School of moms pmc schedule. School for expectant mothers, courses for expectant mothers and fathers

The task of such schools is to help form a woman's positive attitude on the course of pregnancy and the successful outcome of childbirth. In the process of training, a woman must learn to treat childbirth as a natural process. In the classroom in such schools, the principle always applies individual approach to every pregnant woman. She will be taught not to be afraid upcoming birth. Along with theoretical classes, practical classes are also held, in which they explain how to develop the correct posture, how to breathe during childbirth. In the courses, she will be taught how to behave correctly at each stage of childbirth, so that this process is the least painful and easier for future mother and child. Schools hold classes in the pool, special gymnastics for pregnant women, during which those muscles develop that will be involved in the process of childbirth (i.e., those that need to be relaxed or strained). It is very important that such classes are attended and future dad. Future dads in the classroom at schools are taught the rules of massage and assistance to a woman during childbirth, as well as after the birth of a child. After such training, a man is no longer afraid to hold a baby in his arms, he can bathe and swaddle him.

In schools, future parents can be prepared for joint childbirth. In such childbirth, the man not only observes the progress of childbirth, but also actively helps the woman to ease the contractions. Being nearby, he can massage, hold her hand, cheer her up, say kind words.

Together with physical activities in the “school of expectant mothers” they conduct psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth. It is very important to teach a woman not to be afraid of pain during childbirth. Experts have found that pain intensifies as a result of fear. How more woman afraid of childbirth, the harder it will be for her at a crucial moment, and the more she knows about the course of childbirth, the easier this process will go.

If a pregnant woman cannot attend classes at the “school of expectant mothers” for any reason or in their absence, then she will be able to independently conduct exercises at home that will help her in the process of childbirth. Experts recommend using classes in the pool. Swimming effectively affects the mother's body and the development of the child. A pregnant woman is allowed to dive. Holding your breath while diving leads to increased motor activity child, as a result of which he develops stronger. The lack of oxygen during breath holding will prepare the baby for such a state, since temporary oxygen starvation he will feel during childbirth. When doing gymnastics, exercises are recommended that increase the elasticity of the muscles of the pelvis and back. Sipping complexes are recommended. These exercises help the workout pelvic muscles which will improve their performance during birth process. The load should be increased gradually. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is recommended to exercise for 10 minutes a day. And before giving birth, the duration of such classes can be 15-20 minutes a day. Physical exercise doesn't have to be boring. If a woman does it right, then her well-being will only improve. Particularly useful lessons exercise on fresh air or, in a well-ventilated area. This will increase the saturation of the blood with oxygen and will favorably affect the development of the baby. It is important and necessary for a woman to control her breathing during exercise - this will help her breathe properly during childbirth. It is not recommended to make sudden movements during classes.

Courses for future mothers and fathers

Sign up for courses: childbirth, newborn care and breastfeeding

Many mothers have no idea what is ahead of them. Fortunately, there are various courses that will also work experienced mothers who wish to refresh their knowledge and skills. Courses on childbirth, newborn care and feeding will quickly help you navigate the new situation.

Courses of preparation for childbirth. As a rule, they are taught by certified midwives with extensive experience in childbirth. Some courses are running long time, others are one-day intensives. In the classes taking place at the maternity hospital, you will be given a short tour of the maternity wards, they will tell you about the stages of childbirth, caesarean section, types of anesthesia, relaxation techniques.

Courses of preparation for natural childbirth. The two most famous natural childbirth systems (without drugs and medical intervention): the Lamaze method, named after the French general practitioner Fernand Lamaze, and the Bradley method, also known as "delivery at active participation husband” and named after the American doctor Robert Bradley.

The Lamaze method is more common and recognizable by name. The above methods promote a woman's ability to give birth, based on the inner wisdom of her body. The courses teach ways to reduce pain and discomfort, speed up childbirth. They also talk about special exercises, breathing, position during childbirth, proper nutrition, aroma and hydrotherapy and other relaxation techniques. You will learn about various types medical intervention in the birth process and will be able, if necessary, to make an informed and reasonable decision about their need.

The main idea of ​​the Bradley method is the complete rejection of any medication. It is understood that with the support loving husband any woman will be able to give birth naturally and without pain. According to many mothers, muscle relaxation techniques of this method are extremely effective during childbirth. Bradley's courses also teach about proper nutrition and other aspects of pregnancy. They usually consist of 12 two-hour lessons.

As a rule, such courses emphasize that childbirth is a normal and healthy process that does not require medical support. natural childbirth can be of great benefit to the expectant mother and strengthen her family. Women who give birth without medication find this experience in the highest degree exciting.

