Why is angiovit prescribed during pregnancy and planning, rules of use. Angiovit - a therapeutic multivitamin preparation for pregnant women

Cardiovascular diseases and deficiency of certain substances in a woman's body can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. For this reason, before conception, gynecologists recommend that a couple undergo full examination. It is important to learn about defects and pathological processes in reproductive system future parents. For the preparation of female body vitamin complexes and biological additives are prescribed to the new state. Increasingly, expectant mothers take Angiovit during pregnancy.

Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

Angiovit is positioned as vitamin complex used for the treatment and prevention of cardiac or vascular pathologies. It is produced in the form of tablets containing vitamins of group B. The manufacturer offers to purchase a package of medication containing 60 capsules. The price of this volume is no more than 300 rubles. Mechanism of action vitamin remedy due to the substances that make up its composition:

  • B6 (pyridoxine) - normalizes metabolic processes, improves the speed of passage of nerve impulses;
  • AT 9 ( folic acid) - prevents cell mutation, which ensures correct formation and growth of the embryo;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) - prevents the appearance of anemia in a woman and, as a result, hypoxia of the embryo, maintains sufficient production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

The task of the drug is sufficient metabolism of methionine, which synthesizes homocysteine. Increase given substance can negatively affect conception, cause pathologies in the development of the fetus, disturbances in the placenta. Also, a high level of homocysteine ​​provokes prolonged depression, pathologies of blood vessels and the heart, and can become the culprit of early senile dementia.

Indications for use

Why is Angiovit prescribed - the instruction will tell. The annotation states that the drug is recommended as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent for the following pathologies:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • coronary disease;
  • angina;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • thrombosis and atherothrombosis;
  • vascular lesions caused by diabetes;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain.

Angiovit during pregnancy planning can prevent vascular pathologies that cause infertility. The practice of using the drug shows that with the intake of the vitamin complex, women were soon able to become pregnant and bear a child without any problems. Men are also recommended to use Angiovit, as the drug stimulates sperm motility and can improve the quality of the genetic set transmitted to the woman.

Angiovit during pregnancy prevents the occurrence of such pathological processes in the formation of the fetus, as:

  • cleft lip;
  • brain hypoxia;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • untimely closure or incorrect formation neural tube.

It is justified to use the drug for prophylaxis if a woman in her family had cases of heart attacks younger than 50 years old, or if the pregnancy was previously terminated for unknown reasons.


Angiovit tablets during pregnancy are not prescribed to women who do not need to use them. If the expectant mother takes a vitamin complex that includes the components of Angiovit, then the use of the claimed remedy can provoke an overdose. This condition is expressed by hypervitaminosis, dyspeptic disorders, neurological disorders.

It is contraindicated to use the medication if the patient has hypersensitivity to one of the components of the vitamin complex. During pregnancy, it can worsen, which will lead to skin allergies (itching, irritation, redness) or swelling.

There are cases when the vitamin composition caused a violation of the stool in patients. If the expectant mother is faced with such a manifestation, then it is necessary to cancel the use of tablets and urgently consult a doctor.

Scheme of use

Instructions for use suggests taking the medication for the purpose of treatment and for prevention. The scheme of use in each case will be different. The doctor, prescribing Angiovit to patients, takes into account the anamnesis, present state of health, age and body weight. In accordance with these data, the specialist can change the dosage of the medication and set a limited time for its use. If no individual recommendations are given, then the drug should be taken according to the following scheme:

  • single dose is 1 tablet;
  • one reception is carried out per day;
  • vitamins can be consumed convenient time days, but the best assimilation occurs in the morning;
  • it is not necessary to crush or chew the tablet beforehand, but if otherwise it is not possible to take the drug, then it is not prohibited;
  • drink angiovit clean water in sufficient volume;
  • the period of preventive use is limited to 20 days;
  • during pregnancy, the drug is recommended to be taken before the start of the second trimester;
  • in the treatment is used for a long time.

Possibility of simultaneous use by a man and a woman

Often, the drug is prescribed to both partners when planning a pregnancy. Patients have doubts about whether there will be an overdose. Doctors rush to reassure worried future parents. For men, the vitamin complex is prescribed for a period of 3 to 6 weeks. During this period, blood circulation will improve, sperm motility will increase, and the risk of transferring defective genetic material will decrease.

