What changes in a pregnant woman. There are some rules of meditation. Changes in the CNS

With the onset of pregnancy, a new period in a woman's life begins. By this time, nature had provided for a number of physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother, designed to create optimal conditions for bearing a child. Thus, optimal conditions are created for the development of the fetus. A lot can change in 9 months - self-awareness, mood, life goals.

Pregnancy is rightfully considered a special state of the body, characterized by a whole range of typical transformations.

You can observe the following changes in the body during pregnancy:

  • lack of menstruation - due to functional changes in the ovary, changes in the state of the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity are observed;
  • a prolonged increase in basal temperature is due to the influence of the hormone progesterone produced by the ovary;
  • the formation of the placenta;
  • the appearance of the expectant mother also undergoes changes, the weight increases noticeably;
  • the cerebral cortex ensures the coordination of the functioning of various organs and systems in a direction that provides suitable conditions for bearing a fetus;
  • there are changes in metabolism, as well as the volume of blood circulating in the body;
  • changes in indicators of blood composition, as well as systems of its coagulation and stop bleeding;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Thus, the body completely rebuilds its functioning, taking into account the new state of the woman.

Why do you need changes in the body during pregnancy

Bearing a child is a natural process that is accompanied by a physiological restructuring of the woman's body. The body of a woman in this period functions in a new mode, there are increased loads on it.

During the course of pregnancy, from the first days, a number of structural physiological changes are observed in the body of a woman during pregnancy, which are aimed at achieving the following results:

  • supplying the developing fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen, as well as nutrients important for full development fetus and childbearing;
  • excretion of fetal waste products from the body of a pregnant woman;
  • preparation of various body systems of a woman for the upcoming birth of a baby, as well as breastfeeding.

These tasks are generally aimed at maintaining the reproductive function of a person, so changes in a woman's body during pregnancy can be called quite natural and physiological. If the body is not able to fully adapt, unfavorable conditions for the health of the child and the pregnant woman may develop. Under the influence of increasing loads on the body, in the presence of chronic diseases or disorders in the work of individual organs, a deterioration in the health of a woman can be observed, as well as the development of pregnancy pathologies. To avoid possible problems it is necessary to come to the antenatal clinic early for registration, pass the necessary tests and get expert advice.

The condition of a pregnant woman can be monitored and corrected by the doctor as a result of examinations, as well as laboratory and instrumental studies. After passing the tests, you will need to determine the parameters of blood, urine, etc. Based on the information received, it is possible to take preventive measures to avoid the development of any complications during pregnancy, and to prepare most effectively for upcoming birth. It is worth noting that the physiological course of pregnancy is characterized by its own indicators, which generally do not coincide with the norms for a healthy person. In addition, for each trimester of pregnancy, the norms of these indicators are different.

What changes can be observed in the body during pregnancy

There is a point of view that this period is a kind of endurance test for the female body. Thus, overexertion and overwork should not be allowed during pregnancy. IN Everyday life for a pregnant woman, it is necessary to create conditions so that she can successfully adapt to the changing conditions of the development of pregnancy and safely bear a child.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: body weight and metabolism

During pregnancy, weight gain is normally about 10 kg, generally reaching from 8 to 18 kg.

In this case, weight gain is dispersed approximately according to the following principle:

  • the fetus together with the placenta, including also the membranes and amniotic fluid- from 4000 to 4500 g;
  • mother and also mammary glands- kilogram. The weight of the uterus from 50-100 g increases to 1000-1200 g;
  • blood - about one and a half kilograms;
  • adipose tissue - 4000 g and tissue fluid - 1000 g.

In the first half of pregnancy, the increase is about four kilograms, in the second half - twice as much. If there is a lack of body weight before pregnancy, a more significant weight gain may be observed with its onset. In connection with this phenomenon and in order to fully develop the fetus, attention should be paid to the diet of the expectant mother. You will need to provide a balanced diet that includes the required amount of nutrients. It may be necessary to supplement it with calcium preparations, necessary for the development of the child's bone skeleton, as well as iron for optimal hematopoiesis.

In order to meet the needs of the gestating fetus, the woman's metabolism is largely rebuilt. The amount of digestive enzymes produced by her body increases. The lungs are saturated with more oxygen due to the higher concentration of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, it increases the amount of nutrients that are transported through the placenta into the blood of the fetus. Due to increased metabolism and the need to meet the needs of the fetus, a woman needs to consume more vitamins.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: the nervous system and respiratory organs

During the course of pregnancy, the work of the endocrine and nervous systems of the woman's body is rebuilt. In the first few months, one can observe a reduced excitability of the cerebral cortex, as a result, the reflex activity of the subcortical part and the spinal cord is enhanced. Further, the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases and remains in this state almost until the end of pregnancy. By the time of delivery, the opposite phenomenon can be observed, while the activity of the spinal cord increases, which leads to an increase in the reflex and muscular activity of the uterus. Often you can notice that pregnant women are somewhat immersed in themselves. Perhaps the appearance of irritability, mood swings, drowsiness. In addition, it is known that until the end of pregnancy, most of the impulses coming from the uterine receptors are blocked. These mechanisms are provided by the CNS to maintain pregnancy.

Due to the increase in the content of progesterone, the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls additionally relax, while the lumen in the airways increases. The expectant mother's body's need for oxygen increases. In order to supply oxygen to the growing fetus, the volume of air inhaled per movement increases, as well as (toward the end of pregnancy) the respiratory rate. Thus, the indicator of lung ventilation increases significantly (by about 40%). About a third of given amount air is used to supply the fetus, 10% - for the placenta, the rest is used in the woman's body. If you experience shortness of breath or other breathing problems, you should seek medical advice from a pregnant woman.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: the cardiovascular system, blood pressure and blood composition

We can say that the main burden in the process of pregnancy falls on cardiovascular system. To supply the pregnant woman and the fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, the heart and blood vessels pump more blood - its volume increases by about one and a half liters, reaching its maximum value at about the seventh month of pregnancy. At the same time, there is an increase in the left ventricle, the heartbeat quickens and the minute volume of blood increases. Thus, the heart and blood vessels function in a mode of increased stress. At the same time, the occurrence of systolic murmurs is not considered a pathology; in most cases, after pregnancy, these phenomena disappear.

Blood pressure at normal course pregnancy in most cases does not change. In the first trimester, it can be somewhat lowered (with lethargy and drowsiness observed). Around the 16th week, the pressure may increase by 5-10 mm Hg. Art. The initial value of a woman's blood pressure before pregnancy should be taken into account in order to judge its changes in dynamics. An increase in systolic pressure of 30% is regarded as pathological symptom. In addition, it is believed that diastolic pressure should not exceed 70-80 mm Hg. Art.

The processes of hematopoiesis in this period proceed in an enhanced mode, the composition of the blood also changes - there is an increase in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and blood plasma. To enhance the synthesis of red blood cells and improve blood viscosity, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein in food. In addition, iron supplements are often indicated. During pregnancy, the number of leukocytes in the blood may slightly increase. The content of platelets, as a rule, does not change significantly.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: genitals, endocrine system, endocrine glands

In the area of ​​the external genital organs, there is an increased blood supply, the cervical canal of the uterus is dilated. Its tissues, the uterus itself and the vagina are characterized by considerable friability, acquire softness and the elasticity necessary for subsequent births.

The endocrine system influences future pregnancy even before fertilization. The normal functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries ensures the development of the egg and promotes fertilization. For the normal development of the fetus, hormones produced by the endocrine system of a woman also play an important role - they stimulate the development of its bone tissue, brain development, and energy production.

Noticeable changes in the female body during pregnancy are caused by the influence of the endocrine glands. The ovaries are slightly enlarged, one of them contains a corpus luteum functioning until the fourth month of pregnancy. Further, the production of hormones (progesterone and estrogen) takes over the placenta. Increasing number blood vessels, expanding and braiding the uterus, which increases and by the end of the gestation period reaches more than 30 cm in height. By the beginning of the second trimester, it goes beyond the pelvic zone, with the approach of childbirth, it ends up at the hypochondrium zone. The volume of the uterine cavity increases significantly, its weight increases to 1-1.2 kg (excluding the fetus). The growing uterus is kept in the desired position of the ligament (in this case, their thickening and stretching are observed). Sometimes, especially when changing the position of the body, there are pains in these ligaments caused by their stretching.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: digestive and excretory organs

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is often possible to observe manifestations early toxicosis- nausea, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting in the morning refers to his characteristics. May also change taste sensations, appear strange eating habits. Most often, these phenomena stop by the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, sometimes later. Under the influence of hormones produced by the placenta, intestinal tone decreases, so there is often a tendency to constipation. Over time, the enlarged uterus shifts the intestines upward, while the stomach also shifts, which can cause some of its contents to be thrown into the esophagus. Hence the emerging feeling of heartburn, which can be combated by taking antacids. In addition, the last meal is recommended no later than two hours before bedtime, as well as placement in a bed with a raised headboard.

During this period, the kidneys function in the mode of increased loads, ensuring the excretion of urea from the body, maintaining optimal performance pressure and regulating water-electrolytic exchange. If inflammatory diseases were previously present in them, their exacerbations are possible with the onset of pregnancy. In the process of gestation, the uterus exerts tangible pressure in the area of ​​​​the bladder, so there may be an urge to urinate frequently. Renal filtration of blood is enhanced, and small amounts of sugar may appear. However, the appearance of protein in the urine may indicate the presence of an inflammation or preeclampsia process. At the final stage of gestation, the appearance of small edema can be noted.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: musculoskeletal system, skin, mammary glands

Due to the action of the hormone relaxin, loosening of the ligaments of the joints occurs. Thus, the joints of the small pelvis become softer, which increases their mobility and prepares the conditions for the flow of childbirth. Sometimes there is a slight divergence of the pubic bones - when the so-called "duck" gait appears in a pregnant woman, the doctor should be informed about this. Peculiar changes during this period can be observed on the skin. Quite often, pregnant women note an increase in pigmentation of the face, in the area around the nipples, and also on the abdomen along the line rising to the navel. An increase in the mammary glands is noted, the number of lobules and adipose tissue in them increases, nipple roughness. Closer to childbirth, colostrum production starts - when squeezing the nipple, a few drops of a thick, light liquid may appear. Sometimes on the skin around the navel and in the lower abdomen, as well as on the chest and thighs, the appearance of arched stretch marks can be observed.

