A detailed pregnancy calendar and how a woman feels week by week. Manifestations of pregnancy after conception. "Strange" and extraordinary symptoms of early pregnancy

Pregnancy on early dates requires special attention and trembling. During this period, the organs of the baby are formed, its future health is laid, and the first months of pregnancy are the most dangerous and at risk. Toxicosis in the early stages often signals some violations or complications, although mostly it is just a sign of pregnancy. Women are often tortured various pains in early pregnancy, many of which can also warn of danger.

The first trimester is the most dangerous in all plans, and therefore doctors urge expectant mothers to exercise extreme caution during this period. Check any of your feelings, ask the doctor about the slightest ailments, consult a gynecologist regarding pregnancy management, changes in your habits, innovations in your normal life rhythm. And also communicate on the forums with other pregnant women: the reviews and experience of women can sometimes be even more useful than going to the clinic.

Feelings in early pregnancy

Most of the questions for newly pregnant women arise, perhaps, because of the sensations that appear during this period. The new state entails changes in the work of all organs and systems. The body of a pregnant woman is completely unpredictable and has the right to a variety of "tricks". And yet, most of the phenomena are common to all pregnant women: drawing pains lower abdomen, tingling in the chest, changes in vaginal discharge, temperature fluctuations, pigmentation disorders, malfunctions gastrointestinal tract, racing blood pressure, wavy emotional states and others.

Many of the first signs of pregnancy are new and unknown to a woman. Some are downright scary. However, there is no need to rush to conclusions. None of your feelings should be left unattended, because the health of the unborn baby is at stake! It should only be remembered that now, when your body is adjusting to work in a completely new mode for it, the most unexpected and, unfortunately, far from always pleasant sensations may appear.

Be prudent, careful, attentive and patient: the second trimester will soon come, when many signs will disappear, as they appeared, and you will be able to enjoy your honorary status to the fullest!

It is inexpensive, and now you can buy it even at the checkout of the mass market.

It can be used any day after the delay, it is recommended to do the test in the morning.

The most common types of tests are test strip. Thin white stripe with blue (maybe another color) inclusion and arrows. To the mark, it must be lowered for a few seconds into a container with fresh urine, and after 2-5 minutes you can observe the result.

Two stripes- Pregnancy is confirmed. Moreover, the intensity of staining of the second strip is unimportant, if in principle it did not remain light, empty, and even if it is light, but still purple - there is a pregnancy.

Usually women do one or more control tests.

If the second bar is not saturated enough, it is likely that the period of the state of emergency is still short. Try to do the test in another three days, and then in another three days. The strip should darken.

You can go to the clinic for analysis on hCG level. - a special human hormone that is produced during pregnancy.

6-10 days after conception hCG indicators will be informative, it turns out that pregnancy can be determined already at such an early stage.

HCG level up to certain period pregnancy will increase rapidly.

An analysis for hCG can also be prescribed by a doctor, this is done in cases where:

  • dynamic monitoring of pregnancy is required;
  • there is a threat or;
  • an assessment of the completeness of artificial termination of pregnancy is required.

There are a few other cases that are not related to pregnancy.

Analysis for hCG is paid, not in all clinics it is carried out, so find out in advance in your help desk medical institution whether there is such a service.

Top 10 Signs of Pregnancy

And although each story of bearing a child is individual, there are most typical signs pregnancy. The main ones are ten.

Delay- the most reliable prediagnostic sign. This means that before the test and examination by the doctor, the most important sign of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation.

, vomit. So it manifests itself - a specific reaction of the body to the birth of a new life.

There is still no consensus on the nature of toxicosis and its role. Some women do not even have the slightest hint of this condition, there is also a category of those who suffer from excruciating nausea all nine months.

On average, by the end it goes well.

Breast swelling. The breast increases in size, becomes sensitive, sometimes even painful. This can happen in the premenstrual period, but during pregnancy this phenomenon is more pronounced.

Sensitivity to odors. There is a feeling that the strength of odors has increased by several orders of magnitude. It is not necessary that some previously loved aroma will become hated, just the olfactory reflex will be stronger.

