Types of umbrellas from the rain. How to choose a rain umbrella - instructions for fashionistas and lovers of quality. Knitting needles in umbrellas are an important element

So let's help you choose an umbrella together. An umbrella is a necessary accessory that can save you in rainy weather or protect you from the sun. In addition, a stylish umbrella can serve as an accessory that perfectly complements the image. How to choose an umbrella that will go with your wardrobe? What to look for when buying, and how to care for this product?

Fashionable and beautiful umbrellas

When choosing, pay attention to the name of the manufacturer, be sure to read the reviews about the model. Open and close the umbrella several times, make sure that it is convenient for you to use it.

Choosing an umbrella: what are umbrellas?

If you are looking to upgrade your umbrella, be sure to check out some parasol search options.

Types of umbrellas

Women's umbrella

These are stylish models with a wide choice of colors and various decorative elements. The accessory has a narrow dome.

Male umbrella

Men's models are usually presented in a standard dark color scheme, while they have a strong curved handle and a laconic design.

Children's umbrella

These are bright small models that open and close easily. The accessory has a lightweight design for comfortable use. Children's umbrellas are separated for girls and boys.

Umbrellas for girls are models in light or bright colors, which can depict funny animals or cartoon characters.

Children's umbrella with cartoon characters

Umbrellas for boys are compact accessories with an attractive design. Superheroes, cartoon characters, cars and motorcycles are just some of the images that can be on the canopy of these umbrellas.

Beach from the sun

Presented in light colors (the model is made of lightweight fabric that passes air well). This option has a light design and is made of lacy thin fabric, in most cases the accessory is made in light shades.

beach umbrella excellent protection against. Beach products have a dome of a deep concave shape, which additionally protects from the sun's rays. Large multi-level models are stable, so they can be easily installed on the sand, in addition, they can protect several people from the sun.

Beach umbrella

wedding umbrellas

White lace umbrellas with a graceful curved handle will be a great addition to the bride's outfit. act not only as a decoration: openwork fabric can protect the bride and groom from the sun's rays in summer weather.

garden umbrella

Vacation option. The bright colors and large size of the dome make it possible to use it as a gazebo: you can read a book under it or relax after gardening.

garden umbrella

Choosing an umbrella: umbrella designs

By type of design, umbrellas can be divided into two categories, most models have a folding design and compact size, but modern manufacturers and fashionable cane umbrellas.

  • folding model, there are models from 2 to 5 additions.
  • umbrella cane.

umbrella mechanism

Folding umbrellas according to the method of functioning can be:

Such a model can be assembled in automatic and mechanical modes; when buying, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, the strength of the frame and the quality of the material. For frequent use, it is better to take a small model that fits easily into a bag.

Mechanical: operate in manual mode

Mechanical models are considered the most inexpensive, but they are less convenient than modern umbrellas (mechanical accessories open manually, you will not find buttons on them).

Semi-automatic folding button

Semi-automatic umbrellas also open manually, but closing occurs by pressing a button. The button folds the dome of the umbrella, while the rod itself must be folded manually.

Automatic works only by means of a button

Automatic models open and close in a few seconds with the push of a button. This is the most convenient option, but poor-quality structures break quickly, so you should choose such an umbrella very carefully.

Dome diameter

The diameter of the dome of an umbrella is an important characteristic of an umbrella. You should pay attention to this criterion, because it depends on how convenient and functional the umbrella will be during use. The diameter of the dome have the following dimensions:

Mini dome, diameter 0 to 85

Mini Dome Umbrellas useful for those people who prefer to constantly carry an umbrella, it takes up less space, weight and fits in any purse or outerwear pocket, when folded it has a length of about 20 cm;

Small, diameter from 86 to 95

Small canopy umbrellas are still small but more functional than mini canopy umbrellas. These umbrellas provide sufficient protection even when it rains. They are compact, light weight and do not cause trouble during carrying;

Classic, diameter from 96 to 102. Enlarged, diameter from 103 to 110,

Umbrellas with a classic dome are the most popular, since this diameter of the dome is the standard. A medium-sized dome has men's and women's cane umbrellas, classic folding umbrellas and other umbrella models designed for the mass consumer.

Large, diameter from 111 to 135. Huge, diameter from 136 and more

Large, very large umbrellas, the dome of which is over 111cm. will be useful for couples in love, friendly companies, obese people, in general, for all buyers who dream of a big and reliable roof over their heads.


Which brand of umbrella is best? Japanese, Dutch (Trust and Impliva) and French (Chantal Thomass) manufacturers are the best on the market. In terms of strength, the leading positions are occupied by trademarks from England (Zest, G&W, Fulton), Germany (Happy rain, licensed Esprit and Pierre Cardin), Austria (DOPPLER), Italy (Almax, Epsilon, Poppler, Top N.C, Perletti);

Fulton (a well-known English manufacturer), Three Elephants (a domestic company), Doppler (the company uses high-quality alloys and various shades for decoration) are the most popular umbrella manufacturing companies. Manufacturers must provide a guarantee for their products (the average warranty period is 6 months).

Frame (spokes + rod)

The best umbrellas have a frame made of plastic or carbon fiber. The umbrella should include 10 or more spokes made of durable material.


The optimal fabric is satin or sponge (they are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance, water-repellent characteristics and quick drying).


The best models have a wooden handle, while the material must have a varnish coating, and the part itself must lie tightly in the hand and not slip.

How to choose an umbrella according to your appearance

The red shade of the umbrella will refresh the pale complexion, and the green one, on the contrary, will give you a sickly look. Universal black models are suitable for any appearance.

How to properly care for an umbrella

How to dry?

To dry, open the dome and leave it in this state for several hours; dry the accessory away from heat sources. After the drops of water have dried, leave the umbrella for a while in a half-open position.

How to wash?

Summer umbrellas and other models are washed with a soap solution and a soft sponge, after which the dome is thoroughly washed with water so that there are no streaks.

How to clean the dirt?

All dirt can be removed with clean cool water and soap, it is forbidden to use cleaners with abrasive particles.

How to store?

Umbrellas are stored completely in a dry place, away from sources of heat and sunlight, it is recommended to place the structure in a special case.

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Undoubtedly, there is a main fundamental difference between who exactly the accessory is intended for - a woman or a man. Designers who know all the subtleties of this issue develop models taking into account all gender characteristics. So, accessories intended for the fair sex, most often have bright colors, are decorated with unusual prints, ruffles, etc. As a rule, the frame of such specimens is made of fairly light, but at the same time especially durable materials, which makes the product even more comfortable.

