How to get female energy for a man. The energy of a woman is the driving force behind a man's success

IN modern world there are two extremes. In Western psychology, it is now fashionable to say that a man and a woman are equal in everything and almost the same, and all gender roles who were in historical times- artificially invented. It is as if their parents are imposing gender behavior on children, buying, for example, dolls and pink ruffles for girls, and cars and blue pants for boys. I myself heard this theory from a professor of psychology.

There is another extreme. Eastern philosophy, the now fashionable Vedas, the revived Slavic and Muslim societies, on the contrary, emphasize the difference between a man and a woman. Girls are not recommended, and sometimes openly forbidden to study, work, express their opinions, etc.

The truth, as usual, lies in the middle. I believe that it is necessary to take into account the natural differences between male and female body and experience previous generations but don't forget about common sense. Modern realities Also, no one can cancel.
Most important fact to be accepted: a man and a woman are not the same, they are two different forms life. Talking about equality in this case is also strange. How can the sun and moon, earth and sky, fire and water, black and white, sweet and spicy be equal? One cannot be more important than the other, and cannot exist without the other.

Let's start with what we have different structure body.
We have different DNA. A shocking discovery was made recently by American anthropologists, comparing the genes of a man, a woman and a great ape. After conducting a unique experiment, they found that in men and monkeys, the difference in DNA is no more than 1%. Whereas with women this difference is almost 5%.

We have different hormonal background. A lot depends on the hormones produced by the body: weight, food preferences, lifestyle, mood, emotional background, and much, much more.

We have different psychology, way of thinking, behavior and response to the world. We have different biological and karmic tasks.

And finally: we have a different energy structure. I want to dwell on this in more detail in this article. To build harmonious relationships, it is necessary to take into account this difference in order to be able to turn it to the benefit of yourself and your relationship.

Male and female chakras

Chakras can both receive the energy-information flow and give it away. Any interaction of people takes place according to this principle: in each separate period of time, someone gives energy, someone receives it. Each partner must be able to give and receive.

In an ideal relationship, a man and a woman complement each other energetically: a man gives energy with some chakras, a woman with others. The division of chakras into male and female is conditional. In women, for example, conditionally female chakras should be filled with energy more than male chakras. For men, the opposite is true. Replenishment of energy occurs with the harmonious interaction of partners.

Now consider all 7 major chakras in the light of the above.


A man provides his woman and her children with protection and security. What does a man protect his woman from? First of all, from any external danger: adverse weather conditions, from wild animals, from hooligans, from oppressive society, from hard work, etc. The building of external relations of the family should occur mainly through a man, a man resolves all conflicts with outside world. For example, if a son broke someone else's window, then his father goes to deal with it. Even front door should be opened by the owner, not the hostess (especially when it is not known who came), because this is a connection with a potentially dangerous outside world.

This chakra is also responsible for sexual potency. A man wants and can, and a woman responds to this. The male seed gives life to offspring.

In case of violation of the chakra:

In men. In the case when a woman cannot accept security from him, he becomes aggressive, quick-tempered, jealous. All this leads to a general breakdown, sexual potency leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is important that a man takes responsibility for the survival of his family.

In the event that the chakra ceases to give energy, a man can cease to be a man in every sense of the word.

If the muladhara chakra works for a woman male type(that is, it gives energy, but does not receive it), then such a woman develops masculine character traits and a masculine appearance. "I and the horse, I and the bull..."


A woman helps a man achieve pleasure, with her he learns to experience the joy of life and learn thin edges earthly pleasure. Men, as a rule, do not need anything more than the bare necessities. He is ready to live in a cave, eat raw meat and sleep on the ground. The woman gives him comfort Tasty food, organizes holidays for him, dances erotic dances for him, caresses and hugs him, gives sexual pleasure.

In case of violation of the chakra:

If a man does not receive enough energy from his woman, he cannot fully realize himself through the upper chakras. That is, it remains incapable of accomplishments in society, career and finances. Often such men gain energy on the side, make mistresses.

