Games and exercises aimed at preventing deviant behavior in adolescents. Correctional development work. deviant behavior of teenagers. a program for the prevention and correction of behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents. Fedosenko Ekaterina Vladimiro

Correctional and developmental work


The program was developed by a candidate of psychological sciences,

senior researcher laboratories for psychological research in teacher education

Institute of Pedagogical Education of the Russian Academy of Education






Behaviors and emotions


The program was developed by Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Psychological Research in Pedagogical Education of the Institute of Pedagogical Education of the Russian Academy of Education

Fedosenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Exercises marked with an asterisk (*) , taken from the book: Kerrel S. Group psychotherapy of adolescents. SPb., 2002 (Adapted and modified by the author of the program)

(source - "Psychological support for adolescents. System of work, diagnostics, trainings", St. Petersburg: Rech, 2009)



Topic 1. "Communication"

Lesson 1


  1. Strengthening the development of group unity,
  2. increasing self-awareness and knowledge of others through feedback.


The greeting form can be saved or changed at the request of the children.

Exercise "Extra chair".

The goal of the game is to set the group up for frankness.

The group sits in a circle. The host gets up, removes the chair he was sitting on, and explains the conditions of the game: everyone changes places. To whom does the proposal apply? The one who did not get a place becomes the leader and gets the opportunity to offer the group the following condition.

The facilitator can start with such sentences that deliberately leave everyone in their places, for example: “Now those who have never been late for classes will change places.”

The duration of the game is 10 - 15 minutes.

Exercise "Introduction".

The purpose of the game is to enhance the development of group unity.

The facilitator, according to pre-prepared instructions, reads or retells questions that help group members learn more about each other. Before starting the game, it is worth emphasizing that everyone should answer questions, listen carefully to their comrades, realizing the importance and uniqueness of each person present.

The duration of the game is 30 - 40 minutes.

Sample questions for the facilitator:

  1. your favorite musical group, performer?
  2. What would you like to be doing in five years?
  3. What is your favorite color and why?
  4. Your favorite time year and why?
  5. Tell me about the best day of your life.
  6. What animal do you look like and why?
  7. What is your earliest childhood memory and why?
  8. If you had 100 thousand rubles, what would you do with them?
  9. What unpleasant event in your life made the strongest impression on you?
  10. Do you have a hobby? Tell about it.
  11. What style of clothing do you prefer and why?
  12. Please name one reason why you want to be in the group and one reason why you don't want to be here.
  13. What is your favorite movie?
  14. The person I learned the most about today is…
  15. The person in this group that I could spend a lot of time with on a desert island is… Why?
  16. The most cheerful person in this group is ...
  17. The person in this group that I wanted to know more about is...
  18. What do I expect from classes?

Completion of the lesson.The group can come up with their own ritual for completing the session.

Lesson 2


  1. Practicing empathy skills by listening to a partner;
  2. reducing feelings of isolation through sharing feedback with group members.


Exercise "Good Words"

The goal of the game is to create a friendly, emotionally warm mood in the group.

Any item (toy, souvenir, ball, etc.) is passed around in a circle with the addition of friendly words, greetings, compliments.

The duration of the game is 10 minutes.

Exercise "Light hopes, dark fears"* ».

The purpose of the game is to identify your dreams and fears, increase empathy for other members of the group, explaining the content of the partner's work materials.

Working materials: “Light hopes, dark fears” worksheet, pencils or pens.

The facilitator distributes work materials to the participants and invites them to remember their most cherished dreams and fears, and then write them down on the form. After everyone finishes the work, the participants are divided into pairs and each pair discusses their notes, asks each other questions for a better understanding. Then all the participants are gathered, and each member of the group talks about the work of his partner in the general circle. The group can ask questions, clarify, but only with the one who presents the work, and not with the author. Further, the author himself talks about his work. After that, the next participant is called, and so on in a circle.

In conclusion, you can ask a few questions and discuss them:

  1. How similar are the expressed hopes and fears?
  2. How important is it to understand other people's points of view?

Completion of the lesson(see activity 1).

Lesson 3


  1. Understanding the importance of trust in a group.

Exercise "Let's agree without words."

The purpose of the game is the reflection of the group on the search for mutual understanding between people..

The facilitator explains the rules of the game: on a signal, all members of the group “throw out” from one to five fingers. The task is to show everyone the same number of fingers at the same time. It is forbidden to negotiate using words in the game. The leader counts the number of attempts.

As a result of the discussion, it is revealed what hinders and what helps to agree.

Exercise "Blind and guide."

The purpose of the game is to create conditions for the development of adolescents' ability to trust people.Materials: scarves, scarves for blindfolding.

The participants are divided into pairs, one of them is blindfolded, the second is offered to lead the room partner so that he feels calm and confident. At the end of the pair's work (5-7 minutes), the participants change roles.

Finally, the following questions are discussed:

  1. How did you feel in the role of "guide"?
  2. How - in the role of "blind"?
  3. What did you like about this exercise?
  4. What have you learned?

The duration of the game is 30 minutes.

Lesson 4


  1. Discussing the experience of being in positive and negative groups;
  2. consideration of the overall capabilities of the group in comparison with the capabilities of one person.

Exercise "Pebbles of Friendship"* .

Materials: bank or any capacity; a pebble or bead for each participant, balls with holes (they should not be completely light); thread, fishing line if you want to make a necklace, paints and brushes if you want to paint on stones; oilcloth to lay it under a jar of water; board or tablet.

The facilitator places a container of water in the center of the group circle.

Participants are told that today they will have to consider the problem of groups and group membership, and discuss friendship in these groups.

Participants are then asked to make a list of positive and negative groups. The facilitator writes the task on the board; if teenagers are not mature enough, they may need your help. Below is a note to the facilitator.

positive group:

  1. allows you to be yourself: you don't have to change to be a member;
  2. allows you to disagree;
  3. welcomes individuality;
  4. provides support when you have problems;
  5. allows members to leave if they want to; does not require the loyalty of members.

Negative group:

  1. insists that you think, feel, and behave as the group dictates;
  2. does not allow to have a different point of view;
  3. insists on adherence to the opinion of the majority;
  4. won't let you leave;
  5. may require proof of fidelity by insisting on learning stii in dishonest, mean, criminal or violent acts.

To each the participant (in a circle) is invited to determine the positive and negativity groups of which he was a member (recall that family too (considered such a group, as well as a camp, circle, sport Team, youth gang, etc.).

As you pass the basket of stones around, invite each participant to choose their own stone (a stone that is somewhat similar to themselves, attracts attention, stimulates the imagination, etc.).

One of the participants is invited to throw their stone into the water (the stone remains in the water), then another participant throws a stone.

The capabilities of the group (compared to the capabilities of one person) were demonstrated.

Now the group makes necklaces out of pebbles or paints on them (depending on the material).

The facilitator, meanwhile, reminds the participants that the pebbles are symbols of group membership and encourages the teens to wear necklaces or bring painted pebbles (they can be kept in the classroom for class).

The duration of the game is 45-50 minutes.

Topic 2. "Personality"

Lesson 5


  1. Increasing your knowledge of yourself by getting feedback from others.

Association exercise.

The goal of the game is to learn more about yourself through feedback.

Participants are asked to choose a category in which they will work, for example, “cars”, “flowers”, “seasons”, “colors”, “animals”, “plants”, etc. Next, each participant must compare all members in writing groups according to their category. For example, Misha has the category “animals”, on his sheet he writes: Anya is a hare, Kolya is a tiger, Roma is a raccoon, etc. As a result, each participant in the game receives a list of such associations (it is necessary to remind adolescents once again about the ban on bullying and derogatory comparisons, ridicule).

Each participant who received such a sheet can express his opinion about the associations, agree or disagree with them, the main thing is not to allow one of the guys to be offended by the author of the associations. It is necessary to explain that this is the opinion of another person, which can be accepted or not accepted, but in any case, it is necessary to think about the information and draw conclusions.

The duration of the game is 20 minutes.

Exercise "An object that looks like me."

The purpose of the game is to expand knowledge about oneself by talking about oneself in connection with the chosen subject, receiving feedback.

Materials: various items you can find, such as a box, a doll, a ball, a soft toy, a box or a pillow in the form of a heart; wizard mask, Santa Claus, scissors, fir cone, puzzle (puzzle), etc. (It is necessary that the objects have an associative potential that can cause some reactions.)

The facilitator lays out the materials on the table and invites each participant in turn to choose an object similar to him and explain his choice. The rest of the group responds to the self-presentation by giving feedback to each member. With the help of feedback, self-presentation is confirmed or challenged.

Lesson 6


  1. Increasing the level of self-awareness through the completion of aloud sentences expressed in front of the group.

Exercise "Fish for reflection* ».

Materials: methodology "Unfinished sentences"; basket, box or other container.

Photocopies of pages with text are cut, folded and placed in a container, which is placed in the center of the circle. Each member of the group in turn catches a “fish”, taking a piece of paper with an unfinished sentence out of the basket. After that, he returns to his seat and reads the sentence aloud, completing it in his own words. After the answer of each participant, a discussion follows, the duration of which is determined by the leader, giving a signal to move the queue to the next "fishermen".

The facilitator needs to provoke a discussion of the answers given. Timing is important here because you must ensure that each participant has the opportunity to complete the sentence, although discussion and self-interaction is an individual option. Foster discussion and mutual feedback.

Offers are designed in such a way that their completions contain personal information about the respondent.

The duration of the game is 40 minutes.

Lesson 7


  1. Increasing self-awareness by explaining to teenagers why they like the songs they have chosen and what the songs say about them;
  2. practicing empathy skills by listening to others and giving them feedback.

Exercise "Hit parade" *.

Materials: Tape recorder or CD player for the group, lots of cassettes or CDs of contemporary music (provided by the teenagers themselves).

