What should parents do if a one-year-old toddler has a psychological crisis? Mood swings in teenagers

What is the reason for frequent mood swings in children and what to do about it?

Probably, all parents at least once in their lives had to observe sharp mood swings in a child. When their baby, just happily playing, suddenly starts crying and stamping his feet for no reason. Or closes in itself, refuses to communicate with parents.

Often, mom and dad do not understand how to behave in such cases. They try to calm the child, appease him new toy, in any way to entertain him. Or they appeal to the excessive pampering of the baby, they try to “educate” him. But, unfortunately, such measures do not always give the desired result. And then the parents get lost, trying to wait until the child calms down on his own.

If such cases occur with a baby once every five years, there is nothing terrible and unusual in this. You never know what the child could be upset about? The reasons can be quite objective: there is no favorite toy nearby, pants got wet, or, in the end, something got sick. But when the mood swings in the baby occur without visible reasons and often, it is worth paying attention to this and figuring out how to help the child in this situation.

Why are children prone to sudden mood swings?

The main causes of mood swings in children include the following:

1. Crises. Frequent mood swings in a baby indicate, first of all, that he is confused, overly tense, does not understand how to behave and what to expect. The child experiences such sensations especially acutely in crisis periods, Related:

  • special moments age development- during these periods, the vast majority of children are going through hard times;
  • features environment- a sharp change of scenery, unpleasant for the child, relations with people important to him can also cause a crisis.

2. The desire to attract the attention of parents and relatives. Perhaps, in moments of calm, they don’t pay much attention to the child, but as soon as he bursts into tears, you immediately get both candy and Teddy bear and mother's warm hugs. Why not take advantage of this?

No one says that it is not necessary to comfort and reassure children. Of course you should. But, if you take the baby in your arms, hug, give him time only when he cries - very soon he will understand this and will constantly “call” you. After all, for small child The most important thing is that mom is there. And then his world is calm and stable.

3. Home atmosphere in which the baby lives. The child is keenly aware of all the changes in the life of the family. If mom and dad quarrel, tension hangs in the air, most likely, the baby will be worried and nervous, and, as a result, be capricious.

4. Features of the behavior of parents. Have you noticed how accurately young children can copy the emotions and behavior of adults? So, if mom and dad have a “beech” baby, it is probably unlikely that their child will be smiling and cheerful all the time, and vice versa.

"Acute" age periods

Let's talk more about age-related crises in a child's life. These include:

Psychologists classify the crisis of three years as acute. Indeed, during this period, the baby becomes difficult to control, his behavior is almost impossible to correct. The most used words of the child are "I do not want." And they talk about it not so much as words as actions: the baby throws toys in response to a request to put them in a basket, runs away when you call him. Any of your prohibition or refusal to wish for a child causes a violent reaction of protest. A tantrum begins: the baby yells, stamps its feet, it can even swing at you “with fists”, depicting the most serious and angry face. In such a situation, parents are perplexed: what to do? What happened to their previously sweet and cheerful child?

According to experts, nothing terrible, most likely, did not happen. It's just that the baby is growing, and during this period it begins to feel independent personality. Accordingly, he becomes more active, persistent, sometimes even stubborn in achieving what he wants. He just lacks the skills and strength for complete independence. That’s all his dissatisfaction and anger from the fact that he doesn’t like something doesn’t work out, the baby splashes out in this way. This is how emotional “swings” are obtained from bitter tears to unbridled laughter.

What to do if the child is “covered” by the crisis of 3 years? Adviсe:

  • firstly, do not try to “break” the baby, yell at him, punish him, get angry and take offense at the baby. Thanks to such positions, parents are unlikely to achieve desired result. Rather, on the contrary, “wrong” behavior will be fixed in the child, he can begin to do everything “in spite of” his parents, and all this will lead to the formation of not the most pleasant character traits of a still small person;
  • secondly, analyze the environment and your own behavior with a crumb. Maybe he has objective reasons for whims: for example, are you too strict with him, forbid him a lot? Or is someone offending him - older children or classmates in kindergarten?
  • Third, be patient. Your intemperance will play against you. Try to understand your baby: most likely, he himself would like to calm down, but he cannot, does not know how. Be patient with his screams and tantrums, do not roll up a reciprocal "scene". Better help him switch to some other, more constructive process: show him bright pictures, turn on his favorite song. Who, if not you, knows better than anyone what your baby loves?
  • fourthly, understand that any crisis is not eternal. And this behavior will also pass in some six months or a year. Of course, if you take the right position and help the baby;
  • and, finally, if you notice something unusual in the behavior of your baby, for example, he does not want to communicate with anyone, makes repetitive monotonous movements, does not react emotionally to the behavior of others - does not laugh, is not interested in toys, is not afraid - be sure show the crumbs to a child psychoneurologist. Unfortunately, no one can exclude the risk of early childhood autism- a kind of deviation in mental development. And, the sooner you start the correction, the more successful its result will be.

