Yellow urine in women - what does it mean? Why is urine bright yellow

color of human urine

We see this product of human activity several times a day throughout our lives. However, very few people think: why is urine yellow? After all, this is rather strange: we drink clear water, black coffee, white milk and multi-colored juices, and the output is always a yellow substance. Of course, its shades can vary - from dark to light, from thick to diluted. However, the overall tone is always preserved.

What is urine (urine)

Before wondering why urine is yellow, let's try to figure out what it is all about. It is formed in the kidneys and is a filter product of the blood. In fact, urine is mostly water (95 percent to be exact). The main part of the liquid is made up of various breakdown products of proteins and salts - this is precisely what explains its characteristic smell. Proteins include substances such as urea, creatinine, indican, xanthine, hippuric acid, and bile pigments. Salts include phosphates, sulfates and nitrates. And yet, why is urine yellow? Very simple - this color is the norm for a healthy person.


Normally, the yellow tint of urine is caused by a complex of yellow pigments. According to doctors, it contains substances such as urobilin (aka urochrome), urobilinogen, uroerythrin. They are the "guilty" in the bright yellow color of your urine.


Yellow urine can be bright or dull. For the most part, this depends on the specific gravity (that is, on how high the concentration of bile pigments per unit volume is). This is also influenced by such factors as the way of life of a person, the features of his or her body.

ganism and ecological situation.

Drink more liquid

Bright yellow urine indicates that the person is suffering from severe dehydration. In addition, this color can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption or strong physical exertion. In order to normalize your condition, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Otherwise, chronic dehydration can lead to the formation of kidney stones, and this is a more serious problem than discoloration of urine.


Answering the question of why the urine is yellow, doctors usually ask the patient about his diet. Some foods can affect the shade of urine. For example, coloring pigments found in sodas, juices, powdered jelly can give urine different shades - from pale pink to dark red. Many, seeing that the contents of the toilet are painted red, panic and begin to think about internal bleeding, but in most cases there is no reason for this. Try to remember what kind of food you ate in Lately.

Were there beets, carrots, rhubarb? If yes, then you have no reason to worry. After a few days, your urine will take on a normal yellow tint. If you do not abuse such products, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. In this case, you need to contact a therapist as soon as possible and pass a series of tests.

The color of urine is the main visual indicator of the metabolism in the body. Urine in a healthy person has a light yellow tint; in some situations, staining urine in a dark yellow color does not require any therapeutic action. But in most cases the urine is bright yellow color indicates the course of various pathologies.

It is important to contact a specialist in time, pass a series of tests that help to make the correct diagnosis, prescribe the desired course of treatment. It is strictly forbidden to take any medication on your own. An important role is played by the presence of concomitant symptoms, therefore, noticing a change in the color of urine, remember the presence of pain when urinating, other symptoms and impurities in the urine.

healthy urine color

Normally, urine has a light yellow tint. The specific color depends on the amount of urochrome pigment (the final metabolite of erythrocyte hemoglobin). The presence of diseases of the excretory system leads to violations of the filtration, selective function of the kidneys.

Violations of filtration in the glomeruli of the kidneys leads to the ingress of certain elements into the urine, for example, erythrocytes, proteins, leukocytes, and failures in reabsorption lead to the return of substances back into the blood. For this reason, the patient's urine is stained in a non-specific shade. The color of the patient's urine is often used in an approximate diagnosis.

Possible causes of bright yellow urine

Urine can acquire a richly bright yellow color against the background of various physiological processes.