Remember to listen to the songs before class, as they may contain obscene language; warn participants that such material will not be accepted.

The duration of the game is 50 minutes.

Lesson 8


  1. Work on self-identity by creating your own symbol with the help of imagination and creativity methods, development of the self-concept of adolescents.

Exercise "Ershik-virtuoso" *.

Materials: colored kitchen brushes (large, picked up from hardware or department stores), one for each participant; a story chosen by the presenter to read.

The facilitator reads a story to the group while members use brushes to create an image ("self-portrait", "sculpture", "symbol") with which they can identify. The story may be related to any particular symbol, but the symbol may not be related to the story. At the end of the story, each participant introduces their “brush creation” to everyone else and explains its meaning.

The facilitator needs to choose a story that illustrates some desired virtue, such as honesty, inner integrity, tolerance, wisdom, etc. It can be a fairy tale or a story, the story should not be too long or, conversely, short. Her goal is to get the attention of the guys.

After the end of the story, each participant presents their symbol and talks about it. You can end the exercise by discussing what you saw. You can ask the participants if they were surprised by someone's symbol or explanation.

Lesson 9


  1. Reinforcing a positive self-image,
  2. responding to the positive traits of comrades.

Exercise "Precious qualities" *.

Materials: paper and pencils for making lists; leather straps, wire and other materials for making bracelets and necklaces; beads different sizes, shapes, colors and materials.

The group members make a list of five qualities they like about themselves. They then select one bead for each of these selected qualities. Each bead must be chosen carefully so that later they remind of the corresponding quality. Everyone uses these five beads to make their own bracelet or necklace.

When the group has finished making the “jewelry”, give each member the opportunity to show their creation and tell the story. zat about what character trait each of its elements represents.

The duration of the game is 40-50 minutes.

Topic 3. "Family"

Lesson 10


  1. Awareness of the state of affairs in your family, which previously could not be consciously tracked;
  2. identifying opportunities for change in their families,
  3. improving self-observation skills, determining one's own position in the family.

Exercise "Sculpture of the family."

Each participant turns into a sculptor in turn. He recreates his family in the form of a living sculpture, choosing the other members of the group as members and arranging them in the room so that they symbolize the situation in the family.

Examples can be given: strength and control can be expressed by placing powerful family members above weak ones. If mom has power, she can be asked to stand on the table. Family members lying on the floor depict impotence. Close or cold relationships can be reflected by the distance between family members. Ideally, the sculptor chooses someone who takes his time in sculpting. own place. This is not always possible when the number of family members exceeds the number of group members.

Having completed the sculpture, its creator interprets his work, explaining why the members of the family are positioned the way they are.

After that, the host invites the sculptor to rebuild the sculpture, giving it the look he would like to see his family.

The duration of the game - the exercise can last 2-3 lessons.

Lesson 11


  1. Expression of positive and negative family memories;
  2. dealing with painful memories.

Exercise "Family stories" *.

Materials: sheets of paper for drawing and colored markers.

Participants are given paper and markers.

A sheet of paper is divided in half by a dark line, which symbolizes the border between happiness and unhappiness that occurs on the sheet, that is, in the family.

The children are told that both good and bad events happen in every family, and they are asked to draw a happy memory associated with their family on one half of the sheet, and an unhappy memory on the other.

When the group has finished drawing, invite each participant in a circle to present their story from the picture.

The duration of the game is 40-50 minutes.

The study of the behavior of people who go beyond the established morality remains relevant among modern sociologists. There is no society where all its members behave in accordance with established rules. As long as there are any guidelines, some people will seek to break them.

The degree of reaction of others to such immoral behavior shows the seriousness of the deed.

Some inappropriate actions are considered illegal only in some countries, and some actions are recognized as such everywhere. For example, there is no social circle capable of forgiving the murder of one's loved ones. In many countries of the Muslim world, the use of alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited. But in Russia and France, refusal to take alcohol in certain situations is considered a violation of generally accepted principles.

Children with deviant behavior are not necessarily teenagers

The entire degree of seriousness of this immoral act is determined not only by its significance, but also by the frequency of repeating inadequate actions. Now, if a young student leaves the audience, turning to face people, then once this can become a reason for the laughter of classmates, but if such actions begin to be repeated, then this is a serious reason to contact a psychologist.

The work that all representatives of sociology are doing is to find out the real cause of the increase in juvenile crime, to develop scientifically based theories that explain such social issues.

Definition of deviance in behavior

Major Theories of Immoral Behavior

Various theoretical materials have been developed by many scientists, where deviant behavior is considered from different aspects, certain features of its formation and influence on it with the aim of positive correction are revealed.

Deviant behavior - theories that have a biological basis for substantiation, are distinguished into a separate group. Scientists believed that some individuals are negative from birth, have innate personality flaws that push them to social violation. Outstanding representatives of such theories suggested that there is a concept of an innate criminal. The reason for putting forward this theory was the long-term observation of hard-core criminals in local correctional facilities. According to famous person of that time, C. Lombroso, many of those studied were congenital criminals, resembling our primitive ancestors, who were driven solely by simple animal instincts.

Psychology of deviant behavior according to Mendelevich

Many attempts have been made to objectively assess the influence of heredity on the immoral behavior of people. But such theories have not found support among leading sociologists. For example, a spider is born with one program - to spin a web. But there are no people who have the ability to kill or break into other people's homes. Some genetic properties of the nervous system can play a certain role here - excessive irascibility, inability to restrain one's negative emotions, because the commission of a malicious crime is impulsive.

Enikeev's theory of deviance

Such theories, which have a biological basis, show their low effectiveness when the offender commits an illegal act knowingly.

Socio-psychological basis of non-standard behavior

The most important role in explaining the reasons for immoral behavior is given to the theory of disordered behavior. Adherents of these theories believe that the designated social rules and generally accepted norms regulate the behavior of each individual, all people know what is expected of them. During acute crises, wars, cardinal social changes, the accumulated life experience does not have the same impact. Many people under the pressure of circumstances begin to feel disorganized and confused. Many accepted values ​​and norms are losing their former strength. People at this moment begin to lose personal guidelines, consciously abandon generally accepted values. All these states, one way or another, lead to immoral behavior.

Labeling is the reason for the aggravation of deviance

The economic crisis, increased unemployment are causing a sharp increase in crime.

There are times when social fragmentation is not associated with any crisis or inflation, it can be traced in the mass migration of the local population, all this leads to the disruption of established social ties. The degree of crime is always higher where there is a mass migration of the population.

Prerequisites and causes of deviance

The labeling theory of Harry Becker is also interesting - this is the revealed ability of influential social groups to label immorality to some social and national minorities. Among these are gypsies who do not have a fixed shelter, vagrants, persons without a fixed place of residence, drug addicts, and chronic alcoholics.

Antisocial behavior is most often manifested in adolescents

If an individual has a certain deviant stigma, then he begins to behave in accordance with his own idea of ​​​​such behavior.

Such an imposed label always makes life difficult for such a person, it is much more difficult for him to find a job he likes, to establish personal relationships to be realized in life. People often see themselves as others think of them, act in accordance with personal ideas. Such individuals need help in order to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of others, to find a worthy place in life.

Qualities deviant teenagers

Established norms of social control

Any normally developing society creates certain norms, rules of ethical behavior, certain control over their proper implementation.

Social control and its types

The main forms of control include the following:

  • certain social work with adolescents of deviant behavior who are in a pre-criminal state;
  • temporary isolation from society of inveterate offenders and criminals;
  • a certain isolation - the restriction of the individual in establishing contacts, an incomplete degree of isolation, for example, a strict colony or a closed mental hospital;
  • rehabilitation measures aimed at the speedy return of former offenders to normal life.

Long-term imprisonment is the only measure of punishment for violators and social protection of the affected society from such dangerous individuals. The priority task of such an institution is the correction of the individual. But in reality, such an effect is not always achieved in municipal prisons.

Social norms - definition

On the contrary, life in isolated prison conditions leaves a certain imprint on their inhabitants. Housed in overcrowded prisons, criminals face an environment that is the opposite of the society in which they are accustomed to exist. As a rule, it is in such places that people form an attitude towards violence as a social norm, they develop the skills of criminal behavior. For these reasons, the risk of recidivism is very high. Often more than 60% of the criminals released in Russia find themselves back in prison 4 years after their release.

Methods of social control - types and description

Any behavior that deviates from generally accepted norms is considered deviant. These are actions of a wide range - from a one-time ticketless passage up to malicious vandalism. With such a view of the problem, it is worth ascertaining the various forms and magnitudes of social deviation.

In everyday work with adolescents prone to immoral behavior, teachers use leading technologies and techniques aimed at behavior correction.

Modern technologies of work with teenagers

Almost every teenager who behaves deviantly needs qualified psychosocial assistance. In this case, he can count on the confidentiality of the appeal, mutual trust, a sense of support, acceptance and respect for his personality and individuality.

For such individuals, the following two types of assistance are provided.

The system of influence on a difficult teenager

Preventive measures aimed at correcting deviant behavior

They represent a system of measures operating at various levels of public organizations: general legal, economic, medical and sanitary, socio-psychological. The success of such actions directly depends on the sequence, timeliness, and complexity of the planned activities. All this is very important in such a difficult teenage years. It was at this time that the personality begins to actively form, therefore the tendency to non-standard behavior begins to actively manifest itself during this period;

WHO identifies primary, secondary and tertiary prevention measures

Primary interventions are designed to address specific factors that cause negative behavior. The primary stage of prevention is widely used in active work with adolescents. Secondary prevention is aimed at identifying and recovering from neuropsychic dysfunctions that provoke certain deviations in habitual behavior. Tertiary prevention measures are designed to solve specific problems: recovery from a neuropsychiatric disorder that accompanies inappropriate behavior of a child, as well as to prevent relapse among adolescents with formed non-standard behavior.