Difficult period in a child's life. At this moment, a very important event for a small person takes place - admission to school. Now the whole world does not revolve around him, as before, you can not play and run all the time. Need to sit long time at a desk, to observe discipline, can also provoke frequent mood swings. After all, the child can no longer do immediately what he wants. Add here the child's worries about the new team, the fear of upsetting and not justifying the hopes of the parents - and now we get a typical portrait of this crisis.

Among other things, during this period, the child has an intensive physical growth, complex mental functions are rapidly developing, fine motor skills hands

Against the background of the need to adapt to a new environment, previously unfamiliar requirements, some children may develop the so-called "school neurosis" - a whole range of disorders and deviations: anxiety, fear of being late, impaired appetite, sometimes nausea and even vomiting. Another variant of this neurosis is the unwillingness to get up and dress for school, to answer the questions of the teacher, forgetfulness and inattention. Such violations are most characteristic of children who are not yet ready for school. That is, they reached school age, but according to a number of mental and physical data, they still do not "hold out" to their peers.

How to successfully survive the crisis of the first grader? Adviсe:

  • do not rush to send your child to school without consulting a pediatrician and a psychologist. If they think that the baby is not quite ready for school yet, do not force him: there is a time for everything, and, most likely, in next year it will be much easier and easier for him to start studying;
  • if possible, do not overload the “primaries” with electives: music lessons, sports sections and circles. Let them first get used to the school well;
  • create a calm, unobtrusive atmosphere for the child at home, where he can relax, do homework. Let the house become little man a place where he is always welcome, regardless of his grades and academic performance, does not make excessive demands and is not punished for an unlearned lesson. Remember, the child is only "learning to learn" - help him with this warm and friendly participation.

This is the age when children consider themselves already adults, and parents "in the old fashioned way" see them as still small. There is a conflict of interest in the family, often very sharp. But, in addition to the change in relationships, the child is also going through a period of intense physiological development. Observed functional disorders in the work of the lungs, heart, cerebral blood supply, there are changes in the vascular and muscle tone. As a result of these fluctuations, the physical state, and the mood echoes him. Therefore, we can observe the following picture: a teenager who has just been in a cheerful and cheerful mood, suddenly falls into apathy, begins to feel sad and depressed. Or, conversely, sadness is replaced by bouts of laughter.

Boys in adolescence often become unrestrained, excitable, aggressive, girls acquire an unstable mood. But both those and those often hypersensitivity coexists with indifference and selfishness, coldness towards loved ones.

The teenager seeks to prove to everyone that he is independent and independent. Such a need to assert oneself can push one to take risks - not being able to establish oneself in creativity, study, sports, a teenager fills this need through alcohol, smoking, drugs, and early sexual intercourse. Also important is the so-called "herd feeling" - the desire to spend time in a group of peers.

How to survive this difficult crisis for children and parents? Adviсe:

  • try to treat your child like an adult. Understand, now he needs it the most;
  • if it is important for you to achieve something from a child, do not dictate your conditions categorically, but try to gently lead him to a certain decision. Let the teenager take it as his own. Everyone benefits from this approach - the parent gets what he wants, and the teenager increases his self-esteem;
  • and it’s impossible not to warn: if your child behaves quite unusually, he has bizarre hobbies, his mood fluctuates sharply, he withdraws into himself, aloof and cold, be sure to contact a specialist!

And remember that age crises- this is a regularity. That's just the degree of their flow can vary from almost imperceptible to very painful and acute. How your child survives crises depends not only on his developmental characteristics, but also on the conditions of his life and upbringing. That is, from you Dear Parents. If you are self-possessed and patient, your family has a calm and friendly atmosphere, most likely, your child will calmly survive all age-related crises.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common feature in children these days. Children with this syndrome are called hyperactive. They are characterized frequent change mood, lack of perseverance, inattention.

