Causes of the sharp appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. How to remove wrinkles under the eyes: salon and home methods, prevention

How many times does every girl and woman think with horror why wrinkles appear around the eyes? Perhaps a lot. To dispel these fears, we will study them from the inside, arm ourselves with the knowledge of how to deal with them.

Usually the first wrinkles appear around the eyes. At first, these can be small lines, which, if you do not pay due attention to them, eventually turn into deep folds that spoil the aesthetic appearance and age the person.

What causes wrinkles around the eyes?

Why do the first wrinkles appear around the eyes? The reason for this vulnerability of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin lies in its dryness and the almost complete absence of muscles. When a person experiences certain emotions and experiences, it is entirely reflected on his face. Therefore, the skin around the eyes suffers most from the manifestation of emotions - it has a huge load.

When people express their feelings through facial expressions, they tense certain muscle groups, as a result of which the skin above them contracts and stretches. In youth, it is easier to cope with this task, but with age, when elasticity is lost, returning to its original state becomes more difficult. Why do the first wrinkles appear? Therefore, excessive facial mobility can also serve as the cause of the first wrinkles around the eyes.

Also, some people have a habit of squinting from the wind and sun. In such cases, it is recommended to wear sunglasses that will reduce the vulnerability of the eyes. However, it is necessary to choose glasses only from glass, because. plastic does not protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, and wearing such low-quality glasses will only bring harm, not benefit.

The main cause of wrinkles is biological aging, when irreversible processes occur in the human body that affect all organs and systems. The skin, being one of the human organs, gradually fades with age, which is due to such reasons:

  1. deterioration of blood circulation;
  2. weakening and partial cessation of the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  3. deterioration of the regeneration process;
  4. reduction and partial disappearance of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  5. a decrease in the amount of elastin and collagen in the dermis of the skin, etc.

At what age do wrinkles first appear?

Dermatologists say that the aging process of the skin begins at the age of 25. As a rule, the first wrinkles appear at the age of 25-30, when the aging process begins in the skin, it becomes less firm and elastic, loses moisture. However, sometimes the first wrinkles may appear at the age of 10-20 years.

Why do wrinkles sometimes appear at an early age? The cause of premature wrinkles can also be frequent stress, bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and excessive amounts of coffee), unhealthy diet, lack of mobility, lack of sleep, adherence to strict diets, and so on. All these factors reduce the firmness and elasticity of the skin, dry it out, resulting in a violation of metabolic processes at the cellular level.

How to avoid wrinkles?

To avoid premature wrinkles, you need to monitor your health, eat right, avoid bad habits, get enough sleep.

Try to drink as much water as doctors advise - about 2 liters a day. Lack of moisture can also cause wrinkles around the eyes.

It is also necessary correctly, in particular around the eyes. It needs to be properly cleansed, nourished, moisturized. Masks are recommended. You can start using light creams at a fairly early age - now the market provides a wide range of special light creams designed for young people. It must be remembered that the skin around the eyes is very vulnerable and requires special care. Therefore, in no case should you use a face cream for her, as it may be too heavy.

You need to sleep as much as your body specifically requires. We are all individuals.

You should not overdry the skin, in particular with an abundance of decorative cosmetics, and overuse powdering. Keep track of how much makeup you put on your face and what quality it is.

It is also necessary to monitor facial expressions - do not grimace too intensely. Try to keep track of how many times a day you make a certain facial expression and why. You need to try to control your emotions and the level of their display on your face.

Following these rules, you will give your skin health and beauty, and give yourself confidence and irresistibility for every day!

The skin around the eyes is delicate and thin - it is here that the first age-related changes appear. The skin loses its freshness, swelling and fine wrinkles, swelling, dark circles appear. Alas, this is a natural process, due to the very structure of the skin in this place. There is almost no subcutaneous fat and sebaceous glands, there are almost no muscles that maintain skin elasticity.

Collagen fibers (and it is they that hold the skin structure) around the eyes resemble a mesh that stretches in all directions, and soft subcutaneous tissue causes a tendency to puffiness. Of course, we cannot change the structure of the skin, but we can take care of it carefully and carefully. And such care will surely be able to push the undesirable signs of age into the distant future. After all, the cause of problems such as dryness, fine wrinkles, swelling, circles, skin irritation, along with natural factors, can be inept, careless skin care around the eyes or an unsuccessful choice of cosmetics.

Causes of wrinkles under the eyes

Wrinkles under the eyes (especially if the skin is prone to dryness) can form in a relatively young age. The same can be said about crow's feet (wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes), which appear due to increased facial activity and structural features of the eye muscles.

If there is no hereditary predisposition and health problems (allergies, diseases of the heart, kidneys, endocrine system), then there are few reasons for the premature appearance of problems in the eye area: an unhealthy lifestyle, insufficient care, inept handling of cosmetics or the use of low-quality products.

The main causes of wrinkles under the eyes are age, sun exposure, smoking and stress.

One of the reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes can also be your Job: if the work is associated with a lot of eye strain, then this can also affect the skin in this area. Fine muscle fibers convulsively contract, paralyzing metabolism and blood circulation, as a result, fine wrinkles begin to appear in the eye area.

Prevention of wrinkles

facial expressions

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you should, if possible, monitor your facial expressions. Frequent squinting leads to the premature appearance of wrinkles under the eyes, since under constant stress, collagen fibers wear out much faster.

Also, in order not to injure the delicate skin around the eyes, it is not recommended to actively rub your eyes (and how difficult it is to get rid of this childish habit!), stretch the skin of the eyelids, and prop your face with your fist.


With age, the natural synthesis of collagen (collagen maintains the structure of the skin in proper condition) cannot compensate for its loss, especially against the background of a lack of essential chemicals that must come from food. That's why complete and balanced nutrition plays an important role in maintaining beauty and maintaining youthful skin.

To successfully fight wrinkles, first of all change your eating habits:

  • Add grated carrots to sauces, salads. The carotene found in carrots is an excellent nutritional source for the skin.
  • Add fresh spinach leaves to your salad. Spinach contains more carotene than any salad.
  • Eat fruit regularly. The most effective in the fight against wrinkles are red fruits and vegetables. For example, red peppers, tomatoes, grapefruit. Eat apricots, peaches, mangoes, papaya. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, as well as many nutrients.
  • Eat broccoli more often (even if you have it frozen), stew it with other vegetables, add it as a side dish to main dishes.
  • Eat fruit salads every day, both fresh and frozen and canned. Let fruit salads become a good habit for you.
  • Drink fruit juices that are rich in carotene. If you are tired of orange or apple juice, switch to carrot and tropical fruit juices (papaya, mango).

The earlier the better

The use of special cosmetic products for the care of the skin around the eyes is recommended to start at the age of 20 - 25 years old.

It is especially important not to waste time and eliminate only the emerging wrinkles, because later the process will take on a deep character and it will be much more difficult to stop it.

Daily care must necessarily include three main procedures - cleansing, toning and moisturizing (read more about the correct daily care for the area around the eyes in the article).

