Feminine and masculine energy. Feminine energy. Male energy. Interaction with chakras

The ancient sages believed that feminine energy is the foundation of all foundations. Psychologists come to the conclusion that female energy is very important for a man - she is able to give him wings, revive fading strength, direct him in the right direction and stimulate him to further actions. It's time to figure out what female energy is, how to replenish its reserves and how to use it correctly.

In total, there are two energies in our world - male and female.

  1. Male Energy personifies courage, risk, aggression and the ability to lead. But at its core, male energy is very weak and needs regular recharging. And the representative of the stronger sex can receive it from her woman, who gives him tenderness, affection and peace. Without female energy, a man cannot create anything! Therefore, it turns out that femininity is a special female energy that rules the world.
  2. The fair sex filled with female power, she is able to inspire her man, protect him from troubles, mistakes, she can easily forgive and bless. It is believed that harmony married life seventy percent depends on the amount of female energy. And if there is a shortage of the latter, the marriage breaks up. A man is naturally inclined to follow women's attitudes, for this reason he is unable to control family relationships.

A woman is called upon to become a good mother, to harmonize the atmosphere in the house, creating peace and beauty around her. When a woman does not oppose her feminine nature, everything that she undertakes turns out easily and naturally. She easily gets what she wants.

How to restore female energy - the role of hormones

Women's physical and psychological health is dependent on the work of the endocrine glands and the release of special female hormones. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the condition hormonal system to preserve their beauty, attractiveness and feminine strength.

Scientists have conducted many experiments in this regard and found that ladies who have an ambitious, masculine demeanor for the most part suffer from certain hormonal disorders. They produce a lot of testosterone, which is a male sex hormone that prevents the maturation of the egg.

And those representatives of the weaker sex who cannot conceive a child should change the priorities rooted in our society and, instead of being realized in society, doing household chores, pay more attention to themselves. All this provides a filling of feminine energy.

If a woman has a lot of male energy and wants to arrange her personal life, she needs to rethink her behavior, change her own actions and attitude towards the world around her. After all, a real man never looks at social status girls, he is interested and attracted by her life-giving female energy.

There are professions that increase the amount of male energy in women. This is accounting, everything related to advertising and trade. This must be taken into account if you seek to develop real femininity in yourself.

It is also believed that energetically a woman is three times stronger than a man. Therefore, if she tries to become a leader in a relationship, this will invariably suppress the masculine energy of her spouse. It is important to maintain a harmonious balance!

How to increase female energy will also tell this video

Do you have enough female power?

If you constantly suffer from feelings of guilt, are in a depressed mood, get tired quickly, your personal life is collapsing before your eyes - there are signs of an energy imbalance on your face. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the pathologies of the hair.

You can also find out the amount of female power by the state of your indoor plants. They are very sensitive to energy fluctuations, and if you notice that they quickly dry out, wither - take the necessary measures!

We also suggest that you take a test on the amount of female energy in yourself. Do the following step by step:

  • Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Visualize a beautiful forest path leading up to a beautiful house.
  • Enter it. Hear the sounds of relaxing music, watch the paintings that are hung on the walls of the dwelling.
  • Go to another room, in which there is an easel, and on it is a sketch of your portrait in full height but it's black and white.
  • Nearby is a palette of colors, which presents white and red. You need to pick up a brush and bring your own portrait to life, but without mixing dyes.
  • When the work is completed, it is necessary to move a short distance and evaluate the result. What color scheme in the picture will be more?

Ideally, the red color should occupy about 75 percent of the picture (responsible for the feminine essence), and white - about 25 ( male essence). If you get a different result, you should probably change your attitudes in life.

How to awaken female energy

Many girls are interested in the question of how to restore female energy.

The ruling planet of female power is the Moon. She will help the representatives of the weaker sex to be filled with the lost female power. To do this, you need to spend a small magical ritual- at night, when the moon is shining brightly in the sky, retire to a quiet room (you can go to the balcony) and ask her for blessings and support.

Also, when the Moon is growing, ask her to increase your feminine strength and increase any benefits. And when it decreases, pray to get rid of any ailments, obstacles, envy and other things.

Another one effective methodology how to fill yourself with feminine energy - leave your cosmetics and water in the rays of the moonlight. Be sure to remove all this with the first rays of the sun, which personify the solar, male energy.

How to develop feminine energy that attracts men

Women's energy is given by typically feminine activities.

The color of the clothes is also important - give your preference light colors, which are lunar.

  1. Stylish decorations. Jewelry not only looks beautiful, but also provides energy protection:
  • beads of short length - will act as a talisman for the throat chakra;
  • long beads are protection for the energy center;
  • dangling earrings - act as protection for the upper chakras;
  • bracelets - contribute to the protection of the main energy channel passing along the line of the spine. When we make movements with our hands, we provide ourselves with protection and accelerate energy flows.
  1. Sweets. You may have noticed that if you exclude sweets from your diet, your mood immediately worsens, and hormonal disorders. And this is not surprising, because it is sweet that is the basis of the female hormonal system. Also, for a high level of female strength, you need to regularly eat vegetables and consume dairy products. But meat should be abandoned, as it contributes to the development of aggression, which is necessary for manifestation in the social sphere, but not for the family.
  2. Refusal of haste. A very effective method of restoring female power is to be calm and not to rush anywhere. Eliminate the hustle and bustle from your life. Do everything slowly and with pleasure.
  3. Household chores. They are a very powerful source of female power. A woman becomes more feminine when she cooks. Tasty food, is engaged in arranging a family nest and doing housework.

But there is one important point- you need to do all this, being in a calm, harmonious state, so that household chores are a joy, and not a burden.

Keeping order and cleanliness is important for female energy, especially in the kitchen. Therefore, arrange a global cleaning more often, buy new decor items and your state of mind will definitely become better.

If you love to bake, give your preference to yeast dough - it is it that gives you feminine strength.

  1. Planning. Feminine energy is lost due to the presence of unfinished business. Therefore, it is important to make plans for the future and implement them.
  2. Communication with girlfriends. You may have noticed that communicating with friends, your mood becomes better, you are filled with energy and charged with positive. Therefore, often talk on the phone, organize bachelorette parties and go shopping together.
  3. Women's hobbies. Their goal is to create something beautiful and decorate the world around them. Women's hobby allows you to develop sensuality and femininity.

Traditional women's occupations are embroidery, sewing, drawing - with the help of which it is possible to freely express their thoughts and dances - which do not allow energy stagnation and provide a seductive female figure. Singing - causes the purification of the female chakra.

You can replenish the balance of female power if you regularly perform the following actions:

  • work in the garden;
  • engage in the cultivation of indoor plants;
  • walk barefoot in nature;
  • arrange picnics;
  • walk under the moon.
  1. Women's care. A woman, in order to maximize her feminine power, needs to take care of those who are next to her - these can be both people and animals.

Therefore, practice charity, pamper your family with pleasant surprises more often, help your loved ones - all this will develop feminine power in you.

Female energy gives the fair sex energy force. When a woman's essence is maximally manifested in a woman, life begins to turn into a pleasant fairy tale, in which all dreams come true easily, and you get everything you want. Therefore, you need to carefully preserve the feminine power in yourself, love your inner woman, pamper yourself, do pleasant surprises and unconditionally believe in your great female power. Only then will you achieve positive changes in your life.

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Each of us has a certain type of energy. And interestingly, not all girls have a female type of energy. Nowadays, everything happens the other way around - most women have masculine energy, while men have feminine energy.

This is what leads to so many divorces, so many breakups, free relationship and other negative things. It is very important to clearly know what kind of energy you have, otherwise you will not understand exactly where the root of your problems is.

Low energy creates problems - strong solves. The inability to manage strong energy creates more big problems! It is important to identify the problem and know what to do next.

So, carefully read the article and analyze your life.

There are 4 types of energy in total:

  • Weak
  • strong
  • Men's
  • Women's (divided into purely feminine and maternal)

How do you know what kind of energy you have?

  1. Weak energy.

If a girl has weak energy she is often tired. There is a lot of stress in life, too much work (both at home and at work), a lot of problems. 5 days out of 7 sleep deprivation. More than 3 chronic diseases. Frequent colds(from 3 times a year). Weak immunity. Such a girl cannot be called lucky, rather the opposite. Lots of action. but at the same time MINIMUM RESULTS! Not as many fans as I would like. Life is not bright and not interesting. Everything is not the way she wants. Circumstances in all spheres of life are above her. SO MUCH GOES WRONG! She knows that she deserves more, but for some reason the desired does not come, although she knows many of her peers who are more successful and at the same time many work and strain less than her. Everything is not the way she wants. Find out how to make energy stronger here:

  1. Strong energy.

Girls with strong energy very unusual! You can see them right away! They are bright! They rarely get sick. If you ask them: “How are you?”, they will tell you about how they had a great time yesterday with friends, and today they were completely absorbed in something new and interesting. 8 times out of 10 they have interesting hobbies and hobbies. They always have many friends and acquaintances! Everyone is drawn to them. Other girls want to be like them. They cause only 2 feelings either great admiration or envy! Outwardly, they may not look like models, but almost everyone considers them beautiful and wants to be like them. They are confident and love themselves. Men can not help but notice such a girl!