This kind of change indicates the physiological adaptation of the pregnant woman to the bearing of the fetus. In order to prevent the development of pathologies, it is recommended to take measures that contribute to the creation of suitable conditions for the development of pregnancy. These include forming a balanced diet, drinking enough fluids, eliminating bad habits, ensuring a sufficient level of physical activity and being in the fresh air.

Changes in the body during pregnancy - video

You already know how a baby develops in the womb of a future mother, what an embryo looks like at each term. And what does a woman feel during pregnancy, how does her condition change, except for the cessation of menstruation, swelling of the mammary glands and an increase in the abdomen? A complete pregnancy calendar will help you find out - from the day of conception to the crucial moment of delivery.

How does a normal pregnancy proceed in the early stages from the first days to 6 weeks

1-5th week

In the 1st-2nd week, the maturation of the egg occurs. On the 3-4th week, it is fertilized and implanted in the uterus. On the 4th-5th week of the floor of the pregnancy calendar, a change in appetite may occur. How does pregnancy proceed in the early stages and what does a woman feel? During this period, dizziness is possible, headache, nausea and vomiting. There is engorgement of the mammary glands. There are no menses. It is possible to reliably diagnose pregnancy by laboratory and test methods.

Women with diseases require special attention during this period. thyroid gland. They need to urgently consult an endocrinologist. Early treatment will provide proper development thyroid gland of the unborn child. We must not forget about medical recommendations.

6th week

Some women discomfort this week of the pregnancy calendar may intensify. But what can you do, the reason for this is hormonal changes in the body, aimed at creating best conditions for the development of the baby.

If you suffer from heartburn (the reason is the entry of gastric contents into the esophagus), then eat more often, 6-7 times a day. Try to lean over as little as possible. After eating, walk around the room, and do not immediately go to bed.

Of course, the condition of some women in the first weeks of pregnancy is far from ideal. If you feel sick, try a simple but effective remedy. As soon as you wake up, without changing your body position (horizontal), immediately eat something - an apple, an orange, a bun, and you can also ask for a glass of milk or your favorite juice in bed.

Regardless of how the pregnancy proceeds, from the first days try to rest more, go to bed early, and get up later. This has a positive effect on the nervous system. If you suffer from constipation (caused by sluggish bowel muscles), drink more fluids, eat prunes and do special physical exercises.

If odors are annoying, just try to avoid contact with substances that are unpleasant for you.

If you are afraid of how the pregnancy proceeds in the early stages, and you have become very irritable, do auto-training (or relaxation) - this helps a lot. In no case do not resort to self-medication.

Do not forget that according to the pregnancy calendar, a woman's feelings such as nausea and intolerance to certain odors may increase.

In the process of how the first weeks of pregnancy proceed, there is a feeling of heaviness and periodic tingling in the mammary glands.

Your weight hasn't changed yet.

Since the cause of your deterioration cannot be eliminated, you will have to adapt to this. Therefore, the recommendations of doctors remain valid. Sometimes methods oriental medicine(acupuncture, finger acupuncture) can cope with many ailments.

The emotional and physical state of a woman during pregnancy from 7 to 9 weeks

7th week

What does a woman feel in early pregnancy by the beginning of the seventh week? At this time, there is a gradual increase in the mammary glands, they acquire a rounded shape.

The dark brown color of the nipples and areolas (peripapillary circles) of the mammary glands appears - this is common occurrence during pregnancy.

8th week

Changes in the physical condition of a woman during pregnancy at this stage, in the first place, may affect your skin. The body temperature rises, there is increased sweating and an increase in the formation of sebum, but it could also be the other way around. In some pregnant women, the skin becomes firm and clean, while in others it becomes dry and itchy. Try to keep all annoyances to a minimum, limit your use decorative cosmetics. Apply cosmetical tools, which include hormonal drugs, is categorically contraindicated.

For many, the first weeks of pregnancy flow like one breath - before you have time to look back, how the third month of this quivering period has gone.

9th week

Pregnancy can't go smoothly. Are you worried frequent change moods. Don't be scared. The arrival of pregnancy hormones not only changes your body, but also your emotions. You will experience mood swings in the first 3 months, when the level of hormones in the blood changes most strongly, as well as in recent weeks childbirth expectations. The emotional state of a woman during pregnancy at this time is somewhat depressed: you are constantly tired, you always want to sleep. This is fine. A new life is growing in you and this requires a huge expenditure of energy. Make sleep your top priority. Go to bed when you're tired, not after your favorite TV shows have ended. At work during your lunch break, try resting your head on your desk, closing your eyes, and taking a 15-20 minute nap. After that, you will immediately feel better.

Take a look at your chest.

Pay attention to the photo of the pregnancy calendar - it is noticeable that the saphenous veins begin to appear through the skin in the form of a blue mesh, which means that the walls of the blood vessels are predisposed to varicose veins:

The same reason can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids. Another reason for education hemorrhoids- an enlarged uterus that presses on the veins of the rectum. All previous recommendations remain valid.

To know in detail how a normal pregnancy proceeds in the early stages, it is not enough to draw knowledge on the Internet - you must definitely register with a antenatal clinic.

The condition of a woman in early pregnancy in the first trimester (from 10 to 12 weeks)

10th week

Nausea is still present - hold on, it remains to be patient a little, and your condition will improve.

In the area of ​​the areola of the mammary glands, small nodules, the size of a lentil seed, may appear. These are the so-called Montgomery's nodes - enlarged sweat glands- which is also one of the signs of pregnancy.

According to the pregnancy calendar for weeks at this time, the uterus has increased in width by about 10 cm, it rises into the abdominal cavity. By using ultrasound by the size of the fetus, the doctor can more accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and the upcoming birth.

The gynecologist at the antenatal clinic will explain to you in detail how the pregnancy should proceed in the early stages, to which you should regularly go for examinations.

11th week

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the condition of some women leaves much to be desired. Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn in the morning. The best remedy getting rid of it is any body position in which the entrance to the stomach is higher than the exit, as this helps to reduce the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. Try to stay upright after eating or lie down on your right side. If you lie on your back, the likelihood of heartburn increases.

Given the condition of a woman in early pregnancy, the duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours. Before it, you need to take a walk for 1-2 hours. The bed should be comfortable. Bed sheets need to be changed often. You should sleep on your back or on your right side.

12th week

The condition of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy at the 12th week gradually improves, nausea begins to pass. Take care of the prevention of varicose veins in the legs. In the presence of this disease or a predisposition to it, wear slimming tights.

How should pregnancy proceed in the early stages and what does a woman feel from 13 to 15 weeks

13th week

What happens according to the pregnancy calendar at the 13th week, when the first trimester ends? The problem that most often appears at this time is constipation, which causes very unpleasant sensations in a pregnant woman. The feeling of fullness can still be endured, but bloating with gas and the pains associated with it, as well as some other difficulties, are quite painful. It is good that the intestines are emptied in certain time and without haste. Eternal haste and lack of time, especially in the morning after breakfast, when the intestines usually begin to work, stops the urge to empty (defecation), which after that do not appear for a long time. If the remnants of undigested food are not excreted daily with feces, some of the toxins formed from them are absorbed into the blood. These substances are very harmful to the body. They begin to be excreted by the kidneys, which already work with an increased load.

When the urge to defecate appears, a woman, due to lack of time, does not always respond to them and thus accustoms the intestines to work irregularly and lazily. Only one thing can help here: the eradication of this habit. It is necessary to visit the toilet regularly and force the intestines to work at the same time. Another reason for constipation is malnutrition.

14th week

In accordance with detailed calendar pregnancy changes on the skin during the 14th week continue. Pigmentation (brown coloration) appears in some of its areas.

Look at the photo of how pregnancy proceeds at the 14th week - the “mask of the pregnant woman” is clearly visible (staining of the skin of the forehead, temples, bridge of the nose, chin and upper lip in the form of a butterfly that disappears immediately after childbirth):

In the calendar of this period of pregnancy, an increase in the volume of circulating blood is noted. You may be bothered by frequent urination.

It is necessary to wash the whole body daily. This is necessary for both good health and health. Washed completely in warm water you will feel fresh and healthy. During pregnancy, your baby receives 20% of oxygen through the skin, so it is important to keep it clean. Bathing water should be warm, never hot or cold. Both of these extremes can cause seizures and premature termination of pregnancy. Swimming in the bathroom is strictly prohibited. When taking a shower, put a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub. Without it, you can easily slip and fall. During pregnancy, injury should be avoided.

15th week

As the pregnancy progresses, this week all the unpleasant sensations are already behind. You feel just great. Your family has fully appreciated your condition and is trying to help you in everything.

A healthy woman can do her usual work until the seventh month of pregnancy. Possibility to continue it in more late dates will depend on the type of activity. From the very beginning, it is necessary to avoid hard physical labor (do not lift or carry heavy things), do not perform work associated with bending the body (washing, mopping), abandon sudden movements, jumping, quickly climbing or descending stairs. In the normal course of pregnancy, a woman can do her usual work, since everyday moderate physical and mental stress has a beneficial effect on the body, and also prevents the development of obesity, weakening of the muscular system and does not lead to weakness of generic forces. When compiling a complete pregnancy calendar, it is especially noted that any overload can have an adverse effect on a woman's body.

