Interests of teenagers: identification of inclinations, directions of interests and problems. How to help a teenager find an interesting activity, find a favorite hobby

Adolescence is one of the most difficult periods in the lives of children and their parents. Yesterday's child is exploring the world and looking for his place in it. Own views are formed, new interests, friends, hobbies appear. Some of them seem strange to parents. Zombies, vampires, ghosts and other evil spirits interest teenagers more than algebra and geometry. How to react to parents? Is it worth worrying or worrying in vain? These questions are answered by the psychologist of the center "Frontiers of Consciousness" Maria Mikhailovna Tararova.

Hobbies reflect inner world man, his feelings, desires, fantasies. But do not be afraid of vampires and zombies. This is just an image. Behind the shell are the features of a particular hero. Omnipotence, invulnerability, immortality - this is what everyone wants to possess in their most secret dreams. And even if these abilities are inaccessible to a person, but you can touch them in your fantasies!

Such an enchanting other world

Nothing attracts people like magic, magic, miracles. We have been brought up on fairy tales since childhood. And although a teenager is no longer a child, he is also attracted by everything magical and mysterious. And what could be more interesting than the other world, where everyone has a special power, lives according to their own laws, and is even immortal? Where is the main character not only accepted as he is, but also respected for his originality and peculiarity?

modern cinema, fiction, the computer game industry in abundance provides everyone with the opportunity to plunge into another world, where anyone can free themselves from the shackles of everyday life and be who they want. alternative reality rich in atmosphere. It touches on the themes of the struggle between good and evil, fear of death, relationships with other people and much more that interests a teenager. But most importantly, it is served in a light and familiar fabulous colorful wrapper for a growing child.

It's no secret that when we read a book or immerse ourselves in watching a movie, we try on the role of the protagonist. A fantastic image touches the strings of our soul, causing sympathy and interest. And the magical plot can meet the desires and needs of a teenager.

Invincibility and omnipotence

Very often a teenager does not feel the strength to resist something or someone. He may face his own destructive impotence in relations with peers, parents, teachers. And there is a desire to become someone else, stronger, more capable, unique. It's so tempting to have the same abilities as main character from the screen.


The feeling of loneliness is close to teenagers like no one else. Their close connection with parents begins to weaken. They are increasingly misunderstood. Their behavior sometimes discourages adults, causing conflict situations, quarrels, insults. Friendly relations or first love often ends in disappointment.

Fantasy stories help heal spiritual wounds. And the image of a lonely hunter, who is forced to remain in the shadows all his life and fight for life, shedding blood, echoes with a dreary howl in teenage souls. Empathizing with the characters, the child feels that he is not alone.

special age

If earlier all the forces were spent on study, now the social development of the individual comes to the fore. Questions arise: “Who am I?”, “Which group do I belong to?”, “Who surrounds me?” and “What status do I have in this area?” For a teenager, it becomes important whether society accepts him and what position he can take in it. Parents during this period cease to be authorities for the child, and he begins to search for new idols.

By joining a group, a teenager gets a new role, tries on new values, learns to build relationships with other people. It is important for him to receive understanding, approval and acceptance from the people around him with similar interests.

Interest groups

At all times there were a large number of social groups. These are circles, sections, music and sports clubs, dance schools. Among all this were with their own culture and values. They stood out sharply against the background of the traditional cultural baggage accepted in modern society. Getting young people into such an environment scares parents. Teenagers change dramatically. His demeanor, speech, style of clothing often confuses parents and causes disapproval. But it is understanding and acceptance that a teenager is waiting for. It is important for him not only to independently choose a social group, but also to receive recognition that he is. Accordingly, if the parents do not recognize his right to choose, and social group accepts him for who he is, the teenager can be stuck in this group, as in a safe and accepting place.

At this age, the moralizing of parents may not be perceived by the younger generation. But support and understanding will become the main assistants in the development of the child's personality.

A teenager, with or without parental permission, will try to find his place in the sun. After all, his main activity in this period is the search for himself. Interests and hobbies can change almost every week, and there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to understand your child. He is having a difficult time. For the first time, he begins to make decisions for himself and is ready to defend them. At times like these, it is important for parents to remain calm. A teenager should know that there is a place and people where he is accepted. And, first of all, it is home and family. The task of parents is to give their child the opportunity to make independent choices.