Psychological training with deviant teenagers

Psychoprophylaxis should become an integral part of the complex of measures at any level.

The greatest effectiveness has a simultaneous impact on the conditions and causes that can cause immoral behavior in the early stages of its manifestation.

The value of training in psychoprophylactic work

Often, in order to change a teenager's attitudes to habitual negative behavior, experienced teachers introduce various interactive trainings into their work. In this form, there is an active assimilation of important social skills. This is facilitated by active work in group trainings.

Training is popular among teachers, which forms resistance to the harmful influence of society. During the active passage of the training, a teenager changes his life attitudes towards immoral behavior, the skills of quickly recognizing popular advertising moves are strengthened, and an important ability to refuse at the moment of pressure from older teenagers is formed. Here, information is also presented in a non-standard form about the harmful influence of parents and other adults who actively demonstrate their inappropriate behavior and negative habits.

Group sessions with a psychologist

Assertiveness training is carried out to restore emotional disturbances. In order to prevent such violations, students are taught to recognize their own emotions, express them in the best way and cope with stress. During active psychological work in groups, schoolchildren master decision-making skills, their personal self-esteem increases, and the processes of self-determination and the development of good values ​​are actively stimulated.

Active training in the formation of constructive life skills is aimed at the ability to communicate, create friendships, resolve conflicts in interpersonal relationships in a constructive way. Life skills include all the most important social skills of an individual. Adolescents develop the ability to take on a certain share of responsibility, set realistic goals, defend their personal position, own interests. Among the vital skills are the skills of self-control, the behavior of a confident person, constructive change in oneself and the environment.

Psychological prevention deviant behavior

Many programs for assisting already formed inappropriate behavior include techniques aimed at replacing deviance with constructive behavior.

At the same time, such alternative activity options are used as interesting travels, testing oneself and one’s own abilities through mountain hiking, risky sports, personally significant communication, instilling a sense of love, development creativity.

Tips for parents to prevent non-standard behavior

In practice family education the priority tasks are to educate the child's sustainable interests in early age, the development of the ability to feel love, the formation of his skill to occupy himself with something and work. Parents should be aware that it is they who contribute to the formation of their own needs in the child by actively involving her in various forms of personal activities - sports, art, knowledge. They can also apply the activation of the child's personal resources. This can be done by introducing the child to active pursuits sports, stimulating the development of his creative potential, doing art therapy. All these methods will help to activate the hidden personal resources of the child, which help to ensure the necessary activity of the individual, strengthen her health, and develop resistance to external harmful influences.

Memo to parents of deviant teenagers

Based on the chosen methods, the necessary psychoprophylaxis can be carried out in the form of active group trainings, various educational programs, narrow psychological counseling, crisis assistance (anonymous helpline), psychotherapy of crisis states, and nervous disorders. To find out the propensity of a particular student to non-standard behavior, he is provided with special test for deviant behavior. There are many options for such a diagnosis. The decisive role here is played by the answers of the subject, because it is by them that the teacher can identify the degree of deviation of a particular person.

Primary prevention of deviance

Based on the characteristics of deviant behavior, there are the following types psychoprophylaxis:

  • complex work - impact at various levels of social space;
  • targeted assistance - work is carried out taking into account the age, gender and social qualities of the individual;
  • mass methods - priority is given to group methods of work;
  • information is presented in a positive way;
  • participants are personally interested in the results, they feel the full responsibility of what is happening;
  • each person shows maximum activity;
  • participants give an objective assessment of their future and the consequences that await them due to such immoral behavior.

In addition to working with conflict children, experienced teachers also affect parents, involving them in participating in the fate of their own child. The following psychological work is carried out with them:

  1. Periodic counseling is carried out for families whose children have fallen under different kinds addictions, narrow specialists (competent narcologists, family psychologists experienced psychotherapists).
  2. Carrying out special group trainings with active participation parents (for example, Parent Success Training).
  3. Creation of special self-help groups (for example, "Mothers Against Drugs").

The group "Mothers Against Drugs" operates at the all-Russian level

Group psychotherapy and active training work aimed at correcting and preventing such behavior are most effective in pedagogical work with adolescents with an initial degree of deviant behavior.

Prevention of suicidal behavior in young adolescents helps to control and limit access to various means auto-aggression, identify factors and special risk groups, provide timely medical and psychological assistance to each individual. It is important to identify such a tendency in a child to early stage and keep him from this irreparable act.

At the same time, it is important not only for teachers, but also for parents to know how to deal with a child’s aggression so that it does not become a habit.

Group therapy with difficult children

Parents should not ignore the aggressive behavior of their child, because otherwise it will become his habit. In such a situation, the child gets used to behaving in this way, which can cause misunderstanding of others. It is important to remember that at different ages, children's aggression manifests itself in different ways. In order to prevent aggressive conditions in the family, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of care, warmth and mutual support. The child's confidence that he is loved and protected by his parents helps him grow up and become a successful person. The more self-confidence he gains, the less selfish habits he will have, the less destructive emotions will be present in his life. Adults must make reasonable demands on their future successors, they must be aware of what is expected of them.

Correction aggressive behavior in children

Attention to your own son or daughter is the first responsible step towards eliminating aggression.

It is easier to eliminate physical manifestations of aggression, if the child pouted his lips or narrowed his eyes, then it is better to distract him from harmful emotions an interesting activity, hug the shoulders.

If the attempt to prevent the impulse fails, then you need to calmly explain to the child that his behavior is unacceptable in this situation. A naughty child must be severely condemned, called to clean up the resulting rout, and the object of aggression should be surrounded with care and attention. The kid must realize that by behaving in this way, he loses in relation to his parents, losing their precious attention. After such a measure of punishment, the baby should listen to the advice of adults.

At first, an angry kid will deny the proposals of adults, refuse to clean up the rout, and will not admit his own guilt. Over time, he will understand what his parents demanded of him, passions will subside, and the room will become cleaner. After the little tomboy has cleaned the room, do not forget about reasonable praise.

Conversation with a child - a method of reducing aggressiveness

Reducing verbal aggression

It is much more difficult to prevent the verbal aggression of your grown-up child, as well as to adequately respond to it. It is necessary to analyze these words and try to understand all the negative experiences of your child. There is a possibility that he is not used to expressing his emotions differently or trying to show his advantage over adults. If an angry child insults the children playing with him, then adults need to explain how to give them a good rebuff.

Most of teenage aggression caused by certain situations when there is a strong emotional stress. Many children hate commanding tone, active demonstration of the superiority of adults over children, the expression of complete authority, as well as their demands to obey them unquestioningly.

The task of each parent is not to actively demonstrate their own advantage and power, but to reduce feelings of hostility and prevent conflicts.

How to stop aggression in children

The most effective way is to establish feedback using simple psychological techniques. You can reveal the motives of the upcoming childish aggression by asking the question: “Do you want to offend me?”, openly express your attitude to the situation that has arisen, which is reflected in the phrase: “I did not deserve such treatment.” At the time of establishing emotional contact, one must show personal interest, a certain firmness and goodwill towards one's own children, and analyze individual actions together, and not the whole person as a whole.

Negative and critical comments from adults will cause a storm of harmful emotions and protest, irritation will grow here. When communicating with teenagers, it is not worth reading moral notations, you can only warn the child about possible consequences such behavior, together pick possible ways out of such a conflict.

The ability to listen to a child is the first step to mutual understanding.

A vivid example of the positive behavior of parents is the ability to listen and empathize, to give him the opportunity to freely express his point of view.

It is advisable to allocate time for communication and recommendations to your child, to communicate in a friendly atmosphere. Adults need to actively show their trust in the personal tasks of children, to recognize children's harmful feelings. You can pause between conversations to calm down.

Special games for aggressive children

To reduce unreasonable children's aggression, you can use some tricks that will let him know that there are other ways to get attention. In order to grow older and more mature, a child does not have to assert itself at the expense of morally weak people, but express strong dissatisfaction with strong words. Leading psychologists recommend the following effective ways to splash out harmful emotions:

  • tear into small pieces a clean leaf;
  • shout with feeling into the magic "scream bag";
  • run and jump a little in a free stadium, yard playground, a special sports section;
  • occasionally knocking out small rugs and decorative pillows, this exercise is extremely useful for pugnacious children;
  • periodically beat a punching bag;
  • actively express their innermost feelings in words, as adults do.

Rehabilitation Model for Difficult Children

In addition to these effective techniques, there are many useful games aimed at reducing the manifestation of children's aggression.

Soothing games with clean water

Periodic contemplation of clean water bodies, watching fish in a home aquarium can calm the nerves of even the most furious rebel. Many experienced teachers advise using the following in daily educational practice: educational games with water:

  • run through the puddles after a warm rain. The main condition here is that the child be in healthy condition and put on impenetrable shoes;
  • pour the purified liquid from one container to another. This simple exercise contributes to the concentration and cooling of angry feelings;
  • throwing pebbles into any small body of water. Parents should watch out for the overall safety of such a soothing game;
  • exciting children's fishing, which can be created in a home basin or in the bathroom;
  • regular swimming lessons, visits to the city pool, entertainment water park. Such entertainments depend on the material possibilities of the parents, help the little fighter to get rid of harmful feelings;
  • in the summer, you can arrange fun yard games with simple water pistols so that children show maximum personal activity and refresh themselves in the heat;
  • creating waves in the bathroom while bathing. To prevent water from spreading across the floor, you can use curtains or fill the bath halfway;
  • installation of seasonal inflatable pools in the yard. Children can throw toys at it, launch boats, splash around. The task of parents is to monitor their general safety.

Children's fishing - soothing game

A clean water environment can reduce feelings of anxiety and aggression, promote quick release from anger.

