Social work and its significance in the socialization of children in difficult life situations. Features of children in difficult life situations

In domestic and international practice, there is an expression - a difficult life situation, meaning the experiences of a person who finds himself in a situation that seriously affects his well-being, life safety and from which he is not always able to exit with honor (he cannot find a worthy exit for him). In this case, he needs the help of the state, society. Children who find themselves in a difficult life situation especially need help. It is more difficult for them to find an acceptable way out of the situation on their own. Given this fact, the state is trying to predict and determine the most appropriate ways to help a child in a difficult life situation. The main goal of the state (society) is to create the most optimal conditions for the life of the child and his upbringing.
In the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ, Art. 1 formulates typical difficult life situations for a child, in which the state assumes the obligation to provide him with the necessary assistance. These include the loss of parental care. This phenomenon can occur in a number of cases:
a) death of parents;
b) refusal of parents to take their children from institutions of social protection of the population, educational, medical and other institutions;
c) independent termination by parents of the fulfillment of parental responsibilities in relation to their child (self-elimination from raising a child);
d) non-fulfillment by parents for one reason or another of their obligations in relation to their children (for example, for health reasons - the danger of infecting a child, etc.);
e) prolonged absence of parents (for example, a long business trip);
f) restriction of parents in parental rights. The decision is made by the court, taking into account the interests of the child. It can take place under the condition that leaving a child with parents (one of them) is dangerous for the child due to circumstances beyond the control of the parents (one of them) (mental disorder or other chronic illness, a combination of difficult circumstances, and others);
g) deprivation of parents of parental rights. It acts as a legislative measure for parents who do not fulfill their obligations in relation to their minor children, as well as those who abuse parental rights.
Parents' responsibilities include:
maintenance of children;
creation of normal conditions for their life activity;
be their legal representatives and act in defense of their rights and interests in all institutions without special powers;
educating them.
The deprivation of parents of parental rights is aimed at protecting the rights of children brought up in the family, to protect them from cruel treatment and other abuses by parents. It can only be carried out by a court order. Parents deprived of parental rights lose all rights based on the fact of kinship with the child, but are not released from the obligation to maintain it. If such a parent by his behavior makes it impossible for the child to live together with him, then he can be evicted without providing another living space. In case of deprivation of parental rights of both parents, the child is transferred to the care of guardianship and guardianship authorities;
h) the impossibility of parents for one reason or another to fulfill their parental responsibilities:
serving a sentence;
recognition of them as incapacitated when they cannot, for health reasons, perform duties in relation to their children (physical abilities or mental deviations);
the crisis state of the family, which does not allow it to fulfill parental responsibilities in relation to the child (unemployment and forced to look for work, difficult material conditions);
i) children who find themselves in conditions in which they require special professional assistance and (or) protection:
disability. We are talking about children who, for health reasons, are equated to children with disabilities. They need special (correctional), correctional-compensatory development, training and education;
deficiencies in mental and (or) physical development. Such children also need special (correctional), corrective-compensatory development, training and education;
victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters. In this case, a complex of medical, psychological, pedagogical and social measures is needed to help the child;
children who are part of families of refugees and internally displaced persons who find themselves in extreme conditions;
children are victims of violence. Such a phenomenon can be observed in the family when there is abuse of parental rights. It consists in the use by parents of their rights to the detriment of the interests of children (for example, creating obstacles to learning, inducing begging, stealing, prostitution, drinking alcohol or drugs, etc.);
children serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational colony;
children in a special educational institution;
children whose life activity is objectively impaired as a result of circumstances that cannot be overcome on their own, including by the family.
In the above cases, the child ends up in the guardianship and guardianship bodies - local self-government bodies, which are responsible for protecting the rights and interests of children left without parental care.
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Guardianship authorities are called upon to:
identify children left without parental care;
take such children into account;
select forms of placement for children left without parental care. At the same time, they try to arrange them first of all in the family. To this end, they contribute to the creation of foster, guardian and other types of families;
carry out patronage of foster families, provide them with the necessary assistance (obtaining vouchers for summer camps, rest homes, sanatoriums; placing children in schools, creative teams); contribute to the creation of normal living conditions and the upbringing of a child in foster families (assistance from psychologists, teachers, social pedagogues; assistance in improving living conditions);
exercise control over the conditions of the child's maintenance, the fulfillment of the parental duties assigned to the foster family for his upbringing and education.
In case of failure to fulfill their obligations in relation to foster children, the guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to take measures to protect their rights.


1.1 The essence of the concept of "difficult life situation"





Relevanceresearch topic is that in recent years in Russia, in the context of the ongoing instability of socio-economic and political life, there has been a steady increase in the number of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. This is evidenced by the statistical data presented in the annual state reports "On the situation of children in the Russian Federation". Moreover, only a small number of these children were left without care as a result of the death of their parents. The rest belong to the phenomenon of the so-called "social orphanhood", that is, they are orphans with living parents, and their number is growing catastrophically. This is due to the continuing deterioration of the life of the Russian family, its moral principles and, as a result, a change in attitude towards children.

The statistics about those who grow up and leave rehabilitation centers are disappointing. Every year, tens of thousands of children leave such institutions for an independent life, and most of them do not adapt well to such a life. As a result - unemployment, poverty, crime, become alcoholics or drug addicts, commit suicide.

The leading causes of "social orphanhood" are:

-deprivation of parental rights (up to 70%);

-refusal to raise a child (up to 20%);

-stay of parents in places of detention (up to 10%).

Pupils of rehabilitation centers have a lot of problems. One of the main ones is to successfully integrate into society and independently build your life worthy of a Human. The main mission of institutions of social protection of the population is to help in the socialization of pupils.

social work minor rehabilitation

Purpose of the study -identify, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the main areas of social work with children in difficult life situations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to the following tasks:

1. To reveal the essence of the concepts: social work, difficult life situation.

To analyze the features of the socialization of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

To measure the level of socialization of pupils in the example of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District".

To develop the main directions of work with children in difficult life situations.

Object of study:social work with children in difficult life situations.

Subject of study:technologies of social work with children in difficult life situations.

Research hypothesis- social work with children in difficult life situations will contribute to the successful socialization of children if the technologies of the proposed activity are implemented.

Chapter 1. Social work and its significance in the socialization of children in difficult life situations

.1 The essence of the concept of "difficult life situation"

In the scientific literature, the term "difficult situation" is used most often, and sometimes next to the concept of extreme. It also does not have a clear definition. In order to define a life situation as difficult, there is a violation of socialization to life. That is, a difficult life situation (DLS) is a situation in which "as a result of external influences or internal changes, a person's socialization for life is violated, as a result of which he is not able to satisfy his basic vital needs through models and methods of behavior developed in previous periods of life.

A person in a difficult situation receives information about its various elements - about external conditions, about his internal states, about the course and results of his own actions. The processing of this information is carried out through cognitive, evaluative and emotional processes. The results of information processing in these three aspects affect the further behavior of the individual in this situation. Awareness of the imbalance between the individual elements of the situation means a certain level of threat to the individual. Threat signals lead to an increase in activity, which takes the form of negative emotions of varying quality and strength. The role of emotions in the psychological mechanism of behavior in difficult situations can be different:

) as a difficulty detector;

) as an assessment of the significance of the situation for the individual;

) as a factor leading to a change in actions in a situation.

A person reacts to a situation subjectively and behaves in it depending on how he perceives this situation and how he interprets its meaning. Thus, difficult situations, even similar ones from the point of view of an outside observer, affect different people in different ways. The ability to cope with the frustrating and stressful impact of difficult situations largely depends on the level of mental development of the individual, his stress tolerance, experience in overcoming difficulties, resilience and a number of other significant personal qualities.

As we can see, difficult situations are a special case of psychological situations. We can talk about a difficult situation when the system of relations of a person with his environment is characterized by an imbalance, or a discrepancy between aspirations, values, goals and possibilities for their implementation, or personality traits. The category of difficult situations understood in this way includes a wide range of life (everyday) situations of a person and situations related to his activities. Among them, several groups can be distinguished:

) difficult life situations (illness, danger of disability or death);

) difficult situations associated with the performance of a task (difficulties, opposition, interference, failures);

) difficult situations associated with social interaction (situations of "public behavior", evaluation and criticism, conflicts, pressure, etc.).

Difficult situations can be differentiated based on the level or degree of their complexity "... if you draw a conditional straight line and place situations of everyday life on one pole of this continuum, on the other there will be extreme situations, i.e. situations of the maximum degree of complexity for a person" .

Practical social work to help children in difficult life situations involves mandatory work with the child's family, especially in cases where the family is dysfunctional. The main form of providing such assistance should be a specially organized process - social support for the child and family. In turn, accompaniment can be defined as a special form of prolonged social assistance - patronage. Patronage in this case is understood as a holistic and comprehensive system of social assistance provided within the framework of the activities of social services.

Since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, the system of social work is moving to a new stage of development, the purpose of which is to create conditions conducive to the realization of the rights of children of different ages to full physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development in accordance with the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Among the priorities of the state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation are the following:

ensuring real access to education, developing a system of additional education, creating conditions for the spiritual and moral development of children, developing a system of vocational guidance, promoting the socialization of adolescents to new socio-economic conditions, creating conditions for the sustainable functioning of the system of organizing leisure and recreation for children;

support for children in especially difficult circumstances: ensuring an effective state system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, ensuring the real right of children with developmental anomalies and disabled children to special state care, providing orphans, refugee children with conditions for a full-fledged spiritual and physical development.

It should be noted that the system of social work is developing as an interdepartmental one, involving the interaction of educational institutions, social protection, medical and cultural institutions, and government organizations. A distinctive feature of the system is its dependence on regional (municipal) specifics, when demographic, social, historical, economic and other features are taken into account. At the same time, a number of main directions for ensuring social work can be distinguished. These areas include:

promotion and clarification of the rights of children, families;

study, diagnosis, resolution of conflicts, problems, difficult life situations affecting the interests of the child, in the early stages of development in order to prevent serious consequences;

identification of requests, needs of children and development of measures to support individual students with the involvement of specialists from relevant organizations;

individual and group counseling of children, parents, social workers on issues of resolving problem situations, conflicts, stress relief, raising children in the family;

individual support of the child, aimed at overcoming the problems of cognitive, communicative activity, including training according to individual educational programs and plans;

organizing the activities of children and adolescents of different categories in their free time from school;

organization of rehabilitation camps for maladjusted children;

conducting summer profile shifts (labor, leisure, sports) at the place of residence of adolescents on the basis of clubs, schools and other institutions;

organization of summer health-improving holidays for children from unsecured, large, asocial families;

organization of work with gifted children (summer profile shifts, competitions, reviews, etc.).