The options are more massive. For the most part, they have a considerable dome, which allows you to reliably shelter even two people from bad weather. These products are usually dark shades, decorated with laconic, most often geometric patterns and ornaments.

Special attention deserves such a category as. Accessories for kids must be bright and interesting. It is good if the dome of such a product is decorated with illustrations for famous fairy tales or images of characters from popular cartoons. This will help enrich the inner world of the crumbs, develop his imagination.

So, we have decided on the differences in umbrellas by gender and age. But sooner or later, each of us is faced with the problem of choosing our umbrella. Sometimes it is difficult to decide right away without getting lost in all the diversity that the modern market offers. Here are a few points that any buyer should pay attention to in the first place.

What to choose - an umbrella-cane, or a folding model?

By type, everything can be divided into two broad categories. All belong to the first non-compact models these accessories. They don't have folds. When closing such a product, the knitting needles simply fit snugly against the frame, and it is impossible to reduce the accessory in size. Mostly good old canes belong to this type.

In fact, such models can be considered the very first varieties of folding umbrellas in general.

True, initially they were less comfortable and not as durable as at the present time. Often one strong gust of wind was enough to damage the accessory. Now all the mistakes of the past have been taken into account, and such products have become strong and reliable protectors of people from bad weather. Also, their advantages are the relative simplicity of design - and this, according to the laws of mechanics, will help the product to be more durable.

The disadvantages of cane umbrellas can only be called their bulkiness and the lack of an “automatic” folding system - due to the design features of the frame.

The second category is folding umbrellas, the frame of which can be reduced in size several times - two, three, four or even five. Particularly popular in the modern world among both men and women are compact models. They can even be carried in a handbag, or put in a glove compartment and used as needed. This accessory will come to your aid in the most difficult moment! The advantages of folding models are obvious: in addition to the described storage in a purse or car, you will not be burdened with the weight of such an accessory, in addition, folding umbrellas are perhaps the most popular today, which means that the choice of their colors will also be wider.

The disadvantages of folding umbrellas are in the design itself. A larger number of parts creates a greater likelihood of failure of the entire mechanism. Also, you need to be able to handle folding umbrellas carefully so as not to injure yourself or others (this is especially true for the “semi-automatic” or “automatic” systems).

Pay attention when buying an umbrella on folded product size. Of course, the canes will be the longest and most bulky, but for folding umbrellas, which are theoretically selected for carrying in a bag or briefcase, the difference of even a few centimeters will be significant. The optimal size of an umbrella in three additions with a standard folded canopy size is 30-35 centimeters. Smaller models have more folds, larger ones are usually made in two folds and look impressive, like a mini cane. What size to prefer is a matter of taste and need, but do not forget to include this important parameter in your list when choosing an umbrella, so that later you do not “shove” your favorite umbrella diagonally into your small everyday bag.

We study the "mechanical" side of the issue

Equally important when choosing an umbrella folding mechanism. There are three types of them - mechanical, semi-automatic and full automatic.

Products with a mechanical type of addition have long established themselves as one of the most reliable and durable. With this type, the accessory must be opened and closed manually.

Thus, the risk of product breakage is significantly reduced. Undoubtedly, mechanical umbrellas will be appreciated by women or men who are looking for extremely compact models: the design features of the frames in five additions - this is 16-19 cm in length when folded - allow using only a mechanical opening-closing system of the dome.

The disadvantage of this system is only the amount of effort required to use the accessory for its intended purpose: for example, if there are many transfers in transport, crossings and other areas on your way where you need to hide the umbrella, it would be more convenient for you to use another dome opening system.

Umbrellas with "semi-automatic" mechanism are currently the most common. Such products open automatically - just press the button. But the accessory must be folded manually. Compared to the previous type, these products save a lot of time and effort for their owner, and at the same time they are an excellent compromise in the price-quality ratio. Everyone sees their own shortcomings in them: lovers of "mechanics" - an increased probability of breakage, and lovers of "machine" - insufficient functionality.

Accessories with fully automatic movement disclosures are becoming more and more popular. Especially when it comes to big cities, where every second counts. The dome of such a product opens and closes automatically - it is extremely convenient in transport or in heavy rain and wind. However, it should be borne in mind that the price of such models is somewhat higher. An umbrella with a "full automatic" system also involves a large load on the structural elements, which increases the likelihood of breakdowns.

In the article you will find more useful and important information.

Frame and spokes

umbrella frame- this is its basis of foundations, therefore, the evaluation of the properties of this parameter of the product must be treated as responsibly as possible. Modern frames in umbrellas are made of steel, carbon, metal alloys or aluminum. Strength directly depends on the material of execution. Aluminum is used in lightweight models of umbrellas, carbon fiber is used in models with a reinforced frame, an enlarged dome, and in the bulk of umbrellas frames are made of steel and metal alloys. All frames, except aluminum, are famous for their strength and durability, and, unfortunately, the advantage of an aluminum frame is only the light weight of the product. Don't count on durability.

spokes- this is the basis for the dome, so they must be strong, reliable and high quality - then the umbrella will look solid. The number of knitting needles in umbrellas ranges from five to twenty-four or even thirty-six, but eight to ten are the optimal number for everyday wear - this is exactly what the main manufacturers on the market offer. Five is too little: the dome of an umbrella may “sag” and not look aesthetically pleasing, and more than ten spokes are rather a matter of taste and wallet capabilities, since they do not carry technical necessity, except for umbrellas with a very large dome.

How many nuances! However, they are all important if you plan to wear your umbrella for more than one season. You can get acquainted with all the technical components of the choice in more detail.

A useful feature in any umbrella is anti-wind system: it allows you to extend the life of any umbrella in the conditions of heavy winds, which so often happen to us on rainy or snowy days. The cost of the anti-wind umbrella is increasing, but this is perhaps its only drawback, given the increasing durability of the product, protection against breakage and ease of use. More information about this wonderful system is in ours.

The dome of the umbrella is his "calling card"

When choosing an umbrella, we still meet “according to clothes”.

An important nuance will be, of course, - but the material will be even more important.

dome material protects you from rain, it acts as a mechanical barrier against moisture. As long as it is durable and waterproof, the entire umbrella will perform its main function for so long. Modern umbrellas use different types of fabrics: nylon, polyester, jacquard, satin, pongee. Some models have Teflon impregnation - this allows you to create additional protection against water for the fabric of the dome.

