Birthday words for husband. Happy birthday husband congratulations. From a loving wife

My beloved little man, my protector and my support, let me congratulate you, kiss you gently and once again confess my love for you. I'm happy. After all, the first thing I see every morning is the face of my beloved man! I am happy because, looking at our children, I notice your reflection in them! I am happy to hear your voice, laughter and the long-awaited sound of your steps when you come home from work in the evening. I cherish every moment spent together, and I know that you feel the same towards me! I love you madly and need reciprocal love and protection! Believe me, as I swore, I will always be there, never leave you and support you, no matter what you think. Happy birthday, dear!

Happy Birthday! It’s a pity that I can’t hug you now, but know that in my thoughts I am with you on this wonderful holiday! So accept my congratulations and wish to be a very happy person! May your life and the life of your relatives be magnificent, without which you cannot imagine your happiness! Let wishes come true, and every day there will be only a good mood!

Carrying love through the years without losing a single grain, but strengthening and multiplying it is possible only when the feelings of both spouses are sincere and come from the very heart. And then the reward will be real happiness, quiet and calm, with which for many years they will not get bored together, but will bring warmth and confidence in the future. I am happy that my husband is a man with whom you can live your whole life, and every year you find more and more good things in your spouse! On his birthday, I heartily congratulate him and wish him boundless, cloudless and all-encompassing happiness!

Happy birthday, beloved husband! You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You can and can do so much, you are very kind, calm. Next to you, I feel like a small and fragile girl. I know that you will always protect and solve all my problems. Happiness that I have you and happiness - to be married to such a man.

Beloved, the dove of my heart and the support of my destiny! My happiness in this world and joy in life! On my birthday, I hasten to wish good luck in business, prosperity and good health. Go through life with leaps and bounds and remember that your beloved wife will always support you in everything and always wrap you with her care and tenderness.

Happy birthday! I would like to wish you only the very best on your birthday. So that you are a brave and strong warrior, so that you never run away from the battlefield and never hide your head in the sand. Be always courageous and finish what you started.

With admiration, my dear, I wish you that joy, faith and love always walk by your side! I wish that all problems are wonderfully resolved! I wish that honestly and confidently, my dear husband, you walked through life, not paying attention to ridiculous accidents! May everything in this colorful world be only for you, may all miracles in the world happen in your honor! And your wife will always be there!

May there never come a day that makes you sad, sad or longing. May your life always be bright and bring only pleasure and joy. Let only loyal friends and good people surround you, and our love never fades and becomes stronger every moment. Happy Birthday honey!

>My husband, I am proud to call you that. This date for me means the day when my soul mate was born. I wish you to be the first in all matters, a recognized leader and a person to whom all doors open. May each new year only make you wiser, more successful and happier. Happy birthday!

On this bright, beautiful day, I wish you happiness, light, glory, the Sun, which will warm you with rays. I wish, my husband, that your mood is always gentle, radiant and cheerful. Live, my dear, without knowing the troubles and problems, in the areola of children's laughter, in an atmosphere of love. Let all your thoughts be about good. I wish you patience and favor of fate. Your wife.

>Today I wish a happy birthday to a kind and intelligent, talented and sympathetic, attentive and sincere, resolute and cheerful person, whose company is always very valuable for me, but especially today! I wish you many years of happy, prosperous life, may every minute be full of good meaning, bring you joy and a smile! I wish you success and results in your work, good luck and financial independence, unlimited opportunities, health, family well-being and happiness!

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what is possible and given. After all, you can't live life again. Love always and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Congratulations to my husband on the phone

Happy birthday! Of course, you know what the secret of happiness is - you are not so many years old, and you have already fulfilled the lion's share of your cherished desires, gained recognition and success, with which you can only be congratulated a thousand times! I wish you to continue to be the Creator, the Master of your own happiness! To multiply it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new amazing stories to the baggage of good memories!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy birthday, I want to wish self-confidence, a profitable, calm and beloved job, a stable, strong, large and happy family, unforgettable impressions, an expensive car, a country cottage, a full house of friends, confidence in the future.

Beautiful words of congratulations on the birthday of a man

On this day, I want to regret something special for you, but you already have everything important. You are strong, happy, you have a family and a job that brings joy. Therefore, from myself, you can only wish that you never lose it. Then your life will always be full of positive emotions, and every day brought joy, and today's positive charge was enough for a whole year.

Short words happy birthday to a man

On this wonderful birthday, I want to wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires, incredible happiness, sincere and true love, success and luck, all the best in life!

Birthday wishes for a man

I wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

Sincere words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Never let the years that add wisdom and life experience to you interfere with the commission of rash and spontaneous actions. They give the feeling of happiness. Never let those around you who make up your social circle influence your own opinion. It is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Never let troubles, which bring up in you tolerance and courage to overcome them, disappoint you in life. Live smart and be happy!

Cool words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, the refrigerator is bursting at the seams, and money falls out of the bags. A goldfish lives in the aquarium, fulfilling your every desire, and your favorite kisser and hugger sleeps in the bedroom.

Happy birthday words for a young man

Today, we wish the hero of the occasion the most important thing - always stay young! No one will argue with the fact that youth is a wonderful state when you are full of strength and energy, plans and hopes, when you expect something bright and joyful to happen every day. When you are young, you are sure that you can do everything, any task can be solved in one-two-three... Therefore, we wish you not to lose this feeling of carefree youth in your soul! Be happy!

Good birthday greetings for a man

Happy birthday! Today we will fulfill all your desires, and also wish you together to live happily ever after, because who, if not you, deserves the best? Perhaps it is impossible to find such a second wonderful person, and therefore - happiness to you, prosperity, good luck, indestructible health and true love!

