The influence of innate qualities and upbringing on personality development. The influence of family and upbringing on the formation of personality

A child can become a full-fledged personality, realize his innate potential only in communication. From birth, he needs care and training. For further independent life, the process of education starts in early infancy, is dictated by the needs of the child at all stages of his development.

The work of educating the personality of a child is distinguished by the following features:

  1. The desire for a specific goal, socio-cultural model, ideal.
  2. Correspondence to historical development. The pedagogical process is based on the values ​​developed by mankind.
  3. Methods, educational influences are subject to a certain system.

The need for education

Many scientific works are devoted to the study of personality. Scientific experiments, random facts confirm the conclusion that mental development, character are formed from birth. What is not assimilated at an early age is hardly compensated in maturity.

Untimely, improperly organized education threatens to lead to:

  • slow development of the psyche, underdevelopment of the emotional sphere;
  • badly affects physical development, health;
  • violates the sequence of formation, reinforces incorrect forms of behavior;
  • negatively affects the excitability of the nervous system, contributes to overwork.

Congenital features, biological prerequisites are important, but they are not decisive in the development of the individual. We are programmed with human features, but for their full implementation, it is not enough just to be born. It is necessary to live among people, adopting social experience from them through education.

Proportionality of the correlation of subjectivity and objectivity in the process of education

In a barely born one, one can observe manifestations of individuality (characteristic reactions, behavioral patterns, preferences). But the child's personality is not innate, it manifests itself later, under the influence of cultural and social development. Over the years, the baby gradually determines its place in the social environment, its feelings and will develop.

At the first stage, the efforts of parents and teachers are more active. As the child grows up, the activity of the child increases, he tries to do everything himself, the educators only control him. This helps to feel like a subject of activity, is the most important thing for raising a child as a creative person. The measure of the pupil's efforts should be correlated with his capabilities.

Educational goals are realized through active actions: sports exercises help physical development, moral qualities take root if children are guided by the feelings of other people, intellectual development is impossible without mental activity, daily solution of intellectual problems.

The teacher helps the child to comprehend his actions as much as possible, to look for his place among others. The principle of subjectivity involves the search for joint solutions, the exclusion of rigid orders from the relationship.

At each age stage, the teacher is guided by the actual needs of the child. Forcing the process on the part of adults will lead to the passivity of children or to active resistance, aggressiveness. Shyness or aggressiveness will leave their mark on the character. Psychologists warn: early aggressiveness indicates a predisposition to criminal behavior in the future.

What influences personality development

The needs and interests of the individual, his spiritual wealth, abilities depend on the conditions in which the formation of the child takes place. The factors that produce the main influence on human development are as follows:

Education, training

They carry a positive charge, are aimed at the formation of moral guidelines, the transfer of knowledge and experience. The process starts from the moment the baby is born, changes forms and methods, focusing on age, individual characteristics.

independence, activity

Education is more productive if the child himself strives for something, shows interest in various aspects of activity, is fond of playing, learning, and working. The educated person, becoming a subject, consciously changes himself.

The modern concept of education

For generations of parents and teachers, the issue of education remains a burning issue. Theorists are trying to find the ideal model for the formation of certain views, skills, and knowledge in children. There are general patterns among the main theories:

  • education and training are always interconnected, but education is given priority;
  • they try to influence the effectiveness of education by involving the pupil himself in it;
  • The results of upbringing are made up of forms, methods, and goals that are understandable to the educator and the child.

Many social institutions use outdated models of education. Modern concepts require, first of all, work on the education of a culturally versatile personality, a self-confident, independent person with the right attitudes in life.


The modernization strategy in the educational system is aimed at restoring the correspondence between the quality of education, the needs of society and the person being educated.

Age stages and personality

A person becomes a personality when he reaches a certain level in mental development, when he develops views on the world, and evaluates his own behavior. Personality is the result of cultural and social development. At each of the age stages, the formation of certain psychological qualities, relationships takes place, which forms the inner world of the child, his behavior.

