How to make a car for dolls out of cardboard: workshops on the example of a pink car and a fire truck. How to make a car and bike for Monster High Barbie dolls? How to make a puppet car out of a box

By following a simple guide, you can easy and simple to make a machine from cardboard with their own hands.

On the Internet, you can choose the model of the machine that you want to make, then print it on A4 sheet using a printer. We glue the sheet with the model to a sheet of cardboard. Thus, the machine will be stronger. Cut out the image of the workpiece with scissors. The layout of the car is ready.

To get started, you need to prepare the materials:

  • Sheet of A4 paper;
  • A printer;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Watercolors or gouache, felt-tip pens, pencils.

The printed model shows all fold and cut lines, so it will be easy to understand even for a child. The wings of our model need to be correctly bent and glued, so our car won't fall apart. If we have not thin, but durable cardboard, you can use superglue instead of PVA. So, the body of the car is ready, the child just needs to paint it to his liking.

If you do not want to waste time on decorating the car body, you can find a color model of the car on the Internet. And in exactly the same way to assemble it, having printed it out on a color printer before that. These blanks can also be used as barbie doll cars. In time, it will take you no more than an hour.

Gallery: cardboard car (25 photos)

How to make a fire truck

First you need to prepare and prepare the materials necessary for the manufacture of a fire truck. These materials are scissors, paper and PVA glue. On the Internet, you need to find a model of a fire truck and print it on a printer.

Then, just like in the example described above, glue the A4 sheet and cardboard so that our model is strong. Since the fire engine consists of several elements, we may need to several pieces of cardboard and paper.

Then the blanks are cut with scissors along their contour and bent. In places where the wings of the workpiece are located, we glue the model.

Additional workpieces can be a ladder, a crane, etc. Such blanks can be moved apart, rotated.

Making a machine from various materials

As children grow up, they become interested in the more complex and painstaking process of making a car.

Since the boy's main arsenal of toys are cars, making them out of paper or cardboard is a very good option. A huge variety of such toys can be made, which will provide the child with an entertaining game, and parents will save money.

Moreover, if the kid himself shows interest and makes the machine with his own hands, he will appreciate it much more than a car bought in a store e toys.

It is not necessary to use only paper or cardboard to create machines; cardboard boxes from shoes, matches, wooden sticks, and colored paper can also be used.

You can use cylindrical cardboard left over from toilet paper and glue it around the perimeter with colored paper. When the workpiece dries from the glue, you need to cut a rectangle along the surface. At the same time, on the one hand, leave a little margin so that you can do driver's seat.

With the help of paints or felt-tip pens, you can decorate the model as your fantasy desires. You can cut out the steering wheel from paper and stick it to our car model. You can also decorate the car with a variety of patterns, ornaments. Applications of various colors. For example, you can stick numbers if the car is a racing car, if it is a fire truck, police or ambulance, you should stick or draw the corresponding elements.

Plastic bottle caps can be used instead of wheels.

How to make a washing machine for dolls, master class

To make a do-it-yourself doll car, we need the following materials:

  • A small white cardboard box (a shoe box is fine);
  • White plastic cups for sour cream and lids from them;
  • Super glue;
  • Form for making cupcakes, covered with foil;
  • Scissors;
  • stapler;
  • Scotch;
  • Paper with a glossy or varnish coating (you can take a box of nylon tights);
  • Permanent marker;
  • Buttons.

We cut off the bottom of a plastic cup from sour cream, cut out the middle so that a transparent window is obtained in the door of the washing machine.

Then we need a white cardboard box. From an existing box, you need to get a box 14 cm high and 8 cm deep. A cardboard washing machine for this size is perfect for a Barbie doll. Excess lengths are trimmed with scissors. In front of the box in the middle with scissors, cut out a round hole for our window.

take paper or glossy coated cardboard and glue all the ugly parts of our workpiece.

Then we will make a washing machine drum, for this we need a form for baking foil cupcakes, as well as a second cup of sour cream. We measure the height of 8 cm from the bottom of the cup, cut off the rest. Inside, we coat the bottom with superglue and put the muffin baking dish inside, press it and glue it. So we made a washing drum for a doll.

The base of the sour cream cup will be the door. The lid of the cup, which is made of transparent plastic, must be glued to it with adhesive tape.