Psychological imbalance. The mood jumps: it drops sharply, appears from every little thing, then there are sudden outbursts of joy, a surge of strength. This game of hormones, from a physiological point of view, is quite normal.

. The uterus has not yet grown enough to frequent urges to the toilet were natural, but the body is already preparing for such a course of events.

The volume of blood in the body increases, and this invariably leads to an excess volume of fluid in the bladder.

Feeling of bloating. There is a feeling of discomfort, I want to unbutton the buttons on my jeans or sit back comfortably. This is also due hormonal changes.

Not plentiful bloody issues . It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen often. For several days, a pregnant woman observes small vaginal discharge from light brown to dark brown.

This may be due to implantation bleeding associated with such a reaction of the body to the process of attachment to the uterine wall. gestational sac.

Sometimes the discharge falls on the days when the menstruation was supposed to begin. They go away on their own after a few days, but if the doctor advises going to the hospital, then there is a threat of pregnancy, and it is better to do so.

Raise . If you are constantly measuring your basal temperature (the temperature in your rectum), then you should know that in common days it is below 37 degrees.

It rises during the period, and by the onset of menstruation it falls again. If basal body temperature has grown, has not decreased for several days, there are no periods - there is a high probability that the conception was successful.

Increased salivation. precedes toxicosis. Most often observed in the morning. There is a feeling that a lot of saliva accumulates in the mouth in the morning, and may be accompanied by a sharp feeling of hunger.

These are. They may not be, but you need to be prepared for them, they all fit perfectly into the physiological norm.

Risk in early pregnancy

Most often, the threat of termination of pregnancy occurs in the early stages. Sometimes it is not possible to establish the causes of this phenomenon. Every fifth pregnancy ends in an early miscarriage.

Interestingly, in the West, they often do not even try to keep the pregnancy in the first weeks, if there is a threat. It is believed that the body itself is able to decide whether the fetus will be viable.

Domestic medicine is not so categorical: any threat of miscarriage means sending a woman to hospitalization.

The most common reasons for the threat of spontaneous abortion:

  1. Hormonal disorders. Progesterone deficiency can interfere prosperous development pregnancy. If corpus luteum does not adequately cope with its function, it happens hormonal disbalance. female body lack of a hormone that maintains pregnancy. This can happen due to endocrine problems, advanced level male hormones and certain medications.
  2. Structural pathologies reproductive organs . For example, a horn-shaped or saddle-shaped uterus. Improper organ structure is not a hindrance to pregnancy, but increased medical supervision will not be redundant.
  3. genetic abnormalities. Serious chromosomal mutations lead to spontaneous miscarriage, nature rejects the unviable fruit.
  4. . Serious and widespread pathology. The cervix, for some reason, loses its ability to be a guard post for intrauterine life baby and begins to open up. If this is not prevented, a miscarriage will occur.
  5. Injuries. Falls, physical stress, wounds can cause miscarriage.
  6. Acceptance of unauthorized. In the first trimester, any medication is prohibited: a doctor can prescribe them, and he does this only when absolutely necessary.

You can identify a threat by the following features:

  • strong or incessant;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • sharply worsened health;
  • violent, exhausting vomiting.

(blood clotting test).

  • A smear on the flora of the vagina, urethra, cervical canal.
  • Smear for STIs.
  • It is worth mentioning the rules for passing tests. Blood is donated in the morning, on an empty stomach, you can drink plain water - this does not affect the result.

    Analysis is taken both from a vein and from a finger. The last procedure is unpleasant for many women; in most large clinics and consultations, inexpensive special devices can be purchased for painless blood sampling from a finger.

    Urine is better to collect at home. The same in the morning, and the same on an empty stomach. As a container, an ordinary glass jar of baby purees is suitable. It needs to be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Before emptying Bladder you need to wash the genitals under the shower.

    The swab is taken gynecologist, no prior preparation is needed.

    You can and should talk to your gynecologist about all the features of the first trimester, cautions, changes in lifestyle, nutrition.

