Causes and treatment of heartburn during pregnancy. Heartburn medications. Very severe heartburn

Starting from 16-20 weeks of gestation, the uterus begins to grow actively, tightens the intestines and stomach. It flattens, becomes smaller in volume. Accordingly, the amount of food that future mom I usually took it at one time, it simply does not fit in it and is partially thrown back into the esophagus. This is how reflux occurs.

How to get rid of severe heartburn if it does not go away

  • antacids act effectively, reducing the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, but not for long, therefore they belong to the ambulance;
  • enzymes relieve the effects of overeating;
  • blockers that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid lose their effectiveness after prolonged use;
  • antisecretory drugs, which prevent the production of a large amount of hydrochloric acid, are taken before meals.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

Weak, non-concentrated mint leaf tea will also help overcome the feeling of heartburn, but a strong drink from this plant can cause excessive stimulation of the uterus, which is very undesirable for mother and unborn baby. Therefore, the method should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Why heartburn appears in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and how to get rid of it

Acid dyspepsia can be treated with folk recipes. Drinking soda quickly removes discomfort in the esophagus, but it is not suitable for frequent use. When sodium bicarbonate interacts with gastric juice, carbonic acid is released. This substance stimulates the secretion of a new portion of gastric juice. Heartburn returns after 1-2 hours.

Early signs of pregnancy before missed period: heartburn

Relaxing under the influence of progesterone, the organs of the digestive system begin to cope worse with their functions. Therefore, from the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman may begin to experience problems such as difficulty swallowing food, its slower digestion and movement further into the intestines, belching, and, as a result of all of the above, heartburn.

  1. Veins and blood vessels become visible under the skin. They indicate that the volume of blood has increased. Additionally, tachycardia may occur. The heart learns to work in a new way.
  2. Hormonal changes affect a woman's mood. Increased fatigue may occur sharp drops moods.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen. They are similar to pain before menstruation, but indicate an increase in the size of the uterus or the threat of miscarriage.
  4. The waist begins to change in size. These manifestations on themselves at first can only be noticed by a woman with narrow waist and hips.
  5. Chest pain. This symptom indicates the approach of menstruation. But if there is a delay in menstruation, it also occurs due to another hormone - prolactin. It is responsible for preparing a woman's breasts for breastfeeding. It is he who leads to increased sensitivity during pregnancy.
  6. Head hurts badly. Another of the symptoms that indicates the presence of pregnancy, and occur before menstruation. It's all about the hormones. It is not recommended to take drugs at this time if there is a delay in menstruation. They can harm the child.

Is heartburn a sign of pregnancy?

Heartburn, as a sign of pregnancy before a delay, is noted very often. If a woman before her had digestive problems, they will almost certainly appear after conception. But a healthy stomach is not a guarantee of the absence of heartburn with its onset. Having not yet received confirmation of her pregnancy, a woman may feel a burning sensation in the esophagus, bitterness, which can last for a short time or for hours.

Can heartburn be a sign of pregnancy?

It is generally accepted that heartburn can catch you by surprise a few months before giving birth. The fetus increases in size, which leads to the fact that the child presses on the walls of the stomach and internal organs. This is what provokes burning and constant feeling pain. However, this does not always happen.

Heartburn in early pregnancy

heartburn on early dates pregnancy is one of the unpleasant symptoms that can be observed during the period of bearing a child. But statistics say that most cases occur after the first 4-5 months after conception. Then can heartburn begin in early period, and what signal does this give the body in pregnant women?

Causes of heartburn in early pregnancy

Toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy is sometimes accompanied severe vomiting. In this case, the mucous membrane of the esophagus is irritated by vomit, which also leads to heartburn. Often, burning is accompanied by belching (involuntary release of gases from the stomach, with which part of the food returns to the mouth), as well as nausea.

Every second woman experiences heartburn during pregnancy. Even if none of them have felt such discomfort before, there is every chance to feel that it is heartburn during pregnancy. In what trimester should she be expected? How to reduce discomfort or prevent them?

Violation of the balance of acidity in the stomach in women in the "position" appears as a result of hormonal changes in the body.

Heartburn, what is it?

Uncontrolled entry of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, causes a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, burning in the epigastric region. The described process is called heartburn. According to social surveys, about 80% of women suffer from heartburn during pregnancy. Basically she torments last trimester when the baby has grown enough, but there are more early cases the appearance of bitterness.

Basically, bitterness begins after eating. For some, it lasts for several minutes, while others have to endure several hours. Bitterness may appear several times a day. If your morning meal ends with heartburn, don't expect it to come back. But don't worry, for the health of the child similar condition is not reflected. Let's try to figure out why this happens.


Why is the body of the expectant mother prone to heartburn? What provokes her?

First trimester

Heartburn in pregnant women in the first months occurs as a result of a change hormonal background. The released large amount of progesterone has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. That is why the sphincter, which holds the food bolus and does not allow it to go back into the esophagus, relaxes and passes the contents of the stomach.