Then we fix the resulting door. We put our box blank so that the inside is on top. Then, using superglue, glue the door. Also, you can use a stapler.

A glass of sour cream, which we made at the very beginning, is also glued on top with adhesive tape.

The last step of the work is to connect all the edges and corners of our workpiece. They can be connected with superglue, adhesive tape or a stapler.

We attach glossy paper to the top of the box, on it you can draw display with marker. Then we glue the buttons of the button and the compartment for supplying the washing powder. Following the scheme of work, you will not have questions about how to make a car for a doll.

How to make a big car out of the box

Consider an example of how to make a car out of boxes. For work, we need a large cardboard box, which must be connected on all sides with adhesive tape.

On the side of the box, draw the outline of the car doors. The contour should be even and symmetrical.

According to the resulting contour, using scissors or a clerical knife, you need to cut holes for the doors. If a child is involved in this, a parent should come to help him, as the child may be cut by a sharp object.

Using the same knife, it is necessary to cut a hole for the windshield on the top of the box. In size, it should be approximately 2/3 of the top of the box.

The cut hole should be between the doors that are in front of the machine.

It is worth doing the work carefully without damaging the bottom of our box. The lower part will be the hood of our car.

Then we will make the windshield of the car itself. The part of the box in which the hole for the glass is cut out must be bent inward. We attach adhesive tape on both sides of the hole. It is he who will serve as a windshield for the car.

With the help of a clerical knife, we cut off the part of the windshield that was bent inside the box.

On the sides of the box from below, attach the wheels. To do this, take paper plates.

You can use paper cups to make headlights. The wide part of the cup must be glued to the front of the car. They can be colored with paints or felt-tip pens or pasted over with colored paper.

Also, instead of the steering wheel, you can use a paper plate. Thus, you can make a car out of the box with your own hands. We also make a toy police car in stages.

Every girl, of course, has her favorite doll. But it's so boring just to play with one single toy. It is necessary to create a whole puppet world in order for the child to be interested and informative. You will learn how to make a car for dolls out of cardboard in the material below.

Now in stores you can find a huge amount of clothes, accessories and furniture for dolls of any models. But, as it often happens, buying new toys is expensive, and you really want to please your child. Do not be upset, because with your own hands, using the available tools and materials, you can make anything you want, from a chair to a huge mansion for dolls.

In this article, we will consider several master classes on creating not just toys, but real vehicles - cardboard cars for dolls. After all, on your personal transport you can go to visit a friend and on a magical journey.

First of all, you need to decide on the size and model of the future car. Perhaps it will be a feminine passenger car, and perhaps a car for real men - a fire truck. It all depends on the wishes and needs of your child, and our task is only to help realize a childhood dream.

Auto for Barbie

An equally cute pink car will suit a cute and gentle Barbie doll.

Below we consider a detailed master class on how to make a car for Barbie out of cardboard. First you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • cardboard box (shoe box is suitable);
  • sheets of white and colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • double sided tape;
  • wooden skewers;
  • a small piece of clear plastic for the windshield;
  • decorations for headlights and the whole car.

It is necessary to prepare a pattern drawing in order to designate the side doors.

It is better to make it with the participation of the doll itself - put it in an imaginary car and take measurements.

We apply the template to the side long sides of the box, circle and make diagonal cuts according to the drawing.

We bend the resulting parts inside the box, they will be useful for attaching car seats.

We glue the box with colored paper, in this case we use pink.

Parts folded inward are also glued with paper.

From thick cardboard cut out 4 circles with a diameter of 6 centimeters.

We will also prepare 4 circles of colored black cardboard, these will be the wheels of the car.

Glue the colored circles onto the cardboard.

We make a hole in the center of the circles with a needle or an awl and try to insert the skewers into the wheels.

We make the hood and trunk, for this you can create drawings or immediately take measurements and transfer them to cardboard.

Do not forget to make allowances of a few centimeters in order to stick the parts on the car.

We glue the hood and fix it with clothespins and a heavy load.

We outline the location of all four wheels, make holes and insert skewers.

In the same way, we form the trunk, turning into the car seat, carefully glue it and fix it. It is better to glue the part in parts so that, if necessary, you can correct the flaws.

On the hood we form a blank with a transparent film for greater clarity.