Girls with strong energy always have fans (even if they are married).

Their wishes come true quickly and in in large numbers! Even small actions bring big results!


  1. Male energy

Such girls usually earn well and have achieved a lot, even if they are very young. These are the so-called "men in a skirt". Sometimes, even outwardly, it is indistinguishable from men: they often wear trousers (jeans), the color of the fabric is like that of men's clothing, makeup is almost invisible or not at all, they are not dressed sexy, although very comfortable, the gait is fast, big steps. Action is fast. Such girls do everything quickly: they speak quickly, they walk quickly, they do everything very, very quickly. They are always in a hurry. As a rule, they have strong energy, but they do not always use it for their own benefit (!). Such girls have to support the family, their husbands are usually very soft, do not work or work, but for a penny and do not seek to provide for the family.

If such a girl is not married, then she attracts rather soft men. While strong men with achievements do not want to start a relationship with them, but at the same time they are friends and communicate with them. Strong men usually disappear after 1-2 dates with such a girl.


  1. Women's energy

There are 2 types of this energy:

maternal energy.

Despite the outward femininity, these women do not trust men very much. They live by the principle: “A man is the first child in the family!” or “He is nothing without me. It needs to be monitored and tested all the time. What he is not independent. He can't do anything on his own!" They treat a man like mothers: they look after him like their child, clean up after him, teach and give advice (when they don’t ask) like mothers, check like mothers (how he did, where he was). Such girls do not trust men at all: they are afraid that such a man will not cope on his own, do not let him decide for himself, are afraid of betrayal and therefore read SMS and so on. Such women also have rather infantile men nearby. Moreover, often, before meeting them, their man was completely independent and did everything himself, but then “for some reason” changed.

Feminine energy.

These girls are easy. You can see that they are happy. Coupled with strong energy, such girls are an incredible gift and the main prize for any man! She knows how to inspire and motivate! This is the real Muse! With her feminine energy, she enhances the masculine energy of any member of the stronger sex! She knows the main rule of female success: the stronger her female energy, the more real men around. And even those men whom some call "unpromising", "weak" and so on, next to her change beyond recognition! Men begin to make plans, set goals, earn more, get a job, become gallant and kind! They are afraid to disappoint her!

She is very well-groomed, bright, feminine. She always has beautiful dresses and makeup. She has many desires, but at the same time she is always satisfied, smiles and thanks the Father for his care. Literally the whole world cares about her well-being. She has a good relationship with parents and relatives. Usually, such girls sooner or later come to the fact that they begin to pursue their higher destiny. They don't work - they make money happily. They bring good to the world and at the same time receive money for it. Many, from the outside, think that such girls are lazy, but in reality they are not: it’s just that their work brings them joy, not a burden; most of their work takes place inside - at the level of the heart, soul, and that is why they are so happy and lucky!

Ideally, energy should be in the ratio of 30% male and 70% female. At the same time, the energy must be clean and strong. How to do this, we will analyze in great detail.

Please write in the comments about your type of energy. What did you understand for yourself?

And don't forget to share this with your friends. useful information in the social networks 🙂

Principles of male and female energy. How do they show up in our lives?

Everything in the universe is permeated with feminine and masculine energy. Everything is born due to the combination of these energies. God represents both male and feminine side. These two energies are equal, each of these principles carries its own, performs its function. These two energies interact harmoniously and never conflict. They just support and inspire each other. One cannot exist without the other. When they are together there is wholeness.

Principles of femininity:

Woman brings life to all planes, gives life, sustains life.
It brings beauty, harmony to all plans - this is her program, so she wants to be beautiful, she needs this.
Brings inspiration, saves energy protection for the family. The principle of development and care, cultivation, tolerance, protection. The woman feeds, so the duty to prepare food is on her. Illuminate food, pray over it, as our ancestors did.
The woman controls the entire inner life of the family. Creates comfort and harmony. emotional background of the family. No career will give her a sense of happiness.
In the body of a woman, the soul must go through the experience of a wife and mother; this is her task and destiny - this is an unshakable law.
A woman takes care of the space where she is, brings beauty and order, joy to it.

Three energies personify femininity:

Beauty, harmony, peace (creates peace) inspiration, intuition, fight against evil, dirt (house cleaning).

What does a woman give a man:

A woman supports a man, directs (like a neck to a head), does not try to prevail over him, recognizes his primacy in everything, his wisdom, his significance. A man is a formal leader, a woman is an informal leader. She can give him advice, but gently not noticeably without hurting his dignity and at the same time remain in the shadows.
Therefore, at all times, a man was like a boss, and a woman like a subordinate.
The sun gives light and heat to the earth, the earth thanks to this gives life to everything. The spirit speaks first, matter inspires the spirit to accomplish and develop, they cannot live without each other.
A man will not be able to work with inspiration if there is no woman nearby.
They both need to take care of moral development each other. They can tell each other what they are wrong about what is the right way out. But it is necessary to do it gently, not to blame, not to humiliate the dignity of either women or men.
A woman must appease a man. Bring peace to any conflict. To bring joy, a favorable emotional background. The weather in the house depends on the mood of the woman.
"Behind every successful man costs GREAT SOUL women"
A woman protects him from energy influence. Shows who is an enemy and who is a friend.
A woman should protect a man from betrayal, not allow other women to flirt with him, etc. Even the most innocent look “to the left” can bring betrayal into the family, which means destruction in all areas of relationships. And of course the woman herself should not even think about other men on a personal level. Remember that intimate relationships are not only an exchange of energy, but also an exchange of karma (including negative information). All this will be brought into the family and the family can crack.
Our ancestors got married. The family is a sacred act. Unification of two souls on all planes of being. And these relationships should have been illuminated by God.
A woman always respects her husband AND NEVER SAYS A BAD ABOUT TO ANYONE. You can cause envy, jealousy (and this is a destructive energy for a couple). Even a woman is envious happy marriage on the principle of "what if she's better."
Any criticism destroys the relationship. Both direct and hidden. Any internal state of a woman will affect external state relations. ANY DISRESPECT OF THE WIFE WILL RESULT FOR THE HUSBAND IN SOCIAL LIFE.
Discussion of family and personal relationships leads to their destruction.
Relations with a couple cannot be discussed even with parents.
Whatever a woman does, she must carry the principle of love, the care of cultivation, the principle of the mother, the goddess of life, to all plans.
It is primarily up to the woman to create happy family. And for this you need to work family happiness does not come by itself!
It is necessary to cook consecrated food, cook with love, think at this moment, only about positive qualities her husband. Do not under any circumstances criticize it, it will poison the food. The food needs to be varied. All tastes were present - salty, spicy, sweet, sour, insipid, etc. From this, a person satisfies all needs.
Show concern for the man. Pacify him. To support / inspire / serve with dignity, respect and respect, but not to serve, not to consider this a humiliation, but to fulfill your destiny with dignity.
Emphasize it masculine qualities remind him that he is a man.
Shut up when needed. Do not criticize him or his family. Not in any cases.
The purpose of the soul that was born in female body- become a real woman, go through the karma of a woman.

What steps need to be taken in ordinary life in order to regain femininity?

1. Work in holodinamics - the method is given below.
2. Films - where there is an example of true femininity and masculinity. Screenshot of a classic.
3. Music - beautiful, smooth, mysterious, classical or new age, joyful, sincere.
4. Do/look allow, only everything beautiful
5. Clothing - colors, bright, light, all colors of flowers, more feminine elements. Food - raisins, milk with sugar, spices - cinnamon, cariander, cardamom, fennel, rose petal jam. All this carries the vibrations of feminine energy. Everything in the universe has either feminine or masculine energy.
6. Be careful not to do anything abrupt. Movement should be deliberately smooth, the voice calm, quiet. You can’t shout, be indignant, this is a manifestation of excessive activity, and this is not female nature.

