Can you choose your own home? How to choose an obstetrician? Types of childbirth. Benefits of birth certificates

How to choose a doctor for childbirth, an individual doctor for childbirth, choosing a doctor for childbirth, questions for a doctor for childbirth, a suitable doctor for childbirth

Childbirth in the life of any woman is an exciting and unpredictable process, and it does not matter if it is the first childbirth or not. Unfortunately, in our country there is still no practice of getting acquainted with the maternity hospital and the doctor under the CHI system, every woman without birth pathologies goes to the maternity hospital for the first time already with contractions and gets acquainted with the doctor on duty and the maternity hospital upon the fact of her stay.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Michel Oden from France was the first to speak about the importance of the state of mind of a woman in childbirth, he wrote a wonderful book “Revived Childbirth”, which I advise all pregnant women to read without fail. The book tells how he changed the approach to childbirth in his hospital, how he put a woman on a pedestal, not doctors, and what results he managed to achieve.

He formulated three principles of comfortable childbirth: warm, dark and quiet. Agree that our delivery rooms do not fit this description, but some maternity hospitals are starting to keep up with the world's progress in the field of childbirth. Such maternity hospitals open specialized, commercial departments, within which, to one degree or another, they comply with the principles of comfortable or gentle childbirth.

It's about that how to choose a birth doctor in such conditions I want to tell in this article. If you have already morally refused to give birth under compulsory medical insurance, then you have the right to carefully and in detail study the ins and outs of the doctor: his education, work experience, reviews of his patients. I want to note that the recommendations and advice of relatives will not always benefit you, because your birth and the person should be right for you.

Start your search early, don't leave this important decision to the last minute.

  1. Start studying maternity hospitals in your city that have “soft birth”, “family birth”, “active birth” departments [the names may be different, but the essence is about the same]. Be puzzled by the question of finding a week from 12, there is not much sense before, and toxicosis and constant drowsiness can interfere with you.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the ventilation schedule of maternity hospitals to see if your pre-delivery day (PDR) falls on the closing of the maternity hospital [keep in mind that in some maternity hospitals the paid department works regardless of the closure, and in some not].
  3. Go to an open day at the maternity hospitals that you like. At such events, they usually talk in detail about working methods, equipment, approaches [some maternity hospitals focus on natural childbirth, and some cesareans for everyone], conditions of stay, cost. Such trips are very useful: you can visit the walls of the maternity hospital in advance, see how friendly the staff is in the corridors, how cleanliness is maintained, whether the photos on the site correspond to the real situation.
  4. After the trip, some maternity hospitals will be eliminated, now your task is to study which doctors and midwives take birth. There are many websites and forums on the Internet where you can learn detailed information about doctors and midwives, see photos, read real stories of childbirth.
  5. The next stage is a personal meeting with the doctor, but since it is paid, you should not assign it to every doctor you like, choose the one you like the most and go to the appointment.

Important! Prepare for the first meeting with the doctor in advance, write down all the questions that interest you personally in a notebook, do not hesitate to ask everything that worries you. Remember - with this person you plan to go through a difficult psychologically and physically process of childbirth and constraint is not appropriate here.

There are no two identical women in the world, therefore, there cannot be two identical lists. Here are some basic questions to ask your doctor if you want a smooth, natural birth. You can take this list as a basis, supplementing and adjusting it for yourself.

What methods do you most often deal with pain?

The answer to this question will help you understand the doctor's real attitude towards regional anesthesia.

In what position do your patients usually give birth?

You can find out how ready this doctor is for the concept of vertical birth.

— What methods do you prefer to use if childbirth does not progress?

Very important question. You will understand if your doctor is considering any other options besides intravenous oxytocin.

— How often and for how long do you prescribe fetal monitoring?

It is necessary and useful to monitor the condition of the baby, but few people want to be sprinkled with sensors and lie motionless on the bed. You know how movement and vertical position help in the active phase of contractions.

Do you support the couple's desire to go through childbirth together?

The option of the presence of a husband is allowed even at the legislative level, although with the proviso that the maternity hospital must have a free single delivery room. If there are no single delivery rooms, then there can be no question of the presence of a husband. If you have a commercial delivery, then the delivery room will be separate and you can take your husband as you wish, but it is very important that the doctor treats this positively, or at least neutrally. After all, you don’t need a negative doctor in relation to your husband on such an important day for you.

