovers of external gloss make so many turns that they even touch the main, vertical strokes of the letter.

By the way, the ratio of vertical and horizontal strokes - the most important indicator for handwriting analysis. It is he who discovers the ability of a person to rule himself. In all cases when the crossbar crowns a letter without touching its other elements, it can almost certainly be asserted that a strong and even despotic person wrote, not only in relation to others, but, first of all, to himself. People of a mobile, cheerful nature, as a rule, bring vertical strokes close to horizontal ones, as if putting the walls of the house under a flat roof. And the indecisive, on the contrary, compensate for the lack of willpower with a beautiful and energetic stroke, which, as it were, cuts the letter.

Probably, some of the readers will be surprised to learn that even, pleasant handwriting in graphology is by no means considered an indicator of an equally even, happy character. Why? It's not hard to explain. By trying to write “like in the picture”, people train the hand, and with it the character. They have to suppress their individuality both in their hearts and in writing, constantly control themselves, asking: “Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing the same as everyone else? I assure you: a person who has achieved clear calligraphic handwriting has taught himself to think and act “like everyone else”. Do not expect bright, extraordinary decisions from him, do not hope that one day he will come to you with constructive proposals - this will never happen. And yet, despite the fact that the owners of a beautiful handwriting completely lack initiative, you should not put an end to their career. These people are indispensable in the performance of work that requires patience, accuracy and pedantic diligence.

However, back to writing letters. I hope you have noticed that some people, when starting to write, put a little preliminary stroke at the beginning of a word. This feature is characteristic of disputants and those who are literally haunted by the spirit of contradiction. If I had to create a board of directors, then among the others there would definitely be a person who starts writing with a preliminary stroke. And all because, in addition to negative qualities (which, by the way, it is quite possible to put up with), these people are characterized by entrepreneurial spirit and truly amazing resourcefulness.
There would certainly be someone on my board of directors who makes full, round hooks for such lowercase letters as T, Sh, I, P, M, and the like. Only strong and energetic people are capable of this. Of course, their imperturbable calm can sometimes interfere with business, but, no doubt, they will be able to appreciate the positive qualities of their colleagues. For example, the ingenuity of those who tend to cut off each letter in writing as if it is not part of the word, but exists independently.
These are the general conclusions of graphology. However, one does not have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand a simple truth: one should not judge the character of a person by having one single letter in front of his eyes. Analyze the text as a whole, identify the most typical features for this handwriting, and then you will not have to regret the haste and one-sidedness of your conclusions.