"Once upon a time there were vegetables." Summary of classes on the development of speech. Open lesson "Vegetables and Fruits

(First year of study)

Program content:

1. Clarify the idea of ​​​​vegetables.

2. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

3. Improve grammatical structure speech.

4. Develop phonemic perception.

5. Develop connected speech, visual attention, thinking, coordination of speech with movement, fine motor skills.


, a plot picture on the theme "Harvesting", typesetting canvas, a magic bag, dummies of vegetables, a ball.

I. Organizing time

1. Speech therapist: - Guys, get out of the magic bag what is hidden there.

- Put what you got on the table. Name what it is?

How can you put it in one word?

- Guys, who guessed what we will talk about in class?

What other vegetables do you know?

- Where do vegetables grow?

How are vegetables harvested?

– Today we will talk with you about harvesting.

II. A conversation about vegetables with a picture.

(On the type-setting canvas put plot picture"Harvesting").

2. Speech therapist: - Guys, look at the picture, carefully. What season is shown?

– What are people doing? What vegetables do they pick? Where do they put them?

3. Game "Pick up a sign"

Speech therapist: - I will name the vegetable (put the picture on the panel), and you will tell me as many words as possible about it what it is.
Carrots (beets, turnips, cabbage) - (what?) - tasty, crispy, orange, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small ....
Onion (cucumber, tomato, garlic, zucchini) - (what?) - tasty, crispy, red, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small, bitter ....

- Well done. Completed the task. Next game.

4. The game "What's gone?"

Speech therapist: I put 4 vegetables on the table. Look at them and remember. Now you close your eyes, I will remove one, and you will say what is gone.

5. Speech therapist: It's time to relax and play with your fingers. Finger gymnastics"The hostess once came from the market."

The hostess once came from the market, Stepping fingers on the table.

The hostess from the bazaar brought home Bend over one finger.

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table - Alternately strike with fists.

Who is better, tastier

And more needed on earth. Bend one finger per name.

Potato? Cabbage?

Carrot? Peas?

Parsley or beets? Oh! .. Cotton.

The hostess, meanwhile, Knock with the edge of the palm.

She took the knife.

And with this knife

Crumble the beginnings Bend one finger on the hand.

Potato, cabbage

carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh! .. Cotton.

Covered with a lid, Fold your hands crosswise.

In a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water

Potato, cabbage, Bend one finger on the hand.

carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh! Cotton.

And the vegetable soup was good! Show how to eat soup.

6. Game "Call it affectionately" (with a ball).

Speech therapist: - I will throw you a ball and name a vegetable, you will affectionately call this vegetable and throw the ball back to me.
Tomato - tomato; carrot-carrot
Cucumber - cucumber; pumpkin - pumpkin;
Onion - onion; beets - beets;
Garlic - garlic; cabbage - cabbage;
Peas - peas; potatoes are potatoes.

- Well done, take your seats. We play on.

7. The game "One - many"

Speech therapist: - I will name one vegetable, and you will name many vegetables. (For example: home-home)
Tomato - tomatoes
Cucumber - cucumbers
pumpkin - pumpkins
Zucchini - zucchini
eggplant - eggplant

8. Speech with the "Harvest" movement.
Let's go to the garden and harvest. Marching.
We carry carrots "They're dragging."
And we're digging up potatoes. "They're digging."
We cut a head of cabbage, "Cut off."
round, juicy,

Very tasty, They show a circle with their hands 3 times.
Let's pick a little sorrel "Rip".
And let's get back on track. Marching.

9. The game "Name the juice, salad."

Speech therapist: Now I will name the vegetable. And you will answer what kind of juice, soup, salad can be prepared from it.
Juice from carrot - carrot Pea soup - pea
Cabbage juice - cabbage Potato soup - potato
Beetroot juice - beetroot
Cucumber salad - cucumber

10. Summary of the lesson. Remember what was discussed in class. Children's assessment.

The game "Tell me a word."
Where it was empty in winter

Growing up in the summer... cabbage.

From the earth for a forelock cheat,

We pull juicy ... carrot.

Even though I'm called sugar

But I didn't get wet from the rain.

large, round,

Sweet to the taste

Did you know? I… beet.

The lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world for children of the older group is aimed at forming generalized ideas about vegetables, at deepening knowledge about the conditions necessary for plant growth, about the ecological links between inanimate and living nature, at forming the ability to generalize according to essential features, to reflect the result of generalization in extended speech judgment.



Municipal Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 5"



(senior group)

Shlykova Svetlana Arturovna,



2008-2009 academic year


  • Form generalized ideas about vegetables (vegetables are parts and fruits

plants grown in the garden for food).

  • Deepen knowledge about the conditions necessary for plant growth, about environmental

connections between inanimate and living things.

  • Clarify ideas about the variety of vegetables.
  • To form the ability to generalize according to essential features, to reflect the result

generalizations in a detailed speech judgment.

  • To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, to accurately and fully answer the question posed.


  • Tray with vegetables.
  • Cards for disclosing the stages and conditions of plant growth.
  • Two hoops (green and black), a set of vegetables (carrots, beets, onions, parsley,

cucumber, cabbage, peas, tomato, potatoes, turnips) for flannelgraph.

  • Subject pictures "Vegetables".

Lesson progress

Educator. Children, tell me what is on the tray? (Children's answers are carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes).

Educator. How to call all this in one word? (Children's answers are vegetables).

Educator. Let's talk about vegetables. Crispy orange carrots, strong green cucumbers, juicy red tomatoes are vegetables. Remember what other vegetables you know? (Answers of children).

Educator. Right! Beets and turnips, cabbage and potatoes, peppers and eggplant, radishes and radishes, pumpkins and zucchini, onions and garlic, dill and parsley are vegetables.

(The teacher, as the vegetables are named, puts them on a demonstration board).

Educator. Vegetables are the fruits of a plant, part of it. There are many vegetables and they are all different. Let's find with you signs of difference between vegetables.

(Children examine vegetables and make conclusions about the difference in vegetables in shape, color, size, what the surface feels like).

Educator. Where do vegetables grow? (Answers of children). Yes, vegetables grow in the garden, in the field, on garden plot, some vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers) grow in a greenhouse.

(During the conversation, the teacher puts cards on the demonstration board to reveal the stages and conditions of plant growth).

Educator. Who grows vegetables? (Answers of children). That's right, children, a person plants seeds or seedlings of vegetables in the ground. When shoots of vegetables appear, a person takes care of them: watering, weeding, loosening the ground. And only at the end of summer and beginning of autumn it receives a crop of vegetables. Tell us why vegetables are grown? (Answers of children).

Educator. Right! Salads and soups are prepared from them. They can be salted. Vegetables are not only used to prepare delicious and healthy dishes, but their roots, stems and leaves are used to feed livestock. Rabbits, for example, love carrots, cabbage. Do you know who else, besides people, helps vegetables grow? (Answers of children).


  • The sun warms the earth, gives light to plants.
  • The soil feeds the plants. The plant grows in it. Plants have roots in the soil.
  • Plants breathe, they need air. Air enters the soil when a person loosens the earth with a hoe. The same thing, only without a hoe, an earthworm does.
  • To water the plants, a person waters the beds. And it's raining on them too.
  • Help plants and birds - tits, sparrows, rooks, starlings. They catch bugs, peck caterpillars from the leaves.
  • And toads prey on caterpillars. They are our little helpers and therefore it is impossible to offend them.

What other helpers have we forgotten about? Remember those whom we saw in the summer on flowers (children's answers). What were they doing there? (Answers of children).

Educator. Yes, we saw bees, bumblebees, butterflies. They drink sweet juice from flowers. They carry pollen from one plant to another on their wings and legs. Without these helpers, the cucumber would not have fruit.

And here is the insectThe teacher puts up a picture ladybug ) helps plants? (Children's answers - yes, it eats aphids). That's how many helpers plants have. The best time of the year is autumn. Vegetables ripened in the garden. Let's collect them.

Physical culture minute "We harvest"

Gather people,

Adults and children!

(Walk in a circle holding hands)

Come out to the garden

As long as the sun is shining.

(Walk in a circle, holding hands, slowly raise their hands)

Pull the beet

To keep from drying out

("They are dragging")

cut the cabbage

("Cut off")

Dig potatoes -



(They stand facing in a circle, perform inclinations).

