Joint classes for parents and children. Joint activities of children and parents in kindergarten. Lesson "Game therapy at home and in kindergarten Joint activities of the child with parents

29.08.2017 09:57

Program focus

Psychological program "Let's do it together!" is intended for parents with inadequate styles of family education, with communication disorders in the family: disunity, role perversion, etc. The program is relevant for behavioral problems of children: negativism, deceit, theft, etc., associated with problems in the family.

Relevance, novelty, pedagogical expediency.

The experience of practical work in the Social Orphanhood Prevention Service shows that in many families the parent-child relationship becomes a real pain point: parents often complain about problems with their children. But how successfully parents solve the problems of raising children in the family, ultimately, depends on how happy parents and children are, and whether they enjoy communicating with each other.

The family has a special place in the life of every person. The child grows up in a family, and from the first years of his life, he learns the norms of the hostel, the norms of human relations, absorbing both good and evil from the family, everything that is characteristic of his family. As adults, children repeat in their family everything that was in the family of their parents. The family regulates the relationship of the child to the environment, in the family he gets the experience of morality, moral standards of behavior. And although parents as a center of orientation and identification recede into the background in adolescence and youth, this applies only to certain areas of life. For most young people, parents, and especially the mother, remain the main emotionally close persons even at this age. So the family remains the leading institution in the formation and development of socially significant values ​​and attitudes of the child's personality, his socialization.

Recently, there has been some decline in the educational role of the family; in the country there are serious changes in the conditions of personality formation, difficult conditions of economic and political instability are observed, traditional values ​​are being broken, and therefore the problem of the influence of the family on the process of personality formation is relevant.

The proposed version of the program for parents and children is aimed at finding joint solutions, bringing together two worlds - so close, interdependent, but not always peacefully coexisting.

aim this program is the formation of primary value ideas about the family, family traditions, responsibilities; bonding between children and parents. As well as the harmonization of parent-child relations through joint activities.

When working with a child-parent pair in this direction, the following tasks:

  1. Unity of family members.
  2. Harmonization of family relations
  3. Development of children's communication skills, increasing self-esteem.
  4. Positive dynamics in parents' assessments of their relationship with children.

The target audience for which the program is designed and the period of its implementation.

Parents and children of senior preschool and primary school age participate in the program.

The duration of the program is 3 months.

Organization of classes: the cycle of classes includes 12 meetings, classes are held once a week for 1 hour. 30 minutes. From 1 to 8 lessons - joint for parents and children, 9-11 lessons - only with the participation of parents, 12 lessons - joint final.

Class structure:

  1. Greetings, warm up.
  2. Work on the topic: games, drawing, discussions, exercises.
  3. Reflection.

Methodological tools used in the program:

communicative games, joint activities of parents and children (drawing, design), role modeling.

Cycle structure:

diagnostic stage. It is held at a preliminary meeting of a psychologist with a child-parent couple and at the final lesson.

Task: diagnosing the style of family education, the characteristics of interpersonal relationships in the family, the level of communication skills of children.

For parents: questionnaire (DIA), assessment on a five-point scale of interpersonal communication with a child, family kinetic pattern, family sociogram.

For children: kinetic drawing of a family, diagnostics of the level of communication skills, joint drawing with a parent on one sheet, family sociogram.

Practical (joint) classes for parents and children.

Main goals:

  1. Acquaintance of participants, formation of an atmosphere of trust and security in the group.
  2. Teaching parent-child cooperation skills.
  3. Removal of barriers in children's communication with adults.
  4. Development of reflection skills.

Practical lessons for parents

Main goals:

  1. Teaching parents how to communicate effectively with their children.
  2. Approbation and development of new ways of communication and interaction, reflection of the experience gained.


Main goals:

  1. Summarizing.
  2. Confirm program effectiveness through participant diagnostics.

Expected results and ways to measure their effectiveness

As a result of the implementation of the program, a positive trend is expected in parents' assessments of their relationship with their children. Unity of family members, harmonization of intra-family relations, increasing the self-esteem of the child.

Diagnostics is carried out before the start of classes at a preliminary meeting of a psychologist with a child-parent couple and at the end of a cycle of classes at the last meeting.

Parents fill out a questionnaire for the analysis of family relationships (FIA), evaluate interpersonal communication with the child on a five-point scale, perform a kinetic drawing of the family, as well as a joint drawing with the child on one sheet.

Children perform a kinetic drawing of the family.

The psychologist assesses the level of children's communication skills by standardized observation.

At the final meeting, at the end of the cycle, parents fill out a training participant questionnaire, re-evaluate their interpersonal communication with the child, children and parents fill out a family sociogram, parents and children perform a family kinetic drawing. The psychologist assesses the level of communication skills of children on a three-point scale.

Efficiency is measured by qualitative analysis of drawing samples, positive dynamics in parents' assessments of their relationship with children, and improvement of children's communication skills.

Thematic plan of the program

Subject Target Number of hours Conduct form

Section 1. Diagnostic activities for parents

1. Questionnaire for the analysis of family relationships (DIA) Identification of violations of the process of education. 45 min. Group testing
2. Filling out the questionnaire "Assessment of your relationship with the child"
Parents' assessment of their relationship with their child. Obtaining information about the subjective family situation of the parent under study.
4. Implementation of the projective methodology "Family Sociogram" Obtaining information about interpersonal family relationships.

Diagnostic measures for children

1. Performing a kinetic drawing of the family Obtaining information about the subjective family situation of the child under study. 45 min. Group testing
2. Implementation of the projective methodology "Family Sociogram" Identification of the position of the child in the system of interpersonal family relations.
3. Filling in the form of communication skills of the child by the psychologist Determination of the level of formation of the child's communication skills. Individual conversation

Section 2. Practical exercises for children and parents

Lesson #1
1. Warm up Exercises: “Remember my name?”, “Symbol”, “Change places”.
2. Main body Exercises: "Shapes", "Siamese twins", "Shadow".
3. Completion of the group. Exercise "Tangle".
Acquaintance, increasing the level of trust between the participants. 1,5 hour
Lesson #2
1. Warm up Exercises: "Snowball", "And I'm going!".
2. Main body Exercises: “Parents and children”, “Blind”, “Brainstorm. (Aphorisms about the family).
3. Completion of the group. Exercise "Magic wand".
Increasing group cohesion. Cooperation between parent and child. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)
Lesson #3
1. Warm Up Exercises:"Execution Ground", "Confusion", "Find a mate".
2. Main body Exercises: "Blind listening", "What does the doll tell you?", "Construction".
3. Completion of the group.
Cooperation between parent and child. Diagnosis of anxiety states. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)
Lesson number 4
1. Warm Up Exercises:"Compliments", "Chants - whispers - silences", "Breath of a kind animal".
2. Main body Exercises: "Driver", "I like it", "Brainstorming (You were left alone at home)".
3. Completion of the group. Exercise "Gifts".
Cooperation between parent and child. Identification of the level of independence of the child. Identification of the level of volitional regulation of the child. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)
Lesson number 5
1. Warm Up Exercises:"Snowball", "Pass the item", "What can be done with the item?".
2. Main body Exercises: “Show off mom (dad)”, “Family portrait”.
3. Completion of the group. Exercise "Forehead".
Cooperation between parent and child. Diagnosis of intra-family relations. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)
Lesson number 6
1. Warm Up Exercises:“Let's say hello with parts of the body”, “I am a + good engine”.
2. Main body Exercises: “Joint creativity”, “Quarrelled”, “Family collage”.
3. Completion of the group. Exercise "Applause"
Cooperation between parent and child. Updating the value of the family. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)
Lesson number 7
1. Warm Up Exercises:"Me and Mom (Dad)", "Imitator".
2. Main body Exercises: "Keep your distance", "Sculpture", "Cover".
3. Completion of the group. Reflection, receiving feedback.
Cooperation between parent and child. Study of psychological distance in family relationships. Identification of intra-family volitional structure. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)
Lesson number 8 1. Warm Up Exercises:“I + you”, “Consistency of actions”.
2. Main body Exercises: "Reporter", "Family commandments", "I think we are similar."
3. Completion of the group. Reflection, receiving feedback.
Cooperation between parent and child. Study of family values ​​and traditions. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)

Section No. 3. Classes for parents (Increasing the level of parental competence)