Nylon- the cheapest and thinnest material used in the manufacture of umbrellas. Unfortunately, its service life is also not long. In order for the umbrella to serve for a long time and reliably, you need to pay attention to polyester. This is a synthetic material, especially durable and water resistant, which is simply designed for use in the manufacture of umbrella domes. Most models on the market are presented with polyester domes. The only disadvantage of such material is the usual, fairly familiar appearance - you will not find a special shine, silkiness, or padding on it.

Satin or jacquard, being derivatives of silk fabrics used for the production of clothing, look more advantageous compared to polyester. However, such materials, since they were not originally created for the dome, may not be as durable, and only special impregnations help them to “wear” well. These umbrellas, although they look an order of magnitude more stylish and elegant than polyester models, are also more “gentle” in operation - you have to pay for luxury!

Pongee- polyester with cotton admixture - is considered a convenient and interesting material of a new generation. Pleasant to the touch due to the natural cotton thread that is used in the production of this fabric, and well-drying - this umbrella will please you for sure. The disadvantage is the higher price and the specific appearance of the dome - it does not have the effect of "synthetic material", which is rather unusual for umbrellas.

You can learn more about dome materials.

When considering buying an umbrella, consider which dome size is optimal for you. Are you buying an umbrella for yourself or for walking with your soulmate? Or with the whole family?

The advantage of large domes is that you will certainly not get wet, even if you “shelter” your spouse or colleague under it. However, an umbrella with an enlarged canopy is probably larger when folded and more expensive.

Small, compact umbrellas with a classic canopy will appeal to carrying to work, in a bag. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the rain, accompanied by a strong wind, you are unlikely to come out completely “dry out of the water”.

Choose the optimal size of the dome with us and ours!

Brands, prices and warranties

The market offers a variety of umbrellas - from Japanese and German to Chinese. Prices are often associated with the brand and depend on its prestige and the technologies that it implements in the production of its umbrellas.

If you are planning a purchase without much looking back at the cost of an umbrella, pay attention to models made in Japan -, New Zealand - Blunt, Germany - FARE, Esprit, Pierre Cardin, Happy Rain, Raindy Days, Flash. To buy a product with an optimal price-quality ratio, choose products from England - Airton, Zest, Austria - Magic Rain, China - Wanlima, Three Elephants.

An important advantage when buying an umbrella will be that it has warranty period of operation. The lack of a guarantee is a warning sign. Optimally combining such parameters as warranty period, price and country of origin, you can buy an umbrella of excellent quality and value.

Ours will tell you in more detail about the brands of umbrellas and the prices for them.

Pay attention to details

Plays an important role umbrella handle. Most often, handles come in two main types - straight and hook.

straight handle can be standard, shortened or extended. The hook can also be truncated.

This part is made of a variety of materials - wood, plastic and even steel and glass. It may also have a special coating that prevents slipping.

There is no need to talk about what type and material of manufacture of this part of the accessory design is more convenient. After all, each buyer in this matter is guided by his personal preferences. The main thing is that the handle is comfortable and ideal for you, so that the accessory is comfortable and pleasant to hold in your hand. You can learn more about handles in umbrellas at this.

Designers especially like to experiment with different decorative elements. Buckles, lace, braid, ruffles, bows, rhinestones - the craftsmen generously supply their creations with a wide variety of interesting details, making each of them a real masterpiece. But at the same time, one should not forget that an umbrella is, first of all, of practical importance and should be as convenient as possible, so an excess of decorations is often harmful.

So helpful tips.

From all of the above, a logical conclusion follows - the issue of choosing such an accessory as an umbrella should not be approached without prior preparation. In order for you to be able to purchase a truly high-quality copy, we have prepared for you some helpful tips - kind of reminder.

  • When choosing an umbrella, get acquainted with all the technical characteristics: what materials the frame and dome are made of, what opening mechanism, how many spokes and folds the product has, what is its weight and size when folded. This information can be found by reading the label or special booklet that comes with the umbrella, or by asking the seller.
  • Ask the seller to open the umbrella. Make sure that the product is in good condition, there are no suspicious spots on the frame, the spokes do not hang out, and there are no suspicious sounds when shaking the product. The handle should also be reliable and comfortable. It will be important to open two or three, and even five or six times is better. This will help you check how the umbrella works, which has never been opened before and, perhaps, just lay in a package on a display case or in a warehouse.
  • Examine the dome. It must be firmly fastened to the frame and at the same time should not sag. There can be no damage on the dome. Even a small defect can be seen if you turn the dome towards the light source. The color of the fabric and pattern must be persistent. Carry out such a test - lightly rub the umbrella dome with a plain white paper towel. The napkin should remain clean. Otherwise, you need to think about whether to buy such a product.
  • Do not neglect the anti-wind system. The accessories supplied with it are more durable and endure domestic climatic conditions much better - strong winds, wind with rain, with snow.
  • If you want to become the owner of a product of a well-known brand, you should verify its authenticity. A store selling such products must have a supporting document, and the product itself must have a logo or trademark emblem.
  • Decide how exactly you are going to wear the accessory. Products intended to be carried in the hand are usually equipped with a special strap. If you need an umbrella that can be put in a bag or car glove compartment, you should pay attention to compact and small models.
  • If you plan to purchase an umbrella with a "full automatic" or "semi-automatic" mechanism, you need to make sure that the button, when pressed, opens / closes the dome, does not sink or have other defects.
  • Be sure to clarify what warranty applies to the model you have chosen and what the terms of the warranty service are, for example, which parts are covered by the repair.
  • Consult with the seller how to properly use your new umbrella: tips on proper use, storage and care of the umbrella will help you wear your favorite model for many years.

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(English umbrella, brolly) - a mechanical device for protection from rain or sun in the form of a frame that is folded and fixed on a cane, covered with waterproof material.

Historical reference

They were intended to protect from the sun, their domes were embroidered with gold threads, and the handles were decorated with precious stones. At that time, it was easy to determine the status and financial position of the owner from an umbrella.

Umbrellas were very massive, and sometimes their weight reached two kilograms, and therefore servants were obliged to carry umbrellas for the owner. The more noble and richer a person was, the more umbrellas he had. The king of Siam (now Thailand) had an umbrella with seven domes, decorated with expensive embroidery and diamonds, and the king of Burma (now Myanmar) was called the "master of twenty-four umbrellas", since his umbrella consisted of twenty-four domes.