If parents want to direct the energy of their child in some safer direction, we must try to come up with a new one with him. interesting activity which will captivate him. Whether it's sports, dancing, photography or something else. The main thing is that it should be in tune with the interests of the teenager and his abilities. But remember - your task is to offer, and not to insist, and even more so not to make a decision for him. The parental home must maintain the status of a safe and welcoming place.

When it's time to sound the alarm

There is nothing wrong with the fact that a teenager is fond of fantasy. Living a brief moment with the hero, he comes into contact with his fantasies, feelings, innermost desires. He gets his own fairy tale. But a return to reality is inevitable after the final credits.

Events do not always develop in such a positive way. If a teenager most of the time, he has no friends, social contacts, he is detached and withdrawn - this danger signs. Communication with peers, new acquaintances, first falling in love - this is what interests schoolchildren at this age.

If a child is trying to isolate himself from the outside world and hide in fantasy, it is very important to pay attention to this. Sometimes it is enough to talk, find out what is happening to him and offer your support. If you can’t help the child on your own or he doesn’t make contact, don’t put off a visit to a psychologist. The specialist will be able to find a common language with a teenager, understand what is happening to him and give necessary recommendations him and his parents.

Photo - photobank Lori

What to do with a teenager free time? This question probably worries every parent in modern society.

How to organize leisure time, avoid influence bad habits- These are the problems we will talk about today.

And what are hobbies in general in adolescence?

It is believed that adolescence without hobbies is like childhood without games. As a rule, hobbies are extracurricular in nature.

Only intersect with schooling intellectual and aesthetic- history, music, floriculture, drawing, radio engineering. It happens that a passion for what you love takes your child away from school.

egocentric hobbies- study of rare foreign languages, passion for antiquity, classes fashionable looks sports, participation in amateur performances. That is, any business becomes only a means of demonstrating their success. Teenagers strive to stand out with the originality of their activities, to rise in the eyes of others. These guys are also characterized by leadership hobbies, which come down to finding situations where you can organize something, manage peers. They change groups, sections, circles until they find one where they can become leaders.

Body-manual hobbies are associated with the intention to strengthen one's strength, endurance, and acquire dexterity. These include sports, driving a motorcycle, karting.

Accumulative hobbies- collecting in all its forms, which can be combined with a cognitive need (stamps), with the accumulation of material goods (old coins, expensive stones), with a desire to follow fashion - stickers, labels, cigarette packs.

Unfortunately, at present, some teenagers' hobbies are becoming harmful for their age:

The most primitive kind of hobbies - iformative and communicative, in which there is a thirst for new, not very meaningful information that does not require any critical processing, and the need for easy communication with peers in a variety of contacts that allow this information to be exchanged: these are many hours of empty conversation in a yard company, contemplation of what is happening around - shop windows, street incidents, “staring” at the TV.

Such a pastime can hardly be called a hobby, but it is very typical for most teenagers. It is in their environment that the main problems associated with gambling, illegal behavior, early alcoholism, substance abuse drug addiction, vagrancy.

Beginning in 2006, in the American city of Chicago, teenagers from wealthy families, dissatisfied with the shape of their nose and ears, began to resort to the services of plastic surgeons. The most popular surgeries now are when young patients want to be like the stars, Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake. The main reason is that teenagers don't want to be teased at school. But about what plastic surgery nose is one of the most difficult plastic surgery, he does not think, and it is not known how a teenager will look like in five or six years. And such teenagers simply do not have time to think about the huge money of their parents.

Japanese children also have a new hobby. They transform into heroes of popular comics, cartoons and video games, and in this form I walk the streets. Huge crowds of spectators and photographers usually gather to look at the animated characters, who appreciate the imagination and skill shown. It seems to be interesting, but each such costume costs parents a "tidy" amount of money.

Musical and sports enthusiasm breakers overwhelmed many teenagers and youth in modern world. Break (from the English bgeak-dance) is a special type of dance that includes a variety of sports and acrobatic elements that constantly replace each other, interrupting the movement that had begun. There is another interpretation - in one of the meanings, break means "broken dance" or "dance on the pavement." Fans of this trend are united by a selfless passion for types, the desire to promote and demonstrate them in literally any situation. Yes, it's a sport, it's beautiful, but sometimes it's dangerous, and the appearance of groups of breakers in crowded places is not always pleasant for others.