Lesson number 9
1. Warm Up Exercises:"Non-Children's Bans"
2. Main body Mini lecture "You-messages", "I-messages".
3. Practical part. 1. Formulation of "I-messages". 2. Playing situations using "I-messages"
4. Completion of the group. Exercise "Sun of Love"
1. Understand the psychological difference between "I-statement" and "You-statement". 2. Master the skill of "I-statements." 1,5 hour Group (parents only)
Lesson number 10
"Active Listening"
1. Warm Up Exercises:"Best Childhood Memory" Discussion of homework.
2. Main body Mini lecture "Rules of active listening".
Exercises: “Listen to the other”, “Listen to feelings”.
3. Completion of the group. Reflection, receiving feedback.
Acquaintance with active listening techniques, development of active listening skills. 1,5 hour Group (parents only)
Lesson number 11
"Rewards and Punishments"
1. Warm up Exercise: "Association".
2. Main body Exercise: "A vivid negative childhood memory associated with parental punishment." Discussion of homework. Filling out the questionnaire: "Methods of influencing the child."
Mini lecture "Catalogue of negative effects of typical parental reactions (according to T. Gordon)".
3. Completion of the group. Mini lecture "Basic principles of using rewards and punishments"
Acquaintance with the principles of using rewards and punishments and the catalog of negative effects of typical parental reactions (according to T. Gordon). 1,5 hour Group (parents only)

Section number 4. The final stage

Lesson #12
End of the group.
1. Warm up. Exercise: "Favorite games."
2. Main body Exercises: "If". 3. Diagnostic part.
4. Completion of the group. Summing up, awarding diplomas, presenting photographs.
Summarizing. final diagnosis. Presentation of certificates and photographs. 1,5 hour Group (parents together with children)

Practical lessons

Lesson number 1 (together children with parents)

Subject: Acquaintance

Tools: tokens with the names of the participants, sheets (A4 format) for each participant, felt-tip pens, pens, a small soft toy (symbol of the group), a rope (1 m.), several ropes (50 cm.)

Before starting work, it makes sense to acquaint the participants with the purpose of the program, its tasks, clarify organizational issues, and discuss the rules of the group.

Group rules.

The trainer introduces the rules of the group and discusses them with the participants of the training.

  1. Confidentiality (secrecy) of what is happening in the group.
  2. We speak only from ourselves and about ourselves (“I-statements”).
  3. Confidential communication style. Address by name to all participants, including the host (10 min).

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Remember my name?"(participants sit in a circle).

Instructions: At the beginning of the game, each participant receives a token on which he writes his name. The host walks around all the participants with a box, where everyone puts his token, loudly calling his name. The tokens are shuffled and the host again walks around the audience. Now each of the participants must remember who owns the token that he takes out of the box. (10 min).

Exercise "Symbol"(participants sit in a circle)

Instruction: “Draw a personal symbol that characterizes your character. It can be anything - an animal, a bird, an insect, etc. Then explain why you chose this symbol. (5 minutes)

Exercise “Changing places” (participants sit in a circle, the coach stands in the center of the circle).

Instruction: “Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: the driver in the center of the circle (at the moment - me) will offer to change places to all those who have some kind of sign (for example, everyone who is wearing trousers). My task is to take one of the empty seats. Who is left without a place becomes the driver. So, we change places ... (10 min)

2. The main part.

Exercise "Shapes"(participants stand in a circle).

Purpose: Team building. In the course of this game, you can track many points important for training aimed at joint interaction. For example, roles of participants, group dynamics, etc. (15 min.)

Instructions: 1. “To perform the next exercise, you need the whole group to stand in a circle. Take the rope in your hands and stand so that the correct circle is formed. Now close your eyes and without opening them, build a square. Only verbal communication can be used. When you feel that the task is completed, let me know."

“Now I will offer you to build another figure under the same conditions. Can you build it in a shorter time? Fine. I suggest repeating the experiment. We close our eyes. Your task is to construct an equilateral triangle.

Discussion of the exercise:

  1. Do you think you succeeded in completing the task?
  2. What hindered and what helped to build a figure?

Exercise "Siamese twins"(couple - parent and child)

Purpose: Gaining experience in working together, diagnosing the ability to coordinate their actions. (15 minutes)

Instruction: “Pair up, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other with one hand on the belt, put your right foot next to your partner’s left foot. Now you are fused twins: two heads, three legs, one body, and two arms. Try to walk around the room, do something, lie down, stand up, draw, jump, clap your hands, etc.” In order for the “third” leg to act “friendly”, it can be fastened either with a rope or an elastic band. In addition, twins can “grow together” not only with their legs, but with their backs, heads, etc.

Exercise "Shadow"(participants are divided into parent-child pairs).

Purpose: development of observation, memory, inner freedom and looseness, the ability to adapt to another.

Instruction: One (parent) is a traveler, the other (child) is his shadow. The traveler walks across the field, and behind him, 2-3 steps behind, is his shadow. “The shadow is trying, exactly, to copy the movements of the traveler. After a while, the participants switch roles (10 min)

Exchange of feelings, impressions.

3. Completion of the group.

Exercise "Tangle"(participants sit in a circle)

Purpose: Unity of the group, fixing the main achievements of the training session.

Instruction: each participant in turn, passing the ball and unwinding it at the same time, talks about his feelings, what he liked, remembered, was unexpected. The host is the last to speak, summarizes, sums up the day, sets up positive thinking. (10 min.)

Lesson number 2 (together children with parents)

Subject: Increasing group cohesion. Cooperation between parent and child.

It would not be superfluous to thank the participants for coming to the lesson.

Tools: sheets of paper (format A 4), felt-tip pens, an eraser, blindfolds, a “magic wand”, cards with aphorisms about the family.

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Snowball"(participants sit in a circle).

Instruction: the participant, receiving a symbol toy, talks about some joint lesson with the child that took place in the week between classes, then passes the toy to the next participant. (5 minutes).

Exercise "I'm going"(participants sit on chairs in a circle, one chair should be free).

Instruction: The leader starts the game, next to which there is an empty chair. He moves from his seat to an empty chair with the words: "And I'm going!" The player, next to whom there was an empty chair, changes to it and says: “And I am nearby!”. The next participant, next to whom there was an empty chair, changes to it and says: “And I am a hare.”. The next player, changing to an empty chair, replies: "And I'm going with ..." At the same time, the name of any participant is called. The one who was named moves to an empty chair. The player next to whom there was an empty chair starts the game again. The game continues until the participants want to finish it (10 minutes).

2. The main part.

Game "Parents and children"

Purpose: for adults - to try to understand the feelings and experiences of children, for children - the feelings and experiences of adults.

Instructions: “Now, I’ll wave my magic wand and change your places. Now parents have become children, and children have become parents. Parents, you love your child very much, you want him to grow up to be a good person, and therefore you give him advice on how he should be (neat, polite, obedient ...). Children in the role of parents (in turn) begin to give advice to parents (children). (10 min.)

Discuss the feelings that arose during the exercise.

Exercise "Blind"(couples - parent and child sit side by side at tables)

Instructions: mother and child sit side by side at the table. In front of them is a sheet of paper. One of the partners is blindfolded, and only he is allowed to draw. Another partner with open eyes will control the movements of the "blind" player's hand. Then there is a role exchange (20 min)

Discussion of the exercise.

  1. What was more difficult: drawing with your eyes closed or directing the drawing? Why?
  2. What do you like more: drawing or directing? (10 min).

Exercise "Brainstorm"(participants sit in a semicircle)

Purpose: organization of mental activity, analysis of the family situation, the emergence of insights.

Instruction: “Now I will give you cards with aphorisms about the family. Your task is to read and tell us how you understood what was written. Do you agree with what was written? You can give examples from your own life. (20 minutes)

Group Completion

Exercise "Magic Wand"

Instruction: The group members are given the task to think for 1 minute and say: “If my mother (my child) had a magic wand, then she (he) would think (a) ...” (5 min.)

Summing up the lesson. Exchange of feelings, impressions from the lesson.

Lesson number 3 (together children with parents)

Subject: Cooperation between parent and child.

Tools: Toy (symbol of the group), felt-tip pens, pieces of paper with animal names written on them for each participant (animal names are paired - cow-cow, rooster-rooster, etc.), 2 boxes of matches, cardboard partitions for tables, doll, ball .

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Execution Place"(about 15 min.)

Instruction: each of the participants (in turn), passing a toy (group symbol), shares his impressions of the past week, talks about a joint event with a child.