For women planning to conceive, tablets are recommended to be taken until the onset of pregnancy. Further, the doctor replaces the medication with other drugs containing B vitamins or extends the period of admission. There is no need for a man to continue using Angiovit if not additional indications. That's why future father may stop taking the pills as soon as pregnancy is confirmed.

The price of the vitamin complex, according to consumer reviews, is affordable. One package of medication is enough for a month of use for both partners. If a woman takes the drug herself, then the pack will be used for 2 months.

When prescribing Angiovit to women planning a pregnancy, the specialist stipulates the conditions for admission, which are not prescribed in the usual annotation.

  1. You should not combine taking pills with drugs containing estrogens, certain types of antibiotics, antiviral components and isonicotinic acid-based products. They reduce the rate of absorption of B vitamins through the gastric walls.
  2. It is permissible to use a complex of vitamins with other medicines that regulate the functioning of the cardiac system and blood vessels: Asparkam or cardiac glycosides. In combination, these funds give a quick positive effect.
  3. Groups of medicines are capable of enhancing the effect of Angiovit: contraceptives oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticonvulsants and homeopathy.

The intake of the Angiovit vitamin complex is allowed for expectant mothers and couples planning pregnancy only on the recommendation of a doctor.

information Angiovit is a modern combination drug, which includes the main vitamins of group B. Initially, this drug was intended for the prevention and complex treatment a number of cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, etc.), however, over time, indications for use have become wider.

Angiovit contains 3 main active substances:

  1. vitamin B 9 (or folic acid), which is involved in the metabolism of nucleic acids (they are the basis of genes), regulates the formation of nervous tissue in the fetus; content in the preparation - 5 mg;
  2. vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine), which affects the basic metabolic processes in cells, is an accelerator of many redox reactions in the body; content in the preparation - 4 mg;
  3. vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin), also involved in the synthesis of genes, regulating (together with folic acid) proper development nervous system baby, has pronounced antioxidant properties; content - 6 mcg.


Angiovit is used at any stage of pregnancy. In most cases, it is prescribed before pregnancy (when planning it, regular intake of B vitamins prevents the development of congenital disorders of the nervous system, increases the likelihood of pregnancy).

During pregnancy, Angiovit prevents the development dangerous state- which can develop against the background of vascular damage. FPI leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood of the fetus, the development of hypoxia and an increased risk.

The use of the drug during breastfeeding is possible if indicated.

Therapeutic action

At the core therapeutic action the drug is the activation of metabolic processes and redox reactions at the level of cellular metabolism, as well as the regulation of the metabolism of a specific protein - homocysteine. Its role in the development of various pathologies(damage) to blood vessels, which leads to the premature appearance of atherosclerosis, thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels), circulatory disorders and the development of habitual (chronic) miscarriage.

Homocysteine ​​is formed as a result of the exchange of the amino acid - methionine, with the help of specific enzymes (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and cystathion-B-synthetase), the activity of which depends on the level of B vitamins. Homocysteine ​​is constantly present in the blood, and its level fluctuates within small values. But in cases of a lack of B vitamins, cysteine ​​metabolism is disturbed and the level of homocysteine ​​rises to damage blood vessels.

Angiovit is available in the form of tablets of 60 pieces.

Indications for use

Indications for use this drug are various diseases, which are mediated by elevated levels of homocysteine:

  1. pathology of cardio-vascular system(angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemic disorder circulation);
  2. vascular disease in (diabetic angiopathy, diabetic retinopathy (damage to the vessels of the retina));
  3. violation of the fetoplacental circulation (blood circulation between the body of the mother and the child) at various stages of pregnancy.


There is only one contraindication to the use of this drug - intolerance to drugs that contain B vitamins.

Side effects

additionally There are no severe side effects from the use of Angiovit. Rare side effects may be allergic reactions- itching, nausea, rash. They go away on their own after drug withdrawal.

Mode of application

Angiovit should be taken for a long time (at least 6 months) according to the following scheme: 1 tablet inside, regardless of the meal, with a small amount of water, 2 times a day for 2 months. Subsequently - 1 tablet 1 time per day for 4 months. After - a break for six months, after which the course can be repeated again.


