Interesting abstracts of classes in kindergarten. Classes in kindergarten. Educational activities for children


Organized educational activities with children of the second junior group of kindergarten

Theme: "Bees"

Purpose of the event:

Consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes ah, the color and length of the item.



1. Improve the ability to name and distinguish familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle;

2. To consolidate children's ideas about the color of an object;

3. Improve the ability to compare two objects in length (short, long).


Develop thinking, memory, attention, perception, fine motor skills.


Cultivate perseverance.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct at a party.

Methods and techniques:

Gaming (surprise moment);

Pedagogical technologies: personality-oriented, gaming.

Means of education:


wonderful bag,

Multi-colored balls, baskets.

Cardboard daisies;

Sheets with painted beds;

Sheets with geometric shapes;

Picture with houses and paths.

Event progress:

Educator: Guys, today a guest wants to come to us, but he will appear only when you guess the riddle about him.

Flying buzzing.

Sit down, be silent.

Now in the meadows, now in the gardens

And who is her friend

He is always with honey.

And who doesn't love her?

Save yourself running!


Children: a bee.

Educator: Well done! Solve the riddle. It really is a bee.

She wants to get to know us and make friends. Do you agree?(children's answers) Then let's play with the bee.

The "Wonderful Pouch" is brought in.

Educator: Guys, let's see what's inside the bag. Children take turns taking out multi-colored plastic balls.

The game "Split by color"

Children are invited to arrange the balls corresponding to the color of the basket.

Educator: Guys, do you know that our bee loves to fly and sit on flowers. Let's "plant" chamomile with you on the beds. Each child is given a cardboard chamomile. The beds are drawn on a piece of paper.

How many petals does a chamomile have? (A lot of)

How many flowers are in the beds? (No one)

Let's plant daisies in the garden with you.

How many daisies are in the garden now? (A lot of)

Educator: Guys, let's help our guest. In front of you are pieces of paper on which geometric shapes are drawn. You and I need to name the figure and say what color it is.(children's answers).

That's right guys!

Educator: And now let's paint the figures in the same color. As shown above.


The bees got up in a round dance

Children walk around

The cat hit the drum


The mice began to dance




So I started to tremble


All earth, all earth

(hand jerks)

Children sit at tables.

Educator: Guys, let's play a game called "Compare the tracks" with you.

The bee wanted to invite a butterfly to visit. And she wrote a letter to her: “Butterfly fly to visit me. I live in a house - ulee. A path leads to my house. But no matter what you get lost, remember: there is a wide path near my house.

Butterfly was delighted with the invitation and flew to visit. It flies, flies and sees houses, and paths near them (points to houses and paths). What house does the bee live in?

Then the butterfly remembered what was written in the letter. Near the house of the bee, the path is wide.

But how do you know which lane is wider?

What do I need to do?

Near whose house is the path wider?

Children compare two tracks (cut out of cardboard) in an overlay way. Find out which track is wider. And they tell the butterfly where the bee's house is located.

Teacher: Well done guys!



(chapter educational program"Communication")

Subject: "Forest Journey"

Purpose of the event:

The development of the sound-producing side of speech.



To consolidate the ability to intonationally highlight the sound in the word.

To form the ability to identify the first sound in a word,

Learn to model the syllabic composition of one to three compound words.

Enrich vocabulary.


Develop attention, perception.

Develop voluntary finger movements


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Methods and techniques:

Visual (showing illustrations);

Verbal (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

Pedagogical technologies: gaming.

Means of education:


Toys: cat, goose, ram, horse, tiger cub, bird.

Event progress:


Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, greet "Good morning"

Good morning sun and birds

good morning smiling faces

And everyone becomes kind, trusting,

Let the good morning last until the evening!!!

Let's join hands, guys, and share warmth with each other, so that our morning will also be good until the evening. And now guys, I offer you a little trip to the forest.


Look guys, here in the clearing, there is a house. They live together in this house

Cat - Kitty - Kitty

Goose - Ga - Ga

Baran - Bee

Horse - Igo - go

Tiger Cub - Roar

A river flows to the will of the house, and you can go to the house only along this bridge. But this bridge is not simple, it is magical. It is possible to leave the house, but it is difficult to go back. A learned bird sits on the railing of the bridge. She asks everyone who comes to the bridge what sound the name of an animal or bird begins with. Whoever says correctly will go into the house, whoever does not say, or forgot, before that the bridge falls through.

Here animals and birds are returning after a walk, they approached the bridge, they are very tired, they want to get home as soon as possible and cannot, they have forgotten what sound their name begins with. Let's help them kids! (bring the animals in turn to the bridge, the children name the corresponding sounds and name what it is (hard or soft consonant sound).


Well done boys! All animals are very grateful to you. Now get up, let's play a little:

Dynamic pause.

We have good posture

We brought the shoulder blades together.

We are like socks

And then on the heels

Let's go soft like foxes

And like a clubfoot bear

And like a gray wolf - a little wolf

And like a bunny coward.

Here the wolf curled up into a ball,

Because he is cold

The hedgehog's ray touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.


Now let's see how smart you guys are.

The game "Name how much".

The teacher shows the cards various items, and children name nouns in the plural.


Well done guys, did you enjoy playing? Let's play another game

"Name what?"

What kind of pencil? (wooden, sharp, green, broken). What trees? etc


Well done boys! I really enjoyed playing and traveling with you. And next time we will travel again.



Organized educational activities with children of the middle group of kindergarten

(section of the educational program "Cognition")

Subject: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Purpose of the event:

Strengthening counting skills up to 7.



Test your knowledge of geometric shapes.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors.



1. Raising a sensitive attitude towards each other, a friendly attitude towards animals, careful attitude towards nature and the environment.

4. Methods and techniques:

Visual (showing illustrations);

Verbal (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

Gaming (surprise moment).

Health-saving technologies: dynamic pause.

Means of education:

gnome hats;


Image: huts of Baba Yaga; lakes in the form of numbers; pebbles, in the form of geometric shapes;

Baba Yaga's letter;

card with numbers from 1 to 7;

guitar, metallophone

Event progress:

Educator: Guys, do you want to go to the unusual an amusing trip? To the land of numbers and geometric shapes?

Children: We want.

Educator: And to get there, I will take a magic wand, I will say the words-spells: “Cribly, crably, booms !!!” and you and I turn ... into Snow White and the seven dwarfs.

Snow White: Are we on our way?

Gnomes: Yes.

Snow White: Oh, gnomes, look what a beautiful meadow! How much beautiful flowers! Can you tell me what color they are? And now, my dear gnomes, be smart and check if the number of petals matches the number that is in the middle of each flower. (numbers and numbers - three, four, five)

Snow White: Are we going further?

Gnomes: Yes

Snow White: Gnomes, look at what unusual reservoirs-lakes, and what do they look like?

Gnomes: Lakes are like huge numbers.

Snow White: What numbers do they represent?

Gnomes: One, two, six.

Snow White: There are a lot of ducks around these lakes. They fly from distant countries, they are very tired, they would like to relax, splash in cool waters, but the trouble is, they don’t know how to count. Each unusual lake can accommodate a strictly defined number of ducks. Can we help our feathered friends?

Gnomes: Yes.

Snow White: Hear, gnomes, what wonderful music sounds.

Gnomes: Listen.

Snow White: And who knows what it's called?

Gnomes: "Dance of the ducklings."

Snow White: Shall we dance?