    If for some reason the doctor does not talk to you about this, does not explain the most important points, you have the right to ask questions and demand attention(within reason, of course).

    Don't forget about psychological mood, whose share in the successful bearing of the baby is more than large.

    Happy pregnancy!

    Pregnancy is a diagnosis, and the diagnosis in translation means “management tactics”. Indeed, pregnancy leaves an imprint on the entire body of a woman as a whole, since at this time there are intense changes in all organs and systems of her body.

    In addition, pregnancy is a contraindication for the appointment of certain drugs, which is especially important to consider for doctors of other specialties. During pregnancy (here, the signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay, that is, the very beginning of a new life), are contraindicated for fluorographic or any other x-ray examination that can be prescribed to a woman if she is not known to be pregnant.

    Therefore, timely detection of the fact of pregnancy is very important, since the correct management of pregnancy from the earliest dates is the key to its successful completion - the birth of a live, viable child. Based on this, knowledge of the early signs of pregnancy is important both for the patient herself and for doctors of various specialties. This is what will be discussed in our article.

    The main directions of pregnancy diagnostics

    Often, the diagnosis of pregnancy in a short period of time presents significant difficulties, since the identified early signs pregnancies before missed periods are of little specificity and may be observed in other conditions and diseases. Diseases of the endocrine glands, neuropsychiatric disorders, stressful situations, taking some medicines can mimic the state of pregnancy, which is misleading for both the doctor and the patient.

    The observed hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to the appearance of new subjective feelings, as well as to certain objective changes that are determined by the doctor. In addition to identifying these signs of pregnancy in the early stages, additional research methods are used, which include conducting ultrasound and level determination chorionic gonadotropin in the urine (urinary pregnancy test, which can be qualitative and quantitative) and in the blood. This laboratory signs pregnancies that can be detected.

    But the establishment of the fact of pregnancy does not yet allow to put an end to the diagnostic search. At the next stage, it is important to establish where the fetal egg is localized (in the uterus or outside it), and also whether the pregnancy develops, that is, to exclude a non-developing pregnancy.

    Thus, diagnostic search includes three areas:

    • diagnosis of pregnancy;
    • determination of the place of implantation of the fetal egg;
    • determination of the heartbeat of the embryo / fetus (an embryo is a fetal egg up to 8 weeks of development).

    Methods of examination of pregnant women

    What are the early signs of pregnancy and how to identify them? This is the main question that worries many women trying to get pregnant. First, let's look at how you can determine the signs of pregnancy.

    Pregnancy detection is based on an assessment of:

    • complaints and subjective feelings of a woman;
    • an objective examination of a woman, which includes an examination of the mammary glands and a vaginal examination (using mirrors and a two-handed examination);
    • results additional methods research (ultrasound, blood and urine tests).

    Let us dwell in more detail on additional research methods, since the first signs of early pregnancy are difficult to diagnose using a conventional clinical examination (questioning, examination, palpation, etc.).

    Ultrasound examination allows you to establish the fact of the presence of pregnancy, its localization, as well as the presence of an embryonic heartbeat, that is, it solves all three main tasks of a diagnostic search. most reliable and early information can be obtained if the study is carried out using a vaginal probe. It is important to establish the presence of a heartbeat before the 8th week of pregnancy, since by this time the embryonic heart had already begun to form.

    If by this time there are no fetal heartbeats, then, most likely, the pregnancy has frozen (non-developing pregnancy).

    Determination of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine (a sign of early pregnancy - 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks) allows you to diagnose the presence of a fetal egg. However, it does not give exact information about the place of its implantation. This can only be indirectly judged - the discrepancy between the level of this hormone ( less than normal) estimated gestational age.

    The same can be said about the viability of the product of conception. If the content of chorionic gonadotropin corresponds to the gestational age, then the pregnancy develops normally, and if it is less than normal, then one must think either about a missed pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy.

    Very rarely, there can be a significant increase in this hormone, which is regarded as serious pathology and indicates hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma. These are varieties of the so-called trophoblastic disease, which refers to oncological diseases. A slight increase in chorionic gonadotropin is the earliest sign of twin pregnancy, that is, it does not characterize the pathology.