There are cases when diarrhea joins heartburn and nausea in the first trimester. It does not always mean poisoning, sometimes diarrhea helps to cleanse the body. For your own peace of mind, it is necessary to exclude the presence of infection.

Second trimester

The reason for the bitterness of the second trimester is an enlarged uterus. It, increasing in size, puts pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach. It is compressed, shifted slightly and throws its contents into the esophagus. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of food eaten and avoid overeating.

third trimester

The occurrence of bitterness later dates may aggravate pelvic location baby. The kid, resting his booty down, constantly presses his head on the muscular partition between the peritoneum and the chest, squeezing the stomach. large fruit, especially if the mother has two or three babies in her stomach - the reasons that affect the appearance of heartburn in the later stages.


Heartburn during childbearing may not be as mild symptoms as in ordinary people. It can be distinguished from other digestive disorders by the following features:

  • at the beginning of discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • then burning and sour taste in the mouth;
  • grumbling in the stomach, belching;
  • heaviness, bloating, sometimes diarrhea;
  • metallic taste.

There are signs after eating, when the motor processes of the stomach are disturbed during the first stage of digestion. During the period of malaise, I want to lie down, but the unpleasant sensation does not go away, but worsens.

Heartburn as the first sign of pregnancy

It is not easy to determine the presence of pregnancy in the early days, even for doctors. Most do not notice any changes in themselves in the first month, but there are cases of the first signs even in the first week. Many women sincerely believe that heartburn is the first sign of pregnancy, because before that there was no bitterness. This may be true, because the hormonal background begins to change from the first days of the birth of a new life. The sensitivity of all is individual and the appearance of symptoms too.

Very severe heartburn

Sometimes it is difficult for a pregnant woman, terrible bitterness occurs very often. It creates not only discomfort, but also disrupts the psychological balance of the expectant mother, which affects the health of the baby. On the one hand, such a phenomenon is the norm, because the uterus is very close to the stomach, presses on it. But you can’t let the situation take its course, severe heartburn has serious consequences. The most common is inflammation of the walls of the esophagus. The terrible burning sensation in the esophagus cannot be underestimated. Tormented by strong, constant bitterness, pain, consult a doctor.

Heartburn at night

Burning may appear at night. The situation is far from harmless, even dangerous. Nighttime heartburn means acidity. In this situation, it is important to assess the nature of the symptom. If bitterness has made itself felt only once, do not worry. Most likely, the reason is food at night. But if she returns, torments, pain in the abdomen is felt - this means problems. It is necessary to take measures, be sure to consult a doctor.

by the most effective way the fight that overcomes the terrible burning sensation is prevention. It is easier to prevent than to cure later. Correct Mode nutrition, enriched with vitamins and microelements, without harmful products that can cause heartburn, prevent burning. Here are a few tips to help you avoid discomfort:

  • Do not abuse antispasmodic drugs. Avoid herbal teas that relax the function of the esophageal valve.
  • Control your weight gain. The higher it is, the greater the risk of heartburn.
  • You can not make sudden movements, remove all tight clothing from the wardrobe.
  • Keep track of the amount of water you drink. It does not need to be drunk very much, but enough to prevent bitterness. Be sure to drink clean water, without gas.
  • Avoid constipation and diarrhea.
  • Try to keep your back straight. When the spine is bent, additional pressure is created on the stomach.

What to do during treatment?

Dealing with heartburn is hard work. Treatment always begins with dietary adjustments. Diet - indispensable assistant in problem solving digestive tract.

Nutrition and diet

The bulk of the problems gastrointestinal tract(constipation, diarrhea, heartburn) depends on improper food intake. Expectant mothers should avoid spicy, fried, fatty foods. Refuse coffee, sweets, sour fruits and vegetables. It is better to immediately switch to a fractional meal. Eat more often, but in small portions. When eating, you can not rush, chewing everything thoroughly. The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.


Correction of food intake did not bring the long-awaited relief, consult a specialist. He will appoint drug treatment. The use of drugs for heartburn during pregnancy is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

There are not many licensed drugs. Rennie tablets are one of these drugs. They can easily handle hyperacidity, but the calcium they contain can lead to early strengthening of the baby's bones.

To treat heartburn, doctors allowed such well-known remedies as Smecta, Maalox, Almagel. But they have a number of caveats, and in special position, it's worth saving up.


What help is needed for a future mother if heartburn does not stop? Homeopathy can help with frequent attacks. This unusual method treatments that treat the problem with substances that cause similar reactions. Special tablets do not provide acidity neutralization, they are able to fight by normalizing the biochemical processes that led to the violation. The main advantage of the method is its naturalness, there is no toxic effect of the drug on mother and baby.