Do not be alarmed by discovering a change in the color of urine, most cases of this state of affairs are the result of harmless physiological processes:

  • eating special foods able to "color" urine. Today, there are few completely natural products left. Manufacturers add many different dyes, preservatives that can affect the color of human urine. This category includes carbonated drinks that have a bright color, carrots, various sweets. In this case, you should not worry, doctors recommend that you stop using this product in the future;
  • dehydration. It is a fairly common cause of bright yellow urine. The process leads to active reabsorption of water, the concentration of urine increases, against the background of this process, the liquid itself acquires a rich yellow hue. The causes of dehydration are not only a lack of water or hot weather, the pathology is observed against the background of the course of intestinal infections, a number of other diseases, intense exercise, severe toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • taking special medications or vitamins. Most of the active components of medicinal products are not completely absorbed, they are excreted along with the urine, which can affect its color. These drugs include vitamins of groups B, A, C, nitrofuran. After the body is completely cleansed of the components of the drug, the urine will again become its usual color.

Urine of saturated yellow color occurs in patients with serious pathologies:

  • . The formation of salts in the urinary system of the patient leads to the formation of sand, then its elements stick together, forming various sizes. Salts gradually absorb liquid, which affects the concentration of urine, including its shade;
  • gestosis. It is a serious complication in pregnant women in the later stages of bearing a child. The complication is accompanied by constant high blood pressure, swelling of the limbs, face, proteinuria. In such a situation, dehydration of the body leads to a change in the usual color of the patient's urine;
  • liver disease. Urobilin in increased quantities (observed with malfunctions in the liver) contributes to the staining of the patient's urine in a bright yellow color;
  • genetic or individual characteristics of metabolism in the patient's body. The increased formation of salts leads to a constant staining of urine in a yellow saturated hue. In the future, pathology contributes to the formation of sand and calculi, which can cause development. Be vigilant, take care of your health, with the constant presence of non-specific urine color, visit a specialist.

On a note! The course of the pathology is accompanied by a detailed clinical picture, not only by a change in the color of the patient's urine. To identify the provoking factor of feeling unwell, consult a doctor, undergo an examination. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapeutic course.

Urine color change during pregnancy

Urine during this period is the main indicator of the condition of the mother and the unborn baby. Urinalysis is shown at each visit to the doctor to clearly monitor its composition and color. The bright yellow color of the urine of a lady in position is not always a sign of any disease. Many women are prescribed multivitamin complexes that can change the shade of urine, taste preferences play an important role.

The female body during the bearing of the child takes on the entire load, is responsible for the viability of the fetus. The continuous operation of the excretory system can lead to its overload, the color of urine in a non-specific shade. Do not panic if you find a pathology, but you can not ignore the symptom either. Consult a doctor, the doctor will identify the root cause of the pathological condition, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

In men

Urine in men also changes color when taking certain medications, eating “coloring” foods. The color of the urine of the stronger sex is affected by the abuse of fatty foods, alcoholic beverages. After gatherings with friends, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed, to follow a diet for at least a few days after a heavy load on the body.

In the case of a change in the color of urine against the background of the course of the disease, the urine acquires a fetid odor, sometimes there is the appearance of blood, pus, and other impurities. Often the cause of the pathological condition is prostatitis. The disease is getting younger every year, so do prevention, monitor the condition of the urinary system.

Go to the address and read about the treatment of staghorn kidney stones with folk remedies.

In children

Urine in children, as in adults, indicates the state of metabolic processes, the excretory system. After birth, the urine of the baby is almost transparent, the baby's body needs time to independently perform vital operations. If the urine does not acquire a normal color, show the child to the doctor. Pathology may indicate the presence of congenital diseases, lack of fluid intake.

You should not panic if the baby’s urine turns bright in color, you can’t ignore it either. The quality of life of the child, its duration will depend on timely treatment.


Depending on the accompanying signs, you can first find out what led to the staining of urine in a bright yellow color:

  • the absence of additional symptoms indicates the physiological causes of the development of trouble (a side effect after taking medication, eating special foods, alcohol abuse);
  • the presence of blood in the urine, the painful act of urination indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys, excretory canals, urolithiasis. The walls of the organs of the urinary system can be damaged by pathogens or the movement of stones;
  • chills, fever, other signs of intoxication are formed against the background of an acute course of infectious processes (, and others).

