Nutrition system for pregnant women. Help products for pregnant women. Dangerous foods for pregnant women

Everything that is necessary for growth, the child receives from the blood of the mother. Therefore, one should give Special attention. Do you need to eat more? Or should you just change your diet?

Let's talk about quantity first. This is the first question expectant mothers usually ask. Our grandmothers believed that a pregnant woman should eat for two. As a result, excess body weight accumulated. On the other hand, in last years so much is said about the dangers of systematic overeating that some expectant mothers began to eat too little, which is also not harmless to the child. How do you do it anyway?

The expectant mother should not eat twice as much, but twice as well

The human body functions due to the energy received from the outside, which is formed as a result of the "combustion" of food. The energy contained in each food is expressed in calories. Products, in turn, differ in their energy content: some provide few calories, others tens or hundreds of times more. The body uses the calories it receives from food to perform various functions, and it needs a certain minimum of calories to maintain life.

The basic metabolism in humans depends on body weight, height, age, sex. Medium height woman normal weight body (60 kg), from 19 to 40 years old, engaged in light physical work, should receive approximately 1850-2000 kcal per day. During pregnancy, basal metabolism increases by 25%. Therefore, the expectant mother needs 2500 kcal, and by the end of pregnancy - 2800-2900 kcal per day.

Signs of malnutrition

  1. Lack of food (a situation that is much more common than is commonly thought).
  2. Wrong ratio of necessary components (common situation).
  3. Poor quality of products (also a common situation).
  4. Excess nutrition (much less common than the three above cases).

What threatens malnutrition during pregnancy?

  1. Late pregnancy (preeclampsia) is a painful condition, in severe forms of which fluid retention in the body (pregnancy dropsy), loss of protein in the urine, and an increase develop sequentially.
  2. Miscarriage (preterm birth and miscarriage), because due to malnutrition, the placenta cannot develop normally.
  3. Risk premature detachment placenta - in terms close to childbirth, the placenta begins to separate from the wall of the uterus, the child may die (50% probability), the mother bleeds.
  4. Anemia (anemia) - occurs due to insufficient intake or absorption of proteins, iron, and vitamins.
  5. Infectious complications, including from the lungs, liver and kidneys.
  6. Weak generic activity, protracted childbirth, exhaustion of the expectant mother in childbirth.
  7. Postpartum hemorrhage and decreased blood clotting.
  8. Slow healing of perineal wounds, uterus shrinks slowly after childbirth.
  9. Retardation of intrauterine development of the fetus.
  10. Insufficient birth weight of the child, as well as prematurity, low viability.
  11. encephalopathy.
  12. Hyperexcitability and hyperactivity.
  13. Decreased fetal resistance to infection during prenatal period, during and after childbirth; susceptibility to various diseases.

Convincing yourself to take care of proper nutrition is not easy, but the result is worth it.

What is the correct diet?

TO necessary components relate:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals (these include table salt, iron, magnesium, etc.);
  • liquid.

Squirrels- the main "building material", necessary for the fetus. It is no coincidence that even during Lent an exception is made for pregnant women and they are allowed to consume meat, milk, eggs and other animal products. And even if you are a convinced vegetarian, it is better to give up your principles during pregnancy.

Proteins should be consumed at least 100 g per day in the first half of pregnancy and at least 120 g in the second. At least half of them should be animal proteins.

The daily diet of the expectant mother should include at least 100-150 g of lean meat (including poultry meat) or fish, as well as milk and / or dairy products (at least half a liter), cheese, cottage cheese, at least one egg. All these products contain easily digestible proteins, essential amino acids, and in optimal proportions.

carbohydrates it is recommended to consume an average of 350 g per day in the first half of pregnancy and 400 g in the second. After going on maternity leave, the consumption of carbohydrates, as well as the total caloric content of the diet, should be somewhat reduced, because at this time physical activity and, accordingly, the energy consumption of the body.

In the consumed carbohydrates, the main share should be “good” carbohydrates. They are found in foods rich in vegetable fiber, such as brown wholemeal bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries. And the use of "bad" carbohydrates - sugar and sweets, white bread and buns, pasta and confectionery - should be limited, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

Fats. Fat intake should be about 80 g per day, including vegetable fats - 15-30 g. Sunflower, olive, corn oil, from animals - creamy and melted premium. Margarine, lard, various substitutes butter(so-called light or ultra-light oils) are best excluded from your diet.

vitamins provide normal course biochemical and physiological processes in the body. It is especially important for a pregnant woman to get enough of the following vitamins.

Vitamin E is vital for a future mother. Normal operation largely depends on it. reproductive system, intrauterine development fetus. daily requirement in vitamin E - 15-20 mg. The main sources of vitamin E are unrefined vegetable oil, liver, eggs, cereals, legumes, nuts. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, therefore, for its full absorption by the body, products containing it are best consumed with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) strengthens and stimulates immune system, activates the protective functions of the body. The daily requirement is 100-200 mg. The richest in vitamin C are rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, kiwi, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers, green onion.

B vitamins strengthen muscle fibers, are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems. A lot of vitamin B is found in dry nutritional and brewer's yeast, brown rice, flour, peas. From animal products, its content is high in the liver, kidneys and heart.