Pregnancy calendar: what happens from 16 to 19 weeks

16th week

Metabolism during pregnancy changes significantly, this is due to the restructuring of the nervous system and endocrine glands. During pregnancy, the number and activity of enzymes increases. At the same time, the amount of metabolic products that need to be removed from the body increases. Basal metabolic rate and oxygen consumption increase.

17th week

At this time, the bottom of the uterus is 6 cm above the pubic joint. You can no longer hide your pregnancy from others.

How should pregnancy proceed at this time? In the body of a pregnant woman, the volume of circulating blood increases. This is essential for a growing fetus. The work of your heart has increased, its pumping function increases by 20%. For a woman's body, this does not pass without a trace - the heartbeat quickens, sweating increases, discharge from the genital tract appears.

What does a woman feel during pregnancy at the 17th week? Discharge from the genital tract causes discomfort. The correct treatment will be prescribed only by a doctor.

Beli, among other troubles, cause itching, which can be very painful, and sometimes painful. Sometimes, even without them, during pregnancy, a feeling of itching is felt in the external genitalia simply because they are overflowing with blood. In both cases, a sitz bath or just washing will help. As a medicine for it, you can use a decoction of chamomile flowers or oak bark. But if the itching is especially painful, only your doctor will give you all the recommendations. Do not rub or scratch the itchy places, as the irritated mucous membrane can appear, suppurate and become a source of infection dangerous for a pregnant woman.

18th week

This week you may feel the baby move for the first time. You will get incomparable sensations, be surprised and delighted. But keep in mind that movements can be intermittent at this stage of pregnancy, so don't worry. That's the way it should be. Soon they will become regular and habitual.

The day of the first fetal movement can be used to calculate the date of the expected birth.

The absorption of phosphorus, which is necessary for the development of the nervous system and the skeleton of the fetus, as well as for the formation of protein in one's own body, is enhanced. Iron passes from the mother to the fetus, which is integral part hemoglobin. During fetal development, the fetus accumulates iron in the liver and spleen. With insufficient introduction of this element with food, anemia occurs in pregnant women, and development is disturbed in the fetus. There is a delay in the body of a pregnant woman of other inorganic substances (potassium, sodium, trace elements). This is of biological importance for the mother's body, in particular, for preparing for childbirth and.

19th week

The uterus continues to grow and takes up more and more space in abdominal cavity. It's getting hard to find comfortable position during sleep and rest. At this time, it is better to start attending classes at the School of Motherhood. Pregnant women who have undergone a course of psychoprophylactic preparation have much fewer complications during childbirth.

The accumulation of inorganic substances affects water exchange which contributes to water retention in the body. The juiciness of tissues inherent in pregnancy determines their easy extensibility, which has great importance for the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. In the normal course of pregnancy, there is no significant retention of water and chlorides, the fluid is quickly excreted from the body. In the pathological course of pregnancy (late gestosis), the release of fluid slows down, the accumulation of water and chlorides in the body increases, and edema occurs.

Weekly pregnancy calendar in the middle of the second trimester from 20 to 23 weeks

20th week

The uterus has risen even more, its bottom is 12 cm above the pubic joint. Congratulations, half of your pregnancy is over, you are in the middle of the second trimester. However, the condition of a woman in this week of pregnancy can be of concern, since at this time uterine contractions can sometimes be observed. These are the so-called false contractions of Braxton-Hicks, that is, the uterus begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. Although this is absolutely normal, care must be taken not to overload the body.

Vitamins are essential for metabolism during pregnancy. The need for them increases in connection with the growth and development of the fetus, as well as the need to maintain their own metabolism. The need for vitamins A, B, D, E, K, PP and C is increased. Vitamin C affects the development of the fetus and placenta, its daily requirement increases by 2-3 times. With irrational nutrition of a pregnant woman, there is a lack of vitamins, which can lead to disruption of physiological processes in the female body. With hypovitaminosis, the development of the placenta is disturbed.

21-22 weeks

The changes taking place in a woman's body at this time also apply to the genitals. The ovaries enlarge, blood circulation in them increases. The uterus grows and increases in size. In the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), there is an increase in the size and number of muscle fibers and connective tissue. Each muscle fiber lengthens 10-12 times and thickens 4-5 times, the thickness of the walls of the uterus reaches 3-4 cm, its connective tissue grows and loosens. The number of elastic fibers increases. The size, capacity, tone, excitability and contractility of the uterus increase. Irregular contractions of this organ may appear - rare and painless. They are not felt by the woman herself, but are recorded only with a special study. This signals that the body begins to prepare for childbirth. The position of the uterus changed, the angle between her neck and body disappeared, as she deviated anteriorly. The consistency of the uterus becomes soft, especially in the lower segment. The fallopian tubes
accept vertical position, thicken and more intensively supplied with blood. The fiber of the pelvis becomes loose, extensible. At the same time, the blood supply to the vagina increases, its walls loosen, become extensible, the folds are more pronounced. The entrance to the vagina acquires a blue-purple (cyanotic) hue.

23rd week

In accordance with the exact pregnancy calendar this week, the uterus has risen by another 4 cm. The increase in the mammary glands continues. If you massage and squeeze the breast, then colostrum will stand out.

It can be said with confidence that every woman strives to breastfeed her child and, thanks to this, create all the prerequisites for his further healthy development. In order to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the future, you need to take care of the mammary glands and nipples already during pregnancy, first of all, observe hygiene. It is quite possible that many of you would consider it a personal insult to mention the need to keep nipples clean, but in reality, a small number of women observe their hygiene. In most cases, colostrum, mixed with sweat and dust, dries up on them in the form of crusts. This is due to the fact that in many women the nipples are too sensitive. For future painless breastfeeding, it is simply necessary to reduce their sensitivity.

How should a normal pregnancy proceed at 24-26 weeks

24th week

At this stage of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus is 20 cm above the womb (at the level of the navel).

If you pay attention to the photo of the weekly pregnancy calendar, you will see that the belly has grown noticeably at this time, the woman has become stout:

Feeling good. You feel when he changes the position of the body, stretches the arms or legs. You notice that the fetus has periods of rest and periods of activity. Mom and dad can calm him down with gentle, rhythmic stroking of the stomach. Sometimes there are painful cramps in the calf muscles, most often they occur when stretching the legs while stretching on the bed. The reasons for this may be hormonal disorders in combination with a lack of vitamin B1.

How does pregnancy proceed in women at this time? An increase in intra-abdominal pressure makes it difficult for venous blood to drain from the lower extremities to the heart; it accumulates in veins that cannot withstand pressure and expand.

If a leg cramp occurs while you are standing, immediately sit down or at least lean on something and bend your leg at the knee. If you are at home, lie down. Massage the muscle of the bent leg quickly to the very depths, as if you were kneading the dough. The pain will pass quickly, but the muscle will still have increased sensitivity for a day or two. Try this while lying on the bed. It is necessary to put something under the legs so that they are slightly raised.

If you want your legs to be healthy after childbirth and for the rest of your life, take care of them during pregnancy, when they are heavily loaded. Do not wear round, tight garters that block circulation. From time to time, let's rest our legs - lie on your back for a few minutes across the bed vertically against the wall and lean against it with your raised legs. The blood will flow better from the veins, you will feel relief. In summer, it is recommended to walk barefoot on water or grass.

25th week

Your belly, in which the fetus develops, has grown even more. For some time, you will have to forget about the wasp waist. Good health is maintained. It's time to think about a dowry for your little one.

You become more tired and sleep more. Some pregnant women begin to feel pain in their back as their muscles become more and more stretched. These pains are most often observed in those women who previously had a strongly curved lumbar spine and experienced pain during menstruation. During pregnancy, the curvature of the spine in this section increases even more, in connection with which painful sensations arise.

In order to get rid of them, or at least reduce them, start doing physical exercises on time. If you lie on your back and bend your knees, then these pains usually go away. Stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. Lying on your side with your knees bent also relieves pain.

If the pain is too strong and you have never experienced anything like this before, consult a doctor immediately.

26th week

There were new, not entirely pleasant sensations in the form of rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, eat a little and more often (since the heartbeat may be associated with a full stomach), walk more, learn to breathe correctly.

The heart of a pregnant woman gradually adapts to the load. Due to the high standing of the diaphragm in recent months pregnancy, it is located more horizontally and closer to the ribs. The heart rate in the second half of pregnancy increases moderately.

Accurate pregnancy calendar by week in the third trimester (from 27 to 40 weeks)

27th week

How should a normal pregnancy in the third trimester proceed? During this period, a woman may begin to gain a lot of weight. The mammary glands are enlarged and engorged, there is often an imbalance, a decrease in mobility. Weakness and dizziness may appear.

Extreme care must be taken. Take care of yourself and your baby. If trouble occurs and you fall, immediately contact a doctor who will find out if everything is in order, and if necessary, conduct a deeper examination.

During pregnancy, lung function increases due to the increased need for oxygen. Despite the fact that the uterus moves the diaphragm upward at the end of pregnancy, the respiratory surface and vital capacity of the lungs do not decrease due to the expansion of the chest. Breathing in the last months of pregnancy becomes somewhat more frequent and deeper, gas exchange in the lungs increases. Sometimes there are congestion in the larynx and bronchial mucosa. This increases the susceptibility of pregnant women to influenza and other common infectious diseases.

28th week

The mother is growing. According to the weekly pregnancy calendar at this time, the bottom of the uterus from the level of the navel rises 4 cm higher. Body weight also increases. Some women who are at risk of developing a Rh conflict with the fetus are given special drugs at this time to reduce the effects of incompatibility between organisms.

