How to get rid of your husband's mistress forever - Psychologist's advice. How to beat an opponent - Practical Psychology

From time to time, wives, trying to return their husbands from their mistresses, make the same mistake: they stubbornly fight with her, and not for him. You don't want to destroy your family with my own hands? Then use our instructions, which will help you do everything according to your mind. You will learn why men leave their spouses, how to behave in such a difficult period what role children play. We will also tell you what not to do and say. In addition, you will find several effective magical rituals and advice from a psychologist.

The first step is to calm down and set yourself up for a positive wave. Yes, it happens that the husband leaves the family, but there is a way out of any situation. First, analyze the situation and determine the reasons for the departure of the spouse. They can be:

  • The man spent little time with his family and "weaned" from her. This could happen because of his work, if he, for example, works as a truck driver or sea captain. He met a girl at the place of work, a relationship began, he got used to her, somehow he doesn’t want to return to his wife.
  • Endless streak family scandals and disagreements. Relations between the spouses deteriorated greatly. A mistress is a consequence of a tense situation in the family.
  • A new passion is associated in a man with his wife in his youth. Perhaps she is an excellent conversationalist, has a variety of hobbies and interests, is more attentive to a man.
  • It’s easy with a mistress, no one can stand the “brain”. It does not require repairing a faucet at home, cleaning pipes, buying a child new clothes etc. (at least for the first time).

But what exactly is in the mistress, what is not in you? Gently ask your husband what he does not like in your relationship or what is missing.

Step-by-step plan of action if the husband left his wife for another

Here are some tips from psychologists:

  1. Don't "attack" too hard. If you have children, in no case do not tell your husband that he will never see them again after leaving. Because of such actions, the spouse will only turn away from you even more and will seek to leave.
  2. Do not show a man that you suffer and miss him. Let him know that without you he will lose a lot. Be calm and confident.
  3. Do you want to sit on two chairs? No! This is the case when a husband comes to his wife for delicious homemade food and washed clothes, and to the other - to have fun. Be brave and issue an ultimatum: you or her. If your spouse appreciates and loves you, he will make a choice in your favor. But for everything to work out that way, you need to ensure home comfort.
  4. Remember that you can not break into a tantrum. Be frank with your husband, calmly tell him about your feelings and about your attitude to the situation. Show that you love and value him, but don't let him do that to you.
  5. If he already lives separately, but you have not divorced yet, invite him to talk and discuss the situation, dot the “and”. But do not let everything take its course, otherwise the man will not even feel guilty. And when he walks up, as if nothing had happened, he will return to the family.
  6. In every possible way, but not openly, criticize your mistress. For example, tell your husband: “You look so bad, some kind of tired, twitchy. Come on, since we decided to save a good relationship, stay at home for the night, rest, I will cook a delicious dinner.

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Act like a competitor, give him warmth and forget about taking out the brain. You can do it in such a way that he feels guilty. Try to put pressure on emotions, for example: “I must have missed something, can you help me catch it up so that I don’t make such mistakes in the next relationship?”. These words can make him think, is he ready to give you to another?

What role do children play

Children cannot keep a man, especially if they are indifferent to him. If he loves them, he will actively participate in your life. But hardly Cohabitation for the sake of the kids will revive the marriage. The older kids don't help either. A man just won't let them interfere with his personal life. So it's not worth using this "trump card". If the love for his wife has passed, then nothing can help.

How to get your husband back after a divorce

The first thing to do is to wait until the negative emotions(approximately 3 months). During this period, it is better not to communicate with former spouse so as not to say too much in the heat of the moment. Have fun, take up your hobby. Do new hairstyle, change style. And only after that, start trying to get your ex-spouse back. Even if he said that he no longer loves you, it may not be so, it’s just that a competitor sang into his ears.

First, analyze all your mistakes. If you are ready to recognize and correct them, start communicating with your ex-spouse. When talking, you should not blame him or reproach him, otherwise it may result in a new scandal.

