Synopsis of GCD on ecology in the middle group “Forest is our common home. Plan-summary of the lesson (middle group) on the topic: Abstract of the GCD in the preschool educational institution in the middle group on ecology "The air around us"

Topic: "Paper and fabric necessary in life"

- introduce children to the properties of paper and fabric;
- give comparative characteristic these materials;
- to learn to establish relationships between the material from which the object is made and the way the object is used;
- expand lexicon children to learn how to formulate statements correctly.

Dictionary activation: paper, fabric, smooth, hard, warm, rough, rustling, fabric does not make sounds, paper gets wet, fabric gets wet, wrinkled, consists of threads.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment
caregiver. Guys! Do you like to visit?
Children. Yes!
Educator. We were invited to visit by a bear cub Tishka, who lives in the forest. But why he called us, we will now find out. You are ready?
Children. Yes!
(Merry music sounds, the children line up one after another and go to Tishka's house.)
2. Introduction
Children come to Tishka's house, knock. A bear cub Tishka appears and tells about his misfortune with tears... About how his girlfriend Masha asked to help her sort out things that are made of paper and fabric. But the bear knows nothing about paper or fabric.
Educator. Children, help Tishka?
Children. Yes!
Educator. But in order to help the bear, we ourselves must learn a lot about paper and fabric.
Please come in and take your seats.
(Children take their seats.)

3. Main body

(Study of the properties of fabric and paper.)
caregiver. Children, look, there are so many items on the table: water in cups, a paper scarf, a fabric scarf, a towel.
(1. We determine by touch which fabric and paper.)
Educator. Now take a paper scarf in your hands first, rub it with your fingers, set it aside. Now take a fabric scarf, rub it with your fingers.
(Together with the children we determine the properties of paper and fabric, compare.)
Children's answers. The fabric is soft, warm, rough, quickly wrinkled; paper is hard, cold, smooth, easily torn.
caregiver. Well done boys!
I really liked your answers! And you, Tishka? What do you remember?
Tishka. (Everything is confused, the children and the teacher correct him.)
I liked how the children answered cheerfully, because I am cheerful. And I remembered that the paper is warm, soft, rough, and the fabric is cold, hard, etc.
(2. We examine the paper and fabric in the light.)
caregiver. Now for the next experiment! Let's turn to face the window and look at the light first at the paper scarf, and then at the fabric scarf.
What do we see when we look at a fabric scarf?
Children. We see threads.
Educator. And when we consider a paper scarf?
Children. There are no threads.