Vitamin A is essential for normal development placenta, protects cells from the influence of toxic products and harmful radiation. It is very important for vision. The daily requirement is 2.5 mg. Vitamin A the human body receives from beta-carotene, which is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits of yellow, orange and red color (apricots, peaches, tomatoes, pumpkin, melon, and most of all in ordinary carrots), parsley, cabbage, especially color and Brussels.

Vitamin D is important for the proper formation of bones, the skeleton of a child. Its lack can also lead to the development of anemia in a woman.

Necessary for the normal development of the fetal nervous system. The source of folic acid is greens (green onions, parsley, lettuce).

Minerals and trace elements are also necessary for the normal development of the fetus. The most important of them can be called calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron.

Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are the main Construction Materials» for the musculoskeletal system (bones and cartilage) of the child. With a lack of calcium during pregnancy, the fetus will “take” it from the bones and teeth of the mother, which can result in softening of the bones in a woman, their increased fragility and deformation, as well as caries.

The main "suppliers" of calcium are milk and dairy products, cheese, nuts, green vegetables.
A large amount of phosphorus is found in fish, meat, eggs, unrefined grains; magnesium - in watermelons, cereals, nuts, vegetables.

Potassium and sodium play important role in the regulation of the water-salt balance of the body. A large amount of potassium is found in raisins, spinach, peas, nuts and mushrooms. And the main source of sodium is table salt.

Iron deficiency causes a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which, in turn, leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to both the tissues and organs of the pregnant woman herself and the baby, and can even lead to the development of fetal hypoxia. The daily requirement for iron is 15-20 mg. In large quantities, it is found in egg yolk, liver, greens and fruits.

The need for vitamins and microelements during pregnancy is so great that even with the most balanced and rational diet, a pregnant woman often experiences a lack of these substances. Therefore, during pregnancy, doctors recommend taking complex multivitamin preparations, which are now developed and produced a huge amount.

Liquids a pregnant woman needs 2-2.5 liters per day. Approximately half of this amount is contained in the consumed products. Accordingly, free liquid, including first courses, should be drunk 1-1.2 liters. With a tendency to edema in recent weeks pregnancy, free fluid intake should be limited to 700-800 milliliters (3-4 cups). From drinks it is better to prefer juices, compotes, jelly, milk, canteen mineral water. You can drink weak tea; coffee is acceptable in small quantities (1 coffee cup per day) and also not strong.


Renowned Canadian midwife Gloria Lemay quotes a doctor's advice to a expectant mother who fears gaining weight: “You don't have to worry about weight gain as long as you eat. By food I mean what is grown on earth by Mother Nature. Everything you put into your mouth should be as close to nature as possible. If it's a potato, then baked in their skins. If cereals - then dishes prepared by you personally from whole grains. If the vegetables are organic and raw. If sweets, then let it be a fresh peach, a piece of melon or half a banana. The more refined the product, the more processed it is, the more it should be avoided (say, the difference between french fries fried in refined oil and potatoes baked in their skins is obvious). Gloria also recommends eating large gray sea ​​salt. It is more useful than purified iodized fine salt, as it is of natural origin and contains many essential trace elements.

Dangerous foods during pregnancy

Seafood- an excellent source of protein and iron, and omega 3 - fatty acids contained in fish, have a good effect on the growth of the child and stimulate the development of the brain. To protect your body from harmful bacteria or viruses in your food, don't eat raw fish or crustaceans - especially oysters and shellfish - avoid sushi. Frozen smoked seafood should also be avoided.

Be sure to use the 10-minute rule when cooking fish. Measure the fish at its thickest point and cook it as follows: 10 minutes for every 2.5 cm at a temperature of 230 C. All seafood, except fish - shellfish, oysters and shrimp - be sure to cook in boiling water for 4-6 minutes .

Meat and game. During pregnancy, changes in metabolism and circulation can increase the risk of bacterial food poisoning. In this case, the reaction of the body will be much more painful. This rarely happens, but the poisoning can also affect the child's body.

To prevent foodborne illness, cook any meat and game thoroughly before serving.

For a while, forget about raw smoked and homemade sausages. E. coli bacteria, which often teems with the surface of meat, can also get inside during the process of chopping meat and cooking sausage. E. coli bacteria die only when internal temperature 80 °C.
Be careful with street hot dogs and meat dishes from cooking are sources of a rare but potentially serious food disease known as listeriosis.

Dairy products. Dairy products such as skim milk, mozzarella cheese and cottage cheese are a healthy and nutritious part of a pregnant woman's diet. However, any product containing unpasteurized milk is strictly contraindicated for you, as it can cause a food sickness.

Avoid the following soft cheeses containing unpasteurized milk: Brie, Feta, Camembert, all blue-veined cheeses such as Roquefort, spicy Mexican cheeses.

Caffeine. During pregnancy, moderate caffeine consumption is about the equivalent of two cups and is not harmful. However, this does not mean that caffeine is healthy and completely safe.