Do not say directly that you want to start a relationship with clean slate. Be smiling and welcoming. Tell your ex that he can come to visit you at any time, that he is always welcome. And then the relationship will improve over time.

Your task is to turn him away from his mistress, ask him to help with household chores: nail a nail, fix something. You must cause a quarrel between them and then give him your understanding, warmth, affection. We have prepared a simple effective instruction, . There you will find some advice on behavior and prayer.

To get along with your betrothed, you need. Here it is written how to do it in 10 steps and what mistakes are unacceptable.

Check out . You will find out under which woman a guy does not want to go left and what should be done for this.

Decided to go the hard way and? Your right, which will help to realize a separate article on the site. In it, we answered the questions: what comes to the mind of a woman who has learned about the presence of a competitor, what can and cannot be done.

But before you find a candidate for the role of a lover, you need to carefully weigh everything. You will find out what this insidious undertaking can lead to.

What not to do and say

Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  1. No suffering and worries! They are meaningless. You need to calm down and think carefully about how to make your loved one want to return (we wrote about this above).
  2. Forget about tantrums and pressure on pity. Guys hate it when girls cry, panic and hysteria. This causes them no pity, but only severe irritation. A man does not want to be near such an unrestrained and overly emotional person.
  3. Discussing the breakup with others. Do not share its causes and consequences with anyone. Don't say anything bad about former lover. There will always be people who will immediately convey these words to him. After what he heard, he definitely will not return to you, because no one will tolerate such disrespect for himself.
  4. Curiosity is the enemy. If a loved one left because of another, you do not need to be interested in her life and compare yourself with this girl. So you can drive yourself into depression and kill self-esteem if your opponent surpasses you in some way. You need to pull yourself together and improve yourself, and not lose heart and get hung up on your shortcomings and other people's virtues.

Magic rituals that will save the situation

Here are a few tricks:

  • With candles. Purple candles will help to separate the husband and mistress. This color symbolizes the fading of passion between them. First you need to light a candle, then write the names of lovers on paper. Then cut the sheet so that they are on different pieces of paper, throw them into two different vessels and burn them, and spread the ashes.
  • With linen. Take your husband's underpants and sew the seams with black thread, while reading the words of the conspiracy. If he still appears at home, make sure that the man wears them as often as possible.
  • With pin. A conspiracy against her is considered the most effective. Take a pin, preferably a new one, and attach it to your spouse's clothes. But without him noticing. Read: "Thou shalt be faithful to thy wife, lest ye look at other women." When a man meets his new passion, he will not have any ardor and passion, he will feel uncomfortable and after that the "left" relationship will quickly end.

For so long and a lot, abandoned wives talk about how to “recapture” a husband from his mistress. But here's the question: is it worth doing it, if next time he can do exactly the same. What do you think, our dear readers?

What to do if you fell in love with a mistress and life without her seems insipid, devastated, uninteresting? I live with my wife peacefully, calmly, quite safely. Former passion turned into a habit, duties, work. Gray days, months, years… I recently met a girl and started talking. She, like a fresh wind, is independent, interesting. The romance took off unnoticed. I realized that I love my mistress, but I can’t leave my wife, I overcame a lot with her, became family, I’m afraid to hurt. I live with my wife, but pulls like a magnet to another. Confused.

A common situation in which to do Difficult choice. love triangles destructive to all parties and tend to turn into chronic form. Making such an important decision requires a cold-blooded calculation, no matter how cynical it may sound. Emotions, sentiments, feelings of guilt and so on can only harm, complicate a sober analysis of the situation. Keep in mind that the choice always involves the rejection of one in favor of the other. Calculate what "bonuses", gains and losses should be expected from each of the options. Diagnose your own feelings, aspirations, motives. What keeps you close to your spouse? What is missing in these relations, is it possible to fix, to carry out a “overhaul” of relations or not?

Which strengths, benefits, the prospect of communication with his mistress?

Calculate what "bonuses", gains and losses should be expected from each of the options. Diagnose your own feelings, aspirations, motives. What keeps you close to your spouse? What is missing in these relations, is it possible to fix, to carry out a “overhaul” of relations or not? What are the strengths, advantages, the prospect of communication with a mistress?

