Planning for pregnancy: how to start preparing for the conception of a child. Psychological preparation for pregnancy

If a person is not morally as it should be, then most likely the completion of the process will not be crowned with success. In general, pregnancy is not an easy process, but every woman who dreams of having a healthy child should be able to cope with it. If the mother is not morally minded, then the child will feel everything, which can lead to complications during childbirth.

Psychological support

Many women worry that a third pregnancy can change their appearance even more, so it's up to a man to prove to his woman that she looks great, despite the fact that she has become overweight. The expectant mother must have the right psychological attitude.

To prepare herself mentally for the third birth, she can enroll in special courses where specialists will help her with this. However, a child, whatever his number, is always happiness, and a woman should understand this.

Many turn to a psychologist for help. And this is indeed the right decision. A psychologist will help not only to calm a woman about pregnancy, but also to relieve her of aggression. Most often, pregnant women become very aggressive towards their loved ones, they become suspicious. For example, a pregnant woman may suspect her man of infidelity, which can cause a scene of jealousy. But, despite this, a loving man should not cool off towards his wife.

Moral preparation of a man for pregnancy

A man, like a woman, just needs psychological preparation. Often, representatives of the stronger sex are afraid that they will not pull another baby, since, in their opinion, a baby is an additional cost.

Since a woman devotes more time to her baby, a man can be jealous of her for him. In this case, the help of a psychologist is also needed, he will tell you how a man should behave in a similar situation, and will reassure the future father.

In addition, it is necessary to determine whether a man is ready to become a father for the third time. A woman must understand that a third pregnancy may not cause a man. Perhaps he "did not move away" from his wife's previous pregnancy.

It's not just that the body of his beloved can change again. During pregnancy, sex becomes less frequent, and for a man it is very important. Of course, the third pregnancy is not the first, but it will bring the same emotions as the first. In no case should you set yourself up for an abortion. The main thing is to weigh everything and come to the right decision.


  • Moral preparation for pregnancy
  • Pregnancy: psychological preparation

Scientists have proven that there are certain factors that affect conception. One of them is the psychological attitude of the expectant mother. It can affect not only conception, but also the possible infertility of a woman.

Stress and nervousness as negative indicators for pregnancy planning

Those who wish to become pregnant should, along with physical recovery, also engage in psychological. After all, the mood greatly affects the planning of conception. In terms of diseases, a person can be completely healthy, but it’s impossible to get pregnant. And then, most likely, stress and psychological attitude are to blame. The stress hormone can significantly reduce the ability to conceive a child. Moreover, stress equally affects both the female and the male body. Evidence of more difficult conception during times of stress came from a study conducted by American scientists. The initiator of the experiment was Courtney Lynch.

Similar studies were carried out by scientists from the University of Oxford. Saliva was taken from 274 women to measure stress hormones. In women whose cortisol and adrenaline were higher than normal, ovulation was reduced by 12%, compared with another group of women fenced off from stressful situations. This was also proof that bed reconciliation after a major quarrel is unlikely to lead to pregnancy.

It is also known that couples trying to conceive a baby for a long time, there is a stressful condition. It is due to the fear of possible infertility. And then the probability of conception subsequently decreases. Scientists believe that one of the procedures for planning pregnancy should be measures to reduce stress hormones.

How to fix your mental state

First you need to stop worrying about anything. It is worth setting yourself up in a good way. Positive thoughts can help. You can try to dream. You can try to imagine the future child. Close your eyes and imagine the feeling of pregnancy, what joy will arise if the long-awaited second line appears on the test. Imagine how the belly grows, how the first ultrasound is done and you can see the baby for the first time. And then his birth. Who will the child look like, what color is the hair and eyes. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail. Visualize, because already a large number of people believe that thoughts materialize.

A good way to always be in a great mood is to do what you love. Having a good time contributes to positive emotions. You can go in for sports, because, as you know, thanks to sports, the hormones of happiness - endorphins - are produced.

Love each other. Show your feelings with caresses, hugs and kisses. Walk with your loved one, hold hands. Find common interests and do things you love together. All this will help create a favorable psychological atmosphere for conceiving a baby.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The decision to replenish the family is an important and responsible step in the life of every couple. Responsible parents start planning a pregnancy long before it occurs. Preparation for pregnancy is necessary not only in order to give birth to a healthy, strong baby, but also in order for mom and dad themselves to become mentally and physically ready for future changes in their family life.

It is highly undesirable for pregnancy to occur when a woman is not at all ready for it. Pregnancy planning allows you to exclude factors that are unfavorable for the unborn child even before the onset of conception. Conscious preparation for the conception of both parents significantly increases the chances of giving birth to a healthy child, reduces the risk of complications during the entire period of bearing the baby, as well as during the birth process.

What specialists need to go through in preparation for pregnancy

Preparation for conception should begin at least 2-3 months before the expected pregnancy. That is how much time, according to experts, it will take to adapt the lifestyle of the spouses to the upcoming changes, improve their health, undergo examination and treatment if necessary.