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of discomfort. Do not take any action on your own, otherwise it is difficult to avoid worsening the situation.

An experienced doctor is engaged in the selection of a specific treatment strategy. Depending on the disease, the patient is prescribed specific medications, diet, correct drinking regimen. In addition to drugs, pay special attention to changing the diet. Most ailments of the excretory system are formed against the background of malnutrition, lack of water in the body.

It is possible to prevent a change in the color of urine if certain rules are observed:

  • watch your drinking regimen. A healthy person is recommended to drink at least two liters of pure water per day. Intense sports, high air temperature require adjustment of this dose (increase the amount of water by half a liter);
  • treat diseases of the genitourinary system in a timely manner. Most cases of urine color change are based on the background of pathologies in this area;
  • During pregnancy, take only those drugs prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication can lead to unwanted side effects (non-specific urine color);
  • Before eating brightly colored foods, be prepared for the fact that urine can change color. Do not be afraid in such a situation, increase the amount of liquid per day, which will help to quickly remove the "coloring" components of the drink or dish.

Follow the preventive recommendations, if necessary, visit a doctor. In any case, a change in the color of urine indicates certain processes in the body, ignoring the sign can lead to a deterioration in well-being, the development of serious complications.

Find out more about what the color of urine means after watching the following video:

The color of urine directly depends on the life of a person. It contains salts, waste liquid and end products of metabolic metabolism, that is, waste products of processes occurring in the body. But why is urine yellow?

The reason for this phenomenon is the pigments it contains. Among them are uroroserin, uroerythrin and urochrome, consisting of proteins and urobilin, which occurs as a result of the influence of gastrointestinal microorganisms on bile bilirubin. Most of it comes out with feces.

The pigment enters the urine through the kidneys. The saturation of yellow urine is determined by the concentration of urochrome. This is why a portion of urine collected in the morning has a brighter color than subsequent ones. The more a person drinks, the more transparent it is, and vice versa, when the body is dehydrated, bright yellow urine is released. Urine normally has a light yellow color, shades can be different.

The dependence of the color of urine on drinking and food

The appearance of urine with different color shades is provoked by various reasons, including drinks and food consumed earlier. Urine changes straw color to:

  • pink due to beetroot and dishes that contain it;
  • orange due to eating carrots;
  • green after eating asparagus. This is confirmed by an unpleasant pungent odor from the mouth;
  • clear or greenish after overdrinking beer. The resulting hue is determined by the type of alcoholic beverage;
  • brown from rhubarb, aloe and beans.

Also, yellow urine is changed under the influence of pumpkin, blueberries, blackberries and blueberries. The listed vegetables, berries and herbs have a common property. They contain a large amount of coloring pigments that enter the digestive system, and then into the excretory system. Coloring can occur due to the presence of artificial additives (colors, flavors, preservatives) in food.

After some time, the substance that stained the urine is completely eliminated from the body, therefore, the alarming sign disappears. Therefore, with an abnormal shade of urine, you should not panic. Perhaps this is the consequences of a previous meal.

Factors causing color change

Not only food and drink affect yellow urine. There are several other important reasons. First, metabolic metabolism. This is the most obvious reason, since in most cases the staining of urine is due to waste products from the body. Secondly, age, in an adult, the shade of urine is normally much darker than in a child. A newborn cannot have yellow urine, it is almost always transparent. Sometimes, due to an increase in the concentration of uric acid, the urine turns red. In infants, light yellow urine is more often excreted.

Thirdly, the amount of fluid consumed. The need for a large volume of water is subsequently expressed as light yellow or clear urine. If a person does not exceed the daily norm of fluid, then this symptom gives out advanced kidney disease.

Fourth, taking medications. Fifth, pathological changes in the body. The last factor is more dangerous than all the others. The lemon shade of urine indicates the presence of infectious diseases that are in the acute phase. Also suggest kidney damage, dehydration, or complications after severe burns.