The period up to 3 years is characterized by high plasticity and easy learning. The main character traits of a child are laid up to a year. Elementary moral qualities are formed at the same time. The task of education is to give children the basis for further development without harming their health and nervous system.

If a child moves little or is often in a depressed emotional state, this also affects his physical development. His physical ailment manifests itself emotionally in the same way.

Children from birth do not have ready-made forms of behavior. The ability to add cubes, draw, speak, they learn from adults.

By the age of three, a baby has its own position on many issues, is aware of the difference between itself and other people, and becomes more independent.

Closer to school, children are able to evaluate their actions in comparison with the actions of friends, parents, and strive to take part in their activities. The process of socialization will be easier for the baby, the better he adapts to society, learns the rules of behavior in it, the closer the contact with parents is.

It is important to consider this aspect because upbringing has a huge impact on the formation of the individual, her behavior and, often, her place in society.

Modern scientific ideas about education as a process of purposeful formation and development of personality have developed as a result of a long confrontation of a number of pedagogical ideas. Already in the Middle Ages, the theory of authoritarian education was formed, which continues to exist in various forms at the present time. One of the brightest representatives of this theory was the German teacher I.F. Herbart, who reduced education to managing children. The purpose of this control is to suppress the child's wild playfulness, "which throws him from side to side", control of the child determines his behavior at the moment, maintains external order. Herbart considered control over children, orders as methods of management.

As an expression of protest against authoritarian education, the theory of free education, put forward by J. J. Rousseau, arises. He and his followers urged to respect the growing person in the child, not to constrain, but to stimulate in every possible way the natural development of the child in the course of upbringing.

Soviet teachers, proceeding from the requirements of the socialist school, tried to reveal the concept of "education process" in a new way, but did not immediately overcome the old views on its essence. So, P. P. Blonsky believed that education is a deliberate, organized, long-term impact on the development of a given organism, that any living creature - a person, an animal, a plant - can be the object of such an impact. A.P. Pinkevich interpreted education as a deliberate, systematic influence of one person on another in order to develop biologically or socially useful natural personality traits. The social essence of education was not disclosed on a truly scientific basis in this definition either.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "upbringing is a multifaceted process of constant spiritual enrichment and renewal - both of those who are educated and those who educate." Here the idea of ​​mutual enrichment, the interaction of the subject and the object of education, stands out more clearly. Modern pedagogy proceeds from the fact that the concept of the process of education reflects not the direct impact, but the social interaction of the teacher and the educated person, their developing relationship. The goals set by the teacher act as a product of the student's activity. The process of achieving these goals is also realized through the organization of the student's activities; the assessment of the success of the teacher's actions is again made on the basis of what are the qualitative changes in the mind and behavior of the student.

Any process is a set of regular and consistent actions aimed at achieving a certain result. The main result of the educational process is the formation of a harmoniously developed, socially active person who can become an active participant in political life, i.e. its complete subject.

Education is a two-way process, involving both organization and leadership, and the individual's own activity. However, the leading role in this process belongs to the teacher. It would be appropriate to recall one remarkable case from the life of Blonsky. When he was fifty years old, the press approached him with a request for an interview. One of them asked the scientist what problems he was most concerned about in pedagogy. Pavel Petrovich thought about it and said that he was constantly interested in the question of what education is. Indeed, a detailed explanation of this issue is a very complicated matter, because the process that designates this concept is extremely complex and multifaceted.

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of "education" is used in a variety of meanings: preparing the rising generation for life, organized educational activities, etc. It is clear that in different cases the concept of "education" will have a different meaning. This distinction comes out especially clearly when they say: the social environment, the domestic environment, and the school educates. When they say that “the environment educates” or “the everyday environment educates”, they do not mean specially organized educational activities, but the daily influence that socio-economic and living conditions have on the development and formation of the personality. The expression “school educates” has a different meaning. It clearly indicates a specially organized and consciously carried out educational activity. Even K. D. Ushinsky wrote that, unlike the influences of the environment and everyday influences, which are most often spontaneous and unintentional, education in pedagogy is considered as a deliberate and specially organized pedagogical process. This does not mean at all that school education is fenced off from the influences of the environment and everyday influences. On the contrary, it should take these influences into account as much as possible, relying on their positive moments and neutralizing the negative ones. The essence of the matter, however, lies in the fact that education as a pedagogical category, as a specially organized pedagogical activity, cannot be confused with various spontaneous influences and influences that a person experiences in the process of his development.