Educator. And now, children, tell everything you have learned about vegetables.

(The teacher draws the attention of the children to the demonstration board, where cards are displayed that show "answers" to questions).

  • Where do vegetables grow? ( Cards 1-2).
  • Who takes care of the vegetables and with what equipment? ( Cards 3-7).
  • Why do people need vegetables? ( Card 8).
  • What kind of vegetables are eaten? (Cards 9-10 ).
  • Who, besides a person, helps vegetables? (Cards 11-19 ).

(Children talk about vegetables in a chain)

Educator. Well done! And now, children, let's talk about the benefits that vegetables bring to people.

Vegetables are the main food without which a person cannot do a day! After all, most of our food consists of plants.

Housewives put even more vegetables in borscht or vegetable stew.

Vegetables are rich in vitamins necessary for a person.

Onion, garlic, radish, eggplant, pepper have healing properties and able to cure diseases.

Children, do you know which parts of vegetables are edible and which parts are inedible? (Answers of children).

Educator. Children, all of you probably remember the fairy tale "The Man and the Bear"? Why is the bear offended by the man? (Answers of children). Yes, you are right, a man offended a bear by giving him inedible parts of vegetables.

I suggest you play the game "Tops and Roots".

Educator. In a black hoop, you need to put vegetables that have roots for food, and in a hoop Green colour- vegetables that use tops.

(The teacher shows the vegetable and asks in which hoop to place it. The child calls the desired hoop, explains why this vegetable should be put here. After all the vegetables are laid out in hoops, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the area where the hoops intersect)

Educator. Children, why do you think I put these vegetables here? (Answers of children). That's right, there are vegetables that eat tops and roots. Name them (children's answers are onions, parsley, beets). Who will name vegetables that only use tops? (Children's answers are tomato, cucumber, peas, cabbage). And who will name vegetables that can only be eaten with roots? (Children's answers are carrots, turnips, potatoes).

At the end of the lesson, the children remember everything they talked about in the lesson.


  • Shorygina T.A. "Vegetables. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and

parents. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2002.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in senior group on the topic: "Vegetables and fruits - healthy foods»

Enina Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type", Voronezh.
Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the GCD for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic: "Vegetables and fruits are healthy products." This is a summary of an integrated lesson that will be useful for educators of older groups. The lesson consists of a theoretical part, consolidating children's knowledge about useful and harmful products, and practical, cooking fruit dishes, for holiday table.

To consolidate children's knowledge about useful and harmful foods, about the variety of vegetables and fruits and their significance for the body.
Introduce kids to cooking healthy dish for the holiday table.

Continue to form children's ideas about fruits and vegetables, about healthy and unhealthy foods; develop logical thinking, attention memory. develop in children cognitive interest to the environment through different kinds activities.
Cultivate a desire for healthy lifestyle life. Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.
to develop coherent speech of children, to develop the ability to answer questions of the educator with a full sentence.
Teach children how to use a knife safely.
To help develop the ability to independently carry out labor assignments - from the goal set to obtaining the result and cleaning the workplace.
Teach children to communicate in dialogue with the teacher. summon positive emotions from the result.

Methods and techniques:
Verbal - conversation;
Visual - consideration of the cooking scheme of the dish;
method of control and stimulation - approval, praise.

Letter from fairy tale hero, product pictures; flannelograph; fruits (bananas, apples, pears, grapes); "wonderful bag" for each child; algorithm for preparing the dish "fruit pyramid"; cutting boards, table knife, salad bowls, dish, toothpicks.

