Specific cases of the need for urine therapy. Purification and treatment with urinotherapy - the living water of your body

To maintain the normal functioning of the body, the formation and excretion of urine is essential. Together with urine, water, toxic compounds, excess salts are excreted from the body - in a word, the end products of metabolism. Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of urine and found it quite widely used. The ancient Romans used it to clean wool from dirt, soaked fabrics before dyeing. In ancient Greece, urine was used to wash wounds and even used it as an antiseptic for rinsing the mouth. Is it right to talk about the benefits of urine in the treatment of diseases? Let's try to figure it out.

Due to its beneficial properties, urine is used mainly for the treatment of various diseases. This method of treatment is called urinotherapy. It has been known since ancient times, and in our country it began to be used in the twenties of the last century. This method is rather controversial, but there are known cases of cure with urine from mild ailments. And members of some Indian religious sects, given the benefits of urine, drink their own urine daily and do not suffer from any diseases throughout their lives. True, experts do not advise taking urine inside for a long time, as it contains human waste.

Internal application

Under certain conditions, the internal use of urine can have a positive effect. Urine is able to cleanse the body, eliminate blockages, restore vital organs destroyed by the disease. Urine, when taken orally, has a particularly beneficial effect on restoring the normal functioning of the pancreas, liver, and heart. But at the same time, a person who decides to use it inside should not have gastrointestinal problems, infectious diseases and other serious ailments. As a rule, the most effective effect is provided by fresh morning urine, which has a salty-bitter taste, which many find disgusting. But this must be approached in the same way as taking medication.

In the treatment of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, the urine of newborn babies has proven to be excellent - it effectively kills pathogenic microbes, helps to activate the digestive tract and kidneys, and is also a wonderful diuretic. A rich source of vitamins, glucose and the hormone cortisol is the urine of pregnant women; it is taken orally to improve blood production and prevent cancer.

Outdoor use

Urine can also be washed with various cavities of the body due to its sterility. The ears are washed with urine during inflammatory processes, the nasopharynx and sore throat, the eyes with. Sometimes with the help of an enema, even the large intestine is washed with urine, although this is a rather extreme method.

Despite the fact that the method of urine therapy seems unacceptable and unhygienic to many, the use of urine can sometimes be of invaluable help in some critical situations. For example, wiping the body with urine has proved to be excellent, providing a quick recovery. It is noticed that after 10-15 days of such procedures, eczema, scabies, ringworm disappear; in some cases, for the treatment of severe skin diseases, urine therapy is combined with fasting.

Many women know that urine can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Fresh urine is able to rejuvenate the skin, so it is used for compresses, added to creams, masks, face and body scrubs. The only condition: it is necessary to mix urine in equal proportions with the cream in a separate container, and not in the original jar. Thus, the use of urine is divided into two main categories - internal and external.

A person who wholeheartedly believes in urine therapy, in favor of urine in the treatment of diseases, in some cases can improve his health, but only following the recommendations of a specialist. So use natural remedies when needed, but with great care. Take good care of your health and it will pay you back!

Urinotherapy refers to one of the methods of alternative medicine. Its essence lies in the external or internal use of urine as a remedy. Note that the issues of urine therapy are of concern to many and are raised constantly.

For example, in Moscow, in the 1930s, they even opened an institute for urogravid therapy, which was soon successfully closed. The studies conducted in it revealed the complete absence of the clinical effect of the use of urine therapy. Treatment of the body with urine was used back in ancient India, it was from there that this trend came to us.

What is urine?

Formed in the process of passing through the kidneys of blood plasma, it is a solution of metabolites and catabolites, as well as foreign substances for our body. Just imagine, in just one day, through the vessels of our kidneys, about 1500 liters of blood circulates. The kidneys then filter the blood.

The result is primary urine - somewhere around 180 liters. Its composition resembles blood plasma. Moving along the renal tubules, valuable substances and water are reabsorbed into the blood. Poisonous substances dissolved in water form secondary urine, which then comes out naturally.

