The minimum set of shoes for a woman - how many shoes do we need solely for survival? Shoes. Rules for choosing summer shoes What should be summer shoes

On an effective wardrobe, I made a separate post about basic shoes. In the comments, you can continue to ask questions of interest not only on this topic.

While writing, I realized that I can’t fully cover the topic in one post, so I’ll tell you about the basic principles of combining clothes with shoes separately.

Before you start choosing shoes, I suggest remembering that we are all different. Therefore, our set of basic shoes will be different.

We live in different countries!

At the same time, the differences in what footwear your life will be unthinkable without depends not only on the number of seasons summer-hot summer - very hot summer-summer, or autumn-winter - spring-cold summer ...
Shoes also depend on local characteristics. Somewhere it is not customary to wear open shoes, but somewhere you will break off the studs in a maximum of 5 minutes due to the peculiarities of the bridges.

We have a different way of life!

We have already discussed that someone spends most of their time in the office, and someone in the sandbox. Therefore, we need shoes to cover all our needs. Therefore, we remember what kind of shoes we have and, based on this, what kind of shoes we need.

We have different tastes!

Someone likes shoes to be bright, someone likes them to be invisible, someone has sharp toes, someone is blunt, someone has a platform, someone has a thin stiletto ... You should like your shoes when it is on you (and not on someone else! This is important!).

We have different needs!

Roughly estimating, it will be necessary to note that 80% of the shoes that glossy magazines show us are with high heels, 80% of the shoes bought in the store are without it. And 80% of the time, high-heeled shoes sit on shelves and hide in shoe cabinets and boxes.
And this means that the percentage of basic shoes with heels, to shoes without heels, should be the same as it is in your life. That is, if you don’t wear stilettos at all, you don’t need to buy them. Start the selection with the shoes that you need more often.

Basic principles when choosing basic shoes:

1. It should sit perfectly on the leg, be comfortable and not cause the slightest discomfort;
2. It must be of the highest quality;
3. It must be practical. If a pair that serves as a lifesaver for all occasions has to be cleaned with a special tool with a special brush for a special couple of hours, you will think for a long time before putting it on. So, she will no longer be a lifesaver. Conclusions?
4. Neutral base colors. This is black, flesh, all shades of brown, gray, khaki, dark blue, burgundy ... Pay attention to what colors prevail in your wardrobe and see which colors will best suit it;
5. Style. Basic shoes should be "boring" as Stella wrote. Rivets, stuffing, drawing, embroidery - all this makes the pair original and original, but "beats" its versatility.
In addition, do not forget not only the style of clothing, but also the type of clothing. What will you wear these shoes with? Short skirts, long skirts, wide trousers, tight trousers, dresses...

Based on other people's experience:

In the options for the basic wardrobe that I have already given, shoes were also mentioned:

Basic wardrobe from Evelina Khromtchenko:
Boats with high heels
Black or nude ballerinas

Basic wardrobe from Katya Odintsova:
Black pumps with a classic toe on thin heels 5-8 cm
Beige, brown or black shoes with 3-5 cm heels
Ballet shoes
Strappy flat sandals

I'll write my much broader list.
You can easily cross out what you think is not necessary, and you may even want to replace the model. And no discussions, as usual, are welcome:

1. Shoes with low heels. They are in the office, suitable for any clothes.
2. Clogs on a small platform. Wear at home instead of slippers. When friends come to me, this allows me not to fit into slippers out of habit and have an unnecessarily homely look. Could it be sandals or???
3. Army boots. Very warm, primarily due to the thick soles, in winter they are worn with skirts and trousers. They can be replaced by less coarse boots or boots.
4. Uggs. Clean the snow in the yard, run for groceries to the nearest store and the like. An alternative is felt boots, loose boots with a warm lining with or without low heels.
5. High boots with a steady heel. Skirts, dresses.

Spring - autumn:
1 and 2
6. boots, ankle boots or ankle boots
7. loafers, low shoes or moccasins (when it gets warmer)
8. high boots
9. Running shoes (my passion since last year)
10. Rubber boots. We have already talked a lot about rubber boots.

Since it's the season, I can't help but notice that even rubber boots can look very good:

11. Shoes (to go to the office, to visit, to the store)
12. Sandals
13. Strappy sandals
14. Sports sandals, summer sneakers or moccasins for excursions and long walks
15. Ballerinas

Off-season shoes:

16. Shoes with heels (universal weekend)
17. Sneakers / sneakers for the gym

This year has been a changeable summer, and it is not clear what to expect in the last weeks. Many solve the problem radically: put on sandals. According to the principle - the feet will dry faster than the shoes. Still, this is not the best choice, since the effect will be the same as in rubber boots. Walking in sandals through puddles is a sure way to pick up some nasty infection like a fungus. And if the rain is cold, then you will also freeze.

Slates, which are gradually becoming everyday shoes, will not work either. The bridge between the thumb and second finger leads to constant friction on the skin. As a result, microcracks are formed, . All this in itself is already unpleasant, and in rainy weather it also leads to an additional risk of infection.

So it's better to feel sorry for yourself, not shoes.


