What competitions can be held in the year of ecology. Extra-curricular event on ecology "fun games on serious topics"

Introduction (teacher's word):

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding pulling hands
Against the sun and winds.
He is holy in every Times of Day,
Open for us in the heat and chill,
Come in here, be a sensitive heart,
Don't desecrate her shrines.
(S. Smirnov)

“To this day, most people do not realize to what extent we have destroyed the world in which we live. We act like little kids left unattended in a matchless marvelous garden, and slowly but surely, we turn it into a barren desert with the help of poisons, saws, sickles and firearms. It is quite possible that for recent weeks another reptile disappeared from the face of the earth, another plant. I hope it's not, but I know for a fact that someone's days are already numbered." These bitter words, which cannot be ignored, were written by the English naturalist D. Durrell.

Unfortunately, the concept still lives in people: man is the king of nature, conqueror, conqueror. Taking as much from nature as possible is the main task. What for? Is it necessary to fight with nature, to conquer it.

Not all people who develop certain natural resources are able to think correctly ecologically. In the eyes of business executives, short-term gain often overshadows not-so-distant consequences.

It depends on you and me what our planet will be like in fifty or three hundred years. Will it become a sultry desert, will it be dressed in a concrete shirt, or will a person learn to live with nature in full harmony, carefully using the benefits that it gives, but at the same time sensitively responding to her needs.

So, each of us can love, protect, appreciate nature. But love is impossible without knowledge. It is for this purpose that we hold our meeting. During today's fun game on serious topics, we will remember the basic environmental concepts, consolidate the environmental knowledge gained in the lessons. And then you can safely make discoveries for yourself, communicating with nature, reinforcing knowledge in specific natural conditions.

1. "Environmental boomerang"

Teacher: names examples of human influence on nature.

  • Fallen leaves are burned in the city park in autumn...
  • Massive deforestation of tropical forests…
  • A landfill for the disposal of radioactive waste was created in the vicinity of the city ...
  • On a large livestock complex, a bedless method of keeping animals is carried out ...
  • Water pollution by runoff from livestock farms and cattle feed complexes…
  • The use of busy fallow in crop rotation ...

Teams: identify the environmental consequences of the specified actions.

2. "Eco ball" (captains competition): pass the ball to each other:

"You roll our eco-ball,
For a long time on the hands
Who has the ball
He will now tell us…”

The one with the ball left answers the questions.

1. In the city (a large industrial center), all green spaces were removed. What can this lead to?

2. A ship carrying oil crashed. It poured into the sea, spread over its surface, covered the shores. What are the environmental consequences of this accident?

3. Gnus (small mosquitoes and midges) in some areas greatly annoy a person. What will happen to the natural environment if these insects are completely destroyed with the help of pesticides?

4. For a long time in our country, hunting for wolves was encouraged, and a bonus was given for each animal killed. Then hunting was completely banned. At present, in a number of regions, this ban has been lifted again and part of the wolves are allowed to be shot. How do you think, what can explain such "inconsistency" in the orders of environmental authorities?

5. Fertilizers and pesticides are washed off from the surrounding fields with rains and melted snow into a reservoir (not large in size). Make an ecological forecast of the possible consequences of this phenomenon.

6. In the Black Sea over the past 15 years, the intensity of "water bloom" has increased 31 times. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? Why is there a mass death of fish in places of strong “blooming”?

3. "Listen, don't yawn"

A. After listening to the poem, find a description of all food chains.

"A ferocious wolf with a nursing cub
She-wolf - a thunderstorm of innocent herds;
An eagle, striving from under the sky with an arrow,
Threatens the dove with evil death;
The dove, like a sheep, must
Feeding, destroying sprouts and seeds.
Owl huntress, in the middle of the dark night,
Do not feel sorry for the singer of love and languid bliss,
And the nightingale eats the firefly,
Without looking at the beauty of the light.
A firefly, a lively beacon of the night,
Crawling up, the flower eats sleepy.
E. Darwin

b. After listening to the poem, determine the type of relationship between organisms.