Save on cosmetics for the skin around the eyes is not worth it!


To prevent and reduce wrinkles under the eyes in the bright sun, regardless of the season, it is recommended to wear dark glasses that help to squint less. If you are nearsighted, you should buy glasses or contact lenses.

Self massage

Daily self-massage will help to stimulate blood circulation, lymph outflow and improve the penetration of cosmetics. It is best done after cleansing the skin and applying the cream. Perform all movements with closed eyelids with the pads of the third and fourth fingers strictly along the massage lines, repeating three to four times:

  1. Easily slide over the skin around the eyes (right finger - right eye, left - left): from the base of the eyebrows along the fixed part of the upper eyelid in the direction of the temples, then in the opposite direction along the zygomatic arch at the border with the lower eyelid. At the temples, slow down, stop and lightly press on the temples.
  2. Move in a figure eight (with the finger of one hand): from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner along the lower eyelid, then across the bridge of the nose and along the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the other eye. Return to the lower eyelid to the inner corner and again make the transition through the bridge of the nose.
  3. Point pressure with your fingers as you move around the eyes. Press lightly and gently, otherwise the massage may give the opposite result.
  4. Tap the pads of your fingers alternately along the lower and upper eyelids.
  5. With your eyes closed, place your fingers bent into a fist on your eyelids. Without removing your hands, try to open your eyes and raise your eyebrows at the same time.
  6. Press your palms on your temples and abruptly remove your hands.

In the presence of deep wrinkles, in addition to self-massage, it is also recommended to do a massage once a week in a beauty parlor.

Use of cosmetics

There are many cosmetic products for the eye contour: creams, gels, emulsions, serums, masks, capsules. Since most often they are universal and act in a complex way, it is not the type of skin that needs to be taken into account, and age, not forgetting, of course, about possible allergic reactions.

So, for mature skin, concentrated preparations are more suitable, the main ingredients of which will be active substances that affect regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, normalize the content of lipids and glycans (a substance that fills the space between collagen fibers). Means with phyto- and fruit extracts and vegetable oils can only help young skin.

Creams that help fight mimic wrinkles, including crow's feet, stand somewhat apart from others, and there are relatively few of them. In addition, by weakening muscle contractions, they slow down blood circulation in tissues, which leads to poor cell nutrition and metabolic processes. It reminds of two sides of the same coin. Although you can reassure yourself that the use of moisturizing, nourishing, tonic products smooths out this effect.

Herbal extracts in the form of lotions, gels and tonics soothe and refresh the skin. Tonics containing natural ingredients, used after morning and evening washing, help fight flabbiness and swelling of the eyelids, dark circles. The same effect can be achieved with eyeliners. They look like colorless lipstick and contain a lot of nutritious biologically active substances.

All tools can be used separately or combined. The main thing is not to overdo it, forgetting that we are dealing with the most delicate and sensitive skin.

camphor cream

Camphor oil helps very well to prevent the appearance and reduce wrinkles that have already appeared under the eyes. Although we would still recommend using not pure camphor oil, but a cream based on it. Prepare a gentle homemade camphor cream especially for the skin around the eyes. Take 50 ml of unsalted fat (interior pork) melted in a water bath and 50 ml of camphor oil, mix and pour into a jar. Twice a week, lubricate the skin with this cream before going to bed.

Correct position during sleep

Swelling and wrinkles around the eyes are often associated with incorrect head position during sleep. Too high a pillow disrupts the venous outflow in the skin of the eyelids and leads to the appearance of bags under the eyes. Sleeping "face into the pillow" contributes to the appearance of deep wrinkles-rays around the eyes.

You need to sleep on a flat pillow or without it, placing a roller under your neck. It is best to sleep on your back or on your side, but never prone.

But not only the position during sleep affects the condition of the skin around the eyes. Sleep is also very important! Lack of sleep affects not only the general well-being, but also the condition of the skin around the eyes. It is advisable to sleep at least 8 hours per day and in a well-ventilated room where there are no sources of electromagnetic radiation - TV, computer.

  1. Wash your face with cool water, it improves blood circulation. You can use ice cubes or special "ice" masks made of plastic filled with gel. They are kept in the refrigerator.
  2. Apply a minimum amount of cream, evenly distributing it over the moving part of the eyelids with light dotted strokes. The cream should not be smeared, but driven in with the fingertips (preferably ring fingers, since they are the least developed, which means they cannot deform the skin).
  3. It is important to keep in mind that most creams or gels are applied in the morning. At night, you can use only means with a lifting effect. Nourishing or moisturizing cream before bed can cause severe swelling.
  4. Do not apply face cream (even the highest quality) on the skin of the eyelids.
  5. Apply decorative cosmetics on the eyelids also with light movements.
  6. It is necessary to use eye contour creams containing UV filters, especially during active sun.
  7. It is advisable to change cosmetics every four months to avoid allergies and addiction.
  8. During the autumn-winter period, take good vitamin complexes.
  9. Get more outdoors and exercise.

Mask Recipes

Below is a list of anti-wrinkle masks for the skin around the eyes. Masks are recommended to be done once or twice a week:

  1. white bread mask: apply white bread crumb soaked in milk for 15 minutes. Course 1 month, every other day.
  2. Infusion from the "mesh" around the eyes from fresh birch leaves: Pour 1 glass of birch leaves with 1 glass of cold water and leave for 8 hours, strain. Use as a compress.
  3. Mask from the "mesh" around the eyes: melt 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour (or oatmeal) and whipped protein. Keep the mask on until it dries, then rinse off.
  4. Cold decoction for sagging skin of the eyelids and with a mixture of chamomile, sage and mint: Herbs are taken in equal amounts. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour one glass of boiling water and hold for 15 minutes in a steam bath. Then cool and strain. Apply tampons with a decoction to the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  5. Mask for wrinkles under the eyes from parsley: put freshly ground parsley on the eyes, cover it with wet swabs and leave for 15 minutes.
  6. Grape juice mask for tired eyes: it is useful to nourish the eyes with grape juice. Cut a grape and run along the lower eyelid. The skin around the eyes is naturally nourished.
  7. Mask for wrinkles under the eyes from potatoes, flour and milk: take 2 tsp. raw potatoes, flour and milk. Mix everything well and put on the eyes, covering with wet swabs. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes.
  8. Mask for wrinkles under the eyes for self-massage: Mix 50 ml of olive oil with 10 ml of vitamin E oil solution and massage the mixture with fingertips into the skin around the eyes every evening. Then carefully remove excess oil with a paper towel.
  9. Mask for wrinkles under the eyes dill: put a handful of dill seeds on two small pieces of gauze or a wide bandage, dip in hot water or milk for 1-2 minutes and let cool. Apply to eyes for 10-15 minutes. Instead of dill seeds, you can use ordinary tea bags or dried parsley, sage, chamomile.
  10. Eye mask almond: drive almond oil into wrinkles every evening for a month, leave for about half an hour, then carefully, without stretching the skin, remove the excess with napkins. Apply additional cream to the skin around the eyes is not worth it to avoid swelling.
  11. Eye compress lactic: apply swabs abundantly soaked in boiled milk on closed eyes, hold for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure two more times. Then wash your face and apply cream to the skin around the eyes.
  12. Eye mask cornflower blue prepare an oil infusion from a tablespoon of blue cornflower flowers and half a glass of olive or almond oil. Keep cotton pads soaked in the infusion in front of your eyes for 20 minutes, then gently wipe the skin with water infusion of cornflower (1 tablespoon of flowers per 1 tablespoon of boiling water).
  13. aloe vera juice: This true skin healer and source of moisture can be applied to stubborn areas such as the corners of the eyes (crow's feet) or cheeks and lips just before bed. Use virtually clear aloe vera leaf juice, or buy a stabilizing gel with 98% - 99% aloe vera juice for maximum effectiveness.
  14. Nourishing mask against deep wrinkles under the eyes: 1 tbsp. l. oil solution of vitamin E mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil. Apply a fairly intense layer on the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. After 10-15 minutes, blot with a napkin. Wrinkles are significantly smoothed out. May be used up to 3 times a week. Apply at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  15. To moisturize the eyelids and prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles due to dry skin, jojoba oil, castor oil or olive oil is used. Apply around the eyes in a clockwise direction.
  16. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, it is recommended to use apricot oil(100% apricot seed oil) cold pressed. Contains triglycerides, natural wax, stearins, vitamin F. It has a high biological activity, slows down the aging process, prevents the appearance of wrinkles. It is well absorbed and absorbed by the skin, deeply penetrating and nourishing the skin of the eyelids to the deepest layers.
  17. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, it is also recommended to use Peach oil(100% peach seed oil) cold pressed. Contains glycerides of palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. Due to the content of vitamin B15, which has a high biological activity, it stimulates processes and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
  18. herbal oil for eyelids from wrinkles: take 1 teaspoon of dry herbs: burdock, calendula, mint. Pour a mixture of herbs 50-100 gr. olive oil. Insist herbs in oil for 7 days in a dark place. Strain the prepared herbal oil. Lubricate the eyelids with this oil 2-3 hours before bedtime. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then blot excess oil with a tissue.
  19. Means to prevent wrinkles around the eyes: olive oil and a few drops of lemon - rub gently into the skin of the eyelids. After 5-10 min. remove the excess with a napkin.
  20. Wrinkle Lotion for the skin of the eyelids with an active refreshing effect: in 100 g of boiling water, brew a collection of herbs (mint, lemon balm, sage and dill in equal proportions) - 2 tbsp. l. mixtures. Add 2 standard crushed glucose tablets. After cooling, add 1 tablet of activated charcoal and 5-7 drops of glycerin. Strain thoroughly. Use up to 3 times a day to treat the eyelid area. Store in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.
  21. Potato and parsley mask from wrinkles under the eyes: steam half of a grated boiled potato with parsley broth and a little drop of vegetable oil, put it all on pieces of gauze and put a mask on your eyes for half an hour before going to bed.
  22. Tibetan mask from wrinkles under the eyes: prepare a cream - beat 1 raw protein with 10 gr. olive oil and 1 teaspoon of bay leaf decoction. To do this, pour 2-3 leaves into 100 gr. boiling water and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Add 3-3.5 gr. burnt alum (sold in a pharmacy). Thoroughly mix the entire composition until a homogeneous mass is obtained. From a piece of flannel, cut crescents for the area under the eyes. Saturate the prepared fabric with the prepared cream. Put the mask on the skin and leave overnight. If wrinkles are located locally (for example, "crow's feet" around the eyes), then you can make a mask only for these areas.
  23. Linden infusion with shallow wrinkles in the eye area: pour 1-2 teaspoons of dried linden flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. This infusion is recommended to wash the eyes. Instead of washing, you can make lotions: moisten a gauze napkin or bandage in a warm infusion, wring it out slightly and put it on your eyes for 3-5 minutes. The procedure relieves swelling of the eyelids, eye fatigue, and is used to smooth out shallow wrinkles around the eyes.
  24. Chamomile compress: Pour some dry chamomile inflorescences into bags sewn from soft fabric, place them in a bowl with boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then, while the bags are still warm, place them over both eyes. This compress is used for severely inflamed eyes and swollen eyelids; in addition, with regular use (2-3 times a week), it prevents the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

Methods of modern cosmetology

At a later age (after 30 years), if necessary, you can use more effective methods of dealing with wrinkles under the eyes, which modern cosmetology offers. These include injection methods (mesotherapy, contouring) and photorejuvenation.

injection methods

Mesotherapy is one of the newest and most promising methods of combating age-related skin changes. With its help, you can carry out a very effective prevention of aging, as well as eliminate defects that have already appeared - wrinkles, dryness and flabbiness. This cosmetic technology is based on intradermal and subcutaneous injections various solutions. Their composition is selected depending on the nature of the defect to be eliminated.

An important advantage is that biologically active substances are delivered directly to the problem area, which ensures not only a high quality result, but also its rapid achievement.

Nourishing and moisturizing formulations are introduced into different layers of the skin- epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat. There they begin their work, stimulating cell activity aimed at the synthesis of collagen, elastin and other necessary substances. As a result, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion improves. Vitamin and mineral cocktails contribute to the normalization of metabolism, increase the ability of cells to retain moisture, as a result of which the elasticity of the skin increases, dryness and flabbiness, swelling and circles under the eyes disappear.

This technique allows you to deliver to the cells of the dermis such useful substances as vitamins, minerals, nucleic molecules and amino acids that never penetrate into them when using external cosmetics.

The composition of the cocktails is determined by the cosmetologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. To correct facial contours and smooth wrinkles, solutions with collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are important structural components of the skin, are usually used. Depending on the size and depth of the folds, firming and moisturizing preparations can be injected over the entire area of ​​the skin or at certain points.

For the introduction of solutions, syringes and thin needles are used, so there are no marks left on the surface of the skin. The duration of action of the administered formulations is determined by many factors: the characteristics of metabolism and lifestyle, the concentration of the solution, etc. On average, it ranges from 6 to 18 months.

Contraindications to mesotherapy are violations of kidney function and blood clotting, as well as oncological diseases. It should not be used during pregnancy and immediately after surgery.

Mesotherapy is one of the most effective and safest ways to combat aging. Today, it is an excellent alternative to surgery, especially in the early stages of age-related changes. It is absolutely physiological, its mechanism is based on the activation of the internal reserves of the skin in order to more quickly proceed the processes of natural tissue regeneration. Active substances act directly in the skin and do not penetrate into the bloodstream, so the risk of side effects is negligible. The birthplace of the technique is France, where most of the currently used mesotherapeutic preparations are produced.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic is the filling of wrinkles and folds, increasing the volume of the lips with the help of special fillers. These fillers may contain various substances: hyaluronic acid, preparations based on Teflon, silicone and polydimethyl silicone (the so-called biopolymer gel), acrylic, etc. Depending on the composition of the gel that is part of the filler, the effect of contouring can be permanent or temporary.