Dynamic pause to the music "Dance of ducklings".

Snow White : Our gnomes danced. Seeing how they dance, the sun came out in the sky, clear and golden. And everywhere it became light. And our gnomes went on.

Snow White: Shall we continue our unusual journey?

Gnomes: Yes!

Snow White: And what kind of unusual kingdom-state is this? And who lives here? Let's get a look. What do you gnomes see?

Gnomes: Rainbow.

Snow White Q: How many colors does a rainbow have?

Gnomes: Seven.

Snow White: Who can name all the colors of the rainbow?

Gnomes: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

Snow White: Well done, correctly named all the colors of the rainbow.

Snow White Q: What are these items? How do you think?

Gnomes: Musical instruments.

Snow White: What are their names?

Gnomes: Guitar, metallophone.

Snow White Q: How many strings does the guitar have?

Gnomes: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. There are only seven strings on the guitar.

Snow White: And what is this unusual signs on sheets? Who knows what they are called?

Gnomes: Notes.

Snow White: That's right, it's notes. And what are they for?

Gnomes : To play musical instruments.

Snow White: With the help of notes, the musicians reproduce the melody that the composer composed.

Snow White: And what fairy tales do you know, in the name of which there is the number seven?

Gnomes : Fairy tale "Wolf and seven kids".

Snow White: And there are proverbs and sayings, the most famous: "Measure seven times, cut once."

Snow White: And seven days a week. Who will list them.

Gnomes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Snow White : Well done! Go ahead. There is a stream in front of us. It is necessary, jumping from pebble to pebble, to name the geometric shapes that they resemble.

Gnomes : Triangle, triangle, oval, square, rectangle.

Snow White: They did a very good job with this task. Gnomes, it's time for us to go home. But how will we get back? Magic wand left at the beginning of our journey, what to do? Let's turn to Baba Yaga, she will definitely be able to help us. Children approach the hut on chicken legs. They knock on the door. (No one answers) They find a note: “Dear travelers, I went on business, if you want to return home safely, draw unusual drawings, name these items, these will be your "spell words" that will return you home.

Gnomes finish drawing geometric shapes, name the objects that have turned out. They turn into children by music.

Educator: Here we are at home. Where were we today? What were we doing in the land of numbers and geometric shapes? What did you like?



Organized educational activities with children senior group kindergarten

(section of the educational program "Safety")

Subject: "Journey through fire safety»

Purpose of the event:

Consolidation of knowledge of fire safety.



To consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous situations, the causes of a fire and the rules of behavior in case of fire;

Learn to navigate in difficult situations;

To introduce fire and its properties;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a firefighter;

Expand the vocabulary of children on the topic of fire safety;

Continue to introduce non-traditional techniques in activity.


Develop thinking, attention, perception.


1. To educate in children the need to take care of their safety;

4. Methods and techniques:

Visual (showing illustrations, exhibits);

Verbal (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

Gaming (surprise moment).

Pedagogical technologies: personality-oriented, gaming.

Health-saving technologies: physical culture minute.

5.Learning Tools:

fireman's uniform (helmets, mask, carbine, boots…),

photographs of fire fighting equipment,

Firefighter uniforms then and now;

pictures with illustrations of fire safety rules;

Video "Firefighters in training".

Material for experiments with fire: a metal tray, candles, containers with water, sand, earth, a glass flask.

Material for creative work: sheets of white paper, watercolor, brushes, jars of water, a transparent film the size of a sheet of paper, silhouettes of a fire truck, houses, a fireman from dark paper, glue.

Event progress:

Educator: Guys, today we are going to an exciting and useful journey by country of security. I invite you to get on the bus (children sit on chairs imitating a bus). As we drive, I'll tell you a story.

“In one small town there lived a match. She was a fun, playful girl. She loved to dance very much, and she danced so much that she forgot about everything in the world. It ignited and immediately caught fire. Dancing, she touched curtains, objects in the house, going out into the street - behind trees, houses, bushes, grass and everything that she came across on the way. All this burned down. People began to fear her. She didn’t like it terribly, because only people could give her life. After all, they did it. And then one day she came to the master who made matches and asked for help. After all, she wanted to benefit people, but brought only harm. The master thought well and decided to help the match. I came up with a house for her where you can hide and relax - this is Matchbox. He put her not alone, but with her sisters. Since then, the naughty match lives in a matchbox.

Educator: Did you like the fairy tale? I suggest you play

game "The benefits and harms of fire."

Educator: we light a fire with a match. What are the benefits of fire?

Children: With the help of fire, we cook food, heat houses, and light houses.

Educator: What harm does fire bring? What can happen from careless handling of fire?

Children: Things can burn down, an apartment, a house, a forest.

Educator: what causes fires?

Children: Fires come from playing with matches, lighters, from left-on electrical appliances, turned on gas stoves.

Educator: Well done boys. Here we have arrived. First stop. Fire Safety Museum. Come to the first hall of our museum. Here is " Art Gallery". She's weird, guess why? (Each picture shows the rules of safe behavior with fire.

Children look at each picture, explain why a dangerous fire situation arose and how to act in this case. After each explanation of the child, the teacher draws a conclusion using a poetic form.

The first rule applies to everyone, the first rule is the most important! On the street, and in the room, guys remember him. Don't touch the matches, there's fire in the matches!

You can easily remember the second rule: be careful with electrical appliances, with an iron and a kettle, with a stove and a soldering iron!

Rule three: Don't leave burning gas, gas needs an eye and an eye

Rule four: we want to warn you, do not light the oven without adults

Rule five: It’s nice to sit by the fire in the forest, when it’s time to return home, don’t spare the fire before leaving, throw it in the ground and fill it with water

Educator: Guys, if you and I follow these rules, trouble will never happen to us.

And who helps people to cope with the fire? (firefighters). We will learn about the profession of a firefighter if we go to the next hall of our museum. Come on in.

Educator: What do you know about the uniform of a firefighter? See what uniform the firefighter had before (we pay attention to the photographs of firefighters of past years). Now look (I draw attention to modern form): a firefighter is dressed in a special suit that does not get wet and does not burn in a fire. Tell me, why does a fireman need a helmet? (Protects his head from blows if something falls on a fireman). I suggest trying on a helmet (old and new). Children share their experiences. When there is a fire, it is very dangerous, and it is not easy to put out the fire. What do you think a firefighter should be like? (brave, courageous, strong, brave, kind). What kind of people will not be taken to the fire department? What does it take to become a firefighter? (go in for sports, be able to listen, know many rules for saving people).

Educator: Before moving on, we will rest and warm up a bit.


With crackling, clicking and thunder

There was a fire over the new house,

Looks around,

Waving red sleeve.

Show how strong the fire raged!

As the rooks saw (Waving "wings")

This is the flame from the tower



Tili-tili, tili-bom! (Hands up "basket", tilts to the right and left)

The cat's house is on fire!

A chicken is running with a bucket, (running in place)

And behind her in full spirit

A rooster runs with a broomstick (squats with arm swings)

Piglet - with a sieve

And a goat with a lantern.

Educator: Let's go to the cinema hall of our museum and see how firefighters train (watching the video "Firefighters in training").

Educator: Our journey continues. We take our places. The teacher asks the children questions: What equipment helps firefighters, why fire engine red, what number must be dialed to call the fire department, what to say?