Having decided to have a baby, the first thing a couple should do is go to see a therapist. Tell your doctor about your intention. The doctor will study your medical history, based on the results of which he will give recommendations to future parents. It is necessary to measure blood pressure, because hypertension has a negative effect on the course of pregnancy, causing its complications. Be sure to pass certain tests.

What tests will you need to pass in preparation for pregnancy

  1. General analysis of urine and blood to detect chronic diseases, such as diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, anemia, hypertension;
  2. TORCH-complex detects antibodies to rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, CMV, chlamydia. These infections in most cases lead to miscarriage or to the development of serious defects and pathologies in the fetus. Even in the absence of symptoms of the disease, do not neglect a comprehensive examination. If a disease is detected in the analysis, both partners need to undergo treatment, only after that it will be possible to start conceiving a child;
  3. Analysis of the blood group and Rh factor of the spouses. If the expectant mother has a positive Rh factor, there should be no problems during the bearing of the child. With a negative Rh factor, you will need a qualified consultation of a specialist, this will avoid possible complications;
  4. Wasserman reaction (syphilis, RW);
  5. A smear on the microflora of the vagina, sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma;
  6. Blood test for hepatitis B.

Based on the results of the tests and examination, the therapist will give the couple further instructions on how to prepare for pregnancy. So, it will be necessary to address still to the gynecologist. If a woman has previously had a history of inflammatory gynecological diseases, genital infections, or had an abortion, you will have to check for patency of the fallopian tubes to prevent an ectopic pregnancy.

The body of a woman carrying a child needs a large amount of calcium for the full development of the fetus. This negatively affects the condition of the teeth. Therefore, even before conceiving a child, a woman needs to visit a dentist, and the future dad also needs to do this so that his infections are not transmitted to his wife and unborn baby.

For women with vision problems, it would be appropriate to be examined by an ophthalmologist to assess the condition of the retina and fundus. The opinion of the ophthalmologist will affect how you have to give birth by caesarean section or on your own.

Expectant mothers who have chronic diseases need to visit specialized specialists. If the disease is in the acute stage, tell the doctor about the medications you are taking and your intention to conceive a child.

How should a man prepare for conception?

Despite the fact that a man will not have to experience all the “charms” of pregnancy (toxicosis, vomiting, varicose veins, edema, insomnia, heartburn, childbirth) in his own skin, it is important for him to mentally prepare for the role of a father. For some men, this becomes a real test, because soon the lifestyle and daily routine will change dramatically. Now for his wife, the most important person in life will not be him, but a new small family member.

It is important for the future father to participate in all the preparatory stages of pregnancy together with his wife, because this is their common cause, laying the foundation for a new life. Also, a man should start taking multivitamins with a woman, this will increase the chances of conceiving a healthy baby.

In addition to passing the tests assigned by the therapist, it is desirable (but not necessary) for the partner to make a spermogram at the beginning of planning. This examination is carried out not only to determine the ability to bear children, but also to determine the quality of spermatozoa, as well as to identify hidden inflammatory processes that can adversely affect conception.

Vitamins and the role of folic acid

Having made the decision to become parents, both spouses should start taking vitamins about 3 months before conception. A woman is suitable for special vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, while a man needs to take regular high-quality vitamin complexes.

Gynecologists recommend that you start taking folic acid 12 weeks before pregnancy. This drug helps to avoid the development of neural tube defects in a child. Both parents should take 4 mg of folic acid daily. If one of the parents previously had a child with a neuro-cerebral pathology, the amount of folic acid should be increased on the recommendation of a doctor.

In addition to these drugs, people living in iodine-deficient areas are recommended to take additional potassium iodide at a dose of 200 mcg/day. If a woman has iron deficiency anemia, iron preparations are prescribed.

Psychological preparation for pregnancy

The psychological aspect in preparing for conception is extremely important. Not all parents are mentally prepared for replenishment in the family. The decision to have a child should be considered and desired. Both spouses must want it.

Today, many works have been written on this topic. Read specialized psychological literature on preparing for pregnancy. Avoid interacting with negative people and “well-wishers” who talk about their troubled birth and the subsequent trials of motherhood.

The main thing is the right attitude and an optimistic approach. You are now on the threshold of a new life, which promises you many wonderful moments and joy. Pregnancy and childbirth will be easy and without complications, and the born baby will become your most important joy and happiness in life.

Now is the time to go on vacation. During pregnancy, flights and acclimatization are undesirable. In addition, traveling with a small child can be problematic. Therefore, enjoy each other, be alone on vacation, enjoy relaxation and tranquility, which will allow you to prepare for pregnancy with the most rest.

How to change the lifestyle of future parents

Cancellation of contraception. Three months before the conception of a child, it is necessary to stop taking hormonal contraceptives (pills, rings, injections). If you had an intrauterine device, it is advisable to get rid of it for another six months, so that the uterus can rest from the foreign body. Use condoms for the next few months.

Bad habits. Now you will be responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your child. Drinking alcoholic beverages negatively affects the quality of sperm and the viability of the egg, which reduces the chances of conception. Nicotine addiction also has no place in your life anymore. Moreover, not only the mother, but also the father should give up smoking. Passive smoking has a serious impact on the health of others. There can be no talk of drugs.