Happy birthday to a man in simple words

Best wishes! Health, happiness, sea smiles and love the size of an ocean! And most importantly, always remain beautiful, smart and charming!

Warm words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what is possible and given. After all, you can't live life again. Love always and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Birthday wishes for a man in your own words

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you, and wish you from the bottom of my heart - financial well-being and achievement of goals, may work bring satisfaction and joy, may your most cherished dreams come true, wishes that your all come true and your friends are not forgotten.

Beloved husband! Here comes your birthday. Today you are the king, although every day you are my king, beloved husband and the only man in my wonderful life. On this day, I want to wish you: always remain as courageous, strong and wise. You are my protection and support, I love you and will do whatever you want, but I know your main desire ... to love and be loved, right?
I also want to call you affectionately "bunny" today and wish that your favorite football team always wins, that the beer is always cold, and that the cooked dinner is what you dreamed about all day at work. Happy holiday, my favorite earner, knight and just a wonderful man!

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35th birthday wishes for husband

My dear, I love you madly, and on this day of your 35th birthday, I want to say. That everything will be fine with you, and we will spend many more holidays and birthdays together. I also want a smile to play on your lips more often and your eyes to shine with happiness!

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Birthday wishes for husband

I kiss my beloved husband, loving,
And in my ear I whisper: "Happy birthday to you"!
You wake up, I admire you
All I do is ready to be happy with me.

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Wishes for beloved husband

In a past life I was a nun
She begged happiness for herself.
From the sky, you came down to me,
You are my angel, you are my destiny!
You are next to me and this is happiness,
How beautiful it sounds: "husband", "wife".
And in the journal entries about happiness,
Let our names come first.
I wish you to be happy
Do not be a dummy for other people's pleasures.
May my love protect
On the way to your dream, let success await!

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Poem wishes for a beloved husband

I wish you to live in joy and happiness.
And cherish every moment of life!
And yet, I want to tell you, dear,
How lucky I am to be your wife!

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Happy birthday wishes for husband

Beloved, from the very moment you became my soulmate, I don’t know whose birthday is a greater holiday for me - yours or mine! I often think about what would have happened if you had never been born into the world and I am horrified at this thought. My life is inconceivable without you, and all I want to tell you today is Thank you for being you!
May your life be filled with joy, love and warmth! And I will try my best to keep it that way.
Happy Birthday, dear!!!

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4 year wedding anniversary wishes for husband

Darling, these 4 years next to you flew by very quickly! I remember our wedding well, it seems that it was quite recently. That day I was flying in the clouds, I was in seventh heaven with happiness. Then life brought me down to earth, I became a little more pragmatic, more rational. But still, I can't help but smile when you come home after work, or when I wake up earlier than you, and watch how sweetly you soak up such pleasant moments of morning sleep. Thank you for the fact that next to you I can always feel like a happy bride. I hope that even at the wedding of our grandchildren I will feel the same way!
Happy Anniversary, Darling!

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Wishes for beloved husband

I remember my husband, as for the first time, I confessed my love,

My heart was beating wildly in my chest.

And now I say it a hundred times a day.

“Dear husband, you are the most gentle, I love you!”

I'm the happiest person in the world, I have you

You are the limit of my dreams, a symbol of beauty.

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sms wishes for husband

I want you to be proud of me
His devoted and loving wife.
And let your friends envy you
You have such a close family.

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Wishes for beloved husband

Dear beloved husband!
For me, you are all the more precious!
I want you God
Gave hit a huge jackpot!

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A poem wishing a husband who lives the life of a mother

It's time to break away from my mother's skirt.
My dear, only husband.
I want to continue to stay with you.
But the nerves are running out.
Patience is running out too.
You live your life.
After all, "mother's son", as people say
Not made for adult love.

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More musical birthday cards
Beauty (name)!
Happy Birthday!
We love you very much. You give us your warmth, you are the source of all blessings for us.
Be always young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful!
Expensive (...) !
Let life be hard sometimes, but be strong. And for yourself, quickly open a reliable path. Do not know how to survive, but live, always go only forward, always be friends with luck and try to catch your bird of happiness!
Good health to you! (Name) !
I want to wish on your birthday that you be simple, like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be light on your feet, like the sail of a ship, be cheerful, like the songs of the waves rustling in the open. And may the whole thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!
Expensive (...) !
I wish your life to be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky! Original beautiful words happy birthday (Name)!
On this beautiful, joyful day - your birthday - we wish you a sea of ​​​​gifts, beautiful flowers, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bconfessions and smiles, a sea of ​​​​pleasant meetings and wonderful minutes, and on vacation days - a warm sandy beach
black or
Mediterranean Sea. Expensive (...) !
We wish our birthday boy to always keep spiritual youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of beauty, it is a feeling that everything is possible, everything is within your power. We wish you health, happiness, may you always be accompanied by success and good luck! (Name) !
It is not in our power to stop the year.
Let it be so: the more years, the more happiness!
Expensive (...) !
I want to wish that all hardships rush away, and your future would be filled with the light of joyful happiness. So that advice and love reign in your family, where you are undoubtedly the head, so that your health is stronger!
And we, all your relatives, promise never to upset you! (Name) !
On this brightest day, accept the words - wishes of happiness and warmth.
Let only joy cross the threshold of your house, and worries always remain outside the door!
Expensive (...) !
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
May fate save you from grief and misfortune, from the worst enemy, from an evil tongue, from a petty friend, from a serious illness!
And give you
Lord of health, joy and good luck!
Dear (name)!
I want to wish that life never ends; and on your way you never met any trouble or sadness, but only kind and sympathetic people!
I would also like to wish you more good friends, success, health and sunny days!
Expensive (...) !
I wish you presentations and climaxes, Mercedes and delicacies, high and great life!
Dear (name)!
Be healthy like a tomato; be sure, like a hillock; be steadfast, like the rocks of the mountains; be spiritual like a cathedral; fresh soul, like a coniferous forest!

