A conversation on the topic of the family for older students. Presentation on theme: "Why do we need a family? Collecting puzzles with mom

Julia Galkina
Abstract of the lesson-conversation "What is a family"

Lesson summary

Conversation "What such a family»


Formation of ideas about family. Cultivate love and respect for senior: grandma, grandpa, mom, dad.


To develop communication skills in children, to expand their understanding of family.

Develop Learn to navigate in family relationships.

To give an idea of ​​the moral side of human relations.

Give Foster love and caring for members families.


An album with photographs of children and their relatives, a box, a recording of instrumental music. Tools: hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver. Items for cleaning: bucket, rag, broom, scoop.

Lesson progress:

Educator. Every day waiting for a meeting

We hurry to our home

To live this new evening

Together with my family.

Here we will be met with warmth and affection,

Friends are always welcome here.

All together again and no words are needed -

After all, this is our reward,

This is our family!

Guys, do you know what such a family? Who lives with you?

Children. Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa.

Educator. Right. You all brought your photos from home, and I put them here in this

beautiful album.

And in any house

There is a family album.

Like in a mirror

We are reflected in it.

Let us not always be beautiful,

But these photos are true.

The album is kept in our house,

And the pictures are stored in the album.

Let's take a look at the photos of your families. Here is the first photo. Who is on it? Learned? Who is in the photo next to Dasha?

Dasha. Mom dad brother.

Educator. Dasha, tell the children the names of your mother, father and brother. That's how friendly Dasha is family.

I wonder whose photo is on the next page? You are interested? Let's get a look. On this photo Danila's family. Guys, what do you think, what is the mood of mom, dad, brother Danil?

Children. Cheerful, good.

Educator. That's right, look how Danila's mother smiles, what a kind, affectionate smile she has.

There are no more words in the world!

Whichever path you follow,

Mom's love shines over her,

To help you in difficult times.

Mom is the closest relative, the most dear person. Guys, what's your mom's name? (Children's answers.) What beautiful names your mothers have. Guys, do you love your moms? Do you want to give them a gift? Look what a beautiful magic chest. Let's pick the most tender, most affectionate words for our mother and put them in this chest. (Children choose words, the teacher helps them with leading questions.)

When mom hugs you, strokes your head, kisses you. What is she? (Affectionate.)

When mom dresses fashionably, what is she like? (Beautiful.)

When mom smiles, laughs? What is she? (Cheerful.)

When mom does not scold, even if you are naughty, what is she like? (Good.)

And if you love your mother, what is she like? (Darling.)

Well done! That's how many wonderful words we have collected in a chest for mom. Until we close it, so that our words are not confused and forgotten, and continue to watch our album.

In this photo, Ilya. He is photographed with his mom and dad. After all, dads love and care for you too. Do you love your dads? Why do you love them? Tell me, please, what are your dads. (Children's answers.) I know that Nastya Starkova's dad is very hardworking. Even in the photo he is depicted at work. Look, and Nastenka helps him. Well done!

The teacher examines with the children photographs that depict dads, while discussing each photo.

Educator. And let's remember how you were little and your parents rocked you on

Etude "Loving parents"

Educator. Let's fold our hands in front of us, wrap our fingers around the elbow of the other hand and

shake the baby: left - right, left - right. Smile, look at the baby

affectionately. Well done!

Educator. Your parents love and care for you, and you should love and help yours too.


A game "Little Helpers"

There are various items on the table. The teacher offers situation:

1. Dad decided to fix the chair. To do this, he needs to collect tools: hammer, nails, pliers, screwdriver. Help dad!

2. Mom needs help sweeping and washing the floor. Helpers should bring her a bucket, a rag, a mop and a dustpan.

Educator. I know that Ksyusha lives not only with mom and dad. Ksyusha, who else lives

Ksyusha. Grandmother and grandfather.

Educator. I know that each of you loves your grandmothers very much. If you have joy, they

rejoice with you; if you are sad, they will calm, console Grandma's hands

so warm and sweet. Grandma's tales are a real miracle. And remember the games

what did your grandmothers teach you when you were very young? Let's play

one such game.

The patties are the patties. They clap their hands.