And about hobbies graffiti artists can be argued. If teenagers organize competitions in the art of painting on any surface using cans in specially designated places, this attracts the attention of many passers-by. But the painted walls of houses and fences in any locality of the country are unlikely to please an adult. Most likely, such actions of "extreme" graffiti artists border on a crime - damage to public, personal property or vandalism.

I would especially like to draw your attention to the fascination of teenagers with cell phones. For adults, at present, cellular communication has become simply necessary - it is an integral part of the modern business world. But adolescents and some of the youth most often use mobile phones as toys. For example, in 2006, Swedish teenagers became addicted to the extremely popular game “Bot-Fiqhters” in Europe. In "Bot-Fiqhters" each player must find and kill an opponent using SMS. Already now more than 10 thousand people are keen on this fun. But at the same time, adults are concerned about wasting children's money, because you have to pay for SMS. Yes, and in an effort to "kill" your opponent with the help of SMS, there is little good.

Alan Preece, head of the biophysics department at the Bristol Cancer Center, gave the phone to 10-11 year olds for half an hour. For half, they worked in talk mode, for others they were turned off. And then the scientist conducted neurophysiological tests. For those who got the included mobile phones, all reactions were slow.

Another experiment showed that even after a two-minute conversation in adolescents aged 11-13, the bioelectrical activity of the brain changes. She's back to normal! comes in two hours later. What does it mean? The child's mood changes, he perceives the material in the lesson worse if he chatted on his cell phone during the break.

Many doctors warn:

  1. The tube is like a small microwave that heats up the brain. The signal of a mobile phone, unlike a microwave oven, is complex, modulated, and the human body reacts to it more sharply. Processes in the brain occur at the electrochemical level. It is a very complex, finely organized "computer". During a conversation on a mobile phone, we hit it (the brain) on thin "wires" with an electromagnetic hammer. The cerebral cortex "receives" especially strongly. This organ perceives electromagnetic radiation as the eye - light, and the ear - sound.
  2. In terms of the impact on us, a mobile phone cannot be compared with either a computer or a TV. What is important is not the power of the device, but the fact that it is applied to the ear - the source of the electromagnetic field is very close to the brain.
  3. The brain reacts to interference with its normal functioning. He resists, turns on the compensation mechanism, but at some point he can’t stand it and fails. Long conversations on a cell phone or excessive fascination with various conversations can lead to headaches, absent-mindedness and poor memory.

The following information for reflection. Passion for audio and MP3 players has led to hearing loss in a third of American teenagers. Such data were obtained in the course of a full-scale study among young people.

According to the survey, teenagers use players much more often than adults and prefer to listen to music at maximum volume: 28% of teenagers listen to extremely loud music.

Passion for loud music significantly affected the hearing of adolescents: 29% of respondents said that they have a habit of constantly asking the interlocutor during a conversation, and 17% complained of constant ringing in their ears.

The researchers warn that exposure to loud sound may cause temporary degradation of auditory receptor cells. In the case of frequent, prolonged and intense exposure, the receptors lose their ability to recover and the damage becomes irreversible.

According to American scientists, the sound level that is safe for health is 85 decibels for 8 hours a day (the sound of a vacuum cleaner). Raising the sound level by 3 decibels means that safe period its impact is halved.

Here is another way to spend your free time. Do your kids spend hours at the computer playing games? in computer games. At the same time, forgetting that the computer is very harmful to vision.

Human vision, formed in the course of a long evolution, turned out to be little adapted to visual work with a computer image. The screen image differs from the natural one in that it:

Self-luminous, not reflected;

Has significantly lower contrast, which is further reduced by ambient lighting;

Not continuous, but consists of discrete dots - pixels;

Flickering (flickering), i.e. dots with a certain frequency light up and go out; the lower the flickering frequency, the lower the accuracy of accommodation setting;

does not have clear boundaries (as on paper), because the pixel has not a stepped, but a smooth difference in brightness with the background.

Visual load increases due to the need to constantly move the gaze from the screen to the keyboard and paper text.

The widespread use of computers in the world has given rise to a number of health complaints among personal computer users, with the largest number being eye diseases. Recently, in the ophthalmological and optometric literature, the term "computer visual syndrome" (CS8) has been established.