Congratulations on
Birthdays for husband and daddy!

Musical birthday greetings from the service

Expensive (...) !
Now you have become even more mature, and we are only proud of you!
You embodied all the best family traits: cheerful, skillful, energetic, kind, courageous. And we want your life to be clean, bright, and that luck, success and happiness be chosen among all of you!
give you
God live to so many years that it would be impossible to count them!
give you
God of great health!
give you
God is, and there is always plenty to drink!
Love your wife without days off and a thousand percent per annum!
Friend (...) !
With a special feeling on your birthday, I want to wish you happy years, joy, health, victories and career advancement!
I wish you that everything comes true, that the wings of glory find you, and your name is among the great figures of the whole
Dear (name)!
We wish you happiness and kindness on this day, feel the fullness of life, joyfully meet the morning and keep this feeling until late at night. We want to wish you to have time for everything in life and over the years not to grow old, but to become younger. Maintain health and vigor and live for many, many years!

Congratulations in prose to her husband

My husband, I am proud to call you that. This date for me means the day when my soul mate was born. I wish you to be the first in all matters, a recognized leader and a person to whom all doors open. May each new year only make you wiser, more successful and happier. Happy birthday!
Life is short, but its hours are long.

Let there be long happy hours of our life together!
And I want to tell you that I am happy that fate brought me together with you. Let our future continue to be only common, and a black cloud will never come into our relations. I want to say everything
The universe about my unearthly love for you, my husband!
I live for you, I breathe you, you occupy my whole life, because without you the world becomes faceless and dull for me. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one. When I married you, I already knew that you were the most wonderful person in the world.

I love!
In marriage, I realized that my husband is the best!
Therefore, dear, I want to wish you, as my beloved spouse, to always remain as healthy, forever young and always cheerful!
With day
My dear, my most important person in life. With you next to me, I feel so comfortable and good.

You are my hope, my support, my hope, my most important person in life. We share all sorrows and joys in half, we are one with you. Today is your birthday. Let me heartily congratulate you on your personal holiday, my beloved husband. I wish you good health, great happiness and good luck in everything. Be always gentle, loved and most desired. May a good angel always protect you, my only one.

You are the main person in my destiny! My closest and dearest person, my soulmate. With every year of our life together.

I love you more and more. You and I are one. I am so grateful to fate that we are together now. On your birthday, I wish you great happiness, good health, reliable and true friends.

May luck always accompany you, may only good mood always be with you. Let your life flow like a full river among strong banks. I love you, my dear husband, and wish you long life. I am proud of you, my beloved husband.

You are my kindest, smartest, most reliable. Accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May everything be in order in your life, may luck always accompany you. Good health to you, long and happy years of life. Let only reliable friends meet on your way. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and well-being. Be always confident in yourself, never doubt anything, and solve all life's problems easily. My beloved husband, you are the best in the world. I am very lucky with you, and I am so grateful to fate for connecting us.

You are my soulmate, without which I simply cannot imagine my life. We share all the joys in half, and we cope with all the failures easily and simply together. Today is your birthday, I congratulate you and wish you great happiness, good mood, good health and long life.

May your dream come true, may good luck often visit your home. My only husband, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, much happiness, and long, long years of life.

May luck always be with you. May life bring you inspiration, and may fate favor you with all earthly blessings, prosperity, peace and tranquility in the family, my beloved husband. I wish you joy, luck, self-confidence. Be always loved and desired. May my love always protect you. May youth and beauty accompany you through life. "The whole world is related to the magnanimous," says the proverb. And it is true.

This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday. I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this holiday, I would like to wish my husband ... I wanted to say health, but he is "chronically healthy" ... Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for indiscretion, happiness he has ... And I wish him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he has always been and thanks to which he has made so many wonderful friends!
For my husband!
Thank you for the warmth and peace that you radiate with your kindness and love. Everything good that is in my destiny is all thanks to you.

I wish you great happiness, a clear sky and cloudless creative success. Live long, long and never get sick, I love you. Today, on a solemn day, in

For me, you are the dearest and closest person. I am glad that I have you and that you are always with me.

Together we are not afraid of any obstacles. Happy birthday to you, my dear husband!
I want you to always be happy, and everything you dream about will definitely come true!
Happy Birthday sweetheart!
On birthdays, it is customary to say pleasant things and wish happiness, health, and success. All this I also wish you - like no one else, as the closest person can wish. But I also want you to know - I love you very much, you are the only and dear, you really are the very soulmate that many people have been looking for all their lives and do not find. And I found you, I'm lucky!
I am happy with you and I want you to know about it.
Happy Birthday sweetheart!
I hasten to congratulate the one and only husband on this exceptional event!
You are my hero, my patron, my guiding star!
You go into the world to get and win, and at home
Peace, love, warmth and understanding are always waiting for you!
Continue in the same spirit!
Dare, go forward, achieve goals and harvest.
Most importantly, enjoy life!
When I married you, I already knew that you were the most wonderful person in the world.
I wish you all the very best in the world on this beautiful day, although you already have me, so I wish you more smiles and nice people around you!
I love!
My favorite ray, beloved hubby!
Congratulations on
Happy Birthday!
On this day, I want to wish you great happiness, good health and much, much joy!
You are the best in the world for me!
I love you!
Happy birthday!
Life flew by unnoticed, because when you are happy and love, you don’t have to count the years. Thank you for your loyalty and unquenchable love.