Here, as in the case of an illness, the sooner the patient is examined and promptly taken measures, the easier the consequences. Responsibility for decision and you carry your life, so you should not rely on the advice of friends, acquaintances, strangers, trying to share your heavy burden with them or shift responsibility to your beloved women.

A new passion attracts a man with mystery, brightness, anticipation of rich prospects for the development of relationships. But over time, the “beautiful image” loses its former attractiveness, one has only to change the status of a dream, becoming permanent partner. Illusions disappear, exposing nature and real character. As you know, passion passes, but a person remains. Real, with its weaknesses, complexes, habits and aspirations. Are you ready to put up with them, seek compromises? Ask yourself: "How much did I fall in love with my mistress?"

Saying "I love" are we not victims of an illusion created by a lack of attention, diversity, interest? Perhaps the relationship on the side is a way to escape from the problems of life with his wife? Mature feeling without self-deception? Having created new family, will not life in it acquire a painful shade, disappointment? Who is she really, beloved or mistress? Was it not a declaration of love to a mistress an impulsive action, a reaction to an unfavorable emotional background in family?

How to deal with feelings?

Simulate, Calculate possible options development of events. Even the most experienced and intelligent psychologist is not able to deal with your feelings better than you. A deep analysis of the situation will help you understand your own feelings, identify weak points, contradictions, and mistakes made. If this is not done in time, the problems only increase, become more complicated, drive us into a dead end, a depressive state. without doing correct conclusions, we duplicate mistakes in a new family, we are disappointed, we consider ourselves complete losers on the love front. Do not think that it is possible to "endure" the situation. Problems need to be solved, not shy away from difficulties. Instead of the destructive thought “how to stop loving”, it is necessary to decide how to restore peace of mind. What will happen best solution for you personally?

Modern people, entering into marriage, sign marriage contract. It is necessary to approach the creation of a new family from the rational side, and not solely under the influence of feelings, emotions, passion. It was not superfluous to discuss such guarantees at the beginning romantic relationship, the so-called "candy-bouquet" period, no matter how many disagreements, misunderstandings, conflicts could be avoided.

Sometimes being in love is necessary to overcome psychological crisis, the desire for self-knowledge, self-esteem. But by solving one personal problem, we create another.

In this case, having reunited and "finalized" family relationships couples, the need for communication on the side disappears by itself. It happens, on the contrary, new family fills life with bright colors. If the relationship with your wife is more like a habit, good neighborliness, a “good option” for solving household chores, and true love, affection, charm, desire to create a joint project called " a happy family» gone forever, it is worth deciding on cardinal changes. Remember the words of the classic of Russian literature Sergei Yesenin:

Who loved, he cannot love,
Who is burned, you will not set fire to. — Sergey Yesenin

In any case, the decision made must be firm and final. I turned the page of the book, started from a new page. No throwing, constant comparison, who is better beloved or mistress, doubts.

They say there are no bad decisions. Each person seeks to choose the best option for himself in specific conditions, in a certain time period. To make a decision, it is advisable to take a time out, live separately, understand yourself. Do not make hasty, impulsive actions, jerks, rash actions. You need time and a rational, objective assessment of the situation.

What's in the article: is often asked questions about family life, and one of the most popular - how to discourage a husband from his mistress? Of course, this situation seems hopeless, because you know about the existence of a rival, moreover, you are aware that he communicates with her.


A husband who does not even hide the fact that he has a mistress, of course, a person who should be praised! Yes Yes! He sits “on everything ready”, as they say, is a direct refutation of the phrase that you can’t sit on 2 chairs. How else can you sit! And both women revolve around him and are looking for ways to lure him into their networks. It is quite possible that from excessive attention he will only make things worse. Or maybe even decide to say goodbye to both.

It is clear that the husband does not want to make a fuss, sort things out, and even with the word “psychologist” he does not at all experience the same enthusiasm as a deceived wife who is trying with all her might to save the marriage. And sometimes on their own. As if the husband is a closet that can be put where it pleases.