In the 16th century, umbrellas were brought to Europe, and quickly gained popularity among noble girls who tried very hard to keep their skin white: a tan was considered a sign of low origin. Umbrella handles were made of wood, bamboo and ivory, while the needles were made of whalebone. The waxed linen dome was decorated with lace, embroidery, silk, and matched with the dress.

In France, the fashion for umbrellas was introduced by the French Queen Marie de Medici, the wife of Henry IV, who arrived from Italy in 1600. An umbrella over her head was carried by a separate servant.

The umbrella had a new purpose in the middle of the 18th century, thanks to the extravagant British traveler John Hanway. At that time, an umbrella was considered an absolutely feminine accessory and was intended only for protection from the sun, but in rainy weather, decent ladies and gentlemen tried not to go out, and in case of emergency they put on hats and raincoats and hired a carriage.

On one of these rainy days, Hanway walked out of the house under an umbrella, causing bewilderment and numerous ridicule. But after a few years, John had a large following, and the umbrella became a familiar accessory for the harsh English weather for both women and men.

Today the store is located at the same address and still exists as a family business.

The umbrella was brought to Russia from the Netherlands by Peter the Great in the 18th century. The Russian word "umbrella" comes from the Dutch "zondek", which literally translates as "protection from the sun." Later it was reduced to the word “umbrella” known to us today, and its previous form is perceived as a diminutive.

An umbrella of the early 19th century could weigh up to five kilograms: to make the silk waterproof, it was oiled, and when wet, such umbrellas were very difficult to open and close.

In 1852, Briton Samuel Fox invented a lighter steel frame, which made it possible to mass-produce umbrellas. In 1928, the German engineer Hans Haupt patented a telescopic pocket umbrella (such umbrellas closed up, i.e. in the opposite direction), and in 1936, his company Knirps released a pocket automatic umbrella. After 30 years, the silk fabric was replaced with nylon, and the steel and wooden frames were replaced by polymer ones.

In the 1930s, umbrellas that protected from the sun fell out of fashion completely, as tanned skin began to be considered especially beautiful compared to aristocratic pallor.

Types of umbrellas

Umbrellas are divided into men's, women's and children's.

In terms of mechanism:

  • fully automatic - the umbrella opens and closes with the push of a button;
  • automatic - the button controls the opening and closing;
  • semi-automatic - a button is pressed, then the umbrella canopy is opened manually;
  • mechanical - the umbrella opens completely manually.

According to the type of folding, they are divided into five types: two, three, four and five additions and an umbrella-cane. The size of the umbrella largely depends on the type of addition: the more additions, the smaller it is.

The cane umbrella is a classic model. Its main advantages include a large, roomy dome, strength and reliability of the structure. The only drawback of the cane umbrella is its size: even when folded, you have to carry it in your hands; you can often find a special braid on the case for carrying the umbrella on your shoulder.

Currently, there are many models of umbrellas: double umbrellas that can fit two people, umbrellas with a transparent dome, umbrellas with a Jedi sword handle, rainbow umbrellas, umbrellas with a bright inner part (double skin umbrellas), umbrellas with a sunny sky on the inside and many others as new models appear every year.

Choosing an umbrella

Choosing an umbrella, you should pay attention not only to its visual appeal, but also to the color. Umbrellas in light blue and green shades give colored dark shadows and can visually change the color of the skin. Girls with pale skin are advised to choose warm-colored umbrellas.

The quality of an umbrella is also determined by the material of the spokes and the stem. Steel is stronger and more durable than aluminium, but heavier and less flexible. Fiberglass is a strong and highly flexible material. The number of spokes can vary from 6 to 32 and does not affect the quality of the umbrella.

Having decided on the model and color, it is recommended to open and close the umbrella several times, following how smoothly the mechanism works and how stretched the fabric is. The tension of the fabric will depend on the number of folds of the umbrella. Next, it is worth checking that all the details, such as a cap, handle, etc., are firmly held in place. Umbrellas are convenient, in which, when folded, the ends of the spokes fall into the "pocket" of the handle. Umbrellas with metal handles are very cold to hold in your hands.


Rusty spots can be removed from a black umbrella by wiping it with a soft sponge dipped in strong tea leaves. A few drops of lemon juice are applied to the stubborn rust, left for half an hour and then washed off with warm water.

Umbrella - a device that is designed to protect against rain, snow or sunlight. The product consists of a rod, a dome and spokes. Available mechanical, automatic and semi-automatic design, various technical parameters.

Umbrella device

Types of mechanisms:

  • mechanical - closes and opens manually, there are no buttons on the handle;
  • semi-automatic - opens manually, closes by pressing a button (it only folds the dome, and the rod is folded manually);
  • automatic - the dome opens and closes automatically (by pressing a button).

The folding mechanical umbrella features a simplified system. To open the product, press the button and pull up. At the same time, hold on to the fastener connecting the spokes at the top of the dome. A soft click indicates the fixation of the umbrella.

To assemble the structure, press the button again and pull the mount down. This process takes some time, because it takes effort.

The semi-automatic umbrella features simplified operation. A special button is provided on the handle, when pressed, the rod is extended to the stop. The dome opens manually.

To close the umbrella, pull the mount down to the hook. Opening takes less time.

An automatic umbrella involves opening the product with two clicks on the button. The first press extends the stem, the second opens the dome. Closing occurs according to the same algorithm, but in reverse order.

It is possible to equip the device with a spring that protects the spokes of the dome from eversion in the wind. Locking technology is used to prevent accidental opening.

Types of umbrellas

Men's models are made in black or dark colors, women's models are made in bright colors, with paintings, drawings, and decor. A separate category is transparent domes.

Umbrella dome material

  1. Nylon is an affordable material. Prone to wear, mechanical damage, loss of color. It is possible to stain things lying nearby with a wet umbrella.
  2. Polyester - not subject to fading, it takes a little time to dry. Differs in insufficient durability and wear resistance.
  3. Pongee is a material that combines polyester and cotton. Used in expensive models. It feels like thick cotton to the touch. Water droplets roll down from the dome. 5 minutes after closing the umbrella, the material dries completely.
  4. Satin is a water-repellent material. Complete drying occurs after 5 minutes. Resistant to mechanical damage.

