Diagnosis of fingernails and toenails. Oriental medicine: What diseases can be recognized by the nails

Our body is a holistic system, the elements of which are closely related to each other. Malfunctions in the work of one organ will certainly affect the other. It happens that this happens even before the “main” part of the body hurts. For an experienced doctor, such indirect signs are as important as obvious and noticeable ones.

It is important to know that nails are one of the indicators of the general condition of the body. Even slight changes in their relief and color can tell you about health problems. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the nail plates have changed, you should know that this is an occasion to listen more carefully to your body and, possibly, consult a doctor.

In some cases, poor nail health hints at health problems.

Is there any reason for concern?

Not every dot or groove is a sign of a serious illness. Sometimes nails deteriorate due to adverse factors that directly affect them. For example, nail plates are harmed by:

  • aggressive household chemicals and chlorinated water (which is why it is recommended to carry out any household chores with gloves);
  • exposure to ultraviolet. By the way, this also applies to working with equipment like a copier. To protect your nails, you can cover them with varnish with UV filters;
  • poor-quality manicure tools and improper performance of this procedure. If you are not confident in your own abilities, abandon the traumatic cutting technique and switch to the "European" version. The cuticle in this case is not removed, but softened by special means and moved away. This type of manicure is considered more gentle than edged;
  • using acetone-based nail polish remover. It dries out the nail plate;
  • injuries - bruises, blows, pinching, etc.

If your nails have not been subjected to any such tests, and their surface is still changing, it is quite possible that this is indeed a sign of illness. Fears should increase if, in addition to problems with nails, you observe other symptoms: pain, fever, aching bones, disorders of the functioning of any organs, etc. So, what could a change in the condition of your nails mean?

What does brittle nails mean?

Firstly, such an effect may occur due to a lack of fluid or fat in the body. Their deficiency leads to the fact that the nail plate loses its elasticity and begins to crumble. In addition, breaking off the tips of the nails may indicate that the body lacks vitamins and minerals. Presumably, calcium, fluorine, zinc, biotin, vitamins A, E and group B, especially B12, were in short supply.

Brittle nails in women who have entered the menopause indicate that the body needs calcium. The hormonal changes that occur with the onset of menopause affect the absorption of this substance. So even with sufficient intake of calcium from food, the body may feel the need for it and signal this with brittle nails. In addition, weak, crumbling nails are a common symptom of fungal diseases.

Slow nail growth

The rate of growth of the nail plate depends on many factors, including your age and time of year. So, in older people, this process is slower than in young people. In the cold season, nails also do not grow as fast as in the warm season - so in winter this should not be a cause for concern.

Sometimes it is not enough to treat nails - you need to pay attention to the body

Also, nails can slow down growth if the body is deficient in magnesium and calcium. And in this way he reacts to stressful conditions. Experiences affect the functioning of all organs, including the functioning of the circulatory system. Stress causes vasospasm, from which the nail matrix suffers. It doesn't get enough nutrition and growth slows down.

Nail color changes

A healthy nail plate has a pinkish color. If its color changes, this may indicate that something is wrong in the body. Of course, before going to the doctor, make sure that the nails could not have discolored for other reasons. For example, they can turn yellow from nicotine and when in contact with vegetable juice (for example, carrot and beetroot); also, colored varnishes and shedding fabrics that you washed by hand can affect the shade of the nail plate. If this is not the reason, it's time to see a doctor - a change in the color of the nails may indicate serious illnesses.

  • White color. Whitish nails are a sign of anemia and disorders in the liver (up to hepatitis), and individual white spots will report a lack of calcium, iron, copper or zinc. Hormonal disruptions can also be the cause of the appearance of such points.
  • Yellow. In diseases of the lungs (for example, emphysema), the nails grow slowly, thicken and turn yellow. In a similar way, diabetes makes itself felt. Only in this case, the yellow color of the nail plate is accompanied by a slight blueness of its base (hole).
  • Red color. Red nails indicate a malfunction in the heart. If the red lines do not appear on the nail itself, but on the skin roller at its base, it is quite possible that you have lupus or a dysfunction of the connective tissue. True, the nails can turn red from the defeat of the fungus. So, before you go to see a cardiologist, consult a dermatologist.
  • Blue color. The bluish color of the nails also indicates cardiovascular diseases.
  • Black color. Black lines that have arisen under the nail plate require special attention. They may be the result of a blow - the blood is "cooked" under the nail. But if you remember exactly that you were not injured, see a doctor as soon as possible. This is how melanoma makes itself known. It can also cause darkening of the skin, as well as the formation of growths and seals around the nail plate.