Caffeine can cross the placenta and affect your baby's heart and breathing patterns. Abuse of caffeine - 500 mg or more per day, which is approximately equivalent to five cups of coffee - causes a decrease in fetal weight and a decrease in the circumference of his head.

Because of possible risk Your doctor may advise you to limit your caffeine intake.

Herbal teas. Many herbal teas have a calming effect, but should be used with caution during pregnancy. Be sure to consult your doctor about this or that collection. Taking large amounts of certain herbal teas, such as peppermint and raspberry leaf tea, can cause contractions and increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

One of the most basic rules is a complete rejection of alcohol!

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

The article will teach you how to eat throughout your pregnancy. You will also learn what foods to exclude from your diet.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time in the life of every woman. During this period, the fair sex is surrounded by care, attention and love. Both the woman herself and the people around her are waiting with great joy for the birth of a new person. But in order for the baby to be born healthy, the mother must constantly monitor her diet.

After all, if her body does not receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals, then not only she, but also her baby will suffer. A balanced and proper diet will help to endure pregnancy without unnecessary stress, and also positively affect the development of the baby.

Nutrition in the first trimester

In the first three months of pregnancy, all internal organs and the baby's body systems, so it is very important that both he and the mother receive the right amount nutrients. But in no case do not listen to grandmothers and do not start eating for two. So you just reload gastrointestinal tract, and thereby add unnecessary problems to yourself.

Eat only when you feel like it and eat freshly prepared food whenever possible. If you don’t want to harm your future son or daughter, then, in general, give up chips, crackers, sweets, soda, fast food, convenience foods, smoked, peppered and salty foods.

Nutrition rules:

The number of meals. It will be better if you eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. In order for the body to rest at night, spend the last meal at least two hours before bedtime.
Food processing. It will be better if you try to minimize the consumption of fried foods. Steam food or bake it in the oven
Liquid. For the normal functioning of the internal organs, a pregnant woman should drink 1.5-2 liters pure water in a day. If the body is very swollen, then it is better to consult a doctor and he will help you figure out if you can drink so much fluid.
Vitamins. From the first days of pregnancy, accustom yourself to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Fiber, which is in their composition, will help cleanse the body, and nutrients will maintain its tone.

Nutrition in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the child develops even more intensively than in the first, so his body begins to require even more nutrients. In addition, the mother herself needs more vitamins, because the placenta in which the baby is located takes a lot of trace elements from the body. And if a woman won't make up for them in the right amount, then it is likely that she will begin hypovitaminosis and decrease hemoglobin.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the second trimester:

Try to eat steamed fish at least every other day. For a change, make seasonal salads with fresh or baked vegetables.
Be sure to take vitamin complexes and folic acid
Buy exclusively fat-free cottage cheese, milk and kefir
Replace regular bread with a product made from wholemeal flour
Do not eat more than 10-15 g of salt per day
Take care of anemia. To do this, include various nuts and buckwheat in your diet.
If you want your placenta to always be normal, do not forget to drink a rosehip decoction

Nutrition in the third trimester

In the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman's body changes a lot. It becomes bigger and more clumsy. But unfortunately not only appearance and the whole organism as a whole. Due to the fact that by this time the uterus has grown quite strongly in size, it begins to compress the internal organs.

Against the background of these changes, the stomach, kidneys and urea begin to malfunction, some women develop severe heartburn. Some food restrictions will help to avoid such problems.


Reduce the amount of liquid you drink
We eat vegetable soups and milk porridges in large quantities
Cooking food exclusively on oils of vegetable origin
Starting to take iodine-containing drugs
Once a week we arrange a fasting day for ourselves
At the end of the eighth month, we begin to gradually reduce the consumption of sugar and honey.

Nutrition in late pregnancy

On later dates the body is very depleted, so the nutrition of a pregnant woman must be properly balanced. It should contain as many different, high-quality and healthy foods as possible. Therefore, eat even those foods that were not very often present in your diet before.

Most women gain by the end of their pregnancy overweight. This upsets them very much, and they begin to restrict themselves in food. But going on diets for weight loss while carrying a child is strictly prohibited. Diet is stress for the body, and during pregnancy it Negative influence may increase several times. Therefore, it is better to wait until the baby is born and only then begin to engage in your figure.

Tips to help you eat right in the later stages:
To reduce puffiness, drink rosehip broth or diluted beetroot juice.
Increase your fat intake
Try to chew your food thoroughly
Eat as much cottage cheese as possible
Eliminate brewed coffee and strong tea from your diet

How much should a pregnant woman eat?

  • Many women think that during the period of bearing a child, you need to eat a little more than usual. Of course, if your body requires more food, then you can eat, for example, a large promotion. But forcing yourself to forcefully eat something is not worth it. This can provoke a sharp jump in weight, which can even lead to a miscarriage.
  • Therefore, it will be better if you eat the same way as before pregnancy. Try to make sure that your diet is designed so that the body gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs per day. Eat a variety of foods: soups, cereals, salads, casseroles
  • If you go out, take some fruit with you. You can always snack on them and this will not affect the total daily calories. In general, it is believed that during the period of bearing a baby, the total number of calories can increase by a maximum of 300-400 units.