"An evil gadfly in the body of a horse, a bull,
A deer settles a worm;
The worm burrows, gnaws under dark skin
And, having grown up, God comes into the world.
The rider is winged, so that the reserve
Provide nourishment to offspring,
Hurries, sticking the sting many times,
They need to drill more caterpillars;
Finding shelter in a foster mother,
The larvae eat her living flesh.
E. Darwin

V. Listen to the poem and decide what it is about.

“For a book, sometimes the volume
All other signs are more important.
This book has every volume
The thinner it is, the more valuable.
I wish this book
Be one page thick.
Then I'd be happy to know
What instead of a beast, a fish, a bird
Disappeared in nature only "beast"
Nicknamed "poacher-grabber".
V. Antokhin

4. "Fix mistakes"

After reading the text, find the mistakes made by the children during the walk and justify their answers.

trip to the forest

For a whole week there was only talk about a future trip to the forest. At the last moment, the teacher Anna Vasilievna fell ill. But the children still decided to go for a walk. The road was familiar, they took a compass, they did not forget about the tape recorder. But what happened next, we learn from the story of one of the students.

“We announced the forest with cheerful music - we arrived! The days were hot and dry, but the heat in the forest was not so felt. The familiar road led us to a birch grove. On the way, we often came across mushrooms - white, boletus, boletus. Here is the harvest! Who cut off the elastic legs of mushrooms, who twisted them, and who pulled them out. All the mushrooms that we did not know, we knocked down with sticks.

Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and went on. Before leaving the grove, Sasha threw away jars and plastic bags, saying: "The microbes will destroy them anyway." The coals of the fire winked at us in farewell.

In the bushes we found a bird's nest. Holding warm bluish eggs in their hands, they put them in their place in the nest. The sun rose higher and higher above the horizon. It got hotter. At the edge of the forest we found a small hedgehog. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them - he would come in handy at school.

We met many anthills in the forest. Sasha decided to show us how formic acid is mined. He planed sticks and began to pierce the anthill with them. A few minutes later we were already happily sucking on the ant sticks.

Clouds gradually began to roll in, it became darker, lightning flashed, thunder rumbled. It started raining quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely standing tree and hide under it.

Animated, we walked to the station, jumping over puddles, with armfuls of wildflowers. An hour later, the train was already approaching the city.

5. "Photo-fact"

Having considered the diagram, find the sources of environmental pollution of the natural environment. (Annex 1).

6. "There is a problem"

Choose one from the given options correct solution ecological situation or several that complement each other. (Appendix 2).

7. "Ecological traffic light"

The ecological traffic light was installed in order to protect nature and help children observe the rules of a reasonable relationship with nature.

  • Black color
- stop! Your actions harm the environment.
  • Red color
  • - be careful! Try not to harm nature with your actions! Observe the measure and the rules!
  • Blue color
  • - You a true friend and a conservationist! Your actions are useful for her! Keep helping nature!

    Show circles of black, red, of blue color, depending on the decision that is made.

    1. The children watch the ants. (With)
    2. The children left the fire in the forest. (h)
    3. The guys fenced the anthill. (With)
    4. The boys took the dog into the forest in the spring. (h)
    5. The girls did not pick lilies of the valley in the forest. (With)
    6. The children cut the mushrooms with a knife. (To)
    7. The students clean the park of debris. (With)
    8. The children saw a nest in the grass. (To)
    9. The guys throw garbage on the road. (h)
    10. Children make a lot of noise in the forest. (h)
    11. The boy walks with the dog on the lawns. (h)
    12. A girl picks flowers in a flower bed. (h)
    13. The children walk in the park only along the paths. (With)
    14. The boy climbed into the bushes for the ball. (To)
    15. The guys caught a bullfinch and put it in a cage. (h)
    16. The children hang up the feeder. (With)
    17. Children catch tadpoles in the pond. (h)
    18. The boys are looking at the beetle. (To)
    19. Children hang birdhouses in the park. (With)
    20. Teenagers wash the motorcycle in the river. (h)
    21. The students are planting trees near the school. (With)
    22. Children are harvesting in the forest Birch juice. (h)
    23. The boy carved his initials into the wood with a penknife. (h)
    24. During a walk, the boy threw an unnecessary piece of paper found in his pocket onto the ground. (h)
    25. Teenagers throw stones at a stray dog. (h)
    26. Senior students speak to students lower grades with messages on environmental theme. (With)
    27. A student brought a herbarium of rare and endangered plants, listed in the Red Book of her region, to the school for a lesson. (h)
    28. A young correspondent wrote an article for a local newspaper on an environmental topic. (With)
    29. Children on a walk in the forest killed insects for fun. (h)
    30. The girls were picking flowers in the forest, which are plentiful and not protected by law. (To)
    31. Fishermen use nets and electric fishing rods to catch fish. (h)
    32. The girl rinses clothes in the river. (h)
    33. The children were picking blueberries in the forest with a harvester. (h)
    34. Children cured a bird found in the forest. (With)
    35. Students decorate their classroom indoor plants. (With)
    36. On the hike, the guys ruined a bird's nest. (h)
    37. On the bank of the river, the guys staged a competition who will throw the stone into the water the farthest. (To)
    38. The children came to the lake and turned on the music loudly. (To)
    39. The guys decided to swim in an unfamiliar place. (To)
    40. The boy wants to wash a dirty bucket in a stream. (k, h)