Inhomogeneous surface of the nail plate

This group of nail lesions includes grooves, longitudinal lines, bulges and dents. Normally, the nail should be smooth and even. If deformations appear on it, their nature will tell you which doctor you should make an appointment with.

  • Convex nail plates most often report problems with the respiratory system. We can talk about lung diseases, bronchitis or cancer.
  • If, on the contrary, the nails become concave, this is a sign of an insufficient amount of iron in the diet, and in severe cases, even iron deficiency anemia.
  • Transverse furrows appear due to a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, fever, or other serious illness. They indicate that for some period, while the body is struggling with the disease, the nail has stopped its growth. As soon as the disease recedes, the plate will grow as quickly as before.
  • The appearance of longitudinal stripes is often associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, with a violation of the digestibility of food.
  • If the nail looks "porous" and is covered with small dents, holes, this is a sign of spleen disease.

Pay attention not only to the color of the nails, but also to their structure!

Ayurveda warns

Ancient Indian healers also noted the connection between the condition of the nails and health. According to their concept, each of the fingers is responsible for a specific organ or body system. To diagnose the disease by the nails, Ayurveda masters pay attention not to the plate itself, but to the hole. Normally, the hole should be white and have the shape of a crescent. The nail is pink and matte. If the type of hole differs from that described, this may be a sign of a disease.

  • Thumb. Corresponds to the head and respiratory system. If the nail hole has become smaller than usual, Ayurveda advises contacting specialists of the appropriate profile. A missing hole may be evidence of mental illness.
  • Forefinger."Responsible" for the pancreas, liver and large intestine. Changes to this hole should lead you to the ultrasound room.
  • Middle finger. He is in charge of the circulatory system and all the vessels of the human body. A brightened or disappeared hole is a sign that problems have begun with the blood supply. A good therapist will help, and preferably a phlebologist.
  • Ring finger. The lymphatic system and hormones are his area of ​​responsibility. Changes in the hole signal that the body is experiencing difficulties with metabolism. The thyroid gland and the entire hormonal background of the body are also under threat. Do not delay your visit to the endocrinologist.
  • Little finger. Indicator of the state of the small intestine and heart. If the socket is gone, you may have atherosclerosis, arrhythmia or other heart rhythm disturbances, as well as high blood pressure. There are also suspicions of ulcers and enterocolitis. In any case, with any changes in the hole on the little finger, a consultation with a gastroenterologist and a cardiologist will not be superfluous.

To believe in Ayurveda or not is the personal choice of everyone. But more than once it happened that official medicine discovered the effect of any substances only when the unofficial one had already used them for more than a dozen centuries ... Who knows - it is quite possible that the theory of Ayurveda is correct. In any case, no one disputes the fact that nails testify to diseases today.

Regardless of which view of treatment you adhere to - traditional or non-traditional - pay attention to your nails and perhaps they will help you prevent or alleviate a serious illness.

Healthy hand skin and beautiful smooth nails can only indicate one thing - a person is healthy or does not have significant problems with internal organs. But if the skin of the hands peels off, has an unpleasant color, and the nails begin to exfoliate, break and become stained, then the person is seriously ill. In this article, we will explain in detail, how to determine the state of health by nails.

At the end of the 19th century, doctors learned to determine by the appearance of the nails, the state of health person. They came to the conclusion that the lack of important trace elements in the human body affects not only the internal organs, but also the nails too.

It turns out that check the health status of the nails You can do it on your own without medical help. To do this, you need to understand what changes with the nail plates and skin of the hands can indicate health problems, and what is the norm:

  1. If the skin on your hands starts to peel, crack, or become very dry and yellowish, you may be developing a serious liver or bowel disease.