Even if you looked after the shoes on the way to work, try them on in the late afternoon. In the afternoon, almost everyone’s legs swell at least a little: in the heat - quite a lot, but in cool weather the leg will slightly increase in size, and the pretty “boats” that sat so gracefully on the leg in the morning may turn out to be close. As a result, you will get not only an ugly foot protruding from the shoes, but also pinched veins and circulatory disorders of the foot.

This, in turn, causes a new round of problems: due to poor blood supply, the nails become thin, they break or grow into the skin. Fungal diseases are also a consequence of impaired blood supply. There is, of course, a delicate moment in the evening fitting. The shoes that were chosen when the leg was at its maximum size can sit loose in the morning. And if these are sandals without heels and high heels, you will feel extremely unstable. From this follows the second rule: it is better to choose shoes with straps and clasps. They fix the foot and thus prevent possible injuries.

The third rule is to approach the fitting responsibly. If you plan to wear barefoot shoes, then try them on - the current rules allow this. This is the only way you can make sure that the inside of the shoes does not rub or scratch the skin. Moreover, you need to put on shoes several times, take them off and put them on again, move your fingers in them, walk around the hall for at least ten minutes to make sure that your feet are comfortable.


It is under winter shoes that you can put on an extra sock, and then you will not notice that the boots are great. With summer, such a number will not work. It will be especially unpleasant with rubber boots - they do not fit snugly on the leg, and too loose ones will instantly rub your legs. In addition, if the shoes are large, then the gait becomes unstable.

If the sandals are a little short in the foot, then the toes and heel will hang down. Firstly, this is an elementary risk of injury, and secondly, an additional load on the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

You should not buy narrow models and those who have a wide foot. In such shoes, circulatory disorders in the foot, the development of varicose veins and the formation of a "bone" are inevitable - in medical language this is called "valgus deformity of the toe." Over time, this “bone” sticks out more and more, creating a lot of problems: it looks ugly, it’s difficult to choose shoes, and it hurts to walk.


The most comfortable shoes for feet are made from natural materials: leather, suede, fabric. It is from them that you choose shoes for constant wear. Shoes made of rubber and polymer materials are only suitable for walking on the beach.

In shoes made of artificial leather, your feet will be stuffy. Separately, I want to say about patent leather shoes. They are also from the "not for permanent wear" series. Due to the varnish, they always have tougher skin, so the leg is like in a vise. In addition, they are also not very "breathable". So for special occasions they are good, but for every day it is better to put on simpler shoes.

In summer, it is convenient to wear shoes made of woven materials, but in dry weather. And don't forget to pay attention to the insoles. In summer shoes, they are especially important - after all, sandals are most often worn on a bare foot. Therefore, the insole should be pleasant to the touch, not stick to the foot, not have roughness and rough seams, so as not to rub the feet.

Gel insoles are ideal for summer shoes, they are made taking into account the characteristics of summer shoes and sandals - for example, they are transparent, they are not visible even in open shoes.

arthritis and osteoarthritis, and even pinched intervertebral discs. It can happen if you constantly walk in high heels, due to which the natural center of gravity shifts. With age, alas, for the fair sex, these problems only get worse. This is largely due to the desire to wear fashionable shoes, which does not always equal health.

At the same time, "studs" will not do much harm if they are not constantly worn and with insoles. Ballet shoes or sneakers - for a walk, flip-flops - for the beach, and the most comfortable shoes - for every day.

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find a variety of shoes, which differ not only in shape, color, but also in price, as well as in the quality of the material. But in pursuit of fashionable models, you should not forget about the comfort and health of your legs. Therefore, before buying shoes, you need to take into account the important rules and little tricks that the website shares with you.

Narrow sole. Shoes with a sole larger than the foot looks, at least, not aesthetically pleasing. Wearing such shoes can cause not only calluses and ingrown nails, but also joint deformities. Therefore, before buying narrow shoes, think about whether they are worth such health problems.

Bad landing on the rise. Most fashionistas prefer wedges or with a sharp rise and high heels. When choosing this shoe, pay attention to how the foot "sits". If the curve of the sole does not coincide with the curve of the foot, then the foot does not lie completely on the shoe, but only rests on it at several points. This will bring you not only discomfort while walking, but will also cause excessive sweating of the legs, calluses. But most importantly, such shoes will only bring you pain in your legs and swelling, because blood circulation in the vessels will be disturbed.

Long sole. Some shoes have a sole that is larger than the foot. This is typical of flip flops and similar sandals. Since the leg is not additionally fixed, it is necessary for the freedom of the foot while walking. But if the distance from the edge of the fingers to the end of the sole exceeds 1 cm, then such shoes also become unsafe. You can get caught in your shoes and fall. Walking in it is uncomfortable and incorrectly chosen shoes will lead to diseases of the tissues of the joints.

Short sole. When the sole on the shoe is smaller than the size of the foot, then you have to strain your toes all the time to hold it. This leads to an uneven load on the foot, which increases the risk of twisting the foot. Therefore, when choosing shoes, pay attention to the length of the insole, which is selected according to the longest protrusion of the foot.