— How often do you have to do an episiotomy (perineal incision) to your patients?

An incision during childbirth is done quite often, but it happens according to indications, and sometimes it’s just to speed up the process. In the first case, this is good, in the second, not at all. You don't need extra crotch stitches and a ban on sitting for at least two weeks. The frequency of use of the scalpel by your doctor will give you an idea of ​​how justified the doctor is using this method.

- What documents should I have on hand when entering the maternity hospital?

It would be even better if the doctor checks them in advance with his experienced look and you definitely won’t have any extra worries on your child’s birthday.

— How often do you have to use vacuum and tongs in your work?

Vacuum and tongs certainly saved a single life, provided that the woman, for one reason or another, could not extrude the child herself, but unfortunately, there are cases when these miracles of medical progress could be dispensed with, but doctors still used it. Ask without any doubt.

- Do you put the baby on the mother's stomach immediately after birth? Do you practice early[ in the delivery room] breastfeeding?

The benefits of skin-to-skin contact between mother and child are no longer talked about. And early attachment to the breast gives a very good start for long-term and full breastfeeding.

Do you wait for the umbilical cord to pulsate before cutting it?

Now, in most maternity hospitals, the regulations require you to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsing, but there are some medical institutions where this is not done, referring to the internal charter. Find out in advance.

How do you feel about a birth assistant [dula]?

Previously, we did not know such words as "dula", however, now more and more professional assistants offer their assistance in childbirth, and more and more women are interested in and use these opportunities. An experienced woman who herself has given birth more than once and has helped many women give birth comfortably is a very good helper. She knows many natural methods of pain relief, she can help morally both during childbirth and before them, and she can also replace her husband if for some reason he cannot accompany you in childbirth. A doula can act as a buffer between you and the medical staff as she understands both sides and can speak the same language with you and the medical staff which can be very helpful at times. It is important that the doctor understands your need for such assistance and is not against it.

How do you feel about using water during contractions?

A shower and a bath are very helpful in relaxing during the contractions stage, do not deprive yourself of this pleasure. Usually, all doctors themselves send women in labor to splash, check with your doctor. Water birth is a very controversial topic, and we will not touch on it within the framework of this article, but there is a suspicion that not many doctors will support you in such a desire and take responsibility for this process.

If the philosophy of childbirth is the same for you and the doctor, then you can still clarify:

— Does the midwife with whom you work share your views?

This is very important, because a lot also depends on the midwife. With the correct course of labor, the doctor can do nothing at all, except for the control of the medical staff and the woman in labor. He, like a conductor, sets the pace for each participant in the process. If the doctor does not have to do anything at your birth, this is an ideal birth.

This is not a complete list of questions, everyone has a number of questions on their medical "baggage" [negative Rh, hereditary characteristics, diseases experienced during pregnancy, etc.].

Remember! Your main task at the first appointment with the doctor is to understand whether you match or not. Is the doctor ready to share your philosophy of childbirth, will you be comfortable and most importantly, do you trust the doctor.

Feel free to choose, if in doubt - make an appointment with another doctor and compare your feelings. Now you know how to choose a doctor for childbirth, so you can better prepare for your birth. Good luck with your choice and easy childbirth, dear future mothers!

The moment of the long-awaited meeting of the mother with the baby should be thought out to the smallest detail.

More recently, women in labor were forced to contact the local maternity hospital.

But now, expectant mothers are given the opportunity to independently choose a maternity hospital for every taste.

The CHI policy (Mandatory Medical Insurance) allows a pregnant woman to refuse a clinic at her place of residence and choose the maternity hospital she likes.

And it can even be in another city.

Can I choose my own home?

The woman enters into a contract with the maternity ward that describes all the services provided to the woman in labor.

The contract and the map with all the necessary marks must always be in the woman's hands. These documents will become the basis for the ambulance to take the pregnant woman not to the district office, but to the selected clinic at the time the water breaks.

An important document for concluding an agreement with the maternity hospital is an exchange card, usually issued at 20-22 weeks of gestation.