In the case of violations of the flow of energy in women, all kinds of sexual diseases appear, up to infertility, there is a “freezing” of feelings, mood swings, and depression. Sometimes - promiscuity.


Male chakra. The man gives energy.

A man has a stronger will. It is very important for him to be respected and listen to his opinion. He expects obedience from his woman, gives his wife a social and material status, a position in society. Earns money. He stands at the helm of the ship called "family" and sets the direction for the entire system.

In case of violation of the chakra:

A man becomes greedy and cruel and at the same time is not able to take responsibility for his decisions.

Women have a desire to keep everything and everyone under their control, increased authority, careerism, self-interest. Usually such women are single or have soft supple men next to them.


Women's chakra. A woman gives energy.

Emotionally, a woman is several times stronger than a man. Emotional background in men it is rather even and boring. And a woman can help reveal to him the energies of mercy and tenderness with the help of her love and affection. A woman thus raises a man from the level of instincts to a higher level.

In case of violation of the chakra:

If a woman cannot give her love, then she may experience resentment, inability to express her feelings, intolerance, unwillingness to live. All this ultimately leads to loneliness.

A man, having received less energy from his woman, feels unnecessary and unhappy. He does not have enough strength to strive somewhere, there is no incentive for further development.

If a man's anahata begins to work according to the feminine principle, then he often loses his masculine attractiveness. The woman ceases to respect him.


Male chakra. The man gives energy.

Chakra of creativity and creation. It is very important for a man to leave his mark on history: to realize himself in society, build a career, put his ideas into practice. And, of course, he will do it with great pleasure for his beautiful lady. A man expects his woman to support him and follow him through life. It is very important for him not to be afraid to express and defend his opinion in society.

In case of violation of the chakra:

A man may experience self-doubt, inferiority complexes, self-criticism, inability to express his opinion and the impossibility creative self-realization.

For a woman in whom this chakra works according to the masculine principle, the search for herself in society is activated, family, children, and home cease to matter to her. She listens and hears only herself, unable to follow her man. Next to her, any representative of the stronger sex will feel uncomfortable.


Women's chakra. A woman gives energy.

Ajna - the so-called Third Eye. Women have much more developed intuition and abilities for magic and clairvoyance. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a woman in a couple is to share her feelings and fears with her husband in order to warn him in time against rash acts. For example: “I feel like this could be dangerous” or “I believe that you will succeed.”

In case of violation of the chakra:

Men who have ajna working on a feminine principle may also show signs of intuition and ability to magic according to female type(based on emotions and visions). He becomes infantile, begins to fly in the clouds, breaks away from real world becomes incapable of making correct decisions.

If a woman has this chakra closed, then she cannot subtly feel her relatives. She will have a bias towards a logical, rational perception of the world. She will try to live according to the plan. Spirituality is denied. This leads to the fact that the perception of the world becomes very narrow and limited.


This is the chakra of connection with God, with the Cosmos. Defines spiritual values, development milestones, lofty goals, etc. This is spiritual self-realization, consciousness of the Absolute Truth, pure love to God without the admixture of sentimentality. Sahasrara becomes active when working through the lower chakras.

Most often, esotericists attribute this chakra to the male type. Since ancient times, it has been believed that a soul born in a female body is not able to achieve enlightenment due to its excessive attachment to earthly energies. A woman receives her energy from the Earth, while a man is more connected with the Cosmos. From ancient times to this day, esotericists believe that only a man can become a spiritual teacher, a woman can be a teacher or teacher, nothing more. In many religions, only a man can be a clergyman, while a woman is sometimes not even allowed into the temple. It is also believed that a woman can develop spiritually only by following the path paved by a man.

