Lemon-colored urine, that it is dark yellow urine with a smell, a health navigator. Causes of changing the color of urine in men to yellow or orange

The color of the urine says a lot when it comes to about metabolism in organism. The fluid secreted by the kidneys in a healthy person can have a hue from straw to deep yellow.

In the morning, bright urine is considered the norm. If a high concentration of pigments persists, this indicates a disease or a chronic lack of fluid, which leads to dehydration.

First, remember what was eaten for Lately what medications were taken. Review the amount of fluid you consume throughout the day. It is desirable to drink at least 2 l water per day - without gas. It can be replaced with juices, weak tea or compotes.

When yellowing urine is not accompanied by alarms - high fever, nausea, or problems with stools, then there is nothing to worry about. If within 2-3 days the color of the urine does not return to normal, it's time to consult with a therapist or urologist. The specialist will find out what caused the change in the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys, and determine the list of drugs in combination with the diet.

Causes of body dysfunction

When the appearance of rich yellow urine is associated with malfunctions in the body, this indicates heart failure, an intestinal infection, or hepatitis. The cause may be swelling that occurs with complications after the disease. More harmless sources of bright pigment include:

  • increased sweating during sports or physical labor;
  • taking a laxative;
  • dehydration due to extreme heat or during breastfeeding.

If there is not enough water, the kidneys start compensation mechanism.. During the day in the hot season, up to 2-3 liters of fluid comes out through the skin in the process of sweating. When the loss is not restored, the urine becomes intensely yellow.

If the urine is bright yellow and smells

Its unpleasant smell appears when garlic, horseradish, and spicy spices are present in the diet. From asparagus and seafood, the fluid secreted by the kidneys becomes saturated and foul-smelling.

If the cause is pathological, such symptoms indicate inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder, which may be infectious.

Allocate among the causes of liver failure, diseases of the genital organs, jaundice or intoxication of the body as a result of the abuse of alcoholic beverages. When urine smells like acetone, this is a sign of an exacerbation of diabetes.

Why does pathology appear in children?

In a child, the fluid secreted by the kidneys normally changes color up to several times a day. For an early age, this is due to the adaptation of the urinary system to the functioning outside the mother's womb. The kidneys adjust their work gradually, they may not always cope with their task.

When the process becomes too long, the urine turns bright yellow. But this is not yet a cause for concern. Perhaps, little fluid enters the child's body, the water balance is disturbed. Then it is enough to drink more water, compote or diluted juice. Just in case, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

What does bright urine color mean in women?

Among the reasons provoking changes in its color are:

  • water imbalance as a result of a lack of fluid in the body;
  • profuse sweating;
  • breastfeeding - a lot of water leaves with milk;
  • tissue swelling;
  • infection with intestinal pathogenic microbes;
  • the use of laxatives or vitamin complexes;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • intoxication, accompanied by vomiting and fever;
  • an excess of protein compounds - then urine may look like foam.

yellow urine during pregnancy

Its color and composition are decisive in the process of diagnosing the development of the baby and the condition of his mother. Urine analysis is done before each visit to the gynecologist, so that detect changes in the body. A bright yellow tint is not always considered a symptom of pathology. Food can also change the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys. This is especially true of cherries, blackberries.

Vitamins taken to boost immunity, or fruit juices, sometimes lead to a similar effect. If you have not used any of the above, contact the antenatal clinic for examination and testing. Perhaps the reason is not in the disease, but in the fact that the mother's body tries for two when removing metabolic products, doubling the load to the urinary system.

Changing the color of urine in men

This may be related with an excess of leukocytes in its composition, which is caused by the inflammatory process. The urinary sphere as a whole or its individual organs suffer from it. This happens with urethritis, prostate adenoma, kidney disease or genital tract infections. Then the walls of the channel for urination stick together, the secretions linger on them, which are mixed with urine during defecation. Sometimes bright yellow urine appears in the stronger sex with an excess of sperm in it.

Any changes in the body that resemble deviation from the norm should be discussed with a specialist. Don't be afraid to let your doctor know about your problems.

Should I run to the doctor if the urine turned yellow? It is recognized by medical standards that fresh urine has a yellowish tint, odorless. Slight variations in color saturation are acceptable. If the urine turns yellow, the reasons do not always indicate the presence of a disease.