Colorless, pale yellow urine is a symptom of both forms of diabetes (sugar and insipidus) and chronic renal failure in the first stage. Both diseases are characterized by polyuria, otherwise, a large amount of urine.

Dark brown liquid is an indicator of anemia of the hemolytic type. This diagnosis is confirmed by an increased concentration of urobilinogen in urine. Black color is typical for small sarcoma, hemolytic kidney in the acute stage, alkaptonuria.

Bright red urine appears when internal bleeding occurs. This is possible with oncological pathologies of the urinary system, hemorrhagic cystitis, the presence of stones in the bladder and kidney infarction.

Shades of urine

The shade of urine, reminiscent of meat slop, gives out glomerulonephritis. Beer-colored urine (a mixture of green and brown) provokes the presence of urobilinogen and bilirubin in it, as well as parenchymal jaundice. The milky shade of urine warns of the penetration of lymph into it, the cause of this disease, which causes lymphostasis in the kidney.

Formed with obstructive jaundice. The whitish shade of the fluid excreted from the body can really be explained by the fatty degeneration of the kidney. A sign of this phenomenon is the release of phosphate crystals, pus (dead white blood cells) and directly fats. The normal color of urine in combination with a cloudy sediment (sand) raises suspicions of nephrolithiasis.

(a shade of strongly brewed black tea) speaks of a disease that causes dysfunction of the gallbladder, its ducts and liver. Flakes in urine are a symptom of inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, and urethra. appears due to sperm, therefore, a similar phenomenon can only be in men.


Yellow urine often changes with drug therapy. Many drugs provoke the appearance of abnormal shades. This does not mean that they should be discontinued. The symptom will disappear after the end of the course of the drug, the components of which stain the urine.

Saturated yellow occurs in women or girls when the signs of cystitis are eliminated with the help of Nitroxoline. Brown urine often appears after cleansing the body with activated charcoal; treatment of infectious diseases affecting the genitourinary system; taking antibiotics or drugs that have a laxative effect. Methylene blue, used against stomatitis and herpes, stains urine green or blue. Bright yellow urine appears with the use of folic acid, mineral complexes, multivitamins "Riboflavin" (vitamin B2).

Antibiotic drugs give urine shades in addition to brown. For example, "Fosfomycin" causes orange, "Rifampicin" red. The latter is included in the therapeutic scheme of people with tuberculosis. Also, urine will become a different color due to the following medications:

  • "Furagin";
  • "Canephron";
  • "Phytolysin";
  • "Quinine" and its derivatives;
  • "Warfarin";
  • "Nitrofurantoin";
  • "Sulfamethoxazole";
  • "Furacilin".

Tablets for anemia, containing ferrous sulfate, provide a darkening of the urine. The same thing happens when taking laxatives. "Aspirin" provokes the release of urine with a pink tint, red is able to give a drug called "Amidopyrine".

Other causes of urine color change

These include:

  • Pregnancy

Changing the color of urine while expecting a baby is rare. Such an anomaly will not occur if a woman eats properly and leads a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, hematuria (change of yellow urine to red) will not keep you waiting. Its consequences are dangerous both for fetuses (miscarriage is possible) and for infants who have suffered the negative effects of hematuria during fetal development.

Reasons for changing the color of urine - pregnancy

Urine in a pregnant woman in any case will be darker than usual. While in position, a woman should not drink water or other drinks excessively, as this provokes swelling. When a dangerous symptom appears, you should definitely consult a specialist. He will prescribe a general urine test, if acetone is detected, the doctor will prescribe additional procedures to confirm or refute suspicions of acetonuria.

  • Excessive physical activity

Athletes often have darker urine. The reason for this is regular physical activity, which causes increased sweating. Because of this, the amount of fluid in the body decreases, and the concentration of the coloring pigment increases. Light yellow urine returns after rehydration.

  • Alcohol abuse

Long binges and short-term drunkenness can cause up to an acid or amber tint. Alcohol syndrome is fraught with consequences, among them poisoning of the body with toxins and toxins. Removal of ethanol breakdown products occurs through the liver and urinary system.