  • talk to him,
  • find out what you do not suit him,
  • try to understand your shortcomings,
  • get better.

If you try all these recommendations, it will become clear that the husband has only lost respect for you, made sure that his mistress is even better than he first thought about her. No, he is not going to leave you or go to her forever. On the contrary, he, as they say, "caught a wave" of impunity. What's good: there is a wife who is now blowing dust off him, and there is a mistress. He is not her husband, which means that there are no obligations to her, and you can have a couple of others.

Turn on common sense

Everything that was said above was perhaps a little harsh, but it is necessary that you understand what the situation really looks like and have no illusions.

If somewhere you read tips on how to drive a mistress away from her husband without a scandal, then the most sensible and correct thing in such recommendations is that a scandal is not needed. This is true. Accusations, insults, blackmail, threats will not make anyone better. The mistress will be happy to rub her hands.

Unpredictability or scandal?

It happens that the husband expects you to start a scandal, and the mistress is “good”. Maybe start texting or calling you. How to behave?

Be smart! Often The best way to ward off is, in the literal sense of the word, to do nothing with this situation, to let it go, to give the man all the freedom of action. Let your spouse decide for himself what to do.

the site represents how much such advice can surprise you! And you will continue to look for other methods to ward off your husband's mistress forever. If you are so itching to do something, you will read below about what methods are sometimes used to make a mistress stay in the past.

But let's fantasize for now on the topic: what will happen if you leave these "doves" alone?

Sometimes a mistress appears because the husband is tightly controlled. He seeks, longs for freedom, and therefore gets himself a passion on the side in order to feel like a winner. So let him feel that way. It is not a fact that a mistress will remain as desirable when she turns from a “forbidden fruit” into a “permanent diet”. Then he himself will want to drive her away from himself, but quickly!

Folk remedies

We are all witches at heart! And therefore, the question of how to discourage a husband from his mistress, folk remedies for someone are best solved. Let's talk about rituals.

Ritual with an ancient spell

Mistress - shoo!

Another secret. But the recipe is fine if you know who the mistress is, what her name is at least. Some folk remedies are carried out with plants, berries, herbs, etc. For example, in order to complete this conspiracy, take:

  • plain white piece of paper
  • pencil,
  • dried fruits of hawthorn.

Write the name of the homeowner on a piece of paper, tear it into small pieces, putting as many emotions as possible into this action, so it will work out well.

Now scatter pieces of paper on the floor, on top of a rash of hawthorn, previously crushed to a state of fine powder.

Almost everyone who thinks about how to drive her husband away from his mistress is looking for strong conspiracies that would help 100%. But the main thing in this is your personal female magic. For example, when you move on to the culmination of this rite, all the power will lie in your hatred for your mistress. Then the ritual will really have a powerful effect. Trample these leaves, imagining that you trample her, the homeowner. But at the same time, remember that you are doing it for a good cause. As a result, the husband will return, the family will be reunited. No plot to read during this ritual is not necessary. After sweeping the room and forget all the bad things, tune in to a happy and friendly life.

Lapel with a broom from a homeowner

You need to take a new broom and sweep the house with them with the words:

Lapel with salt

Take a napkin. Pour salt on it and whisper:

Repeat all these words three times. Repeat this lapel for a week. On the final day, you need to take the salt to the threshold to the lover. She must step on that salt. More salt must be poured into the pockets of the missus. But rash it in such quantities that it was not noticeable! Also, when preparing food for him, rash lapel salt.


However, sometimes, if the husband has gone to another, neither psychology nor any rituals can save. Tips to take care of yourself and not think about how he could do this, too. In these cases, the best "psychologist" is God, or those Higher power in which you believe. Sincere and purest prayer will help to bring peace to the family.