Important! If you notice that the skin of the hands is unnatural in color (gray, pale, cyanotic), consult a rheumatologist and cardiologist, as this is a sign of heart problems. In addition, short, flat nails and a large hole at their base will tell you about congenital heart diseases.

By the way, white spots on the nails can be due to a hereditary factor. This medical condition is called leukonychia.

  1. If the nail plate of the ring finger has changed its shape - it has become a semicircle, this is a reason to contact a nephrologist who should examine your kidneys.
  2. If all your nails are in the shape of a triangle, then most likely you have some kind of bone disease, mainly associated with the spine.
  3. What do nails say about health? if their grooves have become longitudinal? Experts say that this is a sign of diseased teeth and nasopharynx.
  4. If the thumbnail has a convex shape, then a person has begun to develop pulmonary tuberculosis.
  5. flat curved nails speak of such congenital health problems:
  • asthma
  • bronchitis
  1. Tubular elongated fingernails indicate extremely poor health person. Most often, cancerous tumors on the internal organs lead to such changes in the nail plate.
  2. People whose nails have a rounded convex shape are emotionally unbalanced - they are very aggressive, quick-tempered and nervous.
  3. If the nails of the hands and feet have acquired a flattened appearance, and besides, their upper edges have become fragmented, it means that helminths are wandering around the human body.
  4. White plaque on the nail plates indicates severe health and nail health generally. If you are faced with such a problem, then you should visit a therapist who will refer you to clinical studies to determine the condition of the digestive tract organs. For example:
  • If the nails are too embossed or "perforated" (exfoliate), this indicates a disease of the spleen;
  • Fragility of nails indicates developing gastritis and duodenal ulcer.

  1. If the nails grow very slowly, this indicates a clear beriberi. A person needs to eat as many vitamins as possible.
  2. Modified health toe nails they won't say anything. Most often, they suffer from a fungus (onychomycosis), which must be treated effectively and quickly so that the infection does not affect the skin.

Nail health status: photo

Nail color and organ health

If your nails have a pinkish tint, you can be sure that you do not have any serious pathologies. Another thing is when the nail plates have acquired a different color:

  • If the nails turn yellow, it means that bilirubin (yellow pigment) has increased in the human blood. This occurs in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas.
  • If the nails are blue or even purple, then this is an indicator that you spend a lot of time in a poorly ventilated room, which in turn led to hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the brain). This is a very dangerous symptom that can provoke lung failure or some kind of disease associated with the heart and blood vessels.
  • When the nail plates turn black, this means that they are injured (blood has dried under them due to a blow or thrombosis).
  • If your nails are no longer pink, but have acquired a pronounced scarlet color, then your blood has an increased content of red blood cells (red cells).
  • People with pale or white nails have either anemia or kidney disease.

Hand nails health: table

Pay more attention not only to the beauty of your manicure and pedicure. Pay close attention to the color of the nails, what shape and structure they are in order to avoid numerous health problems.

Video: "Diseases in the nails"

Fingernail diagnostics is a method with a long history. Even in Tibet, and in ancient China, doctors were fluent in the science of determining the state of health by nails.

Modern doctors confirm that the condition of the nails can tell about the beginning problems in the body, even when serious diseases are far away.

There is a direct relationship: nails - health - nail diagnostics will help you find incipient problems, especially if you use several methods of nail diagnostics at once.

We do our own diagnostics

Ideally, the nail plate should be smooth, without grooves, tubercles, cracks and spots. The nail should not be white and exfoliate.

Take a look at your plates. If they grow poorly, break, then your diet lacks nutrients and minerals.

Eat foods rich in calcium foods.

Along the hole of the nail

Since ancient times, it was believed that each nail is associated with a specific organ.

Diagnosis of health on the nails of the hands begins with the holes: it is the nail holes that will first of all tell you which organ in your body is in danger and which doctor you should make an appointment with.

In the absence of at least one hole on the fingers, indicates a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells (anemia, anemia).