The urine of a healthy person contains urea, ammonia, uric acid, and creatinine. The urine of patients also contains acetone, pathogenic bacteria, salts of heavy metals and other pathological impurities.

Composition of urine

Urine is a rather complex chemical product. The urine contains purine bases, uric acid, the most important, a set of nucleic acids, as well as enzymes, hormones and vitamins.

It is believed that such a rich composition is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and will replenish a certain part of the drugs, as well as dietary supplements.

What are the types of urine therapy?

  • Internal therapy - when urine is taken through the mouth.
  • External therapy - the use of urine as compresses, wraps, washing of damaged areas.
  • Washing the body cavities - ears, nasopharynx and, of course, the large intestine. The latter is washed with an enema.

Useful properties of urine therapy

  1. Currently, urine therapy is used as a method of cleansing the body and as a way to get rid of diseases.
  2. Urine therapy is also used as a cosmetic product.
  3. Some scientists agree with the fact that urine contains metabolites of steroid hormones. From this it follows that hormone therapy and urine therapy are rather related methods of treatment.
  4. It turns out that the internal use of the urine released during the day will lead to the fact that the body will receive its average medicinal dose of hormones.

Harmful properties of urine therapy

  1. Evidence-based medicine indicates that human urine for internal use is harmful and dangerous. It is noticed that in healthy people who apply urine therapy to themselves, diarrhea, chronic vomiting, irritation of the intestines and stomach are noted. Patients are hospitalized with erroneous diagnoses -, typhoid fever,. Further studies show that there is no infection, and all symptoms immediately disappear after the cessation of urine therapy.
  2. Those who still wish to undergo a course of urinotherapy must necessarily consult a doctor.
  3. Many people know the positive effect of the use of hormonal drugs. But many also face side effects, such as suppression of the body's production of its own hormones. As a result - disruption of the brain, early aging, weight gain and decreased sexual function.

Contraindications for urinary treatment

With severe diagnoses, urine therapy can aggravate the symptoms of the disease, while precious time is also lost at those stages where surgical intervention is necessary.

People suffering from pyelonephritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system should not take their own urine. Once in the body, pathogens can cause blood poisoning, and can also provoke gangrene.

Whether or not to use urine therapy on yourself is, of course, up to you. But, in order not to harm your health, do it with extreme caution.

Is it possible to trust folk methods of treatment? Urinotherapy treatment has come to us since ancient times. The folk method of treating various diseases with the help of urine therapy came to us from India. The founders of this "panacea for all diseases" were Indian yogis.

And, as usual with us, the method without any research has gained thousands of followers. People, paying tribute to fashion, rushed to try on themselves what they often did not even have a general idea of.

It hardly occurred to anyone that the Indian is good, then the Russian is death. If we compare the way of life that yogis or Tibetan monks lead, one can find a lot of contradictions. Our eastern brethren are mostly vegetarians and lead a very moderate life, not allowing themselves violent passions and libations. Yes, and products, they use natural all year round, often grown with their own hands. Therefore, maybe for them this medicine is “living water”.

Now, as for our compatriots. Imagine what composition the urine of a Russian person has, the morning after the anniversary of the boss? And, there are always enough reasons for celebrations in Russia. That's just it ... Yes, and we eat food that is far from natural, rich in preservatives, dyes and nitrates.

And if without jokes, then in Russia, even, the Institute of Urine Therapy was created. True, after the studies, no special effects of urine treatment were found, and the institution was disbanded. The hype for treatment by the method of urine therapy in the middle of the last century subsided somewhat, but, recently, the popularity of this remedy is gaining momentum again. Is it not the merit of the legendary G.P. Malakhov? The promoter of a healthy lifestyle has produced a fairly decent amount of literature on this subject.

In connection with the foregoing, the question is brewing, if urine therapy helps someone, then there is something in it? Let's figure it out!