These directions reflect the content component of social work that has developed in practice. The organizational component of the support system, which has been formed over the years of its formation as a mechanism for interdepartmental interaction, includes the following composition of institutions and organizations that differ in composition, categories of children, their coverage, forms of support:

educational institutions, including: preschool institutions, general education schools of all kinds, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, institutions of the special education system, institutions of additional education;

social service institutions: orphanages, family and child support centers, rehabilitation centers, trust services, counseling centers;

institutions of culture, sports, youth policy: employment centers for adolescents and youth, youth public receptions, youth labor exchanges, etc.;

interdepartmental psychological-medical-social-pedagogical centers and services of different levels, psychological-pedagogical commissions;

units for juvenile affairs in the structure of law enforcement agencies;

commissions on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights;

healthcare institutions.

In order to successfully solve the new and largely unexpected problems facing the state, society, and the education system, it is important to clearly understand the causes of the emergence and growth of child homelessness and neglect. The main among them is the destruction of the state system of socialization and public education of children without the formation of a new effective structure for the socialization and leisure of children in the conditions of market relations.

Summarizing the aboveit can be said that the concept of "a child in a difficult life situation" is the most complete and able to characterize all possible manifestations of various forms of deviation from the norms of a child's life.

1.2 Technologies of social work with children in difficult life situations

Various technologies and programs are used in working with children in difficult life situations. Each of them has its own specifics, but they all have one ultimate goal.

The main goals of social work with this category are: the creation of a system of social services for children as a state-public integral system of socio-psychological support for a person; identification of factors that determine the development of social behavior of minors and young people; providing emergency assistance to children in difficult life situations; increasing the degree of independence of clients, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems; creation of conditions under which a person, despite physical injury, mental breakdown or life crisis, can maintain a sense of dignity and respect for himself from others; achievement of such a result when the client does not need the help of a social worker (ultimate goal).

In our difficult time of socio-economic instability and crisis phenomena in all spheres of life, the least protected segments of the population, and especially children, suffer especially hard.

Each child at different periods of his life, as well as depending on the social conditions in which he may find himself, for reasons beyond his control, may find himself in a difficult life situation and, accordingly, will need help and protection to varying degrees. In this regard, difficult life situations of children are classified as follows: children left without parental care; children living in low-income families; children are victims of armed and ethnic conflicts; children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons; children in extreme conditions; children are victims of environmental and man-made disasters; children are victims of natural disasters; disabled children; children with disabilities in mental and (or) physical development; children with behavioral problems; children whose viability is objectively impaired as a result of the circumstances; children are victims of violence; children serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies; children in special educational institutions.

Pupils have a lot of problems, since in a state institution they do not have the feeling of a permanent home. Some children had to change up to six settlements, including the place of birth and education after graduation, four or five children's institutions. At the age of 15-18, teenagers are forced to leave the rehabilitation center into the unknown, to solve the problem of housing, registration. For some, graduating is like wandering. To the status of an orphan is added the status of a migrant, a marginal and a stranger.

Children who find themselves in a difficult life situation become migrants at an early age and retain this status for many years, proving that migration is not a geographical fact, but a social phenomenon.R. Park believes that migration should not be identified with a simple movement. At a minimum, it includes a change of residence and the destruction of domestic ties. Home ties in children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are destroyed several times:

) proper domestic ties and separation from relatives;

) home connections, when the child begins to consider the children's institution as home, and the caregivers and children as relatives. Such moves leave a psychological trauma for life.

Moving from one institution to another for some pupils is the expectation of something new, for others it is a fear of the future. Those who were offended in a rehabilitation center are waiting for their lives to change for the better.

The study showed that in addition to character, upbringing, health, the presence of relatives and the relationship that is formed with them affects the socialization of the child. Once in children's institutions, children completely lose all family ties.

During the history of charity, children who found themselves in a difficult life situation had the opportunity to raise their status in a state institution relative to the homeless. This is realized at the expense of the state and at the expense of education or profession, which they definitely try to give the child in an educational institution. On this path, the child is often limited in receiving school education, many of them cannot study in a regular school, equal in their knowledge to children who have parents.

Young people from among children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are not competitive in the modern labor market. And the acquired professions are unclaimed. Those few non-governmental organizations that have started working today and are ready to help children in difficult life situations in finding employment play the role of formal and informal employment channels: acquaintances, recommendations, labor exchanges.

Restrictions on obtaining a specialty and work are related to the housing problem. The law requires a graduate of a state institution to return to the place of birth, with which only the very fact of birth is sometimes associated.

Children who find themselves in a difficult life situation, who did not communicate with their parents during their stay in a children's institution, or do not know anything about their parents, begin to make inquiries about them. Some young people do this after leaving school, but most often after vocational school, another educational institution, after serving in the army. When you have to get a job and re-solve the problem of registration and housing. Some young people can only find out that their parents were, but now they are no more, others manage to get information about their former registration or place of residence, which means they can apply for housing.

If parents and children agree to live together, then often young people begin to lead the same antisocial lifestyle as their parents. We can talk about negative socialization.

Sometimes the children themselves, concluding that the best defense is an attack, begin to mock their parents, kick them out, and sell their homes.

In some cases, teenagers find it easier to associate themselves with negative environments. Become homeless, join a gang, but don't go back to your parents.

Before leaving school (grades 9 or 11), children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are in the same space - a children's institution, of varying degrees of openness / closeness and represent a certain group of children, adolescents, connected by territorial unity. Children of each group (children's institution) live in the same conditions, receive the same upbringing and education, and have the same social status - a pupil. The reason that children are united in the group "pupils of the rehabilitation center" is the guardianship of the state and the lack of parental care. Collective unity is a children's institution. The new team, like the whole society outside the children's institution, is alien. If socialization is successful, then the stranger becomes his own, "fits" into the group.

The main indicators of socialization can be noted:

how successfully the pupil managed to get a job;

how successfully he managed to create his family, raise his children;

development of social activity, independence, responsibility;

absence of deviant behavior.

For the normal development of the individual, it is necessary to satisfy not only the biological, but also the social, spiritual needs of the child.

If it was possible to educate a person with a conscious attitude towards himself, others, society, the Motherland, etc., a person with an active life position, able to build a life perspective, constructively resolve conflicts, and be able to interact with others, then we can safely predict the successful socialization of such a person .

Thus, social work with children who find themselves in a difficult life situation is widely developed and has various directions, but they are mainly focused not on the prevention of crisis situations, but on the “fight” with the consequences of a child falling into this category of citizens.

Programs developed in the region for the activities of a particular institution are more effective. They are created by leading practitioners who are directly involved in social work with children in difficult life situations.

It is impossible to develop a universal method of social assistance, a technology or a program capable of simultaneously effectively solving various problems of this category of children. Since the nature of the problems falling under the classification of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation is very wide and varied. Therefore, two or more social programs should be applied in one institution at the same time, they will fill in the shortcomings of each other.

1.3 Main areas of work with children in difficult life situations

Taking into account the peculiarities of the contingent of children entering the State Budgetary Institution of Social Rehabilitation "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors of the Dubrovsky District", in our opinion, it is necessary to think over the content of work with children, although the idea of ​​dividing into temporary stages of the child's stay in each specific institution is quite reasonable. The stay of a child in a rehabilitation center has a clearly defined final goal, which is preceded by a specific intermediate one.

The selection of goals makes it easier for the educator, teacher and the child himself to trace his life path, allows him to achieve final goals, gradually complicate the requirements for the child. This content of the work allows you to see and feel the changes in yourself, in your behavior, in your lifestyle, to be an active participant in the whole work.

The stages into which the child's stay in the rehabilitation center is divided help the educator to focus on developing exactly those skills that are needed at the moment. The acquisition of the skills necessary for a normal life at every stage of time is easy to see, and they facilitate the child's adaptation to life both in the institution and survival in general.

The duration of the child's stay at the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District" will vary in duration, but conditionally it is divided into six stages.

The first stage is conditionally called the stage of formation of a sense of security. This stage may cover the time from the start of work on the placement of a child in a particular institution up to 5-6 weeks of stay in it.

The second stage is aimed at organizing the child's life in the center. This stage covers the entire period of the child's stay in each specific institution and will last from three months until independent entry into life.

The third stage includes the organization and conduct of various types of rehabilitation work with children. At this stage, individual and group forms of work with children and adolescents are assumed during the entire stay in the center.

The fourth stage is aimed at preparing educational institutions for the future independent life of the child and again permeates the period of his stay in a particular institution.

The fifth stage involves the self-determination of the pupils of the center, including professional ones. This stage covers the entire time of the child's stay in this institution, and the types of work and forms depend on the age of the child.

The sixth stage is connected with the time when the pupil leaves the center and he is being prepared to enter an independent life. The time of its passage is very individual, depending on the specific goal that the pupil of the institution realizes.

The timing of the passage of stages in time will depend on many reasons and will be determined by the following factors:

opportunities of the territories to provide social assistance to children and adolescents;

the age of the child and the ultimate purpose of his stay in this institution;

professional self-determination of the pupil;

purpose of his independent life. .

Thus, the division of the time spent by the child in the rehabilitation center into stages makes it possible to clearly distinguish between the functions that are performed by all specialists related to the child.

Chapter 2

2.1 Analysis of the activities of the rehabilitation center for minors

The purpose of the study is to identify the level of socialization, to develop the main areas of work with children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

To achieve this goal, you need to do the following tasks:

1. To measure the level of socialization on the example of the State Budgetary Institution of Social and Rehabilitation "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District" at the age of 12-17 years.

To measure the level of socialization of pupils of the 7th grade of a general education school.

Analyze the received data.

The study of the level of socialization was conducted in February 2014 among pupils on the example of the State Budgetary Institution of Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District and 7th grade students of the Dubrovsky secondary school.

Research base:

GBUSO "Social rehabilitation center for minors Dubrovsky district".

December 2002 - MSI "Shelter" was reorganized into a municipal specialized institution of social services "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors".

The main goals and objectives of the institution

social assistance to families in difficult life situations;

provision of emergency social assistance to minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation, ensuring their temporary residence

identification and differentiated accounting of families with children in need of social support, determination of the forms of assistance they need and the frequency (permanently, temporarily, on a one-time basis) of its provision,

participation in the work on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency together with the authorized competent authorities and in agreement with the founder;

providing social, psychological and other assistance to minors, their parents (legal representatives) in eliminating a difficult situation;

ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

organization of medical care and education of minors, assistance to their professional orientation and their acquisition of a specialty;

assistance to guardianship and guardianship authorities in the placement of minors left without parental care;

The outpatient department provides the following services:

provision of temporary residence for minors;

provision of pre-hospital care (if there are indications, minors are sent for treatment to a stationary medical institution);

organization of medical examination of minors by doctors - specialists;

clarification of the identity of the minor, the place of residence of his parents or his legal representatives;

notification of parents (legal representatives) about the location of the minor.

organization of the phased implementation of individual programs for the social rehabilitation of minors, ensuring the restoration of lost contacts with the family and within the family, their social status;

providing comprehensive medical and psychological assistance to minors;

implementation of social patronage of families upon the return of the child from the Center.