Exercise "Confusion"(participants stand in a circle)

Instructions: All participants stand in a circle and hold hands. A driver is chosen who goes out the door. Players get confused without opening their hands, it is possible to step over clasped hands. The task of the driver is to unravel the ball. Then someone else becomes the driver (15 minutes).

Exercise "Find a mate"(Participants stand in a semicircle).

The facilitator distributes pre-prepared leaflets with the names of animals written on them to each participant. Since all titles are paired, everyone will be able to find a pair after the coach's command.

Instructions: Close your eyes. At my command, each of you begins to scream in the language of your animal. Your task, without opening your eyes, is to find your partner by voice (10 min).

Main part.

Blind listening exercise(parent and child sit at the table opposite each other, a partition is placed between them).

Purpose: teaching the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding.

Instruction: each of the participants in the pair is given seven matches. The parent builds some figure behind the partition from his matches, and then tries to explain to the child in words how to build the same one. Neither parent nor child should see each other's actions. At the end of the work, the partition is removed, and the figures are compared. The parent and child then switch roles. If it is very easy for a couple to complete this task, then the number of matches can be increased. (15-20 min.)

Discussion of the exercise:

  1. Was it difficult to explain, without the help of hands, how to build a figure? Why?
  2. Was it difficult to understand from the words of a partner how to build a figure? Why?

Exercise "What does the doll tell you?"

Purpose: to identify the actual problems of the group members.

Instruction: the trainer picks up a doll and, turning to the participants, says: “A very wise and insightful lady came to visit us. (Turning to the neighbor on the left). She knows everything about you. Take her in your hands so that she looks at you. What can she tell you? Can you recommend something?" The participant addressed by the coach must answer the question directly. For example, "Misha, behave yourself!" or "You're too trusting, Tanya."

Discussion of the exercise. The attitude set by the coach on the wisdom and insight of the “lady” contributes to the fact that each participant in the game puts into the mouth of the “lady” a phrase usually associated with an actual problem for him (15 minutes).

Exercise "Construction"

Purpose: to develop communication skills, improve communication in a team.

Instruction: “Now we will build. The first task is to line up in height. The coach notes the time, then tells the group how much time it took to execute the command and checks the correct execution. “The next condition is to line up according to the color of the hair, from light to dark (the procedure is repeated), etc.” (15 minutes).

3. Completion of the group.

Summing up the lesson. Exchange of feelings, impressions from the lesson. Getting feedback (what I liked was a discovery) (10 min.).

Lesson number 4 (together children with parents).

Subject: Cooperation between parent and child.

Tools: ball, paper mock-ups of the palm of red, yellow, blue, "magic" wand.

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Compliments"(participants sit in a circle).

Instruction: “Now we will compliment each other. You need to throw the ball to any of the participants and say something nice to him. And he replies: “Yes, of course, but besides that, I also ... (5 min)

Exercise "Screamers-whispers-silencers"(parents sit in a circle, children stand in the middle of the circle).

Purpose: development of observation, teaching children to act according to the rule of volitional regulation.

Instruction: Give adults three palm silhouettes: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red palm - a “chant”, - children can run, scream, make a lot of noise. Yellow palm - "whisper" - you need to move quietly and whisper. At the “silent” signal - a blue palm - the children should freeze in place or lie on the floor and not move. End the game should be "silent".

Discuss the exercise with the children.

Exercise "Breathing of a Kind Animal"(break participants into family dyads or triads).

Instruction: “Now I will wave a magic wand and turn your family into a Big Kind Animal, hold hands, let's depict how it breathes: inhale - take a step towards each other. Exhale - step back. The animal breathes evenly and calmly. Let's hear how his big heart beats. A knock is a step forward. A knock is a step back. It is very important to do everything at the same time.

1. The main part.

Exercise "Driver"(family dyads)

Target: achieving mutual understanding at different levels of interaction.

Instruction: Participants move freely in the room in pairs, while one participant (driver) is behind the other, directing him (the car) by the shoulders. The guided participant's eyes are closed, he must fully trust his driver that their pair will not collide with another. After a while, the host asks the couples to switch places. If the game turns out, then the leader asks to add speed. (10 min)

Discussion of the exercise. Exchange of feelings, impressions:

  1. How was it for you to be in the role of "car"?
  2. Did you feel comfortable with your "driver"?
  3. How did you feel when you were the "driver"? (10 min)

Exercise "I like"(parent and child sit on chairs opposite each other).

Purpose: to establish a positive dialogue between the child and the parent.

Instruction: A couple (parent and child) talk to each other, constantly pronouncing the beginning of the proposed phrase: “I like that you ...” and add content to it. This creates a positive dialogue. The parent gives the child, and the child gives the parent "feedback" (10 min)

Exchange of feelings.

Brainstorming for kids(parents and children sit in a circle)

Purpose: organization of the mental activity of the child, analysis of the family situation, the emergence of insights.

Instruction: The trainer reads out the question (tasks), the children discuss how they would act in the current situation.

Tasks to be read by the trainer:

  1. Your family is away for a month's vacation, but you're left at home alone. You need to water your indoor plants. How will you do it? How often? Etc.
  2. How do you tell the time if there is no clock?
  3. What should be done so that the necessary thing is never lost?
  4. It is necessary to clean the inside of the winding pipe. How to be?

End of the group.

Exercise "Gifts"(25 min.)

Purpose: to enable group members to express their attitude towards each other and see themselves through the eyes of others.

Instruction: after 2-3 minutes of discussion, each family dyad (triad) “gives” other families what they lack for complete harmony in the family. For example: “Sveta and Andrey, we want to give you self-confidence, optimism. Once you stop doubting yourself, you will be the most harmonious family.” You must end your message with the words: “You will be fine, because you are a great family!”.

Lesson number 5 (together children with parents)

Subject: Cooperation between parent and child.

Tools: ball, scarf, A4 sheets, pencils, felt-tip pens.

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Snowball"(participants sit in a circle).

Instruction: the participant, receiving a symbol toy and talks about some joint activity with the child that took place in the week between classes, then passes the toy to the next participant. (5 minutes).

Exercise "Pass the item"

Purpose: This fun warm-up helps participants to realize their creative inclinations, uplifting mood, and increases group dynamics.

Instruction: The coach takes an object (marker, ball, crumpled paper) and gives it to the nearest participant. “Your task is to pass this object to your neighbor on the right in some theatrical way, using unusual gestures, and so on in a circle. Moreover, transmission methods should not be repeated. If the object falls, we start over.” The most original can be rewarded with applause. (5 minutes.)

Exercise "What can be done with the subject"(participants sit in a circle).

Purpose: development of creative thinking.

Instruction: everyone, in turn, must say how this item (scarf) can be used. The coach starts the game, continues - the participant to his right and further in a circle. The participant who cannot figure out how to use this item is out of the game. The participant with the most ideas wins. (10 min)

2. The main part.

Exercise "Show off mom (dad)"(participants sit in a circle).

Purpose: development in children of communication skills, attention, observation, the ability to express in words sympathy for another person. Parents receive information about themselves.

Instruction: “Everyone really likes it when they say nice things about him. Today we are going to play bouncer. Only we will boast not of ourselves, but of our parents. It's so nice and honorable to have the best mom and dad. Look at your parents. Think about what they are, what's good about them? What can they do? What good deeds did you do? What might he like? Further, the leader can give an example of such a “boasting”. (15 minutes).

Family portrait exercise(Parents and children sit at different tables)

Purpose: Diagnosis of intra-family relations.

Instruction: The trainer asks the participants to draw a portrait of their family. At the same time, children should not see what their parents are drawing, and parents should not see what children are drawing. (15 minutes.)

Discuss the drawings of each family. What is the difference? What is the similarity? Pay attention to the location of family members relative to each other

3. Completion of the group

Exercise "Execution Place"- (15 minutes.)

Goal: getting feedback, reflection.

Instruction: each of the participants shares his impressions of the last lesson, talks about how he feels, that he learned something new about himself and about the child.

Lesson number 6 (together children with parents)

Subject: Cooperation between parent and child.

Tools: sheets of paper with words written on them, a sheet of paper, felt-tip pens.

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Say hello to body parts"(participants stand in a circle).

Purpose: to increase the emotional background, to establish tactile contact.

Instruction: “Well, well, we greeted you with words, and now let's say hello with body parts. It is necessary to say hello to all participants and do it as quickly as possible. Suggested sequence: “hand-elbow-shoulder-foot-knee-thigh. (10 min).