Special games with bulk materials

Games with kinetic sand and loose components form the skills of perseverance in a child, help to get rid of internal tension. These materials can be crushed, pressed hard, thrown, observing the result. The loose components of such a game can take any form, detrimental effect they tolerate well. With their help, children can freely splash out negative emotions without fear for the result. The most popular loose sand games:

  • sifting sand with a fine sieve or a mill equipped with a sieve;
  • burying special figures in the sand;
  • building beautiful sand castles;
  • Creation thematic paintings from colored sand.

Playing with sand helps to get rid of anger

Useful creative games

After a bright outburst of anger, you need to wait until the violent passions and emotions subside. Without giving critical assessments of his inappropriate behavior, you can ask the child to portray his anger and feelings of the victim, who was insulted. At the same time, the child should feel absolutely free, not be ashamed of his own harmful emotions.

During the analysis of their own actions, the child learns to put himself in the place of others, to control own behavior become more sensitive to the personal needs of other people.

During the display of aggression, children use frequencies dark tones like black or purple. During a joint analysis of the picture with the child, you can offer him to add the necessary details so that the picture acquires a cheerful shade. can draw good people, stars, bright fireworks. Such effective techniques teach the little aggressor to effectively manage their own emotions.

Children's drawings with signs of aggression

Children's aggression under control

Parents and experienced teachers it is important to teach the child to accurately assess his internal state and control his own harmful emotions, to respond in time to signals coming from the body. Correctly defining such a message, the child will be able to independently manage his own emotions, prevent possible conflicts. During the upbringing of aggressive children, all educational work parents and experienced teachers is carried out in three important areas:

  • periodic counseling and training of problem children in positive behavior, the best ways to express the anger that has appeared;
  • qualified assistance in mastering an effective technique that allows you to master yourself during bright outbursts of unreasonable anger;
  • instilling in children a sense of empathy and sympathy for loved ones.

Styles of behavior of parents with aggressive child

Such a complex correction of harmful behavior leads to an optimal result only with systematic active work with problem child. Inattention to children's personal problems can only worsen conflict situation. Parents in such a situation need to show a bit of patience, understanding, constantly develop the skills of constructive communication with others. All this will help to remove the expressed aggression in a son or daughter.

The social adaptation program is intended for adolescents, primarily for those who already had social adaptation disorders at earlier stages of development, which led to certain maladaptive forms of behavior, the so-called deviant behavior.

To increase the adaptive capabilities of a teenager, it is most often suggested to develop his communication skills. The proposed program aims to develop social intelligence teenagers. The novelty of the experience lies in the fact that by developing a system of intellectual abilities that provide an understanding of the actions and actions of a person, verbal and non-verbal expression (i.e., developing social intelligence), it is possible to help a teenager in his adaptation to social conditions.


Social adaptation of the individual is topical issue throughout the development of society, since a person is forced to live in a world consisting of other individuals. At the same time, he interacts both with individual representatives of society and with groups of people. And in order for this interaction to be successful, a person must know and take into account the goals and norms adopted in this society, fulfill certain existing rules find effective behaviors.

To be able to adapt to the conditions of the social environment is necessary for a person of any age. The age characteristics of a teenager often complicate his adaptation to various social conditions. In addition, he needs to adapt not only to a relatively stable adult world, but also to that intermediate community represented by adolescents and older students, whose norms and values ​​are quite changeable. Many adolescents need help in adapting not only to the new social environment, but also to the old environment, which is represented by a set of other social roles.

The ability to adapt to society and act effectively in it depends on many characteristics of a person. Of course, this is intelligence, and temperament, and communicative inclinations, and appearance, and much more. Some of these features are unchanged, such as temperament. But there are those that can be developed, which, perhaps, will help build constructive relationships with the outside world.

With regard to this question, the intellectual abilities of a person are of interest, namely those that provide an understanding of people and social situations. These abilities are defined in psychology as social intelligence.

The term social intelligence was coined to mean "foresight in interpersonal relationships". Social intelligence is the ability to adequately understand the actions and actions of people, ensuring smoothness in relationships with them.

Social intelligence includes the following aspects:

  • the ability to foresee the consequences of behavior, predict events based on an understanding of the feelings, thoughts, intentions of the participants in communication;
  • the ability to correctly assess the state, feelings, intentions of people according to their non-verbal manifestations;
  • the level of speech expression (sensitivity to the nature and shades of speech);
  • the ability to analyze complex situations of human interaction, to find the causes of certain behavior.

Most often, “foresight in interpersonal relationships” forms an experience that is still too limited for adolescents. Although the conscious regulation of one's actions, the ability to take into account the feelings, interests of other people and focus on them in one's behavior are the main neoplasms in adolescence, in order for these neoplasms to form, the adolescent must be actively involved in the implementation of the most different forms socially useful activities that provide for certain relationships with peers and adults.

That is, it is important to purposefully develop the ability of adolescents to understand people and social situations. It is necessary to identify effective adaptive mechanisms and create special programs for adolescents, leading to an increase in their adaptive capabilities.

The program of social adaptation of adolescents creates conditions for the development of social intelligence of adolescents, which contributes to their adaptation in society.

The purpose of the social adaptation program is to develop the adaptive capabilities of a teenager.


  1. Development of each of the aspects of social intelligence.
  2. Enabling adolescents to realize the importance of acquiring social skills.
  3. Teaching teenagers some methods of communication and expanding the role repertoire.

To solve the tasks, the following means were chosen:

  1. Group activity - socio-psychological training.
  2. Individual correctional work with adolescents.
  3. Consultative work with the teaching staff in order to optimize interactions in the "teacher-student" system.

The program is intended for adolescents with deviant behavior - students of general education schools, vocational schools, etc.

The number of adolescents participating in group correctional work is 10-12 people.

The volume of training work is 21 hours.

Working mode:

  • training - seven 3-hour sessions 1-2 times a week;
  • individual corrective work - is obligatory according to the results of diagnostics; further - on request.

To conduct group work, you need an office, you can have a classroom, and a room for individual counseling.

Correctional work is carried out by two educational psychologists who are proficient in the methods of individual counseling and have experience in leading groups (leader and co-leader of the training).

When conducting individual remedial classes effective use of neuro-linguistic programming techniques, elements of symbol drama and psychodrama, methods of complex fairy tale therapy.

The use of these techniques and methods provides an opportunity to stop unwanted behavior by providing better behaviors; changes in the emotional state or reaction of a person in a given situation; reassessment of disturbing memories in the light of experience to date.

In socio-psychological training, exercises based on the mechanisms of identification and projection are of particular importance. In techniques using these mechanisms, the message aimed at change (correction) passes without causing resistance, since the person is not asked to do anything and neither his opinions nor his behavior are criticized.

Ending the training effectively with the metaphor of change. The metaphor is simultaneously used as a means of activating the resource mechanisms of age and as a diagnostic tool that allows you to determine the possible directions for subsequent individual correction.

Steps in the implementation of the correctional development program.

  1. Measuring the social intelligence of adolescents.
  2. Conducting individual consultations for adolescents in order to familiarize them with the level of development of their abilities to understand the behavior of others and coordinate their actions with the reaction of others. During the consultation, it is necessary to motivate adolescents to participate in socio-psychological training.
  3. Conducting a socio-psychological training, consisting of 7 sessions lasting 3 hours, the total volume is 21 hours.
  4. The final measurement of the social intelligence of adolescents.

For diagnostics, it is effective to use the methodology for studying social intelligence by Mikhailova E.S., presented by an adaptation of the test by J. Gilford and M. Sullivan.

The logic of building group remedial classes:

  • Lesson 1 - creating favorable conditions for the work of the group, self-knowledge;
  • Lesson 2 - development of introspection and deepening of self-disclosure; development of communication skills;
  • Lesson 3 - the development of non-verbal expression, the formation of effective ways of communicating with peers based on an analysis of the goals, intentions, needs of communication participants;
  • Lesson 4 - comparing information about yourself "from the inside" and "outside"; the formation of effective ways of interacting with adults based on the analysis of the relationship between behavior and its consequences;
  • Lesson 5 - gaining experience in interacting with a group when performing new tasks, developing verbal means of communication;
  • Lesson 6 - consolidation of the acquired skills and abilities of introspection and self-correction;
  • Lesson 7 - self-correction of development at a subconscious level using a metaphor for change, activation of resource mechanisms of age.

Terms of implementation of the program of social adaptation, including individual and group correction - 2-3 months.

Lesson #1


  • creation of favorable conditions for the work of the group;
  • adoption of work rules;
  • definition of individual cooperative styles of individual participants;
  • initial development of self-disclosure methods and active communication style.

1. Getting to know each other (check how you remember each other by turning on the change of places).

2. Adoption of the rules of work in the group.

3. Expectations associated with working in a group (6, p. 234).

Purpose: to get the first experience - to speak in a group.

4. The game "Stand in a circle."


Participants gather around the leader. On command, they begin to move from eyes closed in any direction, while buzzing like bees (to prevent conversations). After a while, the leader gives a signal by clapping his hands. Competitors must instantly become silent and freeze in the place and position where they were caught by the signal. After that, the host claps his hands twice. Participants, without opening their eyes and without touching anyone with their hands, try to line up in a circle. The game uses several attempts.

Discussion: how did you feel during the game; what helped, what prevented them from lining up in a circle.

5. The game “Those who change places ...” (2, No. 5, p. 66).


  • intense physical interaction;
  • creating a general atmosphere for the training;
  • diagnostics of participants' behavior dynamics.

6. Exerc. "My Good Deeds"


  • development of skills to analyze their actions;
  • be kind to each other.

Discussion. Compliment the person next to you.

7. Warm up.

Depict walking:

  • deep old man;
  • a baby who has just started walking;
  • soldier;
  • drunk;
  • in love, waiting for a date;
  • robot;
  • gorilla etc.

Purpose: Relieve stress and fatigue.