Department of assistance to families and children:

identification of the needs of specific families in various types and forms of social support and assistance in obtaining it;

comprehensive study, analysis and participation in the practical solution of the problems of dysfunctional families, their social patronage;

protection of children's rights, participation in activities for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, their social rehabilitation.

The main reasons for the increase in the number of children in difficult life situations are:

the decline in the social prestige of the family;

-material and housing difficulties;

-interethnic conflicts;

-growth of out-of-wedlock birth rate;

-a high percentage of parents leading an asocial lifestyle;

-an increase in the number of divorces;

-spread of child abuse.

In the course of work on socialization, the following problems of pupils were revealed:

Social problems:

overload of children with negative experiences, negative images, due to the initial stay in an inferior, dangerous social situation;

the social status of an orphan child is "a child of the state".

Medical problems:

pathological deviations in the state of health of pupils;

severe mental trauma, nervous disorders, developmental delay;

weakness of the child's body, lag in physical development.

Psychological problems:

early deprivation, deformation of the emotional-sensory sphere caused by a lack of parental love;

emotional coldness, tightness, alienation, distrust of people, unfriendly, and sometimes aggressive attitude towards them;

lack of formation of communicative skills, inability to build constructive communication at the level of "child - child", "child - adult";

increased vulnerability of pupils of the rehabilitation center, inability to self-determination, infantilism;

violation of the feeling of close attachment to relatives (brothers, sisters).

Pedagogical problems:

socio-pedagogical neglect of children;

deviant behavior;

low level of culture;

a high level of claims, selfishness, a consumer attitude towards people, a poorly developed sense of responsibility, thrift.

According to the results of the study of problems, pupils note that they face problems: in their studies, conflict with adults (teachers, caregivers), homesickness.

Children from socially disadvantaged, incomplete families, which are characterized by social isolation, poor housing conditions, whose parents have a low-prestige occupation or are unemployed, are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs.

And in families where parents are constantly busy, they do not set clear standards of behavior, they use a type of distorted upbringing, when children are left to their own devices, or inconsistency in upbringing, when a child can be punished and praised for the same act, a cruel style of upbringing or overprotection, when the child is brought up in "greenhouse" conditions, has easy and uncontrolled access to money and is not aware of how they get it, and some other forms also lead the teenager to an increased risk of slipping into drug addiction and alcoholism.

The desire to find money to buy drugs - legal and illegal - pushes drug addicts to commit crimes. The administration is conducting multifaceted work to combat drug addiction. These are operational-search activities to identify and detain drug dealers, and work with adolescents by specialists from the Department of Education, Health, Family and Youth Affairs (the "sos" comprehensive program for 2013-2014 on measures to prevent crime, delinquency, treatment of drug addiction, substance abuse , alcoholism, prevention of HIV and other infections, identification of risk groups among teenagers and youth of the city). However, the measures taken are lagging behind the pace of the increase in the scale of the problem.

Therefore, the rehabilitation center for children and adolescents cannot stand aside.

The purpose of this program developed at the center is the prevention of drug addiction through self-knowledge, self-education, increasing the level of life competence and developing healthy lifestyle skills.

The task was to develop a systematic approach to the prevention of abuse of legal and illegal drugs among adolescents and children.

The results obtained from the work carried out are the reduction of risk factors for the use of legal and illegal drugs among the wards, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavioral strategies and personal resources, as well as the formation of skills to counter the drug-addicted environment.

The results were obtained through the holding of seminars for educators in order to familiarize themselves with the goals and objectives of the program, conducting special trainings and classes with children and adolescents on the following topics: smoking, alcohol, drugs; activities with parents and addicted teenagers.

The Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents works with children in difficult life situations. During the year, more than 150 children, aged 3 to 18, receive rehabilitation at the orphanage. Many children reapply throughout the year and annually. Therefore, we can observe the family for a long time.

The situation in such families is not improving, there is a degradation of parents, children from year to year come to the shelter more and more maladjusted. Many of them do not attend secondary school, a large number of children are addicted to alcohol and smoking, some have toxic addictions, as well as children who have committed offenses (theft, robbery, petty hooliganism).

Surveys of families show that intra-family ties are restored only in isolated cases. After a rehabilitation course in an orphanage, children return to their former lives - to dysfunctional, alcohol-consuming families, continue to live in a family without support within it.

To date, there is an urgent need to create a comprehensive program for the rehabilitation of not only children and adolescents, but also their families, because. work with the "consequence" is useless without eliminating the main cause (alcoholism and deprivation of parents).

Both parents and children should not be part of the problem, but part of its solution and have the knowledge necessary for self-rehabilitation.

The complexity of the program and its viability is determined by the interaction of a social work specialist, a social pedagogue and a psychologist working in the staff of the shelter, as well as a volunteer movement that develops in the process of implementing the program (self-help groups from the clients themselves).

The purpose of the program is the social rehabilitation of the family, the restoration of intra-family ties aimed at returning the child to normal life.

The objectives of the program were:

Motivation of family members to refrain from drinking alcohol and to return the child to the family

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in order to develop personal resources that prevent the abuse of alcohol and psychoactive substances (PS).

Creation of conditions for social adaptation of both parents and children in order to develop their interests and individual characteristics,

Monitoring the state of the family after rehabilitation measures.

The effect of the implementation of the program is the return of children to the family and the absence of the need to keep children in state support institutions (keeping one child in an institution costs the state 100-105 thousand rubles a year), as well as improving the crime situation in the city.

Thus, in the course of various technologies, it is supposed to develop an integrated approach to solving the social problems of a child (teenager) and his family. The implementation of this program gives impetus to the development of the family rehabilitation department, workshops, the organization of various types of public associations, and the development of volunteer activities. Through the implementation of this program, it becomes possible to attract extra-budgetary funds in the form of sponsorship, partial self-sufficiency (activities of workshops).

2.2 Analysis of the results and conclusions on the study of social work with children in the State Budgetary Health Institution "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District"

The study involved 53 people. Among them, 25 boys and 28 girls. The children were conventionally divided into two groups.

The socialization of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation (the inadequacy of behavior to the norms, requirements of the system of social relations in which the person is included), although it is within the normal range, is still much higher than that of their peers living in families. Children who find themselves in a difficult life situation also have a higher level of non-acceptance of themselves (the discrepancy between "I am the ideal" and "I am the real" ideas about myself), rejection of others, emotional discomfort, external control. Both children living in families and children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are led. The level of care from solving problems among pupils exceeds that of students. In general, the analysis of these indicators allows us to conclude that the socialization of the pupils of the center, although it is within the normal range, is slightly lower than that of their peers who are brought up in families.

Thus, excessive guardianship and care of educators deprives children of independence. Children who live in closed children's institutions from an early age grow up in conditions of lack of communication. It would seem that in such conditions, one should expect the pupils of the rehabilitation center to have a relatively high level of ability to organize themselves, plan their behavior. As shown by studies conducted in the example of the State Budgetary Institution of Social and Rehabilitation "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District", this is far from being the case.

A child brought up in a family finds himself in a less rigid situation of requirements and control, has the opportunity to participate in a variety of complex adult activities (repair a TV with his father, cook dinner with his mother), learn to perform not only individual operations, but also learns quite complex planning programs, organization and control of their activities. In the family, the assimilation of complex elements of activity, the development of internal action planning does not occur in a situation of special education, but in a natural inclusion in the context of activities that are attractive to the child.

What is given to the child spontaneously in the family, without specially designated efforts of the parents, the pupil of the rehabilitation center can receive only at the cost of a huge purposeful work of the teaching staff.

We studied the level of socialization in boys and girls brought up in the example of the State Budgetary Health Institution "Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District" in order to identify deviations in the psychological state, analyze and prevent problems at the initial stage of their occurrence.

Although the socialization of girls is within the normal range, it is slightly higher than that of boys, so girls are prone to inadequate behavior of norms and requirements in society. Both boys and girls accept themselves, accept others, are led. Boys have higher emotional comfort, while girls have higher emotional discomfort. The level of escapism in boys is within the normal range, but a little higher, therefore, in situations of crisis, impotence, alienation, they tend to escape from reality into the world of illusions and fantasies.

In general, the analysis of the data allows us to conclude that the socialization of boys in the example of the State Budgetary Health Institution "Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District" is slightly higher than that of girls, boys adapt better to the conditions of the social environment.

We can trace the socialization of pupils through relationships with classmates.

In February 2014, we conducted a diagnosis of emotional ties, that is, mutual sympathy between members of the two groups.

Consider the results of our diagnostics

From our data, we see that in the first group in the "zone of stars" were the leaders who scored the maximum number of elections - these are B. Ruslan, L. Zabar, R. Ivan. They are in the best position, each of them an attractive personality for others. The maximum number of elections (6 out of 6) was received by R. Ivan, he turned out to be the most popular among classmates. Thus, an informal group of three people is revealed, and the rest are drawn to them.

The "preferred zone" includes M. Artur, S. Matvey, S. Mikhail, P. Vasily. In this position, the guys also feel good. Despite the fact that P. Vasily received the least number of choices (2 out of 6), he is on the border of the "preferred" and "neglected" zones. The reason, apparently, is his behavior, uncontrollability, hyperactivity. Vasily himself made the largest number of choices (6 out of 6), which indicates that Vasya strives to communicate, wants to have friendly relations with all the guys in the group.

It should be noted that in this group there are neither "neglected" nor "rejected".

The cohesion coefficient of this group is 100% - in general, everyone in this group feels good.

In the second group, we see that the "zone of stars" includes D. Victor, K. Ivan, who received the largest number of elections (6 out of 7) and became the undoubted leaders in this group.P. Denis received 5 choices and also belongs to the "zone of stars". The guys themselves made from 3 to 4 choices - this is not the largest number. These guys are very comfortable in their group, they are pleasant for many of their comrades and make contact themselves.

B. Vadim, K. Maxim entered the "preferred zone", they got 4 out of 7 choices each, they are just as good among the guys in the group, they themselves made an average number of choices. D. Alexander and S. Sergei, although they are on the border of the "preferred zone" and "neglected zone", scored 2 votes each. In turn, D. Alexander made the largest number of choices, which indicates the need for communication, S. Sergey made 5 choices, he also wants to communicate with most of the group.

"Zone of the Rejected" - N. Sergey, he did not receive a single choice and he himself made the minimum number of choices (1), this indicates that the boy does not want to communicate with anyone in this group, he is uncomfortable.

The cohesion coefficient of the group is 87.5% - this is a good indicator. The guys feel good in this team, except for N. Sergey. We recommend improving the climate of the group; having influenced the rejected one, help the pupil to stand out, gain authority, interest the guys in his person. It is necessary to have conversations with the guys, without N. Sergey, and with him alone. Talk about his behavior, attitude with the guys. No need to make comments and discuss Serezha in front of everyone, so as not to give the guys a reason to further reject him.