After all the details have dried, glue the rest of the colored paper.

We cut out the missing parts from black cardboard - the seat, bumper and hood.

We glue thick cardboard on the seat and only then a prepared part made of black paper or cardboard. And also glue the hood and windshield on double-sided tape.

We glue the remaining parts at our discretion.

We put the wheels on the inserted skewers and cut them to length.

The steering wheel and headlights can be built from buttons, and the handles or the entire car can be decorated with rhinestones.

The car made of cardboard and paper for Barbie is ready!

A similar car can be made for larger dolls from a cardboard box from various household items - a microwave oven, toasters, and other household items.

Boys are unlikely to like a car for girls, but for them you can make an almost real fire truck from improvised materials with your own hands.

fire truck

The photo below shows all the materials that are useful in the manufacture and which are easy to find in any home.

In addition, you will need: adhesive tape, glue, gouache, napkins or thin paper, thin tubes (tubes for cocktails are suitable).

From the box, it is necessary to form the base of the car by gluing the blanks together with masking tape.

We make fenders for wheels and water tanks from cardboard reels and glue them to the car structure in the same way.

We form the wheels from the remaining reels - we put soft paper inside, seal the edges and wrap it with corrugated cardboard.

From matches and thin tubes we make a fire escape and hoses and also glue it to the car, while we glue the almost finished car with napkins so that the paint lies more evenly and the structure seems to be a single whole.

We paint our car - fire escapes and the central part of the stake - in silver, headlights and windows - in white, but the car itself, of course, in red.

Such a craft allows the child to show his imagination and independently attach the details that he needs for the game.

Video on the topic of the article

More information on how to make a car out of cardboard with your own hands can be found in the following videos.

Barbie is the dream of many girls. For this girly favorite, you can buy a lot of accessories: cars, houses, furniture, clothing, etc. Loving parents can stop only one thing - their impressive price. Therefore, many of them begin to think about some acceptable way out. And then they decide to make these items with their own hands. Therefore, this material, in which we will consider how to make a car for a doll, may be useful to parents.

List of required materials

Before starting work, it is better to check the availability of the necessary materials in advance. There is nothing rare on this list, everything can be found in household supplies. After all, it is important that a car made with your own hands does not turn out to be costly in time and price. So, you can not do without:

  • Shoe box (the pet will sit in it).
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Colored paper (you need pink and black).
  • Double sided tape.
  • Clay.
  • Transparent plastic (a toy box is suitable for cutting a small piece).
  • Shiny decorations (these will be headlights).
  • Wooden skewers.

Let's start building a car

After checking whether all the materials are in place, it is quite possible to proceed directly to the creation of puppet transport. We start by drawing a template for the doorways. To prepare it, you should take into account the length of Barbie's legs: it reaches about eighteen centimeters.

The next step is to attach the template to the sides of the shoe box. Then it needs to be circled. Having cut the sides along the contour horizontally, you need to bend the wings that have turned out inward. This is the future seat mount. We take colored paper for pasting the box on all sides. In the place where the blank for the seat is made, the paper must be cut to the corners, bent inside the box with all available accuracy and glued.

How to make a car for a doll

We take colored and thick cardboard. We will need them to cut circles. Their number should be four, and the radius should be three centimeters. Having done this, we glue the cardboard together. You can guess that the wheels of our car are almost ready. The only thing missing is the holes in them. You can do the latter with a needle and then expand with wooden skewers.

The car will be made by hand soon. Next up is the hood and trunk. We make them from colored cardboard by cutting out identical blanks. A stock of about one centimeter made will allow you to easily glue the cardboard to the frame of the machine. You need to remember about the cuts in the corners of these parts, they will allow them to bend well. Let's start gluing the first part, the hood. We hope that it is quite clear how to make a car for dolls out of the box.

Having made holes in the bottom of the box, you need to insert skewers there. Similarly to the first part, we glue the second one (this is the trunk). Now you need colored paper for pasting the hood and trunk. Glued together, a piece of plastic and black cardboard will become the windshield of the car.