Be such a faithful and devoted husband. I wish you good health, a clear mind and a cheerful character. My dear, beloved and reliable husband!
Congratulations on
Happy Birthday!
You are my kindest, sweetest and most affectionate husband on earth!
Let our life together turn into a fairy tale, and let love become even stronger.
I wish you good health, be cheerful and courageous!
My most beloved and dear person in the world is my sun and my support.

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on
Happy birthday. I wish you good health, peace of mind and stability at work, so that your management will appreciate your professional qualities on merit. Joy to you, light, inspiration, so that all your plans come true. So that everything in your life is like in a good movie and that you always want to go home!
I love you!
On the one hand, you personify strength and confidence, strength of mind and body, and on the other, tenderness, caring and love!
All these qualities complement each other, live in harmony and balance.
Thank you for being a warrior and winner at work, and a loving and gentle husband at home!
On this beautiful day, I would like to wish love to my beloved man in everything and everywhere: at work and at home, in training in the gym, on long business trips, in foreign resorts and local sanatoriums, in fashionable planes and in luxury cars!
But in moderation, as the most beloved and only wife is waiting at home!
Happy birthday!
The time of our life flips through the calendar, and again the dawn moves after sunset, let this
Births will add, many long and happy years.

May you remember this day for a long time, and all those warm words that I have prepared for you, my dear. “The whole world is related to the magnanimous,” says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday.
I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this festive day, I would like to wish my husband good health, but he is "chronically healthy." Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for indiscretion, he has happiness ... And I wish him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he always was and thanks to which he made so many wonderful friends!
Dear husband, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on
For many years you have been a support for me in all difficulties!
I can't imagine how I would live if we hadn't met!
I really want you to continue to remain as strong, reliable and gentle!
Today, on a solemn day, in
Birth, your beloved, I wish you health and live without aging, more joys for you, less sadness, and troubles so that they never knock on you.

Always be healthy, never be sad, and in such a mood that you live to a hundred!
It's nice to see you at the festive table - a cheerful and handsome man, the closest and dearest person - a beloved husband!
We have a common destiny and one life path that we will go hand in hand and will always be happy together!
Take care of yourself and me, dear!
Dear beloved husband!
A new and better page opens today
Your life!
And now I want to wish
Your life was filled with love, warmed by warmth, provided financially and without any extra effort!
For life
It was easy and pleasant for you!
Happy birthday!
My dear, how much you mean to me, you can’t even imagine how dear you are to me. May your day be sunny, beautiful, and your path will be strewn with roses. And every evening - starry, clean, clear, my dear happy, always be.

When you are with me, I feel warm, comfortable and calm. I know, no matter what surprises life brings, you will always be there: you will understand and support - this is the little secret of great happiness. Thank you my love!
I wish you to be successful, healthy and self-confident, so that no doubts torment you and all troubles bypass. I want every day for you to be filled with the joy of victories and accomplishments!
I'm proud to have you by my side!
With you, my beloved, nothing in life is scary, together we will be able to overcome any path, because a more reliable person cannot be found in the world. Your warm loving heart can save you from all troubles and hardships.

Thank you for your loyalty and devotion, I love you very much. Happy birthday to my beloved, priceless and unique husband. An interesting job for you, a progressive career.

Let your songs sound with a guitar on camping trips, and barbecue is cooked. May the years and days be wonderful, wonderful, unforgettable. Happy holiday, dear, you!
Dear, most wonderful husband on
Earth, I want to congratulate you on the holiday, on your birthday.

You are strong, brave, brave, resolute, you are the ideal of masculinity. I feel confident behind your back. I sincerely wish you health, career growth, peace of mind. My favorite person!
My dear husband, my support, my protector and best friend!
I want to wish you a happy birthday and say again how grateful I am to fate that I met you!
I wish you to always be the same worthy example for our children!
I am always proud and admire you!
My dear man, you and I are like two halves, and the happiness that you and I were able to create is very valuable. I want to give you no peace, to be strong and remain weak, I want to call you my love, and life otherwise makes no sense.

Dear beloved husband!
I wish you health, wealth, happiness!
Success in your business!
Good luck to you, good!
So that your life, like sugar, be sweet!
Happy birthday!
Dear husband!
Congratulate you with Holliday! I wish our love and our relationship to be the strongest, longest and mutual for the rest of our lives!
I love you very much!
Happy birthday I want to congratulate
I want to congratulate you today
The birth of my real man and wish him: let everything that is needed in life, than life happens, be good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

My most beloved and only man, I wish you a happy birthday. May everything you dream about come true. May your life be long and beautiful.

I wish, my most important person, great happiness, good health, success in everything and always. Let the bird of happiness be a frequent guest in your home. Let only good and reliable friends surround you. I wish you a good mood, optimism and confidence in the future. My love is always with you, my beloved. Today is our colleague's birthday. The whole team congratulates
You with such a wonderful event. We wish
To you, first of all, good health, patience and endurance.

let work
It brings you inspiration and
Your experience and wisdom help many. All earthly blessings
You and happiness. Let never
You are not visited by sadness and sadness
Be always so cheerful with a wonderful sense of humor.
May life always be generous with
you and long.

My beloved husband, my soulmate. I am very grateful to fate for bringing us together. You are a real man who you can always rely on.