Pay attention to the fact that D. Alexander and S. Sergey do not move from the “preferred zone” to the “neglected zone”.

In the third group, K. Anastasia entered the "zone of stars", she received the maximum number of elections (6 out of 6), turned out to be the leader of this group, and N. Nadezhda, received (5 out of 6) elections.

In the "preferred zone" - B. Nadezhda, E. Lolita, N. Galina, they are comfortable in their group. S. Valeria is on the border of the "zone of preferred" and "zone of neglected", the girl received (2 out of 6) choices.

"Zone of the Neglected" - P. Diana, she received the minimum number of elections (1). A girl is needed from time to time, and so they do fine without her. Diana herself strives for communication, this is evidenced by her 5 choices.

Group cohesion rate is 83.3%

We recommend paying attention to Diana. She needs the help of educators in showing herself from the best side. There is no need to make comments in front of everyone, it is better to discuss her misconduct with her alone, without the presence of girls. You need to talk with the girls, invite them to put themselves in her place, ask them to list her virtues in writing. Pay attention to S. Valeria.

In the fourth group, the "zone of stars" was not revealed.

All the guys belong to the "preferred zone".Ch. Sergey and Sh. Dmitry each received 2 out of 6 choices - this is the border of the "preferred zone" and the "neglected zone".

Group cohesion ratio is 100%

Pay attention to Ch. Sergey and Sh. Dmitry.

In the fifth group, the "zone of stars" was not revealed.

"Zone of the preferred" - A. Alexey, K. Ruslan, K. Eugene, they are comfortable in the team.

"Zone of the Rejected" - Sh. Alexander, V. Maxim, they did not receive a single choice. Maxim himself did not make a single choice. The boy is completely rejected by the group and does not seek to win anyone's sympathy. Alexander, on the contrary, strives for communication, he made 4 choices out of 5.

The cohesiveness ratio of the group is 66.6%, which is the group with the lowest coefficient in the rehabilitation center.

We recommend paying attention to isolated guys. Conduct interviews with all students. Help the guys to prove themselves, to prove that the team needs them. More often emphasize their abilities, positive qualities.

In the sixth group, the "zone of stars" was not revealed.

"Zone preferred" - B. Anastasia, V. Ekaterina, T. Lydia, they confidently took their place. A. Alena and V. Victoria received 2 out of 5 choices each and are on the border of the "preferred" and "neglected" zones. "Zone of the Neglected" - P. Anastasia, she received 1 choice. The girl does not seek to communicate. Group cohesion rate is 83.3%

P. Anastasia's data (socialization, self-acceptance, rejection of others, emotional comfort, dominance) do not correspond to the norms. The girl is maladapted, that is, she has not adapted to the new environmental conditions. She accepts herself, accepts others (in sociometry she made two choices, but she herself received one), she does not strive for communication, because she experiences emotional discomfort, therefore, in sociometry she is in the “neglected zone”.

V. Victoria's data show that she does not accept others, therefore the girl in the group has few friends, she is on the border of the "preferred" and "neglected" zones.

According to the results of the study, we recommend paying attention to P. Anastasia and V. Victoria. Conduct interviews with pupils of the 6th group. Help the girls to prove themselves, to prove that the team needs them. Thus, we measured the degree of cohesion, identified intra-group "authorities" on the basis of sympathy and "rejected" on the basis of antipathy.

Considering the results obtained, we consider it possible to recommend to the teaching staff of the rehabilitation center:

create an emotionally comfortable environment for pupils;

satisfy the most important needs - in unconditional acceptance and love, attention, care, support, recognition and respect;

include pupils in a variety of activities for full development;

in educational work, focus not on formal discipline, education of obedience, but on the development of the personal potential of each child;

one of the most important problems in the rehabilitation center is the need for love for children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Deprivation of this need entails many violations in the development of the personality of pupils. Considering this, as well as the emotional overload of educators, we recommend giving each child personally 15-20 minutes a day, but during these minutes, focus your attention exclusively on him;

taking into account the need of the pupils of the rehabilitation center for informal communication with adults, the distortion of its forms, as well as the fact that communication is a leading activity for adolescents, the inability to communicate constructively leads to significant difficulties in the socialization of pupils, in everyday communication with children, educators need to use technology developing communication;

use the data we have received to restructure groups, increase their cohesion and efficiency, so that socialization has a positive trend.

Thus, the activities applied in practice in the rehabilitation center have their own focus, but they all lead to positive results and are needed in our society. The level of development of social policy can be characterized by the number of programs and their implementation.

It is impossible to create an ideal social program, since it is impossible to choose a universal solution method suitable for all problems at the same time. Therefore, two or more social programs should be applied in one institution at the same time, they will fill in the shortcomings of each other.


In the process of theoretical study of this problem, we examined the concepts of "social work" and "difficult life situation". We found out that the purpose of socialization is to educate the child in a sense of duty, social security and prepare for a future adult life. The main mission of the rehabilitation center is to prepare pupils for independent life in modern society, but at present the level of this training cannot be considered sufficient. The success of their further life path will depend on how well the rehabilitation center of pupils will be able to prepare for this independent life. Therefore, social workers need to form in children "a way of life worthy of a Human being", which has three bases "Goodness, Truth, Beauty". "A life worthy of a Human is a life that allows him to realize to the maximum the essential properties and fullness of functions that are characteristic only of a human being as a representative of the highest level of the biological world."

For the normal development of the individual, it is necessary to satisfy not only biological, but also social, spiritual needs.

If it was possible to educate a person with a conscious attitude towards himself, others, society, the Motherland, etc., a person with an active life position, able to build a life perspective, constructively resolve conflicts, and be able to interact with others, then we can safely predict the successful socialization of such a person

We learned that young people from among children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are not competitive in the modern labor market, and the professions they have received are unclaimed.

After receiving a profession, the housing problem acquires a new quality: a job is needed, where they will definitely provide a residence permit. But today, many organizations do not have hostels. It is also difficult to take advantage of the quotas provided for employment. Children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are often left without a residence permit, and the employment center does not work with such people.

Many do not have important social resources: material (housing, profession in demand, savings) and psychological (adequate education, support of relatives).

Socialization is one of the most important aspects of the socialization process. But if socialization is a gradual process of personality formation in certain social conditions, then the concept of "socialization" emphasizes the active development by a person or group of a new social environment in a relatively short period of time.

The pupil becomes a full-fledged member of society, assimilating social norms and cultural values.

Successful socialization presupposes an effective adaptation of a person to society and, at the same time, the ability to resist it in those life conflicts that impede self-development, self-determination, and self-realization.

The social worker creates conditions for the socialization of children to new living conditions, their positive socialization and subsequent social integration.

A social worker, who carries out professional activities in a rehabilitation center, is a source of social protection for children in difficult life situations, including he is the organizer of the work to form the socialization of pupils. Forms in children who find themselves in a difficult life situation, "a lifestyle worthy of a person."

From the results obtained, it can be seen that the level of socialization in children of the rehabilitation center is higher than that of their peers, since we found out that excessive guardianship and care of educators deprives children of independence. Children who live in closed children's institutions from an early age grow up in conditions of lack of communication. It would seem that in such conditions, one should expect the pupils of the rehabilitation center to have a relatively high level of ability to organize themselves, plan their behavior. As shown by studies conducted in the example of the State Budgetary Institution of Social and Rehabilitation "Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors in the Dubrovsky District", this is far from being the case.

Thus, a child brought up in a family finds himself in a less rigid situation of requirements and control, has the opportunity to participate in a complex variety of adult activities (repair a TV with his father, cook dinner with his mother), learn to perform not only individual operations, but also learns quite complex programs for planning, organizing and controlling their activities. In the family, the assimilation of complex elements of activity, the development of internal action planning does not occur in a situation of special education, but in a natural inclusion in the context of activities that are attractive to the child.


1.Federal Law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" N 217704-5 // SPS Consultant +

2.Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" N 124-FZ // SPS Consultant +

.Astonits M. "Children - orphans in Russia: socio-cultural conditionality of the personal characteristics of a child in conditions of deprivation" // Bulletin of Eurasia, 2012. No. 3

.Belicheva S.A. Socio - pedagogical methods for assessing the social development of maladjusted adolescents // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional and rehabilitation work: 2010, No. 1

.Gologuzova M.N. Social Pedagogy. M., 2011

.Gulina M.A. Dictionary-reference book on social work. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010. - 400 p.

.Dementieva I.F. Socialization of orphans. Modern problems and prospects in the market conditions. // Social problems of orphanhood. - M., 2012

.Diagnosis and correction of violations of the socialization of adolescents. Edited by S.A. Belicheva and I.A. Korobeinikov. - M., 2012

.Dubrovina I.V., Lisina M.I. Features of the mental development of children in the family and outside the family // Age-related features of the mental development of children. - M., 2010 - 110 p.

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.Odintsova L.N., Shamakhova N.N. Family-type children's center. - 2000, Vologda: VIRO - 56 p.

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.Platonova N.M. Fundamentals of social pedagogy. - St. Petersburg, 2010

.Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: 100 questions and 100 answers, M: VLADOS PRESS, 2010

.Developmental psychology, St. Petersburg, Publishing house "Piter", 2010

.Psychology. Dictionary / ed. ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. - 2nd edition, rev. and additional - M.: Politizdat. 2010. - 494

.Rean L.A. On the problem of personality socialization // Bulletin of St. Petersburg, series No. 6, issue 3, 2011


Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3


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Questions and answers - Questions on family problems, motherhood, childhood

  • children left without parental care;

  • disabled children;

  • children with disabilities, that is, those with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development;

  • children - victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters; children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons;

  • children in extreme conditions;

  • children are victims of violence;

  • children serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies;

  • children in special educational institutions;

  • children living in low-income families;

  • children with behavioral problems;

  • children whose life activity is objectively impaired as a result of the circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of the family.

"Difficult" children, what are they?

The first sign of children who are called "difficult" is the presence of deviant behavior. This may be behavior that includes a chain of misdemeanors, misdemeanors, petty offenses and crimes that are different from criminal ones, i.e. criminal offenses and serious offences. And there may be other behavioral disorders: such as crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, suicide.

“Difficult” also refers to those children and adolescents whose behavioral disorders are not easily corrected. Here it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "difficult" children and "pedagogically neglected" children. The latter are not always "difficult" in this sense and are relatively easy to re-educate. "Difficult" children especially need an individual approach from educators and the attention of a peer group.

Childhood is preparation for adulthood. It will be well organized - a person will grow up good; badly directed will always turn into a difficult fate. A difficult childhood is not always the worst. A bad childhood is homeless, unkind, in which the child is lost, like an unnecessary thing.