Exercise "I am a good engine"

Purpose: raising the self-esteem of each participant and the general emotional background of the group.

Instructions: Everyone stand one after another and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The leader of the training gets up first. The "train" begins to move around the room. The host first says: "I (says my name) are good." After that, the group says in chorus: “Of course!”. This continues until each of the participants calls himself good and receives confirmation from the group. The main condition of the exercise is that everyone speaks loudly. (10 min).

2. The main part.

Exercise "Co-creation"

Purpose: updating the value of the family.

Instructions: Parent and child turn into builders. The psychologist makes bricks out of paper in advance (cut out rectangles). Parent and child need to build a house out of bricks. At the same time, on each brick it is necessary to write or draw what is necessary for a strong, reliable home. In this case, the family is meant by the house. For example, obedience, help, love, care, attention, etc. Bricks are glued to paper. (20 minutes)

Exercise "Quarrel"

Purpose: to teach children to convey emotions (anger, anger, resentment) using non-verbal means of communication - facial expressions, and also to manage their emotions.

Instruction: Parent and child stand with their backs to each other and depict emotions of anger and anger at the offender on their faces. Strongly puff out the cheeks. Then the host says: “You quarreled. You do not have enough communication with mom (dad). You want to make amends. In order to do this, you need to turn to face each other. Carefully “blow off” the inflated cheeks of the offended with your fingers, resentment and anger will burst like a balloon. Laugh and hug." Performed with each family in turn. (10 min.)

Family collage exercise

Purpose: Unity of family members.

Instructions: Parent and child make a collage of their family using magazine clippings (30 min.)

Discussion of the activity: Each family presents their collage. Other members of the group can ask clarifying questions (10 min).

3. Completion of the group.

Exercise "Applause"

Purpose: the exercise gives an emotional lift to the participants, support for everyone, an understanding of the “completion” of the work done.

Instructions: The facilitator begins to quietly clap his hands, looking at one of the participants and gradually approaching him. At the same time, the volume of applause intensifies. When the contestant joins the facilitator's applause they become quiet again. Then this participant begins to clap along with the host (quietly at first) chooses the next from the group, to whom they both applaud loudly. The third joins the previous ones and starts quietly until he chooses the fourth, and so on. The whole group applauds the last participant. At first, the claps will sound quietly, and then become stronger and stronger, while each participant will choose the one to whom he applauds and so, in turn, everyone will receive an applause. The whole group will applaud the last one.

Lesson number 7 (together parents with children)

Subject: Cooperation between parent and child.

Tools: A4 sheets, bedspread, CD with relaxing music, tape recorder.

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Me and Mom (Dad)".

Instructions: Parent and child sit with their backs to each other. You need to answer questions.

Questions to Mom: What color are your child's eyes? What is he wearing? How was his day today, etc.?

Questions to the child: What color are mom's eyes? What color are they? When is mom angry (happy)? What is mom wearing today, what jewelry is she wearing? etc. (10 min)

Exercise "Airplane" (a pair of parent and child are sitting at tables)

Instructions: Give each team one sheet of A4 format. “You have five minutes to make an airplane out of this sheet. One person can make only one bend, then pass the design to the second participant. Then the couples line up and take turns launching their planes. The team whose plane flies the farthest wins.

Exercise "Imitator"

Instruction: “Your task is to simultaneously pronounce (simulate) a sound similar to: A boiling kettle to everyone at the same time. Vacuum cleaner. Creaking door. Braking car. The siren of the ambulance. The crackling of wood in the fireplace. Driving a nail into the wall. The buzz of an electric razor. Rain drumming on the roof, etc.” Initially, you can allow the group to select a leader who will signal the start. A complication may be the requirement to start imitating everyone at the same time, without giving the leader the opportunity to stand out.

2. The main part.

Exercise "Sculpture".

Purpose: study of interpersonal relationships in the family.

Instruction: now each of you will need to think and mold a sculpture of your family. One of you will now be a sculptor, the rest of the participants will be clay. The sculptor chooses for himself the one who will be dad, mom or husband, wife and someone for his role. When the sculpture is ready, the sculptor takes his place, replacing the participant representing him.

Discussion of the exercise.

  1. What is the effect of the exercise?
  2. What was unexpected?
  3. Is there anything you would like to change in your sculpture now? (30 min)

Exercise "Keep your distance"

Purpose: to show the participants, using the example of the exercise, the importance of maintaining a distance of communication.

Instruction: All participants of the training are divided into two different groups. Each of the groups is built in a line so that opposite each member of the first group, facing him, there is one member of the second group. The distance between participants is 2 meters. If the number of participants is odd and it is impossible to divide the group equally, then the leader becomes a participant in the exercise.

The participants of the first group are given the task: “You need to say “Stop” at the moment when, in your opinion, the distance will be reduced to a comfortable one for communication.” At the command of the facilitator, the participants in the second group very slowly begin to approach the first group. At the same time, eye contact is mandatory for participants in both groups. After each of the participants in the first group pronounces his word “Stop”, the leader asks the participants in the second group to continue moving.

At this moment, usually, laughter begins, the participants of the second group avert their eyes. (10 min.)

It is advisable to have a discussion and a lecture by the facilitator about comfortable communication zones, about what causes irritability or agreement in terms of maintaining personal distance.

Exercise "Cover"

Purpose: development of confidence, relaxation.

Instruction: all participants stand around the bedspread and take it. One participant sits down or lies down on the blanket, the rest lift it up and carefully shake it, and lower it. The exercise is performed to relaxing music (10 min)

3. Completion of the group.

Exchange of feelings, impressions from the lesson (10 min)

Lesson #8

Subject: Cooperation between parent and child.

Tools: A4 sheets, ball.

1. Warm up.

Exercise "I + you"(children with parents)

Instructions: “Take one sheet of A4 format (or the coach distributes the sheets himself) for each pair. Stand facing each other, hold a sheet of paper between your foreheads, put your hands behind your back. Your task is to randomly move around the room to the opposite wall. You can't talk. If you drop a leaf, start over.”

Exercise "Mirror".

Instruction: participants become in two circles - external and internal. One circle is a “mirror”, the second is a person standing in front of it. A person shows different movements, the mirror should repeat them as accurately as possible. At the signal of the leader, circle 1 takes a step to the side. A new pair is formed, which continues to perform the task and so on until the participants return to their original position. Then the players switch roles: those who were the “mirror” become a person, and the person becomes a “mirror” (10 min)

Exercise "Concerted actions"

Children and parents are invited to show paired actions:

  • sawing wood;
  • rowing in a boat;
  • winding of threads;
  • tug of war;
  • transfer of crystal glass;
  • couple dance. (10 min)

1. Main body

Exercise "Reporter"

Purpose: "Research of interpersonal relations in the family."

Instructions: The coach asks one child to come to the center of the circle. Trainer and child sit opposite each other. The child is told the following:

“Imagine that now your mother is on TV and the reporter asks her questions about her child, that is, about you. But now you will act as your mother and try to answer my questions about you, the way your mother would answer. To enter the role, the child is asked questions about the name (he must introduce himself as the name of the mother), about the profession, age. The reporter then asks the child directly about himself. An approximate list of questions: “Tell me, do you have a child, what is his name, how old is he?”,

“What is his character?”, “What do you like to do together?”, “Imagine that your child is watching you now, what would you say to him?”. Each child should be the interviewee. Then the parent is called to the center of the circle and he answers questions about the mother from the role of the child. The list of questions is about the same (20 min)

Discussion of the exercise (10 min).

Exercise "It seems to me that we are similar ..."(Children with parents)

Purpose: research of interpersonal family relations.

Instruction: Participants (parent and child) throw a ball to each other, saying: "It seems to me that you and I are similar in that ...". If the person addressed agrees, then he answers: "Yes." If he is not sure or does not agree, he answers: "Maybe." “No” cannot be said. The exercise ends as desired.

Exercise "Family commandments"(parents and children sit in a circle, united in pairs).

Purpose: study of family traditions, values.

Instruction: The parent and the child make a list of family commandments (customs, rules, prohibitions, habits, attitudes, views that all family members adhere to).

Then there is an interchange written in a circle (20 min).

Discussion of the exercise: Which commandments satisfy you and which do not? Why? (10 min)

3. Completion of the group.

Summarizing. Exchange of feelings, impressions from the lesson (10 min.).

Lesson number 9 (for parents)

Subject:"I am statements."

Purpose of the lesson:

  1. Understand the psychological difference between "I-statement" and "You-statement".
  2. Learn the skill of "I-statements".