Next stop "Experimental Lab"

Here we will conduct experiments with fire. Let's get acquainted with fire and its properties. To get into the laboratory, you need to pass through the tunnel (they crawl under the arc). A million years ago, people learned how to make fire. In the hands of a man, he gave light and warmth. On the fire, people cooked their own food, defended themselves from wild animals that could attack a person. But as soon as the fire was given free rein, left unattended, the good actions of the chase turned into evil. Fires continue to this day. And very often where people carelessly handle fire. People get burned and poisoned. Now we will conduct experiments with fire. And we will be very careful.

The teacher lights the candles. Children, what did you see? (light). It is bright, beautiful, attracts attention. Can you touch it? Explain why? (children's answers)

Experience 1 . If the fire becomes dangerous, how can a person deal with it? (extinguish). What is fire afraid of? (water, snow, sand, earth). Let's check your claims. Let's conduct an experiment: pour a little water on a burning candle. (The child follows the instructions of the teacher). What is happening and why? (the fire went out, he is afraid of water).

Experiments 2, 3. They are carried out similarly with other materials: sand, earth (if the lesson takes place in winter - snow).

Experience 4. And now we will carry out the last experiment and draw the appropriate conclusions. We cover the burning candle with a glass flask. What happens to the fire (it goes out). Why did the fire go out? Fire cannot exist without air. Therefore, when the access of air stopped, it went out.

This concludes our work in the laboratory, let's continue the journey. On the bus, he asks questions: Is it possible for children to use matches, is it possible to turn on household appliances How can you put out a fire, what should you do if a fire does happen?

I want to give you one piece of advice:


Teach children to distinguish between vitamin-containing foods;

Explain to children how vitamins affect the human body, about their benefits and the importance of vitamins for human health;

Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition- Food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.


Develop attention, thinking, imagination, active and passive vocabulary.


1. Encourage children to take care of their health.

4. Methods and techniques:

Visual (showing illustrations);

Verbal (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

Gaming (surprise moment).

Health-saving technologies: physical culture minute.

5.Learning Tools:

colour pencils,


sheets of paper for drawing.

Event progress:


Guys, we received a letter from Dunno, listen to what he writes to us.

“Hello guys, my name is Dunno. I had a problem, I got sick. They say that in order not to get sick, you need to eat right. I tried, I ate everything only tasty: cakes, sweets, drank Pepsi Cola. But unfortunately, I'm getting worse and worse. Guys, help me, please, figure out what I need to eat so as not to get sick.

Guys, let's try to help Dunno with you.


Tell me, what do you like to eat the most? (children's answers)

What do you think is the difference between "tasty" and "healthy"? (children's answers)

Which are useful and which harmful products you see in the picture? (children's answers)


Guys, do you know that foods contain substances that are very important for human health and are called vitamins? (children's answers)

Guys, what do you know about vitamins?


Yes, vitamins have different effects on human health. For example, vitamin A is very important for vision. Vitamin B contributes to the good functioning of the heart, and vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong, it is contained in fish oil. Vitamin C strengthens the entire body, makes a person healthier, not prone to colds. If you still catch a cold, then with its help you can recover faster.


Listen to a poem I know about vitamins.

I never get discouraged

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

What do you think will happen to a person if they eat only sweets? (children's answers)


You need to know that the human body needs different foods. Raw vegetables and fruits are especially useful: those who constantly use them, as a rule, have a good, cheerful mood, smooth skin, and a graceful figure.

But sweets, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are very harmful to health. Of course, you should not completely give up sweets. However, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods - to be strong, healthy and grow quickly.


Listen to a poem about the benefits of vitamins.

Vitamin A

Remember the simple truth

The only one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drink carrot juice.

Vitamin B

Very important early

Have oatmeal for breakfast.

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

Vitamin D

Fish oil is the healthiest

Though nasty - you have to drink

He saves from diseases

Without diseases - it is better to live!

Vitamin C

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

Well, it's better to eat a lemon,

Although it is very sour.

You try to solve a tricky problem:

What is more useful to chew - turnip or chewing gum?


Guys, what do you think is better? After eating, many try to chew gum in order to clean their teeth, and in the old days they chewed turnips, it is very useful and cleans teeth well.


After listening to these verses, we can say which foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D.

Vitamin A is found in foods: beets, melons, carrots, garlic, cabbage, parsley, peaches, spinach, pumpkin, turnips, celery.

Vitamin B - rice, raisins, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, nuts, bananas, peas, liver, bread, mushrooms, cottage cheese, salad. In animal products - lamb, beef, crabs, shellfish.

Vitamin C - black currants, rose hips, oranges, lemons, onions, parsley.

Vitamin D - fish oil, cod liver, beef liver, butter.

Physical education "Glutton"

One pot-bellied big man (Circular motion with both hands around the abdomen)

Ate a dozen buns on an empty stomach (Put all fingers in front of you)

He washed down the rolls with milk, (Depict an imaginary glass with your fingers, and then drink from it)

I ate the chicken in one piece. (Spread the fingers of one hand wide, palm up, bring an imaginary piece to your mouth)

Then he fried the lamb (Show index fingers horns)

And sent it to the belly of the poor (Stroke the belly)

The big man swelled up like a ball, (Depict a large circle in the air)

The glutton here had a stroke. (Hit lightly on the forehead with the palm of your hand)

Work with worksheets.

Educator: Guys, look, you have on the leaves with right side various products are drawn. List which ones? (Answers of children).

And on the left side vitamins A, B, C, D are written. Draw a path from each letter to the right product. And you will find out what vitamins are contained in the products. From the letter C - with a red pencil, from the letter A - with a blue pencil, from the letter D - with a green pencil, from the letter B - with an orange pencil.

So, what vitamin is found in carrots? Fish? Butter? cabbage? oranges? Cheese? fish oil? Blackcurrant? (Answers of children).


Guys, we now know which foods are healthy and which are harmful, which foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D. I suggest you draw healthy foods for Dunno, so that he knows what to eat so as not to get sick.

Children draw products.


Guys, what useful products have you learned? (Children's answers) Now Dunno will eat only what is healthy and will not get sick, we will put the drawings in an envelope, sign it and send it. I wish you that your health is always strong.

Fetisova Natalia Anatolievna

There is such a profession - to educate and teach children. The one who chose it consciously stepped on a difficult, sometimes almost impassable road. Everyone has a different fate in the profession. Some simply fulfill their duties and do not try to discover anything new where, it would seem, everything is open. Others are in an endless search and do not want to repeat the same path over and over again with different groups of children.


Class is an organized form of learning and a time period of the learning process that can reflect all its structural components (general pedagogical goal, didactic tasks, content, methods and means of teaching).

Occupation is:

Basic form of organization cognitive activity child;

Dynamic, improving procedural system, reflecting all aspects of the educational process;

Elementary structural unit educational process, with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;

A single link in the system of educational and cognitive activity.

The main occupation signs:

Occupation - the main unit of the didactic cycle and the form of organization of training;

According to the time interval, it takes from 10-15 minutes (in the younger preschool age) up to 30-35 minutes (at senior preschool age);

The lesson can be integrated, that is, devoted to more than one type cognitive activity(for example: speech development + visual activity);

The leading role in the lesson belongs to the educator, who organizes the process of transferring and mastering educational material, monitoring the level of development of each child;

Group - main organizational form associations of children in the classroom, all children are approximately the same age and level of training, that is, the group is homogeneous (with the exception of heterogeneous or mixed groups), the main composition of the groups is maintained for the entire period of stay in a preschool institution;

The group works according to a single program, according to the grid of cognitive activities;

Classes are held at predetermined hours of the day;

Vacations are held throughout the year, they correspond to the temporary period of school holidays (which is important even for the purposes of the continuity of the preschool educational institution and the school);

The year ends with summing up the results of the cognitive development of the personality of each child (according to the results of the child's activities in the classroom).