Where were you? By Grandma.

And at the grandmother's palms Show hands with palms up.

Collected in wrinkles.

And at the grandmother's palm Stroking palm on palm.


All worked palms Tapping with a fist on the palm.

For many years.

Good palms smell They bring palms to the face, sniff.

Schami, pies.

They will stroke your curls Stroking your head.

Good palms.

And they will cope with any sadness Embrace themselves by the shoulders.

Warm palms.

Sweeties! They clap their hands.

Where were you? By Grandma!

Well done! Let's see photos of your grandmothers. (See photos of children with their grandparents.)

Which one of you has a grandfather? What are your grandparents' names? (The teacher invites the children to answer the name of each of their grandfather.)

No matter how many different names

The most important thing about a grandfather is that he is a grandfather.

Now we have found out who lives with you. It's good that you all have family. Everyone takes care of each other, plays with children, loves each other. And if in family everyone respects each other, take care of each other, then in such a family always live the world, friendship and love.

And the album that we reviewed today will remain in our group. And if you feel sad, sad, take an album, look at the photos of your relatives and you will feel light and cheerful, you will be in a good mood!

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Ludmila Kozinets
"My family" conversation (middle group)

Conversation"My family»

(middle group)

Target: Formation of ideas about family and family relationships.


Practice using the diminutive form of nouns.

Expand children's understanding of their own family, family relationships;

Cultivate positive relationships family feeling of love and respect for the members of their families.

The course of the conversation


Guys, try to guess the riddle and you will find out what we will be talking about today talk.

Without what in the world

Adults can not live and children?

Who will support you friends?

Your friend.

Children: Family

caregiver: Right! We will talk today about family.

Guys what do you think family?

Children: Family is dad, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.

caregiver: Right. Family is the most precious that a person has. Every person should have family, because in it is easier for the family to survive, V family everyone loves each other, take care of each other and will always help in difficult times. Do you also live in family. Who wants to talk about their family?

Children's stories about their family.

caregiver: Well done, guys, the stories turned out good.

Come on, show all your hands and remember the finger game « Family» This finger is dad, - (bend one finger)

This finger is mom, - (bend the second finger)

This finger is a grandfather, - (bend the third finger)

This finger is a grandmother, - (bend the fourth finger)

This finger is me, - (bend the fifth finger)

This is all mine family. – (bend and unbend all fingers)

That's right guys it's all yours family.

And how can you say affectionately dad, mom, grandmother?

The game is being played "Say kindly". I toss you a ball and call a dick families.

Grandma - grandma, etc.

I suggest you play another interesting game "Who does what in family» . I throw you a ball and ask question: For example: “What does mom do, (dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister?”, And you choose the right words (ironing, washing, cooking, washing dishes, going to work, sewing, earning money, reading, watching TV, etc.). d.).

caregiver: Thank you guys, I'm very glad that you know so much about your family about who and what they like to do in your family. From your answers, I realized that you all have friendly families. Family Every person, big and small, needs it. It is very important that all members families loved each other respected and cared for each other. Guys, if anyone wants, you can draw your own family, and in the evening give your drawings to your parents.

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Family always comes first for every person. Adults should help children understand the importance of the family, educate children in love and.

Introduction The family is the most precious and dear thing that every person has. The family is an amazing, irreplaceable and complex organism. These are close ones.

Conversation "My family".

Purpose: To have a conversation with the children about the family.

Tasks: 1. fostering respect for relatives, the desire to take care of loved ones

people, cherish them;

2. development of children's creative abilities, a sense of responsibility;

3. contributing to the rallying of the family team.

4. correction of sounds in children.

Course progress.

1. Speech charging.

What is today's date?

What's our job today?

Read (those) the topic of the lesson.

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, what is a family?

Family is the most precious thing you have. These are your mom and dad, grandparents, brothers and sisters - the people closest to you who love you, take care of you, do everything to make your life happy.

May 15, 1993 is named International Family Day. This day is not only a holiday for parents, but for the whole family. And today we will talk about the family.

3. Conversation on the topic.

Now, guys, tell us about your families.