8. Exerc. "My strengths" (3, p.28).


  • building self-confidence;
  • developing the ability to think positively about yourself.

9. Feedback: Questioning "Frankly..."

Class date ____________
Training name ____________

  • During the course, I realized that...
  • The most helpful for me was...
  • I would be more forthright if...
  • I did not like...
  • Most of all I liked how it worked (a) ...
  • 6) At the next lesson I would like to...

Questionnaire questions may vary, but it is important to conduct a survey at the end of each session.

10. Summing up.

Very often participants find something to say about the session out loud. Relevant is the answer to the question "How do you feel?"

Lesson #2


  • contribute to the deepening of the processes of self-disclosure, the development of introspection skills;
  • improve communication skills.

1. Greeting "I'm glad to see you."

  • a) Analysis of the questionnaires "Frankly speaking ..."
  • b) A reminder of the rules of work in a group, the necessary clarifications.

3. Exercises for the presentation of self-esteem (modification of ex. 5, p. 22).

Participants throw the ball and explain.

  • a) "To scold - it means ..."
  • b) “If a person is scolded, then he ...”

"Sculptor" depicts a sculpture of a person being scolded.


  • what feelings a person experiences in the role of a sculpture;
  • what pose would he take if he were his own "sculptor".
  • a) "Praise" means ... "
  • b) “If a person is praised, then he ...”

"Sculptor" depicts a sculpture of a person being praised.

Feedback - similar to I.

Problem: what it takes to behave with dignity.

Purpose of the exercise:

  • analyze the impact on a person's confidence of the attitude of other people towards him;
  • Bring the participants to the idea of ​​self-esteem.

4. Warm up. The game "Ladies and Gentlemen" (2, No. 5, p. 67).

5. Exerc. "List of Claims" (3, p.54)

Purpose: the realization that a person has the right to be himself, that it is impossible to live among people, constantly making claims to them.

4. The game "Balloon" (3, p. 71).


  • demonstrating that people often do not know how to communicate productively;
  • summing up the conclusion: it is necessary to look for civilized ways out of the situation.

5. Warm up. Physical exercises are leading in turn.

Purpose: relieve stress and fatigue.

6. Frankly...

7. Summing up.

Lesson #3


  • to promote the development of skills to see, feel, adequately perceive other people, situations that arise in the process of communication;
  • to form an attentive attitude towards each other, towards other people;
  • possible correction of participants' perception of other people;
  • development of extralinguistic means of communication.

1. Greeting (non-verbal).

3. Psychological study "Keyhole".

Imagine that a person is standing at the door and peeping through the keyhole into the room (not the office).

  • a) impressions of the act of this person;
  • b) there is "I" in the room. Your feelings for this person, actions.


  • ensuring the personal privacy of participants;
  • possible behavior modification.

4. Exerc. "Edges of similarity" (3, p. 68).

Purpose: to make it possible to understand that people have common features or qualities, despite their individuality and differences from others.

5. Exerc. "Mimicry and gestures" (5, p. 9).


  • development of non-verbal means of communication;
  • the formation of a freer style of communication.

Non-verbally express two opposite states:

  • anger and calm;
  • fatigue, cheerfulness;
  • disappointment, admiration;
  • resentment, forgiveness;
  • sadness, joy;
  • excitement, serenity;
  • annoyance, satisfaction;
  • doubt, certainty.

6. Warm-up "Confusion" (6, p. 111).

Purpose: group cohesion.

7. Designing images. Psychodrama.

  1. Designing images of a teenager and his friend.

Material: foil, cotton. (Knowledge of the technique of constructing images is required)


  • identification of the main ways of interaction of each member of the group with peers;
  • formation of effective ways of communication.

8. Frankly...

9. Summing up.

Lesson number 4


  • demonstrate a different vision of the participants of the same person, the same situation;
  • reveal individual characteristics communication;
  • develop effective ways of communication.

1. Greeting. Each participant (in turn) is in the center of the circle. Stop the approaching participant, greet each other.

2. Analysis of questionnaires. Necessary comments.

3. Exerc. "Associations" (5, p. 11).


  • enable each participant to learn how others perceive him;
  • correction of one's own perception of other people.

4. Role gymnastics (5, p. 16).

Recite "At the seashore ..."


  • stress relief;
  • preparation for role playing.

5. Designing images. Psychodrama.

  1. The construction of images of a teenager and a significant adult, with whom relationships do not always develop harmoniously.
  2. Role-playing of the created plot.


  • to identify the main ways of interaction between a teenager and adults;
  • improve verbal and non-verbal components of communication;
  • to correct the perception of adolescents of other people.

6. Frankly...

7. Summing up.

Lesson number 5


  • Gaining experience of interaction with the group when performing new tasks;
  • Search for new forms of interaction in contacts with others, ways of responding in difficult situations.

1. Greeting: "I am pleased to communicate with you, because ..."

2. Analysis of the questionnaires "Frankly." Necessary comments.

3. Discussion. The group is divided into two subgroups, each of which takes turns playing the role of participants in the discussion and observers.

Discussion questions:

  • Where to go on vacation in summer?
  • Where is it better to live: in an apartment high-rise building Or in a private house?

Discussion: what helps and what hinders to come to a common decision?

In the analysis, the observers speak first, then the participants.

4. Exerc. “I feel good” (4, p. 35).

Ex. "Up the rainbow" (4, p.35).

Purpose: relieve tension, cope with irritation.

5. Exerc. "The Edge of Difference" (3, p. 77).

Purpose: to make it possible to understand that, despite their differences, people can and should find a common language.

6. Exerc. "Establish contact with the group":

  • a) rude
  • b) self-confident, considering themselves "chosen".

: to give an opportunity to try to find common ground for the development of dialogue in difficult situations.

7. Warm up. Ex. "Gossip".


  • relieve fatigue;
  • demonstrate the incidents that arise when transferring information "from a third party".

8. "Desert island" (3, p. 79).


  • to increase the feeling of the need to listen to each other;
  • demonstrate the ability to find civilized ways out of difficult circumstances;
  • develop communication skills.

9. Frankly...

10. Summing up.

Lesson number 6.


  • Consolidation of the acquired skills and abilities of introspection and self-correction in the field of communication;
  • Awareness of qualitative changes that provide a person with orientation in social activity.

1. Greeting.

3. Psychological study "Loneliness".


  • Analysis of the causes of loneliness;
  • Adjust to a calm perception of personal shortcomings;
  • Encourage the desire to constantly work on yourself.

4. The game "Spoiled Gesture Phone" (6, p. 236).


  • stress relief;
  • Evaluation of one's own level of attentiveness in communication with others.

5. Psychological study: "How do I deal with my problems" (pantomimic metaphor).


  • reduce defensive reactions associated with the risk of self-disclosure;
  • build trust in the group.

6. Exercise "Metaphor for yourself" (6, p. 242)


  • develop a willingness to compare own experience with the experience of others;
  • activate self-awareness, mutual acceptance.

7. Sociometry at the wall (6, p. 247).

Purpose: creating a situation of risk, a real personal risk "here and now" with the aim of directly feeling the acceptance of oneself and other people as they are.

8. Frankly...

9. Summing up.

Lesson number 7.


  • the formation of a sense of self-worth;

1. Greeting.

2. Discussion of questionnaires. Necessary comments.

3. Exercise "Binding thread" (5, p.18).


  • developing a sense of closeness with other people;
  • developing a sense of self-worth.

4. Technique "Family portrait" (6, p. 243).


  • deepen feedback, vision of each other;
  • stimulation of processes of self-consciousness; expressions and reflections of interpersonal relationships.

5. Working with the metaphor of J. Touré "The History of the Acorn" (magazine "Psychological Science and Education"): listening to the metaphor, presentation.


  • overcoming existing difficulties and restoring the normal course of development of a teenager;
  • activation of resource mechanisms of age.

To be honest... Participants' assessment of their satisfaction with the results of the training on a 10-point scale.


  1. Alexandrovskaya E.M. Technology of psychological work with teenagers in mass school. Zh-l practical psychologist, 1996, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5.
  2. Leaders A.G. Psychological games with teenagers practical psychologist, 1996, №5,№4.
  3. Prutchenkov A.S. "My light, mirror, tell me..." Method. development of socio-psychological. - M. New school, 1996.
  4. Practical psychologist's guide: Psychological programs for the development of personality ... Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M., 1997.
  5. Svistun M.A. The program of socio-psychological communication training for high school students.
  6. Tsukerman G.A., Masterov B.M. Psychology of self-development. M., Interpraks, 1995.

Work efficiency

Almost all adolescents participating in correctional and developmental work increase social intelligence: in some cases, the level of individual intellectual abilities increases (anticipation of the consequences of behavior; understanding of non-verbal or verbal expression), most often the overall level of social intelligence increases (composite assessment).

The main result is that teachers working with adolescents note positive changes in the behavior of children, in their readiness to show goodwill and willingness to cooperate.

Game correction of children's behavior in the group.

Game behavior correction is a group form of correctional work with preschool and younger children. school age. It is based on an activity approach and uses children's play for diagnostic, corrective and developmental purposes. Game correction is used for various forms of behavioral disorders, neuroses, fears, school anxiety, and communication disorders in children.

Stages of psychocorrection.

Istage: Identification of features of the emotional-behavioral sphere that require correction.

Purpose: At this stage, non-verbal means of communication, games that facilitate contact are widely used. Gradually stiffness and tension disappear, children become more active.

IIstage: Creating a positive emotional mood in the child and an atmosphere of safety in the group.

Purpose: Use of special techniques. The task of the facilitator is to demonstrate to the child the inadequacy, inappropriateness of some ways of responding and to form in him the need to change his behavior. Here there is an emotional reaction of internal tension, unpleasant experiences, role-playing games are widely used, playing various problem situations. It is at this stage of the correctional process that the main changes in the child's psyche take place, many internal conflicts are resolved, which are sometimes stormy and dramatic. Almost always there are manifestations of aggression, negativism - a protest directed against the teacher. By the end of this stage, the gamut of conflicting emotions is replaced by a feeling deep sympathy, both to an adult and to partners in the game.