Proper diet during pregnancy

We all know that proper nutrition of a pregnant woman is a guarantee that she will give birth to a healthy and beautiful baby. It also helps to improve the body of the expectant mother, cleanse it of toxins and toxins, and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

But even if you decide that you will eat exclusively healthy foods, and at some point you wanted to not quite healthy pastries or a sausage, then buy and eat it. After all, if you think about the forbidden yummy all the time, then you are unlikely to be able to eat right. Moreover, a small piece of cake or one fried cutlet will definitely not be able to harm you.

Foods that should be in the diet of a pregnant woman:

Fresh vegetables and fruits
Lean meat, fresh fish and liver
Cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir
Compotes, fruit drinks, juices and herbal decoctions
Buckwheat and oatmeal

Vitamins and trace elements during pregnancy

An insufficient amount of useful trace elements in the body of a future mother is detrimental to the health of both the mother and the newly born person. If a woman consumes vitamins in very small quantities, then there is a possibility that the child will develop some kind of pathology. Sources useful substances are fresh vegetables and fruits. If you eat them regularly, then there should not be any special health problems.

If your pregnancy is in winter time, then help the body with pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. But in no case do not choose the drug yourself. Only a specialist can do this correctly. Therefore, it will be better if the drug itself and the dosage are chosen by the doctor who leads your pregnancy.

How to understand that a pregnant woman does not eat right?

Some women during the period of bearing a child allow themselves to relax and begin to eat everything. They don't really eat healthy food, buns, sweets and chops. Of course, if you eat these foods in small quantities, then the body will not suffer much, but if you eat spicy, smoked and fried foods, then health problems will definitely appear.

And the worst thing is that not only the mother, but also her baby will feel bad. Therefore, it would be better if the nutrition of a pregnant woman is balanced and fortified.

Signs that indicate you are not eating well:

Due to the fact that the body receives little useful energy, a woman constantly feels hungry.
The diet is dominated by one component, for example, protein
Constant heaviness in the stomach
The use of fast food, semi-finished products and products of dubious quality

What can be dangerous malnutrition?

Not quite proper nutrition clogs our body with toxins and toxins. Because of this, all internal organs and systems suffer. And, although at first a pregnant woman may not feel any pathological changes, over time, the disease will all make itself felt.

Initially, these may be very minor symptoms, such as shortness of breath, headache, or heaviness in the stomach. But if you do not adjust your diet, then very soon more terrible diseases can begin to develop.

Problems that provoke malnutrition pregnant woman:
Late toxicosis
preterm birth
Iron and protein deficiency
Poor blood clotting
Birth of a child with pathologies
Detachment of the placenta

Always remember that pregnancy is not a disease and you should never eat exclusively diet foods. Of course, you may have to give up some of your favorite foods, but you can return to your usual diet some time after the baby is born.

In the meantime, baby under your heart, stick the following rules :
Drink water 20 minutes before meals and at least 1.5 hours after
Try to buy natural, unprocessed vegetables and fruits.
Make a diet so that there are more fresh foods than boiled ones.
Replace sugar with honey
Do not eat sour and sweet fruits at the same time

Anastasia: And I couldn’t calmly walk near McDonald’s throughout my pregnancy. Sometimes I could not stand it and bought a hamburger. Then, of course, my conscience began to torment me, and I began to eat salads and drink kefir. Over time, gluttony left me, but stomach problems began. I had to run to the doctors. After that, I forbade myself, in general, to think about junk food.

Mila: I have always liked vegetables, fruits, curds. Therefore, when I became pregnant, I did not have to rebuild much. I didn’t want to eat much more, except sometimes I bought marshmallows for myself. I could eat it endlessly. But everything went well, I did not get acquainted with puffiness or toxicosis.

Video: How to eat right during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is very important period for any woman. That is why, from the very first days, the expectant mother should take care of herself and that tiny miracle that will be born in nine months, she needs to eat rationally and visit as long as possible. fresh air. Special gymnastics is also needed during this period.

The first trimester, which lasts the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, is very important for the baby. It is in this time is running laying and differentiation of all its systems and organs. The first step to the health of the future baby is the development of the future mother. A properly selected menu will allow the child to have a strong skeletal system, it is easier to cope with infections, eliminate the risk of food allergies, and also have good mental abilities.

Features of the diet of the expectant mother

What is important to consider when developing nutrition during pregnancy? 1 trimester does not imply a special change in the nature of nutrition and lifestyle. It is only important that the diet of a pregnant woman be as varied as possible, because her baby is still very small and extremely sensitive to a lack of nutrients. The food of expectant mothers should be as diverse as possible. It must include vegetables and fruits, seafood and herbs, seeds and nuts, as well as dairy products.

In order to future mother and her child was provided with a balanced diet, what should be considered when developing nutrition during pregnancy? 1 trimester - a period in which you can include products from four groups. Let's consider them in more detail.


For normal growth fetus, placenta and uterus, as well as to increase the volume of the circulating blood flow of a woman, her body requires an increased protein content from the first weeks of pregnancy. Its deficiency is perfectly compensated by dairy products. Their use will also saturate the body of the mother and child with calcium, which is important for strengthening teeth and skeletal system.