1. What are the names of you and your family members?

2. Are these rare or well-known names?

3. How do you usually call each other at home?

4. What kind of endearment sounds in your home?

5. Do you love your family?

Well done guys, they told us everything about their families.

So what is a family?

Let's listen to the poems and conclude what a family is.

(Pre-prepared students read poetry).

1) I really like when everyone gathers,

The table is covered with a white tablecloth,

Grandma with mom, dad and me,

We are called together family.

2) They love me for no particular reason

For the fact that I am a grandson, for the fact that I am a son,

For growing up, for being a baby,

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of my days

Will remain my secret support.

So what is a family?

The family is seven selves, seven individuals.








You know that the family lives in the house. So remember that your parents are your wealth. They built a family, the house you live in, surrounded you with warmth, care and love.

4. "Building a house."

Let's now build our house with you, because here at school, you and I also live as one big, friendly family.

Imagine that you and I are a family. In order for everyone in our house to feel good, what do we need for this? For example, I need love in my family. And you?

(kindness, attention, understanding, comfort, care, respect, etc.)

(The teacher places “logs” on the board on which words are written. As a result, a “house” is built. The word “warmth” is written on the roof).

Here we have built a house in which it is warm.

Each of us has our own house, and I would like it to always be warm in every house.

Take care of your families and the warmth of your home.

5. Summary of the lesson.

What did we talk about today?

We talked about the family, about the warmth of our home.

Draw a portrait of your family or someone close to you.

Conversation on the topic "What is the family for?"

Prepared and hosted:

Teacher-psychologist Kalashnikova N.L.

Happiness is when you have

big, friendly, caring family.

D. Burns.

Target: the formation of the right attitude towards the family, its members, their relationships, to the life values ​​of the family.

Tasks: develop responsibility for your family,

help assess their place in the family and the role of the family in the life of the child.


I say to everyone: "Hello!"

Good afternoon friends!

The day has come beautiful

Because it is YOU and I!”

In the family circle, we are growing,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And in life you leave this family.

Psychologist. Today the topic of our conversation is devoted to the family and family values. - And what is a family in your understanding? (a family is a man and a woman who have children, these are close people, relatives, loved ones who are ready to help you at any moment, this is support and protection, etc.)

Family- this is the most important thing in life. These are close and dear people, without whom we cannot exist, these are those who love us and take care of us. And we do the same.

Family is a sacred word

And you can't hurt him!

It is our roots, our strength,

Our cherished words!

And now I would like you to close your eyes for a moment and imagine your relatives and friends, those who live near you. Who do you imagine? (These are parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. They are all your family).

Most of you are happy in your families.

What is a happy family?

What role does the family play in your life and what role do you play in the family?

In order to answer these questions, we will be divided into 2 groups.

So, the task for the 1st group: write on a piece of paper what the family does for you, and the 2nd group writes what they do for the family.

What do you think is more important, you for the family or the family for you?

Psychologist: Indeed, the family is a part of yourself, this is the most important thing in a person's life. Here we learn to live, build relationships with people, love, take care of loved ones and respond to care.

In the family you feel warmth and care, because you are surrounded by kind people: mom and dad, brothers and sisters. Your family is your support and protection.

Your parents, grandparents are the closest people whom you please with your successes, good deeds, you take care of them and protect them.

Family is a place where you are expected, loved, understood and accepted as you are.

Family- it's not just relatives living nearby. These are close people who are united by feelings, interests, ideals, attitude to life. Family is support and support, one of the main values ​​in human life. Emphasizing the importance of the family, people even established the International Day of the Family, which is celebrated on May 15. Everything goes on in the family: children are born, grow up, become parents, then grandparents, great-grandparents. When they were small, they were brought up and taken care of, becoming parents, they take care of the children and their parents. And so it goes from generation to generation.

Remember the primary responsibility of the family: "The upbringing of children and the care of sick and elderly members of the family."

Teacher - Guys, what do you think a real family is?

(students answer).

A real family is not a family of 3 people, as is customary today. The ideal real family is: grandmother, grandfather, mother, father and three children. And so it turns out - family. Raise your hands, please, who has such a family now. We have such families - ...! Guys, tell us about your families. (Students' stories).