The yellow color of urine is due to the presence of many factors that do not pose a danger to human health. Common causes of saturated coloration:

  • Reception of vitamin complexes;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Eating orange citrus fruits, carrots;
  • Abuse of lollipops, marmalade with dyes;
  • Treats with sweet carbonated waters.

After drinking half a liter of beer, urine becomes a rich amber color. In heavy smokers, the pigmentation of the biological fluid always retains a dark yellow color. Saturated yellow color of urine in people with a poor drinking regimen. In the heat, when there is a strong sweating, its color darkens even when a normal amount of water is consumed during the day.

Severe dehydration is evidenced by dark yellow, brown urine. The darkening of the liquid is due to the release of a large amount of toxins due to a lack of moisture in the body. Insufficient water intake is additionally indicated by the amount of urine. It is not up to standard.

Urine acquires a yellow color in people engaged in heavy physical labor. With physical overwork, overload, it has a rich yellow hue even in children. Darkening of the urine is to be expected after eating salty foods. Snacking with pickles, smoked and dried fish, salted nuts, chips, the habit of salting food heavily are the reasons for the rich pigmentation of excreted urine.

Urea becomes darker than the normal shade with a sharp change in the climatic zone. Traveling in winter to exotic islands with a tropical climate adversely affects the body. Hot weather leads to abundant excretion of water from the body through the sweat glands. A change in the color of urine signals rapid dehydration.

Bright yellowness is a dangerous symptom

If the pigmentation of urine has changed to unusual shades against the background of good health, there is no reason to fear. The following alarming symptoms give reason to seek medical help:

  • Temperature increase;
  • fever;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Severe nausea with bouts of vomiting.

Urine of bright yellow color in men and women is a sign of pathology:

  • Infections of the genitourinary system;
  • Inflammatory process in the urinary organs;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • heart disease;
  • Severe poisoning;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Dark, almost brown, color against the background of strong weight loss and poor health is an alarming sign. The reason may be:

  • In the growth of a malignant neoplasm in the liver, kidneys, bladder;
  • Development of cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Infection with hepatitis;
  • The development of pyelonephritis;
  • Purulent cystitis;
  • The occurrence of diseases of the genital area.

Often in fresh urine there are blood, mucus, films. The liquid exudes an unpleasant acetone or putrid odor.

If urine in women acquires a light beer color, this often indicates:

  • About erosive processes in reproductive organs;
  • Inflammation of the bladder;
  • development of urethritis.

But a change in the saturation of the color of urine in women occurs during pregnancy. Urine yellow in women- a normal phenomenon during the entire period of bearing a child, since the excretory system works for two.

In early pregnancy, urine darkens if a woman suffers from severe toxicosis. There is dehydration of the body as a result of cases of frequent vomiting, the concentration of coloring pigments urobilin, urochrome. Yellow urine in nursing mothers. Moisture leaves the body along with milk after the baby is attached to the breast. Therefore, doctors recommend mom to drink more fluids.

If in the second half of pregnancy the urine acquires a lemon tint, this is a sign of the development of preeclampsia. If you ignore the signal of the body, after a short time pressure surges, proteinuria begin, and swelling develops. In non-pregnant women, urine turns dark yellow during strict diets. The body does not receive enough of the necessary trace elements and nutrients, the kidneys intensively remove toxins.

yellow urine in men

In men, the bright color of urine with poor health indicates the development of prostatitis. An inflammatory process is indicated by a high protein content during the control sampling. A bright yellow color with a greenish tint indicates the presence of a concentration of leukocytes. Likely causes:

  • Inflammation of the urinary canal;
  • Inflammation of the prostate;
  • development of urethritis.

Additional signs are pain during urination, adhesion of the outer edges of the urethra. Foamy urine of a dark yellow color is the cause of disruption of the genitourinary sphere. Sperm enters the biological fluid during urination. Darkening of the pigment, brownish tint of urine - Very dangerous sign. Indicates severe diseases and pathologies in the genital area. Possibly developing prostate cancer.

Changing the color of urine in children

In children, yellow urine indicates pathologies of the kidneys and liver. If the baby has caught viral hepatitis, suffers from Gilbert's disease, hemolytic anemia, pathology of the bile ducts, his urine is bright golden in color.

Additional signs - yellowness of the sclera of the eyes, skin; heat. An amber hue is observed with pathologies of the kidneys, viral colds, flu. With heart disease, the color of urine is yellow; the child is lethargic, suffers from edema.