Temporary fillers include hyaluronic acid gels. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our body: 56% hyaluronic acid in the skin, 27% in the connective tissue, 8% in the muscles. Hyaluronic acid is a completely unique component - 1g of it can bind up to 1 liter of water. With age, we gradually "lose" hyaluronic acid - because of this, the skin becomes dry and inelastic, as a result, micro-ruptures of the dermis (middle layer of the skin) occur and wrinkles appear.

When injected, hyaluronic acid gels accumulate a large amount of water, which leads to an increase in skin volume at the injection site. Gels not only solve many problems of facial contouring, but also improve the condition of the skin, making it supple and hydrated.

Requirements that hyaluronic acid gels meet:

  • Biocompatibility (the gel is not a foreign substance for the body);
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Natural, but non-animal origin of the material;
  • Absence of migration and inflammatory complications.

Side effects with the introduction of hyaluronic acid occur quite rarely, but sometimes there may be persistent redness at the injection site, swelling, bruising (bruising), dyschromia (skin discoloration), impaired sensitivity or itching at the injection site.

The result from the introduction of temporary fillers is kept 6 to 20 months. Its duration depends on the drug, age, the severity of the aging process of the body, the characteristics of metabolism and personal skin care, the degree of facial mobility.

The composition of permanent fillers includes preparations based on Teflon, silicone and polydimethyl silicone (the so-called biopolymer gel), acrylic, etc. The effect obtained in this case is not temporary, but permanent.

However, you must understand that any permanent gels are not compatible with the environment of the body, it is still a foreign substance in the tissues of your skin. The use of permanent fillers can lead to the following complications: uneven contours and heterogeneity of soft tissues, sensations of a foreign body, a high risk of serious delayed (after 2-15 years) complications - acute and / or chronic inflammation at the injection sites, granulomatous reactions, loss of skin natural color, fibrous deformity of soft tissues, migration of the filler (for example, lips can “move out” to the side), soft tissue necrosis at the injection site.

Thus, we recommend that you carefully consider the question of which filler to use for contouring. For our part, we add that the use of temporary fillers is a safer solution for skin health.

When performing contouring, anesthesia for the correction of fine wrinkles is usually not required. With the introduction of large volumes of the gel, local anesthesia is performed (an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin) or conduction anesthesia (as in dentistry). Average duration of the procedure 30-60 minutes.

There are 2 injection techniques: point and linear. Point is a series of successive injections with a thin needle. However, multiple point injections do not allow for uniform injection of the material, so the linear technique is preferable - the needle is inserted into the wrinkle/fold for its entire length. The dot technique is optional and is more often used in combination with the linear technique. The effect comes immediately, after a couple of days it becomes perfect - when the slight swelling and redness subside.

Absolute contraindications for contour plastic surgery are:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation
  2. Allergy to the components of the drug (occurs in 1 in 2,000 patients)
  3. Autoimmune diseases
  4. Infectious (bacterial, viral, fungal) skin diseases
  5. Acute infectious diseases
  6. Exacerbation of chronic somatic diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.)
  7. If any permanent gel has ever been introduced (e.g. silicones, biopolymers)
  8. If you have recently had a laser or chemical peel.

Relative contraindications include:

  1. Taking anticoagulants
  2. Menstruation
  3. Pronounced biological aging.


Today, the method of effective skin renewal - photorejuvenation - is gaining more and more popularity. It is considered one of the most promising ways to correct the appearance, which modern cosmetology has.

The mechanism consists in the complex directed action of light polychromic radiation.

Light of a certain wave is selectively absorbed by various cellular elements containing colored structures. Due to heating, they disappear without a trace, and the tissues surrounding them remain intact. Pulses of the required frequency and intensity are generated using special equipment.

The light flux does not violate the integrity of the skin, it only stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen and the natural processes of skin regeneration. As a result of its impact, many cosmetic defects are eliminated. A pronounced and lasting result can be achieved after a course of several procedures. By changing the length of the light wave, which modern equipment allows, it is possible to regulate the depth of penetration of radiation and act on different layers of the skin. Thus, through the use of this technique, not only a general rejuvenating effect is exerted, but a specific problem is also solved.

Indications for this procedure are skin changes associated with photoaging, as well as hyperpigmentation and spider veins. In this case, the target elements are cellular pigments - hemoglobin in the blood and melanin in the skin. The light flux allows you to effectively eliminate freckles, age and mimic wrinkles, erythema and redness, including those that have arisen after other cosmetic treatments, such as laser resurfacing. The light tightens pores and fights the unpleasant symptoms of such a chronic skin disease as rosacea.

Already after the first procedure, the general rejuvenating effect becomes noticeable, the former smoothness of the skin and a healthy color return.

The duration of a single exposure is on average 20 minutes. It is not associated with pain or other discomfort. After its completion, no recovery period is required, and the patient can immediately start work or daily activities. In addition, there are no subsequent restrictions on the use of care products and decorative cosmetics.

Among the advantages of the technique, it should be noted good tolerance patients and the almost complete absence of side effects due to low invasiveness. It goes well with aesthetic procedures such as beauty treatments and superficial peels. In the case of medium and deep peels, contouring, as well as laser skin resurfacing, you should wait until the end of the rehabilitation period. In addition, photorejuvenation allows you to solve a number of problems that are inaccessible to plastic surgery, so their combination seems to be very reasonable, since the results of a complex effect are always more pronounced and long-term.

Attention! Our readers recommend the Hyaluron Anti-Wrinkle Complex. Hyaluron is a revolutionary high-quality combination of hyaluronic acid preparations designed specifically for anti-aging skin care!

I must say that the skin here is not just thinner than in other areas, but as much as 4 times (!), And there are almost no sweat and sebaceous glands, blood vessels and muscle fibers - they are presented in the most minimal amount.

As we age, collagen fibers are increasingly lost., their properties deteriorate, they become loose, acquire a rare mesh structure. The skin loses its elasticity and, along with the tendency of this area of ​​the face to edema, easily stretching, loses its beautiful and elastic appearance, becomes flabby, shapeless.

Age-related changes begin with the so-called "crow's feet", and then deep wrinkles form - under the influence of facial expressions, time, poor ecology and lack of basic care.

It is impossible to ignore such a factor as genetics., heredity. In this regard, nature gives generous bonuses to someone, and someone hardly maintains skin turgor around the eyes in the period of “a little over thirty”.

It is customary to divide wrinkles into groups: static and mimic (dynamic). Static appear due to age-related changes, and mimic due to the high dynamics of muscle contraction in this area. Over time, many small wrinkles appear around the eyes, they become noticeable by the age of 30.

How to remove deep wrinkles under the eyes?