Tools: Ribbons, pens, A4 sheets, felt-tip pens, paints, scissors, glue.

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Non-Children's Bans".

Instructions: One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. Everyone else comes up to him one at a time and tells him what they forbid him to do - what the participants most often tell their child. At the same time, the part of the body that was affected by the ban is tied with a ribbon. For example, "Don't scream!" - the mouth is tied, "Don't run" - the legs are tied, etc.

After all the participants have spoken, the seated person is invited to stand up. Since he will not be able to get up, he must be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied up and removes the ban, that is, he says what you can do. Thus, the essence of the prohibition remains. For example, "Don't shout - speak calmly."

Reflection of the participant who played the role of the child:

  • What did you feel when "parents" fettered, limited your freedom?
  • Which part of the body did you feel most restricted in movement?
  • How did you feel when you were asked to stand?
  • What did you want to untie first?
  • What do you feel now?

Reflection of the participants who played the role of an adult:

  • How did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?
  • What did you want to do?
  • Is it easy to find words to reformulate the prohibition?
  • What feelings are you experiencing now?

1. The main part.

Information for parents. “I-messages”, “You-messages”.

"You - messages" often disrupt the process of communication, as they cause the child to feel resentment and bitterness, create the impression that the parent is always right.

Examples of "You-messages": "You always leave dirt behind." "Stop doing it." “You need to repeat the same thing a hundred times, and so on.

"I-messages" are a more effective way to influence the child to change his behavior, which the parent does not accept. For example, let's take a message scheme for a parent who is tired and does not want to play with his son.

"You are the message." The parent is tired - "You tired me" - The reaction of the child "I'm bad."

"I am the message." The parent is tired - "I'm very tired" - The reaction of the child - Dad is tired.

Acquaintance of parents with the model "I - messages".

“I - the message includes 3 main components:

  • description of the situation (when, if) that caused the tension,
  • the exact naming of your feeling in this situation (I feel),
  • your preferred outcome (I would like to).

Example: "When I see dirt on the floor, I get very upset, and I would really like you to take off your shoes in the hallway."

Practical part.

Exercise #1(everyone sits in a circle)

Parents are given schemes of "I-messages" (see Appendix No. 2).

Instruction: one of the parents describes some fact of the child's behavior that is unacceptable for him, the rest formulate “I-messages” and then present them in a circle (15 minutes).

Exercise number 2.

Instruction: parents are divided into pairs, one of the parents is the child, the second is his mother. The trainer pronounces the “You-message” prepared in advance to the parent - “child”, and the task of the second participant in the pair is to reformulate it into “I am the message”. Then the participants switch roles.

Examples of "You-messages".

“It’s useless to discuss something with you, you never listen to anything.”

“You can’t do your homework, you can’t clean your room. Can you do anything yourself?!”

“How many times do I have to tell you to wash your hands after the street!” (15 minutes)

Discussion of the exercise.

  1. How did you feel as a child when you were presented with the You-message? What would you like to do or respond?
  2. Was it difficult to formulate "I-messages", if so, what was this difficulty? (10 min)

3. Completion of the group.

Exercise "Sun of Love"

Instruction: Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper, in the center of which he writes the name of the child. On every ray of the sun, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants demonstrate their "sun of love" and read out what they have written.

Coach: “I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child about how you assessed his qualities - give the child warmth, affection and attention.

Homework: Use I-statements in communication with the child. Write down what worked and what didn't.

Lesson number 10 (for parents).

Subject:"Active listening".

Target: Acquaintance with the techniques of active listening, development of active listening skills.

Tools: toy (group symbol)

1. Warm up

Exercise "The best childhood memory"

Instructions: “When passing the toy, tell us about your most vivid childhood memory. What did you feel at that moment? What did you like or dislike? (10 min).

Discussion of homework in the form of an exchange of the content of the records (it was possible or not possible to use “I-statements” in communication with the child, what were the difficulties) (15 min).

2. The main part.

Exercise "Listen to others"(parents are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other).

Purpose: teaching the skills of active listening, empathy, reflection.

Instruction: First, the first participant expresses his opinion on a given topic, and the second listens carefully, trying to remember the information being communicated, then retells as close to the text as possible. When listening, the second participant uses the key words: "as I understand it ...", "in other words, do you think ...", "if I understand you correctly ...". After 3 minutes, the host stops the conversation. “Now the speaker will have one minute, during which he will have to tell the “listener” what helped in his behavior and what made the story difficult. Then the pairs switch places.

Example of a topic for discussion: "Difficulties and problems in raising a child" (20 min).

Discussion of the exercise:

  1. Was it “good” to hear from the other?
  2. What helped and what hindered the narrator? (10 min)

Information part.

Informing parents includes talking about how listening can be - passive (silent) and active (reflective). Active listening creates a trusting relationship, parents can understand the child, feel his feelings, and children have a desire to listen to the opinion of their parents. Active listening techniques:

  • retelling - a statement in your own words of what the interlocutor said;
  • clarification - aimed at clarifying, concretizing something (“You said that this has been happening for a long time, but how long has this been happening?”);
  • reflection of feelings - pronouncing the feelings that another person is experiencing (“I think you are offended ...”);
  • pronunciation of subtext - pronouncing what the interlocutor would like to say, further development of the interlocutor's thoughts (for example, in the phrase “Mom, did you notice what cleaning I did today?”, the subtext can be: “Would you praise me?”) ;
  • summary is used in long conversations (“So, we agreed with you ...”).

Good Listening Rules:

  1. Listen carefully, pay attention not only to words, but also to non-verbal manifestations of the interlocutor (facial expressions, gestures, posture).
  2. Check if you understood the other person's words correctly using active listening techniques.
  3. Don't give advice.
  4. Don't give marks (15 min).

Exercise: Listen to feelings.

Instruction: the facilitator reads out some message on behalf of the child, and the task of the parent is to formulate in an affirmative form the feelings that they heard in this message.

Message examples:

  1. “I will never play with Olya again, she is bad!”
  2. "I have a test tomorrow."
  3. “All the children went to the sea. I have no one to play with."
  4. “Math is very difficult. I'm too stupid to figure it out."

3. Completion of the group.

Exchange of feelings, impressions, receiving feedback. (10 min)

Homework: Make a list of rewards and punishments for the child, write it down.

Lesson number 11 (for parents)

Subject:"Reward and Punishment".

Target: Familiarity with the principles of the use of rewards and punishments.

Tools: No

1. Warm up.

Exercise "Association"

Instruction: the coach looks at the neighbor on the right and says what month he associates with, and then everyone continues in a circle. Then everyone sits down in the order of the months of the year and again, looking at the neighbor on the right (but this is a different person), they explain why this person has such a month (5 min)

2. The main part.

Exercise "A vivid negative childhood memory associated with punishment by parents"

Discuss with parents the following questions:

  1. What methods of encouragement and punishment are used in the family?
  2. Is physical punishment necessary? (40 min)

Parents fill out the questionnaire "Methods of influencing the child" (10 min)

Introducing parents to the catalog of negative effects of typical parental reactions (according to T. Gordon) (10 min)

3. Final part.

Summarizing. The trainer writes on the board the basic principles for the use of rewards and punishments (10 min).

Homework: Come up with a new joint game with the child.

Lesson #12

Subject: End of the group. Summarizing.

1. Warm up.

Favorite games.

Instruction: The trainer asks the children what games they would like to play with their parents. These can be games that were played in the classroom, as well as new ones invented by children or parents. The group plays the suggested games (30 min.)

2. The main part.

Exercise “If…”(all participants sit in a circle).

Instruction: The trainer first addresses all adults and asks them to dream a little: what would happen if they became children for a moment - daughters and sons, and their children who are present at the lesson would become their parents. Then the coach passes the ball around and asks the adults to take turns saying literally one sentence at a time, what they would like to do in this situation or ask, etc. (10 min.)

Diagnostic part.

Parents fill out a training participant questionnaire and evaluate their relationship with their children on a 5-point scale. Children and parents perform a family sociogram. (30 min).

End of the group.

Summarizing(10 min)

The final word of the host: “Today we are completing our classes. Together we have passed some part of the way, managed to get used to each other, to make friends. Each family is unique in its own way, and I would like to give some special recognition to the contribution of each dyad to our group process.

  1. Rewarding participants with certificates and photographs.
  2. Exchange of feelings, impressions from this cycle of classes (10 min.).