We understand further how to make a car for a doll. Black cardboard will go for the manufacture of the seat and bumper. To make the seat, move the thick cardboard closer to us. A strip of thick cardboard glued to the car, on which a black strip is pasted, is our seat. will be needed to glue the top of the hood and windshield. Do not forget about the bumper, headlights, stripes for black seats. After gluing the wheels and cutting the skewers, a small part should remain. This will allow the wheels to hold on tight and not fall off. A button, wire, or black cardboard are the materials that make a great steering wheel.

for barbie

Knowing how to make a car for a doll, you can complicate your work and work on making a real fire truck. The easiest way to make it is to print out the layout and glue it in the right places.

If someone found it difficult to answer the question of how to make a car for Barbie dolls, then he can be calm. With not so much effort and time, you can make your own any accessory you like. Created together with a child, such a machine will give him double joy.

How to DIY car For Barbie pupae.

Barbie is the dream of many girls. For this girly favorite, you can buy a lot of accessories: cars, houses, furniture, clothing, etc. Loving parents can stop only one thing - their impressive value. Therefore, many of them begin to think about some applicable way out. Then they decide to make these items with their own hands. Therefore, this material, in which we will see how to do for doll car Might be helpful for parents.

Barbie Car How to Make a Doll Car. Barbie

List of required materials.

Before work, it is better to check the availability of suitable materials in advance. There is nothing rare in this list, everything can be found in household supplies. After all, it is important that a machine made with your own hands does not come out with an invoice in terms of time and cost. So, you can not do without:

Shoe box (the pet will sit in it). Thick cardboard. Colored cardboard. Colored paper (pink and dark are useful). Double sided tape. Clay. Transparent plastic (a toy box is suitable for cutting a small piece). Sparkling decorations (these will be headlights). Wood skewers.

Let's start building the car.

After checking whether all the materials are in place, you can completely proceed specifically to the creation of puppet transport. We start by drawing a template for the doorways. For its manufacture, the length of Barbie's legs should be taken into account: she achieves about 18 cm.

The next step is to attach the template to the sides of the shoebox. Then it needs to be circled. Having cut the sides along the horizontal contour, it is necessary to bend the wings that came out inward. This is the seat mount of the future. We take colored paper for pasting the box from all sides. In the place where the blank for the seat is made, the paper must be cut to the corners, bent inside the box with all available accuracy and glued.

How to make a car for a doll.

We take colored and thick cardboard. They will be useful to us to cut circles. Their number should be equal to four, and the radius - three centimeters. Having done this, we glue the cardboard together. You might think that the wheels of our car are almost ready. The only thing missing is the holes in them. You can make the latter with a needle and then expand with wooden skewers.

The car will be made by hand soon. Next up is the hood and trunk. We make them from colored cardboard by cutting similar blanks. The made supply of the order of 1 centimeter will allow you to effortlessly stick cardboard to the frame of the machine. You need to keep in mind about the cuts in the corners of these parts, they will allow them to bend perfectly. Let's start gluing the first part, the hood. We hope that it is completely clear how to make a car for dolls out of the box.

Having made holes in the bottom of the box, you need to stick skewers there. Similarly to the first part, we glue the second one (this is the trunk). Now colored paper is useful for pasting the hood and trunk. A piece of plastic and dark cardboard glued together will become the windshield of the car.

Let's explore further how do For doll car. Black cardboard will go for the manufacture of the seat and bumper. To make the seat, move the thick cardboard closer to us. A strip of thick cardboard glued to the car, on which a black strip is pasted, is our seat. will be needed to glue the top of the hood and windshield. Do not forget about the bumper, headlights, stripes for black seats. After gluing the wheels and cutting the skewers, a small part should remain. This will allow the wheels to hold on tight and not fall off. A button, wire, or black cardboard are the materials that make a great steering wheel.

Knowing how to make a car for a doll, you can complicate your work and work on making a real fire truck. The easiest way to make it is to print out the layout and glue it in the right places.

If someone found it difficult to answer the question of how to make a car for Barbie dolls, then he can be calm. With not so much effort and time, you can make your own any accessory you like. Created together with a child, such a machine will give him double joy.