There are no preparations identical in qualitative and quantitative composition. There are similar medicines: Triovit Cardio, Neurobeks. They also include B vitamins, however, in different dosages. Their use during pregnancy and lactation has not been sufficiently studied.

A newborn baby directly depends on how responsibly the expectant mother will behave during pregnancy. That is why it is extremely important that a woman at the stage of each take care of the presence of a sufficient amount and useful elements in her body, because now it works for two.

During the period of bearing a baby, the need for vitamins increases, so it is also necessary to make up for their deficiency with the help of special vitamin complexes. Great helper V this issue becomes Angiovit. It is about this drug that will be discussed in this article. We will find out why doctors prescribe it to women during pregnancy, how and when to take it, and we will also understand the possible side effects that may occur during the reception.

Why do pregnant women need

The drug "Angiovit" is necessary for those expectant mothers who have a clear deficiency of vitamins from group B. The lack of these substances can provoke such backfire, How:

  • The development of physical pathologies and defects in.
  • Underdevelopment mental state child.
  • in a pregnant woman, which can directly affect the decrease in the viability of the embryo and its underdevelopment.
  • Hyperhomocysteinemia may occur. This is the state which is elevated level in the body of the element homocysteine, which can provoke pathologies in the blood circulation between the baby and the placenta during pregnancy. As a result, the embryo may develop with defects, and in future mother chronic miscarriage may develop.
By taking Angiovit during the first trimester of pregnancy, you can restore normal blood circulation between the placenta and the baby. Also, taking this drug prevents the development of anemia in the mother, as well as all the complications that may arise on this basis. Angiovit can prevent fetal fading, as well as prevent the formation of physical and mental in an infant.

Important! It is permissible for a woman during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, to take this complex only after being prescribed by her doctor.

Indications for use

Based on the general functionality of this vitamin complex, a number of indications for its use can be determined.
First of all, the doctor prescribes Angiovit to a pregnant woman if she has beriberi, which is based specifically on vitamins from group B.

Also indications can be:

  • hyperhomocysteinemia;
  • Angiopathy of character.
  • Ischemic heart disease.
  • The presence of insufficiency in the blood circulation of the brain, which has an atherosclerotic genesis.
  • If necessary, restore the body after a serious or illness has been transferred.
  • Restoration of the body of a pregnant woman as a result of excessive physical fatigue, severe stress.

Did you know? It is no secret that vegetables contain a lot of various useful elements and vitamins. But few are aware that if you store them long time, then the amount of vitamin substances in them is reduced by about 30%. It does not matter whether the vegetables are stored in the refrigerator or room temperature. Therefore, it is very desirable to use fresh vegetables.

Dosage and duration of administration

According to the instructions for use, the drug "Angiovit" should be taken for at least 6 months. As for the dosage, women during pregnancy should take 1 tablet orally twice a day with water (a small amount).
After two months, it is recommended to reduce the dosage and take vitamins 1 tablet per day. The intake of the vitamin complex does not depend on the use of food. But still, it is better not to drink these vitamins on an empty stomach, in order to avoid nausea.

Side effects

In rare cases, the patient may manifest an allergic reaction to some of the components of the vitamin complex. Its symptoms are pronounced, rash, urticaria and skin integument. If any of the above side effects have shown themselves, you should stop using the drug and consult your doctor so that he may prescribe an analogue for use.

Particularly severe side effects are not observed. Those mentioned above disappear immediately after discontinuation of Angiovit and do not require additional treatment.
In case of an overdose, it can be observed, intensify side effects, nausea may occur. If a dosage error has been made, it is recommended to as soon as possible rinse the stomach, and also drink Activated carbon. After that, you need to seek the advice of a doctor who can determine the therapy based on the symptoms present.

Did you know? The concept of "vitamin" was introduced by Casimir Funk, a biochemist from Poland. In 1912 he translated the Latin words "vital amines" into English language and combined them into one word.


You can not use Angiovit for those people who have an individual intolerance to any substances from the component composition of the drug. It is also forbidden to take this remedy at the same time as those drugs that increase the level of blood clotting.
As you can see, this vitamin complex has a very large amount positive qualities. He is able to have a beneficial effect on both the condition of the expectant mother and the health of her child. It is very important to carefully follow the recommendations of the gynecologist, as well as comply with all the indicated dosages.