With a constant sour eructation, "Rowan pseudo-acacia" is prescribed, and if not only appears after eating sour belching, but also pain in the stomach, it is worth taking "Vismutum subnitricum". Homeopathic remedies are prescribed taking into account the individuality of the patient, a separate program for their intake is drawn up.

The human body is an amazing system capable of doing many incredible things. One of these biological “skills” of our body, more precisely, the body of the beautiful half of humanity, is the ability to reproduce a child. Why is this process considered so special? The thing is that during the gestation of the fetus, so many different changes occur with the body that it is not clear how it can even undergo such metamorphoses. However, all the changes do not go unnoticed for mothers, and they feel many of their pleasant and unpleasant consequences. One of them is heartburn. Why heartburn in pregnant women occurs in almost one hundred percent of cases, we learn from the presented article.

If you have experienced heartburn at least once before, then you will not be able to confuse it with anything else. Under this term lies a whole set of unpleasant sensations that simultaneously torment a person:

  • painful discomfort behind the sternum;
  • burning sensation in the same area, spreading upward from the epigastric region;
  • nausea.

As a rule, heartburn follows a person immediately after eating, about an hour and a half after the end of the meal, especially in cases where the food served:

  • was flavored with hot spices;
  • used in large quantities.

In some cases, this feeling may also occur under other circumstances. So, many patients say that attacks of specific discomfort, characteristic of the problem we are considering, occur in them:

  • during class exercise varying degrees of severity;
  • when tilted to the side, down;
  • in the supine position.

For some citizens, in order to stop another attack of heartburn that has overtaken them, it is enough just to drink water, while others immediately rush to take special antacid preparations - drugs that suppress the effect of stomach acid on the esophagus. By the way, the most plain soda, despite its aggressive effect on the body, it can be used as a temporary solution to the problem, since it neutralizes hydrochloric acid with the same success as antacids.

If heartburn bothers a person more than a few times in one week, be sure that this feeling will greatly reduce the level of comfort of his existence. Pregnant women may suffer from this sensation several times more often.

This phenomenon among expectant mothers is very common. high level. Because of this, a special “wisdom” even appeared among the people, which says that a woman bearing a fetus experiences heartburn when her child begins to grow:

  • nails;
  • hair.

Of course, the legend remains just a legend, since the scientifically proven reason for the appearance of the desired sensations is as follows:

  • the acidity of gastric juice increases;
  • the contents of the food-digesting organ are thrown into the lower parts of the esophagus, and irritate its mucosa.

However, it must be said that this cannot cause serious harm to the organ, however, the sensation from this does not become more pleasant.

Causes of heartburn for all categories of citizens

Since a pregnant woman is the same person as the rest of the people on earth, the causes of her heartburn in general will be the same as those of everyone else, only aggravated by some additional factors, which we will talk about a little later.

First of all, you should consider a list of symptoms that accompany this unpleasant sensation, since, unfortunately, it consists not only of:

  • burning and discomfort;
  • and nausea.

Let's move on to the list of interest to us.

1. Heartburn is most often accompanied by belching, which can be of two types. Which, we will consider in the following table.

Table 1. Varieties of belching with heartburn

With an air eructation, the gases accumulated in the:
  • stomach
  • and esophagus.

    An exit is carried out through the mouth opening, while everything happens involuntarily, that is, a person cannot keep this “air” inside himself.

    Given clinical manifestation pathology is in direct relationship with the contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle.

  • When food belching occurs, the actual food that was recently absorbed by you is pushed out, and did not have time to undergo changes under the processing effect of gastric acid. In this case, the content can also be flavored:
  • bitter;
  • sour.
  • Belching is especially painful for pregnant women, because, due to the position in which they are, even such a slight regurgitation can lead to a resumption of vomiting, which is constantly present in the life of women who carry the fetus during the period of toxicosis and sometimes beyond it.

    2. Another unpleasant symptom is to increase the abundance of saliva. This is a standard manifestation that accompanies not only heartburn, but also nausea in itself, which is why the desired abundance arises.

    3. Vomiting is also a frequent guest with heartburn. Especially when it comes to pregnant women, who, as we have already said, often experience toxicosis, and keep hypersensitivity outside this period, therefore, the eruption of the masses in the stomach after heartburn will follow with the greatest probability.

    4. Pain in the sternum usually does not retain this modest localization, and radiates to nearby areas:

    • behind the sternum;
    • V left side chest;
    • cervical regions;
    • the area between the shoulder blades.

    5. An additional unpleasant sensation of a lump in the throat also accompanies heartburn. No matter how many swallowing movements you make, it does not go away until the heartburn attack ends.

    6. swallow in given state In principle, it becomes very difficult due to the fact that pain accompanied by every swallow.

    7. Due to the appearance of belching and reflex attempts to reduce the heat in the diaphragm, the person begins to breathe somewhat rapidly, as a result of which there is a constant cough.