Wrinkles around the eyes take the form of arrows running from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples and cheekbones, as well as from the inner corner of the eye to the cheekbones.

Deep wrinkles around the eyes, although they are the fruits of age, are formed precisely in places that are subject to the greatest mimic effects. It's just that the skin gradually loses substances that would easily straighten it after contraction, returning to its previous shape.

In addition to the specifics of facial expressions, poor vision may be a factor in the formation of deep wrinkles- myopia, in which a person often squints. For this reason, it is recommended to pay attention to its solution.

Expression wrinkles are not amenable to correction with the help of cosmetics, but become less pronounced from such therapy. But great contributes to solving the problem gymnastics for the face, or, as it is also called - yoga for the face, face-building.

So, the causes of the appearance of deep wrinkles around the eyes are the features of facial expressions, poor eyesight, excess ultraviolet radiation, and only then - age-related changes.

Creams and ointments

Blefarogel and Radevit

Of these two we are interested in Blefarogel 1(the other is designed to combat eye diseases).

Blefarogel 1 can be used every day, moisturizes, removes swelling, relieves inflammation, and has a positive effect on the rejuvenation process. It will be required if you have skin prone to irritation around the eyes. After all, if the already thin skin in this area becomes inflamed, becomes even thinner and dries, this exacerbates the manifestation of folds, increases their depth.

Blefarogel (or similar Radevit) does not solve the problem of deep wrinkles to a noticeable extent, does not help to get rid of them, it is more good as a prophylaxis.

Possible intolerance to the components, an allergic reaction.

Cream composition: Aloe Vera juice, which promotes regeneration processes; hyaluronic acid, helps retain moisture in the skin, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties; glycerin, moisturizing and softening the skin.

In cosmetology, creams are used with a completely unexpected direct purpose. In certain cases, the use of creams for varicose veins and hemorrhoids is considered very successful.


"Relief" is an ointment, it contains shark fat, which thickens the epidermis, activating regeneration processes in the skin.

This ointment good for aging skin, as a means to smooth out deep wrinkles every day (recommended to use at the beginning and at the end of the day). Relief well relieves swelling in the eyelids.

The direct purpose of Relief ointment is varicose veins. How can she be useful in this matter?

Due to its absorbing action, it removes puffiness under the eyes, which add problematic weight to the treasury of negative factors that create deep wrinkles. In addition to Relief, it is also recommended to use a cream for varicose veins "Sofya" with leech extract.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment (direct appointment - hemorrhoids) is popular in use for the skin around the eyes. Eliminates bags and bruises under the eyes, relieves swelling, smoothes wrinkles.

The secret why hemorrhoid ointment can have such properties lies in the fact that its ingredients:

  • increase vascular tone;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • heal wounds and microcracks;
  • prevent the formation of a pathogenic environment;
  • protecting the skin, moisturize without disturbing the natural alkaline balance.

Opinions differ on how often to apply such creams.

For some, even a single application provokes inflammation. and thinning of the skin.

Some people who use these in this have noticed that with frequent use, more than once a week (or even two), the skin, on the contrary, dries and wrinkles at the sites of exposure.

There are also those to whom these funds go almost into daily use, and from this category only odes of admiration for miraculous ointments are heard.

Attention! Considering that creams of this property act quite harshly on the skin, apply them in such a sensitive area as the epidermis around the eyes with very great care.

Masks for home use

beauty style

Firm Beauty Style Launches Anti-Aging Bi-Phase from a lifting mask and gel. With arnica and needle.

The mask smoothes the network of fine wrinkles, fights edema, normalizes the process of blood microcirculation and activates regeneration.

Using this product regularly you can achieve a long lasting effect. A course of 12-14 procedures is expected, 2-3 procedures are performed per week.

"Shine of the Eyes" (Algologie)

Nourishing, softening and moisturizing. Systematic application activates the natural defense mechanisms of the epidermis.

Helium mask Gezatone BREEZE

A helium-filled compress mask is used to care for the skin around the eyes.

Relieves swelling and fatigue, removes bruises and bags under the eyes, neutralizes signs of stress, smoothes wrinkles.

If the mask is cooled by placing it in the refrigerator, it turns into a compress. Cold tones blood vessels, removes stagnant fluid.

If, on the contrary, you heat it by placing it in hot water for a couple of minutes, you can get a hot compress to relieve muscle spasm, relieve pain effects, moisturize the skin, and improve its condition.

The mask is reusable, washed after each use.

It can be used both for emergency recovery and systemically, increasing the effectiveness of concomitant rejuvenating effects.


Preference in work with deep wrinkles around the eyes worth giving jojoba oil, sesame oil, castor and almond, cocoa butter. If you enrich them with an oil solution of vitamin E and essential oils, then the effectiveness will increase significantly.

Wheat germ oil is also on the list recommendations, it has a very important property - a high natural concentration of vitamin E.

Due to the fact that it is very thick, it should be slightly diluted with any of the above vegetable oils before use.

These oils are obtained by cold pressing, which preserves the biologically active properties of plants as much as possible.

Cranberry seed oil- it is unique in its combination of substances such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 in optimal proportions for humans.

Very effectively smoothes wrinkles, prevents their appearance.

The light texture of cranberry seed oil allows it to be absorbed quickly.

Hydrates skin and helps retain moisture.

All of the above oils are vegetable, and there are also essential ones. Recommended essential oils:

  • rose,
  • geranium,
  • rosemary,
  • fennel,
  • verbena.

Molecules of essential oils easily penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, nourish and restore.

Essential oils should never be used in pure form or cosmetic oil.

It is worth telling more about jojoba oil, what makes up its wonderful properties. Eicosenoic acid is the secret to jojoba's success in the fight against wrinkles.

In jojoba oil, this very rare substance improves intracellular metabolism, triggers natural regeneration processes.

Fatty acids protect against sun exposure and low temperatures. Jojoba also contains collagen. identical to human. Tocopherol (aka vitamin E) - its high concentration enhances all of the above properties.

Advice! If you mix jojoba with mashed potatoes to the state of thick sour cream and apply under the eyes for 10 minutes, this will give a good anti-edematous and smoothing effect.


Photorejuvenation, mesotherapy and numerous other types of physiotherapy help with fine wrinkles. Here they, if they have an effect, are insignificant.


Handle the problem well deep wrinkles around the eyes botox injections. Muscles under the action of Botox relax for a long time, and mimic folds are smoothed out.

High quality botulinum toxin injections - Restylane, Perlan, Juvederm.

Fillers- intradermal fillers, injected into problem areas through injections. The substance injected under the skin fills the grooves of wrinkles, straightening the surface of the skin, making it smooth. One procedure is enough to eliminate wrinkles for a period of six months to ten months.

  • Causes
  • Caring for the skin around the eyes
  • Cosmetic methods
  • Self-massage and gymnastics
  • Proper nutrition
  • Overview of funds

When wrinkles appear under the eyes

Reducing the depth and visibility of wrinkles under the eyes is a difficult task, but with the right approach it is doable. And in order to succeed, it is necessary to find out the nature of their appearance. Wrinkles on the skin around the eyes are of two types.