    Subjective signs of pregnancy

    Subjective signs of pregnancy are signs of early pregnancy, which in the medical literature are called dubious signs. The woman herself talks about these signs. Their appearance is associated with hormonal changes that occur in the mother's body if the egg is fertilized by a sperm. For the same reason, objective symptoms also appear, which the doctor reveals during a thorough examination of the woman.

    They are the second most important in the diagnostic search and are called likely signs and pregnancy. The most reliable are reliable signs, which are determined only in the second half of pregnancy.

    These include:

    • fetal movements felt by the doctor;
    • fetal heartbeat;
    • palpation (groping) of small parts of the fetus.

    So, back to the signs of pregnancy in the early stages. These include the following subjective sensations:

    • nausea and vomiting (up to 2 times per day is regarded as a variant of the norm, more than 2 times - as a symptom of early toxicosis);
    • change taste sensations(adherence to a certain type of food and aversion to other types);
    • increase or decrease in appetite;
    • change in smell ( hypersensitivity to perfumery products, intolerance to tobacco smoke);
    • increased irritability;
    • frequent mood swings;
    • general weakness;
    • drowsiness, including during the day;
    • non-intense headaches and dizziness associated with reduced vascular tone;
    • frequent painless urination;
    • engorgement of the mammary glands and their slight increase;
    • appearance increased pigmentation along the white (middle) line of the abdomen, on the face, on the nipples;
    • the appearance of stretch marks, which are due to the influence of glucocorticoid hormones.

    This is how pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages, and the signs before and after the delay of menstruation, which are detected, often require additional research methods. At the same time, the earliest sign of pregnancy from additional research methods is the appearance of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine, as discussed above.

    Enlargement of the uterus

    Enlargement of the uterus is one of the likely signs of early pregnancy. The growth of the uterus is associated with the growth of the embryo and extraembryonic structures (chorion, amnion, yolk sac). This sign in early pregnancy can be established from 2 weeks. It's about about two weeks from the moment of conception, which correspond to 4 obstetric weeks.

    In addition to an increase in the uterus, its shape changes, the consistency of the reaction to various stimuli. Before the era of ultrasound, these changes were regarded as very early signs of pregnancy, which most likely indicate the conception and implantation of the fetal egg. The pregnant uterus has an asymmetric shape, that is, it has a protrusion in the place where the fetal egg has implanted.

    Such a uterus is soft, since the progesterone secreted in in large numbers during pregnancy, relaxes smooth muscles (especially the uterus). This causes its increased mobility. Uterus in pregnant state is able to actively respond to external stimuli, therefore, with a two-handed study, it first tones up, and then immediately relaxes.

    In addition, during a vaginal examination in order to detect pregnancy in the early stages, it is also important to evaluate the discharge. In pregnant women they have white look and a thick consistency, since progesterone changes the nature of the vaginal secretion. With a complicated course of pregnancy, their character may change - they either become mucous (this may indicate an increase in estrogen and a decrease in progesterone), or bloody.

    Bloody discharge from the genital tract most often indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy, therefore, to maintain it, immediate treatment is required, which includes the appointment of antispasmodics, hemostatic agents and progestin drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan, Progesterone). Gestagens are able to influence immune processes that play a very important role V normal development pregnancy.

    Purulent discharge and early signs of pregnancy are also a reason to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, as they can lead to infection of the fetal egg, which can be realized in pathology at an early stage or at a later date.

    Infection on initial stages pregnancy is manifested non-developing pregnancy or miscarriage, and in the later leads to premature birth, intrauterine infections, placental insufficiency with its consequences (delayed fetal development and intrauterine hypoxia fetus). Most often, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, to combat purulent discharge, local therapy is prescribed in the form of suppositories, creams to systemic drugs had no negative impact on developing fetus and did not lead to anomalies of its development.