If you don’t know how to drive your husband away from his mistress, then any prayer, not even necessarily some special one, will help. If you need some special, then, for example, there is this:

Desperate attempts

Sometimes not everyone knows how to ward off a husband from his mistress on their own, so they resort to the help of ... friends, acquaintances, and sometimes even strangers! For example, in social networks they are asked to call or write SMS to the mistress's phone, sometimes to her page. Needless to say, what will the husband think in this case?

Of course, when you have been deceived, betrayed, it is difficult to reason objectively. But it is better not to take dirty linen out of the hut. No need to hope that people will regret or somehow help. Moreover, how will you feel later if you end up together?

So, at first the husband denied for a long time, but then he was nevertheless convicted of having a mistress. After that, he declares his love for his wife and children, that everything that happened between him and another woman was a mistake, that he had no idea of ​​leaving the family. The husband solemnly vows to stop communicating with his mistress. Including, it can immediately be significant to delete her number from the phone book of your mobile phone or even send her an SMS with a message that everything is over between them. Within a week or a month (whoever has enough strength) the husband behaves well: he comes home on time, plays with the child, sex with his wife is activated. Then the family ardor of the man begins to fade gradually. There are supposedly problems at work, he comes home tired and angry, communication with his wife worsens, sex turns into a rare formality. Although we must pay tribute: there are also very disciplined men who can create and maintain an illusion with their wife family renaissance over many months and years. Until the wife, to her great surprise, finds out: all this time her husband again talked with the girl with whom he, it would seem, so harshly and unequivocally broke up quite a long time ago.

In any case, the following is important for us now: some time after the apparent termination of the husband’s relationship with his mistress, the wife either clearly reveals the continuation of this connection, or, thanks to her female intuition, understands that it still takes place, it’s just that the husband has become more cunning and hides everything better. I will leave aside the topic of new scandals on the part of the wife and new repentance on the part of the husband. Now I need to answer main question of all wives: What prevents that husband, who seems to have clearly and coherently declared his firm intention to stop the left connection, to do it in practice? Why is that man, who in general in life is quite capable of harsh and decisive actions, in the case of his mistress, clearly gives in, contradicts himself, cannot fulfill his obligations solemnly ?! Why, with all his non-masculine, “rag” behavior, which is obvious even for him, why, with all his sense of shame for his own actions, a man cannot really end the relationship with his mistress once and for all ?! Even swearing this on their own health and the health of their children, signing a marriage contract and losing tangible pieces of property. Why?!

By the way, it is precisely on the basis of observations of such obviously not masculine behavior that formally outwardly seems to be very Men (successful, wealthy, adults, tough by nature, etc.), a mystical belief in various kinds of "evil eye", "damage" and - especially in the so-called " love spells". Like, they “bewitched” your hubby, poured him love potion, gild my pen with money, you see, I will heap something up for you ...

So, I resolutely declare: there are no love spells, there have not been and will not be. There is fraud and speculation on the despair of wives, but there is no witchcraft. It's all about genetically set standards male behavior formed in the course of evolution. For many hundreds of thousands of years, for the human species (as well as for primates in general), the long-term existence of single males and single females in nature was impossible due to a large number dangers, and its complete senselessness, since this excludes the continuation of the race. But a lonely female and a lonely male are two big differences. If any other group will gladly pick up a lone female that has strayed from her group, then no one needs lone males - this is a dangerous and unnecessary competition for another male leader of his group. Hence, women love to travel even alone: ​​for them, any trip is a chance to make new acquaintances and improve their lives. Men, on the other hand, do not like to travel and go to discos: for them, this is the prospect of conflicts with males who control other territories, fights, the possible loss of their own female, and even death. Therefore, they like to travel only in groups - male unions, it is safer for them. Or in places where conflicts are excluded or at least minimized (all-inclusive hotels).

Therefore, in order to avoid their lonely state, and therefore exclude the dangerous search for a girlfriend in foreign territories, genetics has provided all men with an acute unwillingness to lose that already existing woman with whom they have good sex which recognizes his authority, and so on. Because, losing his women, a man loses both his authority and the very meaning of life. That is why:

No man of his own will ever part

with a mistress who will want to continue the relationship.