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Svetlana_ Date: Wednesday, 21.11.12, 08:06 | Message #2

Master of your life

Group: Admin
Posts: 9323
Status: in seclusion
Tracking male manifestations. If there is irritation, aggression for no reason - there is a predominance of male energy.
The quality of the energy that a woman radiates is also important. The energy of a bright yang quality scares the opposite sex. Soft Yin energy, on the contrary, attracts.

Harmonious manifestation of the elements in a woman:

The energy of the air - when a woman is an excellent interlocutor;
the energy of the earth - when a woman is a support for loved ones;
the energy of fire, which is the basis of temperament and perseverance;
energy of water - which is felt as sensitivity and emotional support.
What does it feel like when the feminine energy returns?:
Calmness/harmony/feeling of love/tolerance/softness/smoothness of movements/not wanting to argue, prove something/be active, be aggressive/shout. There is a desire to fulfill the role of the mother, if it was not there before.

Principles of masculinity:

Strength, nobility, responsibility, the ability to give, the ability to move forward, expand boundaries, give development to others, the role of a teacher. (According to the Vedas, a man is a teacher for a woman) Active action, decisiveness, decision-making. Protecting the weaker, protecting the woman, caring for the woman.

His task is to develop in the social sphere the whole external life:

To achieve something, to do something for people and for the world. Therefore, his ego is six times greater than that of a woman. He has ambitions that push him to accomplish and develop the world and people. A man should not dwell on a woman or family. This brings problems and violation, makes it more feminine, weaker. And many women want this from a man.
He builds a house, defines this space, a woman improves this space. It bears the responsibility to financially provide for the family, to give it a roof, to protect it from external influences. A woman protects the house from internal influences with the help of intuition determines which people enter the house.

What does a man give a woman:

Care and attention. Material and moral care, gives her gifts (a man must learn to give, and a woman to receive). Saying “I love you” three times a day shows tenderness, this makes her happy and contented, thereby maintaining a favorable family background.
He protects her from the outside world.
A man allows a woman to be a woman. He gives her money for new clothes (for a woman, renewal is important - she has a lunar changeable nature). Allows you to "tweet" with your girlfriends. Thus, she pronounces, restores her energy and gets rid of unnecessary thoughts and emotions. And then it can accumulate for a long time and then explode.
The man lets the woman cry. This also cleanses it. He must understand this.
A man can give ideas, if you point out her mistakes, then do it gently, lovingly without hurting or humiliating her.
The man lights the fire, the woman keeps the fire going. On all planes.

What steps need to be taken in ordinary life to regain masculinity:

7. Work in holodinamics - the method is given below.
8. Films - where there is an example of true masculinity - chivalry, but not masculinity. Screenshot of a classic.
9. Music - rhythmic, classical, which inspires activity.
10. Try to make decisions yourself, use physical labor. Study masculine appearance sports, but without excessive aggression.
11. Strive to achieve something in life. To do something important, noble, meaningful.
12. Clothing - emphasizing masculinity (not the style of a teenager)

When masculinity returns, what needs arise:

Courage, the desire to be active, to make a decision, to achieve something in life, to accomplish something. Build a house yourself. Make a career. Earn money yourself, take responsibility, play sports. There is firmness in character. Softness and cowardice go away. I want to show the qualities of a father, to become a father, the head of the family. I want to take care of a woman, protect her, give attention and care. Take responsibility for your wife, family, parents. Make a career, achieve something in life. Cultivate the nobility of a knight, not a dork. Giving \ giving something to a woman, family. Provide financial support for wife/children. Cultivate the qualities of a teacher, mentor, leader. Think about the development of mankind.

The purpose of the soul that was born in a male body is to become a real man, to go through the karma of a man

On spiritual growth:

Partner activates your karma, your hidden flaws. He mirrors them.
· How to check what his work is: What annoys you about him, what causes pain with this and you need to work.
· You must forgive him in your soul, work with yourself, but your right to point out to him his shortcomings. In an understandable and accessible form. Do not justify him with the words “he brings me lessons, so he can do anything” you are also his teacher! And he must know where he is wrong.
· In all cases, one must behave calmly, except for the issue of protection: one's children/one's home, one's human/female dignity.
· Dissolution in a partner, what gives? Loss of one's self. Such a couple can be divided. You can't get stuck, you have to go along.
· The nature of a woman is flexible to adapt to a man, here it is also important not to go too far and not lose her true “I”. When a man adjusts, he loses his masculine energy.
The issue of independence. Moral, material. How to behave correctly: You can not allow extremes. It is necessary to be socially realized and independent, but not to show it too openly, not to be proud of it - this hurts a man. He must think “that without him everyone will be lost”, this gives him a sense of significance.
· Material dependence can only be tolerated when a man lives according to spiritual laws and clearly knows his role as a “provider”.
Is self-sufficiency necessary? What it should be: What does the concept of "I MYSELF" give: "If you yourself, then you don't need me." It is important for a man to feel needed.
· And when a woman is strongly passionate about her development, then a man can feel abandoned. We must remember this. And to develop not to the detriment of the family.
Marriage karma is activated in different time life. Astrology shows these points. Sometimes a person needs to be alone.
The experience of loneliness. Why does a person go through this experience? The sacred time of loneliness is necessary for self-development. In order to understand yourself and hear your soul. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, this is impossible.
The “age of the mother goddess” is coming. And when the mission comes, there will be many women among his followers. And it is time for women to become active and independent. But not forgetting her role as mother and wife.
· A person in spiritual growth accepts everything from a partner, both good and bad. Consciously understands that he acts as a white and black teacher and has come to activate his karma to the fullest extent. And point out all the blocks / fears / shortcomings. Or on dignity, if the couple deserved it through their positive life.
· And she can earn positive karma if she correctly plays the role of a real man and a real woman. Live according to spiritual laws. To consciously develop each other and do something for people - to fulfill the highest goal of serving the couple, to participate in the evolution of the consciousness of humanity.

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Svetlana_ Date: Wednesday, 21.11.12, 08:07 | Post #3

Master of your life

Group: Admin
Posts: 9323
Status: in seclusion
Working with female and male energy in a holodinamics session:

Holodynamics is a unique method that allows you to enter your own subconscious even after a certain inner work remove all possible causes of psychological problems.

Balancing male and female energy. Checking their states - colors, intensity. Ask a question: How do these energies interact in the body.

Ask a question: what is needed to return to the proper extent femininity / masculinity.

Bookmark in the space of an ideal partner, ideal relationship with current partner.
What needs to be changed in my soul so that the ideal partner / spiritual couple / star soulmate comes into life.
Clearly know the principle of what I want from a relationship. What we order is what comes. What love my soul deserves at this stage of life, this is what it receives. If we do not strive for a strong family, then we will not get it.

Before an ideal partner comes into our lives, we need to become ourselves " ideal partner". If a woman wants to meet a real man, she must become perfect woman. When we wait for them to come and make us happy, no one will come. It will come when we are ready to make ourselves happy.

Create an image ideal family. Lay in the matrix space the image of an ideal family. Describe what it should be. Ask a question: What do I need to do so that my family is ideal, harmonious, spiritual, brings the right energy to the earth. There were no problems with the children.

And ask your subconscious - "what is the highest goal of spiritual service with me with my couple?"

Reasons why they don’t give a couple or problems arise in a couple:

1. The purpose of the relationship in a couple is not clearly defined, or the purpose is not correct.
All goals except how to create a family are doomed to failure and do not ultimately bring positive,
apart from bad experience.

2. Selfishness, consumer consciousness - ready, only to take, something to give does not even come to mind.
A person wants love, admiration, care, he does not want to take care and does not know how. Ready to use my pair.

3. Contempt for opposite sex, not the ability to show respect in relationships and there is no desire for this.

4. Violation of female and male energy in a person. A mixture of these principles.
Misunderstanding of the basics of women's and men's duties.

5. Not the ability to appreciate what fate gives. Sometimes, when we get a couple, we see only flaws in it, forgetting about the virtues. We can't love no matter what. Therefore, they do not give a couple, or she herself leaves us.


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Svetlana_ Date: Wednesday, 21.11.12, 08:20 | Post #4

Master of your life

Group: Admin
Posts: 9323
Status: in seclusion
The essence of the feminine is in us.