It records all the results of tests and examinations performed during pregnancy.

Without an exchange card, a pregnant woman will be denied service.

In this case, they can only be taken in the observational department.

By the way, the compulsory medical insurance policy also allows you to choose a antenatal clinic that is not located at the place of permanent registration of the pregnant woman.

In order to register in another antenatal clinic, you need to certify the corresponding application from the head of the clinic. The approved application must be taken back to the office of the insurance company, where the application to the policy will be reissued.

A pregnant woman may be refused registration in the LCD if most doctors in the clinic have too much workload.

How to choose a doctor for childbirth?

Childbirth is a rather unpredictable process. You need to get acquainted with the doctor in advance in order to be completely sure that in any course of events you will be able to receive high-quality medical care.

Interesting! The first signs of childbirth: how to know that it's time to go to the hospital

The doctor should be familiar with the history of pregnancy.

Based on whether there were any complications during the gestation period, the doctor draws a conclusion about the method of delivery.

A good doctor should be ready to provide medical care at any time of the day.

Ask him if he can give you advice if you call him at night.

If a woman wants to give birth in a non-standard way, for example, in an upright position or in water, it is necessary to make sure that the chosen doctor has sufficient experience in such childbirth.

It is better to agree on the conduct of childbirth not directly with the doctor and obstetrician, but through an agreement with a clinic or an insurance company. So the woman in labor receives more guarantees of the quality of the whole complex of services of the maternity hospital.

Criteria for choosing a maternity hospital

Be sure to visit several maternity hospitals before making a final decision. The following factors may influence your choice:

1 Location of the hospital.

It is desirable that the hospital is located as close to home as possible. Of course, labor will not begin too quickly after the first contractions, especially during the first birth. But the waiting time for childbirth is much more comfortable to spend in the ward than in the ambulance.

2 Availability of modern equipment, qualification of personnel.

Ask the staff what technologies are used in this clinic for pain relief during childbirth: are there oxygen masks in the hospital, what drugs are given during anesthesia.

It is good if there is a pediatric intensive care unit in the maternity hospital.

The presence of resuscitators in the hospital is a good additional insurance for birth injuries.

Also, neonatologists, gynecologists, a sufficient number of nurses should be present in the maternity hospital.

3 Conditions of stay in the hospital.

How comfortable are the conditions in the bathroom (shower, toilet), is it possible to get a job in a separate room, how many women are in the delivery room at the same time - all this must be clarified with the administration.

Interesting! Methods of preparation for childbirth

The conditions of being in the postpartum department are also important. Find out if the baby will always be in the ward with mom, and if it will be possible to leave the baby for a few hours.

You should also be told if relatives are allowed in the postnatal ward and how often they can visit.

Some maternity hospitals allow the father of the child to stay in the ward all the time, but only after passing certain tests. There is usually an additional charge for this service.

4 Possibility of carrying out joint childbirth.

The type of childbirth, when the father of the child (and sometimes other relatives) is present in the delivery room with the woman, is practiced in many European countries and in most Russian maternity hospitals.

If you would like the child's father to be with you, inform the doctor about this before entering into an agreement with the clinic. Not all midwives welcome this practice.

Reading 7 min. Views 2.1k. Published on 11/16/2018

Do you know what 70% of the successful course of childbirth depends on? Why is it so important to choose a maternity hospital and a doctor in advance? How to do it without connections and bribes?

Decide on your desires

Choosing a maternity hospital is easier if you decide on expectations, what moments are most important to you. For some, professional, attentive staff is more important, against the background of which domestic inconveniences fade into the background. And someone is more comfortable in a separate room "with all the amenities."

Highlight the main points for yourself, focusing on them, look for a maternity hospital. Gather as much information as possible. Ask relatives, friends, colleagues about maternity hospitals and doctors.

City forums, reviews about medical institutions and their employees on specialized sites, thematic groups on social networks - you will have to study everything. Try to separate emotions from useful information in reviews. This will help you get an objective picture.

It is important that if you have serious health problems or the pregnancy goes through with complications, choose specialized centers. And if they are not in your city, give preference to perinatal centers or maternity hospitals at large hospitals.