What should be the nutrition during pregnancy in this regard? 1 trimester is recommended to be accompanied by consumption of up to half a liter of milk during the day. And it can be not only in its entirety. It is useful to include yogurt and kefir, yogurt and dairy desserts, and, of course, cottage cheese in the diet. Recommend future mothers and some varieties of cheese. Their list includes solid, as well as pasteurized and processed.

Meat products

For the normal functioning of the mother's body, as well as for the development of the fetus, expectant mothers should eat meals with a sufficient amount of B vitamins, iron and protein. All these substances are found in meat products.

How should nutrition be organized during pregnancy in this case? 1 trimester will require the inclusion of lamb and beef, pork and fish in the menu. It is necessary for future mothers and poultry meat. Products belonging to this group should be consumed by a woman twice a day. At the same time, it is still recommended to give greater preference to fish and poultry meat. But if the dishes for the expectant mother are prepared from pork, beef or lamb, then it is necessary to choose only lean pieces, removing areas with fat from them. In addition, when compiling the diet of a pregnant woman (1 trimester), it is important to remember that:

  • all meat products should be either boiled or baked (fried and smoked dishes should be excluded);
  • before cooking, the skin from the bird must be removed;
  • the most lean is pork, lamb and beef;
  • purchased sausages include a lot of fat in their composition.

Potatoes, cereals and bread products

This group of products contains trace elements, vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber that are so necessary in the diet of pregnant women. When buying bread, expectant mothers need to pay attention to varieties made from or containing whole grains. Rice, pasta and potatoes are also recommended at every meal. As a side dish, it is good to use cereals from a variety of cereals. What else is possible from the products of this group? Eating cereal and muesli will benefit mom and baby.

Vegetables and fruits

Everyone knows that for a normal life human body should receive enough fiber, various trace elements and vitamins. The 1st trimester is a period when a woman especially needs these beneficial elements. And you should pay attention to this when developing a menu. In it, the expectant mother must necessarily include vegetables and fruits. Moreover, their use is recommended at least four times a day. During this period, juices from fruits and vegetables come to the fore, as well as salads, which should become the main meal in the 1st trimester. There is nothing difficult in this. In addition, we are not talking about avocados or kiwi at all. You should eat apples, pears, as well as banal carrots and beets, cabbage and turnips, cucumbers, sweet peppers, etc. That is, something that can always be found on the shelves of our stores.

Carrot juice is very useful for pregnant women. Moreover, you can make a wonderful drink from it, which contains not only many vitamins, but also calcium, as well as phosphorus, which allows the fetus to develop normally. To do this, mix the juice of carrots and turnips. Such a drink will help normalize a woman's blood pressure.
It is recommended to include apples, pears, plums, grapes, bananas and other fruits in the menu in the 1st trimester. They contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for the fetus.

For example, ordinary apples. There are many varieties of this fruit, each of which is good in its own way. But all of them are useful for pregnant women, as they contain citric and malic acids, trace elements (iron and sulfur, magnesium and potassium, phosphorus and manganese), tannins and pectins. Raw apples will help activate the separation of gastric juice, and baked ones will improve it. But in any case, this fruit will be a wonderful dietary product for expectant mothers.

Pears are also rich in various minerals (silicon, calcium and phosphorus). They are especially needed in diseases of the kidneys and the circulatory system. Pregnant women should only eat sweet cultivars of pears. This is due to the low content of tannins in them. Wild pears will have a fixing effect on the intestines, which will worsen the functioning of the digestive system.

What are the nutritional characteristics of a woman in the 1st trimester? All foods eaten should give pleasure, without causing discomfort either in their temperature or in taste.

In addition, a pregnant woman should know:

  1. Want some salty? Amazing. The first 3 months of gestation is simply necessary, because sauerkraut and pickled cucumber, pickled apple and a piece of herring can whet the appetite.
  2. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten in moderation. If the body resists cabbage, do not force yourself to choke on it. Also, don't use too much. carrot juice. An excessive amount of carotene contained in it will only harm the baby.
  3. Fish, vegetables, meat, fruits are must-have products diet. The vitamins, microelements and other useful substances contained in them are very useful for both the woman and her unborn baby.
  4. Do not forget about fermented milk products, cottage cheese and cheese. Their use will satisfy the ever-increasing need for calcium. In addition, they will help out those mothers who, for whatever reason, cannot tolerate whole milk.
  5. Canned, fried and smoked foods should be avoided. This kind of food is bad.
  6. You should drink in sufficient quantities, using freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes, as well as table mineral water. The liquid will prevent constipation and improve bowel function.
  7. It is also important to correctly distribute all the necessary food groups for each of the meals. So, cereals, fish and meat should be included in lunch and breakfast meals. This is due to the fact that these products are rich in protein, which increases metabolism and lingers in the stomach for long time. Dishes consumed in the afternoon should be vegetable and dairy. Do not have large meals in the evening. This will adversely affect the body of the pregnant woman and will interfere with her normal rest and sleep.
  8. During the 1st trimester, it is advisable to eat 5-7 times a day.