I sincerely congratulate you, my dear, on the holiday. May your life be pure and transparent, like spring water. May only good people and reliable friends always meet on your way. I wish you good health, a lot of joy, family well-being and comfort. Let
The Lord will always protect you. There would be much more goodness, love and beauty in the world if there were more people like you, my beloved man. You are my dream, my ideal.

You have a wonderful, just an angelic character. You are my strength and hope in everything. Today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful holiday. Let everything turn out the way you want.

May you always be lucky in everything. I wish you great success in everything, good health and good mood. May your cherished dream come true. To say thank you for everything is so little.

We owe you a great debt, our dear daddy. In every way you are an example of a real man. You will always be the first to help, give practical, wise advice, and all problems, like clouds, will quickly scatter in the wind. Better than you, daddy, there is no one on the whole planet. Today is your birthday. We heartily congratulate you, wish you good health, long and happy years of life. May luck always smile at you, may only good news pleasantly surprise you. What is he, a real man?

This is a person you can rely on at any moment, who you can trust, with whom you can just talk heart to heart. A real man is my favorite. I am so happy to be with him. Today, my beloved, celebrates his birthday. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your triumph. Let your life flow calmly and confidently, like a full river. I wish you good luck in everything, good health, always good mood and well-being. My grandfather is the best man in the world. He is decent, just and wise.

Today my beloved grandpa celebrates his birthday. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you, dear, on the holiday. Be always youthful and strong, may health not fail you. To enjoy life in prosperity and love. May your family surround you with love. Be always an example for all of us. May your dreams come true, may the bird of happiness bring you good news. Let
The Lord will always protect you.
Our dear birthday boy!
Happy holiday to you!
Let this serious and big date not come on the throat of your cheerful, reckless song, let it not unlearn you to enjoy life and enjoy every day of it!
We heartily congratulate you, our young
Anniversary! I remember when I met you. It was love at first sight. I thought: "I want this man to become my husband, the father of my children. I know that we will have a happy family."

Now, looking back, I realize that I was right. We fell in love, created a family, we had wonderful children, and we lived together for many years. Sometimes it was difficult, but we love each other and were able to overcome everything. Today, our family and close friends have gathered together, and I want to be the first to congratulate my husband on
Happy Birthday!
Know that you are very dear to us, be happy in your
Birthday and always!
When a woman's only man comes into her life, neither a career nor other freedoms become important, as if granted to a woman in our age.

I found my destiny in loving you and keeping our home, where you return from work every evening, knowing that a loving wife and family comfort are waiting for you ... I don’t need any other happiness than to be with you!
I congratulate you on
Happy birthday and wish you always smile!
My beloved, precious wife!
I want in your
Birthday I want to thank you for everything you filled my life with. You brought warmth and comfort to our house, you supported me and rejoiced at my successes, you gave birth to good children for me, who cannot be seen enough, because they are a copy of you!
You are the meaning of my life, you are that ray of light that will warm you in the cold and show you the right path.
I love you, congratulations
Happy birthday and wish you the fulfillment of all dreams and hopes!

I love and I am loved, the sun always shines in my soul, and I know that everything will be fine, because I am not alone. With me, my beloved and only - my husband. My dear, my sun!
Into your
Birthday, I'm happy to be there, listen to how you are congratulated, and rejoice with you, share this wonderful day with you, like everything else in our lives. Stay always as happy as on this day, and may your dreams come true!

When I was very young, like all girls, I dreamed of getting married. White dress, many guests - and the one without whom there can be no wedding - my husband!
I knew that he should, first of all, love me with all his heart, be kind, fair, intelligent and cheerful. But I didn’t even dare to dream that the best man in the world would become my husband, whom I congratulate today on
Happy Birthday!
I wish my dear spouse, who made my life a real fairy tale, always smile and be very happy!
To my husband, master of my heart and guardian of my destiny and my happiness, in his
Birthday I want to wish all the blessings of the world, all the sunshine and good health, good luck and prosperity.

And I also wish him to be open to everything new and interesting, boldly step forward towards his dreams and always remember that his wife will be with him in everything, at all times!
When I open the family album, our life passes before my eyes again and again.

Here are our first meetings, when we were very young, lost from the happiness that fell on our heads. Here is our wedding, we are holding hands and we already know that we want to be together all our lives. Here are the first days of our new, complete family, when a happy father holds our child in his arms. Here is our first anniversary, memorable holidays with the family, just happy moments. Page by page, we are approaching today, which will also remain warm memories captured in the photo. On my husband's birthday, I want to wish him to always remain as happy, wise and cheerful as all these years!

When you fall in love, involuntarily, thoughts of marriage come by themselves. Will my beloved become my husband? What will our family be like? Probably very happy and friendly. And what happiness when all hopes and dreams come true!
When a husband loves so much, takes care of the family and puts the warmth of his heart into every minute of our life. On my husband's birthday, I want to confess to him that he is my best gift of fate, I am grateful to him for the fulfillment of my dreams and I want to wish him as much happiness as I feel!
The love that has come into a woman's life can be compared to a long-awaited downpour over the desert.

Water awakens to life, flowers bloom with its arrival, and the sun does not burn, but caresses. I want to tell you, my husband, that you saved me from gray everyday life and loneliness, gave me a new life!
I congratulate you on
Happy birthday and wish you to be the happiest of all in the world!
Carrying love through the years without losing a single grain, but strengthening and multiplying it is possible only when the feelings of both spouses are sincere and come from the very heart.