    A period of up to 12 weeks is critical, since at this time all organs and systems are formed and their primary differentiation occurs, therefore, at this time, if possible, a pregnant woman should not take any medicines. In this regard, the earliest signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation should be known to every woman who goes to the doctor with a particular disease. She must warn the doctor about them so as not to harm the fetus with the prescribed treatment.

    Diarrhea and pregnancy

    The above doubtful symptoms that can cause inconvenience to a woman are signs of early pregnancy, and diarrhea, which some women may have, most often indicates a pathology. He is associated with or food poisoning, or with intestinal infection, less often with chronic pathology gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the assertion that diarrhea is a sign of pregnancy is a delusion.


    First signs early pregnancy it is important to identify in women suffering from miscarriage, since such women need as much as possible early start therapy aimed at maintaining pregnancy.

    A miscarriage should be spoken of in cases where a woman has had two or more pregnancy losses in a row. As a rule, such patients are examined outside of pregnancy in order to identify the reasons for its termination. Knowing the exact cause, you can prevent its effect on the newly fertilized egg. Such early treatment contributes to the preservation of pregnancy and the birth of healthy viable children.

    Thus, the first signs of pregnancy on early stage help to diagnose the fact of pregnancy in a timely manner in order to optimize the management of such a patient. An obstetrician-gynecologist diagnoses pregnancy and makes an appropriate entry in the medical records.

    After that, to such a woman is applied special approach- the risks of prescribing certain medications, certain examination methods are assessed, and, if possible, complications of pregnancy are prevented, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.


    Almost every woman in such an important and exciting period of her life as bearing a child is faced with a lot of prohibitions and advice. So what is still impossible, and what can be done during pregnancy? How to eat and behave during this time? And what is the first thing you need to know? We'll figure out.

    What is impossible during pregnancy?

    First of all, prohibitions. They are, but, fortunately, not in such a large number. So, what absolutely can not be done during pregnancy?

    Bad habits

    Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs during pregnancy is the strictest taboo. All toxic substances contained in cigarettes, alcohol, etc., directly affect the development and life of the unborn child. It is clear that they influence far from the best way.

    Ideally, stop smoking and use alcoholic drinks, not to mention narcotic substances, it is necessary at least a few months before conception. And both future parents.

    It is important to know that the influence bad habits highly undesirable in the first three months of pregnancy. But in the future, their impact is no less detrimental.


    Equally dangerous is both active (most pregnant) and passive smoking. Nicotine, poisonous tar and other chemicals contained in tobacco smoke, can cause various deviations and malformations in the development of the fetus. Smoking also causes oxygen starvation future child.

    Children born to pregnant women who smoke are often underweight, may be premature, and do not adapt well to the environment after birth.


    ABOUT harmful influence ethanol contained in alcohol, as well as its decomposition products in human body probably everyone knows. Exposure to these substances can lead to abortion, fetal growth retardation, and various malformations.

    You can often find the statement that 100-200 g of red wine or beer is "useful" for a pregnant woman. This is an erroneous opinion. No one will undertake to assert what toxic dose of ethanol can be fatal for an unborn child.


    The use of narcotic drugs, regardless of the type and route of their receipt, is unequivocally detrimental to the development and health of the unborn child.

    Medicines and medical procedures

    All medical preparations should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor or after his consultation. It is necessary to know that there is absolutely no safe medicines. And many of them have contraindications for prescribing during pregnancy.

    Various diagnostic and other medical procedures(even ultrasound) should also be prescribed and carried out only according to indications and under the supervision of the attending physician.

    Physical stress and fatigue

    Learning about your interesting position, the expectant mother must completely abandon weight lifting. Sports, especially its power types, must also be stopped.

    A pregnant woman should not sharply bend over, jump, run, especially over long distances. It is necessary to avoid any physical impact in the abdomen, as well as the lower back.

    Pregnancy is not a time for physical and emotional overstrain.

    ABOUT physical activity we have already mentioned. As for emotional overload, it is also highly desirable to avoid them during this period.

    Sun, solarium, bath and sauna

    Prohibited during pregnancy long time be on open sun and visit the solarium. Exposure to direct ultraviolet rays can adversely affect pregnancy and lead to its termination.