Lesson levels:

1. Higher: forecasting the ways of transferring activities to the result set by the learning goals based on feedback and overcoming possible difficulties in working with children.

2. High: the inclusion of children in solving the problem provided for by the purpose of the lesson.

3. Average: revealing the knowledge and skills of children and communicating information in accordance with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

4. Short: organization of interaction with children, explanation of new material according to a pre-planned plan, without intensifying cognitive activity aimed at obtaining a positive result.

Signs of high learning (during the observation of preschool children):

Isolation and awareness of the problem, goal, question, task;

Ability to predict their activities;

Ability to use knowledge in various (non-standard) situations;

Independence of activity and overcoming difficulties (independence of the choice of solutions);

Logic of thinking;

Flexibility of thought;

The speed of transformation of the mode of activity in accordance with the changed situations;

Opportunity to abandon standard solutions (from the stereotype);

Search for an expedient variant (switching or changing the variant).

Traditional occupations and their classifications

It is logical to carry out the classification of traditional occupations on the basis of the selected tasks and the types of activities used for their implementation. Considering psychological features a preschooler, analyzing methodological recommendations for modern programs, it is inappropriate to single out a separate type of lesson for learning new material, developing and improving knowledge and skills, since each lesson repeats, consolidates and expands the ideas of children.

Classification of classes, presented in "Pedagogy" by V. I. Loginova, leads to a mixture of types of classes with teaching methods and techniques. Authors modern programs represent the classification of occupations for each activity.

For example, in "Rainbow" cognitive activities are divided into the following types:




educational stories;


- for musical activities:



- in the program "From childhood to adolescence":



Theoretical, etc.

The variety of definitions does not change the tasks to be solved and the structure of the classes; the methods, techniques and sequence of structural components remain variable.

Therefore, the classification presented below will help determine the types of classes conducted for any type of activity in any program, their compliance with the tasks and structures chosen.

Non-traditional activities and parameters for their assessment

Types of non-traditional activities.

Competition classes (lined up on the basis of competition between children): who will quickly name, find, identify, notice, etc.

Classes-KVN (involving the division of children into two subgroups and are held as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical classes (microscenes are played that carry cognitive information to children).

Classes-plot-role-playing games (the teacher enters the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the storyline of the game and thus solving learning problems).

Consulting classes (when a child learns “horizontally”, consulting with another child).

Mutual learning activities (a “consultant” child teaches other children how to design, apply, draw).

Auction classes (conducted as board game"Manager").

Occupations-doubts (search for truth). (Research activities of children like: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - sinks, etc.)

Formula lessons (offered in Sh. A. Amonashvili's book "Hello, children!").

Travel activities.

Binary studies (ed. J. Rodari). (Compilation of creative stories based on the use of two objects, from a change in the position of which the plot and content of the story change.)

Fantasy activities.

Classes-concerts (separate concert numbers carrying cognitive information).

Dialogue classes (conducted according to the type of conversation, but the topic is chosen relevant and interesting).

Classes such as "The investigation is conducted by experts" (work with the diagram, map of the kindergarten group, orientation according to the diagram with a detective storyline).

Classes such as "Field of Miracles" (conducted as a game "Field of Miracles" for reading children).

Classes "Intellectual Casino" (conducted by the type of "Intellectual Casino" or quizzes with answers to questions: What? Where? When?).

Occupation Requirements

1. Use of the latest achievements of science and practice.

2. Implementation in optimal ratio all didactic principles.

3. Providing conditions for the subject-spatial environment for the development of cognitive activity.

4. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for the organization of children's activities.

5. Establishment of integrative links (the relationship of various activities, content).

6. Communication with past classes and reliance on the level achieved by the child.

7. Motivation and activation of the cognitive activity of children (methods and techniques).

8. The logic of building a lesson, a single line of content.

9. The emotional component of the lesson (the beginning and end of the lesson are always held on a high emotional upsurge).

10. Connection with life and personal experience every child.

11. Development of children's skills to independently acquire knowledge and replenish their volume.

12. Thorough diagnostics, forecasting, design and planning of each lesson by a teacher.

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishment of cause-and-effect relationships).


Method of modeling and design.

question method.

repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity(Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and joke (educational comics).

Methods of teaching and development of creativity(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov)

Emotional saturation of the environment.

Motivation of children's activities.

Study of objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (survey).

Forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present and future).

Game tricks.

Humor and joke.


Problem situations and tasks.

Obscure knowledge (guesses).

Assumptions (hypotheses).

Comprehensive and integrated classes.

"Dictionary of foreign words":

complex -

integration - restoration, replenishment, unification into a whole of any parts.

"Dictionary of the Russian language" SM. Ozhegov:

complex - a set, a combination of something, any representations;

integration - combination of parts into a whole.

"Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary":

complex - a set of objects or phenomena that make up one whole;

integration - a concept meaning a state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of a system, an organism into a whole, as well as a process leading to such a state. The process of rapprochement and connection of sciences, taking place along with the processes of their differentiation.

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally designed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Modern society raises the requirements for the level of professionalism of the teacher. This is due to the increasing value of quality education and personal development. Every educator, teacher, who has consciously chosen his profession, should strive to meet the new demands of society, improve teaching skills, master modern technologies. Conducting open classes, participating in the exchange of experience and professional competitions, certification for a higher category - all these are ways of self-development in an effort to become a good teacher and a teacher.

Theoretical foundations for conducting an open lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

An open lesson is a lesson in which outsiders are present. Such lessons are held for the purpose of exchanging experience by educators of children's educational institutions and are part of the system of work of methodological associations. If the event is held within the framework of one educational institution, then colleagues attend the lesson, the administration of this institution, there may be representatives parent committee. If an open lesson is held at the district level, then the number of guests can be much larger.

In an open lesson, the teacher demonstrates his skills and teaching methods

On the other hand, for children participating in an open lesson, this is a lesson that is part of the overall planning of the group's work. In terms of the time and volume of the material presented, this lesson should not differ from the usual one. Pupils of the older group (5-6 years old) already have sufficient independence, they have developed perseverance, they know how to think logically. The preferred form of conducting a lesson is still a game or the inclusion of game elements in its structure. In the game, it is easier for preschoolers to acquire knowledge and consolidate it in practice.

The open occupation is characterized frequent change activities for children. Different kinds exercises, tasks, games, riddles and physical culture pauses should be interspersed with each other.

Types of open classes for pupils of the senior group

Choosing a topic open event, the teacher seeks to maximize the novelty and features of a particular topic. You can organize classes using innovative methods and teaching methods (for example, the use of multimedia technology, the use of logorhythms, holding fitball gymnastics) or fill the lesson with unusual content (develop a lesson on a healthy lifestyle, moral education children).