It is quite possible for parents to identify such a feature. If, after observing the baby for several months, you notice that he cannot play calm, quiet games, is unable to concentrate on one thing, is forgetful, talks a lot, fusses, has difficulty getting to sleep, contact a child psychologist. He will help you choose individual approach to your child.

So we talked about the age and personal characteristics of the development of children, and the frequent mood swings associated with this. Indeed, in many cases it is shown special approach helping a child get through a difficult time. But after all, a baby can be capricious and upset not only in crises or having some peculiarities. mental development. Sometimes a change of mood does not have any significant reasons, but still it happens. And this is easily explained, because even adults cannot always control their emotions, to be sure about children!

Therefore, if your child is prone to mood swings, and you want to help him, use simple rules:

I. What NOT to do:

  1. Shout at a child;
  2. Pull him up all the time;
  3. Demand complete obedience;
  4. Mock;
  5. Humiliate and suppress;
  6. Forbid showing emotions with phrases like: “Don’t cry!”, “Don’t scream!”, “Don’t laugh so loudly!”, “Control yourself!”;
  7. Criticize and be strict all the time. The constant phrase "You can't behave like that!" will make your baby afraid to do anything, as in any case he will be punished.

II. What can and should be done:

  1. Try to find out the reason why the child's mood often changes. Watch a small child. Talk heart to heart with an older child, try to find out in an unobtrusive way what caused anxiety and anxiety. When the causes are identified, eliminate them if possible.
  2. Explain the rules in a clear and polite manner. If necessary, write down on a piece of paper what you can and cannot do, and hang this list in a conspicuous place. In this way, you will help the child become calmer and more confident in tomorrow, because it is very important for him to know what they want from him.
  3. Plan your day together. By teaching the crumbs to discipline and order, you will save both yours and his nerves.
  4. Gradually teach your child to be responsible for their actions. Show him how you can control your behavior, your emotions. No one says that they should be suppressed and "swallowed", but the ability to "count to 10" and do deep breaths with outbreaks of aggression and anger, no one has yet been disturbed.
  5. Celebrate your child's progress. Unfortunately, many parents tend to be the first to notice when their little one does something wrong. And doing the right thing is taken for granted. And you try the opposite tactic - praise the child for any achievement, even the smallest. Then he will definitely have less reason to be sad.
  6. Teach the kid healthy lifestyle life. Correct Mode day, healthy eating and sleep will help the child successfully overcome all crises and develop harmoniously. Of course, do not forget about your own example - it is unlikely that a child will fall in love with cereals and salads if mom and dad are “sitting” on fast food.
  7. Teach your child to analyze their behavior. Keeping a diary will help anyone to organize their thoughts a little, as well as avoid future mistakes.
  8. Respect the personality of the child, his need to know this world, to find his place in it. It is difficult to achieve this under vigilant control and peremptory "censorship" by the closest people.
  9. Please your child, surprise him! Think of holidays "just like that." You can have a picnic in the park, cook "fun" sandwiches, or take your child to the zoo or circus. You can go together to one of the baby's friends, or invite him to you. Give him a little nice gifts. Believe me, the child will remember such non-standard actions on the part of parents for a long time. Who knows, maybe for changeable mood your child is worth a thirst for adventure? So arrange them for him!
  10. Sign up for a pool or have a fun "swim" in the tub. Sprinklers, funny toys and, in general, water as an element are the best recipes in the world that can lift even the most “fallen” mood!

And, of course, do not forget about love! All children, without exception - both the smallest and the largest - need parental love, attention and understanding!

” №12/2007 24.08.12

Children react to the slightest change in the situation in the family, in kindergarten or in the yard. But, firstly, babies cannot always explain what excites or worries them, and secondly, the child's emotional reaction does not necessarily follow immediately after the event. This is where “causeless” sadness or anger arises.

Features of the emotional development of children

Neither the Hydrometeorological Center nor the parents can predict the mood of the child. Mom and dad are at a loss: why is he sad now, if a quarter of an hour ago he was absolutely happy? No need to be nervous about this! This is more good than bad. Openly expressing feelings is better than withdrawing into yourself and hiding your feelings. The more strongly your son or daughter demonstrates emotions, the more accurate signal you get: I feel good (bad), I am satisfied (annoyed), I am happy (sad).