And then the reward will be real happiness, quiet and calm, with which for many years they will not get bored together, but will bring warmth and confidence in the future. I am happy that my husband is a man with whom you can live your whole life, and every year you find more and more good things in your spouse!
In his
On his birthday, I heartily congratulate him and wish him boundless, cloudless and all-encompassing happiness!
To give love, to love every day, to surround with care and attention is no less valuable than to be loved, surrounded by affection and attention. I admit, sometimes it seems to me that my husband loves me even a little more than I love him!
But in his
Birthday I promise that I will love him even more and be his best wife! show more
If I knew many years ago what kind of happiness awaits me, what a wonderful man is destined for me by fate!
I would wait for him every day, every hour, every minute!
And she would certainly do everything possible to meet him as soon as possible. I am grateful to fate for bringing us together, and I wish to live with you more than once for as many years as we have been together!
I congratulate you, my only one, the creator of my happiness, my beloved husband, on
Happy birthday and wish you to always be the best in everything!
Once the people folded a fairy tale that on a magical night you can find a fern flower, and having picked it, you need to run quickly and not listen, not look around, because there will be many hunters to take it away!
But if you save the flower, you will find happiness and untold wealth. This story has its own truth. You need to be able to find your love, and when you find it, you need to save it.

Protect from inattention, distrust, jealousy, stupid insults. From everything you need to save a fragile feeling, like a flower, to carry with you through the years. And then there will be happiness, and real wealth will be found in the family. I congratulate you on
Happy birthday to my husband and I want to tell him that without him there would be no our fairy tale!

A morning kiss, a warm "good night", a romantic evening, a whole day off for two, an unexpectedly presented flower, a light touch of hands ... small little things, pleasant and so familiar, from which the word "happiness" is formed over the years of marriage. Beloved husband!
I congratulate you on
Happy birthday and I wish you to be able to find and enjoy every day - any small spark of joy and happiness, which, no doubt, our wonderful marriage will always be full of!
Happy birthday, my chosen one!
All these years we have created our marriage, putting into it only the warmest feelings from our hearts. And so our family was born.

So let it continue to be light and comfortable in our life, let our life be filled with pleasant memories of happy moments, the fruits of our love and our most secret, embodied desires!
To distant lands, beyond seven seas, to a distant, unknown country ... Far, far away, the heroes of Russian fairy tales have long gone to find their happiness. But what if it's really close? Literally lives in the neighborhood, while the gaze caresses distant horizons in vain in search of an overseas miracle. I am glad that I was able to discern my happiness, to recognize my betrothed, and they will never exchange him for any overseas miracles!
I congratulate you on
Happy birthday, my beloved, and I wish you to always shine as brightly and affably, my sun!
They say men are not particularly fond of sentimental words, but how can I keep what overflows my heart in
Birthday of my beloved!
In addition, I know him well, and I know how he smiles rather, a little embarrassedly, when I once again say that I love him. I love you, I love you a thousand times and I wish you happiness, we will divide it in half and be even happier!
What are tests for love?

Perhaps one of the tests can be called marriage. As the years go by, lovers learn from each other, not by romantic dates under the moonlight, but by how to live under the same roof. The time for living together comes, all habits and habits open up, there is a place not only for declarations of love, but also for pressing issues that require the efforts of both spouses. If love is real, marriage will only bring people closer, they will be able to love each other without embellishment, to appreciate what is given to them. My husband and I love with honor passed all the tests. Today I want to congratulate him on
Happy Birthday. Raise a glass high for him, for his invaluable contribution to our family, and say that over the years of marriage he has become even dearer, more beloved and desirable to me!

When you met my father, he, a strict, demanding and irreconcilable man, took time to think, and after a few agonizing days, he made a decision - this guy is worthy of my daughter!
Into your
Birthday, my dear husband, I am immensely glad to congratulate you, the one who not only made me happy, but also justified the hopes of my loved ones!
Be happy always, always, and when the time comes to choose a husband for our daughter, choose a son-in-law as good as yourself!
I love you - such simple words, but what kind of meaning do we put in them?

They really sound when the person to whom you say them is not only the one for whom you have a passion, but also the one you trust, entrust your life, your destiny. I tell you that I love you and in your
Birthday I will add to the words all the tenderness, affection and care for you, my husband! show more
We live only once, and our life should be full of only the best - good mood, good health, successful business, warm meetings with friends and relatives, and of course, love. Bright, hot like the sun, boundless like the ocean, sincere and mutual. My love!
Happy birthday!
I wish you all this and want to say again how much I love you!
Marriage is a union of love for two. But one passion, attraction is clearly not enough for this union to endure for years.

To create a real fortress out of it for a happy family life, you need to put a lot of patience, attention to your spouse, sensitivity, the ability to listen, look and understand. Today I want to tell you, my husband, that over the years we have been able to build not just a fortress, but a real palace, in which, I believe, we will live for many more long and happy years!
Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Love is like a flame. It can warm and bring back to life - or burn to the ground.

The flame must be handled carefully, not in a hurry, and if you manage to enclose it in the hearth, the house will be warm and light. Over the years of marriage, we have tamed our flame of love, and now it burns peacefully in the family hearth. Into your
I congratulate you on your birthday and as if I see dancing tongues rising from the flame, I know for sure that they will always flare up in our lives, not allowing the fire of love to go out!
Today our house is full of smiles and joy, the best friends have gathered - and you, my husband, the owner of your house, cordially receive guests, listen to congratulations and, believe me, you deserve them all!
I also want to congratulate you on
Happy birthday and praise as it should, because such a wonderful person like you, a wise owner, a loving husband and a faithful friend, is worthy of all praise a hundred times more than we have time to say today!
Happy birthday, dear, beloved, my only husband!
My love!
All year to yours
Gifts were being prepared for your birthday, because I really want to please you with the fulfillment of desires on this holiday, when close people gather and magnificent congratulations and wishes flow like a river!
But I also know that the most valuable thing for you is love and good relations with those who are dear to you!
Therefore, I would like to wish
Birthday, so that another year for you will be even richer in wonderful relationships and sincere love!
The husband is the head of the family. It seems so simple, but what lies behind these words?