If the mistress leaves him, then an ordinary man will still try to keep her or return her, risking losing relations with his wife. Exactly the same way he will behave if he is thrown own wife: he will try his best to keep this woman already, but as soon as she returns, he will immediately resume relations with his mistress. Simply put:

Genetically arranged in such a way that it is more difficult for a man to lose a woman,

than for a woman to lose a man.

Therefore, if a woman can leave a man for another man, a woman is inclined to replace men in the direction of increasing their potential, then a man is inclined not to leave any of his women at all, increasing their number (including at the expense of those who are clearly inferior to those available) to that degree, when he is already technically (for financial or health reasons) will not be able to communicate with them all.

If women tend to change their men, then men tend to

just mechanically increase the number of their women, without losing anyone.

In this sense, in order to break a man's dependence on one mistress, no matter how sad it may sound, another mistress is most often needed. Wife in this case is a kind of constant, the constant basis of a man, and mistresses are a variable, or rather, variables. But, alas and ah - constant variables or variable constants. In the practice of my work, I see every day that many successful married men (who women have something to take from) wander from one mistress to another, until something from this list happens:

- until the man himself grows old;

- until the children grow up, after which the wife will lose motivation to endure her husband's betrayals and put her husband out the door;

- until the wife herself learns to earn well herself and does not file for divorce from a walking spouse;

- until the wife herself finds a lover and leaves her husband;

- until there is such a mistress who, in a set of her advantages, will so surpass other mistresses and a wife that a man (albeit with difficulty) can still survive the loss of his wife.

However, let's not talk about that now.

Here is the explanation of the notorious "love spell": the male genetically predetermined program - "Die yourself, but do not lose the existing or acquired woman at any cost! Even at the cost of reputation and loss of wealth. Because the instinct of procreation is stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. And in nature there is no such thing as reputation, there all means are good. That's why,

Having a long relationship with two women at once,

a man stops behaving like a man,

becoming just a male, not subject to reason.

He is simply physically unable to make a fundamental and final choice between two women, no matter how hard he tries and no matter how he convinces his wife, mistress or himself of this. He is not genetically given this. Because, in nature, male primates do not have such an opportunity as the loss of one female: he either loses all at once, or retains control over all at once, making incredible efforts for this. Because if he loses one female, beaten off by some lonely wandering male or the leader of another group, then he will still lose all the others too.

What is the practical conclusion from this? And such that

It's useless to wait for married man himself refused

from that mistress that she herself does not refuse him.

And why should a lover herself refuse the one who finances her, has high-quality sex with her, helps her make a career, solves her everyday, material and everyday problems, increases her self-esteem by her very presence, rents a house, etc.? That's right, no need.

A married man can break the relationship with his mistress only in three cases:

- his mistress will leave him;

- his wife herself will leave him, filing for divorce;

- he will have a new mistress, better than the old one.

Accordingly, if a wife wants her husband to completely and completely end the relationship with his mistress, she should not take her husband at his word. Because he will either wait for his wife to calm down and lose her vigilance, or he will become more cunning to disguise his connection, or he will get himself another mistress. It is right or real for a wife to file for divorce in order to properly frighten her husband (this is the case if the husband does not admit to the betrayal, which the wife is one hundred percent aware of). Or, during reconciliation with her husband, put conditions on him that will make this man mistress completely uninteresting, she will lose all motivation to continue communicating with him, she herself will refuse him and find herself someone else. Moreover, she will heroically repulse attempts former lover bring it back, thus helping his wife.

In short, the wife needs:

- create a regime of complete financial transparency for the husband, so that not a penny for his mistress;

- create for the husband a regime of complete transparency of the daily schedule, when he will not even have fifteen minutes to meet his mistress;

- create a mode of complete transparency for the husband social networks and cellular communications, so that there is not a single telephone or virtual contact;

- create a mode of complete sexual extraction of a man in a family bed so that he does not have the strength to have a mistress;

to force the husband to stop joint work with a mistress;

- to force the husband to stop communicating in the circle where he met his mistress;

- to learn how to look good so that the husband begins to be afraid that someone will beat off his wife.