A change in the color of urine occurs with malnutrition. If up to three years old, smoked sausages, meat, canned fish, salted nuts, crackers are present in the child's diet, a yellow liquid is released.

With a disturbed drinking regimen, drinking a large amount of canned juices instead of water, urine becomes dark. A child can suffer from dehydration in the absence of the habit of drinking water, when the intake of moisture in the body is limited to a couple of glasses of liquid per day.

What to do if urine is yellow

If urine, without the presence of painful signs, suddenly changed color, became bright yellow, it is necessary to analyze what affected the body.

For a few days, if possible, you should:

  • Exclude from the diet foods containing carotene;
  • Stop taking vitamins;
  • Change medications;
  • Establish a drinking regimen.

On all subsequent days, collect urine samples. If the yellowing of the urine was caused by natural causes, the liquid acquires a normal shade after a few days. During a visual inspection of the container with urea, attention should be paid to the degree of its transparency. With the formation of an insoluble precipitate, sand, turbidity, it is advisable to pass urine for laboratory analysis in a clinic.

Muddy suspension of sand, mucus - evidence of kidney stones. The lower back may ache, pain in the urinary canal can be felt. If a stone comes out during urination, the urine may turn pink. This means that when the urethral mucosa is damaged by a solid body, blood has entered the liquid.

muddy residue, a large number of erythrocytes detected during laboratory analysis, bright yellow color of urine indicate the development of diseases of internal organs. If the result of the analysis is poor, you should undergo an examination in the clinic; receive timely treatment upon diagnosis.

It turns out that changing the natural shade of urine to a bright yellow color is not always an alarming sign. In most cases, the reason for the fluctuation in the color of natural secretions lies in the peculiarities of the lifestyle of each person. Additionally, age should be taken into account. The more years lived, the darker the shade of urine.

1 - kidney; 2 - ureter; 3 - bladder; 4 - urethra; 5 - renal arteries; 6 - renal veins

The urinary system is one of the most important systems of the human body. Urine in its composition contains excess water and metabolic products that come from the kidneys. The parameters of this biological fluid can tell a lot about the state of human health, its analysis allows you to make a correct diagnosis in the presence of a disease and prescribe adequate treatment. With this one of the most important characteristics that even a person without a medical education can control is urine color. A healthy person usually has yellow urine (similar to straw). The color is due to the presence in urine of urochrome, a special pigment that is formed during the decomposition of hemoglobin, which in turn carries oxygen in red blood cells. In lower concentrations, there are pigments urobilin, uroroserin and uroerythrin. However, do not immediately panic in case of a change in the color of urine. There can be many reasons for this, from the most harmless to a serious illness. In any case, the final assessment of the state of human health, and what the color of urine indicates, can only be given by a qualified doctor, who should be contacted at the first signs that alerted you.

Products that change the color of urine

If your urine color has changed, first of all, you need to remember what was included in your diet the day before, since many foods can change the color of urine. So, it will be orange if you have consumed a lot of carotene, which is found in large quantities in carrots. Raspberry-colored urine does not immediately indicate the presence of blood and some kind of pathology, it acquires such a color in the case of the use of beets, cherries, blackberries, products that contain food additives and dyes. If you drink heavily brewed, rich tea, the urine becomes very dark.

Also, urine can have a dark yellow color in a healthy person in the morning after sleep, since at this time its concentration in the body is very high. Dark color occurs in hot weather, when dehydration occurs, and with significant physical exertion. When taking a large amount of liquid, a person will have light-colored urine. Studies have shown that urine can change when taking certain medications. Red urine can be caused by taking rifampicin, sulfanilamide, analgin, phenolphthalein, aminophenazone, ibuprofen, aspiric acid, and other drugs. Green, blue color occurs when using methylene blue, saffron yellow when taking nitroxoline, which is used in nephrology. Taking vitamins B and C makes urine rich yellow. All these natural causes of discoloration of urine pass after a short time, otherwise you should be on your guard.

Color change during pregnancy

The color of urine during pregnancy usually does not differ from the color of the urine of a normal healthy person, and expectant mothers should also first analyze their diet. In addition, some gynecologists do not allow their patients to drink a lot of fluids, as a result of which, naturally, the dark color of urine should not be surprising. If after some time such symptoms as light feces, vomiting joined this factor, then it is necessary to see an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible. However, the color of urine and feces can also change due to certain hormonal changes in the body of a woman in position.