But what is the essence of education, if we consider it as a specially organized and consciously carried out pedagogical activity?

When it comes to specially organized educational activities, then usually this activity is associated with a certain impact, influence on the personality being formed. That is why in some textbooks on pedagogy, education is traditionally defined as a specially organized pedagogical influence on a developing personality with the aim of forming social properties and qualities determined by society. In other works, the word "impact" as dissonant and allegedly associated with the word "coercion" is omitted, and education is interpreted as a guide or management of personality development. However, both the first and second definitions reflect only the external side of the educational process, only the activities of the educator, teacher. Meanwhile, in itself, external educational influence does not always lead to the desired result: it can cause both positive and negative reactions in the educated person, or be neutral. It is quite clear that only on condition that the educational influence evokes an internal positive reaction (i.e. attitude) in the individual and arouses her own activity in working on herself, it has an effective developing and formative influence on her. But just about this in the above definitions of the essence of education is silent. It also does not clarify the question of what this pedagogical influence should be in itself, what character it should have, which often makes it possible to reduce it to various forms of external compulsion. Various elaborations and moralization. N. K. Krupskaya pointed out these shortcomings in revealing the essence of education and attributed them to the influence of the old, authoritarian pedagogy. “The old pedagogy,” she wrote, “claimed that the whole point was in the influence of the educator on the educated ... The old pedagogy called this influence the pedagogical process and talked about the rationalization of this pedagogical process. It was assumed that in this impact - the nail of education. She considered such an approach to pedagogical work not only incorrect, but also contrary to the deep essence of education. Trying to more specifically present the essence of education, the American educator and psychologist Edward Thorndike wrote: “The word “education” is given a different meaning, but it always indicates, but it always indicates a change ... We do not educate someone if we do not cause changes in him” . The question is: how are these changes in the development of personality produced? As noted in philosophy, the development and formation of a person as a social being, as a person occurs through "appropriation of human reality." In this sense, education should be considered as a means designed to promote the appropriation of a growing personality of human reality. What is this reality and how is its appropriation by a person carried out? Human reality is nothing but the social experience generated by the labor and creative efforts of many generations of people. In this experience, the following structural components can be distinguished: the totality of knowledge developed by people about nature and society, practical skills in various types of work, ways of creative activity, as well as social and spiritual relations.

Since this experience is generated by the labor and creative efforts of many generations of people, this means that in knowledge, practical skills and abilities, as well as in the methods of scientific and artistic creativity, social and spiritual relations, the results of their diverse labor, cognitive, spiritual activities and life together. All this is very important for education. In order for the rising generations to be able to “appropriate” this experience and make it their property, they must “distribute” it, that is, in essence, repeat in one form or another, reproduce the activity contained in it and, having applied creative efforts, enrich it and already in a more developed form to pass on to their descendants. Only through the mechanisms of his own activity, his own creative efforts and relationships does a person master social experience and its various structural components.

It is easy to show this with the following example: in order for students to learn the law of Archimedes, which is studied in the course of physics, they need in one form or another to “de-objectify” the cognitive actions once performed by the great scientist, that is, to reproduce, repeat, albeit under the guidance of a teacher, that the way he went to the discovery of this law. In a similar way, the mastery of social experience (knowledge, practical skills, ways of creative activity, etc.) occurs in other spheres of human life. It follows from this that the main purpose of education is to include a growing person in the activity of "deobjectification" of various aspects of social experience, to help him reproduce this experience and thus develop social properties and qualities in himself, to develop himself as a person.