An open lesson with the Voskobovich square will help the children develop logical thinking

Table: types of open classes in the preschool educational institution

The focus of the lesson Examples
Music lesson
  • Sadykova Lilia "We are walking along the ladder, looking for a song".
  • Tolstoguzov Alexander "Journey to the country of musical instruments" .
Patriotic education
  • Nagaiskaya Anna "I love you, Russia" .
  • Latysheva Ksenia "There is nothing in the world more beautiful than our Motherland".
Popularization healthy lifestyle life
  • Gavrilova Tatyana "Journey to the country" Healthy ".
Development of logic
  • Egorova Irina "Journey to a forest clearing".
  • Kolomiets Lyubov "Journey to the Land of Logic".
Classes using ICT
  • Open lesson in mathematics using ICT "Journey through a fairy tale" .
  • Kakaulina Natalia “Synopsis of GCD with the use of ICT Educational area “Cognition”. FEMP".
  • Vorontsova Tatyana "Beauty Butterfly".
  • Vorobyova Lyudmila "Colorful fantasies" .
Psychological occupation
  • Kosenko Lyudmila "A fabulous journey into the magical world of Emotions" .
  • Occupation of a psychologist in the senior group.
  • Zainullina Zulfiya "Oh, you, winter-winter, swirled, swept."
  • Karimova Elmira "Summary of a lesson in logarithmics in the senior group".
  • Shmatova Victoria "Journey through the dance stations".
  • Kayumova Galina "In search of treasure".
Active work on physical culture
  • Nolfina Elena A walk through the fairy forest ”(with the use of psycho-gymnastics and circular training).
Fitball gymnastics
  • Malkova Elena "Competition of jumpers".
Etiquette class
  • Zakharova Tatyana "Journey through the island of courtesy".
  • Satarina G.N. "Introduction to the knife as cutlery".
Theatrical activities Protopopova Maria "Learning to be artists".

Video: class on theatrical activities in the senior group Video can’t be loaded: Theatrical performance “Under the Mushroom” Kindergarten No. 173 (

Video: physical education lesson for older children using multimedia technologies and modular equipment Video can't be loaded: Physical education class for older children (

Individual tasks in an open lesson

If there are children in the group who require individual approach: often missing classes for any reason, slow working, overly shy, pedagogically neglected, it is necessary to take this into account when preparing for the lesson. For such pupils, the teacher develops tasks, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, corresponding to the topic of the lesson. At the same time, some tasks are performed together with the whole group so that the child does not feel isolated from the team.

If necessary, the teacher helps individual pupils to complete the task

Individual tasks may also involve the preliminary memorization of poems by specific pupils, and then a performance in an open lesson.

Methods for increasing the motivation of children to study

Being in the spotlight strangers, older preschoolers, like toddlers, may feel uncomfortable. When developing a lesson, it is necessary to take this into account, paying more attention to stimulating the motivation of children to complete tasks. Much depends on the teacher’s passion for the topic and the ability to create a working atmosphere in the classroom. An increase in the motivation of pupils is facilitated by the formation of an unusual, unexpected environment in the lesson, the colorfulness of the design, the use role-playing game, theatricalization of the lesson, the awakening of children's empathy for the heroes of the scenario, the creation of a situation of competition both between teams and individual children.

For children 5–6 years old, it is important for adults to evaluate their actions, the correctness of the work performed. This increases the self-esteem of the child and increases interest in the lesson. There are several methods that are used in practice:

  • Verbal praise of a preschooler.
  • Reward for the correct answer: postcards, chips, sweets. When summarizing the results, the educator takes this into account: “Who has 2 chips (the smallest number) - raise your hands, you are great, you worked well; who has 3 chips - did an excellent job with the tasks, who has 4 - today you are the best mathematicians in our group!
  • Use the badges "For the correct decision", "For fast decision”,“ For accurate work ”, etc.
  • Organize a challenge prize "Best student of the day".

The introductory stage of the lesson is always important. It is necessary to plan and conduct it in such a way as to capture the attention of children. Joining the group fairy tale character always intrigues guys. Usually this role is played by a doll or a bright poster, or maybe the teacher himself will be reincarnated as the hero of a magical story.

You can start with interesting game which will immediately grab the attention of all students.

Such a poster can act as a means of increasing the motivation of preschoolers to study.

You can start the introductory stage of the lesson by showing a poster. Good idea- demonstrate to the children a visual aid consisting of individual petals. The selected pictures should be bright, understandable, memorable in order to attract the attention of children. The design of the manual is developed in such a way as to correspond to the structure of the lesson. similar poster will become a support for the educator during the lesson and will help preschoolers to better learn new knowledge.

Preparation and conduct of an open lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

Planning an open session begins with choosing a topic and setting goals. Next, you need to think over the logic of the organization of the lesson, the relationship and sequence separate parts lesson, the completion of all stages and accounting for the time allotted for their implementation. A clearly thought-out structure of the lesson, an entertaining plot, individual components of the lesson are plastically replaced one after another - all this guarantees the success of an open lesson.

The duration of an open lesson in the older group, like the usual one, is 25–30 minutes, but the pace of work is quite high.

Author Kapustyanskaya L.V., methodologist, Pavlovsk.
Topic selection The choice of the topic of an open lesson is made by the teacher independently, taking into account the analysis of the material on which he can better show the improvements, techniques and methods developed by him, the organization of the activities of pupils on different stages classes.
Formulating a methodological goal It is necessary to begin preparation with the formulation of the methodological goal of an open lesson. The methodological goal reflects the main methodology of the lesson. This will help to most constructively and objectively approach the introspection and analysis of the lesson, to assess the correctness of the selected methods and techniques and forms of organization.
The methodological goal of the open lesson can be formulated as follows:
  • methods of using a personal computer in solving practical problems;
  • organization methodology independent work pupils;
  • activation of the cognitive activity of pupils in the classroom in the process of working with visual aids and didactic material;
  • method of using ... (indicated specific technique, technology) in the process of presenting new material.
Literature study When preparing for an open lesson, the teacher must use modern information, select materials from pedagogical and methodical literature, apply the results of visiting methodological seminars, exhibitions, etc. All this will help make the lesson interesting and informative.
Material and technical equipment The material and technical equipment of the lesson must be prepared in advance. You should test the equipment and TCO in action, consider the sequence of their use in the classroom.
Visual aids and audiovisual aids must be selected so that their use gives the best effect to achieve the goals. Too much a large number of visual aids scatters the attention of children, and the abundance of unused visuals is unjustified in the classroom. Be modest and do not burden the activity with visuals as decoration. All illustrative materials of the lesson should work for the purpose of the lesson.

Examples of topics for open classes in the senior group

As a help to young educators, we offer a list of topics suitable for an open event in the older group:

Whatever the focus of the lesson, in the middle of the lesson there must be a dynamic pause or a physical education session, which in its content corresponds to the stated topic.

Table: temporary lesson plan

Stage name Duration Content Note
Organizational 2 minutes Greeting, organizing the workplace of the group.
Introductory 3-5 minutes Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Motivating children to participate in the lesson.
Basic 20 minutes May include theoretical and practical tasks. Motivating children for every lesson. Health-saving techniques are taken into account: safety precautions during practical work, change of activity, physical education.
Final 2-3 minutes Summing up, analysis of results. Relaxation exercise.