Only under these conditions, with their long-term preservation for many months, having lost hope, the mistress herself will refuse your husband. True, in this case, a high degree chances are you will still have to comfort your spouse and get him out of depression, listen to his tears from the loss of his mistress, etc. But, in this case, for the sake of your family future and the happy future of your children, it's worth it.

In general, you understand:

Who your husband will stay with is not up to your husband to decide,

and to you and his mistress(s).

Whoever is smarter, more cunning, more patient and knows the psychology of a man better will win. Details of the science of winning the battle for men (if they are worth it), in personal consultations and in my books.

Sincerely, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Andrey Zberovsky

Contacts: Email: [email protected]

That's how it happens sometimes. You love a person with all your heart, you have been together for many years. And then at the most unexpected moment you find out that your spouse has a mistress. Some try to forget about it and ignore it, others forgive. But what is the right thing to do so that the husband leaves his mistress forever? How to make sure that he no longer thinks about cheating? Men have always been polygamous, to some extent, you can even say that infidelity is in their blood. Girls sometimes ask themselves: ? And they don't get an answer.

But any person is able to control his feelings, desires, especially if they hurt other people. For this, man was given reason. Of course, none loving person cannot insure his life against betrayal. And everyone decides for himself whether it is worth forgetting, forgiving the betrayal and moving on, or it is necessary to say goodbye forever. If you have doubts about this and are more inclined towards the first option, then it is important to make sure that the spouse will not cheat again.

What should not be done categorically:

  • Look for this most unfortunate mistress and arrange a showdown with her. Even if you always just talk peacefully, it will not lead to anything good. The likelihood that she will hear your pleas or fear threats is minimal. Perhaps she needs your husband for the sake of money, in which case she will rather eliminate you. Meeting with such a woman or talking on the phone will only work from a destructive side, especially if you realize that she is superior to you in some way. It is better to communicate with your spouse, and not with his passion.
  • Show angelic patience. You should not lose self-esteem and humiliate yourself if a man openly cheats on you. It's obvious that he doesn't respect you. Such a person thinks only about himself and his interests, your feelings do not bother him much. If he pierced twice, you should not give another chance. Don't even think about it and leave right away.
  • Turn to fortune tellers. The fact is that in moments of betrayal, any girl or woman is very vulnerable, it is easy to influence her. You run the risk of becoming just a victim of fraud. A double hit on yourself will be very difficult to survive.

Some Tips

Do not rush to look for flaws in your own appearance, character. A person can change because he does not know how otherwise. He just can't keep up. long relationship, so finds others. Of course, your self-esteem can suffer greatly. In this case, the first step is to analyze the real relationship. And it must be done with cold head. Remember how your love began? Why did your spouse choose you?

Perhaps this will help reduce the degree of mental anguish. Try to figure out how much the relationship has changed since the first romantic encounters. Suddenly you just pay little attention to your man or stop trying in bed. It is better to talk frankly with your spouse and understand what does not suit him. But he must also listen to you if he is ready to leave his mistress and return the marriage. It is necessary to discuss everything, think it over, and only after that look for a way out of the situation. How to make a husband leave his mistress? Never discuss her with your spouse, do not insult her. He may instinctively begin to protect her, because he is close to her. So you just push him away from you.

Pay attention to yourself and your own worldview. For your spouse to be happy, you must also always be in high spirits. This does not mean that you need to create it artificially. Think of a hobby, go in for sports, learn how to cook a new dish. These tips, although banal, really work. IN good mood it will be much easier to return old love and get rid of his mistress.

If the situation has reached a peak, something urgently needs to be done. Take your husband in an armful, buy tickets to another country and leave for Honeymoon. Arrange everything so that he remembers this time for a long time. Of course, he will stop seeing her and eventually forget it altogether. Certainly, make a husband leave his mistress, very difficult, but real, if you make a little effort. Act right now, just do not put pressure on your spouse.