Umbrellas are divided into two types:

  • canes - oversized domes in combination with a strong one-piece handle;
  • folding (telescopic) - devices are folded 2-5 times, equipped with a mechanical, automatic, semi-automatic design.

According to their purpose, accessories are divided into three types:

  • Men's umbrellas. The enlarged dome is able to shelter at least two people from the rain. Products are made in dark colors, it is possible to use laconic ornaments and patterns (geometric).
  • Women's umbrellas. Equipped with lightweight frames made of durable materials. The dome is narrower than that of a male accessory. Bright colors with original prints prevail.
  • Children's umbrellas are made with a lightweight design. They are distinguished by multi-colored domes with colorful illustrations and cartoon characters.

  1. Accessory for two - a model with a diameter increased to 120-130 cm. When folded, it is characterized by the same parameters as a standard umbrella.
  2. Anti-storm technology - a product with a double dome (two layers of material) and reinforced steel spokes.
  3. Devices with moisture-resistant MP3 players built into the handles.

  • straight;
  • round;
  • hook.

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • leather;
  • metal.

  • up to 85 cm - mini;
  • 85-95 cm - small;
  • 96-102 cm - classic;
  • 103-110 cm - enlarged;
  • 111-135 cm - large;
  • from 135 cm - huge.

The number of knitting needles in the product is from 8 to 16 pieces. The greater their number, the smoother and more stable the dome in relation to strong gusts of wind (the umbrella does not bend in the opposite direction).

  1. Steel - the core of the product and the knitting needles are distinguished by a shiny, not matte finish. The dome does not turn out due to gusts of wind, the spokes are characterized by increased strength. At the same time, the accessory is heavier compared to other models.
  2. Fiberglass - the material resembles plastic. The needles are soft but strong. The product is light, the dome resists strong gusts of wind. When using a steel rod, there are no drawbacks to such a model.
  3. Aluminum - soft knitting needles are covered with a matte layer. The accessory is light and compact, but prone to mechanical damage, turns inside out in the wind.

The umbrella stem consists of 2-5 additions. 2-3 additions are equipped with large-format men's umbrellas, 4-5 - compact female models that fit easily into.

Rods are made of steel, aluminum and plastic. The cane is equipped with a strong core. According to the shape, the rods are divided into round and multifaceted - the more faces, the more reliable the design.


Umbrella cane

  • increased strength;
  • expanded dome diameter;
  • Thanks to the simplified design, the model is characterized by durability and wear resistance.

folding umbrella

  • practical in operation and storage;
  • compact;
  • lungs;
  • miniature models are placed in the pockets of outerwear or the glove compartment of the car;
  • due to the popularity of such products, the variety of their colors is wider.

mechanical umbrella

  • proved to be the most durable and reliable;
  • manual opening and closing of the umbrella significantly reduces the risk of breakage;
  • mechanical products are more compact - when folded, the length of the accessory is 16-19 cm (5 additions).


  • semi-automatic technology is considered the most common;
  • compared to the mechanical design, much less time and effort is spent on operation;
  • Umbrellas tend to be affordable value for money.

Fully automatic

  • opening and closing the dome does not require any physical effort, it is convenient in strong winds, in transport, and significantly saves time.


  • takes up a lot of space, because when folded, the spokes do not fit snugly against the frame;
  • such a model is bulky, it lacks a telescopic system due to design features.

  • due to the presence of a large number of structural elements, the risk of damage to the device is quite high;
  • the telescopic system requires careful and careful handling.

  • the operation of a mechanical umbrella requires frequent efforts to open and close the device - this is the only drawback of this model.

  • often fail;
  • insufficient functionality.

  • involves an increased load on the constituent elements (spokes, rod), so the risk of breakdowns is higher.

How to choose an umbrella

When choosing, study the technical characteristics of the product:

  • material of spokes, rod, dome;
  • disclosure mechanism;
  • the number of additions and knitting needles;
  • folded and unfolded size, weight.

This data is contained in the information label or booklet that comes with each model.

The canes are durable and reliable, equipped with a rounded dome, which looks more attractive and protects from rain more reliably. The simplified design extends the life of the accessory.

If the only drawbacks - bulkiness and inconvenient transportation - are not a problem, then this particular model should be preferred.

When choosing between a mechanical design, semi-automatic and automatic, be guided by personal preferences. The mechanics are durable and reliable, but require effort, operation takes longer.

If you often have to unfold and fold an umbrella, then an automatic machine is the ideal solution. The semi-automatic design combines the advantages and disadvantages of both models.

The smallest models of umbrellas with a mini-dome (up to 85 cm) are suitable for those who are going to carry the accessory with them in their purse all the time. The length of the folded product is up to 20 cm. Such a model is unable to provide reliable protection from rain.

Small accessories (85-95 cm) are not effective enough, but more functional than miniature devices. Provide a normal level of protection, have a small weight, compact.

Most of the products belong to the category of classic and enlarged (96-111 cm). This is the generally accepted standard in the umbrella industry. Domes of medium size are equipped with male and female models - both telescopic and in the form of a cane.

Large or huge devices are suitable for two or more people to use at the same time. Guarantee maximum protection from heavy torrential rains.

When choosing, pay attention to the size of the accessory when folded. This parameter does not matter for the cane, since in any case it will have to be carried in the hands all the time.

  • Folding umbrellas are selected to be carried in a bag, so even a few extra centimeters can be a serious drawback. The optimal length of the folding device when folded is from 30 to 35 cm.

These parameters have a dome of standard diameter and a rod with three additions.

  • Shorter length models consist of more additions. The larger ones are bi-folded, the length is comparable to a mini cane.

umbrella frame

You can choose any frame structure, with the exception of aluminum. The only advantage of this material is its low weight. Do not count on long-term operation of such a product.

If you need an umbrella with increased strength, then the carbon frame has such parameters.

The spokes in the design must be reliable, durable, made of high quality material. Refuse a product in which there are less than 8 knitting needles - because of this, the material sags, and the dome in general looks unaesthetic.

A design of more than 10 spokes is much more expensive. It features an extended and reliable dome. It is worth choosing such a model only if there is a real need for it. The optimal number of knitting needles is 8-10.

Umbrella "Anti-wind"

Pay attention to the presence of anti-storm technology in the device. This model will cost a little more, but the "anti-wind" significantly extends the life of the product, protects against malfunctions and provides comfortable use.