Newborn care courses. Courses of this type are designed for parents who have not yet had the opportunity to babysit young children and who may be worried about the upcoming troubles. In the program of classes: swaddling, bathing and other simple skills. If you break out in a cold sweat while swaddling a plastic doll, think about this: one day you will be able to swaddle a baby with one hand while talking on the phone and discussing dinner menus with your family at the same time.

Breastfeeding courses. Breastfeeding is a beautiful yet difficult aspect of motherhood. natural feeding It is considered the most useful for the baby, but this is not an easy task. Surely more than one tear of disappointment will be shed while you and your baby get used to each other. Do not give up! You will soon feel that this valuable experience of intimacy is worth it. If you want to breastfeed, learn in advance how to do it correctly. Perhaps your doctor will advise you good lessons on breastfeeding. Immediately after giving birth, join some group of enthusiasts breastfeeding (a great opportunity make new friends), where you will be given detailed answers to all your questions. Primiparas have a lot of them, and the support of other mothers and "veterans" breastfeeding extraordinarily valuable.

I often read information from many women, which is a waste of time and an abundance of unnecessary information. Personally, this approach surprises me. But let's still figure out whether these courses are needed or not.

A modern woman should not only be a wonderful wife, devote time to herself, but still have time to make a career and give birth to a child, and maybe even several children. Therefore, she has very little time and does not want to waste it in vain. That is why many women consider it a waste of time. After all, there is the Internet social media and YouTube, where you can find videos on how to give birth, feed, rock sick, etc. So after all, are courses for pregnant women necessary or not?????

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - topics of classes

Courses for pregnant women are different and cover completely various questions. There are courses that deal only with preparation for childbirth. Most often, a lot of attention is paid to the physiology of childbirth,
correct behavior and physical training. Or vice versa - these are courses of psychological preparation for childbirth, where they draw, listen to music and work on the mood of a woman for the upcoming birth.
Rare, but found childbirth preparation courses, mixed type. That is, the courses are engaged in and psychological preparation, and physical. They act as midwives or doctors, talking about the physiology of the process of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as about correct behavior during childbirth. There are also psychologists who help expectant mothers cope with their fears and tune in to the upcoming work in childbirth.
Since the fear of childbirth most of all covers a woman, and, as a rule, few people think about the time after childbirth, seminars on the care and feeding of a child are most in demand. The rest of the topics mothers are already studying in parallel with the development of their baby.
In my opinion, this is not really the right way preparation for parenthood, because nothing ends with childbirth. Namely, after the birth, a young mother is faced with many problems and situations that require an immediate response and there is no time left to search for information. Hence fatigue, irritability, lack of sleep and other problems.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - at what time is better

When a woman has decided to attend classes for expectant mothers, the first question is: for how long
is it best to attend pregnancy courses? The answer is obvious - it is possible at any time. But it is much more effective and more convenient to practice in the second trimester, starting from the 20-24th week of pregnancy.
The duration of the courses are different: either it is 10-15 lessons, or you can attend the program until the end of pregnancy. It all depends on the needs of the woman herself. You can choose theoretical classes on topics that interest you, and attend fitness for pregnant women and breathing trainings until the very birth.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - after giving birth I will forget everything

Very often, expectant mothers do not want to attend courses for pregnant women. afraid to forget everything later and at the very difficult period again to be alone with your problems. Here it is very important to give close attention selection of courses. Are there practical exercises, handouts, free support after the course. If there are such bonuses, then all this will help you remember the material or refer to it when the need arises.
Accompaniment after the end of classes is a very important and convenient service. After all, you can contact a specialist and ask him all the questions you have, ask for help in solving a particular problem.
Remember that this has nothing to do with medical matters! If a mother or child needs health care, then it is worth contacting only the medical facility for it.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - Aistenok School of Maternity

School of motherhood Aistyonok conducts classes for expectant parents on preparation for childbirth and care
child. Expectant mothers can choose from individual workshops to prepare for childbirth or child care, or complete a full program to prepare for motherhood. For example, out of 10 lessons, it covers the topics of pregnancy, fees for the maternity hospital, childbirth itself, care and feeding of the child, as well as the first months of development.
Every month we hold seminars on various topics: preparing for childbirth in one day, preparing a couple for partner childbirth, seminars on the care and development of the child. Here future parents can choose what they need.
Classes in School of motherhood are carried out by highly qualified specialists with medical education and education in their specialty. This allows them to give competent information and properly organize classes, which is also important. Even a fitness specialist for expectant mothers is a doctor, because it is so important to choose certain exercises depending on the duration of pregnancy so that they help improve the condition of a pregnant woman and give positive energy.