Despite the achievements of today's medicine to preserve pregnancy, premature miscarriage is still diagnosed in 15-20% of cases of all complications in the gestational period. Among the factors provoking spontaneous abortion, doctors call disorders of the circulatory system. For their elimination and prevention, domestic experts are increasingly prescribing the Russian vitamin preparation Angiovit.

Angiovit - a drug for the treatment of threatened miscarriage

According to statistics, the threat of abortion is diagnosed in Russia in 30-40% of expectant mothers. At the same time, various sources indicate that pathological disorders associated with blood clotting and the functioning of blood vessels are the cause of two-thirds of all miscarriages.

The main factor in insufficient blood circulation is the formation of blood clots in the veins and arteries. The main medical concept explaining atherosclerosis has been the cholesterol theory for over 80 years. But in the last two decades, it has come under a lot of criticism. The homocysteine ​​doctrine comes first.

Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid that is obtained from methionine (an essential acid) as a result of biochemical processes. Methionine enters the body mainly from protein products: meat, milk, eggs. With a healthy metabolism, homocysteine ​​is excreted by the kidneys. In case of violations, this amino acid accumulates in cells and destroys the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the formation of blood clots in them increases, which worsen blood circulation. The pathology associated with a high concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood is called hyperhomocysteinemia (HHC).
For ordinary person the level of concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood more than 12 µmol/l requires medical intervention

The connection between HHC and the development of atherosclerosis was established in the mid-1960s. In the past two decades, numerous studies have found a correlation between plasma homocysteine ​​levels and the following obstetric pathologies:

  • habitual miscarriage;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • delayed growth and development of the fetus;
  • neural tube defects of the unborn child.

The main role in the metabolism of homocysteine ​​is played by B vitamins such as B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (), B12 (cobalamin).

Composition, therapeutic effect

Russian scientists under the guidance of Professor Z.S. Barkagan, in order to eliminate the lack of these vitamins in the body, the drug Angiovit was developed. Angiovit is a group of multivitamins. The main components of this medication are:

  • folic acid - 5 mg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride - 4 mg;
  • vitamin B12 - 0.006 mg.

The composition of Angiovit is supplemented with excipients: sucrose, gelatin, starch, sunflower oil. The multivitamin is produced by Altaivitamins in the form of coated white tablets.
Angiovit is a therapeutic drug, which contains folic acid, as well as vitamins B6 and B12

The therapeutic effect of the drug in the gestational period has been confirmed by several studies. For example, in the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. BEFORE. Otta in St. Petersburg in 2007 studied the effectiveness of Angiovit therapy in pregnant women with the threat of miscarriage and preeclampsia. The study involved 92 women with homocysteine ​​levels in the blood exceeding physiological norms. As a result of taking a multivitamin complex for three weeks the symptoms of threatened pregnancy completely disappeared in 75% of expectant mothers. Only in one case did an undeveloped pregnancy occur.

Indications for appointment during planning and during pregnancy

For ordinary people Angiovit is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Of course, if a pregnant woman has problems with the heart and blood vessels, then this multivitamin complex can be prescribed to her. But in the gestational period, Angiovit is used for the following purposes:

  • prevention of deficiency in B vitamins;
  • decline increased amount homocysteine ​​in the blood;
  • elimination of placental insufficiency;
  • complex therapy with the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

Vitamins B6, B9, B12: role for the course of pregnancy, causes of deficiency, content in food

The therapeutic properties of the drug are due to the action of B vitamins. Pyridoxine basically activates all metabolic processes. It is important for the functioning of the nervous system, reduces the manifestations of painful symptoms in toxicosis. Folic acid is essential vitamin for the development of the circulatory immune systems fetus. Its additional intake during the gestational period significantly reduces the likelihood of a neural tube defect. Large studies in Russia and abroad have shown that the use of vitamin B9 reduces the risk of developing birth defects at the fetus. Vitamin B12 takes part in biochemical processes for the utilization and removal of a number of metabolic products. It is important for building and maintaining the sheaths of nerve fibers, promotes recovery processes.

The lack of vitamins during pregnancy is explained by the increasing load on the body of the expectant mother and external factors. Most doctors include these factors:

  • consumption of sugar and white flour;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • drinking coffee in in large numbers;
  • regular use of drugs, including hormonal contraceptives.