Table: abstract of an open lesson on the formation of mathematical representations in the senior group (fragment)

Author Grigoryeva O. I., educator of the MK preschool educational institution D / s "Fairy Tale", p. Karymsk, Irkutsk region.
Name "Five Keys"
Target Development of children's interests, curiosity, cognitive activity.
  • Educational:
    • to form knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5;
    • knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, polygon);
    • ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;
    • develop constructive skills (collect puzzles with cartoon characters).
  • Developing:
    • develop the interests of children,
    • logical thinking,
    • curiosity.
  • Educational: the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.
Demo material
  • chest,
  • 5 keys
  • small glass jar with clear water
  • blue fabric stretched over a hoop (lake),
  • 5 fish with numbers from 1 to 5,
  • telephone.
  • A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon),
  • puzzles with cartoon characters.
Methodological techniques
  • game situation,
  • formulation of the problem,
  • conversation-dialogue,
  • speech games,
  • mobile game "We will buy with my grandmother",
  • constructive activity,
  • experiment with water in a jar (so that in a jar after clear water color appeared, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar, after shaking the closed jar, colored water will appear in it).
  • analysis,
  • displaying pictures for assignments using ICT,
  • summarizing.
Organizational stage Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle facing the guests.
V .: Guys, look, a lot of guests came to us today. Tell me, do you like when guests come to you? (Yes). Let's say hello to our guests. (Children say hello).
Introductory stage V .: But these are not all the guests. Now a guest from a fairy tale familiar to you will come to us and the name of this guest is Dr. Aibolit.
Aibolit tells the guys that the pirates took away his magic water. To find it, children need to complete 5 tasks. Having received 5 keys from the fish, the guys will open the chest with magic water. <…>
The game "Parts of the day" ("Finish the sentence").
  • We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (In the morning).
  • We have breakfast in the morning, and have lunch ... (In the afternoon).
  • We have lunch during the day, and we have dinner ... (In the evening).
  • We have dinner in the evening, and sleep ... (At night).<…>
main stage B: Let's go to the lake. We go along the path. Look at the fish swimming in the lake. To find out which task is the first and which is the second, etc., we need to arrange the fish in order. (Each child lays out fish with numbers from 1 to 5 in a hoop). Find a fish with the number 1. Now you will sit on the chairs, and we will see what task this fish has prepared for us.
Well done! Here is the first fish and task 1.
The game "Say in one word" (generalization) with the ball.
  • Apple, pear, plum, lemon - ... (Fruit).
  • Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe - ... (Furniture).
  • Dog, cat, cow, goat - ... (Pets).
  • Dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather - ... (Relatives, family).
  • Cube, doll, car, ball - ... (Toys).
  • Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (Shoes).
  • Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle - ... (Insects).
  • Airplane, helicopter, rocket - ... (Air transport).

The game "What are the objects made of?".<…>
V: Well done! Here is the key from the fish for the correct answers. Find the fish with the number 2. (Children sit in a semicircle near the projector).
Describing an animal game.
Q: If you guess the animal, it will appear on the screen.

  • This animal has a gray coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hiding under a bush. (Hare).
  • He is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms. (Hedgehog).
  • He is big, shaggy, clumsy. In winter, he sleeps in a den. In summer, he walks through the forest looking for honey and raspberries. (Bear).
  • She is red and smart. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a hole. Catches mice and hares. (Fox).
  • He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a lair. (Wolf).
  • She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through the trees, lives in a hollow. Gnawing cones and nuts. (Squirrel).

Q: Guys, what are the names of these animals? That's right, wild animals. For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key. Where is the third fish? (Children find a fish with the number 3).
The third fish invites us to just relax.
The game "We will buy with my grandmother."
V: Well done! From the fish we get another key. Next task 4. (Sit down at the tables).
The game "What is where?".
This is a memory task. Children are encouraged to carefully observe and memorize where the geometric shapes are located. Then arrange geometric shapes on the landscape sheet in accordance with the diagram.

  • In the middle is a circle.
  • In the upper right corner is a square.
  • In the left bottom corner- hexagon.
  • In the lower right corner is a triangle.
  • In the upper left corner is a rectangle.

V: Good. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us the fourth key. And let's see the last one. There is only one fish left. What number? That's right, 5.
The task "Collect the characters of familiar cartoons using puzzles."
Children collect puzzles and name the cartoon. (Music is playing).
V: Well done! Rybka gives us another key. So, how many keys do we have? (Five). It's time to call Dr. Aibolit.
They call the doctor. Aibolit comes in.

The final stage Aibolit: You have 5 keys. Now you have to pick up the key to the casket, open it and get magical water.
Children with a teacher select the key. Open and get magic water. (She is transparent).
V .: In my opinion, this is ordinary water.
Aibolit: But no! See. (Aibolit covers the jar with a cloth, chatting, it turns out colored water.) Real magic water! Thanks for the help! Rather, I go to Africa to treat animals. And you have a surprise from me in a casket so that you do not get sick. Goodbye.
The teacher and children find vitamins in the casket.
Teacher and children: Thank you. Goodbye!

By the way the educator performs his work, what results he achieves, his professional status is determined. Training, continuous improvement on the way to the highest professionalism for him is one of the ways of self-realization, a source of inner satisfaction. It is impossible to educate and develop children if the teacher himself stands still, because modern world changing very quickly.

Lesson topic: "Development mental processes, motor skills and general educational skills in preschoolers».

Target: develop attention, perception, memory, thinking, self-control, arbitrariness of behavior and cognitive processes, to form the ability to obey the rules, to prepare the hand for mastering the skill of writing.


  • to organize the game activity of children, contributing to the development of attention, perception, memory, abstract-logical thinking, motor skills;
  • continue the formation of skills to obey the rules and self-control in the process gaming activity and in business communication;
  • teach to analyze an elementary scheme, memorize the text using a symbolic image of the plot;
  • learn a new relaxation exercise, teach children to relax the neck muscles.

Concepts that children will get acquainted with in the course of the lesson:

  • simple, quick drawing;
  • body parts;
  • value (size);
  • muscle tension and relaxation.

Concepts familiar to children that are fixed in the lesson:

  • man, animals, plants;
  • general, similar, different;
  • color;
  • form;
  • the rules of the game, the implementation of the rules;
  • fatigue;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • relaxation exercise.

Lesson plan:

  1. Introductory-motivational part (1 min.)
  2. Main part:

1) Introduction to the symbolic image (8 min.)

2) Repetition of the learned poem (2 min.)

3) Teaching memorization with the help of symbolic text sketching (10 min.)

4) Finger gymnastics, warm-up (2 min.)

5) Training the ability to analyze, find features objects, memorize using a symbolic image (8 min.)

3. Final part: reflection, relaxation (4 min.)

Equipment: didactic and handouts are listed in the description of the games.

Course progress.

  1. Introductory motivational part.

The teacher sets the children up for active work, asks the children to remember the rules of behavior in the classroom, motivates them to be attentive and follow the rules of the games.

2. The main part.

1. The game "Dancing men".

Target : development of attention, perception of postures and large movements of the body, the formation of skills to obey the rules, self-control, analysis of an elementary scheme - a symbolic image.

Material : cards (A-4) with schematic images of human postures and movements, a tape recorder, an audio recording of rhythmic music.

Game progress . The teacher shows the first card and asks the children: “What do you think is drawn here?” If the children guessed that this is a little man, the teacher asks: “Why did you decide that this is not a dog, but a man?” Further, with the help of leading questions, the teacher leads the children to the understanding that a “simple, quick drawing” is a simplified image of an object or phenomenon, which reflects the main distinguishing features. For children to perceive the logic of the image on the diagram of large movements of a person, the teacher shows the pose that is shown on the diagram, asks the children to take the same one. Next, the teacher shows the cards, and the children take poses (if the children find it difficult, then the teacher shows himself). After the children have identified the poses and movements corresponding to the drawings, the teacher invites them to depict "dancing men": the children will perform the movements shown in the diagrams. Then, to the music, the teacher quickly changes cards with diagrams, and the children perform a dance.