Psychologist. Now let's see how well you know your family . (questionnaires No. 1,2)

Psychologist. Guys, what is the most precious thing in your families that they cherish and pass on from generation to generation?

That's right, this traditions and family values. Perhaps your families have some traditions of their own. Tell about them. (Children talk). What are the most important family values ​​for you? (Answer).

Tell me, where do you go every day after school? (home).

But what is a house? Listen to the poems of the poetess L. Suslova.

And a house filled with goodness is not yet a house.

And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a house.

And on the window with a living flower - not yet a house.

And even with a basque teapot, it's not a home yet.

When the evening darkness thickens,

So the truth is clear and simple -

That from the palms to the window the house is filled

Your Warmth.

What Heat are we talking about? What is this Truth, which should be simple and understandable?

(Students offer their answers).

Psychologist. Of course, in your young hearts, this feeling is born and will grow stronger over the years - Love for your home.

Psychologist. And how to create the Warmth of our house? Please tell us about the warm relations that have developed in your families. (Children talk).

Indeed, I want to return and live in the house where happiness lives!

Psychologist. Among the peoples there are a huge number of proverbs relating to the family and family values. Let us consider their wise judgments.

The Russian proverb is brought to your attention: "The whole family is together, and the soul is in place." How do you understand it? (answer) (everyone in the house, healthy, happy, there are warm relations in the family), etc.

You won't find a better friend than a mother. (Russian)

Mother's heart warms better than the sun. (Mari)

Maternal care and at the bottom of the sea will save. (Russian)

The father of the son will not teach badly. (Russian)

Those who listen to their parents will not get poorer. (Abkhazian)

Take care of your father and mother - you will not find others. (Russian)

Our parents are not persecutors. (Russian)

The child's finger hurts, and the mother's heart. (Ukrainian)

Parents don't say bad things to their kids. (Mordovian)

What is best in a son comes from his parents. (Armenian)

For the sake of the child, the mother will throw herself into the fire. (Belarusian)

Listen to the instructions of the father-mother - you will not get lost. (Belarusian)

Psychologist. The workout went well. Now competitive tasks.

Task number 1

From the set of words that you will now receive in envelopes, make up a proverb.

You can change the case, form, add prepositions and particles.

Family, heap, scary, cloud. (A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.)

Children, hardship, joy. (Children are not a burden, but a joy.)

House, lead, sleeve, shake. (House to lead - do not shake your sleeve.)

Family, treasure, harmony, not needed. (No treasure is needed when the family is in harmony.)

Task number 2

You need to correct what is wrong.

Do not be born beautiful, but be born rich (happy).

Love is a ring, and a ring has no problems (no beginning and no end).

Seven nannies have a child in sight (without an eye).

Lovely scold only on Fridays (amuse).

Task number 3

Now continue the proverb.

A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (house).

A house without a mistress ... (an orphan).

Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).

The apple never falls far from the tree).

What are rich, ... (they are glad).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

- When the family is together, ... (so the soul is in place).

- The child learns that ... (what he sees in his home, parents are an example of this).

Psychologist. So, I hope guys, today you understood that the Family is not just relatives who live together, they are people who are united by feelings, interests, attitude to life. There is nothing more precious than a family, its traditions and values.

Family is what we share for everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds rush, weeks, years,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

Psychologist: I have wishes for you, dear guys.

Love, appreciate and take care of your parents - no one will replace them for you.

Give flowers to your mother, grandmother, sister, even field ones, give them as often as possible.

And remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva:

"Don't be too angry with your parents, remember that they were you and you will be them."

Questionnaire "Me and my family" No. 1

Questionnaire questions:

    Who is the head of your family?

    Why do you upset your parents?

    How do you make them happy?

    How do your parents punish you?

    Are you asking for forgiveness?

    Do you think your parents are strict and fair?

    Are there often cases when parents are not fair to you?

    What are your negative character traits?

    Can you trust your family with your secrets? To whom?

    What would you like to change in your family?

Questionnaire "Me and my family" No. 2

    Mom's favorite song.

    Favorite parenting expression of your parents.

    Do you know the story of how mom and dad met?