If you have an emotional child

An emotional child is an open book for attentive parents. And for the baby himself, a frequent change of mood is the best way to get rid of negativity. A violent manifestation of feelings is not at all a sign of imbalance. Thus, the baby transmits information to mom and dad. You are the most important people in the world for him, he needs your understanding. So learn to "read" the data transmitted by the baby!

Emotional development of children. What Not to Do for Parents

Often parents want the child's mood to be even, so they consciously or unconsciously suppress its natural manifestations. “Don’t shout!”, “No need to laugh so loudly!”, “Control yourself!” Avoid phrases that prohibit the baby from expressing emotions. He will not want to upset you once again, so he will rather suppress anger or resentment in himself than allow them to break out. As a result, you will get a closed, detached little man who, having matured, is unlikely to share his experiences with you. So why not allow him now to give vent to feelings?

Watch the child if he does not finish something, is constrained, behaves unnaturally. Such behavior may indicate distrust of you or the world in general.

"You can't behave like that!" - your favorite saying? It is not surprising that the child is afraid of punishment, criticism and the strict opinion of others! IN best case sooner or later there will be an explosion and pent-up feelings will spill out in an inadequate form. And at worst, unmanifested emotions will remain in the subconscious of the baby and can further provoke a psychosomatic illness.

Correction of the emotional world of children. What should parents do

  • Make it a rule not to repress your child's negative experiences. After all, if they are, then why are they needed?
  • Everyone knows that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. This wonderful medical principle applies to almost all areas of life, and to the upbringing of unpredictable children as well.
  • Does your child have mood swings? Make sure there are more positives than negatives.
  • Surprise the baby and arrange a holiday in the middle of the week. Pick up the child from kindergarten or from my grandmother a couple of hours earlier than usual. And go not home, but, for example, to the park. Have a picnic with funny sandwiches and juices in colorful cups. Or buy tickets for a children's movie in advance ( Entertainment Center theater, zoo). Go visit one of your close friends.
  • And pre-buy nice little gifts. In general, behave outside the box - not the way you always do.
  • The delight of the baby will not be the limit. You already know how routine can erase from memory what makes you happy! And often this is pleasant trifles... It is possible that behind the ever-changing mood of your son or daughter lies a thirst for adventure. Children need to know that in life there is always a place for a holiday.
  • Periodically entertain yourself with original activities. Do something unusual: rearrange the furniture in the nursery, taking into account the wishes of its owner; paint each other with makeup. Or take a fun interview from the crumbs, fixing it on video. In a few years, you will enjoy watching this landmark documentary short.
  • Do you know that of all the elements, a bad mood is most afraid of water? Especially cold. Sign up for the pool! Or have a fun bath time. Various sprinklers, funny toys and peaceful water guns will make the process unforgettable.

Hysteria in a child. What to do?

However, there are situations that require urgent solutions. If during fun event your child suddenly burst into tears, try to figure out the reasons together.

The material world great helper if used correctly. And kids know how to do it. Simple, unpretentious things give them pleasure no less than expensive toys and clever games. Do you see the light on the baby's face when, digging in the sandbox, he finds a colored glass? For him it is a treasure.

In critical moments, it is good to have a few frivolous items on hand. It can be, for example, a device for creating soap bubbles. There is no boy or girl in the world who would be indifferent to their iridescent surface ...

Or Balloons. Who said they're just for birthdays?

Bengal lights are real fireworks, only small. It is not at all necessary to wait for the New Year, you can meet it right now. And let this year, which began on any day of autumn or winter, become the Year of carelessness and fun!

A satin ribbon, a baby crib, a miniature car or a clay whistle - all this can easily fit in a mother's bag. And at the right time, it will be an excellent consolation prize for a baby whose last tear dries up on his cheek.

Usually, three-year-old children are very cheerful and joyful, but it also happens that some little thing can make them sad and irritable, and for a long time. These situations worry all parents. According to scientists, the children of such young age rarely prone to depression, unless, of course, there was any severe psychological trauma. Children are prone to changeable mood, because of which it is difficult to overcome the crisis. There is nothing strange in this, it happens to many children. If your child is prone to frequent mood swings, then psychologists recommend sticking to certain rules behavior.

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Photo gallery: Abrupt change child's mood: advice to parents

Are you taking good care of your baby??