If the color of urine does not return to normal or if any additional symptoms appear, this is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

Diseases that change the color of urine

Pale yellow color associated with a low concentration of dyes, this happens with diabetes, chronic renal failure. In this case, polyuria can occur, the emission of a large amount of urine per day (more than 2 liters).

Dark brown or the color of beer caused by a large number of bile pigments is one of the signs of viral hepatitis. At the same time, agitation of urine leads to the formation of a yellow foam, which is associated with bilirubinuria. In this case, the skin and sclera of the eyes can also become icteric. Also, this color can talk about a disease such as hemolytic anemia. At the same time, the process of hemolysis (destruction) of erythrocytes, which do not have time to fully mature in the bone marrow, is increased. As a result, increased breakdown of blood cells increases the level of bilirubin and causes jaundice.

Brown color may indicate the presence of cirrhosis of the liver or poor kidney function, which are not able to efficiently remove toxins. Brown urine in older men sometimes indicates the formation of prostate adenoma. In this case, an urgent consultation with a urologist is required.

Urine red, like blood, appears if erythrocytes are present in the urine, which came directly from the blood vessels due to trauma, kidney tumors, urethritis, cystitis,. The saturation of the color depends on the amount of blood that has entered the urine. In the case that women are mostly exposed to, in addition to blood in the urine, all kinds of films, pus, clots of mucus are observed, and there is also severe cutting pain in the lower abdomen and from the side of the kidneys. With pyelonephritis, headaches, increased pressure and body temperature, and swelling appear additionally.

Pink color urine gives urobilin in chronic hepatitis. A changed dark purple or even black color of urine is a sign of significant hemolysis of red blood cells due to severe poisoning, drugs, blood transfusion of another group, melanosarcoma. In the medical literature, there is such a color of urine as the color of "meat slops", this is the shade that water has after washing meat, it is red, but with a dark, dirty tint. This color is a sign.

Blue in diseases it is quite rare, however, such a shade can also occur, but not due to damage to the genitourinary system, but due to internal infections, such as pseudomonas. The blue color of the biological fluid can sometimes be in children with familial hypercalcemia. This is a hereditary disease in which the level of calcium in the blood is significantly higher than normal.

Urine clarity

An important sign of the disease, in addition to color, is the smell of urine. In a healthy person, it is odorless, or smells slightly. Also, an important indicator is the transparency of urine. Normally, opaque urine occurs only in a newborn, and even then for only a few days, then in a person without pathologies it is always transparent. Very rarely, cloudiness can occur in a healthy body when taking protein products, in too hot weather, after a sauna, while after a while the urine becomes transparent. However, most often cloudy urine occurs when it contains a large amount of salts and the presence of bacteria. Before going to the doctor, it is possible to determine the cause of cloudy urine. It is necessary to collect and put a container with urine for a while. If cloudy urine is caused by the presence of salts, then they will soon settle to the bottom, as a result of which there will be a clear boundary between transparent light urine above and cloudy below. If cloudy urine is of bacterial origin, then there will be no clear separation. Also, cloudy urine can be in the presence of fats, mucus, an increased number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cylinders in it. Turbidity may also indicate the progression of prostatitis in men. It should also be remembered that turbidity may be due to precipitation of salts that are naturally found in urine due to its long exposure to the open air. Therefore, if there is a need to pass urine for analysis, then it is necessary to bring the urine collected in the morning to the laboratory no later than 3-4 hours later.

Additional symptoms of the disease

Additional symptoms that you should pay attention to when changing the color of urine are constant thirst, fever, poor appetite, yellowing of the sclera and skin, severe pain in the right hypochondrium or in the lumbar region, frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain, increased blood pressure, light discolored feces, weight loss, weakness, headache.

If you have any of these additional symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for medical attention.

It so happens that certain processes occur in the human body that cause characteristic symptoms. We usually refer to such symptoms as skin rashes, changes in the structure of the hair, brittle nails, plaque on the tongue. The same symptoms that say that something is wrong in the body include a change in the color, structure, smell of urine.

Urine suddenly becomes reddish, brown, completely colorless or cloudy and has an unpleasant odor. And then suddenly bright yellow urine appears, the reasons why this happens are not clear? Let's find the answer to this question together:

Why is this happening?