Basically, vitamins B6, B9, B12 enter the body with food. Therefore, a poor diet is the main reason for their deficiency. Pyridoxine is found in large quantities in walnuts, hazelnuts, spinach, sunflower, cabbage, oranges. In a smaller - in meat and dairy products, cereals. During heat treatment, up to a third of this vitamin is lost. Folic acid is rich in green vegetables, yeast, liver, wholemeal bread, legumes, citrus fruits. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal tissues, mainly in the liver and kidneys.
Long-term use of Angiovit can significantly reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

According to the Institute of Nutrition in 1999, a lack of vitamin B9 was observed in 57% of expectant mothers, pyridoxine - in 27%, and B12 - in 27%. Unfortunately, doctors state that even with a balanced diet, there may be a lack of these vitamins. The opinions of nutritionists about the amount of their additional consumption in different countries diverge. Pharmaceutical company "Altaivitaminy" claims that the concentration of the main components in the composition of Angiovit meets the modern requirements of medicine in the needs of a pregnant woman.

IN last years doctors are increasingly prescribing Angiovit at the stages of pregnancy planning, since B vitamins can accumulate in the body. And the growing fetus needs them most already on early term, since it is in this period that the main systems of the body are formed. The advance intake of vitamins is especially relevant for women who previously had problems with maintaining pregnancy. Angiovit is recommended to start taking three months before the planned conception.

Contraindications and side effects

Clinical experience with this multivitamin complex shows its high tolerability. Undesirable allergic reactions in pregnant women were observed in cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Such intolerance can occur in relation to fructose and sucrose, as well as with a hereditary lack of sucrase / isomaltase. Allergies can manifest as headaches, skin rashes, and digestive disorders. Cases of overdose with Angiovit were not recorded.

During the observation period, there were no complaints about any subjective or objective signs associated with side effect drug "Angiovit" (discomfort taste sensations, signs of allergy, malaise, etc.).

M.S. Zainulina, A.V. Harutyunyan

"Report on the results of research work to determine the clinical efficacy of the drug "Angiovit" in obstetric pathology"

Interaction with other drugs

As noted above, long-term use of certain drugs reduces the reserves of B vitamins. Thus, the need for vitamin B9 increases with therapy with the following groups of drugs:

  • painkillers;
  • anticonvulsants:
  • contraceptives.

The therapeutic effect of folic acid is reduced by antacids.

Taking vitamin B6 together with diuretic drugs enhances their effect. It is important that it is forbidden to take additional vitamin B12 with medications that increase blood clotting.

Application features

The considered vitamin complex should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-administration of the drug may be ineffective or cause allergic reactions. Accordingly, the regimen for taking Angiovit is also chosen by the doctor.

The usual dosage indicated in the instructions is one tablet per day. The course of therapy can last from twenty to thirty days. In the study above, pregnant women were given one to two tablets twice a day. The dose was selected from the indicators of the content of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

You can use the vitamin complex at any time of the day, regardless of the meal. Angiovit does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, does not reduce concentration.

Options for replacing Angiovit for expectant mothers

There are no complete analogues of Angiovit in composition. But on the Russian pharmaceutical market there are many different multivitamin complexes that are designed to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies during pregnancy. The most popular of them are the following:

  • Complivit Trimestrum;
  • Elevit;

The peculiarity of Angiovit is that it contains a much larger amount of folic acid. The manufacturer explains this by the fact that the drug was created as remedy and all its properties are based precisely on such a quantitative composition.

Other multivitamin complexes have added vitamins such as A, C, E, B1, B2, B5. Complivit Trimestrum has three varieties for each trimester. Elevit is presented in two types: for planning pregnancy and the first trimester, for the second and third trimester.

Also, each pregnant woman has the opportunity to take vitamins separately. For example, in pharmacies you can buy tablets only with folic acid.