Umbrella design

Decorative decorations turn an ordinary umbrella into a work of art, but do not forget that it is, first of all, of practical importance, and decorations are sometimes superfluous and damage functionality.

  1. The green tint negatively affects the complexion, creates a feeling of soreness.
  2. Red, on the contrary, refreshes the skin tone, but with prolonged use of the accessory, it can cause irritation, unreasonable aggression.
  3. A positive mood is carried by bright and light shades - pink, white, yellow, blue, but keep in mind that such tones are impractical, the umbrella will have to be cleaned regularly.
  4. Black is a universal classic color suitable for men and women.

If you are worried about the harmonious combination of an umbrella with a wardrobe, consider this aspect when choosing. It is easier to decide on the design of the accessory for someone who prefers one style of clothing.

If you belong to lovers of experiments, then there are two options: purchase 2-3 products or one universal umbrella in a classic style. It is believed that an umbrella should be combined primarily with a bag and shoes.

  • Be sure to hold the accessory in your hands, open and close it several times to check the functionality of the design.
  • Make sure the dome material and frame are in good condition and free of stains and other marks.
  • When folding / unfolding, no extraneous sounds should be heard.
  • The handle should be comfortable and secure in the hand, not slip.

When viewed unfolded, shake the device a little from side to side - if the fasteners do not hang out (at the junction of the rod), the umbrella has a high-quality assembly.

  • In a quality product, the dome is firmly attached to the base, the material does not sag, but is tightly stretched.
  • Strong seams are important, with which the material is attached to the base.
  • To check the dome for subtle defects, turn it towards the light source.
  • Color, patterns on the fabric are resistant. You can check the color for fastness with a quick and simple test: take a dry white cloth and gently wipe the material - it should not leave any marks.

Otherwise, after the first use, the accessory will lose color.

Make sure the handle fits comfortably in your hand. The slightest inconvenience with prolonged use causes discomfort, and this is fraught with pain in the wrist joints.

As for the choice of handle material, it is better to abandon the common plastic options and wooden parts.

  1. Plastic is cheaper than other materials, but the shiny coating is prone to abrasion, any mechanical stress leaves scratches, cracks, chips.
  2. Wooden parts are more reliable and more pleasant to the touch, but when buying, make sure that there are no dents or cracks on them - such a handle will not last long.
  3. It is desirable to use a varnish coating on wood.
  4. The best option is a rubberized handle. The aesthetic properties of the material are not at the highest level, but such a part is strong and reliable, does not slip out of the hands, and if dropped or hit, there will be no traces on it.

Are you going to buy an umbrella from a famous manufacturer? Make sure that the product you are selling is not a fake. Appropriate certificates are attached to branded goods, and logos and emblems are present on the products themselves.

Decide in advance how you are going to carry the umbrella. If the accessory usually lies in a bag or glove compartment of a car, you should pay attention to compact devices. For carrying in hands the special thong is provided.

In designs with automatic or semi-automatic technology, pay special attention to the quality and performance of the button that is responsible for opening / closing the product.

Which umbrella is better

Distinctive features of the universal product:

  • the main material (dome fabric) is sponge or satin;
  • anti-storm technology is provided to help protect against wind and oppose the eversion of the accessory;
  • suitable dome diameter - the classic version in the range of 96-110 cm;
  • the best handle model is a rubberized part, the shape of which is selected individually depending on the anatomical features of the hand;

  • fiberglass knitting needles combine sufficient strength and lightness;
  • the ideal number of knitting needles in the product does not exceed 10 (at least 8) - they are responsible for tightly stretching the fabric and at the same time do not overload the structure;
  • steel rod of polyhedral shape with 3-4 additions.

In terms of reliability and aesthetic appeal, the best option is a cane - strong, durable and elegant. Almost on par with it in terms of reliability is a folding device with a mechanical design, which, in addition, is also more practical.

Important features:

  1. In the place where the dome is attached to the rod, it is necessary to have a screw-on cover made of metal (the plastic part is prone to damage).
  2. The needles are attached with the convex side to the fabric, and are attached with the groove up.
  3. The minimum number of points for attaching the spokes to the surface of the accessory is 2. The more there are, the more reliable the design.
  4. If the product is intended for a child under 12 years old, each needle is equipped with a protection in the form of a plastic cap with a blunt end.

How to use an umbrella

If it is initially clear what type the mechanism belongs to, follow the opening instructions. How to open an umbrella if you are not sure what type of mechanism it uses:

  • Remove the cover from the accessory and unfasten the strip of fabric that holds the dome material at the base.
  • Shake the product to separate the folds of the fabric.
  • Find the button that opens the umbrella. If it is a cane, then a special latch is installed at the bottom of the rod next to the slider. In folding models, the button is attached to the handle.

  • Take the device in your hand so that when you open it, it will not harm you or others.
  • Press the button with moderate force. If as a result of several attempts the umbrella did not open, it means that it is equipped with a semi-automatic mechanism (the button is used to close).
  • If there is no button, grab the slider and pull it up until you hear a soft click - the device is locked in the open position.

To close the product without a button, find the latch installed on the slider and press it - the device will begin to fold. If the product is equipped with a button, then when pressed, the dome will fold automatically.

Proper drying of the device after use contributes to a long service life. It is not recommended to put a cover on a wet product or leave an umbrella wet for a long time.

If the operating and drying conditions are violated, the fabric of the dome wears out, and the metal base becomes rusty.

  • To dry the accessory, open the umbrella and leave it in this position for a while until the water drains.
  • It is important that there are no heat sources near the umbrella. Drying in close proximity to heaters and other heat sources causes shrinkage of the fabric.
  • While the fabric is still damp, fold the dome and the stem, but do not twist the material or snap the tab - it dries completely in the half-open form. To do this, hang the product on a hook.

When the material is dried in a stretched form, it is stretched, contributing to the loosening of the frame. As a result, the fabric sags, and the accessory loses its attractive appearance.

  • After drying is completed, the accessory is folded, the fabric is fixed around the base with a strap, and a cover is put on top.

  • The main rule of operation is opening and closing the device in accordance with the type of mechanism. Do not attempt to fold or unfold the automatic product by hand. This will cause the mechanism to malfunction.
  • Do not put the product at the bottom of the bag or make sure that heavy items do not lie on it. Pressure causes the spokes to bend, changing the correct shape of the fabric, as a result of which the umbrella loses its appearance and becomes unusable.
  • Do not use a cane as a walking support. In the course of constant contact with asphalt, the tip of the device is covered with scratches and cracks, chips or breaks.