If you are a supporter of natural childbearing, try to collect information in which maternity hospital the birth is closest to it. Specify where partner childbirth or unhindered visits to relatives are possible.

Requirements for a medical institution

Ideally, the family that suits you should be located nearby. So that in any situation you have time to get to it yourself. At the same time, do not worry that you will be “late” - the percentage of rapid births is close to 1.

Other points to consider:

  • living conditions;
  • equipment level;
  • newborn care;
  • personnel qualification;
  • joint or separate stay with the baby.

The choice of the maternity ward “does not threaten” only mothers who decide on: they are all “tied” to one medical institution for 9 months. And they already know what is there and how.

Living conditions

Specify how many people the wards are designed for, whether it is possible to lie “without neighbors”. The presence of a shower and a toilet in the ward is an important issue. It is often difficult to move around in the first days after childbirth. If facilities are on the floor, find out how far they are from the rooms.

It is worth collecting information about nutrition, the possibility of receiving transmissions from loved ones. It is important to know in advance whether family visits are allowed.

Equipment level

When choosing a maternity hospital, you need to focus on the availability of modern equipment. Is there an intensive care unit in the institution, is it possible to urgently perform a caesarean section.

  • How are the prenatal wards equipped?
  • Is it possible to relax in contractions on a gymnastic ball or a special wall.
  • How many people is the birthing room designed for?

Newborn care

This is one of the most important criteria when choosing a maternity ward. Learn more about the qualifications of employees, about the conditions in which the children are. What temperature and humidity is maintained in the department.

Separately, specify which vaccines are used for the first vaccinations. Are there special boxes for premature babies.

Personnel qualification

How competent doctors and midwives will be near you, largely determines the success of delivery. Check with the institution itself, what qualifications the specialists work in it, do not hesitate to ask questions.

Also collect information about the attitude of staff towards women in labor, how correct and polite it is. In many ways, the mood for childbirth depends on the good attitude of doctors and midwives.

If most of the reviews on the Internet or the stories of acquaintances speak of rudeness and indifference, do not choose this institution. No technique can help in case of inaction or negligence of doctors.

Stay with a baby

In most maternity hospitals, a joint or partially joint stay of mother and baby is practiced. Children are brought for several hours in the morning, afternoon and evening. At night, the woman herself chooses to leave the baby with her in the ward or not.

Specify how many babies are brought in a day or they are around the clock with their mothers. Find out if the hospital teaches the basics of breastfeeding, if there are breast pumps. Is it possible, if necessary, to use the mixture brought by relatives, bottles and nipples.

The level of comfort of mother and baby in the postpartum unit in monogamy determines where to give birth.

Why you need a birth certificate

The right to enter the maternity hospital is also given by the CHI policy. But without an exchange card, a birth certificate, a woman and a child will have to be in a quarantine department, some services may not be available.

According to the birth certificate, you can choose any state maternity hospital, no matter how far it is from you. In theory, you can apply for a medical service in another region. Thanks to him, all the expenses of the institution for carrying out your birth are compensated from the social insurance fund.

The document is issued at the consultation or obstetric center where you were registered and observed. It is important to do this in the first trimester and visit the doctor regularly.

If you have a birth certificate, an ambulance will take you to the maternity hospital of your choice, and not to the duty or nearest one. An exception will be cases when a medical facility is closed for quarantine or sanitation.

What is a contract birth

Some maternity hospitals provide paid services. To do this, you must conclude an agreement with a medical institution. It is better to do this directly without intermediary services of insurance companies.

If you need emergency interventions or special manipulations in the presence of an intermediary, they will have to be coordinated with him. Which is not very convenient, especially if the birth took place at night.

The contract stipulates which doctor and obstetrician will take delivery, the possibility of the presence of a partner (husband, other relatives). It also indicates the type of ward in which you will lie, the possibility of visiting relatives. It will allow you to sue a medical institution if the services were provided poorly.

The contract is more reliable than the usual "contractual" childbirth, when at the most crucial moment the chosen doctor may refuse to help you or simply will not be able to arrive at the hospital on time.

You can conclude an agreement with any public or private clinic. In this case, you will not need a referral to the maternity hospital from the antenatal clinic. But an exchange card with the results of examinations and analyzes will be needed.