During pregnancy, blood formation increases, the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and blood plasma increases. An increase in the volume of circulating blood, the number of erythrocytes and the level of hemoglobin in them begins in the first months and continues until 7-8 months of pregnancy. Before childbirth, the intensity of hematopoiesis decreases. The volume of circulating blood by the end of pregnancy increases by 35-40%. An increase in the volume, number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in the blood is of great importance for the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and pregnant tissues. In the blood coagulation system, changes occur that are adaptive in nature, in particular, the coagulation potential increases, especially in the last months of pregnancy. This helps to prevent significant blood loss during childbirth (with placental abruption) and the early postpartum period.

29th week

You are in a quiet period. All ailments, unpleasant sensations of the beginning of pregnancy were left behind. The volume of the abdomen has increased, but not enough to greatly interfere with you.

The size of the uterus increases, you may experience some discomfort. This is normal, as there is less and less free space left for neighboring organs. The amount of cholesterol in your body increases, it is necessary for the production of progesterone, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. To reduce discomfort in the body, try to rest more. Give up homework for a while, lie down in bed, read an interesting book, listen to classical music. Get positive emotions, they will benefit not only you, but also your baby.

Blood glucose levels may rise, especially when carbohydrates are consumed in excess. When glucose appears in the urine, the pregnant woman must be carefully examined.

With the growth of the uterus, the bladder stretches, moves up, the urethra stretches and straightens. The tone of the ureters decreases, their lumen becomes wider. At the end of pregnancy, the fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis, in connection with which pressure on the bladder may increase and the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.

30th week

The center of gravity of the body shifts, it becomes harder to carry a child. Therefore, to reduce discomfort, you need to continue to monitor your posture and do not forget about the bandage and exercise. They help you maintain your posture good health and properly prepare for childbirth. But do not overdo it, especially if you did not play sports before pregnancy. Walk outdoors more.

A set of gymnastic exercises corresponding to the exact weekly pregnancy calendar will be selected by specialists in the antenatal clinic.

Caring for the unborn child during pregnancy, a woman, however, should not overstep the bounds. You should not think that it will benefit him if you take different pills, powders or all kinds of strengthening agents. Women like to use calcium supplements and various vitamins during pregnancy, which they often buy loving spouse, friends, parents. This is completely unnecessary unless prescribed by a doctor. Ordinary (mixed) food contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins necessary for a healthy woman, so it is completely in vain to introduce them into the body. If there is still a need for vitamins and mineral elements, your attending physician will help you choose them. Sometimes a woman is afraid to harm the fetus by taking medication. Some caution in this regard is appropriate, especially for sleeping pills and antibacterial agents. But if a doctor prescribes medicines for you, he certainly takes into account your condition. Always, and especially when we take
values, it is better to manage with natural remedies, improve the diet and not take drugs in vain. However, all drugs prescribed by the doctor must be taken.

31st week

The uterus has risen pubic symphysis by about 31-32 cm. The weight gain is from 9.5 to 12.2 kg. Unpleasant sensations in the chest and pelvic region. Maintaining proper posture and exercise can help relieve pain. Lightly stroking your back should be a pleasant duty for your spouse.

As a result of emerging hormonal changes there is a discrepancy pubic bones to the sides by 0.5-0.6 cm. A more significant discrepancy (1-2 cm or more) is considered pathological (for example, if you have a narrow pelvis and large fruit), especially when pain occurs. Physiological changes in the pelvic joints contribute to the normal course of childbirth. During pregnancy rib cage expands, the costal arches rise, the lower end of the sternum moves away from the spinal column.

In the photo, how the pregnancy proceeds by weeks, it is clearly seen that the woman's posture changes at this time:

As the uterus grows and the abdomen enlarges, the spine straightens, the shoulders and the back of the head recline, the back bend in the spine increases, and a specific gait of the pregnant woman occurs.

32nd week

At 32 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is 28-30 cm above the womb. Your weight is growing fast enough. You find it increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position during sleep, more and more thoughts about the upcoming birth.

Be sure to consult your doctor about all your doubts. It is very important that a woman is in a good mood during pregnancy. A satisfied and cheerful person is better able to bear all sorts of small troubles. A feeling of satisfaction gives a sense of accomplishment, and small entertainments that will distract you from the monotony of life are also useful. A woman's good mood has a positive effect on her metabolism and the activity of the whole organism, which positively affects the unborn child. Thus, if the mother is happy and cheerful, her baby will also benefit.

Do not be hypocritical and do not say with a judgmental look that your best entertainment is homework. Believe that expanding your horizons will make you a better housewife and will benefit not only you, but also your family. A theatrical production, a film, a concert, a lecture, a book - all these are enjoyable and affordable entertainment. Avoid large crowds, especially in poorly ventilated areas that make it difficult to breathe, as this increases the chance of respiratory illness. If you are in a smoking area, reassure those present that cigarette smoke is harmful to you and ask them to stop smoking.

33rd week

At 33 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is 30-32 cm above the womb. The child occupies the entire uterine cavity. You've gotten a little better. By the end of pregnancy, a woman's weight gain reaches 10-15% of her original weight. Small deviations from this rule in both directions do not matter much.

Every woman with poor vision during pregnancy should visit an ophthalmologist twice. The fact is that pregnancy can sometimes cause visual impairment. It is desirable that in such cases assistance be provided in time by qualified specialists. A woman with poor eyesight should avoid frequent bending. If necessary, it is better to squat down. A pregnant woman should not lift weights, perform such work and exercises in which there is a rush of blood to the head. The fact is that with all these movements, intra-abdominal, intracranial, intraocular pressure increases, which has an adverse effect on the retina. Take care of your vision during pregnancy. Go to the doctor for an examination, and you do not have to fear that your vision will deteriorate.

34th week

Your body continues to prepare for childbirth. Do you notice that uterine contractions begin to differ from those that you felt before. Regardless of the fact that you are calm and happily expecting the birth of a child, you will still have a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes just anxiety and fear, and for no reason. You feel cheerful and happy, and suddenly such a strange feeling. In the old days, you would have been afraid and believed that your feeling of fear is a premonition of a bad end. Many such cases have been described in the literature in the past. All the time of pregnancy, the woman was deprived of joy, she pictured in her mind the bad course of childbirth. She paralyzed her strength and will, and she, understandably, was less likely to cope with the difficulties that could arise in the process of childbirth. But you will be reasonable, and your unreasonable fear try to overcome the mind. The feeling of such fear is far from every woman. However, we draw your attention to such a phenomenon, so that if it occurs, you will not be afraid.

Share what torments you with your doctor, who will try to find the causes of fear by examining your state of health. It is not always easy, because the feeling of fear can be caused hormonal processes occurring in your body and affecting the nervous system.

35th week

This term according to the pregnancy calendar is characterized by frequent urination, which makes you forget about restful sleep. You have to visit the toilet every 45-60 minutes. To cope with this, a pregnant woman needs to drink less fluids, do rotational movements of the pelvis before going to bed, and during the day to occupy herself with some kind of not very hard work. If you follow these recommendations, you are guaranteed a night's rest.

36th week

The bottom of the uterus from the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum rises higher, which makes it difficult to breathe, and there may be a feeling of discomfort after a heavy dinner. What does a woman feel during pregnancy at this time? There is rapid fatigue. By evening, cramps in the ankles may be felt. Your body continues to prepare for childbirth. You have noticed that your sweating has increased. Take a shower every day, try to wear only cotton underwear, do not eat too greasy and spicy food.

37th week

If for some reason you are going into labor now, then doctors are unlikely to stop it, since you have a full-term pregnancy. You must go to the doctor's office at the antenatal clinic every week until delivery. Now the child should normally be in the uterus head down (this is the so-called head presentation), but in 3% of pregnant women, it is possible that the fetus in the uterus is in a different position - legs or buttocks down (breech presentation). In this case, some problems in childbirth are possible. To avoid possible difficulties obstetricians warn the expectant mother that the possibility of delivery by caesarean section is not ruled out.

38th week

You are completely in anticipation of the greatest event of your life and no longer pay attention to the pigmentation of the navel, external genital organs, the pregnancy line (the brown line in the middle of the abdomen - from the navel to the pubis). At the end of pregnancy, on the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs, many pregnant women have striae - stretch marks, or stretch marks. These are red stripes that appear in places of overstretching of the skin. The causes are the growth of the abdomen and the enlargement of the glands. After childbirth, the striae gradually turn pale, become silvery, inconspicuous, but do not completely disappear. The main thing for you now is a positive attitude. Not only you are worried, but also all your relatives, and each of them is trying to give you their advice and recommendations.

It often happens that a pregnant woman, especially expecting her first child, is advised by everyone she meets and crosses. This is done, of course, with the best of intentions, but the results are often negative. Only the advice given by the doctor in consultation is decisive. Only he can take responsibility for both your health and the health of your child.

39th week

How is it going healthy pregnancy last week? The fundus of the uterus has sunk to the level of the 32nd week in primiparous 2 weeks before delivery, and in multiparous it occurs immediately before childbirth. It becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe. This is due to the descent of the presenting part of the fetus (head or pelvis) and pressing it against the entrance to the pelvis. The cervix begins to soften.

40th week

Very little time is left until the meeting with long-awaited baby. Your body has been preparing for this moment for a long time. Now you are tormented by only one thought: how will everything go? Everything will be fine. Set yourself up for this, because you have done everything possible for this.

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Some women are able to feel their pregnancy almost immediately after fertilization, but for most it takes several weeks. Pregnancy at an early stage is almost always accompanied by such signs as the absence of menstruation, drowsiness and fatigue, frequent urination, nausea, the appearance of other taste preferences, changes in the mammary glands: the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in them, darkening of the nipples, their increased sensitivity.