caregiver. Let's remember that a fabric scarf is made of threads, but paper is not.
Fabric is made from threads in a weaving mill, and paper is pressed from sawdust in a paper mill.
Guys, do you want to know if paper and fabric can talk?
Children. Yes!
(3. We crumple paper and fabric.)
Educator. But for this we need silence.
Let's tell a poem about her in a quiet voice.
Silence by the pond
The water does not sway
The reeds don't make noise
Babies fall asleep.
Educator. We sit quietly, and first we take a paper scarf, we begin to wrinkle it. What do you hear?
Children. She whispers and talks.
Educator. That's right, she rustles. (Let's repeat together - the paper rustles.)
Now take a fabric scarf, start wrinkling it. Listen, does the fabric speak? Do you hear anything?
Children. Nothing!
Educator. That's right, a fabric scarf doesn't talk, doesn't make any sound.
So what can we explain to the bear Tishka?
(Turns to the bear) Tishka, remember that when you wrinkle a scarf made of paper, it rustles, and made of fabric, it does not make a sound.
(4. Smoothing paper and fabric.)
caregiver. Guys, look how wrinkled our scarves are, let's try to straighten them. First, smooth out the paper scarf with your hands. What did you get?
Children. Can't smooth out!
Educator. Yes you are right! A scarf made of paper is so wrinkled that it does not straighten.
Let's try to smooth out a fabric scarf with our hands. What happened?
Children. He's smoothing out!
caregiver. That's right, a fabric scarf straightens out when smoothed.
Mishka Tishka. I'm kind of tired! I want to play!
Educator. Guys let's play!
Physical education minute
Pantomime. The sun wakes up in the morning, a flower grows,
Dissolved, withers, crumpled paper, athletes.
Educator. Well done! Well played!
And now we are waiting for another experiment. Now we find out, if our scarves get dirty and we decide to wash them, what will happen to them?
Educator. We first take a scarf made of fabric, immerse it in water, wring it out. What do we see?
Children. He got wet.
Educator. Straighten it and show it to the bear Tishka.
You see, Tishka, the scarf has become wet.
Educator. Now immerse a paper scarf in water, wring it out, try to straighten it. What do you see?
Children. He got wet, began to tear.
caregiver. That's right, let's explain to the bear Tishka that if we decide to wash a scarf made of fabric, it will get wet, but will not tear. And if you wash a scarf out of paper, it will get wet, start to tear and will have to be thrown away.
So, which of the scarves is more durable - made of fabric or paper?
Children. The fabric scarf is stronger.
caregiver. Guys, can we sew clothes out of paper?
Children. No, it is not durable and will break soon.
Educator. What about fabric?
Children. We can, clothes made of fabric are durable and wear for a long time.
Educator. Mishka Tishka, now you understand what is stronger - paper or fabric?
Guys, let's repeat once again what paper is and what fabric is.
Paper Fabric
hard soft
cold warm
does not consist of threads rough
if it is wrinkled, it rustles consists of threads
when smoothing, if it is wrinkled, it does not emit
no straightening sounds
when wet - tears when smoothed
straightens up
gets wet in water, but not
4. Final part
caregiver. Now, Tishka, when we know everything about paper and fabric, we can help you!
Stand in a semicircle at the box, now we will open it and see what lies there.
(Opened the box.)
Here things are made of paper and fabric. Take one at a time and divide into 2 boxes:
- in the box with the number 1 put paper things;
- in the box with the number 2 put things made of fabric.
(Children lay out things.)
caregiver. Now let's see if you helped the bear correctly.
Mishka Tishka. Thanks guys! You helped me a lot!

Elena Misharina
Abstract of the lesson on environmental education V middle group according to GEF on the topic "What do we know about water?"

Abstract of the lesson on ecology for children of the middle group

"What we know about water?"

Program tasks:

Reinforce the properties of water with children (taste, color, smell, fluidity). Clarify its meaning for all living things.

Develop curiosity, thinking and speech of children; enter into children's active vocabulary words: liquid, colorless, tasteless, transparent.

Bring up careful attitude To water.

Methods and techniques:

1. Gaming (introduction of a game character, surprise moments).

visual (panel "Who needs water", diagrams, symbols).

2. Practical (experiments)

3. Verbal (conversations, story educator, exploratory questions).

preliminary work:

Making a panel "Who needs water"

Reading stories, fairy tales of a cognitive nature.

Experiences (turning snow into water, water into ice).

Conversations on topic: "Where you can meet water", "Who lives in water".

Material and equipment:

Panel "Who needs water", "What is water for man"

Equipment for experiments: a glass of milk, glasses of water (according to the number of children, empty glasses, sugar, spoons, brushes, gouache

Symbols for the properties of water

Lesson progress

The children enter group are seated on chairs.

caregiver: Guys, I have a surprise for you! What is it, you learn when you paint over the magic leaves! (children's answers).

Now we quietly go to the table and begin to paint over our leaves with blue paint.

(Children draw to the music. caregiver pays attention to posture and to the correct holding of the brush).

(When the children have finished painting over the sheets, a droplet drawn with a paraffin candle appears on them).

V .: Well, what kind of drawing appeared on the leaves? (droplet) You are real wizards!

V .: Guys, I invite you to be scientists today. And you Do you know who scientists are??

V: These are smart people who are all studying, experimenting. Well, do you want to be scientists?

V .: Well, and as real scientists, we will also conduct experiments and explore today! And today we will explore the water with you.