A "difficult" child is someone who has a hard time. That is how you need to understand what is happening to him. "Difficult" it is not only for adults, but primarily for themselves. "Difficult"the child is suffering, rushing about in search of warmth and affection. Destitute and almost doomed. He feels it. All "difficult" children, as a rule, did not have a friendly, caring environment either in the family or at school. At first, difficulties with adaptation, lack of abilities, and then unwillingness to learn led these children to disorganization, violations of discipline.

It is difficult for the child. This is his unsatisfied need to be like everyone else, to be loved, desired, treated kindly. The fact that these children are rejected at home and in the classroom further alienates them from other children. Traditionally, the main criterion for classifying a child as “difficult” is, in the overwhelming majority of cases, poor academic performance and indiscipline. This is a consequence of the difficult situation for the child in which he finds himself in the school team from the very beginning of his studies. The main thing here is the inner feelings of the child himself, his personal attitude towards the teacher, his classmates around him, and himself.

The child becomes “difficult” when there is a coincidence, the imposition of negative external influences, failures at school and pedagogical mistakes of teachers, the negative influence of family life and intra-family relations. In other words, the child falls out of the sphere of education at once in many links and is in the zone of active negative influences.

The "difficult" also usually include those children who are characterized by certain deviations in moral development, the presence of fixed negative forms of behavior, indiscipline.

Typification of "difficult" children and adolescents.

Psychologists and educators have proposed several systems for typing "difficult" children. Almost all of them refer to children of a later age, when the "difficult" child becomes an antisocial teenager. One of the most developed systems belongs to Professor A.I. Kochetov. He singles out these types of difficult children.

  • Children with communication disorders.

  • Children with increased or decreased emotional reaction (with increased excitability, acute reaction, or, conversely, passive, indifferent).

  • Children with mental retardation.

  • Children with abnormal development of volitional qualities (stubborn, weak-willed, capricious, self-willed, undisciplined, unorganized).
From "difficult" children, asocial adolescents are formed, which the professor of psychology M.S. Neumark describes it like this:

  • cynics; leaders of asocial groups with an established immoral system of views and needs; violate the order and rules out of conviction and consider themselves right; consciously oppose themselves to society;

  • unstable, do not have strong moral convictions and deep moral feelings; their behavior, views, assessments entirely depend on the situation; subject to bad influence, unable to resist it;

  • teenagers and older schoolchildren who are pushed into antisocial acts - strong personal immediate needs in the presence of very weak brakes; immediate needs (for spectacles, delicious food, often - tobacco, wine, etc.) are stronger for them than their moral feelings and intentions, and are satisfied in an unlawful way;

  • affective children who experience constant resentment based on the belief that they are underestimated, infringed, do not admit that they are unfair.
The main signs of the abnormal behavior of "difficult" children: a tendency to loiter, vagrancy, deceit, the formation of gangs with leaders, aggressiveness.

Some reasons why a child becomes "difficult" and then asocial.

  • The increased tension of life, the increased anxiety of most people.

  • Many tend to revise the norms of behavior, to simplify them.

  • School tension, expressed in an increase in the volume and intensity of classes, an increase in pace.

  • A lot of pressure on the fragile minds and nerves of schoolchildren causes a mismatch between what the child sees in real life, and what he is taught, what is required of him at school.

  • A wide range of possible shortcomings of moral education - from a lack of understanding of moral norms to an unwillingness to reckon with them.

  • Intellectual underdevelopment, mental callousness, emotional deafness of a significant part of children.

  • Unfavorable heredity.

  • Defects in self-esteem, its overestimation, unwillingness to recognize objective assessments and reckon with them.

  • Instability of nervous processes under conditions favorable for the occurrence of deviant behavior

  • Lack of volitional self-regulation (impulsivity, disinhibition, incontinence).

  • Antisocial behavior of parents (drunkenness, fights, drug addiction, criminal lifestyle, etc.).

  • Complete indifference to the child or, conversely, excessive control by adults.

  • Incitement of adults, involvement of minors in groups of asocial behavior.

  • Unfavorable course of crisis periods in the development of the child, rebellion against the limitation of independence.

  • Slowed rates of intellectual, social and moral development.

  • Pedagogical neglect as part of general social neglect.

In modern Russia, due to the increase in the number of families in a social and economic crisis, the concept of children in a difficult life situation is increasingly used in pedagogy and psychology. At the moment, the problem of socio-pedagogical support for children in difficult life situations is extremely relevant. It is caused, first of all, by the socio-economic crisis of recent decades, which significantly affected the situation of the younger generation and led to negative phenomena in such important areas for the development of adolescents as family, education, leisure, and health. The content of the concept of "children in a difficult life situation" has a lot of components. At the moment, children from socially unprotected and disadvantaged families, left without parental care, children with disabilities and developmental disorders who find themselves in extreme conditions, victims of violence and others whose life was disrupted as a result of the circumstances, are classified as those in a difficult life situation. which they cannot overcome on their own or with the help of their families. As a result, it is necessary to define the concept of children in a difficult life situation and their socio-pedagogical characteristics.

A child is a constantly growing and developing organism, at each age stage having certain morphological, physiological and psychological characteristics.

Each child at different periods of his life, as well as depending on the social conditions in which he may find himself, for reasons beyond his control, may find himself in a difficult life situation, and, accordingly, will need help and protection to varying degrees.

I. G. Kuzina considers the general concept of a difficult life situation as “a situation that objectively violates a person’s social ties with his environment and the conditions of normal life and is subjectively perceived by him as difficult, as a result of which he may need support and assistance from social services to solve his problem »

N. G. Osukhova considers this concept as a situation in which “as a result of external influences or internal changes, a violation of the child’s adaptation to life occurs, as a result of which he is not able to satisfy his basic vital needs through models and methods of behavior developed in previous periods life".

After analyzing these approaches to the definition of a difficult life situation, and highlighting its common features, we can formulate the following definition: a difficult life situation is a situation that means the experiences of a person who finds himself in a position that seriously affects his well-being, life safety and from which he does not always able to get out on his own. In this case, he needs help. Children who find themselves in a difficult life situation especially need help. It is more difficult for them to find an acceptable way out of the situation on their own. Considering this fact, in social and pedagogical support, it is necessary to predict and determine the most appropriate ways to help a child who finds himself in a difficult life situation. The main goal of such support is to create the most optimal conditions for the life of the child and his upbringing.

Modern children have two main areas of activity, they are also the main institutions of influence on his upbringing - the sphere of the family and the education system. The vast majority of the child's problems arise precisely because of the influence of these two institutions.

For a child, the family is an environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed. The inability of the family as a social institution to ensure the upbringing and maintenance of children is one of the main factors in the emergence of a category of children in difficult life situations [52, p.352].

We single out the most significant factors affecting family well-being, as a result of which children may experience a difficult life situation.

The first factor is the poor material living conditions of the family. Families with children in Russia have been the most deprived for a long time. The reasons are the high dependency burden on the able-bodied, the lack of work of one of the parents due to childcare, as well as the lower earnings of young professionals. Significant indicators of the material conditions of a family's life are the level of household income and housing provision. It is important to note that poor indicators of material security are concentrated in the same households. Families living in poor housing conditions and not having enough money have low chances to get out of poverty, so they should be given special attention by specialists in services for the prevention of family trouble and orphanhood.

The second factor affecting well-being is the loss of connection with the labor market. Families with children show a high degree of economic activity, and employment is more likely to be among the poor. An increased risk of poverty and, as a result, family distress, is experienced by complete families with children in which a man is economically inactive. Families that have been affected by long-term unemployment, single-parent families with children in which the parent is unemployed, are also among the poor. In incomplete families, women from an economic point of view perform the function that is characteristic of men in complete families. Families with children who are unemployed, although they fall into poverty, have a high chance of getting out of it as a result of a successful job search, in contrast to families in which the man is economically inactive.

The third factor is intra-family conflicts, an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family. It is a mistake to assume that all families in which disagreements occur are at risk, and the children living in them are classified as being in a difficult life situation. Only children in a critical situation, in an environment of severe conflicts, which have many reasons, can be considered children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. These children certainly need help, and their families should certainly be included in the target group of programs for the prevention of social orphanhood.

Another not unimportant factor affecting family well-being is abuse in the family. A big problem in the work to identify and prevent families where child abuse is practiced is that the families themselves, both parents and children, hide this fact: parents - because they are afraid of punishment and condemnation, children - because they are ashamed of their position and feel fear.

The next factor is alcoholism and drug addiction in the family. Alcoholism and drug addiction are those problems that, if not the causes of family trouble, often accompany it. A child, getting into the environment of parents dependent on alcohol or drugs, as a rule, has physical, psychological and social developmental problems. In addition, most children inherit this addiction and constitute a high-risk group for the formation of mental, neurological and somatic disorders. A child is often saved from addicted parents on the street, but there he also expects a dysfunctional environment and the influence of street peers. Such families concentrate all other problems in themselves, as they lose their connection with the labor market and do not have a stable income.

There is also such a factor as a dysfunctional family environment for children, the risks of divorce, and failure to fulfill childcare responsibilities. In Russian society, there is a strong opinion on the question of who should be responsible for raising children. Despite the fact that the majority of respondents believe that the care of a child should fall on the shoulders of the family, or at least should be shared between the family and society, there are parents who shift the responsibility for a preschool child from the family to society. Parents who believe that the care of children should be delegated to society do not want to take responsibility for raising children, which means that they do not fully fulfill their parental responsibilities.

There is reason to believe that critically poor housing conditions and an acute income deficit are the most painful problems for families, followed by a high level of conflict in the family, and only then all other types of trouble. In most cases, a critical situation is associated with a combination of manifestations of trouble.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" formulates typical difficult life situations for a child related to the family:

Death of parents.

Refusal of parents to take their children from institutions of social protection of the population, educational, medical and other institutions.

Independent termination by parents of parental duties in relation to their child.

Failure by parents for one reason or another of their duties towards their children.

Prolonged absence of parents.

Restriction of parents in parental rights. The decision is made by the court taking into account the best interests of the child. It can take place under the condition that leaving the child with the parents or with one of them is dangerous for the child due to circumstances beyond the control of the parents or one of them.

Deprivation of parental rights. It acts as a legislative measure for parents who do not fulfill their obligations in relation to their minor children, as well as abusing parental rights.

The impossibility of parents for one reason or another to fulfill their parental duties: serving a sentence; recognition of their incompetent when they cannot, for health reasons, perform duties in relation to their children; the crisis state of the family, which does not allow it to fulfill parental responsibilities in relation to the child. In the above cases, the child ends up in the guardianship and guardianship bodies - these are local government bodies that are entrusted with the responsibility to protect the rights and interests of children left without parental care. Guardianship and guardianship bodies are called upon to: identify children left without parental care; take such children into account; select forms of placement for children left without parental care. At the same time, they try to arrange them, first of all, in a family. To this end, they contribute to the creation of foster, guardian and other types of families; carry out patronage of foster families, provide them with the necessary assistance; contribute to the creation of normal living conditions and the upbringing of a child in foster families, that is, to provide assistance from psychologists, teachers, social pedagogues, to promote the improvement of living conditions, to exercise control over the conditions of the child, the fulfillment of parental duties assigned to the foster family for his upbringing and education. In case of failure to fulfill their obligations in relation to foster children, the guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to take measures to protect their rights.