What is the danger of energy distortion

What happens if some chakra in a person is blocked, and he cannot give enough energy to his partner. In this case, the partner is forced to increase the flow of energy in the chakra on their own, taking energy from other chakras.
For example, a man cannot provide for a woman (muladhara), a woman is forced to work hard and solve problems in a man's way. She takes the energy for this from the female chakras - svadhisthana and anahata. As a result, she becomes a woman with eggs, but loses her attractiveness, sexuality, the ability to give and receive sexual pleasure. And her heart chakra is empty, and she is no longer able to love with all her heart.

And vice versa, if a woman does not give a man comfort, joy and love, then he is unable to realize himself in society. Often such men become sofa dwellers, alcoholics or cheaters.

Girls are now brought up on male energies, and boys on female ones. Here is such a twist.

Boys are taken care of, given gifts, they are not allowed to make decisions, they are protected from all difficulties. In many families, beloved sons do not even have any household chores.

Girls prioritize the importance of such things as studies, careers, social activities, achievements, success in society, financial independence, etc. Even in sex, women are now more active than men.

For a woman, this is the path of self-destruction. All this at first causes euphoria. There is still a lot of strength for accomplishments, a lot is being achieved and even better than former classmates boys. Intelligence, discipline, diligence and sex appeal allow young women to achieve success on many fronts. This is truly a feminist victory march.

But by the age of 30-35, a woman is tired of the constant struggle and already wants to be weak next to her. strong man. The man, who may have been around all this time, has long been lying on the couch, if he had not previously guessed to escape or was not expelled as an unnecessary element home decor. And sometimes there was no permanent man, because the priorities were different. These women scream on all forums and social networks that there are no real men left, forgetting that they themselves are no longer real women. Just around this time, many begin to go to women's training.

And if the situation with the energies does not improve, after 40 years, complete emotional and physical exhaustion can be observed. A woman does not feel alive, apathy and eternal fatigue sets in.

What is the way out? First of all, it is knowledge, from which skills already flow. Knowledge about how things really work. Knowledge about how we are born, and what tasks each of us faces. Knowledge on how to make the most of your innate qualities. Knowledge of how to achieve balance and harmony in personal relationships. And already having such knowledge, you can change your life and the lives of your loved ones.

When I think about how male nature differs from female nature, I remember the Yin-Yang sign. Remember? It would seem that two absolutely identical crescents in shape, but directly opposite, like black and white. And despite this, they merge together very tightly, forming a perfect circle shape, they are like each other, like two pieces from one puzzle, they are made for each other. So are the man and the woman. Only together can we achieve happiness and. But in order to be together, we need to be aware of the partner's differences, accept them, thus complementing each other. In life, very often our disagreements arise for a very simple reason - we do not take into account these natural differences, and sometimes we simply do not know about them or forget about them.

Male energy, nature.

Male related solar energy. Main masculine qualitiespurposefulness, responsibility, determination, readiness to go forward and achieve goals, overcome obstacles. Figuratively speaking, a man is like an arrow shot from a bow that flies forward. And a man with the necessary energy to manifest these qualities. It gives strength to take action, optimism, which helps to overcome difficulties, gives determination and self-confidence.

That is why the roles that correspond male natureearner, conqueror, warrior, businessman, superman . A man is charged from overcoming difficulties, becomes even stronger, more energetic and hardened. His gaze is directed forward, he sometimes does not attach importance to everyday details. The main sphere of male self-realization is outside. He is able to build a business, create new products, erect structures, extract a "mammoth" to bring to his family.

Feminine energy, lunar energy.

The energy of a woman is directly opposite to that of a man. This lunar energy. Unlike solar energy, which glows and burns, lunar energy cools and soothes. The woman's gaze is oriented inward. The only source happiness for a woman is a happy relationship - with a husband, with children, with friends, with parents. And although in our time, women themselves sometimes take on their fragile shoulders the male responsibilities of earning money and career self-realization, deep down a woman cannot become happy, having conquered even the steepest pinnacle of business, if at the same time she is unhappy in the family.