In addition, the base of the umbrella is loosened, since it is not designed for such loads.

  • At least once a month, open the device and leave it in this position for 5-6 hours. This is necessary for ventilation.
  • Any model of an umbrella can serve as protection from the sun's rays, but only a device with a special filter provides reliable shelter.
  • The main purpose of any product model is protection from rain. Even accessories with anti-storm properties are damaged by strong winds. Excessive load damages the frame, so hold the umbrella against the wind.

With strong gusts of wind, the umbrella can turn out in the opposite direction - there is nothing to worry about. Do not return it to its previous appearance manually. To straighten the structure, fold the umbrella as you would in normal use.

If the device has fully automatic technology, just press the button and close the mechanical product by pulling the slider.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to clean with aggressive substances such as acetone. They can cause irreversible tissue damage and render the device unusable.
  2. We recommend using soapy water and a soft sponge for cleaning.
  3. After cleaning, rinse the material under clean running water to completely get rid of soapy liquid and avoid streaks on the surface of the fabric.
  4. Drying rules do not differ from the recommendations above.

  • Often the inner surface of a transparent material is treated with a white powder. The powder is used to prevent the fabric from sticking together. This may occur during storage or prolonged non-use of the accessory.

If the powder interferes, wipe the material with a dry cloth before first use. It is not recommended to remove it completely. If gluing does occur, carefully separate the material by hand, without resorting to the use of a mechanism.

  • After purchase, a transparent umbrella emits a specific polyethylene smell. Over time, it will disappear, but it is possible to accelerate this process.

To do this, open the product and leave it in this position in the fresh air, for example, on the balcony, for at least a day. Already after the first airing, the smell noticeably weakens.

  • To wash the transparent umbrella, use clean, cool water to avoid streaks on the cover.
  • Transparent accessories are made of polyvinyl. After cleaning, dry the product by placing it as far as possible from heat sources. Otherwise, the material will lose its shape, melt and sag on the frame.

The warranty period depends on the manufacturer. It can range from one month to three years. In the event of a warranty case, the product must be exchanged for exactly the same serviceable model. The following defects are covered under warranty:

  • failure of the mechanism that is responsible for folding and unfolding the accessory;
  • divergence of seams on the fabric;
  • breakage of the spokes of the base at the joints (does not apply to the extreme spoke, since its malfunction belongs to the category of mechanical damage).

The following faults and defects are not covered by the warranty:

  • breakage of the extreme spoke;
  • the shape of the rod is broken;
  • the presence of cuts, traces of tissue burns;
  • chips, cracks, scratches on the handle.

Faults and repairs

Umbrella repair is carried out by a specialized service. Items to be repaired or replaced:

  • knitting needles;
  • textile;
  • cap;
  • pen;
  • kernel.

The most common breakdowns that you can fix yourself:

  • damage to the seam on the fabric;
  • breakage of the tip of the spoke;
  • broken spokes;
  • latch failure.

Pick up a thread of a similar color, carefully sew the area where the seam burst. If the fabric is torn off at the end of the needle, take a thin piece of fishing line, wind the edge of the fabric several times and tie a knot.

Pass the ends of the fishing line through the hole on the knitting needle, tie a knot. This procedure is performed with the tissue in a free position.

Broken needle tip

Wind a thin wire around the tip of the knitting needle using any spiral, pull the material, tie it with a fishing line - a small ball is formed. To wind the wire, use pliers to achieve a tight tension.

Another option is to solder the tip of the spoke from another umbrella.

Detach the fabric from the frame of the product, after remembering exactly how it was sewn. Straighten out the broken spoke. If it is round, connect the ends of the needles inside a tube of suitable diameter with a length of 3-4 cm.

For the groove part, use a nail without a head - insert it into the groove. Regardless of the repair method, solder the connections with tin. Sew the material in place.

Latch failure

Detach the fabric. Take a tin strip measuring 2x1 cm, go around it around the hinge socket, which is out of order. Use a tin to solder the strip to the spoke. Drill a small diameter hole and put on the rod. Sew the material in place.

Umbrella manufacturers

Offers women's and men's umbrellas with a warranty period of 6 months. The products use durable and reliable alloys for spokes and rods, fashionable materials for domes, practical and comfortable handles.

The product range is distinguished by models that are diverse in terms of design, which are decorated with bright colors, patterns and ornaments.

Products are equipped with mechanical, semi-automatic or automatic mechanisms, are made in the form of canes and folding structures. The main advantage of the brand is the exclusive forms of accessories, for example, in the form of a golf club or a heart.

Most of the models are decorated with one shade, there are accessories in the style of a rainbow, starry sky, "cities", autumn leaves.

Main materials:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • cotton;
  • nylon.

Specializes in the design and manufacture of umbrellas. The main principles of the company are the use of new materials in production, convenient and functional design of products, and high-quality performance.

Each model of the device has special advantages. There are ultralight products that are easy to transport, and models with increased strength. The range is presented by accessories of the standard size with various registration.

Makes folding models of umbrellas and walking sticks with anti-storm technology. The constructions use polyester (main material), metal and wood (base).

There are no monochromatic colors in the design - only geometric and floral ornaments, patterns. Calm and dark tones prevail. Product dimensions - 90x85 cm.

Specializes in making high quality umbrellas. Models differ in mechanism, design, size, strength, type of construction. Distinctive features of products:

  • light weight;
  • convenient operation;
  • effective protection;
  • original design;
  • resistance to wind gusts up to 100 km / h;
  • UV protection.

It specializes in the manufacture of various goods and souvenirs, among a wide range of which there are umbrellas for children, men and women. There are models of a standard format and own developments of the company.

A variety of accessories is represented by mechanical, automatic, semi-automatic folding devices, walking sticks.

Umbrellas with a bright design design prevail (monochrome, decorated with patterns, ornaments, drawings). The main materials are polyester, satin.

The company is engaged in the manufacture of umbrellas with the most simplified, but durable and reliable design. Cane-shaped accessories predominate.

For the manufacture of the dome, polyester is used, the handles are plastic. The semi-automatic mechanism of opening/closing is applied.

The company produces entire collections of accessories for men, women and children, as well as universal unisex models.