Diet. The nutrition of future parents should be balanced and rational. For a woman, this is also important in order to monitor weight. In preparation for pregnancy, bring your weight back to normal. Obesity is fraught with serious complications in the course of pregnancy and the birth process. Too little mother weight can also become an obstacle to the birth of a healthy baby with a normal weight.

Your menu should consist of plant foods, seafood, lean meats. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Get extra folic acid from foods (legumes, cabbage, nuts, carrots, fresh herbs). Eliminate dishes and foods with preservatives, dyes and flavors from the diet. Cut down on the amount of coffee you drink, limiting yourself to two cups a day.

Medications and procedures. Avoid self-medication, because many drugs have a toxic effect on the body, which is fraught with complications during pregnancy. If you have a disease, be sure to contact your doctor and tell him about your intention to become parents in the near future. The doctor will select gentle medications for treatment that will be safe for further conception.

  1. An active lifestyle will help you cope with childbearing and childbirth with ease. Exercise daily. Long walks in the fresh air at a fast pace will prepare your legs for the upcoming load. Pick up a set of exercises for the press, which will strengthen the abdominal muscles and make you more physically resilient.
  2. Cancel sauna visit. The impact of high temperatures on the future dad when planning a pregnancy is undesirable. This is fraught with a decrease in the ability of his spermatozoa to fertilize, which will return to normal only after a week.
  3. Avoid conflict and stressful situations. Learn to relax and rest. Get enough sleep, soon your sleep will be periodically disturbed due to the needs of a new family member.

Remember, joint pregnancy planning will allow you to get an incomparable experience that will return to you a hundredfold in the face of your healthy and happy baby.

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Here, it seems, everything worked out: you met Him, live together, He does not mind that you have a joint undertaking and its consequences - your common future baby. It seems that everything is simple and you don’t need much for this - to love each other in every sense of the word. Our parents at one time did not particularly think about some kind of planned preparation for pregnancy, but modern society, the state of the environment, the “rejuvenation” of many diseases, the emergence of modern methods for diagnosing many conditions make it possible to minimize the possible risks of pathologies for the mother and unborn child. And the result that every couple strives for is to make pregnancy and childbirth a calm and joyful period of life.

Ideally, if you have wondered about preparing for pregnancy a year before its onset, because the planned implementation of all aspects of preparation physically and mentally requires a lot of time and effort. You have a lot of work to do: find peace, a positive attitude for the appearance of a daughter or son in your family, stock up on all the nutrients you and your baby need, give up bad habits, undergo the necessary research, and possibly treatment.

Mental attitude towards pregnancy

To tune in, to be ready to go from the moment of conception to when you look at your beloved son or daughter, is no less important than to prepare physically.

Human nature is designed in such a way that the body, with its entire system of biorhythms and self-regulation, helps you by itself.

As part of personal readiness for pregnancy, general maturity and a set of those qualities that are necessary for a future mother already at the stage of preparation for pregnancy are of great importance. This is an interest in the intrauterine development of the fetus, the ability to have fun, the ability to be "here and now."

Motivational readiness is also important: understanding that pregnancy and the birth of a child are not a means to receive financial benefits; means of attaining a certain social status. Indirect motives like keeping a partner, keeping up with girlfriends, trying to prove independence to parents can ultimately lead to disappointment, since the true need will not be satisfied. But along with you, your baby will also be disappointed, remember, first of all, about this.

If you doubt that the desire to get pregnant is connected with the only important motive - to become a mother, disinterestedly, loving to take care of your baby, attend courses to prepare for pregnancy. This will help you imagine yourself in the role of a pregnant woman, feel how this condition is for you, compare your expectations with reality. Another effective way to psychologically prepare for pregnancy is to visit a psychotherapist. Yes, you can turn to psychotherapists even when everything is fine. In moments of life when you have to make an important choice, the help of a specialist is the best thing you can offer. In the office of a psychotherapist or psychologist, you can discuss all your fears (fear of becoming unattractive with a belly, fear of not bearing a baby, fear of growing up, fear), sort out relationships with loved ones, get the necessary support.

For a young woman, pregnancy is primarily a crisis period of emotional separation from her own mother, becoming, taking responsibility for her body, her sexuality, identifying herself as a mother.

Visiting doctors

See a therapist first. After examining, receiving test results and fluorography, he will help you make a list of other specialists who will help you thoroughly prepare for pregnancy.

You need to visit a gynecologist regularly, with normal health once a year. Assuming that before the thought of pregnancy appeared, this is how you visited the women's office, you should make sure that the reproductive organs are ready for conception and gestation. A colposcopy is recommended. This research method is effective in detecting cancer and precancerous condition of the vulva; vaginal cancer; cancer, inflammation and erosion of the cervix; genital warts. If you do not remember when you last visited a gynecologist, then start bypassing doctors with this specialist. To obtain reliable analyzes, it is better to prepare: a month before visiting the gynecologist, do not use antibiotics, antiviral, vaginal drugs, it is also advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse two to three days before visiting the consultation. The gynecologist will also tell you how best to protect yourself on the eve of conception. Hormonal contraceptives are canceled in 3 months; The intrauterine device is best removed 6 months in advance.