How does SS8 manifest itself and what are its symptoms? Complaints of people conducting long time behind the monitor screen, can be divided into two groups: "visual" and "eye".

The first ones include:

Blurred vision (reduced visual acuity);

Slow refocusing from near objects to distant objects and back (violation of accommodation);

Doubling of objects;

Rapid fatigue when reading. To the second:

Burning in the eyes;

Feeling of "sand" under the eyelids;

Pain in the eye sockets and forehead;

Pain when moving the eyes;

Redness of the eyeballs.

These phenomena are usually combined with the term "asthenopia" (literal translation - lack of power of vision). These complaints are found in a significant percentage of PC users and depend both on the time of continuous work behind the screen, and on its nature. For some users, asthenopia appears after 2 hours, for the majority - after 4 hours.

In a word, hobbies for teenagers can be very different. It should only be judged whether they are harmful or beneficial. If you want to direct the energy of your child in some safer direction, you should try to come up with a new interesting activity with him that will captivate him.

A teenager, with or without your permission, will try to find his place under the sun. After all, his main activity in this period is the search for himself. Interests and hobbies can change almost every week, and there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to understand your child. He is having a difficult time. For the first time, he begins to make decisions for himself and is ready to defend them. At such times, it is important to remain calm for you, the parents. A teenager should know that there is a place and people where he is accepted. And, first of all, it is home and family. Your job is to give your child the opportunity to make their own choices.

And remember - your task is to offer, and not to insist, and even more so not to make a decision for him. The parental home must maintain the status of a safe and welcoming place.

In conclusion, I would like to advise you, parents, to reasonably organize free time together with your children so that no “fashionable” hobbies destroy personal life teenagers.

Some extreme activities can become useful to some extent, but only if safety precautions are observed and an experienced mentor supervises the training. But often teenagers are so self-confident that they openly play with death. Whatever reasons pushed the guys to take risks, in best case, they end up in the hospital, in the worst case they become disabled or die. However, this does not stop fans of adrenaline. And they come up with new ways to tickle their nerves: they go underground, climb rooftops, jump from heights and ride electric trains.


Roofing - walks on the roofs.

Roofers are a kind of Carlsons of our time, who are drawn to the roofs with terrible force. Armed with a camera or an ordinary camera phone, roofers are ready to wander around the attics and roofs of city high-rise buildings for days and take pictures from a height. Here they allegedly seek beauty, peace and inspiration. But roofing deservedly belongs to the most dangerous entertainment teenagers. Firstly, penetration on the roof is illegal, which means that in which case you will have to pick up the child from the police station. Secondly, even the most peaceful entertainment at the height of a five-story (or more) house cannot be called harmless. He slipped his leg, stumbled, was frightened by a loud sound and unsuccessfully stumbled to the side ... It's better not to take risks and discuss a dangerous hobby with a teenager in advance.

Alternative: paragliding flight, hot-air balloon or by plane with an experienced instructor.


Skywalking - conquering the highest points in the city without special equipment.

Skywalkers, like roofers, love heights. Even the name of this hobby literally translates as "walking in the sky." Skywalkers climb the highest objects: skyscraper roofs, towers, bridges. They need this in order to take cool photos and enjoy the feeling of freedom and flight. It is this feeling - and, of course, the desire to impress their peers - that makes desperate young people climb to a height of several hundred meters without insurance and equipment. Needless to say, how dangerous such climbs are and what risks teenagers expose themselves to?

Alternative: hot air ballooning, rock climbing, skydiving with an instructor


Digging - descent and study of underground communications (metro mines, bomb shelters, and so on)

Someone considers diggers to be modern archaeologists and treasure seekers. However, unfortunately, for the most part, modern teenagers climb into the dungeons not out of love for history and archeology. The guys do not have enough adrenaline, and in front of their comrades they want to “show off”. Subways, bomb shelters and mines attract reckless teenagers like a magnet. This is a real thriller with the effect of presence! And recently, diggerism has completely reached new level: now you can book a tour of the city dungeons. An experienced digger guides amateurs thrill by relatively safe ways to feel all the gloomy charm of the dungeons. But even with him, no one is immune from collapses, and it is not always possible to trust such guides - it is very easy to get lost in such places. Once such a "walk" almost ended in tragedy: the guides left their clients in the dungeons and disappeared.