The range of products is huge - there are monochrome devices, with drawings, wedding, with protection from sunlight, miniature, enlarged, with a reinforced frame.

Types of umbrellas and their design

The whole variety of umbrellas can be divided into two types - cane umbrellas And folding umbrellas . In turn, these two types can have a mechanical design, automatic or semi-automatic design.

The more joints and the more complex the umbrella mechanism, the more likely it is to break! Decide in advance what you are willing to sacrifice - the convenience of transporting an umbrella or its service life.

The choice of material for the rod and spokes of the umbrella

The strength of an umbrella directly depends not only on the type of construction, but also on the materials from which the rod and spokes are made. How to choose a durable umbrella? The most common material is steel . He is reliable and durable. In combination with a special anti-corrosion coating, you are provided with a long and faithful service of the umbrella. But it is worth noting that the weight of such a product will be considerable, which is not always convenient.

Lightweight umbrellas are made from aluminum . In this case, durability is more likely to be sacrificed. But if you are not a fan of walking in stormy weather conditions, you may well choose such a frame.

Many manufacturers use metal alloy or carbon . These materials retain high strength and wear resistance, but at the same time have a relatively low weight.

Knitting needles in umbrellas are an important element

The dome of the umbrella is based on the spokes, so you should pay special attention to what they are made of, as well as their number.

Quantity spokes can be different - from four to twenty-four. Most often there are umbrellas with eight to ten spokes. Their different number provides a different degree of strength and variability of design solutions.

Quality knitting needles depends on the material from which they are made. The main ones are:

  • steel;
  • fiberglass;
  • aluminum.

steel spokes , as a rule, are quite strong and resistant to gusts of wind. But a significant disadvantage may be their considerable weight.

Fiberglass spokes have good characteristics in terms of strength and wear resistance. In addition, they outperform steel ones in weight, as they are much lighter.

aluminum spokes have one plus - they are light. But this plus is easily offset by their instability to gusts of wind. A couple of weather troubles and the umbrella will fall a death of the brave, and you will be forced to start looking for a new accessory, and this is additional inconvenience and a drain on the budget.

What should be the handle of an umbrella?

The handle of an umbrella is its extremely important element, since it determines the degree of ease of use of the accessory. Handles are of two types:

  • hook handle;
  • straight.

Hook handle often found on cane umbrellas, although it is also used on folding umbrellas, which lose their compactness as a result.

straight handle more commonly used on folding umbrellas. It is equipped with a button that turns a conventional umbrella into a semi- or automatic one.

Handle material

It is important to pay attention to the material from which the pen is made. So, plastic much more susceptible to mechanical damage and often loses its marketable appearance by peeling off its color coating. Tree will serve for a long time and faithfully, provided that it is of high quality processing, there are no defects in the form of dents and cracks, as well as an expensive varnish coating. Rubber the most unpretentious in care, it is durable and resistant to damage. In addition, it is pleasant and secure in the hand.

What umbrella will save you from the rain even in the wind

Often, rains are accompanied by gusts of wind that can ruin not only your styling, but also the umbrella under which you take shelter from the weather. In order to protect your irreplaceable accessory for such natural phenomena, you need to choose a purchase with all responsibility and knowledge of the matter. How to choose an umbrella that will be wind resistant?

Anti-wind system - a technical trick that can extend the life of your umbrella in windy conditions. This system includes a set of springs and spoke links made of a flexible and resilient material - carbon fiber. Don't overlook this improvement.

Choosing a dome material

The material from which the dome of the umbrella is made has not only aesthetic value. Its main function is to reliably protect you from the rain. And it depends on the type of material and its quality. There are several types of material:

  • nylon;
  • polyester;
  • pongee;
  • vinyl.

Nylon umbrellas ideal for those who plan to use this accessory a couple of times. This fabric is very unreliable, rough and hard, quickly fades and tears. In addition, it is very insidious - when wet, it can shed both directly on your clothes and on nearby things during drying. The only plus is the cheapness of the product. But is it a plus?

Polyester umbrellas much more reliable than nylon. They do not have to wait for a catch in the form of a molt. They dry quickly and do not shrink after drying. Particular attention should be paid to Teflon impregnation polyester. If you have one, you get some nice bonuses - a thin and soft canopy of the umbrella and a water-repellent property of the fabric, which contributes to the rapid flow of drops.

Pongee umbrellas They are distinguished by high wear resistance and excellent water-repellent qualities, and also dry quickly, coming to combat readiness.

Vinyl umbrellas especially popular over the past few years. A distinctive feature of this material is the ability to make transparent umbrellas from it, which are called "bubble", that is, a bubble. They have a very deep canopy and are able to hide up to the shoulders from the rain, but leave you in the center of attention for others.

How to choose a durable folding umbrella?

Many umbrella lovers prefer the compact version of this accessory. If you decide to choose a folding durable umbrella, pay attention to the following points:

  • when you press the button, the mechanism should work clearly, without hesitation and effort;
  • in the open form, inspect the joints of the cane, shake the umbrella to the sides - a bad sign if there are large backlashes and the cane dangles;
  • carefully inspect the spokes and springs, they must be firmly attached to both the cane and the umbrella dome;
  • the dome of the umbrella must be tightly stretched. Check for sagging fabric, uneven seams, hanging threads. All this can significantly reduce the life of the product.

Color and design - for those who love individuality

Having understood all the technical characteristics, let's touch on perhaps the most aesthetic part of choosing an umbrella - color and design. Here you can build on various aspects of choice - versatility, gender, wardrobe colors, the season of the year at last! It all depends on your imagination and financial side.

How to choose an umbrella for men?

As a rule, reliability and versatility are important for men. Therefore, you should pay attention to steel cane umbrellas or folding umbrellas with strong frames. The dome can be made in black, dark blue or dark gray.

For those who do not want to merge into the crowd of dark umbrellas, you can choose a cage or dilute the background with various inscriptions or logos - from sports themes to popular symbols.

How to choose an umbrella for women?

Women are more frivolous in their choice of accessories and give preference to appearance over strength.

But modern umbrellas can look bright and at the same time be quite durable. You should pay attention to lightweight models made of alloys or carbon fiber. But in choosing the color and design of the dome, you can give free rein - from white to rainbow, from classic to an umbrella with ruffles, ears and eyes, from a simple color to mother-of-pearl overflows. The most versatile colors will remain red, gray, black, as well as transparent “bubble” umbrellas.