Children need parental attention sometimes even too necessary. Our time, with its frantic rhythm and work schedule, simply eats us up. And it does take a toll on the baby. Think about whether you spend enough time a day with your child? And with your husband? If mom or dad devotes less than 20 minutes a day to a baby, then you cannot avoid problems with him. Of course, you need to devote much more time than 20 minutes.

Try to make the baby's life varied, saturate it with good emotions!

Find a way to saturate the life of your little one with impressions and colorful emotions, of course, this will depend on the age of the child. If your child is overly active and restless, then he just needs to get positive emotions impressions during difficult periods of life. Let the baby absorb and accumulate positive experiences! Spend time with your baby before you put him to bed. Remember the brightest and most joyful moments that will give him a charge of positive energy and help you move away from memories!

Try to protect your baby from stress

Stress can stick to some children like glue, but fortunately, such children are few and far between. Try not to resort to the services of nannies, avoid too busy schedule, short breaks and unfulfilled expectations. Keep yourself in control, try to maintain composure and patience, do not break out on children. This can serve dangerous risk for stress to occur.

Enlist the help of educators, counselors or teachers

The look of a professional will help you clearly understand how to correct what may be affecting the behavior of the baby. Maybe it's family troubles, older brother, screaming, school bullies.

Do your best to make sure your child eats well.

Remember, the child needs protein every day! Especially for breakfast. No need to cook cereals or sandwiches and cakes, just a little bit of sugar and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. If the child goes to kindergarten, ask what time the children are fed to determine how long the child does not eat.

Beware of allergies and food poisoning

Very many children, it turns out, are allergic to foods such as oats, rye, wheat, barley, as well as milk and eggs. There may or may not be obvious symptoms, such as a runny nose and dark circles under the eyes.

Try not to give your child these products for ten days, thereby find out if the state of health changes. If not, then try eliminating some more foods. In order not to doubt the diagnosis, after the food restrictions are lifted, give the child a large number of previously prohibited foods. If the symptoms reappear, there will be no doubt about the diagnosis. You can also use another method and examine the child with an allergist.

You can include high-quality and safe nutritional supplements in the baby's menu

For normal life, children need special substances that they can get through food, this is possible only if the child is healthy from birth. Very few children get all the minerals and vitamins they need. So choose your supplements top quality in the form that suits your child.

Special additives worthy of attention

There are natural, necessary for survival, substances that are absolutely harmless and have no side effects, these are the main fatty acids, such as fish oil or linseed oil. The latter is less efficient. Give fish oil to a child daily for half a teaspoon, you can mix with food, only unheated it or in pure form. It can also be purchased in capsules.

Again, B vitamins are needed, the deficiency of which contributes to bad mood and reduces vitality. This type of vitamin includes B-6, B-12 and folic acid. The child should be given vitamins of this group in the morning, and if the urine turns yellow, do not worry. You can also give vitamin B12 under the tongue.

You can try 5-HTP

You probably know what serotonin is, a neurotransmitter that can regulate mood. In our body, it is formed from tryptophan, an amino acid. So, serotonin is involved in the final stage of its formation. This supplement is available and can be bought at any pharmacy. It will be useful even for adults to prevent depression. Intervention in the developing child's psyche is alarming, but if your experiments have not yielded results, contact a professional doctor whose help little child won't be redundant. This medicine can be taken at fifty milligrams a day, preferably in the morning.

Take care of your good mood, as well as marriage

There is no secret that the best support for a child is a strong, stable and positive atmosphere in the family. So take care of your own health, oh good mood, try not to swear with your husband, keep your good relations. After all, family squabbles are very harmful to the child, because of this he can become an unhappy person. Think about it! And do not make such terrible mistakes! After all, the unfavorable atmosphere in the family puts pressure not only on the child, but also on yourself! Let the desire for a better future for your child serve as an impetus for change in yourself! Love and be loved. You will see how happy your children will be. After all, a depressed child seeks comfort from his parents. Keep this in mind and radiate goodness and positivity!

Often I want to say to my daughter the well-known phrase “I know that I don’t know anything.” I am constantly surprised by my daughter, how you can change your behavior and mood so often. About the behavior is a separate conversation, which deserves an entire article. Indeed, in 9 cases out of 10, the daughter behaves with her grandmother in a completely different way than with me - an absolutely obedient and flexible child, who is called "at least apply to the wound."

What is the cause of a sharp change in mood in a child? There are not so few of them. I would like to tell you more in today's topic.

no boundaries

Unlike adults, children, so to speak, are more sincere in expressing their emotions. Agree, it will look strange if adult woman will squeal with delight at the sight of the first dandelion in spring.