Every person has a masculine and feminine, white and red substances, manifested as consciousness and energy. We will consider the female component - the red substance, which is the energy and strength of the human being. The female energy manifests itself in this world as the mother of all things.
Here are the words in the book "Mokshadharma" (ch. 267) from the ancient epic "Mahabharata":

"Who has a mother, there is also an intercessor,
whoever does not have one remains without an intercessor.
Whether he is lucky or unfortunate, sick or healthy,
All the same, the mother protects the son, there is no better nurse in nature ... "

Accepting the love of the mother, we are filled with divine power and love, we absorb the blessing of the most feminine cosmic essence. By not accepting the mother's love, we cut off the flow of such a blessing for ourselves and come into conflict with the feminine essence within ourselves. At the same time, we often do not notice that we do not know how to build harmonious trusting relationship even in a circle of like-minded people, with a spouse or spouse. Such rejection speaks of the rejection of the feminine in any people that surround us, and can lead to the development of even more rejection. And it can be passed down from generation to generation. For example, a son in this life does not see the pure feminine essence in his mother. Perhaps his mother, in turn, did not see this essence in her mother, and so on. ancestral line. Such a lack of perception of the cosmic essence of the female manifestation is typical for states with low level spiritual culture. The culture of society and everyday life helps a person to some extent level this shortcoming in himself, and as a result, harmonize his life, but heredity gives much greater results. Therefore, earlier people sought to intermarry with the noble families of righteous people in order to see good traits in their descendants and have good results.

To understand what consequences are associated with the denial of one's feminine principle, let's consider the essence of female energy, its manifestation in this world.

Female energy is acceptance, compassion, sensitivity, trust in life, insight into the essence of things, intuition and purity. Women have always been considered the keepers of the hearth. Moreover, this was expressed not only in maintaining cleanliness and warmth in the house, raising children, cooking, preserving family traditions. This was also manifested in the creation of external beauty, comfort, a harmonious aura of the house, rules and rituals that unite and give strength in the form of amulets, embroideries, patterns, carpets, food, holidays and other things. Women have always been considered also the keepers of the spiritual fire, guiding people on the right path. In ancient times, they were more trusted in spiritual matters than men, due to their greater intuition, flexibility of thinking, and sensitivity. An example of this is the ancient sacred sacred text of India - "Tripura Rahasya", which says that the true bearer of spiritual knowledge is a pure woman who proves this every day, showing her love and compassion, sensitivity to others.

It turns out that when we are not in harmony with our feminine essence, then, first of all, we do not have wisdom, our intuition is weak. We cannot find answers to many questions, we are lost and incredulous. This leads to fear of any changes in life, to the control of loved ones. Manifestation superior qualities the feminine principle may not be explicit, but hidden. But they need to try to see and perceive, showing due sensitivity and patience.

For example, in the Russian fairy tale "Vasilisa the Wise" there is such an image of the Frog Princess, which Ivan Tsarevich, due to his problems with the feminine principle, brings into the house as his wife. She helps him, with the help of her wisdom and mystical powers, to fulfill the wishes of the king. Thus, manifesting his divine feminine, expressed in the invocation of the manifestation of creative power ("Mothers-nannies get together ..."). Ivanushka did not associate the care of the frog princess with the manifestation of the feminine, with love. Because he perceived her not as a wife, but as a simple frog. His attitude towards her only changed when he saw her without her frog skin. Ivanushka's lack of wisdom and patience leads to the fact that he burns the frog's skin, and then Koschey the Immortal takes Vasilisa the Wise to his Thirtieth Kingdom. And Ivan has to go through a difficult path, overcoming many difficulties and dangers. He learns to be patient and merciful, activates the feminine in himself. In the end, he has to fight with Koshchei the Immortal himself in order to return Vasilisa the Beautiful, and with her the lost happiness, Wisdom and Love.
Having learned to recognize the manifestations of the divine feminine in any woman, we open ourselves to the flow of cosmic feminine energy in ourselves. This is one of the basic laws of tantra.

Also, if we are not in harmony with our feminine essence, then we experience a lack of energy, are prone to depression and physical ailments. As a result, we have financial problems, we cannot achieve our goal, we are haunted by failures at work and in personal life. I have often observed how men who are prone to belittling or denying the dignity of the feminine, experience a great lack of subtle creative energy. They cannot realize their intentions related to spiritual values, show willpower, they constantly lack energy. After all, it is not for nothing that Lord Shiva is inseparable from his Divine power - Shakti, through which He creates, preserves and destroys everything that exists in its turn.
From the point of view of astrology and Vedic culture, the manifested material world is the world of female energy, the creative energy of Shakti. It consists of subtle energies of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The Russian people, like many others, have since ancient times passed on their sacred knowledge through fairy tales. The tale entered the child at the very early age, as a coded stereotype of behavior, as the highest commandments of life and the laws of the universe. Here we can cite as an example how the sacred knowledge of the four energies is reflected in the Russian fairy tale Geese-Swans. When Masha went to look for her brother, who was kidnapped by swan geese, she meets a stove (the personification of the energy of fire) on her way, which asks to take out the baked pies and try them. An apple tree that asks to be freed from heavy apples and treat itself to apples (the personification of the energy of the earth). A milk river with jelly banks, which asked her to taste milk and sip jelly (the personification of the energy of water). And, finally, the geese-swans themselves (the personification of the energy of air), which act as a manifestation of movement, change. With the help of them, Masha's potential is revealed, her consciousness is expanded: she has to show mercy and begin to realize the subtle interconnection of things. All energies must come into contact with Masha - through pies, apples, jelly with milk, and only through compassion is this possible. When Mashenka responds to the request of Mother Nature, then she herself receives help from her. That is, helping Nature, the world around, she helps herself.

The energy of the earth, as part of the female essence, gives us support, stability, endurance, as well as abundance and prosperity. When a person lacks this energy, he is distinguished by a frivolous, unstable character. His promises cannot be trusted, he cannot overcome difficulties in his path. In this case, he needs to work with the earth, grow plants, do physical labor, hatha yoga, mantra yoga, meditation, and also here the observance of firm rules and discipline can help. It can also be noted that abundance and prosperity come only to those who have developed purposefulness, willpower, organization, efficiency, self-discipline and the ability to overcome difficulties.

The energy of water gives us peace, joy, flexibility, understanding in communication, emotionality, intuition, subtlety and depth. It enables our bodies to feel, enjoy and express emotions. Ultimately, only the energy of water gives us the opportunity to realize feelings of happiness, contentment, peace, bliss. When we do not have enough of this energy, it is difficult for us to relax, we are bleak, tense and not sensitive to the surrounding beauty. In this case, you need to concentrate on compassion, caring and helping others, you need to communicate with the energy of water as often as possible and meditate on it in nature: in the form of rain, stream, river, sea, ocean.

The energy of the subtle substance of fire, as creative energy female essence, gives us willpower, enthusiasm, inspiration, brightness, enlightenment, striving for perfection, that inner light and fire, which is called charisma. It is this energy that allows you to overcome any obstacles, soar to the incredible heights of the human spirit, inspire and lead people, become a hero, gain fame, love, love your job and live a life full of incredible, wonderful adventures. When this energy is little manifested in us, it is difficult for us to bring things to the end, we lack determination, confidence, courage, strength, energy and inspiration. You can increase the energy of fire in the body through visual impressions of landscapes, paintings and other beautiful things, through sports, developing your creative potential, as well as through yoga practices: bandhas, pranayamas, kriya yoga and other practices. On the contrary, when we have too much of this energy, it begins to act destructively, and we are prone to irritability, assertiveness, aggressiveness, impulsiveness and short-sightedness. In this case, it is recommended to engage in self-control and drink warm milk with ghee.

The energy of the air gives contact with the world of ideas. It is thanks to her that we think, speak, communicate, take an interest, study, formulate our thoughts, write, read, do something with our hands. It is through it that awareness, discoveries, wisdom come to us. Concepts such as friendship, brotherhood, freedom, selflessness, ethics, aesthetics, culture and the ability to manifest them exist thanks to the energy of air. Everything that concerns the intellect, the ability to use it, are manifestations of the subtlest substances of the element of air. This energy has a huge creative and shaping power, because, as you know, thought is material. This is the original Logos. And if there is no thought, then there is no image. No image - no emotion. No emotion - no purpose. No goal - no results. You can increase the energy of the air by constant self-education, control over your thoughts, maximum consciousness and responsibility for your positive and negative thoughts and their constructivism, and of course, with the help of pranayama and raja yoga.
So the feminine principle in man has the power of these four manifested energies of nature. A woman will "stop a galloping horse", and at the same time, she is a manifestation of softness and tenderness. In the epic "Mahabharata" there is a beautiful story about "Savitri", which tells about the greatness, devotion and wisdom of the heroine who saved her husband and his family.