  1. 1


    Their peculiarity is that due to active facial expressions and frequent blinking, they can become more noticeable during the day, so that in the evening the skin around the eyes will look older than in the morning.

  2. 2


    This is an irreversible process due to the fact that after 30 years the body slows down the synthesis of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. Such wrinkles are noticeable even when the face is at rest.

Prevention of wrinkles around the eyes - regular moisturizing of the skin.


The reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes are slightly more than the reasons for their occurrence on the rest of the face. This is due to the peculiarities of its structure.

Features of the structure of the skin

"Rays" and "crow's feet" form around the eyes, because the skin in this area is more vulnerable than in others. What makes her so sensitive?

  1. 1

    The skin of the eyelids is about 6 times thinner than the skin on the cheeks, so it is more prone to stretching and wrinkling.

  2. 2

    The subcutaneous fat layer in this area is negligible.

  3. 3

    The number of sebaceous glands is reduced, so the protective hydrolipidic film is thinner.

Active facial expressions

Around the eyes there are a large number of facial muscles. They shrink when:

    we express emotions (smile, frown);

    every minute we make about 20 blinks.

This gigantic load cannot but affect the appearance of the skin around the eyes.

Age changes

Get ready for the fact that the first wrinkles that you see in yourself will be located precisely around the eyes. Depending on lifestyle and personal characteristics, they can appear as early as 27-30 years old. It is from this age that it is worth starting to engage in preventive anti-aging care.


The harmful effects of sunlight on the skin (formation of wrinkles, pigmentation) is known to all. But if earlier dermatologists believed that only sunglasses can protect the skin of the eyelids from ultraviolet radiation, now they have begun to produce special sunscreens for the area around the eyes. One of these products was developed in the laboratories of the brand La Roche-Posay.

Night cream should be applied an hour before going to bed.

Bad habits

  1. 1

    Without exaggeration, this is the number one enemy of the skin. When tobacco smoke is inhaled, the capillaries spasm in the skin and are then in good shape for about 2 hours. Approximately the same amount of time is a break between two cigarettes, that is, all day the smoker's skin is in a state of stress and oxygen starvation. And don't forget the toxicity of tobacco.

  2. 2

    Alcohol consumption

    On the one hand, it is believed that one glass of red wine a day is good for health, since grapes contain polyphenol antioxidants. On the other hand, alcohol, along with tobacco, is one of the culprits for the deterioration of the skin condition. Two extra glasses of wine daily can lead to lines of dehydration around the eyes and reddening of the skin in this area.

vision problems

If you have been diagnosed with myopia and you squint all the time, you will notice wrinkles under your eyes sooner than you could. Preventive measures - the constant wearing of glasses or contact lenses.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

It must be delicate, and this is the main thing. Skin care products in this sensitive area should be:

  1. 1


  2. 2

    designed specifically for this area;

  3. 3

    passed ophthalmological testing.



    When washing with a gel or foam, try not to rub the skin around the eyes so as not to injure it.

    make-up removal

    To remove eye makeup, special products are produced that do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Apply milk or make-up remover lotion to the skin, then gently remove with a cotton pad, avoiding rubbing and stretching movements. Apply the mascara remover to cotton pads, place them over your closed eyes for a few seconds, then carefully remove any remaining makeup.


    Due to the fact that the skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive, exfoliation in this area is contraindicated. The maximum that can be offered here for deep cleansing is a cream containing fruit acids.

Hydration and nutrition

Regardless of the type of facial skin, the skin of the eyelids is often dehydrated, so it constantly needs to be moisturized. An effective eye cream should contain:

    hyaluronic acid;

  • glycerol;

    extract and juice of aloe.

Not bad if the eye cream formula contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process (vitamins E and C, polyphenols, resveratrol).

For aging skin, especially during menopause, when the skin becomes thinner and deep wrinkles appear, eye creams with a dense texture and anti-age components are suitable:





Cream filler will quickly reduce the depth of wrinkles around the eyes.

Cosmetics for wrinkles around the eyes

If you notice lines emerging on the skin of the eyelids, you should include one of these products in your care.

    Anti-aging eye creams are usually rich in texture and sometimes come in balm form. It is better to use the cream twice a day: in the morning and in the evening - an hour and a half before going to bed to avoid swelling.

    Cream filler works quickly, instantly filling wrinkles (active ingredients can be hyaluronic acid or silicones). Often the result is noticeable only before the first wash, although there are products with a cumulative effect.

    Serum and fluid

    The most comfortable textures for eyelid skin are light serums and fluids. In addition to anti-aging and moisturizing components, they may contain light-reflecting microparticles that visually even out the skin and give it radiance.

    Masks for wrinkles around the eyes can be fabric, cream, gel, day and night. Most often they work as SOS remedies and are used when it is necessary to quickly put the skin of the eyelids in order - for example, before an important event. It is recommended to use masks no more than once a week due to the high concentration of active ingredients in them.

    As a rule, eye gels have a draining effect and help get rid of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. They are suitable for maintaining the elasticity of the skin.

Masks for the skin around the eyes are fabric and cream.

Cosmetic methods

Despite the abundance of cosmetics, it is still impossible to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home. But under control and with the help of a beautician - completely. Many modern procedures can cope with the correction of wrinkles. Let's talk about some of them.


Botox injections are the most popular procedure for the elimination and prevention of wrinkles in the eye area. Several million such injections are made annually in the world (only in the USA - 6 million). The active ingredient in the preparation is botulinum toxin. It blocks the muscles, they stop contracting, as a result of which mimic activity weakens and the skin relaxes.

There are also cosmetics with a Botox-like effect. The functions of botulinum toxin can be performed by muscle relaxant peptides. The effect of the use of such funds, of course, is not so pronounced, but still noticeable.


The mesotherapy procedure involves the introduction of cocktails based on vitamins and microelements into the skin in order to increase the density and elasticity of the skin, improve blood microcirculation in it. In addition, such preparations may contain hyaluronic acid for moisturizing or antioxidants to prevent skin aging.


Boirevitalization is an injection of preparations based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid (amino acids, peptides may also be present in the composition). This procedure helps to moisturize the skin, even out its tone, correct wrinkles, increase turgor and tone. Depending on the needs of the skin, one to three treatments may be needed.


This hardware technique uses flashes of light of a certain frequency to combat wrinkles. First, the cosmetologist applies a contact gel to the skin, then acts on the device with a special nozzle designed for the delicate area around the eyes.

To prevent the thermal effect from being painful, a cooling nozzle is used. The light beam heats the cells and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the deep layers of the skin. This procedure helps to lift the skin and correct deep wrinkles.

Self-massage and gymnastics

Recently, self-massage has become an increasingly popular method of reducing and preventing wrinkles. Below is a description of simple movements that will help keep the skin of the eyelids in good shape. It is recommended to carry out such a massage after applying eye cream to cleansed skin.