V .: And so, our laboratory for the study of water is open.

Let's start the first experience:

Q: I have a glass filled with water. What happens to water if you tilt the glass? (water will flow because it is liquid). Water is a liquid, let's repeat this word, this is a new word for us. It can be poured into someday: in a glass, in a bucket, in a vase. It can be poured, poured from one vessel to another.

Do you guys want to try pouring water from one glass to another. (children's answers). Come to the tables, sit down

Experience N 1 "Water is a liquid."

Conclusion: water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured. And in order for you to remember it better, I have prepared such a symbol (slide show). I'm hanging on flannelgraph

Q: Guys, what color do you think the water is? (children's answers). Now we will check it.

Experience N 2 "Colorless water".

On the table at caregiver glass of milk, a glass of water.

Q: What color is milk? (white). And you can say about water that it white color? (children's answers).

Conclusion: water has no color, it is colorless

V .: Guys, do you think water can change its color? (Answers).

Let's experiment to make sure?

On your tables there are glasses of water, gouache, a brush.

V .: And now add gouache to the water with the end of the brush and see what happens to the water. Has the water changed its color?

Conclusion: Water can change color depending on what is added to it.

(slide show)


One, two, three, four, five droplets went out for a walk

We kick top-top, we clap-clap our hands

One there, two there, turn around

Once sat down, two got up

Everyone raised their hands up

We walked along the path and jumped a little

Experience number 3. The water has no odor."

V .: And now, I suggest you guys smell the water. Does the water smell of anything?

Conclusion: water does not smell of anything, it has no smell.

The symbol of this property of water is displayed.

Experience N 4. And now, the next experience, I suggest you guys taste the water. (Children are offered bottled water). What does she taste like?

Conclusion: water has no taste, it is tasteless.

(slide show of the symbol of this property, I hang it on a flannelgraph)

(Children are given bowls of sugar, spoons).

Q: We said that the water is tasteless. Now put the sugar that is on your table into a glass of water. Stir and now taste the water. What did she taste like? (children's answers). Why do you think? (children's answers).

Conclusion: it turns out that water can take on the taste of the substance that was added to it.

V .: We have learned, children, that water can change color, taste, smell.

V .: And now I suggest you guys go to the chairs.

Today we talked a lot about water learned a lot about her. But let's see what water is needed for and to whom?

(Working with the panel "Who needs water") (we list) Conclusion: water is needed by all living things in nature

V: Well done guys!

Q: Guys, where does a person use water? (panel view).

Q: Do you use water in kindergarten? What are you doing? (wash my hands)

V: And you you know that you need to conserve water, and when you wash your hands, you need to immediately turn off the tap?

Q: Why keep it? (For it not to end)

V .: There is a lot of water, but for washing, cooking, only purified water is needed. And to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort. That's why you need to save water, close the tap tightly. To not just waste it.

We we know that snow is also water. What do you think, maybe we will bring a whole bucket of snow, let it melt, and then it will be possible to drink this water? (no, you can’t drink melted water, because it is dirty, dusty, dogs and cats walk)

(shows melt water)

Soon there will be puddles on the streets. Can we draw water and drink from there? (no, it is dirty, and a person needs to drink only clean water)

So we will drink only pure bottled or boiled water. And we will save water.

V .: guys, who were we with you today? (scientists) what experiences broke? (by characters)

Water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured, poured

Water is colorless, transparent

Water is tasteless

Water has no smell.

And in order to remember that we do not waste water in vain, I will give you a magic droplet, hang it in the washroom and we will always be happy water.

And now I have another surprise for you, medallion gifts, today we were real scientists.

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Image Library:


  • consolidate knowledge about characteristics autumn, seasonal changes in nature;
  • expand children's understanding of the behavior of wild animals in the fall (hare, squirrel, bear);
  • give children an idea of ​​​​how a hedgehog prepares for winter;
  • to cultivate love for nature, a sense of empathy and responsiveness to animals.