Lunar energy gives a woman the necessary strength to fulfill her women's duties family care, caring for loved ones, raising children. She gives her calmness and reason which a woman passes on to her husband in difficult situations in the form of mental support and the necessary confidence that everything will be fine. By using lunar energy a woman creates an energy resource to survive even the greatest difficulties.

I think you understand that the power of a woman is different from the concept of power that is familiar to all of us. It does not consist at all in entering burning huts. The strength of a woman allows. The strength of a woman creates a protective cap on the subtle plane, which protects the household from adversity, accidents, strangers and promises. woman's inner strength inspires a man in order to achieve heights and succeed financially. The strength of a woman, through her intuition, suggests the right decisions and warns of danger.

The strength of a woman is like a powerful anchor on which the ship of her family's well-being rests. But this concept is energetic, subtle, intangible, invisible ordinary eye. It is a strong magnet that attracts a man and keeps him close. And here they don't matter external factors to which we often assign the main role. That is why it is very important for a woman to be emotionally and energetically filled.

Unfortunately, the time in which we live does not favor a calm and measured way of life. Constant stress, frantic pace of life, striving for material well-being and success, makes a woman exhausted and exhausted. We are tempered and become stronger, but this is a male force that only harms a woman and gradually takes precedence over natural feminine. Therefore, if you want to stop and take a step towards your original femininity, you must, first of all, realize in which direction you should move, figure out whether your actions correspond to the goal that you would really like to achieve. In fact, it may turn out that the right road leads directly in the opposite direction.

To understand the essence of the difference between male and female nature, I suggest you look at the list of those factors that help overcome stress, energize and create a filled resource state in men and women. You will see how different they are. This list will also help you understand if you are looking for a resource for yourself in right place or mistakenly trying to conquer someone else's peak.

Male energy.

Sources of strength for men that increase male energy:

  • Clear goal setting
  • rivalry, competition,
  • Ability, having time to solve a problem, privacy,
  • “Lean on me” mood, a feeling of trust from a woman in a difficult situation,
  • risk, danger,
  • The right to dominate
  • Success, awareness of success, having money, achieving results,
  • The deadline set in the projects,
  • Power, influence.

Feminine energy.

Sources of female power that increase lunar energy:

  • The ability to share
  • The need for communication
  • Feeling safe
  • (in clothes, in relationships, in the atmosphere, etc.)
  • Beauty, both external and internal, beautiful things,
  • Trust (both the ability to trust yourself, and the understanding that you are trusted),
  • Collaboration, the ability to do things together,
  • Ability to delegate responsibility
  • Praises and compliments, expression of love in any form,
  • Skills, women's skills (knitting, embroidering, cooking, sewing, decorating, drawing and others),
  • The ability to feed, treat (even the very female body is a source of nutrition for breast milk)
  • Group joint activities, meetings, games, joint evenings and so on.,
  • Predictable, measured.

Now it becomes clear that a man in the modern world can get solar energy not at all difficult - work, the need to earn money themselves create opportunities for the manifestation of these factors from the men's list.

At the same time, a woman must consciously choose for herself an activity that enhances her feminine energy . This is her great responsibility. As you can see, career self-realization is only to a small extent able to satisfy some of its basic needs (partly the need for communication, joint activities, some creative self-realization). But more often than not, the woman placed in the environment male factors is wasting its fragile lunar feminine energy. Therefore, she must find opportunities to fill her energy vessel from other sources. Very often a woman makes big mistake, trying to get the necessary energy from her husband, taking the position of “first you to me, then I to you”, or from children. Such situations lead to family tragedies. Only when a woman herself becomes an unconditional source of love and energy can she create a lasting center of well-being.

In the following articles, we will talk about specific steps that need to be taken to strengthen your female resource, sources female energy. I invite you not to miss.