On this basis, education in philosophy is defined as the reproduction of social experience in the individual, as the translation of human culture into an individual form of existence. This definition is also useful for pedagogy. Bearing in mind the active nature of education, Ushinsky wrote: “Almost all of its (pedagogy) rules follow indirectly or directly from the main position: give the soul of the pupil the right activity and enrich him with the means of unlimited, soul-absorbing activity.”

For pedagogy, however, it is very important that the measure of a person's personal development depends not only on the very fact of his participation in the activity, but mainly on the degree of the activity that he shows in this activity, as well as on its nature and direction, which in the aggregate it is customary to call the attitude to activity. Let's turn to examples.

In the same class or student group, students study mathematics. Naturally, the conditions in which they are engaged are approximately the same. However, the quality of their performance is often very different. Of course, this is due to differences in their abilities, the level of previous training, but their attitude to the study of this subject plays an almost decisive role. Even with average abilities, a schoolboy or student can study very successfully if they show high cognitive activity and perseverance in mastering the material being studied. And vice versa, the absence of this activity, the passive attitude to educational work, as a rule, leads to a lag.

No less significant for the development of the personality is also the nature and direction of the activity that the personality shows in organized activities. You can, for example, be active and help each other in work, striving to achieve the overall success of the class and school, or you can be active in order to only show yourself, earn praise and derive personal benefit for yourself. In the first case, a collectivist will be formed, in the second - an individualist or even a careerist. All this puts before each teacher the task of constantly stimulating the activity of students in organized activities and forming a positive and healthy attitude towards it. It follows that it is the activity and attitude towards it that act as the determining factors in the upbringing and personal development of the student.

The above judgments, in my opinion, quite clearly reveal the essence of education and make it possible to approach its definition. Education should be understood as a purposeful and consciously carried out pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating a variety of activities of a formed personality to master social experience: knowledge, practical skills, ways of creative activity, social and spiritual relations.

This approach to the interpretation of personality development is called the activity-relational concept of education. The essence of this concept, as shown above, is that only by including a growing person in various activities to master social experience and skillfully stimulating his activity (attitude) in this activity, it is possible to carry out his effective education. Without the organization of this activity and the formation of a positive attitude towards it, education is impossible. This is the deep essence of this most complex process.