    8. Eco Lotto

    Compare biological terms with their definitions. (Annex 3)


    “Man made a huge mistake when he imagined that he could separate himself from nature and disregard her laws. The gap between man and his natural environment has existed for a very long time. The old contract binding primitive man to his habitat was terminated by one of the parties - by man, as soon as he felt strong enough to recognize henceforth only the laws created by himself. This position needs to be completely revised and a new contract with nature should be signed, giving a person the opportunity to live with it in full harmony,” suggests J. Dorst.

    "Save the Earth!
    Take care of the lark at the blue zenith,
    Butterfly on a dodder stalk,
    On the path sun glare,
    On the stones of a playing crab,
    Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,
    The hawk hovering over the field
    A clear moon over the river calm,
    A swallow flickering in life.
    Take care of the Earth, take care!

    Take care of the miracle of songs, cities and towns,
    The darkness of the depths and the will of the skies,
    Revelation of earth and sky
    The sweetness of life, milk and bread.
    Take care of young seedlings
    On green festival of nature,
    Sky in the stars, ocean and land
    And a believing soul in immortality, -
    All destinies are the connecting threads.
    Take care of the Earth, take care!
    M. Dudin

    "Take care of these lands, these waters,
    Even a small bylinochku loving.
    Take care of all the animals inside nature,
    Kill only the beasts within you!”
    E. Evtushenko

    Some good advice:

    • Learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector.
    • Rejoice in the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your attitude.
    • In the bosom of nature, behave quietly and imperceptibly: look, listen and do not make noise.
    • Take every opportunity to do something useful for nature.
    • Be a friend of all living beings, do not torture or kill animals.
    • Protect the purity of the waters, take care of the springs and wells.
    • Keep the natural environment clean and do not leave traces of being in it.
    • Help those who care about nature, protect it from pests and unconscious tourists.


    1. Kurishkina L.A. Ecological primer. - Smolensk: SOIIU, 1994.
    2. Kozlova T.A., Myagkova A.N., Sonin N.I. Ecology of Russia. Didactic materials. – M.: AO MDS, 1996.

    If you and I manage to finally raise a new generation whose representatives will not litter during their field trips, then the task environmental education can already be considered successfully completed. The earth is ours common Home and we must take good care of its natural resources. This conscious attitude should be based on a system of well-documented knowledge about the surrounding world - on the one hand. On the other hand - on moral ideals"reasonable man", living in harmony with nature, appreciating its beauty - in their opposition to the consumerist and barbaric attitude.

    How to combine the cognitive and instructive aspects of environmental education in your work, you will learn from the materials of this section. Choose and use at work turnkey solutions for Earth Day and other environmental holidays; environmental quizzes and entertainment, including "fashion shows" of outfits from waste material.

    Raise true nature lovers with MAAM!

    Contained in sections:
    Includes sections:
    • Waste suits. Eco fashion, outfits and dresses made from trash for kids

    Showing publications 1-10 of 2142 .
    All sections | Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet earth.

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    Complete the proverb

    The host calls the first half of the proverb, the guys write the second part on special sheets.