IIIstage: Fixing. Children reinforce the ability to independently find the right ways of behavior. The task of the facilitator is to teach children new forms of emotional response, behavior, develop communication skills, enrich gaming activities.

Goals: consolidation of all that positive and new that has arisen in the personal world of the child. It is necessary to ensure that the child finally believes in his own strength and is able to take the acquired faith beyond game room into real life.

The tactics of the teacher is subordinated to the internal dynamics of the game process, its changes correspond to the stages of the psycho-corrective process.

I stage. The teacher's tactics are the least directive. He watches the children play, tries to create a warm emotional atmosphere in the group, unobtrusively helps the child to get used to the new environment; may invite children to play certain games, but does not insist on this. Willingly supports the initiative of children, does not direct the game in any way, does not express any opinions about the game, does not evaluate children. The following techniques are used: non-verbal means of communication; encouragement of spontaneous activity of the child.

II stage. At the reconstructive stage, tactics change, the position of the teacher becomes more active. Techniques: interpretation; reflection; demonstration of more adequate ways of behavior; suggestion; creating situations of choice that require a certain way of action from the child; use of special games.

Stage III. This is the testing phase of a new experience. The child has already learned to cope with the problems that arise before him. The teacher supports the child in everything, shows him his respect.

The structure of the psycho-correctional lesson

Each lesson consists of a series of studies and games. They are short, varied, accessible to children in content. The main goal of the classes is to preserve mental health and prevention of emotional disorders in children. The main emphasis in the classes is on teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, on the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings, and on the acquisition of skills in self-relaxation. Classes are built according to a certain scheme and consist of stages. Each stage can solve not one, but several completely independent tasks, important in their own way for the development of the child's psyche. Temporal characteristics depend on the capabilities of the leader and the interest of the children.

Lesson plan.

Purpose of the lesson

Name of the lesson


  1. Relieve the inertia of physical and mental well-being, raise muscle tone, warm up the child's attention and interest in a joint lesson, set up children for active work and contact with each other. To solve this problem, several exercises-games for attention or an outdoor game are performed.

Warm up

  1. expressive image of individual emotional states associated with the experience of bodily and mental contentment and discontent. Models of expressing basic emotions (joy, surprise, interest, anger, etc.). Children get acquainted with the elements of expressive movements: facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait.

Mimic and pantomimic studies.

expressive depiction of feelings generated by the social environment (greed, kindness, honesty, etc.), their moral assessment. Models of behavior of characters with certain character traits. Consolidation and expansion of information already received by children earlier related to their social competence. When depicting emotions, children's attention is drawn to all components of expressive movements at the same time.

Games and studies on the expression of individual qualities of character and emotions.

correction of mood and individual character traits of the child, training in modeling standard situations.

Games and sketches that have a psychotherapeutic focus on a specific child or group. (Mimic and pantomimic abilities of children are used for the most natural embodiment in a given image).

removal of psycho-emotional stress, suggestion of a desirable mood, consolidation of a positive effect that stimulates and streamlines the mental and physical activity of children, balancing their emotional state, improving well-being and mood.

The end of the lesson, psychomuscular training.

The program of game correction of disorders in the development of the properties of the subject of self-consciousness and communication in socially and pedagogically neglected children.

The purpose of this program: elimination of distortions of emotional response and stereotypes of behavior, reconstruction of full-fledged contacts of the child with peers, harmonization of the image of the "I" of the child .


Z. The development of social emotions.

Subject of correction: properties of the subject of self-consciousness and communication of children of preschool and primary school age.

Means of correction: children's game, elements of psycho-gymnastics, special non-game-type techniques aimed at increasing the cohesion of the group, developing communication skills, the ability to emotional decentration (disidentifying oneself with any negative state).

Correction steps:

I. Indicative (3-4 lessons).

Purpose of the exercise

Name of the exercise

1 lesson

  1. The child can in this way, as it were, get out of his old "I" and put on a different mask.


removes the initial alertness of the child. At the same time, this game is a good diagnostic technique that reveals the initial level of independent activity of the group and some group roles, emerging group relationships of subordination.

The game "Zhmurki".

creating a positive emotional background, increasing self-confidence, eliminating fears, uniting the group, strengthening arbitrary control, developing the ability to obey the requirements of one.

Game "Steam Train".

2 lesson

During the game in children's team a hierarchy emerges, usually revealing the strengths and weaknesses of each participant. The spontaneously formed hierarchy supports others and thus helps to strengthen the maladaptive qualities of children. It is necessary to clarify the psychological diagnosis of group members and to accumulate that group experience of communication, from which it will subsequently be necessary to build on, demonstrating its positive and negative sides children.

5) "scapegoat" (outcast).

continue the course of spontaneous games.

3 lesson

creating a positive emotional background, eliminating fears, increasing self-confidence.

The game "Zhmurki".

disclosure of group relations.

Game "Bug".

Free time.

children stand in a circle and hold hands, look into each other's eyes, smile. At the same time, the main emphasis is not on established roles, but on the elimination of inequality and the suppression of privileges. There are certain signs that indicate that the required group structure has taken shape. Firstly, drivers begin to feel the aggression directed at them, which is clearly visible in games such as "Fortress" and "Bug". Second, there are spontaneous tactile, affectionate interactions between group members. Thirdly, there was a serious, respectful attitude to the ritual of the end of the lesson.

"Round dance".

4 lesson

education of observation, development of imagination, formation of the ability to depict a person with gestures.

Association game.

development of courage, self-confidence, reduction of anxiety. The game is aimed at uniting the group.

Game Scary Tales.


education of arbitrary control, adjustment of affective behavior, development of courage, self-confidence, the child is placed in different positions: a competitor, a judge, a spectator.

Sports game "Tournament".

5 lesson

creating a positive emotional background, eliminating fears, uniting the group.

Beep game.


the game serves the sociometry of the children's play group, and also reflects the existing relationships in their own family, based on group relationships.

"Family portrait".

to give the opportunity to show activity to passive children.

Mirror game.

Free time.

6 lesson

to unite the group, children are given the opportunity to express grievances, remove disappointment.

Birthday game.

the game supports group unity. Game progress: the driver is chosen by the rhyme. He leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands and form a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get tangled - as best they can. When confusion has formed, the driver enters the room and unravels it without separating the hands of the children.

Game "Confusion".

Gymnastics with funny people.

in the game, voluntary control over one's actions develops, motor disinhibition, negativism are removed.

The game "Boy (girl) - vice versa."

Free time (fun at the table): "Blow the ball out of the cup"; "Strongmen". various Board games: "Lotto", "Circus", "Flying Caps", "Checkers", "City Streets", etc. When playing these games, you must follow the rules.

Round dance. You can offer a simultaneous slight swaying to the right, to the left.

7 lesson

The game will give children the opportunity to show aggression. The diagnosis is interesting - who wants to be in a team with whom.

Fortress game.


education of observation, imagination, ability to see another.

Game "Image of objects".

release of aggression, emotional stress. Game progress: the leader holds a shield, the children hit him with balls.

Shield and sword game.

Free time. Offer children board, role-playing games, building material.

8 lesson

correction of the emotional sphere of the child, the development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's own.

Chunga-Changa game.

Gymnastics. 1. Parrot.

correction of the emotion of anger, training the ability to influence children on each other.

Baba Yaga game.

Sport games. "The dragon bites its tail." "White bears". "Spread posts".

Lesson 9

attention game, the ability to recognize each other by voice.

achieve mutual understanding and cohesion. Game progress: children walk in a circle, pass hot potatoes, ice, butterflies (pantomime).

The game "Pass around the circle."

a game of comparing various character traits, developing the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's own, correction of the child's emotional sphere.

Gymnastics. 1. Magician.

  1. ᴦᴎҏami.
  2. ᴦᴎҏami.

children's emotional awareness of negative traits of their character, learning to understand how this or that behavior is evaluated.

Etude "So it will be fair."

develop motor-auditory memory, remove motor disinhibition, negativism.

Scout game.

Gymnastics. Children are shown pictures of funny little men, their movements must be repeated.

the development of emotionally expressive hand movements, adequate use of gesture, reflects the existing relationships in the game group.

Game "Friendly family".

fixing in the drawing the impressions received from the game and communication with peers, identifying fears, relieving anxiety.

Free time. "Our Friendly Group" To overcome the emotional rapprochement and interaction of children, the psychologist suggests doing a joint work: make a general drawing on a large sheet of paper that is spread on the floor.

11 lesson

development of attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

The game "Four Elements".

Gymnastics. Children go in a circle. A lower register note sounds - the children become in the “weeping willow” position (legs shoulder-width apart, arms slightly apart at the elbows and hanging, head tilted to the left shoulder).

On the sound taken in the upper register, they become in the “poplar” position, heels together, socks apart, legs straight, arms raised up, head thrown back.

develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's own, to form expressive movements.

Etude "Meeting with a friend."

increased self-esteem, self-confidence.

Ship game.

Lesson 12

development of observation, attention, memory. Creating a positive emotional background. Exercise children in confident and obedient behavior.

The game "In the store of mirrors."

Gymnastics. 1. Ice cubes.

6 Heat, sun.

developing the ability to express suffering and sadness.

Etude "A very thin child."

comparison various characters, correction of the emotional sphere of the child.

Game "Three characters".

"Round dance". The teacher suggests to the children: “Stop playing with the evil and scary. We are kind, funny and very friendly guys. We will stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. Goodbye, my nice, kind, brave, honest, friendly guys. We will definitely meet with you again and play fun games.”

For a detailed description of the games, see the note.


1st lesson.