    Name the best character traits of dad.

    Do you have secrets from your parents?

    You got a two. How do you talk about it to your parents?

    You are leaving home for a week. Will you be bored?

    If you were a wizard, what would you do for your family?

    What is the most important thing for you in a family?

    What kind of family will you have?

Literature: Handbook of the class teacher 5,6,7,8 classes / Authors-compilers: Lunina E. I., Shepuryova N. S. - Rostov district / D: Phoenix, 2002. Ed. 2nd. – 384

Conversation with children 4-5 years old on the topic "My family"

Laikam Olga Vasilievna, teacher
Place of work: MADOU CRR Kindergarten No. 121, Kaliningrad
Description of work: Summary of GCD on the development of speech in the middle group on the topic "My family"
Target: Formation of ideas about the family and kinship relationships.
- learn to answer questions with a sentence;
- exercise children in the selection of adjectives and verbs;
- exercise in the use of the diminutive form of nouns.
- expand children's ideas about their family, family relationships;
- foster positive relationships in the family, a sense of love and respect for family members.
Material: family photos of children and caregiver.
Preliminary work: Learning finger games "My family", "Who lives in the family";
reading and telling fairy tales "Three Bears", "Geese-swans", "Wolf and seven kids"; learning the poem by M. Schwartz "Family"; role-playing games: "Home", "Family"; didactic games "Whose children", "Let's help mom".

Conversation flow:

-Guys, try to solve riddles and you will find out what we will talk about today.
Who is the cutest person in the world?
Who do children love the most?
I will answer the question directly:-
All the nicer is our ... mother.

Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratched my knee
Don't cry? Of course... dad.

Who does not stop loving
Bakes pies for us
Delicious pancakes?
This is our... grandmother.

He did not work out of boredom,
He has callused hands
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved ... grandfather.

Without what in the world
Adults can not live and children?
Who will support you friends?
Your friendly... family.
Right! We're talking about family today.
- Guys, what do you think, what is a family?
Children: The family is dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.
Educator: That's right. A family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love, respect each other, take care of each other.
Educator: Today you brought photos of your family from your family photo album. Tell me who lives in your family? But first I want to tell you about my family, listen. (I put the photo on the board). This photo shows my family. My family is small. Here my closest relatives are my husband Yuri and our son Leo. We all like to go to the sea for the weekend, we sunbathe and swim. I love my family very much.
Now, let's hear your stories about your family.
(Wishing children tell about their family from a photograph. The teacher praises the children for interesting stories, if difficult, helps with leading questions, draws attention to the fact that in all the photographs the family members are cheerful, smiling, which means they love each other).
Educator: Well done, the stories turned out to be good, but not all the guys were able to tell, but I want to hear from everyone what kind of family you have. I suggest playing a game called "What is your family?" (the game is played with a ball).
Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and asks: -What kind of family do you have? The child who caught the ball must answer by choosing an adjective.
(large, small, friendly, caring, hardworking, cheerful, kind, good, strict, healthy, strong, happy)
If children find it difficult to choose an adjective, I use the method of direct prompting, for example: -And if you have a lot of people in your family .... big; -And if you all live together .... friendly; -And if in the family everyone takes care of each other ... caring.
Educator: Well done, I see that your families are wonderful. And I also want to know who is doing what in your family. Let's play the game "Who does what in our family?" (The game can be played with a ball, can be replaced with a flag).
The teacher asks a question, for example: - What does mom do (dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister?) Children pick up a verb (ironing, washing, cooking, washing dishes, going to work, sewing, earning money, checking lessons,
goes to the store for shopping, teaches lessons, takes care of flowers, dusts, plays, reads, crafts ...)
Educator: Thank you guys, I am very glad that you know so much about your family, about who and what they like to do in your family. From your answers, I realized that you all have close-knit families. A family is very necessary for every person, big and small. It is very important that all family members love each other, respect, take care of each other.
Educator: Guys, let's go to our art workshop now and each of you will draw your family, and in the evening you will present your drawings to your parents.
Children sit at tables and create portraits of their family to light music. (To consolidate the material, drawing can be done at another time or the next day)