What is urine? This is the blood used by the body, which removes all unnecessary substances from it. In its composition, urine contains minerals and vitamins, which, it would seem, is necessary for a person. But then why does the body get rid of them? Perhaps these substances, for some reason, cannot be absorbed, or there is an overabundance of them in the body. Using it a second time, it can be assumed that a double burden falls on the organs of purification (liver and kidneys). And if the organ is not healthy? Will it undermine its functioning?

The urine also contains urea, which is known to be a poison. Supporters of urine therapy are advised to take one stripped off urine, which relieves it of urea. But, it increases the concentration of all other components.

Proponents of the method of urine therapy, as evidence of benefit, argue that even before birth, a person is faced with urine. The embryo, in the uterus, is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which is called amniotic fluid. What is the composition of this liquid? Waste products of the fetus on the one hand, and nutrients transmitted from the mother. That is, in fact, the embryo develops in its own urine, swallows it. But, as a rule, a child, if there is no pathology, is completely healthy and sterile, and, most importantly, he still does not breathe oxygen. Therefore, there can be no oxidation products in his urine.

What if the person is sick? Its waste products may contain acetone, pathogenic bacteria, and other harmful substances. And if a person came to the method of treatment with urinotherapy, then he is unlikely to be physically healthy. That is, sick people, ingesting their own urine, only exacerbate the situation.

But why, given all the facts, are there really improvements in the condition of patients using urine therapy? Recent studies by scientists have shown that urine contains a fairly large amount of hormones. And, the method of urine therapy is comparable to treatment with hormonal drugs. As is known, during the initial stages of hormone therapy, patients feel a general improvement in their condition. With prolonged use of hormones, this effect disappears. The same is true for the use of urine. Hormones enter the body, and the patient begins to feel that his health is improving. At the same time, no one will undertake to say which hormones and in what quantity enter his body, and what consequences this will have in the future. An overdose of hormones can threaten premature aging of the body, for women, this is fraught with an early onset of menopause. Yes, and who knows what other side effects are caused by uncontrolled intake of hormones.

As for the method of using urine inside. I would like to give the basics of the method here. Maybe someone will find something useful in this.
For internal use, folk healers who use urine therapy are advised to take a morning portion of urine. It is considered especially healing at three or four in the morning. A prerequisite is that urine must be fresh, still warm, otherwise it decomposes very quickly under the influence of light and air, and loses its healing properties.
Urine is used to gargle the throat and mouth. According to the followers of urine therapy, after such long rinses, they completely got rid of problems with the tonsils, cured caries and inflammation of the gums. Instillation of a few drops of urine daily into the nose can cure adenoids. Also, rinsing your mouth with urine strengthens your teeth, saturates them with minerals. Urine is taken orally, in an amount from 50 grams to one liter (!) Per day. This treatment supposedly relieves digestive problems, cures and alleviates gastritis, colitis, constipation, flatulence, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Also, in order to cleanse the body of "slags", microclysters with evaporated urine are used, since it is believed that it draws all toxins onto itself. They also use fresh urine for enemas, but evaporated urine is considered more effective.

In addition to internal use, urine is also used externally, in the form of lotions, wraps, compresses. These remedies help with diseases of the joints and ligaments, bruises, fractures, and so on. Also, urine is considered an excellent cosmetic product, which, in the presence of hormones, is not surprising. Wiping, cosmetic masks, and daily massage are used.

Urine is also used as a disinfectant used in the treatment of wounds, cuts, abscesses, burns. This, probably, is not without meaning, because since childhood we know that if there is no dressing material at hand, the resulting wound needs to be treated with urine, and then there will be no suppuration.

Of course, in the treatment of any disease, one should take into account such a moment as the placebo effect. Boundless faith in your own recovery, sometimes works wonders. People, through faith in treatment, or in God, are cured of such ailments, from which the most equipped official medicine is not able to save. It is no secret to anyone that such cases are known, and so far, it is not possible to explain them from a scientific point of view.

Therefore, as you know, there is no panacea for all diseases that helps everyone, and cannot be. Everyone chooses and decides for himself which path to take and where to seek help. Where one has been healed, another may not even find improvement. Think for yourself, decide for yourself...