    1. Wolf ... (legs are fed).

    2. How many wolves do not feed ... (he keeps looking into the forest).

    3. The word is not a sparrow ... (flies out - you won’t catch it).

    4. Be afraid of wolves ... (do not go into the forest).

    5. Raven to crow ... (eye will not peck out).

    6. Wherever, the crow did not fly ... (and hit the hawk).

    7. I fed the snake ... (on my neck).

    8. The snake changes its skin... (but not its nature).

    9. From a thin goat ... (no wool, no milk). 10. A cow in the yard ... (and food on the table).


    The game is played in two rounds.

    I round: dialogue of the presenter with the guys. You have to listen carefully and choose the correct answer.

    Leading. Can carp get into the ocean?

    All. No. (This is a river fish.)

    Leading. Can a thrush freeze its tail?

    All. No. (He winters in the south.)

    Leading. Can a wasp fly to heaven?

    Leading. Can a badger climb a bough for cones?

    All. No. (Badger does not climb trees.)

    Leading. Can a sandpiper bite its own tongue?

    All. No. (Birds don't have teeth.)

    Leading. Can a seal lie on its side all day?

    Leading. Can a titmouse live on a roof?

    Leading. Can dogs tear off all crayfish's tanks?

    All. No. (Crayfish live at the bottom of water bodies.)

    Leading. Can a bear get fat in winter?

    All. No. (In winter, the bear sleeps.)

    II round: Prepare "Yes" and "No" cards. You can play alone, in pairs, in groups.

    The facilitator reads the question, then after 30-40 seconds asks to raise the answer card. The winner is the one with the most correct answers.

    1. Swallows and swifts eat insects. (Yes)

    2. Frog is a pet. (No)

    3. A male cuckoos at the cuckoo. (Yes)

    4. Migratory birds in the south also build nests, as in their homeland. (No)

    5. Wolf, fox, lynx - predators? (Yes)

    6. A frog breathes under water with its skin. (Yes)

    7. A pelican is fishing in reserve. (Yes)


    Find out the names of literary and fabulous animals, birds, insects (1 point). You can get extra points if you can name the author (1 point) and the title of the work (1 point).


    2. Crococat

    3. Push-Pull

    4. Rikki-tikki-tavi

    5. Ma-Tari-Kari

    6. Mr. Nilson

    8. Ludwig XIV

    9. Matrena Ivanovna

    10. Matroskin

    11. Mateusz

    12. Zzzzz

    14. Zaplatkin

    16. Carudo

    17. Gray Neck

    19. Shushara

    20. Tortilla

    21. Brother


    1. Crocodile E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena"

    2. Crocodile D. Bisset "Mr. Crococat"

    3. "Horse" with two heads K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

    4. Mongoose R. Kipling "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"

    5. Bird Tari B. Zakhoder "Ma-Tari-Kari"

    6. Monkey A. Lindgren "Pippi Longstocking"

    7. Boa constrictor R. Kipling "Mowgli"

    8. Little fox J. Ekholm "Tutta Carlson, the first and only"

    9. Elephant K. Chukovsky "Elephant and Dog"

    10. Cat E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"

    11. Starling J. Brzehva "Academy of Pan Klyaksa"

    12. Fly D. Bisset "Pro Zzzzzz"

    13. Ant O. Sekora "Ants don't give up"

    14. Gosling V Medvedev "The Adventures of the Gosling Zaplatkin"

    15. Bee B. Bonsels "The Adventures of Maya the Bee"

    16. Parrot K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

    17. Duck D. Mamin-Sibiryak "The Gray Gang"

    18. Gus S. Lagerlef " Wonderful Journey Nils... "

    19. Rat A. Tolstoy "Golden Key"

    20. Turtle A. Tolstoy "Golden Key"

    21. Rabbit D. Harris "Tales of Uncle Remus"

    22. Kangaroo A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

    23. Bear R. Kipling "Mowgli"

    24. Lev E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena"


    The facilitator reads out the description of the animal. Task: determine who it is, without a prompt or with a prompt to choose from (from 4 to 2 points).