Preliminary work:
Directly organized educational activities according to different educational areas: conversations on the topic: “Vegetables and fruits”, solving riddles and reading poems on a given topic, drawing vegetables and fruits; D / and .: “What grows where”, “What is useful and what is not”, “What is superfluous?”, “Cheerful cook”, “Good or bad?”, “Wonderful bag”. Educator: Guys, come to us kindergarten the mail has arrived. Now I will read it to you: “Hello guys! I got really sick. My head is spinning, my stomach hurts. The doctor says that you need to eat right. I made myself a menu for lunch: lemonade cake, chips, jam and sweets. This is my favorite food. But I only got worse. What should I do? Your Carlson.
Educator: Guys, did Carlson make the menu correctly?
Children: No.
Educator: Why?
Children: He eats foods that are injurious to health.
Educator: Let's help him choose products that are really useful for him.
The game is being played:"Most Healthy Foods" (Children sort pictures of various products into useful and not very useful and harmful.)
Educator: Why did you choose these particular products?
Children: These products contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals necessary for a person for full growth and development.
Educator: Among the foods you choose are vegetables and fruits. This is no coincidence. They contain a large number of vitamins and others useful substances. Therefore, they should be in our diet regularly.
Educator: What do you know about the main vitamins?
Children: A, B, C.
Educator: Do you know why we need these vitamins?
Children: Vitamin A is the growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes to maintain vision, and our teeth to be strong and healthy.
Educator: Where can you find this vitamin?
Children: In tomatoes, bananas, cabbage, carrots, green onions, apples.
Educator: Why is Vitamin B needed?
Children: Vitamin "B" gives us strength, a good appetite. He does not let you get upset and cry over trifles. You can find it in apples, beets, radishes, lettuce, potatoes, grapes.
Educator: What can you tell us about vitamin C?
Children: Vitamin "C" gives energy and helps to recover faster in case of illness. Hiding in onions, oranges, plums, cabbage.
Educator: What dishes can be prepared from vegetables and fruits?
Children: Compotes, jams, jams, mousses, mashed potatoes are cooked, dried, canned, juices, salads are made, pies are baked.
Educator: Guys, if you want, I will also teach you how to cook one very useful and tasty dish. It's called "Fruit Pyramid". (I get the consent of the children.)
Educator: And in order to find out what fruits we will need, I suggest you play the game "Wonderful bag" with me. (Children are given opaque bags of fruit. Children determine by touch which fruit is hidden in the bag; we check the correctness of the answers, we steal the fruit on a tray).
Educator: Before we get started, let's see what we need for this. (We consider the cooking algorithm).
Children: First you need to wash your hands with soap and water, put on aprons, wash the fruit, prepare the necessary equipment, then cut the fruit on a cutting board and collect a pyramid of fruit pieces on a toothpick.

Getting Started practical work. In the process, we clarify the rules for using a knife. Children are asked questions: if you dry the grapes, what happens? (raisins) And apples and pears? (dried fruits). Plums? (prunes). Apricots? (dried apricots), etc.

After cooking, the children clean up workplace and taste the prepared dish.

Kirillova Yu., teacher speech therapist.

Purpose: - expansion and activation of the dictionary.
Tasks: to form the plural of nouns;
- learn to form nouns with a diminutive -
affectionate suffixes;
- learn to select adjectives for nouns;
- develop phonemic perception;
- develop coordination of speech with movement, work on tempo
and rhythm of speech
- develop fine motor skills;
- to form a visual-subject gnosis.

Equipment: pictures of vegetables, a ball, material for the game “Where is whose shadow?”
Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. Finger gymnastics “CABBAGE”
Speech therapist. Guess the riddle:
She grows in your garden, Dressed in noisy silks. We prepare tubs for her And half a bag of coarse salt.
Children. Cabbage!
Speech therapist. Let's prepare cabbage for the winter.

Here! Here! Here! Here!
There is a knock in the house.
We chopped cabbage
And stuffed tightly into a tub.
Everything is fine with us now. (Rhythmic strikes with the edge of the palms on the table.)

(Grasping movements with both hands.)
(index and middle fingers rub against the big one.)
(Blows both hands on the table.)
(Shake off hands.)

2. Introduction to the topic. (pictures depicting vegetables)
Call it all (pictures of vegetables) in one word. (Vegetables)
What other vegetables do you know?
Where do vegetables grow? (on earth, underground)
How to harvest vegetables that grow on the ground. on a bush? (tear off, cut off)
How are vegetables that grow underground harvested? (dig up, 3. pull out)

3. Game “Pick up a sign”

4. Game "Big-small"
Tomato-tomato carrot-carrot
Cucumber - cucumber pumpkin - pumpkin
Onion - onion beetroot - beetroot
Garlic - garlic cabbage - cabbage
Peas - peas potatoes - potatoes

5. Game “One-many”
Tomato - tomatoes
Cucumber - cucumbers
Pumpkin - pumpkins
Zucchini - zucchini
Eggplant - eggplant

6. Physical education "Harvest".

3 times.)