Education from the point of view of influencing the development and formation of a person's personality is always purposeful. This is, first of all, the purposeful activity of society, which uses for its implementation all the means at its disposal - art, literature, mass media for the dissemination of information, cultural institutions, educational institutions, public organizations. Education involves arming a person with a certain amount of socially necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, preparing him for life and work in society, for observing the norms and rules of behavior in this society, communicating with people, interacting with its social institutions. In other words, upbringing should ensure such human behavior that will comply with the norms and rules of behavior accepted in a given society. This, of course, does not exclude the formation of individual traits and qualities of a person, the development of which is determined both by the individual inclinations of a person and by the conditions that society can provide him for the development of these inclinations.
Education can also be considered as an integral part of the influence of the social environment on a person, but at the same time it is one of the factors of external influence on the development of a person and the formation of his personality. A distinctive feature of education is, in addition to its purposefulness, the fact that it is carried out by persons specially authorized by society to perform this social function.
Education is a very important factor that has a great influence on the development and formation of a person's personality. However, the strength of its influence depends on a number of circumstances, and its significance in relation to the influence of the environment and heredity is not the same.
Marxist-Leninist pedagogy proceeds from the fundamental position that education can play a leading, defining and decisive role in the development and formation of a person's personality only in the conditions of that social environment where the whole of society is concerned about creating the best conditions for the comprehensive development of the inclinations and abilities of a person, where this is the main goal of educating the rising generations. Under the conditions of a socialist society, the role of education is also enhanced because the educational influence exerted by society and its institutions is reinforced by the entire socialist way of life, the Soviet way of life, by the implementation of the principles of socialism in all spheres of the economic, cultural and political life of society. There is a growing convergence of the interests of society and of every Soviet person, which makes it easier for him to accept and assimilate the demands placed on him by society.
Recently, more and more often in pedagogy they talk about a complex of social influences, which is reflected in the concept of "Soviet way of life", which is a special environment for the development and formation of the personality of a Soviet person.
However, a favorable social environment does not act positively on its own. No matter how favorable the influence of socialist society may be, the most important role in the upbringing of a person is played by the purposeful activity of people and all educational institutions created by society.
If, with regard to taking into account the influence and impact of the social environment, the main task of education is the correct reflection in the goals and specific tasks of educational work of the requirements imposed by society on a person, then with respect to the influence of the family, the role of education may be somewhat different. The teacher, of course, always studies the conditions of the child's home environment in order to take them into account in organizing work with him at school. Knowledge of these conditions makes it possible to understand the peculiarities of his behavior, to identify their causes, which often lie in the conditions of upbringing in the family. At the same time, if adverse influences are detected that affect the development, behavior and academic performance of the child, the educator can and should actively intervene in the conditions of family education, seeking to actively influence the parents, the family, implementing an individual approach to the child brought up in adverse home conditions, giving him more attention, organizing the necessary assistance in his studies, raising the question of placing him in a boarding school or orphanage if it is not possible to change the home environment for the better.
The educator must also know the immediate environment of the child outside the school, since sometimes in the yard, on the street, various groups have a negative impact on unstable youth, especially adolescents. Therefore, now great importance is attached to the joint work of the school and the public at the place of residence of students, educational work is being activated through the housing departments, special attention is paid to educational work with adolescents after school hours, their wider involvement in sports and various circle creative work. All work on the organization of cultural leisure of students is intensifying.
All this shows that education is in very close interaction with all kinds of influences coming from the environment, while playing a leading role in the use of favorable social conditions, as well as in the elimination or weakening of adverse influences and influences coming in individual cases from the family or the nearest environment outside the school.
The school should truly become the center of educational work in the microdistrict and the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents and the public of the district, and this is one of the manifestations of the impact of public education on the microenvironment in which the student is outside the school.
The influence of the educator on the process of development of the natural vital forces inherent in a person from birth has its own characteristics.
Recognizing the leading and determining role of upbringing in favorable social conditions, Soviet pedagogy nevertheless does not exaggerate the possibilities of purposeful upbringing, since much also depends on natural inclinations. Education can ensure the development of human traits and qualities, only based on those inclinations that are characteristic of a person as a representative of the genus. So, experiments on raising monkey cubs in the same conditions as a child showed that a monkey cub, having the same contacts with people, receiving good nutrition and care, nevertheless did not acquire a single mental quality characteristic of a person (studies by N.I. Ladygina-Kots).
As far as the process of physical development is concerned, education naturally does not cover the entire process, but only those aspects of the development of children that are involved in specially organized activities. For example, music lessons develop hearing, vocal cords; physical education helps to strengthen the body, develop muscles and joint mobility. However, natural biological processes still remain decisive here, which are strongly influenced by the social environment, living conditions, life, nutrition, which play a significant role in ensuring the correct physical development of a person.
The educator has much greater opportunities in the development of the mental strength and cognitive abilities of the child. This is especially noticeable in the conditions of developmental education carried out in the Soviet school, aimed at the "zone of proximal development" of the child and built on the principle of advanced development of mental processes, the development of which is accelerated precisely due to this orientation of education.
In the development of a person, his mental traits and qualities, including the formation of his cognitive processes, the features of his nervous system play an important role. Soviet psychology and pedagogy assert that the innate type of higher nervous activity does not remain absolutely unchanged: under the influence of living conditions, and especially education and self-education, inhibitory processes can develop and become stronger in a person, the strength and mobility of nervous processes can increase. This, in turn, can to some extent mask the innate temperament, smooth out the visible forms of its manifestation. So in this respect, education can have a certain impact on human development. The most important and basic manifestation of the impact of education is the formation of the general orientation of the personality, the development of its spiritual needs and interests. Much here is determined by the social system and the entire social way of life. Education is called upon both to enhance the effect of this social influence of the environment and to make the formation of the personality more subordinate to the goals and tasks of building communism.
In the concept of education developed by Soviet pedagogical science, a significant role is also assigned to the person's own activity, which is not only an object, but also a subject of education. In the process of education, a huge role is played by the acceptance and awareness by a person of the requirements presented to him by the educator, that is, the formation of a positive attitude towards them, based on an understanding of their reasonableness, justice, validity, resulting in a desire to follow them. A huge role is also played by the setting of personal goals in life by a person, the desire to achieve their fulfillment, to develop the qualities necessary to achieve them. The greatest activity of the individual is observed when a person begins to seriously think about self-education, developing a program for his self-improvement, mobilizes his will and, spending special efforts to fulfill this program, he actively forms his personality.