    Impact high temperature can lead to early termination pregnancy. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not visit baths and saunas, and the water temperature during hygiene procedures should not exceed 36-37 degrees.

    Household chemicals

    The expectant mother needs to minimize the use of cosmetics and other products that contain chemical substances. Extreme care should be used when cleaning, washing, washing dishes, etc.

    The above are the main prohibitions that are most often found in Everyday life future mother.

    However, in some cases, the doctor may limit sex, long trips, flights, etc. All these nuances must be additionally discussed during visits to him.

    It should also be noted that the influence of all negative factors is highly undesirable in the first trimester of pregnancy. Indeed, during this time, the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn child takes place. AND harmful effect one factor or another may be fatal to him.


    Given all those changes in a woman's body during pregnancy, she needs to somewhat revise and correct her habitual image life.

    Clothing and footwear

    Clothes and shoes for a pregnant woman must be comfortable and not restrict her movement. It is highly recommended to wear a bra and underwear made from natural fabrics.

    The shoes of the expectant mother should be low-heeled. This nuance will allow not to strain the spine, which already carries an additional load. It will also protect against possible injuries and falls, which can lead to high heels and shifted center of gravity of the body.


    At night, a pregnant woman should sleep for at least eight hours. Quite often, expectant mothers experience drowsiness and daytime. If you have the opportunity to relax - do not deny yourself this.

    A place to sleep should be as comfortable as possible so as not to create excessive stress on the spine.


    Pregnancy usually does not relieve a woman of worries about cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, etc. However, we must try so that these household chores do not cause discomfort and do not cause overwork.

    Doing household chores, you need to rest more often. And also make the process of work as easy as possible for yourself: cut vegetables while sitting, not standing, do not wash by hand, etc.

    And do not be shy to ask your husband or someone from the environment for help.


    Under current law, a pregnant woman is released from work upon reaching the term of 30 weeks.

    However, by law, the expectant mother must not work at night and overtime, do not lift heavy objects, avoid exposure to vibration, excessive noise, potentially hazardous substances (poisons, chemicals), etc.

    The employer is obliged to exclude all these harmful factors in the labor process from the moment the fact of pregnancy is established.

    Physical exercise

    As already mentioned, a pregnant woman should not lift weights, do strength exercises, sharp bends, jumps, etc.

    But this does not mean that we should completely abandon exercise. Depending on the course and duration of pregnancy, you need to choose a set of exercises that will help prepare the body of the expectant mother for further pregnancy and the upcoming birth.

    useful to do morning exercises by doing simple exercises. Should be more often fresh air. Walks should be every day and last at least 1-2 hours. At the same time, for walking you need to choose places rich in green spaces.


    This point is worth discussing separately. After all, it depends on how and what a woman eats during pregnancy. proper development and growth of the unborn child.

    Remember that you need to eat right during pregnancy. And for this you need to follow several principles:

    • Don't pass it on! Do not eat for two during pregnancy. This is the reason excess weight And possible problems during pregnancy.
    • Food is best eaten boiled, steamed, stewed or baked. Avoid fried foods if possible.
    • Significantly reduce or even eliminate smoked and pickled foods from the diet.
    • Salt food should be moderate.
    • Do not abuse sweet, fatty, salty foods. And bakery products and baking.
    • Eat often and in small portions. Ideally, the daily amount of food can be divided into 5-6 meals.

    No need to forcefully eat unloved food. For example, if cottage cheese, despite its usefulness, is not included in the list of favorite dishes, then you can replace it, for example, with curdled milk or cheese. Or make cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes, etc. from it. More imagination!

    What to exclude?

    You can’t eat your own in the diet of the expectant mother. Such prohibitions must also be taken with full responsibility. So, what not to eat and drink:

    You should drink enough clean water. Fluid intake is approximately 2 liters per day. But under certain conditions during pregnancy, the doctor may increase or decrease the amount of fluid you drink.

    early pregnancy

    Proper nutrition in early pregnancy is extremely important. It is during this period that absolutely all organs of the fetus are laid. And some lack nutrients or exposure to hazards may adversely affect its development.