The real head of the family is by no means a strict commander, but a wise adviser who understands well what his house is based on and protects his family. I want to congratulate my husband on
Happy birthday and confess to him that our family is so happy and prosperous precisely because of him, his efforts, multiplied by boundless love!
Marriage and family can probably be compared to a big ship heading towards a happy future. And, of course, there must be a captain on the ship who skillfully leads the team, keeps the right course and knows how to bypass the reefs!
Our family has such a captain, and today we celebrate it
Birthday and we wish him good health, fair wind and new discoveries!
You appeared in my life, burst in like a fresh wind, and spring settled in my heart forever.

Hours, minutes, days… everything came together at the time when we were together. The time of our marriage is my best years. Is yours
Birthday is also my holiday, because I can’t imagine myself separately from you. I wish that our life is always cloudless and bright, that you are always cheerful and full of new great plans that we will implement together!
My love!
Your morning has come
Happy birthday, and I'm the first to congratulate you!
I am lucky to be a close person in your life, and for me the best start of the day is to wake up next to you, the best end of the evening is to fall asleep in your arms. Happy birthday, my dearest person, be as beautiful and happy for all eternity!

In your arms I feel warm and comfortable, every breath of air next to you is sweet. How I look forward to your return when you are not around!
And how magical it is that in your happy moments, in your
Birthday - I'm next to you, I can hug, congratulate and wish the best that can be found in the world for my beloved!
On a happy holiday
Birthday, when the noise of voices does not stop, and everyone at this celebration wants to congratulate you, I am a little jealous that my husband: his attention, for a few seconds, is stolen by others. After all, I love you so much - and all the years spent together will always be not enough for me!
And I, without hiding a drop of my love, congratulate you and wish you the happiness that you most desire, and the fulfillment of those wishes that you most desire! You are my prince on a white horse!
You are my knight, brave and brave!
You are forever my other half!
My husband is kind, loving and mature!
I cherish you every moment
I admire, love, respect!
Happy birthday, dear you!
With all my heart I adore you!
Happy Birthday Husband
Wishing you the best hopes and accomplishments
And love that warms the soul with warmth,
Happy Friends Day!
Happy birthday - happy birthday!
May good luck and happiness come to the house!
And they will settle in it forever, and at the same time
Let your eyes and smiles be filled with light!
With you we ate a pood of salt
And endured all the hardships
There were many bright days
Why I love you even more
As under water: you dive, it happened, - And right there up, where the oxygen is.
I can't breathe without you!
And it doesn't matter that the darkness of trouble!.. An ice floe melts in the hands of the hot ones - So you are in me in the silence of the night ... I want to be your half,
I want to be loved and a friend - Away from the eyes and in plain sight.
And enter the heart without knocking,
Raise trouble with your hands. I feel good with you and just
I'm happy that we are a family!
You are like fresh air to me

Dear and beloved husband! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful birthday and wish ... well, I wanted to wish you good health, but I remembered that you have it stronger than granite. A lot of money ... but we seem to have enough of them, but the extra ones are useless. Good friends ... but you have a lot of them, and they are the most wonderful in the world! Happiness ... but I already gave it to you on the Day of our marriage. Good luck and success ... but they accompany you at every step. God, I have nothing to wish you ... therefore, I wish you to preserve and increase everything that you possess!

My husband - how much is the word
Denotes for me.
Darling, I have no regrets
That she married you.

And on this day a wonderful holiday
I will meet, my dear, with you.
I love you, my love!
And happy birthday, dear!

Life is short, but its hours are long. Let there be long happy hours of our life together! And I want to tell you that I am happy that fate brought me together with you. Let our future continue to be only common, and a black cloud will never come into our relations.

I want to tell the whole Universe about my unearthly love for you, my husband! I live for you, I breathe you, you occupy my whole life, because without you the world becomes faceless and dull for me. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one.

Today is your birthday
Great husband and super dad.
Congratulations to the whole family
From the bottom of our hearts, we are very happy.

We want to wish you
Health, joy, prosperity.
Achieve success in everything
To make life simple and smooth!

I sincerely wish you
Always appreciate your family
I congratulate you today
Don't forget to love your wife!

But seriously, honey
With all my heart I wish
You energy and strength,
Let only friends surround!

In marriage, I realized that my husband is the best! Therefore, dear, I want to wish you, as my beloved spouse, to always remain as healthy, forever young and always cheerful! Happy birthday!

My dear, my most important person in life. With you next to me, I feel so comfortable and good. You are my hope, my support, my hope, my most important person in life. We share all sorrows and joys in half, we are one with you. Today is your birthday. Let me heartily congratulate you on your personal holiday, my beloved husband. I wish you good health, great happiness and good luck in everything. Be always gentle, loved and most desired. May a good angel always protect you, my only one.

I want to snuggle on your shoulder
Inhale your fragrance casually
Oh my God! How I love you
I can't say for sure...

I just can't find words
As a husband, I love him dearly.
Beloved, happy holiday to you!
I'm melting from your looks.

Our dad, husband, you are the strongest of all,
We love you very much
Everything is always on your shoulder,
And the computer, and the hammer ...

You are building a house, and this house
We will fill with joy
We will try to have it
You were completely happy!