Pankova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Khabarovsk, 2016

Abstracts of classes.

First lesson

Only the heart is vigilant.

You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

"A little prince"

Target: development of an adequate idea of ​​children's possible changes in parental attitudes and positions, teaching parents new forms of communication with a child 5-7 years old.



1. Formation of a friendly working environment in the classroom.

2. Establishing personal boundaries when interacting in exercises.

3. Development of parental competence.

2. Reducing the voltage in a pair.

Necessary materials: marker, magnetic board, business card, pens, f-A4 paper, tablet, cards with a statement about happiness, whatman paper, colored pencils, finger paints.

Course progress.

1. Introductory part.

Introduction to the objectives of the lesson.

Target: Acquaintance with the objectives of the classes.

Content: The facilitator introduces himself and introduces the objectives of the classes, in a form that is understandable to children. It might sound like this:

“There are often situations in a person’s life when he has to choose for himself how he can live in the future.

In our classes we willplay together,learn to acceptthe power of other people (mom, dad, brother, sister, friend, girlfriend)”.Games for children from 5 to 7 years old, aimed at the formation of the correct model of behavior in children.

Moderator Notes: It is necessary to explain that in the classroom today we will talk about a very important topic for everyone - the topic of communication, consider the problems of interaction between people and try to find ways to solve these problems.

Exercise "Presentation".


Methodology: At the beginning of the work, the participant of the lesson must draw up a business card, which indicates his training name. At the same time, parents and children have the right to take any name for themselves. It must be written legibly and large enough. Time for registration of business cards - 5 minutes.

Exercise "That's great!"

Target: formation of group cohesion.

Instruction: families stand opposite each other and, by agreement, begin to introduce themselves, say what they like to do, after each phrase, the participants should say: “This is great!” and give a thumbs up!

For example:

Leading: My name is Maria.

All: That's great!

Leading: I love listening to music!

All: That's great! etc.

Exercise "Good animal".

Target: Cohesion of the parent-child couple.


Leading: “In order to feel like one whole, to be happy, I suggest that you do the “Kind Animal” exercise. Stand opposite each other and hold hands, you are one big kind animal. And since this is a living being, it means that it breathes (a step back - inhale, a step forward - exhale with noise) - 3-4 times. The animal has a big kind heart. It beats (2 steps back stomping, 2 steps forward stomping).

Mini-lecture for parents:

First, consider the behavior of children from 5 to 7 years old.

Children who celebrate their fifth birthday consider themselves smart enough, independent and adults. They strive for intellectual, cognitive communication, have their own point of view on what is happening around, they will gladly explain even what they are not very good at - just ask. It is important for them to receive praise, to be good. Children of this age have developed a desire to help others and a desire to maintain good relations with others.

During conflict situations, talk to your child as a person who understands everything. Keep calm and composure, then the child, looking at you, will begin to calm down. In three or four sentences, explain your position, try to make it clear that you want to do the same thing as the child, but you can’t due to objective reasons. Suggest an alternative: “You and I have a lot of fun and it's fun to play here. But I'll have to go home because it's going to rain soon. We get wet and sick. And at home we will play your favorite hide and seek.

To bring the child to his senses, distract him from the subject of the dispute and be able to move in the direction you need, use the games below.

Development of rules of conduct in the classroom.

Target: Adoption of the rules of work in the classroom.

Content: For fruitful work and creating a trusting environment, the leader suggests adopting the rules. The rules will be special, as in the classroom there will be conversations about very intimate things.



    Mutual assistance.





Moderator Notes: It is desirable that the meeting participants propose their own rules, this will give them value, and they will follow them simply because they themselves proposed.

2. The main part.

Exercise "Establishing a distance."

Target: Determine your personal distance in games and exercises.

Content: The facilitator explains that each person has his own individual safe distance at which he feels most comfortable in a conversation with other people. Usually it is chosen unconsciously, and at the same time: personal relationships with a communication partner turn out to be significant. In the tundra and desert, strangers can communicate at a distance of many meters, while in a city where there are many people, personal distance is reduced.

The facilitator draws attention to the fact that one should not be offended if someone does not let them get close - it's just more convenient for a person to communicate that way.

The host and the participant make a test: one stands silently, and the other says everything that comes to his mind, “jumps” at him, tries to get into close contact. Participants share their impressions: what does the one who jumps up feel, and the one whose personal space is violated in this way.

Notes forleading: Usually children, emotionally disadvantaged, do not allow to come close to them. This is an expected reaction on their part. And explain that the rejection of a close distance with a partner is the structure of their psyche, a person unconsciously does not want to be approached close to him, and his desire must be respected.

Attention switching games


Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Ask your child different questions, and let him answer. Then switch roles.

Note . Choose questions that are simple and funny, such as “Does a cat have five tails? And how many?.. Can dogs fly? Does Santa Claus have a green coat?The best

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Organize competitions - who will jump further, who will jump longer on one leg (in the direction of travel), who will run faster to a place or object, etc.

Named - walk

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Choose a letter of the alphabet. Take turns saying words that start with that letter. The name of the word has the right to take three steps forward.

Traffic light

Location. On the street.

How to play. Remind your child that traffic on the road is controlled by traffic lights. “Red light - no way, stop. Yellow light - get ready. Green - run, catch up. Say: “Red” and move away from the baby for some distance, repeating: “Red, red, now yellow (the child is preparing to catch up with you), and now green!”.

Change roles.

Games and activities that form a positive model of behavior

Who is more careful?

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Cubes, cars, rope, toys, etc.

How to play. Set up a competition. The one who completes the task more accurately wins. For example, bring the car to the finish line, build a turret of cubes, walk straight along the rope laid out on the floor, put the toys in their places, color the picture, etc.

The most dexterous

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Tablespoon, boiled egg.

How to play. Carry the egg in a tablespoon to the finish line. Whoever drops it loses. This game is not about speed, but about skill.


Location. At home.

What is necessary. Chairs or other objects that can act as obstacles.

How to play. Place a chair in the middle of the room. Blindfold dad. Giving commands, help him go around the obstacle: "Step forward, another step, step to the left ..." Then blindfold the child.

You can complicate the task: put a few items that need to be bypassed. To make it more interesting, come up with a plot. For example, chairs are trees on a desert island. “Now it’s night on the island, it’s dark and you can’t see anything. The islanders have to get to the tent to get settled for the night ... "


Location. At home.

What is necessary. Crosswords, rebuses, puzzles for children.

How to play. Offer the kid: “I have an interesting crossword puzzle, do you think we can guess it? Shall we try?"

Learning to Observe

Location. At home or on the street.

What is necessary. The object of observation is a bird, a pet, a plant (we observe its growth), a natural phenomenon (rain, snow, hail, strong wind), etc.

How to play. Choose what you want to watch. Draw the child's attention to the subject: "Oh, what is this?!". Watch what happens together. Ask your child questions about what you see: “What is he doing? How? What's going on around? What changed? How was it yesterday (two days ago)?..”

ABC of etiquette

Location. At home and on the street.

How to play. Ask your child questions and ask them to answer them: “What should I say when you enter? How to behave with small ones? ..».

magic drawing

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Sheets of paper, pencils, markers. How to play. Ask the child to draw his bad deed: “Today you did a bad thing. Draw what you did. Now tear this drawing, and on another sheet draw what you need to do. Let's do this all the time!"

Our best friends are books

Read books to your child. Using the characters in the books as an example, teach him to take care of his loved ones, behave correctly, help others, and think about the consequences of his actions. Ask questions: “Why did it happen, did this boy behave well, what should have been done?”. Help your child draw conclusions: you need to share what you have, help others, be able to make friends, etc.

The choice of children's books is now extremely large. You probably remember your favorite books as a child. These can be, for example, books by 3. Alexandrova (“The Invisible Woman”), L. Voronkova (“What Mom Would Say”), E. Blaginina (“Let's Sit in Silence”), L. Vasilyeva-Gangus (“The ABC of Courtesy”) , B. Zakhoder (“The Gray Star”), N. Sladkova (“Without hesitation, or Zhaleikin’s Affairs and Cares”), G. Shalaeva (“The Big Book of Rules of Conduct for Well-Brought Up Children”), poems for children by V. Mayakovsky ("What is good and what is bad?").