    8. Pain in the throat and the constant release of sour and bitter contents leads to irritation of the pharynx, and the occurrence of hoarseness.

    Now consider the main causes of heartburn.

    Decreased tone of the esophageal sphincters

    One of the reasons for the manifestation of heartburn is a decrease in the tone of the muscle structures of the esophagus - sphincters. These educations separate:

    • the lower part of this organ from the stomach;
    • pharynx and esophagus.

    When food arrives, these sphincters begin to work, isolating one part of the digestive tract from another, so that the food passes on and is digested. In addition, it protects the lower valve of the esophagus from getting into its lower sections of hydrochloric gastric acid. When it weakens, it begins to penetrate inside, irritating the mucous walls.

    Decreased function of the esophagus, responsible for the evacuation of gastric contents

    Initially, nature endowed the esophagus with many different functions, one of which is the ability to evacuate the contents of the stomach from its sections:

    • bitter type;
    • sour type.

    Unfortunately, in those who suffer from heartburn, this function is usually weakened. The same applies to pregnant women, because their body long time carries out restructuring and directs energy to completely different requests of the body.

    Activation of acid production in the stomach

    As you know, the stomach is directly responsible for the production of acid, which primarily processes the food that enters our body. Sometimes it happens that due to the occurrence of any pathologies, this function is violated as follows:

    • acid begins to be produced in excess;
    • the aggressiveness of this environment increases several times.

    As a result, elections of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus begin to occur. The acid burns the inner walls of this organ, and the person experiences pain and serious discomfort.


    In fact, all of the above causes of heartburn in themselves really become the basis for its manifestation, however, they are not the root cause, but only the consequences.

    The root causes are usually certain diseases and human conditions.

    Please pay attention to the presented fact: pregnant women can suffer from heartburn, and at the same time remain completely healthy. Why, we will tell below. However, this also applies to other people who are not in a position, including men, to explain the presence of heartburn in which it is sometimes quite simple, while not implying the presence of any disease.

    So, let's consider a list of diseases, due to which the reasons listed above arise for the manifestation of heartburn.


    This abbreviation, which, most likely, none of our readers have met before, stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. This disease:

    • proceeds in a chronic form;
    • has many accompanying symptoms, as it causes a reaction of several body systems;
    • occurs against the background of a constant release of the contents of the stomach and intestinal lumen into the esophagus, which subsequently leads to damage to this organ.

    In fact, as you could already understand, gastroesophageal reflux is a physiological phenomenon. It occurs repeatedly during the life of each person after he, for example:

    • overwork in the gym;
    • will make a sharp slope;
    • eats too much food, etc.

    However, the multiple repetition of such casts changes the situation in an unpleasant way, which implies:

    • development inflammatory processes in the esophagus;
    • damage to the mucous walls of this organ from the inside.

    The development of the desired disease is provoked, as a rule, by three groups of factors.

    Table 2. Main factors influencing the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Mental stressPhysical overloadEating habitsAdditional factors
    In this situation, we are talking about endless stress that accompanies a person:
  • At work;
  • Houses;
  • etc.

    At the same time, in addition to stress, we can also talk about a depressed state, frankly depressive, etc.

  • The second group of reasons is physical overload. In this case, it may mean:
  • heavy physical exercise;
  • regular slopes;
  • work in an inclined position;
  • frequent stay in a horizontal position;
  • wearing tight clothing, etc.
  • For education this disease, provoking heartburn, also affect some food and in general bad habits. It's about O:
  • eating sweets;
  • eating foods rich in animal fats;
  • drinking fruit juices;
  • drinking coffee;
  • adding to food a large number spices;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of strong alcohol.
  • TO additional factors relate various states human body, such as:
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy, etc.
  • Provided that you are not tormented by heartburn in itself, namely, the disease will be accompanied by the following syndromes:

    • regurgitation of sour masses after eating;
    • pain in the retrosternal region, also passing to the point between the shoulder blades, neck, lower jaw, left side chest;
    • cough;
    • difficulty breathing, most often when lying down;
    • hoarse voice;
    • drying of the throat;
    • fast saturation with a small amount of food;
    • swelling formation;
    • flatulence;
    • vomiting, etc.

    Only a competent specialist in the field of medicine can cure the desired disease.

    Barrett's esophagus

    In fact, Barrett's esophagus is not a separate disease. It is an aggravating GERD consequence, which is considered precancerous.

    With this complication, the condition of the esophagus, changed due to constant burning of the mucous membranes by the contents of the stomach and intestinal lumen, is characterized by the fact that it can be found in the epithelial lining:

    • typical squamous epithelium, represented by a large number of layers;
    • uncharacteristic epithelium, the shape of which is cylindrical.

    The second type of cells that we have described usually appears at a time when the condition of the esophagus can be called precancerous. It is necessary to start taking measures, otherwise the patient will develop cancer of the esophagus.