Diet for the first week of pregnancy

A woman's diet must be carefully planned. To do this, you will need to paint all the dishes in advance, if not by day, then at least by week. Such planning will be more rational, because the terms of pregnancy are considered exactly in weeks, each of which is the next stage in the development of the child.

So, how should nutrition be distributed in the first trimester? Let's consider this question in more detail.

In the first week of pregnancy, the egg is actively crushed and attached to the walls of the uterus. During this period, the diet of the expectant mother should be as healthy as possible. The menu should contain only natural healthy foods that are necessary to maintain female body in good shape.

In the first week of pregnancy, it is enough to eat regular food that does not contain harmful components. During this period, it is important to remember the benefits of berries, fruits and vegetables. But it is advisable to refuse canned foods, fatty foods and sweets. Such nutrition will prevent possible problems with the set. excess weight and will be an excellent prevention of early toxicosis. During this period, you need to eat fruits, the peel of which is painted in bright yellow color. Their list includes bananas and melons, peaches and mangoes. The daily diet should include yoghurts with natural berries, toast with cheese and cereals, and other

Nutrition for pregnant women in the second week

Dishes included in the menu of expectant mothers in the first 14 days should be varied. This is the period when the foundations of all the vital systems of the baby begin to be laid.

What can a woman eat at 2 weeks of gestation? In large quantities, she should include cereal salads, cheeses, yogurts and dairy products in her menu. At the same time, even if you really want to have a snack with the usual fast food (french fries, hot dogs, pizza), you should still refuse them as they do not bring any benefit. The future mother should make sure that the dishes included in her menu are as vitaminized as possible. To do this, they should include vegetables and fruits (especially yellow ones). Avoiding fatty and fried foods will help eliminate the problem of early toxicosis.

In the 2nd week of bearing a child, it is recommended to take products that contain folic acid. This element has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Folic acid is found in fruits and dried fruits, as well as in pureed and freshly frozen berries. Thus, the menu should contain bananas and kiwi, raspberries and figs, pomegranate, strawberries, etc. From vegetables, it is recommended to use eggplant and all types of cabbage to replenish the body with folic acid. Also, a lot of this useful substance for the baby contains beans, spinach, lettuce and parsley, walnuts and hazelnuts, porcini mushrooms and yeast.

Future mothers can provide the main need for vitamins by eating animal and vegetable products, as well as dishes from potatoes, liver, legumes, meat, milk, etc.

In the second week of the 1st trimester, a woman can quickly gain weight. To avoid this, she should give up jam, sweets and other confectionery. It is also advisable to stop consuming sugar in pure form. Those who are serious about the health of their unborn baby should categorically refuse medicines not prescribed by a doctor, canned food, hot spices and alcoholic beverages.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the third week

The selection of dishes included in the diet of the expectant mother is a very serious issue. And the one who approaches it with all responsibility must take into account the processes taking place in the development of the fetus.

In the 3rd week, it is important to eat dairy products, broccoli and green vegetables, as well as drink fruit juices, the composition of which is rich in calcium. This element is needed for the formation of the child's skeletal system. Also future baby needs manganese and zinc. They are abundant in lean beef and eggs, oatmeal and turkey meat, walnuts and almonds. At this time, the expectant mother needs to eat raisins, carrots and spinach, as well as a variety of vegetables, berries and fruits.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the fourth week

This period is no less important for the development of the baby's body. - the period when the fetal egg changes its shape, becoming like an embryo, in which, in addition to vital organs, small tissues begin to develop.

A woman's diet during this period should include only wholesome food. Even those who really want to drink a cup of coffee should refuse it. After all, this drink will give a big load on little heart. In addition, those who preferred to eat sausages and smoked meats will need to gradually switch to boiled meat. 4 weeks of pregnancy is a time that involves the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products. Needed during this period

Nutrition for pregnant women in the fifth week

This period is most often early toxicosis. In such cases, alleviate the condition of the woman will allow special diet. 1 trimester at the same time involves a menu in which animal proteins are replaced by vegetable ones. That is, instead of meat, eggs and other products from this group, you need to eat nuts, legumes and soy.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the sixth week

This period in terms of changing the diet of the expectant mother has its own characteristics. The 1st trimester has come to its middle. At the same time, the terms of pregnancy require some adjustment of nutrition. So, a woman, even before getting out of bed, should start her day with a cup of tea with a cracker or cracker. A little refreshment should be before going to bed. At this time, you need to drink more. It is also recommended to abandon canned foods, smoked and fatty foods.

The development of the fetus for a period of 6 weeks is quite active. That is why the diet should contain dishes containing as many vitamins, trace elements and nutrients as possible. They are prepared from vegetables and fruits, meat and herbs, as well as fish. For the normal development of the baby, it is necessary to continue to eat dairy products.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the seventh week

During this period, it is important to include in the daily diet those dishes that will help reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. To do this, you need to continue to make morning snacks without getting out of bed, using crackers, salted pretzels, cereals or dry cookies along with tea.

At the seventh week, the embryo begins laying milk teeth. That is why you need to continue to include foods containing calcium in the menu. However, it is important not to overuse this element. When a large amount of calcium enters the body, toning of the uterus can occur.