Most often, it is unnecessary to worry about changing the color of urine, as this can happen for quite simple reasons. For example, the color may change to pink or orange after eating certain foods, such as beets and carrots, respectively. Well, after eating asparagus, the shade becomes greenish, and the smell is sharp and unpleasant.

Sometimes, after a diagnosis, in which certain drugs are taken, the urine may become blue or even purple. This changes its density and transparency. But after a short time everything goes back to normal.

Why is urine bright yellow?

Taking vitamins can make urine bright yellow. Some antibiotics can also change its color. And if at the same time a person does not experience general malaise or pain, for example, in the lumbar region, you should not worry. Experts generally consider yellow, light yellow, possibly rich yellow, to be within the normal range. Hue saturation depends on the concentration of urine. The higher it is, the more intense the color.

But in some cases, urine can turn a bright yellow color for other reasons. For example, this often happens due to dehydration, when the body suffers from insufficient fluid intake. In chronic dehydration, urine becomes very bright. This is an alarming signal and if no action is taken, the process of formation of kidney stones may begin. So be sure to drink regular, clean, non-carbonated water as much as you want, and stay hydrated.

Also, why is urine bright yellow? This color of urine can appear during active sports, intensive training, physical exertion with increased sweating. In such cases, usually after exercise, there may be a change in the color of the urine. It also speaks of dehydration. It will be sufficient to replenish the lost amount of fluid in the body.

A bright yellow color may also indicate a change in the amount of urobilin (a degradation product of hemoglobin). Therefore, sometimes it can indicate the presence of a violation of the function of the kidneys or liver. It can also mean that the body is trying to get rid of a large number of products of metabolic processes.

In this case, drink more juices, add mineral water to the diet. It will be useful to undergo an examination in a medical institution. However, when, in what cases you need to see a doctor, I will tell you a little later. Now let's talk a little about the drinking regimen:

What drinking regimen is considered normal?

It is recommended to observe the drinking regime so that the urine has a normal color, a normal smell, and a healthy consistency. Experts recommend drinking at least 9 glasses of water per day, including any other liquid (soup, tea, coffee, milk, etc.). But you need to understand that all people are different and their needs for fluid are different. Therefore, it is necessary, of course, to take into account also the age, state of health, body weight, lifestyle, intensity of metabolic processes and even the gender of a person.

Therefore, if a person has already drunk the recommended daily amount of liquid, but still wants to drink, this does not mean at all that you need to forbid yourself to drink a glass of clean water. When you want to drink - you need to drink. Then, under the condition of a healthy body, the urine will be transparent, of the usual yellow color, without an unpleasant odor.

When should you see a doctor?

Contact a specialist immediately in such cases:

If the urine has acquired a reddish tint due to the presence of blood inclusions, it has become cloudy and unpleasant, it smells sharp. These may be signs of bleeding that has begun in any part of the genitourinary system.
Turbidity may indicate the development of an infection in the kidneys or the presence of urolithiasis.

If the urine has acquired a faint fruity odor, the development of diabetes mellitus can be suspected.

In the event that urine becomes dark brown, liver health problems can be suspected. For example, with cirrhosis, hepatitis, urine becomes the color of dark beer. If you shake the container with it, a yellow foam will appear.

A change in the color of urine in a pregnant woman should cause alarm. Even if she herself does not have any complaints about her health, it is imperative to conduct an examination, take an analysis. Since such changes may indicate the development of inflammatory processes. They can have a negative impact on the health of not only the expectant mother, but also her unborn baby.

If the change in color, density, smell of urine is accompanied by a fever, pain, fever, frequent urge to urinate, if nausea, vomiting occurs, also immediately contact a medical treatment facility in order to prevent the development of a possible disease. Be healthy!

The color of urine can be used to characterize how normal the metabolism in the body is. The color of the liquid secreted by the kidneys, characterized by yellow color, is considered the norm. The degree of color intensity is subject to what is the concentration of urine, and what is the amount of pigments that it contains. After taking a large amount of liquid, the urine becomes lighter close to the "straw" color. Urine of bright yellow color in women and men belongs to one of the options provided by the norm. However, the presence of an excessively bright color in the form of urine may indicate a problem in the body.

A number of reasons that provoke the problem

Urine of bright yellow color occurs mainly in situations where its concentration is increased, due to:

  • insufficient fluid intake by a person;
  • more intense, compared with the norm, the work of the sweat glands;
  • lactation period;
  • edema in some diseases;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • taking laxatives.