    Esophagitis is a disease of inflammatory etiology, in which the walls of the esophagus are affected. It can take two forms:

    • acute;
    • chronic.

    With this disease, inflammation, as a rule, affects only the inner lining of the esophagus, however, with further development, it can also affect its inner layers.

    Most often, this disease does not have severe symptoms. It can be caused by various factors, for example:

    • infections of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • an allergic reaction to something;
    • the use of medicines;
    • previous injuries, etc.


    The term "esophagospasm" refers to a spasm of the esophagus - a violation of the motility of the muscles of this organ, due to which spastic contractions of the walls occur, which are accompanied by an increase in pressure in the muscular valve of its lower part.

    As a rule, most often there is a formation of two the following varieties of this disease:

    • diffuse- when there is such a violation of peristalsis, in which the sphincters of the organ remain in good shape, however, spasms of its smooth muscles develop, the opening of the sphincter when swallowing food is preserved;
    • segmental- occurs when the contraction of the muscles of the esophagus is reduced twice as often as it should be in the norm of things.

    There are two main causes of this disease.

    1. The first reason causes the occurrence of esophagospasm when various changes organic type associated with nervous system body.
    2. The second causes the occurrence of this disease, as a consequence of other pathologies, for example:
    • diaphragmatic hernia;
    • holes in the esophagus;
    • esophagitis;
    • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract and similar pathologies.

    Most often, esophagospasm is accompanied by:

    • painful sensation in the chest;
    • swallowing disorders.

    Painful sensations inside the chest are caused by spasms of the smooth muscles of the esophagus. They can happen:

    • spontaneously;
    • when swallowing food;
    • swallowing saliva;
    • just.

    Hiatal hernia is the expansion of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, in which the following are displaced into the chest cavity:

    • lower esophagus;
    • upper stomach.

    Sometimes other organs located in the abdominal cavity can also be displaced through this expansion.

    In the people, a hiatal hernia is often called simply a hernia of the esophagus.

    peptic ulcer

    With this pathology, so-called ulcers are formed on the mucous surfaces of the stomach and intestines - damage, bleeding, and violating the integrity of the organ. These damages over time can even perforate the organ, so the desired disease is characterized a high degree danger.

    The desired disease successfully provokes the manifestation of heartburn in any person who, in this case is its consequence. You should be very careful, because as a result, for example, Barrett's esophagus may develop, and it will be even more difficult to cure all the pathologies you have.

    Increased incidence of heartburn in pregnant women

    Among pregnant women, such a phenomenon as heartburn is very widespread. Ladies planning a pregnancy remember the list of many obligatory "companions" of bearing a child, and in their list there is always a place for the disease of interest to us.

    Above in the text, we promised several times to tell you what causes such a frequency of heartburn in expectant mothers, which takes place regardless of whether the woman is sick with any of the diseases presented to you for consideration. And now, the moment has come when we will finally tell you everything.

    In fact, everything ingenious is simple, as they say. folk wisdom. The reason why pregnant women are more likely to experience heartburn than in all other cases is that:

    • the growing fetus puts pressure on nearby organs;
    • and those, in turn, put pressure on the elements of the human body that follow them.

    The mechanism of action in this case will be the same as:

    • when tilted;
    • or prolonged deflection;
    • as well as, for example, obesity.

    Unlike bending over in the gym, a pregnant woman, like an obese person, is forced to be in this state for a long time, as a result of which her frequency of heartburn increases several times.

    The larger the fetus becomes, the worse the situation with heartburn begins, since the pressure on the organs also increases several times. A combination of the factors listed above can have a double negative impact, which will also affect other systems of the human body:

    • obesity;
    • bearing a fetus.

    However, other and other parameters can be added to this list, for example, sports loads or work in a bent position (pregnant women are required by law to work until certain period), and then the condition of the pregnant woman regarding heartburn will become even several times worse than it was before.

    As we have already said, a special muscular valve protects the esophagus from ingestion of gastric acid - the sphincter, which normally remains in good shape in people. That is why, ordinary people those who are not “in position” suffer from heartburn several times in their lives.

    However, the body of a pregnant woman produces the so-called hormone progesterone. Due to its increased production, the muscles of the pregnant woman's body are in a relaxed state. We are talking, among other things, about the muscles of the esophagus, which protect the organ from the sour and bitter contents of the stomach and intestines. As a result, it turns out that the sphincter of the esophagus of pregnant women does not close completely, therefore, irritating mucous biological fluid passes through it.

    An increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which also affects the pattern of interest to us, occurs approximately at the 25th week of pregnancy.

    Besides, elevated level hormones in the body of a pregnant woman also has an effect on increasing the amount of time that her digestive system now needed for the digestion of food. Since the peristalsis of all elements of the gastrointestinal tract becomes slower under the influence of progesterone, the time required to process the food bolus also seriously increases.