Dedicated to introducing children to each other. Children sit in a semicircle on the chairs near the leader. The adult invites all participants to call themselves any name that is retained by the child for the entire duration of the lesson. The social educator invites the children to choose for themselves any name or the name of an animal (which has a corrective and diagnostic meaning).

The corrective meaning is that the child can in this way, as it were, get out of his old "I" and put on a different mask. Children often choose the names of friends, the names of animals, which are deeply symbolic.

In a diagnostic sense, the choice of not one's own name is a sign of rejection of oneself. In this way, the child manifests a sense of his own trouble. The choice of a foreign name serves as a pointer to the desired object of identification. The teacher also names himself.

At the first lesson, you should not find out why the child called himself differently, as this may scare the child. This issue can be discussed later.

After such an acquaintance, the host offers the children the game "Blind Man's Bluff". Cheerful, gambling, she removes the initial alertness of the child. At the same time, this game is a good diagnostic technique that reveals the initial level of independent activity of the group and some group roles, emerging group relationships of subordination. If children play actively, i.e. they themselves choose the leader, pull back those who prompt, which means that the group is really active and the adult takes the position of a passive observer so that a spontaneous group structure quickly develops.

Then the teacher offers the children the game "Engine".

The purpose of the game: creating a positive emotional background, increasing self-confidence, eliminating fears, uniting the group, strengthening arbitrary control, developing the ability to obey the requirements of one.

Game progress: children line up one after another, holding on to their shoulders. The “engine” carries the children, overcoming various obstacles with the “trailers”. The ending of the lesson should be calm and unifying. In this regard, you can invite the children to stand in a circle ("dance") and take each other's hands. The chosen form of graduation will remain unchanged and will turn into a ritual.

2nd lesson.

If the group is active, then continue the course of spontaneous games. During the game, a hierarchy arises in the children's team, as a rule, revealing the strength and weakness of each participant. The spontaneously formed hierarchy supports others and thus helps to strengthen the maladaptive qualities of children. It is necessary to clarify the psychological diagnosis of group members and to accumulate that group experience of communication, from which it will subsequently be necessary to build on, demonstrating its positive and negative sides to children.

The teacher is in the group room, but does not interfere in any way with children's games.

After three lessons, it is already possible, according to observations, to distinguish five spontaneous roles:

1) leader (welcomed by all);

2) comrade of the leader (henchman);

3) non-aligned (oppositionist);

4) submissive conformist (ram);

5) "scapegoat" (outcast).

This means that the first level of the first stage of group psycho-correction ends. The end of this level is distinguished by three signs: strengthened roles, stereotyped interactions, and the appearance of reactions to the presence of the leader.

The second level of stage I is the stage of directed games, the content of conscious skills and actions that are set by the leader. However, it is necessary to include spontaneous games on certain time every class.” This is called “free time.” It usually takes 20 minutes at the end of the lesson.

3rd lesson.

The purpose of the game is to create a positive emotional background, eliminate fears, increase self-confidence.

Game progress: all the children go dancing and singing some song, and lead the blindfolded cat player. They bring him to the door, put him on the threshold and tell him to take the handle, and then all together (in chorus) begin to sing in a singsong voice:

Cat, cat Pineapple, you catch us for three years! You catch us for three years, Without untying your eyes!

As soon as they sing last words, scatter in different directions. The cat is taken to catch the players. All the children revolve around the cat, teasing him: either they touch him with a finger, or they pull his clothes.

Purpose of the game: disclosure of group relations. Game progress: children stand in line behind the driver. The driver stands with his back to the group, putting his hand out from under his armpits with an open palm. The driver must guess which of the children touched his hand (by facial expression, movement). The driver leads until he guesses correctly. The driver is chosen with the help of a rhyme.

Offer children role-playing and board games.

Game progress: children stand in a circle and hold hands, look into each other's eyes, smile. At the same time, the main emphasis is not on established roles, but on the elimination of inequality and the suppression of privileges. There are certain signs that indicate that the required group structure has taken shape. Firstly, drivers begin to feel the aggression directed at them, which is clearly visible in games such as "Fortress" and "Bug". Second, there are spontaneous tactile, affectionate interactions between group members. Thirdly, there was a serious, respectful attitude to the ritual of the end of the lesson.

Then, when a group structure has arisen that equalizes children's individualities, one can proceed to the next, second, stage of the group course, in which much attention is paid to individual work in the form of role-playing games and other techniques.

II stage of work - reconstructive

By the beginning of stage II, the teacher already sees the communication difficulties of each child, as well as inadequate compensatory ways of each child's behavior. Individual psychological correction occurs when the child implements new forms of behavior and accumulates new communication experience. This becomes possible only if the child has satisfied his frustrated needs (they often serve as sources of tension and cause inappropriate behavior). Most often it is the need for security and acceptance-recognition. The frustration of these needs is characteristic of almost all children with adaptation difficulties. As a rule, the need for safety is satisfied at the first stage of correction, during directed play.

Satisfying the need for recognition is impossible without building a complete image of oneself. To realize this, they use such a methodical technique as feedback. Each child receives feedback in games specially organized for this: "Family Portrait", "Associations", "Birthday", "Forfeits".

By skillfully organizing feedback, the facilitator helps children form a more productive self-image. This is usually done in the form of a verbal interpretation of game feedback, with particular emphasis on positive aspects child's personality.

In addition, on stage II, some games are used to help overcome character traits that are unpleasant for the child, such as cowardice. These are the games: "Desert Island", "Scary Tales". After these games, the child can say to himself: “Here I am, how good I am. Of course, I'm not very brave, but I can listen to scary tales in the dark and invent them myself. I can play desert island, control myself."

The key moment of the II stage is the game "Birthday". During this game, the assimilation of the required qualities takes place, the “lowering” of the desired personality characteristic, in advance, from above. So, the zone of proximal development of the child is outlined:

The development of new communication skills is especially purposefully carried out in group tasks, which each birthday person is obliged to do.

Classes follow directly from the psychological diagnosis of each child, which is made gradually during the entire period of the group's work. When compiling psychological portraits of children, the psychologist is especially attentive to what the child cannot do, what he fails to do or what he does not know how to do.

4th lesson.

The purpose of the game: the education of observation, the development of imagination, the formation of the ability to depict a person with gestures.

The course of the game: the child with gestures, facial expressions depicts another child, his features, habits, as he sees them. The rest of the children guess who he portrays.

The purpose of the game: the development of courage, self-confidence, reducing anxiety. The game is aimed at uniting the group.

The course of the game: the lights are turned off or the windows are curtained. Children take turns telling scary stories in the dark. If the level of trust in the group is high, then the children reproduce their real fears. It is very useful to play them here, also in the dark.

The purpose of the game: the education of arbitrary control, the adjustment of affective behavior, the development of courage, self-confidence, the child is placed in different positions: a competitor, a judge, a spectator.

Game progress: children choose a judge and athletes. Sports games are held:

a) "Hit the skittle." The child is invited to sit down, leaning his hands behind, and bend his legs. The ball is placed in front of the feet. The child must push the ball away, straightening his legs so that the ball hits the pin, set at a distance of 3-4 steps;

b) "Crawl through the hands." Clasping the fingers of both hands, it is necessary to try to crawl through the hands so that they are behind. At the same time, hands must be kept “in the lock”, without releasing;

c) "Fight of the ᴨȇtukhs". The players try to unbalance each other by jumping on one leg and pushing with either the right or left shoulder. The one who touches the ground with the second leg loses. Children keep their hands on their belts. You can hold on to the toe of the bent leg with one hand. The winner is the one who lasts the longest, jumping on one leg.

d) Sit down. Crossing your legs, clasping your shoulders with your hands, raise your arms bent at the elbows in front of you, sit down and stand up, without helping yourself with your hands.

5th lesson.

The purpose of the game: creating a positive emotional background, eliminating fears, uniting the group.

Game progress: children sit on chairs. The driver, with his eyes closed, walks in a circle, sits down in turn on his knees with the children and guesses who he is sitting with. If he guessed correctly, the one who was named says: "Beep."

The purpose of the game: the game serves the sociometry of the children's play group, and also reflects the existing relationships in their own family, based on group relationships.

Game progress: a photographer comes to the family to take a family portrait. He must ask family roles to all members of the group and seat them, along the way talking about who is friends with whom in this family.

Purpose of the game: to give an opportunity to show activity to passive children.

Game progress: one driver is chosen, the rest of the children are mirrors. The driver looks in the mirrors, and they reflect all his movements. The teacher monitors the correctness of the reflection.

Offer children board, role-playing games.

Children stand in a circle and hold hands, look into each other's eyes, smile, dance.

6th lesson.

Purpose of the game: to unite the group, children are given the opportunity to express grievances, remove disappointment.

Game progress: a birthday boy is chosen. All children give him gifts with gestures, facial expressions. The birthday boy is invited to remember if he offended someone and correct it. Children are invited to dream up and come up with a future for the birthday boy.

Purpose of the game: The game supports group unity. Game progress: the driver is chosen by the rhyme. He leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands and form a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get tangled - as best they can. When confusion has formed, the driver enters the room and unravels it without separating the hands of the children.

Purpose of the game: in the game, voluntary control over one's actions develops, motor disinhibition, negativism are removed.

Game progress: participants stand in a circle. The leader shows the actions, everyone repeats after him. A boy, on the contrary, should do something different from everyone else.

a) Blow the balloon out of the cup. A table tennis ball is placed in a bowl. Children take turns taking a deep breath, leaning over the cup and blowing into it so hard that the ball flies out of the cup;

b) "Strongmen". The players rest their elbows on the table and connect the brushes. Each in a pair begins to put pressure on the hand of a friend, trying to put it on the table. The winner is the one who, without lifting his elbow from the table, will force the partner to put his hand on the table;

c) various board games: "Lotto", "Circus", "Flying Caps", "Checkers", "City Streets", etc. When playing these games, you must follow the rules.