At the end of our courses, all mothers receive surprises with pleasant and necessary little things. This helps to understand a little about the world of goods for expectant mothers and babies, as well as to already have test samples on hand.
In addition, we continue to accompany our girls after the end of the course. They can ask questions or seek advice from our experts. And most importantly, our future mothers receive Certificates for one full-time Free patronage, which they can use if necessary. At this patronage, the specialist answers the questions of a young mother, helps to establish breastfeeding and suggests in caring for the baby.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - free of charge

Is it possible to take classes for expectant mothers for free? Of course you can!
Free courses for pregnant women eat at maternity hospitals and women's consultations. There you can get knowledge on the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding and legal information. What is almost
do not give on commercial courses. Minimum set you will have the knowledge to prepare for childbirth. And then, you can already work something out on your own or attend a paid seminar.
But on the other hand, in public schools for mothers, there is practically no practice and fitness for pregnant women. After the birth, a pediatrician and a nurse from the clinic will come to visit you for patronage, but since these are employees public institution, then they are limited in time and functionality.

In this article, I wanted to show you that the courses are not so useless. It's like a good time
forwarding for the expectant mother, and a storehouse of the necessary information. It is important to choose good courses for pregnant women in Moscow so that they meet your needs and provide good support at the right time.
Well, if you did not have time to attend courses before giving birth, then after the birth of the child you can attend with the baby. In these classes you will learn how to interact with the child, learn the features of development in early age and get information on starting and stopping breastfeeding and caring for your baby.

Stay healthy and have an easy pregnancy!
Head of the Schoolmaternity Stork,
Medical psychologist
Tarasova Alexandra

Moscow service psychological help the population conducts free and awesome courses for pregnant women. I went to a bunch of different free events from commercial courses, shops, etc., but these courses are the most complete, high-quality and useful.

You need to sign up about a month before the start, you need to start going to courses between 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy. It so happened to me that I either take a vacation before the decree, or on the eve of the birth, the next group starts. So I took a vacation and had a great time. Keep these timings in mind so you don't overshoot.

The service has branches in different districts of Moscow, which is great. I'm not sure that this is possible, but in general I went to 2 courses from this service in different areas and to different teachers, which I am extremely happy about)).

Therefore, I will write essentially 2 reviews in one.

1. Courses near metro Tekstilshchiki

Delightful courses, concentrate useful information. Very clear instructions, trained breathing, learned to swaddle, watched themed films. Very desired topics, Practical skills. There were a lot medical aspects, it helped just unrealistic in terms of understanding all these things.

It’s convenient that it takes 15 minutes to walk from the metro, no more, you don’t depend on land transport. I highly recommend these courses, you will be much calmer and easier in childbirth after completing them.

And yes, here the emphasis is on childbirth, your preparation, passing lactation crises etc.

In Tekstilshchiki, groups start quite often, but if suddenly you are running out of time, they conduct express groups for a fee.

Have with you: passport, notebook, pen, food, tea. There is a boiler hot water, during the break you can drink, take tea bags from home. There is also a cooler.

2. Courses near metro station Vykhino (Vykhino-Zhulebino branch), Volgogradsky prospect, 197

I took a course in the group of Vera Viktorovna. I liked it very much! Deep analysis, very detailed analysis of the stages of development of the child. I understood a lot about myself and where certain problems and traits come from (it is clear that from childhood, but it becomes clear where the failure was). A complete psychoanalytic course.

Here the emphasis is on education, on building relationships with the child, mainly on what will happen after childbirth and how to properly build relationships with the child, so that later he doesn’t roll on your floor in stores and so as not to fight in hysterics herself in different cases.

Directions (from the metro by bus 15 minutes + 5 minutes on foot): m. Vykhino, go to the other side of the road (the stop is the leftmost) and take the 209 bus to the final "138 kv. Vykhina". Cross the zebra to the other side and go a little to the left past the sports box. Then you need to go around the house and you have come. A dark blue grating at the entrance and a bunch of stairs is a landmark.

I think that both of these courses are extremely important, they are completely different. Some are more about physiology, the second about education. And nowhere on the internet am I like this complete information did not find.

Courses last about a month, classes 1-2 times a week for 3 hours. They have both a website and a contact group. In addition to courses for pregnant women, all departments conduct trainings on different topics. And in this service you can get up to 10 individual consultations of a psychologist a year, which is also very cool.

3. Not just for pregnant women: Also in Moscow there is a free phone number of this service 051, you can call in emergency situations and get the advice of a psychologist.

PS: You must have a residence permit in Moscow, keep in mind.

All my reviews on the topic of pregnancy:

1. Courses for pregnant women / preparation for childbirth - the Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population - I highly recommend. Gorgeous!

2. Meeting for expectant mothers Babadu "Two in One", Moscow - you can go for gifts

3. Pillow for pregnant women Mom's Choice - very useful at 9 months

4. Free master classes in Olant, Moscow - I recommend going

5.B free master classes: Academy of reasonable motherhood, Moscow - did not like it