Most medicines are expensive preparations containing a minimum of natural substances. However, for hundreds of years, ordinary urine has been used for treatment. The method of healing is called urine therapy. What it helps from and what are the dangers of such self-treatment, it will be useful for all fans of Gennady Malakhov to know.

The essence of medical practice

One of the branches of alternative medicine is urine therapy, also called urotherapy or uropathy. All these terms denote a practice that uses the healing properties of human urine to combat various ailments.

There are several therapeutic uses for urine:

  • Ingestion (or urophagia) - drinking through the mouth (orally);
  • External reception - rubbing liquid into damaged areas of the skin, gums, hair, etc .;
  • Washing - use when cleaning the body from toxins and harmful substances. For example, passing through the nose (with sinusitis), introducing with an enema into the anus, etc.

Uropathy has been known since ancient India. She is mentioned in Ayurveda and yogic texts, Sushreta Samhita and other monuments. In the West, the technique has been widely used for only a little over a century.

To date, treatment with secretions has not received any evidence of clinical efficacy. That, however, does not prevent urine from being one of the most popular means of folk healing.

In this video, Gennady Malakhov will tell you how he himself relates to urine therapy, what this technique can help with:

How useful is urine therapy? Composition of urine

Urine is a by-product of the body that is produced in the kidneys. It contains many products of cellular metabolism, which are subject to purification from the circulatory system.

The human excretory fluid has the following components:

  • Water (95%);
  • Urea (9.3 grams per liter);
  • Chlorides (1.87 g/l);
  • Sodium (1.17 g/l);
  • Potassium (0.75 g/l);
  • Creatinine (0.67 g/l);
  • Other dissolved ions, inorganic and organic compounds.

Due to the presence of a group of physiologically active substances, treatment with urine is akin to hormone therapy. True, to achieve this effect, the liquid must be taken orally in large quantities.

Doctors recognize the property of urine to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms in the wound, tissues and pathological foci.

What does urine therapy treat?

As popularizers of this method of treatment say, it can help with a large number of ailments:

  • Problems with the human integumentary system. Biological catalysts, vitamins and minerals, which are part of the substance, show an effective result in psoriasis, fungus and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • The hairline, when washed with excretory moisture, adds in length and quality. It is enough just to add a few drops of urine to the shampoo before washing your hair, and the recipe for a magnificent head of hair is ready;
  • Fight against early skin aging. You can literally wash away annoying wrinkles from your face and look a few years younger;
  • If you rub a small amount of urine into the temporal lobes, you can forget about chronic headaches for a long time;
  • By rubbing, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is also treated;
  • Acceleration of healing processes for wounds, cuts, bites and burns. According to experts, regeneration is accelerated by 30-40%. Such use is especially important in conditions of unavailability of traditional antiseptic agents.

Doctors practicing in the field of alternative medicine recommend not to disdain drinking urine, despite numerous social prejudices.

However, this action must take place subject to certain rules:

  • The substance should preferably be fresh. With prolonged storage in the refrigerator, the quality and content of nutrients drops significantly;
  • Not everyone has the luxury of drinking their own urine. It is contraindicated in patients suffering from diseases of the urinary tract (especially bacterial ethology);
  • Drinking the secretions of another person is not only possible, but even necessary. But in this case, it is necessary not only to inquire about the presence of certain diseases, but also about the age of the “donor”. People of older and mature age are recommended to choose the products of the vital activity of youth (18-25 years old);
  • There are legends about the benefits of pregnant urine, but it is extremely difficult to get it due to the lack of a civilized market;
  • You can not drink the discharge of a representative of the opposite sex;
  • With special care you need to approach the choice of dishes. Plastic containers are only suitable for testing. For urine therapy, glass glasses and even crystal are suitable.