2. Repetition of the poem learned in the last lesson.

The teacher reminds that the children learned the poem using the drawings that the teacher showed. Now the teacher shows the drawings, and the children remember the poem:

Snail, snail! Stick out the horns!

I'll give you a piece of cake for tea.

3. The game "Write a fairy tale."(during this game, children will learn how to easily memorize text with the help of sketchy images)

Purpose: development of the ability to memorize text using a schematic representation of the plot (figurative memory), motor skills.

Material: sheets of A-4 paper for each child, pencils, the teacher has a fairy tale of four main episodes.

Game progress. First, the teacher tells the children that there is not always a lot of time to draw such pictures (in the previous poem), then you can use simple drawings, which can be drawn very quickly. Then the teacher tells a shorta story (4 sentences) and shows the children how to write it down using the diagrams on the board. Together with the children, he reads this story from the drawings on the board.

The teacher invites the children to write down the fairy tale in the same way in order to better remember it. In this case, you need to follow the rule: when you draw a diagram, remember what it means. Then the teacher reads a fairy tale from four main episodes, and the children write it down. After the fairy tale is written down, the teacher together with the children retell the fairy tale.

Note: in this case, both for illustration and for independent work of children, fairy tales with the same heroes are used.

Fairy tale 1. The girl Masha left the house for a walk. Masha met her friend Lena on the street. Suddenly it started to rain. Masha and Lena hid under a tree.

Fairy tale 2. Masha and Lena went to the forest for mushrooms. They met a hare in the forest. Bunny gave Masha a mushroom and Lena - a mushroom. The girls brought mushrooms home.

  1. Finger gymnastics, warm-up.

Exercises for finger gymnastics: "Boats", "Ladybugs"

Exercises for warming up and developing large movements: “We stomp our feet ...”, “I am a lesson in the garden ...”

4. The game "Animal Houses".

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, perception of shape, color, size, visual memory.

Material: images of five animals that differ in size (elephant, bear, tiger, hare, hedgehog), five sheets of paper of different sizes (22, 17, 13, 10, and 7 cm), five sheets of paper different color and shapes (corresponding to the color and shape of the animals) of each child.

Game progress. The teacher tells a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there were animals, they decided to build houses for themselves. But only everyone wanted such a house for themselves, so that, looking at it, everyone would understand whose house it is. They decided to build houses of such color and shape as they themselves. Guys, let's settle the animals in houses so that it is clear by color and shape where whose house is .... The animals lived a little in these houses, it's uncomfortable for them. We decided that their houses should fit them in size. Guys, let's help the animals find houses that are suitable for them in size: the largest one - a big house, etc. ... Now our animals are happy with their homes. Why? Children themselves or with the help of a teacher should conclude that color, shape and size can be used for a schematic image, but in order for animals to live in houses, they must fit exactly in size.Then the teacher asks the children to look very carefully at the houses and collects sheets of paper The ability to memorize is trained in the following exercise: the teacher shows a schematic image of the house, and the children remember whose house it is and why.

Note: when children settle animals in houses, the teacher must ensure that all children complete the task correctly. If the child is wrong, it is necessary to ask him a question: "Why do you think that the elephant should live in this house? Who is bigger: an elephant or a bear?"

3. The final part.

Reflection: the teacher, together with the children, remember what they did in the lesson, what they learned new, what they learned, where and when these skills will come in handy.

Relaxation: an exercise to relax the muscles of the neck "Curious Barbara". This exercise is carried out twice: the first time with a detailed explanation and without words, the second time with words and a show without explanation.

Exercise to relieve fatigue "Barbell".

Exercise for switching children from active activities to rest "Who screams, who walks like"


1. Bashaeva T.V. The development of perception in children. Form, two, sound, - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.-240s.

2. Gavrina S.E. and others. We develop hands to learn and write, and draw beautifully. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.-192p.

3. Karpova E.V. Didactic games in the initial period of study. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.-240p.

4. Matveeva L.G. and etc. Practical psychology for parents, or what can I learn about my child. ~ M .: ACT-PRESS, 1999.-320s.

5. Cheremoshkina L.V. Development of children's attention.-Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.-224p.


Lesson on the topic: "Developing the skills necessary for successful mastery of the skill of writing."

Target: development of motor skills of fingers, hands and large movements of the hands, coordination of hand and eye movements and the ability to focus on the sample.

Tasks: - organize a variety of activities for preschoolers, contributing to the development of motor skills, coordination in the "eye-hand" system, the ability to focus on a sample;

  • help children gain self-confidence and trust in their hand, get rid of the fear associated with the inability to draw;
  • teach children how to use massage, relaxation exercises And finger games for the development of strength and dexterity of fingers, the development of manual skill.

Tasks of individual work:

  • continue learning relaxation techniques in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle and arm muscles while performing graphic exercises (Diana Gubanova);
  • create a situation of success (Burov Robert, Perekhodnova Nastya, Petrosyan Agamir);
  • to continue work on the formation of the correct setting of fingers and posture when drawing (Silantieva Ira - left-handed).

Equipment: board, chalk, tape recorder, audio recording of rhythmic music; handout: pencil, drawing for hatching, blank for cobwebs, rubber toy every child.


1. Introductory motivational part (1 min).

2.Main part:

1) warming hand massage, learning massage movements used when washing and drying hands (3 min);

2) graphic exercises: hatching, cobweb (20 min);

3) exercises for the development of manual skills: grasping movements, power movements (squeezing, unclenching) (3 min);

4) finger gymnastics to music (5 min).

3. Concluding part: summing up the results of the lesson, relaxation (2 min).

Course progress.

1. Introductory motivational part.

The teacher reminds the children that the lesson is devoted to the development of strength and dexterity of the fingers. The rules of conduct in the classroom are clarified.

2. The main part.

1. Warming hand massage (helps create a working mood).

Consolidation of knowledge: massage with a pencil.

Learning the movements used in washing and drying hands.

2. Graphic exercises (development of motor skills, the ability to focus on a sample, coordination in the "eye-hand" system, the ability to obey the rules).


1. Consolidation of knowledge about the ways of painting over figures, various lines.

2. Hatching of complex shapes according to a given pattern.

Gossamer. Drawing transverse threads of a cobweb on a prepared sheet with longitudinal threads already drawn.

3. Exercises for the development of manual skill:

  • we catch a fly (grasping movements);
  • catch a butterfly (wave with your hands);
  • squeezing and unclenching toys (power).

4. Finger gymnastics to music.

  • the person is walking (fingers);
  • waves (brushes).

3. The final part.

Reflection: the teacher, together with the children, remember what they did in the lesson, what they learned and where these skills can come in handy.

Relaxation: relaxation of the arms and back.


1.S.I. Ageeva. Learning with passion. Educational notebook.-M: Laida, -1995.

2. S.E. Gavrina and others. We develop hands - to learn and write, and draw beautifully. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, -1997.-192p.

3. Get your hand ready for school. Album for children 5-7 years old. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, -1996.


Mathematics 1.

1. Number and number 1,2,3.

A number is drawn on the board under the poem.

Here is one or one,

Very thin, like a needle.

And here is the number two.

Love what it's like:

Arches the deuce of the neck,

Tail dragging behind her.

And behind the deuce - look -

The number three comes up.