Table: Angiovit and options for its replacement during pregnancy

Vitamins B6, B9, B12 and others in the composition Manufacturer price, rub.
  • B6 (4 mg);
  • B9 (5 mg);
  • B12 (0.006 mg).
"Altaivitamins" (Russia). From 205 for 60 tablets.
  • B6 (1.9 mg);
  • B9 (0.6 mg);
  • B12 (3.5 mcg).
Merck KGaA (Russia). From 446 for 30 tablets.
  • B6 (5 mg);
  • B9 (0.4 mg);
  • B12 (2.5 mcg).
From 329 for 30 tablets.
  • B6 (5 mg);
  • B9 (0.4 mg);
  • B12 (5 mcg).
"Pharmstandard-Ufimsky vitamin plant" (Russia). From 251 for 60 tablets.
  • B6 (1.9 mg);
  • B9 (0.4 mg);
  • B12 (2.6 mcg).
Bayer Pharma AG (Germany). From 568 for 30 tablets.
  • B6 (2.6 mg);
  • B9 (0.8 mg);
  • B12 (4 mcg).
Unipharm (USA). From 640 for 30 tablets.

My positive opinion about additional intake vitamins B6 and B9 based on the experience of my wife's two pregnancies. The doctor who managed her pregnancy also helped several of our acquaintances carry a child after a series of miscarriages. And it's all thanks to correct application supportive medications. On the issue of the additional use of vitamin B9, the doctor immediately prescribed a separate folic acid intake for his wife. He explained that the effectiveness of vitamin B9 has been proven all over the world for normal flow pregnancy and fetal development. In order to avoid a lack of other vitamins, he prescribed Vitrum Prenatal. But this remedy greatly disrupted the excretory function of the intestine. And the wife decided not to take them anymore. On late term used Magne B6. In the second pregnancy, she limited herself to taking folic acid in the first trimester and the same Magne B6 from the resulting seizures.

There is no personal experience of using Angiovit in our family. But according to the reviews of friends and acquaintances, I can say that it has a positive effect both in planning and in the event of a threat of miscarriage. It is only desirable to control the amount of homocysteine ​​in plasma.

Photo gallery: analogues of Angiovit

Femibion ​​1 is intended for use by pregnant women in the first trimester Complivit Trimester is a multivitamin complex for pregnant women Russian production
Tablets of the drug Complivit Mama can be taken by both pregnant and lactating women.
Elevit can be prescribed both during planning and during pregnancy Vitrum Prenatal is a multivitamin complex made in the USA

Video: Angiovit in the Health program with Elena Malysheva

White, two-layer (seen in the cut) biconvex film-coated tablets in a cell pack of 10 pieces. IN cardboard box- 6 contour blisters (total 60 tablets in a box). Also, tablets can be packed in polymer jars, 60 pieces each, and then in cardboard packaging.

Pharmacological action

Angiovit is a combined pharmaceutical preparation containing B vitamins , whose action is primarily directed to the metabolism methionine (aliphatic, essential, sulfur-containing alpha-amino acid). Biological effects promote enzyme activation cystathion-B-synthetase And methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase that carry out transsulfation and remethylation of this amino acid. This allows you to greatly accelerate the metabolism of methionine and reduce the concentration of free in blood plasma.

Thus, the vitamin complex prevents the development of the following diseases ( hyperhomocysteinemia And elevated concentrations of methionine in plasma is a key element in the pathogenesis of 60-70 percent of all cardiovascular diseases):

  • main vessels;
  • arterial bed;
  • ischemic brain;
  • diabetic angiopathy ;
  • chronic (habitual) miscarriage ;
  • congenital pathology of the fetus.

Recent studies in the field of pharmacology of homocysteine ​​prove the association of elevated plasma concentrations of this amino acid with such complex diseases as senile or elderly dementia , depressive states , .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vitamin complex is rapidly absorbed after oral administration.

Indications for use Angiovit

Long-term prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • cardiac ischemia ;
  • II-III functional classes;
  • ischemic ;
  • sclerotic disorder of cerebral circulation;
  • diabetic vascular disease.

Separately, it should be emphasized that the drug is used for normalization of fetoplacental circulation (exchange of blood masses between fetus and mother during prenatal period development).


Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or their complex use.

Side effects

As a rule, vitamins are well tolerated by the body, especially in spring and summer and autumn periods when they are deficient. However, in some clinical cases, allergic reactions of a general or local nature may be observed ( , , and so on) or other unwanted manifestations ( headache , , hypersensitivity skin, symptoms of violation of physiological sleep cycles). Also described as nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain , burps or flatulence after an intensive vitamin course.