    1. The nest that the animal builds is called gayno. First, he weaves the base from thick branches and twigs, then he makes the walls, and on top - the roof. The animal's home is warm and clean. Inside, the hostess lines her dwelling with moss, lichen, dry blades of grass, leaves and wool. Such a nest usually has one or two entrances, which are very coldy the hostess plugs with dry lichen.

    Clue. In winter, this animal is gray, in summer it is red. At the tips of the ears there are long tassels, the fluffy tail is beautifully curved behind the back.

    2. The French naturalist Georges Louis Buffon described this animal as follows: "A vile face, a wild appearance, a frightening voice, an unbearable smell, an insidious disposition."

    Clue. This animal is called the orderly of the forest.

    3. This is an amazing animal. His hearing is more subtle than that of cats and dogs. The sense of smell is extraordinary - the animal feels a beetle or a larva in the ground at a depth of several meters. But his eyesight is poor. He eats a lot. Usually eats as much per night as he weighs himself. Eats everything: berries, plant seeds, worms, mice, insects and even snakes.

    Clue. Although he is small, he is not afraid of predators, he has protection from them.

    4. This beast has two main ways to protect itself from enemies: disguise and legs. He jumps and runs very easily - so easily that he does not even fall into the snowdrifts. He does not just run away from danger, he chooses the most short cut to salvation. But it happens that neither cunning nor speed helps, then he falls on his back and defends himself with strong hind legs.

    Clue. He is considered a big coward.

    5. This is the most cunning and cautious beast. He knows how to perfectly disguise, has sharp eyesight, hearing, smell. And how he dances! It rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small checkers. This dance was called "Foxtrot". The beast feeds on insects, rodents, birds, and sometimes animals: hedgehogs, hares.

    Clue. A fluffy red tail, with which he covers his tracks, helps to run away from his pursuers.

    6. This animal is very mobile and agile: it can run fast, make big jumps, climb trees and swim. Runs faster uphill than downhill. He walks carefully through the forest, tries not to make noise, puts his feet a little inside.

    Clue. He is considered a clumsy sweet tooth.


    1. Squirrel. 3. Hedgehog. 5. Fox.

    2. Wolf. 4. Hare. 6. Bear.


    To conduct the game, prepare sets of cards with the letters: "A", "B", "C", "D" (according to the number of participants or teams). The facilitator reads the question and the answer options, 30-60 seconds are allotted for choosing the answer. Then the players hold up a card with the letter of their answer. For the correct answer - 3 points. If the opinions of the players of one team are divided and two cards are raised (among which there is a correct answer), then the team is awarded one point. The winners are those with the highest total points. The rest receive incentive prizes.

    1. What animals does Yuri Kuklachev train?

    A. Slonov.

    B. Koala bears.

    V. Cats. +

    G. Enotov.

    2. What is the name of the popular animal that runs on the wheel?

    B. Belka. +

    G. Chipmunk.

    3. What is the name of a bright talking bird?

    A. Bird-talker.

    B. Parrot. +

    G. Hummingbird.

    4. Which bird lays eggs in other people's nests?

    A. Cuckoo +

    B. Bird-talker.

    V. Straus.

    G. Partridge.

    5. What is the name of a scientist who studies insects?

    A. Ichthyologist.

    B. Ecologist.

    V. Entomologist. +

    G. Astronomer.

    6. How do bats sleep?

    A. Upside down. +

    B. Spreading your wings.

    G. With open eyes.

    7. What is the name of the most dangerous tropical fish?

    A. crucian.

    B. Roach.

    B. Crocodile.

    G. Piranha. +

    8. What is the name of the strongest bird?

    B. Condor. +

    G. Krechet.

    9. Who is called the "forest nightingale"?

    A. Thrush. +

    B. Karkushu.

    G. Lost mushroom picker.

    10. For what purpose does the fish go to the upper reaches of the rivers?

    A. To sunbathe.

    B. For spawning. +

    B. Catch prey.

    G. frolic.

    11. What is the name of the most voracious insect?

    A. Butterfly.

    B. Stag beetle.

    G. Locust. +

    12. Who was the very first pet?

    A. Cow.

    B. Dog. +

    13. What is the name of the baking night singer in Russian huts?

    A. Parrot.

    B. Tarantula.

    B. Cricket. +

    G. Tree toad.