We wish you a birthday
Come home from work soon
Do everything and don't get sick
Stay home on Saturdays!

My closest and dearest person, my soulmate. With every year of our life together. I love you more and more. You and I are one. I am so grateful to fate that we are together now. On your birthday, I wish you great happiness, good health, reliable and true friends. May luck always accompany you, may only good mood always be with you. Let your life flow like a full river among strong banks. I love you, my dear husband, and wish you long life.

They say that a husband and wife
If they live for many years
Part of the whole one
In front of everyone!

So it really is!
Happy birthday dear!
Let everything you want
We will be with you!

I am proud of you, my beloved husband. You are my kindest, smartest, most reliable. Accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May everything be in order in your life, may luck always accompany you. Good health to you, long and happy years of life. Let only reliable friends meet on your way. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and well-being. Be always confident in yourself, never doubt anything, and solve all life's problems easily.

You are my only light in the window,
The best and dearest
Let the paths lead you
Only just home!

Happy Birthday sweetheart,
Be healthy my dear
I will hug you like a willow
Over flowing water!

My beloved husband, you are the best in the world. I am very lucky with you, and I am so grateful to fate for connecting us. You are my soulmate, without which I simply cannot imagine my life. We share all the joys in half, and we cope with all the failures easily and simply together. Today is your birthday, I congratulate you and wish you great happiness, good mood, good health and long life. May your dream come true, may good luck often visit your home.

My only husband, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, much happiness, and long, long years of life. May luck always be with you. May life bring you inspiration, and may fate favor you with all earthly blessings, prosperity, peace and tranquility in the family, my beloved husband. I wish you joy, luck, self-confidence. Be always loved and desired. May my love always protect you. May youth and beauty accompany you through life.

"To the magnanimous the whole world is related," says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday. I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this holiday, I would like to wish my husband ... I wanted to say health, but he is “chronically healthy” ... Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for immodesty, he has happiness ... And I wish I want him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he has always been and thanks to which he has made so many wonderful friends! For my husband! Hooray!

real man
From the bottom of my heart I wish:
Don't be sad for no reason
The whole family loves you!

May you be lucky in everything in the world,
Dreaming rainbow dreams
You accept, my love, these
Congratulations from the wife!

My beloved, dear husband,
We've been through a lot together
We were not afraid of darkness and blizzards -
We have always loved each other!

I wish you on this day
Always stay the same
Today I'm not lazy at all
Confessing love to your spouse!

I often look at the succession of days lived, which, like pearls in a necklace, have stuck close to each other. And in each I see reflections of small rays of happiness and beauty. Dear, without you there would be no happiness in my life, without you my life would not be so beautiful - you mean a lot to me. When you are not around, everything around loses its meaning. I want the sun of love and kindness to always shine in all the remaining days of our life together, and I will try to be this sun for you! Happy birthday!

Today, on a solemn day, on the birthday of your beloved, I wish you health and live without aging, more joys for you, less sadness, and troubles so that they never knock on you. Always be healthy, never be sad, and in such a mood that you live to a hundred!

I want to congratulate my husband
Today its!
I wish you, dear
One today:

For me, you are the dearest and closest person. I am glad that I have you and that you are always with me. Together we are not afraid of any obstacles. Happy birthday to you, my dear husband! I want you to always be happy, and everything you dream about will definitely come true!

Happy Birthday sweetheart! On birthdays, it is customary to say pleasant things and wish happiness, health, and success. All this I also wish you - like no other, as the closest person can wish. But I also want you to know - I love you very much, you are the only and dear, you really are the very half that many have been looking for all their lives and not found. And I found you, I'm lucky! I am happy with you and I want you to know about it. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Happy anniversary, beloved husband,
You are full of youthful strength,
Would be a guarded angel
Just laughed, not sad!

You are a mind and article are notable,
I wish, my dear,
Just to make you happy
Happy holiday, my dear!

Father and husband - this is a lot,
We are the best person in the world
In fathers got and in husbands,
Undoubtedly, I know.

We want to wish you happiness
Ready to help you
We will always provide your rear,
May you be happy with us!

I hasten to congratulate the one and only husband on this exceptional event! You are my hero, my patron, my guiding star! You go into the world to get and win, and at home you will always find peace, love, warmth and understanding! Continue in the same spirit! Dare, go forward, achieve goals and harvest. Most importantly, enjoy life!

When I married you, I already knew that you are the most wonderful person on Earth! I wish you all the very best in the world on this beautiful day, although you already have me, so I wish you more smiles and nice people around you! I love!

Darling! Everything is shameful without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn...
And even the sun shines on me sadly,
When you are not by my side.

So let only happiness accompany you
Good luck will overshadow you with a wing,
And may my love, hope and participation
Protect and protect our home.

My husband is my pride and joy,
May your plans come true!
You give me both affection and sweetness,
So accept my wishes:

May your career succeed
And luck is on the heels
May you not have to grieve
Indulge in more dreams!

My favorite ray, beloved hubby! Congratulations on your birthday! On this day, I want to wish you great happiness, good health and much, much joy! You are the best in the world for me! I love you! Happy birthday!

My husband, my glorious gentle Angel!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
And let all troubles run away,
Let life give tenderness, warmth!

Let the wind blow in the sails,
Let happiness follow you on your heels!
May our house be comfortable for you,
Let the road of life be without bumps and without holes!

Life flew by unnoticed, because when you are happy and love, you don’t have to count the years. Thank you for your loyalty and unquenchable love. Be such a faithful and devoted husband. I wish you good health, a clear mind and a cheerful character.