    That is why some doctors are approximate schedule nutrition in early pregnancy by week.

    1–4 weeks

    stick to principles proper nutrition necessary from the very first days of an interesting situation.

    As a rule, two to three months before conception, a woman should start taking folic acid at the dosage recommended by the doctor. This vitamin significantly reduces the risk of developing various congenital pathology in an unborn child.

    Folic acid is also found in grains and greens - lettuce, parsley, etc.

    From the third week of pregnancy, it is necessary to include calcium-rich foods in the diet: dairy (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc.), green vegetables, fruits. Also necessary at this time are trace elements, especially zinc and manganese. They are found in bananas, nuts, lean meats, oatmeal, eggs, and carrots.

    5–8 weeks

    Often, starting from the second month of pregnancy, expectant mothers begin to complain about the manifestations of toxicosis. To somewhat alleviate its manifestations, you can temporarily replace meat products and eggs with vegetable protein - legumes and soy. It is useful to eat carrots, nuts, cheese. It is impossible during this period to force yourself to eat unwanted food, however, to use potentially dangerous products not worth it either.

    It is useful in the morning, before getting out of bed, to have a light snack - eat a cracker or a cracker. Before going to bed, you can also satisfy the feeling of hunger, for example, with a handful of raisins.

    During the day, you should drink a sufficient amount of liquid - at least eight to nine glasses.

    9–12 weeks

    In the third month of pregnancy, you should especially listen to your gastronomic desires. However, one should not forget about foods that should not be consumed during pregnancy.

    From 13 weeks onwards

    After the third month of pregnancy, the increased growth of the unborn baby begins. Therefore, you should enrich your daily diet by approximately 300–400 kcal.

    You should also eat vegetables and fruits of red and orange flowers which are rich in beta-carotene. This will allow the organs of vision, hearing and other senses of the unborn child to develop correctly.

    What else do you need to know?

    Finally, it is necessary to recall the conditions in which you need to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance medical care. These include:

    • Pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Bloody discharge from the genital tract of any intensity.
    • An increase in body temperature even in the absence of any other symptoms.
    • Leakage amniotic fluid that occurs at any stage of pregnancy.
    • Absence of fetal movements. You should also consult a doctor if the baby's movements have become much less frequent or, conversely, more often than usual.
    • Noise in the ears, flickering "flies" before the eyes, intense headache.
    • Edema. Especially if they grow fast.
    • Acute pain in the legs (especially if there is varicose veins veins).
    • Brief loss of consciousness (fainting).
    • Vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy, more than twice a day, profuse salivation.
    • Lower back pain, especially accompanied by frequent and painful urination and / or fever.

    In general, any change in the well-being of a pregnant woman is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, the sooner the pathology is detected, the easier, faster and, most importantly, safer for the future mother and child, it can be cured.

    The mother-to-be is looking forward to the birth of her baby. She is already learning to take care of his health, protecting and protecting him from adverse factors. Both parents are very interested to know - who will appear in the family, a boy or a girl? For this, any folk methods, and the older generation determines by external changes that happened to a woman. But in the first trimester, the stomach is almost invisible, and you have to look for other ways. After all, it’s been so long before the second planned ultrasound, but I want to know now.

    Table Methods

    The magical state in which the woman is now makes her believe many folk ways. It is possible to confirm or refute the effectiveness of such signs only in each individual case. This is one of the options to satisfy curiosity about the gender of the expected baby. In a few months it will be possible to check whether the ancient knowledge is so reliable.

    Table check:

    Applied methods are not scientific, so you should not trust them 100%. When planning a conception, it is not recommended to rely on calculations; the accuracy of pregnancy with a boy or a girl, with such calculations, has not been proven.

    Folk ways

    It is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child at an early stage of pregnancy thanks to the methods and signs that our ancestors have used for centuries. It is not necessary to take as a basis one single sign, but a number of coinciding factors can become an argument for conjecture. Elderly people passed this knowledge by word of mouth, helping parents learn a lot about the future family member.