  • Blood transfusion

In this case, the urine turns red due to getting into it. a large number erythrocytes.

Additional symptoms will help determine the exact cause of changes in urine color. If the lower back or abdomen hurts, yellowness of the skin appears, vomiting often occurs, or a depressive disorder occurs, then this should be reported to the attending physician. It is possible that these signs and an abnormal shade of urine are symptoms of one disease.

Influence of hormones

The endocrine system affects the work of all vital organs. The hormones produced by it contribute to the inhibition or activation of various body functions. Failures in their formation entail negative consequences, in particular, they provoke diseases, which, in turn, cause a change in the color of urine.

One of the characteristic symptoms of diabetes is considered. The pathology itself is caused by problems with insulin. Antidiuretic hormone increases the density of urine, causing it to darken.

It is not recommended to get rid of an alarming symptom through alternative methods of treatment. To return normal yellow urine, you should act on the root cause, which cannot be determined without the participation of a specialist. Therefore, do not take risks, but contact a medical institution.

Defeating severe kidney disease is possible!

If the following symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • persistent back pain;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • violation of blood pressure.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. The disease can be cured! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating...

Urine is formed by filtering blood by the kidneys. With urine, the human body removes toxic metabolic products. In the same way, excess trace elements, vitamins and various medicines go away. A person's discharge can change depending on nutrition, fluid intake, various medications, and also during illness.

Normally, the urine of a healthy person is always clear. The color of urine may change slightly throughout the day, depending on the amount of fluid you drink. During daytime urination, light yellow urine is excreted. At night, the kidneys work less actively and the volume of urine decreases. With morning urination, saturated straw-yellow urine is excreted.

Urine has a peculiar smell, which is due to the presence of protein metabolism products in it. A change in the smell of urine or the appearance of uncharacteristic odors may indicate a violation of the body. The color of urine changes with diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Causes of changes in urine:

  • change in diet;
  • the use of medicines;
  • changes in the amount of fluid you drink;
  • inflammation and infection of the kidneys;
  • cystitis;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • gynecological diseases (in women);
  • prostatitis (in men);

Changes in the external characteristics of urine should alert a person. In order to determine the causes of changes, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and take a urine test.

Changes in the external characteristics of urine

Too sharp and persistent smell of urine may indicate a metabolic disorder in the body. The putrid smell of secretions appears with bacterial infections of the kidneys, as well as in the later stages of tumor diseases of the urinary system. Diabetic urine smells like acetone.

Too light transparent urine is excreted when a very large amount of water is consumed. Certain medications and foods can also cause discoloration of urine. When treated with isoniazid, the discharge becomes bright red or orange. Taking a lot of vitamins can cause bright yellow urine. The fact is that coloring additives are often used in the production of vitamins.

Dark urine is the result of a malfunction in the liver. Also, dark urine can be released when blood cells are destroyed. Red urine is a symptom of a large number of red blood cells in it. I get red discharge with glomerulonephritis and inflammation of the bladder. Also, blood in the urine can appear with tumors of the bladder and kidneys. Green discharge is the result of a severe bacterial infection of the kidneys, and can also be a symptom of a severe tumor process.

Turbid urine appears as a result of the release of a large amount of mucus, leukocytes and epithelial cells. This happens with inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

In women, the color of urine can be affected by vaginal discharge. With uterine bleeding, the urine may turn red. As a result of inflammatory diseases of the lower genital tract of a woman, a large amount of mucus and leukocytes enter the urine. During pregnancy, the amount of mucus secreted by the lining of the vagina may increase. With prolonged retention, the urine becomes slightly cloudy. During pregnancy, kidney problems can sometimes develop. Urine with an admixture of blood may indicate a violation of the course of pregnancy.

In men, urine may change when the prostate gland becomes inflamed. With prostatitis, urine becomes cloudy with an admixture of a large amount of mucus. The main sign of inflammation of the prostate is the frequent nighttime urge to urinate, as well as the periodic violation of the outflow of urine.