    When expectant mothers feel heartburn

    As we said above, heartburn can begin to torment a pregnant woman unexpectedly, and just like that, however, most often this manifestation occurs in a certain position or under specific circumstances.

    Circumstance #1. So, most often pain and burning in the sternum, nausea and other classic manifestations of heartburn, the expectant mother begins to experience directly after eating, after about an hour of pure time. With almost one hundred percent probability, heartburn will await her in the event that she has a plentiful meal of food:

    • fried in oil;
    • acute;
    • saturated with fats.

    The duration of such "food" heartburn usually varies from several minutes to several hours. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to transfer the desired state, not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, it is better to keep on hand those allowed for expectant mothers. medicines that help with this disease.

    Circumstance #2. Pregnant women often experience sensations that interest us in lying position, which often leads to insomnia and stress, since in the absence of medicines that can be taken, it is simply difficult for a woman to fall asleep due to those that torment her:

    • pain;
    • nausea.

    For some time, future mothers get out of the situation, falling asleep reclining, but in the end, fatigue and inconvenience take their toll.

    Circumstance #3. As you know, it is quite difficult for women who are carrying a fetus tilt. But if they do, then in addition to serious physical stress and dizziness, they risk getting an attack of heartburn. That is why they are advised to make such movements with caution and consult a doctor for the selection of temporary therapy.

    Treatment of heartburn in pregnant women

    Pain, burning in the retrosternal region and nausea that torment women during pregnancy can be eliminated with the help of special drugs called antacids. It should be noted that these drugs must be non-absorbable.

    Their mechanism of action is as follows:

    • getting into the stomach, these substances neutralize hydrochloric acid;
    • absorb part of the gastric juice;
    • create an enveloping effect of the walls of the stomach;
    • are excreted without being absorbed into the blood.

    The total time of action of these funds is from 1 to 2 minutes, in contrast to our usual 20 minutes of activation of the drug.

    Preparations from the non-absorbable group of antacids contain the following substances:

    • magnesium;
    • aluminum;
    • calcium.

    The funds you are looking for are widely available in pharmacies. These include such popular drugs as:

    • "Renny";
    • "Almagel";
    • "Maalox", etc.

    However, you should pay your attention to the following fact: these funds, simultaneously with gastric juice, absorb other substances that enter the body. For example, other medicines.

    In addition, some antacids can cause constipation, which will also have to be treated by other means, so they must be taken with caution, asking the pharmacy which side effects are inherent in each of them.

    Gynecologists for the most part recommend that pregnant women stop using these drugs, however, if heartburn has become completely impossible to endure, you need to go to the doctor and choose the appropriate therapy and an adequate dosage of tablets.

    Video - Features of the treatment of heartburn in pregnant women and children

    Can I take baking soda for heartburn?

    Many expectant mothers, guided solely by the principle of "do no harm", refuse to take pharmaceutical drugs for heartburn, instead of which they drink baking soda mixed in water.

    On the one hand, this food component really helps to eliminate heartburn for a while. However, it only gives you a short rest break, because:

    • getting into the stomach, soda forms carbonic acid;
    • carbon dioxide activates the production of gastric juice;
    • subsequently heartburn resumes with a vengeance.

    In addition, soda is not a non-absorbable antacid, on the contrary, it goes directly into the blood, in which it causes an imbalance in the acid-base balance of the body. This leads to an increase in swelling, and so pursuing many pregnant women.

    What is the opinion of doctors? Is baking soda good for heartburn? What are the contraindications? This is detailed in

    Does heartburn affect the fetus

    We want to assure you right away: future baby, which is in your stomach, growing and developing, does not bear any harm from the fact that you feel heartburn.

    However, the stress that the mother receives from what she is forced to endure can affect his well-being. Therefore, if possible, refrain from taking medication, however, if patience runs out completely, do not get depressed and take one pill.

    In addition, you can use the most common foods to combat heartburn, which today can be found in any supermarket or hypermarket:

    • fresh cucumbers;
    • raw carrots;
    • mineral water without gas;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • almonds, etc.

    The data is tasty and healthy foods not only relieve your condition, but also cheer you up, and at the same time benefit future offspring.

    Summing up

    If you are not one of those who endure pain, and by any means tried to prevent the occurrence of heartburn, however, nothing helped you, you need to inform your doctor. It is possible that pregnancy aggravated a situation that was already not so good due to the disease you have, a symptom of which is the manifestation we are considering.

    In this case, do not immediately panic. Most often, pregnancy, on the contrary, helps the disease to make itself felt on early stage, in view of which the detected ailment becomes easy to identify and cure. The main thing is not to endure pain. Remember, by doing so, you harm not only yourself, but also the child, or several children at once, if you have a multiple pregnancy.