Famous adherents of the technique

Among the pioneers who made their way through the jungle of social stereotypes, it is worth noting the following names:

  • John Armstrong- Founder of the urine therapy movement in Europe and the USA. His pen belongs to the fundamental work "Water of Life". On the basis of this work he developed in 1918 a treatment practice which he tried with varying success on thousands of patients;
  • 4th Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai In the program "60 Minutes" on the CBS channel, he said that he uses urine for medicinal purposes. According to him, urine is the only available medicine for millions of poor Indians;
  • British theater and film actress Sara Miles I have been using my body products for three decades. During this time, according to her, she got rid of allergies and strengthened her immune system;
  • Singer Madonna prefers external application of urine on one's own legs to eliminate mycosis;
  • Boxer Juan Manuel Marquez uses his secretions for nutritional purposes.

Negative effects of urine therapy

Despite widespread propaganda in the pages of cheap newspapers, dubious book publications and on the air of irresponsible TV programs, uropathy remains officially unrecognized technique.

Evidence-based medicine says that the use of urine can lead to serious negative consequences for the body:

  • Even a healthy person begins to suffer from chronic nausea and diarrhea. The gastric mucosa is damaged and the intestines are struck;
  • Urine therapy for sexually transmitted diseases can provoke blood poisoning;
  • Survival manuals issued by the US and British Armies forbid drinking “homemade” fluids when thirsty and without other sources of moisture. Dehydration will only be increased due to the presence of salts in the composition;
  • Even rubbing into areas of the skin can turn into big trouble. Severe cases are known when self-treatment led to necrosis (death) of large areas of tissue. There is a risk of limb amputation.

Urotherapy is in circulation in a number of backward countries of the third world (for example, in Mexico), but in developed countries this topic is closed

What can unite an Indian prime minister, an American singer and a Spanish boxer? All of them, by their example, confirm the effectiveness of the practice of urine therapy. How it helps depends on how you use it. Rubbing allows you to achieve a disinfecting effect, and drinking fights a dozen known ailments.

Video: treatment of skin diseases with uropathy

In this video, phytotherapist Boris Tkachev will tell you how arthrosis, allergies, joint pain, and most skin diseases can be treated with urine therapy:

The history of urine therapy dates back many centuries. In ancient Rome, wool was cleaned with urine, and the Greeks used it to disinfect the oral cavity and wounds. But in ancient India, healers strongly recommended even drinking urine to treat various ailments.

To drink or not to drink?

The opinions of medical experts on whether urine therapy is beneficial for health are mixed.

In particular, traditional medicine does not recommend drinking urine to heal. Doctors are always afraid when radical methods of urine therapy are used. First of all, we are talking about the treatment of patients with urine, which is obtained from the patients themselves. Drinking the urine of sick people is not safe for health, because it contains pathogenic bacteria that can serve as a source for the development of various pathologies. Moreover, urine contains acetone and salts of heavy metals - they also will not bring any benefit.

Those who are considering external urine therapy as a treatment should be aware that other people's urine should not be used. It is especially dangerous to drink the urine of a person who has been diagnosed with pyelonephritis. A small amount of such a liquid is enough for the patient to “earn” blood poisoning or gangrene. Such consequences can be expected with a high degree of probability if urine gets into a small wound or cut.

Some are interested in the question of whether women in an interesting position can drink urine. The answer is unequivocal: it is categorically contraindicated for them. Otherwise, the expectant mother may have a miscarriage.

However, even if this does not happen, it is very likely that the further development of pregnancy will be pathological.

Varieties of urine therapy

There are several classifications of the above treatment method. It is customary to allocate internal urine therapy, external and washing the body cavities.


Internal urine therapy involves the use of liquids orally, i.e. directly through the mouth. It is believed that such urine therapy for weight loss is just an ideal option. Of course, it is imperative to take precautions.

Those who adhere to such a method of treatment as fasting, according to adherents of urine therapy, should not disdain drinking urine, because it helps to strengthen the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the functions of the organs that mediate its normal functioning. These include, in particular: lymph nodes, thymus gland, bone marrow.

It should be noted that urine has a rather complex structure. It contains nucleic acids, including urinary, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, purine bases, vitamins.