In case of insufficient intake of fluid into the body, the kidneys reabsorb water intensified, due to the compensatory mechanisms that take place in them. In this regard, a bright yellow color of urine appears. The same mechanism is activated in a situation that provokes increased fluid loss. The reason for this may be, for example, a hot climate, or high physical activity, forcing the body to lose a large amount of water that comes out with active sweating. During the day, a person can lose several liters of fluid in the form of sweat. Breastfeeding mothers lose a certain amount of water, which the body uses to produce milk. In this regard, women are advised to ensure that a certain amount of natural purified water, tea, and juices must be drunk per day.

Acute intestinal infections can also lead to dehydration, accompanied by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, high fever, which provokes increased activity of the sweat glands. The use of drugs not agreed with the doctor, the laxative nature of the action, toxicosis in pregnant women, which is mainly accompanied by frequent vomiting, may also be due to the reasons that the body will produce concentrated urine.

In the case when urine has a rich yellow color for a long time, you should definitely seek specialized medical help from a doctor. Especially if the condition is complicated by additional symptoms:

  • back pain;
  • spasms in the right hypochondrium;
  • fever;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Additional sources of violations

The reasons that the color of urine changes may also lie in the individual or hereditary characteristics of metabolism. For example, increased salt formation, physical activity, difficult working conditions, profuse sweating can cause urine to turn bright yellow (especially in men).

If measures are taken not immediately, but after a certain period of time, then the process of sand formation may begin in the kidneys, which will later lead to the formation of larger stones. If the concentration of urine does not return to normal for a long time (urine does not take on a lighter appearance), then as a result, the mechanism of stone formation in the kidneys will be triggered.

The reason for changing the color of urine can be taking antibiotics, vitamins, drugs, food, food coloring. So, for example, both carrots and carrot juice present in the diet can be due to a change in the color of urine, even to an orange appearance.

The composition of urine directly depends on:

  • products that form the human diet;
  • the quality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • functioning of the organs that form the genitourinary system.

Products that change the color of the urinary fluid also include pumpkin, beets, juices, sweets and sweet water with the addition of dyes.

This explains the reasons why a doctor asks a patient complaining about a change in the color of urine questions related to the daily diet, and for a man, the doctor will definitely additionally clarify the presence of a sufficient level of physical activity in the daily schedule.


Urinalysis is also carried out, taking into account the degree of its transparency, which will decrease with an increase in the presence of secretions in the urine, which are products of the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Features of the male body

An excess of white blood cells in a man's body (more common than in a woman) entails the presence of a certain amount of specific secretions in the urine. Their color can vary from yellow to yellow-green. The reasons can be identified only as a result of a comprehensive diagnosis. Basically, the number of leukocytes in the body increases as a result of a reaction to the inflammatory process in it.

With urethritis, prostatitis, kidney disease, inflammation of the urethra, the number of leukocytes increases, which changes the color of urine. When such processes take place in the body of a man, the sponges of the urethra generally have a sticky appearance, since their surface is covered to some extent by these secretions.

Features of the female body

During pregnancy, the waste products of the female body change their color under the influence of:

  • ongoing hormonal changes;
  • increased stress on the kidneys and bladder;
  • increasing the amount of daily food consumed;
  • the occurrence of various failures in the water-salt exchange.

Changes in the color of urine in women while waiting for the birth of a child should not be regular, systematic and prolonged. There should be no purulent discharge in the urine, they will indicate various pathologies. At the same time, the doctor will insist on a detailed analysis of how the kidneys, adrenal glands, and bladder work. The functioning of the latter during this period of a woman's life is especially at risk of developing an inflammatory process.

Pregnancy can be accompanied by periodic moments when the color of urine can even be brownish-yellow. Such a change is not a reason to see a doctor if everything returns to normal during the day. In this case, it was only the response of the internal systems of the body to the influence of one or another received product. The long-term nature of such color changes demonstrates malfunctions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and bladder.

Do not immediately panic about why the urine has changed color. After checking the influence of all neutral factors, if there are risks of developing negative changes in the body, or there is a fear that within a few days there is no normalization of color due to disturbances in the body, you should consult a doctor.

The presence of foam in the urine of a woman is provoked by an excess of protein in it, in a man - by the ingestion of products related to the composition of sperm into the urine. Doctors strongly advise all people in such situations to undergo a clinical study and check the condition of the organs of the genitourinary system.