How to choose a doctor

According to the birth certificate, you yourself can choose not only the family, but also the doctor. Actually with his choice it is better to start. A polite, competent specialist is the key to a calm birth.

How to understand that you are a professional:

  1. The doctor devotes enough time to you, does not consult on the run, is not distracted by other patients or phone calls.
  2. Explains medical terms in an accessible way, gives you complete information.
  3. Warns of possible medical manipulations.

Types of maternity hospitals

In addition to maternity wards, there are specialized institutions at regular hospitals and perinatal centers. In case of a difficult pregnancy or serious health problems in women, when choosing a maternity hospital, you should pay attention to them.

There are the following types:

  1. Profile. They should be addressed in the pathological course of pregnancy - oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, Rhesus conflict and others. They have all the necessary equipment in case of an emergency.
  2. Maternity hospitals at multidisciplinary medical centers. They will also provide the necessary emergency assistance to both mother and child.
  3. Maternity hospitals at scientific centers and universities. They conduct research and provide medical care. Among the medical staff there are rare specialists - geneticists, embryologists and others.

Although a birth certificate allows you to choose any medical institution, research centers or specialized clinics often work under a contract.


When choosing an institution for childbirth, remember that there are no universal, best for all maternity hospitals. It is important to consider your individual needs as the pregnancy progresses.

Which maternity hospital did you choose? How it was? Were you satisfied with the conditions and attitude of the staff? Write in the comments. The Its Kids team will be grateful for every comment and link in social networks.

Expecting a child is a responsible and serious stage in the life of every family. Spouses are preparing a children's room, buying clothes, items for the unborn baby. During pregnancy, a woman prepares physically and psychologically for childbirth. There comes a time when you need to choose the maternity hospital itself for free.


If the woman in labor has chosen the desired maternity hospital, then it is worth making sure that the institution meets the requirements of the law. Not all maternity hospitals accept a certificate as payment for the service.

Where can you give birth for free:

  • the institution has an appropriate activity permit;
  • The maternity hospital entered into an agreement with the insurance fund.

It happens when there is no certificate at the onset of delivery. A woman still has the right to use the services of a maternity hospital. After all, childbirth occurs prematurely, the document may be lost or his mother did not receive it at all.

  1. services for urgent childbirth, where there are about 500 women in labor per year;
  2. standard - about 1500 babies are born per year;
  3. institutions of the federal level - specialization in labor activities of varying complexity.

Depending on the condition of the woman, a specific maternity hospital is recommended. But the expectant mother makes the final decision herself and chooses the maternity hospital on her own.


  • distance from home;
  • specialization of the institution;
  • conditions;
  • the possibility of visiting relatives;
  • the presence of a dining room;
  • reviews;
  • the level of medical staff.

It is necessary to think in advance that the maternity hospital is located close to the house. Will the woman in labor call an ambulance or travel by car. If the father is going to visit his wife with the baby, then will he be comfortable getting there.

The expectation of a child is not always mild, women have chronic illnesses. When choosing a maternity hospital, you should focus on the course of gestation. Some maternity hospitals specialize in anomalies and take this into account in childbearing. If there are problems or complications during the gestation period, it is recommended to look for a maternity hospital with a certain specialization.

In advance, you need to clarify information about the availability of equipment in the delivery room. Some women in labor need a Swedish wall, a ball, a shower to relieve pain during labor.

Where is the best place to have a baby? The expectant mother should be guided by her condition. If a woman is upset for any reason, then to calm her down, it is better to organize childbirth in a clinic with emergency equipment.

How long does it take to choose a maternity hospital? From 12 to 30 weeks. It is necessary to look after a medical institution for the birth process already in the early stages of gestation. This makes it possible to collect the maximum amount of information and decide.

Reasons for early selection:

  1. the ability to analyze data and make a decision;
  2. during pregnancy, a woman's condition changes, so it is advisable to make a choice while the expectant mother feels stable and is in a good mood.

Is it possible to give birth outside the maternity hospital? If labor activity began at home or in a public place, first of all, you need calmness, focus on the process. Be sure to try to find a doctor, call an ambulance.


It is normal when future parents visit several institutions, find out their conditions, talk with doctors and make the best decision. A woman in labor enters into an agreement with the maternity hospital on the process.