Loose shoes. Too wide and loose shoes are kept in most cases only on the toes. As a result, it is uncomfortable for you to walk, and you have to tighten your shoes all the time. What will cause an ugly gait. But besides this, over time, toes can be deformed, calluses can form on the bones, which will lead to pain in the knees and even back.

Larger shoes. When wearing shoes that are one size larger, each time you have to carefully put your foot and strain your foot so that the shoes do not fly off. In this case, the leg tenses up, blood circulation decreases, and corns also appear.

unnatural material. In summer, the air temperature is quite high. Under its influence, the artificial material begins to melt, release harmful components and come into contact with the skin. In addition, it does not let air through at all. All this together provokes fungal diseases and contributes to diaper rash. To avoid this, choose shoes only from natural materials such as leather and textiles.

Patent leather shoes. Although patent leather shoes are considered to be made of natural material, they also do not like high temperatures. In such weather, it does not allow air to pass through and may crack.

Shoes for bare feet. Many people prefer to wear closed shoes without a sock - on a bare foot. It may be convenient, but the foot begins to sweat profusely while walking, which will lead to an unpleasant odor and rough skin on the heels. In addition, dirt and sweat accumulate on shoes, and this is a favorable environment for harmful bacteria. If you feel hot wearing socks, then buy special marks that are not visible in shoes.

With the right choice of summer shoes, you will be comfortable walking in it, and most importantly - safe for your health!

Less diverse than women's, but requires special attention when buying. When choosing men's shoes for the summer, it is necessary to take into account what kind of clothes it will be worn with, because each style of men's shoes corresponds to its situation. So shoes without laces are considered a casual option, and models with laces are more business shoes. Classic shoes should never be worn with sportswear, and sneakers with classic suits.

Pants require special attention when choosing men's shoes. According to etiquette, shoes should be combined with trousers, or be a little darker than them, and at the same time repeat the color scheme of shirts. Warm-colored clothes will go well with brown shoes, while cool-colored clothes will pair with black shoes.

The tone of the belt and shoes should not contrast with each other. A belt is considered ideal if it completely repeats shoes in terms of texture, type and color range of materials, so it is recommended to select these things from one manufacturer.

When choosing shoes, keep the following in mind:

1. Natural materials will take care of the health of your feet and their comfort

Genuine leather, even in the hottest weather, will not make your feet bake due to its natural breathable properties. Leather substitutes do not have such properties, and their hygienic indicators are always much lower than those of natural materials. Remember that suede, calotte, nubuck and capretto are also natural materials.

2. Shoes must be smooth inside

The inner surface of men's shoes must be as smooth as possible. Any protruding threads or irregularities can cause unpleasant blisters.

3. Polyurethane is the best outsole

This material is distinguished by its lightness and strength. Shoes with polyurethane soles will not let your feet get tired and will be durable.

4. No stock of summer shoes needed

If for winter shoes a stock of half a size is appropriate, then in summer it is useless. Dangling shoes will rub your feet, and you will hardly want to correct the situation with an extra pair of socks in the heat.

How to choose the right shoe size

Shoes must be chosen according to their size and completeness, taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot. The main rule here is to try on both shoes at once. This should be done for the reason that in people the leading leg is always slightly larger than the second, and a model that fits perfectly on one foot can dangle on the other or, conversely, squeeze it. To make sure that this is not the case, try on a pair, walk around the store.

If both of your feet feel comfortable, then the size and width of the shoe is appropriate. If discomfort is felt on one of the feet due to some kind of seam, then it would be better to choose other shoes. Any inconvenience - pressing elements, compression or constraint - will not only rub your feet, but may also lead to a change in the shape of the shoe itself. The seams may come apart, cracks and kinks will appear on the surface. To insure against false sensations, never try on shoes on bare feet and be sure to use a shoe spoon - it will protect the heel seam from creases and tears.

When buying summer shoes, visit stores in the late afternoon. In the morning, the foot is always smaller than in the afternoon, so shoes bought in the morning often begin to crush in the evenings.

What models are popular this summer

A visual illustration of popular models of men's shoes was created by MPort magazine.

Men's shoe fashion differs from women's in its conservatism. From year to year, the same types of shoes remain fashionable, another thing is the color scheme and decorative elements that manufacturers make in certain models. So this year, classic men's shoes and moccasins, made with the effect of weaving, will be popular. Designers recommend men not to leave other familiar classics - sleepers and loafers of various color shades. Sports fashionable shoes will become more natural - instead of synthetics, sneakers will now combine elements of textiles and thin leather. Many models of both sports and classic shoes (sleepers) will get light and flexible rubber soles this summer.


Office shoes

For the office, experts recommend buying more classic and less frilly shoes. The color scheme of office shoes is still restrained - light brown, gray, black or reddish. Strict classic shoes are welcome, sneakers, sandals and other comfortable shoes are considered unacceptable for the office. If these are shoes, then they should be strict, without shiny metal fittings. are considered the ideal office shoes - they are lightweight and comfortable due to the lack of lining, and at the same time look strict, going well with business attire. You should not choose flashy colors for the office. Woven or perforated shoes are also a good option for the office - these shoes look elegant and your feet breathe in them.