Alternative: study of history, a trip to the archaeological camp.


Stalking - visiting and exploring abandoned places.

Not far from the diggers, the so-called stalkers left. The “romance” of abandoned places is also close to them, but, unlike diggers, they also visit ground-based locations: unfinished buildings, remote villages, idle factories.

Inspired by a computer game (S.T.A.L.K.E.R) and a thirst for adventure, teenagers often climb into places where they shouldn't go. Military warehouses, closed facilities, industrial enterprises… A person who got there illegally becomes a delinquent. Some especially crazy teenagers even make their way to the territory of the Chernobyl zone. Needless to say, how risky it is to be there?

However, young stalkers have enough dangers in public places - from dilapidated structures ready to collapse under the slightest weight, to homeless people and stray dogs.

Alternative: hiking trips- hiking and kayaking, studying history.

MIA "Russia Today"


Hooking - travel outside the passenger compartment of an electric train or tram (on the roof, on the footboard).

You have probably seen how teenagers ride the train, clinging to the handrails and other protruding parts of the train. These are hookers - reckless guys who, by virtue of different reasons prefer to ride outside rather than inside.

This extreme hobby arose at the beginning of the last century, when need forced people to travel outside the train compartment: overcrowded trams and trains, as well as high ticket prices, turned ordinary people in hooks. Now the situation has changed, but teenagers stubbornly try their luck, clinging to the protruding parts of the train, climbing onto the steps and even onto the roof.

The main danger that awaits hookers is, of course, falling onto the rails under the wheels of a moving train. Hands or feet slip off, the handrail comes off - and everything can end very tragically. Several dozen such accidents are recorded in Russia every year. Also, careless teenagers die from electric shock. Basically, this fate awaits those who like to ride on the roof.

Alternative: any circle or section that can captivate a child and cool his craving for dangerous entertainment.


Planking is a trendy flash mob that tempts with its accessibility. Its essence is to lie face down in an unusual place and capture it on a photo or video.

Lie down face down, stretch your arms at your sides, let a friend take a picture of you and put it on the Internet - congratulations, you are a planker!

England can be considered the birthplace of planking, but he came to Russia from Australia, where this hobby is very popular. There are many names for planking: “parkour for the lazy”, “play dead”, “on the stomach”.

Wherever modern plankers lie! On the knees of friends, on benches and curbs, in shopping malls and even in police stations! But despite the absurdity and comical nature of this hobby, it can lead to tragic events. For the sake of spectacular shots, plankers choose the most unusual and extreme places. Photos with a “bar” on handrails in the subway, on protruding elements of monuments and on rails are walking around the Web.

There were cases when extreme people, wanting to impress the audience, were located on the balcony railings and on the edge of the roof. Unfortunately, such recklessness does not always end happily.


baseclimbing and basejumping

Baseklumbing - climbing to a great height without insurance.

Base jumping - jumping from a height of several hundred meters with a special parachute.

Do you think no one will risk their lives without extreme need? Baseclumbers refute this claim. Their hobby is climbing sheer walls and bridges without safety net. No less extreme entertainment was invented by base jumpers - they jump with a special parachute from sheer cliffs and other hills.

The main difference between base jumping and parachuting is the height from which the jump is made. The base jumper has much less time to open the parachute and group the body in flight, so the risk of making a mistake, getting tangled in the lines or not having time to open the parachute is greater.

Worst of all, base jumping in Russia is widespread only at the philistine level - there are almost no specialized schools. The basic rules are passed from mouth to mouth, which means that the entire success of a base jump depends not only on the ability of the “student”, but also on whether he is lucky with the “teacher”.

Alternative: paragliding, skydiving under the guidance of an experienced instructor.


Parkour - "rational" movement and overcoming obstacles in the way (walls, stairs, and so on). It combines many rather complex and dangerous tricks: somersaults, jumps with support on hands.

The progenitor of acrostreet - the famous parkour - is one of the most popular hobbies of modern youth. But, despite the many dangerous elements and tricks that parkour involves, this hobby cannot be called absolutely harmful.

Just like acrostreet enthusiasts, tracers (people involved in parkour) spend a lot of time in gyms and on training grounds, developing endurance and honing dexterity. Over time, they become much stronger and more athletic than their peers, who prefer safe hobbies like computer games and street parties. However, parental concern for a tracer child is justified.