Savitri was the daughter of King Ashvapati. She chose as her wife Satyavan, the son of the exiled king Dyumatsena, who lived with his parents in the forest, as they were treacherously expelled from their kingdom by their neighbors. The sage Narada approved of her choice, saying that her chosen one has all the virtues. But he also added that he had one vice that exceeded all virtues: the prince had only one year left to live. Savitri was upset, but this did not stop her, and she got married, as the decision was taken from the heart. She lived a virtuous life with her husband: she honored the Gods and elders, prayed earnestly and fasted. Her mind was cleansed and her spirit strengthened. When the death of her husband approached, she began to perform severe tapas (abstinence) - for three days she did not eat anything and stood on one leg. (It was believed that during tapas the spiritual strength of a person increases, and the gods begin to help him). On the day when Satyavan was to die, with the permission of his parents, she went to the forest for firewood and fruits with her husband. After a while, her husband became ill, he lay down, putting his head on her knees. And then, with her purified consciousness, she saw a huge purple-eyed sinister creature with a noose in its hands. To Savitri's question: "Who are you?" He replied: "Beautiful Savitri, the time of the righteous Satyavan has come and I must take him with me. I am the God Yama." When Yama pulled the soul out of the prince's body with his lasso and headed south, Savitri, overwhelmed with grief, followed him. God Yama told her to return. But she, continuing to walk, replied that, according to the law, she must follow her husband everywhere. “There are many laws over people, but one above all is the law of friendship. Friends, as a sign of their devotion, walk seven steps together around the altar. You are God, the living altar, and we have already walked seven steps with you. And that means we are friends, bright God, and you cannot refuse me." Yama, admiring her righteousness and wisdom, wished to fulfill any of her requests, except for reviving her husband. Savitri requested that her husband's father, King Dyumatsena, be given back the sight he had once been deprived of. Yama promised to fulfill her desire and again ordered her to return home. But Savitri, continuing to follow, said: "You said that my husband is a righteous man. Every reasonable person will seek the company of a sage as the highest good. If I go away from my good, will it be reasonable?" Yama was again delighted with her wisdom, and he invited her to choose one more gift, besides the life of her husband. Savitri asked her father-in-law to return a happy reign. He promised, but she followed him further, continuing to speak. "Oh, you are a great God, setting a limit to human generations, forcibly taking them to your abode. You are nicknamed the Conqueror. Do you know what is the good of the ages? We must love all living things, all living things. Neither in thoughts nor in evil actions People are capable of many deeds, but only those who have no malice in their hearts are beautiful. This is the eternal truth, the Holy Truth. The god of death exclaimed: "Your words are good." And he promised again to fulfill any of her desires, except for the life of her husband. Then she asked Savitri for her father, King Ashvapati, so that one hundred sons would be born to him and continue his family. Yama said that she would have brothers-heroes and righteous, and again ordered her to return, since she had already gone very far. But Savitri followed Yama and said: “Wherever I go with my husband, it’s not far for me. Oh, you are a formidable great righteous judge who gives the law of truth. trust. From the kindness that was established in the soul, trust in all beings was born. Fine qualities are human, but the most valuable kindness!" God answered her: "You have known the truth. And this is a merit. I will fulfill any desire, except for the life of my spouse." I asked then wise woman a gift of one hundred sons from her husband. "You will give birth, O woman," said the All-right, "one hundred brave sons, full of strength and glory." And Yama again ordered her to return and perform a funeral ceremony over the body of her husband, but Savitri still followed the god of death. “He who is kind is right,” the princess answered, “he is spiritually strong and mentally stable. Communication of kind hearts illuminates. The good kind looks without fear. The earth has established itself in peace on the good. waits for evil deeds, for good deeds does not expect retribution. Good is never in vain. Good is omnipotent, and therefore beautiful!
Hearing such a speech, Yama rejoiced, saying: “... your speech gave joy to my soul. And your thought, beautifully dressed in a word, seemed to be a source of pure light. whatever you want, and I will give you an incomparable gift - loving, faithful, humble!" Noticing that this time God Yama did not restrict her in choosing a gift, Savitri prayed for the return of life to her husband. She said: “It’s like I’m dead without a husband. Without him, I don’t want bliss and happiness, you promised me a hundred sons, and you yourself take your husband away. Let him come to life, and my word will become true!” "So be it," answered the King of Justice and let go of his lasso, blessing the worthy woman for a long happy life. Thus, the pure, righteous and wise Savitri saved two families: the family of her parents, who had no heirs-sons, and the royal family of her husband.

Stories like the legend of Savitri are always very inspiring because they reveal to people the sacred mystical part of their being. In this case, the female essence is revealed to us, which is in each of the people. Savitri, through the manifestation of her feminine principle, allows a miracle to happen. She so endeared herself to the unshakable King of Justice, God Yama himself, so fearlessly, selflessly, subtly and wisely conducted her speeches that he had to bring her beloved back to life. As the saying goes, "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." Each of us is able to work miracles - small and large, by accepting the feminine principle within ourselves and allowing its life-giving power, Shakti, to open up.

Ekananga and Svetlana Shin


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Svetlana_ Date: Wednesday, 11/21/12, 11:32 am | Post #5

Master of your life

Group: Admin
Posts: 9323
Status: in seclusion
Male and female energies

Before talking about male and female energies, I would like to say a few words of general words about the energies and energy flows that exist in every person and in every family.

The power of energies is transmitted from generation to generation through the streams of love. It's kind of energy channel through which the energy of life flows. The older members of the system, the parents, give energy, the younger ones, the children, feed on it as from a source. There are several types of flows.

The first is the main stream of life. It is that connection with the mother, sometimes with the father, that gives vitality. In practice, the fact of an interrupted main stream is rarely observed. In the absence of this flow, people seem to freeze, they seem not to be alive. They have low vitality, which mediates a small amount of energy. Sometimes they can put on a mask of activity, but they have such a feeling of their own life. Very often, they simply become afraid to live, because the world seems incomprehensible, and their own strengths are absent. Often such people are looking for a global replacement for the main stream. They can go into spiritual quests, engage in energy practices, finding teachers and authorities in which you can dissolve. The true motive for such behavior is to receive the energy of life.

Sometimes the interrupted flow manifests itself not so totally, but only as one of the aspects of life. For example, a person can adapt at work, while remaining helpless and dependent in his personal life.

The main stream of life gives us the strength and desire to live and be independent. It occurs from the very birth of a child and is formed up to 4 years, being present later throughout life.

Along with the main stream, there are maternal and paternal streams. These are the energies that become available to children from the age of 4 years. But the form in which the child receives these currents depends on his gender.

After 4 and up to about 12 years (the exact age of transition is arbitrary and may vary in each specific case) the child moves into the zone of the parent of the opposite sex. The girl is "fascinated" by dad, and the boy by mom's energies. This does not mean that the second parent is not important at this point. It's just that the child's need for flows is more related to the energies of the parent of the opposite sex. For example, if a woman divorced her husband and is raising her son herself, then, relatively speaking, it is comfortable for him until the child is 11-12 years old, and he begins to experience an internal need for male energies. A girl who is brought up by one mother will be internally connected with her father from the age of 4-5. If she has not formed contact with her father, she will experience discomfort, or communication with her father will take place at a deep psychological level.

Energies (flows) have nothing to do with geography, and do not depend on the presence of physical contacts between people. They also have nothing to do with whether the parent is alive or not. For example, if the father went to war and died before the child was born, then in the absence of systemic entanglements that impede the flow, the child will have a normal energy connection with Father.

The zone of the parent of the opposite sex is characterized by the energy of a certain eroticism. The girl is attracted to masculine energies that "charm" and beckon her. And the boy, in turn, is attracted to female flows. He wants to understand them and dissolve in the charm of the feminine manifestation. It is at this age that many erotic preferences and stereotypes are laid. At the same time, at this stage, they will not necessarily be of a sexual nature. It's happening somewhere deeper.

Starting from 11-12 years old, the child must stand in the zone of the parent of the same gender. It means abrupt appearance interest in life issues related to their gender. First of all, this is manifested in the fact that boys begin to be interested in "male" topics (for example, weapons, hunting, male conversations, sports or military topics), and girls - "female" (for example, they learn to be a woman, become mistresses in at home, adopt the accumulated life experience from mothers and other women). It is no coincidence that in the cultures of various peoples, young men and women underwent initiation rites at this particular age.

Over time, the eroticism acquired in the previous zone of the parent of the opposite sex is enriched with an “adult” understanding of relationships and a certain self-sufficiency in the form of the absence of painful addictions in relationships. This happens because some of the interests in life begin to connect with the energy and interests of their own sex.
In terms of a systematic approach, a girl who did not enter the mother's zone in adolescence is called "daddy's daughter", and the boy who did not enter the father's zone is called "mother's son".