Material and equipment: toy hare, bear, squirrel, hedgehog, musical accompaniment, gouache, wide brushes, album sheets, leaves from trees, Christmas trees.

GCD progress:

1. finger game"WITH Good morning

Good morning, eyes! You woke up?

Good morning ears! You woke up?

Good morning, pens! You woke up?

Good morning feet! You woke up?

Good morning sunshine! We woke up!

2. Artistic word.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

I bring the harvest

I sow the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees.

But I don't touch the pines

And Christmas trees. I .... (Autumn)

Educator: Well done! What time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: What signs of autumn do you know?

Children: The leaves turn yellow and fall off, the birds fly away to warmer climes, the sun heats little, it often rains, the sky is gray, it becomes colder.

3. Game: "Yes or no" (give the correct answer).

Teacher: Guys, do you want to play? I will ask questions and you will answer yes or no.

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Clouds cover the sun?

Animals mink close?

Is everyone harvesting?

Are the birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Well, what should be done?

Jackets, hats to wear?

4. Reading poems about autumn.

In the morning we go to the yard, Vika Pasekan

Leaves fall like rain.

rustling underfoot,

And fly, fly, fly.

Autumn days have come, Masha Minaeva

Summer is red.

Only we did not become sad,

Autumn is good too!

Cheerful painter at random Mishchenko Timofey

Splattered wonderful colors

And forests autumn outfit

It beckons us like a good fairy tale.

5. « Journey to the autumn forest » .

Educator: Guys, do you want to find yourself in the autumn forest? (Yes)

Then let's close our eyes and say magic words:

"We closed our eyes, swirled, and we found ourselves in the forest!"

Educator: Oh, guys, who is hiding under the Christmas tree?

Guess the riddle:

1) What kind of forest animal is this

I stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass

Ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

(The teacher takes out a toy bunny from behind the Christmas tree)

Educator: Guys, what does the bunny do in the fall?

Children: A bunny changes its gray coat to white in autumn.

Educator: Why does the bunny need a white coat?

Children: So that a fox or a wolf does not notice a hare on white snow.

Educator: Let's jump like bunnies. (Jump).

2) Educator: Who else will we meet in the forest?

He sleeps in a den in winter

under a big pine tree

and when spring comes

wakes up from sleep. (Bear).

(V - l takes out a toy bear from behind the Christmas tree)

Do you know what a bear does in autumn?

Children: All summer and autumn the bear is preparing for winter: he eats a lot of berries, fishes in the river, accumulates fat for the winter. At the end of autumn, he finds a place for himself under a pine tree, where there are many leaves and branches, and goes to bed until spring. In winter, snow will fall, and it will be warm in the lair.

Educator: Let's walk like a bear. (Children pretend to be a bear).

What do you think, guys, what animal will we talk about now?

He lives in a hollow, and gnaws nuts. (Squirrel).

Shows a toy squirrel.

Educator: What does a squirrel do in autumn?

Children: The squirrel collects mushrooms, nuts, cones.

Educator: Does the squirrel change its coat? (Yes)

Educator: What color does the squirrel's fur become? (grey)

Educator: Why gray? (because the trees are grey)

Educator: Let's jump like squirrels. (jump)

4) Educator: Oh, guys, what kind of animal is this?

An angry touchy lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread! (Hedgehog)

Teacher: That's right guys. This is a hedgehog. Do you know what a hedgehog does in autumn?

Educator: I'll tell you now:

Hedgehogs, like bears, sleep all winter. But before you go into hibernation, the hedgehog must have a good meal. The hedgehog eats worms, frogs, mice. The hedgehog also loves forest apples, berries, mushrooms. For the winter, the hedgehog arranges a mink of grass and leaves, curls up into a ball and falls asleep.

Educator: Guys, autumn will end soon. And our hedgehog had a lot to do and he did not have time to insulate his mink. Let's help him, draw a lot of leaves for him. Let's go to the magic clearing (children come to the tables).