    Heartburn during pregnancy is recognized as one of the most painful conditions. By the 37th week of gestation, almost 100% of expectant mothers face this phenomenon. Despite its physiological basis, it has a number of "triggers", having studied which, a pregnant woman will be able to smooth out the symptoms of heartburn.

    In popular scientific publications, it is stated that heartburn is a consequence of the influence on the mucous tissue lining the esophagus of gastric juice, pepsin, lysolecithin and enzymes ejected due to gastroesophageal refluxes. Heartburn during pregnancy is especially often observed after a woman has taken a lying position, as well as after heavy consumption of food. It must be realized that this physiological state does not negative impact on intrauterine development baby.

    Symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy

    Among the typical symptoms of heartburn, it is customary to single out the presence of:

    • burning sensations in the sternum;
    • nausea;
    • regurgitation;
    • increased flatulence;
    • bitter or sour aftertaste;
    • discomfort after eating.

    Causes of heartburn during childbearing

    The release, due to gastroesophageal reflux, of gastric fluid onto the mucosa of the esophagus is due to squeezing of many internal organs women. The squeezing phenomenon is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, so the symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy increase as delivery approaches.

    The structure of the human body is such that the esophagus is protected from the reflux of gastric juice into it by the circular muscle of the sphincter. Due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the blood during the bearing of a child, the sphincter valve system ceases to be in good shape. In a relaxed state, the circular muscle becomes unable to properly perform the function of a "lock", in addition, the growth of the uterus prevents the valve system from closing. Therefore, the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus in a future mother becomes a common occurrence (especially by week 24).

    At the same time, a high concentration of hormones during the period of bearing a child significantly increases the time of digestion of food, which leads to the occurrence digestive disorders and heartburn during pregnancy.

    In the vast majority of cases, this phenomenon, lasting up to several hours, is observed after the consumption of spicy and fatty foods. However, many pregnant women note the constant presence of heartburn, regardless of the characteristics of the diet.

    Heartburn during pregnancy: methods for alleviating the condition

    If heartburn is characterized by an intense manifestation of symptoms, then a pregnant woman should not neglect medications for simultaneous use folk methods. Although constant burning in the esophagus will not harm the embryo, it can lead to permanent changes in the mucosa. This can negatively affect women's health.

    To eliminate such a phenomenon as excruciating heartburn during pregnancy, traditionally used medications group of non-absorbable antacids. With their help, neutralization of gastric juice is ensured, as well as wetting of the walls of the stomach, which makes it possible to eliminate gastroesophageal refluxes in just 1 minute.

    These drugs include, for example, Rennie, Maalox, Almagel. It should be borne in mind that such products, along with gastric acid, adsorb other substances, including vitamins and drugs. Therefore, it is not necessary to combine the time of taking medications and non-absorbable antacids. It must be taken into account that antacids often contribute to the occurrence of constipation and uncontrolled excretion of calcium from the body, which will require a timely solution. A number of such products contain bismuth compounds. Since there is not enough information about their effect on the development of the embryo, it is better to refrain from using such drugs.

    Proved to be effective as a means to relieve symptoms of heartburn and alginates - natural preparations produced on the basis of alginic acids produced from seaweed. These products form non-absorbable alginate rafts in the gastric cavity, creating a physical barrier to belching. Alginates are not included in the digestive processes and are able to restore the affected tissues of the stomach and esophagus. The use of both antacids and alginates in any situation should be carried out only after medical consultation.

    In the presence of discomfort arising from heartburn during pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid the popular method associated with the use baking soda. This chemical compound has a bright juice-producing effect, which causes the return of heartburn in the very near future. The use of soda can also lead to serious violations the pH level of the blood, which causes an increase in swelling.

    Among the folk methods to reduce the symptoms of heartburn are:

    • reception of infusion of heather 1 tbsp. spoon 1 time per day;
    • drinking centaury infusion 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day;
    • taking calamus root powder 1/3 teaspoon 3 times a day;
    • the use of garlic or preparations with allicin (a chemical compound resulting from mechanical damage garlic cells;
    • drinking chamomile tea, ginger drinks, anise and fennel tea;
    • eating dandelion salads;
    • use of fresh potato juice;
    • the use of oatmeal;
    • constant use of almonds and raw pumpkin seeds in food.

    It should be borne in mind that the desire to use to eliminate such a condition as an unpleasant heartburn during pregnancy , methods of herbal treatment, it is necessary to notify the gynecologist. This is quite justified, since, for example, dandelion can seriously affect blood glucose levels and reduce the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs.
    Aromatherapy is often used for heartburn. In particular, inhalation will help reduce the degree of manifestation of gastroesophageal refluxes. essential oils neroli and citrus fruits. A light massage of the collar fold with walnut oil, to which a few drops of orange ether is added, will also be pleasant and useful.