    Folk ways to determine a boy

    • the activity of a man’s sexual life can affect if he had regular contacts before conception, most likely a boy will be born, since such spermatozoa are dominant in the chromosome set that determines sex;
    • in young women, the probability of having a first-born boy increases, the age of the mother up to 25 years increases such forecasts;
    • with a regular sexual life with spouses, they are more likely to buy cars and airplanes in the near future, the frequency ranges from 2-4 times or more per week;
    • by the appearance of a woman it is already possible to judge who is beating under her heart, she literally blooms, her skin brightens, facial features also change, the only thing that sometimes distorts this method- toxicosis, it happens to both boys and girls, and with strong manifestations it is difficult to judge the appearance;
    • cold feet are regularly felt, even in hot summers, slight numbness, cramps in the limbs may also be present;
    • if the difference between 2 pregnancies is less than 3 years, and the first time a daughter was born, then the second time, there will most likely be a son;
    • hair began to grow more intensively, especially on the legs, arms, fluff appeared on the stomach;
    • if a woman notices the first movement in her right side.

    New eating habits may also emerge. I want to constantly add salt, pepper dishes so that they have a more pronounced spicy taste. Draws on marinades, pickles, meat products. Some mothers wake up with completely new addictions - watching football, hockey, love for extreme sports. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and not endanger your health and the child, even under the influence of the power of instincts.

    Folk ways to determine a girl

    Our ancestors could determine who a woman wears only by one of her appearance. There is even a sign - girls steal beauty from their mother, and boys steal health. If spots, rashes, swelling appear on the face, the nose noticeably increases, the lips swell - most likely, a daughter will be born. The gait becomes softer and more graceful. In the early stages, the belly is not yet noticeable, but the emerging roundness of the forms can already be observed. If a woman has a sporty, textured figure, a characteristic smoothness of lines will appear.

    Signs for the birth of a girl:

    • the first months are more difficult, toxicosis, nausea, and digestive problems may be present;
    • sudden mood swings, whims, spleen, depression, tantrums, unreasonable touchiness, unstable psycho-emotional stateclear sign that a daughter is expected;
    • taste habits change, appetite sharply increases, you always want sweet, flour, dairy, vegetables, fruits, cereals predominate in the menu;
    • the age of the parents also matters, if this is the first child and both in 30 years, most likely, a daughter will be born;
    • if the first movement appeared in the left half of the abdomen, you can already look closely at the pink dresses.

    There is another theory - sex is determined by blood renewal. It is believed that in women this process occurs every 3 years, in men - every 4 years. The formula is simple: you need to divide the age of each parent by 3 and 4, respectively, the remainder (tenths after the whole) is taken for comparison. For example: mom 28, dad -30, 28:3= 9.3 30:4=7.5. Then the indicators after the decimal point are compared, for a woman 3, for a man 5, 5 more than 3, which means there will be a boy.

    medical methods

    It is possible in the early stages of pregnancy to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound by scientific means, with a high degree of probability. It is carried out in 2 ways, in both cases it is determined already from 6-7 weeks. For this, a blood test is used, it can also be determined at home using a test poll.

    DNA blood test:

    1. carried out from 6 to 12 weeks, accuracy depending on the period from 90% to 97%;
    2. the main purpose is to determine genetic abnormalities, but also makes it possible to find out the sex of the child;
    3. safe method, blood is taken from a vein for analysis;
    4. the presence of Y chromosomes is considered an indicator of the expectation of a boy, if they are absent, there will be a girl.

    Definition by test:

    1. you need to collect morning urine (immediately after waking up);
    2. inject the reagent into the glass using a syringe;
    3. put on a flat surface and wait 5 minutes;
    4. yellow and Orange color- there will be a girl, dark, saturated - a boy.

    Future parents are looking forward to the birth of the baby. They make every effort to prepare everything necessary for the moment of birth. Regardless of who appears - a boy or a girl, he will give the most important thing - a feeling of happiness.