    Draw a figure eight by running the pad of your index finger along the contour of the eyes through the bridge of the nose.

    Press the pads of your index fingers against the outer corners of your eyes for a few seconds.

    Press your index fingers to the outer corners of the eyes, then gently move your fingers along the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes.

To avoid the appearance of "crow's feet" will help massage the area around the eyes.

As a preventive measure, you can also do special exercises. Here is one of the simple exercises:

  1. 1

    Take a sitting or lying position, relax your shoulders.

  2. 2

    Warm up your palms and cover your eyes with them for a few seconds: the warmth of your hands will expand blood vessels and increase microcirculation.

  3. 3

    Close your eyes and slowly "look" up and down, right and left.

Proper nutrition

In addition to alcohol, experts in healthy nutrition distinguish two more categories of products that are not the most beneficial for the skin of the eyelids.

  1. 1


    Those who like to drink a glass of warm milk at night and start the morning with milk porridge are in for some bad news: dairy products can have a bad effect on the skin, including in the area around the eyes. It is believed that with age, the human body loses the ability to effectively digest lactose. The result of regular consumption of dairy products in adulthood can be inflammation, swelling, overhanging of the upper eyelid, bags under the eyes.

  2. 2

    People who abuse sweets are easy to figure out by the condition of their skin. The owners of the so-called "sugar face" skin - dull and pale, devoid of tone, prone to early formation of wrinkles. Excessive consumption of sweets provokes the process of glycation in the body, during which collagen fibers “stick together”, which are responsible for skin firmness and elasticity.

The skin of the eyelids needs delicate cleansing and make-up removal.

Now let's talk about what foods are better to include in the diet.

  1. 1

    Foods rich in omega fatty acids: oily fish, nuts, soy, pumpkin, avocado.

  2. 2

    Vegetables, fruits and red berries(sweet peppers, tomatoes, apples, strawberries, watermelon) and Green colour(broccoli, asparagus, cucumbers, kiwi).

The red color of the fruits means that they are rich in ellagic acid and lycopene - this phytonutrient neutralizes the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Green color indicates the presence of lutein, known for its antioxidant activity.

Prevention of skin aging around the eyes

To keep your eyelid skin young for as long as possible, take these tips into service.

    Wash your face with cool water, if desired - mineral or bottled.

    Give your eyelids regular care twice a day.

    Once a year, visit an ophthalmologist, this will allow you to diagnose vision problems in time and take action.

    Don't forget to get at least 8 hours of sleep.

    Observe the drinking regime. By the way, 2 liters of water a day, about which they write so often, is not a universal value. Calculate the amount of liquid you drink based on your body weight: about 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

    Walk more and walk more. Fresh air and physical activity are shown to everyone.

Overview of funds

Gel, cream and concentrate

Name Active Ingredients Action
Antioxidant gel for the skin around the eyes AOX + Eye Gel, SkinCeuticals

combination of antioxidants

Prevents premature formation of wrinkles, reduces the severity of "crow's feet", corrects signs of photoaging.

Cream-activator of youth for the skin around the eyes Genifique Yeux, Lancôme

yeast and buckwheat extracts Makes fine lines less noticeable, helps protect the skin from environmental pollution.
Prodigy Eyes Complex Anti-Aging Concentrate, Helena Rubinstein provitamin B5, algae extract, acacia honey, rice peptides, soy seeds, caffeine, ceramides, cholesterol Smoothes wrinkles, strengthens and tones the skin, gives it radiance.

Creams and serum

Name Active Ingredients Action
Regenerating deep eye care Revitalift X3 Laser, L’Oréal Paris proxylan 3%, fermented hyaluronic acid, lipohydroxy acid, caffeine Reduces deep wrinkles and tightens the skin, the metal applicator cools the skin and reduces puffiness.
Remedy for wrinkles, bags and dark circles under the eyes Redermic R Yeux, La Roche-Posay retinol, caffeine Corrects fine superficial and deep wrinkles, evens out the skin texture.
Multi-corrective serum for the skin around the eyes Super Multi-Corrective Eye-Opening Serum, Kiehl's rhamnose extract, sodium hyaluronate, minerals Smoothes wrinkles, prevents thinning of the skin, strengthens it, increases density and elasticity.

After 25 years, we begin to think about how to remove wrinkles under the eyes. An even tone, a fresh blush, an open look and smooth skin without a single pimple - the ideal of any girl. With age, the level of collagen in the epidermis decreases, the oval of the face begins to change, the skin loses its elasticity. What to do when the first wrinkles appear under the eyes?

Since childhood, many people love sweets with a harmless, at first glance, name "Crow's feet". The older we get, the more disappointed we are with this name. It starts with sugar, which we do not eat because of harm to the figure, and then - the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is the networks of mimic wrinkles located in the corners of the eyes and on the lower eyelid that become the harbingers of wilting, otherwise they are called “crow's feet”. The best remedy to reduce wrinkles near the eyes will be considered in this article.

Causes of wrinkles under the eyes

  • Age-related changes in the skin. At the age of 30, the process of cell renewal and collagen production slows down, and at 40, ptosis (sagging skin tissues) appears.
  • Lack of vitamins. Be sure to add women's vitamin and mineral complexes adapted to age in your diet. This will help prolong the beauty and health of the body, skin, hair and nails.
  • Wrong care. Wrinkles appear under the eyes at the age of 25, often due to drying (alcohol) cosmetics, or vice versa - due to overly nourishing creams and oil-based masks. The skin absorbs products that are 70% water better and faster.
  • Active expression. Lips compressed in anger, a wrinkled forehead and a wide smile - lead to the appearance of facial wrinkles.
  • natural factors. The scorching sun, strong wind, frost - the upper layer of the skin suffers from this (dryness, tightness appear, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles). Therefore, you need to use moisturizing and protective creams an hour before going outside.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine dry out the skin and deprive it of nutrients.
  • stressful situations. If you have a stressful job, you get very tired, you need to take better care of your skin. Stress causes blockage of blood vessels, which worsens blood circulation and slows down cell regeneration.

The area around the eyes has a number of features: the skin is thinner, there are no sebaceous glands, which makes it difficult to produce nmf (natural moisturizing factor - molecules in the stratum corneum of the epidermis that attract and retain moisture). Active facial expressions, eye movement, eyelids - all this work happens every minute, which is why it is very important to take care of skin care and moisturizing in a timely manner.

Prevention of the appearance of "crow's feet". How to fight and remove deep wrinkles

Why is the skin under the eyes wrinkled? It is better to start facial care from youth, in maturity it becomes more difficult to remove deep wrinkles and creases under the eyes with the help of folk and harmless remedies. Take care of the problem in a timely manner to regain youth without harm to the body.

In order not to wonder how to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, check out the methods for preventing the appearance of age-related ailments.