We will draw unusual leaves. We have several leaves different trees. We need to apply paint with a brush on a leaf, then make an imprint on a sheet of paper. What color is the casting in autumn? (Red, orange, yellow).

6. Finger gymnastics:

This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest.

This finger is for showing it off.

This finger is the longest, and it stands in the middle.

This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled.

And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring!

7. Leaflet printing (music plays).

Teacher: Well done guys! The hedgehog will be very happy to see how many leaves we have drawn for him. Now he will be warm in the mink all winter.

Educator: And now, guys, it's time for us to return from the forest to our group. Let's say the magic words: "They closed their eyes, swirled, and found themselves in our group!"

8. Summing up:

Educator: Guys, what season did we talk about today?

What interesting things did you learn today?

What did you like the most?

Abstract directly- educational activities on the topic "Wonderful droplet" in the middle group.

Target: To form in children knowledge about the importance of water for all living beings, plants, animals, and humans cannot live without water. To bring up a careful attitude to water as a source of human life and all life on earth.

Program tasks:
1. Clarify and summarize the information of children about water, its properties.
2. To form children's ideas about the importance of water in human life and all life on Earth.
3. Develop logical thinking children through the use of symbols - models.
4. Consolidate children's ideas about water bodies.
5. To intensify the cognitive and research activities of children in the process of conducting experiments with water.
6. Cultivate respect for water.

Methods and techniques:
1. Game (surprise moments)
2. Visual (diagrams, symbols, pictures)
3. Practical (experiments)
4. Verbal (conversations, teacher's stories, search questions).

Lesson progress

Organizing time:
Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Sounds like the sound of the sea.

Educator:- Guys, listen and tell me what these sounds are?

Children's answers(sounds of water, sound of the sea)

Educator:- It is difficult to find a place on Earth where there would be no water. Water is everywhere: oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Water in the earth, in plants, animals and even in man.

Educator:- Guys, why do people need water?

Children's answers(drink, wash, cook)

Educator: But not only humans need water! Who else?

Children's answers(animals, plants)

Educator: Water is essential for animals, plants and insects. Without water, all living beings cannot survive. Water is the basis of life!

Problem situation:

On the table is a flower in a pot with withered leaves.

Educator:- Guys, look what is on the table?

Children's answers.

Educator:- This is a flower, only something very sad, look, he lowered all the leaves. Why do you think our flower is sad?

Children's answers(he wants to drink, not watered).

Educator:- Of course, look, guys, the earth in the pot is completely dry, which means that the flower has not been watered for a long time and without water it can completely die. Let's help our flower, water it.

Children with a teacher take turns watering a flower from a watering can.

Educator:- Well, we watered the flower, soon it will raise its leaves again and become beautiful and cheerful.

Surprise moment:

Educator:- Guys, do you know what water consists of?

Children's answers.

Educator:- Certainly! Water is made up of tiny droplets!

The music “Rain Droplets” sounds, the teacher hangs a drop of cardboard on the flannelograph.

Educator:- Look, a guest has come to us - a little Droplet. She hit the ground with rain, traveled with her girlfriends in drops and looked into our kindergarten to meet the children and learn more about herself, because she is still very small.

Educator:- Guys, where do you think Droplet traveled? Where could she be?

According to the children's answers, pictures of reservoirs are hung out (stream, river, sea, ocean)

Physical education:
We quickly went down to the river
Bent over and wash
One two three four
So nicely refreshed.
You need to do this by hand:
Together times is breaststroke
One, the other is a crawl,
All as one, we swim like a dolphin.
We went ashore and headed home.

Educator:- Guys! And let's help Droplet learn even more about yourself?

Children's answers.

Educator:- You know what water has magical properties: you can play with it, spend different experiences and experiments. To do this, we will now go to the laboratory, turn into real laboratory scientists and conduct experiments. And Droplet will be able to learn a lot of interesting things about himself.

Practical part:

Children approach tables with materials for experiments placed on them. They put on the hats of scientists and sit down at the tables.

Experience No. 1 Water is a liquid.