Parkour is traumatic and dangerous view sports, especially if a teenager is experimenting alone or with amateur friends. It is impossible to meet a parkour player who does not have a single fracture or sprain. The most common injuries are: broken fingers and wrists, tendon rupture, damage to the legs, heels and collarbones.

Fortunately, there are few deaths among tracers, and they are mainly associated with excessive ambitions of teenagers. Teenagers want "everything at once" and, after watching videos with the tricks of professionals, they rush to repeat them without prior preparation. This problem can be solved: now there are many schools where experienced trainers teach teenagers parkour - correct and relatively safe.

Alternative: dancing, Athletics, gymnastics.

"Dog High"

"Dog high" is the intentional blocking of oxygen supply to the brain in order to get a "high".

Calling a “dog buzz” a hobby or a hobby doesn’t even turn your tongue, but, unfortunately, this obviously suicidal behavior has followers. For many teenagers, addiction to this wild entertainment cost their lives, and someone was prompted to search for stronger and more deadly sources of “intoxication”. Worst of all, this infection is spreading not only among high school students, but also in middle school and even in primary school! The game on the verge of life and death is common both in boarding schools and in quite prosperous schools. Children do it in companies and one by one. Average age- from 12 to 19 years old.

The idea is simple: first, a teenager raises the pressure with frequent (dog-like - hence the name) breathing, after which he "strangles" himself with a rope himself or his comrades do it. Then the rope is removed - and from the rush of blood to the brain, the teenager experiences a feeling of lightness and euphoria.

You can understand that a child is hooked on a “dog buzz” by their behavior and external changes. Marks on the neck, red whites of the eyes, unusual actions, complaints of headaches - all this can be a signal of trouble. And if in the personal belongings of a child such strange objects as ropes suddenly come across, neckerchiefs, dog leashes - it's worth sounding the alarm!

Alternative: explain that pleasure can and should be obtained in safe and legal ways, and captivate the child with interesting and useful hobbies (dancing, sports, drawing, and so on).

A person at any age can have a hobby and enjoy it. Any interesting activity for teenagers and adults is considered a useful pastime, unless it is associated with harm to health or to others. The benefit of a hobby is that it is one of the ways of self-realization along with a career. At work, we cannot always fully realize our desires, because we often do not what we want, but what allows us to earn a livelihood in the desired volumes. It is a hobby that makes it possible not to put an end to a truly beloved business, as well as to level stress and fatigue from not so desirable, but necessary activities in life.

"The most good job It's a high-paying hobby." Henry Ford

If for an adult a hobby is an unambiguously secondary matter, which may not exist at all, then a hobby for a 13-year-old boy will be taken much more seriously by him. The fact is that the teenager is in active search himself, his interests are formed, abilities and predispositions are revealed. He is preparing to make a choice, to define his identity: who I am, what I do. False values ​​may arise on such fertile ground, the child may prefer a dangerous direction or headlong into the first occupation that comes across, sometimes to the detriment of studies and others. important matters, may overestimate their abilities or treat with contempt valuable and promising areas of development. All these are typical symptoms. transition period, the best medicine from them is time. However, by paying attention to the process of acquiring a hobby by a child, parents can do a lot for his future.

Is it important to have a hobby?

A difficult period is called difficult because it is associated with the risks of a teenager falling under bad influence. Child psychology in adolescence characterized by a sharp change in authority. He no longer perceives his parents as an infallible source of any knowledge, and everything they say is indisputable truth. The teenager challenges everything that he has learned before, tries everything that he rejected or was afraid of before. What the tests will lead to is the main question.

Least likely to get negative experience a child who is busy with something and is in the field of view of adults, that is, has an additional lesson, in addition to the main study. This activity should be voluntary so that the teenager does not stare at peers loitering around, but is absorbed in the process and enjoys it. Try to interest the child by offering him interesting hobbies for teenagers 14-15 years old.

What gives a teenager a hobby:

  • energy output;
  • creative self-realization;
  • experience and skills (depending on the occupation, this may be a professional skill, life, social or emotional experience, etc.);
  • the opportunity to spend free time with benefit;
  • a society of peers united by a useful hobby.