The dentist will prepare your teeth: at the time of pregnancy, all teeth must be healthy, since caries can become a source of infection that enters the body and affects the course of pregnancy. Treatment with anesthesia in the first three months is contraindicated and undesirable until the end of pregnancy. And if a woman breastfeeds her baby, then there is no need to count on visiting the dentist in the next 2-3 years after pregnancy.

Otolaryngologist. Yes, oddly enough. Chronic tonsillitis can “sit” in your throat without showing any “signs of life” for a long time and be the result of a sore throat that you once suffered. It is better to make sure that it is absent now than to go for unpleasant procedures with a stomach for a third of the pregnancy. It is especially important to visit an otolaryngologist also because during pregnancy the body weakens its protective functions and any viral and bacterial infections suffered by the mother can affect the abnormal development of the child's nervous system.

A woman with diabetes needs to consult an endocrinologist. He will give recommendations on recalculating the doses of drugs and prescribe additional examinations to make sure that the disease does not progress.

  • there is a hereditary predisposition to genetic diseases;
  • close relatives suffer from hereditary diseases;
  • the expectant mother suffers from chronic diseases;
  • previously had miscarriages for unknown reasons;
  • the woman's age is over 35 years.

If you have any other complaints or chronic diseases, be sure to visit the appropriate specialist.

Tests for pregnancy planning

At the appointment, the gynecologist, depending on the results of the examination, directs to be examined:

  • for sexually transmitted infections;
  • to identify pathogenic flora;
  • for general and biochemical blood tests;
  • for the presence of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C;
  • to determine the blood group and Rh factor;
  • for the presence of TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes);
  • for antibodies to chronic gonadotropin and phospholipids;
  • for lupus anticoagulant and coagulogram (determination of blood clotting).

The above is a complete list of possible assays, but is not exhaustive. Some doctor, on the contrary, may miss. For a better understanding of why taking so many tests, let's dwell on the importance of individual ones. So, TORCH infections are dangerous if the expectant mother becomes infected or already pregnant. If you know for sure that you have had rubella before, you can not take this analysis. Otherwise, IgM antibodies are dangerous. Their detection indicates a primary infection with the virus. This happens quite rarely, but the pregnancy will have to be postponed for three months.

Infection with toxoplasmosis infection most often occurs from domestic cats. There is a great danger of contracting them if IgG and IgM antibodies are not detected. Prevention of infection is personal hygiene, limiting contact with cats and dogs, heat treatment of meat products. Cleaning the toilet of pets during pregnancy is best left to someone else.

Treatment of the herpes virus is reduced to a decrease in its activity in the body. And the analysis allows you to assess the risk of primary infection during pregnancy.

CMV (cytomegalovirus) can infect the fetus and cause its pathological development. If a high level of CMV is detected, a woman is prescribed antiviral therapy at the stage of pregnancy planning. In order to avoid infection, if antibodies are not detected, it is necessary to limit communication with young children, do not kiss them on the lips, and wash your hands regularly.

An analysis for genital infections is prescribed first to the woman, and if they are found, to the partner in case of preparation for IVF; if you have had miscarriages or miscarriages before; with profuse discharge, itching and burning.

Rhesus conflict is possible in a couple where a woman with
negative Rh factor, and the man - with a positive one. If a child inherits a father's positive Rh factor, he is at risk of immune complications (hemolytic disease). A conflict is also possible if a woman has an I blood group, and a man has any other than I; in a woman II, and in a man - IV or III. Such couples need to test the blood for antibodies to group antigens before the second and subsequent pregnancies. Before the first, this study must be carried out from the eighth week of pregnancy.

Almost all women are deficient in vitamins. Even a carefully selected diet will not make up for the daily allowance, since heat treatment, transportation and storage of products leads to their loss. But they are vital, especially for an organism that serves as a “donor” for another, small organism of your future baby. Accumulating a reserve should begin two to three months before the planned onset of pregnancy.

Please note that folic acid is included in the vitamin complex. It is especially important for both. Mom - for nervous balance, good digestion and blood formation. Child - for the formation of the nervous system. There is a lot of folic acid in greens (asparagus, spinach, lettuce) and beef liver. If you have already purchased vitamins, and folic acid was not found in their composition, purchase folic acid tablets at the pharmacy. It is better to take a large package - it is cheaper, and you will have to take it at least - the entire first trimester: for healthy women, 0.4 mg per day; those who previously had children with malformations - up to 0.4 mg per day; patients with epilepsy and diabetes - up to 1 ml per day.

According to recent studies, during the planning period of pregnancy, there are vitamins that it is better to refuse to take: these are vitamins A and E. Modern scientists believe that a person gets enough of them with food, and an overdose during intake can adversely affect the development of the fetal heart and condition pregnant - cause gestosis. If you did not know about this and have already taken a course of fortification with drugs that contain vitamins A and E, many doctors advise to postpone pregnancy for another month to remove their excess from the body. However, the opinion is controversial: in many sources, tocopherol (vitamin E) is considered indispensable for metabolism, the formation of female sex hormones and maintaining pregnancy in the first months.