In the same period, you should stop eating fried potatoes, legumes and cabbage. This will avoid increased gas formation. The expectant mother should give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat and nuts.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the eighth week

This period requires an even greater balance of the daily diet, which should include a full range of trace elements and vitamins. This will provide the growing fetus with all the components it needs.

With continued toxicosis, the expectant mother is recommended to eat dry biscuits, nuts, and drink ginger tea in the morning.

In this period, it is also important to eat protein foods, including boiled lean meats.

The balance of nutrients in a woman's body is perfectly supported by seafood and fish. Intestinal peristalsis during this period will improve fresh vegetables and fruits. And dairy products will replenish the body of the expectant mother and child with much-needed calcium.

A woman should remember that during this period, even if you really want to, you can not eat fresh bread, legumes and yeast dough products. These products impede the work of the intestines, causing the processes of gas formation and flatulence. Spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as pickles, are prohibited during this period. These foods can cause heartburn.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the ninth week

During this period, a significant hormonal restructuring occurs in a woman's body. That is why rational nutrition becomes especially necessary for the expectant mother. All meals she uses should be fortified and contain carbohydrates, trace elements, fats and proteins in full. Water balance plays a significant role during this period. Every day, a pregnant woman should consume 1-1.5 liters of liquid contained in water, juice, compote, tea, etc.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the tenth week

During this period, the expectant mother often wants to eat something unusual. But her taste preferences are constantly changing. In such cases, you need to eat exactly what you really want, but do not exceed the measure.

It is believed that in this way the body of a pregnant woman suggests that in this moment especially necessary for her future baby. Otherwise, the woman's diet, as in all previous weeks, should be balanced and healthy. The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fish and meat.

Nutrition for pregnant women at the eleventh week

During this period, a woman should saturate her body with calcium and fluorine, folic and fatty acids, vitamins D, E, C, A, B 1 and B 6. At the eleventh week, the future mother is no longer as much as before, tormented by toxicosis. That is why she can begin to consume foods that, due to an uncomfortable state, were rejected by the body. At this stage, it is recommended to consume a large number of fruits and vegetables. They will replenish the body of the mother and fetus with the necessary natural vitamins.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the twelfth week

During this period, the expectant mother should pay special attention to breakfast. It must be nutritious and complete. Further, throughout the day, a woman needs to eat often, but in no case should she overeat. In addition, the expectant mother should listen to her body and not force herself to eat something that is disgusting. The 1st trimester is very important in a woman's life. Moderate exercise, outdoor activities and a balanced diet will help maintain health and give the fetus all the opportunities for normal development.

The expectant mother must remember that everything that she eats, her child also “eats”. Therefore, pregnancy is an occasion to announce a 9-month "fight for the quality" of nutrition.

1st month

Strong alcohol from now on is banned. It is better to limit caffeine consumption (no more than 2 cups of coffee or 4 cups of tea per day). In the 1st trimester, when the central nervous system is laid down, folic acid (vitamin B9) is very important. Folate deficiency causes various pathologies neural tube fetus and contributes to the development of iron deficiency anemia in the mother.

You need to get at least 600 mg of folic acid per day: it is found in the liver, legumes, beets, avocados, celery, fish, nuts, asparagus, spinach.

2nd month

30% of expectant mothers suffer from morning sickness. The mechanism of toxicosis has not yet been sufficiently studied, but it has been noticed that it is more often observed in women whose diet lacks proteins. Do not provoke profuse nausea and fatty foods. Eat every 2 hours, but in small portions. Have breakfast in bed, keep an apple or a cookie nearby. Avoid unpleasant kitchen odors. Do not drink food and give up soups for a while, but in general, try to drink more: fruit juice or compote are easily digested and make up for the lack of carbohydrates in the body.

If early toxicosis is accompanied by vomiting, this is not a reason to sound the alarm (an exception is indomitable vomiting more often than 6 times a day). The child will still take all the substances necessary for growth from the mother's body. True, it will be hard for mom. But, according to some studies, morning sickness is a guarantee of a favorable outcome of pregnancy.

3rd month

If you really want to, you can occasionally treat yourself to a herring or a pickle. Other taste "oddities" (chalk, lime) are usually associated with a deficiency of iron, calcium and phosphorus. A pregnant woman needs 1200 mg of calcium - this is the amount contained in a liter of milk. It is better not to drink whole cow's milk: it contains a lot of protein that can cause allergies. Switch to sour-milk cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir.

An excellent source of calcium - greens, almonds, white cabbage, broccoli, cheeses. Between the 10th and 13th weeks of development, the fetus grows very quickly and needs more calories. Do not be surprised at the gluttony that has awakened at this time, but keep yourself in control.

4th month

The daily diet of a woman in the 1st half of pregnancy should contain 110 g of protein, 75 g of fat and 350 g of carbohydrates. Proteins are necessary for the creation of the placenta and the growth of uterine tissues, are part of amniotic fluid. For the normal development of the fetus, animal proteins (eggs, fish, meat, cheese) and vegetable proteins (cereals, nuts, broccoli) are important.