How to make a car for Barbie. From the article you will learn how to make a car for a Barbie doll do it yourself. Barbie Car. How do doll car. for barbie or other dolls 1. accessories for monster high and barbie dolls. How to make accessories for Monster High and Barbie dolls do it yourself. How to make a do-it-yourself car for a doll. Barbie doll is the dream of many girls. For this girly favorite, you can buy a lot. How to make a car and bike for Monster High Barbie dolls. How make a car and a bicycle for Monster High dolls, Barbie? for a do-it-yourself doll. OUR COUNTRY OF MASTERS: How to make a car for Barbie. From the article you will learn how to make a car for a Barbie doll with your own hands. How to make a car for Barbie. With my own hands; parental hands machine for barbie. how to make a car for. how to make furniture for barbie how to make pencils for. How to do car for monster high dolls with their own hands. How to make a do-it-yourself monster high car for dolls - Paper crafts, printouts for.

Today, for children's dolls, like the world famous Barbie, you can buy absolutely everything: clothes, furniture and even cars. The shelves of toy stores are simply bursting with all kinds of sets designed to diversify the usual game of dolls. However, such accessories are quite expensive, so girls often have to do without them, being content with just a doll. But playing with dolls alone can be very boring, because you want toy girls to have furniture, various accessories, and even their own car. In this article, we will tell you how to make any paper car for dolls with your own hands from cardboard so that your little princess can ride her doll in a beautiful homemade pink car. Also from this article you will learn the easiest way to make a fire truck out of cardboard. So let's get started!

How to make a do-it-yourself car for dolls out of cardboard

As always, before starting to get acquainted with the master class, you need to prepare everything you need. To make a puppet machine out of cardboard and paper, we need materials that will not be difficult to find, namely:

  • A shoebox to put your doll in.
  • Thick cardboard
  • colored cardboard
  • Colored paper (we will use pink and black)
  • Double sided tape
  • Transparent plastic (a small piece can be cut out of a toy box)
  • Glitter headlight decorations
  • wooden skewers

For those who want to know how to make a car for Barbie out of cardboard, this master class will be a real salvation, because it presents, probably, the easiest way to create a doll car. So, if you have prepared all the necessary materials, then let's get started.
We draw a template for doorways. To prepare the template correctly, keep in mind that the length of the legs of the doll is approximately 18 centimeters.

We apply the template to the two sides of our box and circle it. After we cut the sides along the contour to the horizontal line and bend the resulting “wings” inward. These parts will then hold the seat of our car from a cardboard box.
We glue our box with colored paper, first in front and behind, and then on the sides. Where we made the blank for the seat, we cut the paper to the corners, carefully fold it inside the box and glue it.

We cut out 4 circles with a radius of 3 cm from colored and thick cardboard and glue the colored cardboard with a thick one. We make holes in the resulting 4 circles with a needle, which we then expand with wooden skewers. We got wheels for our car.
We cut out identical blanks for the hood and trunk from colored cardboard. Do not forget to make a margin of 1 centimeter on each side to glue the cardboard to the box. We cut the blanks in the corners so that the part bends well.
In parts, we glue the first part with the colored part of the cardboard down, since it will be easier to glue the paper on the gray part.

At the bottom of the box we make holes for the wheels and insert skewers into them.
By analogy with the hood, we glue the trunk, which is the second part.
We glue the hood and trunk with colored paper.
We cut out a piece of plastic from a box from some toy and, gluing it with black cardboard, we get the windshield of our car.

From black cardboard we cut out the remaining parts of the car: seat, hood and bumper. For sitting, in addition to black cardboard, you will need thick cardboard.
We glue a strip of thick cardboard with a black strip pasted on it to our car - we get a seat. We glue our glass and hood on double-sided tape.
We glue the headlights, thin black stripes for the seats and the bumper. We attach the wheels and cut off the skewers, leaving a small part so that the wheels do not fall off. We make a steering wheel from a button, wire or black cardboard. The car for Barbie is ready!

Trying to make a puppet fire truck from paper templates

Now you know how to make a car out of cardboard with your own hands. However, in addition to the usual cars for Barbie, you can also make a fire engine. The easiest way to make a fire truck out of cardboard is to print a scan and glue it in the right places. However, there is a more complex and interesting way to make such a toy, you can find it below if you watch the video for the article.

Video tutorials on the topic of the article

Now, after familiarizing yourself with the master classes, you can independently make toy cars out of cardboard. At the end of the article, we have compiled a selection of videos on this topic so that you can learn even more ways to make a car out of cardboard.