When purchasing vitamins, check if the drug is a dietary supplement. Remember that only medicines comply with WHO requirements.

If you feel healthy, there are no special dietary restrictions. It is recommended to increase the consumption of greens, fruits and vegetables; in cooking, give preference to cooking, baking meat and fish dishes. Try to avoid fatty, smoky, overly salty or sugary foods.

Get vitamins from food. Vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, liver, legumes are rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin C is an excellent prevention of colds. It is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi, sea buckthorn, sauerkraut and sweet peppers.

Products with provitamin A and beta-carotene protect eggs from adverse factors, remove toxins and radioactive substances. Eat plenty of pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, parsley, apricot.

Necessary for the body in scanty amounts, but microelements play an important role in metabolic processes. At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, both partners should eat foods with a high content of selenium and zinc. These are fish, mushrooms, celery, zucchini, beef, cheese and seafood.

The time before conception is well suited for body shaping. Excess weight of a pregnant woman is the cause of increased pressure, varicose veins, and even the development of diabetes. Pregnant women with excess weight are more likely than others to be kept in a hospital, they are constantly under the increased supervision of specialists. It is strictly forbidden to lose weight during pregnancy: when malnourished, ketones enter the bloodstream - metabolic products that are toxic to the fetus of a pregnant woman.

Drink plenty of fluids, preferably clean, non-carbonated water between meals. Eliminate fast food and convenience foods. Observe moderation in food. Replace sugar with honey and dried fruits, eat whole grains (bread, pasta, cereal, muesli). And it will be easier to bear, and you will make excellent prevention of preeclampsia and toxicosis; reduce the load on the vessels, the heart.

Review your daily routine. Get into good habits of walking in green parks, squares, if possible outside the city, where the air is cleaner and there is an opportunity to get closer to nature.

Start watching videos with exercises for pregnant women. Already now it is gradually possible to accustom the body to the “correct” loads, when it will not be possible to load the muscles of the press and lower back.

Pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the thighs, pelvic floor, back and abdomen. Pilates and yoga classes are well suited for this. By exercising, you can learn breathing exercises. However, remember that 3-4 days before and the same number of days after ovulation, it is better to give rest to the body in order to allow the zygote to securely attach to the uterine wall.

Here are simple but effective exercises, the implementation of which takes little time and gives a quick positive result.

  • Walk barefoot around the room for a couple of minutes. Continuing walking, stand on your toes, after a minute or two - on your heels, for another minute - on the outside of the feet, and at the end of the exercise - on the inside. Return to walking on the whole foot again.
  • Lie down on the floor. Press your lower back to the floor and join your palms behind the back of your head. Elbows are spread apart, shoulders are lowered. Bend your knees, place your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, gently lift your shoulders and head off the floor vertebra by vertebra, while inhaling, just as smoothly lower your shoulders and head to the floor. Repeat 10 times.
  • In the same position, lift your straight legs vertically upwards. With a small amplitude, spread and cross your legs. Perform 10-15 times, gradually increase the number of approaches.
  • Lie on your stomach with your arms extended forward. Stretch the top of your head and toes in different directions. Without straining the neck, using the muscles of the chest, back and abdomen, raise the upper body. In this position, spread and connect the palms of the hands, as in breaststroke swimming several times. Gradually increase the load by increasing the number of repeated hand movements.
  • Lie on your right side. The left leg is straight, the right leg is bent at the knee. The right foot is on the floor in front of the left knee. Raise your left leg up a little. If you are doing everything right, the leg should rise with difficulty.

Let us dwell separately on an exercise to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor. The gymnastic complex, developed by Arnold Kegel for the prevention of hemorrhoids, getting rid of urinary incontinence is great for expectant mothers. Its main principle is gradualism. Performance during pregnancy may have contraindications, but now is the time to train the muscles of the vagina for the upcoming loads. Start the exercises lying on your back or sitting, repeating each three to five times.

  1. Bend your knees and spread them slightly apart. Relax, but don't lose control of your actions. Tighten the muscles of the perineum for 5-7 seconds and relax them.
  2. We turn on imaginative thinking. Imagine that your vagina is an elevator shaft. Represented? Now, smoothly and slowly squeeze the muscles and imagine how the elevator moves through the floors. Count "floors" from one to ten. Hold the tension. Then, just as slowly, start counting the "floors" down to the entrance to the vagina, gradually relaxing the muscles.
  3. Tighten the vaginal and then the anal muscles. Alternately relax the anal, then the vaginal muscles.
  4. Attention! You can perform the exercise only when the intestines and bladder are empty. It is aimed at the work of the muscles that will take part in the straining period of childbirth.

Take a comfortable position and start pushing, as with a bowel movement, straining the muscles of the vagina. Relax all your muscles as much as possible.

In addition to strengthening the muscles and organs of the small pelvis, the proposed set of exercises is a good prevention of perineal tears. Its regular implementation reduces the likelihood of inflammation of the genital organs. A woman learns to voluntarily control the processes of relaxation and tension, which is important in childbirth.