    The relief of symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy and the reduction of vomiting also contributes to the stimulation of the acupressure zone of the pericardium P6 and the use various techniques relaxation (meditation, qigong). Before adopting these technologies, one should consult with qualified specialists who own these techniques and have experience working with women who are carrying a child.

    Prevention of heartburn during pregnancy

    Preventive measures for heartburn can be quite effective if a number of rules are constantly and carefully observed. These include:

    • the need for frequent (6 times a day) meals in small portions;
    • refusal of spicy, fried, and fatty foods;
    • exclusion from the menu of sour fruits and drinks;
    • rejection of raw onions;
    • exclusion from the daily diet of mushrooms, chocolate products, coffee, any doses of alcohol, nuts, oranges, tomatoes;
    • minimization of body tilts;
    • establishment of the last meal 3 hours before bedtime;
    • exclusion of abdominal tension;
    • rejection mint tea and any products containing mint extract;
    • increase in the height of the head of the bed (by 7-10 cm);
    • removal of bandages and clothes with tight belts from the wardrobe;
    • refusal to stay in a horizontal position after eating;
    • reducing the consumption of antispasmodic drugs that help relax the esophageal sphincter and reflux of gastric fluid into the esophagus;
    • exclusion of overeating;
    • body weight control;
    • thorough chewing of any products;
    • giving priority to foods that are alkaline (dairy products, omelettes, vegetable oils, beets, boiled fish and meat, prunes, carrots, peas, lentils);
    • to give up smoking;
    • drinking enough fluids;

    Expectant mothers often suffer from heartburn and belching during pregnancy. Moreover, unpleasant burning sensations can appear even if they have never happened before. What diet to follow, and what else should be done to alleviate your condition, feeling a burning sensation in the esophagus?

    Heartburn during pregnancy

    Why does heartburn torment during pregnancy? The essence of an unpleasant burning sensation is that the contents of the stomach fall back into the esophagus. As a result, the mucous membrane of the esophagus suffers from the effects of acid, and these painful sensations occur.

    Heartburn and nausea during pregnancy can usually occur immediately after eating. These sensations are more acute in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and can last up to several hours.

    main reason persistent heartburn during pregnancy - changes in the hormonal background in the girl's body. Moreover, as the pregnancy continues, the uterus increases, presses on the intestines, diaphragm and stomach, creating additional terms for the contents of the stomach to enter the esophagus. Due to the influence of hormones, the acidity of gastric juice increases, from which the burning sensation increases. Many expectant mothers suffer from heartburn during pregnancy at night.

    This disease does not affect the course of pregnancy. Exist various ways, if you do not get rid of very severe heartburn during pregnancy at all, then at least significantly alleviate it. Even if they do not help completely, the fact that in the last month heartburn and vomiting during pregnancy usually happens much less frequently can be comforting for expectant mothers.

    The fact is that at this time the production of progesterone in the body decreases. This happens so that the uterus can prepare for labor pains. As a rule, with childbirth, the feeling of heartburn ends.

    When does heartburn start during pregnancy?

    Many are interested in when heartburn occurs during pregnancy. It is hardly possible to answer this question unambiguously. For many of the fair sex, everything goes on its own. Other girls note that they experience heartburn in the first days of pregnancy, even if they do not eat or drink anything. It starts in the morning and may not stop for several hours. Others complain that heartburn in the early stages of pregnancy appears precisely in the supine position, so they can only sleep while sitting.

    When does pregnancy heartburn go away?

    Shortly before childbirth, the fetus in the uterus changes its position, falling lower. At this time, for many expectant mothers, heartburn attacks become rarer or disappear completely.

    When, finally, the pregnancy is resolved by childbirth - heartburn will recede completely. However, if the seizures still recur, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After all, a nursing mother cannot irresponsibly take any drugs and independently decide how to alleviate her condition. In addition, the specialist is likely to find other causes that cause heartburn, requiring appropriate therapy.

    Heartburn in early pregnancy

    Heartburn in early pregnancy is due to hormonal changes in the girl's body. The esophagus and stomach are separated by a sphincter. It doesn't let the food come back. During pregnancy, increasing levels of the hormone progesterone act on smooth muscles. That is, progesterone relaxes them, including this sphincter. It is believed that a burning sensation may be a sign early toxicosis in expectant mothers, and it usually stops by 13-14 weeks.

    Heartburn in late pregnancy

    heartburn on recent weeks pregnancy is explained by the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the stomach, flattening and lifting it, after which the contents of the stomach are ejected into the esophagus. All of the above troubles and heartburn itself on last month pregnancy, most often do not bring any harm to the mother and baby and disappear without a trace after the birth of the child.

    Here are some tips for those who want to get rid of heartburn at the end of pregnancy:

    • Eating should be in small portions and often;
    • salty, spicy, sour and smoked foods should be avoided;
    • start keeping a food diary, write down which foods cause a burning sensation in the esophagus.

    Diet for heartburn during pregnancy