Instructions for use Angiovit (Method and dosage)

The vitamin complex is applied orally . Tablets can be taken both before and after meals with plenty of water. You should be careful with the shell, it cannot be damaged using a drug, that is, you should not chew or crush the tablets, because in this way you can reduce the pharmacological effect of Angiovit to nothing. Duration of the conservative course treatment is determined by the attending physician, usually it is from 20 to 30 days, depending on the individual indications and the patient's condition.

The instruction for Angiovit also states that one tablet should be taken per day, preferably in the morning, in order to protect the body for the whole day. Clinicians note that the course of treatment can be started with two capsules for excessively high levels of homocysteine ​​and methionine.


Cases of drug overdose have not been found, however, in cases of uncontrolled use of the vitamin complex and not balanced nutrition symptoms of hypervitaminosis may be observed:

  • incoordination fine motor skills upper limbs, partial with overabundance vitamin B6 ;
  • not passing, long convulsions , especially in the calf muscles (consequences increased concentration vitamin A AT 9 );
  • thrombosis small vessels and even at hypervitaminosis B12 .


Folic acid (vitamin B9) , which is part of the complex preparation Angiovit, significantly reduces the effectiveness Phenytoin (antiepileptic and antiarrhythmic agent), which requires an increase in its daily dose. Accurate readings are recommended to be obtained from a qualified pharmacist or healthcare professional.

Aluminum and magnesium antacids (antiulcer pharmacological group), Colestyramine, Sulfonamines reduce the effective absorption of the vitamin complex (pharmacokinetic incompatibility), which is manifested in the weakening useful action drug.

At the metabolic stage of conversion vitamin B9 his pharmacological effects reduce drugs that inhibit dihydrofolate reductase. For example, you should not take Angiovit in combination with , Triamterene or pyrimethamine .

Hydrochloride pyridoxine (B6) greatly enhances the effect thiazide diuretics (decreases already small specific gravity urine, an increase in the number of urination, especially in daytime), but weakens the activity Levadopa (an antiparkinsonian agent that acts on adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors of the central nervous system).

The following drugs weaken the effects of vitamin B6:

  • isonicotine hydrazide ;
  • penicillamine ;
  • estrogen-containing .

Separately, it should be emphasized that pyridoxine contributes to increased formation of myocardial contractile proteins, which manifests itself in increased resistance of the heart muscle to hypoxia, if the Angiovit vitamin complex is prescribed together with cardiac glycosides .

Aminoglycoside antibiotics , antiepileptic drugs, salicylates , And potassium preparations reduce gastric absorption cyanocobalamin .

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Angiovit be sure to consult with your doctor.

Alina | 20:27 | 13.11.2018

Angiovit is better than folic acid as a separate drug. Firstly, it contains a fairly large percentage of it, which significantly increases the chances that the fetus will develop correctly without pathologies. Secondly, in addition to folic acid, the composition also contains very important vitamins - B6 and B12. They are also responsible for the development of the organs of the fetus. Plus, they help to fill the lack of these vitamins in the mother's body. I started drinking it before pregnancy, as prescribed by the doctor. And then I drank the first 3 months.

Maria | 20:50 | 27.09.2018

My husband and I were prescribed to drink Angiovit at the stage of pregnancy planning. Folic acid in the composition of the drug is useful not only for women, but also for men, as it turned out. It significantly improves the condition of sperm and increases the chances of getting pregnant) Well, for a woman, I think it’s clear to everyone how useful it is)) After they started drinking angiovit, it turned out to conceive in the very first cycle. Although before that they tried for almost half a year.

Irina | 20:56 | 02.11.2017

My husband and I both drank Angiovit when we started planning. But it turned out to conceive in the first cycle!

Polina | 21:24 | 21.06.2017

Angiovit was prescribed to me during pregnancy, it was very big risk miscarriage. And all because of high level homocysteine ​​in the blood. I took the course for two months. The pregnancy proceeded normally, I endured and gave birth to a healthy child.

Katerina | 16:39 | 12.06.2017

My husband and I believe that after 45 years you need to monitor your health, if necessary, take preventive measures so as not to run into serious illness. To strengthen blood vessels, we drink Angiovit in two-week courses every six months.

Evgeniya | 20:49 | 11.06.2017

The cardiologist recommended that I drink Angiovit to prevent thrombosis. He explained that the composition of the drug includes folic acid and B vitamins, the dosages are correctly selected, these substances are very important for the health of blood vessels.