7. The game "Name the juice, salad."
Carrot juice - carrot
Cabbage juice - cabbage
Beetroot juice - beetroot
Cucumber salad - cucumber

Pea soup - pea
Zucchini caviar - zucchini
8. The game “Where is whose shadow?” (Find the shadows of vegetables)

9. The result of the lesson. Remember what was said.
The game "Tell me a word."
Where in winter it was empty in summer ... cabbage grew.
From the earth for a forelock a cheat, we pull a juicy ... carrot.


Purpose: - development of coherent speech.
Tasks: -to learn to change nouns by cases;
- learn to form relative adjectives;
- learn to coordinate nouns with adjectives;
- learn how to make simple sentences;
- learn to write a story-description (according to the scheme);
-development of attention, memory, thinking.
Equipment: pictures of vegetables, a diagram for drawing up
story, ball.
Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. Solving riddles. (pictures depicting vegetables)
Before we ate it, everyone had time to cry. (onion)

Round side, yellow side, sits on a bed of gingerbread man.
In grew into the ground firmly. Who is this? (turnip)

As I put on a hundred shirts, I creaked on my teeth. (Cabbage)

I grow in the ground in the garden, I am red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

In the summer in the garden, fresh, green, and in the winter in jars - delicious,
salted cucumbers)

How mysteries grew in our garden-
Juicy and large ones are so round.
In summer they turn green, by autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

2. The game "What's gone"
Call it all (pictures of vegetables) in one word. (Vegetables)
(Children close their eyes, one of the pictures is closed. Children open
eyes. What's missing?)

3. Game “Pick up a sign”
Carrots (beets, turnips, cabbage) - (what?) - tasty, crispy, orange, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small ....
Onion (cucumber, tomato, garlic, zucchini) - (what?) - tasty, crispy, red, large, round, healthy, juicy, large, small, bitter ....

4. Drafting simple sentence(based on picture).
For example: “I have a green cucumber”, etc.

5. The game "Name the juice, salad."
Carrot juice - carrot
Cabbage juice - cabbage
Beetroot juice - beetroot
Cucumber salad - cucumber
Potato salad - potato
Pea soup - pea
Zucchini caviar - zucchini

6. Physical education "Harvest".
Let's go to the garden and harvest. (marching)
We drag carrots (“They drag”)
And we're digging up potatoes. (“Digging”)
We cut off a head of cabbage, (“Cut off”)
Round, juicy, very tasty, (They show a circle with their hands -
3 times.)
Let's pick a little sorrel (“Tear”)
And let's get back on track. (marching)

7. Planning a story:
-What is this?
-what colour?
-where does it grow?
-What does it taste like?
- what form?
-what can be prepared from it?
For example: “This is a cucumber. It is green and grows on the ground. Cucumber is juicy, tasty, crunchy. He is oval. Cucumbers can be used to make cucumber salad.”
Story analysis.
8. Summary of the lesson. Remember what was said.
The game "The Fourth Extra".
Cabbage, carrot, apple, garlic.
Cucumber, orange, carrot, pumpkin.

Assignments on the topic Vegetables

Consider natural vegetables at home with your child: potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, beans, beets, pumpkins, radishes, peas, onions, peppers.
Explain that all this can be called in one word “vegetables”
Emphasize on the following signs vegetables: color, shape, taste.

Cook any vegetable dish with your child.

2. The game “Guess the riddle, draw a riddle”.

a) Although I am called sugar, but I did not get wet from the rains.
Large, round, sweet in taste, you know?

b) In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess, well done, what are our names? ...

3. Memorizing the poem "Garden" A. Prokofiev.

There are many ridges in the garden,
Here and turnip and lettuce,
Here and beets, and peas,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden
We will be fed for a whole year.