In order to strengthen immunity, try hardening. Start not with extreme dousing with ice water, but with a gradual decrease in the temperature of the water while taking a bath or shower. Regularly ventilate the living room, humidify the air.

Rest as much as possible, go to bed and wake up earlier than usual, if before that you liked to watch TV for a long time in the evening or “walk” on the net. In general, minimize "communication" with computer equipment, if your work allows it. Take breaks more often than usual for a short walk, gymnastics for the eyes.

Vaccination is an important step in the prevention of diseases that can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the unborn baby. You already know that the immunity of a pregnant woman is always lowered and susceptible to infection with colds and more dangerous diseases.

Not every adult knows whether he was ill in childhood with a particular disease, and whether he was vaccinated. But your body is well aware of this: the detected class G immunoglobulins indicate that the person has developed immunity, therefore, there was contact with the pathogen. There is no need for vaccinations in this case. Strong immunity will protect the body when it encounters the causative agent of a particular disease. The presence of immunoglobulins M in the blood, on the contrary, indicates an acute process in the woman's body. Accordingly, in the absence of class G antibodies in the results of the analysis, vaccination is necessary, which will protect the female body from sudden “attacks” of dangerous viruses and bacteria.

The placenta of a pregnant woman is permeable to the rubella virus and this can be the cause of many anomalies in the intrauterine development of the fetus. Rubella is a childhood illness that is transmitted by airborne droplets, but an adult can also become infected with it. The incubation period for rubella is 2-3 weeks. When a pregnant woman is infected, a period of 16 weeks is especially dangerous. There is a high probability of the appearance of deafness and blindness, congenital deformities, heart defects, anomalies in the development of the brain, and mental retardation. Infection in the first and third trimester is generally an indication for abortion. The development of the disease in the fourth trimester is not so dangerous for the child: during this period, the main organs and systems are already formed. But is it worth the risk? After all, only one vaccine can protect a woman's body up to 25 years. If a woman needs vaccination, then this should be done 3-6 months before the planned pregnancy. During this period, the body will develop a strong immunity.

Chickenpox, or chicken pox, is a viral disease. Children 1-8 years old are more often infected and quite easily tolerate the disease, unlike adults. Like rubella, it has an airborne route of infection. The incubation period is from 7 to 21 days. In the first 4 months of pregnancy, chickenpox infection can lead to malformations of the brain, limbs, eyes and cause kidney infection. In the absence of IgG class immunoglobulins in the results of the analysis, the expectant mother should be given a double vaccination with an interval of 6-10 weeks. Since the vaccine uses a live virus, it can stay in a woman's body for up to a month. During this period, pregnancy is not desirable.

Another viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets is measles. It is incubated in the human body for 8-14 days. A characteristic rash appears on the face for 4-5 days and gradually spreads to the neck, ears; then goes to the trunk and folds of the limbs. In adults, the course is severe, sometimes with measles pneumonia. Infection of a pregnant woman in the early stages is fraught with miscarriage or malformations of the fetus from the nervous system. If antibodies are found in the blood, confirming the absence of immunity, it is necessary to vaccinate twice with a break of 1 month.

Mumps is a viral infection that is also transmitted by airborne droplets. It affects the submandibular salivary and parotid glands. The incubation period is up to days. It is not the disease itself that is terrible, but its complications - the development of meningitis and encephalitis is possible; damage to the ovaries and testicles; damage to the joints and pancreas. Infection in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion. After vaccinations against measles and mumps, you must wait 3 months before pregnancy.

The hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through blood. It is possible to become infected sexually, through manicure and medical instruments, during pregnancy and childbirth, the baby can become infected from the mother. Within 2-6 months, the disease may not make itself felt. The vaccination is carried out three times, so it should be vaccinated 7 months in advance, and you can conceive a child one month after the last vaccination.

Severe complications can be caused by the well-known flu. Vaccines with an updated composition of antigens appear by the beginning of autumn. Consult with an epidemiologist when it is best for you to vaccinate, given that pregnancy is possible one month after vaccination.

Vaccinations against polio, tetanus and diphtheria are given in childhood, but they "work" for 10 years, then the vaccination must be repeated. Once a month before the onset of pregnancy, revaccination is carried out against these ailments, which are dangerous for the expectant mother and baby.

Keep all the results of examinations and information about the treatment you have taken before pregnancy, vaccination list: they will help you save money and a lot of time when planning future pregnancies.

Experienced doctors will help you schedule examinations and vaccinations. For yourself, you can also make a plan of what you need to do before pregnancy. If you don't get it all done, don't worry. The fact that you are now interested in the issues discussed in the article speaks of your desire to approach pregnancy prepared.

Remember how people around you usually treat pregnant women - like a crystal vessel. Everyone knows that worrying and upsetting a pregnant woman is simply unacceptable. Because the mood (well, the state) of the tiny inhabitant of your tummy depends on your mood.