Educator:- Guys, look, we have two cups in front of us, one empty and the other with water, let's try, very carefully, to pour water from one cup to another.

Educator:- What does the vodka do? (children's answers) Water is pouring. Why is she pouring? (children's answers) Because water is liquid.

Conclusion: Water is a liquid.

Experiment No. 2 Water has no smell.

Educator: Guys, what do flowers smell like? What smell do they have?

Children's answers(pleasant, delicious)

Educator:- And let's smell the water in our cups. What does water smell like?

Children's answers.

Conclusion: Water does not smell of anything, water has no smell.

A picture is posted with a symbol of this property of water.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Rain":
The first drop fell - drop!
And the second came running - cap!
We looked at the sky
Droplets "drip-drip" sang,
Wet faces
We wiped them off.
Shoes - look -
Everything got wet.
Let's move our shoulders together
And shake off all the drops.
We'll run away from the rain
Let's sit under a bush.

Experience No. 3 "Water has no taste."

Educator:- Guys, what salt tastes like? Lemon? I wonder what the water tastes like?

Children's answers.

Educator:- Let's check? Let's try the water in our glasses.

Educator:- What does the water taste like?

Children's answers.

Conclusion: Water has no taste, it is tasteless.

A picture is posted with a symbol of this property of water.

Educator:- Hush, hush, guys, Droplet wants to tell me something!

The teacher listens, approaching the droplet.

Educator:- Droplet says that he knows that water can change the taste. Let's check!

Educator:- Look, we have plates of salt and sugar on the table, let's add them to our glasses of water and see what happens!

Children spoon salt and sugar into cups and stir.

Educator:- Guys, where did the salt and sugar that we added to the water go?

Children's answers.

Educator:- They disappeared, disappeared! Now, let's try the water again. What did she taste like?

Children's answers(sweet, salty)

Conclusion: Water can dissolve some substances and acquire the taste of the substance dissolved in it.

Educator:- Look, guys, our guest Drop is smiling! She loves being in our lab! And how we experiment with you!

Experiment No. 4 Water can change color.

Educator:- Guys, I was wondering if water can change its taste, but can it change its color? After all, you and I know that pure water-transparent! Let's check! Take the brushes and add paint to the water.

Children's actions.

Educator:- What happened to the water? She changed her color.

Conclusion: Water acquires the color of a substance dissolved in it.

Conclusions: Well done! Guys, let's remind Droplet what we learned about her: who needs water and why? And from experiments we learned that: water is a liquid, without taste and smell, but it can dissolve some substances and acquire the taste and smell of the substance dissolved in it.

- We all did a great job.
It's time to play
And Droplet has girlfriends
We have one game!

The game "The droplets walk in a circle."
Educator:- Guys, Kapelka says that she really liked you. You all know a lot about water, did a great job in the laboratory and had a lot of fun playing!

A droplet gives you magical droplets as a keepsake so that you never forget about the benefits of water and respect for it.

Each child is given a drop.

Educator:- Thank you Kapelka, and thank you guys for your active and interested work.

Educator:- Guys. What fun did we do today? Who did you help today? Were we able to do it? (children's answers).

Educational objectives: to consolidate the knowledge of middle-aged children about seasonal changes in nature, the behavior of wild animals and birds in autumn;

Activation of the speech dictionary, creativity children;

Development mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination.

Middle group of kindergarten

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Children enter the hall to the music, the teacher conducts psycho-gymnastics with them:

We folded hand to hand

And they offered to be friends with each other.

We will work, play,

To become smart, kind.

Educator: Do you guys like to guess riddles? Now I will show you a riddle-diagram. And you have to guess - what is it?

(the teacher shows the mnemonic table, explains his show)

She has round shape, it has mountains, forests, rivers, people, animals, birds live on it.

Children: Earth.

Educator: That's right, guys - this is our planet Earth. And what's that?

The teacher shows the globe.

Children: Globe

Educator: Guys, what colors are on the globe? What do you think they mean?