3. Game “Name the color” (oral)

Carrot (what?) - orange
Cucumber, potato, tomato, eggplant

4. The game "One - many"

Cucumber - cucumbers
(carrot, cabbage, zucchini, onion, tomato, eggplant, garlic, beetroot)

5. Cut out pictures of vegetables and paste them.





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, teacher-speech therapist NDOU No. 000 "Merry little train",

Publication date:

Topic: "Cipollino away"


Drafting descriptive story"Tomato" on pictures-symbols.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

Assimilation of verbs with different meanings;

Selection of homogeneous adjectives for nouns;

The use of sentences with the meaning of opposition in speech;

Correction-developing tasks:

Develop and activate lexicon on the topic "Vegetables";

Develop mental activity, attention;

To instill in children an interest in the environment;

Develop healthy eating habits


Chipollino toy;

Pictures in the form of silhouettes of vegetables;


Pictures depicting vegetables;

Lesson progress:


One, two, three, four, five - start playing in a circle. I smile at you, and you smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly, we are healthy. Do deep breath through the nose and breathe in freshness, good mood. And exhale through your mouth all the resentment and grief.

Game "Say the other way around"

Good bed - bad bed, old potatoes - new potatoes, heavy bag - light bag, big harvest - small harvest, clean carrot - dirty carrot.

Today Cipollino came to visit us. Cipollino, the onion boy from the fruit and vegetable city, wants to hear you talk about vegetables, and he also wants to remember the new games you will play.


Game "Tell me a word"

Cipollino heard that you know how to play the game "Tell me a word." Let's teach him how to play this game.

In the garden in exemplary order,
How they lined up at the parade ... (beds).

What's the creak, what's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I… (cabbage).

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
You salt it a little.
Indeed, it is delicious… (potato).

Even though my name is sugar
But I didn't get wet from the rain.
Large, round, sweet in taste.
Did you know? I - … (beet).

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess, well done
What is our name?... (Cucumbers).

Game "Tender words"

Vegetables can be called affectionately. Listen, Cipollino, how can we do this.

Tomato is a tomato.
Cucumber - cucumber.
Carrot - carrot.
Turnip - turnip.
Radish is a radish.
Beetroot - beetroot.
Onion - onion.
Pepper - pepper.

Game "We will harvest"

We'll show Cipollino how we harvest.

On the playing field - pictures in the form of silhouettes of vegetables. Each child takes a picture and comments:

I'm cutting cabbage.
- I'm pulling carrots.
- I pick peas.
- I'm picking cucumbers.
- I'm digging potatoes.
- I'm cutting the zucchini.
- I'm pulling out a radish.

Game "Pick the word"

One, two, three, four, five - we will play again.

We must answer the question.

cucumber, what ?

(Green, oval, hard, rough, watery, large, small, tasty).

Tomato, what?

(Red, round, sour, sweet and sour, soft, juicy, smooth, ripe, mature, unripe, beautiful).

Sedentary game "Tops-roots"

Vegetables grow in the garden or in the field. Some of them grow in the ground, and such roots are called roots. And some vegetables grow above the ground - these are tops.

I will name vegetables, and you must remember how they grow, what people eat - tops or roots. And in accordance with this, sit down or raise your hands up. And Cipollino will see which of you is the most attentive.

Game "Make a proposal"

Let's show Cipollino how we can complete the sentence and then repeat it in full.

The tomato is round, and the carrot ...
The radish is small, but the radish ...
The cucumber is oval, and the pumpkin ...
Onions are bitter, and carrots ...
Tomatoes are sour, and garlic ...
Green cucumber, and beets ...
Carrots in the ground, and a tomato ...

Physical education "Potato"

We dug potatoes
Picked cucumbers from the ridge
Pulled out all the carrots
They cut the cabbage well.
And in a basket from the ground
They brought you a gift.
(Squats, tilts, imitation of movements)

Compilation of a descriptive story "Tomato" using symbol pictures

Cipollino asks you to write a story about a tomato. Based on the pictures-symbols, we will compose a story.

Tomato is a vegetable. It grows in the garden in the garden. It is sweet and sour, round, red, soft, smooth. From it you can make salad, soup, juice, ketchup. Tomato is useful because it contains a lot of vitamins, it cleanses the body.


Here we are playing with you different games. They told Cipollino about the tomato. What game did you like the most? When did you experience difficulties? Why are vegetables good to eat? Cipollino is very grateful to you. He has memorized the games and will now play these games with his friends.