If the girl got into the mother's zone, she is called "mother's daughter", and the boy who has a relationship with his father is called "dad's son."

Accordingly, in their personal lives, partners can create a successful union if the “mother's daughter” unites with the “dad's son”. Such relationships can be called "adult".

The union of the "daddy's daughter" with the "mother's son" is also quite stable. But this type of relationship can be quite complex in terms of the form of interaction, since conflicts and some cruelty are not ruled out. But love can also be very strong.

In addition to those listed, there are also flows from other family members: relatives or people significant in the history of the family. They can bring something important and significant to a person's life. For example, a certain tradition or achievements of the clan. Different family members may show different personal qualities. For example, a grandfather could be very active and courageous, while a father, on the contrary, could be calm and homely. In this case, if a person has access, flows, to all members of his family, he can adopt both qualities into his life.

So, let's sum up.

A child in the process of growing up goes through 3 zones in turn:

Mother's zone: from 0 to 4-6 years (energy of life and safety).
Zone of the parent of the opposite sex: from 4-6 to 11-13 years (erotic energy).
The zone of the parent of the same sex: from 11-13 years old (sexual energy).

Accordingly, when we talk about women with masculine energies, we understand that internally they stopped at the second zone and could not move into the mother's zone in adolescence. They are enchanted male manifestations in life, and they themselves try to imitate them. Often these are businesslike, successful women, tough and straightforward. As compensation, they can dress very sexy and seductive, be active in their personal lives. But it remains on the outer level. At heart, they are connected with their fathers and, consciously or not, compare all other men with them. It does not matter whether they adore the pope or reject it. In my understanding, the film "Sex in big city” perfectly describes the life and psychology of women with masculine energies.

When we talk about men with female energies, we mean that they could not get out of the second zone - the zone of charm by female energies. Outwardly, these are often gentle, refined young people, affectionate and flexible in relationships. As a compensation, they may surround themselves with the trappings of masculinity, but this, as in the case of women with masculine energies, remains on the outer level. For example, the image of a macho man is the image of a man with feminine energies. They can also manifest themselves in scandalousness, "tantrums", resentment. Since the "mother's son" is internally connected with his mother, in relations with other women he can be quite cruel.

In life, we can meet people who do not have either male or female energies. From the outside it seems that they seem to be "stuck in childhood." In fact, they simply did not enter the second zone and did not stand either in the mother's zone or in the father's zone. Such people can be charming and carefree, like children. Usually these are nice interlocutors who win us over with their spontaneity and pliability. Their internal age is from 3 to 8 years. As a rule, at this age, children are very obedient and sweet. reverse side medals happens to be their capriciousness, but we are often ready to forgive them for that.

The only real difficulty in dealing with such people is their irresponsibility. She is very sincere, childish, so the boss at work, or a partner in a relationship, will have to take full responsibility for herself.


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Svetlana_ Date: Wednesday, 21.11.12, 11:42 | Post #6

Master of your life

Group: Admin
Posts: 9323
Status: in seclusion

Continuing the topic of finding oneself and the path to oneself, I propose to get acquainted a little, but for one thing, and to realize the features of the male and female energy in the body of each person.

Men and women are very different and at the same time similar beings. This is because in us, regardless of the real gender, there is both that and that energy.
From the position of vision, one can observe this energy in the body of each person, feel it and see the consequences of the activity of a particular constitution (depending on gender).

I will try to describe the key differences in the perception of the energies of different sexes.

Male energy comes from the upper body (cocoon), these are the shoulders, throat and chest, these are:
- Activity;
- Aggression;
- Movement;
- Direction;
- Sharpness;
- Speed;
- Drive;
- Persistence;
- Breaking through the space;
- Desire for battle and war;
- Rivalry, competition, leadership;
- Removal from oneself;
- Destruction;
- Perseverance;
- etc.

Feminine energy comes from the lower part of the cocoon, these are the thighs, uterus and lower abdomen, manifested in:
- Passivity;
- Waiting;
- Disclosure of space;
- Smoothness;
- Tenderness;
- Saving;
- Enveloping yourself;
- Acceptance into oneself; >
- Concentration around a cozy corner;
- Warm;
- The desire to surrender in order to become a part;
- World;
- Tranquility;
- etc.

It follows from this that we are different and each constitution has its own features, which are advantages and disadvantages. distinctive features energy of men and women.

Why do you need to know this and how to apply this knowledge in practice?

1) You need to realize what gender you are by nature.
2) Recognize your strengths and how the energy of your gender usually manifests.
3) Realize that the path to yourself will be through the energy of your gender, not vice versa.
4) Accept it and be glad that now you know how your power should be manifested.

I repeat that either of the sexes can radiate two types of energy, the only difference is that when you radiate your energy, you are in a strong and natural position. In such a position, the opposite or your gender will perceive you adequately and harmoniously. This will manifest itself in behavior on the part of other people in a way that. The man will be respected and the woman will be helped.

More specifically, this can be considered by taking the situation that happened to our ancestors. Let's call it "Hungry man wants to eat"

The man in this case, is active, goes hunting. Showing aggression, he kills a mammoth, then, showing persistence, pulls him home.
- a woman in this case, gives a man confidence, opening up space for everything to work out. Inspired by this the man is walking hunting and brings a mammoth. Further, the woman, showing a desire for preservation and transformation at her own expense, prepares the mammoth to a state suitable for food.

As a result of such an equal exchange, the two sexes complementing each other were in harmony and happiness.
In modern society, people can often change roles and squeeze out the energy of the other sex from themselves, from here, in their lives, situations often arise as comical, and not very comical situations.

Here you need to realize and remember one simple thing, it doesn’t matter what you formally do, but it matters in what state. That is, a woman can successfully perform "male" work, while being in a female energy position, and a man can do the same. A woman can successfully lead an organization while in a feminine position, and a man can cook dinner while in a masculine position. Remember the main thing is not what to do, but how and in what state.

Even more interesting is how the type of energy manifests itself in relations between the sexes.
It only surprises me a little that so many people radiate energies that are not of their constitution. Apparently now is really not an easy time. Increasingly, I notice that men behave like women, and women like men. It's funny to see these distortions, and the consequences to which this leads. In general, everything unnatural is strange, funny and a little stupid. Because if you go against nature, you devastate yourself, spend a lot of energy fighting the world, other people and yourself, while you fade more than you develop.

How you are perceived by another person of the opposite sex, with one or another dominant energy. Consider the main possible options.

Male (male energy) – female (female energy)
A harmonious combination, a man wants to act, everything is easy for him, he is inspired by a woman, he wants her, positive and strength are always with him. The woman is happy and calm, because. she is confident in a strong man, she is comfortable that they want her. She builds a cozy nest around herself and the man, enriches it, due to the activity of the man. Both get what they want, there is an exchange required energy both develop and grow.

Male (female energy) - female (female energy)
Passivity, boredom, want to sleep. Both partners are waiting for activity. A woman perceives a man as a brake and a loser. A man perceives a woman as one who herself does not know what she wants. This option is doomed to emptiness and the completion of communication. The maximum that can be is just communication of interests, as a rule, women can consider such men only as friends.

Man (masculine energy) – woman (masculine energy)
There will be war, rivalry and competition in all manifestations. There will be many emotions, there will be a lot of drive and activity, however, in the long run, this can devastate the couple. Because there is no exchange of opposites. A man will want to break a woman by showing who is the boss in the house, and a woman will do the same. It all depends on the personal strength of each, if a man is stronger - a woman will be glad that she was still broken, if a man is weaker, then as a rule, he simply does not become interesting to a woman.
By the way, if a woman behaves like a man in other areas, for example, at work, they also begin to perceive her as a competitor, instead of giving her, she will be squashed and pinched on everyone.

Male (female energy) - female (male energy)
A funny situation - a man sits at home, looks at the hearth, and a woman, for example, works and drives a business. What happens, everything seems to be fine at first glance, but there will always be a feeling of some kind of incompleteness. A woman will look for a stronger partner, and when she is lowered, she will return with her "boy", and the man will feel unfulfilled, from which he may start to thump or look for more weak women, for self-affirmation. In general, such relationships can also be doomed, only not as quickly as the previous two types.

Everyone can draw their own conclusions, and then realize why in relationships or other areas, something does not stick and does not go well. In my opinion, here, the most important thing is for everyone to take their own position, then everything will be natural and harmonious. After all, if we were born of a certain gender, this did not happen by chance, and it is the power of this gender that needs to be accepted and developed.