You can offer a simultaneous slight swaying to the right, to the left.

7th lesson.

Purpose of the game: the game will give children the opportunity to show aggression. The diagnosis is interesting - who wants to be in a team with whom.

Game progress: a group of children is divided into two teams (at the request of the children themselves). Each team builds a fortress out of furniture. One team defends the fortress, the other storms. Main weapon - balloons, balls. Stuffed Toys.

The purpose of the game: the education of observation, imagination, the ability to see the other.

The course of the game: the child depicts an object with facial expressions, gestures, the rest of the children guess it. Who correctly called - becomes the leader.

Purpose of the game: release of aggression, emotional stress. Game progress: the leader holds a shield, the children hit him with balls.

Offer children board, role-playing games, building material.

8th lesson.

The purpose of the game: correction of the child's emotional sphere, development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's own.

Game progress: the traveler (teacher) landed on his ship to the Magic Island, where everyone is always joyful and carefree. As soon as he went ashore, he was surrounded by the inhabitants of a wonderful island - small black children. Both boys and girls wear the same colorful skirts, beads around their necks, and feathers in their hair. With a cheerful smile, they began to dance to the music of V. Shainsky "Chung-Chang" around the traveler and sing:

Wonder Island Wonder Island

Living on it is easy and simple, Chunga-Changa!

The traveler decided to stay on this island forever.

Purpose of the game: correction of the emotion of anger, training the ability to influence children on each other.

Game progress: children sit on chairs in a circle facing each other. The teacher asks to show what kind of facial expression, posture, gestures adults (moms, dads, grandmothers, teacher) have when they are angry with children. Why do adults get angry with you the most? (Children act out 2-3 scenes.) How do elders scold you when you are very scared? Threaten to punish, take a belt? (Guys speak and show.) What do you do in response: cry, smile, fight, be afraid? (2-3 scenes are played out.)

a) The dragon bites its tail. The players stand one behind the other, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing. The first child is the head of the dragon, the last one is the tip of the tail. While the music of D. Nureyev “Oriental Dance” is playing, the first player tries to grab the last one - the dragon catches its tail. The rest of the children hold tightly to each other. If the dragon does not catch its tail, then the next time another child is assigned to the role of the head of the dragon.

b) "Polar bears". A place is planned where polar bears will live. Two children hold hands - these are polar bears. With the words: "Bears go hunting" - they run, trying to surround and catch one of the players. Then they go hunting again. When they catch everyone, the game ends;

c) Posting. Children march to the music of F. Schubert "March" one after another. The commander is ahead. When the commander claps his hands, walking last child must stop immediately. So the commander arranges all the children in the order he intended (ruler, circle, in the corners, etc.).

9th lesson.

Purpose of the game: game for attention, the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Game progress: the children stand in a circle, the leader is selected. He stands in the center of the circle and tries to recognize the children by their voice.

The goal of the game is to achieve mutual understanding, cohesion. Game progress: children walk in a circle, pass hot potatoes, ice, butterflies (pantomime).

Used Books:

  1. E.K. Lyutova, G.B.

Training for teenagers on the correction of deviant behavior


Help teenagers to know their strengths and weaknesses and learn how to use them;

Learn to build relationships with others, resolving emerging conflicts for the benefit of yourself and others.

Equipment: A4 sheets, pens for all participants, a ball.

Course of the training

Warm up

Each participant determines his state of health and mood now. Expresses expectations (concerns) in connection with the upcoming lesson.

1. Acquaintance.

Goal: getting to know the members of the group, establishing relationships.

It begins with an acquaintance, which takes place in the form of a snowball game, each standing in a circle, before giving his name, repeats all the names that were named before him. As for the name, it can be both real and fictitious. The main thing is that this is the name for all group meetings.

2. Setting to work: tasks and rules.

The facilitator explains the tasks and rules of the group, organizing a dialogue to make sure that it is understood correctly.

“We have a training ahead of us, participation in which can help each of you:

Understand your relationships with others and begin to build these relationships, resolving emerging conflicts for the benefit of yourself and others;

Understand what is happening to you, what caused this or that attitude of those around you and yours towards them;

Know your strengths and weaknesses and learn how to use both;

Build yourself and influence your life.

In order for our training to proceed most effectively, so that everyone can benefit from them as much as possible for themselves, I will introduce several rules of behavior and work in our group:

1. The rule of activity and responsibility of everyone for the results of work in the group: the more active each member of the group is, the more he contributes to the work of the group, the more benefit the whole group and himself will receive.

2. The rule of constant participation in the work: participation in the work is obligatory for each member of the group.

3. The rule of group closure: what happens in the group is not discussed outside of it.

4. The rule of frankness and sincerity: group members should try to be themselves here, to say what they think and feel.

5. “I am statements”: speak only about yourself and on your own behalf (I think, I feel, etc.).

6. Rule "Stop!": A group member who does not want to answer a question or participate in a particular exercise can say "Stop!" and thus exclude yourself from participation; it is desirable to use this rule as little as possible, because. it limits both the participant himself and the whole group in development.

3. Molecules

Atoms (group members) move randomly. At the signal of the leader, they combine into molecules of a certain size (2-5 atoms) for 10 seconds, while the bell rings. Atoms that are not included in the composition of the molecules are eliminated. The host must each time name such a number of atoms that make up the molecule so that one participant remains superfluous.

This exercise contributes to the emancipation of the participants, rapprochement, establishing contacts with each other.

4. "My neighbor"

The host asks the children to look at each other properly, pay attention to the hair, eyes, hairstyle, clothes of each of the participants. Then he asks one of the children to close his eyes and asks questions about someone in the group:

Who in the group has blonde hair?

What eyes does A have?

Who is wearing the green sweater?

What hairstyle does O have?

What color is your neighbor's hair on the right?

This game is usually very lively and contributes to the development of observation, interest in each other.

5. Development of reflection

Written task: write on a piece of paper (or in notebooks) 5 of your positive qualities and 5 of your negative ones. Discussion follows. It can be more or less deep, depending on the readiness of the group.

6. "We are of the same blood"

The exercise is performed in pairs. The task of each student is to find as many similarities with their partner as possible and write them down. Suggested recording style: "We are both tactful", "We both love to listen to music", etc.

During the search for similarities, you should not consult with others, especially with your partner. 5 minutes are allotted for searching and recording similarities. At this time, it is advisable to turn on light music.

After the listing of similarities is completed, the teenagers pass the lists to each other in order to express their agreement or disagreement with what the partner wrote. If any record of the partner does not suit the child, then he must cross it out. After mutual analysis, the work is discussed in pairs, especially if there are crossed out items.

As usual, you can have a general discussion in a circle. This exercise promotes awareness of what all people have in common, no matter how different they may seem at first. Having gone through the search and awareness of what is common with one person, the child understands better that with a certain effort you can always find something in common that unites you with another, no matter how alien he may be to you at the beginning of the meeting. This setting allows you to find a common language in the most critical situations.

7. "Birthday"

Each of the participants receives a certain role, which must be adhered to for 20 minutes, the situation is set in the most general terms, the behavior of the participants is not regulated in any way, the plot of the action is built by the children themselves during the game.

Host: “Imagine a birthday. Each of you has attended this holiday more than once, both as a birthday man and as a guest. Now each of you will learn a piece of paper on which the role that you will play in our impromptu performance will be written. It (the performance) will last 20 minutes. You should try to constantly be in the indicated image during this time.

This is a role playing game. Possible roles: Birthday man, his (her) Assistant, Argumentator, Peacemaker, Passive, Dissatisfied, Original, Tactless, Detached. The facilitator selects a specific role for each child. It can be either corresponding to its type or opposite, depending on the goals that you are pursuing. You can also define each role in more detail. For example, "Peacemaker. Tries to resolve any disagreements that arise. He is afraid of conflicts, so he avoids it in every possible way. sharp corners in conversations."

The task of the leader is to carefully observe the course of the game, noting the behavior of each of the participants, the compliance with the proposed role. The following questions can be asked in the discussion:

To what extent did your behavior during the game correspond to the role?

Was it difficult to play the proposed role?

Does your behavior in the game resemble how you usually behave in real life?

In addition, you can ask children about a particular role:

How does this behavior make you feel?

It should be borne in mind that for the successful development of the game, the participants must be sufficiently relaxed, and, therefore, very well warmed up by the previous warm-up. In any case, this game initially increases the tension in the group and causes some confusion due to the vagueness of the instructions and the uncertainty of the rules. This exercise provides rich opportunities for participants to become aware of their own behavior patterns, as well as to model behavior. You can also try to work individually in a circle with one of the teenagers after this exercise.

8. "Debriefing"

One person sits in the center of the circle. The leader divides the rest into two groups, one of which tells the person what they like about his behavior while working in the group, and the other about what they don’t like. So, until everyone sits in the center of the circle. The person sitting in the center has the right to ask one of those present personal question about their strengths or weaknesses. And so on, until everyone sits in the center.

After everyone has been to the center - a discussion:

How did you feel in the center of the circle?

What was difficult to talk about?

This exercise is usually perceived by children very vividly and everyone tends to sit in the center of the circle.

9. "Compliment"

The exercise is performed in a circle. One of the children takes the ball and throws it to whomever he wants. The one who catches the ball must return the ball to the owner with nice words about him. The child can throw the ball to as many people as he wants. After he finishes, the ball is passed to the next person in the circle. And so, until the ball goes around the whole circle.

Reflection and closing.

1. Discussion of the results:

What new things have you learned about yourself?

How will this affect or has already affected your later life?

What do you want from what you saw and heard, what do you not want to apply in your life?

Were the expectations (concerns) from the training justified?

2. Rate with 10 fingers: fatigue, interest in what happened at the training, desire to come next time.