Based on the foregoing, we understand that a fairly large number of factors that provoke a difficult life situation in a child come from his family. If at least one of the factors described above is present in the family, then the risk of a difficult situation in a child is very high. Another important area of ​​the child's activity is the educational sphere. Since it is one of the main activities of children, the possibility of a difficult life situation for a child is increased here.

One of the problems of a child in a difficult situation is a low level of socialization, that is, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature and access to cultural values, etc. In modern schools, the main role is assigned to the educational rather than socializing function, the school does not provide children with the necessary set of qualities they need for full integration into society. The limited activity of the school determines the negative attitude of the majority of students towards this institution of education, which does not give him the opportunity to express himself as a person. The reason for the emergence of a difficult situation in the lives of children can be an unsatisfactory level of knowledge, and as a result, a large gap in academic performance between the best and worst students. This is very closely related to the self-esteem of the personality of the child. As a result, children have problems of different directions associated with deadaptation in social relations at school. These problems together can lead to a difficult situation for the child.

V. A. Nikitin in his study describes socialization as “the process and result of the inclusion of an individual in social relations” . It is important to keep in mind that socialization is a process that lasts throughout a person's life. Therefore, one of the main goals of socialization is the adaptation of a person to social reality, which serves as the most possible condition for the normal functioning of society. At the moment, difficult life situations that lead to a low level of socialization of the child include: begging, homelessness and neglect, various types of deviant behavior, as well as illness and disability. The problems that arise in the process of socialization of such children are, first of all, social problems: insufficient forms of social support, inaccessibility of health care, education, culture, and consumer services. Among them, problems of the macro-, meso- and micro-level can be singled out. This set of problems is being solved by the efforts of the entire society and the state aimed at creating equal opportunities for all children.

The Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” defines the term “children in a difficult life situation”, “these are children, orphans or children left without parental care; disabled children; children with disabilities, that is, those with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development; children - victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters; children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons; children are victims of violence; children serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies; children in special educational institutions; children living in low-income families; children with behavioral problems; children whose life activity is objectively impaired as a result of the circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of the family.

At the moment, in modern Russia, the problem of child orphanhood, and especially social child orphanhood, is very acute. If earlier these were children whose parents died at the front, today the vast majority of children brought up in orphanages, orphanages, boarding schools have one or both parents, that is, they are social orphans, or orphans with living parents. In the Federal Law "On Additional Guarantees for Social Support for Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care", orphans are "persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died." Children left without parental care are “persons under the age of 18 who were left without the care of a single parent or both parents due to the deprivation of their parental rights, restriction of their parental rights, recognition of their parents as missing, incompetent, declaring them dead, establishment by the court of the fact of the loss of parental care by a person, serving a sentence by parents in institutions executing a sentence of deprivation of liberty, being in places of detention, suspected and accused of committing crimes, evading parents from raising their children or from protecting their rights and interests, refusing to parents to take their children from educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, as well as if the only parent or both parents are unknown, in other cases of recognizing children left without parental care in the manner prescribed by law.

It is worth paying attention to such a category of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation, such as children with disabilities or children with disabilities. The health of the Russian population is in critical condition. The results of thorough research testify to the crisis state of health in representatives of all age groups, especially in children. In Russia, as well as throughout the world, there is a tendency for the growth of children with disabilities. Based on the provisions of Law No. 181-FZ and the Family Code of the Russian Federation, “a disabled child is understood to be a person under the age of 18 who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life and causing the need for social protection. Children with developmental disabilities are deprived of the channels of obtaining information available to their healthy peers: constrained in movement and use of sensory channels of perception, children cannot master the whole variety of human experience that remains out of reach. They are also deprived of the possibility of subject-practical activity, limited in play activity, which negatively affects the formation of higher mental functions. Violation, lack of development can occur suddenly after an accident, illness, or it can develop and intensify over a long time, for example, due to exposure to adverse environmental factors, due to a long-term chronic disease. A disadvantage, a violation can be eliminated, in whole or in part, by medical and psychological-pedagogical, social means or decrease in its manifestation. At the moment, Russian education, which forms a certain degree of tolerance for children with disabilities, has a humanistic orientation. Networks of medical and rehabilitation institutions, boarding schools, centers for social assistance to families and disabled children, and sports-adaptive schools for disabled people are being created. And yet, this problem remains relevant. A significant part of children with developmental disabilities, despite the efforts made by society to educate and educate them, as adults, are not prepared for integration into socio-economic life. At the same time, the results of research and practice indicate that any person with a developmental defect can, under appropriate conditions, become a full-fledged personality, develop spiritually, provide for themselves financially and be useful to society.

The next category of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation are children - victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters (children in an extreme situation) - these are children in need of care and assistance. They should be given the opportunity to study, including religious and moral education, according to the wishes of their parents or, in the absence of parents, of those persons who are responsible for their care. All necessary measures must be taken to facilitate the reunification of temporarily separated families. Children under the age of fifteen are not subject to recruitment into armed forces or groups and are not allowed to take part in hostilities; the special protection afforded to children under the age of fifteen continues to apply to them if they take a direct part in hostilities and are taken prisoner. Where necessary, and where possible, with the consent of their parents or those with primary responsibility for their care, arrangements shall be made for the temporary evacuation of children from the area of ​​hostilities to a safer area inland, while being escorted by persons responsible for their safety. and well-being.

The change in the general geopolitical picture of the world, the aggravation of environmental, demographic and social problems, all this leads to the emergence of such a category of children in a difficult life situation as children from refugee and internally displaced families. Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Refugees" provides the following definition: "a refugee is a person who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation and who, due to well-founded fear of becoming a victim of persecution on the basis of race, religion, citizenship, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion is outside the country of his nationality and is unable to enjoy the protection of that country or is unwilling to enjoy such protection due to such fear; or, having no particular nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or unwilling to return to it owing to such fear. From Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On forced migrants”, “a forced migrant is a citizen of the Russian Federation who left his place of residence as a result of violence or persecution committed against him or his family members, or because of a real risk of being persecuted on the basis of race or nationality, religion, language. Citizens of the Russian Federation who left their place of residence as a result of persecution on the basis of belonging to a certain social group or political convictions are also recognized as internally displaced persons. The significance of the problems of families of refugees and internally displaced persons in modern Russian society is actualized in various aspects of an individual's life in the system of personal-environment relations. It is known that during forced migration, the social adaptation of a person is seriously violated: from one natural and social environment, he moves to another, painfully breaking many natural-anthropological ties and artificially creating such ties in a new place. As a result, refugee children often experience psychological trauma when they witness the murder or death of their parents and relatives. As psychologists testify, traumatic events leave a deep imprint in the child's psyche, which remains in his memory for a long time. All children who have experienced psychological shock suffer from its consequences. In addition to many physical and mental disorders, they also have a violation of the process of cognition and behavior in society. The severity of violations and their manifestations is associated, as a rule, with the degree of severity of violence, the presence or absence of bodily injuries in the child himself, as well as the loss or preservation of family support.

Children are the most suggestible and led, unlike adults, and often become victims in various situations. They may be victims of domestic or school violence, be victims of violence on the street.

M.D. Asanova identifies four main types of child abuse: physical abuse is a type of attitude towards a child when he is deliberately placed in a physically vulnerable position, when he is intentionally inflicted with bodily harm or does not prevent the possibility of inflicting it; sexual abuse is the involvement of functionally immature children and adolescents in sexual activities that they perform without fully understanding them, for which they are unable to consent, or that violate the social taboos of family roles; psychological abuse is an act committed against a child that hinders or harms the development of his potential abilities. Psychological abuse includes such chronic aspects of behavior as humiliation, insult, bullying and ridicule of a child; neglect is the chronic inability of a parent or caregiver to provide for the basic needs of a minor child for food, clothing, housing, medical care, education, protection and supervision. With physical neglect, a child may be left without the necessary nutrition corresponding to his age, may be dressed inappropriately for the weather. With emotional abandonment, parents are indifferent to the needs of the child, ignore him, there is no tactile contact. Neglect can manifest itself in the neglect of the child's health, the lack of necessary treatment for him. Neglect of the child's education can be expressed in the fact that the child is often late for school, skips lessons, stays to look after younger children, and so on. The overall goal in working with children who have experienced violence is to reduce and eliminate traumatic experiences, to overcome feelings of inferiority, guilt and shame. In working with a child, it is important to maintain his ability to differentiate interactions with other people, to promote his personal development.

Recently, the increase in juvenile delinquency has been constantly emphasized, there has been an increase in the cruelty and sophistication of the deeds of adolescents, a significant rejuvenation of crime. One of the measures used as a punishment for a child for committing a crime is the deprivation of his liberty. Children sentenced by the court to punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty are sent to educational colonies for correction and re-education. However, according to statistics, many of those who have served their sentences re-commit the crime. All minors serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies also represent the category of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Adaptation is one of the important aspects that arise when a child is deprived of his liberty. In the conditions of an educational colony, the concept of adaptation should be considered in a broad aspect. Since the essence of the problem will depend on the conditions of serving a sentence: strict, ordinary, light or preferential, since when moving from one condition to another, even within the same colony, the social environment, daily routine, work and educational activities, assessment of prospects change. , the aspirations of the pupil. Almost every convicted teenager has some degree of emotional tension, dissatisfaction with the life situation, a reduced emotional background, as well as some kind of disorder. Getting into an educational colony, a teenager learns what the daily routine is, the rules of conduct. That is why sleep disorders, lethargy, passivity, fatigue are possible. A large place in the general anxiety of a teenager is occupied by all sorts of fears, a feeling of an incomprehensible threat, and the self-doubt associated with this. The main goal of social and pedagogical support is to help the child adapt in an educational colony, and its end result is a successful entry into the team, the emergence of a sense of confidence in relations with members of the team, satisfaction with one's position in this system of relationships.

Thus, from all of the above, we understand that the problem of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation is currently quite acute. Therefore, there is a need for a special attitude towards such children, that is, the need for social and pedagogical support. Depending on the reasons for the emergence of a difficult life situation in a child, and his socio-pedagogical characteristics, it becomes necessary to choose an individual work technology. To date, there are many studies aimed at approaching the compilation and application of technologies for the socio-pedagogical support of children who find themselves in a difficult life situation as efficiently as possible.

Subject. Features of children in difficult life


1. The essence of the concept of "difficult life situations" for children, their typology;

2. Foster and substitute families for children in difficult life situations;

3. State and non-state institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.


1. The upbringing and development of children in an orphanage / Ed.-comp. N.P. Ivanova. M., 1996.

2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation // Complete collection of codes of the Russian Federation. M., 2002. Art. 31-33, 36, 39-40.