The first month is the most important in the entire pregnancy. Under unfavorable conditions for the development of the egg, the pregnancy is usually terminated at this time. If the pregnancy is not interrupted, then in the future, in the absence of a negative impact, it will develop normally.

In the first month, a woman needs to be especially careful about her health.
A proper rest is necessary, since fatigue at this stage is felt especially strongly. It is important to ensure that the diet is balanced, rich in vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. You need to drink plenty of fluids. Many people think that puffiness during pregnancy arises from an excess of fluid, but in reality this is not so: puffiness is a consequence of its lack. You need to try to protect yourself from all troubles, create a calm microclimate at home and, if possible, avoid stress at work.

Hormonal changes at 1 month of pregnancy:

Many physiological changes in the body during pregnancy are caused by the influence of hormones. The corpus luteum in the ovary (human chorionic gonadotropin) is responsible for the production of hormones in the first three months of pregnancy.
By 16 weeks, the organ that will take over the function of producing estrogen and progesterone, the placenta, will mature. In addition to estrogen and progesterone, other hormones are produced in large quantities, which affect growth, mineral balance, metabolism and cause many physiological changes in the mother's body during pregnancy. And yet the main work is done by these two hormones.

The task of hormonal changes in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy is to rebuild a woman's body for carrying a baby. While this active restructuring is underway, the expectant mother needs to tune in to a calm perception of this period.

What functions are the two main hormones responsible for in the body of the expectant mother?

Estrogen contributes to the thickening of the uterine mucosa, increasing the size of the muscles of the uterus and improving its blood supply, the growth of reproductive tissues, and also stimulates the blood supply to the mammary gland.
There is a high degree of probability that high level estrogen is also responsible for skin pigmentation, water retention in the body and the "deposition" of subcutaneous fat.

Progesterone prevents the contraction of smooth muscles, softens the uterus, does not allow it to contract excessively. This hormone relaxes the walls of the stomach and intestines, thus allowing them to absorb more nutrients. In addition, progesterone softens the walls of blood vessels, maintaining normal blood pressure in a woman's body. Progesterone also plays an important role during childbirth, which softens the ligaments, cartilage and cervix, making these tissues more elastic, allowing them to stretch during the birth of the baby. In the first 16 weeks, the mother's body, including the ovaries, is completely responsible for maintaining pregnancy and producing hormones. Many unpleasant sensations are associated with this, which most often disappear by the fourth month of pregnancy.

Physiological changes:

During the entire period of pregnancy, all the functions of the body of the expectant mother undergo changes, adapting to their new tasks and the needs of the unborn child growing inside.

Treat all the phenomena accompanying pregnancy as natural and completely normal. Take them calmly. After all, pregnancy is just a special state of health of your body in new conditions. This condition is absolutely not tantamount to illness, although to one degree or another you will be inclined to experience various ailments throughout the entire waiting period. What are the first symptoms of changes that can worry a woman in the initial period of pregnancy?

Already in the first month of pregnancy, many women experience nausea and vomiting. The most commonly referred to is “morning sickness,” although it can occur at any time of the day. In addition to nausea, some women have other signs of the hormonal storm that is now happening in the body - heartburn, indigestion, constipation and bloating. The only reason for the troubles of the first period of pregnancy is the production of an increased amount of progesterone and estrogen. To reduce these discomforts, try changing your diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits, whole grain breads, nuts, drink more fluids: herbal drinks, juices, water, limit coffee, strong black tea and too fatty foods.

In the first months of pregnancy, many women experience increased urinary frequency. This phenomenon is explained by two factors: firstly, the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, and secondly, the volume of fluid in the body increases. Try to completely empty your bladder every time you go to the toilet. Lean forward while urinating to empty your bladder completely. At night, three hours before bedtime, try not to drink any liquid so that your sleep is calm. If you suffer from dry mouth and thirst, rinse your mouth with cool water.

Under the influence of higher levels of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones, you may notice noticeable changes in your breasts. The area around the nipples (areola) enlarges and darkens. The breast increases in size, becomes more sensitive, it protrudes vascular network, and a tingling sensation may appear in the nipple area. The small bumps on the areola, called Montgomery's glands, become more visible, enlarge, and secrete more lubrication. This is how the breast prepares to supply the baby with milk. By the time of delivery, the breast will become heavier by almost a whole kilogram.

Causes of bleeding in the 1st (first) month of pregnancy:

During this period, some women experience bleeding, because of which many begin to worry and worry about maintaining the pregnancy. The causes of bleeding can be different, and if they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Perhaps these bleedings are not so dangerous for your health, but only a doctor can determine this:
1. Imaginary menstruation.
2. Lack of pregnancy hormone (progesterone). If the body does not produce enough progesterone, the lining of the uterus is shed and bleeds. This is most often seen in women with irregular cycles or after cured infertility. The lack of progesterone is dangerous miscarriage, spontaneous miscarriage.

3. Damage to the uterine os. During sexual intercourse, sports activities, the uterine pharynx, heavily supplied with blood, can be injured if a woman has erosion. And in this case, it is important to contact your consulting doctor.

4. Reduced immunity. In the first months of pregnancy, most women naturally decrease their immunity - this process is provided by nature. It is necessary so that both organisms - the fetus and the mother - can accept each other and the fetus is not rejected as a foreign body. The only danger is that, due to a decrease in protective functions, a woman's body becomes vulnerable to other diseases, the most common of which are colds and diseases of the genital tract.

5. Tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. At ectopic pregnancy usually bleeding begins at 7-8 weeks, when a fertilized egg, stuck in the fallopian tube due to adhesions, scarring in the oviduct, prolonged use of intrauterine devices or untreated ovarian inflammation, increases in size and can tear the oviduct. Pain in the lower abdomen is like contractions. In this case, the woman needs urgent hospitalization.

6. Miscarriage ( spontaneous abortion). A miscarriage is usually preceded by severe pulling pains, similar to pain during menstruation. A miscarriage at such an early stage is most often due to genetic disorders, a lack of pregnancy hormone, or abnormalities in the structure of the uterus. At the first symptoms of a miscarriage, it is necessary to contact the doctor as soon as possible and call an ambulance.

Psychological changes:

The beginning of pregnancy is a period of emotional swings, ups and downs of a woman's mood and well-being. Sometimes changes in mood are strong and even difficult to understand. Reflections on motherhood can either please, or suddenly upset. This is especially true in cases where the news of pregnancy was unexpected for a woman and not included in her life plans.

During this period, expectant mothers may feel unusually tired and feel like sleeping a lot. They hardly get out of bed in the morning, during the day they strive to “attach” to the pillow, and in the evening, having barely reached the house, they immediately fall asleep. Indeed, expectant mothers need more sleep due to increased energy consumption, accompanied by a change in metabolic rate. So the body adapts, adapting to its new state.

Sometimes a woman gets depressed - just don't confuse ordinary mood swings with depression. The most common symptoms are poor health, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite or, conversely, a constant desire to eat, apathy, sudden sudden mood changes, a feeling of emptiness.

Sometimes a woman becomes extremely sensitive and sentimental. She can be moved to tears by the plot of a cartoon or a book. It seems that no one loves her, then she doesn’t want anything at all. Tearfulness, a feeling of lethargy and despondency can be combined with a temporary decrease in intellectual abilities.

Responsibility for such a powerful change psychological state causes hormonal changes in the body. As a result state of mind expectant mother in the first months of pregnancy approaches the child. In this state, a woman perceives her surroundings in a childish way, feeling like a child. And this has its advantages - such a sense of self will help her when communicating with her own baby.

The emotional well-being of the expectant mother can be influenced by social or domestic disorder, including much depends on the reaction of the partner to the news of pregnancy. If you still have signs of depression, try to help yourself and take the necessary measures for this. First of all, try to understand what is happening to you ”and determine the reason for your well-being. Think about how it can be eliminated.

Tell your husband and loved ones whom you completely trust about everything that worries you.
Follow your desires. If you want, sleep more, rest.
Do not stop leading an active lifestyle that will distract you from sad thoughts: take a walk; spend relaxing activities: take a bath, exercise, go to concerts.
Find or invent a new hobby.

Sometimes you just need to let go of all the depressive feelings so that they go away on their own. Some women know how to manage their emotions and warn their loved ones about it. Others are not able to calmly perceive the emotional storm that occurs during this period. But, as you know, any storm ends - you just need to be able to wait it out. After all, it is no secret that very, very many women are subject to this in the first months of pregnancy - this is how adaptation to a new state takes place - spontaneously and sometimes unconsciously there is an understanding of a global change in life.

Remember one more thing. We are all subject to various influences, including the so-called fashion trends. This is not only manifested in clothing, cosmetics or lifestyle. Under the influence of fashion, the worldview and worldview of a person change. This is manifested in the craze for astrology, feng shui, positive thinking, esotericism. Many glossy media assert the fashion for absolute positiveness and optimism at all costs. This almost imposed point of view is reflected in the approach to pregnancy. In many magazines and books you can find the statement of one postulate: you are pregnant, the happiest period of your life has come. It really is. But at the same time, it is only part of the truth, reflecting only our desire for an ideal ...

Pregnancy is a part of life in which there is a place for grief and joy, sad and happy experiences. And the wisdom of a woman in this period is to readily accept now life as it is, without falling into panic and extremes. Therefore, you need to be prepared not only for joyful experiences, but also for such prosaic phenomena as morning sickness, constipation, insomnia, or other troubles. Then you can accept with a feeling of happiness and that's it. pleasant surprises that only pregnancy gives: the first movements of your baby and his “answers” ​​to the sound of your voice or the first ultrasound portrait that you proudly hang on the wall at home.