If the holes on the nails have thinned or completely disappeared:

  1. The thumb is the brain and skull. The ancients believed that if the hole on this finger disappeared, then a person has serious problems with his head.
  2. Index - large intestine, liver and lungs, as well as inflammation and gynecological diseases. If the hole decreases or disappears completely, urgently pay attention to the intestines, liver and pancreas!
  3. Medium - a disease of the circulatory system. If there is no hole, there is a problem with pressure and blood vessels.
  4. Nameless - the hole reflects the state of metabolism and the lymphatic system.
  5. Little finger - problems with the cardiovascular system or the small intestine.

This scheme is supported by an interesting observation. For most people, the most prominent and lightest hole is on the thumbs, and this is no coincidence.

In the process of life, the small intestine is slagged first - the hole on the little finger disappears, the endocrine system suffers - the hole on the ring finger decreases. Problems with vessels and heart begin, and only then the large intestine surrenders. Until the last keeps the brain.

Moreover, if the holes on all nails are unnaturally enlarged, this may indicate heart weakness.

By nail color

Look at your nails more often - the diagnosis of diseases begins with the smallest changes.

If the nails suddenly begin to change color - this is a sure sign of problems in the body. A healthy person has beautiful pink nails. You need to listen to your body if:

1. Two-tone nail: the top is darker than the bottom.

Kidney disease, kidney failure.

2. Dark stripe along the nail.

May indicate the development of melanoma (a malignant tumor of the human skin).

3. If the plates have turned brown.

It signals kidney failure, Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease.

4. The appearance of small white spots (leukonychia).

Reports a lack of iron, zinc and calcium. The body needs vitamins A, C, E.

If the spots grow, they take the form of stripes and appear in the region of the holes.

Symptoms of internal organ problems: protein deficiency, kidney failure,
junk intestines, disruption of blood circulation.

5. Blue on the plates.

Informs a person about problems in the respiratory system. Infectious diseases of the lungs (pneumonia).

If the nail turns blue near the base.

It speaks of diabetes.

6. Completely white color of the plates.

May appear in patients with cirrhosis of the liver or with problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

May indicate poor-quality nail polish or disease
liver and gastrointestinal tract. There may be chronic diseases of the lungs and lymphatic system. Indicate the development of jaundice.

8. Onychomycosis (fungal infection). The nail thickens, becomes cloudy and separates from the bed.

The shape and structure of the nail

The simplest diagnosis of fingernails is an analysis of the shape and appearance.

1. If the nails are convex and look like a watch glass.

This may indicate a respiratory, chronic heart or liver disease. Malabsorption in the intestines, blood diseases, colitis, hepatitis and poor thyroid function. In rare cases, the onset of cancer.

2. If the nail is concave like a spoon.

The body is clearly deficient in iron.

If incomprehensible grooves appear on the nails, the diagnosis of diseases on the nails of the hands will also come in handy.

3. Grooves appear along the nail.

Rheumatism or inflammation begins in the paranasal sinuses or teeth.

4. If grooves appear across the nail.

Problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. May indicate a zinc deficiency.

5. Arcuate lines on the nail plates.

It speaks of a decrease in protein in human blood.

6. When small dimples appear on the nails.

Inflammation in the joints begins or indicates psoriasis.

Individual signs

Diagnosis of diseases on the nails of the hands is impossible without the analysis of additional features of the nails.

If the nails are bitten - this is not just a bad habit left over from childhood.

The full life cycle of a whole nail is half a year, therefore, in the place where changes occur in the nail, you can guess when the problems in the body began and prevent them in time.

P.S. Now you can diagnose your health by fingernails.

Nails are horny plates located on the back surface of the human fingers. They are one of the areas most prone to various diseases and injuries, along with the skin and mucous membranes, as they are constantly in contact with an aggressive external environment. Pathological processes can cause violations of the integrity of the nail and the appearance of all kinds of complications. To avoid the development of pathologies, one should pay attention to alarming symptoms in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail plate. The disease can spread both to one nail and to several. In severe cases, the epidermis, epithelial membranes and hair also suffer. Most often, the pathology develops due to the multiplication in the patient's body of dermatophyte fungi that feed on keratin.

Attention! In most cases, onychomycosis initially affects the nail plates on the legs, and why does the patient himself transfer the infection to his hands.