In a child, dark urine may be a symptom of viral hepatitis A. With acetone syndrome, urine smells like acetone. If your child pees too often, or vice versa, he is worried about urinary retention, do not delay contacting the hospital. A child with a change in urine should be urgently taken to a consultation with a pediatrician.

In infants during the first days of life, bright yellow urine may be a symptom of a congenital metabolic disorder. The baby in the maternity hospital must be examined and analyzed for a congenital enzyme defect. If changes in urine in the baby appeared after discharge, it is necessary to call a pediatrician as soon as possible or go to the clinic yourself.

The causes of violations must be identified as early as possible. It is possible to find out why urine suddenly changed its properties only through a detailed examination of the body.

Additional symptoms with a change in the color of urine

Some diseases of the urinary system can occur with little to no manifestations, but most are accompanied by vivid symptoms. With inflammation of the bladder, a person is worried about severe pain in the lower abdomen. During urination, cramps and pain occur. Often there are false urges to urinate. Cutting, pain and burning are also characteristic of inflammation of the urinary tract and urethra.

With glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, the patient's body temperature rises, and aching pains in the lower back appear. In severe cases of the disease, edema may develop on the face and extremities. Severe pain in the lumbar region is also characteristic of urolithiasis. If the stones begin to come out of the kidney, the person feels very intense pain in the side, as well as in the perineum. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the leg and genitals.

If urine has acquired dark color after a violation of the liver, the person is concerned about the characteristic symptoms. There is heaviness and dull pain in the right side. A person with impaired liver function complains of nausea and bitterness in the mouth. As the disease progresses, the skin and whites of the eyes acquire a yellow tint. With viral liver damage, before the onset of jaundice, people often complain of severe weakness and fatigue, as well as joint pain.

In pregnant women, changes in urine may be accompanied by the development of edema. Severe swelling in pregnant women may indicate the development of toxicosis. If a woman has even the slightest doubt about the normal functioning of her kidneys, then she needs to contact her gynecologist.

Men with prostatitis are very worried about pain during urination, as well as periodic urinary retention. Prostatitis is the cause of increased nighttime urges. In severe cases, urinary retention may develop.

Yellow and clear urine is a sign of a healthy body. Hue saturation can change significantly throughout the day, and the reasons for this can be quite diverse - from food intake and medicines with coloring pigments, to changes in its concentration, which depends on the amount of liquid consumed. Such changes should be treated normally - they are natural, but if the excreted urine has a stable bright yellow color for a long time, then these are already alarming symptoms, at least talking about an unhealthy lifestyle.

So what causes these symptoms?

The rich yellow color of urine indicates its high concentration, which can be caused by:

  • Violation of the water balance - insufficient intake of fluids;
  • Overheating of the body and loss of moisture due to sweating;
  • Puffiness and high body temperature;
  • Loss of moisture with diarrhea, vomiting and toxicosis. The latter is typical for pregnant women, especially in the early stages;
  • Insufficient replenishment of moisture lost in breast milk when feeding an infant.

The rest of the moisture in the body is actively excreted by the kidneys, which leads to a strong concentration of urine - there is noticeably less water in it, and this, in turn, enhances its concentration and brightness of the shade. Such phenomena are typical in the hot season, with insufficient drinking and serious physical exertion. Such factors can be compensated by the timely intake of an additional amount of fluid.

The body, in a normal state, loses an average of about 1-2 liters of moisture during the day, and a breastfeeding woman has additional losses with milk, which must be replenished. It is best to drink natural juices, milk, green tea and any other natural liquids for this.

Causes of pathological dehydration

In addition to the natural causes of water imbalance and urine staining in bright shades of yellow, there are many factors provoked by painful conditions.

  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • Abuse of medications;
  • Toxicosis in women during pregnancy;
  • Chronic cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver of various etiologies;
  • Female gestosis during fruiting.