The most common causes for concern are:

You understand that now your health, physical condition and mood will be reflected in the unborn baby. Therefore, you need to take better care of yourself and treat yourself almost like a child. Let your loved ones also take care of you more reverently. Many of your responsibilities now need to be shifted to their shoulders. Start gradually involving your family in chores such as laundry, cleaning, cooking, or shopping.

Already in the first month of pregnancy, fatigue begins to affect, which can be caused by various reasons: lack of iron, protein, calories, poor lighting, polluted air or a sedentary lifestyle. All these adverse factors can be eliminated independently, adhering to proper nutrition while doing physical exercise. In particular, pay attention to your passive rest - now you need to allow yourself to sleep one to two hours longer than usual. But remember that sleep is different for sleep - you need to satisfy your need for additional hours for sleep so that sleep brings vigor, restores strength and gives clarity of mind. If your fatigue reaches the point of fainting, consult a doctor immediately.

Not all processes occurring in the body should be immediately attributed to ailments and taken to be treated by everyone. accessible ways. Be critical of the advice of friends and acquaintances; medicines not recommended by a doctor should not be taken. Medications that are safe for your body can cause irreparable harm future child. Experts say that drugs such as aspirin, tranquilizers, diet and sedative pills, nasal drops, in some cases cause pregnancy complications and fetal malformations.

Nausea that occurs in the morning or during the day is quite common in the first trimester. Much more woman may worry about late toxicosis of pregnant women (preeclampsia), which appears after 20 weeks of pregnancy. He is pretty frequent complication pregnancy and in severe forms can lead to convulsive seizures (eclampsia). Late toxicosis is classified as a hypertensive disease, since its leading symptom is an increase in blood pressure.

With toxicosis, a violation of sodium metabolism occurs, while excess water is not excreted through the kidneys and urinary tract, but accumulates in the tissues and leads to edema. To return the blood to normal state, the adrenal gland secretes vasoconstrictor hormones, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Early toxicosis (nausea) occurs in 75% of pregnant women. Usually after three months the nausea subsides, but sometimes, especially in women with multiple pregnancy, it can be observed throughout pregnancy.

Causes of nausea include:

sharp hormonal changes;
violation of the body's adaptation to new conditions;
change in the acidity of the stomach;
stretching of the muscles of the uterus;
some weakening of the muscles of the esophagus;
physical and mental fatigue.

Most often, early toxicosis affects women:

having diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer);
suffering from hypertension;
with diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
with neuropsychiatric disorders;
and also subject to frequent overwork.

The occurrence of toxicosis is also influenced by the general emotional state, your attitude towards pregnancy and the attitude of others around it. Early toxicosis is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sometimes salivation, swelling, mild physiological jaundice. Three degrees of severity of early toxicosis are identified. With mild form general state satisfactory, vomiting occurs 3-4 times a day. In this case, it is enough to follow a diet, regimen and use vitamin therapy.

With moderate toxicosis, vomiting increases up to 10-12 times, loss of appetite, weight loss, general weakness, dehydration of the body is observed. You need to seek help from a doctor who will check your blood pressure and give you a referral for a urinalysis, after which more full examination for the detection of chronic diseases.
As practice shows, it is difficult for women to withstand vomiting more than 4 times a day. With an increase in symptoms, it is best to temporarily stay in a hospital, where the psychological peace necessary for successful treatment will be provided.

The most severe form of toxicosis poses a threat to the life of the child, and often to the life of the mother. The disease is accompanied by indomitable vomiting, sudden and severe headaches, blurred vision, flashing in the eyes. Treatment of this form of toxicosis always takes place in a hospital, sometimes it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy. And do not rush to use medicines without the advice of doctors. And remember that early toxicosis is treated quite successfully!

How to relieve nausea, toxicosis during pregnancy:

Eat a varied diet rich in protein and carbohydrates.
Eat food often and in small portions.
Drink more fluids: vegetable and berry juices, soups, broths. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits that contain plenty of liquid, especially salads, melons, citrus fruits.
Add vitamins to your diet. For example, taking vitamin B before bed can help treat nausea.
Do not eat foods that smell and look unpleasant. Your body will tell you what it needs.
Do not provoke nausea by making yourself hungry. An empty stomach often causes nausea. Eat as soon as you feel hungry.
Always keep on hand, including next to the bed, crackers, crackers, a handful of raisins or nuts. In the morning, before getting out of bed, chew on a cracker, drink juice or a glass of water, and only then slowly and calmly get up.

Daily regime.
Do not overwork, allow yourself to sleep longer.
Walk outdoors as often as possible. It is also useful for your husband - spending time together will bring you even closer.
Reduce stress levels and avoid them as much as possible.

In general, the calmer your lifestyle is, the less signs of toxicosis will bother you. Help to cope with nausea natural methods therapies, the most accessible of which are herbal medicine, aromatherapy and homeopathy. If you practice yoga, consult with a trainer - he will suggest theasanas and breathing techniques with which you can alleviate your condition. You can turn to color therapy, acupuncture or shiatsu if you are familiar with these techniques and are familiar with qualified specialists, knowing the features application of their methods for pregnant women.

Medical examination and tests at the 1st (first) month of pregnancy:

The expectant mother often meets with the fact that she does not know which institution is best to contact for pregnancy management; in addition, often deprived of the necessary support of older and more experienced women, relatives; finally, information about new medical technologies is very contradictory and does not add confidence in their actions. As a result, the woman comes to a certain state of confusion.

And yet, it is better to make the first visit to the doctor at the place of your residence, if you do not have a “personal” gynecologist. The first contact with the doctor will show whether you have a desire to continue communication. One way or another, ordinary antenatal clinics are guaranteed to provide a complete primary examination of pregnant women. Mandatory medical examinations can be perceived in different ways. Some women are suspicious of a large number analyzes and examinations, others, due to their high anxiety, are ready to take tests at least every week.

In order for a woman to be accepted into any maternity hospital without problems, regardless of her place of residence, she needs to have birth certificate. The expectant mother receives this certificate at the antenatal clinic, having visited the doctor at least 12 times. If a woman has no information about necessary analyzes, she will be sent to give birth in the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital.

Medical examinations are designed primarily to maintain a woman's confidence in her health and the condition of her unborn baby. And regular meetings with the doctor, as experience shows, significantly reduce the anxiety of expectant mothers.

You are free to choose the safest tests and even refuse those examinations that seem superfluous or, for some reason, dangerous. Pregnancy is a special state of health, and medical intervention in the process of bearing a child should occur in exceptional cases, when there are serious symptoms of a disease in the expectant mother or child. This is especially true for those mothers who are going to give birth for the first time. It is known that during the second pregnancy, women become more independent, they know how these nine months of waiting go, they understand what they really need and what they can refuse.

Currently, there are many technical means for prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis. They are used to determine if a woman is pregnant. With the help of ultrasound, the development of the fetus is monitored. A blood test allows you to check whether the placenta is working properly and whether the unborn baby is provided with sufficient nutrients and oxygen. Based on the analysis of amniotic fluid and the analysis of the chorion, the presence of congenital diseases is determined.

The most popular of all types of examination is, perhaps, ultrasound. Today, ultrasound examination is considered the safest method of monitoring a child in the prenatal period, although there are sometimes ambiguous opinions on this issue. The scope of ultrasound is constantly expanding, but it is mainly used to see the uterine cavity, fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta and identify possible disorders.

Ultrasound is performed in two ways: through the abdominal wall or the vagina. In early pregnancy, up to about 12-15 weeks, the woman needs a full bladder to get a clear image on the screen. Therefore, before the procedure, it is recommended to drink a liter of liquid. It is not necessary to fill the bladder during subsequent ultrasound examinations.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound can confirm the presence of pregnancy and determine its duration, as well as diagnose an ectopic pregnancy.

After pregnancy is confirmed within the first four weeks, doctors will recommend a complete pregnancy. medical examination:
Examination of the external genital organs: vagina, cervix, pelvic organs, determination of the size of the pelvis.
Measurement of blood pressure.
Measurement of height and weight. This information is necessary to determine how your weight corresponds to height and age and whether it needs to be corrected depending on the peculiarities of the constitution.
Examination of internal organs: heart, kidneys, lungs, abdominal cavity, chest.
Examination at the dentist. Now in the body of a woman there are changes that can accelerate the destruction of unbaked teeth. Your dentist will advise you on how to take care of your teeth during this period.

The doctor will also need information regarding the following:
chronic diseases, previous diseases and operations;
chronic and genetic diseases in the family (if any, the doctor will give a referral to identify possible genetic diseases);
the time of the onset of the first menstruation, their duration and regularity;
previous pregnancies if they were, how did they proceed and how did they end: childbirth, abortion, miscarriage;
age, profession and similar information about your partner;
eating habits, exercise habits;
do you have bad habits(smoking and alcohol consumption);
If you or your partner have allergies, talk about the substances and medicines that cause allergic reactions.

All these examinations or some of them are especially necessary for those expectant mothers whose pregnancy was a surprise, because in this case they did not undergo a preliminary examination by all specialists. There is a list of tests that is mandatory for all pregnant women; if they are not available, a woman will not be able to be admitted to the maternity hospital for healthy women.

So do the following tests:

general and clinical urinalysis, for sugar, protein, bacteria;
blood test for resistance to rubella, determination of blood group, Rh factor and detection of anemia;
genetic tests (according to individual doctor's indications);
general analysis smear from the vagina;
tests for hepatitis, as well as for sexual diseases:

From the first days of pregnancy, an intensive restructuring of the body of the expectant mother takes place in accordance with the needs of the baby. Change does not only show up on the outside. The functioning of internal organs also undergoes significant changes.