Evening tale

Even if the child did not always behave well during the day, in the late afternoon, when the excitement subsides, it is time to talk about what happened. Do not turn this into arguments and lectures. Tell a fairy tale about the good (bad) behavior of children and its consequences. You will come up with the most suitable story for yourself. Its plot is quite simple. The main characters are animals or puppets. Any place of action is chosen - a forest, a box with toys, a magical land, a lake. Build the plot so that it looks like an incident with a child. Remember, fairy tales always end well. For example, if a kid took away toys from other children, a fairy tale may turn out to be something like the following.

“Animals were playing in a forest clearing under an old tree. The bear rolled the car, the chanterelles built a tower of cubes, and the hare assembled a pyramid. Suddenly, a wolf cub appeared under a tree. He destroyed the tower that the chanterelles built, and took away the car from the bear. The animals looked at the wolf cub and said: “We won’t play with you, you are angry, you offend us.” They collected their toys and went to play in another clearing, and the wolf cub was left alone. He became very bored, he had no one to play with ".

Be sure to add your comment: “You see what happens when you offend others. Nobody wants to play with you. You have to be kind!"

Exercise "Family coat of arms".

Target: focus on the core values ​​of the family; realize the purpose of your life.

Equipment: drawing paper, felt-tip pens, paints, pencils.

Methodology: In the old days, it was customary to depict the family coat of arms and motto on the gates of the castle, the shield of the knight, i.e. a short sentence expressing the main idea or purpose of the owner's activity. It is necessary for everyone to draw their own family coat of arms, reflecting your life credo, attitude towards your future family, the world as a whole. 15 minutes are given for the drawing of the coat of arms. You can draw as best you can, it is important to express the main idea of ​​your personality.

Participants talk about their coat of arms. Discussion:

How did you feel drawing your family's family coat of arms?

What values ​​have you been able to display best?

3. Final part.


Target: understanding the causes of ineffective parenting.

Methodology: during the day, note thoughts about situations in which a problem arose with the child. Try not to be nervous about this, but simply note the first thought that came to mind (for example, “He (she) will wait for me”). Record these thoughts in a diary. After each thought from the first paragraph, mentally say the recorded phrase. This must be done until this combination of thoughts becomes a habit. At the same time, you can continue to take care of the child, be interested in him, but refuse to control and instruct in each of his decisions. Try to maintain joy in relationships with both adults and children.

Reflection of the lesson.

Target: Get feedback.

Content for Parents : Participants share their impressions ofI liked that it didn't.

Content for children: The psychologist offers the children to find a card with a camomile, which will indicate the emotional state of the child after the training:

“What are you feeling right now, what mood are you in right now? Choose."

("Find Your Mood")

Reflective exercise "Find your mood"(app - (203.45 KB))

Family viewing of the cartoon at the request of the children (see the list in Appendix No. 2)

Refuse strict rules and prohibitions;

To be able to enjoy life under any circumstances.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type "Golden Cockerel" of the village of Perovo"

(MBDOU "D / s" Golden Cockerel ")


joint with parents

classes for older children

"In the world of kindness"

"A man stands between an angel

and the beast.

What he becomes depends

from education."

Thomas Mann

Prepared and hosted:

Perovo village, Vyborgsky district, Leningrad region


Ø To deepen children's ideas about kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person;

Ø Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one's opinion, show kindness to the judgments of other children).

Ø To encourage understanding of universal values ​​and awareness of one's own inner position.

Ø Form the need for a healthy lifestyle;

Ø Form the spirituality of children through their attitude to literature;

Ø Preservation of the spiritual and moral health of children, familiarizing them with spiritual and moral values.

Ø Revival of the best domestic traditions of family education.

Ø Help children learn spiritual and moral categories: good and evil, consent;

Ø Help parents to understand that only the family, as the first mentor of the child, can instill spiritual and moral values ​​in children.

Preliminary work:

Ø Individual conversations of educators with pupils, their parents about spiritual and moral values;

Ø Study of families, family traditions, family relationships, spiritual and moral values;

Ø Testing, questioning, creative work, educational observations, surveys and conversations about compassion, sympathy, empathy.


Group room in the evening.


Cards with kind words, facial expressions. A table with various items: grains, a flower, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty cup, a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen.

Course progress.


Being kind is not at all easy,

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

Kindness never gets old

Kindness will warm you from the cold,

You just have to be kind

And in trouble do not forget each other.

If kindness, like the sun shines,

Adults and children rejoice.

Guys, what a good and kind poem. Tell me what is it about? (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, today we will talk with you about kindness. What an amazing and magical word! How do you understand what kindness is? (children's answers). Let's repeat everything together and listen carefully to this word - kindness. In ancient times, as books say, this word was pronounced a little differently, very softly - “kindness”. Good for you, good for you. The truth is, guys, what the right word.

Think and say, about whom or what can you say “kind”?

Children: About a person, an act, a day, an evening, a path.

caregiver : A kind person…. And if he is kind, then what else is he?

Children: Attentive, caring, generous, good-natured, sympathetic, not greedy ...

caregiver: And if a person is unkind, what is he like?

Children: Angry, greedy, rude, indifferent, intolerant…

caregiver : Do you think it is possible to touch kindness? Does it have a smell, taste? (answers of children, if at a loss, answers of parents). Maybe it's easy to see? What can be seen in it?

Children: In the actions, actions, feelings of a person ...

Educator: Please remember your good deeds and tell us (children's answers). Is it easy to be kind? (children's answers).

caregiver: Let's guys come to the table and see what's cooked here? You see how many different objects are here: grains, a flower, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty cup, a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen.

Look closely at these items. With their help, you can do a good deed. Tell me which one?

Children : you can feed the birds with grains, water a flower or give it as a gift, repair a toy, glue a book, wash a dirty cup, draw something pleasant on a piece of paper and give it to a loved one.

Educator: guys, and when a person does good deeds and deeds, what kind of face does he have at that moment? Describe (we consider cards - diagrams with facial expressions).

Children: Gentle, pleasant, soft, with kind eyes, with a smile ...

Educator: Children, does kindness have its own words? Do you know them? Then continue the sentence I'm about to begin.

The old stump turns green when it hears Good afternoon

Even a block of snow will melt from the word warm Thank you.

If mom scolds for pranks, I must say forgive me please.

We always say goodbye Goodbye.

Now stand in a circle with your mothers and grandmothers. Now we will play with you kind words.

The game "Let's say a kind word to each other" is held.

caregiver. Let's play another game guys. I have chips in my hands. I will tell you a sentence, and you think well, for each “correct” answer you will take a chip.

Playing "It's Me"

Who always comes to the rescue?

Who cares about family and friends?

Who is indifferent and indifferent to others?

Who always shares with everyone?

Who hates guys?

Who is rude to mom or grandma?

Who is always cheerful and joyful?

Who doesn't get naughty?

Who considers himself the kindest?

We evaluate the children, count the chips scored for good answers. It turns out that the more chips scored, the kinder the person.

Outcome: All children consider themselves kind and well-mannered.

Educator: Children, what do you think, what kind of person lives easier and more fun? Why? (children's answers)

Let's listen to a poem that Lenya will read to us.

I am ready to help the weak

Suddenly in trouble

Always friendly and healthy

And I speak the truth.

I'm never greedy

I pity others.

I will forget about them.

With a smile I always make friends

I am always happy to have guests.

I love all the guys.

caregiver: Let's play now with your moms, dads and grandmas.

Good deeds game

caregiver: And now the guys will listen to your moms and dads.

Several situations of behavior of children and parents are played out:

Situation 1: What will you do if the child brought from kindergarten,

like a typewriter?

Situation 2: Did the child come from the street crying? Your actions?

Situation 3: Conflict with grandmother.

Dear children and dear parents. You are just great for not losing the feeling of kindness in these small conflicts. Let's not forget that kindness is the most important human quality, and let's try not to lose it and pass it on to our children in full. What would then she returned to us again and again.

Thank you dear parents for participating in our lesson.

Interview with parents.

Thomas Mann said: “Man stands between the angel and the beast. What he becomes depends on his upbringing.” Education helps a person to harmonize these two powerful forces, teaches him to master himself, teaches self-control. Politeness and kindness are ways to achieve human harmony.

Good manners, kindness, politeness are closely related to the moral upbringing of the child. Well-bred, kind children increase the feeling of parental wealth. When parents hear that their children are spoken of as well-mannered and kind, they perceive this as praise for themselves. Everyone wants to experience this feeling, but how to get such children?

Parents serve as an example for children . Most children admire us adults and respect us. Ultimately, they want to be like us.