And if the family is not used to living in the world, and from time to time they noisily sort things out, they make claims to you. You are nervous, which means your child is also nervous. He has not yet been born, but he feels your mood perfectly. And empathizes or worries.

One friend told me that during pregnancy she and her husband constantly cursed. Well, that's how it happened. She repeatedly regretted that she decided to have a baby, cried, got angry, and so on. The child also made her uncomfortable. But if you are surrounded by care, this discomfort is trifles. You love the baby, your family members love you, and everything is going well. So, when my friend had a baby, for the first three days he cried continuously. Without ceasing. And woke up every ten minutes. Then she realized that everything that happened to her during pregnancy affected the psychological state of the child. He was anxious and so unhappy.

Naturally, everyone cheered up. The kid was loved, but he still reacts very sensitively to the bad mood of his parents and to any of their quarrels. How can you not believe that in the womb they hear and understand everything. Although, perhaps, someone will consider it a fantasy.

How to accept pregnancy psychologically

Believe it or not, even doctors say in unison: expectant mothers should be as calm and happy as possible. Stress can bring the body into a state of chaos, can lead to hormonal disorders and problems with blood vessels. Therefore, to succumb to stress or learn to ignore external stimuli is up to you. Believe me, the habit of being calm in any situation can be developed. Like the habit of thinking positively.

They say where your thoughts are, there you are. Bearing in mind that a person who forces himself to think about the good, knows how to switch, is less likely to get into unpleasant situations. And there are more good things in life for such people than for those who are always dissatisfied with everything. Enjoy life for the sake of the baby! And ideally, not only the expectant mother, but also the father of the child should strive for this.

Dads who, along with their wives, were preparing for childbirth, despite the shock they experienced, are happier in the family. And feel more needed. Not everyone decides to be near at the time of the birth of a child. But in such families, men do not feel forgotten or abandoned when the wife is busy with the child. What separates some families - a lack of attention to each other, in others becomes a pledge of devotion.

So, you are preparing for childbirth. Get ready together. You have decided to spend these nine months in a pleasant expectation, and use every moment to get pleasant emotions. Do it together. Then the future mother will not feel lonely and unhappy. It's no secret that during pregnancy, women become too impressionable and touchy. This cannot be allowed. Then the child in her womb will feel protected.

It is not in vain that they sing in the song: "the most important thing is the weather in the house ...". The whole family will benefit from this.

The task of a woman who dreams of a healthy child is to find a good father and take care of her own body. Pregnancy planning begins a year in advance, at least 6 months in order to be able to get rid of hidden diseases and treat chronic ones, give up bad habits, and mentally tune in to future changes.

In a healthy body - a strong baby

The first step is a consultation with a gynecologist or family doctor. Examination of the thyroid gland and genital organs, digestive tract and heart. Be sure to have blood tests for sugar and hormonal levels, because sometimes the expectant mother does not realize that she has a tendency to diabetes, or an excess of testosterone.

Pregnancy is not a fairy tale, and all nine months a woman will not flutter on wings with happiness. A developing organism is a colossal test for the mother's body, because the child needs calcium, vitamins and minerals, which he takes from the parent. During this period, old problems are exacerbated, the risk of earning several new diseases increases. A woman who decides to give birth to a baby should take care of her own health so that the pregnancy proceeds with minimal complications.

So, during the preparation for conception, it is worth taking tests for:

  1. Worms, which are almost 90% of the world's population;
  2. Toxoplasmosis, if a cat lives in the house, or you often have to contact it;
  3. Venereal diseases, because some are transmitted not only during intimacy, but also in a domestic way: through handshakes, kisses (even on the cheek), hygiene items, such as a towel;
  4. AIDS, even for ladies who 100% trust their husbands;
  5. Rh factor of spouses. Sometimes it is this point that causes premature birth, or miscarriages;
  6. If there is a family history of relatives with genetic diseases, it does not hurt to find out how likely it is to pass this problem on to the child.

minor annoyances
It does not hurt the future mother to go to the dentist and treat all the teeth affected by caries. During gestation, the enamel receives less calcium, and due to toxicosis it becomes thinner. Bacteria develop more actively, an inflammatory process begins, which risks developing into pulpitis or other unpleasant things.

Vaccinations and medications
Rubella, mumps, measles and chickenpox threaten the life of the mother and the developing fetus. They can lead to deafness, diseases of the brain and nervous system of the child. Tests can help determine if a woman has antibodies to these infections. In their absence, it is necessary to be vaccinated at least 3 months before conception.

Those planning a pregnancy should refrain from certain hormonal drugs, antibiotics and other medicines, due to which babies are born with pathologies.

Conscious choice

During pregnancy, not only physical health is tested for strength, but also the nervous system of a woman. Morning morning sickness in the first months, weight increases, and the shape of the figure changes. Some feel more confident and attractive when others become depressed.

The belly will grow, problems with nails or hair may appear, you will have to change your wardrobe, and try to remain calm when another relative tries to touch the “cute belly”. A future mother should learn to treat all changes and problems with humor, or at least with understanding, not to worry about trifles and tactless people.