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Do you want to be feminine and attractive, but lack energy and strength? Find out why we lose energy and how to become a full woman.

From childhood, every future woman they teach anything except the most important thing - to fill up, accumulate and preserve female energy. After all, it is this energy and I that is a source of strength and inspiration for the man who will become her chosen one. After all, if at one point this source dries up or begins to give less energy, the man will start having problems at work, with friends, or simply thinking about finding a new source.

Psychic energy of a woman

A woman from birth is endowed with psychic energy, which serves as that very creative force. A man, on the contrary, has an inner core, with the help of which, drawing strength from a female source, he creates the surrounding reality.

Their life will depend on how pure a woman's thoughts, her way of life and her intentions are. After all, when a woman is dissatisfied with her man, puts forward constant claims and threats, it poisons her. psychic energy. And then the relationship begins to skew.

A man feels all this and will definitely display it in the form of unwillingness to do something pleasant, lying on the couch or simply looking for adventures on the side.

The sexual energy of a woman

Modern society and outlook on life suggests in the life of every woman a lot of sexual experiments with different partners. However, not every woman is aware of the consequences of such relationships.

No wonder they say: "Be afraid to offend a pregnant woman" - her word, thought or even look can send you a very effective answer.

Lunar energy woman

Following the Vedic stream, you can find out that the patroness of women is the Moon, and men - the Sun.

Any beautiful woman has a special attraction. And it's all about her energy of confidence. After all, when a woman takes care of herself, she knows that at any moment of her life she will appear in at its best and this takes away her anxiety about appearance.

Therefore, you should never put off taking care of yourself until later. Beauty and our self-satisfaction help make the world a better place.

female energy levels

Low level energy

In this state, a woman feels dissatisfaction with herself and the world, fears, aggression or apathy. Perhaps this prevents her from building new relationships with men or simply being happy.

Average energy level

At this level, everything starts to improve and most likely the woman comes to the realization that something in her life is wrong and it's time to change. It was then that she began to study the necessary literature and look for sources of energy filling.

High level energy

If a woman is happy, even though she is now alone or with a man, then this is the highest level of energy. She understands that the responsibility for her life lies with her and stops looking for reasons outside. She enjoys the moment and herself, sees the good in everything and tries to improve her life and the lives of others even more.

The energy of a woman in her hair

Hair is much more than just a woman's decoration. This is a talisman in which great power is hidden.

  • Since ancient times, hair has personified the energy and strength of a woman. That is why they tried to grow them to a very advanced age.
  • With the help of hair, a woman could protect herself from bad eyes simply by braiding her braid. It was three curls braided in a braid that were worn magical ritual weaving all the energy inside and protecting
  • Gathering her hair in a bun or braid, a woman accumulated energy all day. And at night, unwinding them in front of her husband, she gave him all her energy potential.
  • That is why it is not advised to walk during the day with loose hair. You do not accumulate energy, but simply lose it, giving it to passers-by

3 energies of a woman

A woman is very versatile, and therefore, according to the Vedas, it was believed that a woman consists of the energy of three goddesses - Saraswati, Durga and Lakshmi.

Goddess First EnergyDurga It is both protection and destruction. She fills a woman with the opportunity to stand up for herself and for loved ones, and at the same time, she has the strength to create something new. Vibration energies of each letter of her name: D - eliminates demons; U - destroys obstacles; P - averts diseases; G - delivers from sins; A - brings fearlessness.

Goddess Lakshmi's second energy- beauty, sincere service, prosperity and prosperity. It fills a woman with all her inherent qualities and allows you to improve your material life and harmonize the space in the family.

Goddess Third EnergySaraswati- wisdom, true knowledge, melodious speech, women's arts. She gives a woman softness and suppleness. Helps her clear her mind and heart, gain a pure mind and reveal herself.

How to restore energy to a woman? What gives a woman energy?