Simple ideas for an interesting hobby

To suggest best hobby for a teenager, from whom he definitely will not refuse, you need to determine the direction that is interesting to him. It is worth mentioning that such “interesting areas” as computer games, the Internet or a fashionable subculture should be put aside: they can be endured, but definitely should not be encouraged. However, even in games and subcultures, you can find echoes of the interests of children - just take a closer look at them. For example, emo: their main “trick” is work with appearance. A child who actively creates his own image can appreciate the courses of designers or fashion designers.

"I am never as busy as during my leisure hours" Cicero

Computer games are focused on the type of activity (shooters, races, role-playing games, strategies, quests, rpg, etc.). Usually a child chooses a game that gives what is missing in life. A shooter lover will appreciate sports shooting or airsoft, a “racer” will like karting, horseback riding or cycling, a role-playing lover will appreciate performing arts, for example, acting classes at VGIK or classes at the Benefis theater school. It is important to pay attention to the little things and not be afraid to offer hobbies to teen girls and boys.

Unusual hobbies

If you are one of those whose hobby is limited to hunting, stamp collecting and cross-stitching, brace yourself for a hit parade of surprises. These three amazing hobbies proved to the whole world that a person's hobby is not limited by anything other than the limits of his own imagination.

  1. A ball of paint. It all started when decorator M. Carmichael decided in 1977 to paint a baseball. Today, the number of layers of paint is close to 23,000, and the ball itself weighs more than 1.5 tons. Despite the oddity of the hobby, it has a lot of imitators all over the world.
  2. Card palaces. B. McLain has been engaged in card construction all his life, already at the age of 5 he built the first five-story house. His main achievement was the construction of an exact copy of the royal high-rise complex commissioned by the government Saudi Arabia. The whole composition took 4351 decks of cards, the length of the complex is 15.3 m, the height is 3.5 m, the cost of the order is 1.5 million dollars.
  3. Lead carving. American artist D. Getty became famous for carving miniature figures and compositions on slate simple pencil. His most difficult work is two parts of one pencil, connected by a chain made of a single lead without gluing. This is a real chain, which differs from the usual iron chain only in size and material. It is hard to believe that her links have never been separated.

The most popular hobbies in Russia and the world

Tops of popular hobbies of modern teenagers of the world and individual countries differ slightly from each other. Moreover, this is almost always the same list, in which only the serial numbers of classes change. This is due to the extensibility of the concept of "hobby": for some, this is the second business of life, for others - just a leisure option. So, many people refer to reading books, listening to music, tourism, caring for children as hobbies. indoor plants And so on. An inequality arises: one person skillfully cuts out figures from a pencil lead, and the second one waters the agave, but both have hobbies. So the list of hobbies and hobbies for teenagers in Russia and the world includes the following most popular areas:

  • trips;
  • reading;
  • dancing;
  • cooking;
  • cutting, sewing, knitting and other needlework;
  • sports;
  • hunting and fishing;
  • collecting rarities (from stamps and coins to masterpieces of world art and ancient weapons);
  • growing plants and caring for domestic animals;
  • literary creativity (poems, stories, articles for a personal blog, etc.).

Despite the fact that the listed teenage hobbies are very banal and generalized, each of them can become the basis for highlighting a much narrower direction.

You can often hear from people of the older generation lamenting that today's youth does nothing, knows nothing, is not interested in anything, except for computers and all kinds of electronic devices.

Unfortunately, teachers and even parents of young people often adhere to this point of view. At best, teenagers' hobbies often seem strange and worthless to them, at worst they are declared harmful and they are fought against!

"Dark" people

When I first started working at the university, I was terribly upset by the fact that many of the students, who are well versed in the issues of the specialty being mastered, have absolutely no idea about painting, literature, art, history and other areas.

They were not at all interested in issues that were not directly related to the profession. When I tried to talk to them about this topic, they were sincerely surprised: “Why do I need this?” Thoughts that the personality should be developed comprehensively were not characteristic of them.

I tried my best to change the situation. Coming up with tasks for laboratory work, I tried to pick up interesting and diverse topics that the guys had to familiarize themselves with in order to complete the task. Someone got the theme of the great commanders, someone - about submarines, someone - according to the works of Russian classics.