3. The Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Implementation in Modern Russia// Reference Research Institute of Family and Education. Ed. 2nd. M., 2001.

4. Family Code of the Russian Federation // Complete collection of codes of the Russian Federation. M., 2002. Art. 121, 123, 151-155.

1. The essence of the concept of "difficult life situations"
for children, their typology

Difficult life situationmeaning the experiences of a person who finds himself in a position that seriously affects his
well-being, life safety and from which it is not
always able to get out (cannot find a worthy

In this case, he needs the help of the state, society.
Children who find themselves in a difficult life situation especially need help. It is more difficult for them to find an acceptable way out on their own
from the established position. Given this fact, the state is trying to predict and determine the most appropriate ways
helping a child in a difficult life situation. The main goal of the state (society) is to createthe most optimal conditions for the life of the child and his upbringing.

In the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the main
Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated 24 July
1998 No. 124-FZ, Art. 1 formulated typicaldifficult life situationsfor a child, in which the state takes on
obligation to provide him with the necessary assistance. These include
loss of parental care.Such a phenomenon may
place in some cases:

a) death of parents;

b) refusal of parents take your children out of social institutions
protection of the population, educational, medical and other institutions;

V) self termination parents fulfillment of parental responsibilitiesin relation to his child (self-withdrawal from raising a child);

G) non-fulfillment by parents for one reason or another of their
responsibilities towards their children
(for example, according to
health danger of infecting a child, etc.);

e) prolonged absence of parents(for example, a long business trip);

e) restriction of parents in parental rights.The decision is made by the court taking into account the best interests of the child. It may take place when
condition when leaving a child with parents (one of them) is dangerous for the child due to circumstances, the parents (one of them) do not
dependent (mental disorder or other chronic illness, a combination of difficult circumstances, and others);

and) deprivation of parental rights.It acts as a legislative measure for parents,non-performing dutiestowards their minor children, andabusing parental rights.

Parents' responsibilities include:

creation of normal conditions for their life activity;

be their legal representatives and advocate for them
rights and interests in all institutions without special powers;

educating them.

Depriving parents of parental rights is aimed at protecting the rights
children raised in a family to protect them from abuse and other abuse by their parents. It can only be carried out by a court order. Parents deprived of parental rights lose all rights based on the fact of kinship with the child,
but are not exempted from the obligation to maintain it. If such
If the parent makes it impossible for the child to live with him/her by his behavior, then he/she can be evicted without providing another accommodation. Upon termination of parental rights
both parents, the child is placed in the care of guardianship authorities and

h) the impossibility of parents for one reason or another to fulfill their parental responsibilities:

serving a sentence;

recognition of their legal incapacity when they cannot, for health reasons, perform duties in relation to their children
(physical abilities or mental deviations);

the crisis state of the family, which does not allow it to fulfill parental responsibilities in relation to the child (unemployment and forced to look for work, difficult material

And) children who find themselves in conditions in which they need
special professional assistance and (or) protection:

disability. We are talking about children who, for health reasons
equal to children with disabilities. They need special
(correctional), correctional-compensatory development, training and education;

deficiencies in mental and (or) physical development. Such
children also need special (correctional), correctional-compensatory development, training and education;

victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters. In this case, a complex of medical, psychological, pedagogical
and social measures to help the child;

Children in families of refugees and internally displaced
migrants who find themselves in extreme conditions;

Children are victims of violence. This phenomenon can be observed in
family when availableabuse of parental rights.
is the use by parents of their rights to the detriment of
interests of children (for example, creating barriers to learning, inducing begging, theft, prostitution,
spirits or drugs, etc.);

children serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational colony;

children in a special educational institution;

children whose life activity is objectively impaired as a result of the circumstances that do not independently
can be overcome, including by the family.

In these cases, the child isguardianship and guardianship authoritieslocal self-government bodies responsible for
obligations to protect the rights and interests of children left without parental care.

Guardianship authorities are called upon to:

identify children left without parental care;

take such children into account;

select forms of placement for children left without care
parents. At the same time, they try to arrange them first of all in the family.
To this end, they contribute to the establishment of reception, guardianship and
other types of families;

provide patronage to foster families, provide them with
necessary help (obtaining vouchers for summer camps, rest homes, sanatoriums; placement of children in schools, creative teams);
contribute to the creation of normal living conditions and education
a child in foster families (assistance of psychologists, teachers, social educators; assistance in improving living conditions),

exercise control over the conditions of the child's maintenance, the fulfillment of the parental duties assigned to the foster family for his upbringing and education.

In case of failure to fulfill their obligations in relation to foster children, the guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to take
measures to protect their rights.

2. Foster and substitute families for children who are
in a difficult life situation

There are variousforms of placement of orphans and children,
left without parental care.
The main ones include
social services for children(Law “On Basic Guarantees of Rights
child in the Russian Federation”, Art. 1.) They are understood as institutions, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, carrying out activities for the social service of children (social support, provision of social,
medical and social, psychological and pedagogical, legal services and financial assistance, social rehabilitation of children in
in a difficult life situation, providing employment for such children
reaching working age), as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial "activities for social services to the population, including children, without forming a legal entity.

The main forms of placement of orphans and children left behind
without parental care are:

Transfer of the child to the family.For the transfer of a child to a family, Russian legislation provides for:

Adoptive family family that adopted (adopted)
child(ren).Adoption (adoption) -this is the most preferred form of placement for children deprived of parental care. It is allowed V concerning minor children and only in their interests. In this case, the child is legally fully equated with his own children, acquires parents in
face of adoptive parents and family. Adoptive parents who voluntarily assume the entirety of the obligations imposed by law
on parents, are equated with them in all respects and endowed with the same rights.
Adoption is carried out by the courtat the request of persons
(persons) wishing to adopt a child
with the participation of guardianship and guardianship authorities(Family Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 129130).

When deciding on the adoption of a child who has reached the age of ten, his consent to adoption is required precisely
this face. Adopted children and their offspring in relation to adoptive parents and their relatives, and adoptive parents and their relatives in relation to
in relation to adopted children and their offspring are equated in
personal and property rights and obligations to relatives
origin (Family Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 137);

transfer of the child to the guardian (custodian) family. Custodial (trustee) familythis is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance,
upbringing and education, as well as to protect their rights and interests.
The concepts of "guardianship" and "guardianship" as forms of family education are identical.

guardianship established over children under the age of 14 years.
guardianship established from 14 to 18 years.They are installed within a month fromthe moment it became known that the minor was without protection. Only legally capable persons of full age shall be appointed guardians (custodians) of children. This takes into account the moral and other personal qualities of the guardian (trustee), his ability to perform the relevant duties, the attitude of family members towards the child, and also, if possible, the desire of the child himself (Family Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 150-151).

Guardian parents receive moneyfor food,
purchase of clothes, footwear, soft equipment for wards,
prices of the respective region until the child reaches the age of 16
(for students of a general education institution up to 18 years old) of age. No funds are assigned or paid for those
children whose parents can personally carry out the upbringing and maintenance of children, but voluntarily transfer them under the guardianship (guardianship) of other persons, are on long business trips;

Foster Familydevice shapeorphans and children left without parental care,on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family between the guardianship and guardianship authorities and foster parents(spouses or separate
citizens wishing to take children to be brought up in a family). The activities of the foster family are carried out on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 829 dated July 17, 1996, which approved the Regulations on the foster family.

Citizens (spouses or individual citizens) who wish to take on
raising a child (children) left without parental care,
are called adoptive parents, the child (children) transferred to
foster care is referred to as a foster child, and
such a family adoptive.The total number of children in such a family, including
relatives and adoptive, as a rule, should not exceed 8 people.

Adoptive parents in relation to the adopted child (children)
have the rights and duties of a guardian (custodian).Organ
guardianship and guardianship provides the necessary assistance to the adoptive
parents and monitors the living conditions and upbringing of the child (children).

Upkeep each adopted child (children)
paid out monthlyfor food,
purchase of clothing, footwear and soft furnishings, household items, personal hygiene, games, toys, books and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for pupils of educational institutions for orphans
and children left without parental care. State
also pays for the work of foster parents as educators.Children device
into a foster family does not entail the emergence of alimony and inheritance legal relations between foster parents and foster children.

Based on the experience of foreign countries in Russia, the creation of
foster familyfor the placement of orphans and children left without
parental care. This activity is based on the desire
to give every child the experience of life in a family one of the fundamental
ideas of the concept of improving the state system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in modern conditions. Such a concept was developed and approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on Juvenile Affairs under the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1/1 p. 125 of July 7, 1998.

In Russia, there has been a processcreation of family, educational
This form of social service is provided to minors who are in a socially dangerous position.

Family educational grouprepresentsdivision of a specialized institutionfor minors in need of social rehabilitation, operating on the basis of the Charter and Regulations. The basis for creating such
group is
real family Russian citizens, which takes
take care of the pupil of a specialized institution and
implements it with the active support of the latter.

The legal basis for the formation of a family educational group are:

Family Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 123, which reads:
“Children left without parental care are subject to transfer to
upbringing in a family (for adoption, adoption, under guardianship (guardianship) or in a foster family) ... Other forms of placement of children left without parental care may be provided for by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a Decree
No. 896 dated November 27, 2000 "On the Approval of Model Provisions
on specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation”. In a fixed position
the right of specialized institutions to create family educational groups.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation has developed recommendations for specialized institutions
for work with minors, they are accompanied by an “Approximate
regulation on the family educational group", on the basis of which
today they are created and function. When opening such institutions in the field, the recommended provision is specified with
taking into account local conditions.

As a rule, children are placed in the family group who have discovered
positive trends in the process of social rehabilitation.

Family educational group, as practice shows, can
change your status, i.e. become a transitional form to a foster, foster family or adoption. In this case, it plays the role of a center for adapting the child to family conditions, identifying and
development of his predisposition to live in a family.

A child in a family educational group has the status of a pupil, and the educator is an employee who is responsible for the pupil.Responsibility for the effectiveness of the ongoing rehabilitation process lies with the educator
family group and institution specialist.
The work of the educator is contractual and has an urgent character.The contract is automatically terminated after the task assigned to the teacher is solved.The state pays for the maintenance of children in the family and the work of one of its members as an educator,assists in the social and individual development of pupils.