The new state manifests itself in the characteristics of well-being, changes in taste preferences and emotional and psychological background. In order to understand what new awaits a woman "in position", we will consider what the effect of pregnancy on the body is.

External changes

Many women are convinced that pregnancy is not in the best way affects their appearance already in the early stages. Normally, if the expectant mother monitors her diet, sleeps well and observes the daily routine, she remains just as attractive. However, it should be noted what external changes are characteristic both for the gestation period itself and in the following months after childbirth:

  1. Increase in body weight. Normally, for 40 weeks of gestation, the body gains 9-12 kg. Indicators significantly exceeding these figures indicate errors in nutrition, late toxicosis, the presence of kidney pathology, diabetes. A large weight gain can lead to fetal hypoxia and difficulties during childbirth. Read more about norms and deviations.
  2. Enlargement of the mammary glands. Throughout pregnancy, the breast is “preparing” for future feeding, and shortly before childbirth, colostrum can be released from the mammary glands. After childbirth, the shape of the mammary glands usually changes, especially in those mothers who have been breastfeeding for a long time.
  3. The appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs. They can be caused by a hereditary factor, rapid growth stomach, changes in hormonal background, sedentary lifestyle, weak muscles.
  4. The appearance of pigment spots. Usually spots are localized on the face, chest, abdomen and indicate malfunctions of the ovaries, liver, hormonal changes, folic acid deficiency. Dark spots not dangerous to health, but can cause moral discomfort.
  5. The appearance of edema. This sign is typical for the second half of pregnancy and is the first symptom
  6. Increased hair loss. This deficiency can occur due to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals, since the body has to work for two.

If external changes are quite obvious, then about internal changes less is known.

Internal changes in the female body, provoked by pregnancy

Significant changes are observed in the cardiovascular, bone, digestive, immune and urinary systems, as well as the respiratory system. The most characteristic are:

  1. An increase in circulating blood volume and heart rate.
  2. Increased vascular tone.
  3. Increased blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  4. Elevation of the diaphragm due to enlargement of the uterus, causing rapid breathing.
  5. Change taste preferences and the appearance of toxicity.
  6. The shift in the center of gravity caused by weight gain and an increase in the size of the uterus.
  7. The divergence of the pelvic bones as a stage of preparation for childbirth.
  8. An increase in the activity of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system.
  9. Stimulation of the production of the hormone prolactin, which prepares the mammary glands for further feeding of the child.
  10. Start of operation corpus luteum responsible for maintaining pregnancy (after 4 months, these functions are taken over by the placenta).
  11. Activation of the adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas.
  12. Intensive work of the kidneys and bladder.
  13. perestroika immune system that ensures the preservation of pregnancy and normal development fetus.

The uterus undergoes significant changes. If at the beginning of gestation its dimensions are 7-8 cm, and the mass does not exceed 50-100 g, then before childbirth, the height of the organ increases to 35 cm, and the weight is up to 1 kg. There is also an expansion of blood vessels and an increase in the size of muscle fibers. After the baby is born, the uterus gradually returns to its normal size.

These and other changes can cause certain disturbances in the functioning of the body and, as a result, the appearance of problems with well-being.

Many women report breathing problems, lack of fresh air and shortness of breath already in the early stages. Intensive blood supply to the pelvic organs can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids, which are especially “activated” after childbirth (how to treat and prevent pathology methods). In the early stages, a decrease in blood pressure is usually noted, and in the second half of pregnancy, some pregnant women remain at risk of increasing pressure as one of the first signs of preeclampsia.

Intensive work of the kidneys manifests itself as frequent urination, as well as the risk of protein in the urine or exacerbation of pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes caused by infection in the urinary tract.

A decrease in the tone of muscle fibers and an increase in venous pressure is often the cause. In some cases, the disease can progress, causing damage to the external genitalia and pelvic organs.

For the formation of all systems of the child's body, the fetus requires a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals. The female body does not always cope with increased requirements. Deficiency of calcium and other essential substances negatively affects the condition of teeth and nails.

Can negatively affect health too frequent childbirth, early pregnancy(up to 16 years), the interval between births by caesarean section is less than two years.

Early changes

The first signs of pregnancy can appear as early as 2-3 weeks after conception. Most expectant mothers experience certain inconveniences or health problems.

  • Absence of menstruation

This is the main change that makes one suspect pregnancy. But even with a regular cycle, not every delay indicates a conception that has occurred. The reason for the lack of menstruation may be various diseases, heavy physical or moral stress, sudden weight loss, surgical intervention(more details in the article ""). Also, some pregnant women may have scanty discharge, reminiscent of menstruation.

  • breast swelling

The preparation of the mammary glands for future feeding begins already in the first weeks of gestation. A woman may experience tingling in the nipples, roughness in the chest, as well as a feeling of discomfort and slight pain in the abdomen. Severe pain of a cramping nature may indicate an incipient miscarriage.

  • General weakness

Hormonal restructuring, which the entire body undergoes, provokes constant weakness, drowsiness, and increased fatigue. The expectant mother has a sharp decrease in working capacity, pain and heaviness in the legs, back and lower back may occur.

  • Emotional instability

Changes in the hormonal background lead to its imbalance. The expectant mother experiences increased anxiety for her health and the condition of the baby. Often she becomes overly capricious, whiny, suspicious, overly susceptible to various troubles. Also characteristic sharp drops emotional state when an upbeat cheerful mood can instantly change into apathy and anxiety, and vice versa.

  • Nausea and vomiting

These signs are considered to be the main symptoms of early toxicosis. Most often, nausea is not associated with food intake and increases in the morning. There is an intolerance to certain odors. A pregnant woman may have a dislike for certain foods, or a strong desire to eat foods that she was previously indifferent to.

Usually pass by the fourth month. Rarely, they can persist throughout the entire gestation period.

There may be an unhealthy interest in inedible food (chalk, earth, clay). Such changes signal that the body lacks certain nutrients. So, the desire to eat chalk indicates low hemoglobin.

  • Increased vaginal discharge

Allocations of a transparent color and mucous structure are the norm. Their job is to protect the fetus from possible infections that can pass from the mother's body through the uterine cavity.

Features of changes in different periods of pregnancy

IN different trimesters During pregnancy, a woman's health status can change significantly. Let's take a look at the weekly changes.

  • 1 – 4

The laying of the main systems and organs of the fetus occurs, the placenta and amniotic fluid begin to form. The expectant mother may have the first early signs including increased drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, pulling pains lower abdomen. Changes in the structure of the cervix.

  • 5 – 8

During this period, the future baby's heart is formed, the first heartbeat can be recorded. Arms and legs begin to develop, on ultrasound the abdomen and back are already distinguished. The size of the fetus is 6-10 mm. There is a growth of the hemispheres of the brain, the intestines and pancreas develop. The pregnant woman may experience further signs of toxicosis, as well as an increase in body weight.

  • 9 – 10

The fetus lengthens the arms and legs, there is an active change in body position. The end of the 10th week marks the end of the embryonic period. The length of the fetus is about 3-4 cm. During this period, we can already talk about the weight of the child, which is approximately equal to 5 g.

  • 11 – 12

Most women note a gradual decrease in signs of early toxicosis. The enlarged uterus occupies the entire pelvic region and is easily palpated above the articulation of the pubic bone.

  • 13 – 15

At this stage, you can already determine the sex of the unborn baby. There is a need to switch to loose-fitting clothes that do not squeeze the stomach. The fruit is about 10 cm long and weighs about 50 g.

  • 16 – 18

Multiparous women are already beginning to feel the first movements of the fetus. The enlarged uterus rises towards the abdomen, reaching the liver. At this time, slight pain in the side may be felt. There are also pain in the back, due to a shift in the center of gravity and increased stress on the muscles of the sacrum.

At 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, you can already hear the first movements of the fetus

  • 19 – 20

The movements of the fetus begin to feel and primiparous. Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the body gains weight more intensively.

  • 21 – 23

The belly is already quite noticeable, but it is not yet so large as to hamper movement and cause inconvenience. Sometimes the middle of pregnancy is called the most comfortable period, as the general condition improves. However, in some pregnant women, the appearance of the first edema and drops in blood pressure is noted, which can later develop into late toxicosis.

  • 24 – 26

The distance from the uterus to the pubis is approximately 25 cm. The length of the fetus is 20-22 cm, and the weight is about 700 g. The increased pressure of the uterus on the internal organs can provoke constipation. Strict adherence to the diet prevents the development of constipation.

  • 27 – 30

Weight gain at this stage should be about 8 kg. The weight of the fetus is usually about 1 kg, a child born at this time, despite deep prematurity, can survive. A pregnant woman often has a problem with iron deficiency and. In this case, iron-containing preparations are prescribed and nutrition is adjusted.

  • 31 – 33

The abdomen is greatly enlarged. Some movements (tilts, abrupt or rapid changes in body position) and physical activity find it difficult. The child moves vigorously, taking the necessary position before childbirth.

  • 34 – 36

The closer to the day of the expected birth, the more the woman's concern about their outcome increases. Such emotional instability most common during first pregnancy. The movements of the baby become less active, because there is not enough space for him in the uterus. His height at this stage is about 45 cm, and his weight is about 2 kg.

  • 36 – 40

By the end of gestation, the abdomen droops, it becomes easier to breathe. A few days before the expected date, the body is actively preparing for childbirth. Light cramping pains appear, which are called harbingers. The organs and systems of the baby are fully formed, and he is ready for life outside the womb.

Age after 35 years

The best age to become a mother is between 20 and 35 years old. The success of conception is 86%, and the risk of interruption is only 10%. After age 35, fertility begins to decline. This is due to a decrease in the viability of the eggs. However, modern women are increasingly postponing the birth of children to a later date, striving to take place in a career plan.