How to quickly get to the right maternity hospital? If there is an agreement and certain marks in the medical record, the mother has the right to demand that the ambulance take her to the chosen institution. When a woman visits the clinic for the first time, paid childbirth or services are offered. This adds comfort, but without additional attention from the staff.

It is possible to choose a room with a separate toilet and shower. The rights of a woman in labor in the maternity hospital provide for the consent or refusal of the services offered. For the CIS, the same selection criteria apply.

Partner families. The participation of the husband in the birth process is relevant, many maternity hospitals support this desire. But there are institutions where you can not give birth with a partner. This possibility is not provided. As soon as the couple realized that it was time to choose a maternity hospital, you should find out if the medical staff is set up for the participation of the future dad in childbirth. If services are paid for, both parents can be in the room.

How to get a referral to the maternity hospital you want? It is necessary to approach the head physician with an exchange card, where the doctor puts his signature.

Can I choose my own home? Wherever a woman lives, even if she does not have a residence permit, she has the right to choose a maternity hospital at will in any city in the country. But the institution must satisfy all the standard conditions.

The choice of a specialist

How to choose a doctor for childbirth? Information must be objectively evaluated and analyzed. With a gynecologist, it will always be possible to agree on consultations from the first meeting until the very delivery. So the doctor will learn more about the health of the patient, and the expectant mother will remain confident. Don't be shy to ask questions.

The consultation with the doctor includes:

  1. take contacts and ask when you can call and for what questions;
  2. how frequent consultations will be before the birth process;
  3. How is childbirth planned?
  4. how a gynecologist relates to family childbirth;
  5. whether he will be able to advise during the first days after the birth of the baby;
  6. what is the schedule for disinfection of the institution, whether the date of birth will coincide with this time;
  7. clarify the list of items needed in the hospital;
  8. doctor's attitude to stimulation.

During the conversation, one gets the impression of a doctor. The expectant mother has the right to meet and communicate with different doctors. The first meeting with the doctor a month before labor is considered normal. During this period, there is an opportunity to meet with a specialist several times so that he learns about potential complications.

A pregnant woman with bad eyes can give birth on her own, but there are certain contraindications and risks. Sometimes only a caesarean section is recommended.

An agreement with a doctor is a paid service, but there is always a certainty that the doctor will come at any time. If there is no desire to pay, then you should talk to another doctor, but there is no guarantee that the woman in labor will get into his shift. For the efficiency of collecting information and speeding up the process, it is worth drawing up an algorithm of actions.

birth certificate

The law provides that all citizens of the country have the right to free medical care. On the basis of a national project, a woman is issued a birth certificate, thanks to which it is possible to register in a maternity hospital.

To have a birth certificate, certain conditions must be met, otherwise it will be impossible to issue a document, but medical care is still preserved. Due to the certificate, it is planned to increase the level of medicine in the country, pay for the services of polyclinics and clinics. In the event of the death of a mother or child during childbirth, no money will be transferred.

It is required to follow the rules in filling out coupons so as not to lose the opportunity to get into the maternity hospital for free. All citizens of the country receive a birth certificate, regardless of age, length of service, status, employment. A woman has the right to choose a maternity hospital according to the law.

Conditions for receiving:

  • be observed by a gynecologist;
  • systematically examined in the clinic.

If the woman in labor does not comply with the requirements, then the paperwork becomes more complicated. Also, the mother can be observed by several doctors and in different clinics.

Circumstances under which the document is invalid:

  • the antenatal clinic issued a certificate in violation of the rules;
  • the necessary documents were missing;
  • registration was carried out in a paid institution.

How to get to the hospital you want for free:

  1. get registered;
  2. prepare a package of documents - an application, a passport;
  3. issue the certificate itself;
  4. use of the document.

The terms of registration, according to the law, are 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. The algorithm is standard, but first you need to study the legislative norms in order to avoid problems that may arise due to ignorance.

  • refusal to extradite without a passport;
  • upon presentation, services are paid in full in the amount of 11 thousand rubles;
  • it is impossible to cash out the certificate;
  • payment by document is carried out only in certain clinics.