Psychological tricks
You can draw a table in two columns: in the first one, enter all the disadvantages of an interesting position and the fears associated with gestation. Fill the second with pleasant associations and thoughts, pluses that pregnancy gives. And if there are more minuses, it is worth delaying the conception of an offspring. If you have won the pros, you can safely proceed to the implementation of the plan.

Material base

A child is an expensive pleasure. A pregnant woman has to regularly take tests and undergo ultrasound. Plus, the proper nutrition of the expectant mother, the replacement of the wardrobe, the choice of a good clinic and qualified doctors. You can use the services of free specialists, but in most cases, modest gratitude is the key to a careful attitude of obstetricians and easy childbirth.

Few parents who think about a child understand how much money will have to be invested in the development of the baby. Money is needed for additional examinations that help to find out how healthy the fetus will be. To renovate a room for a nursery, and purchase supplies for childbirth, as well as the baby itself.

A stable salary plus savings for a "rainy" day is the key to the peace of mind of a pregnant woman. After going on maternity leave, she will not have to worry about where to get an extra hundred rubles to buy bread, or from whom to borrow money for a caesarean section (if she suddenly needs it).

The absence of stress is a healthy baby, reducing the risk of preterm birth, or threatened miscarriage. Therefore, it is worth saving for pregnancy, as for buying a car or relaxing at sea.

To smoke or not is the choice of the woman herself, but if she thinks about procreation, there is only one option: quit. Nicotine is heart defects, low weight, slow fetal development. Refuse cigarettes should be 4-7 months before conception, giving the body the opportunity and time to clear the resin and recover.

The future father is recommended to forget about the existence of nicotine for at least 3 months in order to improve the quality of sperm. The ideal option is to throw away a pack of cigarettes and never return to them, because it is contraindicated for a woman in a position to be in the same room with a smoker.

We are for sobriety

The second bad habit is alcohol. No hard drinks 4 months before pregnancy. An exception is a glass of wine, but you should not even get carried away with red or white. Smart women do not need to be told what the abuse of alcohol or drugs is fraught with. And adult men understand that they are also responsible for the health of the child, and together with their beloved they switch to freshly squeezed juices and mineral water.

Power in food

The diet of a woman who decides to have a baby deserves special attention. The daily menu should be rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. It is necessary to abandon strict diets and starvation 6 months before conception, so as not to deplete the body. There is a list of components that a woman should receive daily, and in sufficient quantities.

Calcium (prevention of osteoporosis and tooth loss):

  • Whole milk;
  • Natural yoghurts;
  • Cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Kale;
  • Beans;
  • Broccoli;
  • dietary fish;
  • Figs;
  • Seaweed;
  • Almond.

Iron (prevention of anemia and oxygen starvation of the fetus):

  • Chicken and red meat;
  • Beef liver;
  • Yolks;
  • Black chocolate;
  • dried pears;
  • Prunes;
  • Nuts;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Oatmeal (not to be confused with instant varieties).

Folic acid, or B9 (for the prevention of miscarriages and the normal development of the child):

  • hard cheese;
  • Cod liver;
  • Asparagus;
  • Peanut;
  • Boiled or raw beets;
  • Brussels sprouts.

Useful cereals, salads from fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, vegetable oils. It is advisable to avoid fast food, margarine, fried foods and animal fats.

Weight category

You need to lose body fat a year before the planned conception, adhering to proper nutrition, or a strict diet. It is mandatory to consult a doctor so that weight loss does not provoke gastritis or an ulcer.

Important: Having reached the desired indicators, you need to fix the result for at least 6 months, and try not to lose weight and not get better.

Girls with a fragile physique, bordering on anorexia, are recommended a diet for gaining muscle mass (not fat). It is more difficult for thin women, as well as overweight ones, to bear a child without being saved.

Physical exercise

Sports are a great option to prepare your body for 9 months of pregnancy. Running develops endurance and breathing, strengthens the back and legs. You can visit the pool, sign up for fitness or learn yoga, which is also practiced while carrying a baby.

Strength training is not the best option. It is advised to give preference to cardio training. It is advised to pay special attention to the abdominal muscles, and at least 15 minutes a day to pump the press. Thanks to physical activity, the body remains in good shape before pregnancy, and after childbirth quickly returns to its original parameters.

Specific Complex
Women will benefit from Kegel exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the vagina. Girls who have mastered this complex are easier to endure the process of childbirth, with minimal injuries and ruptures. You can work out at home, or find a center where a special trainer will teach you all the subtleties and show you how to work with and without simulators.

Father's preparation

It is useful for a man to follow a diet together with his wife, give up beer for football and undergo an examination. You can not go to the bath or sauna, high temperatures are harmful to sperm. It is recommended to give up synthetic underwear, and regularly walk with your beloved in the fresh air.

It does not hurt to prepare the future father mentally for the difficulties that he will have to overcome during the bearing of the fetus, as well as after the appearance of the baby in the family.

Pregnancy is associated with certain risks and inconveniences, it is not as fabulous as it is described in women's forums. But if you prepare properly, 9 months of bearing a new life will fly by quickly, and without complications.

Video: pregnancy planning