Infection most often occurs when the patient visits public places, where the most favorable conditions for reproduction and transmission of the pathogen are created. The fungus can persist for a long time in warm and humid rooms. Cork and wooden surfaces are of particular epidemic danger, as they have a porous surface. In these micro-holes, the fungus can exist for several years in a spore state.

Attention! Autoimmune onychomycosis also occurs. With this pathology, pathogens that are in the human body, due to a strong weakening of the immune system, begin to actively multiply and affect the nail plates.

The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of itching and burning of the skin around the nail;
  • deformation of the nail plate, the appearance of depressions, "waves" and creases;
  • discoloration of the nail, the appearance of gray, whitish or yellowish spots on the nail;
  • delamination and fragility of the nail plate;
  • peeling of the skin around the nail, the appearance of dry plaques and cracks;
  • the formation of weeping papules in the interdigital spaces.

Therapy for onychomycosis includes the following activities:

  1. Treatment of the nail and nail bed with antiseptic agents. It is recommended to select drugs with fungicidal, that is, antifungal, action. The most commonly used solution Fukortsin or Castellani. Wipe the affected area twice a day.
  2. Keratolytic patches are used to exfoliate a nail affected by a fungus: Mycospor, Junley etc.
  3. Applying special varnish coatings to the nail plate to destroy the pathogen: Irunin, Loceryl.
  4. The use of ointments and gels with fungicidal action. Most drugs also have an analgesic, cooling and antipruritic effect. The most popular are Acyclovir, Mycomax, Terbizil and etc.


Psoriasis is a chronic disease of non-infectious origin, which in most cases affects the epidermis. This pathology is included in the group of lichen, but has an autoimmune nature and is not transmitted from person to person. Psoriatic lesions of the nails are quite rare. In most cases, it manifests itself as a syndrome with psoriasis of the epidermis or joints.

Attention! In rare cases, psoriasis of the nails develops as an independent disease. In this case, it can be quite difficult to differentiate it from onychomycosis.

Symptomatic manifestations of pathology directly depend on the form of psoriasis. Most often, patients experience the following manifestations diseases:

  1. Itching and burning of the epidermis around the nail, peeling and the appearance of scales and cracks.
  2. The appearance of an inflamed hyperemic border around the perimeter of the affected nail bed.
  3. Changing the structure and color of the nail. The nail plate quickly collapses, acquires a grayish or yellow-brown color. With strong pressure, the nail bends or crumbles.
  4. Furrows, depressions and loose areas of a dull yellow color form on the surface of the nail plate.
  5. Due to the thinning of the nail, capillaries and petechiae can appear through it - small subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Damage to the nail plate in psoriasis

Treatment nail psoriasis is usually based on the use of topical agents:

  1. Creams containing steroids. Hormone-containing drugs are aimed directly at eliminating the pathological autoimmune process. In most cases, experts prescribe Triamcinolone or Prednisolone.
  2. Medicines with vitamin D3. They are necessary to strengthen the nail plate and stop the formation of psoriatic plaques. Used to treat psoriasis Taclonex, Tacalcinol And Daivonex.
  3. Medications with a dermatotropic effect. They are aimed at reducing the formation of pathological cells and, as a result, reducing the clinical symptoms of the disease or the formation of remission. For psoriatic nail lesions Dithranol, Dimexide, Anthralin.
  4. salicylic acid solution. It is necessary to wipe the affected area daily with this remedy in order to remove keratinized particles and plaque formed on the surface of the nail.

Attention! Means containing corticosteroids are recommended to be used no more than 5-7 days in a row. Only a doctor can prescribe the regimen for the use of the drug and the dosage.

Also, as part of complex therapy, physiotherapy is used: magnetic wave treatments, phonopheresis, ultraviolet treatment and topical baths.

Attention! Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. To prevent the recurrence of pathology, it is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

Onychoshisis is a disorder in which the destruction of the nail plate occurs due to destructive-dystrophic processes. Pathology can develop as an independent process caused by exogenous or endogenous factors, or as a syndrome in various diseases, for example, fungal infection of the nail.