Adult efforts must be daily, exercise children in observance of the necessary (thank you for dinner, wish you a pleasant appetite, apologize, regret).

Kindness and courtesy imply reciprocity . Sometimes we ourselves do not understand how impolite we are with children, how ugly our way of life, our speech. Adults should remember their responsibility to children and set an example of moral relations in the family, in transport, in the store.

Children perfectly feel the kindness on our part, and repay kindness for kindness.

The child should have a sample in front of his eyes, and not by ear. Frequent "no" creates an equally bad environment for both children and adults. Hearing only reproaches addressed to him, the child feels that it is not necessary to be good, to try to behave better. After all, bad behavior more reliably attracts the full attention of an adult, therefore, in order to achieve this attention, there is no need to be kind, polite.

Attention, that's what our child wants from us. Of course, you can understand adults. Our life, lack of free time for parents, constant stress for adults. But the nervous system of an adult is stronger, because an adult understands that everything is transient, and for a child, the smallest conflict can become irreparable grief. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the child, think about what causes whims, cruelty, disrespect for adults. After all, sometimes he lacks elementary affection and the feeling that you need him.

Dear parents, let's be kind to our children, and they, looking at us, will also be kind.


Alyabyeva - ethical conversations and games with preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004.

Vasilyeva - Gangus of politeness. - M .: Pedagogy, 1982

Nilova communication: Development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers. - "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 1998.

Zhukovskaya education in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 2002.

Ulik's soul grows; Series "Modern effective methods", Educational center "Harmony", St. Petersburg, 1994.

Working with parents in kindergarten

Development of the lesson "Warmth of the family"

Explanatory note
The course is held with the participation of parents. Parents who have misunderstandings, conflict situations in their relationship with children, parents of children with ADD (attention deficit disorder) are invited.
A parent with a child comes to the lesson of his own free will and desire.
Prerequisite: create a relaxed atmosphere.
Lesson type: team training
- interaction, support and support, as well as prevention of family relationships with children of preschool age.
- strengthening and improving interpersonal relationships at the individual level and in the family;
- the direction of development of the emotionally positive background of the child and the family,
- acquisition of the necessary knowledge and practice for the implementation of family tasks.
Lesson plan:
1. Opening remarks.
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
What is family? Who is the family made up of? The place of the child in the family.
2. Training exercise: "The warmth of the family."
Ask the child and parent to hold hands. Draw the child's attention. "What are your mother's hands?" (warm, gentle, beautiful)
Ask the parent to feel the warmth of the child's hands.
Look at each other, smile, hug each other.
3. Conversation "Values ​​of your family".
The family is a very important, responsible business of a person. The family brings fullness of life, happiness, but each family is, first of all, a big business of national importance. Family life requires a person to have different knowledge and skills, as well as skills that are formed in everyday life.
Starting with the parental family, they are all passed down from generation to generation. What knowledge do you pass on to your family?
We are all born, grow, develop in a family. We need to be close to loved ones. It is for children that the family is a source of development, knowledge, formation and understanding. The family makes them happy. We don't always realize this.
4. Training: "look".
Participants are given mirrors.
A parent looking in the mirror should create a tender loving look, trusting, devoted, understanding, etc. Keeping the state to turn to the child and confess how much he loves his child.
5. Conversation "My house".
The main center of the life of a special child, and indeed of any person, is HOME.
Home is the most precious place on earth. He should be filled with such love, such happiness, that no matter where you wander, no matter how many years pass, his heart will reach for his home.
What makes a house the most expensive place on earth?
Love, comfort and warmth, tenderness, quiet family evenings, family holidays and traditions.
6. Competition: "Chamomile".
Competition conditions: using the root "ROD" you need to make as many words as possible.
At the same time, we explain that the root "ROD" is the basis of life, not only for people, but for all life on Earth. 5 minutes are given.
Read all the words, complete the rest.
Conclusion: we achieve more compound words with a positive orientation (prefix + root + suffix + ending = for example, “at-ROD-a”, “for-ROD-ysh”) to prove that the root “ROD” is the basis of life, not only for people, but for all life on Earth.
7. "The ABC of family happiness."
Competition conditions: you must fill in the table at least 1 word for each letter with positive qualities necessary for a happy family life.
Each parent present reads the words. We draw a conclusion for planning further work with parents on the topic “My child!” for the purpose of value reorientation of parents in relation to the child.
In the ABC of family happiness, spiritual values ​​are of primary importance, not material ones.
A B Mutual understanding
D E F unity G life
G I sincerity K L M N O
P comprehension R S T Y ability to listen
F W C integrity H humanity W W
E Yu Ya
8. "Calendar of family joys" - fill in the dates and events dedicated to the family.
Purpose: promotion of family holidays - International Family Day - May 15 and All-Russian Family Day - July 8.
2 main holidays are written on the board.
Family holiday calendar.
Family birthday (marriage)
May 15 International Family Day
July 8 All-Russian Family Day
It is important to provide timely pedagogical assistance in the successful development of positive family relations between a parent and a child, the ability to understand one's own feelings and qualities.
Particular attention in the family must be given to children for their successful self-realization and formation in society.
Training results:
Parents should realize that the conditions for effective education are the unity of requirements, psychological comfort, support and approval, storage and transmission of family values, joint activities of parents and teachers.
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
We want your friends to talk about you:
What a nice family this is!


  • To contribute to the enrichment of a familiar game with new solutions, the inclusion of productive activities in it (adult participation).
  • Create conditions for the development of free communication between adults and children in the course of joint gaming activities.
  • To promote the development of auditory attention, visual perception, logical thinking.

Cultivate friendly relations (act together, provide assistance); build trusting parent-child relationships.

Hello! I'm glad to see you on such a wonderful day. The sun rose early in the morning and caressed the kids.

What a miracle miracles

One is a hand and two is a hand!

Whose palms do you recognize!

Invite mom to the fairy tale!

turned to face each other,


Right hand given

The left hand was given.

And we hugged each other.

Let's play together!

And help each other!

I know that the path to a fairy tale is not close,

But we are not the first to go on the road

And you, my guys, moms, dads

Do you want to go with me?

So, I invite you to Lukomorye!

To get us into the fabulous Lukomorye, we need to go through a dangerous path, be attentive, understand and trust each other.

You dear children need to wear magic glasses. Trust your parents, and they will guide you along the cherished path. And you, parents, help children, tell them how to overcome obstacles.

We will go around the stumps along the narrow path,

Quietly across the river we will get into a fairy tale!

Is it nice to know that there is a reliable and close person nearby?

Children, was it difficult for you to walk with your eyes closed?


No wonder people say . “Alone - you can’t overcome even a bump”

Child-parent couples approach the "oak" and see the chest. I turn my attention to the chest. It is closed and no one guards it.

See what's under the oak? (chest) how to open it? (key) Where can I get it?

And here I am a scientist cat, I walk around the chain

Magic watchman's chest

I turn into a cat: hello dear children and mothers!

Cat caregiver: How do you get around the barriers?

So you will find the treasured key!

Cat:Here's your first test!? - in these puzzles there is a miracle fairy tale, together you will collect them and recognize them without a hint. Who are the heroes of this fairy tale! Well done!

You assembled the picture quickly, how did you do it?

Yes, "One mind is good, two is better" it was difficult for one to assemble, but together - quickly

Cat:I am a cheerful cat-entertainer and I love to play, all get up behind me together, I will catch up with my tail!

Was it interesting for you….?

Children, did you enjoy playing with your parents?

And you did it with this game! What good fellows! Together they ran after the tail, like a needle - after a thread "

Cat:and here is the most important test! We will select the key. You need to choose the right key silhouette, circle it, cut it out and try to open the lock. You will do this together, put on your magic sleeves and start. "Great patience - skill will come"(CUT OUT)

Try it, open my magic chest!

And with this task you also coped. But why can't we open the lock? (because the keys are paper)

Not suitable! Here's the trouble! What are we to do then?

Look around, look, you will find the key soon! “Without labor, you can’t even catch a fish from the pond”

Where the acorn is the most

There and success awaits you all!

Parents and children find a key in the stomach - they open the chest with gifts.

What was difficult for you to do together? And what did you like?

Dear mothers and children! I invite everyone to dance

dance (all together)

Do you, as a parent, feel the importance of helping your children?

All of you were friendly, attentive to each other!

How nice to see that together you are a big friendly family! Everyone, everyone, goodbye! “A good end is the crown of the whole thing”