The influence of education on personality development

The role of upbringing is assessed in different ways - from the assertion of its complete meaninglessness (with unfavorable heredity and the bad influence of the environment) to recognizing it as the only means of changing human nature. Much can be achieved by education, but it is impossible to completely change a person.

The most important task of education is the identification of inclinations and talents, development in accordance with the individual characteristics of a person, his abilities and capabilities.

Dependences of education on the degree of development

Special studies have shown that education can ensure the development of certain qualities, only based on the inclinations laid down by nature. Influencing the development of a person, education itself depends on development, it constantly relies on the level of development achieved.

The goals and methods of education should correspond not only to the level of development already achieved by the child, but also to the “zone of its proximal development”. Only that upbringing is recognized as good, which goes ahead of development. The personality is formed by upbringing, which leads the development, focusing on processes that have not yet matured, but are in the process of formation.

See also: Pattern of physical and spiritual education

Types and classification of education, goals of education

mental education

The goal of education is what education strives for, the future towards which its efforts are directed.

Today, the main goal of the secondary school is to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual, to fully reveal its creative possibilities.

Conscious assimilation of the knowledge system contributes to the development of logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination, mental abilities, inclinations and talents.

Tasks of mental education:

assimilation of a certain amount of scientific knowledge;

formation of scientific outlook;

development of mental powers, abilities and talents;

development of cognitive interests and formation of cognitive activity;

development of the need to constantly replenish their knowledge, improve the level of training.

Physical education

Physical education is an integral part of almost all educational systems. Physical education contributes to the development in young people of the qualities necessary for successful mental and labor activity.

Tasks of physical education:

health promotion, proper physical development;

increasing mental and physical performance;

development and improvement of natural motor qualities;

development of basic motor qualities (strength, agility, endurance, etc.);

education of moral qualities (courage, perseverance, determination, discipline, responsibility, collectivism);

formation of the need for constant physical education and sports;

development of the desire to be healthy, vigorous, to bring joy to oneself and others.

Labor education

Labor education covers those aspects of the educational process where labor actions are formed, industrial relations are formed, tools of labor and ways of using them are studied. Labor in the process of education also acts as a leading factor in the development of the individual.

Polytechnic education

Polytechnic education is aimed at familiarization with the basic principles of all industries, the assimilation of knowledge about modern production processes and relations. The main tasks of polytechnic education are the formation of interest in production activities, the development of technical abilities, new economic thinking, ingenuity, and the beginning of entrepreneurship. Properly placed polytechnic education develops diligence, discipline, responsibility, and prepares for a conscious choice of profession.

moral education

Moral education - forms moral concepts, judgments, feelings and beliefs, skills and habits of behavior that correspond to the norms of society. The moral education of the younger generation is based on both universal human values, enduring moral norms developed by people in the process of the historical development of society, and new principles and norms that have arisen at the present stage of the development of society.