Is it possible to come to the hospital without a referral? In the presence of contractions, the medical institution is obliged to accept the woman in labor. A pregnant woman can give birth in any maternity hospital, regardless of the arrangements.

It is important to choose a good medical institution where the long-awaited child will appear. Medicine gives a pregnant woman the right to choose a maternity hospital according to her requirements. If you have an insurance policy, it is advisable to ask if it is possible to pay for additional services. But do not forget that paid labor activity does not guarantee an easy outcome. It is only a stay in the best comfortable conditions.

For a woman, this is an exciting and disturbing time. She needs to prepare for this event and make important decisions - choose an obstetrician for childbirth andmedical institution. Childbirth can begin prematurely, and unforeseen situations may arise during childbirth, which is why it is important to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist in advance.

Criteria for a good obstetrician

For what criteria it is worth looking for an obstetrician - gynecologist, consider the main ones:

  1. First of all, these are reviews of close friends, acquaintances, as well as patients who have already given birth, the so-called "word of mouth" about the competence of a doctor;
  2. The doctor must be engaged in practical activities, have work experience, i.e. take birth and perform operations;
  3. For a doctor, the life and health of both the woman in labor and the baby should be equally important;
  4. In the event of an emergency, he must deliver by caesarean section, so the woman must trust the chosen doctor;
  5. When meeting, the doctor should carefully listen to your complaints, get acquainted with the documents, ask questions about the course of the pregnancy and not only. As a result of the examination, he prescribes the necessary medications and tells you a plan for further actions;
  6. You must tell the doctor your wishes in terms of childbirth, but he, in turn, will explain his point of view with reason, based on familiarity with your medical record and the course of the pregnancy. There are cases when a woman is set for natural childbirth, and the doctor already sees the prerequisites for a caesarean section;
  7. The doctor must explain to you the appearance of what symptoms is a signal for the onset of labor, in which cases it is necessary to call him;
  8. After you have chosen an obstetrician for childbirth, you need to make an appointment with him. At the first appointment with the doctor, you can come with the father of the child, his opinion is also important.

The first meeting with the doctor must be held no later than 2-3 months before the scheduled date of birth.

You should ask your chosen doctor questions that are important to you, including:

  • Will they put the baby to the breast immediately after birth;
  • What types of anesthesia are offered by the doctor or anesthesiologist;
  • Does the hospital have paid wards of superior comfort;
  • Is the presence of the father allowed during childbirth;
  • Are postpartum rooms shared with children;
  • Whether stimulation of labor is used, in what situations;
  • Is there a children's intensive care unit in the hospital?

There comes a time when a pregnant woman needs to decide which of the existing methods of childbirth she plans to give birth. There are the following types of childbirth: traditional, caesarean section, upright, in water, at home. Let's consider each type in more detail:

traditional childbirth

This method has long taken root in Russia, according to doctors, it is the least traumatic for both the mother and the child.


Already during pregnancy, doctors see the prerequisites for a planned operation, these include high blood pressure, vision problems, and the wrong position of the fetus. Also, an indication for a caesarean section is that the child is repeatedly wrapped around the umbilical cord in the womb. In the event that unforeseen complications occur during childbirth, doctors perform an emergency operation - a caesarean section.

Vertical delivery

This type of childbirth is gaining popularity in our country, it is common in Asia. During contractions, a pregnant woman can walk, sit, stand on all fours - this significantly reduces pain. But with a vertical method of childbirth, it is difficult for doctors to diagnose the condition of the mother's uterus and the well-being of the child.

Partner births

A popular method in the West, the father of the child is present during childbirth, supports his wife, helps her survive the painful process.

childbirth in water

During childbirth in warm water, the internal muscles of a woman relax, and contractions are almost painless. It is believed that the child is easier when he gets into a familiar environment, and adaptation to our world is faster. The disadvantages of this method: firstly, a large list of contraindications for women in labor. Secondly, the doctor cannot fully monitor the course of the process. Thirdly, the child may die from choking on water, and the mother from blood loss, since the blood in the water does not clot.

Childbirth at home

It is believed that home birth is the most comfortable for the woman in labor. But they, unfortunately, have a high mortality rate, both for children and women, since at home there is no way to provide proper medical care.