Troika - the third of the icons -

Consists of two hooks.

Drawings are attached to the board. Task: determine which picture has one object, which has two, which has three. One by one, the children go to the board and write the corresponding numbers under the pictures.

2. Signs. In which figure there are more objects, in which there are less, in which equally. What sign denote more, less.

Remember the signs: =, =.

Working with counting material: establishing equality and inequality on the board and drawing on leaflets.

3. Sign +. Addition.

poem with big numbers 1,1,2.

In the problem book lived one and one.

They went to fight one on one.

But soon one crossed out one.

And now there is nothing left of them.

And if they were friends with each other,

They would have lived for a long time, and there would have been two of them.

Addition within 3.

4. Physical education minute.

Two sisters - two hands,

Cutting, building, digging,

Tear weeds in the beds

And wash each other.

Two hands knead the dough

Left and right

Sea and river water

They rake while swimming.

5. Sign -. Subtraction.

Working with geometric shapes. Subtraction within 3.

Drawing geometric shapes on a sheet:

Rectangle, triangle, three circles - we got a traffic light.

Traffic lights have three colors

They are clear to the driver:

Red light - no way

Yellow - get ready to go

And the green light - roll!

Decorate the traffic light.

Repetition: what is more, what is less, what is equal.

6. Reflection.

We know the numbers and numbers 1,2,3. How are numbers different from numbers? Numbers are signs that we write. We also know the signs =, =, +, -, >,<.>

Number and number 4.

  1. Number and number 4.

On the board are pictures depicting 1, 2, 3, 4 items. Question to the children: what can one say? Two? Three? Four?

Four comes after three, which means more than three by 1. A poem with a picture on the board of numbers.

Here is one or one,

Very thin, like a needle.

And here is the number two.

Love what it's like:

Arches the deuce of the neck,

Tail dragging behind her.

And behind the deuce - look -

The number three comes up.

Troika - the third of the icons -

Consists of two hooks.

Three comes after four

Sharp elbow of a bulge.

Children find cards with numbers 1,2,3,4 in envelopes.

What is 4? Listen to the poem.

Four corners in the room.

Four legs on the table.

And four legs

The mouse and the cat.

Four wheels run

Wrapped in rubber.

What can you do in two hours

They are in two minutes.

2. The composition of the number 4 from two smaller ones.

There are 4 circles on the board. How can these circles be divided into two groups?

Children go to the blackboard and divide into groups, signing the numbers.

3. Signs + and -.

Remember the signs + and - in the poem.

I am a plus and I am proud of it.

I'm good for addition.

I am a good sign of connection,

And that is my purpose.

I am a minus, also a good sign,

After all, it’s not from evil that I take away,

I'm just doing my part.

If we say increased, then we put the + sign, if we say decreased, then the sign -.

4. The composition of the number 4, problem solving.

We solve the problem together: 3 butterflies were flying in the meadow. Another one arrived. How many butterflies are in the meadow? We write down the task.

Independent work with tasks for addition and subtraction within 4. Children work simultaneously with handouts and cards with numbers and signs.

Before you - five brothers,

At home they are all without dresses,

But on the street

Every coat needs.

six kittens

There are want.

Give them cereal with milk.

Let them lick their tongue

Because cats

Do not eat from a spoon.

Rose hips put out their sharp thorns.

The thorns of the wild rose are like needles.

But we will not take the thorns from him -

Useful fruits for the first-aid kit narwem.

A rustle is heard in the reeds,

It buzzes in my ears:

One hundred fearless frogs

They scare the heron with a whisper.

Continue word:

Mi-……... shu-……….. shi-………. sha-……….

Ma-……… joke-………. hat-……… shash-………

Shu-……… shah-………. lan-………. We-……….

shi-……… shko-……… hat-……… pshe-……….

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  • ICT. Abstracts, developments with the use of ICT. The use of information technology in preschool educational institutions

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All sections | Summaries of classes, GCD

Synopsis of a musical lesson for the second junior groups "Visiting Mishka-Toptyzhka" Lesson summary for the second junior groups "Visiting Bears - Toptyzhki» Target: Formation of musical personality Tasks: Educational: Develop children's sense of rhythm, develop listening skills. Educational: Learn to understand the content of songs Educational: Cultivate interest and...

"Journey to Toyland" Target: to form the perception of color, shape, size of objects. Tasks: -create a joyful mood; educate children in a joyful mood; instill in children a sense of responsiveness, a desire to help. - develop fine motor skills; -consolidate knowledge...

Summaries of classes, GCD - Summaries of the lesson on the formation of cognitive abilities "Magic Salt" (senior group)

Publication "Summary of a lesson on the formation of cognitive abilities ..." Purpose: to study the features of salt, its properties, qualities and applications. Educational tasks: to cultivate curiosity, the need to obtain information about salt and observe the rules of conduct when conducting experiments with salt, while observing necessary measures security....

Synopsis of GCD on modeling from plasticine "The hedgehog has needles" in the first junior group Summary of the GCD on the topic "Hedgehog has needles" (plasticine modeling) in the first junior group Purpose: To form the ability of children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll balls out of them; Tasks: - to form the skill of children with pressing movements to smear plasticine on ...

Abstract of the integrated lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory group The children enter the room. Screen saver for Mother's Day. - Guys, look where we got to? So unusual today in our hall. What is this? (in the hall there are tables with blanks for making flowers, scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, glue. In my opinion, our hall ...

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 24" Summary of the organization and conduct of the OOD with children of the older group within the framework educational field"Social and communicative development", on the topic: "Visiting the Old Man-Lesovichka" performed by: Kirillova O.A....

Lesson notes, NOD - NOD in the middle group on the theme "Birds in the Spring" using poems by the Sergiev Posad poetess G. N. Klyuchnikova

Educational areas: speech development, cognitive development Objectives: to introduce children to the lifestyle of a magpie, rook, sparrow, nightingale; to acquaint children with the poems of G.N. Klyuchnikova about spring. Tasks: educational: to introduce children to the lifestyle of a magpie, rook, sparrow, ...

Abstract of an open lesson on the topic: "Visiting the barnyard" mixed age group library of materials Synopsis of an open lesson Topic: “Visiting the barnyard” Purpose: To clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs, about their purpose and benefits for ...

The use of individualization methods in traditional methods and forms of educational activities The use of individualization methods in traditional methods and forms of educational activity The problem of individualization of preschool education for decades remains relevant in pedagogical science and practice. In the context of modernizing the education system...

SUMMARY OF A LESSON ON ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT (DRAWING) IN THE FIRST YOUNGER GROUP ON THE TOPIC: "DANDELION" Educator: IRINA VIKTOROVNA VASYUCHENKO Purpose: Formation of children's skills to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing. Tasks: Educational: Consolidate ...

Video: class notes.

Most of the classes for preschoolers are cognitive and also contain elements of art, familiarization with the environment, and, of course, physical minutes (dynamic pauses), games.

Many works are located in several sections of this section at once, since they combine several areas. So, for example, classes in art, this general section, while drawing or modeling classes are clarifying categories. However, when publishing, it is desirable to put down all categories of headings related to your material for a more convenient search. Additionally, we suggest filling out sections that sort abstracts by topic. Then, when compiling a lesson with your children, you can use ready-made notes of classes. For example, under the heading "toy theme", you can find all the activities one way or another related to toys.

If you want your entry to fall into this category, when publishing, select the section " class notes," and additional subsections.