My older and more experienced colleagues just laughed at me. To be honest, my efforts were in vain for a long time. The guys managed to complete the tasks without having studied the topic. So, for example, when developing a database of commanders, they mindlessly entered the names of military leaders in one column, the names of battles in another, and calmed down on this.

When passing the laboratory, they could have completely paradoxical errors. For example, when the system they developed reported that “M.I. Kutuzov led the battle on the Kursk Bulge,” my hair stood on end, and they didn’t even understand why I took it that there was a mistake!

I was in despair and wanted to abandon my idea, which had not yielded results for more than three years, but the case changed everything.

a glimmer of hope

Once a student who was given a topic about classical music asked me if it was possible to change the topic and make a laboratory based on information about modern music. Of course, I agreed.

When he handed in the laboratory work, it immediately became clear to me that it was done very carefully, thoughtfully, and the student was superbly oriented in the subject area! For more than half an hour he told me about modern music, about its trends, about its history, about authors and performers.

In his program, which he wrote for the laboratory, much more was done than was required. I'm not a fan of modern music, but I was really interested. Apparently, sensing my interest, he somehow hesitantly offered to look at another possibility of the system he developed.

His program could play some tunes. I had a chance to listen to one tune. He asked if I liked this music. I answered him honestly that I am not a fan of this direction in music, but I catch the mood of the author, and described to him the emotions that this melody evoked in me.

He was just proud! The author of this melody was himself. On the basis of this laboratory work, he then made a magnificent course project. Unfortunately, the supervisor did not allow him to write a thesis on this topic, and his thesis was weak. It's a pity ... It could have turned out a great diploma!

The ice has broken

After this incident, the guys themselves began to suggest topics that are of interest to them. We discussed with them how to make a laboratory or coursework based on the topics they are interested in. Most of the guys subsequently wrote chic theses based on their own materials.

As I understand it, the most a big problem lies in the fact that the hobbies of children are not always adequately perceived by adults. Many students never talked about their hobbies, fearing that they would not be understood.

So, for example, there were several paintball lovers among our students. I actually had a very vague idea about this game. In our city just a few years ago a paintball club was opened. For some reason, it seemed to me that this game is mainly used by very wealthy people who spend their free time like this.

Where did this notion come from? Don't know. Maybe you saw it in a movie. It turned out to be completely different! The guys with great difficulty persuaded me to go to the game with them (as a spectator, of course!) It turned out to be a very interesting active sport game, somewhat vaguely reminiscent of Zarnitsa, beloved since childhood.

One student is engaged in crafts from matches. He brought photographs of magnificent castles he had collected for long years. Indescribable beauty! I know for sure that I would not have had the patience to build a match castle for so long, but he has enough!

Another guy collects beer bottle caps. It would seem, what kind of hobby? But he loves it! He has a huge collection of these corks. This does not mean at all that he himself drank all the beer from which he managed to collect corks.

When the guys found out about this hobby, they began to bring corks to him. He rejects most of the corks he brought, but he says about some that this is a rare specimen!

And once on graduation party our student (let's call her Tanechka) gave each of the teachers personal gift- drawn with my own hands small picture with flowers.

And although there were flowers in each picture, I noticed that everyone got different flowers. I do not know this for sure, but I think that Tanechka chose which flower to draw for whom. Unfortunately, almost all of Tanya's paintings were left lying on the tables among used napkins and dirty dishes.

I was very offended that my colleagues reacted so inattentively to the youthful impulse. My painting is still on my shelf. It's her in the photo.

New hobbies, new values

Based on my experience, I can say that today's teenagers and young people have hobbies, there are activities that they like! Unfortunately, their hobbies are often not perceived by the older generation. Sometimes we don't even try to understand them. It is easier for us to condemn their "worthless fun."

It is very difficult to understand that those values ​​that were dear to us have lost their significance for the new generation. They got their own. They are trying to form their own worldview, which is very different from ours.

Perhaps many will not agree with me, but it seems to me that the elders should take the first step to solve the eternal problem of fathers and children. It is the elders who are wiser, more experienced, more tolerant.

Yes, it is probably not easy to accept the passion of a child who considers himself a biker and rides a motorcycle in an extravagant way. But you can try to understand. And only then it will be possible to count on understanding from the side of the teenager. We can hope that he will respect our values ​​only when we ourselves learn to respect his world.

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