When the intestines are infected, high body temperature is often noted in the form of a feverish state with intense sweating, accompanied by indomitable vomiting and diarrhea. This whole complex of pathological symptoms leads to a sharp dehydration of the body and a strong concentration of urine with a color change to dark tones.

Excessive addiction to medicines can cause serious liver toxicosis, and taking laxatives can cause diarrhea, which causes dehydration and urine staining in bright colors. The same reasons for changing the color of urine in pregnant women with toxicosis.

Disease of the heart, blood vessels, cirrhosis and preeclampsia do not lead to dehydration, but can greatly change the color of urine towards its saturation. This is due to the fact that with these diseases there is a strong swelling that takes away moisture from the kidneys and concentrates it in the place of its localization, more often in the limbs, and this leads to a strong concentration of urine.

Cirrhosis provokes the accumulation of plasma in the peritoneum, which penetrates there through the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels in the process of sweating and causes an increase in blood viscosity with the further development of ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity). With this pathology, oliguria with an increased degree of concentration is observed.

Urine in pregnant women

The physiological processes that take place in the body are quite complex and have not yet been fully studied, therefore, sometimes, the body's reactions may differ slightly from those expected, which does not immediately indicate the disease. This is especially true for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. During this period, all body systems are reconfigured to new conditions - for some time he will have to work for two, which often leads to atypical symptoms. For example, women experience a change in taste and an increased appetite for food, drink, and smells. Such a reaction causes an increased load on the kidneys and a change in the color of urine, so do not panic ahead of time, but do not let the process take its course. Visit a doctor after passing a general urine test and preparing answers to the questions:

  • What did you eat and drink on the eve of the analysis;
  • What medications or vitamins were used;
  • How great were the physical loads;
  • How often does vomiting and diarrhea occur - relevant for toxicosis;
  • When the course of antibiotics ended - if any.

Correct and comprehensive information about your daily routine will greatly help the doctor to accurately diagnose your health condition.


Bright yellow urine in a child may be the result of the formation of metabolic processes during growing up. In a newborn baby, urine is almost transparent during the first weeks of life, and over time, shades of yellow intensify in it. Sometimes this happens gradually, sometimes quite abruptly and with a frightening expression of the bright color of the urine. If such symptoms pass soon, there is no reason to be afraid - this is the nature of your baby's physiology, but if this phenomenon is protracted, a specialist consultation is required.

You should not try to solve the problem by increasing the amount of liquid the child drinks - this can be very harmful if kidney pathologies are present.

Other reasons

Such reasons include features of the physiology of a genetic nature, as well as violations of the water-salt balance, which leads to the concentration of urine and its obvious staining. In the case of increased salt formation, there is a significant risk of their sedimentation in the form of sand in the urinary system, with subsequent transformation into kidney or bladder stones. The same reasons lead to the disease of nephrolithiasis.

Medications and urine color

There are many drugs that can color urine, so here is a short list of the main such substances. Bright shades, antibiotics, vitamins of groups A, B, C, derivatives of 5 nitrofurate, riboflavin and many drugs synthesized artificially give urine bright colors. Urine staining occurs with particles of the residual transformation of these drugs excreted along with it and their inherent dyes. The latter is often observed with the use of drugs in the form of tablets. For example, a bright orange color of urine can be observed when taking Aevita (a complex of vitamins A and E).

Urine turned bright yellow - what to do?

Most often, the reason is a lack of fluid, which in the absence of diseases is easy to fix - simply drink more. If this does not help, analyze your diet and medications for the possibility of affecting the color, smell and consistency of urine. By eliminating these factors, one can hope for the normalization of urination processes, but if, despite the measures taken, the color of urine is consistently unnatural - bright yellow, hurry to see a therapist or urologist. The specialist will conduct a study and prescribe a set of measures to eliminate the cause of the pathology. If such a trip is postponed to a later date, then you are guaranteed to get urolithiasis.