  • On the full moon, it is advisable to put pearl jewelry on the window and wear them regularly later.
    be sure to wear jewelry and nice clothes
  • Wear skirts as often as possible and preferably long ones
  • Take care of the beauty of hair and body. Do massages, baths, spas, manicures and just hair masks
  • Chat with friends and just walk in nature
  • Engage in creativity or just what you love
  • Shopping or just shopping

Energy exchange between man and woman

The harmony of relations between a man and a woman is created due to the correct exchange of energies between the chakras of each of them.

Many people know that we connect with people with subtle threads of energy, depending on who they are to us.

So, if we connect with a man only through the lower chakras, this will bring temporary satisfaction of our physiological needs, but will not bring spiritual growth and understanding.

If, on the contrary, only in the upper chakras, you are spiritually close, but physical attraction, which means you won’t get pleasure from relationships at all levels.

Ideally, slowly build a relationship with a man, starting from the upper, spiritual chakras and gradually descending to the lower ones. So get the correct passage of all levels and then there will be no voids in your relationship.

How is a woman who wears skirts filled with energy?

The thing is that a woman, by the nature of her birth, receives energy from the Earth and stores it in her sacred vessel - the uterus.

A man, on the contrary, is considered a receiver of the energy of the Cosmos and therefore receives information and energy directly through his head.

What is going on. When does a woman put on pants?

It simply blocks this flow of energy, which entails a very backfire- infertility, health problems, loss of tenderness and softness, the appearance of more and more masculine qualities.

Therefore, putting on a skirt, a woman a priori gives a sign to others that she is weak and fragile, and is ready to take care and attention. It means you are ready to be a woman.

Video: Female energy that destroys it and that fills it

A man and a woman exchange energy even when their relationship is platonic and there is no physical intimacy between them. Feminine energy nourishes a man, inspires him, inspires him and makes him courageous, strong, and courageous. A male energy a woman relaxes, calms, pacifies. How does such an exchange of energy between a man and a woman take place in life?

A woman transfers her energy to a man when she takes care of him, when she thinks about him, believes in him. Of course, if a man and a woman make love, then a channel is created between them, through which energy flows from the woman to the man. It is the strongest and reliable way to dissolve in it, to surrender not only with the body, but also with the soul. But even without physical intimacy, a woman feeds a man. She cooked dinner for him, gave part of her strength to him. Did a massage - nourished him. I ironed the clothes - I put my energy through it.

How does a man return the "debt" to a woman? Through your help, protection, love. When he admires her beauty, he energizes her. When he tells her that he loves her, she feels uplifted. When he gives her time, attention, shows signs of attention, a woman becomes happy. This is how a man and a woman mutually support each other, giving a part of themselves.

But it happens that a woman gives her strength to a man, and the man does not give her anything in return. And, unfortunately, it happens all the time. Then the woman very soon feels miserable, tired, exhausted. She may begin to feel blues, apathy, depression. In what cases does a woman not receive anything from a man in return?

  • If she is given to a man when he does not yet have strong feelings. Then he loses interest in their relationship, disappears, shows indifference, turns on ignore. Accordingly, the woman, through the channel that was formed during their proximity, continues to feed the man with her energy, but does not receive any return from him. Therefore, there is no need to rush with intimacy, delay this moment as far as possible, especially since it depends on the behavior of the woman;
  • When a woman lives with a man civil marriage(cohabiting) and he doesn't want to take any responsibility. She gives him her energy along with cooked food, cleaned apartment, washed clothes, and he, in turn, continues to live a carefree life. For women, this situation is very exhausting and unhappy;
  • When a woman works and earns money on a par with a man, and he does not want to help her around the house. In this case, there is a clear imbalance in the energy balance;
  • When a woman continues to live with a man if she finds out that he is cheating on her. It is one thing if she finds the cause in herself and changes herself, thereby changing the situation, and another thing if she simply suffers, tormented by resentment and a sense of revenge. Very often, in such situations, women begin to get sick, because they do not have enough energy to heal both the soul and the body.