Outwardly, the violation is manifested by the fragility and fragility of the nail plate. During a clinical examination, a specialist often notes a change in the color and texture of the nail. Onychoshisis can develop due to the following provoking factors:

  • mechanical damage to the nail;
  • the use of low-quality varnishes and means for their removal;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the patient's body;
  • autoimmune pathological reactions, including allergies;
  • direct contact with aggressive substances, household chemicals;
  • thermal burn.

To quickly restore the nail plate, the patient is shown the use of vitamins of group A. In most cases, it is necessary to take the drug for at least 4-6 months. Also, the patient is prescribed a course of intramuscular injections. vitamins B6-B12.

For local action directly on the damaged nail, various oils are used: sea ​​buckthorn, olive, anise etc. Also every 3-4 days it is recommended to do hand baths with gelatin and natural wax masks.

If the pathological process has completely affected the nail and the skin around it, then the patient must be applied to the affected area antiseptic dressings. Sterile gauze soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide should be placed directly on the nail. From above, the compress is fixed with a clean bandage. Such a bandage will avoid infection on the wound surface and prevent the development of complications.

With onychoshisis, it is also carried out physiotherapy. It includes phonophoresis procedures and baths with the addition of essential oils.

Attention! Onychoshisis often develops as a result of a deficiency in the patient's body of nutrients and elements. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins A and E every 6-12 months.

Video - Nail Diagnosis


Panaritium is an acute inflammatory process, which usually results in suppuration at the base of the nail. In most cases, pathology occurs against the background of a local infectious process. Panaritium can also form on the palmar surface of the hand, but much more often it affects the nail and the skin around it. This is due to the abundance of small wounds, cracks and burrs. Through such damage to the epidermis, the infection easily penetrates the body and causes acute inflammation. Pathology rarely occurs in an erased form. There are a huge number of nerve endings in the nail area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe finger, which is why panaritium delivers intense pain to the patient.

In a typical course, the disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • intense, throbbing pain in the affected area;
  • suppuration, the formation of a strip of pus at the base of the nail;
  • pronounced hyperemia, tension of the skin of the periungual roller;
  • local hyperthermia of the affected area, burning sensation;
  • with the spread of infection - throbbing pain in the hand, acute deterioration of health, fever.

Attention! Panaritium is a dangerous disease. The specificity of the anatomy of the finger contributes to the rapid development of the infectious process and damage to deep tissues, including bones and joints. That is why when a pathology appears, it is necessary to immediately consult a surgeon.

Panaritium is treated with operational intervention. If necessary, the doctor performs anesthesia of the affected area, although in most cases the skin around the abscess loses its sensitivity. After panaritiums are opened and carefully drained. If necessary, after the operation, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs of both local and general action. The most widely used erythromycin And tetracycline ointment.

If the felon is immature, then to stimulate the formation of an abscess, the patient is shown physiotherapy: ultraviolet treatment, thermal exposure and darsonvalization of the affected area.

The operation to remove the panaritium is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts about 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, a sterile bandage with an antibacterial agent is applied to the affected area.

Nail damage as a symptom

In some cases, a violation of the integrity of the nail plate indicates the development of more extensive and severe pathological processes in the body. In this case, the destruction or deformation of the nail is only a sign of the underlying disease, which requires an urgent appeal to a specialist.

Nail plates are a fairly reliable indicator of the state of health of the body. In some cases, they show signs of the disease much earlier than anywhere else. Thus, often the condition and appearance of the nails help to establish the presence of a particular chronic or acute disease and start treatment at an early stage. It is very important to carefully monitor the health of the nails and if there are any deviations, consult a doctor. We will talk about what diseases can be determined by the nails of the hands and / or toes in this material.

The cardiovascular system

Diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation appear on the nails at a time when the patient may not notice other symptoms. Thus, the most characteristic sign will be a change in the color of the nail from pink to bluish. This indicates that insufficient oxygen is supplied to the fingertips. This deviation can be determined quite accurately, since in this case not only the nails become bluish, but also the fingertips.

In this case, the definition of the disease by fingernails can greatly simplify the process of diagnosing and prescribing treatment, and most importantly, it allows you to notice the disease at an early stage. Due to the fact that we can talk about circulatory disorders not only in the fingers, but throughout the body, the problem can be quite serious. That is why timely treatment to the doctor is very important. A disease of this type is most often accompanied by general weakness, dizziness, and sometimes low blood pressure.