  • Regular cleansing of the skin with gentle means. These are the products that do not dry out the skin, do not cause allergies and do not clog pores.
  • The natural moisturizing factor is the lipid layer. No need to try to clean the face “to a squeak”, in this way we wash out the protective layer of the skin, and this leads to the development of bacteria, the appearance of acne and early wrinkles, especially under the eyes.
  • Light skin hydration. You need to select such products so that they do not leave a greasy sheen on the face, but are completely absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • Special care for the skin around the eyes. Before you have "crow's feet", you need to start taking care of the delicate skin of the eyelids. Now there are many professional patches, fluids and serums needed to smooth out deep wrinkles under the eyes.
  • Drink more pure water. If you suffer from swelling, then drink liquid only 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  • Give up fast food and bad habits. These are the main causes of early aging. The body, poisoned by nicotine and alcohol, is in a weakened state, blood circulation worsens, the skin dries out. Improper nutrition does not supply the right amount of vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the renewal of the cells of the epidermis.

Cosmetic methods

Many women, seeing the first signs of aging, are trying to find the most effective ways to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. Everyone dreams of getting the effect in one procedure, only salon methods can provide this.

  • Mesotherapy. Substances are introduced under the skin to intensively nourish the epidermis, cells begin to secrete elastin and collagen, and microcirculation increases. The method is considered safe, but regular procedures are required to maintain the effect - 1 time per month.
  • Photorejuvenation. Impact on the epidermis with the help of light rays. The method in cosmetology is considered effective, but after the procedure, swelling and age spots may appear. Edema disappears within 10 days, and age spots can remain for a long time. To avoid such consequences, a preliminary diagnosis of the upper layer of the epidermis is necessary. Photorejuvenation is contraindicated for skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, and for serious diseases of the dermis.
  • Biorevitalization. These are subcutaneous injections that cosmetologists recommend doing after 30 years. Contains hyaluronic acid in gel form. It is already contained in the skin and plays an important role in elasticity and youth. With age, moisture becomes less, it is necessary to replenish reserves by artificial methods. Biorevitalization rejuvenates the skin by increasing the synthesis of collagen and elastin and activating cell renewal.
  • Botox. The components of this drug have the properties of blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. If the previous injections are injected under the skin, then botulinum toxin (aka Botox) is injected into the lateral part of the circular muscle and relaxes it. Due to this, facial muscles are unloaded and wrinkles under the eyes are smoothed out. There is an effect of this method, but the negative consequences for health and appearance still remain. Botox slows down the work of the muscle, over time it degrades even more, but skin aging continues. The effect is enough for 6-12 months. And the facial muscles are permanently affected by the drug. After the procedure, muscle weakness, fever and dizziness will appear for about 2 weeks. With the introduction of a low-quality composition, ptosis, asymmetry of the face are possible. Therefore, before going under the needle, you should start with conservative care and try to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Masks from organic acids. You can make them only in a beauty parlor: mimic wrinkles are smoothed out immediately, deep ones become less noticeable. The method requires regularity (the course is from 12 days).

Available Home Methods

Getting rid of wrinkles and bags without surgery and expensive cosmetic procedures is real. Choose the most convenient way for yourself, keep regular use, then you will get rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes and unpleasant bags.

Creams, emulsions and serums

Oil-based creams will help to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home. Due to its thick base, a large number of active ingredients, the skin around the eyes thickens, becomes smooth and moisturized. Creams are best used by women over 40 with dry skin type.

If you have a tendency to rashes (comedones), then it is better to use lighter concentrate products - emulsions or serums. Their base is water, a more skin-friendly substance. It penetrates deeper into the epidermis and does not clog pores, and it is easier for active substances to work in the upper layers of the skin.


Beauty and skin care professionals are constantly developing new products to quickly and effectively reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Beauty bloggers test cosmetic formulations and advise readers on social networks how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes in a short time. They leave a lot of reviews about their favorite SOS products, analogues to injections, which help to remove bags and wrinkles under the eyes very quickly and painlessly. Recently, patches (as in the photo) for the lower eyelid have been actively used.

Patch translated from English means "flap". This is a patch impregnated with useful herbal ingredients and additional stimulants for epidermal cells, which help restore tone in this area. You need to stick them under your eyes and go about your business. It has been proven that the patches are effective, helping to quickly smooth wrinkles under the eyes and relieve signs of fatigue. When using them, you should pay attention to several points:

  • pre-cleanse the skin;
  • glue the patches evenly so that the skin does not gather into folds;
  • sticking the beauty patch, move closer to the outer corner of the eye and capture the crow's feet area.

The effect of such mini-masks is visible immediately after peeling off, but this is achieved due to potent ingredients (peptides, elasticity stimulants). Therefore, when choosing a brand, carefully read the contraindications and composition. The more natural it is, the better.

Heparin ointment

Doctors prescribe this drug for the treatment of thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins), elephantiasis (an increase in any part of the body due to a violation of the circulation of the lymph flow), edema and bruises.

Girls who have tried many remedies leave positive feedback after using heparin ointment. Active substances prevent the formation of blood clots, and when applied to the area around the eyes, they increase metabolism, improve blood flow, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out.

As for the bags under the eyes, the absorbable properties of the components of the ointment reduce puffiness, making the skin supple and elastic.

This is a fairly new discovery in cosmetology, so when using heparin ointment, some factors must be taken into account:

  • apply the product to the skin in a small amount, about ½ a pea;
  • use the product no more than 1-2 times a day;
  • use ointment courses.

Mask of heparin ointment, olive and peach oils

To enhance the effect of using the ointment and nourishing the skin with healthy fatty acids, this recipe is suitable.

  1. Mix the ointment, about ½ a pea, and a teaspoon each of the oils.
  2. Apply with patting motions on expression lines under the eyes and bruises.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.
  5. Apply the ointment in a thin layer.

Light fluid of almond oil, honey and vitamin E

A fluid mask is an anti-shine composition that evens out skin texture. Nut oils are considered effective components for wrinkles under the eyes, therefore they are used in many folk remedies. Honey will moisturize and smooth the skin, vitamin E will return a healthy color, oil will nourish the skin with B vitamins and relieve puffiness under the eyes.

  1. Mix 20 ml of almond oil, ? teaspoons of liquid honey and an ampoule of vitamin E.
  2. Apply with light patting motions around the eyes.
  3. Avoid contact with eyes.
  4. Leave the fluid overnight.
  5. Wash your face in the morning and apply moisturizer.

Parsley, Lemon Juice and Olive Oil Recipe

If wrinkles around the eyes are accompanied by bruises, bags and swelling, then this folk recipe is a top ten hit. The ingredients have drainage and brightening properties.

  1. Grind the parsley in a blender to make a tablespoon of puree.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  3. Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Apply around the eyes.
  6. Leave for 15 minutes.
  7. Wash off with cool water.

An impressive and instant result is achieved with the help of cosmetic methods (mesotherapy, Botox injections, phototherapy), but is it worth putting the body in danger. Before going under the needle, you need to start with conservative care and try to prevent the appearance of wrinkles using folk and affordable methods.