The most important source of energy for the expectant mother and her baby is carbohydrates contained in raw vegetables and fruits, cereals, and raisins. During pregnancy, the so-called reduced diets are strictly prohibited, in which one of the components - proteins, fats or carbohydrates - is completely excluded from the diet.

5th month

To avoid anemia in without fail include foods rich in iron in the menu: prunes, liver, turkey, legumes. Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron, so sweet peppers, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, rose hips, cherries, citrus fruits should be present in the diet.

6th month

Pregnancy hormones relax the smooth muscles of the intestine, disrupting its peristalsis. Expectant mothers often suffer from constipation and bloating. Black bread, legumes, grapes and sauerkraut aggravate the situation. Prunes, beets and plum juice have natural laxative properties.

7th month

The higher the bottom of the uterus rises, the more the digestive organs are displaced. Besides a large number of progesterone and estrogen help relax the muscle valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. The result is heartburn. This one is normal (by the 38th week, 99% of pregnant women complain of heartburn), but unpleasant.

Treatment antacids must be agreed with the doctor. To prevent heartburn, eat 5-7 times a day in small portions. Eliminate acidic juices, cabbage, radish, radish from the diet, onion, garlic. Products with an alkaline reaction (sour cream, milk, cream, cottage cheese, omelettes, butter and vegetable oil, White bread), on the contrary, are useful. You can not eat immediately after sleep and have a siesta immediately after eating.

8th month

Many pregnant women go on maternity leave. The energy consumption of the body is reduced, and it is better to reduce the calorie content of food. “Eat for two” is not necessary: ​​the need for calories in a woman carrying a child increases only by 300-500 kcal. This is an extra bowl of soup or a serving of meat.

In the 3rd semester often there are discomfort in the muscles of the legs. This is due to a deficiency of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Bananas, dairy products and dried apricots will help with cramps.

9th month

The baby is already fully formed, and now the main task mothers - to prevent him from "corroding" inside the tummy. Cakes, french fries, gingerbread, fatty sauces and other “whims” of a pregnant woman who has reached the finish line can backfire with problems in childbirth.

Myths about nutrition during pregnancy

  • To avoid excessive weight gain, sugar can be replaced with sweeteners. Not true. In large quantities, artificial sweeteners can be toxic, while the effect of small doses on the fetus has not yet been studied.
  • Canned food is prohibited for expectant mothers. Is it true. Preservatives and artificial additives found in canned meats and fish, carbonated drinks, and smoked sausages can accumulate in the placenta and affect fetal development. Exception - baby food which does not contain preservatives.
  • The main thing is that the expectant mother likes what she eats. True/false. Good mood- pledge happy pregnancy. However, there are strict restrictions: for all 9 months, give up soft cheeses with mold, sushi and sashimi, mushrooms.

You found out that you are pregnant, and your joy knows no bounds! After the emotions subside (and they will never subside completely), you will have many questions. One of them will be the question of nutrition on early dates. Here it is necessary to understand how important the correct and harmonious development baby in early pregnancy.

Within 14 weeks of pregnancy, your baby will gestational sac quickly transforms into a human. These days, the digestive, respiratory, excretory, circulatory and nervous system. During pregnancy, all internal and external organs are formed in your baby, a tiny heart begins to pump blood. The shapeless embryo takes on the shape of a man, and by the end of the first trimester, your baby is already able to suck his thumb and go to the toilet.

First of all, nutrition must be balanced. You bear a colossal responsibility for ensuring that your baby gets everything. essential vitamins and micronutrients. Sometimes you have to eat what you never really liked. But your body will require certain substances. Therefore, often the habit of proper nutrition will take root painlessly. The whole body of the mother will be tuned to what the baby needs. It can not be in any other way. The menu of the expectant mother must necessarily contain a large amount of protein and carbohydrates, and is also saturated with fatty acids and other trace elements. The best way to correct this is with a balanced diet.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the early stages should include:

Meat products. Beef, veal, lean pork, turkey, rabbit. Any of the meats listed must be steamed or baked. The expectant mother should refuse fried or french fries. Frequent consumption of chicken and chicken meat is also not recommended. Modern industry poultry farms use a large number of hormones and various drugs to grow the poultry population. All this settles in the meat.

Fish. Fatty fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines, must be present on the pregnant menu. It is recommended to eat fish no more than twice a week. Fatty fish contain protein, minerals, vitamin D and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that a child needs so much. The requirements are the same as for meat - either steamed or baked with the minimum amount oils.

Vegetables and fruits. Doctors recommend eating fruits and vegetables that grow in the area where you live. It is also worth paying attention to the time of year in which your pregnancy takes place. And do not buy vegetables and fruits that are not specific to this season.

Beverages. It is worth either giving up or completely limiting the consumption of drinks containing caffeine: black and green tea. It is also not recommended to consume packaged juices and carbonated drinks. The best thing for a pregnant woman is water, vegetable and fruit freshly squeezed juices, kissels and fruit drinks. Drink water as much as your body requires. Taboo on alcohol! Even if you are told that you can do it a little bit, then do not believe it! This has nothing to do with the truth.