Men and women are arranged differently not only physically, but also energetically. In a woman, nature has an endless ocean of feminine energy, which she must periodically share with a man. Otherwise, he, without female energy, will wither like a plant without rain. If a woman does not exchange energy with a man, she acquires masculine qualities and begins to lead something or someone. And in this her main mistake, because the woman is the ocean, and the man is the captain of a ship sailing on this ocean.

How does the energy exchange between a man and a woman take place?

Consider the example of heavy-duty and most modern equipment, without fuel or energy, this equipment does not work, it is just a piece of iron, albeit stuffed with smart electronics. A man is an engine, a motor, and a woman is fuel. It is enough to fill it with energy, and it will get you a "star" from the sky. No energy, don't wait none new fur coat, no trips to the Maldives, etc.

That's why women who accuse their husbands of lack of money saw the branch on which they themselves sit. It is their fault that the man does not bring money into the house, they "did not fill" him with energy. A man is capable of great deeds for the sake of his beloved woman, but on condition that she fills him with energy, thanks to which he will move mountains for his beloved.

Women love to envy and discuss their more successful friends in their personal lives, but they don’t think that they are successful, because they feed their husbands with energy, in response, the man passes the received energy through himself and returns it back in the form of money and gifts.

The issue of money is always acute in any married couple. But yes, if a man is a workaholic and disappears at work 24 hours a day, he will receive a penny, only because at home he does not receive the female energy or energy of love that he needs from his wife.

Before you get something, you have to give something
. If you don’t want to share your energy with your husband, don’t complain that he earns little, doesn’t give you gifts, doesn’t take you to resorts, and doesn’t pay attention to you at all.

Women, remember when you scold and saw your husband, you saw and disable your money machine. Put energy into the machine and print money as much as you need. Understand that your girlfriends are well settled in life, not because they found a money man, but because they turned an ordinary man into an oligarch, constantly pouring their energy into him.

The financial stability of the family is entirely the merit of the woman. They share their energy, and in return they receive fur coats, jewelry, cars, villas, etc. The family cup becomes full only thanks to a woman. And this process can be endless. When the woman is happy, she gives more to the man, and he, in turn, returns everything with gifts and money.

But there is also reverse circuit:
Any successful and rich man can be destroyed in a few days. It is enough for him to contact the wrong woman (a woman is a bitch) and all his well-being and financial viability will fly out the window. This is the category of women who know how to block access to money. And while a man is with such a woman, he will never become wealthy. NEVER! No matter how talented and brilliant he is, he will not be able to get anywhere.

What is the reason? In that women always write on their husband's forehead with such an invisible pencil their attitude towards him. And the surrounding people subconsciously read these inscriptions. And if it is written: sucker, loser, idiot, mediocrity, etc., then no one will pay him decent money or offer a good job.
And if it is written: genius, talent, well done, clever - everyone will want to deal with such a man, and will offer interesting projects.

As in the song: “whatever you call a boat, so it will float”, the same can be said about a man, whatever you call it, you will get it.

There are female predators or consumers. They themselves do not give energy and suck all the juices out of a man. They do it solely for the love of money. Such women consider a man solely as a money machine. They constantly only demand gifts and money, giving nothing in return. Lovers fall into this category. They understand that you cannot build a future with a married man, so they try to get as much as possible from a man while he is able to give something. They drain energy from him, giving nothing in return.

The next category of women are prostitutes. The most powerful way to transfer information is through the bed. Therefore, women who have many sexual partners carry all the dirt that men poured into them. Sex with such women is tantamount to bathing in the gutter. A man then has to wash himself for a long time, both literally and figuratively. It's not surprising that For many men, after going to a prostitute, life changes not for the better.

But this also applies to loving men who will not miss a single “skirt”. Such men also carry all the dirt of those women with whom they slept and generously share it with others. A woman who has slept with such a womanizer will lose her peaceful sleep and a decent life for a long time.

Seven ways for a man to get feminine energy.

1. Contemplation. Men just need to look and admire. This is the simplest and affordable way get some of her energy from a woman. Girls wearing miniskirts or crop tops are a tidbit for masculine looks. They drink their energy like a cocktail, slowly through a straw, savoring every exposed area of ​​her body. Girls also enjoy such a return of their energy.

You must have met girls who, on a hot summer day, wear long sundresses or skirts. It is these young ladies who most of all catch men's glances on themselves. Why? Half-dressed girls are already boring, everyone undresses them with a glance and drinks their energy. A an ocean of female energy accumulates under a long skirt, and every man dreams of becoming its sole owner.

This also includes photos and videos of naked girls. This channel for contemplation is open around the clock and for everyone! Girls, remember that by posting your nude and semi-nude photos on the networks, you lose not only your feminine energy, but also your life force, including health, luck, love, etc.

Everyone makes the choice himself, to demonstrate their charms and share their feminine energy with everyone they meet, or to accumulate energy and give it only to their man, who will appreciate it and return it to you a hundredfold in the form of gifts and money.

2. Communication. A man starts a conversation with a girl he likes. If the girl reacted positively, then in the process of communication she shares her energy.

3. Being nearby. After contemplation and positive communication, rapprochement begins, in which the channel of energy expands. The distance between the two smoothly disappears and there is a transition to the next stage.

4. Touch. Through physical contact, a man receives a lot of energy from a woman. Surely men remember when they first touched the woman they love, their heart jumped out of their chest, everything dried up in their mouths, their hands were sweating from excitement. It was their ocean of female energy that was dousing them. Unfortunately, most men underestimate the power of touch. They stop taking their loved ones even by the hand, and women suffer from this. Since for them - touch, this is one of the ways to reset their accumulated feminine energy.

5. Care. Not many people know about this method, hence the conflicts on everyday grounds. Food prepared by a beloved woman will put the sick and tired on their feet. But if a woman hates, then food will become poison for you. Men think, if a woman is preparing dinner, you should not spoil her mood. Laundry, ironing, cleaning the house are all filled with the energy of a woman. And if a woman does it all in bad mood, then there will be no happiness and money in such a house. Yes, it all depends female hands, but if a man spoiled the mood, humiliated, changed, etc. do not expect a warm and friendly welcome in your home.

6. Weasel. This includes kisses, intimate caresses. The main thing here is sexual arousal, a prelude to the main thing, after which the abyss of female energy will swallow the man. Or in other words, he gets the opportunity to dive headlong into the ocean of female energy.

7. Sex. Sex with a loved one gives a man the opportunity to swim in this vast ocean of energy. The previous six points are also good, but without great sex, a man will not be able to increase his financial well-being.

It would seem that everything is simple and clear. But most couples continue to suffer from lack of money. Where is the mistake? The fact that women began to work on an equal footing with men. And now, instead of saving their energy and giving it to their husband, they share it with their boss, male colleagues. That's why large companies thrive, there are so many women with their energy. As a result, your wife makes her boss's dreams come true, but not yours.

Summary of all of the above. A woman accumulates an ocean of energy in herself and she constantly needs to share it. A man needs female energy, otherwise he will wither like a tree. Man and woman are made for each other, especially with energy point vision. During sex, biofields are adjusted. Therefore, when lovers are separated for a while, the woman continues to feed the man. An invisible bond is formed, which can only be broken if one of the partners betrays. Cheating is not just sex, it is a break in your connection with a loved one, after which you start having problems in life.

Think very well before cheating, spoiling a woman's mood, lying, deceiving. Men, you also get what you give. Learn to live in harmony with your loved ones.

There are two extremes in the modern world. In Western psychology, it is now fashionable to say that a man and a woman are equal in everything and almost the same, and all gender roles who were in historical times- artificially invented. It is as if their parents are imposing gender behavior on children, buying, for example, dolls and pink ruffles for girls, and cars and blue pants for boys. I myself heard this theory from a professor of psychology.

There is another extreme. Eastern philosophy, the now fashionable Vedas, the revived Slavic and Muslim societies, on the contrary, emphasize the difference between a man and a woman. Girls are not recommended, and sometimes openly forbidden to study, work, express their opinions, etc.

The truth, as usual, lies in the middle. I believe that it is necessary to take into account the natural differences between male and female body and experience previous generations but remember to use common sense. Modern realities Also, no one can cancel.
The most important fact to accept is that men and women are not the same, they are two different forms life. Talking about equality in this case is also strange. How can the sun and moon, earth and sky, fire and water, black and white, sweet and spicy be equal? One cannot be more important than the other, and cannot exist without the other.

Let's start with what we have different structure body.
We have different DNA. A shocking discovery was made recently by American anthropologists, comparing the genes of a man, a woman and a great ape. After conducting a unique experiment, they found that in men and monkeys, the difference in DNA is no more than 1%. Whereas with women this difference is almost 5%.