It is very important to know how to identify diseases by fingernails, because this can help diagnose very serious diseases. For example, the appearance of a dark spot on the surface of the nail may occur due to a banal mechanical injury, such as pinching or impact. But it can also be a sign of a very dangerous disease - endocarditis. Thus, if you notice such a stain on your nail, but are sure that you did not get injured, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Blood condition

Health status of the nails

Quite often it turns out to carry out the definition of the disease by the nails of the hands, when their condition is associated with any deviation in the composition of the blood. Thus, for example, if the nail bed is very light, almost white or with a slight pinkish tint, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the patient either already suffers from anemia, or it is just beginning to develop. Anemia is a lack of iron in the body, and therefore, a general blood test, which must be taken in this case, is likely to show low hemoglobin. In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for diagnosis and proper treatment.

Another alarming condition of the nails, which can indicate disorders and diseases of the blood, is an overly saturated color of the nail bed. It can be bright - or dark - pink, almost red, very saturated shade. In this case, there is likely to be a significant excess of red blood cells in the blood. This phenomenon can occur under the influence of many factors, and therefore, it is necessary to pass a general clinical blood test. If there is a deviation in it, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Somatic diseases

Diseases of the internal organs and the color of the nails are very closely related. Color changes may appear as yellowing, darkening, bluish tint, or whiteness of the nail bed. Thus, bluish nails can indicate not only problems with the cardiovascular system, but also problems with the lungs and respiratory system, since the manifestation of this shade is primarily associated with insufficient oxygen saturation.

Another factor in how to determine the disease by the nails is yellowing. This phenomenon deserves close attention, as it can occur for many reasons. Both completely harmless, such as staining with a coloring pigment from nail polish when applied without a base, and much more serious. For example, nails can turn yellow with viral hepatitis and other liver diseases.

The most dangerous disease that is characterized by such a symptom is cirrhosis of the liver, which occurs for one reason or another. That is why you should consult a doctor if the yellowing of the nails appeared quite abruptly. However, with advanced cirrhosis, the plates, on the contrary, turn white in the area of ​​​​the nail bed. This can be observed both over its entire area, and exclusively in the area around the lunula.

Lung problems may be indicated by the disappearance of the lunula on the thumbnail. If the lunula on the index disappeared, then we are talking about problems with the large intestine, pancreas and liver. In addition, this can also serve as a sign of inflammatory processes in the pelvis.

Diet Violation

Very often, nails help to identify not so much diseases of the body as to characterize its general condition. Thus, a violation of the diet, the abuse of bad habits and other factors also find manifestations on the nail plates. In particular, many changes in the condition of the nails are associated with beriberi.

  • talk about calcium deficiency. However, this phenomenon can also signal violations in the work of the central nervous system;
  • If white spots appear on the nail of the index finger, on the contrary, we can talk about excessive deposition of calcium salts;
  • Nails become thin and brittle with a lack of vitamin C, iron, vitamin D, omega fatty acids, etc.

If you notice these signs in yourself, then it is likely that in Lately grossly violated the diet, as a result of which the influx of nutrients into the body decreased. It is necessary to consume a lot of cereals, which will provide nails with B vitamins, butter, rich in vitamin E, is very beneficial for nails. Sour-milk and, to a lesser extent, dairy products also contribute to the influx of calcium into the body, cereals and apples will also be enriched with iron.

Diseases of the nails

However, determining health by nails in this way may not be very effective during periods of seasonal beriberi, for example, in spring. In this case, even with full adherence to the diet, the amount of vitamins in the body is still reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to nourish them from outside. Good results are obtained by rubbing an oil solution of vitamins A and E into the nail plate, for example, from Aevit capsules. You can also use complex multivitamins.

The definition of diseases on the nails should be carried out only at home, and having carefully studied them. In order for the examination to be the most comprehensive and correct, it must be performed in daylight. It is also recommended to put your hand on a sheet of white paper in order to correctly determine the color of the skin and plates and avoid affecting their perception of the shades of the environment.