Aesthetic education

Aesthetic (emotional) rebellion is a basic component of the goal of education and the educational system, generalizing the development of aesthetic ideals, needs and tastes among pupils. The tasks of aesthetic education can be conditionally divided into two groups - the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills. The first group of tasks solves the issues of initiation to aesthetic values, and the second - active inclusion in aesthetic activities.

Tasks of aesthetic education;

formation of aesthetic knowledge and ideal;

education of aesthetic culture;

the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality;

development of aesthetic feelings;

familiarizing a person with beauty in life, nature, work;

the formation of the desire to be beautiful in everything: in thoughts, deeds, deeds, appearance.

The process of education

The educational process at school is part of a holistic pedagogical process that combines teaching and education. The psychological essence of the upbringing process consists in transferring a child from one state to another, and from the standpoint of psychology, upbringing is the process of transferring experience, knowledge, values, norms, and rules that are external to the individual into the internal mental plane of the individual, into her beliefs, attitudes, and behavior.

The process of education is a consciously organized interaction of teachers and pupils, organization and stimulation of the vigorous activity of the educated to master their social and spiritual experience, values, relationships.

In order to find out whether the educational process has achieved its goals, it is necessary to compare the projected and real results of education. The results of the educational process are understood as the level of upbringing achieved by a person or a team.

Requirements for modern principles of education

The principles of education are general starting points that express the basic requirements for the content, methods, and organization of the educational process. They reflect the specifics of the upbringing process, and, unlike the general principles of the pedagogical process, these are the general provisions that guide teachers in solving educational problems.

The education system is based on the following principles:

public orientation of education;

connection of education with life, work;

reliance on positive in education;

humanization of education;

personal approach;

unity of educational influences.

Goals and objectives of education

The goals of education, as well as the goals of any human activity, are the starting point in building the entire system of education, its content, methods, principles.

The goal is an ideal model of the result of activity. The goal of education is a network of predetermined ideas about the result of the educational process, about the qualities, the state of the individual, which are supposed to be formed. The choice of educational goals cannot be random.

As historical experience shows, the goals of education are formed under the influence of the changing needs of society and under the influence of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical concepts. Dynamism, variability of the goals of education are also confirmed by the current state of this problem.

Modern pedagogical practice is guided by two main concepts of the goals of education:



A pragmatic concept that has been established since the beginning of the 20th century. in the United States and preserved here to this day under the name "education for the sake of survival." According to this concept, the school should educate, first of all, an effective worker, a responsible citizen and a reasonable consumer.

The humanistic concept, which has many supporters in Russia and the West, proceeds from the fact that the goal of education should be to assist the individual in realizing all the abilities and talents inherent in him, in realizing his own "I".

The extreme expression of this concept is a position based on the philosophy of existentialism, which proposes not to determine the goals of education at all, giving a person the right to freely choose the direction of self-development and limiting the role of the school only to provide information about the direction of this choice.

Traditional for Russia, as shown in Chap. 2 is an educational goal that corresponds to the humanistic concept, oriented towards the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality. Formally, it was preserved during the period of Soviet power. However, the Marxist ideology that dominated this period strictly linked the possibility of achieving this goal with the communist transformation of society.

The humanistic ideal showed its stability, having survived in post-Soviet Russia under the conditions of a radical change in social goals, when communist attitudes were replaced by democratic ones.

In this situation, in modern Russia, there has been a revival of the humanistic goals of education, formulated in the most complete form by K.D. Ushinsky and developed in the work of the best Soviet teachers, such as A.S. Makarenko, V.L. Sukhomlinsky V.F. Shatalov.

Today, the goal of education is formulated as providing assistance to the individual in diversified development. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" states that education serves the implementation of "the tasks of forming a general culture of the individual, its adaptation to life in society, assistance in a conscious choice of profession" (Article 9, paragraph 2.). Education, according to the Law, must ensure the self-determination of the individual, the creation of conditions for its self-realization (Article 14, paragraph 1).

Thus, the eternal pedagogical problem of the priority in the education of the interests of the individual or the interests of society, the Law decides in favor of the individual, declaring the commitment of the domestic education system to the humanistic concept of education.