The point is that what younger child, the less he has restrictions in terms of behavior. Only with age do children begin to understand the rules of behavior in society, the expediency of the public manifestation of certain emotions.

It is to this reason that we owe the so-called distraction method to work. For example, when her daughter was about 2 years old, a cat running past could easily turn her tears into laughter.

Lack of attention

Yes, it is the lack of attention and manifestation of feelings on the part of parents that can be the cause of the unstable mood of the child. It is obvious that at the sight of tears or a cry, attention is immediately drawn to the child. And if the method works, then why not use it more often?

The solution is obvious - to give attention and love in advance, so that the child does not have the need to "beg" for them. Lots of options: hugs, sweet words, joint classes, touch, etc.

The task of parents in this case is to let the baby understand that parental love is a kind of stronghold, something so constant and unshakable that it does not require strength tests, and will not go anywhere, regardless of place and time.

Leap in development

At the age of 2 to 4 years, children experience a so-called crisis, another leap in development. Unlike other similar periods, it is important because it is at this age that the baby first tries to separate himself from his mother.

I noticed from my daughter: at 2-3 years old, she was most interested in playing with me, and after three years, she gradually switched to contact with peers or playing alone. Also, this period is characterized by the fact that the child periodically checks the mother. For example, children are interested in what will be the reaction to aggression, anger, violation of the ban.

All this is the cause of some confusion in the head of the child, and believe me, it is now much more difficult for him to control himself than for you.


This point also deserves attention. After all, not everything has to have a reason, right? Anything can happen - a lack of sleep, an overabundance of sleep, watching a sad cartoon or snow outside the window, and the soul desires heat.

For example, my daughter is very sensitive to the full moon. And if in heaven full moon, then the probability of violent mood swings is maximum. Again, I don’t know how things are with boys, but girls are girls for that, they don’t have reasons for everything, so the mood has the right to change just like that;)


Of course, if the child's mood changes too often, you should consult with a specialist. IN similar cases help may be needed child psychologist or taking special medications.

If I see that my daughter's mood is unstable, I immediately check for the most obvious reasons for this: fatigue and hunger. In other cases, you should look for the cause deeper.

Do your children often change mood?

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31.12.12 00:19

Mood swings in a child should not be considered mental illness. If your child suddenly starts crying or laughing, then you should not worry about this. Your baby is just growing up.

Usually associated with stress, family relationships, resentment or lack of attention. If a child is forbidden something, then he will be offended and begin to behave badly.

If there are still children in the family, then the child will be jealous of another baby, thinking that they do not pay attention to him at all and will begin to behave aggressively so that his parents devote their time to him.

These differences manifest themselves in different ways. The child may abruptly start crying or laughing, screaming, or, conversely, withdrawing into himself, breaking and tearing his things and being hyperactive, slamming doors and hysteria.

Parents in such cases are not recommended to react nervously to this. If you yell at a child, this will further aggravate the situation and lead to a quarrel with him. In such cases, the best effective way will leave the child alone for a few minutes to calm down.

After 10 minutes, you can go up to the baby and talk to him. Try to explain to your child that it’s bad to behave like that, that he upsets you very much. Ask him to talk to you and tell him that it will be easier for him if he shares with you. The child must explain the reason for his behavior.

To avoid mood swings in the child, you need to devote more time to him. Try not to quarrel in the family before the eyes of the child, because he sees your behavior and will also act aggressively, shouting. In case of disobedience of the child, it is not necessary to swear at him, it is better to solve these problems quietly and calmly.

Also, parents should watch what films and programs the child watches, what games he is fond of. If a child watches action films, horrors, thrillers, then it is necessary to captivate him with calmer films, because these films shake the psyche, and the child shows aggression. The same applies to games. It is better for a child to play calm educational games.

Need as much as possible praise your child more often, kids love it. If you often praise and encourage him for being good, then the child will always try to behave well, because he knows that he will be praised.

It is also very important to make sure that the child gets enough sleep and is fed, because malnutrition and lack of sleep can also cause mood swings in the child.

By following these rules, you will be able to deal with this problem. The main thing is to love your child, to help him cope with those difficulties that he still cannot cope with on his own.

Create a favorable environment in the family, try to pay more attention to your child. Then he will feel your love, understanding and support, and mood swings will disappear.