It should also be said that the exchange of energy between a man and a woman occurs even when they are just friends and despite the fact that there is no sex between them, the Svadhisthana chakra is still involved, which is responsible for sexual pleasure and procreation. That is, they may not even think about flirting, but on a subtle level, sex is already happening between them. Which, by the way, proves once again that

Right at the beginning of the article, we will define that female energy is not sex. This is how to realize yourself, how to attract a man, how easy it is to live and enjoy life.

Myths about female energy

Concerning female energy in modern society There are many myths and misconceptions. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Long skirts- storage and accumulation of female energy. It follows from this that women short skirts not at all feminine. This is absurd.
  • Pants, jeans - cut female energy.
  • Low-rise jeans block all channels of energy, so the female diseases.
  • Long hair as a source of feminine energy. So if you do short haircut you are depriving yourself of energy.
  • The female energy will make you a weak, weak-willed woman, always in agreement with a man, the loss of your individuality.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man? How to accumulate feminine energy?

  • Be in the flow, to do what you love - while you need full dive into the state. If you like to cook, then turn off the radio / TV while cooking so that nothing distracts you from the process.
  • Get enough sleep. Today, energy consumption has increased a lot due to the huge flow of information. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. When we just sleep, we do not have time to fully recover. Not enough energy.

Feminine energy educates the feminine core. Charm, attractiveness, sexuality - 100% of men are led to this.

Real woman should always be able to emphasize the masculinity of her man.

Acquaintance with a man

The first stage of acquaintance is sexual magnetism. First, we communicate at the level of the body, attractiveness. A woman for a man acts as a sexual object, a man for women - as a source of stability and security (including money).

The transition to a long-term relationship occurs when both partners Interesting be next to each other.

Some women have faced situations when a month or two passes from the beginning of the acquaintance, and the man disappears. The main reason is that the woman did not interest him, did not give him female energy.

IN strong relationship happens between a man and a woman energy exchange. When a woman has a lot of feminine energy, she begins to share it with others in the form of joy, tenderness, and tranquility. In exchange, the woman receives services, opportunities, and adjustments to events.

A man needs female energy. A girl can transfer energy not only through sex, but also through communication, thoughts, touches, spend time together. A man has faith in himself, in his strength, he wants to do more, he begins to strive for something.

The optimal relationship between a man and a woman is a constant energy exchange. And when a man leaves, a woman feels bad, she has depression, melancholy.

When a woman has a lot vital energy , men are automatically drawn to her, trying to help, draw attention to themselves, write in the social. networks with offers to get acquainted. The fact is that men need female energy, but they cannot generate it themselves. Therefore, they are drawn to feminine, “energetic” women.

When a woman has little energy(lack of will, chronic fatigue, passivity), insecure, asocial men, losers who are trying to assert themselves at her expense are drawn to her. Getting out of such a relationship is very important for a woman. Believe me, you are a woman and you deserve happiness.

Answers on questions

Our readers often ask questions about relationships with men, how to behave on a first date, etc. We decided to include questions and answers to them in this article.

  • My boyfriend is always jealous of me, what should I do? Your boyfriend is insecure, which is why he is jealous. Somewhere in the relationship, you start to "go too far." Remove masculine energy from your relationship, show more tenderness, affection. Give a man more feminine energy.
  • A man does not find time for a meeting, he puts it off all the time. Perhaps a man is afraid to refuse you, or he simply does not have time.
  • A man himself should take the initiative when meeting? First, a man takes the initiative in two cases: when he sees attractive woman and knows that he will not be sent. When it is read in a woman that she is strong and can send him, a man will not fit. Secondly, the woman must take the first step, and then the man will take the initiative. This can be done in the form of a smile, a slight nod of the head, or other non-verbal gestures.

If you didn't find the answer, ask your questions in the comments. The practicing family psychotherapist answers.