Since the goal of upbringing is somewhat abstract, excessively general, it is concretized, refined with the help of the formulation of a set of upbringing tasks.

Among the tasks of education in the modern system of Russian education, the following stand out:

the formation of a clear life-sense attitude in each pupil, corresponding to natural inclinations and a specific individual social position;

harmonious development of the personality, its moral, intellectual and volitional spheres on the basis of its natural and social capabilities and taking into account the requirements of society;

mastery of universal human moral values, the humanistic experience of the Fatherland, designed to serve as a solid foundation for the entire spiritual world of the individual;

the formation of an active civic position corresponding to the democratic transformations of society, the rights, freedoms and duties of the individual;

development of activity in solving labor, practical problems, creative attitude to the performance of their production duties;

ensuring a high level of communication, relationships in the educational and labor collective on the basis of established socially significant collective norms.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of education is ensured by the joint efforts of all its participants:

1. Teachers, consultants, trainers, leaders of all levels. They are the subjects of the educational process, are responsible for its organization and effectiveness.

“The educator, placed face to face with the pupil,” said Ushinsky, “includes in himself the whole possibility of success in education.”

2. But this does not mean that the process of education can be realized without any participation of its object, i.e. the pupil himself. The pupil himself can either perceive educational influences or resist them - the effectiveness of educational activities also depends on this to a large extent.

3. The third participant in the educational process is the team in which, as a rule, it is carried out. The team has a huge impact on each of its members, and this influence can be both positive and negative. Of course, a team, educational or working group can themselves be the object of education on the part of a teacher or leader.

4. And finally, another active participant in the educational process is that large social macro-environment in which educational and labor collectives exist. The social environment surrounding reality always acts as a powerful factor that has a huge impact on the results of education.

So, education is a complex, multifactorial process. Describing it, A.S. Makarenko wrote: “Education is a social process in the broadest sense. It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but first of all and most of all - people. Of these, teachers are in the first place.

Education is the main force capable of giving society a complete
valuable person. The effectiveness of educational impact
is purposefulness, systematic and qualified
cited guide.
The role of education is assessed in different ways - from
its complete powerlessness and meaninglessness (with unfavorable
clear heredity and poor environmental influences) until recognition
its only means of changing human nature.
Education can achieve a lot, but completely change everything.
catcher is impossible.
Education subordinates the development of a person to the intended goal.
Education is the filling of gaps in the program of human
development. One of the most important tasks of a properly organized
education - identifying inclinations and talents, development in co-
in accordance with the individual characteristics of a person, his
properties and opportunities.
Special studies have shown that education can
ensure the development of certain qualities, only relying on
inclinations laid down by nature. Influencing human development
education itself depends on development, it constantly relies on
achieved level of development.
The strength of the educational impact depends on a number of conditions and
circumstances. Domestic teacher and psychologist L. S. Vygotsky
substantiated the pattern according to which the goals and methods of reproduction
nutrition must correspond not only to the level of development, already
achieved by the child, but also "the zone of its proximal development".
Only that upbringing is recognized as good, which goes forward
development. Forms the personality of education, leading the development
development, oriented towards processes that are not yet mature, but
are in the development stage.

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  • Influence education on development personalities. Upbringing- the main force capable of giving society a full-fledged personality. Efficiency educational impact is focused, systematic and qualified leadership.

  • Influence education on development personalities. Upbringing- the main force capable of giving society a full-fledged personality. Efficiency educational impact is focused, systematic and qualified leadership.

  • Upbringing personality.
    Influence activities on development personalities

  • Upbringing- the main force capable of giving society a full-fledged personality.
    Influence activities on development personalities. Activity is understood as the whole variety of human activities, everything that he does.

  • Upbringing- the main force capable of giving society a full-fledged personality.
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    On upbringing render influence features of cultural traditions and historical era. Target education- determination of those positive changes that should occur as a result of the formation and development personalities in her...

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