In Russia, there are other forms of placement of orphans and
children left without parental care in the family. These forms include:

foster (replacement) family istemporary family,adopting a child left without parental careon a contractual basis With local authorities of guardianship and guardianship and under their control.She cares, cares and
child education. Parental responsibility between the Foster family and local authorities is determined by the contract.
If the family fails to comply with the contractual provisions, the guardianship authorities
and the guardianship has the right to terminate it. Their positive role is
that the child is brought up in a family and is under control and
family, and government agency. The negative role of foster
family lies in the fact that if the family fails to fulfill their
duties created again seriously traumatizing the child
fact secondary deprivation of his parental care;

children's villages SOS -Kinderdorf) an institution for raising orphans in conditions close to family ones. First
were created in 1949 by the Austrian teacher Hermann Gmeiner,
currently operating in 120 countries around the world. In Russia, the first such village was Tomilino, Moscow region, then similar villages appeared in the Oryol region and others. They represent
several orphanages with family upbringing and independent housekeeping for children of different ages (boys and girls) 6-8 years old with an educator who takes on the functions of the mother.
They create the most favorable conditions for a “created family”
for the upbringing of children, a joint search by educators for the most optimal methods and methods of life and education
children. One of the most difficult socio-pedagogical problems
in such families, this is the personal life of educators. They dedicate
themselves to children and life in such families. In case of violation of these duties, they may be deprived of the right to exercise parental functions for
relation to the created family.

The conditions for the functioning of the children's village are as follows:

mother (an unmarried woman who devoted herself to raising
children, housekeeping) the head of the family. For her it is
vocation and profession;

brothers and sisters are children of different ages, siblings and
sisters are not separated;

each family lives in a cozy separate house house

The village (1215 family houses) is not only
a complex of buildings for permanent residence of pupils and mothers
educators, but also a community of like-minded people.

The director of the village with his family lives here, actively

International and domestic practice shows that
this form of accommodation for children left without parental care
lei, represents the best option for their education.

3. State and non-state institutions
for orphans and children left without parental care

Russia has traditionally accumulated considerable experience in the device
orphans and children left without parental care to specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation. Such institutions are created by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Russian Government introduced Approximate Regulation No. 1092 on September 13, 1996,
regulating the activities of such institutions.

They are created by various ministries of the Russian Federation: the Ministry of Labor and Social Development (social institutions), the Ministry of Education (special educational institutions), the Ministry of Health (health educational institutions), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (children's correctional institutions). Similar organizations are being formed in other departments.

State social institutions for minors include:

a) social rehabilitation centers for minors;

b) social shelters for children and teenagers. As V Dal wrote,
an orphanage is a haven for a child. He is called upon to accept him, despise him, give the child shelter. In modern conditions, a shelter is a place of temporary stay for a child who finds himself in a difficult life.
situations, in order to give him shelter, to identify his place of residence and to determine the possibilities of his expedient arrangement. Currently, a child up to a year old is placed in a shelter (previously they focused on keeping children up to 36 months, but life
demanded to increase the time to one year);

c) centers for helping children left without parental care;

d) institutions for orphans and children left without care
parents created in the education system. Such institutions per are lamented by the Regulations approved by the Government of Russia
No. 1203 of October 14, 1996, No. 1117 of August 28, 1997, No. 366 of 30
March 1998 Main types of educational institutions:

Orphanage is a special institution for keeping,
care, upbringing and education of children left without parental care. The following types of orphanages are distinguished:

for children of early (from 1.5 to 3 years) age;

for preschool children;

for children of school age;


orphanage-school for orphans and children left without parental care;

special (correctional) orphanage for orphans and
children left without parental care.

In order to improve the conditions for education and training
orphans and children left without parental care, the organizational structure of orphanages is brought as close as possible to the family.
For this purpose, new forms of the orphanage are being created. For these forms

Family orphanagethis is a family that has taken care of one or more orphans or children left without care
parents (deprived of parental rights). Such families are created
several years under a contract. There are several types
family orphanage: a family with one or more children;
several children living with a caregiver; family in which
both their own and adopted children live, etc.

Family type orphanageThis is a specially created orphanage according to the type of family. It has the advantage that the child
falls into the family, which creates the most favorable conditions for the upbringing of the child, his social formation as a person in comparison with a boarding school. Its disadvantages are that the environment of a formed family can be
insufficiently adaptive for this child, as well as educators,
who have assumed the functions of adoptive parents are not ready enough
to parental functions.

The Government of Russia adopted a special Decree
"On the family-type orphanage" No. 195 dated March 19, 2001. With this
The resolution approved the rules for the organization of such a house.

The main tasks of a family-type orphanage are to create favorable conditions for the upbringing, education, health improvement and preparation for an independent life of orphans and children left without parental care in a family environment. Such a house is organized on the basis of a family, if both spouses wish to take up at least 5 and no more than 10 children and take into account the opinions of all family members living together, including relatives and adopted (adopted) children. From the age of 10, a child can be transferred to such an orphanage only with his consent. The total number of children in it, including relatives and adopted (adopted) spouses who are in a registered marriage, should not exceed 12 people.

A house is created, reorganized and liquidated by decision of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local authority
self-government. The guardianship and guardianship body at the location of the family-type orphanage exercises control over the living conditions and upbringing of children, the protection of their rights and legitimate interests. It provides training for individuals wishing to take children on

boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care. Boarding school (from lat. interims internal) educational institution (school) in which students live, study, being on partial or full state support; hostel for students at an educational institution; home where they are cared for.

Boarding institutions in Russia for orphans and children left without parental care operate on the basis of the following principles: democracy, humanism, accessibility, priority
universal values, citizenship, free development
personality, protection of the rights and interests of pupils, autonomy and
secular nature of education.

Organizationally, residential institutions differ:

Residential institution of the usual type;

boarding school by family type. In such an institution
children live in different-age (in composition no more than 8 people) or
of the same age (up to 4 years no more 5 children, and from 4 years and older not
more than 10) groups called families. However, they retain
a lot from the boarding school: meals in the canteen, self-service, getting new clothes, etc.

family-type residential institution This is an institution in which children live in separate families, with different entrances and their own
organization and lifestyle. With such an organization, the lives of children
as close to family as possible.

For students with developmental disabilities, Russia has createdspecial (correctional) educational
Such institutions are regulated by the Regulation approved by the Government of Russia, No. 288 dated March 12, 1997.
Special (correctional) institutions include:

correctional (compensating) institution of preschool education;

correctional educational institution;

correctional institution of primary vocational education.

For children with disabilities are created
special (correctional) educational institutions that implement educational programs of the Ministry of General
and vocational education in agreement with the Ministry
healthcare. Such institutions are divided into types depending on the pathology of children. Among them are the following intended for training and education:

deaf children;

hearing-impaired and late deaf children;

blind children;

visually impaired and late blind children;

children with severe speech disorders;

children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

children with mental retardation.

mentally retarded children, etc.

For children in need of long-term treatment,health educational institutions are being created.They are intended for
assistance to the family in the upbringing and education, ensuring the implementation of rehabilitation and health-improving
activities, adaptation to society, social protection and all-round development of children in need of long-term treatment.
The activities of such institutions are regulated by the Standard Regulations approved by the Government of Russia, No. 1117 dated August 28
1997 Health educational institutions include:

sanatorium boarding school;

sanatorium-forest school;

sanatorium orphanage for orphans and children left behind
without parental care.

There are also other institutionsfor orphans and children left without parental care:

Cadet School;

Cadet boarding school (Standard regulation approved
Government of Russia No. 1427 dated November 15, 1997);

Boarding school with initial flight training (Typical
the regulation was approved by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 1046 of September 5, 1998). Orphans and children left without parental care have the priority right to enroll in such a school.
.from the age of 15, who have expressed a desire to study in it and have appropriate health;

Pupils of military units orphans and children left without parental care, males aged 14 to 16,
citizens of the Russian Federation sent by district (city) military commissariats with the consent of the children themselves and the authorities
guardianship and trusteeship (Regulations on the enrollment of minor citizens as pupils in military units approved
Decree of the Government of Russia No. 124 of February 14, 2000,
Regulations on the status of pupils No. 745 by a resolution of
September 21, 2000").

Shelters for orphans and children left without parental care are being created at the monasteries in many regions of Russia. In that
the centuries-old experience of placing children in difficult
life situation under the patronage of the clergy. At
Monasteries organize the care, upbringing and education of children. Children are actively involved in socially useful work, they develop the skills of self-service, life in a team. Much attention is paid to the formation of a spiritual culture based on the traditions of the Orthodox Church.

In socio-pedagogical terms, the upbringing of children left without parental care has a complex of problems. Reception
families, they are determined, on the one hand, by the readiness and ability of adoptive parents to provide the necessary care and upbringing
children, on the other hand, the need to overcome the problems that arise in connection with the upbringing of a foster child (the manifestation of some
or pathologies, conflict situations between parents and children,
arising from the judgment “not my parents”, etc.)

There is a need for a special socio-pedagogical
preparation of parents of foster families for educational work with
children, the formation of certain relationships "parent child", child care and the accumulation of experience in educational work
with him. Subsequently, social and pedagogical patronage should be provided for the purpose of control, as well as timely counseling, assistance and support for the family in matters of education in
cases of inadequate situations in it, prevention and overcoming of conflict manifestations, etc.

In foreign practice, there are examples of the creation by social services of special foster families intended for
solving problems related to the provision of child care, protection of his rights, depending on emerging social problems.
These families include:

foster families in a crisis situation. They are created in private
cases when it becomes necessary to immediately remove the child from the native (parental) family for a certain period. In that
If so, he is placed in a special foster family. Reasons
requiring isolation of the child, there may be an acute conflict situation in the family between parents, parents and the child, a tragedy,
sudden illness of parents, etc.;

foster family for a short time. The need for it arises when planning business trips, medical examinations,
short-term treatment when there is no one to look after the child. This type of family is used to provide short-term assistance to a family with a child with special care needs.
They create the last opportunity to rest, recover for a short time, which allows you to engage more actively after the rest.

foster family for a long time. This family works
on a contractual basis for the arrangement of the child for a long time in
connection with the arisen need of the parents of another family;

family to receive a child during weekends and holidays.
This form of placement of children allows parents to periodically organize their holidays on weekends (weekends);

family for a day stay of a child (a kind of home
kindergarten). In this case, the child spends evenings and nights with his family.

Centers for social services for families and children in Russia use foreign experience and seek to expand the scope of their activities in providing services. In this regard, the experience of foreign
countries is of great interest.


  1. Expand the concept of "difficult life situation" for a person
  2. What typical situations are classified as difficult life situations for a child, in which the state assumes the obligation to provide him with the necessary assistance?
  3. What are the responsibilities of parents regulated by Russian regulations?
  4. In what cases is it possible to terminate parental rights?
  5. Expand the purpose and main responsibilities of guardianship and guardianship authorities.
  6. What are the main forms of placement of orphans and children left behind?
    without parental care?
  7. Describe the characteristics of the adoptive family and reveal the conditions under which it is formed.

8. Describe the guardianship family and reveal under what conditions it

is being formed.

9. What is a family education group?

10. What institutions are classified as state social institutions for minors and what are their features?

11. What are the special (correctional) educational institutions and their characteristics?

12. Expand the characteristic socio-pedagogical problems that arise in the upbringing of children left without parental care.