That is why urine therapy, reviews of which, however, are very controversial, is perceived as a worthy alternative to drugs and dietary supplements.


This treatment option involves the treatment of damaged areas of the body (abrasions, cuts, burns) with tissue swabs, bandages, gauze soaked in urine.

It should be noted that some position urine therapy as an effective way to improve the condition of the hair. Under adverse environmental conditions, they fade very quickly and become brittle. Adherents of the above method of treatment recommend using urine that has been infused for 5-7 days to give shine to curls and rub it into the scalp, while massaging the hair itself. In parallel with this, it is necessary to drink 200 grams of urine every morning. This way you can stimulate hair growth.

Some alternative medicine advocates argue that alternative treatment is effective in improving skin condition, in other words, facial urine therapy is a useful and necessary procedure. It is believed that urine permanently relieves acne and acne. This problem is relevant, first of all, for young people, since skin rashes cause them a lot of discomfort.

To solve the problem, you need to use a cotton pad soaked in urine to treat problem areas, and after a quarter of an hour rinse your face with water. A couple of repeated procedures - and in a few days there will be no trace of acne.


The third variation of urine treatment is washing the nostrils, auricles, and anus with the “processed” liquid.

It should be emphasized that adherents of urine therapy have developed a detailed system for classifying the varieties of the fluid in question.

Is baby urine good for you?

It should be noted that the urine of infants is highly acidic. Proponents of the method of treatment in question argue that it is useful to take such urine both internally and externally. Moreover, it perfectly cleanses the intestines, from this point of view, the urine of newborns is an integral part of the enema. There is also an opinion according to which, with the help of urine therapy, you can get rid of infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted ones.

What urine is good to drink and what is not?

Experts in the field of the above method of treatment state that it is desirable for adults (35 to 60 years old) to use only liquid obtained from people aged 18 to 30 years. At the same time, they strongly recommend using the urine of a person of the same sex as the patient.

As for the urine of older people, it is better not to use it at all, since it does not have any useful properties.

Note that the content of hormones in the "processed" liquid directly depends on which gender the person belongs to. Adherents of the theory of urine treatment do not tire of repeating that the patient's use of urine obtained from a person of the opposite sex is fraught with adverse health effects.

It turns out that only children's urine, in which the percentage of hormones is relatively small, can be used for medicinal purposes.

This is such a delicate matter - urinotherapy. Reviews of those who decided on such experiments contain conflicting information regarding the results of treatment. Some even claim that such a method is akin to a placebo. In addition, experts emphasize that even in the case of using the safest product, which is children's urine, certain rules and patterns must be followed. So, if an adult patient and a child are representatives of different sexes, then the course of treatment should not last more than three months.

Is the urine of a pregnant woman useful?

So, we found out in what cases it is possible to resort to such a method as urine therapy. The treatment of many diseases is subject to this technique. In any case, this is what the proponents of this method say. Moreover, they claim that urine can even overcome cancer. In this case, the urine of a pregnant woman is used as a healing agent. Due to the content of amino acids, cortisol and other vitamins in its composition, this liquid also promotes the formation of blood cells.

Is a "reduced product" useful?

Urine therapy experts are also confident in the benefits of the so-called "evaporated" urine, which is obtained as a result of heat treatment. The liquid is evaporated in a metal container until its volume is reduced by four times. It is believed that such a product can get rid of a whole range of ailments and pathologies.

Why Treatment Fails

Of course, one should not unconditionally believe that urine therapy, reviews of which can be the most positive, is a panacea for all ills. Negative results, and, accordingly, comments are observed quite often.

And one of the reasons for inefficiency is just the use of the product described in the previous paragraph. Everything is very simple. Water evaporates during heat treatment, and as a result, an exorbitant amount of salts and steroids is formed, which leads to hormonal imbalance. In addition, the use of urine increases the risk of infections.

Finally, we note that the effectiveness of the described method of treatment has not been proven, therefore, when choosing it, precautions should be taken.