(children's answers)

Educator: Well done!

Green color - forests;

Blue - water;

White snow;

Yellow is earth.

Look, guys, there is a red signal in the forest.

Someone is asking us for help. Do you agree

go on a trip? Then go!

2. Main body

Children get up from their chairs and approach the teacher.

Educator: Before we go to the forest, let's remember what can not be done in the forest?

(Children take ecological signs-leaflets and explain the meaning of each sign) you can go on the road. Let's close our eyes and say these words: "Turned around, circled, and we found ourselves in the forest!"

(Music sounds. The curtain opens, and the children find themselves in the autumn forest).

Educator: Guys, where are we? (Answer children).

Educator: But for some reason no one meets us. The forest is dark and boring. No, no, look - Lesovichok is sitting! (draws the children's attention to the Lesovichka doll on the screen). Hello Lesovitch! Did you ask for help?

Lesovichok: Hello guys. Trouble in our forest! The naughty breeze flew into our forest, played a prank and flew away. He scared the birds away, broke the clock of the seasons. Animals do not prepare for winter, they jump, play, they don’t know what to do. A cloud has caught up, the sun is not visible at all, which is why it is so boring, sad and not light in our autumn forest.

Educator: Don't worry, Lesovichok. Guys, can we help Lesovichka and the forest dwellers?

(children's answers).

Educator: But for this we must try very hard. We have a lot of things to do so that there is order in the forest again. Let's not waste time. In order for the forest clock to go, they need ...

(children answer)

Educator: By what time of the year can

take this picture? Indicate with an arrow what time of year it is. (Children lay out the pictures according to the seasons and at the end of the task attach an arrow to “Autumn”, the music of the working clock sounds).

Educator: Well done, guys, the forest clock runs regularly and the time of year "Autumn" is accurately shown.

Educator: Now you need to help the squirrel, tell me guys, how does she prepare for winter?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's collect mushrooms for the squirrel for the winter. We will collect only what mushrooms? (children's answers)

Music sounds, children collect fake mushrooms, call the mushroom and put it in the basket)

White: Thanks guys! I started playing, I completely forgot to make supplies for the winter, because autumn will end soon, winter will come.

Lesovichok: You helped the squirrel, now the birds need help. They gathered in a flock and do not know who should fly away and why.

Educator: Guys, help the birds? Where should some birds fly in autumn?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Let's play a game.

Game "Migratory birds"

Now just hear the word "Winter" - migratory birds will fly to the birch, and wintering ones - to the Christmas tree.

Little birds, (children fly and flap their arms like wings)

small birds

They fly through the forest

Songs are sung.

A violent wind has blown, (arms up, swinging from side to side)

I wanted to take the birds.

The cold is coming, (children fly up to their tree)

Winter is coming.

Children in hats of wintering and migratory birds are divided into 2 groups. Teacher: Well done guys! Now migratory birds know that it is time for them to fly to warmer climes, and we will help the wintering birds, feed them.

A bunny appears on the screen. Teacher: Guys, who is this? Children: Bunny.

Educator: You see, he is also not preparing for the winter. What should he do for winter? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's help the bunny and his family, prepare white coats for them. Children come to the tables and paint over the silhouette of a bunny with white paint (against the background it is quiet sounding music). At the end of the work, the bunnies are displayed on the panel " Autumn forest". After the children have completed the work, the sun appears on the curtain to the music from behind the clouds.

Lesovichok: Thank you guys! Again in our forest it is joyful and light. For your good deeds, I want to give you a gift.

surprise moment

Lesovichok gives children a basket of sweets

3. Final stage.

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to thank Lesovichka, and in parting we will give him our dance with leaves. Children dance with autumn leaves.

Lesovichok: Thank you, friends, goodbye!

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's close our eyes and say all together: "Turned around, circled, and we found ourselves in the garden!"

Guys, did you enjoy your trip? You were great today! Tell us who we helped and what did we do? (children's answers)

Educator: And now we will go to the group and try the treat from Lesovichka.