Despite the fact that pregnancy after 35 years is considered late, subject to all the recommendations of doctors, the chances of giving birth to a healthy child are very high. Nevertheless, it should be noted increased risks for maternal health and fetal development, which must be considered in the management of pregnancy:

  1. Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. Women in adulthood have a significantly higher risk of having a child with chromosomal disorders, in particular with Down syndrome.
  2. . Its causes are usually associated with genetic pathologies and failures in the chromosome set of the fetus, as well as with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the mother. Usually a miscarriage occurs before 13 weeks, but later periods (20-22 weeks) are possible. The risk of miscarriage increases if there is a history of miscarriages or multiple abortions. It should be noted that there is a higher risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. . Its risk increases if the age exceeds 40 years. This creates an additional burden on the mother's body.
  4. pathological childbirth. Women older than 35-40 years of age are more likely to have preterm labor or the birth of a child with underweight or other signs of immaturity. The risk is rising premature detachment placenta, hypoxia or fetal asphyxia, weakness labor activity. In children born as a result of pathological births, a high risk of developing neurological and psychological problems, delayed speech development.
  5. Late toxicosis of pregnant women. It is characterized by such symptoms of preeclampsia as the appearance of edema and protein in the urine, jumps in blood pressure, excessive weight gain. At the same time, the risk of premature birth, stillbirth, intrauterine fetal hypoxia is high.

Women over 35 who decide to have a baby should take into account the listed risks and be attentive to their health. A prerequisite is early registration (up to 12 weeks) and carrying out all the tests prescribed by the doctor.

For early diagnosis possible pathologies fetal holding is shown. It allows you to identify genetic mutations no later than 11-13 weeks of gestation.

The positive impact of pregnancy

Doctors say that the bearing of a child and subsequent childbirth can have healing effect with some diseases, namely:

  • mastopathy (benign changes in the mammary gland) - increased production of progesterone prevents the further growth of tumors;
  • endometriosis - changes in the hormonal balance can lead to the complete elimination of this pathology;
  • migraine attacks - a decrease in estrogen leads to the elimination of headaches;
  • ovarian dysfunction - pregnancy has a positive effect on the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the functioning of these organs;

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are excellent prevention of development malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system and mammary glands.

The appearance of a child in adulthood has a positive impact on the psychological state.

How to avoid negative phenomena

Ideas about the period of bearing a child, even in the 21st century, are associated with many myths and prejudices. There is still a very tenacious belief that all women should be tormented by toxicosis or that they must all experience problems with tooth loss.

In fact, pregnancy can proceed without problems and feeling unwell if future parents treat the planning process with all responsibility. For this it is recommended:

  1. Get examined by all doctors, treat chronic diseases.
  2. Visit Genetics.
  3. Revise the diet, regularly introduce dairy and seafood, vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts into the menu, exclude fast food, fatty and spicy foods.
  4. Quit smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Lead an active lifestyle, practice moderate physical exercise and regular exercise, going to the gym.
  6. Ensure proper sleep for at least 8 hours a day, exclude emotional experiences and minimize stressful situations.
  7. Take vitamins and folic acid(Read about the need to take it when planning a pregnancy).

Pregnancy causes significant changes in your body. Many of these changes are caused by hormones.

Human gonadotropin, which we have already talked about, is secreted by the developing placenta and ensures that the female ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Estragen contributes to the thickening of the uterine mucosa and improves its blood supply, as well as the development of the milk ducts. Progesterone not only relaxes the uterus, preventing it from contracting excessively, but also releases relaxin, a substance that softens the ligaments, cartilage, and cervix, allowing them to stretch during childbirth.

In addition to hormonal changes, there are others. Your entire body is rebuilding, mobilizing all the forces so that you can give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

Some changes are also observed in the genitals of a pregnant woman - the large and small labia of pregnant women acquire a bluish tint. There may be a secretion from the vagina, sometimes profuse. The biggest changes occur in the uterus, in which your baby develops and grows stronger over the course of 9 months.

Before the onset of pregnancy, the uterus weighs approximately 40-50 g and has a length of 7-8 cm. By the end of pregnancy, its average weight is 1 kg, and the length from the neck to the bottom is 40-50 cm.

The growing uterus gradually leaves the pelvic area and pushes other organs. This explains most of the ailments - such as indigestion, constipation, varicose veins veins, shortness of breath.

Preparation for breastfeeding should not begin after childbirth, but immediately after you find out about your pregnancy

Big changes are taking place with your breasts, and this is not surprising, because it is on it that for several months, or even a whole year, the main function will be assigned - feeding the baby. The breast increases significantly in size, the areolas become dark brown. The blood supply to the nipples also increases - you may notice that when they come into contact with something, they protrude faster. Around the third month of pregnancy, a few drops of future milk can be squeezed out of the breast - yellow colostrum. Now is a good time to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding, as often mothers are forced to transfer babies to artificial nutrition due to the fact that they did not take care of it in time. And how many babies are deprived of the most important and healthy food - mother's milk! Read below to find out what steps you need to take to ensure that you can breastfeed your baby.

Share YOUR thoughts and experiences with your husband, and this will help you cope with this. transition period. Remember that he is the father of the child and, just like you, worries about your baby.

Together with physical changes in the first months of pregnancy are often observed and mental. You notice that you have tears in your eyes at the slightest provocation. You either want to laugh or cry. These changes in behavior cannot but embarrass, and sometimes - let's be honest with ourselves - annoy your husband. Often, our men do not represent the fact that a whole revolution is taking place in our body, and they attribute everything to an ordinary female whim. Feel free to try to explain your condition to your husband. And be sure to say that soon it will all be over. The time will come when both of you will laugh, remembering the inconvenience caused to you by the first weeks of pregnancy.

In the first three to four months, most pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. In order to alleviate your condition, after consulting with your doctor, you can take the following herbal infusions:

2 teaspoons mint, 1 teaspoon valerian root, 2 teaspoons dried marigold flowers, 1 teaspoon yarrow herb, 2 teaspoons chamomile flowers, 2 teaspoons shepherd's purse. All components (the absence of one or two is quite acceptable), pour one and a half glasses of boiling water and insist for half an hour. After that, strain the infusion and take 4 cups 6 times a day. After 25 days, take a break for 10-15 days, then resume treatment.

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips, 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort, 1 teaspoon of crushed hawthorn fruits, 1 tbsp. spoon of motherwort grass, 1 teaspoon of birch buds, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of bearberry leaves, fruits and strawberry leaves with two and a half glasses of boiling water, put on fire for a minute and a half, then insist for 20 minutes, strain.

The infusion should be taken hot half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Many women feel so bad that sometimes they begin to regret that they are carrying a child. Cheer up, the nausea will pass in a couple of months, and you will feel fine for the rest of the time until the birth. The main thing during this period is to avoid crowded places, because the defenses of your body are significantly weakened. In the event that you catch a cold during pregnancy, remember that the flu virus itself does not affect the baby, but the disease is terrible primarily because it is accompanied by high fever and the release of toxic substances and can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

The teeth of pregnant women are most susceptible to caries, so they must be especially carefully looked after - not only brush twice a day, but also rinse your mouth every time after eating or drinking, especially sweet ones.

Great changes occur in the oral cavity, where the process of digestion begins. During this period, the salivary glands secrete saliva more intensively. Its chemical composition also changes, and this can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

The most significant changes occur in the pelvic area - the joints of the pelvic bones and spine become more elastic and flexible, thereby facilitating the process of childbirth.

In the second trimester, your pregnancy becomes visible to your friends and acquaintances. In the future, your belly - the subject of your pride - increases even more due to the uterus, which seems to pull you forward, and this leads to the fact that the center of gravity moves. Watching the pregnant woman, everyone notices that she involuntarily leans back, as if she is carrying something heavy in her hands. This is what is called the "proud posture of pregnant women."

Remember that in the second half of pregnancy, the muscles of the abdominal wall are strongly stretched. If pregnancies follow one after another, the muscles will remain stretched. Some women develop bluish-reddish streaks on the skin of the abdomen, breasts, and thighs due to the tightness of the skin. After childbirth, these stripes noticeably lighten, sometimes leaving barely noticeable traces, and sometimes scars.

Along with the darkening of the nipples, as we have already mentioned above, some women have pigmentation of the entire skin - dark freckles appear, the genitals, arms and legs darken. This pigmentation is called chloasma - pregnancy spots. Quite often, a dark stripe appears on the skin from the pubis to the sternum through the navel - it is jokingly called the “mother-in-law path”.

You can try to prevent scarring of the skin with moisturizing creams and lotions. At the pharmacy, you can buy a special lotion to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. However, I want to warn that there is still no evidence of the effectiveness of these funds. In about half of women, they still appear, regardless of whether they used creams or not. But you can still try. An annotation is usually attached to each such tool.

In no case should you use baby creams and oils to combat stretch marks - they will bring the opposite effect, since they are designed to fight various skin rashes and dry the skin.

By the ninth month of pregnancy, you or the father of your baby will begin to have some concerns about your health or the health of your baby. This is quite natural. You may have depressing thoughts that your life is in serious danger - and this is also normal, since both pregnancy and childbirth are associated with certain difficulties and dangers, which are reduced with careful attention to your health and timely prenatal care. The times when women in childbirth died are over. Statistics say that the death rate of women in childbirth is now almost zero, and the death rate of newborns is constantly decreasing. Do not forget that you will give birth to your child under the supervision of qualified specialists, in a well-equipped maternity hospital, where both you and your baby will be provided with timely assistance, if necessary. In addition, all maternity hospitals have resuscitation devices for newborns, so all your fears are groundless.