We have different hormonal background. A lot depends on the hormones produced by the body: weight, food preferences, lifestyle, mood, emotional background, and much, much more.

We have different psychology, way of thinking, behavior and response to the world. We have different biological and karmic tasks.

And finally: we have a different energy structure. I want to dwell on this in more detail in this article. To build harmonious relationships, it is necessary to take into account this difference in order to be able to turn it to the benefit of yourself and your relationship.

Male and female chakras

Chakra- a rotating vortex of energy located in the subtle body of a person. This is a kind of generator that processes energy (prana or qi) from the surrounding world, assimilates it and redistributes it depending on the needs of a person. Read more about chakras .

Chakras can both receive the energy-information flow and give it away. Any interaction of people takes place according to this principle: in each separate period of time, someone gives energy, someone receives it. Each partner must be able to give and receive.

In an ideal relationship, a man and a woman complement each other energetically: a man gives energy with some chakras, a woman with others. The division of chakras into male and female is conditional. In women, for example, conditionally female chakras should be filled with more energy than male chakras. For men, the opposite is true. Replenishment of energy occurs with the harmonious interaction of partners.

Now consider all 7 major chakras in the light of the above.


A man provides his woman and her children with protection and security. What does a man protect his woman from? First of all, from any external danger: adverse weather conditions, from wild animals, from hooligans, from oppressive society, from hard work, etc. The building of external relations of the family should occur mainly through a man, a man resolves all conflicts with outside world. For example, if a son broke someone else's window, then his father goes to deal with it. Even the front door should be opened by the owner, not the hostess (especially when it is not known who came), because this is a connection with a potentially dangerous outside world.

This chakra is also responsible for sexual potency. A man wants and can, and a woman responds to this. The male seed gives life to offspring.

In case of violation of the chakra:

In men. In the case when a woman cannot accept security from him, he becomes aggressive, quick-tempered, jealous. All this leads to a general breakdown, sexual potency leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is important that a man takes responsibility for the survival of his family.

In the event that the chakra ceases to give energy, a man can cease to be a man in every sense of the word.

If the muladhara chakra works for a woman according to the male type (that is, it gives energy, but does not receive it), then such a woman develops masculine character traits and a masculine appearance. "I and the horse, I and the bull..."


A woman helps a man to achieve pleasure, with her he learns to experience the joy of life and learn the subtle facets of earthly pleasure. Men, as a rule, do not need anything more than the bare necessities. He is ready to live in a cave, eat raw meat and sleep on the ground. A woman gives him comfort, delicious food, organizes holidays for him, dances erotic dances for him, caresses and hugs him, gives sexual pleasure.

In case of violation of the chakra:

If a man does not receive enough energy from his woman, he cannot fully realize himself through the upper chakras. That is, it remains incapable of accomplishments in society, career and finances. Often such men gain energy on the side, make mistresses.

In the case of violations of the flow of energy in women, all kinds of sexual diseases appear, up to infertility, there is a “freezing” of feelings, mood swings, and depression. Sometimes - promiscuity.


Male chakra. The man gives energy.

A man has a stronger will. It is very important for him to be respected and listen to his opinion. He expects obedience from his woman, gives his wife a social and material status, a position in society. Earns money. He stands at the helm of the ship called "family" and sets the direction for the entire system.

In case of violation of the chakra:

A man becomes greedy and cruel and at the same time is not able to take responsibility for his decisions.

Women have a desire to keep everything and everyone under their control, increased authority, careerism, self-interest. Usually such women are single or have soft supple men next to them.


Women's chakra. A woman gives energy.

Emotionally, a woman is several times stronger than a man. Emotional background in men it is rather even and boring. And a woman can help reveal to him the energies of mercy and tenderness with the help of her love and affection. A woman thus raises a man from the level of instincts to a higher level.

In case of violation of the chakra:

If a woman cannot give her love, then she may experience resentment, inability to express her feelings, intolerance, unwillingness to live. All this ultimately leads to loneliness.

A man, having received less energy from his woman, feels unnecessary and unhappy. He does not have enough strength to strive somewhere, there is no incentive for further development.

If a man's anahata begins to work according to the feminine principle, then he often loses his masculine attractiveness. The woman ceases to respect him.


Male chakra. The man gives energy.

Chakra of creativity and creation. It is very important for a man to leave his mark on history: to realize himself in society, build a career, put his ideas into practice. And, of course, he will do it with great pleasure for his beautiful lady. A man expects his woman to support him and follow him through life. It is very important for him not to be afraid to express and defend his opinion in society.

In case of violation of the chakra:

A man may experience self-doubt, inferiority complexes, self-criticism, inability to express his opinion and the impossibility of creative self-realization.

For a woman in whom this chakra works according to the masculine principle, the search for herself in society is activated, family, children, and home cease to matter to her. She listens and hears only herself, unable to follow her man. Next to her, any representative of the stronger sex will feel uncomfortable.


Women's chakra. A woman gives energy.

Ajna is the so-called third eye. Women have much more developed intuition and abilities for magic and clairvoyance. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a woman in a couple is to share her feelings and fears with her husband in order to warn him in time against rash acts. For example: “I feel like this could be dangerous” or “I believe that you will succeed.”

In case of violation of the chakra:

Men who have ajna working on a feminine principle may also show signs of intuition and ability to magic according to female type(based on emotions and visions). He becomes infantile, begins to fly in the clouds, breaks away from real world becomes unable to accept right decisions.

If a woman has this chakra closed, then she cannot subtly feel her relatives. She will have a bias towards a logical, rational perception of the world. She will try to live according to the plan. Spirituality is denied. This leads to the fact that the perception of the world becomes very narrow and limited.


This is the chakra of connection with God, with the Cosmos. Defines spiritual values, development milestones, lofty goals, etc. This is spiritual self-realization, consciousness of the Absolute Truth, pure love to God without the admixture of sentimentality. Sahasrara becomes active when working through the lower chakras.

Most often, esotericists attribute this chakra to the male type. Since ancient times, it has been believed that a soul born in a female body is not able to achieve enlightenment due to its excessive attachment to earthly energies. A woman receives her energy from the Earth, while a man is more connected with the Cosmos. From ancient times to this day, esotericists believe that only a man can become a spiritual teacher, a woman can be a teacher or teacher, nothing more. In many religions, only a man can be a clergyman, while a woman is sometimes not even allowed into the temple. It is also believed that a woman can develop spiritually only by following the path paved by a man.

What is the danger of energy distortion

What happens if some chakra in a person is blocked, and he cannot give enough energy to his partner. In this case, the partner is forced to increase the flow of energy in the chakra on their own, taking energy from other chakras.
For example, a man cannot provide for a woman (muladhara), a woman is forced to work hard and solve problems in a man's way. She takes the energy for this from the female chakras - svadhisthana and anahata. As a result, she becomes a woman with eggs, but loses her attractiveness, sexuality, the ability to give and receive sexual pleasure. And her heart chakra is empty, and she is no longer able to love with all her heart.

And vice versa, if a woman does not give a man comfort, joy and love, then he is unable to realize himself in society. Often such men become sofa dwellers, alcoholics or cheaters.

Girls are now being raised on masculine energies, and boys are being raised on feminine energies. Here is such a twist.

Boys are taken care of, given gifts, they are not allowed to make decisions, they are protected from all difficulties. In many families, beloved sons do not even have any household chores.

Girls prioritize the importance of such things as studies, careers, social activities, achievements, success in society, financial independence, etc. Even in sex, women are now more active than men.

For a woman, this is the path of self-destruction. All this at first causes euphoria. There is still a lot of strength for accomplishments, a lot is being achieved and even better than the former classmates of the boys. Intelligence, discipline, diligence and sex appeal allow young women to achieve success on many fronts. This is truly a feminist victory march.

But by the age of 30-35, a woman is tired of the constant struggle and already wants to be weak next to a strong man. The man, who may have been around all this time, has long been lying on the couch, if he had not previously guessed to escape or was not expelled as an unnecessary element home decor. And sometimes there was no permanent man, because the priorities were different. These women scream on all forums and social networks that there are no real men left, forgetting that they themselves are no longer real women. Just around this time, many begin to go to women's training.

And if the situation with the energies does not improve, after 40 years, complete emotional and physical exhaustion can be observed. A woman does not feel alive, apathy and eternal fatigue sets in.

What is the way out? First of all, it is knowledge, from which skills already flow. Knowledge about how things really work. Knowledge about how we are born, and what tasks each of us faces. Knowledge of how to most fully realize their innate qualities. Knowledge of how to achieve balance and harmony in personal relationships. And already having such knowledge, you can change your life and the lives of your loved ones.